Feeling Threatened

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Feeling Threatened?

Are we there Yet?

Kanook 2009

At one time or the other everyone feels threatened, whether it is you

or I, or a country. No matter the entity, our adrenalin comes raging up and
we either exercise our “Fight” or “Flight” instinct – it is part of our DNA, all of
In addition another condition has reared its ugly head, survival! With
today’s economy, its appearance is not different than when man first trudged
from savannah to savannah in his search for shelter and food. The rate of
unemployment in the USA for August was approximately 9.7%, keep in mind
that there is still another 6% or more who slipped from the unemployment
agencies, no longer qualified to receive their weekly stipend. In this, let’s just
say it around 15% and be done with it, and instead of a “recession” call it
what it really is a “depression”.
People in the USA, at the last count, have left for a myriad of reasons
2,234,2061 homes vacant, which is about 2.3% of the total homes that are
owned. This doesn’t count the unemployed who have lost their apartments.
Are these people threatened – does a big bear poop in the woods?
There were 442,536 private bankruptcies counted associated with the
loss of homes, this is part of the involuntary flight syndrome that is part of
our physical makeup, albeit they are not running because they want too,
being just like the man 10,000 years ago that ran from a wild animal. The
pressures of living today albeit a little different are basically running the
same track. One of the major changes is that a 100 years ago a family could
live off of their little plot of land tucked away somewhere in the country,
unfortunately civilization today shows that the migration from little town
America to the large metropolitan regions of the country has eliminated that
option, where as the fortunate are the ones who have family remaining in
little town America who still have the little plot of land…they’re moving back!
Where does our country go? As a nation we’re running a race against
bankruptcy and the finish line is within sight, not a condition a country should
find itself in…our nation owes more money than it ever has, and its gross
domestic product (“GDP”) is plunging into the basement, where the water
heater has sprung a leak and the water is raising. We’re drowning in our own
debt as our government runs helter-skelter creating laws that will only
increase our debt and decrease our GDP. It seems that, no-matter what
party/President has the majority we walk further down the road of insolvency,
as witnessed by the value of our dollar and the wild peak’s and valley’s of our
Stock Market, which by the way has lost its attraction to a good majority of

the American Public, with Wall Street operating as they have over the past
Our leaders on the Potomac scream for innovation out of one side of
their mouths as the other side creates new conditions that make innovation a
thing of the past, they yell and threaten the executives that make piles of
money while in the dark alley ways of Washington D.C. a black limo pulls up
and someone throws a sack of money at their feet. This is change? Might be
the limo is a new model, but its business as usual and the money sack might
even be a different color with a modified set of instructions on what they
need today.
These same politicians sit on their high-horse and look down at the
election in Afghanistan and scream fraud, as they endorse another bill for
billions to send the sitting government and take their cut for one of their pet
projects which they will wave about when it comes time for their re-election.
Someone asked me the other day, how can all this be really changed?
What I think, they all have set-terms in office, with no 2 nd term option and no
lawyers, all business people who understand the value of a good job well
done, all of them including the Commander in Chief! Simple, they get so
many years to do their job, retire at half-pay with no large bucket of benefits
and if they did a good job it might be possible they get their old job back,
screw up and you have to move or be hung. When you look at it, there are
no penalties for doing a bad job in our government, whereas the
accountability is nil or if there are any questions they are put forth by a
committee of their peers, who are running the same scam as the party being
Let me ask you, you have been caught speeding on some local road
and you opt to have a jury trial – who would you like to see on the jury, 12-
people who have speeded and being caught and got off, or 12 people whose
idea of speed is an afternoon walk down main-street, you’ve got the picture!
As for “term-limits” the same people who we’re trying to limit have
told us that they have voted on “term-limits” and it didn’t pass, and we
bought it! The idea has never made it to a national ballot, or modified limits
on state ballots…you want to do something write a clear-cut initiative, slap it
up on the Internet [(http://www.termlimits.org/) go here and put your
John Henry on the initiative], collect about 25 million verifiable signatures
and take it to court and push for a public vote. Talk about “flight” or “fight”,
more of our leaders would be taking courses (paid by you and I) at the local
University in political dancing and BS then you ever witnessed preparing for
the “fight” mode, at least it would get them away from writing more laws
allowing us citizens a little time to get this country back on track.
By the way, if you do click on the above site (which asks you to
endorse a 3-term limit initiative you’ll receive a thank you not that says a
recent poll showed over 83% they polled in favor. Good to see someone is
We’re in trouble folks, and the leaders who have your pocketbook to
protect are only working hard to try and find ways to get what little you have
left into theirs…and we’re helping them!

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