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PETER KAMAU (Suing In His Own Capacity and as the Persona Representati!e o" the Estate o" #OH$ KAMAU %&ECEASE&'( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) P*AI$TI++ ,ERSUS MI$TOI* *IMITE& )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) - ST &E+E$&A$T &ERE,A M#A$#A )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . $& &E+E$&A$T *E/A* REPRESE$TATI,ES O+ THE ESTATE O+ S0A*EH SPEE& (&ECEASE&( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1 R& &E+E$&A$T RASTA MI$/I ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2 TH &E+E$&A$T PLAINT -3 The P ainti"" is a 4a e adu t o" sound 4ind residing and wor5ing "or gain in the Repu6 ic o" Kenya and 6rings this suit in his own capacity and as persona representati!e in the estate o" #OH$ KAMAU (hereina"ter re"erred to as the deceased( "or and on 6eha " o" the deceased7s estate under the *aw Re"or4 Act3 His address o" ser!ice "or purpose o" this suit is care o" /roup Co4pany Ad!ocate8 Karen P a9a8 -st + oor8 M6agani Road8 P3O3 :o; -)<<-<< $airo6i3 .3 The -st &e"endant is a i4ited ia6i ity co4pany incorporated under the aws o" Kenya (ser!ice o" su44ons to 6e e""ected through the P ainti""7s Ad!ocates o""ices3 13 The .nd &e"endant is a 4a e adu t o" sound 4ind residing and wor5ing "or gain in $airo6i within the Repu6 ic o" Kenya ser!ice o" su44ons to 6e e""ected through the P ainti""7s Ad!ocate o""ices3 23 The 1rd &e"endant is the ega representati!e o" the estate o" Swa eh Speed (deceased( ser!ice o" su44ons to 6e e""ected through the P ainti""7s Ad!ocate o""ices3 =3 The 2th &e"endant is a 4a e adu t o" sound 4ind residing and wor5ing "or gain in $airo6i within the Repu6 ic o" Kenya3

>3 At a 4ateria ti4es to this suit the - st &e"endant was the registered owner o" Motor ,ehic e Registration $u46er KAP ?.@@C Mercedes C.<< Ko4presser which at a 4ateria ti4es to this suit was 6eing dri!en 6y the . nd &e"endant who was acting in the course o" his e4p oy4ent and within the scope o" his duty8 direction and authority3 ?3 At a 4ateria ti4es to this suit the 1 rd &e"endant was the registered owner o" Motor ,ehic e Registration $u46er KAM 2.<=A $issan Matatu which at a 4ateria ti4es to this suit was 6eing dri!en 6y the 2th &e"endant who was acting in the course o" his e4p oy4ent within the scope o" his duty8 direction and authority3 @3 On or a6out the .1rd o" #u y .<<> at *angata area a ong *angata Road8 the P ainti"" together with the deceased were tra!e ing in Motor ,ehic e Registration $u46er KAP ?.@@C Mercedes C.<< Ko4pressor when Motor ,ehic e Registration $u46er KAM 2.<=A $issan Matatu co ided head on with the said Motor ,ehic e occasioning the P ainti""7s serious inBuries and the deceased "ata inBuries3 PARTICULARS OF NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF THE 2ND DEFENDANT (i( (ii( &ri!ing at a speed that was e;cessi!e 5in the circu4stance3 +ai ing to 6ra5e8 swer!e8 s owdown8 stop or in any way to contro the said 4otor !ehic e to a!oid co usion3 (iii( &ri!ing on the wrong side o" the road3

PARTICULARS OF NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF THE 4TH DEFENDANT (i( +ai ing to 6ra5e8 swer!e8 s owdown8 stop or in any way to contro the said 4otor !ehic e to a!oid co usion3 (ii( (iii( (i!( &ri!ing at a speed that was e;cessi!e in the circu4stance3 &ri!ing a de"ecti!e 4otor !ehic e that was 4echanica y unroad worthy3 &ri!ing without due regard to other road users and especia y the P ainti""3

C3 :y reasons o" the a"oresaid accident the P ainti"" su""ered serious inBuries and the deceased sustained "ata inBuries3 PARTICULARS OF INJURIES (i( (ii( Chest and head inBuries3 +ata inBuries to the decease3 PARTICULARS OF SPECIAL DAMAGES (i( (ii( Hospita and doctors "ees ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ksh3 C=<8<<< +unera e;pensesD ) Co""in )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ksh3 =<8<<< ) Transport ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ksh3 -<<8<<< ) Mortuary "ees )))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ksh3 =<8<<< ) C othing ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ksh3 =<8<<< ) Misce aneous e;penses )))))))))))))))) Ksh3 =<8<<< Tot ! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" K#$% &'2(0'000 +urther and 6etter particu ars o" specia da4ages wi 6e adduced at the hearing hereo"3 -<3 &espite de4and and notice o" intention to sue ha!ing 6een 4ade the &e"endants ha!e re"used andEor neg ected to ad4it ia6i ity and or co4pensate the P ainti"" and the estate o" the deceased3 --3 There is no other suit pending and there ha!e 6een no pre!ious proceedings 6etween the P ainti"" and &e"endants on the sa4e su6Bect 4atter3 -.3 This Honoura6 e Court has #urisdiction to hear and deter4ine this case3 REASONS )HEREFORE the P ainti"" prays "or #udge4ent against the &e"endant Boint y and se!era y "orD (a( /enera da4ages under the *aw Re"or4s Act and +ata Accident Act3 (6( Specia &a4ages3 (c( *ost years3 (d( Costs o" this suit3

(e( Interest on (a( (6( and (d( a6o!e3 DATED at NAIROBI this D* +, - F.!/0 B1 /roup F Co3 Ad!ocates Karen P a9a8 -st + oor M6ogani Road P3O3 :o; - )<<-<< NAIROBI To B/ S/*2/0 U3o, -3 Mintoi *i4ited .3 &ere!a MBanBa 13 *ega Representati!es o" The Estate O" Swa eh Speed (&eceased(3 23 Rasta Mingi day o" .<<?

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