Fy Charging

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" : For RC circuit growth of voltage on a capacitor can be represented by equation. V=V0(1 e t!RC" V0 = $a%i$u$ voltage reached. R = resistance in oh$ C =capacity of condenser in farad ######.(1"

V0 Volt

.a% voltage Vo = ## Vo 0.&'= ####..

(V0 % 0.&'"

0 ( Fig. 1 (he variation of V with ti$e t as indicated by equation (1" is as shown in fig. 1 )hen t = RC V = V0(1 e t!RC" =V0(1 1!e" = V0((e 1"!e" = V0 ((*.+* 1.0"!*.+*" = 0.&'* V0 (his defines the ti$e constant ( = RC as being the ti$e ta,en for the capacitor to aquire 0.&' or &'- of its $a%i$u$ voltage V0. t (sec"

(B) For D!#char !" : V = V0 e t!RC represent discharge of capacitor through a resistor. (he voltage on the capacitor after one ti$e constant ((=RC" is given by V= V0.e 1=V0!e=V0!*.+*=0.'+ V0

V0 Vvolt

.a%. voltage/ Vo = #####.. Vo 0.'+ = #####

(V0 % 0.'+"

( t sec (he ti$e constant is therefore also defined as the ti$e ta,en for the capacitor to fall the potential to 0.'+ or '+- of the original value V0

A!$:% to deter$ine the RC ti$e constant graphically. A&&ara'(#:% 1000f/ electrolytic capacitor/ 10, or **, resistor/ (0 10V"
1.C. Volt$eter/ 1* to *0V 1.C. supply/ stop watch/ connecting wires etc. D!a ra$:% (a" For charging capacitor.
R )** + 2 3 2 C 1*V 1000f 2

4 fig. 1

(b " For discharging Capacitor.

**5 6

2 C 1000f

Fig *

1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig. 1 for charging capacitor $a,ing sure that the positive ter$inal of the electrolytic capacitor is connect to the positive side of the 1*V supply. (he Volt$eter should be connected with proper polarity. *. 7se the stopwatch to $easure ti$e 8t9 ta,en to store charge. '. :ass the current/ at the sa$e ti$e start the stopwatch; count the ti$e for 1 volt reading in volt$eter. Repeat this procedure three ti$es find the average ti$e t. note that both operations i.e. charging and counting of ti$e should be si$ultaneous. <. 3lways discharge the condenser by shorting it/ before ta,ing anew set of reading. =. (a,e nine such readings (i.e. upto > V" &. (o find the discharging ti$e for different voltages. First charge the condenser to the $a%i$u$ V0 potential/ then disconnect R at a point 3 as shown in the fig. ?o that the source is cut off and connect it to point 4 quic,ly as shown in the fig *. (he resistance R now being in parallel with the condenser/ while noting down the reading/ start for$ $a%i$u$ V0 voltage and note down ti$e t ta,en for different voltage values i.e. ti$e for v0 to 1V/ V0 to Volt/ V0 to 'V .

O-#er.a'!o" 'a-/e:%
Capacitor value C = 1000f. Resistor value R= **5. :otential across For charging ti$e condenser t sec V volts t1 t* t' $ean t :.1 For discharging ti$e across 8t9 sec condenser in volt. t1 t * t' $ean sec sec sec t sec

.a%. Vo = ##..

Gra&h:% V0 V Volt V0 % 0.&' V0 % 0.'+ 0 ( t sec discharging Vo 0.&' = ##.. Vo 0.'+ = ###.


V0 =@@@@@@ V
For charging = V0 % 0. &' = . Antercept on V (voltage" a%is. 1raw corresponding line on t (ti$e" a%is/ which is equal to the ti$e constant for charging. ( = sec. For discharging = V0 % 0.'+ = . Antercept on V a%is. 1raw the corresponding line on t a%is. )hich is equal to the ti$e constant. ( = sec.

?ince R= **5 =** % 10' C=1000 f = 1000 % 10 & =10 ' f (i$e constant/ ( = RC = ** % 10' % 10 ' = ** sec

(i$e constant ( for RC circuit is (i$e constant ( for RC circuit is @@@@@@@@ sec. ((heoretically" @@@@@@@@ sec. (Braphically"

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