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1. In SQL, which of the following is not a data Manipulation Language Commands?

1. Delete
2. Select
3. pdate
!. C"eate
#. $one of the a%o&e
2. 'he &alue fo" an att"i%ute o" a column a"e d"awn f"om a set of &alues (nown as
1. 'uples
2. *tt"i%utes
3. Domain
!. Column
#. $one of these
3. +ntities ha&ing p"ima", (e, a"e called
1. -"ima", .e,
2. St"ong entities
3. /ea( entities
!. -"ima", .e,
#. $one 0f these
!. /hich of the following is not a t,pe of SQL statement?
1. Data Manipulation Language 1DML2
2. Data Definition Language 1DDL2
3. Data Cont"ol Language 1DCL2
!. Data Communication Language 1DCL2
#. $one of these
#. /hich of the following is not included in DML 1Data Manipulation Language2
1. I$S+3'
2. -D*'+
3. D+L+'+
!. C3+*'+
#. $one of these
4. '3$C*'+ statement in SQL is a )
1. DML statement
2. DDL statement
3. DCL statement
!. DSL statement
#. $one of these
5. 'o disca"d all pending data changes
1. C0MMI'
2. 30LL6*C.
3. S*7+-0I$'
!. L0C.
#. $one of these
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8. /hich of the following te"m is "elated to the stac(?
1. '0-
2. -S9
3. -0-
!. 3ea"
#. *, 6 and C.
:. In Queues, the end f"om whe"e items inse"ted is called
1. 3ea"
2. ;"ont
3. 'op
!. 6ase
#. $one of these
1<./hich p"otocol is used fo" %"owsing we%site=
1. 'C-
2. ;I';-
3. ;'-
!. ';'-
#. $one of these
11./hich of the following is a %"owse"?
1. $etscape $a&igato"
2. Mosaic
3. Mo>illa ;i"efo?
!. @oogle ch"ome
#. *ll of these
12.6lac( 6o? 'esting sometime called )
1. Data flow testing
2. Loop testing
3. 6eha&io"al testing
!. @"aph %ased testing
#. $one of these
13.'he 0%Aecti&e of testing is
1. De%ugging
2. 'o unco&e" e""o"s
3. 'o gain modula"it,
!. 'o anal,>e s,stem
#. $one of these
1!.Choose the "ight seBuence of SDLC 1Softwa"e de&elopment life c,cle2 steps
1. Design, 3eBui"ement *nal,sis, Coding, 'esting
2. 3eBui"ement *nal,sis, Design, Coding, 'esting
3. 3eBui"ement *nal,sis, Design, 'esting, Coding
!. 3eBui"ement *nal,sis, Coding, Design, 'esting
#. $one of these
1#.'he d"aw%ac( of the %ina", t"ee so"t a"e "emedied %, the
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1. Linea" So"t
2. Quic( So"t
3. 9eap So"t
!. Inse"tion So"t
#. *ll of these
14.3ound "o%in scheduling is essentiall, the p"eempti&e &e"sion of
1. ;I;0
2. Sho"test Ao% fi"st
3. Sho"test "emaining
!. Longest time fi"st
#. $one of these
15.CCCC is the situation in which a p"ocess is waiting on anothe" p"ocess, which is
also waiting on anothe" p"ocess which is waiting on the fi"st p"ocess. $one of
the p"ocesses in&ol&ed in this ci"cula" wait a"e ma(ing p"og"ess.
1. Deadloc(
2. Sta"&ation
3. Do"mant
!. *ll of these
#. $one of these
18.*ssem%l, language is a CCCCC
1. Low Le&el Language
2. Middle Le&el Language
3. 9igh le&el Language
!. se" Language
#. $one of these
1:./hich of the following is a t,pe of t"anslato"?
1. *ssem%le"
2. Compile"
3. Inte"p"ete"
!. *ll of the *%o&e
#. $one of these
2<.Multip"og"amming s,stems CCC
1. *"e easie" to de&elop than single p"og"amming
2. +?ecute each Ao% faste"
3. +?ecute mo"e Ao%s in the same time
!. *"e used onl, on la"ge main f"ame compute"s
#. $one of these
21.'he mechanism %, which the data and functions a"e %ound togethe" with an
1. Inhe"itance
2. +ncapsulation
3. *%st"action
!. -ol,mo"phism
#. $one of these
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22.'he 0SI model consists of CCCla,e"s.
1. $ine
2. +ight
3. Se&en
!. ;i&e
#. +le&en
23.Dec",ption D +nc",ption of data a"e the "esponsi%ilit, of the CCC la,e".
1. -h,sical
2. Data lin(
3. -"esentation
!. Session
#. *pplication
2!.L*$s can %e connected %, de&ices called CCCC which ope"ate in the data lin(
1. 9u%
2. 6"idges
3. 9DLC
!. 'unnel
#. $one of these
2#.In a CCCC topolog,, if the"e a"e n de&ices in a netwo"(, each de&ice has n)1
po"ts fo" ca%le.
1. Mesh
2. Sta"
3. 6us
!. 3ing
#. $one of these
24. 0L*- applications a"e widel, used %, CCCC and it uses CCCC Schema.
1. 3D6MS , 6us
2. 0pe"ating S,stem ,Sta"
3. Ea&a , 6us
!. Data mining 'echniBuesF Sta" o" multidimensional
#. $one of these
25.*""ange the following in inc"easing o"de" of thei" si>e.
1. Data%aseG;ileG3eco"dG;ieldG6,teG6it
2. 6itG6,teG;ieldG3eco"dG;ileGData%ase
3. 6itH6,teH3eco"dH;ieldH;ileHData%ase
!. 6itH6,teH;ileH3eco"dH;ieldHData%ase
28.E7M is a &i"tual machine that can e?ecute CCC
1. C language
2. .net p"og"amming
3. 3D6MS
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!. CII Language
#. Ea&a %,te Code
2:.0D6C is %ased on CCC.
1. St"uctu"ed Que", Language.
2. C language
3. CII language
!. .net
#. $one of these
3<./hich of the following is not an ad&antage of the data)%ase app"oach?
1. Inc"eased secu"it,
2. +limination data "edundanc,
3. *%ilit, to associate "elated data J
!. -"og"ammingKdata independence
#. *ll of the a%o&e
31.In "elational data%ase "ow and column is called as CCCCand CCCC"especti&el,.
1. 'upleF *tt"i%ute
2. *tt"i%uteF 'uple
3. 'uppleFDomain
!. *tt"i%uteF Domain
#. $one of these
32.'o delete a pa"ticula" column in a "elation the command used is=
1. D+L+'+
2. -D*'+
3. D30-
!. *L'+3
#. $one of these
33.* p"ima", (e, if com%ined with a fo"eign (e, c"eates
1. -a"ent)Child "elationship %etween the ta%les that connect them.
2. Man, to man, "elationship %etween the ta%les that connect them.
3. $etwo"( model %etween the ta%les that connect them.
!. *ll of the a%o&e
#. $one of the a%o&e
3!./hich of the following is "eco"d %ased logical model?
1. $etwo"( Model
2. 0%Aect o"iented model
3. +)3 Model
!. *ll of these
#. $one of these
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3#.'he full fo"m of DDL is
1. D,namic Data Language
2. Detailed Data Language
3. Data Definition Language
!. Data De"i&ation Language
#. *ll of these
34./hich of the following &i"us o&e"ta(e compute" s,stem when it %oots and
dest"o, in)fo"mation?
1. '"oAan
2. S,stem infecto"s
3. 6oot infecto"s
!. Stealth &i"us
#. $one of these
35.'he "elational model includes two gene"al integ"it, "ules. Integ"it, "ule 1 is
conce"ned with CCCC and integ"it, "ule 2 is conce"ned with CCCC
1. -"ima", .e,, ;o"eign (e,
2. -"ima", .e,, composite (e,
3. niBue (e,, ;o"eign (e,
!. Composite .e,, ;o"eign (e,
#. $one of these
38.CCCC is pe"son who has the cent"al cont"ol o&e" %oth data and application
1. S,stem enginee"
2. Data%ase administ"ato"
3. Data%ase manage"
!. 'echnical anal,st
#. $one of these
3:.*n att"i%ute of a "elation that "efe"ences the p"ima", (e, of anothe" "elation is
(nown as the CCCC
1. ;o"eign .e,
2. niBue .e,
3. -a"ent (e,
!. Child (e,
#. Inde? (e,
!<.*n entit, set that does not ha&e sufficient att"i%utes to fo"m a p"ima", (e, is a
1. st"ong entit, set
2. wea( entit, set
3. simple entit, set
!. p"ima", entit, set.
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#. $one of these
!1.'he ED6C)0D6C %"idge is
1. 'h"ee tie"ed
2. Multith"ead
3. 6est fo" an, platfo"m
!. *ll of these
#. $one of these
!2.In a "elational data%ase, this is a data st"uctu"e that o"gani>es the info"mation
a%out a single topic into "ow and columns.
1. 6loc(
2. 3eco"d
3. 'uple
!. 'a%le
#. $one of these
!3./hich statements a%out the Ea&a language a"e t"ue?
1. Ea&a suppo"ts %oth p"ocedu"al and o%Aect)o"iented p"og"amming
2. Ea&a is onl, a p"ocedu"al language.
3. Ea&a is onl, an 0%Aect)0"iented.
!. Ea&a is "elated to
#. $one of the a%o&e.
!!.Stac( is also called CCCC
1. ;i"st In ;i"st 0ut 1LI;02
2. Last In ;i"st 0ut 1;I;02
3. ;i"st In Last 0ut 1;IL02
!. ;i"st Come ;i"st Se"&ed 1;C;S2
#. $one of the a%o&e
!#.'he inde? c"eated %, p"ima", (e, column is called CCCCC
1. niBue Inde?
2. Composite Inde?
3. Single Inde?
!. -"ima", inde?
#. $one of these
!4.In SQL ,which command1s2 is1a"e2 used to "emo&e "ows f"om a ta%le.
1. Delete
2. 3emo&e
3. '"uncate
!. 6oth
#. and 132
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4. $one of the a%o&e
!5.In SQL, the C3+*'+ '*6L+ is used
1. 'o c"eate a ta%le, defining its columns, integ"it, const"aints, and sto"age
2. 'o add a columnKinteg"it, const"aint to a ta%le.
3. 'o "edefine a column
!. 'o change a ta%leLs sto"age cha"acte"istics
#. *ll of the a%o&e
!8./hat is the a%%"e&iation is used fo" a softwa"e pac(age that pe"mits the use"
to c"eate , "et"ie&e and maintain "eco"ds in a data%ase?
1. D*SD
2. C3MD
3. D6MS
!. *ll of these
#. $one of the a%o&e
!:.Choose the "ight seBuence of &i"us stages )
1. '"igge"ing, Damage ,Do"manc,, p"opagation
2. Damage, '"igge"ing ,Do"manc,, p"opagation
3. Damage, '"igge"ing, p"opagation ,Do"manc,
!. '"igge"ing, Damage, p"opagation, Do"manc,
#. Do"manc,, -"opagation,. '"igge"ing, Damage
#<.In SQL, which command is used to add new "ows to a ta%le?
1. *lte" 'a%le
2. *dd "ow
3. Inse"t
!. *ppend
#. $one of the *%o&e
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