Data Analysis - CFIP

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CFIP (Classroom-Focused Improvement Process) is a protocol developed by a former professor of mine and his partner; Dr. Ron Thomas and Dr. Mike Hickey. The purpose of using CFIP is to collect real time (current) data. By looking at this data, my team and I were able to follow steps to make data driven decisions for instruction, address individual needs for differentiation (both enrichments and interventions), without wasting valuable time. The protocol if an efficient action plan that follows these 6 steps;


1. Be sure everyone understands the data being analyzed. 2. Pose a question or two that the data can answer. 3. Look for class-wide patterns in the data. 4. Act on the class patterns, including re- teaching, if needed. 5. Address individual students needs for enrichment and intervention remaining after re-teaching. 6. Decide on and implement at least one way that instruction will be improved in the next unit. ( CFIP was completed in Spring of 2013 with my third grade team. I learned applicable information and resources for data reform at my school through my ILPD 740course; Data-Based Decision Makin. CFIP was completed in Spring of 2013 with my third grade team. According to, "CFIP is a

process, not a plan. As such, it does not prescribe a rigid format, as most School Improvement Plans do. Rather, it is a question-based protocol for data dialogue to be carried out by collaborative teams as they focus on planning their next instructional unit, leaving the

daily lesson planning to the creativity of individual teachers."


CFIP provides a protocol for teachers to follow. Elmwood Elementary School holds monthly data meetings. During these meetings, we often get off topic and this process kept us focused. CFIP also allowed us to focus on both struggling and excelling students and forces you to plan what you and your team can do and actually do it! This also ensures that all teachers are looking at data the same way. The limitations of CFIP are all teachers must use the same assessments, which is not always possible. According to, three types of data can and should be used during this process: state assessment, benchmark, and classroom assessment. This is difficult when you teach primary grade. This process also requires time which is not always available at the same time for all teachers. "A strong professional community encourages teachers to work together to develop shared understandings of students, curriculum, and instructional policy. Collaboration also results in the production of materials and activities that improve instruction, curriculum, and assessment for students, as well as new and different approaches to professional development for the teachers themselves." (
Woodholme Elementary is a relatively new school, and our student data practices have been in place for the past 8 years. A main facet for a leader to improve productive data analysis is through settings norms and protocols. Just as mention through CFIPs framework and Thomas article, leaders should set team guidelines for data analysis so that outcomes are consistent across the board, measureable, and teachers are held accountable. All of this data is used to design small group instruction that targets students needs. Teachers have too much data to analyze and assess effectively during common planning. Data analysis happens during grade level meetings, faculty meetings, and independently.

I have included this in my portfolio to showcase my ability to collect and


analyze data as well assist other teachers in my school to complete CFIP. Additionally, this shows my ability to find and apply solutions based on need.


Assessment and Reflection:

The aspects of the CFIP process that were the easiest or most natural for the participants and why:

The easiest aspect of the process was identifying struggling students. As teachers, we do this daily and usually know which students will struggle. Also, our team found it easiest to plan what we would do for these students. Our school already has in place an intervention team

which supports struggling learners in math.

The aspects of the CFIP process that were the most difficult or awkward for the participants and why:

The most difficult aspect of CFIP for us was the protocol. We are so accustomed to sideline conversation and becoming off topic that following a strict protocol was awkward at first. It was also difficult finding time to meet with all three teachers because of scheduling conflicts. The culture changes that would be necessary in your school, team, or grade level to institute CFIP on a regular basis: Elmwood already is invested into data collection and analysis. The biggest change would be teachers willingness to give up planning time to work through CFIP on a regular basis. Another issues I can see my team having is learning to see the students as second graders not my students and your students. The first few steps you would take, as a current or future school leader, to institutionalize a data-analysis process such as CFIP in your team or school. Again, it is essential that
1. Dedicate specific time during our grade level meetings to complete

certain parts of CFIP a. We already have data meetings prior to grade level to list

struggling and excelling students as well as class strengths and weaknesses. During our grade level, we need to identify what we will do for these students. b. We anticipate students to continue to struggle with abstract

ideas like time and place value. Next year, we will include both of these in our daily routine as well as more hands-on, concrete activities.

Artifacts Standard Alignment

Trentacoste-CFIP MTTS Standards: IV ISTE - T Standards:

Data Analysis



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