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Oct, 2006

PASOLINK V4 LCT Training Manual

Technical & Quality Center XNEC


Part1 Part2 Part3



PASOLINK Introduction





PASOLINK Introduction


The Pasolink equipment can be configured controlled and monitored locally using the Local Craft Terminal (LCT). Using the LCT it is possible to monitor the local Indoor Unit and related Out Door Unit A personal computer can be used as the LCT and terminal software like windows Hyper terminal can be used to communicate with the IDU. The terminal software, communications parameters should be set as follows Bits per second 9600 Data bits 8 Parity None Stop bits 2 Flow Control Hardware Emulation VT100 Video Terminal Transmission Add CR/LE at end of line: yes Local Echo: No (Send line ends with line feeds: yes )* (Echo typed characters locally: No)* Receiving CR : No Return to the right edge : Yes Force incoming data to 7-bit ASCII: No (Append line feed to incoming line feeds :no)* (Force incoming data to 7-bit ASCII: No)* (Wrap lines that exceed terminal width: Yes)* * Settings for Windows Hyper Terminal


PASOLINK Introduction


The Remote Pasolink equipment (opposite station ) can be configured controlled and monitored from the local IDU using the Local Craft Terminal (LCT). Connect the LCT to the NMS/RA port. Using the LCT it is possible to monitor the Remote Indoor Unit and related Out Door Unit Remote configuring/monitoring is not possible when the PM card is mounted or during HBER alarm condition. A personal computer can be used as the LCT and terminal software like windows Hyper terminal can be used to communicate with the IDU. The terminal software, communications parameters should be set as follows: Bits per second Data bits Parity Stop bits Flow Control Emulation Transmission

9600 8 None 2 Hardware VT100 Video Terminal Add CR/LE at end of line: yes Local Echo: No (Send line ends with line feeds: yes)* (Echo typed characters locally: No)* Receiving CR : No Return to the right edge : Yes Force incoming data to 7-bit ASCII: No (Append line feed to incoming line feeds :no )* (Force incoming data to 7-bit ASCII: No)* (Wrap lines that exceed terminal width: Yes)* * Settings for Windows Hyper Terminal


PASOLINK Introduction



PASOLINK Introduction

1.Bit rate (16x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status 3. AIS SEND alarm/status 4. TX/RX frequency 5. TX power ctrl 6. Main channel usage 1-16 7. BER alarm threshold 8. Frame ID 9. WS channel usage 10. DSC1 11. DSC2 12. DEM invert 13. Alarm table 14. Next items 00. Menu 99. Exit 1. ATPC/MTPC 2. MTPC TX power 3. ATPC TX power range 4. ODU ALM mode 5. RX threshold 00. Menu 99. Exit INPUT LOSS AIS RCVD AIS SEND OUTPUT LOSS WS INPUT LOSS WS AIS RCVD WS AIS SEND WS OUTPUT LOSS LAN INTFC ALM TX CLK LOSS RX CLK LOSS FSYNC ALM HIGH BER ALM LOW BER ALM BER ALM MOD ALM DEM ALM OPR ALM TX PWR ALM RX LEV ALM APC 1 ALM APC2 ALM IF INPUT ALM MAINT TX SEL RX S EL MDP CPU ALM

TX power ctrl


Alarm Table


Port setting

Password: Password Change:

2.Mode 3.Flow ctrl 4.Framing 5.CAS 6.CRC 7.Collion Report 00.Menu 99.Exit

LAN setting

Next Item

1. System configuration 2. LAN setting 3. Channel usage error 00. Menu 99. Exit

1. Port1 setting 2. Port2 setting 3. FE link down 00. Menu 99. Exit

1.Setting 2.Maintenance 3.Monitoring 4.Exit



1. MAINT 2. FE loop back ctrl 1-16 3. NE loop back ctrl 1-16 4. BER ALM >> AIS 5. CW 6. Power mute 7. ATPC manual ctrl 00. Menu 99. Exit 1. to 5. same as 1+0 6. Power mute1 7. Power mute2 8. TX SW ctrl 9. RX SW ctrl 10. ATPC manual ctrl 00. & 99. same as 1+0 1. Monitoring voltage 2. Monitoring voltage (con mode) 3. Alarm/Status 4. Inventory 00. Menu 99. Exit

Maintenance Maintenance Monitoring

TX power :*.** RX level :*.**

Manufactured date Software version Bit rate Option module Manufactured date Software version Bit rate RF band Sub band Start frequency Shift frequency Serial number CH separation







PASOLINK Introduction


Connect the LCT PC to the IDU LA Port or RA port using a RS232-C cable. Open the communication software ( eg. HyperTerminal). Press the CTRLand Dkeys at the same time LCT MAIN MENU LCT main menu has the following main functions. Setting: Local configuration of IDU and ODU Maintenance: IDU and ODU maintenance functions Monitoring: Pasolink Alarm / Status Monitoring function Password :******** Change Password? (No:0/Yes:1) :1 New Password :******** New Password (Re-enter) : * * * * * * * * 1. Setting 2. Maintenance 3. Monitoring 99. Exit Select Function No. : From the LCT main menu and sub-menus select 99. EXITto close the LCT program. From the sub menus, select 00.Menuto display the LCT main menu After data is entered to cancel or go back to higher level menu, press ESC


PASOLINK Introduction

SETTING menu is used to Configure/setup the Pasolink IDU and ODU locally. Current setting for each menu item is shown in brackets. Press 1 and Enter 1. Setting 2. Maintenance 3. Monitoring 4. Exit Select Function No: Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (alarm) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (alarm) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UUNN NNNN UUNN NNNN) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00.Menu 99.Exit Select Item No. :

Note: The Items shown on the Setting menu depends on the optional hardware mounted and the configuration.


PASOLINK Introduction


Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (alarm) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (alarm) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UUNN NNNN UUNN NNNN) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00.Menu 99.Exit Select Item No. :
Note: The IDU has two type of 2Mb input connections. 75 ohm unbalance or 120 ohm balanced . XNEC

1. Bit rate (transmission capacity) (4x2MB) Bit rate (2x2:0 / 4x2:1 / 8x2:2 / 16x2:3) : 2 Press 1 and Enter Changing the bit rate will cause temporary communication loss until the bit rate of the opposite site is changed. The buzzer may be issued until then. Press any key to continue ... Press ESC key to quit

Two types of IDUs: Fixed bit rate(4x2MB) : the bit rate is automatically detected and set in IDU. Variable bit rate : the selection is 2MBx2, 2MBx4, 2MBx8 or 2MBx16 . Enter the number corresponding to the bit rate required and press the ENTER key

PASOLINK Introduction



Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (status) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (status) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UUNN NNNN UUNN NNNN) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. : Press 2 and Enter 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (status) AIS RCVD alarm/status (status:0 /alarm :1) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (alarm) AIS SEND alarm/status (status:0 /alarm :1 )

Press 3 and Enter Note:

When AIS SEND is set to alarm, and AIS is sent out the front panel IDU alarm LED lights. When AIS SEND is set to status and AIS is sent out, no alarm indication is initiated. When AIS RCVD is set to alarm, on reception of AIS the front panel IDU alarm LED lights. When AIS RCVD is set to statuson reception of AIS no alarm indication is initiated.
PASOLINK Introduction




Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (status) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (status ) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UUNN NNNN UUNN NNNN) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. :
This menu item is used to configure the ODU transmit and receive frequencies. The ODU frequency band information is shown in the label attached to it.

4. TX/RX Frequency (4ch) Press 4 and Enter TX/RX frequency (0-255ch):1 1+0 or 1+1 Hot Standby Configuration 4. TX/RX Frequency ( No.1:4ch/No.2:10ch) 1. No.1 TX/RX Frequency (4ch) 2. No.2 TX/RX Frequency (10ch) 1+1 Twin Path Configuration


PASOLINK Introduction



Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (status) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (status ) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UUNN NNNN UUNN NNNN) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. : Press 5 and Enter TX power ctrl (ATPC) 1. ATPC/MTPC (ATPC) 2. MTPC TX power (0dB) 3. ATPC TX power range (MAX : 0dB / MIN : -30dB) 4. ODU ALM mode (hold) 5. RX threshold (-55dBm) 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. ATPC/MTPC MODE SELECTION

2.MTPC TX power (0dB) MTPC TX power (30 to 0dB) :-5

This menu item select the TX PWR Control mode to be used.

3. ATPC TX power range (MAX :0 to /MIN:-15 dB):-5 Min power(-30 to -5dB):-20

MTPC TX PWR defines the ODU output power in MTPC mode. The value entered is the attenuation level in dB from the maximum ODU output power. XNEC

ATPC range defines the maximum and minimum transmission power during the ATPC operation.

PASOLINK Introduction



Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (status) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (status ) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UUNN NNNN UUNN NNNN) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. : 5 Press 5 and Enter TX power ctrl (ATPC) 1. ATPC/MTPC (ATPC) 2. MTPC TX power (0dB) 3. ATPC TX power range (MAX : 0dB / MIN : -30dB) 4. ODU ALM mode (hold) 5. RX threshold (-55dBm) 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No.: 4 5. RX threshold (-55dBm) 4. ODU ALM mode (hold) ODU ALM mode (MAX: 0/min:1/hold:hold: 2):1

ODU ALARM MODE This menu item defines the ODU transmit power level when ATPC control communication between IDU and ODU fails. In MTPC mode this setting is ignored.

RX threshold(-80 to -30 55dBm) RX THRESHOLD When the monitored RX signal level falls below this level, a control signal is sent to the opposite station to initiate the ATPC function MAX: Power is controlled to ATPC Max level MIN : Power is controlled to ATPC Min level HOLD: Power is maintained at current level

From the TX power ctrl menu , select [5] and press Enter.


PASOLINK Introduction



Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (status) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (status ) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UNNN #### #### ####) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. : 5 Press 6 and Enter Main channel usage 1-16 ( 1:used 2:not used 3:not used 4: not used 5:N/A 6:N/A 7:N/A 8:N/A 9:N/A 10:N/A 11: N/A 12:N/A 13: N/A 14:N/A 15:N/A 16:N/A ) Select channel No. :2 Channel 2 (used: 0/not used;1):0 Select the channel number and select: 0and Enter to use the channel for E1 transmission 1and Enter not to use the channel for E1 transmission. N/Aindicates the channels that are not available for E1 transmission due to 10/100 Base-T LAN assignment or hardware restrictions

#: Indicates the channels that are restricted by hardware limitations, bit rate setting or selected for LAN signal transmission. U: Indicates when the channel is used for E1 transmission. N: Indicates when the channel is not used. Inhibits alarm. The variable bit rate type IDUs are either 16MB/s or 32Mb/s rate. In 16Mb/s type the selection is 2MBx2, 2MBx4 or 2MBx8 and 32Mb/s type the selection is 2MBx2, 2MBx4, 2MBx8 or 2MBx16. The display will show the rate selection accordingly. XNEC PASOLINK Introduction



7. BER alarm threshold (104) BER alarm threshold (10-3:0 / 10-4:1 / 10-5:2 / 10-6:3) : Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (status) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (status ) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UNNN #### #### ####) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. : 5 8. Frame ID(2) Input ID No. (0-7): 1 Press 8 and Enter FRAME ID Select item No. This item defines the Frame ID of the transmit/receive signal. The Frame ID is used at the receive station to identify the correct receive signal. As a signal with a different Frame ID cannot be received, the Frame ID of the opposite station should be set to the same ID number.

Press 7 and Enter

BER ALARM THRESHOLD When excessive BER is detected, the IDU insert AIS into the data streams sent to the MUX equipment. Threshold value for AIS insertion can be selected as 1 x 10-3, 1 x 10-4, 1 x 10-5 or 1 x10-6.

In the (1+1) Hot standby system, both No.1 and No.2 channels should have the same Frame ID. The number of Frame IDs, which can be set, is eight (ID0 to ID7). XNEC PASOLINK Introduction 16

Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (status) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (status) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UNNN #### #### ####) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. : 5 DSC1 default setting is 9.6Kbps RS232C interface. A 64Kbps G703 interface card or V11 interface card are available as an option. 10. DSC1 (232) DSC1( 232:0 / 64k: 1 ): 0 Press 10 and Enter Press 11 and Enter 11. DSC2 (232) DSC2( 232:0 / 422:1 /485(TERM):/485 ( NON TERM): :3):0 DSC2 can be used as a 9.6Kbps interface with RS232C / RS 422 / RS485 interface selectable.

Pasolink V4 uses six service channels in its radio overhead frame as shown in the table.


PASOLINK Introduction



Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (status) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (status) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UNNN #### #### ####) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. : 5 WS CHANNEL USAGE The WS option is applicable only on the 16x2 MB system with WS INTFC mounted. In this case if WS E1 channel is not used, set this to not use inhibit alarms. When the WS INTFC module (optional) is not mounted, this menu item is not displayed. 9. WS channel usage (not used) WS Channel usage (used:0 / not used:1) : 0 12.DEM invert (off) DEM invert (off:0 / on:1) : DEM INVERT When the ODU receive signal is down converted the signal sent to the IDU may have a normal or inverted spectrum.

Note: 8GHz 728MHz shift-E7426B / E9747B,F 7GHz 161MHz shift-G6583A,B / G6584A,B 7GHz 154MHz shift-G6583E,F / G6584E,F 8GHz all Types G6585,G6586,G3362,G3363 XNEC PASOLINK Introduction For the listed ODUs select DEM invert ON


Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (status) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (status ) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UUNN NNNN UUNN NNNN) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. : 5 This menu item defines the external relay outputs. The alarms are sent out through four relays(1 +0) or six relays(1 +1). Multiple alarms can be assigned to any relay and alarms can be assigned to multiple relays. XNEC C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 1.INPUT LOSS OUT OUT --- --- --- --2.AIS RCVD --- --- --- --- --- --3.AIS SEND --- --- --- --- --- --4.OUTPUT LOSS --- --- OUT OUT --- --5.TX CLK LOSS OUT --- --- --- --- --- --larm table 2/3 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 9.FSYNC ALM1 --- --- OUT --- --- --11.HIGH BER ALM1 --- --- OUT --- --- --12.HIGH BER ALM2 --- --- --- OUT --- --13.LOW BER ALM1 --- --- --- --- --- --15.BER ALM --- --- OUT --- OUT --17.MOD ALM1 OUT --- --- --- --- --19.DEM ALM1 --- --- OUT --- --- --21.OPR ALM1 OUT --- OUT --- --- --23.TX PWR ALM OUT --- --- --- --- --25.RX LEV ALM1 --- --- OUT --- --- ---- -- -- 33.MAINT MASK MASK MASK MASK MASK OUT PASOLINK Introduction



Setting 1. Bit rate (1 6x2MB) 2. AIS RCVD alarm/status (status) 3. AIS SEND alarm/status (status) 4. TX/RX frequency (4ch) 5. TX power ctrl (ATPC) 6. Main channel usage 1 - 16 (used: UUNN NNNN UUNN NNNN) 7. BER alarm threshold (10-3) 8. Frame ID (1) 9. WS channel usage (on) 1 0.DSC1 (232) 11 .DSC2 (232) 12.DEM invert (off) 13.Alarm table 14.Next items 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. : 5 Press 14 and Enter
Next item 1.System configuration 2. LAN setting 3. Channel usage error 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. : 5

Press 1 and Enter 1. System Configuration (Hot standby) System configuration (1+0 expandable: 0 / Hot standby: 1/ Twin path: 2 ) System Configuration menu item appears only in (1+1) systems.

Press 3 and Enter 1.

Channel usage error (not report)

Channel usage error (report: 0 / not report :1); 0 When a main channel or WS channel is selected as not used, and the 2MB or WS interface detects a 2MB signal at the input, This item defines whether to report or not to report this condition as an alarm event.

(1+0) expandable configuration is selected when in an (1+1) hardware configuration only one channel IDU and ODU is equipped or used. Other channel alarms are inhibited. (1+1) Hot standby only one channel is transmitted at a time but receive from both channels and select one. (1+1) Twin Path both channels transmit and use two different frequencies. XNEC PASOLINK Introduction 20


Throughout = 2MB Framing = ON

Throughput setting

2.Mode 3.Flow ctrl 4.Framing 5.CAS 6.CRC 7.Collion Report

0. Disable 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2M 4M 8M 16M 32M

Port setting

Next item 1.System configuration 2. LAN setting 3. Channel usage error 00. Menu 99. Exit Select Item No. : 5

LAN setting

1. Port1 setting 2. Port2 setting 3. FE link down 00. Menu 99. Exit

00.Menu 99.Exit

Throughout = 2MB Framing = OFF

Port setting Port setting
1.Thoughtput 2.Mode 3.Flow ctrl 4.Framing 5.Collion Report 00.Menu 99.Exit 0. AUTONEG (Auto -MDI/MDIX) 1.10M-Half (MDI) 2.10M-Full (MDI) 3.100M-Half (MDI) 4.100M Full (MDI) 5 .10M-Half (MDIX) 6.10M-Full (MDIX) 7.100M-Half (MDIX) 8.100M Full (MDIX) 00. Menu 99. Exit

Mode Setting

Throughout > 2MB

1.Thoughtput 2.Mode 3.Flow ctrl 4.Collion Report 00.Menu 99.Exit


PASOLINK Introduction


Applicable Traffic Channels - 1


PASOLINK Introduction


Applicable Traffic Channels - 2


PASOLINK Introduction



1. LAN setting 1.Port1 setting (2M) 2.Port2 setting (disable) 3.FE link down (enable) 00. Menu 99. Exit Select item No. : Press 1 or 2 and Enter
1. Port 1 setting

Select the rate for each LAN Ports, Depending on the selection the No. of channels for E1 data are decided. See the table in the next page.

1. Throughput (disable) Throughput (disable:0 / 2M:1 / 4M:2 / 8M:3 / 16M:4 / 32M:5) :1 3. Flow Ctrl (off) Flow ctrl (off: 0/ on:1):1 4. Framing (off) Framing ( off : 0 / on : 1 ) : 5. CAS (off) CSC( off: 0/ on: 1) Select whether to use flow control or not

1. Throughput (2M) 2 .Mode (AUTONEG(AUTO-MDI/MDIX)) 3. Flow ctrl (off) 4. Framing (on) 5. CAS (on) 6. CRC (on) 7. Collision report (report) 00. Menu 99. Exit

Select whether to use Framing or not. Applies only when 2M is selected as throughput for the Port. Applies when Port throughput is set to 2MB with Framing ON. If CAS is ON LAN data is also sent in TS16. IF CAS is off then LAN data is not sent in TS16. XNEC PASOLINK Introduction 24


1. LAN setting 1.Port1 setting (2M) 2.Port2 setting (disable) 3.FE link down (enable) 00. Menu 99. Exit Select item No. : Press 1 or 2 and Enter Applies when Port throughput is set to 2MB with Framing ON. 6. CRC (off) CRC( off: 0/ on: 1) 1. Port 1 setting 1. Throughput (2M) 2 .Mode (AUTONEG(AUTO-MDI/MDIX)) 3. Flow ctrl (off) 4. Framing (on) 5. CAS (on) 6. CRC (on) 7. Collision report (report) 00. Menu 99. Exit

3. FE link down (disable) FE link down (disable :0 / enable :1): 2. Mode (10M-HALF(MDI))

Mode AUTONEG (AUTO -MDI/MDIX) :0 10M-HALF(MDI) :1 / 10M-FULL(MDI) :2 7. Collision report (report) Collision Report( report :0 / not report : 1) 100M-HALF(MDI) :3 / 100M-FULL(MDI) :4 10M-HALF(MDIX) :5 / 10M-FULL(MDIX) :6 1 00M-HALF(MDIX):7 / 1 00M-FULL(MDIX):8 Select No. :2


PASOLINK Introduction


1. Setting 2. Maintenance 3. Monitoring 4. Exit Select Function No: Maintenance 1. MAINT (NORM) 2. FE loop back ctrl 1-16 (ctrl:---- ---- ---- ----) (ans :---- ---- ---- ----) 3. NE loop back ctrl 1-16 (ctrl:---- ---- ---- ----) (ans :---- ---- ---- ----) 4. BER ALM >> AIS (on) 5. CW (off) 6. Power mute1 (off) 7. Power mute2 (off) 8. TX SW ctrl (AUTO) 9. RX SW ctrl (AUTO) 10. ATPC manual ctrl (off) 00. Menu 99. Exit
The maintenance items 7, 8, and 9 applies to (1+ 1) configuration If TX power control mode is MTPC menu item 10 is not displayed MAINT (Normal:0 / MAINT:1) : 0 When the maintenance mode is on , or any of the maintenance control items are on , the front panel MAINTLED (amber) lights.

To display the Maintenance menu, press [2] and [Enter] from the LCT main menu. The first item in the maintenance menu shows the status of the maintenance mode (Normal or MAINT). The Maintenance Menu is used to carry out the following functions. Maintenance ON/OFF Far end loop back Near end loop back Transmit CW carrier Stop Transmission (Mute) BER AIS insertion ON/OFF TX and RX manual switching(1+1) Manual ATPC control


PASOLINK Introduction


Maintenance 1. MAINT (NORM) 2. FE loop back ctrl 1-16 (ctrl:---- ---- ---- ----) (ans :---- ---- ---- ----) 3. NE loop back ctrl 1-16 (ctrl:---- ---- ---- ----) (ans :---- ---- ---- ----) 4. BER ALM >> AIS (on) 5. CW (off) 6. Power mute1 (off) 7. Power mute2 (off) 8. TX SW ctrl (AUTO) 9. RX SW ctrl (AUTO) 10. ATPC manual ctrl (off) 00. Menu 99. Exit 2. FE loop back ctrl 1-16 (1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off 7:off 8:off 9:off 10:off 11:off 12:off 13:off 14:off 15:off 16:off) Select channel No. : 1 Channel 1 (off: 0 / on: 1): 0 Press: [1] and [Enter] to switch Loopback on [0] and [Enter] to switch Loopback of 2. FE loop back ctrl 1-16 ( ctrl:*--# --z---- ---- ) (ans : *--- ---- ---- ---- ) This menu is used to create a Far End loopback at the main interface of the opposite station IDU. Press [2] and [Enter] from the Maintenance Menu to display the FE Loopback control menu. The FE Loopback status of channels 1 to 16 are displayed. Select the channel No: to be controlled and press Enter.

* An asterisk on the contline indicates that the loopback control is sent to the selected channel * An asterisk on the ansline indicates that the loopback control was successfully carried out on the selected channel zA zon the contline indicates that the loopback control was initiated from the opposite station IDU # E1 channel is inhibited by hardware restrictions or LAN signal transmission usage


PASOLINK Introduction


Maintenance 1. MAINT (NORM) 2. FE loop back ctrl 1-16 (ctrl:---- ---- ---- ----) (ans :---- ---- ---- ----) 3. NE loop back ctrl 1-16 (ctrl:---- ---- ---- ----) (ans :---- ---- ---- ----) 4. BER ALM >> AIS (on) 5. CW (off) 6. Power mute1 (off) 7. Power mute2 (off) 8. TX SW ctrl (AUTO) 9. RX SW ctrl (AUTO) 10. ATPC manual ctrl (off) 00. Menu 99. Exit 3. NE loop back ctrl 1-16 (1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off 7:off 8:off 9:off 10:off 1 1:off 12:off 13:off 14:off 15:off 16:off) Select channel No. : 1 Channel 1 (off:0 / on:1) : 0 NEAR END LOOPBACK CONTROL From this menu, it is possible to create a near end loopback at the main interface of the local station IDU. Press [3] and [Enter] from the Maintenance Menu to display the NE Loopback control The NE Loopback status of channels 1 to 16 are displayed. Select the channel No: to be controlled and press Enter.


PASOLINK Introduction



Maintenance 1. MAINT (NORM) 2. FE loop back ctrl 1-16 (ctrl:---- ---- ---- ---) (ans :---- ---- ---- ----) 3. NE loop back ctrl 1-16 (ctrl:---- ---- ---- ----) (ans :---- ---- ---- ----) 4. BER ALM >> AIS (on) 5. CW (off) 6. Power mute1 (off) 7. Power mute2 (off) 8. TX SW ctrl (AUTO) 9. RX SW ctrl (AUTO) 10. ATPC manual ctrl (off) 00. Menu 99. Exit 5. CW (off) CW(off:0 / on:1) :1 4.BER AIS on/off (on) BER AIS on/off (off:0 / on:1) 1 BER ALM >> AISBER AIS From this maintenance menu item, it is possible to disable BER AIS insertion for all channels. Press [4] and [Enter] from the Maintenance Menu to display the BER ALM AIS control. Press: [0] and [Enter] to disable BER AIS insertion [1] and [Enter] to enable BER AIS insertion

CW From this menu item, it is possible to transmit an unmodulated carrier. To display the CWcontrol, press [5] and [Enter] from the maintenance menu. MOD CW control is displayed. Press: [1] and [Enter] to transmit a CW carrier [0] and [Enter] stop transmitting a CW carrier


PASOLINK Introduction



Maintenance 1. MAINT (NORM) 2. FE loop back ctrl 1-16 (ctrl:---- ---- ---- ----) (ans :---- ---- ---- ----) 3. NE loop back ctrl 1-16 (ctrl:---- ---- ---- ----) (ans :---- ---- ---- ----) 4. BER ALM >> AIS (on) 5. CW (off) 6. Power mute1 (off) 7. Power mute2 (off) 8. TX SW ctrl (AUTO) 9. RX SW ctrl (AUTO) 10. ATPC manual ctrl (off) 00. Menu 99. Exit 6.Power mute (off) Power mute (off:0 / on: 1) : 0 POWER MUTE1 OR 2(1+1) From this maintenance menu item, it is possible to switch off the ODU output power. Press [6] and [Enter] from the Maintenance Menu to display the Power Mute control. Press: [0] and [Enter] to select mute off [1] and [Enter] to select mute on Maintenance menu reappear to select any other maintenance item ATPC manual ctrl From this menu item, it is possible to change the ATPC set TX power manually. To display the ATPC manual ctrl, press [10] and [Enter] from the maintenance menu. Press: [1] and [Enter] to select ATPC manual control Enter the attenuation required to get the TX power required. PASOLINK Introduction 30

ATPC manual ctrl (off) ATPC manual ctrl (off:0 / on:1) :1 ATPC current (-5dB) ATPC current (-30 to 0dB) :-10 XNEC

1. Setting 2. Maintenance 3. Monitoring 4. Exit Select Function No:

1. Monitoring voltage 2. Monitoring voltage (continuous mode) 3. Alarm/Status 4. Inventory 00. Menu

Monitoring voltage TX power1 :4.10V (< -5dB) RX level1 :2.37V ( -61dBm) TX power2 :*.** RX level2 :*.**

Press [3] and [Enter] from the LCT main Menu to display the Monitoring menu. The monitoring menu is used to monitor the equipment for preventive maintenance purposes. This menu provides monitoring of the Transmit and Receive signal levels. Equipment status and alarm can also be monitored from this menu. Inventory list provides details of the modules in the equipment

DATA (Monitoring voltages) Measured input / TX output 2. Monitoring voltage (continuous RF signal levels are mode) Time stamp (1min:0 displayed. The metering / 1sec:1):1 range for each Press any key to start... measurement is given in the table above. TX output power is given as the detector voltage and METER READING OF ODU PARAMETERS attenuation used in dB. Transmitter Power 0 to 4.6 V DC RX signal level is given as AGC voltage and in Receiving Level 0.8 to 4.4V DC dBm (Depend on the Transmitter Power and the Receiving Signal level )


PASOLINK Introduction


Monitoring 1. Monitoring voltage 2. Monitoring voltage (continuous mode) 3. Alarm/Status 4. Inventory 00. Menu Select item No. : 3 Press 3 and ENTER
Monitoring of alarm/status 1/2 IDU INPUT LOSS 1-16 (alarm:---- ---- ---- ----) CHANNEL USAGE ERROR 1-16 (alarm:---- ---- ---- ---) AIS RCVD 1-16 (alarm:---- ---- ---- ----) AIS SEND 1-16 (alarm:---- ---- ---- ----) OUTPUT LOSS 1-16 (alarm:---- ---- ---- ----) TX CLK LOSS (alarm:-/-) RX CLK LOSS (alarm:-/-) FSYNC ALM (alarm:-/-) HIGH BER ALM ( alarm:-/-) LOW BER ALM (alarm:-/-) BER ALM (alarm:-/-) Press any key to continue Monitoring of alarm/status 2/2

3. Monitoring of alarm/status 2/2 MOD ALM (alarm:-/-) DEM ALM (alarm:-/-) OPR ALM ) (alarm:-/-) MDP CPU ALM (alarm:-/*) ODU TX PWR ALM (alarm:-/-) RX LEV ALM ) (alarm:-/-) APC1 ALM (alarm:-/-) APC2 ALM (alarm:-/-) IF INPUT ALM (alarm:-/-) MUTE (on) TX/RX FREQ CH (1ch )

The IDU and ODU alarms and status information can be viewed form this menu item. Alarm condition is indicated by *and normal condition by - .


PASOLINK Introduction


IF Input ALM IF input level in the ODU below (approximately)63dBm. STATUS INFORMATION MUTE ODU output mute on/off status TX/RX Frequency CH Channel number corresponding to the ODU transmit/receiver frequency IDU Alarms Input loss 1 16 In the 2MB interface, loss of 2MB input signal detected. Alarm indicated for each channel. Channel Usage Error 1 -16 In the 2MB interface,2MB channel# is to Used and a signal is detected at the input AIS RCVD 1-16 In the 2MB interface, AIS (all 1 ) received from MUX equipment or Back-to-back 2MB connection. Alarm indicated for each channel. AIS Send 1-16 In the 2MB interface, AIS sent to MUX equipment or back-to-back 2MB connection. Alarm indicated for each channel. Output loss 1 -16 In the 2MB interface, loss of received 2MB signal from the demodulator side. Alarm indicated for each channel. LAN INTFC ALM When the WS channel usage is set to not used and there is a 2MB signal at the input WS input loss In the optional WS interface card, loss of WS input signal WS Channel Usage Error When the WS channel usage is set to not usedand signal is detected at the WS input. WS AIS RCVD In the optional WS interface card, AIS detected in the WS input signal. WS AIS send In the optional WS interface card, AIS is sent out as the WS


PASOLINK Introduction


WS output loss In the optional WS interface card, Receive WS signal not detected from the demodulator. TX CLK loss Loss of TX clock, in the 2 MB interface. RX CLK loss Loss of RX clock in the 2 MB interface. FSYNC ALM Loss of RX frame synchronization at the RX DPU. HIGH BER ALM When the receive BER is > 10-3 LOW BER ALM When the receive BER is > 10-6 BER ALM BER alarm point for inserting AIS. Alarm trigger point can be selectable from (10-3, 10-4, 105 and 10-6) MOD ALM Modulator 850 MHz PLL oscillator loop unlock condition. DEM ALM RX carrier not synchronized or lost. OPR ALM Communication error between ODU and IDU ODU ALARMS TX Power ALM Transmitter output power decreased by 3 to 5 dB RX Level ALM Receive level below squelch level APC1 ALM ODU 1st local oscillator APC unlock alarm APC2 ALM ODU 2st local oscillator APC unlock alarm


PASOLINK Introduction


Monitoring 1. Monitoring voltage 2. Monitoring voltage (continuous mode) 3. Alarm/Status 4. Inventory 00. Menu Select item No. : 3 IDU SW UNIT Serial number 4023 Manufactured date DEC/2005 Software version (ROM/RAM) (1.20/2.40) Bit rate 2/4/8/16x2MB Option module PM CARD Inventory 2/4 IDU No.1 MD UNIT Serial number 12650 Manufactured date DEC/2005 Software version (ROM/RAM) (1.2/2.49) No.2 MD UNIT

Press 4 and ENTER

No.1 ODU Serial number 16352 Manufactured date OCT/2005 Software version (ROM/RAM) (1.02/2.03) Bit rate 17/34MB RF band 13GHz High Sub band A Start frequency 13020.500MHz Shift frequency 266MHz CH separation 1.750MHz

This menu item gives the IDU and ODU module information as given in the figure. The figure gives the inventory information for a (1+1) configuration PASOLINK Introduction



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