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A. 1) If you had to move to another country, permanently, where would you go? Why? 2) Where did your ancestors come from originally? Were they immigrants? 3) Prior to une 22nd, 2!11, what came to mind when you thought of "orway? #) $oes your city have ethnic areas such as %hina&town, 'ittle Italy, etc? If so, what do you thin( of these areas?

Norway Shooting Massacre and the Debate on Multiculturalism (July 26th, 2011
)he world is still recovering from the massacre and *om*ing in "orway on uly 22nd that left +, people dead. )he shooter, -nders .reivi(, claimed he was trying to save /urope from multiculturalism and 0uslim immigration. 1e targeted a youth convention, attended *y the children of left&wing politicians, in order to punish "orway2s governing 'a*or Party for its tolerant position on immigration. Police have found a 1,3!!&page manifesto, written *y .reivi(, in which he e4presses his e4treme views and admiration for far right&wing authors. 0any of these writers have since denounced .reivi( as a psychopath and distanced themselves from his violent actions. 5aturday2s tragedy has put the spotlight *ac( on the topic of multiculturalism. )he wor(s of %anadian right&wing columnist 0ar( 5teyn are referenced in .reivi(6s manifesto. 5teyn e4presses his opinion on immigration in this 7uotation from -ugust, 2!!28 9I6m not a racist, only a culturist. I *elieve Western culture : is prefera*le to -ra* culture8 that6s why there are millions of 0uslims in 5candinavia, and four 5candinavians in 5yria. ;ollow the traffic. I support immigration, *ut with assimilation.< In "orth -merica, there have traditionally *een two models of social integration. =ne model, la*eled the cultural mosaic >or salad *owl) is associated with the %anadian immigration system. ?nder this model, different cultures mi4 *ut remain distinct and (eep their own identities. -nother model, historically associated with the ?nited 5tates, is the melting pot, under which immigrant cultures 9melt together@ to *ecome a homogenous whole. Aecently, right&wing governments in several /uropean countries, nota*ly the "etherlands and $enmar(, have reversed national policy and returned to monoculturalism.
>2,#) B=riginal8 http8CCwww.theglo*eandmail.comCnewsCworldCeuropeCeura*ia&opponents&scram*le&for&distance&from&anti&muslim& murdererCarticle21!D##+CsinglepageCE

!. -gree with your partnerCs on the answers to the following 7uestions8 1) Why did .reivi( choose the island as the site for his shooting? 2) )rue or ;alse8 5ome authors have e4pressed support for .reivi(2s actions. 3) What is 0ar( 5teyn2s opinion of immigration? #) 1ow would you differentiate the cultural mosaic from the melting pot model? 3) What does a policy of monoculturalism mean? ". $iscuss with your partnerCs8 1) $oes your attitude towards immigration differ from the attitude of the older generation in your country? 2) Would you descri*e your country as immigrant&friendly? 3) Which model of integration F salad *owl, melting pot, or other F do you support? #) Is immigrant integration a one&way process? 3) What conditions should *e re7uired for people who want to legally immigrate to your country? ,) 5hould illegal immigrants *e sent *ac( to homelands that may *e unsafe? +) 1ow can assimilation *e measured? G) $o you *elieve .reivi( is insane?

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