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through Bertha Dudde 7627

Unification .... Blissfulness of the images of God ....

The final aim of your earthly life is the union ith !e .... "ou should ha#e found unification ith !e $y the time the hour of your death a%%roaches& you should %ass o#er into the other realm ithout fear and dread& you should only change your a$ode and mo#e into your %arental home hich you had left eternities ago .... "ou should ha#e found your ay home to !e and $e ha%%y again& as you ere in the $eginning. This is the %ur%ose and goal of your earthly life& and to arri#e at this goal should $e your constant am$ition& since it is achievable for you. ' (m not demanding the im%ossi$le from you. "ou are !y children& you came from !e and it has to $e your natural am$ition to return to the Father& $ecause your Father)s lo#e dra s you and $ecause& after all& you ere originally created in !y image .... The unity ith !e& therefore& has to $e more in accordance ith your hole $eing than the distance .... For this reason you ha#e ne#er $een ha%%y $eing so far a ay& and you cannot $e ha%%y again until e ha#e $een united& $ecause $eing united ith !e also means $eing enlightened $y !y lo#e again& hich is e*ual to unimagina$le $liss. "ou are !y creations and $elong irre#oca$ly to !e .... "ou deserted !e due to your misguided ill and misguided thin+ing .... But as soon as your ill and thought are in the right order once more you ill also loo+ for unification ith !e& you ill do e#erything to decrease the %re#ious distance and indeed

succeed during your earthly life $ecause ' long for this unification !yself and therefore ill hel% you too .... $ecause !y lo#e %ulls you and you cannot resist this lo#e hen you ha#e acce%ted the right order again .... (nd you can e,%ect a truly mar#ellous fate indeed hen you ha#e united ith !e .... The realm of light is once again o%en to you& you can or+ in strength& light and freedom in accordance ith your ill hich& ho e#er& is also !y ill .... "ou ill $e a$le to en-oy the +ind of %leasures you ha#e ne#er dreamt of .... you ill see and hear hat your eyes and ears ha#e ne#er seen and heard on earth for ' ha#e %re%ared immeasura$le ha%%iness for those ho are !ine& ho lo#e !e and therefore ha#e united ith !e fore#er. Because lo#e em$races Father and child ith a heartfelt $ond .... lo#e& hich should $e +indled ithin you during your earthly life and hich then radiates through the human heart& esta$lishes a connection ith !e as .ternal lo#e .... the human $eing can then acce%t his original essence again and $ecomes hat ' !yself ha#e eternally $een/ lo#e .... (nd thus the human $eing ho has transformed himself into lo#e once again has to $e inse%ara$ly -oined to !e& he has to $e enlightened $y !y lo#e as he as in the $eginning& he has to $e so close to !e that e are com%letely merged $y lo#e& and therefore his return to !e must ha#e occurred& hich as al ays the %ur%ose and goal of his earthly life .... (nd this relationshi% can no longer lead to a return to the a$yss .... The $eing has %assed its test of #olition& it has transformed itself from 0God)s li#ing creation) into 0God)s child)& it has achie#ed %erfection on earth& it has regained all *ualities and a$ilities hich it once had renounced due to its desertion from !e .... (nd ' ha#e achie#ed !y goal .... !y eternal %lan of sal#ation has $een successfully com%leted $y that $eing& i.e. hat ' could not 0create) has ne#ertheless $een achie#ed $y this %lan of sal#ation/ God1li+e $eings .... 2hildren& hose o n free will and not !y

omnipotence& has turned them into %erfected $eings .... Only no ha#e ' %ro%er 0children) ho are !y images in e#ery ay .... ho can create and or+ $y !y side and ithin !y ill and yet use their o n ill hich& ho e#er& com%letely corres%onds to !ine $ecause this is intrinsic to %erfection. "ou humans can achie#e this goal $ecause ' !yself long for the unification ith you and truly ill do e#erything to guide you to the goal if your ill su$mits to mine .... if you illingly acce%t !y guidance& if you fully and consciously stri#e for unification ith !e and li#e in lo#e on earth .... Then e#ery gesture of lo#e shall $ring you closer to !e& then you ill allo !y %resence ithin you& and then union has to follo $ecause 0 hoe#er li#es in lo#e li#es in !e and ' in him ....) 2onse*uently& lo#e is the $ond that loc+s us together and then is eternally inse%ara$le ....


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