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A: Short description of who you are Foxyie Wong

Bartender from Canton, China

Operation Manager and Head Bartender of Bar The Soul, best 5 bar in China!
"WCC "nt! Wrthsee #o#$tail Cup % &' 'rd pla#e in (ed Bull group B)CC Ba#ardi )ega#y Co#$tail Competition China Final % &% Champion

B: Your twist on two/three classics Canton Vesper *in, + ml ,od$a, % ml -iu -iang .ouble/distilled (i#e Wine, &0%tsp
1our all ingredients into a sha$er! Sha$e 2ell and pour into a Martini *lass! Wipe the rim of the Martini *lass 2ith *inger Sli#e and as garnish! This is a t2ist of a #lassi# ,esper #o#$tail, 2hi#h is also #alled 3 Martini! Fla4or of *inger and Spi#e in -iu -iang 2ould build a spi#y frame, #ontaining the fla4or of gin in the beginning of tasting! Fla4or of pop#orn and bitter 2ould stop the body by throat and re#o4er the 2hole mouth 2ith staying lasting long! 5"nformation6 of -iu -iang .ouble/distilled (i#e Wine -iu -iang .ouble/distilled (i#e Wine 7-iu -iang 0 8iu9iang Shuang:heng 8iu; is a $ind of Chinese (i#e Wine in South China, 2hi#h is #reated by people in 8iu9iang To2n! With the .istilled <east infused by ingredients of 1arboiled (i#e and Soybean, -iu -iang is made 2ith a double/distilled 2ay! With the tasting " feel it is ali$e 2ith .ry ,ermouth but 2ith more Chinese #hara#teristi# and stronger al#ohol! So " thin$ it #ould be easily to ta$e the pla#e of .ry ,ermouth to a #o#$tail 2ith Chinese fa#tors! Belo2 is the tasting note by me= >ose= Continuous and ri#h roasted ri#e and soy sau#e 2ith a little pop#orn and fruit 9am! 1alate= Soft and smooth body 2ith a bit salty yeast, fier#e al#ohol 2ith strong fragran#e impa#ting in mouth! Bit of grape in the end! Finish= Spi#y and bitter staying long in throat!

Cinnampagne ?ged (um, ' ml Brut Champagne, &5 ml Cinnamon Fla4ored Bitter, &5drops Sugar Cube, &p#
.rop #innamon fla4ored bitter on surfa#e of a sugar #ube until it is steeped! 1our aged rum and brut #hampagne into a #hampagne glass! .rop the prepared sugar #ube and burnt #innamon sti#$ as garnish! This is a t2ist of #lassi# Champagne Co#$tail! The name Cinnampagne is #ombined 2ith #innamon and #hampagne! With the base of aged rum, it runs out a mello2 and ri#h body! Fla4ors of nut, #ho#olate, honey, and a bit of spi#e 2ould be #ome out through the bubbles of #hampagne! "n#reasing an aroma of spi#e of #innamon 2ould raise the 2hole frame up!

C: 1 or 2 original recipes A 23-year-old Girl

?2arded Champion in B)CC Ba#ardi )ega#y Co#$tail Competition China Final % &%@ Sele#ted in & & BAST >AW COC-T?")S 2ritten by *a: (egan

Ba#ardi Superior )ight (um, B5ml Tomato 8ui#e, ' ml Homemade Mint Tea SyrupC, ' ml Fresh )emon 8ui#e, & ml Fresh Cu#umber Cube, Bp#s
*Making way of Mint Tea Syrup: nfuse !g of "AMMA## mint tea lea$es wit% 33&ml '& %ot water for ( minutes to make a glass of mint tea) Stir well wit% 2 parts of superfine sugar and * part of mint tea to mint tea syrup) (im a martini glass 2ith fresh lemon and #u#umber sli#es@ smear half of glass 2ith bla#$ pepper po2der for preparing! 1our fresh #u#umber #ubes into a sha$er and muddle before other ingredients are poured! Sha$e all ingredients 2ell 2ith i#e and double strain into the prepared martini glass! 1la#e a pea#e of #u#umber peel on glass as garnish! This #o#$tail is a birthday present for my %'/year/old ex/girlfriend! " hope her follo2ing her heart to do anything 2ith a strong mind no matter 2hat troubles may happen in the future! "t is su#h an inno4ation of the #ombination of tomato 9ui#e and rum through mint tea syrup! "t tastes more li$e 2atermelon 9ui#e instead of tomato 9ui#e itself! With the frame of fresh due to #u#umber, it is fresh and #ould be a sample for other use of tomato 9ui#e!

A++aye de Senan,ue
?2arded Top & in *rey *oose & China Final % &'

*rey *oose ,od$a, B5ml .!O!M! Benedi#tine, & ml MO>"> )a4ender Syrup, &5ml Fresh )emon 8ui#e, & ml Fresh 1in$ *rapefruit 8ui#e, ' ml
1our all the ingredients into a sha$er! Sha$e 2ell 2ith i#e and double strain into a sour glass! Ma$e aroma on top of the glass through a t2ig of dry la4ender 2ith flame by a pie#e of pin$ grapefruit :est! Tie a t2ig of dry la4ender and a strip of pin$ grapefruit up the glass as garnish! ?bbaye de SenanDue is an abbey lo#ated in 1ro4en#e, Fran#e, 2here there is a big la4ender farm in front of! With the #ombination of fruits, herbals, la4ender, as 2ell as pure 4od$a, this #o#$tail des#ribes a s#ene of Mon$s 2ith pure heart li4ing in ?bbaye de SenanDue, 9ust as the origin of name *rey *oose, // 2hat a #lean s#ene #ontaining smoothness and mello2ness!

D: A good bartender story.

There are some stories about my lega#y #o#$tail ? %'/year/old *irl! ?fter this #o#$tail 2as a2arded first time in % &%, some of my #ustomers 2ould as$ me similar Duestions! ECould you please ma$e me an ? %F/year/old ,irginGH or EHey, boy, ma$e an ? '%/year/old Bit#h for my ex/girlfriendIH There 2ere also some 2orse su#h as E? %/year/old .ogH or E? &5/month/old Co#$roa#hH! This 2ay of naming a #o#$tail soon s2ept a#ross south of China! Of #ourse, it 2as not possible to ma$e su#h #o#$tails! But it 2as su#h a funny story happened in that period! On#e a man in middle age #ome to my bar to try the #o#$tail ? %'/year/old *irl! Through des#ribed the story behind, the #o#$tail reminded him of his first lo4e 2hen ha4ing bro$en up in his teen aging! He #ried and appre#iated that 2as the only #o#$tail impa#ting to his mind!

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