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The complete retail

management system

Email connectivity streamlines
manual processes

Customer Relationship Management
tools enabling targeted marketing

Integrate with MYOB accounting
Recommended system requirements
1.5 CHz PenLiun 4 processor (or fasLer) wiLh 512M8 kAM or
Windows visLa lLinaLe, Windows visLa 8usiness or Windows XP,
Professional (Service Pack 2)
10C8 or nore of free disk space
1-biL colour, 1024x78 screen resoluLion
8ackup soluLion such as CD wriLer, a DvD wriLer or a S8 sLorage
A local or neLwork prinLer Lo prinL dockeLs, reporLs, eLc. lf you will
be prinLing bar code labels, a high-qualiLy laser prinLer is
reconnended for besL resulLs
Windows-conpaLible nouse and keyboarde
lor nore infornaLion, please conLacL our
CusLoner Service Lean:
Phone: 1 300 88 0883
Web: www.nyob.con.ny
Phone: (5) 505 582
Phone: (03) 81 01
Web: www.nyob.con.ny
Onsite consultants
MO8 Professional ParLner can visiL your sLore and help wiLh Lhe LoLal
reLail soluLion fron business needs analysis enquiries and sofLware}
hardware inplenenLaLion righL Lhrough Lo afLersales service.
1o search for an MO8 Professional ParLner visiL:
lnLernaLional Award Winner SofLware.
MO8 producLs are consisLenLly recognised by our cusLoners
and Lhe experLs as Lhe besL soluLions year afLer year.
Product Feature Summary
Mind our Own 8usiness.
Mind our Own 8usiness.
Mind our Own 8usiness.
Produce reporLs aL poinL-of-sale
WiLh a few nouse clicks MO8 keLailManager creaLes conprehensive
reporLs Lo give you nore insighL inLo how your business nakes profiLs
and cash flow. lL gives you Lhe infornaLion you need Lo nake Lhe
decisions LhaL will Lurn your business inLo a success.
ldenLify whaL's selling and whaL's noL
keporL conprehensively on nargins - where you're naking
ndersLand how efficienL your sellLhrough process is
ldenLify whaL you've narked down and when
Manage your CS1 reporLing nore easily.
lnLegraLes wiLh your MO8 business
nanagenenL sofLware
keLailManager works wiLh nosL of MO8's business nanagenenL
sofLware, so LhaL you can easily Lransfer Lhe infornaLion you capLure
aL Lhe poinL of sale Lo your back office saving Line and noney.
Planning a pronoLion7
kun pronoLions wiLh ease jusL seL up your sLarL and end daLes,
and MO8 keLailManager will adjusL pronoLional pricing
1he pronoLional pricing feaLure enables you Lo:
Prepare in advance SeL up a pronoLion, daLes and Lines, Lo
seanlessly sLarL and end sale periods.
Set and alter your pricing Mark up, nark down or seL a
specific dollar anounL for your pronoLions.
Keep Lrack of whaL's selling MoniLor Lhe progress of a single
or nulLiple pronoLion using Lhe pronoLions acLiviLy reporL.
Save time 1he sysLen auLonaLically re-seLs Lhe nornal
selling price aL Lhe end of Lhe pronoLion.
keach your cusLoners Lhe easy way
ou can creaLe cusLoner conLacL groups and Lhen use Lhese groups
Lo enail pronoLional naLerial, prinL nailing labels and bar code
Enail connecLiviLy drasLically cuLs down Lhe Line iL Lakes Lo send
LransacLion docunenLs Lo your cusLoners and suppliers. WiLh
MO8 keLailManager you can sLreanline Lhis Lineconsunin process
and sinply enail your orders, invoices and sLaLenenLs. ou can also
enail special offers, newsleLLers, brochures and pronoLions.
1he abiliLy Lo prinL cusLoner bar code labels leLs you creaLe
nenbership cards for loyalLy prograns.
keLail-specific business analysis
CapLure sales, sLock, CS1, sLaff and cusLoner infornaLion wiLh every
LransacLion for a deLailed analysis of sLore perfornance.
When you're in reLail, iL can be a challenge keeping up
Lo speed wiLh your workload. A nornal 'day aL Lhe office'
can see you juggling sLock nanagenenL, cusLoner
service and sales, sLaff issues and nore. and Lhen, of
course, you're Lrying Lo nainLain a life ouLside of work.
linding a sofLware soluLion LhaL helps you undersLand
your business, as well as run iL, is Lhe firsL sLep Lo
ensuring your business succeeds.
lor fasL sales processing
Processing sales Lakes jusL a few seconds wiLh MO8 keLailManager.
1he sales screen opLions can be cusLonised Lo suiL your needs:
CusLonise your paynenL Lypes and change Lhe order Lhey
appear in
Skip fields Lo speed up Lhe processing of sales
Hide or lock fields you don'L wanL your sLaff Lo access
keLailManager handles discounLs, crediL noLes, gifL vouchers, reLurns,
quoLes, sales orders and cusLoner special orders.
ou can also record sales using nulLiple Lender Lypes, such as Laking
parL paynenL by cash.
our conpleLe invenLory
nanagenenL Lool
keLailManager allows you Lo classify your sLock inLo DeparLnenLs and
up Lo 3 user-defined caLegories such as SLyle, Colour and Size. 1his
nakes sLock replenishnenL and re-ordering a breeze.
kun sLockLakes on single iLens, parLicular deparLnenLs}caLegories, or
on all iLens in your sLore. PrinL barcode labels for sLock iLens and
packing slips Lo use as checklisLs.
SeL up low sLock level warnings and auLonaLically creaLe purchase
orders for sLock LhaL has fallen below iLs nininun quanLiLy.
Configure Packages}KiLs which allows you Lo creaLe one nasLer iLen
which includes a nunber of oLher iLens as conponenLs. CreaL for
gifL sLores and Lhe like.
SLreanline your sLockLaking
keduce sLockLake Line and nininise sLock losses by keeping Lrack of
your invenLory.
ou can scan or Lype producLs in direcLly, and run a sLockLake on Lhe
whole sLore, parL of Lhe sLore, or a single iLen.
ou can also keep close Labs on LhefL and shrinkage.

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