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10 Small Ways to Gain Respect as a Leader -

10 Small Ways to Gain Respect as a Leader

by Cheri Swales / Monster Contributing Writer

November 25, 2008 Respect is not something handed to you when you take on a new leadership role. It is an essential leadership quality that you must build over time. Unfortunately, there is no step-by-step method for gaining respect in a leadership role. Several major areas require your attention, but many leaders overlook small gestures that get big reactions from staff members. You hear the phrase Dont sweat the small stuff in stress-control seminars. But when it comes to respect, you absolutely must sweat the small stuff. Here are 10 small things you can do daily to gain the respect of your staff. 1. Maintain a Positive Attitude People rarely respect negative leaders. Instead, they typically ridicule them behind their backs. Negativity sends the message that youre bitter or mean; it develops fear, not respect. 2. Be Available to Employees Dont just have an open-door policy; make time to talk with employees and ask their opinions. Employees want to think they have the bosss ear and can come to you when they have issues. 3. Offer to Help a Staff Member No matter how busy you are, when you walk through your work area and notice an employee who needs assistance, offer some. Step in and get your hands dirty. It wont go unnoticed. 4. Tell Staff What to Do, Not How to Do It Effective delegation is an important part of becoming a good leader. Understand that employees are looking to develop their skills, so when you delegate, give them an important task to accomplish. Then stand back and let them figure out how to do it. When you tell employees how to do the task, they feel mistrusted and perhaps worthless. It is difficult to trust a leader who cant let go. 5. Value Differences Dont hire people just like you. Bring in a qualified staff and show you value everyones differences by asking for input and encouraging everyone to work together as a team. 6. Listen Actively When employees talk with you, show interest and enthusiasm for their thoughts. Lean forward, share acknowledgment and paraphrase back to them what you heard them say. When you actively listen, you are not thinking about what you will say next. Be with them in the moment. 7. Laugh and Have Some Fun Occasionally Dont take everything so seriously that you cant laugh on occasion. When pressure is high and the things need to get done, a little levity can make the work much more enjoyable. When you laugh, it also shows you are human, and 1/2


10 Small Ways to Gain Respect as a Leader -

that goes a long way with employees. 8. Share Compliments Compliment your staff on a job well done. Make sure the compliment is sincere and personal. It is always best to share a compliment when the act is fresh. After or even during a good presentation, giving an OK or thumbs-up sign will make your employees day. 9. Know What You Want It is difficult to respect someone who is not sure what he wants. If you manage a production line, is your goal to meet or beat the schedule or to get the product out under cost? The goal is not nearly as important as knowing what it is. 10. Be Congruent at All Times Are what you say and what you do the same? Its amazing in corporate America how many leaders send mixed messages. For instance, consider the manager who says he wants ideas from his staff and then proceeds to put down every idea brought to him. Without respect, it could be difficult for you to accomplish your job. Marilyn Johnson, owner of a small computer company in Indianapolis, shares her quest for respect: I was so enthusiastic when I started my company that I tried to do everything for everyone. I spent all day telling my employees how to do their jobs. After two years, my employees started leaving in droves. One man told me he just didnt respect a leader who couldnt let go.


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