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Friday, April 4, 2014 International maritime news for seafarers

Russia to downsize state ship-building development programme

Russian Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Alexei Rak mano! on T ursday announ"ed t at t e #o!ernment mi# t "ut t e finan"in# for t e state sponsored s ip$%uildin# de!elopment pro#ramme %y 40& in 201'$20( )e made t e announ"ement durin# a *tate Duma +,ower )ouse of t e -arliament. session( T e session was dedi"ated to prospe"ts for t e de!elopment of t e s ip$%uildin# industry( /arlier, 0remlin de"ided to spend R12 ''3 %illion +1*D 4(5 %illion. till 20'0 to de!elop "i!il marine fa"ilities and s ip$%uildin# industry as t e se"tor was ne#le"ted in t e last 20 years( )owe!er, t e #o!ernment mi# t a!e to s"rap t e pro#ramme partially mainly %e"ause of e"onomi" pro%lems( *peakin# at t e Duma, Rak mano! stressed6 78e a!e a state pro#ramme on t e de!elopment of t e s ip$%uildin# industry( Re#retta%ly, t is pro#ramme is %ein# rat er seriously ad9usted( 8e ope we will %e a%le to find mutually a""epta%le solutions wit our "ollea#ues at t e Finan"e Ministry, %ut, 9ud#in# from t e pro#ramme we su%mitted last year, t e s rinka#e is up to 40&(7 A""ordin# to im, t e #o!ernment as experien"ed 7fe!eris mo%ilisation7 of resour"es w ene!er it tries to meet deadlines for t e laun" in# of "i!ilian !essels or wars ips( 72ut we always find a way to sol!e t ese pro%lems( *o, I must say t at wit a #reat de#ree of "ertainty t e state defen"e order till 2020 will %e fulfilled in t e full and in due time,7 e told t e )ouse( :ommentin# on t e #o!ernment;s lon#$term plannin#, Rak mano! said6 7/ffi"ient dialo#ue as so far %een esta%lis ed only wit t e <a!y( T ere were earin#s on t e defen"e s ip$%uildin# pro#ramme till t e year 20=0 and approa" es to lon#$term plannin# will make it possi%le to arran#e t e industrial, s"ien"e$an$te" nolo#y a"ti!ities and or#anise desi#n %ureaus(7


T e %rid#e team mem%ers a%oard a "ar#o s ip were too %usy wit ot er t in#s, in"ludin# keepin# a lookout, so t at t ey failed to noti"e anot er !essel "omin# into "lose "onta"t(

A medium$si>ed "ar#o s ip was sailin# nort ward alon# t e eastern !essel traffi" system on its way to its loadin# port( 2y means of radar, it dete"ted a "ontainer !essel off its port %ow( T e "ar#o s ip;s master de"ided to " an#e is "ourse to port, intendin# to pass %y t e stern of t e "ontainer !essel( T e "ar#o s ip;s master was manoeu!rin# t e s ip w ile keepin# lookout and operatin# t e %rid#e tele#rap ( )e did not noti"e t at s e was approa" in# toward t e %ow of t e "ontainer !essel %e"ause e did not dou%le$" e"k t e readin#s on t e "ompass( Meanw ile, t e "ontainer !essel assumed t at t e "ar#o s ip would sail a ead of t e ?T* %e"ause an offi"er reported t at t e "ar#o s ip was ',000 metres away and sailin# faster t an t e "ontainer !essel( An offi"er of t e "ontainer !essel was na!i#atin# on autopilot and not keepin# a lookout( 8 ile "onfirmin# t e s ip;s next way point, e was fa"in# away from t e %ow as t e @-* plotter was situated su" t at e ad to fa"e astern( A few minutes later, t e two s ips "ollided( T e near%y ?essel Traffi" *er!i"e :entre saw t e impendin# "ollision !ia radar and radioed a warnin#( )owe!er, t e offi"er on wat" a%oard t e "ontainer !essel said e did not ear t e warnin# until after t e "ollision(

T e "ar#o s ip saw t e approa" in# "ontainer !essel %ut it did not noti"e t at it was approa" in# near t e !essel;s %ow( It is likely t at t e "ar#o s ip did not send out any si#nal( T e "ontainer !essel assumed t at t e "ar#o s ip would 9ust pass %y and "ontinued @-* plotter operations w ile fa"in# t e stern and pro"eeded on autopilot wit out keepin# lookout( T e "ar#o s ip;s master was distra"ted on t e %rid#e( <o one was assi#ned to monitor t e radar( T e ?T* "entre informed t e "ar#o s ip a%out t e on"omin# !essel from its port side %ut it did not de"rease speed to pre!ent t e "ollision( *our"e6 AT*2

$%&'g o( heroin seized in Indian O)ean

A :anadian <a!al !essel inter"epted a %i# s ipment of eroin( T e Department of <ational Defen"e of :anada "onfirmed t e news on T ursday and said t at t e <a!y sei>ed un"o!ered eroin w ile "ondu"tin# a raid in a sail%oat off t e eastern "oast of Afri"a on Mar" '1( In a statement, t e department said t at t e s ip was sailin# in t e eastern "oast as part of Bperation Artemis $ a multinational maritime se"urity and "ounter$terrorism operation in t e Red *ea, @ulf of Aden, Indian B"ean and t e @ulf of Bman( Meanw ile, :anadian Defen"e Minister Ro% <i" olson "on#ratulated t e <a!y for t eir su""ess, sayin#6 7T is su""essful sei>ure is a result of t e patien"e and perse!eran"e displayed %y t e <a!al for"es( It is also a "redit to our "olle"ti!e "apa%ility to work to#et er wit our "om%ined task for"e;s 1=0 partners to respond in a timely and effe"ti!e manner to t reats to maritime se"urity and "ommer"e in t e re#ion(7

Investors snap up shipping loans

00R(<, a #lo%al pri!ate eCuity firm, as said t at in!estors a!e started snappin# up s ippin# loans as t e #lo%al e"onomy lifts trade prospe"ts( 00R(< as taken 1*D 1=0 million wort of s ippin# loans from two /uropean %anks( A senior offi"ial of t e firm said t at t ey noti"ed a flurry of deals in re"ent mont s for s ip finan"e loans and a num%er of t em were put up for sale %y %anks( A""ordin# to im, t e %anks were under tremendous pressure to %oost t eir "apital in an attempt to ad ere to new, stri"ter industry le#islation %orn of t e finan"ial "risis( 2ot finan"ial institutions and s ippin# firms experien"ed t e %rand of t e worst e"onomi" downturns of t e de"ade( Many firms e!en defaulted on loans, w ile se!eral ot ers "ollapsed alto#et er, for"in# t e %anks to off$load risky assets at " eap pri"es, e!en as t e tradin# "onditions impro!e( )owe!er, offi"ials of <ordea 2ank and 2<- -ari%as de"lined to "omment on t e issue( Meanw ile, a sour"e "lose to one trade finan"e said6 7T rou# %uyin# s ippin# loans at a dis"ount, in!estors are enterin# at a lower t res old( T e frei# t market ri# t now is okay, so "ompanies will likely %e a%le to ser!i"e loans, t us funds make t eir =&, w i" is a ni"e "arryin# yield(7 )e also said6 7If market #oes up, t eir loans will appre"iate, t us, t ere will %e additional %enefit and return( If t e market #oes to ell or t ey t ink t ey "an find a %etter mana#ement team, t en t ey 9ust take o!er t e !essels and %e"ome s are olders and own t e %usiness(7


Long-term s)rubbing to e*perien)e huge growth

A *in#apore$%ased Marine and /ner#y :onsultin# firm as predi"ted t at maritime industry will experien"e u#e #rowt in s"ru%%in#, espe"ially in t e lon# term, and will easily meet in"reased re#ulatory " allen#es( *peakin# at t e '=t International 2unker :onferen"e in :open a#en on T ursday, Mana#in# Dire"tor of t e firm Ro%in Mee" said t at t e "ost of resortin# to s"ru%%ers will moti!ate future #rowt ( Meanw ile, e admitted t at t e #rowt will ultimately depend on e"onomies of s"ale and t e a#e of !essels, as t e a!era#e "ost of a s"ru%%er is around 1*D 4 million( Mee" also said6 7*"ru%%in# is t e " eapest met od to "omply for existin# s ips less t an 1= years old "ompared to s"ru%%ers to low sulp ur %unker fuel and ,<@(7 *"ru%%er systems are %asi"ally air pollution "ontrol de!i"es( T ese de!i"es are used to remo!e some parti"ulates andDor #ases( Bn%oard a s ip, s"ru%%ers are installed on en#ines to remo!e sulp ur from %unker fuel( 7If a s ip spends a lot of time in /:A areas, it would make sense for it to use s"ru%%ers or ,<@,7 stressed Mee" ( 8 ile t e pro9e"ted fi#ure for ea!y fuel oil %ein# s"ru%%ed annually is set at 23 million metri" tonnes %y 202=, t e industry will a!e a "umulati!e in!estment of 1*D 1= %illion, a""ordin# to im( )e also pro9e"ted t at around 5,000 s"ru%%ers would %e in operation in t e next 11 years(

LEGAL Ship detained over )rews+ poor living )onditions

T e Maritime and :oast#uard A#en"y +M:A. as detained a s ip in a :ornis port o!er t e poor li!in# "onditions of its "rew( A senior M:A offi"ial said t at it was t e se"ond su" detention in t e last two mont s( A""ordin# to M:A *ur!eyor : ris Moss, t e s ip !iolated a num%er of ealt and safety norms( Inspe"tors found dirty %at room fa"ilities, unsuita%le food stora#e, "orroded pipe work, %roken li# ts and inadeCuate laundry fa"ilities( Bn Fe%ruary ', a s ip was towed into t e :ornis port after it suffered an en#ine failure off t e ,i>ard Island( ,ast week, t e s ip was allowed to sail followin# re"tifi"ation( Moss said6 78e "arry out t orou# inspe"tions on s ips !isitin# our ports and if t ere are issues wit safety, "rew ealt and welfare, we take a"tion( T e detention noti"e on t e se"ond s ip will remain in pla"e until t e ne"essary impro!ements are "arried out(7

SECURITY I)ebrea'er sent to Cape ,reton

T e :anadian :oast @uard on T ursday sent an i"e%reaker to :ape 2reton for elpin# a ferry stu"k in i"e t ere for more t an 24 ours( Alt ou# two ferries stu"k in i"e off t e "oast of :ape 2reton, one of t em, wit 4=0 passen#ers and "rew on%oard, made it to -ort aux 2asCues on T ursday afternoon( T e i"e%reaker was sent to elp t e se"ond one( T e :oast @uard said t at %ot t e ferries first it 7extreme i"e "onditions7 around E61=pm +lo"al time. on 8ednesday in t e :a%ot *trait( T e se"ond one, wit '=0 people on%oard, was still stu"k in t e t i"kest i"e around four miles from <ort *ydney do"k( Meanw ile, some passen#ers tweeted t eir "omplaints a%out a la"k of %lankets( T ey also said t at t ey were asked to pay for meals(

Cargo ship sin's o(( S -orean )oast

A Mon#olian$fla##ed "ar#o s ip, wit 15 <ort 0orean "rewmem%ers on%oard, ran a#round at around 1614am +lo"al time. on Friday and sank off t e "oast of Feosu in *out 0orea( T e *out 0orean :oast @uard rea" ed t e spot immediately after re"ei!in# a distress "all and started t e res"ue operation( T e :oast @uard were a%le to res"ue t ree "rewmem%ers and sent t em to a lo"al ospital, two "rewmem%ers were reportedly dead and t e rest are still missin#( T e 4,'00$tonne ill$fated s ip, "arryin# steel produ"ts, was on a !oya#e from <ort 0orean port "ity of : eon#9in to : ina;s : an#dao port( An in!esti#ation as %een laun" ed(

&./ !itani) arte(a)ts to be au)tioned online

2oston$%ased au"tion ouse RR as announ"ed t at undreds of artefa"ts linked to Titani" will %e au"tioned online on April 1E$24( RR %elie!es t at around 240 istori" artefa"ts and "opies of t e <ew Fork Times, T e Illustrated ,ondon <ews and T e <ew Fork /!enin# -ost, w i" pu%lis ed front pa#e reports a%out t e "atastrop e, "an easily fet" a million dollars( T e au"tion ouse will also pla"e letters, p otos and ot er o%9e"ts from t e !essel alon# wit items %elon#ed to sur!i!ors for t e online sale( T e %iddin# for a letter, written on April 2, 1412 on stationery, %earin# t e famous s ip;s letter ead, %y a "rewmem%er, w o did not sur!i!e t e disaster, starts at 1*D 1,000(

GALLEY Strawberr0-mango mes)lun salad

Ingredients +for 12 ser!in#s.6 1D2 "up of su#ar 'D4 "up of "anola oil 1tsp of salt 1D4 "up of %alsami" !ine#ar 3 "ups of mixed salad #reens 2 "ups of "ran%erries +sweetened and dried. 1D2 pound of fres straw%erries +Cuartered. 1 man#o +peeled, seeded and "u%ed. 1D2 "up of onion +" opped. 1 "up of sli!ered almonds( Method: -la"e t e su#ar, oil, salt and !ine#ar in a 9ar wit a lid( *eal t e 9ar and s ake it !i#orously to mix all t e in#redients properly( <ow, mix salad #reens, sweetened dried "ran%erries, straw%erries, man#o and onion in a lar#e %owl( Toss it wit dressin# and sprinkle wit almonds %efore ser!in#(

Spi)0 mango salsa

T is is a deli"ious dis to en9oy espe"ially in t e summer( Ingredients: 2 "ups of fres man#o +di"ed. 2 "ups of fres pea" es +pitted and " opped. 2 "lo!es #arli" +min"ed.

2t%sp of fres #in#er root +" opped. 1D4 "up of fres %asil +" opped. 2 serrano " illy peppers +di"ed. 1D4 "up of fres lime 9ui"e( Method: Mix t e man#oes, pea" es or ne"tarines, #arli", #in#er and %asil or "ilantro to#et er in a lar#e %owl( Add " illies and lime 9ui"e and mix well( Allow t e mixture to " ill for two ours( <ow ser!e(

, L!IC 12CH N#1
Market snapshot: Dry Index Capesize Index "ana#ax Index %&pra#ax Index 'andysize Index 11:30 GMT BDI 1235 BCI 23 3 B"I 83$ B%I 1025 B'%I $10 -38 -!5 -31 -22 -11

12CH N#1 R !1S

(e) *ork +Th& C,s./n C&rren0y in 1%D Britain +"o&nd12$588 Canada +Do,,ar0230$0 China +*&an021$10 4&ro 123!1 India +5&pee0201$$ Indonesia +5&piah- 02000088 6apan +*en02003$23 (or)ay +7rone021$$5 "hi,ippines +"eso020222 "o,and +8,oty023233 5&ssia +5&9,e020281 %in/apore +Do,,ar02!31 1kraine +'ry:nia0208!! 1%D in ./n C&rren0y 02$028 121038 $2210$ 02!232 $021300 11325200 10323200 $20051 520200 320 00 3525$ 5 122$3$ 112 050

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