7629 Sincere Desire For Truth Guarantees Truth ....

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through Bertha Dudde 7629

Sincere desire for truth guarantees truth ....

Understand that it only re uires a sincere desire for truth in order to !e a!le to recei"e it .... #et this sincere desire is rarely to !e found$ e"en though e"ery %erson clai&s to stri"e for truth. But this$ too$ is 'ust so&ething %eo%le say (ithout s%ending any thought on it$ gi"en that the desire for truth ought to arise fro& dee% (ithin the heart and not lea"e the %erson again .... he should dread nothing &ore than falling %rey to error$ and therefore he has to a%%roach )e in his heart and a%%eal to )e to i&%art the truth to hi&. *nd it (ill !e gi"en to hi& .... +f$ ho(e"er$ the hu&an !eing has recei"ed ,no(ledge and holds on to this ,no(ledge (ithout e"er ha"ing chec,ed that it is true$ then it (ill also !e difficult to offer hi& the truth if it does not corres%ond to his ,no(ledge$ for he (ill refuse to let go of his ,no(ledge in e-change for the %ure truth .... +n that case he lac,s the inner desire for truth$ and he (ill also !e inca%a!le of e-a&ining it !ecause he fails to &a,e contact (ith )e$ !ecause he fails to a%%eal to )e for s%iritual enlighten&ent in order to !e a!le to for& a correct o%inion. .his is (hy it is not al(ays %ossi!le to con"ey the %ure truth to earth$ this is (hy so &uch s%iritual infor&ation is assu&ed to !e true although it cannot lay clai& to it. *nd yet it is endorsed as truth .... es%ecially if it originated fro& the s%iritual ,ingdo&$ if %eo%le !elie"e that they definitely ha"e recei"ed the truth.

But since the reci%ient/s sincere desire is a %rere uisite for the con"eyance of truth$ the 0origin fro& the s%iritual ,ingdo&/ does not al(ays guarantee the truth of (hat is trans&itted to earth .... rather$ it necessitates serious e-a&ination. *nd this has to !e conducted (ith )e$ (ith )y su%%ort. For the s%iritual ,ingdo& also shelters !eings of dar,ness or i&%erfect !eings (hich still u%hold the incorrect ,no(ledge they ha"e ta,en across fro& earth and (hich they 'ust as eagerly endorse in the ,ingdo& of the !eyond as they ha"e done on earth. .he hu&an !eing is una!le to detach hi&self fro& (hat he lo"es e"en in the s%iritual ,ingdo&. *nd that is significant for his %rocess of de"elo%&ent$ since it can last eternities until such a soul has li!erated itself$ until it finally starts to acce%t the truth. But it can influence %eo%le in the s%iritual ,ingdo& detri&entally if it finds (illing %eo%le to (ho& it can &entally trans&it (rong infor&ation or through state&ents &ade to %eo%le (ho consider the&sel"es &ediu&s (ho consciously esta!lish contact fro& earth to the s%iritual ,ingdo&. Such contact can and (ill only !e !eneficial if the hu&an !eing is go"erned !y the sincere desire for truth and al(ays a%%eals for su%%ort through )y s%irit .... .hen there (ill !e no ris,$ then the %erson (ill !uild a fir& (all around hi&self (hich ignorant !eings cannot o"erste% and only the (orld of light (ill ha"e access to hi&$ (hich (ill truly only i&%art the truth fro& )e !ecause it (or,s on )y instructions and !ecause it is )y (ill that you shall !e taught the %ure truth .... *nd e"eryone should e-a&ine hi&self as to (hat e-tent he wants the truth .... 1e shall fear error and al(ays %ray to )e for %rotection fro& it and his a%%eal (ill !e granted$ for + )yself (ant you hu&ans to li"e in truth2 + )yself (ant you to recei"e it$ hence + (ill also %ro"ide you (ith the o%%ortunity$ al(ays assu&ing that the sa&e (ill for truth is inherent in you (hich is your certain %rotection fro& &isguided s%iritual infor&ation$ fro& erroneous thin,ing and (rong inter%retation of (hat you are offered. For the truth3desiring hu&an !eing (ill also ha"e the right

%o(er of 'udg&ent$ !ecause + con"ey it to hi& at the sa&e ti&e as the truth and therefore he is also a!le to e-a&ine the "alue of the s%iritual infor&ation. + )yself *& the .ruth$ + )yself (ant to enter into contact (ith )y li"ing creations and thus + also (ant )y li"ing creations to li"e in truth .... *nd + (ill %rotect the& fro& the influence of !eings (hich try to s%read error and disguise the&sel"es as !eings of light in order to decei"e you into !eco&ing "icti&s of &isconce%tions. .he close !ond (ith )e also guarantees correct thin,ing$ correct instruction$ it guarantees you the trans&ission of truth through the s%irit .... For the s%iritual s%ar, inside of you is %art of )e$ and it (ill truly instruct you correctly .... #ou should all endea"our to !e directly taught !y your s%irit so that you (on/t need to a!ide !y trans&issions fro& the s%iritual (orld (hich you cannot "erify !ecause you don/t ,no( the s%iritual state of those (ho recei"e such channelled &essages .... for there is al(ays a great danger of interference !y !eings (ho lac, realisation .... But (here"er )y s%irit is at (or, you (ill ,no( that + s%ea, to you )yself and that + really i&%art the truth to you !ecause + (ant )y li"ing creations on earth to li"e in truth .... !ecause only through truth can they attain )e and therefore also !liss ....


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