Reading Comprehension

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Lesson topic Trainee teacher : Gamani Ismail Unit: 5 Skills : Reading comprehension Material : Vas, BB , chalk ,textbook Date

: 11 3 14 Objectives By the end of this lesson , students will be able to : - Read for specific and general ideas. - Acquire new vocabulary . - Show general understanding of the text by successfully accomplishing the reading task. - Use the newly acquired vocabulary to speak and write about the theme of the text Time Procedures Techniques lesson title : Food for Thought Level : Common Core Class period : 120 minutes Class size : 30 Textbook : Outlook


T :greets students T : whats the weather like today Ss : its sunny Pre- teaching a new structure ( quantifiers)

Warm up

Review VAs and contextualization


Pre -teaching new lexical items

T : Today we are going to study a text about food. T : What do you know about eating habits in the west ? 15 min Ss : they eat lots of food which is high in calories ( different answers) Pre-reading questions T : what are the words that are linked with the word health ? ( BB) Students answers are witten on the BB While- reading stage Focus activity Motivation activity

The first silent reading : Ss : read the text on page 62 and find whether some of their answers are included in the text or not (time limit : ) T : corrects and discusses Ss guesses. 10 min The second silent reading : Ss : read the text and and tick the statement they think is correct (time limit : ) 1)The japanese eat too much food 2)The japanese eat healthy food 3)The japanese suffer form cholesterol 4)The japanese do not eat as many vegetables as the British T :asks ss to compare their answers with their neighbors. T : corrects with the whole class. The third silent reading : 15 min T : asks Ss to read the text again and fill in the following chart : (time limit : ) People in rich countries eat : They eat many calories They eat much animal fat They eat many sweet things They eat little fibre Post-reading stage T : uses wh-questions to check Ss comprehension ( explicit and implicit questions ) 15min T : what are the food that can make people live longer ? Ss : fish ; seafood and vegetables T : why do European people have heart disease ? Ss : because they don t eat enough fish and vegetables. Exploitation stage 20min Students are asked to write a paragraph about the food that they usually eat Life- experience questions Comprehension questions People in poor countries eat : They eat few calories They eat few animal products, vitamins and minerals They eat many cereals. Chart filling True and false questions

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