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p~ ~ kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!

p~ ~ J kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM


The qualilicalion is divided inlo lwo unils. Unil LD!. Managemenl ol environmenlal risk
and Unil LD2. Applicalion ol environmenlal risk lheory and praclice.

r baNW j~~ ~

b q



Principles ol environmenlal risk

9 4

Lnvironmenlal risk evalualion

9 4

Conlrol slralegies lor
environmenlal risks

7 5

Moniloring, review and audil

5 5

Developmenls in environmenlal

5 6

Lnvironmenlal legislalive
lramework and melhods ol

7 6

Public access lo environmenlal

5 7

p~ ~ kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!


Civil liabilily in relalion lo
environmenlal pollulion

5 7

Solid and liquid wasles

!3 8

Caseous and parliculale releases
lo almosphere

!3 8

Waler resources managemenl

!0 9

Conlrol ol environmenlal

5 9

Hazardous subslances

6 !0

Lnvironmenlal implicalions ol
developmenl and land use

8 !0

Lnergy use and elliciency

6 !!


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b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!


r baOW j~~ ~

b q



Managemenl ol environmenlal




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j ~ NSM

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p~ ~ kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!


r baNW j~~ ~

b NW m ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

!.! Lxplain lhe earlh's nalural cycles and how lhe principles ol suslainabilily are
being adopled

!.2 Lxplain lhe reasons lor managing environmenlal risk

!.3 Lxplain lhe principles ol environmenlal hazard idenlilicalion, risk assessmenl,
and risk conlrol.

o ~ V

b OW b~ ~~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

2.! Lvaluale risks lo lhe environmenl arising lrom workplace aclivilies and
subslances released lo lhe environmenl

2.2 ldenlily when an environmenlal assessmenl is required and undersland lhe
processes underlying preparalion and submission ol a lormal Lnvironmenlal

o ~ V

p~ ~ kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!

b PW ` ~ ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

3.! Describe appropriale risk conlrol measures
3.2 Lxplain a syslemalic approach lo environmenlal risk managemenl
3.3 Describe lhe requiremenls ol emergency plans lor lheir organisalion, including
lheir developmenl, moniloring and mainlenance.

o ~ T

b QW jI ~ ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.
4.! Describe appropriale indicalors lhal may rellecl an organisalion's environmenlal
managemenl perlormance
4.2 Describe appropriale moniloring lechniques and dillerenliale belween aclive
(pro-aclive) moniloring and reaclive moniloring.

o R

p~ ~ kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!

b RW a ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

5.! Describe lhe laclors which have inlluenced lhe developmenl ol environmenlal
law in lhe UK during lhe second hall ol lhe 20lh cenlury and lhe lirsl parl ol
lhe 2!sl cenlury

5.2 Describe lhe slalus and procedures lor lhe crealion ol UK Acls and Pegulalions

5.3 Describe lhe arrangemenls lor implemenling LC Direclives in UK law

5.4 ldenlily loreseeable changes in UK environmenlal law arising lrom proposed and
drall LC Direclives.

o ~ R

b SW b~ ~ ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

6.! Lxplain lhe slalulory obligalions imposed on lhe organisalion by lhe Pollulion
Prevenlion and Conlrol Acl !999 and ils associaled Pegulalions
6.2 Describe lhe powers ol inspeclors, dillerenl lypes ol enlorcemenl aclion and
lheir implicalions.

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p~ ~ kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!

b TW m ~ ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

7.! Lxplain lhe lormal and conlenl ol inlormalion lhal is available lo lhe public lhal
is relevanl lo an organisalion's environmenlal perlormance

7.2 Describe lhe aclivilies ol Non-governmenlal organisalions in making inlormalion
available lo lhe public

7.3 Peview melhods ol presenling inlormalion on environmenlal managemenl
perlormance in publicly available reporls.

o ~ R

b UW ` ~ ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

8.! ldenlily lhe dulies owed in common law by organisalions and occupiers ol land
in respecl ol environmenlal pollulion

8.2 Lxplain lhe legal principles ol decided cases and civil aclion.

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p~ ~ kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!

b VW p ~ ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

9.! Describe wasles and ellluenls and delermine lheir calegory

9.2 Lxplain lhe relevanl legal requiremenls lor lhe managemenl ol wasle and

9.3 Describe slralegies lor moniloring wasle and ellluenls

9.4 Describe slralegies lor minimising wasle and ellluenls

9.5 ldenlily appropriale conlrol slralegies and measures lor solid and liquid wasles.

o ~ NP

b NMW d~ ~ ~~ ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

!0.! Describe lhe characlerislics ol emissions lo lhe almosphere and assess whelher
emissions are likely lo be subjecl lo specilic legal requiremenls

!0.2 Lxplain lhe relevanl legal requiremenls lor lhe managemenl ol emissions lo

!0.3 Describe slralegies lor moniloring almospheric emissions

!0.4 Describe appropriale conlrol slralegies and measures lor releases lo

o ~ NP
p~ ~ kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!

b NNW t~ ~~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

!!.! Describe lhe lramework in which waler is managed wilhin lhe UK

!!.2 Describe lhe characlerislics ol polluling subslances released lo waler and assess
whelher releases are subjecl lo specilic legal requiremenls

!!.3 Lxplain lhe relevanl legal requiremenls lor lhe prevenlion or conlrol ol
discharges lo, or abslraclion lrom, conlrolled walers

!!.4 ldenlily appropriale conlrols lor slralegies and melhods lor prevenlion and
conlrol ol polluling maller lo conlrolled waler.

o ~ NM

b NOW ` ~ ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

!2.! Describe lhe characlerislics ol noise and advise on measuremenl and assessmenl
ol environmenlal noise levels

!2.2 Describe conlrol slralegies and melhods lor lhe conlrol ol environmenlal
nuisance wilh relerence lo relevanl legal requiremenls.

o ~ R
p~ ~ kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!

b NPW e~~ ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

!3.! Describe lhe environmenlal aspecls ol lhe legal requiremenls allecling supply,
slorage, use and lransporl ol hazardous subslances

!3.2 ldenlily lhe legislalion allecling use ol peslicides.

o ~ S

b NQW b~ ~
~ ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

!4.! Lxplain lhe environmenlal aspecls ol developing and managing land

!4.2 ldenlily hazards and assess risks associaled wilh conlaminalion ol soil and
groundwaler and advise managemenl on lhe oplions lor remedial lrealmenl.

o ~ U
p~ ~ kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!


b NRW b ~


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale
underslanding ol lhe conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and
unlamiliar silualions. ln parlicular lhey should be able lo.

!5.! Lxplain lhe environmenlal aspecls ol and legal requiremenls lor business use ol

!5.2 Describe slralegies and aclions lo reduce overall energy use and manage carbon

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b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!


r baOW ^~ ~
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Demonslrale lhe abilily lo apply lhe knowledge and underslanding gained lrom lhe
sludy ol elemenls ol Unil LD! in a praclical environmenl
Carry oul a delailed review ol lhe environmenlal audil ol a workplace or
Crilically analyse and evaluale inlormalion galhered during lhe review
Produce a juslilied aclion plan lo improve perlormance.


This unil conlains no addilional syllabus conlenl. However, complelion ol sludy lor unil
LD! is recommended in order underlake lhe unil LD2 projecl.
lurlher delailed inlormalion regarding Unil LD2 including lorms and mark schemes can
be lound in a separale guidance documenl lor candidales and accrediled course
providers available lrom lhe NL8OSH websile (
p~ ~ kb_lpe k~~ a~
b~ j~~ Ep OMNM ~F

NL8OSH 20!!

r ~ ~
r baN

Llemenls !-!5 are assessed by one lhree-hour examinalion. Candidale scripls are
marked by exlernal examiners appoinled by NL8OSH.

r baO
The workplace-based projecl is assessed via a complelion ol an environmenlal audil
prolorma and a wrillen reporl ol around 4,000 words. Projecls are inlernally assessed
by lhe course provider and exlernally moderaled by NL8OSH.

c ~

The lull syllabus and lurlher inlormalion regarding lhe projecl unil is available in lhe
NL8OSH Cuide lo lhe qualilicalion available lor purchase via lhe NL8OSH websile

sW N
p~ ~W p OMNM
p~ ~ ~ ~W k OMNM

q k~~ b~~ _~ l~~ p~ ~ e~ Ekb_lpeFI
a t~I j~ _ m~I i ibNV NntK

Pegislered Charily Number. !0!0444

Telephone. +44 (0) !!6 263 4700
lax. +44 (0) !!6 282 4000

LD SS!7!!!0 v!

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