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Boothroyd Chapter-2 Problems 1-13, page 104-107: 1.

In an orthogonal cutting test on mild steel, the following results were obtained: Cutting force Fc Thrust force Ft !ncut chi" thic#ness ac Chi" thic#ness a0 &idth of cut aw 'ength of contact between chi" and tool lf &or#ing normal ra#e ne = 900 N =4 0N = 0.$ mm = 0.% mm = $. 0 mm = 0. mm = 0 deg.

a. Calculate the mean angle of friction on the tool face . b. Calculate the mean shear strength of the wor# material s. c. Calculate the mean frictional stress f. $. In an orthogonal cutting test the following conditions were noted: &idth of chi" (width of cut) !ndeformed chi" thic#ness Chi" thic#ness &or#ing normal ra#e Cutting force Thrust force = $. mm = 0.$ mm = 1.0 mm = * deg = 900 N = 900 N

a. Calculate the shear angle b. Calculate the mean shear strength of the wor# material. +. In an e,"erimental turning o"eration where low*carbon steel was being machined using a carbide tool, the following data were obtained: Cutting force Fc = 1 #N Thrust force Ft = 0. #N &or#ing normal ra#e ne = $0 deg. -eed f = 0.141 mm &or#ing ma.or cutting*edge angle r = 4 deg. /e"th of cut (bac# engagement) ap = mm Cutting s"eed v = $ m0s Cutting ratio rc = 0.$ &or#"iece diameter dw = 100 mm &or#"iece machined length lw = +00 mm. 1stimate from the abo2e date:

a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

The s"ecific cutting energ3 of the wor# material ps. The "ower re4uired for machining Pm. The undeformed chi" thic#ness ac. The width of cut aw. The shear angle . The mean angle of friction on the tool face . The time ta#en to com"lete the machining o"eration.

4. 5how that in metal cutting when the wor#ing normal ra#e is 6ero, the ratio of the shear strength of the wor# material s to the s"ecific cutting energ3 ps is gi2en b3


1 rc 1 +rc $

. In an orthogonal machining o"eration with a ra#e angle of deg. and an undeformed chi" thic#ness of 1 mm, the chi" thic#ness is found to be + mm. &hat will the chi" thic#ness be if the ra#e angle is increased to 1 deg assuming 1rnst and 7erchant8s first theor3 holds, that is, $9 : ; * <ne = =0$. >ssume the friction coefficient is not influenced b3 changes in ra#e angle. ?. /eri2e an e,"ression for the s"ecific cutting energ3 ps in terms of the shear angle 9 and the mean shear strength of the wor# material s in orthogonal cutting. >ssume that the shear*angle relationshi" of 1rnst and 7erchant a""lies, that is $9 : ; * <ne = =0$ %. >ssuming that the shear angle theor3 of 'ee and 5haffer a""lies, namel3 9 : ; * <ne = =04, show that the s"ecific cutting energ3 ps will be gi2en b3 ps = s (1:cot 9 ) where s is the mean shear strength of the wor# material. @. -or the orthogonal cutting of a "articular wor# material, it is found that the length of chi"*tool contact is alwa3s e4ual to the chi" thic#ness ac and that the mean shear stress at the chi"*tool interface is e4ual to the mean shear stress on the shear "lane. 5how that, under these circumstances, the mean co*efficient of friction on the tool face A must be e4ual to or less than 40+ and that when it is e4ual to unit3, the shear angle 9 is e4ual to the wor#ing normal ra#e ne. 9. In the cutting e,"eriments using a shar" tool with 6ero ra#e, it was found that the chi"* tool contact length was e4ual to the chi" thic#ness a0. It was also found that the shear stress along the tool face was constant and was a constant "ro"ortion R of the shear strength of the wor# material on the shear "lane. a. /eri2e an e,"ression for the cutting force Fc in terms of ac, aw, s, R and 9 . b. /ifferentiate the e,"ression to obtain the 2alue of 9 to gi2e minimum Fc.

10. >ssume that in an orthogonal cutting o"eration, the frictional force -f on the tool face is gi2en b3 KsA0 where K is a constant, s is the a""arent shear strength of the wor# material, and A0 is the cross*sectional area of the chi". 5how that the following relationshi" e,ists between the mean coefficient of friction A on the tool face, the shear angle 9, and the wor#ing normal ra#e ne

K sin( n e ) cos( n e ) +1

K cos $ ( n e )

11. -or the machining of a "articular wor# material, it is found that the shear angle 9 is alwa3s e4ual to wor#ing normal ra#e ne. >ssuming that the shear strength of the wor# material in the stic#ing friction region on the tool face is the same as the shear strength s of the material on the shear "lane and that the length of the stic#ing region is e4ual to the chi" thic#ness a0, deri2e e,"ressions for the cutting force Fc and the thrust force Ft in terms of s, ne and the cross*sectional area of the uncut chi" Ac. >lso calculate the 2alue of ne for which Ft = 0. Neglect the forces in the sliding*region on the tool face. 1$. In machining test it was found that for a "articular material the following relation a""lied: $9 : ; * <ne = =0$. >lso, when the rac# angle <ne was $0 deg, the coefficient of friction was 1.$. a. &hat would the chi" thic#ness be if in a turning o"eration, the feed was 0. mm and the ma.or cutting angle was ?0 degB b. If the cutting force is limited to + #N and the s"ecific cutting energ3 of the material $ CD0m+, what ma,imum de"th of cut can be ta#enB 1+. >ssuming the in an orthogonal machining the distribution along the normal stress is along tool ra#e face is linear, becoming ma,imum at the cutting edge and reducing to 6ero at the end of chi" tool contact length, dri2e an e,"ression for the mean coefficient of friction A between the tool and the chi" and tool in terms of: the ma,imum normal stress Em, normal stress E0 at which real and a""arent areas of contact become e4ual, and the coefficient of friction region As. Solved Examples rom !hosh a"d #all$% (chapter 4; page no. 195 onwards) 1. /uring orthogonal machining with a cutting tool ha2ing a 10 ra#e angle, the chi" thic#ness is measured to be 0.4mm, the uncut chi" thic#ness being 0.1 mm. /etermine the shear "lane angle and also the magnitude of the shear strain. $. /uring an orthogonal machining o"eration on mild steel, the results obtained are t1= 0.$ mm, t2= 0.% mm, w= $. mm, = 0 , FC= 9 0N, FT=4% N. (i)/etermine the coefficient of friction between the tool and the chi". (ii)/etermine the ultimate shear stress 5 of the wor# material.

+. 7ild steel is being machined at a cutting s"eed of $00 m0min with a tool of ra#e angle 10 . The width of cut and the uncut thic#ness are $mm and 0.$mm, res"ecti2el3. If the a2erage 2alue of the coefficient of friction between the tool and the chi" is 0. and the shear stress 5 of the wor# material is 400 N0mm$, determine (i) the shear angle and (ii) the cutting and the thrust com"onents of the machining forces. 4. -ind out the order of magnitude of the cutting com"onent of the machining force during orthogonal machining of machining of mild steel with an uncut thic#ness of 0.$ mm, the width of cut being $. mm. &"solved Examples onwards) rom !hosh a"d #all$% (chapter 4; page no. 282

1. The chi"s from an orthogonal cutting o"eration with an uncut thic#ness of 0.$mm for 2arious ra#e angles are


1 0.4

10 0.


0 1.1+

Calculate, for each chi", the corres"onding shear angle and shear strain and "lot them against . $. The cutting and the thrust com"onents of the machining force during orthogonal machining of aluminum with a ra#e angle of 10 are found to be +1$N and 1@ N, res"ecti2el3. (i) 1stimate the coefficient of friction between the tool and the chi" (ii) If the ra#e angle is reduced to 0 , #ee"ing all the other "arameters the same, and if the coefficient of friction also remains unchanged, estimate the new 2alues of - C and -T, using 7erchant8s first solution. +. /uring orthogonal machining with a ra#e angle 10 and an uncut thic#ness 0.1$ mm, the 2alues of -C and -T are found to be 1%N and $1%N, res"ecti2el3. The a2erage is also measure and found to be 0.4+mm. 12aluate the machining constant for the wor# material. 4. &hen the ra#e angle is 6ero during orthogonal cutting, show that


(1 r ) r 1 +r $

. /uring an orthogonal cutting test, the obser2ations made are t1 = 0.$ mm t2 = 1.$ mm w = $. mm F = 0 Fc = 900 Fr = @10

Calculate the mean shear strength of the wor# material.

?. 1stimate the cutting com"onent of the machining force during the orthogonal machining of aluminum allo3 with an uncut thic#ness of 0.1 mm, the width of cut being $. mm. %. > metal is being cut orthogonall3 with a tool with 6ero ra#e angle. 5how that the rate of heat generation in the shear "lane can be e,"ressed as FC (1 r ) .

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