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Chapter 25 Specialized Tests and Test Equipment

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Blm 25 zel Testler ve Test Ekipmanlar

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Performance Testing & Qualification

Industry Qualification Methods ASTM NACE ISO SSPC IMO PSPC Cathodic Disbondment

Performans Testi & Kalifikasyon

Endstri Kalifikasyon Yntemleri ASTM NACE ISO SSPC IMO PSPC Katodik Ba Koparma

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Laboratory Testing
Laboratory instruments include: Cathodic disbondment Atomic Absorption/Emission (AA/AE) and Induction Coupled Plasma (ICP) Spectrophotometers Gas Liquid Chromatographs (GLC) Infrared Spectrophotometers (IR, FT-IR, and FTIR-ATR) Differential Scanning Calorimeters (DSC)
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Laboratuar Testi
Laboratuar aralar: Katodik ba koparma Atomic Emilim/Emisyon (AA/AE) ve Endksiyon Balatrmal Plazma (ICP) Spektrofotometreleri Gaz Sv Kromatograflar (GLC) Kzl tesi Spektrofotometreler (IR, FT-IR ve FTIR-ATR) Diferansiyel Taramal Kalorimetreler (DSC)

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 25 1

Cathodic Disbondment
ASTM Standard G 8, Standard Test Methods for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings

Katodik Ba Koparma
ASTM Standart G 8, Boru Hatt Kaplamalarnn Katodik Ba Koparmna ynelik Standart Test Yntemleri

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Lab Testing of Painted Panels

Boyanan Panellerin Laboratuarda Test edilmesi

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Test methods generally include: Preparation of a sample; substrate and the applied coating Creation of an artificial holiday in the coating Immersion of the sample in a solution of water (preferably distilled): Sodium chloride (NaCl) Sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) The sample is electrically connected to an anode or DC voltage source (impressed current). Specimen is examined at specified intervals for loosening of the coating around the artificial holiday, new holidays, and other required conditions.
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Test yntemleri genellikle aadakileri ierir: Numune, substrat ve uygulanan kaplamann hazrlanmas Kaplamada yapay bir holiday oluturulmas Numunenin su zeltisine (tercihen damtlm) batrlmas: Sodyum klorr (NaCl) Sodyum slfat (Na2SO4) Sodyum karbonat (Na2CO3) Numune elektriksel olarak bir anod veya DC voltaj kaynana (katodlama akm) balanr. rnek; yapay holiday, yeni holidayler ve gerekli dier koullar etrafndaki kaplamann gevetilmesi iin belirlenen aralklarla incelenir.

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NACE International Chapter 25 2

Atomic Absorption/Emission (AA/AE) and InductionCoupled Plasma (ICP) Spectrophotometers

Used to give a quantitative analysis of metals.

Atomik Emilim/Emisyon (AA/AE) ve Endksiyon Balatrmal Plazma (ICP) Spektrofotometreleri

Metallerin niceliksel analizini yapmak zere kullanlr.

Examples are: Hazardous heavy metals in spent abrasives Lead concentration in paints Titanium dioxide pigments in paints Silicon concentration in silicone/alkyd paints
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rnekler: Harcanan andrclardaki tehlikeli ar metaller Boyalardaki kurun younluu Boyalardaki titanyum dioksit pigmentleri Silikon/alkit boyalardaki silikon younluu

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Gas Liquid Chromatography

GLC can be used to identify and quantify solvents retained in coating films.

GLC kaplama filmlerinde tutulan solventlerin belirlenmesi ve llmesi iin kullanlabilir.

Gaz Sv Kromatografisi

Interior of GC-MS
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GC-MSnin i grnm
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GLC Output to Screen

GLC in Grnts

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 25 3

Infrared Spectrophotometers
Used to to analyze the composition of a coating and/or identify the many chemical compounds.

Kzltesi Spektrofotometreler
Bir kaplamann bileimini analiz etmek ve/veya pek ok kimyasal bileeni tanmlamak iin kullanlr.

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometers (FT-IR) Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared (ATR-IR)

Fourier Dnml Kzltesi Spektrofotometreleri (FT-IR) Azaltlm Total Yanstml Kzltesi (ATR-IR)

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Infrared Spectrophotometers

Kzltesi Spektrofotometreleri

Infrared Spectrum
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Kzltesi Spektrumu
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The DSC is used to measure heat gained or lost in a chemical reaction. It can also be used to measure the degree of cure of chemically cured coatings, such as epoxies and FBE.

Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)

Bir kimyasal tepkimede kazanlan veya kaybedilen scakl lmek iin DSC kullanlr. DSC, epoksiler ve FBE gibi kimyasal olarak krlenmi kaplamalarn krlenme derecelerini lmek iin de kullanlabilir.

Diferansiyel Taramal Kalorimetre (DSC)

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NACE International Chapter 25 4

DSC can also be used to measure the amount of metallic zinc in a zinc primer, based on the heat of fusion of the zinc.

DSC ayn zamanda, inkonun fzyon scaklna bal olarak bir inko astarndaki metalik inko miktarn lmek iin de kullanlabilir.

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Collecting Samples for Failure Analysis

Information provided to the laboratory should include the following: The identity of the materials to be analyzed Chain-of-custody form with samples (copy retained) The type of analysis required

Hasar Analizi in Numunelerin Toplanmas

Laboratuara sunulan bilgiler aadakileri iermelidir: Analiz edilecek materyallerin tanm Numuneler ile birlikte koruma ve gzetim zinciri (nsha muhafaza edilir) formu Gerekli analiz tr

Expected concentrations or concentrations of interest

For example, leachable lead in spent abrasive. Type and concentration of retained solvents in coating chips. Generic identification of coating type. For example, lead in paint is of interest in parts per million but in potable water this changes to parts per billion.
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Beklenen ve sz konusu younluklar

rnein, harcanan andrclardaki filtre edilebilir kurun. Kaplama iplerinde tutulan solventlerin tr ve younluu. Kaplama trnn jenerik tanm. rnein boyadaki kurun milyonda bir sz konusu iken, bu ime suyunda milyarda bir olarak deiir.
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Reference books for Laboratory tests: ASTM Standards, Volume 6.01 and 6.02 Paint Testing Manual, by Gardner and Sward ASTM STP 500: Paint Testing Manual Detail additional field and laboratory coating test procedures for: Permeability Hardness Penetration Melting point Adhesion

Laboratuar testlerine ynelik referans kitaplar: ASTM Standartlar, Cilt 6.01 ve 6.02 Gardner and Sward tarafndan yazlm Boya Testi Klavuzu ASTM STP 500: Boya Testi Klavuzu Aadakilere ynelik ek saha ve laboratuar kaplama testi prosedrlerini detaylanrn: Geirgenlik Sertlik Penetrasyon Erime noktas Adezyon

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 25 5

Chapter 25 Specialized Tests and Test Equipment

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Blm 25 zel Testler ve Test Ekipmanlar

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 25 6

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