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Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C) Lesson Title/Focus Subject/Grade Level !

!nit pOH, Indicators Lesson 31 Chemistry 20 Solutions KSAs 1, 5, , ! Date Ti e Duration Teac"er April 8, 2014 64+ min Gregory Craig

O!T#O$%S F&O$ 'L(%&T' )&OG&'$ OF ST!DI%S

General Learnin* Outco es+ Speci,ic Learnin* Outco es+ C2" #es$ri%e a$i&i$ an& %asi$ solutions 'ualitati(ely an& 'uantitati(ely #-.3/ calculate H3O0 and OH concentrations and t"e pH and pOH o, acidic and basic solutions based on lo*arit" ic e1pressions. #-.2/ e1plain "o3 t"e use o, indicators, pH paper, or pH eters can be used to easure H3O0 concentrations.

L%'&4I4G O(5%#TI6%S
Students 3ill+ 1" Cal$ulate )*+ $on$entrations an& the p)* o, %asi$ solutions %ase& on logarithmi$ e-pressions" 2" .-plain ho/ the use o, in&i$ators $an %e use& to measure hy&ronium ion $on$entrations

Observations+ 7e8 9uestions1 Stu&ents 'uestions0ans/ers Ho3 do I calculate OH concentrations and t"e pOH o, basic solutions: ;1< Ho3 do I e1plain t"at t"e use o, indicators can be used to deter ine "8droniu concentrations: ;-< Ho e3or/ )roble s ;1< ;-<


)roducts/)er,or ances+ Chemistry 20 te-t%oo2

L%'&4I4G &%SO!&#%S #O4S!LT%D

$'T%&I'LS '4D %9!I)$%4T

)o3erpoint S artboard &ed cabba*e juice (ro ot"8 ol blue (ea/ers Sul,uric acid Dilute acetic acid Tap 3ater (a/in* soda in 3ater Sodiu "8dro1ide

Prior to lesson Attention Grabber Transition to Body Learning Activity #1 )repare po3erpoint, prepare red cabba*e juice. Introduction 3nteresting 3n,o 4hat &i& /e learn yester&ay5 4ho $an remin& me5 (od8 Go o(er home/or2 pro%lems ,rom yester&ay" Sho/ e'uation ,rom page 246 o, te-t%oo2" Go through $ommuni$ation e-ample 6 an& 4 on page 246 an& ha(e the stu&ents &o similar ones /ith &i,,erent (alues" A$i&7%ase in&i$ators are su%stan$es that $hange $olour /hen the a$i&ity o, the solution $hanges" Ti e 2 min 1 min Ti e 40 min

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C) 4hat is a $olour $hange an e-ample o, again5 So /hat &oes that mean is happening /hen you put these in&i$ators into a$i&s or %ases5 #emonstration1 8ut the re& $a%%age 9ui$e in a strong a$i&, a strong %ase, tap /ater, %a2ing so&a /ith /ater, an& a /ea2 a$i&" Sho/ the stu&ents the %ea2ers" .-plain to them that this is re& $a%%age 9ui$e an& these are some o, the $hanges it un&ergoes in the presen$e o, a$i&s an& %ases" 3ts not one /e /ill %e tal2ing a%out in $lass, %ut it is a great e-ample o, a natural in&i$ator that you $an use at home i, youre e(er $urious /hat su%stan$es are" :emem%er to ne(er mi- a$i&s an& %ases together i, you are going to &o this at home" A$i&7%ase in&i$ators are uni'ue $hemi$als %e$ause they $an e-ist in at least t/o ,orms, ea$h /ith a &istin$tly &i,,erent $olour" ;he ,orm o, the $hemi$al &epen&s on the a$i&ity o, the solution" Sin$e it is in$on(enient to /rite the a$tual ,ormula ,or the rea$tions going on /ith in&i$ators <they are (ery $omple- mole$ules= they are o,ten a%%re(iate&" >or e-ample litmus is ?t, %romothymol %lue is @%, an& 3n is the generi$ sym%ol ,or any in&i$ator" 3n general, the lo/er p* ,orm </hi$h is that, a$i& or %ase5= is &enote& *3n an& the higher p* ,orm <or %ase= is &enote& as 3n +" @e$ause the $hemi$al stru$ture o, ea$h in&i$ator is &i,,erent, the p* at /hi$h the in&i$ator $hanges ,rom the *3n ,orm to the 3n + ,orm is &i,,erent ,or ea$h in&i$ator" Sho/ e-ample o, litmus ,rom page 245 o, te-t%oo2 an& sho/ ,igure 2 ,rom page 245" *ome/or2 pro%lems" Stu&ents $an use the rest o, $lass time to /or2 on the home/or2 pro%lems that are &ue tomorro/" #losure :e$ap /hat /as learne& .-it Slip :esear$h on your $ellphone or /ith a partner an in&i$ator that /e &i&nt use to&ay an& tell me its p* range, $olour at &i,,erent p*s, an& /hat its $alle& along /ith its a%%re(iation i, you $an ,in& it" :esear$h more in&i$ators" Strength1 Strength1 Strength1 4ea2ness1 4ea2ness1

Learning Activity #2

15 min Ti e 7 min

Assessment of Learning:

Spon*e 'ctivit8/'ctivities &e,lections ,ro t"e lesson

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C) 4ea2ness1

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

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