ww2 Lesson Plan For 2 Weeks

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Chrissy Davis 6th Grade Social Studies Lesson Plans for March 19- April 4, 2014

Common Core Standards:

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. SL.5.5 include multimedia components (e.g.,graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.3.a Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.2.d Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic H.6.6.10 Locate the countries who were part of the World War II Axis and Allied Powers H.6.6.18 Examine the events and political decisions that led to U.S. involvement in World War II: Fascism, Nazism, Treaty of Versailles, Great Depression H.6.6.20 Examine the events that led to the conclusion of World War II (e.g., Normandy, liberation of concentration camps, D-Day)

Thursday March 20, 2014

Lesson/Objectives: The students will Recall everything that they know about World War 2 Identify the correct answers to fill in the WW2 graphic organizer

Activity: The students will take a pre-test on World War 2. I will provide graphic organizers to the class to take notes on a WW2 PowerPoint lesson. Materials: pre-test, WW2 organizer, WW2 PowerPoint.

Friday March 21, 2014

Lesson/Objectives: The students will Identify the correct answers to fill in the WW2 graphic organizer. Describe what their life would be like if they were alive during World War 2.

Activity: Continue from yesterday - graphic organizers to take notes on a WW2 PowerPoint lesson. Diary from the Past packet. Students pretend to be someone from WW2 and write about their thoughts and struggles during the war. Materials: Graphic organizer, PowerPoint, Diary from the Past packet.

Monday March 24, 2014Lesson/Objectives: The students will Describe what their life would be like if they were alive during World War 2.

Activity: Diary from the Past continued Materials: Diary from the Past packet.

Tuesday March 25, 2014Lesson/Objectives: The students will Describe what their life would be like if they were alive during World War 2.

Activity: Diary from the Past continued Materials: Diary from the Past packet.

Wednesday Friday: Spring Break Monday March 31, 2014Lesson/Objectives: The students will Describe what their life would be like if they were alive during World War 2.

Activity: Diary from the Past continued Materials: Diary from the Past packet.

Tuesday April 1, 2014Lesson/Objectives: The students will Describe what their life would be like if they were alive during World War 2. Select a project to present to the class from a WW2 choice board.

Activity: Diary from the Past continued and WW2 choice board. Students will pick one activity to present to the class (Timeline, WW2 board game, interview, song, show and tell) Materials: Diary from the Past packet and Choice board.

Wednesday Friday April 2 - 4, 2014:

Lesson/Objectives: The students will Create the project that they chose from the choice board. Present projects Recall World War 2 information while playing Jeopardy to review for the post test. Identify the correct answers on the World War 2 post test.

Activity: Continue working on Choice Board projects. Choice Board Presentations. Jeopardy Review Game. Post Test. Materials: Jeopardy Review Game and post test

World War 2 Choice Board

Choose one box to present to the class. 20 points Historical Timeline: Develop an illustrated timeline that explains World War 2. You will be required to include twenty events with different levels of explanation. Current Event: Pretend you are a television producer and design a TV news show geared to children your age that discusses current trends and issues in World War 2. Board Game: Develop a board game that teaches players about a topic of World War 2. Game must be creative, though it can certainly follow the format of an existing board game. Rules must be clear so that players of your age level can participate.

Interview a World War 2 veteran: Full Name birthday branch of service (US Army, Navy) highest rank where they served What were you doing before you joined the military? Do you remember how you felt about Japan or the war in Europe prior to Pearl Harbor? Do you remember the day Pearl Harbor was attacked? Did you enlist or were you drafted? Did you do any advanced training? What was it like after the war?

Research and present to the Must Choose two from this box: class: A battle during World War 2. Create a word cloud Required information in your Create a collage presentation: Create a WW2 poster Create a model of trench Dates warfare People (military officers, government leaders, particular soldier heroes) Location/Front (a hand-drawn map) Casualties (numbers of dead and wounded on each side) Outcome/Significance (why this battle was worth studying) Unique battle characteristics: military strategies, technologies, weather, terrain, timing, etc.

Create a newspaper: Pretend to be a reporter and create a newspaper that reports about something in World War 2. (Pearl Harbor, Atomic Bomb) I have special paper for you to complete this on.

Song: Create a unique song about World War 2. You can use the tune of another song and rewrite the lyrics.

Show and tell: 5 - 10 items from World War 2. (What, where, when, and why. - what did you bring, where did you get it?)

Prepositional phrases: 1. Draw a cat on the board 2. Kate walked past the room 3. Put the book in the desk 4. Reach above your head 5. Walk across the room 6. Lean against the wall 7. Look behind the door 8. The pencil is below the desk 9. Put your books inside the desk 10.Sam wanted to build a model airplane, but the parts were stuck under the box 11.The honor student ate lunch with her parents

12.We drove over the bridge to get to the seashore. 13.He was having a lot of trouble with it 14.He kept sneezing into the tissue 15.He was walking toward the street 16.We laughed throughout the day. 17.The ipod fell between the bed and the wall 18.The wind is blowing outside 19.Look around for the ball 20.Get your book before you come to class 21.The paper is near the bottom 22.His mom decided to take him to the doctor 23.The dog followed along as we walked to town 24.Look beyond the mountains 25.It rained during the night 26.Matt came over after school 27.Walk through the hall quietly 28.The dog sleeps beside me at night 29.Look up at the stars 30.Everyone finished their work except for Claudia

Name:________________ Teacher:_______________ 1) Which sentence contains a prepositional phrase? a) On the board, draw a cat and a dog. b) All animals are different. c) The pet store hamsters and snakes. d) Toucans and parrots are colorful birds. 2) The robber ran into the dark alley and disappeared. What is the preposition in the sentence? a) ran b) into c) dark d) disappeared 3) Sometimes they dribbled, threw, or splashed different colored paints onto canvases. What is the prepositional in the sentence? a) sometimes they dribbled b) or splashed

c) different colored paints d) onto canvases 4) Some people worry that keeping a wild animal as a pet is a danger to the animal. Which of these words is used as a preposition in the sentence? a) some b) is c) to d) the 5) Which sentence contains a prepositional phrase? a) Later today we will study snakes. b) Tomorrow the lesson will take much less time. c) On Wednesday, we will have a very special guest. d) Next week we will start a whole new science chapter.

6) The American bison has a large head and horns and is the largest land mammal in North America. Which part of the sentence above is a prepositional phrase? a) the American bison b) has a large head c) is the largest land mammal d) In North America 7) Sam wanted to build a model airplane, but the parts were stuck in the box. sentence is a preposition? a) to b) but c) were d) in 8) The honor students ate a very special lunch with their parents. Which word in the sentence is a preposition? a) honor b) ate c) very d) with 9) Josie found a leaf with a small, shiny egg on it. She put the leaf inside her terrarium. When the egg hatched, a small caterpillar crawled out. The caterpillar ate many leaves from the plants in the terrarium. Which is the prepositional phrase? a) Josie found b) in the terrarium c) a small, shiny egg Which word in the

d) put the leaf inside 10) We drove over the bridge to get to the seashore. Which is the prepositional phrase? a) over the bridge b) we drove c) to get d) to the seashore

Pre/post test Answer key 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. A


A preposition is a word that relates a noun or pronoun to another word in a sentence. "The dog sat under the tree."

about above across after against along among around at before behind below beneath beside between by down during except for from in in front of inside instead of into like near

on onto on top out of outside over past since through to toward under underneath until up upon with within without of off


Add the Prepositions to the Story

A preposition connects a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence, showing the relationship between them. Prepositions usually answer the questions where? Or When?, telling about a person or objects location in either time or space. Use one of the prepositions from the word bank in each of the blanks in the story below. Prepositions can be used more than once, as long as they make since where you place them in the story.
In To Before After Around Near Over Beneath With Beyond On Throughout Within For Inside Across Under Past Since At Up behind until along outside Against between toward of off For Above During Into Through

Scotts dragon, Saber had been really sick. He kept on sneezing ______________everyone. Every time he sneezed fire shot_______________ his nose. One day he had to sneeze three times while they were flying ________________ the sky. This caused Scott to cartwheel _____________ the sky until Saber dove and glided ______________ Scott _______________ the last minute. Scott decided to take him _______________ the dragon doctor. Dr. Zeth told Saber to sit _________________ the corner_________________ the door. ___________________ the appointment Sabers tail collided _________________the lamp and the table. The doctor swabbed Sabers nose ______________ test for bacteria. He touched a Q-tip _______________several places causing Saber ________________ sneeze fire ___________________ the room sending the sizzling cat running ________________ the room. After he was done, he told Scott that Saber had a reaction _________________ the toad he ate. Doctor Zeth gave Scott a potion _________________Saber that would have him feeling better ___________________ the week.

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