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SECTION 15-1-8


00000000 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: A. The Work under this Section consists of furnishing and installation of all mechanical sound and vibration control as indicated on the drawings and as specified herein.


REFERENCES: A. ASHRAE - American Societ Engineers# $nc. ASHRAE ,. of Heating! Refrigerating and Air "onditioning

H%A" Applications Handbook! &''( "hapter )* +Sound and %ibration "ontrol+.

AST- - American Societ for Testing and -aterials. AST- E )). -easuring Acoustic and airflow /erformance of 0uct liner and /refabricated Silencers.


SUBMITTALS: A. ,. ". %ibration $solator1 Submit for review! selection data of each point showing disturbing fre2uenc ! weight distribution and calculated static deflection. 3le4ible "onnections1 5ist of pressure rating of each unit together with line pressure and all applicable ph sical data such as t pe of ends. Silencers1 -anufacturer#s construction and performance details.



%ibration $solation


%$,RAT$89 $S85AT8RS1 A. :eneral &. -echanical e2uipment! where re2uired! shall be provided with vibration isolation devices to isolate the mechanical e2uipment from the building structure. The "ontractor shall be responsible for si;ing all isolators to be installed. All isolator devices shall be selected for uniform static deflections according to the distribution of force and weight. Whenever rotational speed is the cause of the disturbing fre2uenc ! the lowest operation speed of the s stem to be isolated shall be used in determining the isolator re2uired. $solator selection shall result in uniform loading and deflection! even when the e2uipment weight is not evenl distributed.


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$solators shall be free standing! with housing! stable springs with leveling facilities. The spring shall be positioned with weld studs between a drilled and tapped load top plate and steel bottom load plate. A thick ribbed neoprene pad shall be bonded to the bottom plate. -oving e2uipment such as fan coil units! and fans supported on hangers shall be provided with kinetic spring hangers comprising of welded steel bracket=casing! free-standing un-housed laterall stable steel spring with neoprene washer or kinetic neoprene isolator incorporating a cast in tapped steel load plate to permit bolting to supported e2uipment and a cast in drilled steel anchor baseplate. Application shall be in accordance with the manufacturer#s recommendation "entrifugal fans and motors shall be mounted on an integral structural steel base with built-in ad>ustable motor slide rails with ade2uate rigidit to resist motor tor2ue and belt pull. The base shall be mounted on spring isolators. A" e2uipment shall be mounted on spring isolators and floating concrete pad! unless otherwise indicated. All other e2uipment shall be mounted on pads in strict compliance with the manufacturer?s instructions and recommendations.



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FLEXIBLE PIPE CONNECTIONS: A. 3le4ible hose shall be provided at all connections to pumps and an other rotating e2uipment and other locations indicated on drawings. The connections shall be manufactured from materials suitable for the operating temperatures and pressures of the fluid it is conve ing. 3le4ible hose for rotating e2uipment shall be installed in a hori;ontal position and parallel to the hori;ontal shafts of e2uipment side of the shut-off valves. An anchor shall be installed in the piping s stem ad>acent to the fle4ible connectors. 3le4ible connections shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer#s recommendations. 3le4ible hose shall be designed for an operating temperature of 7*7 o" and for working pressure of not less than <.6@7 -pa or &(<A of the s stem operating pressure whichever is greater.





%ibration $solation

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3le4ible metal connectors shall be stainless steel with stainless corrugated inner tubing! outer shield of stainless wire braid with steel fi4ed flanges.

PIPE EXPANSION JOINT: A. /ipe e4pansion >oint shall be E/0- rubber! high dut ! with single corrosion-protected steel wire reinforced convolution with mild steel backing flanges behind rubber raised face.


FOUNDATIONS FOR MAC INER!: A. Bnless otherwise indicated on the drawings! concrete sub-bases not less than &(< mm high shall be provided for all floor-mounted mechanical e2uipment. Sub-bases shall rest on structural floor and shall be reinforced with steel rods and interconnected with the floor reinforcing bars b tie bars hooked at both ends. A minimum clearance of (< mm shall be provided between sub-bases and all inertia blocks! steel bases and steel saddles with e2uipment in operation. 3oundations for machines shall be a minimum of *< -/a concrete with all e4posed surfaces steel trowelled smooth.

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SOUND ATTENUATORS "SILENCERS#: A. The "ontractor shall suppl and install noise silencers in the suppl and return air ducting to ensure that the sound levels within the occupied area of the building shall not e4ceed the re2uired level. All plant and e2uipment shall not cause these levels to be e4ceeded. The levels specification shall be speciall considered in the internal finishes and arrangement of the ductwork! etc. to ensure no regenerated noise is introduced into the s stem. 0uct mounted sound traps shall be of the t pes and si;es re2uired and shall be installed as per -anufacturer#s recommendations. /urpose made silencers and sound absorbent materials shall be so design and installed in the ductwork that the offer low resistance to air flow! have ade2uate strength and cohesion to resist erosion b air flow and non-h groscopic! noncombustible and free from odor! rot! damp and vermin. Silencers shall be constructed from galvani;ed steel sheet! not less than &.<< mm thick. splitters and lining shall be fitted with aerod namicall shaped leading and trailing edges. Absorbent materials shall be faced with galvani;ed perforated metal to prevent material breaking up. The "ontractor shall record acoustic rating! including d namic insertion loss and self-noise power level! for both forward flow Cair and noise in same directionD and reverse flow Cair and noise in opposite directionD with an airflow of at least &< m=s face velocit . Test units for airtightness at 7<<A of associated fan static pressure or &(<< /a static pressure! whichever greater. The specified silencer performance shall be related to the stated sound spectrum.


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%ibration $solation



All vibration isolator! pads and silencers shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer#s direction. /iping which connect to the e2uipment mounted on vibration isolator shall be


%ibration $solation

isolated b double rubber in shear or spring t pe pipe hangers. ". 3le4ible hose shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer?s recommendations. /rior to filling the s stem! the alignment and length shall be checked. The piping installation shall be corrected if necessar and the fle4ible hose replaced if damaged! at no cost to 8wner.


INSTALLATION - MAC INER! A. $solation shall be stable during starting and stopping of e2uipment without an transverse and eccentric movement of e2uipment that would damage or adversel affect the e2uipment or attachment. The installed vibration isolation s stem for each floor or ceiling mounted items of e2uipment shall have a ma4imum lateral motion under e2uipment start-up and shut down conditions of @ mm. -otions in e4cess shall be restrained b approved spring t pe mountings. All electrical connections! drain connections! piping connections! etc.! made to e2uipment which rest on vibration isolators shall be properl isolated. $solation shall be selected for the lowest operating speed of e2uipment. $solators including springs! e4posed to weather shall be hot-dipped! :alvani;ed after fabrication. $solators shall be selected and located to produce uniform loading and deflection even if the e2uipment weight is not evenl distributed.


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%ibration $solation

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