Week 1 - Pathways To Action

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Week 1 - Pathways to Action Kimberly Davis POL 110 April 6, 2014 Morgan Loew


Week 1 - Pathways to Action As a private citizen, I feel that it is my right as an honest, taxpaying registered voter to be able to voice my opinion to my representative in Congress. In order to have my voice heard, it is key that communication through letters, emails, faxes, rallies, or even town hall meetings help inform my representative about what issues concern me. As a loyal constituent to Senator Mary Landrieu, I am saddened to say that she has failed me as a loyal voter for years. "American government is based on representative democracy, in which voters elect leaders and then hold those leaders accountable for the decisions they make about law and public policy" (Shea, Green, & Smith, 2011, p. 12). To make sure our elected officials are truly the voice of the people, they need to hear and understand us clearly. Members of Congress may seem like they are far away and unapproachable and that they do not care about the "little people" who voted for them. To best help your elected official it is important that when you do contact you are clear on the issue at hand. It is important to choose the best communication channel and then let your official know how they are going to affect you and your family with their current bill before it becomes law. This helps them better represent you as a concerned voter. There are many ways to help elect a representative. Obvious paths to take would first be to vote. You can volunteer your time to help get their message out to the public by stuffing envelopes or making calls to registered voters. You can also donate to help with costs. Big campaigns can run into the millions of dollars. Television advertising is costly but reaches millions of people in seconds. Attending rallies, dinners or meetings that support your candidate are also ways to help get your choice elected. The easiest show of support for your candidate would be to put a sign in your yard or a sticker on your car.


References Shea, D. M., Green, J. C., & Smith, C. E. (2011). Living Democracy (3rd ed.). Boston, M.A.: Pearson Education, Inc..

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