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International Student Exchange (2014-15) - Application Form

Page 1 o 4
! " j"' 1.. ,", -t-- , j
Indian In#titute o $anagement Indore
Po#t %raduate Programme
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liM NDO.t
I/0E1/A0I2/A3 S045E/0 E678A/%E P12%1A$$E (2014-15)
APP3I7A0I2/ F21$
(0o 9e #u9mitted to the P%P 2ice 9: $onda:; Fe9 10; 2014 late#t 9: <*00 P$)
/ame * (1t(='+*1A 'j.A&.f1f?.w/t L 1oll /o(
1oom /o( ( 5ate o 9irth
Email id * .~,m~J.,.~k~Z.I.f)Arn~/i)~~
(OtberthallIIMIid) U U U 7ontact /o(
* P%P (( 2(0l<P,%*dt'>(>*(#
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* $ale I Female
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2( Pa##port /o( * ((( J.9.~,2~.d2.t............... Expir: 5ate (((( 0.1.(02-./2.0.2'2.. ...
7ountrie# li@ed in or @i#ited* N!3-
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L ,,, .., ,, ,,, ,., , , ,., ,L" .." ,,, " " " ,,, i ((+
Experience a9road*
<( 3anguage* Plea#e indicate :ou proicienc: o language# AnoBn on a #cale o 1 to < a# under*
1 - Elementar: AnoBledge
2 - $oderate luenc:
< - Fluent
.................................. (( _ C 'D((((((((( (( - - _ _." _ C(((((((((((((((((( . -
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International Student Exchange (2014-15) - Application Fonn
4( Educational 5etail#*
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5( Proe##ional 5etail#*
5o :ou ha@e an: prior BorA experience* Ke# L '
f :e#; plea#e gi@e the detail# o :our BorA experience 9eloB*
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>( 7o - 7urricular and Extra 7urricular acti@itie# at 00$ Indore (till date)
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(Plea#e u#e an additional #hed; i reOuired)
Page 2 o 4
International Student Exchange (2014 -15) - Application Form
Page < o 4
-( )hat do :ou AnoB a9out the exchange partner in#titution#).
P( ,6Lhat eed9acA ha@e :ou recei@ed rom participant# Bho are currentl: #tud:ing in the exchange
in#titution(#) L ha@e completed a term in the exchange in#titute(#).
...lhe rrudt'DtJ>...B*hr5(hD:(c( +,-n.lJt.J ..~.. .\'v., t*h L .
((((t(il+;,-1e.. /01,(J,'t.f.eJ, ...M 10(( 5.JJ5 he)....Bith ((f:hf.J',;, ...$P.l..~ ..
......fh f),
t() in#$u+;' (((ket~ e
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en !&"~ ..#..S d-* C{) nl! 7,n89' ... lL$ # .H,~5j"D"t'.r.i eJ..0Ib.e.
)...J:-11. -
10( QRhat credi'd do :ou plan to &taAe Bhile on exchange. r
(((((2((Y(.(~(.kH.( ((%#? e ~~f-:~ .
lntcrnational Student Exchange (20l4-15) - Application Form
11( In a9out a hundred Bord#; explain Bh: :ou Bant to #tud: a9road and hoB :ou hope thi# Exchange
Programme Bill impact :our academic; proe##ional and per#onal de@elopment(
(((+((t( (.M) ll...1+;SI("+'&&u'( ()(,n~JO.;<=>
?J.~'t.-.1@.. Je(:+P&D'D(.t
..( ~$.ll.~~ . AB9.t0-h. $()In(~.J:w 5.~~. o 75( n.Q.~('_R.. ~r:\d. .
..)Cff.f~D9JE. .....t&~..'(f~$ttJf.) 4&.~4.~ ..0fh~.
((!5( ((T(7. (( mR(ch (( K(lo)*1(U;C(+i' ((' 7+)+(+ ((h1:(e( (( e:\(~..fb~~ B(o+;+
....h.~'f...t*,... c1e(o+*i( V:1 .. Su); e...()..... .rri: .. ()61( r~ +(C (.,IlJ:lll+J ..iL1d
k,~r(t/Je), 090hnF~' .i< ,.. A'"DD*" r"./;J{ f%1099 0m1rr.,
..,.+t'fff,- ...w.:if.! O#G,e.1H.,.IJJ .J. .+, ,w. ;Jl.~h/.rJ>h.J.),., b2A1~!..

mt,+1=( n 0..(:t.O/., ).li K .. ).,LK0J M, ,iMJ.d., !I),r.,b.rnJ' "S 3A.f0M, A1).,/:h, J-

~f.,\,m.JJ, ,A(e( ((Hm~ ..11..+-
t' ((#(im}h~..k'9N;J. (5(((( !'JOM t0
12( $edical itne##* a#e gi@e detail# o an: exi#ting ph:#ical di#a9ilit: or chronic illne##; including
mental illne##; Bhich could aect :our #ta: and #tudie# i #elected or the exchange progr-amme(
0hi# inormation will 9e Aept conidential(
......... ,N.tL ~ .
1<( Financial Inormation*
8oB do :ou intend to inance :our participation in the exchange programme*
' 0 3oan 0 2ther (plea#e #tate) (
I undertaAe that all the inormation #tated a9o@e i( true to the 9e#t o m: AnoBledge(
I here9: declare that 1 am intere#ted in thi# programme and if #elected I Bill go a# Exchange Student to the
W-School I am #elected or( In ca#e 1 am not a9le to go or exchange; I Bill he lia9le to pa: the applica9le
penalt: to In#titute( I Bill 9e lia9le to 9ear an: co#t incurred due to #uch cancellation and an: due# to 9e
#ettled Bith the exchange uni@er#it: allotted to me(
I al#o declare that I Bill a9ide 9: all rule# and regulation o parent and ho#t in#titution#; a# applica9le rom
time to time(
5ace* ((( 21/03./.2QJ.Y .....:
Page 4 o 4
, rn ,2-./ ~~ k:tM"vl OJ] A 'iAJ1 B+ parent / guardian of
A A J 3;;'w j agoing on the Exchange Programme during September -
DecembeC iAo r rm TV) d
6.n e hereby affirm that am in complete
knowledge of his decision to go on the Exchange Programme. grant him my consent for. the
same. also understand that A g~, ~ 7I+1 B(Ci will be solely responsible
for himself while on the Exchange prograr~: .
Date: 2:7 I 0 '$ J 2 Q

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