FDD 2013 IYPT Reference Kit PDF

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4irst day dra3t :: August 1, 2012

Preparation to the Young Physicists Tournaments 2013

Ilya Martchenko, 1 * Andrei lishin, 2 !e"a Monta"eri #amin, 3 Piotr Pod"iemski, $ %tanis&a' Piatru(a, ) *ukas" +&adc"uk, , and %tanis&a- .-id-i/ski 0

1ni2ersity o3 4ri5ourg and 6und 1ni2ersity7 2 Massachusetts Institute o3 Technology7 3 %hari3 1ni2ersity o3 Technology7 $ 8arsa- 1ni2ersity o3 Technology7 ) 9elarusian %tate 1ni2ersity7 , 1ni2ersity o3 8arsa-7 0 Almukantarat, 8arsa-

;o- to tackle the IYPT pro5lems<

;o- to structure a report< 8hat le2el is competiti2e< ;o- to set the goals, 3i= the priorities, and set the direction o3 the -ork< ;o- -ere people resol2ing particular issues in the past<

6ook through the historical solutions in the Archi2e >?@

an opportunity 3or goal?oriented critical learning e=amples, not guidelines those solutions -ere good, 5ut yours should 5ecome 5etterA


the 3irst IYPT?themed 5ook -here all articles under-ent rigorous peer re2ieBC re2ie-s 3rom 2) re2ie-ers 32 papers selected re2isions, resu5missions 5e3ore getting accepted

Dall 3or cooperation

I3 you are interested in the idea 5ehind the it E to structure some earlier kno-ledge a5out the physics 5ehind the pro5lems and to encourage students to contrast their personal contri5ution 3rom this kno-ledge E your cooperation is -elcome I3 more contri5utors Foin the -ork on the it 3or 2013, or plan 5ringing together the it 3or 201$, good editions may 5e completed earlier It -ould 5e o3 5ene3it 3or e2ery5ody,

students and team leaders, -ho -ould ha2e an early re3erence Gpro2iding a 3irst impetus to the -ork@ and a strong -arning that IYPT is all a5out appropriate, no2el research, and not a5out Hre?in2enting the -heelI Furors, -ho -ould ha2e a 5rie3, in3ormal supporting material, possi5ly making them more skeptical and o5Fecti2e a5out the presentations the audience outside the IYPT, -ho 5ene3its 3rom the structured re3erences in eJgJ physics populari"ation acti2ities and physics teaching the IYPT, as a community and a center o3 competence, that generates 2i5rant, state?o3? the?art research pro5lems, -idely used in other acti2ities and at other e2ents and also the authorGs@ o3 the it, -ho could rapidly acKuire a competence 3or the 3uture acti2ities and ha2e a great learning e=perience

H ey KuestionsI> status update

4ollo-ing the discussions at the IYPT 2012, -e are no- deciding on -hether to discontinue the H ey KuestionsI section in the !e3erence itJ 8e are not including this section into the 4irst Lay Lra3tJ
%tudents, including ne-comers, are implicitly encouraged to start -ork and to dig deeper >?@ Murors may use the H ey KuestionsI as 5rie3 and in3ormal re3erence >?@ The standards are impro2ed in an open?ended, delicate manner, -ithout any HguidelinesI or He=pectationsI 3or the teams >?@

H ey KuestionsI may 5e getting less necessary> eJgJ all IYPT 2012 3inalists per3ectly contrasted their contri5ution against e=isting kno-ledge and articulated their 2ision >?@ A 3e- Furors may 3eel that the H ey KuestionsI are binding or mandatory, despite their open?ended nature >?G A 3e- teams may unconsciously rely on the H ey KuestionsI -hen -orking on their o-n oppositions and re2ie-s, -hich -ould contradict the 5asic aims o3 our proFect >?G

Is the no2el research limited and discouraged 5y the e=isting common kno-ledge and the ongoing -ork o3 competing groups< >?@

Important in3ormation

The 5asic goal o3 this it is not in pro2iding students -ith a start?to?3inish manual or in limiting their creati2ity, 5ut in encouraging them to

regard their -ork critically, look deeper, ha2e a 5etter 5ackground kno-ledge, 5e skeptical in em5edding their proFects into the standards o3 pro3essional research, and, as o3 a 3irst priority, 5e attenti2e in not Hre?in2enting the -heelI

An early e=posure to the culture o3 scienti3ic citations, and de2eloping a responsi5le attitude to-ard making o-n -ork truly no2el and original, is assumed to 5e a help3ul learning e=perience in de2eloping necessary standards and attitudes +ood e=amples are kno-n -hen the it has 5een used as a concise supporting material 3or Furors and the e=ternal community7 the 5ene3its -ere in ha2ing the common kno-ledge structured and 5etter 2isi5le N2en i3 linked 3rom iyptJorg, this 3ile is not an o33icial, 5inding release o3 the IYPT, and should under no circumstances 5e considered as a collection o3 authoritati2e HmustsI or HinstructionsI 3or -hate2er competition %erious conclusions -ill 5e dra-n, up to discontinuing the proFect in its current 3orm, i3 systematic misuse o3 the it is detected, such as e=plicit 3ailure o3 citing properly, replacing o-n research -ith a compilation, or interpreting the it itsel3 as a 5inding Huser guideI All suggestions, 3eed5ack, and criticism a5out the it are -armly appreciated >?@

;a5its and customs

Originality and independence o3 your -ork is al-ays considered as o3 a 3irst priority There is no Hcorrect ans-erI to any o3 the IYPT pro5lems ;a2ing a deep 5ackground kno-ledge a5out earlier -ork in a gi2en 3ield may certainly 5e a plus Taking ideas -ithout citing -ill seemingly 5e a serious misconduct Dritically distinguishing 5et-een personal contri5ution and common kno-ledge is likely to 5e appreciated !eading more in a non?nati2e language may 5e 2ery help3ul 6ocal li5raries and institutions can al-ays help in getting access to paid articles in Fournals, 5ooks and data5ases Is IYPT all a5out rein2enting the -heel, or inno2ating, creating, disco2ering, and 5eing a5le to contrastPo-n -orkP-ith earlier kno-ledge and the achie2ements o3 others< Is IYPT all a5out competing, or a5out de2eloping pro3essional personal standards<

These pro5lems ha2e no solution<

H9ut, my dear 3ello-s,I said 4eodor %imeono2ich, ha2ing deciphered the hand-ritingJ HThis is 9en 9ec"alels pro5lemA Lidnt Dagliostro pro2e that it had no solution<I H8e kno- that it has no solution, too,I said MuntaJ H9ut -e -ish to learn ho- to sol2e itJI H;o- strangely you reason, DristoQ ;o- can you look 3or a solution, -here it does not e=ist< Its some sort o3 nonsenseJI HN=cuse me, 4eodor, 5ut its you -ho are reasoning strangelyJ Its nonsense to look 3or a solution i3 it already e=istsJ 8e are talking a5out ho- to deal -ith a pro5lem that has no solutionJ This is a Kuestion o3 pro3ound principleQI Arkady %trugatsky and 9oris %trugatsky

Ruote 3rom> Arkady %trugatsky and 9oris %trugatskyJ Monday 9egins on %aturdayJ Translated 3rom the !ussianJ GThe Young +uard Pu5lishing ;ouse, Mosco-, 1B,,@

!eKuirements 3or a success3ul IYPT report

A no2el research, not a sur2ey or a compilation o3 kno-n 3acts A 5alance 5et-een e=perimental in2estigation and theoretical analysis A comprehensi5le, logical and interesting presentation, not a detailed description o3 e2erything?you?ha2e?per3ormed?and?thought?a5out A clear understanding o3 the 2alidity o3 your e=periments, and ho- e=actly you analy"ed the o5tained data A clear understanding o3 -hat physical model is used, and -hy it is considered appropriate A clear understanding o3 -hat your theory relies upon, and in -hat limits it may 5e applied Domparison o3 your theory -ith your e=periments Dlear conclusions and clear ans-ers to the raised Kuestions, especially those in the task A clear understanding o3 -hat is your no2el contri5ution, in comparison to pre2ious studies %olid kno-ledge o3 rele2ant physics Proo3read nice?looking slides An une=pected trick, such as a demonstration in situ, -ill al-ays 5e a plus

The Fury -ould like to understandQ

8hat did you actually do< 8hy did you do it< ;o- -ell did you do it< 8ere you a5le to 2oice important Kuestions and pro2ide grounded ans-ers< 8hat -as your maFor contri5ution to the understanding o3 the phenomenon< Dan you Fudge the achie2ements and limits o3 your -ork in an o5Fecti2e, skeptical and sel3?con3ident manner< Are you pro3icient in rele2ant physics concepts< 8ere you a sel3 starter< Dould you 5e le3t unsuper2ised<

S The epigraph 3or the pro5lems selected 5y the IYPT 4ounder N2geny Yunoso2 on Muly $, 2012

Pro5lem #oJ 1 HIn2ent yoursel3I

It is more di33icult to 5end a paper sheet, i3 it is 3olded Haccordion styleI or rolled into a tu5eJ 1sing a single A$ sheet and a small amount o3 glue, i3 reKuired, construct a 5ridge spanning a gap o3 2C0 mmJ Introduce parameters to descri5e the strength o3 your 5ridge, and optimise some or all o3 themJ

9ackground reading

9ill +aughranJ 4olded plates and shell G%tructural 4orms and Doncepts 8e5site 1ni2ersity o3 6imerick@, http>::---3JulJie:Tgaughran:+ildea:page10Jhtm, http>::---3JulJie:Tgaughran:+ildea:inde=mainJhtm Manice UanDlea2eJ ;o- to Make Paper 9ridges GscienceproFectideas3orkidsJcom, 2010@, http>::scienceproFectideas3orkidsJcom:2010:make?paper?5ridges: Manice UanDlea2eJ A Paper 9ridge GscienceproFects3orkidsJcom, 200B@, http>::scienceproFectideas3orkidsJcom:200B:a?paper?5ridge: im 2an der ;elmJ Lesign ProFect 1> Paper 9ridge G101arta2eJcom, 2011@, http>::101arta2eJcom:archi2es:)02 Physics Olympics> Paper 9ridge Instructions Ggra2itykillsJnet@, http>::---Jgra2itykillsJnet:PhysicsOlympics:9ridgeJhtm 9asic notes a5out 5ridges G5rantacanJcoJuk@, http>::---J5rantacanJcoJuk:starterpagesJhtm VWXY Z[ ZY\]\^\_` GklasikaJeduJl2@, http>::---JklasikaJeduJl2:ne-:UtoroF lass:Losug:L2BJhtm Paper 5ridge GenglishplusJhk@, http>::---JenglishplusJhk:!ead1s#o-?6ittle%cientist?) Paper 9ridge G1 Meter@ 5y L4aAndy, http>::d3andyJ5logspotJse:200C:12:paprJhtml 8ikipedia> %tress, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:%tressaGmechanics@ 8ikipedia> Plate theory, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:Plateatheory Tomas" 8ier"5ickiJ 2J0C1M:1,J230M Plates and %hells GMIT, 2000@, http>::oc-JmitJedu:courses:mechanical?engineering:2?0C1F?plates?and?shells?spring? 2000:readings:lecturenoteJpd3, http>::oc-JmitJedu:courses:mechanical?engineering:2?0C1F?plates?and? shells?spring?2000:readings:analysisJpd3 Nduard Uentsel and Theodor rauthammerJ Thin Plates b %hells> Theory, Analysis, b Applications GMacell Lekker, 2001@, http>::3teJeduJiK:e3trathya:$,Jpd3

c5ron"eaeye 2012d

c5ron"eaeye, Muly 10, 2012d

Pro5lem #oJ 2 HNlastic spaceI

The dynamics and apparent interactions o3 massi2e 5alls rolling on a stretched hori"ontal mem5rane are o3ten used to illustrate gra2itationJ In2estigate the system 3urtherJ Is it possi5le to de3ine and measure the apparent Hgra2itational constantI in such a H-orldI<

c;arrison 2000d

9ackground reading

8ikipedia> +ra2ity -ell, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:+ra2itya-ell +eometry and gra2ityJ In> Nd-ard !o5ert ;arrisonJ Dosmology>PThe %cience o3 the 1ni2erse GDam5ridge 1ni2ersity Press, 2000@, ppJ 22$?22), http>::5ooksJgoogleJse:5ooks< idek#=e;L2c56YD #earer to the hearts desireJ In> Nd-ard !o5ert ;arrisonJ Masks o3 the 1ni2erse>PDhanging Ideas on the #ature o3 the Dosmos GDam5ridge 1ni2ersity Press, 2003@, ppJ 1C1?1C2, http>::5ooksJgoogleJse:5ooks<idet%o-+DP0kMID +ra2ity> %pace as a !u55er %heet G+J unstatter, 1ni2J o3 8innipeg, April 2002@, http>::theoryJu-innipegJca:users:ga5or:5lackaholes:slide)Jhtml +ra2ity Is #ot A !u55er %heet GNddie Durrents 9log, March B, 2012@, http>::eddiecurrentJ5logspotJse:2012:03:gra2ity?is?not?ru55er?sheetJhtml Mose3 9emelmans andPMichel DhipotJ On a 2ariational pro5lem 3or an elastic mem5rane supporting a hea2y 5allJ Dalculus o3 Uariations and PLN 3, $, $$0?$03 G1BB)@ DJ MJ Nlliott and AJ 4riedmanJ The contact set o3 a rigid 5ody partially supported 5y a mem5raneJ #onlinJ AnalJ 10, 2)1f20, G1BC,@ #J MJ 4errier and !J 8J 9rockettJ !econstructing the shape o3 a de3orma5le mem5rane 3rom image dataJ IntJ MJ !o5otics !esJ 1B, B, 0B)?C1, G2000@ eith MJ Miren5ergJ Introduction to gra2ity?-ell models o3 celestial o5Fects, http>::---Jspiral-ishing-ellsJcom:guide:+ra2itya8ellsaMiren5ergJpd3

cDM Isher-ood 200Cd

Pro5lem #oJ 3 H9ouncing 5allI

I3 you hold a Ping?Pong 5all a5o2e the ground and release it, it 5ouncesJ The nature o3 the collision changes i3 the 5all contains liKuidJ In2estigate ho- the nature o3 the collision depends on amount o3 liKuid inside the 5all and other rele2ant parametersJ

The 3irst paper on the e33ect, 5y TJ illian et alJ, seems to 5e yet under re2ie- as o3 August 2012A


9ackground reading

TJ illian, !J laus, and TJ TJ TruscottJ !e5ound and Fet 3ormation o3 a 3luid?3illed sphereJ Physics o3 4luids Gin !e2ie-, 2012@ !o5ert laus, Taylor illian b Tadd TruscottJ %phere !e5ound?%uppression 3rom %loshing GAP% 2010 Don3J poster@, http>::---JtaddtruscottJcom:AP%2010:PosteraU$Jpd3 Tadd TruscottJ N33ect o3 sloshing on partially 3illed 5all G2imeo, 2011@, http>::2imeoJcom:2B200,32 Taylor 8J illian, Tadd TruscottJ Mathematical Lynamics o3 4luid Motion Inside o3 a %pherical 9oundary G9righam Young 1ni2ersity@, http>::orcaJ5yuJedu:do-nloadJphp<3ileeFug:docs:2012: illian, g2)20TaylorJpd3 PJ +J YoungJ An analytical model to predict the response o3 3luid?3illed shells to impactEa model 3or 5lunt head impactsJ MJ %ound Ui5ration ), 1100?112, G2003@, http>::oaiJdticJmil:oai:oai< 2er5eget!ecordbmetadataPre3i=ehtmlbidenti3iereALA1)B32$ 8ikipedia> Doe33icient o3 restitution, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:Doe33icientao3arestitution UJ LJ u5enko and PJ %J o2alchukJ #onlinear pro5lems o3 the dynamics o3 elastic shells partialiy 3illed -ith a liKuidJ IntJ AppJ MechJ 3,, $, $21?$$C G2000@ AJ AJ 6akis, %J #eaguJ 4ree %ur3ace Ace N33ects on the Lynamics o3 Dylindrical shells Partially 4illed 8ith 6iKuidJ MJ %ound Ui5rations 2000, 2, 23, 10)?20) G1BB0@ #uri AkkasJ Lynamic analysis o3 a 3luid?3illed spherical sand-ich shellEA model o3 the human headJ MJ 9iomechanics C, ), 20)f2C$ G1B0)@ 8J +oldsmith, UJ;J ennerJ Impact on a simple physical model o3 the headJ MJ 9iomechanics ,, 1, 1? 11 G1B03@

Pro5lem #oJ $ H%olitonI

A chain o3 similar pendula is mounted eKuidistantly along a hori"ontal a=is, -ith adFacent pendula 5eing connected -ith light stringsJ Nach pendulum can rotate a5out the a=is 5ut can not mo2e side-ays Gsee 3igure@J In2estigate the propagation o3 a de3lection along such a chainJ 8hat is the speed 3or a solitary -a2e, -hen each pendulum undergoes an entire 3,0h re2olution<

;o- to 5uild such a comple= system o3 pendula<

8hat is actually a solitary -a2e<

cMarius" arol #o-ak 2012d

9ackground reading

8ikipedia> %oliton, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:%oliton 8ikipedia> %ine?+ordon eKuation, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:%ine?+ordonaeKuation Ale= asmanJ An Introduction to %olitons GDollege o3 Dharleston@, http>::kasmanaJpeopleJco3cJedu:%O6ITO#PID%:inde=Jhtml anehisa TakasakiJ Many 4aces o3 %olitons G yoto 1ni2ersity@, http>::---JmathJhJkyoto? uJacJFp:Ttakasaki:soliton?la5:gallery:solitons:sg?eJhtml AJ Miroshnichenko, AJ Uasilie2, and %J Lmitrie2J %olitons and %oliton Dollisions GMa=?Planck?Institut 3ur Physik komple=er %ysteme@, http>::---Jmpipks?dresdenJmpgJde:Tandreym:solitons:collision:mainJhtml Michel !emoissenetJ 8a2es Dalled %olitons> Doncepts and N=periments G%pringer, 1BBB@, http>::5ooksJgoogleJ5y:5ooks<ideA02RR$9L #ID ;uang +uo=iang and iu jai=inJ inks and %olitons in Doupled Pendulum 6atticesJ DhinJ PhysJ 6ettJ B, 12, ,)B?,,2 G1BB2@, http>::cplJiphyJacJcn:N#:Y1BB2:UBg20g20g20g20g20g20g20g20g20:I12:,)Bk 9ruce Lenardo, 9rian +al2in, Alan +reen3ield, Andrls 6arra"a, %eth Putterman, and 8illiam 8rightJ O5ser2ations o3 locali"ed structures in nonlinear lattices> Lomain -alls and kinksJ PhysJ !e2J 6ettJ ,C, 1030f1033 G1BB2@ MJ Due2as, 6J RJ Nnglish, PJ +J e2rekidis, MJ AndersonJ Liscrete 5reathers in a 3orced?damped array o3 coupled pendula> Modeling, Domputation and N=perimentJ PhysJ !e2J 6ettJ 102, 22$101 G200B@, arii2>0B02J212B21 cnlinJP%d !J 9asu?Thakur, 6J RJ Nnglish, and AJ MJ %ie2ersJ Lri2en intrinsic locali"ed modes in a coupled pendulum arrayJ MJ PhysJ L $1, 1, 01))03 G200C@

9ackground reading

!ama" homeriki and Mlrmme 6eonJ Trista5ility in the pendula chainJ PhysJ !e2J N 0C, 0)0202 G200C@, arii2>0C10J3,2121 cnlinJP%d %oliton?Test3 Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom 9T-a2e#o, April ), 200B@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e%A5R$M2LKNN Uisuali"ing %olitons Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom gra2ityandle2ity, Mune 11, 200B@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e1d0%T 8#mR%olitons ? kink and anti?kink collisions G2imeoJcom, 3rom Laniel Piker, Manuary 22, 2012@, http>::2imeoJcom:3)$,2C)$ %olitons G2imeoJcom, 3rom carolune, March 2B, 2011@, http>::2imeoJcom:21,,1C00 %toring solitons in a potential -ell Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom Marius" arol #o-ak, April 1, 2012@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2et9Mp303F,po Pendulum Dhain, Part 1 Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom 1-e %ch-ar"@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2eO"t1Uke )2N Pendulum Dhain, Part 2 Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom 1-e %ch-ar"@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2eiOc3idNCC6M

cpennstateli2e 2000d

Pro5lem #oJ ) H6e2itationI

A light 5all GeJgJ a Ping?Pong 5all@ can 5e supported on an up-ard airstreamJ The airstream can 5e tilted yet still support the 5allJ In2estigate the e33ect and optimise the system to produce the ma=imum angle o3 tilt that results in a sta5le 5all positionJ

9ackground reading

9ernoullins Principle Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom Fason23CB,0, 1CJ10J2000@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2enRKM+N;=)eR 9engt 4orn5ergJ %teady 2iscous 3lo- past a sphere at high !eynolds num5ersJ MJ 4luid MechJ 1B0, $01?$CB G1BCC@ #otes on 1J,3 Ad2anced Nn2ironmental 4luid Mechanics GDJ DJ Mei, 2001@, http>::-e5JmitJedu:3luids?modules:---:lo-aspeeda3lo-s:2?)%tokesJpd3 4lo- past a sphere II> %tokens lat, the 5ernoulli eKuation, tur5ulence, 5oundary layers, 3lo- separation, http>::oc-JmitJedu:courses:earth?atmospheric?and?planetary? sciences:12?0B0?special?topics?an?introduction?to?3luid?motions?sediment?transport?and? current?generated?sedimentary?structures?3all?200,:lecture?notes:ch3Jpd3 Mens NggersJ 3J) 4lo- past a sphereJ G1ni2ersity o3 9ristol@, http>::---JmathsJ5risJacJuk:TmaFge:-eek,Jpd3 TJ AJ Mohnson and UJ DJ PatelJ 4lo- past a sphere up to a !eynolds num5er o3 300J MJ 4luid Mech 30C, 1B?00 G1BBB@

cFust"heka 2012d

Pro5lem #oJ , HDoloured plasticI

In 5right light, a transparent plastic o5Fect GeJgJ a 5lank DL case@ can sometimes shine in 2arious colours Gsee 3igure@J %tudy and e=plain the phenomenonJ Ascertain i3 one also sees the colours -hen 2arious light sources are usedJ

Qre2eals 5ire3ringence in transmission Gnot in re3lectionA@

A piece o3 common plasticQ

%omething similar seen in plastic o5Fects 5et-een crossed polari"ers


Yes> residual strain in industrially stamped plastic o5Fects may result in stress 5ire3ringence It is -ell 2isi5le -ith crossed polari"ers 8hy the colors are seen -hen no e=tra polari"ers are used<

cal5oms 2012d cPhoto N=tremist 2011d cM % Durran 2002d


9ackground reading

MJ MJ 9ond and LJ 8J ;adleyJ Photoelasticity -ithout polaroidsJ PhysJ NducJ B, $11 G1B0$@ MJ TJ Pindera and +J Dloud, On dispersion o3 5ire3ringence o3 photoelastic materialsJ N=pJ MechJ ,, B, $00?$C0 G1B,,@ 9ire3ringence Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom syme$2C$,P12J03J200B@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2ec6iaiuii)Cs Uie- %tress in Transparent Materials Gyoutu5eJcom,P3rom Feriells-orth, 30J0,J200B@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e4ki-#R-r=j$ %tress Makes Them 9i G%-ans on Tea, %eptem5er 0, 200C@, http>::5logsJscience3orumsJnet:s-ansont:archi2es:0)$ 8ikipedia> 9ire3ringence, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:9ire3ringence 8ikipedia> Photoelasticity, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:Photoelasticity 8ikipedia> %tress analysis, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:%tressaanalysis 8ikipedia> 9re-sters angle, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:9re-sternsaangle ;o- Lo 8e no- 6ight 9eha2es as a 8a2e< GphysicsclassroomJcom@, http>::---JphysicsclassroomJcom:class:light:u12l1eJc3m UJ +J 4esenko2J %ome polarisation properties o3 the daylight skyJ %o2iet Astronomy B, ), C3,?C3B G1B,,@

9ackground reading
%tress analysis using photoelasticity Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom 2alenciaup2, 23J0BJ2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e8gi2c%i;jMC Photoelasticity> Introduction to photoelastic stress analysis apparatus Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom 3lengets, 30J01J2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch< 2e9d%aAB5y ms Louglas DJ MarkJ !esidual stress 5ire3ringence in optical materials G;inds Instruments, #o2em5er 30, 2011@, http>::---JhindsinstrumentsJcom:2011:11:residual?stress? 5ire3ringence?in?optical?materials: Ale= %J !edner and 9ar5ara ;o33manJ !esidual stress testing 3or transparent polymersJ Testing G1BBB@, http>::---JstrainopticsJcom:3iles:!esidualg20%tressg20TestingJpd3

Pro5lem #oJ 0 H;earing lightI

Doat one hal3 o3 the inside o3 a Far -ith a layer o3 soot and drill a hole in its co2er Gsee 3igure@J 8hen light 3rom a light 5ul5 connected to AD hits the Fars 5lack -all, a distinct sound can 5e heardJ N=plain and in2estigate the phenomenonJ

IYPT history
8hat is the radiation spectrum 3or a light 5ul5< Loes it only produce optical radiation< 8hy discharging an electronic 3lash unit near a cym5al -ill produce a sound 3rom the cym5al<






9ackground reading

8ikipedia> Photoacoustic e33ect, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:Photoacousticae33ect Man3red Nuler, urt #iemann, and Andreas MollerJ ;earing 6ightJ PhysJ TeachJ 3C, ,, 3),?3)C G2000@, ---Juni?landauJde:physik:;earingg206ightJpd3 AJ +J 9ellJ On the production and reproduction o3 sound 5y lightJ AmJ MJ %ciJ 20, 30) G1CC0@, http>::aFsJli5raryJcmuJedu:5ooks:pagesJcgi<calleAM%a1CC0a020a1CC0aI#LNia11? 20blayoute2ol0:part0:copy0b3ilee00000311 !ayleighJ PhotophoneJ #ature 23, )C,, 20$?20) G1CC1@ Mohn TyndallJ Action o3 an intermittent 5eam o3 radiant heat upon gaseous matterJ ProcJ !J %ocJ 6ondonP31, 300?310 G1CC1@ 8J DJ !pntgenJ On Tones Produced 5y the Intermittent Irradiation o3 a +asJ PhilosJ MagJP11, 30C G1CC1@ AJ +J 9ellJ 1pon the production o3 sound 5y radiant energy PhilosJ MagJ 11, )10?)2C G1CC1@J Allan !osenc-aig and Allen +ersho,PAllenJ Theory o3 the photoacoustic e33ect -ith solidsJ Mournal o3 Applied Physics $0, 1, ,$?,B G1B0,@ ;ugo 4astl andPN5erhard j-ickerJ Psychoacoustics G%pringer, 9erlin, 1BB0@, 5ooksJgoogleJcom:< idee+c3nBdd!hcD ai %un, #an 8u, Ye Tian, iing-ei 8anJ %imulation on photoacoustic con2ersion e33iciency o3 optical 3i5er?5ased ultrasound generator using di33erent a5sor5ing 3ilm materialsJ ProcJ %PIN 0BC2, 0BC213, 0BC213?0BC213?0 G2011@ %J MJ La2ies, DJ Nd-ards, +J %J Taylor, and %J 9J PalmerJ 6aser?generated ultrasound> its properties, mechanisms and multi3arious applicationsJ MJ PhysJ LJ> AppJ PhysJ 2,, 3, 32B G1BB3@ NJ 9iagi, 4J Margheri, LJ MenichelliJ N33icient laser?ultrasound generation 5y using hea2ily a5sor5ing 3ilms as targetsJ INNN TransJ 1ltrasonics, 4erroelectrics and 4reKuency Dontrol, $C, ,, 1,,B?1,C0 G2001@

Pro5lem #oJ C HMet and 3ilmI

A thin liKuid Fet impacts on a soap 3ilm Gsee 3igure@J Lepending on rele2ant parameters, the Fet can either penetrate through the 3ilm or merge -ith it, producing interesting shapesJ N=plain and in2estigate this interaction and the resulting shapesJ

Dhristophe !au3aste, 2011


The 3irst paper on the e33ect, 5y +eo33roy irstetter et alJ, seems to 5e not yet su5mitted as o3 August 2012A

9ackground reading

+eoqroy irstetter, Dhristophe !au3aste, and 4ranck DelestiniJ Met impact on a soap rlmJ arii2>1203J0C$221 ccond?matJso3td +eo33roy irstetter, Dhristophe !au3aste, 4ranck DelestiniJ Interaction o3 a Fet -ith a liKuid 3oam> a 3ilm scale studyJ http>::---JaeJute=asJedu:I1TAM2011:!au3asteJpd3

cThe !ocketeer 200Cd

Pro5lem #oJ B HDar5on microphoneI

4or many years, a design o3 microphone has in2ol2ed the use o3 car5on granulesJ Uarying pressure on the granules produced 5y incident sound -a2es produces an electrical output signalJ In2estigate the components o3 such a de2ice and determine its characteristicsJ

9ackground reading

MJ 9J Dal2ertJ Microphones G1ni2ersity o3 Len2er, 2003@, http>::mysiteJduJedu:TFcal2ert:tech:microphJhtm 8J DJ 9arneyJ Theory o3 the action o3 the car5on microphone f -hat is it< %cienti3ic American %upplement, #oJ $$,, Muly 1B, 1CC$, http>::---Jguten5ergJorg:3iles:113C):113C)?h:113C)?hJhtmk1$ 8ikipedia> Dar5on microphone, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:Dar5onamicrophone The Lou5le?9utton Dar5on?+ranule Microphone G2iasJorg@, http>::---J2iasJorg:al5ertaecomm:aec0$aelectroacousticade2icesa010Jhtml Types o3 Microphones Part 1 Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom 0rockey, 20J12J200B@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2eyM P3K3 D9home made car5on microphone Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom sorrisoaperto, 01J00J2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e2LcuNndlj$Dar5on Dharcoal Microphone Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom teacherinstitute, 13J0)J2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2euAnlmoeiaDo !a"or 9lade and +raphite Microphone ? %uicide Mic Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom Feriells-orth, 01J0,J2010@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e9hL"y 3?!%1

cFust"heka 2012d

Pro5lem #oJ 10 H8ater riseI

4ill a saucer up -ith -ater and place a candle 2ertically in the middle o3 the saucerJ The candle is lit and then co2ered 5y a transparent 5eakerJ In2estigate and e=plain the 3urther phenomenonJ

9ackground reading

;arkirat %J LhindsaJ Dandle 5urning in an in2erted Far o2er -ater in a trough e=periment> %cience teachers conceptions, http>::---JmathJhar2ardJedu:Tknill:pedagogy:-atere=periment:dhindsaJpd3, http>::con3erenceJnieJeduJsg:paper:Don2ertedg20Pd3:a5003)$Jpd3 Oli2er nillJ +etting the 3acts right G;ar2ard 1ni2ersity, B:2$:200,@, http>::---JmathJhar2ardJedu:Tknill:pedagogy:-atere=periment:inde=Jhtml 4rancisco Uera, !odrigo !i2era, Dlsar #ste"J 9urning a candle in a 2essel, a simple e=periment -ith a long historyJ %ci b Nduc 20, CC1fCB3 G2011@, http>::---JmathJhar2ardJedu:Tknill:pedagogy:-atere=periment:2eraari2eraanune"Jpd3 A 5urning candle needs o=ygen G-onderKuestJcom, May 1B, 200C@, http>::---J-onderKuestJcom:candle?outJhtm ;J MJ reu"erPandP%J ;J PayneJ Thermodynamics o3 heating a roomJ AmJ MJ PhysJ 0B, 1, 0$ G2011@ Ngg in the 9ottle N=periment -ith a T-ist Gyoutu5eJcom, %te2e%pangler%cience, 1BJ0CJ200C@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2empD)"lmtm?g 8ine in an upside do-n glass trick Gyoutu5eJcom, 3romPheyscu5a, 22J0)J2000@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e"n6)y6gLa2k D%AU ;a-aii> 9est %cience Magic Trick Dandle b 8ater Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom Denter%tudyUolcanoes, 1$J12J2010@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e=- 5psOm;FN

9ackground reading

Meremy 9J DaplanJ The ;idden Domple=ities o3 a u%impleu N=perimentJ PhysJ TeachJ 32, ), 310?31$ G1BB$@ Mames PJ 9irkJ The Persistence o3 the Dand?and?Dylinder MisconceptionJ MJ DhemJ NducJ 0,, 0, B1$ G1BBB@ 9rian !ohringJ The capti2ating chemistry o3 candles GmyteacherpagesJcom@, http>::---JmyteacherpagesJcom:-e5pages:DDP;%:3iles:capti2atingg20chemistryg20o3 g20candlesJpd3 Dandle and 8ater ? Dool science e=periment Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom igor30, 00J11J2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e3"ap2Dhi2iM 4ire and 8ater Magic Trick Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom 3utsang, 1,J0CJ2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2ehd025Y"odoo !o5ert ramp3J Dandle in a 9ottle N=periment k$$0PGato"teacherstu33Jcom@, http>::---Jato"teacherstu33Jcom:pages:)C0BJshtml DJ +J ;odgkinJ Making impro2ements to a simple e=periment on com5ustionJ Australian %cience Teachers Mournal $1, 1, $0 G1BB)@, http>::homeJntelosJnet:Trollinso:Dandle:DandleN=ptJhtml 8hy does the -ater rise a3ter candle goes out< G-ikiJans-ersJcom@, http>::-ikiJans-ersJcom:R:8hyadoesathea-aterariseaa3teracandleagoesaout Thirsty candle GsciencesKuadJcom@, http>::sciencesKuadJKuestaconJeduJau:acti2ities:thirstyJhtml

cpatrickd 200,d

Pro5lem #oJ 11 H9all 9earing MotorI

A de2ice called a H9all 9earing MotorI uses electrical energy to create rotational motionJ On -hat parameters do the motor e33iciency and the 2elocity o3 the rotation depend< GTake care -hen -orking -ith high currentsA@


9ackground reading

8ikipedia> 9all 5earing motor, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:9alla5earingamotor !J AJ MilroyJ Liscussion> H;ydrodynamic +yroscopeI GThen, MJ 8J, 1B,,, A%MN MJ ApplJ MechJ, 33, ppJ 0,Cf0,BJ@ MJ ApplJ MechJ 3$, 2, )2) G1B,0@ ;J +ruen5ergJ The 5all 5earing as a motorJ AmJ MJ PhysJ $,, 12, 1213?121B G1B0C@ AJ AJ Mills, The 9all?9earing Nlectric MotorJ PhysJ NdJ 1), 102 G1BC0@ MJ PJ ;J 8eeninkJ The electromagnetic torKue on a=ially symmetric rotating metal cylinders and spheresJ AppJ %ciJ !esearch 30, 1?2, 101?1C2 G1BC1@ PJ +J Moyssides and PJ ;at"ikonstantinouJ %tudy o3 electrical characteristics o3 the 5all 5earing motorPINNN> TransJ MagneticsPM?2,,P120$?12C1 G1BB0@ PJ ;at"ikonstantinou and PJ +J MoyssidesJ N=planation o3 the 5all 5earing motor and e=act solutions o3 the related Ma=-ell eKuationsJ MJ PhysJ A> MathJ +enJP23, 1$,P31C3?31B0 G1BB0@ LJ 9J 8atson, MJ !J 8illiams, DJ %J DrimpJ 9all?9earing MotorsJ INN ProcJ %ciJ MeasJ TechnolJ 1$0, $, 2C1?2C, G1BB3@, http>::---Jli5souJcom:pd3:002C,C,CJpd3 LJ9J 8atson and AJMJ 8atsonJ 6inear 5all?5earing motorJ INN ProcJ %ciJ MeasJ TechnolJ 1$1, 22$ G1BB$@ LJ 9J 8atson and AJ MJ 8atsonJ #on?3erromagnetic linear 5all?5earing motorsJ MJ PhysJ L> AppJ PhysJ 2B, 3, )2B?)32 G1BB,@ PJ +J Moyssides and PJ ;at"ikonstantinouJ 9all 5earing motorsJ INNN TransJ> MagnJ 33, ,, $),,? $),B G1BB0@ LJ 9J 8atson, %J MJ Patel, and %edcole, #JPJ 9all?5earing motor e33ect -ith rolling cylindersJ INN ProcJ %ciJ MeasJ TechnolJ 1$,, 2, C3?C0 G1BBB@

9ackground reading

LJ9J 8atson and 8J!J 8atson, 9all 9earing and !olling Dylinder Motors, INNN TransJ MagJ 3), ),2 G1BBB@ Mike ;arrisonJ The 9all?9earing electric motor GMikensPNlectricP%tu33@, http>::---Jelectricstu33JcoJuk:55motorJhtml Mohn %toreyJ ;o- real electric motors -ork G1ni2J o3 #e- %outh 8ales, 200,@, http>::---JphysJuns-JeduJau:hsc:hsc:electricamotorsCJhtml, http>::---JphysJuns-JeduJau:hsc:hsc:electricamotors10Jhtml irk TJ McLonaldJ 9all?9earing Motor GPrinceton 1ni2ersity, May 10, 2011@, http>::---JphysicsJprincetonJedu:Tmcdonald:e=amples:motorJpd3 9all 5earing motor Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom mcallister,1$00, 1$J0$J2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2et;j5;M48%2k 9all 9earing Motor Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom progressi2etech1, 11J0,J2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2eo0ktomInKpC 9all?5earing Motor Or ;o- to con3use people -ith a simple machine G3dscienceJorg@, http>::---J3dscienceJorg:uneko:55motorJhtm

c!ussel 2011d

Pro5lem #oJ 12 H;elmholt" carouselI

Attach Dhristmas tree 5alls on a lo- 3riction mounting Gcarousel@ such that the hole in each 5all points in a tangential directionJ I3 you e=pose this arrangement to sound o3 a suita5le 3reKuency and intensity, the carousel starts to rotateJ N=plain this phenomenon and in2estigate the parameters that result in the ma=imum rotation speed o3 the carouselJ

Is there a speci3ic air 3lo- close to the neck o3 the Dhristmas tree 5all<

There -as a pro5lem in a hydrodynamics 5ook that -as 5eing discussed 5y all the physics studentsJ The pro5lem is this> You ha2e an %?shaped la-n sprinkler ? an %?shaped pipe on a pi2ot ? and the -ater sKuirts out at right angles to the a=is and makes it spin in a certain directionJ N2ery5ody kno-s -hich -ay it goes around7 it 5acks a-ay 3rom the outgoing -aterJ #o- the Kuestion is this> I3 you had a lake, or s-imming pool ? a 5ig supply o3 -ater ? and you put the sprinkler completely under -ater, and sucked the -ater in, instead o3 sKuirting it out, -hich -ay -ould it turn< 8ould it turn the same -ay as it does -hen you sKuirt -ater out into the air, or -ould it turn the other -ay< The ans-er is per3ectly clear at 3irst sightJ The trou5le -as, some guy -ould think it -as per3ectly clear one -ay, and another guy -ould think it -as per3ectly clear the other -ayJ %o e2ery5ody -as discussing itJ I remem5er at one particular seminar, or tea, some5ody -ent nip to Pro3 Mohn 8heeler and said, u8hich -ay do you think it goes around<I 8heeler said, uYesterday, 4eynman con2inced me that it -ent 5ack-ardsJ Today, hens con2inced me eKually -ell that it goes around the other -ayJ I donnt kno- what henll con2ince me o3 tomorro-Au

!J PJ 4eynman, %urely Youre Moking, MrJ 4eynman, G#orton, #e- York, #Y, 1BC)@, ppJ ,3f,) NJ MachJ Lie Mechanik in Ihrer Nnt-icklung ;istorisch? ritisch Largerstellt G1CC3@

9ackground reading

Mo2ing o5Fects 5y sound Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom 6FudochUi5rationer, 2$J0CJ2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e%emR%$!6e41 Laniel AJ !ussellJ Acoustic Propulsion Gyoutu5eJcom, drdanku, 0$J01J2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2eFe0e6j%,++0 Laniel AJ !ussellJ Acoustic Propulsion Part 2, measurement o3 thrust Gyoutu5eJcom, drdanku, 0,J01J2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2euMC9Ck1I%Rg Moe 8ol3eJ ;elmholt" !esonance G1ni2ersity o3 %outh 8ales@, http>::---JphysJuns-JeduJau:F-:;elmholt"Jhtml J 1no IngardJ #otes on Acoustics GIn3inity %cience Press, 200C@ 8ikipedia> ;elmholt" resonance, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:;elmholt"aresonance Tom Ir2ineJ 9e2erage 9ottles as ;elmholt" !esonators G2i5rationdataJcom@, http>::---J2i5rationdataJcom:#e-sletters:Manuary200$a#6Jpd3 !J Uictor MonesJ ;elmholt" !esonators> 9asic Analytic Le2ices G1ni2ersity o3 ;ar2ard@, http>::peopleJseasJhar2ardJedu:TFones:cscie12B:nualectures:lecture3g20:hoahelmholt": hoahelmholt"Jhtml !icardo !J 9oullosa and 4elipe Orduna?9ustamanteJ The reaction 3orce on a ;elmholt" resonator dri2en at high sound pressure amplitudesJ AmJ MJ PhysJ ,0, C, 022?02, G1BB2@ AleFandro MenkinsJ An elementary treatment o3 the re2erse sprinklerJ AmJ MJ PhysJ 02, 10, 120,?12C2PG200$@, arii2>physics:03120C023PcphysicsJ3lu?dynd

9ackground reading

Nd-ard DJ Dreut"JP4eynmanns re2erse sprinklerJPAmJ MJ PhysJ 03, 3, 1BC?1BBPG200)@ AleFandro MenkinsJ %prinkler head re2isited> momentum, 3orces, and 3lo-s in Machian propulsionJ NurJ MJ PhysJ 32, ), 1213?122, G2011@, arii2>0B0CJ31B021PcphysicsJ3lu?dynd MJ YJ !enaud, 4lu= dnaspiration, approche thloriKue, 200,, http>::---JeclecticspaceJnet:poppop:Fy:4lu=aAspirationaApprocheaTheoaU2a0Jpd3 8ikipedia> 4eynman sprinkler, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:4eynmanasprinkler Nrnst MachJ Lie Mechanik in Ihrer Nnt-icklung ;istorisch? ritisch Largerstellt, G6eip"ig> 9rockhaus, 1CC3@, ppJ 2BB?301

cFust"heka 2012d

Pro5lem #oJ 13 H;oney coilsI

A thin, do-n-ard 3lo- o3 2iscous liKuid, such as honey, o3ten turns itsel3 into circular coilsJ %tudy and e=plain this phenomenonJ

9ackground reading

The 6iKuid !ope?Doil N33ect Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom psidot, 30J0,J2000@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch< 2erNkuhDBeMlM +eorge 9arnesPandP!ichard 8oodcockJ 6iKuid !ope?Doil N33ectJ AmJ MJ PhysJ 2,, $, 20) G1B)C@ +eorge 9arnesPandPMames Macken"ieJ ;eight o3 4allPUersusP4reKuency in 6iKuid !ope?Doil N33ectJ AmJ MJ PhysJ 20, 2, 112?11) G1B)B@ #eil MJ !i5e,PMehdi ;a5i5i,Pand Laniel 9onnJ 6iKuid !ope DoilingJ AnnJ !e2J 4luid MechJ $$, 2$B?2,, G2012@ #eil MJ !i5e,PMehdi ;a5i5i,Pand Laniel 9onnJ %ta5ility o3 6iKuid !ope DoilingJ PhysJ 4luids 1C, 2,C?20B G200,@, http>::halJarchi2es?ou2ertesJ3r:docs:00:12:B3:B3:PL4:ri5eetalate=tJpd3 #J MJ !i5eJ Doiling o3 2iscous FetsJ ProcJ !J %ocJ 6ondJ A $,0, 3223?323B G200$@ Dhristopher 9atty, !o5ert 9ridsonJ Accurate 2iscous 3ree sur3aces 3or 5uckling, coiling, and rotating liKuidsJ In> ProcJ 200C ADM %I++!AP;:Nurographics %ymposium on Domputer Animation GAire?la?Uille, 200C@, ppJ 21B?22C 6J Mahade2an, 8illiam %J !yu, Ara2inthan LJ TJ %amuelJ 4luid vrope trick in2estigatedJ #ature 3C2, 1$0 G1BBC@, http>::---JdeasJhar2ardJedu:so3tmat:do-nloads:pre2000?11Jpd3 %J Dhiu?8e5ster and MJ !J 6isterJ The 3all o3 a 2iscous thread onto a mo2ing sur3ace> a v3luid?mechanical se-ing machineJ MJ 4luid MechJ ),B, CB?111 G200,@ #J MJ !i5e, ;J NJ ;uppert, MJ AJ ;all-orth, MJ ;a5i5i and Laniel 9onnJ Multiple coe=isting states o3 liKuid rope coilingJ MJ 4luid MechJ ))), 20)?2B0 G200,@ %tephen 8J Morris, Monathan ;J PJ La-es, #eil MJ !i5e, and Mohn !J 6isterJ Meandering insta5ility o3 a 2iscous threadJ PhysJ !e2J N 00, 0,,21C G200C@

cFust"heka 2012d

Pro5lem #oJ 1$ H4lying chimneyI

Make a hollo- cylindrical tu5e 3rom light paper GeJgJ 3rom an empty tea 5ag@J 8hen the top end o3 the cylinder is lit, it takes o33J N=plain the phenomenon and in2estigate the parameters that in3luence the li3t?o33 and dynamics o3 the cylinderJ

9ackground reading

!onald LJ NdgeJ The Nthnic !ocketJ PhysJ TeachJ 3), 2, 110 G1BB0@ Andre- LePino MrJ Another slo- 5urnJ 3), ), 2,1G1BB0@ Lenis 9urchillJ The 3light o3 the hum5le tea 5agJ PhysJ NducJ 3B, 1, 22?23 G200$@ Tea 5ag rocket> teachers notes GDurtin 1ni2J TechJ@, http>::scienceJcurtinJeduJau:local:documents:teaa5agarocketJpd3 4lying Tea 9ag !ocketA Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom MDN=periments, 13J02J2010@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2ej1$Lp!re)Mk ;ome N=periment> 4lying Tea 9ag Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom Thirst4or%cience, 00J0BJ200B@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2eT 43O =-MCg ho- to make a tea 5ag hot air 5alloon Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom rishi5alasaria, 10J0)J2010@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2ePAs-TB-KR-o Tea 9ag !ockets Don2ection Durrent 3ire N=periment Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom cool2ids310, 13J11J2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e+kkri=M$d5C Tea 9ag !ocket> a 3un, at?home science e=periment G3rom scienceo33center, 1)J0BJ2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2east0#8n#toY 4lying Tea 9ag !ocket G3rom May%ummer1, 03J11J2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2eYPp0M-;n%OA Thermal Don2ection o3 a +as ? Paper Dhimney G1ni2ersity o3 Io-a@, http>::3aradayJphysicsJuio-aJedu:heat:$920J3)Jhtm Make a tea 5ag rocket G3i""icseducationJcomJau@, http>::---J3i""icseducationJcomJau:e=periments:3orce g20andg20mo2ement:teag205agg20rocketJhtml ;o- to Make a Tea 9ag !ocket G-ikiho-Jcom@, http>::---J-ikiho-Jcom:Make?a?Tea?9ag?!ocket

Pro5lem #oJ 1) HMeniscus opticsI

Dut a narro- slit in a thin sheet o3 opaKue materialJ Immerse the sheet in a liKuid, such as -aterJ A3ter remo2ing the sheet 3rom the liKuid, you -ill see a liKuid 3ilm in the slitJ Illuminate the slit and study the resulting patternJ

9ackground reading

8ikipedia> Li33raction, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:Li33raction 8ikipedia> Meniscus, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:Meniscus UJ NJ Lontso2PandPUJ NJ #akoryako2J Pressure -a2e 5reakdo-n o3 a gas 3ilm in a liKuid?3illed slitJ 4luid Lynamics 20, ), 0$3?0$, G1BB2@ !J Ualery !oy, 6eonard 8J %ch-ar"J On the sta5ility o3 liKuid ridgesJ MJ 4luid MechJ 3B1, 2B3?31C G1BBB@, http>::cap3luidicslitJmmeJpd=Jedu:re3erence:Dapillary g20Phenomena:Inter3ace g20%ta5ility:!oyaM4M1BBBa6iKuid!idge%ta5ilityJpd3

csanche" 2012d

Pro5lem #oJ 1, H;oopsI

An elastic hoop is pressed against a hard sur3ace and then suddenly releasedJ The hoop can Fump high in the airJ In2estigate ho- the height o3 the Fump depends on the rele2ant parametersJ

9ackground reading

NunFin Yang and ;o?Young imJ Mumping ;oopsJ AmJ MJ PhysJ C0, 1, 1B?23 G2012@ !J ;oppeJ Ui5rationen eines !inges in seiner N5eneJ Mournal 3or die reine und ange-andte MathematikP03, 1)Cf100 G1C01@ MJ irkhopeJ In?plane 2i5ration o3 a thick circular ringJPMJ %ound Ui5JP)0, 21Bf220 G1B00@ PJ %J !au=, PJ MJ !eis, MJ 8J MJ 9ush, and DJ DlanetJ !olling ri55onsJPPhysJ !e2J 6ettJP10), 0$$301 G2010@ MJ 6J 6in and 8J %oedelJ On general in?plane 2i5rations o3 rotating thick and thin ringsJPMJ %ound Ui5JP122, )$0f)00 G1BCC@ 8J 4J LJ TheronJ The dynamics o3 an elastic hopping hoopJ MathJ DomputJ ModelJ 3), 113)f11$0 G2002@

cplay$smee 200Bd

Pro5lem #oJ 10 H4ire hoseI

Donsider a hose -ith a -ater Fet coming 3rom its no""leJ !elease the hose and o5ser2e its su5seKuent motionJ Letermine the parameters that a33ect this motionJ

9ackground reading

#ed ahnJ 4ountain o3 Insta5ility Ge=ploratoriumJcom, 1BB,@, http>::---Je=ploratoriumJedu:comple=ity:e=hi5it:3ountainJhtml 8ikipedia> 4irehose insta5ility, http>::enJ-ikipediaJorg:-iki:4irehoseainsta5ility Oli2ier Loarl and Nmmanuel de 6angreJ The wo-?induced insta5ility o3 long hanging pipesJ NurJ MJ MechJ A : %olids 21, C)0fC,0 G2002@, http>::---Jo33? ladhy=JpolytechniKueJ3r:pu5lications:documents:doare2002rp?2ppJpd3 DJ DJ #i, !J MJ ;ansenJ An e=perimental study o3 the wo-?induced motions o3 a we=i5le cylinder in a=ial wo-J MJ 4luids NngJ 100, 3CB G1B0C@ MJ PJ PaxdoussisJ Lynamics o3 tu5ular cantile2ers con2eying wuidJ MJ MechJ NngJ %ciJ 12, C)f103 G1B00@ !ichard 9arrans MrJ 8ater ;ose and Pressure Gne-tonJdepJanlJgo2@, http>::---Jne-tonJdepJanlJgo2:askasci:phyBB:phyBB=11Jhtm 2J2)J 4irehose insta5ilityJ In> Mulien Dlinton %prottJ Physics Lemonstrations>PA %ource5ook 3or Teachers o3 Physics G1ni2 o3 8isconsin Press, 200,@, UolJ 1, ppJ 131?132, http>::5ooksJgoogleJse:5ooks< ideB-mgYl$BYR0D, http>::sprottJphysicsJ-iscJedu:demo5ook:chapter2Jhtm MJ PJ Paidoussis, MJ Tetreault?4riendJ Aspirating cantile2ers and re2erse sprinklersJPAmJ MJ PhysJ 00, $, 3$B?3)3PG200B@ 8ater Met Pack> +et ;igh -ith Metle2A Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom de2insupertramp, 12J0$J2011@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2eim1i#K02 "0 3iremen li3ting a car -ith 8ATN! ;O%N%A Gyoutu5eJcom, 3rom animes2), 12J0BJ2000@, http>::---Jyoutu5eJcom:-atch<2e"P)3h)yrN$C

To -ork to-ards results<

#o5ody needs an in3initely per3ect report in an in3inite timeA

I3 you cannot sol2e the entire pro5lem, decide -hat is really necessary and sol2e a partial pro5lem I3 you can sol2e the entire pro5lem, ne2ertheless decide -hat partial case is su33icient, and your solution -ill 5e much 5etter 9e 5ra2e in -hat you do, 5ut al-ays reser2e a great degree o3 scienti3ic skepticismA Procrastination is de3initely a risk >?@

4eynman> to 5e sel3?con3ident<

HI2e 2ery o3ten made mistakes in my physics 5y thinking the theory isnt as good as it really is, thinking that there are lots o3 complications that are going to spoil it y an attitude that anything can happen, in spite o3 -hat youre pretty sure should happenJI

!JPJ 4eynmanJ %urely Youre Moking, MrJ 4eynman G#orton, #e- York, #Y, 1BC)@

4irst day dra3t :: August 1, 2012

Preparation to 2,th IYPT 2013>

re3erences, Kuestions and ad2ices

Ilya Martchenko, 1 * Andrei lishin, 2 !e"a Monta"eri #amin, 3 Piotr Pod"iemski, $ %tanis&a' Piatru(a, ) *ukas" +&adc"uk, , and %tanis&a- .-id-i/ski 0
1ni2ersity o3 4ri5ourg and 6und 1ni2ersity7 2 Massachusetts Institute o3 Technology7 %hari3 1ni2ersity o3 Technology7 $ 8arsa- 1ni2ersity o3 Technology7 ) 9elarusian %tate 1ni2ersity7 , 1ni2ersity o3 8arsa-7 0 Almukantarat, 8arsa1 3

Muly 2CQAugust 1, 2012

* to -hom correspondence should 5e addressed> ilyaJmartchenkozuni3rJch http>::ilyamJorg

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