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Kemi Adegoke • Nicholas Rogers

Autumn 2009

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Labour Lambeth housing scandal

Millions of pounds lost as houses left to rot
One thousand Lambeth-owned
properties are being left vacant,
resulting in £3.5m lost rental
income every year.
“I am shocked by this level of
mismanagement,” says Conservative
Parliamentary Candidate, Kemi Adegoke.
“The £3.5m in lost rent is just the tip
of the iceberg in Labour’s failed
management of our housing, locally
and nationally. This could be spent on
reduced rent and service charges. Local
residents are punished for Labour’s
These properties could have been
redeveloped, or sold for hundreds of
millions of pounds, to create homes for
the 14,000 people on the housing
waiting list.
Letting properties become derelict
makes streets ugly and increases anti-
social behaviour. The council will not
invest in developing these properties
and refuses to sell them off swiftly, just
leaving them there to rot.
“The Audit Commission has rightly
fingered Lambeth Council and Lambeth
Living,” says Kemi, “but the real problem
lies with a Labour government obsessed
with new and shiny things. Their high
taxes on refurbishment have made
it cheaper to build new than fix derelict
properties and they restrict funding to
new buildings.”

The scandal Labour

in figures
• 1 ,000 empty
homes worth
hundreds of
millions of Rewards
• e
• Director of Housing
£3.5 million
lost in rent
EVERY year.
• £9.9 million
in uncollecte
year + benefi
t – £100k pe

tenant arrea d ts.

Director of L
£20k added am
to £120k per ye beth Living
this year afte postage costs

ar + benefits
r huge blund .
with all of th ers Consultants
e borough’s earning betw
leaseholders £500 to £90 een
. 0 PER DAY.

Promoted and published by Stephen Smith on behalf of Dulwich and West Norwood Conservative Association, 495 Norwood Road, London SE27 9DJ. Printed by Multiprint Lithographics Limited, Unit 3 Gardner Industrial Estate, Beckenham, Kent BR3 1QZ.
We are around all year round, not just election time...
E-mail: Web:

Woodvale Estate Flytipping

the Woodvale Estate and discussed
some of the problems the estate is
Illegal flytipping is blighting the lives of
many residents. Labour-run Lambeth
Council has admitted that flytipping has
increased dramatically since it closed the
Vale Street waste facility to general
waste from local homes. Places such as
Woodvale are suffering as a direct result
of Labour’s wrongheaded decision.
Conservatives across West Norwood have
joined local residents in campaigning for
Flytipping is increasing in the Council to get its act together on
Labour-run Lambeth illegal flytipping. Please get in touch if
you want to support our campaign.
Nicholas, Kemi and fellow local Call Nick to get any flytipping removed
Conservatives recently met residents of on: 07843 225805.

Dog Fouling – Update

Knights Hill Conservative
Action Team is busy helping
West Norwood residents keep
our local area pleasant and
West Norwood. Many residents safe.
have been in touch, identifying the
worst hot-spots. Nicholas then Knollys Road and
demanded action by the Council. Cameron Place
The Council has at last responded to our
protests. Council officers have revealed After being alerted by residents to
details of an anti-dog fouling campaign, repeated flytipping incidents on
Knollys Road and under the railway
and have issued a small number of
bridge near Cameron Place, local
fixed-penalty notices to irresponsible
Conservatives demanded that the
Council act to clear up the mess.
But much more must be done, and We were successful and the
Knights Hill Conservatives will keep Council committed to increasing
Nicholas and Kemi are pushing for action up the pressure. Please let us know if street cleaning activities in those
there is a particularly severe problem on areas.
Nicholas has been highlighting the your street – we will demand clean-up
serious dog fouling problem in action. Leigham Court Road

Labour Neglects West Norwood

Following repeated pressure from
local residents and the Knights Hill
Conservative Action Team, the
Council finally began to make
Local residents have always suspected that West Norwood is being repairs to a dangerous collapsing
wall on this busy road.
neglected by Lambeth’s Labour Council.
Proof of this came at a recent public meeting when a senior member of the Labour- Pondfield House
controlled Council said that ‘West Norwood is not on the Council’s list of priorities’.
A walkabout revealed that the
“At a time when West Norwood is suffering from issues such as flytipping, lack of damaged steps in Pondfield House,
housing and a chronic shortage of primary school places, this attitude from those reported months ago by Nicholas
who are supposed to serve the whole of Lambeth is shocking,” said Nicholas Rogers. Rogers, had not been fixed despite
the Council’s assurance that this
had been done. Local
Conservatives pushed for action,
and are pleased to report that the
steps are now repaired.
If there are any issues on your
street that you would like us to
take up with the Council – from
potholes to primary school places –
get in touch and we will be happy
to help you.

Promoted and published by Stephen Smith on behalf of Dulwich and West Norwood Conservative Association, 495 Norwood Road, London SE27 9DJ. Printed by Multiprint Lithographics Limited, Unit 3 Gardner Industrial Estate, Beckenham, Kent BR3 1QZ.

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