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Wednesday, March 5, 2014 International maritime news for seafarers

Australia rescues 13 shipwrecked Iranians off Pakistan

An Australian warship has rescued 13 Iranians shipwrecked off akistan on its way to the Middle !ast to "oin an international force conductin# counter$terrorist and anti$piracy operations, officials said on Wednesday% &MA' (arwin came across the men, some elderly, on 'aturday in calm seas after their )oat was reportedly struck )y an unknown *essel and sank% +hey claimed to ha*e )een adrift for fi*e days in international waters% Ima#es showed si, of them crowded into a small )lue din#y while three were perched on de)ris and the other four sittin# inside lar#e plastic containers that would ha*e )een swamped in rou#h conditions% -&MA' (arwin launched a ri#id hull inflata)le )oat, pro*ided food, water, minor medical care and safety to the shipwrecked men,- Australia.s department of defence said, with pictures showin# the Australian forces were armed% It was not clear if they were taken a)oard the (arwin, with defence officials sayin# only that the ship stayed with the fishermen until a akistani *essel arri*ed and took them to shore% &MA' (arwin was in the area as part of a /'$led international maritime force, known as the 0om)ined Maritime 1orces% -It was a #ood demonstration of coalition interopera)ility,- Australian Ma"or 2eneral 0rai# 3rme said of the "oint rescue with akistan authorities% It was not clear how many people were on the fishin# )oat when it sank% 4A1 5



A ship.s officer suffered a )rain concussion, in"ured spine and fractured arm on his way to inspect a possi)le place to han# a safety poster%

A chief officer went to the paint shop )elow the ship.s forecastle to see how a safety poster could )e mo*ed to a more *isi)leposition% When passin# a catwalk on the star)oard entry )elow the forecastle, he hit his head a#ainst a strin#er, and due to the hea*y impact he was knocked out and fell down unconscious% &e was not wearin# a protecti*e helmet% After re#ainin# consciousness, he sat on the catwalk for a moment and went to the )rid#e, where he knew the master was% &e could feel on the ri#ht side of his )row and on the left arm that he was )adly hurt% +he 03 was placed in the )rid#e couch while the master checked his pulse and )lood pressure% +he 03 had sustained a )rain concussion and fractured his left arm% A test indicated he was ne#ati*e for alcohol% +he ship de*iated and headed for shore )ased on ad*ice )y authorities that the 03 )e taken to hospital% 6efore reachin# shore, the 03.s )reathin# stopped fi*e times, and each time it was re#ained )y the use of a resuscitator% Medical e,amination ashore showed that the 03 also sustained in"ury to his spine7)ack% +his was not noted on )oard, e*en thou#h he had )een mo*ed around e%#% returnin# from the forecastle, durin# treatment where he was mo*ed into sittin# position etc, )ecause he had se*ere pain from the other in"uries%

A safety meetin# su##ested the application of ru))er protection pads to sharp corners on low han#in# strin#ers% It was recommended that yellow markin#s and yellow7)lack warnin# stripes should )e renewed where necessary% +he erection a new catwalk railin# near the strin#er was further recommended to slow down persons proceedin# to the paint shop% 8ew safety alterations of the railin# arran#ement at the catwalk would ensure the safe passa#e )eneath the strin#er on this ship and on her sister ships as well% +he mana#ement oriented all seafarers employed )y the company on the importance of wearin# a protecti*e helmet as stated in the company.s own instructions%

World Herita'e sites under threat due to 'lo(al war)in'

A climate study pu)lished in the "ournal !n*ironmental 9esearch :etters on Wednesday warned of dramatic ocean encroachment on world herita#e sites% 9esearchers said that the +ower of :ondon, 'tatue of :i)erty, pyramids of !#ypt, 9ome.s 0olosseum and the arthenon in 2reece may )e lost to the risin# sea$le*els% +hey said that the sea is risin# as much as 1%;m due to #lo)al warmin#% 3ut of more than <00 listed /8!'03 World &erita#e sites, nearly 140 risk )ein# flooded in 2,000 years. time% 'ydney 3pera &ouse, =enice in Italy, >apan.s &iroshima eace Memorial and 9o))en Island in 'outh Africa, where 8elson Mandela was imprisoned for 1; years, were also amon# them% +he calculation is )ased on sea$le*el rises associated with temperatures three de#rees 0elsius 45%4 de#rees 1ahrenheit5 hi#her than pre$Industrial 9e*olution le*els% +he /8$tar#eted ma,imum rise is 2 0% -3ur analysis shows how serious the lon#$term impacts for our cultural herita#e will )e if climate chan#e is not miti#ated,- study co$author Anders :e*ermann from the otsdam Institue for 0limate Impact 9esearch said in a statement% 4with inputs from A1 5

*ud'es rule +P oil spill har) not re,uired in clai)s

A /' federal court has ruled )usinesses seekin# money as part of the 2010 6 oil spill settlement need not pro*e they were directly harmed )y the accident to collect payments, /' media reported% A di*ided panel of the 5th /' 0ircuit 0ourt of Appeals made the rulin# on Monday, the +imes$ icayune newspaper reported% +he rulin# is likely to )e appealed )y the 6ritish oil #iant to the full 5th 0ircuit 0ourt or the /' 'upreme 0ourt )ut could still clear the way for the trial "ud#e to order a resumption of claims payments, which were fro?en earlier, accordin# to the report% +he report cited 'enior =ice resident for 6 America 2eoff Morrell as sayin#, -6 disa#rees with today.s decision%-

!arlier, 6 contended a /' (istrict >ud#e and another court$appointed claims administrator had misinterpreted settlement terms in ways that would force 6 to pay )illions of dollars in inflated or fraudulent claims )y )usinesses and indi*iduals, @inhua reported% 6 alle#ed some )usinesses and indi*iduals who did not suffer from the oil spill took ad*anta#e of the settlement pro#ramme and tried to claim money from the company%

Workshop on -#afe #hip Operations in Arctic Ocean- held

+he IM3 &eadAuarters in :ondon has recently hosted a workshop on the -'afe 'hip 3perations in the Arctic 3cean-% +he workshop, which was or#anised in colla)oration with two pro"ects $ the Arctic 3ptionsB &olistic Inte#ration for Arctic 0oastal$Marine 'ustaina)ility ro"ect, took place on 1e)ruary 2;, 2014% +he e*ent pro*ided a forum for e,ploratory discussion of issues arisin# from the two a)o*e$mentioned pro"ects, with particular reference to conditions in the Arctic, as IM3 mo*es towards the finalisation of the olar 0ode% +he IM3 mem)er$states, as well as from industry, policy, science and the community of Arctic residents participated in the workshop%

SECURITY Ports. shippin' operations nor)al in /kraine

orts and shippin# operations are reportedly runnin# smoothly in /kraine after 9ussia.s military occupied the 0rimean peninsula% +here is no ad*erse effect on the car#o mo*ements out of the 6lack 'ea ports in /kraine due to the military escalation% All the ports in Cie* are workin# normally, e,cept 'e*astopol that reAuires a special permission to enter and e,it% In the meantime, a #roup monitorin# maritime risk for the insurance industry the >oint War 0ommittee did not term the /kraine.s waters as -:isted Area-% +he waters of IraA and =ene?uela fall in this cate#ory, where the committee alon# with :loyd.s of :ondon and #lo)al insurers percei*es a -#reater risk of *essels )ein# dama#ed or sei?ed-%

POLLUTION /AE read0 to respond to an0 )a1or oil spill incident

Minister of !n*ironment and Water of the /A! 9ashid 6in 1ahad has said the 2ulf Ara) state is ready to respond to any ma"or oil spill incident% +he /A!, a ma"or oil supplier, has so far witnessed only minor incidents of oil spills, the minister said at the openin# of the three$day fair and e,hi)ition 3ffshore Ara)ia% &e added the /A! was co$operatin# closely with all local and international oil drillin# 4upstream5 companies operatin# in the /A! 2ulf waters, @inhua reported% -+he en*ironment comes for the /A! first and our national oil companies ha*e a *ery #ood track record in relation to safety standards,- said 6in 1ahad% +his year.s conference runs under the title -9e#ional 3il 'pill re*ention and reparedness-% +wo years a#o the /A! was hit )y a minor incident in the emirate of /mm al$Daiwain, the minister said, addin# that it did not cause any ma"or dama#e to the seawater en*ironment%

Dual2fuel power N3 carrier deli4ered to $ussian co)pan0

'outh Corea.s '+@ 3ffshore E 'hip)uildin# has handed o*er a latest :82 carrier to 9ussia.s lar#est shippin# company 'o*comflot% MA8 (iesel E +ur)o.s Au#s)ur# plant in 2ermany has constructed the ship.s diesel$ electric, dual$fuel propulsion system, which consists of 2 MA8 ;:517F0(1 and 2 MA8 G:517F0(1 en#ines, offerin# a total rated power of 34MW% MA8 (iesel and +ur)o said in its press release that the propulsion facility pro*ides the :82 carrier with a hi#hly efficient, low$emission propulsion system, especially when runnin# in #as mode% It also features a hi#h de#ree of redundancy, while the MA8 517F0 (1 en#ines pro*ide multiple fuellin# options% +he ship, which has an Arctic ice classification, has )een desi#ned for sailin# throu#h sea ice% +he 300m lon# *essel can carry 1<0,200 cu)ic metres of #as% It is the first in a

series of ships to )e )uilt )y '+@ 3ffshore E 'hip)uildin# in 'outh Corea and)ecomes the fifth :82 carrier in 2a?prom.s fleet of lon#$term$charter tankers% While workin# on the 'o*comflot pro"ect, MA8 (iesel E +ur)o utilised the *alua)le e,perience it #ained from workin# on its first 517F0(1 reference pro"ect, deli*ered in 2010 to 'panish shippin# line !lcano% 1eaturin# 5 MA8 ;:517F0(1 units, the .0astillo de 'antiste)an. has )een operatin# #lo)ally since summer 2010%

Market snapshot: 1100 GMT Dry Index BDI 1325 Capesi e Index BCI 232! "ana#ax Index B"I 10!2 &'pra#ax Index B&I 1115 (andysi e Index B(&I !!2 +49 +14! $1% +% $4

)e* +ork ,T'e C-s. /0n C'rren1y in 2&D Britain ,"o'nd. 13!!44 Canada ,Do--ar. 039001 China ,+'an. 031!2% 5'ro 133435 India ,6'pee. 0301!2 Indonesia ,6'piah. 030000%! 7apan ,+en. 0300944% )or*ay ,8rone. 031!!3 "hi-ippines ,"eso. 030223 "o-and ,9-oty. 0332%2 6'ssia ,6':-e. 030244 &in0apore ,Do--ar. 034%4% 2kraine ,(ry;nia. 031000 2&D in /0n C'rren1y 035994 131110 !31433 0342%1 !13%500 11595300 10232400 !30149 4434!00 330500 3!30954 132!93 939940

HI-TECH New apps launched to tackle P#C detentions

:loyd.s 9e#ister 4:95 and the /C EI 0lu) ha*e created an app that is desi#ned to help counter the risk of ort 'tate 0ontrol 4 '05 detentions and help companies comply with the le#islati*e and re#ulatory reAuirements%

6efore launchin# the new app, the :loyd.s 9e#ister and the /C EI 0lu) analysed I'M, I' ' and I:3 M:0 reported deficiencies found )y '0% +he effecti*e implementation of I'M, I' ' and I:3 M:0 will protect the fleet.s reputation and help to #et the most out of the company.s resources% :9.s '0 specialist 0aptain >im 6arclay saidB -After the release of our first smartphone app for the I:3 M:0 ocket 0heck$list we recei*ed *ery #ood constructi*e comments from the marine industry that showed that the app was indeed *ery helpful%-+here was room for impro*ement )y makin# the app more interacti*e% We ha*e taken on those comments and this new edition of the I:3 M:0 app is enhanced )y the impro*ements reAuested )y the marine industry% 8ow, launchin# another app for I'M7I' ' we can pro*ide further support to )enefit )oth ship and shore )ased personnel in the course of their duties,- he added% Meanwhile, /C 0lu) :oss re*ention (irector Carl :um)ers e,plainedB ->ust as the M:0 200F con*ention aimed to rationalise the comple, pre*ious le#islation relatin# to seafarers, we thou#ht it made sense to simplify the compliance process as much as possi)le *ia the #uidance of a check$list%-It would )e frustratin# for our owners to face detention due to simple teethin# pro)lems with documentation or other proofs of compliance% 6oth these smartphone apps should empower the master and senior officers to make their ships compliant, #uidin# them throu#h the necessary steps and pro*idin# an immediate note of what has )een implemented and what remains outstandin#,- he added%

#o)e facts a(out our oceans and coastlines666

H+he a*era#e temperature of the oceans is 2I0, a)out 3GI1% H+he 2ulf 'tream off the Atlantic sea)oard of the /nited 'tates flows at a rate nearly 300 times faster than the typical flow of the Ama?on ri*er, the world.s lar#est ri*er% H+he world.s oceans contain nearly 20 million tons of #old% H+he colour )lue is least a)sor)ed )y seawaterJ the same shade of )lue is most a)sor)ed )y microscopic plants, called phytoplankton, driftin# in seawater% HA new form of life, )ased on chemical ener#y rather than li#ht ener#y, resides in deep$ sea hydrothermal *ents alon# mid$ocean rid#es% HA swallow of seawater may contain millions of )acterial cells, hundreds of thousands of phytoplankton and tens of thousands of ?ooplankton%

H+he #ray whale mi#rates more than 10,000 miles each year, the lon#est mi#ration of any mammal%

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