Ms Rel Note 1201

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Maxsurf v12.

01 Release Note

Maxsurf 12.01 Windows

22nd August 2006 Release Note

This release note describes new features and enhancements in version 12 of the Maxsurf suite as well as any updates that have been implemented in the minor update from version12 to version 12.01.

Differences between 12.0 and 12.01 ........................................................................3 Hydromax ......................................................................................................3 Workshop.......................................................................................................3 Seakeeper .......................................................................................................3 All Programs ............................................................................................................4 New Sample designs......................................................................................4 Automation and COM ...................................................................................4 Customisable Toolbars ..................................................................................7 Mouse Wheel Zooming ...............................................................................11 Bug fixes and minor changes.......................................................................11 Maxsurf ..................................................................................................................12 Additional marker functionality...................................................................13 Maxsurf - Rhinoceros bi-directional data exchange ....................................16 Parametric Transformation ..........................................................................17 Docked Assembly Window .........................................................................18 Bug fixes and minor changes.......................................................................20 Hydromax...............................................................................................................21 Negative Linked compartments ...................................................................21 Stability criteria updates ..............................................................................22 Limiting KG analysis updates......................................................................24 Limiting KG with non-zero transverse centre of gravity .............................25 LCB and LCF display options (Hydromax and Maxsurf) ...........................30 Visual Basic Automation .............................................................................31 Bug fixes and minor changes.......................................................................32 Workshop ...............................................................................................................34 Shell Expansion Drawing ............................................................................34 Generating a Family of Stringers.................................................................35 Plates Expansion Mirrored Across Ship Centreline.....................................36 Additional plate forming methods ...............................................................36 Stringer Inverse Bending Lines ...................................................................37 Bug fixes and minor changes.......................................................................38 Hullspeed ...............................................................................................................39 Visual Basic Automation .............................................................................39 Form factor ..................................................................................................39 Bug fixes and minor changes.......................................................................40 Seakeeper ...............................................................................................................41 Visual Basic Automation .............................................................................41 Polar plots ....................................................................................................41 Bug fixes and minor changes.......................................................................42 SPAN .....................................................................................................................43 Bug fixes and minor changes.......................................................................43 Hydrolink ...............................................................................................................44 Additions to SHIPFLOW export .................................................................44 Bug fixes and minor changes.......................................................................48
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Maxsurf v12.01 Release Note

Problem Reports.....................................................................................................49

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Maxsurf v12.01 Release Note

Differences between 12.0 and 12.01

Some issues with negative-linked-compartments have been resolved. Under some
circumstances, they were deleted after loading a file but not automatically recreated before an analysis. The user had to manually recalculate the compartments.

The Cancel button is no longer ignored if you close a Hydromax design. The Graph legend title now shows the type of data being plotted. Some improvements to the tank and compartment rendering code have been made. Hull surfaces are only rendered if Edges (Visibility dialog) are on. Internal structure surfaces are now rendered if Internal edges (Visibility dialog)
are on and the surfaces are not used to define tanks.

The axis about which a mirrored plate has been mirrored is now drawn in the
expanded plate in the Part window.

Workshop will now add plates on triangular surfaces and develop them. The default setting for the mirror across centreline flag for plates has been
changed to off. The original default setting was set to on, but this was in some cases causing unexpected results in the plate development.

A bug causing the font size in the stringer inverse bending line drawings not to
obey the font settings has been fixed.

A bug causing the mirror across centreline plate function not to calculate the
correct developed shape at some precisions has been fixed.

The Graph legend title now shows the type of data being plotted. An error where Seakeeper added a default remote location to the list of polar plot
variables when no remote locations were defined has been corrected.

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Maxsurf v12.01 Release Note

All Programs
New Sample designs
IMPORTANT! To prevent duplication of sample files in your C:\Program Files\Maxsurf directory, you must un-install before installing version 12. Alternatively, install Version 12 in a new folder; e.g.: c:\Program Files\MaxsurfV12. One of the key benefits of using a surface modelling program such as Maxsurf is that it allows you to make quick changes to an existing design and quickly obtain a certain hull shape or match a set of parameters using the resize surfaces and/pr the parametric transformation feature. For this reason Formation Design Systems includes an extensive sample design library with all of its applications. In this release new sample designs - offshore suppliers, containerships, drillships, tugs and motor yachts - have been added to the sample designs directory in c:\Program Files\Maxsurf. They will automatically be installed when you install any of the applications of the Maxsurf suite. Some of the designs now also have a Hydromax design file or Workshop design file; these will be installed when you install the specific application. Also new Automation sample spreadsheets have been added to the sample designs. All sample designs have been updated to be compatible to the latest version of the software.

Automation and COM

The following applications now have a COM (Component Object Model) Automation interface.
Maxsurf Hydromax Seakeeper Hullspeed

This allows them to be accessed from VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macros. VBA is the scripting used in Microsoft Office Automation including Word and Excel. In this section:
Benefits Automation and COM Accessing the COM interfaces Samples and Help

Click here to watch a video where Automation is used to design a bike from an Excel spreadsheet using Nurb surfaces in Maxsurf.

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For a number of years now, the availability of cheap, high performance computers has allowed naval architects to increase the number of designs that are assessed (and the level of detail with which they are assessed) significantly compared with only a few decades ago. However the design process and methodology is still relatively unchanged there is little automated optimisation, with most of the design decisions being based on the naval architects knowledge, previous experience and rules of thumb. In many cases a diverse range of software is used and the individual components are not necessarily integrated in a consistent manner; requiring the user to manually transfer data from one system to the next as the design evolves.
Automation and COM

Built into Microsofts operating systems is a mechanism which allows different applications to interact. This technology is called Component Object Model or COM for short. Whilst COM has been around for quite a few years it is only relatively recently that third-party software developers have opened up their applications by providing COM interfaces. For example, you can write an Excel macro that will load a design into Hydromax, set the analysis type and parameters, run the analysis and extract the results into an Excel spreadsheet table. With COM, you are not limited to using VBA, but can use other languages such as C++. However, the majority of naval architect users would access the COM interfaces via VBA in the manner described above. Accessing other application from VBA macros in Word or Excel is often referred to as VBA Automation. Some typical VBA code is shown below. This gives some idea of how easy it is to write macros in Excel which can drive other programs such as a hydrostatic analysis in Formation Design Systems Hydromax: hmApp As New Hydromax.Application hmApp.Design.ActiveAnalysisMode = hmAMStability hmApp.Design.activeLoadCase = Range("B7").Value hmApp.Design.activeDamageCase = Range("B8").Value hmApp.Design.RunAnalysis In the above example data is extracted from cells in an Excel spreadsheet and is used to determine the analysis to be carried out in Hydromax. The results from the Hydromax analysis can then be inserted into another part of the spreadsheet. The use of VBA Automation Libraries as interfaces into third party software has several advantages over built-in macro languages or command line options:
A common programming language can be used for all macros. Typically this is
VBA, but the COM interfaces are also accessible from other common programming languages such as C++, JAVA and C#.

Software developers can take advantage of components provided by other

software vendors. For example Formation Design Systems Multiframe can use Microsoft Word as a reporting engine and generate Word documents directly.

More and more vendors of engineering software are including VBA Automation
interfaces into their products, for example AutoCAD, SolidWorks and ProEngineer, to name but three.

A number of uses for Automation libraries spring to mind immediately, but the potential scope is bounded only by the designers creativity:
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Maxsurf v12.01 Release Note Automation of repetitive tasks; be these modelling tasks, analysis, reporting,
estimating, etc.

Integrating design flow-through by using VBA macros to transfer data from one
application to another.

Interrogation of databases: In many cases the design and production data are held
in a database. Custom VBA macros can be written to extract specific data for special reports or transfer to other software.

Optimisation. Being able to access design and analysis software from VB macros
or via COM interfaces directly, allows users to develop their own optimization algorithms or use sophisticated off-the-shelf optimisers such as modeFRONTIER. The scope is limitless; from simple, manual optimisation using automated model generation and analysis, to complex genetic algorithm optimisation methods.

Accessing the COM interfaces

The simplest way to access the COM interfaces is via a Visual Basic macro in Microsoft Word or Excel. What Automation Libraries do I have on my system? You may be surprised at the number of VBA Automation Libraries already available on you computer. Launch Microsoft Word or Excel, open the Visual Basic Editor (Alt+F11) and then go to the Tools | References dialog. In this dialog, you will see all the Automation Libraries that are available on your computer probably in the hundreds.

Place a tick next to the modules you require (we have implemented interfaces for Hullspeed, Hydromax, Maxsurf and Seakeeper).
Samples and Help

Sample spreadsheets with macros may be found, after installing Maxsurf, in: C:\Program Files\Maxsurf\Automation Samples\

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Once you have referenced a project in the VBA editor, you may browse the available interfaces click on the Object Browse toolbar button:

Then select the appropriate library from the pull-down list:

All the objects in the selected library are listed on the left; when selected further information is given on the right. Additional help is available from the relevant applications help menu.

Customisable Toolbars
All applications in the Maxsurf suite now contain fully customisable toolbars. This enables you to make your most frequently used commands available with just one click and delete any toolbar buttons that you dont need. The toolbar buttons are fully customisable, including text and button images. In this section:

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Maxsurf v12.01 Release Note Adding/Deleting Standard Toolbar Buttons Creating Your Own Toolbars Editing Toolbars Buttons Saving a Customised User Interface Restoring a Customised User Interface

Click here to watch a video on how to customise the user interface of the applications in the Maxsurf suite with version 12.

Adding/Deleting Standard Toolbar Buttons

The standard toolbars available in each of the Maxsurf suites applications can easily be edited by clicking on the little triangle on the right side of any of the toolbars and select Add or Remove buttons. This allows you to select which button you wish to add or delete buttons by simply ticking or un-ticking the command.

By selecting Reset the Standard toolbar will be restored to its default state. Note: this will delete any extra buttons you may have added to the standard toolbar.
Creating Your Own Toolbars

You can customise all toolbars in all Maxsurf applications via the customise toolbars function. This is available via the View | Toolbars | Customize Toolbars menu item or by clicking on the little triangle on the right side of each toolbar and selecting Add or Remove buttons | Customize. This brings up the following tabbed dialog:

Toolbars tab Use this tab to add or delete toolbars. Note: the standard toolbars that were installed with the applications cannot be deleted or renamed.

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Commands tab On this tab you will find all commands available in the application sorted per menu. To add a command to a toolbar, simply select the command and drag and drop it onto the toolbar. Note: As long as the Customize dialog is open, you can drag and drop toolbar buttons between different toolbars and the toolbar buttons are inactive; i.e. they will not work.

Dragging and dropping a command onto a new toolbar.

Options tab This tab allows you to customise the menu and toolbar display.
Always show full menus will only show the most commonly used commands in the
menu based on the command usage history. This command usage tracking function is not enabled in the Maxsurf applications; this means you can ignore the top half of this dialog.

Large icons displays the toolbar buttons larger. Show ScreenTips on toolbars will enable the little text boxes that display which
command is invoked by that toolbar button.

Show shortcut key in ScreenTips will also show you the shortcut key (if available).
This can be quite handy for you to learn the shortcut keys which allow you to operate the program even faster.

Menu animations allows you to set how you want the menus to appear.

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Editing Toolbars Buttons

When the Customize dialog is open (from View | Toolbar | Customize Toolbars menu), you can right click on a toolbar button to edit it via a right click menu.

A couple of useful things that this allows you to do are:

Edit button image will pop up a dialog that allows you to draw your own toolbar
button image.

Change the toolbar button image to one from the standard toolbar button images
library. Select how you want to display the toolbar button image. For example: if you have trouble distinguishing between different toolbar buttons, you can select the Image and Text option to display both the image and the toolbar button name (the image button name is the command name by default).

Saving a Customised User Interface

Each time you close any of the applications in the Maxsurf suite, the application will automatically save your toolbar settings and windows layout to an ##Settings.xml file in the same directory as the Maxsurf program. In a standard installation, the Maxsurf program directory is c:\program files\Maxsurf. For example: After closing Hydromax, your current user interface will be saved in c:\program files\maxsurf\HMSettings.xml. The next time you start up Hydromax, it will look for this file for the application user interface settings. If you want to save a copy of a user interface settings file, simply use windows explorer to locate the .xml file mentioned above, duplicate it and rename the duplicate to for example: HMSetting_Custom1.xml.
Restoring a Customised User Interface

Restoring a toolbar If you want to restore only one toolbar, use the View | Toolbars | Customize Toolbars command, select the Toolbar you wish to reset and then press Reset.

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Restoring the user Interface Use the Restore default layout from the Windows menu to restore to the default windows and toolbar settings. Alternatively you can hold down the shift key at start-up. Note that the latter clears your Windows Registry. See the Windows Registry section for each application to find out which settings are stored in the windows registry before clearing it! Restoring to a saved settings file If you want to restore to a saved setting, use the following steps: 1. Rename or delete your current ##Settings.xml in windows explorer. Your current user interface settings file is located in the Maxsurf program directory and is called MSSettings.xml for Maxsurf, HMSettings.xml for Hydromax etc. 2. Rename the custom.xml file to the default name. For example to restore custom1 settings: rename HMSettings_Custom1.xml to HMSettings.xml. Note Customisable toolbars are not available for Workshop and Hydromax for release Version 12b1. They will be available in the final v12 release.

Mouse Wheel Zooming

In previous versions mouse wheel zooming would be directed towards the centre of the screen. In this release zooming will be directed towards the current mouse position. For example if the mouse is above the bow, zooming will be directed towards the bow.

Bug fixes and minor changes

The user manuals of all applications can now be accessed through the start menu The user manuals of all applications are now also accessible online from our

Note: these manuals are best viewed in Internet Explorer.

The Support Web site is accessible via the help menu Automation manuals are accessible via the help menu

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Maxsurf v12.01 Release Note

Surface edge bonding and unbonding

A number of improvements have been made to facilitate edge bonding and re-bonding (if a change of continuity constraint is required).
Mousing over a bonded edge will display both edge names and the continuity
constraint in the bottom left of the status bar:

If a bonded edge is selected, the bonding constraint will be displayed ticked in the
Bonding menu:

An existing bonded edge can be re-bonded (if a change of continuity constraint is

required) by: selecting the edge; selecting a control point in the edge by clicking on it; or by dragging a selection box over a common edge control point. Previously, only the last method worked.

A bonded edge may be un-bonded by selecting the edge or by selecting a control

point in the edge; previously only the last method worked.

Marker import (DXF, GHS, Seaway)

The section grid is now not automatically generated when you import markers from DXF, GHS or Seaway files. The section grid is only generated if no sections are defined. If sections are already defined then imported markers that lie within 1cm of a section will be allocated to that section, otherwise they will be left unallocated. If you wish to regenerate the section grid from the imported markers use the Markers | Generate grid from Markers command.

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Additional marker functionality

Markers for developable surfaces

It has always been possible to generate markers from the ruling lines of developable surfaces. However, this has now been made a menu item: Markers | Generate Markers for Developable Surfaces:

Markers are calculated for the surfaces selected in the list on the left of the dialog (only developable surfaces are listed; you can change the surface type in the surface properties dialog or table). Markers can be generated where the ruling lines intersect stations previously defined in the Grid Spacing dialog, or at equal intervals along the ruling lines. The number of ruling lines calculated depends on the current surface precision setting, but the number is increased when generating the markers.

Markers generated at equal intervals along the ruling lines this is useful for the automated surface fitting (Markers | Fit surface to Markers) as it ensures that markers are generated even when the rulings are vertical and do not interest stations.

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Markers generated where they intersect the sections. This is useful when manually fitting the surface to the markers in the body plan view.

Tools for sorting markers

A number of tools have been added to aid with sorting markers after importing from some source, for example: a 3D DXF file of hull sections, or from an offsets table. To assist users in correctly ordering markers, the first marker on each section is now drawn in bold. This is activated after a "Display | Markers | Connect Marker Stations" command. The first step after importing marker data is often to setup the section, waterline and buttock grid to match the marker data. This is easily done with the Markers | Generate Grid from Markers command. If necessary the markers can then be sorted for each station (Markers | Sort Marker Stations command). This sorting uses a nearest neighbour sort, which works in most instances, but can be confounded is the section shape is complex and/or the spacing between markers varies significantly. To view the connectivity (and ordering) of the markers, turn on the Display | Connect Marker Stations option: Ctrl+J, . This is best done in the Body Plan view, with The Display | ).

Show Markers for Current Station option selected (

A single marker can be moved along the ordering by using Ctrl+Cursor keys; left and down keys move the point one positions towards the start of the ordering whilst up and right keys move the point one position towards the end of the ordering; the Home key makes it the first point and the End key makes the it the last point:

Before and after: Moving the selected point one position towards the start of the curve corrects the marker ordering

To re-order a range of markers, select them in the new desired order (from the keel outwards towards the deck edge (or deck centre line) and select Markers | Re-order Selected Markers (Ctrl+Shift+R). If the new order is the reverse of what is required, simply repeat the command without changing the selection, and the order will be reversed.

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Markers incorrectly ordered

Start selecting Markers in correct order

Start with marker that should be closest to keel in the group

Markers selected in correct order. Use Re-Order Selected Markers command to re-order

Points are now ordered in the selection order, if this is the inverse of what is required, simply repeat the Use Re-Order Selected Markers command without changing the selection.

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When a marker is added, it will be inserted to so as to minimise the increase in section length. This normally ensures that it is inserted in the correct location.

To completely invert the order of the makers on the current section, ensure that you are only viewing a single section of markers, then press Ctrl+Shift+O (letter O, not zero).

Maxsurf - Rhinoceros bi-directional data exchange

Rhino .3dm files may now be imported and exported directly to/from Maxsurf. Full NURBS surface geometry exchange is supported as well as information such as surface colours, names and trimming. In this section:
Trimming Information Other Surface Properties

Click here to see Maxsurf Rhino data exchange in action.

Trimming Information

Due to the inherently different trimming models used by Rhino and Maxsurf, importing trimmed models may take some time. When importing a trimmed surface from Rhino a dialog box will appear asking whether Maxsurf should try and replicate the trimming regions. All trimming within Maxsurf is dynamic and based on surface/surface intersections to define the regions within the surface. Rhino uses a static trimming model which allows trimming of surfaces using arbitrary curves. When one of these surfaces is imported into Maxsurf these arbitrary curves are converted to a curve in the surface. The curves are attached to specific parametric positions on the surface so that the dynamic nature of the trimming is maintained; i.e. when the surface changes, the trimming is not lost. Note however that the shape of the trimming curve will change as the surface is modified. These curves may be displayed using the Display | Contours dialog. These curves can only be used as boundaries for trimming regions when they are displayed.
Other Surface Properties

There is no concept of symmetrical surfaces in Rhino so a symmetrical surface exported from Maxsurf will generate two surfaces in the Rhino file (one a mirror image of the other about the z-x plane). The assembly tree hierarchy can also not be exported to Rhino. This means that when you have edited a model in Rhino and come back in Maxsurf, you will have to reorganise the surfaces into groups. Other information that is not exchanged (i.e. characteristic to a Maxsurf design) includes grid spacing, outside arrows, visibility, surface locking, surface material and thickness.
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Parametric Transformation

The Parametric Transformation function in Maxsurf has been updated to provide additional functionality. These new features include the ability to modify the following parameters Parallel Midbody In a merchant vessel that has a parallel midbody it is important to be able to perform parametric transformations on the fore and aft portions of the vessel without affecting the midbody. To use this feature, enter the positions of the fore and aft limits of the parallel midbody. The specified length of the parallel midbody will be maintained during parametric transformations of Cb, Cp and LCB. Midship Area Coefficient. This parameter determines the fullness of the midship section and the magnitude of any bilge radius. A change to the Midship Area Coefficient will also result in the sections in the bow and stern becoming fuller or slacker. Topside Flare. This parameter is unlikely to be used for commercial ships but is useful in the design of leisure craft, both power and sail. The angle of the topsides at the position of greatest beam can be specified, resulting in more or less flare. This flare is also distributed in a fair manner forward and aft, tending to taper out near the extremities. Note that the only required search parameters are LCB, and either Prismatic or Block coefficients. All other parameters and scaling factors are optional and can be combined arbitrarily.

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For version 12 of Maxsurf, values for Waterplane Area coefficient and LCF are provided for informational purposes only; i.e. it is not possible for them to be specified as search parameters. It is anticipated that these will be available as search parameters in future versions. Click here to see a video showing the latest additions to Maxsurf's Parametric Transformation.
Americas Cup Yachts

Additional functionality has also been added specifically for the designers of Americas Cup class yachts.

In this case the constraint applying to LWL has been replaced by one applying to the LBG value, a length measured 200mm above the DWL. In addition, the Parametric Transformation automatically constrains the forward and aft girths to the minimum allowable value, as measured by a chain girth at the forward and aft girth stations.

Docked Assembly Window

The Assembly Window adds the ability to organise surfaces into groups in Maxsurf and quick access to surface related commands and settings such as visibility, locking and trimming. Grouping surfaces allows changing the settings for several surfaces with one right click action. The usage of the Assembly Window is strongly recommended as it can lead to a significant increase in productivity. In the previous versions of Maxsurf the only disadvantage of the Assembly Window was that it often obstructed the view in the graphics windows. To address that, the assembly window in Maxsurf can now be in 4 different states:

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Maxsurf v12.01 Release Note Floating Docked Pinned Auto Hide Hidden



Pinned Auto Hide

Opening the Assembly Window

The Assembly window may be brought to the front by selecting View | Assembly window or using the button on the view toolbar.

The Assembly Window is a floating window that contains a tree view of the surface hierarchy.
Docking the Assembly Window

To dock a floating assembly window, simply left click on the top window border and drag it onto any of the stickers that appear.

Drag the Assembly Window onto the sticker to dock it.

When the Assembly Window is docked, this process can easily be reversed to switch back to a Floating Assembly window. Simply select the top border of the docked window and drag it to any location on the screen. Tip: when the Assembly Window is docked, you can use the Tile Horizontal or Tile Vertical commands from the Windows menu to automatically fill the rest of the window with your favourite working windows.
Pinning or Auto Hiding the Assembly Window

You can change the Assembly window from Docked to Pinned or Auto Hide and visa versa by clicking on the Pin icon on the top right of the window.

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When the Assembly Window is in the Auto Hide state, it will automatically hide itself to the outside of the screen if it is not being used. To show the dialog again, simply move your mouse cursor over the bar on the side of the screen (or click on it) and it will appear.

Bug fixes and minor changes

Corrected interaction in Grid space dialog whereby clicking in the angle column of
the diagonal grid changed the split option for sections.

Corrected problem in Markers properties dialog where surface selection combo

box became difficult to use for models with large numbers of surfaces.

Can again drag control points of symmetrical surfaces across centreline if Ctrl key
is held down when doing so.

Corrected problem in Frame Of Reference dialog where changes still took place if
dialog was exited with Esc key or clicking on Close Cross rather than Cancel.

When Feet and inches are selected for length units, all length measurements are all
shown in feet and decimal inches (previously some results were given in decimal feet). Combined measurements (e.g. moment) will be given as a decimal.

When markers are loaded, the existing ones may be deleted. Also the markers can
be closed (as a quicker alternative for deleting all the markers).

Markers and ruling lines are no longer displayed in the Body-plan window inset

The correct cursor is restored if the mouse is moved through the Body-plan view
inset box.

Edge identification when the mouse is moved over an edge now works correctly if
you flip and duplicate a surface

The grid lines for diagonals are now correctly drawn in the Body plan view if the
surfaces do not go to the centreline.

The lists of sections, buttocks and waterlines automatically generated from the
markers are now sorted.

When the Delete key is pressed with Markers selected, the Markers are deleted
(rather than invoking the delete Control Point row or column command).

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Maxsurf v12.01 Release Note

Negative Linked compartments
A number of updates have been made to the negative linked compartments (NLC) used in Hydromax. These NLCs are used to remove portions from a compartment when a tank or non-buoyant volume (NBV) is wholly or partially contained within the compartment. The effect of NLCs is only apparent during damage analysis. In previous versions of Hydromax the NLCs had to be defined manually, in version 12, this is now completely automatic though you will still see the NLCs listed in grey at the bottom of the compartment definition table.

NLCs listed at the bottom of the Compartment definition table. The tank that created them is added to the compartment name (in brackets)

With the manual definition of NLCs it was possible to remove portions of a compartment to facilitate the definition of complex compartment shapes; the same can be achieved, in version 12, by defining a tank which encloses the volume to be removed and ensuring that it is never filled in this way the NLC will be automatically created to remove the volume from the compartment. If you load an older design that contains manually defined NLCs, Hydromax will detect this and prompt you to convert to automatic NLCs. If you wish to load the model, you must click OK and change to automatically generated NLCs. If you wish to rerun the model with the manually created NLCs, you will have to use an older version of Hydromax.

Click OK to delete the existing NLCs and recreate the necessary NLCs automatically. Click Cancel to close the model.

Additional toolbar buttons have been added to toggle the display of NLCs (and NBVs):

New Visibility Toolabr: Sections | DWL | Waterlines | Key Points | Margin Line and Deck Edge | Tanks | Damaged Tanks | Compartments | Damaged Compartments | Negative Linked Compartments | Non-Buoyant Volumes | Tank Names | Tank Sections | Grid

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Maxsurf v12.01 Release Note

Stability criteria updates

Click here to see a video of the enhanced Hydromax criteria in action.
Heeling moments

Generic forms of heeling moments have been added. These will provide a constant heeling moment (varying heeling arm) as the vessel displacement changes (due to different loadcases or during a limiting KG analysis).

These are in addition to the existing specific heeling arm curves for passenger crowding, wind heeling etc., which take account of the vessel displacement as required. The generic, constant heeling arm curves also remain.
New method for Heeling arm criteria

A new method for defining heeling-arms and criteria which use them has been developed (the older criteria still remain available). The new method allows you to define the required heeling arms. These heeling arms can then be cross-referenced into any number of heeling arm criteria. The significant advantage over the older method is that a heeling arm is now defined (and edited) in only one place. This ensures that all criteria which use a specific heeling arm use exactly the same heeling arm. (The older criteria required copying the heeling arm data into all the relevant criteria.) The second benefit is that, since the heeling arm is defined in one place, it is only displayed once in the GZ graph and not duplicated for each criterion that uses it. As with the criteria, there is a list of parent heeling arms, from which custom heeling arms may be derived:

Once you have defined your heeling arms, these can be cross-referenced into new heeling arm criteria:

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The heeling arms are cross-referenced simply by selecting the desired heeling arm from the pull-down list:

Ratio of areas type 3 - general heeling arm

This criterion is only available as a cross-referenced heeling arm criterion (see above). Hence you must first define the heeling arm to be used. The ratio of the area under the GZ curve to the area under the heel arm curve is computed. This criterion is based on the area ratio required by BS6349-6:1989. The criterion is passed if the ratio is greater than the required value. Areas under the GZ=0 axis are counted as negative. Area GZ =


GZ ( ) d ; heel arm( ) d ;

Area HA =


Ratio =

Area GZ Area HA

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Ratio of areas type 3 - general heeling arm

Limiting KG analysis updates

Vessels with poor longitudinal stability

Under some circumstances, notably catamaran vessels with high transverse stability, the limiting KG analysis would fail because the GZ curve could not be evaluated at high heel angles. This typically occurred when the longitudinal stability was less than the transverse stability (due to perhaps damage and the analysis being carried out free-totrim). During the analysis, the VCG would be raised and this would further reduce the longitudinal stability. If the vessel trim-balance could not be satisfied the analysis would be aborted. However, in many cases this problem only occurred at high heel angles, often at heel angles that were not required for evaluation of the selected stability criteria. For these reasons, if the trim-balance cannot be solved for a certain heel angle, the GZ curve will be truncated at the last successfully calculated angle and the criteria evaluated using this portion of the curve. If the criteria fail, or there is insufficient GZ data to evaluate a criterion (this is also treated as a criterion failure) the VCG will be reduced, which should, in turn, allow the stability to be calculated for a wider range of heel angles.

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Maxsurf v12.01 Release Note

Limiting KG with non-zero transverse centre of gravity

Problem Find limiting KG for solid weights for a vessel that has a tank(s) which is damaged. Example We shall use a simple example of a yacht hull with one tank to demonstrate the problem: Vessel

Overview of vessel, showing tank to port

Vessel in body plan with damaged tank to port

Tank definition

One damage case is defined and this includes the single tank. Nominal displacement of the vessel is 4.5tonne Required stability criterion The required stability criterion is angle of equilibrium heel angle is less than 25deg:

Angle of equilibrium heel

Analysis: We will do two analyses to see how including a TCG can be useful when performing a Limiting KG analysis.

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1. Standard analysis with TCG = zero Here we will do a standard Limiting KG analysis with TCG = 0.0 at the nominal displacement of 4.5tonne and then verify the results with a Large Angle Stability calculation. Limiting KG setup: The initial analysis will heel to port, because we are setting the TCG = 0 and port-side damage will result in a list to port:

Heel angles

We will do a free-to-trim analysis with initial trim of zero:

Initial trim = 0.0; free-to-trim

Finally we set the displacement to the nominal value of 4.5t and the TCG to zero:

Displacement setup

Limit KG analysis: Running the analysis we get the following results:

Results of limiting KG analysis max VCG = 0.803m

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Verification of results with LAS analysis These results can now be verified with a large angle stability analysis. Ensure that the same heel angles are used and use the displacement and CG data from the Limiting KG analysis to define the loadcase:

Loadcase with data from limiting KG analysis

Results from Large angle stability analysis.

2. Modified analysis with non-zero TCG The analysis described above is fine for finding the Limiting KG for the case where the tank is empty and is then damaged. However, it is sometimes necessary to find the limiting VCG of the fixed weights. Consider the case where the tank is partially filled and the fixed weights are then off-set to the opposite side so that the intact vessel is nominally upright. See below:

Vessel loaded with 2.25t fluid in the tank

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Loadcase for the above condition

Now in this case we wish to find the limiting KG values for the Lightship mass of 2.25t which has a transverse offset of 309.7mm. We will look at the same damage condition and criterion. In this case the loss of fluid in the tank when it is damaged will lead to a offset of the vessel centre of gravity to starboard, but there will be lost buoyancy to port so we should check the limiting KG heeling to both directions. However, since we are only looking at a criterion for equilibrium heel angle it can be seen that the vessel will actually list away from the damage: the tank is filled with fluid of the same density as the seawater in which the vessel is floating. The tank is loaded above the free-surface, so it is likely that the effect of the fluid loss from the tank will be greater than that of the lost buoyancy. We can verify this with a quick equilibrium analysis (with a sensible VCG for the load).

Vessel heels away from damage because fluid lost from tank is greater than lost buoyancy due to damage

Limit KG setup We will use the same heel angles, first heeling to port and then again heeling to starboard. Since we are damaging the tank, we need to find the limiting KG for the remaining vessel weight and TCG:

Loadcase with damaged tank. Vessel displacement = 2.25t; TCG = 309.7mm

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Corresponding Displacement setup for Limiting KG analysis

For this analysis it is probably best to specify the LCG for the Limiting KG analysis rather than the trim. Since if the trim is specified, the LCG for the upright, intact vessel is found and this may not be what is desired.

Here we specify the LCG directly to match that of the loadcase

In this case the equilibrium angle is to starboard so the Limiting KG analysis should be carried out to starboard. In general it is prudent to test to both directions. But, as in this case, it may not be possible to evaluate the criteria heeling to both sides (there is no equilibrium angle heeling to port). Thus the limiting KG analysis gives us the maximum VCG for the fixed load:

Limiting KG heeling to starboard gives max VCG of 1029.6mm

Again we can verify this result with a large angle stability analysis and/or equilibrium analysis:

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Results from Equilibrium analysis showing equilibrium heel angle of 25deg.

Results from LAS analysis for the same loadcase

LCB and LCF display options (Hydromax and Maxsurf)

The display format options for LCB and LCF have been extended. They have also been moved from the Data Format dialog to the Coefficients dialog. This dialog is available in Hydromax in the Display menu and in Maxsurf in the Data menu.

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Default settings for coefficient length and LCB/LCF measurements

The first part of the dialog is used to define the length to be used for calculating Block, Prismatic and Waterplane Area coefficients; the same length may also be used to nondimensionalise the LCB and LCF measurements. (In previous versions of Hydromax, the length had to be set before an analysis was carried out. In this version, the changes may be made at any time and the relevant results will update automatically without the need for redoing the analysis this is the same behaviour as the Units options). The second part of the dialog is used to define how LCB and LCF (but not LCG) measurements are presented. The range of origins for the measurements has been extended to include forward and aft perpendiculars. Also you may define whether positive values should be in the forward or aft direction (relative to the chosen origin); finally you may choose to non-dimensionalise the value by dividing by the coefficient length (chosen in the first part of the dialog) and displaying as a percentage. These options are used in all Hydromax results and in the Maxsurf Hydrostatics dialog. The LCB options are not used in the Maxsurf Parametric Transformation dialog (though the coefficient length is used for the coefficients in this dialog).

Visual Basic Automation

Hydromax can now be accessed and controlled using macros written in Visual Basic in Word, Excel, etc. More information on Automation can be found in the Maxsurf Automation manual under the Help menu in Maxsurf. Details of the functions and objects available for use in Hydromax can be found in the Hydromax Automation help file which is located in the Maxsurf program files directory. Criteria parameters and results are accessed with the Result or Parameter method, for example: critCode = Range("A4").Value critName = Range("b4").Value Range("A4").Offset(22, 4).Value = hmApp.Design.Criteria.ItemByName(critCode, critName).Result("ActualValue") The available Result and Parameter names for each criterion are given in: C:\Program Files\Maxsurf\HMCriteriaHelp\CriteriaHelp.html

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Bug fixes and minor changes

COM Loadcase.Item[n].IsDefined added to check to see if the loadcase is open and
can be accessed.

COM interfaces included for specifying analysis tolerances/error values and toggle
for spooling results to report.

The VCG in the Upright Hydrostatics Draughts dialog is now specified from the
vertical zero point datum rather than the keel.

When in Large Angle Stability, Equilibrium or Longitudinal Strength analyses. The

centre of gravity for the current loadcase will be displayed while the loadcase is being edited. If the loadcase contains tanks, you will have to use the Analysis | Update Loadcase to recompute the centre of gravity; changes to static masses will update automatically.

When two compartments or tanks overlap, both their names and their number in
the tanks and compartments dialog are displayed. The tank or compartment number in the table is displayed between brackets; e.g. FreshWater(26).

Any Margin line changes are now shown in rendered perspective view. Graph names are no longer clipped to 63 characters. Two new columns have been added to the Key points table. These allow you to
specify whether a key point should be included in the intact case and/or damage cases.

Hydromax now starts in the profile view. The length of arrows drawn from the CG and CB are now proportional to the forces.
When grounding is defined, arrows proportional to the grounding reaction force(s) are also drawn.

The accuracy of twin-point grounding has been improved. Grounding analysis has been made more reliable. For some conditions, there were
cases where the grounding analysis would not converge properly. This has been improved.

Grounding points are drawn more steeply than before for easier identification of
points of contact on vessels with curved hull bottoms.

Convergence of the Limiting KG analysis has been improved for some conditions. Editing LCG of distributed loads in the load case window:
a. Incorrect distributed loads are highlighted in red. When the Longitudinal Strength analysis mode is selected, when editing loads in the loadcase window, if the centre of gravity is not within the middle third of the fore and aft extents of the load, then the extents will be highlighted in red. Normally changing the LCG position shifts the load, including its extents. To just move the load while keeping positions of the extents constant, hold down the Ctrl key and click in a different cell.


The criteria dialog correctly resizes on a dual display monitor. Note that if you
reduce the size of you display, it may be necessary to reset the dimensions of resizable dialogs (if they appear off-screen). Do this by holding down the shift-key when launching the dialog.

The upper limit for trim before an analysis is aborted has been increased from 45
to 75.

Parent criteria and heel arms are displayed in bold text in the criteria dialog. The grid may be displayed.

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Maxsurf v12.01 Release Note Since the trim angle is undefined at 90 heel, N/A is displayed for the trim angle,
rather than 90 at this heel angle.

It is no longer possible to open a Loadcase with no design loaded. When Feet and inches are selected for length units, all length measurements are all
shown in feet and decimal inches (previously some results were given in decimal feet). Combined measurements (e.g. moment) will be given as a decimal.

Report and batch output now correctly says Wave height, rather than Wave
amplitude which was incorrect.

The model precision and number of hull sections are reported in the Batch output

The display of compartment names in the Hydromax Compartment Definition has

been modified to include both the parent compartment as well as the tank from which a linked negative compartment was derived. For example a linked negative compartment that was previously named Comp3 might now be named Comp3 (Stbd Hydr Oil) to reflect that the linked negative compartment is derived from the intersection of Comp3 with the Stbd Hydr Oil tank.

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Shell Expansion Drawing
A shell expansion drawing may be created from any workshop design. The drawing shows the girth positions of all parts (plate edges, stringers, frames and decks) from a specified datum position (usually, but not always, the baseline). Click here to see a video demonstrating the creation of a shell expansion drawing in Workshop version 12.
Creating the Shell Expansion Drawing

To create a shell expansion drawing choose Data | Calc Shell Expansion from the menu. Note: Only parts that are visible will be shown in the shell expansion drawing.

To change the datum about which the contours are expanded go to Display | Structure and specify the datum in the bottom right of the Structure Visibility dialog that appears. If the datum is a waterline or a buttock line then you will need to enter a value. For example if you wish to expand the shell about a buttock line 1.0 m from the centreline, you will need to select ButtockLine and enter the 1.0 m value in the Value field.

Displaying the Shell Expansion Drawing

To display the shell expansion drawing, activate the Parts window and then select the Display | Plate | Shell Expansion or use the button on the Part toolbar.

If you require the plate thickness displayed in the shell expansion drawing check the Display plate thickness box in the bottom right of the Structure Visibility dialog. Plate names, stringer names, frame names and deck names may also be displayed in the shell expansion drawing, this flag is also set in the Structure visibility dialog.

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All colours in the shell expansion are taken from the associated part colours. For example the stringer expanded contours are the same colour as stringers. These colours are set from the Colour Picker dialog (View | Colour).

Generating a Family of Stringers

By selecting two stringers and choosing the Generate Family command from the stringers menu you can generate a series of smoothly transitioning stringers between the two parent stringers:

When the command is invoked a dialog box will appear asking you how many stringers you would like to generate. This is the number of stringers that will be created between the two parent stringers. Child stringers will inherit the properties of the first of the parent stringers selected including shape, cutout, colour, flexibility and orientation. The command will only be enabled when two stringers are selected. The command does not work with two parent stringers that have stringer points with different projection directions. In this instance a dialog box will appear notifying you of this error. Generating a family of stringers across multiple surfaces is possible.

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Click here to see this feature in a video.

Plates Expansion Mirrored Across Ship Centreline

For plates that stretch across the centreline such as bow cones, deck plates and transoms etc. Workshop now enables plate expansion across the centreline. Plates may be defined so that they are mirrored port and starboard across the ship centreline. To do this, they must have at least one edge on the ship centreline; in the case of several edges lying on the centreline, the longest edge will be taken as the mirroring axis. To define a mirrored plate, select the plate edges as normal (but only on one side of the vessel) or choose Add Surface Plate from the Plate menu and tick the Mirror plate expansion across centreline option at the bottom of the dialog.

Note that when a plate is first defined, the mirror option will always be enabled, even if there is no suitable edge for mirroring. Once the plate is defined, however, this option will not be available if the plate does not have an edge on the vessel centreline.

Additional plate forming methods

Two additional forming directions have been added. (Remember that these only have an effect if the strain ratio is anisotropic less than 100%.) The new forming directions are parallel and perpendicular to the ship centreline. These are useful for mirrored plates when you wish the expansion direction to be parallel or normal to the mirrored edge; otherwise the expansion direction will also be mirrored for the two halves of the plate.

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Click here to watch a short tutorial on plate forming on our website.

Stringer Inverse Bending Lines

Stringer inverse bending lines are used to assist in the production of the correct shape of a stringer from a straight piece of stringer material. To calculate the inverse bending lines select a stringer or stringers and choose Calc Inverse Bending Lines from the Stringer menu. To display the inverse bending lines, go to the parts window, select the stringer and click on the inverse bending lines button from the part tool bar.

The bottom figure is the developed shape of the stringer, the middle figure is the shape of the stringer when the inverse bending lines are straight (i.e the shape required after bending) and the top figure is the straight piece of stringer material prior to bending with the inverse bending lines drawn on (note: the middle and top figures have a vertical exaggeration of 2.0, which is a variable set by the user). The measurements in grey show the dimensions from the baseline to the edge of the curved stringer (in the middle figure) and from the edge of the stringer to inverse bending line for the mark up of the stringer prior to bending. For more information on inverse bending lines please refer to the manual.

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Click here to watch a short video on how to calculate inverse bending lines in version 12 of Workshop.

Bug fixes and minor changes

Frame weight calculation bug fixed, to do with frames containing openings and/or
rider bars.

Variable Web Depth Openings of some frames generated key points on top of one
another. This had the effect of creating muddled segments. This has been rectified.

The plate edge fitting and expansion algorithm has been improved. Previously
plates may not have been added or poor edge fitting may have occurred in regions of irregular parametric spacing of the surface.

A bug causing exported dxf frame arcs to be inverse (i.e. concave rather than
convex) has been fixed.

Info dialogs have been renamed Properties dialog (for example the Frame
Info dialog has been renamed Frame Properties)

When the part window is active the properties for the currently displayed part will
be displayed in properties dialog.

To change the position of multiple stringer points, select the stringer points, either
with a selection box or by holding the shift key down, and choose stringer point properties from the stringer menu.

Generate stringers command now only spaces the stringer around untrimmed
portion of surface.

A bug causing the duplicate stringers by girth command not to function as

expected in all cases has been fixed.

If a stringer profile contour was drawn anti-clockwise the calculated weight for the
developed stringer was negative. This has been fixed.

Deck opening clipping values were overridden when the web depth of the opening
was edited. This has been rectified.

Filleting of mouse holes at plate edges in frames failed in some instances. This
has been fixed. Also mouse holes will only be generated at plate edges on the outside contour of the frame.

The minimum radius for arcs to be exported in dxf was 0.2m, there is now no

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Visual Basic Automation
Hullspeed can now be accessed and controlled using macros written in Visual Basic in Word, Excel, etc. More information on Automation can be found in the Maxsurf Automation manual under the Help menu in Maxsurf. Details of the functions and objects available for use in Hullspeed can be found in the Hullspeed Automation help file which is located in the Maxsurf program files directory.

Form factor
Click here to watch a video on using the slender body method in Hullspeed. A method for calculating catamaran form factors as described in:
Molland,A.F.,Karayannis,T.,Taunton,D.J.andSaracWilliams,Y.Preliminary EstimatesoftheDimensions,PoweringandSeakeepingCharacteristicsofFast Ferries.EighthInternationalMarineDesignConference,IMDC2003,Athens,Greece, May,2003.

and also used in:

Molland,A.F.,Lewthwaite,J.C.,Wilson,P.A.andTaunton,D.J.Aninvestigation intothehydrodynamiccharacteristicsofahighspeedpartialaircushionsupported catamaran(PACSCAT).InternationalConferenceonFastSeaTransportation, FAST2005,June2005,St.Petersburg,Russia

has been added to Hullspeed. This facilitates selection of a suitable form factor when calculating catamaran resistance using the slender body method. It is also easier to select which method should be used: simply select from the new pull-down list, or enter your own value. The Molland et al. method uses the demihull slenderness , to determine the form factor according to ratio, the following equation: Note that this expression is for the form factor, (1 + k ) , of the complete catamaran including viscous interaction effects between the demihulls.

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Bug fixes and minor changes

The wave field is no longer displayed if the slender body geometry definition is

The wave contours are deleted if there is a problem with the calculation of the wave

Speeds are consistently given to three decimal places. Slender body analysis geometry dialog now has the correct title.

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Visual Basic Automation
Seakeeper can now be accessed and controlled using macros written in Visual Basic in Word, Excel, etc. More information on Automation can be found in the Maxsurf Automation manual under the Help menu in Maxsurf. Details of the functions and objects available for use in Seakeeper can be found in the Hydromax Automation help file which is located in the Maxsurf program files directory.

Polar plots
It is now possible to produce polar plots of the vessel responses. Click here to watch a short video on creating polar plots in Seakeeper. The Polar Window displays iso-response contours. The global vessel response to be plotted is selected from the drop-down list in the toolbar. At least two different speeds and two different headings (which are separated by less than 180 degrees) must have been analysed. Because the polar plots require the speeds and headings to be ordered, these will be sorted at the start of the analysis. The spectrum for which the results are plotted is selected from the Results toolbar. The concentric circles correspond to the range of speeds covered and the radial arms the vessel heading; stern waves (0 degrees) is at the top and bow waves (180 degrees) is at the bottom.

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Bug fixes and minor changes

Speeds and headings are now sorted at the start of the analysis. The calculation of the wave excitation forces using the arbitrary heading method
has been improved.

The ordering of the columns in the CG Spectra results have been changed. This is
because there was some confusion. All spectra other than the wave energy spectrum as a function of wave frequency are tabulated against encounter frequency, over the range of positive encounter frequencies. The wave frequency column is only for the wave energy spectrum as a function of wave frequency spectrum. The encounter- and wave-frequencies in the same row do not correspond.

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Bug fixes and minor changes
A bug which caused some files to read in sections in the wrong locations has been

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In the c:\Program Files\Maxsurf\Sample Design directory on your computer you will find Shipflow group definition and export files in the following folders:
ContainerShip FastYacht

Additions to SHIPFLOW export

A number of additional features have been added to the SHIPFLOW export.

Skin thickness

It is now possible to include skin thickness if it is projected outside (or on either side of) the NURB surface. Skin thickness will be included for all the groups.
First section profile

If the group is made up of section contours (rather than waterlines), then it is now possible to have the first section as a profile rather than a section. The profile is calculated from a buttock line placed at the groups y-zero point. For a monohull, this would typically be on the centreline; and for a catamaran, the demihull centreline. If a number of contours are specified, the first contour will be the profile; if the grid is to be used for the section locations, an additional profile contour will be added. The profile contour is still trimmed to the groups bounding box and is extended aft to the first proper section (a small gap is included so that it does not duplicate points on the first section). This option is selected on a group-by-group basis, by typing Profile in the corresponding First section column of the group:

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First section: Profile option turned on for containership with bulbous bow.

Profile option for wave piercing catamaran

Mirror offsets

To assist with the definition of catamarans, there is now a Mirror offsets option. This mirrors the offset value about the local y-zero-point when the data is saved. This is useful for the groups which define the inside of a catamaran demihull. This option is specified independently for each group:

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Use of the Mirror offsets feature

Number of points (on contours)

There are now three options for specifying the number and distribution of points around the contour:
Default Specified number Populate.

For highest quality always use highest precision for any of these options. Default The default option uses the standard Maxsurf data points. In this mode, the number of points can be changed by changing the Precision in the Data menu. Default number of points (below) at different precisions. Notice that at Highest precision, points are concentrated around areas of high curvature, but removed from flat areas of the curve.

Medium precision

High precision

Highest precision

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Curvature plot on contour.

Specified number Alternatively you can specify the number of points on the contours. The same number of points will be used on all contours. The points are spaced equally (within a few percent) along the girth of the contour.

Specified number of points 50 (these are spaced equally around the girth)

Populate Finally, a populate option is available. With this option turned on, additional points are inserted into the contour such that successive intervals between points does not vary by more than a specified ratio.

Populate option using Max. consecutive segment girth ratio of 2.0

The same ratio is used for all groups. This is defined in the Max. consecutive segment girth ratio box in the dialog:

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Note: If you need a higher resolution around the intersection between the wave surface and the hull, the populate option can give you good results. It can also resolve panels "sagging" at the bottom, which sometimes occurs for the other alternatives.

Bug fixes and minor changes

Mashimo export renames Veres Minor improvements to Veres and GHS export Shipflow offsets are exported in the currently selected units, unless nondimensionalised.

The problems with the GHS export have been corrected and a full port and
starboard model of the vessel.

The markers that have been generated during an export may be saved as a tabdelimited text file from the Markers window.

Markers may be displayed with connecting lines between them for each station.

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Problem Reports
We greatly appreciate any bug reports or suggestions you may have. Please report any bugs or anomalies you find to: Fax: +61 8 9335 1526 Email:

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