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American History, Segment Two 7.

03 Immigration Delaney Cornforth 2/10/14

Graphic Organizer:

Immigrant Journals What is the main idea expressed in the authors journal?

Lee Chew America is a racist, unjust place where Chinese are persecuted and used. Lee Chew was very unhappy with his experience in America. He is unable to bring his wife to America from China. This is an example of the injustice that he speaks of, and of the wrongness of the treatment of the Chinese. Mean, Persecution, Injustice.

Mary Antin Education is free and given to everyone with no catch behind it. The author was very happy with her experience in America. A small girl came and offered to show them the way to school, and there were no examinations, no rulings, and no fees. Freedom, Curious, Free.

Is the author happy or unhappy with his/her experience in America?

Explain one experience the author had that reflects his/her view of America.

List at least three words from the journal entries that reflect the authors point of view toward America.

Directions: Read the journal excerpts and poem while completing the graphic organizer. Evaluate the opinions of Americans at the turn of the 20th century and

today concerning immigrants and immigration in general. In at least two well organized paragraphs, please address the following questions:

How do the three writers differ in their attitude toward immigrants? Do you think the ideas of Americans today on immigrants are different or similar to the ideas expressed on the base of the Statue of Liberty? If so, how?

While people are entitled to their opinions, and generally opinions may greatly vary, these are some varied opinions. In Mary Astins journal, she speaks of the wonder of freedom in the States, how everything in America is free. The light at night is free, the music in the streets is free, and the education is free. Ms. Astins journal is full of the positive aspects of America, as opposed to Lee Chews journal. Mr. Chews journal dwells on the injustice and persecution felt by the Chinese who came to America; he speaks of the unfairness of how the Chinese are treated as compared to the other immigrants in America. The men from China were not allowed to bring their wives to America, and there were great problems if they meant to marry an American woman. He speaks of how the Chinese were sober, law-abiding, clean people, as opposed to the Irish, Italian, and Jewish immigrants. Emily Lazarus poem was far closer in opinion to Ms. Astins journal, in that she wrote of the freedom expressed by the Statue of Liber ty. Ms. Lazarus wrote of the welcome, the world-wide welcome, that the Statue represents, and how the Mother of Exiles beckons the poor, the needy, to come and have a better life. I think that the idea of Americans today on immigrants varies according to which group youre talking about. Most Americans think of immigrating Mexicans as lower than them, with different ideals than the Statue, simply because theyre coming from a place where its different, while they view immigrants from Europe, and even Af rica, as people who are coming to make their life better, with views similar to the Statues expression. The Mexicans of today are the Chinese of the late 1800s. They are given the jobs that nobody wants because they arent accepted fully into society (in most cases), just as with the Chinese. The sad thing, and the real difference between the views of today and those expressed on the Statue of Liberty, is that back then most Americans were at least aware of how it should be, while today most are either ig norant or dont care. History like this is important because it shows us how important it is to be involved with the immigration fight. Right now, there are many differences between the two views; the reasons I have just stated are only a few that show the vast difference.

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