English 1

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Summative Assessment I
Section A(Reading Comprehension)


1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follows
Tsunami caused disaster in Indian Ocean on the 26 December, 2004. This is considered to be the
most devastating tsunami in the last several hundred years. The earthquake whose epicenter was
close to Sumatra was the cause of this harbour wave. The earthquake in magnitude was 9.0 on the
Richters scale. The speed of the tsunami was so high that some of the islands in the Indian Ocean
were completely washed away. Tsunami waves killed thousands of people and destroyed lakhs of
houses; In India, the worst affected coastal areas were in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala,
Pondicherry and the Andaman and Nicobar islands. Tsunami is an example of the destructive side
of nature. Mans pride stand naked in front of natures fury. What takes thousands of years for man
to build and develop may be destroyed by the wrath of nature in a flash of a second.
i) Write the following information about the tsunami.
a) Date and year:b) Richter Reading:c) Coastal regions hit by tsunami:ii) Mans pride stand naked in front of natures fury Why?
iii) Tsunami is an example of, 1
a) destructive side of nature
c) constructive side of nature
b) dangerous side of nature
d) safe side of nature
iv) The epicenter of the earthquake was near, 1
a) Sumatra b) India c) Maldives d) Srilanka
v) Suggest synonyms for the following, 1X2=2
a) Havoc I) Disaster II) Devastating III) Harbour IV) Destroyed
b) Anger I) Washed II) Worst III) Wrath IV) Develop
2. Reading the following poem carefully and answer the question, 12
The Lamb
Little Lamb, who made thee?
Dost thus know who made thee?
Gave thee life, and bid thee feed,
By the stream and Oer the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing, woolly, bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice?
Little Lamb, who made thee?

Dost thou know who made thee?

Little Lamb, Ill tell thee,
Little Lamb, Ill tell thee;
He is called by thy name,
For He calls Himself a Lamb,
He is meek, and He is mild,
He became a little child;
I a child, and thou a lamb,
We are called by this name.
Little Lamb, God Bless thee!
Little Lamb, God Bless thee!
- William Blake


i) What makes the vales rejoice?

ii) Pick out the word from the passage which is similar in meaning to you
iii) Chose two pairs of rhyming word, (I) feed-mead (II) Lamb voice (III) rejoice - name (IV) delight bright.
iv) The speaker of poem is a, (a) Child ( b) Poet (c) God (d) Lamb
v) The little Lamb has clothing of, (a) delight (b) bright colour (c) mild wool (d) cotton
vi) God who made the lamb is _______ and __________
(a) weak and strong (b) chill and Lamb (c) meek and mild (d) strong and powerful
vii) The child and Lamb are also the other names of, (a) Poet (b) God (c) Softest clothing (d) Poets voice
viii) Give synonyms of the following, A) Tender (7) (a) Harsh (b) Soft (c) Hard (d) Meek
B) Mead (4) (a) meadow (b) waste land (c) pond (d) honey
ix) Give antonyms of the following, A) Mild (15) (a) Meek (b) Harsh (c) Tender (d) Head
B) Bright (6) (a) Brighter (b) Sparkling (c) Dull (d) Delight
x) Name the poet of the poem The Lamb


Section B ( Writing Skill)

3) Write a latter to yours friend, congratulate him/her on his/her recovery from a serious illness. 7
4) You are been trying very hard to succeed in your exams but were getting only average results. In
the recent examination you stood first by scoring 95% marks. Today you are extremely happy with
results. Make a diary entry about the obstacles you had to face and how you intend to keep up the
good results.
5) You are Rahul Sharma, the perfact of Modern Public School, Kullu. Youve been asked by your
class teacher to draft a notice regarding a pencil box found in school play ground. Write that notice
in about 50 words and put it in a board.

Section C ( Grammar)
6) Supply suitable subject and predicates to the following and complete the sentences.
i) My mother __________
ii) ________ is an interesting subject.
iii) The people of China _______.
iv) Jogging ________________.
7) Change the gender of the followings, 4X=2
(a) Milkman (b) Sister (c) Bullock (d) Earl.
8) Fill in the blanks with collective Nouns, 4x=2
a) A _______ of flowers.
b) A _______ of ships.
c) A _______ of birds.
d) A _______ of cattles.
9) There are some mistakes in the following sentences regarding the use of Adjective. Correct them
and re-write the sentences.
a) Ashoka was a grater king.
b) A week has seventh days.
c) Iron is the heavier metal.
d) Whose kind of man he is?
10) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions, 1X4=4
a) Take care _____ your health.
b) Please explain the answer _____ me.
c) What is the time _____ your watch?
d) It has been raining _____ yesterday.
11) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of verb given in the brackets, 1X4=4
a) The child has _____ for milk since morning. (cry)
b) Yesterday, it was ________ heavily. ( rain)
c) She went on stage and ____ singing. (start)
d) My father ______ tomorrow. (arrive)
Section D (Literature)
12) Answer the following, a) Why did the waterfall give Taro Sak and other water?
b) The afternoon turned black
i) What does the word black mean here?
ii) Why did the afternoon turn black to the poet?
c) Where was Kalpana Chawla born? How did she become an astronaut?
d) What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream?
13) Answer the following question, a) Where is the beauty found according to the poem Beauty?
b) Why did the dog feel the need for a master?
c) Complete the sentences about your house and home, i) My house is ________.

3 X 4 = 12

ii) The best thing about my home is ________.

d) Why did the little man grant Patrik a wish?
14) Answer the following question, a) What did the Iron chest contain? Why did the shepherd always carry it?
b) i) How did Ray communicate with last minute shopper?
ii) The Watch was nothing special and yet had great powers In what sense did it have
great power?
c) How did the rishi explain the different ways in which the birds behaved?
d) Why did the farmers wife strike the mangoes with her basket?


Summative Assessment I
Section A (Reading Comprehension)


Q1. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow:
This earth, the only beautiful planet inhabited by people, is now in a mess. Our ignorance and
greed have upset the balance of nature. The forests have fewer frees now, numerous animals are on
their extinction. Clear air has become a scarcity, chemical waste of industries is poisoning our
streams and rivers.
The choices are either we cry a halt to this pollution, or we cry aloud with planet. The West
Bengal Pollution Control Board, along with other agencies are staring their every _____ to control
and air, water land and sound pollution. Thousands of people conscious of their social and human
responsibilities have come forward to help us. Law of Control environment pollution has been
proclaimed. But this is not enough for survival. We need you, we need everyone of you to join us.
Millions of hands must assist us in our ordeal against pollution. We have a sacred trust, we must
leave a greener and cleaner earth for the future generation.
Fill in the following sentences meaningfully:
1.1) The only planet inhabited by people is _____________
1.2) The balance of nature has been upset by our _________
1.3) In the forest, the number of trees are getting _________
1.4) The large number of animal are on their way to _______
1.5) We should choose to _________
1.6) W.B.Pollution Control Board, along with other agencies are trying to reduce _______
1.7) That we must leave for the future generation is _________
1.8) The synonym of ordeal is _________
Q2. Read the poem carefully:
I saw with open eyes
Singing birds sweet
Sold in the shops
For people to eat
Sold in the shops of
Stupidity street
I saw in vision
The worm in the wheat
And in the shops nothing
For people to eat;
Nothing for sale in
Stupidity street.
Now answer the following:

2.1) How were the birds singing?

2.2) Why were the singing birds sold?
2.3) Where were the birds sold?
2.4) What was there in the wheat?
2.6) What is the meaning of saw a vision ?
2.7) What is the message of this poem?







Section B (Writing)
Q3. You are the Secretary of the Fine Arts Club of your school. You want to organize an Inter
Class Poster Making Competition. Draft a notice informing the students about the competition.
Put the notice in a box.( maximum 50 words)
Q4. Read the following telephonic conversation between Mr. Nair and Mrs. Tyagi. Mrs. Taygi
decides to leave immediately after hearing the message and decided to write a message informing
her daughter Neha about the accident. Imagine yourself Mrs. Taygi and write a message in 50
words 5
Mr. Nair: Hello, is this 1234567?
Mrs. Taygi: Yes.
Mr. Nair: I work in office with Mr. Taygi. I am sorry but Mr. Taygi has met with an accident and
has broken his leg, which is in plaster. Now he is in the City Hospital. Please reach the
Mrs. Taygi: Oh! I shall reach immediately. Thank you for calling.
Mr. Nair: you are welcome. Dont worry. Bye.
Q5. Pledge for organ donation would be celebrated on 6 th August. Plan and draw a poster to aware
people about it. [Points: Organ Donation, donation of cornea of eyes, kidney, heart etc. Give sight
to blind, new life to dying patients etc.]
Q6. Write an article on the topic Nature is the great teacher. (60 words)
[Hints: think about different items of nature and discover how they teach you. Like, from the
ant, the tiny teacher you can learn many good qualities for life
Section C (Grammar)
Q7. Each of the following sentences has two blanks. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms
of word given in brackets.
7.1) He has _______ to help me. Do you think he will remember his ______? (Promise)
7.2) The ______ said that only fresh evidence would make him change his ______. (Judge)
7.3) It is not _____ that ____ should always be the mother of invention. (Necessary)
7.4) Herwits are _____ men. How they acquire their _____ , no one can say.(wise)
Q8. Rewrite each of the following pair of sentences as a single sentence with if at the beginning
[Example: Walk fast . youll catch the bus. Ans: If you walk fast, youll catch the bus]
8.1) Dont fire yourself now. Youll wont be able to work in the evening.
8.2) Study regularly. Youll do well in examination.

8.3) Be polite to people. Theyll also be polite to you.

8.4) Dont tease the dog. Itll bite you.
8.5) Work hard. Youll pass the exam in the first division.
Q9. Use a an or the blanks
X 10 = 5
There was once (a) play which become very successful. (b) famois actor was acting in it. In (c)
play his role was that of (d) aristocrat who had been imprisoned in (e) castle for twenty years. In (f)
last act of (g) play someone would come on (h) stage with (i) latter which he would hand over to (j)
(a)____, (b) ____, (c) ____, (d) ____, (e) ____, (f) ____, (g) ____, (h) ____, (i) ____, (j) ____.
Section D (Literature)
Q10. Read the extract from Three Question and answer the question that follow:
You have already been answered! said the hermit still bending down to the ground and
looking up at the king as he stood before him.
10.1) What was the hermit doing when he said this?
10.2) What were the question?
10.3) What were the answers of those questions?
Q11. Ill go, Ill go! he said wearily.
11.1) Who is the speaker?
11.2) Who asked him to go away?
11.3) Did he go at once? What did he do then?
11.4) What did Mridu suggest to relief his weariness?
Q12. All right Gopal. Out with it! Why are you dressed up in this ridiculous fashion?
12.1) Who said this?
12.2) Describe Gopals ridiculous appearance.
12.3) Why Gopal was dressed up in such a manner?
Q13. Meanwhile the curious neighbour peeped in at the window when the boiled beans were
being ground
13.1) Who was grinding the boiled beans?
13.2) Why neighbour was curious?
13.2) What strange thing happened with the boiled beans?
Q14. Answer any two of the following questions within 30 words:
14.1) If you want to give away anything of your own to the ____, would it be better to ask yours
elders first? State your view in short explanation.[ A Gift of Chappals]
14.2) Is it good to have rebels? If yes, or no, explain.[ The Rebel]
14.3) But not just yet suggests doubt, fear, hesitation, laziness or something else, choose the
word which seems might to you. Why do you choose it? [ The Shed]
Q15. Answer any five questions.
2 X 5 = 10
15.1) What was Soapys first plan? Why did it not work?
15.2) Why did Golu go to the river?
15.3) A camel can do without water for days together. What is the reason given in the text?
15.4) Kari was like a baby. What are the main points of comparison?

15.5) What jobs are new ants trained for?

15.6) Rewrite an episodefrom the story The Cop and the Anthem, which is a good example of
irony in a situation.


Summative Assessment I

Section A(Reading Comprehension)
Q1. Read the following passage carefully:
Bridge builders have the problem of holding up a load from two sides of a river or a valley. If
the gap is too wide for a single stone or wood from a single free or stretch across it, some other
ways have to be found.
One way is to build up an arch small stones maybe so arranged that they hold each other up.
They are made to press against each other by means of key stone at the top of the arch. If the gap is
large, the arch has to be very high or very flat. If it is very high, the scaffolding used to build the
arch is difficult to make. If the arch is too flat, the stones do not press against each other enough
and they drop out.
A wide gap may be bridged by several arches and these arches have to be built up from riverbed. This is not easy because it means that work has to go on in the water. Some times a wall may
be built to keep the water out. This is called a coffer dam.
One way of avoiding many arches in a bridge is to hang the bridge from, steel ropes or chains.
This is called a suspension bridge. The ropes or chains go over high towers and are fastened very
securely into the ground.
All this work needs the skill of engineers and scientists. They have to find what the rocks are
like before they build the foundations, and what the force of the wind and water will be. They often
make models and use them to see what will happen.
They must know how strong the steel, stone and concrete are. In laboratories, small pieces of
these materials are crushed or pulled apart to test their strength.
Even our houses are much better built today because of the work scientists have done on
materials and ways of building.
Scientists and engineers help to make the world a safer and more comfortable place for us to
live in.
In some modern bridges like the Sydney Harbour Bridge, there is a very large steel arch from
which the bridge hangs. Another kind of bridge is the cantilever bridge. Here the weight of the
bridge itself is balanced on the opposite sides of pillar or tower. The Fourth Railway Bridge in
Scotland is of this kind.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following sentences:
1X8 =8
1.1) Bridge builders face the problem of how to _________________.
1.2) An arch is built by ____________.
1.3) When the gap is large, the arch has to be ____________.
1.4) A coffer dam is a _______________.
1.5) The strength of materials like steel stone and concrete is tested in labs by___________.
1.6) A bridge hanging from steel ropes or chains is called ____________.
1.7) The houses today, are better built due to scientific researches done on ___________.
1.8) The Fourth Railway Bridge in Scotland is an example of ____________.
Q2. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Early morning, the day before yesterday
Under a slab of stone,

In a crack,
Eyes glitering
Forked tongue licking and flashing,
A frog swelling his belly,
He lay there quietly,
A baby snake, two hands long,
A green snake.
poor thing. Its green snake. Still a baby.
What harm can it do? I said.
My father replied
A snakes, a snake
And mother
Thats where everyone walks.
We dont need trouble. Kill it.
I cant, I said.
Mother stuck him with a piece of firewood.
Chased him out side
And killed him flat.
2.1) Now read the summary of the poem given below and fill in the each blank with one word.
One fine morning the poet saw a (a) _______ snake. It was (b) _______ in colour and lying
under a (c) ______ of stone. Its eyes were (d) _______ and tongue was (e) ______. It was lying
quietly as it had swallowed a (f) _____. It was two (g) ______ long. Mother asked her son to (h)
_____ it.
2.2) Answer the following questions:
a) Why did the mother want to kill the snake?
b) Do you think if was right to kill the snake? Why?
Section B (Writing)
Q3. You are Arun/Aruna, Secretary of sports and games, E.R. High School, Asansol. The school
has decided to hold an Inter School Football Competition on the school ground next week. Put up
a notice with all necessary information in about 50 words to invite students to participate in the
event and make School Team.
Q4. Write an application as the monitor of your class to the Principal for celebration of Friendship
Day in School on 4th August 2013 (50 words)
Q5. Your school has decided to arrange a Road-Show to create public awareness on Earth- Day
Draw a poster on it.
Q6. Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics: (a) A natural calamity (b) Live and let
Section C (Grammar)
Q7. Use all or both
7.1) He has two brothers ______ of them are lawyers.
7.2) They _____ cheered the team.
7.3)More than ten persons were called. _____ of them wanted to see you
7.4)_____ her parents are teachers.
Q8. Use the right form of the adjectives.

8.1) My friend has one of the _____ cars on the road. (Fast)
8.2) This is the ____ story I have ever read. (Interesting)
Q9. Use the right phrasal verbs in the blanks. [Use in proper tense]
9.1) The car ______ of out sight.
9.2)He has already _____ for the station.
9.3)They _____ the interesting Football match.
9.4)The Independence Day celebration _______ everyone with patriotic feeling.
9.5) He _____ all of his belly fat by regular exercise.
[List: burn out, light up, set out, look on, run out]
Q10. Choose the correct word to complete statements in indirect speech given below. Write words
in the blanks given.
10.1) Where do you come from?
I ______(said/asked) him where _____(he/you) came from.
10.2) What is your name?
He Asked me what ____(my/his) name _____(is/was)
10.3) Are you happy?
I asked him ______(if/whether) he ___(is/was) happy.
10.4) Do you live here?
He asked me _____(whether/if) I ____(live/lived) _____(there/here)
10.5) Why are you crying?
The teacher asked the child ______(if/why) she _____(is/was/were) crying.
Section D (Literature)
Q11. Read the extract and answer the questions:
You cannot imagine, dearest Connie, my feelings as I looked into the eyes of the Fritz Officer,
who approached me, hand outstretched Hans Wolf he said, gripping my hand warmly and
holding it. I am from Dusseldorf. I play the cello in the orchestra. Happy Christmas.
1X5 = 5
11.1) Who is the writer?
11.2) Why they were assembled there?
11.3) What is the real-job of Hans Wolf?
11.4) Who was Connie?
11.5) Is it fair to wish Happy Christmas in the battlefield? Explain in short.
Q12. Read the stanza and answer the question:
Come and hire me. I cried, while in the morning I was walking on the stone paved road. Sword
in the hand the king came in his chariot.
12.1) Who is the speaker in the poem?
12.2) The King, Sword in hand suggests___________
12.3) Who came to hire whom?
12.4) Name the poem and the poet?
12.5) Where was the speaker walking?
Q13. Macarity Macarity, theres no one like Macarity, Hes broken evert humam law, he breaks
law of gravity
13.1) Name the lesson and the poet.
13.2) Is Macarity a cat really?
13.3) What is the poetic device used?

13.4) What is the law of gravity that Macarity has broken?

Find out the word from the passage which means pay attention to.
Q14. Look here, Son, I have been seeing you from day one. You are a good student, but you never
studied. I have taken care of you till today. Now, I can no longer take care of you. So you do it
14.1) Whom does I refer to?
14.2) Who took care of whom?
14.3 Why cant take care of him any longer?
14.4) Name the lesson.
14.5) What was the intention of the speaker?
Q15. Answer the following question in 30 words.(any two)
15.1) Mention the various ways which the British and German soldiers become friends and find
thing in common at Christmas.
15.2) Mention four reasons for the discontent that led to the 1857 war of Independence.
15.3) The author describes Bepin Babu as serious and hardworking man. What evidence can you
find in the story to support this?
15.4) But it was difficult to understand that the men on the earth found causes to hate each other,
to build walls across cities and to kill When you rise above the worldly commonplace things
you get a better vision. Explain in the context of the lines quoted.
Q16. Answer the following question.(any five)
2 x 5 = 10
16.1) What effect did the winter song have over hail and the north wind?
16.2) The Camel said Humph repeatedly. How did it affect him? What according to the Djiun
was the use of hump?
16.3) Come and go as you will, little bird, she said. I will never put you in a cage any more
Love always pursues the path of freedom. Support your answer in the context of above dialoge.
16.4) what materials are the Strange huts made out of? Why does Velu find them strange?
16.5) The Eight Princesses made an offer to Princess September. What was it? Why did they do it?
16.6) Who brought the change in the Selfish Gient? It is possible tp change ones negative attitude?
Support your answer.
Q17. What one throws away as waste may be valuable to others. Do you find this sentence
meaningful in the context of the story Children at Work? How?


Summative Assessment I
Choose the correct alternative.
1. The smallest natural number is
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) -2
2. O_____R represented by

(a) OR (b) OR (c) OR (d) OR


3. 8 + 4 2 5 = ?
(a) 30 (b) 50 (c) 18 (d) 45
4. 5 100 = ?
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.05 (c) 0.005 (d) 5
5. The Hindu Arabic number of LXIX
(a) 59 (b) 69 (c) 79 (d) 89
6. 7 + - 3= ?
(a) 4 (b) -4 (c) 10 (d) -10
7. A fractional equivalent to 3/5 is
(a) 3+2 (b) 3-2 (c) 32 (d) 9
8. A region in the interior of a circle enclosed by a chord and an arc is called(a) sector (b) arc (c) segment (d) circumference
9. Fill in the blanks
(a) - 15 (-18) = _____, (b) - 20 (13) = _____, (c) 13 + ____ = 0, (d) - 4 + _____ = - 12
10.Estimate 376 X 123 by rounding off each number to nearest hundred.
11.Using number line, write the integer which is 5 more than -6.
12.3.5 + 4.05 6.005 =?
13.Find the additive inverse of : (I) 57 , (II) 183
14.Find the sum: 3 /3 + 1 /6 + 2

Draw and name the diagonals of the figure.

16.State whether the following statement are true or false.
(a) All prime number are odd
(b) All even numbers are composite number.
(c) The sum of three odd numbers is even
17.Find the L.C.M of 112, 140 and 168.
18.Find the H.C.F of 783 and 513

in each of the following by correct number.

(a) 30 = (b) 18 = (c) 84 = 6

19. Replace

54 9
24 4
20.Show the following number on the number line.
(a) 0.2 (b) 2.7 (c) 0.8
21.(a) Find the sum: 15 + 0.632 + 13.8
(b) Subtract 202.54m from 250m.
22.(a) Which is grater 0.099 or 0.19?
(b) Express as kg using decimals: 5kg 8g
In the adjoining figure, name -





i) 2 line segments
ii) 2 rays
iii) 2 non-intersecting line segments

24.A bag contains 45kg 80g of sugar and the mass of the empty bag is 950g. What is the mass of
the bag containing this sugar?
25.Subtract the sum of 3 /9 and 3 /3 from the sum of 5 /6 and 4 /9.
26.Draw a circle of 3cm radius and show the different part like radius, diameter, chord, center,
sector, and segment.
27.Aakash brought vegetable weighing 10kg. Out of this, 3kg 500g is onion, 2kg 75g is tomatoes
and the rest is potatoes. What is the weight of the potatoes?
28.Simplify: 3 + 1 /5 + /3 - /15
29.In a shop there are three clocks which chime at intervals of 15, 20 and 30 minuets
respectively. They all chime together at 10AM. At what time will they all chime together
30.Find the value of the following using suitable property.
(a) 81265 X 169 81265 X 69
(b) 3845 X 5 X 782 + 769 X 25 X 218
31.Find the smallest 4-digit number which is divisible by 18, 24 and 32
32.Draw one quadrilateral PQRS. Draw its diagonals state
(a) Two pairs of adjacent sides. (b) Two pairs of opposite sides. (c) Two pairs of opposite
angles. (d) Two pairs of opposite angles.
33.The number of sheets of paper available for making notebook is 75,000. Each sheet makes 8
pages of a notebook. Each notebook contains 200 pages. How many notebooks can be made
from the paper available?
34.Shikha painted /5 of the wall space in her room. Her brother Ravish helped and painted /5 of
the wall space. How much did they paint together? How much the room is left unpainted? 4


Summative Assessment I
Choose the correct alternative:
19 x 1 = 19
1. Scavenger are, i) Animals that eat only the flesh of other animals
ii) Animals that eat only the flesh of dead animals
iii) Animals that eat only plants and plant products.
iv) Animals that eat both plants and flesh of the other animals.
2. Which of the following nutrients is needed by our body for muscle building?
i) Carbohydrates ii) Proteins iii) Fats iv) Dietary fibres

3. The micro organism which turn milk into curd, i) Bacteria ii) Fungi iii) Virus iv) none of these
4. Fibers obtained from the plants are, i) Cotton and silk ii) Jute and wool iii) Silk and Jute iv) Cotton and Jute
5. After harvesting, cotton is sent for, i) Ginning ii) Spinning iii) weaving iv) Retting
6. Which of the following is not miscible in water,i) Honey ii) Kerosene iii) Alcohol iv) Orange juice
7. Which of the following is a good conductor of electricity,i) Iron ii) Plastic iii) Paper iv) Wood
8. When small stones need to be removed from rice, we use the process of,i) winnowing ii) handpicking iii) sieving iv) None of these
9. The top layer of the clear liquid obtained after sedimentation is,i) decantation ii) condensation iii) supernatant iv) None of these
10. The process in which gas changes into liquid is called,i) decantation ii) condensation iii) supernatant iv) None of these
11. Baking of Cake is an example of, i) Physical Change ii) Irreversible Change iii) Chemical Change iv) both (ii) and (iii)
12. Germination of seed is,i) Reversible Change ii) Irreversible Change iii) Both (i) and (ii) iv) None of these
13. The order of expansion in solid, liquid and gas is,i) Solid>liquid>gas ii) Solid<liquid<gas iii) Solid>gas>liquid iv) solid<gas<liquid
14. Ovary is found in,i) Petals ii) Sepals iii) Stamens iv) Pistils
15. Which of the following plants has a tap root?
i) Turnip ii) Grass iii) Maize iv) Wheat
16. At which of these points do new leaves arise?
i) Nodes ii) Internodes iii) Prop root iv) None of these
17. Birds can fly because they have,i) a streamlined body ii) hollow bones iii) wings with feathers iv) all of these
18. Kane joint is an example of,i) Pivot joint ii) ball and socket joint iii) hinge joint iv) gliding joint
19. The mineral which is essential for strong and healthy bone is, i) Calcium ii) magnesium iii) Boron iv) Iron
Answer the following:
20. Name the malnutrition caused due to deficiency of proteins along with carbohydrate.
21. Name the process beating harvested crops to separate grains from stalk.
22. Name three physical states of water.
23. Name the female reproduction part of a plant.
24. Name the flowers with joined sepals
25. Name the locomotory organ of snail and earthworm.
Answer the following:
26. Why are green plant called producers?
27. From which part of the plants, cotton and jute are obtained?


28. Why are cooking utensils usually made of metals?

29. How are rough materials different from smooth materials? Give two examples of each.
30. Why it is not advisable to sieve wheat flour?
31. When is hand picking method used?
32. Differentiate between Reversible and Irreversible Changes.
33. Why does a hot glass crack when placed under cold water?
34. Why are expansion gaps are left between the rails of the Railway tracks.
35. What are the important functions of a root?
36. List any two leaf modification with examples.
37. Which bone of our skull is movable. Name the main types of joints in our body.
38. List the felines that help a bird to fly.
39. Who discovered X-ray? Mention the functions of human skeleton.
Answer the followings:
40. Who made the use of charkha very popularized as part of independence movement? What is
charkha used for? Name the fabric we get from flexfiber. Name two products made out of the jute
41. Define the solubility. How can solubility of a substance be increased?
2+3= 5
42. How is expansion due to heating used to fix a rubber tyre onto a wheel?
43. Draw a Labeled diagram of the structure of a typical flower.
44. Define transpiration. How does it help a plant? What happens to a flower after pollination?


Summative Assessment I
Choose the correct alternative:
19x 1 = 19
1. Plants takes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their
i) roots ii) stem iii) flower iv) leaves
2. Peas have a symbiotic relationship with a/an,i) fungus ii) algae iii) bacteria iv) virus
3. Fat is completely digested in the
i) stomach ii) mouth iii) small intenstine iv) large intenstine
4. The main source of wool is
i) Rabbit ii) Sheep iii) Goat iv) None of these
5. An iron ball at 40c is dropped in a mug containing water at 40c. The heat will

i) flow from iron ball to water

ii) not flow from iron ball to water or from water to iron ball
iii) flow from water to iron ball
iv) increase the temperature of boyh
6. The colour of litmus in distilled water is
i) red ii) blue iii) purple iv None of these
7. The solution which do not change the colour of either red or blue litmus are known as
i) natural solution ii) basic solution iii) acidic solution iv) none of these
8. A substance formed on burning magnesium is
i) magnesium oxide ii) magnesium hydroxide iii) milk of magnesia iv) None of these
9. Chemical name of baking soda is
i) Sodium Carbonate ii) Sodium bicarbonate iii) Sodium Hydroxide iv) None of these
10.A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while catching its prey. It is likely to be
found in
i) polar regions ii) deserts iii) Oceans iv) tropical rain forest
11.Which option best describes at tropical region
i) hot and humid ii) moderate temperature, heavy rainfall iii) cold and humid iv) hot and dry
12.Humidity is measured using
i) Thermometer ii) rain gauge iii) hygrometer iv all of these
13.Which one of the following place is unlikely to be affected by a cyclone
i) Chennai ii) Mangalore iii) Amritsar iv) Puri
14.A spinning storm on land is called
i) hurricane ii0 cyclone iii) tornado iv) typhoon
15.Air moves from a region of high pressure to a region of
i) high pressure ii) low pressure iii) same pressure iv) all of these.
16.Type of soil that has the maximum water absorption tendency
i) Clay ii) Loamy iii) Sand iv) Topsoil
17. in addition to the rock particles, the soil contains
i) air and water ii) water and plants iii) minerals, organic matter, air and water iv) water, air
and plants.
18.Soil erosion is
i) soil pollution ii) weathering iii) soil formation iv) removal of soil by wind and running water
Answer the followings:
19.Where bile is stored?
20.Write true or false:- Tooth decay is caused by the presence of a base
21.Write the chemical symbol for the element Copper.
22.Which animal possesses blubber under its skin?
23.Name of the instrument is usually use to measure the speed of wind.
24.Name the three main type of soil.
Answer the followings:
25.What is meant by scouring?
26.Give two points of difference between conduction and conveetion of heat.
27.Express 41 F on the Celsius scale.

28.What is the difference between 2O and O2?

29.How would you test the presence of starch in leaves?
30.What are villi? What is their location and function?
31.Draw a label life cycle of the silk moth.
32.What kind of clothes should we wear in winter? Why?
33.Why is mercury used in thermometers? Give three reasons.
34.State the difference between acids and bases.
35.Explain why rusting of iron objects is faster in coastal area than deserts.
36.Write the name of the compounds H2SO4 , AgNO3, CaCO3
37.Name the elements that determine the weather and climate of a
38.State two experiences that made you think that air exerts pressure.
39.How is clayey soil useful for crops?
Answer the followings:
40.What is a neutralization reaction? Explain with an example.
41.What is galvanization? Explain how painting of an iron gate prevents it from rusting
42.Mention briefly how camel makes adaptation to survive in hot and dry desert climates.
43.What is a storm? How is it formed?
44.What is soil fertility? How can we improve soil fertility?



Summative Assessment I


A. Answer the following questions:1. The product of a positive and a negative integer is _______________.
2. Which number is less than every positive integer and greater than every negative integer.
a) 1
b) -1
c) 2
d) 0.
3. Which one of the following is an improper fraction
a) 4/7
b) 5/9
c) 8/8
d) 21/20
4. Which is the equivalent fraction of 3/8
a) 9/10
b) 12/24
c) 15/40
d) 6/32
5. When 0.57 is divided by 10, the result is
a) 5.7
b) 0.057
c) 57
d) 0.0057
6. 5/6 of a day is equal to
a) 20hrs
b) 30hrs
c) 25hrs
d) 15hrs
7. If the fractions are reciprocal to each other , then their product is equal to


a) 0
c) -1
d) 1
8. Two angles are said to be ____________ , if the sum of their measures is 180.
9. In a right triangle, the square of the ______________ equals the sum of the squares of its remaining two
10. How 2.5% can be expressed as ratio in simplest form?
b) 1/40
c) 1/400
d) 4/10
11. 3 % of 90 Km is
a) 15km
b) 0.3km
c) 3km
d) 30km
12. If S.P= 1254 Rs, Loss=32 Rs, then C.P=?
a) 1222 Rs
b) 1286 Rs
c) 1220 Rs
d) 1200 Rs
13. A number which can be expressed in the form p/q were p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero is
called a ________________.
B. State true or false in the following statement:1x2=2
1. Every integer is a rational number. [ ]
2. Two rational numbers with different numerator cannot be equal.
C. Answer the following question:2x11=22
1. Simplify:3-(5-63)
2. Simplify:- 5 4/7 1 3/10
3. Find the product of :- 10.05 x 1.05
4. Two angles of a triangle are of measures 109 and 31. Find the measure of third angle.
5. In the given figure:P
POS is a line, find x.
6. 6 is 30% of which number?
7. Find 20% more than Rs. 200.
8. Find the loss percent, when C.P= Rs 3500, overhead expenses= Rs 150 and loss= Rs. 146.
9. Fill in the blanks:-4
= __?___ = 12
10. Write -14/42 in a form so that the humerator is equal to 42.
11. Which of the two rational number 5/7 and 2/5 is greater?
D. Answer the following questions:3x7=21
1. The total weight of some bags of wheat is 1743 kg. If each bag weights 49.8 Kg, how many bags are there?
2. In the given figure, m||n angles 1 and 2 are in the ratios 3:2. Determine all the angles from 1 to 8.




3. The angles of a triangle are (x-40), (x-20) and (1/2x- 10). Find the value of x.
4. 45% of the students in a school are boys. If the total number of students in the school is 88,find the
number of girls in the school.
5. A vendor buys oranges at Rs.26 perdozen and sells them at 5 for Rs. 13. Find his gain percent.
6. Draw the number line and represent 3/8 on it.
7. In a hostel nress, 50kg rice are consumed everyday. If each student gets 400gm of rice per day, find the
number of students who take meals in the hostel mess.
E. Answer the following question:-


1. In a study of number of accidents per day, the observations for 30 days were obtained as follows:6 3 5 6 4 3 2 5 4 2
4 2 1 2 2 0 5 4 6 1
6 0 5 3 6 1 5 5 2 6
2. Find the mean of the following data:x: 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
f: 13 15 16 18 16 15 13
3. In the given figure, find the values of x ,y and z.


4. In the given figure find the value of x.





5.In an examination 92% of the candidates passed and 46 failed. How many candidates appeared?
6. A woman bought 50 dozen eggs at Rs. 6.40 a dozen out of these 20 egg were found to be broken. She sold
the remaining eggs at 55 paise per egg. Find her gain or loss percent.
7. Arrange the following rational number in descending order: -3/10, 17/-30, 7/-15, -11/20.
8. Draw a right triangle with hypotenuse of length 5cm and one side of length 4 cm

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