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Chapter 23 Non Liquid Coatings

Blm 23 Sv Olmayan Kaplamalar

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Hot-Dip Galvanizing
Process of coating iron or steel with a thin zinc layer by passing the steel through a molten bath of zinc Temperature of bath is around 438-460C (820860F) Results in a metallurgical bond between zinc and steel
Hot-Dip Galvanizing Kettle 3 of 46

Scak Daldrmal Galvanizleme

elii erimi bir inko banyosundan geirmek suretiyle demir veya eliin ince bir inko tabakas ile kaplanmas ilemi Banyo scakl yaklak 438460Cdir (820-860F) inko ve elik arasnda metalurjik bir ba olumas ile sonulanr
Scak Daldrmal Galvanizleme Kazan 4 of 46

The usual galvanized coating consists of three distinct ironzinc compounds:

Gamma Delta Zeta Eta (Outer layer) 75% zinc and 25% iron 90% zinc and 10% iron 94% zinc and 6% iron 100% zinc (not considered separate layer)

Olaan galvanizli kaplama ayr demir-inko bileeninden oluur:

Gamma Delta Zeta Eta (d tabaka) %75 inko ve %25 demir %90 inko ve %10 demir %94 inko ve %6 demir %100 inko (ayr bir tabaka olarak kabul edilmez)

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 1

Various Layers of Hot-Dip Galvanizing

eitli Scak Daldrmal Galvaniz Tabakalar

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The inspector should learn and observe site safety rules. The inspector should know that: Hot-dipped articles stay hot and to make sure the article is cool before touching it. Molten metal can splash out of the kettle and travel some distance. Nascent hydrogen may burn off in the air above the kettle.
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Enspektr saha gvenlii kurallarn renmeli ve kurallara dikkat etmelidir. Enspektr aadakileri bilmelidir: Scak daldrmal nesneler scak kalr ve bunlara dokunmadan nce nesnenin souduundan emin olunmas gerekir. Erimi metal kazandan srayp uzaa gidebilir. Aa km hidrojen, kazann zerindeki havada yanabilir.
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There are a number of standards regarding Hot Dipped Galvanizing including: Surface preparation and application Material Coating Film thickness measurements

Aadakiler dahil olmak zere Scak Daldrmal Galvanizleme ile ilgili bir takm standartlar mevcuttur: Yzey hazrlama ve uygulama Materyal Kaplama Film kalnl lmleri

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 2

Two of the terms inspectors may hear when describing galvanizing are: Heavy galvanizing - can provide a complete coating of heavy zinc, both externally and internally, if required by specification Light galvanizing - has a significantly lower level of protection in corrosive environments, and often requires supplementary coatings for outdoor exposure

Galvanizlemeyi aklarken enspektrlerin duyabilecei iki terim: Ar galvanizleme Spesifikasyonun gerektirmesi halinde gerek dardan gerekse ieriden tam bir ar inko kaplamas salayabilir Hafif galvanizleme Korozif ortamlarda nemli lde daha dk seviyede koruma salar ve genellikle ak hava maruziyeti iin ek kaplamalar yaplmasn gerektirir.

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The hot-dip process includes: Surface preparation Fluxing Dipping Post treatments Inspection

Hot-Dip Process

Scak daldrma ilemi aadakileri ierir: Yzey hazrl Eritkenleme Daldrma Sre sonras ilemler Denetim

Scak Daldrma lemi

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Surface Preparation
Solvent cleaning (SSPC-SP1) and abrasive blasting may be specified. Caustic cleaning The steel is immersed in caustic solution to remove the dirt, oil, and grease from the surface of the steel. Pickling The process where the item being prepared is immersed in a tank filled with either hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, which removes oxides and mill scale.

Yzey Hazrl
Solvent temizlii (SSPC-SP1) ve andrc kumlama belirlenebilir. Kostik temizleme elik, yzeyinin kir, ya ve gresten arndrlmas iin kostik zeltiye batrlr. Paklama Hazrlanan maddenin oksitleri veya mil skalasn ortadan kaldran hidroklorik veya slfrik asit ile doldurulmu bir tanka batrlma ilemi.
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Acid Pickling Tank

Asitli Paklama Tank

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 3



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Fluxing cleans the steel of all oxidation developed during pickling. Fluxing process is one of two types: Immersion in a pre-flux solution that is slightly acidic and contains a combination of zinc chloride and ammonium chloride Passed through a molten layer, top flux, that floats on top of the liquid zinc in the galvanizing kettle

Eritkenleme, elii paklama srasnda gelien tm oksidasyondan arndrr. Eritkenleme ilemi iki trldr: Biraz asidik olan ve inko klorr ile amonyum klorrn birleimini ieren bir eritkenleme ncesi zeltiye batrma Galvanizleme kazannda sv inkonun zerinde yzen erimi tabaka, st eritkenden geirme

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 4

Zinc Bath
Zinc that are each at least 98% pure Temperature ranging from 438-460C (820-860F) Galvanizers prefer to keep the temperature of their kettles on the cooler side to prolong the life of the kettle

inko Banyosu
En az %98 orannda saf inko Scaklk 438-460C (820860F) arasnda deiir Galvanizciler, kazann mrn uzatmak iin kazanlarnn scakln daha alt seviyede tutmay tercih ederler

Fabricated Piece Being Dipped into the Zinc Bath 25 of 46

mal edilmi para inko banyosuna daldrlr 26 of 46



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In most cases, dip lasts less than ten minutes When process is complete, the steel is removed and cooled by quenching or air

ou durumda, daldrma on dakikadan az srer lem tamamlandnda, elik alnr ve su verme veya hava ile soutulur

Steel Beam Leaving Bath 29 of 46

elik Kiriin Banyodan k 30 of 46

Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 5

Post Treatments
Post treatments may consist of: Chromating Phosphating Light rolling Roller leveling Renkseme

Sre Sonras lemler

Sre sonras ilemler: Fosfatlama Hafif haddeleme Makaral dzeyleme

Fabricated Steel Leaving Galvanizing Bath 31 of 46

mal Edilmi eliin Galvanizleme Banyosundan k 32 of 46

Hot-dipped zinc coatings are sometimes annealed to convert the whole of the coating into an alloy. Aluminum coatings intended for heat resistance may be converted into an alloy in the same way.

Scak daldrmal inko kaplamalar bazen tm kaplamay bir alama dntrmek iin tavlanr. Is dayanm iin tasarlanan alminyum kaplamalar da ayn ekilde bir alama dntrlebilir.

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The basic finish requirements of the galvanized coating include that it be relatively smooth, continuous, lustrous, and free from gross surface imperfections.

Galvanizli kaplamann temel bitirme ilemleri kaplamann nispeten przsz, kesiksiz, parlak ve byk yzey kusurlarndan arnm olmasn kapsar.

Typical Galvanized Surface

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Tipik Galvanizli Yzey

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 6

Galvanized components with markedly rough surfaces

General Roughness

nemli derecede przl yzeyleri olan galvanizli bileenler

Genel Przllk

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Excess Aluminum
A condition sometimes referred to as black spots may occur if the aluminum content of a bath, on which a flux blanket is used, is too high. The aluminum content of the bath should be maintained below 0.01%.

Fazla Alminyum
zerinde eritken rtnn kullanld bir banyonun alminyum ieriinin fazla yksek dzeyde olmas halinde bazen siyah nokta olarak ifade edilen durum gerekleebilir. Banyonun alminyum ierii %0.01in altnda tutulmaldr.

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Small, hard lumps result from agitation of the dross layer at the bottom of the bath or from dragging material through the dross layer.

Dross Protrusions

Banyonun tabanndaki cruf tabakasnn kartrlmasndan veya materyalin cruf tabakasnn iinden srklenmesinden dolay kk, sert yumrular oluur.

Cruf kntlar

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 7

Lumpiness - A lumpy and uneven coating results when the speed of withdrawal is too fast or the bath temperature is too low to allow surplus zinc to run back into the bath. Runs - Caused by delayed drainage from bolt holes, folds, seams, and other pockets where zinc collects, and are usually a direct consequence of the product design.

Yumrular - Geri ekme hz ok yksek olduunda veya banyo scakl inkonun banyoya geri kamasna izin vermeyecek kadar dk olduunda yumrulu ve dzgn olmayan bir kaplama ortaya kar. Dklmeler - inkonun biriktii cvata delikleri, kvrmlar, balant yerleri ve dier ceplerde drenajn gecikmesinden kaynaklanr ve genellikle rn tasarmnn dorudan sonucudur.

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Uneven Drainage

Dzgn Olmayan Drenaj

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Spent flux adhere to the steel instead of separating cleanly from the surface as the work is dipped.

Flux Inclusions

Harcanan eritken, alma daldrldka yzeyden temiz bir ekilde ayrlmak yerine elie yapr.

Eritken Kalntlar

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 8

Zinc ash: The oxide film that sometimes develops on the surface of the galvanizing bath.

Ash Inclusions

inko kl: Bazen galvanizleme banyosunun yzeyinde gelien oksit film.

Kl Kalntlar

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A gray or mottled appearance develops during cooling that is caused by diffusion of the zinc-iron alloy phase to the surface of the coating.

Dull-Gray Galvanized Coating

Soutma srasnda inko-demir alam faznn kaplamann yzeyine yaylmas nedeniyle gri veya alacal bir grnm oluur.

Kl Rengi Galvanizli Kaplama

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Caused by seepage from joints and seams after galvanizing or by material being stored under or in contact with rusty steel.

Rust Stains

Pasl eliin altnda veya pasl elikle temas edecek ekilde saklanan materyal nedeniyle veya galvanizleme sonrasnda balant noktalarndan veya dikilerden sznt olmas nedeniyle oluur.

Pas Lekeleri

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 9

Wet Storage Stain (White Rust)

Occurs when the steel is exposed to a humid or moist environment without access to freely circulating air.

Islak Depolama Lekesi (Beyaz Pas)

Serbeste dolaan havaya eriimi olmakszn eliin nemli bir ortama maruz kalmas halinde oluur.

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Faying Surfaces

Kontak Yzeyleri

Shear Force
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Kesme Kuvveti
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Alteration of Substrate Properties

Alteration of the properties of certain types of steel may be affected by certain processes incidental to the hot-dip galvanizing process, such as quenching after hot dipping.

Belirli elik trlerinin zelliklerinin deitirilmesi, scak daldrma sonrasnda su verme gibi scak daldrmal galvanizlemeye zg belirli ilemlerden etkilenebilir.

Substrat zelliklerinin Deitirilmesi

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 10

Work Piece Design and Fabrication

Design of the work piece relates to:
Skip welds/crevices Pockets/Air bubbles Piece too large for dip tank Warping Dissimilar metals

Parasnn Tasarm ve malat

parasnn tasarm aadakilerle balantldr:
Atlamal kaynak/yarklar Cepler/hava kabarcklar Daldrma tank iin ok byk para Yamulma Benzer olmayan metaller

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Coating Thickness and Service Life

Service life is directly associated with coatings thickness. Coatings thickness of hot-dipped galvanized items can be performed utilizing four separate techniques: Magnetic thickness gauge (most common) Stripping Weighing (before and after galvanizing process) Optical microscopy

Kaplama Kalnl ve Hizmet mr

Hizmet mr dorudan kaplama kalnl ile balantldr. Scak daldrmal galvanizlenen maddelerin kaplama kalnl drt farkl teknikten yararlanlarak yaplabilir: Manyetik kalnlk lm aleti (en yaygn) Kazma Tartma (galvanizleme ileminden nce ve sonra) Optik mikroskopi

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NACE International Chapter 23 11



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Video: Repairs

Video: Onarmlar

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Spray Metalizing/Thermal Spraying

Coating steel by spraying molten metal on substrates as a form of corrosion protection.

Sprey Metalleme/Isl Spreyleme

Erimi metalin korozyondan koruma ekli olarak substratlarn zerine spreylenmesi yoluyla eliin kaplanmas

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 12

Surface Preparation
The best performance of the metalized coating can be gained by blast cleaning to NACE No. 1/SSPC-SP 5 White Metal (ISO Sa 3). Anchor pattern may vary from 50 to 150 m (2 to 6 mils) or more, depending upon the thickness of the metalized coating to be applied.

Yzey Hazrl
Metalize edilmi kaplama en iyi performans 1/SSPC-SP 5 No.lu NACE Beyaz Metale uygun olarak (ISO Sa 3) kumlama temizlii yaplarak elde edilebilir. Ankraj modeli, uygulanacak olan metalize edilmi kaplamann kalnlna bal olarak 50-150 m (2-6 mil) veya daha fazlas arasnda deiiklik gsterebilir.

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Flame Spraying
Oxygen and a fuel gas fed into torch; used to create flame Powder or wire is injected into the flame; melted Sprayed onto the work piece creating the layer of protective coatings

Alev Spreyleme
alomann iine beslenen oksijen ve yakt gaz; alev yaratmak iin kullanlr Toz veya tel aleve enjekte edilir ve eritilir paras zerine spreylenerek koruyucu kaplama tabakas oluturur

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Arc Spraying
Two wires inserted into the torch, contact at the nozzle, wires melt when they touch Carrier gas is used to strip the molten material off wires and transport it to the work piece

Ark Spreyleme
ki tel alomaya sokulur; nozle temas eder ve temas ettiklerinde teller erir. Erimi materyali tellerden soymak ve i parasna ulatrmak iin tayc gaz kullanlr.

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 13

Plasma Spraying
Most versatile of all the thermal spray processes Plasma core temperatures are typically greater than 10,000C (18,032F) Powder is injected into this flame, melted, and accelerated to the work piece Ceramics, metals, and plastics can be sprayed

Plazma Spreyleme
Isl spreyleme ilemleri arasnda en ok ynl olandr Plazma i scaklklar tipik olarak 10,000Cden (18,032F) fazladr Toz bu aleve enjekte edilir, eritilir ve i parasna uygulanr Seramik, metal ve plastiklere spreyleme yaplabilir

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High-Velocity Oxyfuel
Gases injected into torch at high pressure and ignited Gas velocities achieve supersonic speeds The powder injected into the flame also accelerated to supersonic speeds Results are the densest thermal spray coatings available

Yksek Hzl Oksi Yakt

Gazlar alomaya yksek basnta enjekte edilir ve atelenir Gazlar speksonik hzlara ular Aleve enjekte edilen toz ayn zamanda spersonik hza ulaacak ekilde hzlandrlr Mevcut olan en youn sl spreyleme yaplan kaplamalar elde edilir

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In service, corrosion products of zinc or aluminum develop and seal the porosity of the thermalsprayed coating. However, the application of a seal coat immediately after application of the metalizing extends the life of the coating.

Kullanm halinde, inko veya alminyum korozyon rnleri gelierek sl spreylemeli kaplamalarn gzenekliliini kapatrlar. Bununla birlikte, metalleme uygulamasndan hemen sonra szdrmazlk tabakasnn uygulanmas, kaplamann mrn uzatr.

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 14

Successful sealers include thin coats of: Vinyl PVBA

Baarl szdrmazlar, aadakilerin ince katmanlarn ierir: Vinil PVBA

Silicone (high-heat surfaces) Epoxy

Silikon (yksek sl yzeyler) Epoksi

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Major concerns would be in the areas of: Surface preparation (cleanliness and profile) Pre-heating of the substrate Verification of a moisture free substrate Application procedure and technique Application of sealers and topcoats when specified DFT (using common DFT gauges) Handling and storage

Spray Metalizing Inspection

Denetime ilikin nemli konular: Yzey hazrl (temizlik ve profil) Substratn n stmaya tabi tutulmas Substratn nemden arndrlm olduunun dorulanmas, Uygulama prosedr ve teknii Belirtilmesi halinde szdrmazlarn ve son katlarn uygulanmas DFT (yaygn DFT lm aletlerinin kullanlmasyla) Kullanm ve depolama

Sprey Metalleme Denetimi

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Other Methods of Metalizing

Sherardizing: Sherardizing is a metalizing alternative for fastener coatings. The fasteners are rotated in a drum for long periods at moderate heat with zinc dust. Aluminizing: Aluminizing is similar to hot-dip galvanizing except the bath metal is an aluminum-zinc alloy.

Dier Metalleme Yntemleri

inko ile galvaniz yapma: inko ile galvaniz yapma, balayc kaplamalara ilikin alternatif bir metalleme yntemidir. Balayclar, inko tozuyla orta sda uzun sre boyunca bir tamburda dndrlr. Alminyumlama: Alminyumlama, banyo metalinin bir alminyuminko alam olmas haricinde scak daldrmal galvanizlemeye benzerdir.
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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 15

Chapter 23 Non Liquid Coatings

Blm 23 Sv Olmayan Kaplamalar

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Coating Inspector Program Level 2 July 2012

NACE International Chapter 23 16

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