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Math Etymology and Definitions

Shawn Urban 1

Select Math Etymology and Definitions, Ordered into Families

point that which has no part, a position, something that has position but not extension (M ! puncta place, moment, ( ! pungere to pric", stab #ertex ( ! vertex a whirl, top, ( ! vert(ere) to turn $ ( ! ex out of, from, beyond locus a place, locality, set of all points satisfying a condition (% ! stlocus a place line a continuous stretch of length (%&! ligne cord, ( ! lineus flaxen segment part ( ! segmentum, ( ! sec(are) to cut $ mentum action, resulting state edge a border at which a surface terminates (%E! ecg edge, ('! ecke corner side a bounding surface (%E! side face surface ( ! facies form, figure, appearance, ( ! facere to ma"e surface any figure of only two dimensions ( ! superficies surface, outer face, outside of a thing, (&! sur o#er, abo#e, in addition $ ( ! facies figure rectangle ( ! rectus right $ ( ! angulum angle s(uare ( ! ex out of, from, beyond $ ( ! quadrare to s(uare prism ('"! prisma something sawed cube ('"! kybos cube, die tesseract ('"! tesser(es) four $ ('"! aktis ray angle ( ! angulum, ( ! angulus angle, ('"! ankylos bent corner a place where two con#erging lines or surfaces meet ( ! cornus horn orthogonal in#ol#ing right angles or perpendiculars ('"! orthogonion right)angled, ('"! orthos straight, upright, right, correct $ ('"! gonion angle $ ('"! al of the "ind of, pertaining to, ha#ing the form or character of dimension direction, measurability, a measure in opposing directions, extension, span, a measure of how an ob*ect fills space, (ualitati#e si+e of a topological ob*ect, number of coordinates needed to specify a point of an ob*ect, degree of manifoldness of a (uantity ( ! dimensio a measuring, ( ! di from, of $ ( ! metri measure $ ( ! ion condition, action order dimension, ran", degree, the greatest index of differentiation in an e(uation ( ! ordin row, ran", regular arrangement degree (, ! degradus step apart, ( ! de (-di! away from, remo#e $ ( ! gradus step ( ! gradi to wal" addition act of uniting ( ! additio (past participle of addere! put, ( ! ad toward $ ( ! di put $ ( ! ion condition, action augment ( ! augmentare to increase, ( ! augmentum (gerund of augere to increase! an increase add ( ! addere to put toward, ( ! ad toward $ ( ! dere to put plus ( ! plus more, related to ('"! poly many augend ( ! augendum (gerund! thing to be increased, ( ! augendus (gerundi#e of augere! to be increased addend ( ! addendum (gerund! thing to be added, ( ! addendus (gerundi#e of addere! to be added summand (M ! summandum (gerund!, (M ! summandus (gerundi#e of summare! a part of a sum plus sign not gi#en a name, see http.//*eff0123tripod3com/mathsym3html sum aggregate ( ! summare, ( ! summa (neutral of ( ! summus highest ( ! super(us) situated abo#e! sum total whole, entire ( ! tot(us) entire $ ( ! alis ('"! al of the "ind, pertaining to, ha#ing the form or character of multiplication ( ! multiplicatio, ( ! multiplica(re) ma"e many, ma"e manifold $ ( ! ion condition, action

Math Etymology and Definitions multiply

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( ! multiplicare ma"e many, ma"e manifold, ( ! multus much, many $ ( ! pli(care) to fold, pleat (( ! plectere to plait, twine, ('"! plekein fold! ( ! multus much, many $ (E! ply thic"ness, layer multiplicand number to be multiplied by another ( ! multiplicandum (gerund!, ( ! multiplicandus (gerundi#e of multiplicare! to be multiplied multiplier number by which another is multiplied (ME! multiplier to fold many times factor one of the elements contributing to a particular result or product ( ! factor ma"er, perpetrator, ( ! fact(us) (past participle of ( ! fac(ere) to ma"e, do! ma"e, done $ ( ! tor forms #erb into personal agent noun multiplication sign not gi#en a name, se#eral types, see http.//*eff0123tripod3com/mathsym3html multiple (containing! se#eral (whole! parts (with no remainder!, of so many parts ( ! multiplus manifold product ( ! productum thing produced (past participle of ( ! producere to lead or bring forward, ( ! pro to pro*ect $ ( ! ducere to lead! in#olution act of raising a (uantity to any assigned power or affecting it with any assigned exponent act of infolding, en#eloping, wrapping, entangling, coiling, winding spirally or rolling up on self ( ! involut(us! (past participle of ( ! involvere to wrap, en#elope, co#er, roll in or up (( ! in in $ ( ! volvere to roll, turn, re#ol#e!! $ ( ! ion condition, action exponentiation act of multiplying a number by itself, synonym of involution (def 1) ( ! exponent to expound $ ('"! al of the "ind of, pertaining to, ha#ing the form or character of $ ( ! ion condition, action exponential number a number consisting of a base raised to an exponent (raised suggests dimensional change! base foundation, principle element, the edge or surface of a figure on which the figure is supposed to stand, the number from which a mathematical table is constructed ( ! basis goal or starting point, ('"! basis step, place one stands on, ('"! ba base of (('"! banein to wal", step! $ ('"! sis action, process, state, condition exponential sign exponent, see http.//*eff0123tripod3com/mathsym3html exponent thing that expounds the (ratio of one! dimension of a thing (to another dimension, when the exponent is a fraction! number of times a number is repeated as a factor in multiplication the (uotient arising when an antecedent is di#ided by a conse(uent ( ! exponent (present participle of ( ! exponere to expound, to put out, set forth, explain (( ! ex out of, from, beyond, utterly, thoroughly $ ( ! pon place! $ ( ! ens characteri+ed by! index the number in an exponent or a radix which shows the dimension of the power or radicand of a (uantity the denominator of a fractional exponent ( ! index informer, pointer, ( ! in in $ ( ! dic show, declare $ ( ! s singular ending power product arising from the multiplication of a number by itself, exponentiated, cardinal number, potency ( ! posse to be able, ha#e power cardinal number number of elements in a finite set potency ( ! potentia ( ! potens (present participle of ( ! posse to be able, ha#e power! manifold topological space that is connected and locally Euclidean (rational and bounded! ( ! multus much, many $ (ME! fald to bend o#er on itself submanifold part of a manifold which is itself a manifold (of lower order! ( ! sub under, below, beneath, subordinate, nearly, imperfectly $ manifold fractal a structure that beha#es as if its dimensions are greater than the dimensions of the space it occupies a structure that resides between discrete integer dimensions (suggesting a continuum of dimension! ( ! fract(us) bro"en, une#en $ ('"! al of the "ind of, pertaining to, ha#ing the form or character of e#olution act of extracting roots of a (uantity or gradually unfolding (into! parts ( ! evolut(us! (past participle of ( ! evolvere to unroll, unfold, open (( ! ex out of, from, beyond, utterly, thoroughly $ ( ! volvere to roll, turn, re#ol#e!! $ ( ! ion condition, action root extraction act of determining the common factor (with no remainder! of a (uantity or of reducing (or factoring! a (uantity to a common factor, synonym of evolution (def 1)

Math Etymology and Definitions

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rooting synonym of root extraction and evolution (def 1) radical number a number consisting of a radicand reduced by an index (reduced suggests dimensional change! ( ! radicalis ha#ing roots, ( ! radix root $ ('"! al of the "ind of, pertaining to, ha#ing the form or character of surd synonym of radical number, sometimes a synonym of radicand, also an irrational number (E! absurd (uality or condition of being irrational, ( ! absurdus out of tune, uncouth, ridiculous, ( ! ab away from $ ( ! surdus dull)sounding, deaf, mute radicand a (uantity produced by multiplying a number by itself one or more times, synonym of power ( ! radicandum (gerund of ( ! radicare to root! comprising of or ha#ing roots index the number in an exponent or a radix which shows the dimension of the power or radicand of a (uantity the denominator of a fractional exponent ( ! index informer, pointer, ( ! in in $ ( ! dic show, declare $ ( ! s singular ending root sign radix, see http.//*eff0123tripod3com/mathsym3html radix the root sign, synonym of root ( ! radix root, ( ! rhadix branch, frond #inculum to be considered together, fetter, bond that signifies union or unity, binding symbol ( ! vinculum (gerund of ( ! vinc(ire) to bind! bond, tie, fetter root that factor of a (uantity which when multiplied by itself will produce the (uantity, synonym of base a fundamental number of any system, a primiti#e number from which spring other numbers, a base the #alue which, substituted for the un"nown (uantity in an e(uation, satisfies the e(uation (%6! rot root, origin or beginning of something, si+e, (7E! werad branch, root, source of existence synonym of root extraction (ME! rooten, roten to root out, (%E! wroot, wrotan, rotan to dig up, to unearth, (%E! wrot snout root 8 index/radix/power, power 8 root/exponent, exponent 8 manifold or ratio of submanifold to index (manifold! factori+ation act or process of resol#ing or separating a number or whole into its component parts or factors factoring synonym of factorization number which is resol#ed into its component parts or factors factori+ation sign no sign, see http.//*eff0123tripod3com/mathsym3html factor one of the elements contributing to a particular result or product ( ! factor ma"er, perpetrator, ( ! fact(us) (past participle of ( ! fac(ere) to ma"e, do! done, made $ ( ! tor forms #erb into personal agent noun factori+ation in#erse of multiplication, #s di#ision re#erse of multiplication (a#oid opposite! cofactor one of at least two factors of a (uantity which can be determined by di#iding the (uantity by another factor di#ision act of determining how many times one (uantity is contained in another, partitioning, apportioning ( ! divisio, ( ! divis(us) (present participle of dividere! to di#ide $ ( ! ion condition, action di#ide to separate or mar" into e(ually si+ed parts, to sunder, cut off, mar" e(ually si+ed parts ( ! dividere to separate, ( ! di two $ ( ! vid see, read di#idend a number which is separated or mar"ed into e(ually si+ed parts ( ! dividendum (gerund of dividere to separate! thing to be di#ided antecedent the first term of a ratio, the first or third term of a proportion ( ! antecedens (present participle of ( ! antecedere to go before, precede, excel, surpass! going before, ( ! antea before $ ( ! cede(re) to go, yield $ ( ! ent characteri+ed by, ser#ing the capacity of numerator total or number (or count! of e(ual parts, a person or thing that numbers (or counts! ( ! numerator a numberer (, counter!, ( ! numera(re) (deri#ati#e of ( ! numerus (uantity! to number (or count! $ ( ! tor forms #erb into personal agent noun di#isor a number contained wholly in another by which the other is separated into e(ually si+ed parts ( ! divisor one who di#ides, ( ! divid(ere) to di#ide $ ( ! tor forms #erb into personal agent noun conse(uent the second term in a ratio or proportion ( ) consequens (present participle of ( ! consequi to follow closely! following after, ( ! com with, together, in association, completely $ ( ! sequi to follow $ ( ! ent characteri+ed by, ser#ing the capacity of

Math Etymology and Definitions

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denominator number of e(ual parts into which a unit is di#ided, something shared or held in common (M ! denominator a namer, denoter, ( ! denomina(re) (( ! de from, away from, of, out of $ ( ! nominatus (past participle of ( ! nominare to name, call by name!! to gi#e a name to, designate, denote $ ( ! tor forms #erb into personal agent noun remainder (uantity that is left after subtraction, portion of a di#idend that is not e#enly di#isible by the di#isor ( ! remanere to stay behind, ( ! re again, bac" $ ( ! manere to stay di#ision sign parentheses, solidus, obelus, colon, see http.//*eff0123tripod3com/mathsym3html solidus a #irgule, a short obli(ue stro"e (/! between a di#idend and a di#isor ( ! solidus a solid, ( ! virgula rod, strea" obelus a mar" ( or ! used to point out spurious, corrupt, doubtful or superfluous operations history of subtraction and di#ision. late, use considered corruption of addition and multiplication ('"! obelos spit, pointed pillar #inculum bond that signifies union or unity, to be considered together, fetter, binding symbol ( ! vinculum (gerund of ( ! vinc(ire) to bind! bond, tie, fetter (uotient number of times one (uantity is contained in another ( ! (uotiens how many times exponent the (uotient arising when an antecedent is di#ided by a conse(uent ( ! exponent(us) (present participle of ( ! exponere to expound, to put out, set forth, explain (( ! ex out of, from, beyond $ ( ! pon place! $ ( ! ens characteri+ed by! ratio number of times one magnitude contains another ( ! ratio a rec"oning, account, calculation, ( ! reri to *udge, thin" $ ( ! ion action, condition fraction a ratio or proportional number, small part or segment of a whole ( ! fract(us) (past participle of ( ! frangere to brea"! a brea"ing $ ( ! ion action, condition proportion a comparati#e relation (analogous to an analogy! ( ! proportio symmetry, analogy, ( ! pro for, before $ ( ! portio share, part, ( ! pars part proportion symbol double colon, see http.//*eff0123tripod3com/mathsym3html subtraction act of withdrawing ( ! subtractio, ( ! sub under $ ( ! tract(us) (past participle of ( ! trahere to draw! $ ion action subtract ( ! subtract(us) a withdrawing, ( ! sub under $ ( ! tract(us) (past participle of ( ! trahere to draw! minus less, less by the subtraction of, decrease by, lac"ing or without ( ! minu (neutral of ( ! minor smaller, less! less minuend a number from which another is subtracted ( ! minuendum (gerund!, ( ! minuendus (gerundi#e of minuere to lessen, diminish! to be diminished subtrahend a number subtracted from another ( ! subtrahendum (gerund of subtrahere to draw away from, underneath! thing being withdrawn remainder (uantity that is left after subtraction, portion of a di#idend that is not e#enly di#isible by the di#isor ( ! remanere to stay behind, ( ! re again, bac" $ ( ! manere to stay minus sign obelus, see http.//*eff0123tripod3com/mathsym3html obelus a mar" ( or ! used to point out spurious, corrupt, doubtful or superfluous operations history of subtraction and di#ision late, use considered corruption of addition and multiplication ('"! obelos spit, pointed pillar difference dissimilarity, unli"eness, disagreement, (to hold the! distance between ( ! differentia (( ! differe to bear apart (( ! dif apart $ ( ! ferre to bear!! $ ( ! ent characteri+ed by differentiation dragging orthogonally to erase, differ, #ary or measure difference or #ariation ( ! differentiare to discriminate (past participle of ( ! differe to set apart! $ ( ! ion action, condition differential that which differs or #aries according to circumstances or rele#ant factors (M ! differentialis, ( ! differentia (( ! differe to bear apart (( ! dif apart $ ( ! ferre to bear!! $ ('"! al of the "ind of, pertaining to, ha#ing the form or character of deri#ati#e measure of how something changes according to circumstances or rele#ant factors ( ! derivativus (past participle of ( ! derivare to flow, pour out, deri#e, originate, lead or draw off from its source!

Math Etymology and Definitions deri#e

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to trace the origin or de#elopment of ( ! derivare to flow, pour out, deri#e, originate, lead or draw off from its source calculus measurement of rates of change (differentiation! and (uantities under changing conditions (integration! ( ! calculus rec"oning, account, pebble, rec"oning counter, ( ! calx (geniti#e of calcis! limestone integration dragging orthogonally to trace, include, fill, in#erse of differentiation ( ! integrationem renewal, restoration, ( ! integratus to render whole (past participle of ( ! integrare to ma"e whole, ( ! integer whole! $ ( ! ion action, condition integrate combining or adding parts to ma"e a unified whole ( ! integratus to render whole (past participle of ( ! integrare to ma"e whole, ( ! integer whole! integral of or pertaining to a whole (M ! integralis forming a whole, ( ! integer whole integer whole, complete, unco#ered ( ! in not $ ( ! tegere to co#er (root of ( ! tangere to touch! tangent touching or coinciding at one point without crossing or intersecting point where the slope of a line e(uals the slope of a cur#e ( ! tangentem (gerund of ( ! tangere to touch! meeting at a point without intersecting osculation "issing, touching or coinciding at three or more points without crossing or intersecting ( ! osculationem action of "issing, ( ! osculum (gerund of ( ! osculare to "iss! "iss, little mouth (( ! os mouth! $ ( ! ion action,condition secant cutting through with crossing/intersecting, synonym of transversal ( ! secantem cutting, ( ! secare to cut $ ( ! entem #erb ad*ecti#e trans#ersal lying across (M ! transversalis, ( ! transvertere turn across (( ! trans across $ ( ! vertere to turn! trans#erse cross or lie across ( ! transvertere turn across (( ! trans across $ ( ! vertere to turn! chord line segment connecting two points on a cur#e ( ! chorde gut, string, ('"! khorde gut)string, string of a lyre, tripe cur#e locus or surface that bends in a smooth, continuous way without sharp angles ( ! curvus croo"ed, cur#ed, bent, ( ! curvare to bend circle plane cur#e e#erywhere e(uidistant from a gi#en fixed point ( ! circulus small ring, ( ! circus ring spiral plane cur#e that winds around a fixed point at a constantly or continuously #arying distance from the point ( ! spira coil, ('"! speira coil, twist, wreath helix three)dimensional cur#e that winds e(uidistantly around a fixed axis while mo#ing parallel to the axis ('"! helix (geniti#e of ('"! helikos turn, twist, roll! spiral funnel three)dimensional cur#e that winds around a fixed axis at a constantly or continuously #arying distance while mo#ing parallel to the axis, combination of a spiral and a helix ( ! infundibulum (gerund of ( ! infundere pour in (( ! in in $ fundere pour!! funnel, hopper #olute winding, spiral or whorled formation ( ! voluta a spiral scroll, ( ! volvere to roll, turn, re#ol#e, turn around in#olute any cur#e normal to all the tangents to another cur#e ( ! involut(us! (past participle of ( ! involvere to wrap, en#elope, co#er, roll in or up (( ! in in $ ( ! volvere to roll, turn, re#ol#e!! e#olute en#elope of normals to a cur#e, locus of centers of cur#ature and of oscillating circles ( ! evolut(us! (past participle of ( ! evolvere to unroll, unfold, open (( ! ex out of, from, beyond, utterly, thoroughly $ ( ! volvere to roll, turn, re#ol#e!! pedal locus of intersections of all tangents to a cur#e and all normals dropped from these tangents to a common fixed point ( ! pedalis of the foot (( ! pes (geniti#e of ( ! pedis! foot $ ('"! al of the "ind of, pertaining to, ha#ing the form or character of! normal standing at a right angle, being perpendicular to a tangent of a cur#e or a surface ( ! normalis made according to a carpenter:s s(uare, ( ! norma rule, pattern, carpenter:s s(uare

Math Etymology and Definitions

Shawn Urban 1

Glossary of Etymological Grammar (dealt with in this limited dictionary)

'E67;7,E a noun that modifies another noun ( ! (casus) genitivus case expressing possession, source, origin, ( ! genitus (past participle of ( ! gignere to beget! a #erbal noun that names the #erb action or state without specifying a sub*ect ( ! infinitivus indefinite, ( ! in negati#e of $ ( ! finitivus definite a #erbal noun, usually ending in ing in English, that denotes an action as a thing or e#ent ( ! gerund(us) to be carried on, ( ! ger(ere) to bear, carry on $ ( ! undus gerundi#e ending (undum, endum, andum! a #erbal noun, usually an infiniti#e preceded by to in English, of the accusati#e and dati#e) ablati#e cases ( ! supinus lying face up, inacti#e, ( ! supinare to lay face up a #erbal ad*ecti#e, usually ending in ing in English, that denotes the obligation, necessity or worthiness of the action (undus, endus, andus! ( ! gerund(um) to be carried on $ ( ! i#us tendency, disposition, function, connection a #erbal ad*ecti#e, or a complement to an auxillary, usually ending in ing (present! or ed (past! in English, that denotes participation in the action or state of the #erb ( ! particeps ta"ing part, ( ! pars part $ ( ! capere to ta"e $ ( ! s singular ending

76&767;7,E 'E<U6D SU=76E

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6ote. #erb (-ure, -ere, -are! gerundi#e (-undus, -endus, -andus! gerund (-undum, -endum, -andum! #erb (-ure, -ere, -are! past participle (-(t)us, -(t)ivus! (Disclaimer. 7 am not an expert in atin, so my interpretation from the examples here is not definiti#e3!

Dictionary3com, ?3 (42143! Dictionary com3 http.//dictionary3reference3com/

&lexner, S3@3 (1AA53! !andom "ouse #nabridged Dictionary$ %econd &dition <andom Bouse, 7nc3 6ew Cor", 6C3 &oster, ;imothy3 (42113! 'he (atin Dictionary http.//latindictionary3wi"idot3com/ 'o#e, =3@3 (1AA53! )ebster*s 'hird +ew ,nternational Dictionary of the &nglish (anguage #nabridged Merriam) Debster, 7nc3 Springfield, M>3 Barper, Douglas3 (42143! -nline &tymological Dictionary3 http.//www3etymonline3com/index3php Math >cademy %nline3 (42143! .latonic !ealms ,nteractive /athematics &ncyclopedia http.//www3mathacademy3com/pr/prime/ Simmons, @ruce3 (42113! /athwords0 'erms and 1ormulas from 2eginning 3lgebra to 4alculus http.//www3mathwords3com/ Deisstein, Eric D3 (42143! )olfram /ath)orld http.//mathworld3wolfram3com/

For the love of math concepts and their original conception !he words we "se to define and descri#e reveal how we perceive the concepts we define
#pdated0 1ebruary 56$ 5715 (fixed references to gerunds, gerundi#esE spiral, funnel. changed constant to constantly!

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