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Chapter 10 Advanced Nondestructive Test Instruments

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Blm 10 leri Dzey Tahribatsz Test Aralar

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Inspection tests and instruments to be discussed include: Magnifiers Optical microscopes Stereo microscopes Digital microscopes pH meter Moisture indicator/tests Moisture meters Other moisture tests for concrete Eddy-current DFT gauge

Ele alnacak denetim testleri ve aralar: Byteler Optik mikroskoplar Stereo mikroskoplar Dijital mikroskoplar pH ler Nem gstergesi/testleri Nem lerler Beton iin dier nem testleri Girdap akm DFT lm aleti

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Can be used for examining the surface to view the Profile Potential contamination Blisters Rust Mill scale Pinholes Elcometer 137 Illuminated Magnifier Other surface preparation or coating defects

Aadakileri grntlemek iin yzeyin incelenmesi amacyla kullanlabilirler Profil Potansiyel kirlenme Kabarcklar Pas Mil skalas Elcometer 137 Ikl Byte Gzenekler Dier yzey hazrlama veya kaplama kusurlar
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NACE International Chapter 10 1

Use visible light and system of lenses to magnify image Two basic configurations; simple and compound Range in magnification from 20X to 300X Portable

Optical Microscopes

Grnty bytmek amacyla grnr k ve lens sistemi kullanr ki temel konfigrasyonu vardr; basit ve bileik Bytme ilevi 20X ila 300X arasnda farkllk gstermektedir Tanabilir

Optik Mikroskoplar

Portable Surface Microscope 7 of 28

Tanabilir Yzey Mikroskobu 8 of 28

Optical Microscopes
Refer to manufacturer and model for specific operating instructions. Do not require any field calibration. Scale accuracy could be verified by measuring known length with the microscopes reticule scale. Some common errors:

Optik Mikroskoplar
zel kullanm talimatlar iin imalatya ve modele bavurun. Sahada herhangi bir kalibrasyon gerektirmez. lek kesinlii, mikroskobun retikl leiyle bilinen bir uzunluun llmesi yoluyla dorulanabilir. Yaplan baz genel yanllar:
Uygun bytmenin kullanlmamas Uygun klandrmann kullanlmamas Dk g kullanm, odaklanma asndan kolaylk salayabilir ve bylece daha iyi grnt kalitesi sunar. Yksek g kullanm, odaklanma asndan daha zor olabilir ve gr asn kstlayabilir.

Not using the proper magnification Not using the appropriate lighting Lower power used may be easier to focus, allowing better image quality. Higher powers may be difficult to focus and limit viewing range

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Stereo Microscope
Uses two separate optical paths, two eyepieces, and two objectives to provide slightly different viewing angles for your left and right eyes Produces three-dimensional image Not be confused with a compound microscope equipped with double eyepieces or binoculars Primarily found in lab settings Magnifications up to 600X
Stereo Zoom Microscope

Stereo Mikroskop
Sol ve sa gznz iin ksmen farkl gr alar salamak amacyla iki farkl k yolu, iki gz mercei ve iki objektif kullanr boyutlu grntler meydana getirir Drbn veya ift gz mercekli bir bileik mikroskop ile kartrlmamaldr Genellikle laboratuar ortamlarnda bulunur 600Xe kadar bytme
Stereo Zoom Mikroskop

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NACE International Chapter 10 2

Stereo Microscope
May require the use of an electrical outlet for proper function May be periodic adjustments to lens position or other servicing required Refer to manufacturers instructions for operating parameters/limits of your instrument Some common errors:

Stereo Mikroskop
Dzgn ekilde alabilmesi iin elektrik prizine balanmas gerekebilir Lens konumu zerinde periyodik ayarlamalar ve dier bakm servisleri gerekebilir Cihaznzn alma parametreleri/limitleri iin imalatnn talimatlarna bavurun Yaplan baz genel yanllar:

Not using the proper magnification Not using the appropriate lighting Lower power used may be easier to focus, allowing better image quality Higher powers may be difficult to focus and limit viewing range
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Uygun bytmenin kullanlmamas Uygun klandrmann kullanlmamas Dk g kullanm, odaklanma asndan kolaylk salayabilir ve bylece daha iyi grnt kalitesi sunar. Yksek g kullanm, odaklanma asndan daha zor olabilir ve gr asn kstlayabilir
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Uses optics and a chargecoupled device (CCD) camera for output of a digital image to a monitor Primary difference between an optical and digital microscope is magnification Have both an optical zoom and a digital zoom Some have digital camera that allows viewing images on the screen and can save pictures Magnifies from 7X to 108X

Digital Microscopes

ProScope HR Hand-held Digital Microscope (shown with accessories)

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Dijital grntnn bir monitre verilmesi amacyla optikler ve bir yk-balak aygt (CCD) kamera kullanr Optik mikroskop ile dijital mikroskop arasndaki temel fark bytmedir Hem optik zoom hem de dijital zoom zellii vardr Baz modellerinde, grntleri ekrandan izlemenize ve resimleri ProScope HR Dijital El Mikroskobu kaydetmenize imkan tanyan dijital (aksesuarlar ile birlikte gsterilmektedir) kamera mevcuttur 7X ila108X arasnda bytme salar

Dijital Mikroskoplar

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Digital Microscopes

Dijital Mikroskoplar

MiScope Hand-held Digital Microscope


MiScope Dijital El Mikroskobu


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NACE International Chapter 10 3

Digital Microscopes
Some models may capture still images, video, and time lapse Digital microscope cannot be calibrated Common errors: Incorrect installation of the microscopes software or the USB connection to the computer If the images are not clear, you may need to change the lens or adjust the focus

Dijital Mikroskoplar
Baz modelleri hareketsiz grnt, video ve hzlandrlm grnt ekebilir Dijital mikroskoplar kalibre edilemezler Yaygn yanllar: Mikroskobun yazlmnn yanl yklenmesi veya USB balantsnn bilgisayara yanl yaplmas Grntler net deilse, lensi deitirmeniz veya odaklanmay ayarlamanz gerekebilir

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pH Meter
pH level is an indication of how acidic or how alkaline an aqueous solution is: pH of 7.0 being NEUTRAL pH range of 0.0 to 7.0 is ACIDIC pH range above 7.0 up to 14.0 is ALKALINE

pH ler
pH seviyesi, bir sulu zeltinin nasl asidik veya nasl alkalin olduunun bir gstergesidir: 7.0lk pH NTRDR 0.0 ila 7.0 aras pH ASDKTR 7.0 ila 14.0 aras pH ALKALNDR

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Many of the pH meters available today are multi-functional and can also measure things such as conductivity, TDS (total dissolved solids), and temperature.

pH Meter

Gnmzdeki mevcut pH lerlerin ou ok fonksiyonludur ve iletkenlik, TDS (toplam znm kat maddeler) ve scaklk gibi birok deeri de lebilmektedir.

pH ler

Benchtop pH Meter

Hand-held pH Meter 23 of 28

Tezgah st pH ler

Portatif pH ler 24 of 28

Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 10 4

pH Meter
Refer to the operating instructions for the specific manufacturer and model Regular calibration checks over the life of the gauge are a requirement of quality management procedures Some common errors could include: Incorrect reading due to the use of the wrong buffer standards for calibration Incorrect readings due to damaged probes

pH ler
Belirli bir imalat ve model iin iletim talimatlarna bavurun lm aletinin kullanm mr srasnda yaplacak dzenli kalibrasyon kontrolleri, kalite ynetimi prosedrlerinin bir gereksinimidir Yaplan baz genel yanllar: Kalibrasyona ynelik yanl tampon standartlarnn kullanm nedeniyle yanl okuma deerleri Hasarl problar nedeniyle yanl okuma deerleri

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Regular calibration checks over the life of the gauge are a requirement of quality management procedures. Selection of USA or NIST buffer standards must be done prior to calibration.
Temperature (C) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 pH 1.68 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.68 1.68 1.69 1.69 1.70 1.70 1.71 pH 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.01 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.06 4.08 4.10 4.12 4.16 4.20 USA Buffer pH pH 7.00 10.01 7.12 10.32 7.09 10.25 7.06 10.18 7.04 10.12 7.02 10.06 7.00 10.01 6.99 9.97 6.98 9.93 6.97 9.89 6.97 9.86 6.97 9.83 6.97 9.81 6.98 9.79 6.99 9.76 7.00 9.74 7.02 9.73 pH 12.45 13.43 13.21 13.00 12.81 12.63 12.45 12.29 12.13 11.99 11.84 11.70 pH 1.68 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.68 1.68 1.69 1.69 1.70 1.70 1.71 pH 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.01 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.06 4.08 4.10 4.12 4.16 4.20 NIST Buffer pH 6.86 6.98 6.95 6.92 6.90 6.88 6.86 6.85 6.84 6.84 6.83 6.83 6.83 6.84 6.85 6.86 6.88 pH 9.18 9.47 9.38 9.32 9.27 9.22 9.18 9.14 9.10 9.07 9.04 9.01 8.99 8.96 8.92 8.89 8.85 pH 12.45 13.43 13.21 13.00 12.81 12.63 12.45 12.29 12.13 11.99 11.84 11.70

pH Meter Calibration

lm aletinin kullanm mr srasnda yaplacak dzenli kalibrasyon kontrolleri, kalite ynetimi prosedrlerinin bir gereksinimidir Kalibrasyondan nce USA veya NIST tampon standartlar seimi yaplmaldr.
Scaklk (C) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 pH 1.68 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.68 1.68 1.69 1.69 1.70 1.70 1.71 pH 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.01 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.06 4.08 4.10 4.12 4.16 4.20 USA Tampon pH pH 7.00 10.01 7.12 10.32 7.09 10.25 7.06 10.18 7.04 10.12 7.02 10.06 7.00 10.01 6.99 9.97 6.98 9.93 6.97 9.89 6.97 9.86 6.97 9.83 6.97 9.81 6.98 9.79 6.99 9.76 7.00 9.74 7.02 9.73 pH 12.45 13.43 13.21 13.00 12.81 12.63 12.45 12.29 12.13 11.99 11.84 11.70 pH 1.68 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.68 1.68 1.69 1.69 1.70 1.70 1.71 pH 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.01 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.06 4.08 4.10 4.12 4.16 4.20 NIST Tampon pH pH 6.86 9.18 6.98 9.47 6.95 9.38 6.92 9.32 6.90 9.27 6.88 9.22 6.86 9.18 6.85 9.14 6.84 9.10 6.84 9.07 6.83 9.04 6.83 9.01 6.83 8.99 6.84 8.96 6.85 8.92 6.86 8.89 6.88 8.85 pH 12.45 13.43 13.21 13.00 12.81 12.63 12.45 12.29 12.13 11.99 11.84 11.70

pH ler Kalibrasyonu

USA and NIST Buffer Standards Table

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USA ve NIST Tampon Standartlar Tablosu

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Moisture Meters
A moisture meter can be used to quickly indicate the degree of moisture in concrete, fiberglass , or wood to a depth of 12.5cm (5 in.), depending on the meter manufacturer and model.

Nem lerler
Bir nem ler, cihazn imalats ve modeline bal olarak, 12.5 cmlik (5in.) bir derinlie kadar beton, cam elyaf veya ahabn ierisindeki nem derecesini hzl bir ekilde gsterebilir.

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NACE International Chapter 10 5

Moisture Meter w/electrodes

Meters with built-in electrodes that are primarily used to measure moisture content in wood, wood by-products, and building materials such as roofing, insulation, plaster, and concrete.

Elektrotlu Nem ler

Temel olarak ahap, ahap yan rnleri ve at kaplama malzemeleri, yaltm malzemeleri, sva ve beton gibi yap malzemelerinin ierisindeki nem miktarn lmek iin kullanlan yerleik elektrotlara sahip lerlerdir

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Moisture Meter w/out Electrodes

Non-invasive instruments for nondestructive measurement of moisture content Do not use pins Do not damage the substrate

Elektrotsuz Nem ler

Nem ieriinin tahribatsz lmne ynelik mdahalesiz aralardr Herhangi bir u kullanmazlar Substrata hasar vermezler

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NACE International Chapter 10 6

Moisture Meters
Make sure your instrument is set to the proper setting for the substrate being tested. Calibration and certification performed by independent labs; verification in the field will be necessary. Accuracy, quality, and precision of the moisture meter will differ between instruments. Question readings if you test a sample that is known to be dry and you get a high wet reading.

Nem lerler
Aracnzn, test edilen substrata uygun ayarlandndan emin olun. Bamsz laboratuarlar tarafndan yaplan kalibrasyon ve sertifikasyonlarn sahada dorulanmas gerekli olacaktr. Nem lerin doruluu, kalitesi ve hassasiyeti aralara gre farkllk gsterecektir. Kuru olduu bilinen bir numuneyi test ettiinizde yksek slaklk okuma deerleri elde ederseniz, okuma deerlerini sorgulayn.

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Used to measure the DFT of non-conductive films applied to conductive substrates such as aluminum, copper, brass, and stainless steel.

Eddy-current DFT gauges

Alminyum, bakr, pirin ve paslanmaz elik gibi iletken substratlara uygulanm yaltkan tabakann DFTsini lmek amacyla kullanlr.

Girdap akm DFT lm aleti

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Eddy-current DFT gauges

Measurements may be affected by shape and size of the probe, conductivity, and surface finish of the metal substrate. Eddy-current technique can give a false reading on ferrous substrates. Some gauges come with automatic substrate recognition (sometimes referred to as dual probes). Calibration and certification performed by independent labs; verification in the field will be necessary.

Girdap akm DFT lm aleti

lmler, probun eklinden ve ebatlarndan ve metal substratn iletkenlii ile yzey tesviyesinden etkilenebilir. Girdap akmlar teknii, demir ihtiva eden substratlarda yanl okuma deerleri verebilir. Baz lm aletlerinin otomatik substrat tanma zellii bulunur (bazen ift prob olarak adlandrlr). Bamsz laboratuarlar tarafndan yaplan kalibrasyon ve sertifikasyonlarn sahada dorulanmas gerekli olacaktr.

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NACE International Chapter 10 7

Field Verification Procedure

Gauge verification using a plastic shim of known thickness slightly higher than the maximum reading expected Different gauges may require a minimum substrate thickness Should be done on the prepared, uncoated surface (with the profile) Instruments with multiple scales should be set to the appropriate measuring scale

Saha Dorulamas Prosedr

Beklenen maksimum okuma deerinden biraz daha kaln plastik ayar imi kullanmak suretiyle lm aleti dorulamas Farkl lm aletleri, asgari bir substrat kalnl gerektirebilir Hazrlanm ve kaplanmam bir yzey (profille birlikte) zerinde yaplmaldr oklu leklere sahip aralar, uygun lm leine ayarlanmaldr

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Field Verification Procedure

Verify and adjust the gauge per the manufacturers instructions. Verifying a profiled surface may require a two-point verification, one with a thickness above the maximum expected DFT and the second with a thickness below the target DFT. For maximum accuracy, a two-point verification should be done every time the meter is used.

Saha Dorulamas Prosedr

lm aletini, imalatnn talimatlarna gre dorulayn ve ayarlayn. Profilli bir yzeyin dorulanmas iin iki noktal bir dorulama gerekebilir; bu noktalardan biri beklenen azami DFTnin stnde bir kalnlk ve dieri de hedef DFTnin altnda bir kalnla sahip olur. En yksek dzeyde doruluk salamak amacyla, ler her kullanldnda iki noktal bir dorulama yaplmaldr.

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Advanced Data Collection

Many of the advanced electronic testing instruments have the ability to store data which can be transferred to a computer and other devices. Depending on the manufacturer and model, the data can be transferred in a number of ways including USB, IR (Infrared), and Bluetooth.

leri Dzey Veri Toplama

leri dzey elektronik test aralarnn ou, bir bilgisayara veya baka cihazlara aktarlabilecek verileri saklama zelliine sahiptir. malat ve modele bal olarak, veriler USB, kzltesi ve Bluetooth olmak zere farkl ekillerde aktarlabilir.

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NACE International Chapter 10 8

Some manufacturers have software available to aid in management of data that you have collected and stored.

Software Systems

Baz imalatlar , toplayp depoladnz verilerin ynetimi konusunda yardmc yazlmlara sahiptir.

Yazlm Sistemleri

Screenshot of Elcometer ElcoMaster Data Management Software 49 of 28

Elcometer ElcoMaster Veri Ynetimi Yazlmnn Ekran Grnts 50 of 28

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges

Used to measure the thickness of coatings on nonmetal substrates without damaging the coating. Ultrasonic transducer sends a pulse through the coating, which is reflected back from the substrate to the transducer.

Ultrasonik Kalnlk lm Aletleri

Kaplamaya zarar vermeksizin metal olmayan substratlar zerindeki kaplamalarn kalnln lmek iin kullanlr. Ultrasonik g evirici, kaplamann iinden substrattan g eviriciye geri yanstlan bir titreim gnderir.

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ASTM D6132, Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Applied Organic Coatings Using an Ultrasonic Gauge Calibration verification checked using known reference standards Accuracy of measurement directly corresponds to sound velocity of finish being measured Comparing series of averaged results often provides acceptable repeatability Gauge is designed to select the maximum or loudest echo; ignores softer echoes from coating imperfections and substrate layers Most common errors: Inputting the incorrect information into the instrument Substrate that is too rough or porous

ASTM D6132, Uygulanan Organik Kaplamalarn Kuru Film Kalnlnn Ultrasonik lm Aleti Kullanlarak Tahribatsz lmne Ynelik Standart Test Yntemi Bilinen referans standartlar kullanlarak kontrol edilen kalibrasyon dorulamas lm doruluu, llmekte olan son katn ses hzna denk gelir Bir ortalama sonu dizisinin karlatrlmas genellikle kabul edilebilir bir tekrar edilebilirlik salar lm aleti maksimum veya en sesli ekoyu seecek ekilde tasarlanmtr; kaplama kusurlar veya substrat tabakalarndan gelen daha yumuak ekolar grmezden gelir. En yaygn hatalar: Yanl bilgilerin girilmesi Substratn ok przl veya gzenekli olmas

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NACE International Chapter 10 9

Chapter 10 Advanced Nondestructive Test Instruments

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NACE International Chapter 10 10

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