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The Ritual of the Middle pillar

Thelemic Version by Frater 121

STEP 1. Do the LBRP. When finished, stand behind your altar with your hands at your sides, eyes closed, steady relaxed breathing and, above all, try to get your mind into a still, quiet and calm state. STEP 2. Focus your attention just above the top of your head. See a white spherical light above. Now vibrate the God name, NUIT three or four times. The sphere should get brighter still. STEP 3. Now visualize a slender beam of light descending from the brilliance through the center of your head, and stopping at the nape of your neck. Here the beam widens into a ball of light. Vibrate the God name, AIWASS, three or four times. STEP 4. The shaft of light extends to the solar plexus in the form of a sphere. Vibrate the God name RA-HOOR-KHUIT three or four times. STEP 5. The shaft extends to the area of the genitals and forms a sphere. Vibrate three or four times is BABALON STEP 6. The shaft extends to the area of both feet and the ground. The shaft extends to the area of the vibrate three or four times is THERION STEP 7. At this point there should be large spheres of light above the head, at the throat, at the solar plexus, at the groin and at the feet. Each sphere of light should be connected with the sphere above and below by a beam of light. STEP 8. Stay in this state for as long as you desire. The Circulation of the Body of Light

Part 1. While keeping the visualization of the Middle Pillar, refocus your attention on Kether. Visualize it sending a current of energy down into the head and into the left shoulder. Let this energy pass down the left side of your body to your left foot. Feel it move to your right foot, up the right side of your body, to your head, and back up to Kether. When you exhale, feel the energy go down your left side. When you inhale, feel the energy go up your right side. You should have the sensation of a circle of energy swirling around you. Move the energy, with your breath, in six to ten cycles. Part 2. Direct the energy down the front of your body and up the back. Be sure to synchronize your breath so that as you exhale the energy goes down the front of your

body and, as you inhale, it goes up your back, to your head and up to Kether. Part 3. From the upper right side of this power center visualize the energy curling up in a tight spiral to the front of the left leg. From here it continues around the back and continues moving upward in a counter-clock- wise spiral. Feel a whirling of power as the pure light and energy rises up in spirals to Kether. At Kether you should visualize the energy exploding out like a water fountain in all directions. This energy lands at your feet and begins to rise in the spiral again.

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