Carbon Cycle and The Greenhouse Effect

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Carbon Cycle and the Greenhouse Effect

INFLUENTIAL GREENHOUSE GASES: For each of the following, list WHAT they are, WHERE they are found and HOW they affect climate. Carbon Dioxide (CO2): colorless, odorless gas that is produced from organic carbon compounds or fossilized organic matter being burnt. This can be found in the atmosphere, in organisms, and soils. When the amount of carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere, then the temperature also increases. Methane (CH4): non-toxic gas that is combustible. This gets released when organic matter decomposes in low oxygen environments. It is found in wetlands, swamps, and marshes, termites, and ocean, cattle. When it is in the atmosphere, it will react with small very reactive molecules called hydroxyl radicals. Nitrous Oxide (N2O): non-flammable gas with a sweetish odor, and commonly known as laughing gas. It can be found naturally in the ocean and rainforests, but it can also be found in fertilizers, nylon and nitric acid production, cars with catalytic converters, and burning of organic matter. When it is in the atmosphere, it gets broken down by chemical reactions from sunlight. Sulfer Hexafluoride (SF6): extremely potent greenhouse gas, and very persistent. It is a human-made type of greenhouse gas. A small amount of SF6 can have a long-term impact on global climate change.

Draw a diagram and label to explain the greenhouse effect:

The greenhouse effect is consider as a natural phenomenon, and occur due to greenhouse gases being trapped within the Earths atmosphere instead of being reflected by into the sun. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, and etc. have the ability to trap heat on Earth, causing the temperature on Earth to increase.

1.) Explain how the CARBON CYCLE is involved in global climate change: o The carbon cycle is involved in global change because the atmosphere is one of the reservoirs/stages that the carbon molecule have to go through, and if there is too much amount of carbon in the atmosphere, then the temperature will increase. 2.) What are Carbon SOURCES and SINKS? o Carbon sources: processes which release CO2 into the atmosphere o Carbon sink: processes which remove CO2 from the atmosphere 3.) How does deforestation increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere? Explain. o When there are less trees, then the amount of carbon that is in the atmosphere will increase because there is not that much thing left absorbing it. 4.) How do the oceans absorb excess CO2 from the atmosphere and how does this affect the oceans? o Excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere gets absorb by the phytoplankton that inhabit the ocean. Those creatures would use the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to undergo photosynthesis. Carbonic acid can be created when there is a high amount of carbon molecules in the water, which can affect the biodiversity of that area. 5.) Explain how the industrial revolution has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. o The industrial revolution increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because during that time period, the usage of fossil fuels increased. By using fossil fuels to power their factories, they are releasing carbon back into the atmosphere. 6.) According to the graph, which country is the biggest contributor to global carbon emissions worldwide? o The United States

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