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Universidad de Chile

Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

Energy storage systems: The future of Lithium

Jaime Ale, Director Proyecto Centro Innovacin del Litio, Centro de Energa, Univ. de Chile


Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

Current status of Energy challenges from a global point of view

1. Carbon footprint regulations will impact the new green economy 2. Oil prices and the decline of reserves to pose a tremendous threat in next 40 years 3. High dependence on oil supply for transportation (over 70% of oil is consumed by transport) 4. Global economic growth and stability is directly associated with the transport industry

5. Fukushima nuclear crisis has been a catalyst for new discussions related to the energy mix and electric grid
6. Decoupling of the electric grid from the oil supply network (transport represent a 25% of energy comsumption in OECD countries)
And there are near term problems which must be resolved within the next 10 years

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

The oil problem and associated treath-2

Oil Price U$/bbl

160 100 20 1990 Current reserves 1.400.000.000.000 Barrels World consumption 100.000.000 Barrels/day 53




36.500.000.000 Barrels/year

38,5 years dead line

Oil reserves and oil demand is pushing a overprices in the line of worst scenary projections

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

The oil problem and associated treath-3


Depending 100% of Oil sources


Transport consume 25% of total Energy demand . How we replace that energy in future?

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

The urgent need for the electrification of transport (green economy and peak oil)

Grid enabled electric vehicles (GEV) (BEV, PHEV) is the only rapid way to Plan B in the face of the impending oil crisis

Grid Enable Electric Vehicle


Plug in Hybrid EV

Pure battery EV

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

The USA plan-2

Grid enabled electric vehicles (GEV) (BEV, PHEV) is the only rapid way to Plan B in the face of the impending oil crisis

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

The USA plan-3

Very aggressive plan target to transform 50% of transport in the next 15 years

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

Car Battery energy Storage is about 1000 times notebook battery energy capacity.

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

Main commercial challenges to be resolved in Lithium-Batteries for electric vehicles in the next 5 years EXPENSIVE, MUST BE CHEAPER. Battery cost should be reduced from US$1.000/kWh to less than US$300/kWh. ENERGY CAPACITY (Energy Density) MUST BE INCREASED: Storage capacity should reach 40kWh (double the current capacity) to expand the vehicle range from 160 kms to 350 kms. FAST CHARGING Recharge times at fast charging stations should take less than 15 minutes considering the new capacity requirements. Respectively, batteries should be designed to support over 400 amperes during the charging process. LIFE TOO SHORT Cycle Life (80% DOD) should be over 1.000 cycles. (300.000 KMS of Car Driving )

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

The METI Japanese plan-3

Ambitious LI-Ion Batteries R&D Plan of Japan (if succesful ) could mean a explosion of demand EV

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

BREAK-EVEN SCENARIES OF EV v/s ICE transportation- CE calculation

12.000.000 $


10.000.000 $

8.000.000 $

6.000.000 $

Premio a pagar
4.000.000 $

Batteries reduction prices

Oil pushing up prices

2.000.000 $

Around 2-3 years citycar and 1-2 years fleet vehicle

0$ 98.000 96.000 94.000 92.000 90.000 88.000 86.000 84.000 82.000 80.000 78.000 76.000 74.000 72.000 70.000 68.000 66.000 64.000 62.000 60.000 58.000 56.000 54.000 52.000 50.000 48.000 46.000 44.000 42.000 40.000 38.000 36.000 34.000 32.000 30.000 28.000 26.000 24.000 22.000 20.000 18.000 16.000 14.000 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 $80/barril petroleo $100/barril petroleo US$ 1.000/KWh

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

BREAK-EVEN SCENARIES OF EV v/s ICE transportation- CE calculation

10.000.000 $ 9.000.000 $ 8.000.000 $ 7.000.000 $ 6.000.000 $ Potencial area 2013-2014


5.000.000 $
4.000.000 $ 3.000.000 $ 2.000.000 $ 1.000.000 $ 0$

Premio a pagar

Batteries reduction prices

Oil pushing up prices

Around 4-5 years citycar and 2-3 years fleet vehicle

98.000 96.000 94.000 92.000 90.000 88.000 86.000 84.000 82.000 80.000 78.000 76.000 74.000 72.000 70.000 68.000 66.000 64.000 62.000 60.000 58.000 56.000 54.000 52.000 50.000 48.000 46.000 44.000 42.000 40.000 38.000 36.000 34.000 32.000 30.000 28.000 26.000 24.000 22.000 20.000 18.000 16.000 14.000 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 $150/barril petroleo US$ 600/KWh

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

BREAK-EVEN SCENARIES OF EV v/s ICE transportation- CE calculation

14.000.000 $

12.000.000 $

Potencial area 2014-2016

10.000.000 $

8.000.000 $

Batteries reduction prices

6.000.000 $

Oil pushing up prices

4.000.000 $

2.000.000 $

Premio a pagar

Around 2-3 years citycar and 1-2 years fleet vehicle

0$ 98.000 96.000 94.000 92.000 90.000 88.000 86.000 84.000 82.000 80.000 78.000 76.000 74.000 72.000 70.000 68.000 66.000 64.000 62.000 60.000 58.000 56.000 54.000 52.000 50.000 48.000 46.000 44.000 42.000 40.000 38.000 36.000 34.000 32.000 30.000 28.000 26.000 24.000 22.000 20.000 18.000 16.000 14.000 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 $200/barril petroleo US$ 350/KWh

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

BREAK-EVEN SCENARIES OF EV v/s ICE transportation- CE calculation

14.000.000 $ Potencial area 2014-2016


12.000.000 $

10.000.000 $

8.000.000 $

6.000.000 $

Batteries reduction prices

Oil pushing up prices

4.000.000 $

2.000.000 $

Around 2-3 years citycar and 1-2 years fleet vehicle

0$ 98.000 96.000 94.000 92.000 90.000 88.000 86.000 84.000 82.000 80.000 78.000 76.000 74.000 72.000 70.000 68.000 66.000 64.000 62.000 60.000 58.000 56.000 54.000 52.000 50.000 48.000 46.000 44.000 42.000 40.000 38.000 36.000 34.000 32.000 30.000 28.000 26.000 24.000 22.000 20.000 18.000 16.000 14.000 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 $80/barril petroleo $100/barril petroleo $150/barril petroleo $200/barril petroleo

US$ 1.000/KWh

US$ 600/KWh

US$ 350/KWh

search for cross-solution

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

Market Drivers


Electric Vehicle Industry

$US 200 billion / year in 2015

Strong industry interdependence

Li-Ion Battery Industry $US 25 billion / year in 2015

Lithium Industry

$US 1 billion / year in 2015


Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

Spin-off of Ion-Lithium Batteries Industry following transportation driving

Storage Batteries in wind generation to eliminate frecuency and voltages mistakes for high volatibility of source. Storage of Energy in order to improve plant factor of wind&sun generation plants. Second Life of car batteries after end-cicle in transport (70% DOC)

Consecuences of new stage of second generation of Lithium Batteries

Multiple applications in small portable energy units for Home/Small Communities Huge ammount of Storage capacity in transport will present a challenge to Grid in order to handle this permanent potential (Smart-Grid). New applications in long-life and cheaper small capacity batteries (ten times??). Small Vehicles, appliances, etc

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

Lithium Innovation Center Project-1


Creating Value in Lithium battery Applications
A common window of R&D , academics and entrepeneurs related with the Lithium value chain

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

Lithium Innovation Center Project-2


is the leading Lithium producer in the

Chilean companies Soquimich (SQM) and Chemetall (SCL) account for 53% of worldwide Lithium supply and more than 75% of Lithium used in Li-ion battery applications.

Marubeni is a leading world-class trading company that invests globally in new innovations for the electric car industry.
The University of Chile is a leading university in Chile with excellent academic resources and labs for conducting research & development. The universitys Energy Center with its strong local and global network* provides the necessary infrastructure and leadership to support the development of the Li-ion industry in Chile.
* Initial academic team participating of Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Universidad de Santiago and Universidad de Antofagasta


Lithium Innovation Center is designed to be a catalyst for cooperation and innovation

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

Lithium Innovation Center Project-3

Resources R&D Labs Local Development Centers

R&D Labs University Departments

Private Business, Goverment and Individual support

Technical Development

International Partnerships & Joint Ventures


New Ventures

Commercial Applications

A collaboration space between all actors forming the ecosystem of the Lithium value chain

Posibilidad de uso de electrdos de fosfato de litio modificados con trazas de otros metales a nivel nanomtrico en futuras aplicaciones de LIB. Aplicacin susceptibe de patente

Materiales nanoporosos para el mejoramiento de las bateras de ion Litio. Nuevas tcnicas de nanotecnologa que permitan resolver los problemas de difusin en celdas de materiales sulfurados, como material de pirita en el ctodo. Aplicacin sujeta de patente

Un sistema que permitira predecir probabilisticamente y en tiempo real el estado de carga y salud de una batera con aplicaciones en la industria de bateras y en la operacin de sistemas que las utilicen

Nano BAR Mosquera & Asociados

Factibilizar el uso de Litio Metlico en anodos usando sofisticadas tcnicas de nano/micro tecnologa. Con ello se lograran capacidades densidades de carga muy superiores a la actual. Aplicacines susceptible de patente

Nano SLI Mosquera & Asociados

SOC/SOH Bateras Orchard-Silva

CIL Del Cristal a las rocas Programa de stress

Anodos Ltio Vargas& Asociados

Dispositivo incorporado a un cargador de bateras que permite actuar como intercambiador de carga entre la red y la batera en ambos sentidos segn modelo de tcnico-econmico. Aplicacin posible de usar en redes de carga en conjunto con smartgrids

Bateras usando dispositivos que utilicen radioistopos que emiten radiacin beta. Modelo de aplicacin de bateras de larga duracin para equipos aislados con complejidades de acceso para recarga de bateras, como faros, antenas de microondas, etc.

Desarrollo de software que permita abordar el problema de empaquetamiento ptimo de celdas de bateras en unidades mayores para uso industrial como EV. Alicacin en la industria de fabricacin industrial de sistemas que usan LIB en dimensiones mayores a los appliances o gadgets

Empaquetamiento ptimo de bateras Palma B & asociados

Responsive Charger Vergara & Asociados

Beta Bateras Acapomil-Uchile-CChen

Nano SLI Mosquera y Asociados

Nano BAR Mosquera y Asociados

Anodos Ltio Vargas

SOC/SOH Bateras Orchard-Silva

CIL Del Cristal a las rocas Programa de stress

Empaquetamiento ptimo de bateras Palma B & asociados

Responsive Charger Vergara-Palma Beta Bateras Acapomil-Uchile-Cchen

Universidad de Chile
Lithium Innovation Center Project (CIL)

Lithium Innovation Center Project


a multidiciplinary collaboration project formed to realize the new Energy era. Thank you!

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