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‘Copyrighted Material MAKING Patrick Spielman ‘Copyrighted Mater Acknowledgments This has bees a sor in progress far many years andl express niy heartfel gra n Dong Williams signs tones depths: Tran: Hascinpaer and Nk samples and assistance The ti Shopllot Taoly i sincerely appreviat ancl my artist Roxanne LoMeine, de ain eternally grateful to any wife P ancl gave me the space to ilo this work. Other people and oe assistance with this work are vin Clarkanwski Rob and Jaa Comstock. Erinmvoad Stud Bably Cone Kevin Co Ton Cowgill Joho Fi Harel "0 Sandra Fricdlenfels Monty Gould F.D. Hamnaman Steve Hart, Cold Laat Letters Susan Hamilton Walter Martha Ralph Heirtwian, Hartsats Sign Stuicio Lloyd Held Bor West Jenkins ‘Mark Jolusen, Moon Jerry Kinnboll Chris Klinespore, Klingspore ean ght Photography Woodworking Shop Mich! Lajennesse, Creation 2 Brow John, Lineman, La Harvey and Burl Mala Dee Mayes, Hivteo Joln Meeks, Eserworil, LLC Hyérie-who has helped alo the way for their eottel d Dick Mulhech, twa fantastic ewrvers, fo 6s mont areas of syvod sign -siaking, Thanks bv amy son Bob vel] Hunquist, of Runquist Cedar Works, provided valuable vel) ellorts andl information about GNC routmg provided by Sallye f Many thanks ti my secre ail-orionted and efficient hefpers I simply could not fianetion svithoutt 1 Weta ancl our children. 7 James Booth, Delean Internitional, bc appreciation to First, a hearty thank you te Liony acl pation lowing, mir to slinnvcase their work, Which erass J Mark Oberberger for literally taking nmtedl nee of sy/personal ciitortypist Jennifer Blabnik nizations whom also wish to thank-fer their wy are my “sonnding board.” always help Rogis Miller, Forest Produets Laboratory Ji Natali, The Wooden Sign Co. Mise Never, Stencil Co, ‘Cort Osford Ireland Peachy & Co Cathy Peck Jolin Polhemus Kein Potts Carl Mauorcliik, The-Old Oak Shop Mary Rel ape Polymer Grom Sectt Reiff, Kirn shin Can Dick Selinlte, Signs by Van Jou Seienshi, Sign Art Prodiuets Cop Join: Sinith, Customs Wood Products Spanjer Bros, Ine Moric Steverson, Capitol osigns af SE tne Art Samson. Cider Hill \Waoeralts ‘Tox Swormstealt. Signs of the Times nicizuziie Vinitedl Stat Vatversal Stu Sherri Valitclika Phi Vaoelorkraaty, Signs boy Van Tomeo Wade: 1 Conneil Janes Vine! ines (Cad Weekharst Wond and Wood Sign Co,

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