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Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( 1 ,e 1-


Re'( No

2708 -2004

Emisin para implementacin de Propuestas de Mejoramiento en GCB

J !


" PB


Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( ! ,e 1-

IN.ICE 1( GENERAL #$# C%PE #$2 !E&E!E'CE .E$IGN 2$# GE'E!(" !E)*+EME', 2$2 "%(-+'G 2$. /E"" ('- /E(2$4 0E E" *PP%!, 2$1 -+ C%',+'*+,+E 2$2 '%'-P!E *!E !E,(+'+'G C%MP%'E', 3E"-E- ,% /E"" 2$7 '%44"E ('- M('3(5 2$8 PEC+(" C%' +-E!(,+%' &%! E"E0(,E- ,EMPE!(,*!E -E +G' MA"ERIAL$ .$# GE'E!(" .$2 /E"" /E(- ('- %,/E! P!E *!E C%',(+'+'G C%MP%'E', .$. '%44"E ('- M('3(5 .$4 M("" C%''EC,+%' .$1 0E E" *PP%!, ('- %,/E! *PP%!, M(,E!+(" .$2 +',E!'(" 6 +',E!'(" B%",+'G ('- +',E!'(" *PP%!, .$7 (""%5 "+'+'G %ABRICA"ION 4$# 3E"-+'G 4$2 /E(, ,!E(,ME', 4$. (""%5 "+'+'G 4$4 ,%"E!('CE 4$1 '%44"E 6 M('3(5 ('- /('-/%"E "E$"ING





Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( 3 ,e 1-

1( 1(1(

GENERAL $co3e a$ ,7is speci8ication co9ers t7e re:uirements 8or desi;n6 materials selection6 8a<rication6 inspection6 and testin; o8 car<on steel 8usion =elded 9essels6 and is intended to supplement t7e applica<le Pressure 0essel Codes$ E>ceptions or 9ariations s7o=n in t7e Project peci8ications ta?e precedence o9er re:uirements s7o=n 7erein$

<$ 1(!

Re6erences 7L2test E,ition 2n, A,,en,8 ( ME Boiler and Pressure 0essel Code6 ection 0+++6 -i9ision #6 Pressure 0essels$ ( ME Boiler and Pressure 0essel Code6 ection 0+++6 -i9ision 26 Pressure 0essels$ ( ME Boiler and Pressure 0essel Code6 ection +6 Po=er Boilers$ ( ME Boiler and Pressure 0essel Code6 ection ++6 Material peci8ications$ ( ME Boiler and Pressure 0essel Code6 ection +@6 3eldin; )uali8ications$ ( ME pu<lication 6 tresses in "ar;e /oriAontal Pressure 0essels and pipin; ( ,M Material peci8icationsB(#C. D (#C.M E (#C4 D (#C4M E (.20 D (.20M E (.70 E (41. D 41.MF (3 D( ME peci8ications 8or =eldin; electrodes B (1$# E (1$#7 E (1$#8 F ( ME B#2$16 Pipe &lan;es and &lan;ed &ittin;s$ ( ME B20$# Pipe t7reads6 General Purpose ( ME B#2$20 Metallic Gas?ets 8or pipe 8lan;es$ ( ME B#2$47 "ar;e diameter steel 8lan;es ( ME B42$#6 ur8ace ,e>ture 'ational$ tate and "ocal "a=s and Codes CCC !6 Cdi;o Colom<iano de Construcciones ismo !esistentes$ '(CE ,M-0#-70 D 71 ur8ace preparations tandards$

!( !(1

.E$IGN Gener2l Re9uirements a$ ,7e desi;n6 materials6 8a<rication6 inspection and testin; o8 pressure 9essels s7all con8orm to t7e latest edition and addenda o8 t7e Code speci8ied on t7e Project peci8ications and as speci8ied <G t7e ;o9ernin; le;al aut7oritG$ +n cases o8 con8lict <et=een re:uirements6 t7e most restricti9e re:uirement s7all ;o9ern$ ,7e 9essel desi;ner s7all <e responsi<le 8or t7e accuracG o8 all computer pro;rams used 8or t7e stress and t7ermal analGsis o8 t7e 9essel and components$ ,7e ;eneral Contractor s7all <e responsi<le 8or t7e compati<ilitG o8 all 8lan;es mattin; =it7 pipin;$ ,7e tGpe6 desi;n and details 8or noAAle 8lan;es =7ic7 are not in accordance =it7 a standard listed in t7e

<$ c$


Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( - ,e 1-

( ME Code s7all also <e t7e responsi<ilitG o8 t7e Contractor and must <e in accordance =it7 t7e applica<le codes and ;ood en;ineerin; practice$ d$ e$ ,7e Contractor s7all <e responsi<le 8or determinin; t7e need and t7e accepta<le met7ods to per8orm anG special analGses a<o9e t7e minimum calculations re:uired <G t7e ( ME Code$ 37ere HM$!$H is speci8ied6 it indicates t7at it is t7e Manu8acturerIs andDor ContractorIs responsi<ilitG meet t7e re:uirement in accordance =it7 all applica<le codes and standards6 includin; anG additional re:uirements speci8ied in project speci8ications$ -esi;n t7ic?ness speci8ied are minimum unless ot7er=ise noted$ ,7e contractor andDor t7e manu8acturer o8 t7e e:uipment must <e an appro9ed and accepted as a relia<le 8a<ricator stenciled =it7 t7e ( ME la<el$ ,7e e:uipment must <e re;istered <G t7e contractor andDor manu8acturer <e8ore t7e 'ational Board (ssociation$

8$ ;$ 7$ !(!

Lo2,in+ a$ <$ c$ d$ E>ternal loads due to =ind and eart7:ua?e s7all <e determined in accordance =it7 t7e procedures o8 t7e ;o9ernin; Code andDor t7e data speci8ied in t7e Project peci8ications$ 0ertical 9essels and 7oriAontal 9essels6 includin; t7eir supports6 s7all <e capa<le o8 supportin; a 8ull load o8 =ater$ at atmosp7eric pressure6 in t7e erected position$ 0ertical 9essels s7all <e c7ec?ed 8or 9i<ration due to =ind or ot7er sources to ensure t7eir structural sa8etG$ Bot7 stress and de8lection limits =ill <e met$ 37ere Hdelta P traGs BtotalF or -elta P up8lo= BtotalFH is speci8ied6 t7in pressure drop s7all <e added to;et7er =it7 anG li:uid static 7ead in determinin; t7e <ottom desi;n pressure o8 t7e 0essel$


$1ells 2n, #e2,s a$ <$ ,7e desi;n t7ic?ness6 in accordance =it7 t7e peci8ied Code6 s7all not include anG material used 8or applied corrosion resistant linin; or t7e claddin; material on inte;rallG clad plate$ ,7ic?ness 8or t7e di88erent 9essel elements Bs7ell6 7eads and transitionsF must <e desi;ned in accordance =it7 t7e operation conditions suc7 as J internal D e>ternal pressure6 ;eometrG o8 t7e 9esselBcGlindrical or sp7ericalF6code permissi<le stress 8or t7e selected material related to desi;n temperature6 corrosion allo=ance6 8a<rication allo=ance6 standard t7ic?ness 6etc$ ,7e e88ects o8 e>ternal primarG mec7anical loads plus desi;n pressure and t7e e88ects o8 secondarG stresses due to di88erential t7ermal e>pansion s7all <e in9esti;ated6 and t7e resultin; com<ined stresses and de8lections s7all <e e9aluated$ +t is t7e responsi<ilitG o8 t7e Contractor to speci8G t7e ;o9ernin; load cases and critical locations$



Vessel $u33orts


Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( 5 ,e 1-


0essel supports Be$;$6 s?irts6 lu;s6 le;s and saddlesF s7all <e desi;ned to =it7stand t7e =orst pro<a<le com<ination o8 li9e and dead loads anticipated durin; t7e normal li8e o8 t7e 9essel6 e>clusi9e o8 allo=ance 8or corrosion$ ( minimum o8 #D#2 inc7 B#$2 millimetersF additional t7ic?ness s7all <e pro9ided 8or corrosion allo=ance$ tresses due to di88erential t7ermal e>pansion and 8rictional 8orces 8rom slidin; supports s7all <e considered in t7e desi;n$ (ll 7oriAontal 9essels s7all <e supported <G saddle supports 8a<ricated to 8it t7e outside sur8ace o8 t7e 9essel =it7in t7e tolerances re:uired <G t7e desi;n to pre9ent e>cessi9e localiAed stresses in t7e s7ell$ addles s7all not <e placed o9er 9essel ;irt7 =elds and are to <e continuouslG seal =elded to t7e s7ell$

<$ c$ d$


.iscontinuities 7arp discontinuities located in re;ions su<jected to operational cGclic mec7anical andDor t7ermal stresses s7all <e a9oided to pre9ent crac?in; due to t7ermal 8ati;ue$


Non Pressure Ret2inin+ Com3onents :el,e, to t1e $1ell "oad <earin; =elds attac7in; non-pressure retainin; parts to pressure retainin; parts s7all <e desi;ned accordin; to t7e same allo=a<le stress <asis 8or primarG mem<rane tensile Bcompressi9eF and s7ear stresses as re:uired 8or pressure retainin; components$


No<<les 2n, M2n=2>s a$ <$ c$ 37en t7e inside diameters o8 noAAles are speci8ied t7eG s7all <e maintained$ 37en t7e inside diameters o8 man=aGs are speci8ied6 t7eG s7all <e considered as minimum$ Class #10 8lan;es are not permitted 8or desi;n temperatures o9er 700K& B.70KCF or 8or pressure relie8 9al9e connectionsJ Class .00 8lan;es s7all <e used as a minimum instead$ +nte;rallG rein8orced noAAles or <alanced inte;ral rein8orcement in <ot7 t7e noAAle nec? and 9essel are pre8erred6 alt7ou;7 and <uilt-up construction is permissi<le$ Caution s7all <e e>ercised 8or connections =7ic7 must recei9e e:uipment to insure t7at t7e inside diameter is lar;e enou;7 and t7e 8lan;es matc7$ E>ternal rein8orcin; pads s7all 7a9e a minimum o8 one 9ent 7ole e>cept t7at pads 8or noAAles ;reater t7an #2 inc7 'P s7all 7a9e a minimum o8 2 9ents6 and noAAles in e>cess o8 .2 inc7 'P s7all 7a9e 4 9ents$ Pads installed <G sections s7all 7a9e at least one 9ent per section$ (ll 9ents s7all <e tapped 8or 8uture plu;;in; =it7 a ma>imum #D4 inc7 'P 7ole$ lip-on 8lan;es are not permitted i8 t7e 8lan;e desi;n temperature e>ceeds 100L& B220KCF or =7en t7e 8lan;e ratin; e>ceeds class .00$ lip-on 8lan;es6 =7en permitted6 s7all <e dou<le =elded and 9ented =it7 t7e use o8 #D8 inc7 diameter pre-drilled 7oles t7rou;7 t7e 7u<$ 37ere #21 !a is speci8ied 8or 8lan;e sur8ace 8inis76 t7e ran;e 8or acceptance s7all <e #21 !a minimum to 210 !a ma>imum$ &inis7es s7all <e jud;ed <G 9isual comparison =it7 sur8ace 8inis7 rou;7ness





Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( 6 ,e 1-

standards con8ormin; to ( ME B42$#$ +t is t7e ContractorMs responsi<ilitG <ot7 to complG =it7 t7e a<o9e 8inis7 re:uirements and to assure t7at suc7 8lan;e 8inis7es <e protected 8rom dama;e durin; s7ippin;6 stora;e and installation 37ere 8lan;e sur8ace 8inis7 is not speci8ied6 it is t7e responsi<ilitG o8 t7e contractor 8or t7e ;as?et speci8ied$ ;$ ,7e ;eneral Contractor s7all ;i9e special consideration 8or t7e pre9ention o8 o9erstressin; t7e 8lan;e or <olts durin; ;as?et seatin;6 =7en Class .00 and lo=er 8lan;es are used =it7 spiral =ound or metal ;as?ets$ &lan;e classes listed in t7e project speci8ications are <ased on desi;n pressure temperature conditions onlG and do not account 8or e>ternal loads due to pipin; reactions$ ,7e desi;n o8 all 8lan;es s7all account 8or e>ternal loads imposed <G pipin; reactions$ Consideration s7all <e ;i9en to di88erential t7ermal e>pansion 8or dissimilar joints and transient t7ermal conditions suc7 as start-up s7utdo=n and e:uipment 8ailure$ 'oAAles and man=aGs s7all not <e located in traG do=ncomers$


i$ !(?

$3eci2l Consi,er2tions 6or Ele'2te, "em3er2ture .esi+n &or desi;n temperature o8 800K& B427KCF and 7i;7er t7e desi;n details 8or noAAles6 supports6 and ot7er attac7ments to t7e 9essel s7ell s7all <e 8ree o8 7i;7 local stress concentrations$ -esi;n details usin; 8illet =elds s7all <e a9oided unless ;rounded to a smoot7 radius$

3( 3(1

MA"ERIAL$ Gener2l a$ Materials s7all <e speci8ied <G ( ,M num<ers or ( ME num<ers in t7is speci8ication$ ( ,M speci8ication num<ers are pre8i>ed <G ( and correspondin; ( ME peci8ication num<ers are pre8i>ed <G ($ Pressure 0essel materials s7all <e in accordance =it7 ( ME peci8ications$ 'on-pressure parts maG <e in accordance =it7 ( ,M speci8ication$ Materials con8ormin; to ot7er standard speci8ications6 e:ui9alent to t7ose speci8ied6 are accepta<le$ E:ui9alent material speci8ications are t7ose t7at con8orm to c7emistrG6 mec7anical properties6 :ualitG6 testin;6 and inspection$ ,7e ;eneral contractor is responsi<le 8or e:ui9alencG o8 materials =7en su<stitutions are made$ (ll material used in t7e 9esselBsF s7all <e <rand ne= and t7e same tGpe and ;rade speci8ied 8or t7e Project peci8ications$ Eac7 plate or 8or;in; s7all <e le;i<lG stamped or stenciled s7o=in; ;rade num<er and plate or 8or;in; num<er$ 37en metal stampin; is done it s7all pre8era<lG <e on t7e lon; ed;e o8 eac7 component as it lea9es t7e mill$ Metal stampin; on rolled sur8aces s7all <e done =it7 a Hlo= stressH stamp$


c$ d$


$1ell #e2,s 2n, Ot1er Pressure Cont2inin+ Com3onents( a$ teel plate 8or s7ells$ 7eads6 and ot7er pressure parts s7all <e as speci8ied$


Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( ; ,e 1-

<$ c$ 3(3

37ere car<on steel is speci8ied6 ( 281 Grade C is t7e minimum :ualitG accepta<le$ 37ere ?illed car<on steel is speci8ied$ ( 1#1 or ( 1#2 is re:uired$ ( 1#2 is re:uired =7en t7e 9essel t7ic?ness e>ceeds 2 inc7es$

No<<les 2n, M2n=2>s a$ <$ &lan;e ratin; s7all <e in accordance =it7 material ;roup #$# o8 (' + B#2$2 unless ot7er=ise speci8ied$ 'oAAle 8lan;es 8or t7ermo=ell connections maG re:uire a 7i;7er 8lan;e ratin; t7an t7e main attac7ment noAAles6 dependin; on t7ermo=ell 8lan;e material$ ,7ere8ore6 contractor s7all c7ec? all t7ermo=ell 8lan;e material ratin; and increase e:uipment matin; 8lan;e ratin; =7ere re:uired$ Minimum material re:uirementsJ I"EM 'ec?s B8a<ricated 8rom pipeF Pipe 24 inc7 'P and less Pipe #2 inc7 'P or o9er &lan;es +nte;rallG rein8orced noAAles6 =eldin; nec?6 =eldin; nec? 8lan;es6 slip-on6 or lap joint 8lan;es Plate =7ere permissi<le <G codeF d$ e$ %or C2rbon $teel Vessels ( #02 Gr ( ( #01 %or @ille, ( #02 Gr B ( #01


( 1#1 or ( 1#2

( 1#1 or ( 1#2

Corrosion allo=ance 8or noAAles and man=aGs s7all <e at least e:ual to t7at speci8ied 8or t7e 9essel s7ell$ Bolt 7oles in 8lan;es o8 noAAles and man=aGs located in 7eads o8 9essels s7all straddle t7e principal centerlines o8 t7e 9essel or lines parallel t7ereto$ Bolt 7oles in 8lan;es o8 noAAles and man=aGs located in s7ells s7all straddle t7e 9ertical centerline o8 t7e 9essel$


$m2ll Connections a$ <$ ,7readed 8ittin;s or tapped 7oles are not permitted$ ,7e minimum siAe o8 noAAles s7all <e # inc7 'P B'ominal Pipe iAeF e>cept t7at 8or alloG lined noAAles t7e minimum siAe is #-#D2 inc7 'P $ Vessel $u33orts 2n, Ot1er $u33ort M2teri2l a$ Material 8or rin;s6 lu;s and le;s supportin; 9essels and t7e upper t7ree 8eet o8 support s?irts =elded directlG to t7e 9essel6 or to rein8orcin; rin;s =elded to t7e 9essel6 s7all <e t7e same material as t7e s7ell =7en t7e desi;n temperature is ;reater t7an 210K&$ %t7er=ise6 t7e material 8or t7e s?irt6 rin;s6 lu;s and le;s s7all <e (2816 (.2 or <etter$



Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( ? ,e 1-


Material 8or 9acuum sti88enin; rin;s s7all <e t7e same material as t7e s7ell =7en t7e desi;n temperature is ;reater t7an 210K& B.4.KCF$ 37en t7e desi;n temperature is 220K& B.4.JCF or less t7e material s7all <e (2816 (28.6 (.26 or <etter$ teel plate 8or <ase rin;s6 rein8orcement 8or s?irt openin;s$ saddles6 e>ternal lu;s 8or plat8orms6 ladders6 insulation supports6 pipe supports and ot7er attac7ments s7all <e (2816 (28.6 (.2 or <etter$ (n;les and rods s7all <e (.2$ ,7e contractor s7all determine t7e need and placement o8 9essel s7ell attac7ments 8or 7andlin; internals$ attac7in; 7ard=are etc$


d$ 3(6

Intern2ls, Intern2l Boltin+ 2n, Intern2l $u33orts a$ <$ c$ d$ Pipe 8or internals s7all <e ( #02 Gr B$ Plate6 <ars6 and s7apes s7all <e ( 2816 ( 28.6 ( .26 or <etter$ +nternals s7all <e alloG or alloG lined in alloG lines portions o8 a 9essel$ Boltin; 8or distri<utors6 <a88les6 or ot7er miscellaneous items6 not 8urnis7ed <G t7e traG supplier6 s7all <e t7e same or similar alloG as t7e internals6 or as speci8ied$ -ra=in;s and instructions 8or 8a<rication and installation o8 traG and mes7 <lan?et supports attac7ed to t7e 9essel s7all <e 8urnis7ed <G t7e appropriate supplier o8 t7e 9essel internals$ ,7e 9essel attac7ments s7all <e installed in accordance =it7 t7ose instructions6 ant t7ese speci8ications6 <G t7e 9essel manu8acturer$ +t is t7e responsi<ilitG o8 t7e 9essel manu8acturer to supplG6 or cause to <e supplied6 all material re:uired 8or t7e 8a<rication o8 t7e 9essel attac7ments 8or t7e support o8 internals$ +nternal support rin;s s7all <e t7e same material as t7e s7ell in ?illed steel 9essels$$ ,7eG s7all <e continuouslG =elded on t7e top ant stitc7 or continuouslG =elded on t7e <ottom =7en car<on steel and continuouslG =elded <ot7 sites = 7en alloG$ "u;s =elded to t7e s7ell 8or t7e support o8 internals s7all <e t7e same material as t7e s7ell in ?illed steel 9essels$ +n t7e lined portion o8 9essels6 lu;s s7all <e alloG correspondin; to t7e linin;$


8$ ;$ 3(;

*nless ot7er=ise speci8ied6 lu;s and rin;s 8or internal supports in lined portions o8 9essels maG <e =elded directlG to t7e linin; onlG i8 t7e 9essel is lined =it7 inte;rallG <onded linin; or =eld deposit o9erlG meetin; t7e re:uirements o8 Para;rap7 *C"-##BaF and BcF ection 0+++ -i9ision # o8 t7e ( ME Code$ Allo> Linin+ a$ (lloG linin; material and t7ic?ness s7all <e as speci8ies on t7e Project peci8ications$ <$ (lloG linin; material 8or noAAles and man=aGs s7all <e t7e same as 8or t7e 9essel$

-( -(1

%ABRICA"ION :el,in+ a$ (ll =eldin; s7all <e done <G a metal arc process$ (ll s7ell and 7ead joints s7all <e dou<le =elded <utt joints =it7 8ull penetration$ -ou<le =elded ;roo9e joints s7all 7a9e t7eir root passes <ac? ;ou;ed to


Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( A ,e 1-

sound metal on t7e re9erse side <e8ore =eldin; on t7at side$ +n cases =7ere dou<le =eldin; is impractical6 t7e root pass s7all <e made <G t7e Gas ,un;sten (rc 3eldin; BG,(3F process$ <$ c$ d$ ,7e use o8 t7e &lu> Cored (rc 3eldin; B&C(3F and Gas Metal (rc 3eldin; BGM(3F processes s7all <e appro9ed <G t7e EC%PE,!%"$ ,7e &lu> Cored (rc 3eldin; Process s7all utiliAe an e>ternal s7ieldin; ;as and is not permitted 8or sin;le sided tee or corner joints$ ,7e Gas Metal (rc 3eldin; process in t7e s7ort circuitin; mode BGM(3 - F maG <e used 8or t7e 8ollo=in; applications onlGJ ,7e root pass 8or anG material t7ic?ness$ Complete ;roo9e or 8illet =elds pro9idin; t7at t7e =all t7ic?ness does not e>ceed #D4 inc7 B2 mmF ,ac? =elds6 temporarG attac7ments and ot7er applications =7ere t7e =eld made <G t7is process is completelG remo9ed$ e$ 8$ ;$ ,7e Gas Metal (rc 3eldin; process in t7e spraG trans8er mode s7all not <e used 8or t7e root pass$ Co9ered =eldin; electrodes 8or non-alloG =eldin; s7all <e in accordance =it7 peci8ication (3 ( 1$#6 ( ME &(-1$# Bare electrodes s7all <e in accordance =it7 t7e 8ollo=in; J

:el,in+ Process u<mer;ed (rc 3eldin; +nert Gas 3eldin; &lu>-Cored (rc 3eldin; 7$

Electro,e (3 ( 1$#7$ ( ME &(-1$#7 (3 ( 1$#86 ( ME &(-1$#8 (3 ( 1$20$ ( ME &(-1$20

-eposited =eld metal mec7anical properties s7all con8orm to t7e ( ,M !e:uirements 8or t7e <ase metal$ "o=-alloG6 7i;7 stren;t7 =eld material s7all not <e used unless t7e 9essel is re:uired to <e post=eld 7eat treated BP3/,F at a temperature o8 ##10K& B220KCF minimum$ 3eldin; in conjunction =it7 alloG linin; s7all <e done =it7 co9ered electrodes made in accordance =it7 t7e speci8ications listed6 or alternated as co9ered <G note <elo=$


A$"M $3eci6ic2tion Cl2,,in+ ( 22. A33lie, linin+ ( 240 ,Gpes 401 or 4#0

Electro,es Allo> "o $teel B#F Allo> to Allo> B#F


Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( 1) ,e 1-

( 224 ( 224 ( 224 ( 224 ( 224 (-221

( 240 ,Gpe .04 ( 240 ,Gpe .04" ( 240 ,Gpe .#2 ( 240 ,Gpe .#2" ( 240 tGpes .2# or .47 B #27




$3eci6ic2tion (3 (1$46 ( ME (3 (1$46 ( ME (3 (1$46 ( ME (3 (1$46 ( ME (3 (1$46 ( ME (3 (1$46 ( ME (3 (1$46 ( ME (3 (1$##$ ( ME

&(-1$4 &(-1$4 &(-1$4 &(-1$4 &(-1$4 &(-1$4 &(-1$4 &(-1$##

Electro,e Cl2ssi6ic2tion E.0C" E.0CMo E.08 E.08" E.#2 E.#2" E.47 E'iCu-7

NO"EJ 37en inert ;as s7ielded or su<mer;ed metal-arc processes are used6 stainless-8iller metals made in accordance =it7 peci8ication (3 (1$C6 ( ME &(-1$C6 =it7 composition similar to t7ose listed a<o9e6 or Monel Bnic?el copper alloGF in accordance =it7 (3 (1$#46 ( ME &(-1$#4 s7all <e used$ j$ ?$ l$ m$ n$ o$ Para;rap7s '&-7 and '&-#4 o8 (ppendi> '& in Part *'& o8 ection 0+++ o8 t7e ( ME Code are mandatorG 8or non8errous tGpes o8 claddin; or applied linin;$ (ll pressure s7ell =eld joints o8 cate;ories ( or B s7all <e ,Gpe 'o$ # 8ull penetration <utt =elds in accordance =it7 *3-. and ta<le *3-#2 o8 t7e ( ME Code$ 'oAAles and man=aGs and t7eir rein8orcement s7all <e attac7ed to t7e 9essel =it7 8ull penetration =elds$ Bac?in; up steps6 i8 used6 s7all <e remo9ed$ Circum8erential =elds s7all <e located to 8acilitate 9isual inspection =it7 all internal e:uipment in place$ eams in supportin; s?irts s7all <e made =it7 8ull penetration <utt =elds$ Connections <et=een s?irts and 9essel 7eads s7all <e made =it7 a smoot7 8lat 8aced =eld6 unless ot7er=ise s7o=n ,7e =idt7 o8 t7e =eld s7all <e at least e:ual to t7e s?irt t7ic?ness6 and its 7ei;7t appro>imatelG t=ice its =idt7$ (ll =eldin; directlG to t7e <ase metal s7all <e completed prior to 8inal 7eat treatment$ Eac7 cate;orG ( or B pressure retainin; =eld in accordance =it7 8i;ure *3-. o8 t7e ( ME Code s7all <e spot radio;rap7ed6 as a minimum re:uirements6 Eac7 spot radio;rap7 s7all <e a minimum o8 si> inc7es in len;t7 and in accordance =it7 t7e ( ME Code$ (ll =elds to <e co=ered <G noAAle rein8orcin; pads and at least one =eld intersection s7all <e included$ 'oAAle =elds s7all <e spot e>amined <G ma;netic particle or dGe penetrati9e as a minimum re:uirement $

p$ :$


Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( 11 ,e 1-

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3elds in 9essel s7ells 2 inc7es and ;reater in t7ic?ness s7all <e #00N e>amined <G ultrasonic in accordance =it7 t7e ( ME Code6 a8ter 8inal post =eld 7eat treatment$

#e2t "re2tment a$ <$ c$ Post=eld 7eat treatment BP3/,F s7all complG =it7 t7e ;o9ernin; Code re:uirements6 or as speci8ied$ &lan;e 8acin;s must <e protected a;ainst o>idation durin; 7eat treatment$ 37en post=eld 7eat treatment is re:uired6 one Brinell 7ardness readin; s7all <e ta?en on t7e inside Be>cept in alloG lined portions o8 9esselsF o8 eac7 s7ell section6 7ead6 lon;itudinal =eld6 and noAAle6 and eac7 lon;itudinal6 ;irt7 and noAAle =eld a8ter 8inal post=eld 7eat treatmentE and no readin; s7all e>ceed a 9alue o8 200$


Allo> Linin+ a$ <$ c$ d$ +n t7is speci8ication t7e term H(lloG "inin;O is a ;eneral term t7at does not implG a speci8ic 8a<rication or manu8acturin; process$ trip linin; is not allo=ed unless speci8ied on t7e project speci8ication$ (lloG linin; 8or s7ells and 7eads s7all <e inte;rallG <onded claddin; or =eld deposit o9erlaG$ 37en inte;rallG <onded clad plate is t7e alloG linin; used6 t7e linin; s7all <e cut <ac? at all seams to permit <ac?=eldin; o8 t7e <ase metal$ 3eld metal s7all <e ;round 8lus7 and 8ullG co9ered =it7 t7e applica<le =eld deposit o9erlaG in para;rap7 +0-(-C o8 t7is speci8ication$ ,7e =eld deposit o9erlaG s7all <e at least as t7ic? as t7e linin; <ut no ;reater t7an t=ice its t7ic?ness$ 37en inte;rallG <onded clad 9essels are used6 a minimum o8 #0N o8 t7e clad sur8ace6 includin; no less t7an # s:uare 8oot in eac7 #0 s:uare 8eet or 8raction t7ereo86 s7all <e ultrasonic e>amined 8or lac? o8 <ond a8ter 8ormin;$ ,7e claddin; s7ad <e #00N ultrasonicallG e>amined in areas =7ere attac7ments are to <e =elded directlG to t7e claddin;$ *n<ounded areas t7at cannot <e encompassed <G a . inc7 diameter circle s7all <e repaired <G =eld deposit o9erlaG in accordance =it7 para;rap7 +0-(-C o8 t7is speci8ication$ 37en repairs in e>cess o8 1 percent o8 t7e total e>amined area are re:uired6 t7e 9essel s7all <e #00 percent ultrasonic e>amined$ !epaired areas and =eld deposit o9erlaG at =eld seams s7all <e #00N li:uid dGe penetrati9e e>amined in accordance =it7 ( ,M E#21$ *ltrasonic e>amination s7all <e in accordance =it7 ( ,M (178 -2 8or spot e>amination or 7 8or #00N6 e>amination$ ,7e =eld o9erlaG s7all <e applied circum8erentiallG to t7e 9essel and s7all <e relati9elG smoot7 =it7 no notc7es and undercuts t7at =ould act as stress intensi8iers$ &la=s on t7e sur8ace o8 t7e <ase metal t7at =ould inter8ere =it7 <ondin; o8 t7e o9erlaG s7all <e remo9ed <G ;rindin;$ (ll =eld deposit o9erlaG6 =7et7er <G manual or automatic procedures6 s7all <e #00N li:uid dGe penetrati9e BP,F e>amined in accordance =it7 t7e met7ods descri<ed in ( ,M E #21$ 37en t7e o9erlaG in9ol9es t=o passes BlaGersF and t7e procedure uses an intermediate 7eat treatment =it7 coolin; to room temperature prior to applGin; t7e second laGer6 eac7 laGer s7all #%%N P, e>amined$ 3eld deposit o9erlaG mac7ined sur8aces s7all <e #00N P, e>amined a8ter 8inal 7eat treatment$ 3eld deposit o9erlaG





Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( 1! ,e 1-

s7all <e spot P, e>amined Ba minimum o8 #0N o8 t7e sur8ace6 includin; no less t7an # s:uare 8oot in eac7 #0 s:uare 8eet o8 8raction t7ereo8F a8ter 8inal 7eat treatment and s7op 7Gdrostatic testin;$ &lan;e 8acin;s need not <e included in t7e spot e>amination a8ter 7Gdrotest$ 7$ i$ j$ (ll crac?s and 8issures and circular de8ects ;reater t7an #D#2 inc7 B #$2 millimetersF diameter in =eld deposit o9erlaG s7all <e remo9ed$ !epaired areas s7all <e #00N re-inspected <G li:uid aGe penetrati9e$ ,7e =eld deposit o9erlaG procedure s7ad <e :uali8ied on <ase metal o8 t7e same composition as t7e 9essel and t7ic?ness o8 one-7al8 o8 t7e 9essel t7ic?ness6 or 2 inc7es B10 millimetersF6 =7ic7e9er is less$ ( minimum o8 t=o samples o8 t7e =eld deposit o9erlaG s7all <e ta?en 8rom eac7 o9erlaGed s7ell section and 7ead to con8irm re:uired analGsis$ Eac7 manual =eld o9erlaG6 suc7 as t7ose on ;irt7 seams and noAAles6 s7all also <e sampled$ (nalGsis to a dept7 o8 .D4 o8 t7e re:uired o9erlaG t7ic?ness s7all con8orm to t7e c7emistrG re:uirements 8or t7e alloG speci8ied on t7e Project peci8ications$ 37ere automatic =eld deposit o9erlaG is applied <G more t7an one =eldin; operator6 samples s7all include deposits made <G eac7 operator$ 'oAAles and man=aGs in alloG lined pore o8 9essels s7all <e alloG lined and 8aced$ ,7e 8acin; s7all <e made =it7 =eld deposit =7ic7 is at least as t7ic? as t7e linin; =7en properlG mac7ined and o8 t7e same alloG as t7e linin; 37en noAAles are lined =it7 8erritic tGpe 401 or 4#0 stainless steel linin;s6 t7e 8acin; =eld deposit s7all <e made =it7 tGpe .0C =eldin; electrode$ ,7e 8acin; =eld deposit 8or austenitic stainless steel linin;s s7all <e made =it7 tGpe .0C =eldin; electrode 8or t7e 8irst pass6 and t7e =eldin; electrode 8or t7e second pass s7all <e o8 t7e same or similar analGsis as t7e linin;$ ,7e met7od o8 linin; lar;e noAAles and man=aGs s7all <e <G inte;rallG <onded claddin; or =eld deposit o9erlaG$ ,u<ular liners are not accepta<le in noAAles ;reater t7an t7eG s7all 4 inc7 'P $ &or noAAles 4 inc7 'P and smaller tu<ular liners maG <e used$ ,7ose s7all <e =elded to t7e alloG 8acin; at t7e 8lan;e end$ (ttac7ment o8 t7e liner at t7e inside sur8ace o8 t7e 9essel maG <e <G =eldin;6 8lus7 =it7 t7e 9essel inside sur8ace6 or an e>pansion BcontractionF collar$ ,7e 8inal desi;n details6 accountin; 8or t7e sustained and cGclic stresses due to t7e intended operation o8 t7e 9essel6 are t7e responsi<ilitG o8 t7e Contractor$ &or 7Gdro;en ser9ice$ noAAles =it7 tu<ular liners =elded on <ot7 ends s7all <e 9ented =it7 an lD8 inc7 'P 7ole6 drilled 8rom t7e outside <at7e %- o8 t7e liner and tapped 8or 8uture plu;;in;$ olid alloG noAAles6 are not recommended6 and s7ell not <e used at desi;n temperatures a<o9e 410K& B2.2KCF$ (ustenitic stainless steel noAAles are not permitted$


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"oler2nces( a$ 0ertical 9essels s7all <e c7ec?ed 8or plumpness$ (8ter t7e rin; sections 7a9e <een assem<led6 t7e outside sur8ace o8 t7e cGlinder s7all not 9arG 8rom a strai;7t 9ertical line more t7an P inc7 B2 millimetersF in anG 20 8eet B2000 millimetersF6 nor more t7an Q inc7 B#C millimetersF in t7e total len;t7$ 37en s7ell t7ic?ness is 4 inc7es B200 millimetersF or more t7e 9ariation 8rom a strai;7t line s7all not e>ceed #- P inc7es B.# millimetersF in t7e total len;t7$


Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( 13 ,e 1-

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,7e ma>imum permissi<le o88set 8or lon;itudinal joints s7all <e #D4 inc7 B2 millimetersF and 8or circum8erential joints6 R inc7 B#. millimetersF$ ,7e ma>imum out-o8-round 9ariance o8 t7e speci8ied code s7all applG 8or all 9essels6 =it7 t7e additional limitation t7at 8or 9essels =it7 internal traGs anG diameter maG not 9arG plus or minus #D2N 8rom t7e nominal diameter6 =it7 a ma>imum 9ariation in diameter 8rom nominal o8 R inc7 B#. millimetersF$ ,7e o9erall len;t7 o8 t7e 9essel6 not includin; t7e s?irt6 s7all <e 7eld =it7in a tolerance o8 plus or minus R inc7 B#. millimetersF or #D24 inc7 B0$4 millimetersF per 8oot o8 len;t76 up to a ma>imum o8 plus or minus Q inc76 =7ic7e9er is ;reater$ ,7e len;t7 o8 s?irt s7all <e 7eld =it7in a tolerance o8 plus or minus #D4 inc7 B2 millimetersF$ ,7e tolerances 8or noAAle locations s7all <e plus or minus .D8 inc7 B#0 millimetersF 8or ele9ation6 plus or minus #D4 inc7 8or orientation6 and plus or minus #D8 inc7 B. millimetersF 8or projection$ ,7e ma>imum 7oriAontal or 9ertical de8lection o8 t7e mac7ined 8aces o8 t7e ;as?et 8aces o8 noAAles s7all <e R K or #D.2 inc7 B0$8 millimetersF6 =7ic7e9er is ;reater$ ,7e tolerance 8or man=aGs s7all <e plus or minus R inc7 B#. millimetersF 8or ele9ation6 orientation6 and6 projection6 and #D4 inc7 B2 millimetersF 8or tilt$ ,7e ma>imum tolerance 8rom a true <ase 8or internal traG supports s7all <e plus or minus .D8 inc7 B#0 millimetersF$ ,7e ma>imum 9ariation in spacin; <et=een adjacent internal traG supports s7all not e>ceed #D#2 inc7 B#$2 millimetersF per 8oot B.00 millimetersF6 =it7 a ma>imum o8 #D8 inc7 B. millimetersF$ ,7e tolerance 8or t7e ma>imum 9ariance Bdistance <et=een 7i;7 and lo= pointsF indi9idual traG supports =it7 respect to t7e le9el plane s7all <e 0$.0N o8 t7e nominal inside diameter6 =it7 a ma>imum o86 #D4 inc7 B2 millimetersF$ ,7e tolerance 8or t7e ma>imum 9ariance o8 traG supports =it7 respect to t7e 9essel s7all not e>ceed #K 8rom normal$


e$ 8$ ;$ 7$ i$ j$ ?$

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No<<les, M2n=2>s 2n, #2n,1oles +t is t7e responsi<ilitG o8 t7e Contractor to assure t7at t7e placement and per8ection o8 noAAles6 man=aGs and 7and7oles =ill not inter8ace =it7 t7e proceed or internals$ ,7e inside ed;e s7all <e rounded$


"estin+ #$ ,7e minimum metal temperature durin; pressure testin; s7all <e in accordance =it7 eit7er BaF6 B<F or BcF <elo=$ a$ <$ 20K& .0K& a<o9e t7e minimum desi;n metal temperature BM-M,F


Volumen 3, Job Instruction 16 ! Re'( ) P*+( 1- ,e 1-

c$ 2$

.0K& a<o9e t7e ductile to <rittle transition temperature 8or all o8 t7e materials o8 construction$ ,7e transition temperature s7all <e esta<lis7ed 8rom impact test data

Clean 8res7 =ater s7all <e t7e primarG 7Gdrostatic test medium unless use o8 a di88erent medium is appro9ed <G EC%PE,!%" $($ /Gdrostatic testin; o8 austenitic stainless steel lined 9essels s7all <e done =it7 pota<le :ualitG =ater 7a9in; a c7loride content less t7an 10 ppm Bparts per millionF$ +8 c7loride content is ;reater t7an 10 ppm6 up to a ma>imum o8 210 ppm6 a su88icient :uantitG o8 sodium nitrate s7all <e added to pro9ide a test medium o8 0$1N <G =ei;7t sodium nitrate solution$ 3ater =it7 a c7loride content o8 ;reater t7an 210 ppm s7all not <e used 8or 7Gdrotestin;$ 0esselBsF s7all <e dried t7orou;7lG6 immediatelG a8ter drainin;6 to pre9ent t7e possi<ilitG o8 e9aporation and concentration o8 c7lorides$ 3elded attac7ments pro9ided =it7 9ent 7oles s7all <e tested <G pneumatic or 7Gdrostatic pressure prior to post=eld 7eat treatment and 8inal 7Gdrostatic test$ (lloG strip or slee9e linin;s 8or 9essels and noAAles s7all <e ;i9en a pneumatic test to pro9e t7e soundness o8 t7e =elds$ +n lieu o8 t7is6 t7e =elds maG <e inspected <G li:uid dGe penetrate$ Crac?s and porositG s7all <e repaired and reinspected$ ,est 7oles in strips and slee9es s7all not <e seal =elded until all trapped moisture is remo9ed$ 0essels =7ic7 are to <e s7op 7GdrostaticallG tested in t7e 7oriAontal position s7all <e supported ade:uatelG to pre9ent local stresses in t7e s7ell 8rom e>ceedin; C0N t7e Gield stren;t7 o8 t7e material$

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