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That will be $37.53 said the cashier at the party supply shop. Bella pulled out the wad of ones from her purse and began counting. Woah, you a stripper or something? joked the cashier with a smile.

Yes, I am an exotic dancer, replied Bella with a dead stare.

Haha, nice one miss, youre crazy, giggled the casheir.

Bella beamed her disarming smile at the cashier and made her way to the parking lot. She hopped into her toyota corrolla and quickly put the car in drive-she was late for work. She had made a stop at a party supply store to get invitations for her daughter Angies birthday party. Angie was turning 7 and had her heart set on a Disney Princess birthday party.

Bella knew that Angie desperately needed this party. The poor girl was having a rough time at school where she was teased because of her skinnyness and crooked teeth. All this teasing had taken a toll on the girls psyche, and she was becoming more and more sensative each day. To make matters worse, Angie was so intimidated of her classmates that she had shyed away from all social interactions. Bella received notes from teachers that not only was Angie often crying but that she was also hiding and

crying. Angie had been discovered balling in bathroom stalls, coat closets, and even the teachers lounge.

Everyday Bella tried to build up her daughters self esteem with compliments and surprise gifts. She would come home with daiseys, Angies favoite, or the newest Disney dvd. Unfortunately Bella was spread thin with work and classes for her GED. She just didnt have enough time to impress upon Angie how wonderful a person she was. As a result, Bella was willing to try anything to lift her daughters spirits, even throw a party that she couldnt afford.

The Toyotas brakes screeched as she put the car in park. She needed to get the brakes checked, but that would have to wait until after the party. The faint smell of ciggarettes lingered in the air, she turned towards the smell. Standing by the front door was Tom smoking. Youre late, he told her.

Sorry, I was at my second job, party planner, replied Bella

I didnt know you were working two jobs, said a surpirsed Tom.

Ive always had another job, I just dance for a hobby. Here, you should come, its gonna be the social event of the season, Bella said as she placed a

Disney princess invitation in Toms hands. Tom glanced down at the glittery invitation and laughed.

Angies B-day, huh. Not quite my scene, but I will send a gift in my place, replied Tom. Tom had gotten to know Bella well over the last two years. Throughout that time Bella had talked constantly about her children; Tom could tell she cared about them deeply.

Well let me know if you change your mind, said Bella as she entered the club.

After a long shift which included a bewildered foreign exchange student, a grabby trucker, and a chatty dentist, Bella was eager to get home. She got in around two thirty in the morning. Angie was up to greet here. Bella shouldve scolded her for being up so late, but she needed to see her little girl after such a long day at the club. Check these out, girlfriend! exclaimed Bella as she presented Angie with the Disney princess invitations.

A princess party! Angie screamed with delight. Im gonna get a princess party?! Where is it gonna be at?! asked Angie.

Here at the house! Theres gonna be a castle moonwalk and a petting zoo, and ponies to ride!

Angie had to pause and collect herself for several seconds in order to take all this information in. After 4 seconds of silence, Angie let out a deafening scream. Bella could not remember the last time she saw her this excited.

Calm down, girl. You havent even seen what Mommy got for your party: princess posters, princess napkins, princess plates, and oh yeah princess tiaras! Bella said with a smile.

That night, Angie fell asleep in her moms lap while they watched Beauty and the Beast for the thousandth time. Bella cherished any moment that Angie was happy and anxiety free. She knew the party would be expensive, but if the reaction on Angies face was any preview of things to come, by god it was going to be worth every penny.

The next morning Angie went to school toting enough party invitations for all 27 kids in her class. The invitations instructed the kids to RSVP within the week. The week came and went and there was no RSVPs, save one, the teacher Mrs. Fitzgerald. Bella began to think that the instructions on the invitations were unclear. Here, Angie, take this list and have the kids who

are coming to your party sign it, ask your teacher to help you, instructed Bella. That day Angie came home from school in tears and with an empty list.

Bella rushed immediately to the school. Who doesnt want to go to a birthday party?! she said to herself in the car. She stormed into the classroom; Mrs. Fitzgerald was at her desk quietly grading papers. She was a black elderly widow who had silver hair.

Ah, Miss Martinez, what can I do for you?

I need to know the story behind this replied Bella as she placed the plank RSVP list on the desk.

Oh, that. Sit down honey. Its a damn shame what happened to your little girl, I have never seen anything like it. I had your daughter approach each kids parent when they came to pick them up from the classroom. I thought it was weird that the first two declined to RSVP, I mean who turns down a little girl to her face.? But then, when the fourth and fifth parent turned her down, I told Angie that I would take over the RSVP collecting. The next parent who came in told me that she would have to decline based on Mrs. Montgomerys advice.

Who is Mrs. Montgomery? asked Bella.

Mrs. Montgomery is the head of the PTA who is married to the guy who owns all those refineries in Corpus. replied Mrs. Fitzgerald. She took the initiative to share with the other parents what your profession is. Now, dont get me wrong, I dont judge you for what you do, you got responsibilities with that little girl and its hard tryin to make a dolla outta fifteen cents

So all the parents know I that I am a stripper, it just seems kinda harsh that none of them would RSVP because of that

Well dear, theres more. Mrs. Montgomery apparently is telling anyone who will listen that you have a drug problem. She also says that you whore yourself out for your fixes, and that you are the worst possible role model for kids.

Youve got to be shitting me gasped Bella.

Now look, Ms. Martinez I have tried talking to some of the parents, telling them to give you a chance, but Mrs. Montgomery has them scared out of their minds. If its any consolation, I will be there tomorrow for the party.

It was a consolation, Bella knew that Angie looked up to Mrs. Fitzgerald and her presence would be appreciated. Bella left the school distraught. She had booked the moonwalk and the petting zoo; the money was non-refundable. She had all the things necessary for a party but no people. Where was she going to find a bunch of girls who like to dress up and party?

No, she couldnt, but she was desperate. She reached into her cell phone and made a call. Hey Tom, mind if I swing by early before work?

It was Saturday, Angies Birthday, and she did not want to get out of bed. Angie, baby, get up its your Birthday! yelled her Mother. Your party starts in an hour we need to get ready!

You know mom, I dont need a party, I am fine just having cake and watching a movie with you. Angie said.

Now baby, I need you to trust me, you are going to have fun today. Just try it out and if you dont like it, we can always pop in a DvD and get some ice cream.

But Mom! No one is gonna be here.

I wouldnt be so sure of that. Why dont you take a shower and put on your princess dress for the party said Bella with a smile. Bella knew that Angie had been dying to wear that dress since they got it at the mall several weeks ago. A reluctant Bella grabbed the dress and made her way to the bathroom.

Angie and Bella stood by the front door. Ok, on the count of three we open the door and go out there and have a good time.

Ok, said a very nervous Angie, who was clutching the poufy sleeves on her princess dress.

The door opened and Bella saw Angies eyes light up. There was a table full of Disney princesses. Well they werent official Disney princesses but they did look regal with their feather boas and clear high heel shoes. All of the princesses were wearing tiaras and cheered the moment that Angie came outside. Angie could not stop smiling; She had the time of her life.

Meanwhile, traffic was at a stand still outside Bellas house. It wasnt everyday that you got to see a bunch of strippers bouncing on a moonwalk.

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