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W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential o !

preadin" Wit#out $ermission $a"e 1 of 68

$rodu%t name WC'() R $ $rodu%t &ersion +,1

Confidentiality le&el For internal use only *otal 68 pa"es

W-RF Optimization Operations Guide

-For internal use only.
$repared /y Re&iewed /y He Fen"min" 0ie 1#i/in2 3iao )n4ian"2 Hua 5unlon"2 Hu Wensu2 Wan 6ian"2 )i Hua2 and 5an 6in 'ate 'ate 200601-18 20060+-17

Re&iewed /y )ppro&ed /y

8in 5an

'ate 'ate


Huawei *e%#nolo"ies Co,2 6td,

)ll Ri"#ts Reser&ed
W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential o !preadin" Wit#out $ermission $a"e 2 of 68

Revision Records
Date 200912-07 20070+-02 200601-18 200602-2> Revised version 1,00 1,01 +,0 Description :nitial transmittal Re&isin" it a%%ordin" to re&iew !implifyin" tas<s of RF optimization2 en#an%in" opera/ility2 and addin" %ontent /ased on =$: optimization Repla%in" C8* met#od wit# indoor test? Clarifyin" solution s%ale of interferen%e and a%%ess pro/lems? 'eletin" %ontent of remo&in" nei"#/or %ells? updatin" RF optimization flow %#at Author 1#ou 0in;ie 1#ou 0in;ie He Fen"min" He Fen"min"


W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential o !preadin" 2006+,02 Remo&in" %ontent of repeaters and He Wit#out $ermission $a"e + of 68


updatin" partial %ases? addin" %ases for %luster di&ision? Com/inin" /lind %o&era"e and %o&era"e &oids to wea< %o&era"e? Chapter 1 Introduction to RF addin" simple met#od for remo&in" Optimization..................................................................................10 nei"#/or %ells 1,1 Contents of RF Optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10 2006- +,0+ )%%ordin" to t#e re&iew /y %#an"e %ontrol He 1,2 'o%ument 09-18 /oard -CC@.2 %#an"in" t#e inter&al of A$ Fen"min" !tru%ture,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10 tests to 17s2 addin" ot#er simple %auses to im/alan%e of uplin< and downlin<2 Chapter 2 Basic Processes for RF %orre%tin" some "rammati%al mista<es, Optimization.........................................................................12 2,1 Flow C#at of RF 2006- +,1 )ddin" H!'$)-related %ontent? %#an"in" Wu 5ue Optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12 07-1+ t#e RF optimization o/;e%ti&es of unloaded and Wan" 2,2 'etailed !e%tions of RF RBB and H!'$) networ<s in ur/an and 'e<ai Optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1+ su/ur/an areas 2,2,1 *est $reparations,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1+ 2,2,2 'ata Colle%tion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19 2,2,+ $ro/lem )nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19 Chapter !est Preparations..........................................................................................................1" +,1 'e%idin" Optimization Goal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16 +,2 'i&idin" Clusters,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20 +,+ 'e%idin" *est Route,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21 +,9 $reparin" *ools and 'ata,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22 +,9,1 $reparin" !oftware,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22 +,9,2 $reparin" Hardware,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22 +,9,+ $reparin" 'ata,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2+ Chapter # Data Co$$ection..............................................................................................................2# 9,1 'ri&e *est,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27 9,1,1 '* *ypes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27 9,1,2 !ettin" '* :ndeCes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27 1% &tart 'ene( Pro)e 1. soft*are..............................................................................................2+ 2% &e$ect Confi,uration - &.stem Confi, - !est P$an..............................................................2+ % &et D! inde(es as sho*n in Fi,ure #/1.................................................................................2+ Figure 4-1 !ettin" '*..........................................................................................................................2+

met#od for !HO Fa%tor /ased on '*? *a/le of Contents

/aseline? )ddin" optimization tar"et and


9,2 :ndoor *est,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26 9,+ Colle%tin" R C Confi"uration 'ata,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26 Chapter + Covera,e Pro)$em Ana$.sis.........................................................................................20 7,1 Co&era"e $ro/lem *ypes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28 7,1,1 Wea< %o&era"e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28 7,1,2 Cross-%ell Co&era"e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2B 7,1,+ Dn/alan%ed Dplin< and 'ownlin<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+0 7,1,9 o $rimary $ilot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+0 7,2 Co&era"e )nalysis $ro%esses,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+1 7,2,1 'ownlin< Co&era"e )nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+1 7,2,2 Dplin< Co&era"e )nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+9 Figure 5-4 'istri/ution of DE transmit power...................................................................................... + 7,+ Co&era"e $ro/lem Cases,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+6 7,+,1 Wea< Co&era"e Cases 'ue to :mproper En"ineerin" $arameters,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+6 7,+,2 Cross-%ell Co&era"e 'ue to :mproper ode@ 6o%ation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+> 7,+,+ Co&era"e Restri%tion 'ue to :mproper :nstallation of )ntennas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+B Chapter " Pi$ot Po$$ution Pro)$em Ana$.sis.................................................................................#1 6,1 $ilot $ollution 'efinition and 3ud"ment !tandards,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91 6,1,1 'efinition,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91 6,1,2 3ud"ment !tandards,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91 6,2 Causes and :nfluen%e )nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91 6,2,1 Causes )nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91 6,2,2 :nfluen%e )nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9+ 6,+ !olutions to $ilot $ollution,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99 6,+,1 )ntenna )d;ustment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99 6,+,2 $:CH $ower )d;ustment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97 6,+,+ Dsin" RRD or (i%ro Cells,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96

W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential o !preadin" Wit#out $ermission $a"e 9 of 68

6,9 $ro%ess for )nalyzin" $ilot $ollution $ro/lem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98 6,7 Optimization Cases for Eliminatin" $ilot $ollution,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9B 6,7,1 'ata )nalysis /efore Optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9B 6,7,2 'ata )nalysis after Optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79 Chapter 1 2andover Pro)$em Ana$.sis.........................................................................................+" >,1 ei"#/or Cell Optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76 >,1,1 '* 'ata )nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76 >,1,2 Remo&in" Redundant ei"#/or Cells,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61 >,2 !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* )nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62 >,2,1 'efinition of !HO Fa%tor /ased on '*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62 >,2,2 General $rin%iples and (et#ods in Optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62 Chapter 0 Ad3ustment 4ethods....................................................................................................."# Chapter 5 &ummar........................................................................................................................."+ Chapter 10 Appendi(6 Covera,e 7nhancement !echno$o,ies.................................................."" 10,1 Co&era"e-en#an%in" *e%#nolo"ies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66 10,1,1 *()s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66 10,1,2 Re%ei&e and *ransmit 'i&ersity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66 10,1,+ RRD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66 10,1,9 (i%ro Cells,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66 References6...................................................................................................................................." 0
W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential o !preadin" Wit#out $ermission $a"e 7 of 68

6ist of *a/les

Table3-1 6istof RF "oals,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16 Table 3-2 Re%ommended software optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22 Table 3-3 Re%ommended #ardware optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22 for for

optimization RF RF /efore to /e

Table 3-4 'ata to /e %olle%ted optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2+ Table 4-1 Confi"ured parameters %#e%<ed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2>

W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential !preadin" Wit#out $ermission $a"e 6 of 68

6ist of Fi"ures
Figure 2-1 RF optimization %#at,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1+ Figure 3-1 'i&ided %lusters pro;e%t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21 in flow a

Figure 4-1 !ettin" '*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27 Figure 5-1 R!C$ for 1st !er&i%eCell,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+2 Figure 5-2 'istri/ution of pilot !C !er&i%eCell,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,++ Figure 5-3 )nalyzin" %omparison %o&era"e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+9 of for DE DE $lant $lant t#e and 1st @est @est s%anner transmit -/efore -after /efore areas /lo%<ed after /y

Figure 5-4 'istri/ution of power,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+7 Figure 5-5 Co&era"e near 0ia;iao optimization.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+6 Figure 5-6 Co&era"e near 0ia;iao optimization.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+> !u"ar !u"ar

Figure 5-7 Cross-%ell %o&era"e optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+8 Figure 5-8 Few %ross-%ell %o&era"e optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+B Figure 5-9 Co&era"e restri%tion roof,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+B due to antenna /y improper antenna distri/ution

Figure 5-10 Optimizin" antennas feeders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90 Figure 6-1 $ilot pollution due azimut#,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99 Figure 6-2 $ilot pollution due tilt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97 Figure 6-3 $ilot pollution due %ells,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96 to to to improper improper

ad;ustin" antenna down of

Figure 6-4 $ilot pollution due fa%tors,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9> Figure 6-5 !ur&ey p#oto of ea%# pollution,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98 %ell

to related near near near near near near to

am/ient pilot 5uCin" 5uCin" 5uCin" 5uCin" 5uCin" 5uCin" 5uCin"

Figure 6-6 $ilot pollution Rd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9B Figure 6-7 @est !er&i%eCell Rd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70 Figure 6-8 *#e 2nd /est !er&i%eCell Rd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70 Figure 6-9 *#e +rd /est !er&i%eCell Rd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71 Figure 6-10 *#e 9t# /est Rd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71 Figure 6-11 Composition of pilot Rd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,72 !er&i%eCell pollution

Figure 6-12 R!!: near Rd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,72 Figure 6-13 R!C$ of @est Rd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7+ !er&i%eCell %ell 5uCin" 5uCin" near near for analysis 5uCin" 5uCin" ;ud"in" report /y near near Rd, Rd, Rd, Rd,

5uCin" 5uCin" after after after after nei"#/or usin"


Figure 6-14 R!C$ of !C2>0 Rd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7+ Figure 6-15 $ilot pollution near optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79 Figure 6-16 @est !er&i%eCell near optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79 Figure 6-17 R!C$ of /est !er&i%eCell optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77 Figure 6-18 R!C$ of !C2>0 %ell optimization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77 Figure 7-1 C#an"in" %onditions %ells,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7> Figure 7-2 Generatin" nei"#/or )ssistant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78 %ell

W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential !preadin" Wit#out $ermission $a"e > of 68

Figure 7-3 Result of missin" %ells,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7B Figure 7-4 Aariation of a%ti&e drop,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60 Figure 7-5 Aariation of a%ti&e drop,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60 set set E%F:o E%F:o re%orded re%orded /y of /y DE

nei"#/or /efore /efore %all %all @est



Figure 7-6 R!C$ for %andidate !er&i%eCell,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6+


W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential !preadin" Wit#out $ermission $a"e 8 of 68

W-RF Optimization Guide

8e. *ordsG WC'()2 networ< optimization2 and RF optimization A)stractG *#is do%ument des%ri/es tas<s to /e %ompleted durin" RF optimization sta"e in WC'() networ< optimization, *#e tas<s in%lude RF optimization "oal2 flow2 pro%edure2 input and output2 and pre%autions %on%ernin" RF optimization, and a))reviationsG

W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential Wit#out $ermission $a"e B of 68 o !preadin" and a))reviations C$:CH '* =$: ((6 OC ! O(C $! RF R C R!C$ R*W$ A:C A:$ A$ R O *() H!'$) C8:

Fu$$ spe$$in, Common $ilot C#annel 'ri&e *est =ey $erforman%e :ndi%ator (an (a%#ine 6an"ua"e Ort#o"onal C#annel oise !imulator Operation and (aintenan%e Center $a%<et-!wit%#ed domain Radio Fre4uen%y Radio etwor< Controller

Re%ei&ed !i"nal Code $ower Re%ei&ed *otal Wide/and $ower Aery :mportant Cell Aery :mportant $eople Aideo $#one Radio etwor< $lannin"

*ower (ounted )mplifier Hi"# !peed 'ownlin< $a%<et )%%ess C#annel 8uality :ndi%ator

W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential o !preadin" wit#out $ermission $a"e 10 of 68

1 Introduction to RF Optimization

'urin" RF optimization sta"e2 as one of R O2 you optimize radio fre4uen%y -RF. si"nals, *#is aims to %ontrol pilot pollution and !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* in optimizin" si"nal %o&era"e2 so t#at t#e distri/ution of radio si"nals is normal in neCt ser&i%e parameters optimization sta"e,

1,1 Contents of RF Optimization

RF optimization in%ludes t#e followin" aspe%tsG


si"nal %o&era"e optimization :t in%ludes t#e followin" two partsG Wea< %o&era"e optimization for ensurin" seamless %o&era"e /y pilot si"nals in t#e networ< + $rimary pilot %ell optimization for ensurin" proper %o&era"e areas /y ea%# primary pilot %ell2 %lear ed"e of primary pilot %ells2 and t#at alternation of primary pilot %ells is redu%ed as possi/le, $ilot pollution optimization $ilot pollution refers to t#at eC%essi&e pilot of approCimately e4ui&alent stren"t# %o&er an area wit#out a primary pilot, $ilot pollution mi"#t %ause in%reasin" of downlin< interferen%e2 %all drop due to fre4uent #ando&er2 low networ< %apa%ity, *#e pro/lems must /e sol&ed /y ad;ustin" en"ineerin" parameters, Hando&er optimization :t %onsists of two partsG 6 C#e%<in" missin" nei"#/or %ells2 &erifyin" and perfe%tin" list of nei"#/or %ells2 sol&in" #ando&er2 %all drop2 and downlin< interferen%e pro/lems, > Ensurin" proper !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* /y ad;ustin" en"ineerin" parameters properly, 2

1,2 'o%ument !tru%ture

*#is do%ument %onsists of t#e followin" %#aptersG

1 2 + 9 7 6 0 1 2 +

C#apter C#apter

1 :ntrodu%tion to RF Optimization 2 @asi% $ro%esses for RF Optimization C#apter + *est $reparations C#apter 9 'ata Colle%tion C#apter 7 Co&era"e $ro/lem )nalysis C#apter 6 $ilot $ollution $ro/lem )nalysis

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> Hando&er $ro/lem )nalysis C#apter 8 )d;ustment (et#ods C#apter B !ummary C#apter 10 )ppendiC

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2 Basic Processes for RF Optimization

On%e all t#e sites are installed and &erifi%ation is %omplete2 RF optimization starts, :n some situations for a ti"#t s%#edule2 RF optimization mi"#t start after t#e %onstru%tion of partial sites is %omplete, RF optimization is usually performed after 80H of total sites in a %luster are %onstru%ted, RF optimization sta"e is one ma;or sta"e of R O, :t aims at t#e followin" aspe%tsG

1 2 +

Optimizin" Control

si"nal %o&era"e pilot pollution Control !HO Fa%tor /ased on '*

RF optimization also in&ol&es optimizin" list of nei"#/or %ells,

W#en t#e indeCes li<e '* and traffi% measurement after RF ad;ustment meets =$: re4uirements2 RF optimization sta"e ends, Ot#erwise you must reanalyze data and ad;ust parameters repeatedly until all =$: re4uirements are met, )fter RF optimization2 R O %omes to parameter optimization sta"e,

2,1 Flow C#at of RF Optimization

RF optimization in%ludes t#e followin" four partsG

1 2 + 9


preparations %olle%tion $ro/lem analysis $arameter ad;ustment


0 s#ows t#e RF optimization flow %#at,

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RF optimization flow %#at :n 02 t#e data %olle%tion2 pro/lem analysis2 and parameter ad;ustment mi"#t /e repeatedly performed a%%ordin" to optimization "oal and a%tual on-site situations until RF indeCes meet =$: re4uirements,

2,2 'etailed !e%tions of RF Optimization 2,2,1 *est $reparations

'urin" test preparations2 pro%eed as /elowG
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'e%ide =$: "oals for optimization a%%ordin" to t#e %ontra%t 'i&ide %lusters properly and de%ide test route wit# t#e operator *#e =$: test a%%eptan%e route is espe%ially important, $repare tools and materials for RF optimization *#is ensures smoot# RF optimization,

2,2,2 'ata Colle%tion

Colle%t t#e followin" dataG


7 6

and s%anner data Colle%t DE and s%anner data /y t#e followin" met#odsG '* :ndoor test !i"nalin" tra%in" Call data tra%in" at R C side Confi"uration data *#e %onfi"uration data and t#e %all data tra%in" #elp to lo%ate pro/lems, 2 + 9 'ata %olle%tion is a pre%ondition for pro/lem analysis,

2,2,+ $ro/lem )nalysis

5ou %an lo%ate pro/lems /y analyzin" %olle%ted data, )fter analyzin" %o&era"e pro/lems2 pilot pollution pro/lems2 and #ando&er pro/lems2 pro&ide %orrespondin" ad;ustment solutions, )fter ad;ustment2 test t#e ad;ustment result, :f t#e test result %annot meet =$: re4uirements2 reanalyze pro/lems and read;ust parameters until all =$: re4uirements are met, 'ue to wea< %o&era"e2 pilot pollution2 and missin" nei"#/or %ells2 t#e followin" pro/lems are related to lo%ationG

1 2 +

'ownlin< )%%ess

interferen%e pro/lems Call drop pro/lems

9 *#e pre&ious pro/lems o%%ur re"ularly, 5ou %an sol&e t#em /y repeated optimization, :f t#e %o&era"e is "ood2 pilot pollution and missin" nei"#/or %ells are not present2 t#e a%%ess and %all drop pro/lems need to /e sol&ed durin" parameter optimization sta"e, 5ou %an refer to %orrespondin" "uide/oo<s, *#e period for sol&in" uplin< interferen%e pro/lems -R*W$ is o&er #i"# /ut no #i"# traffi% mat%#es it. is lon"2 e&en as lon" as t#e RF optimization ends, For solutions2 see WCDMA Interference Solution Guide, Output an updated list of en"ineerin" parameters and list of %ell parameters after RF optimization, *#e list of en"ineerin" parameters refle%ts ad;ustment of
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en"ineerin" parameters -su%# as down tilt and azimut#. durin" RF optimization sta"e, *#e list of %ell parameters refle%ts t#e ad;ustment of %ell parameters -su%# as nei"#/or %ell %onfi"uration. durin" RF optimization sta"e,
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1 2 !est Preparations
*est preparations in%lude t#e followin" four aspe%tsG

1 2 + 9 9

'e%idin" 'i&idin"

optimization "oal %lusters 'e%idin" '* route $reparin" tools and data

+,1 'e%idin" Optimization Goal

*#e <ey of RF optimization is to sol&e pro/lems as /elowG

1 2 +


%o&era"e $ilot pollution Hi"# !HO Fa%tor /ased on '*

7 )%tually2 different operators mi"#t #a&e different standards on =$: re4uirements2 indeC definition2 and attention, *#erefore t#e RF optimization "oal is to meet t#e %o&era"e and #ando&er =$: re4uirements in t#e %ontra%t -%ommer%ial deployment offi%es. or plannin" report -trial offi%es., 'efine t#e indeCes as re4uired /y %ontra%t as /elowG *#e indeC definition is t#e per%enta"e ratio of t#e samplin" points wit# t#e indeC -su%# as C$:CH E%F:o. "reater t#an t#e referen%e &alue in all samplin" points, Dsually after RF optimization2 t#e networ< must meet t#e indeC re4uirements listed in 0, 9ote6 0 pro&ides referen%e indeCes2 only for "uidin" R O en"ineers to %larify t#e RF optimization o/;e%ti&es2 not for a%tual pro;e%t /iddin", 'ifferent pro;e%ts may #a&e different indeCes, *#e %ontra%t de%ides t#e a%tual indeCes and &alues, 0 lists t#e RF optimization o/;e%ti&es a%%ordin" to analysis of and su""estion to %o&era"e /y eCistin" networ<, 6ist of RF optimization o/;e%ti&es in RBB networ<s Inde( Reference Remar:s

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C$:CH E%F:o I J Bd@

I B>H in ur/an area

)%%ordin" to test result from t#e s%anner2 in unloaded and outdoor %onditions2 in plannin" %o&era"e areas2 test in a "rid-li<e route to %o&er all %ells,

I B>H in su/ur/an area C$:CH R!C$ I JB7d@m I B8H in ur/an area )%%ordin" to test result from t#e s%anner2 in unloaded and outdoor %onditions2 in plannin" %o&era"e areas2 test in a "rid-li<e route to %o&er all %ells, *#e %o&era"e le&el re4uest is /asi%, :f operators #a&e penetration loss re4uest2 add t#e penetration loss to t#e %o&era"e le&el,

I B7H in su/ur/an area

!HO Fa%tor /ased on '* $ilot pollution ratio


*#e !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* s#ould /e 7H to 10H lower t#an t#e "oal2 /e%ause t#e followin" optimizations %ause t#e soft #ando&er fa%tor to in%rease J

K 7H

*#e RF optimization of H!'$) ser&i%es aims to impro&e t#e distri/ution of DE C8:, )%%ordin" to t#eoreti%al analysis2 t#e C8: reported /y DE and $C$:CH E%F t #a&e relations#ip as /elowG C8:DE L E%F t$C$:CH M ($O M 10lo"16 M 9,7d@ W#erein2 1 t L -1- a. N :or M :o% M o 2 a is t#e ort#o"onal fa%tor + lor is t#e si"nals of ser&in" %ell 9 lo% is t#e interferen%e si"nals from nei"#/or %ells 7 o is t#e t#ermal noise 6 :o L :or M :o% M o
*#erefore2 $C$:CH E%F t is approCimately e4ual to $C$:CH E%F:o, ($O L (in -1+2Cell(aC$ower J$%pi%#$ower J ($OConstant. *#e maCimum transmit power of a %ell is usually 9+ d@m2 and t#e pilot %#annel power is ++ d@m, W#en ($OConstant is 2,7 d@2 t#e default %onfi"uration /y R C2 t#e ($O is >,7 d@,
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*#e 9,7 d@ is o/tained a%%ordin" to t#e linear relations#ip /etween t#e ! R of all t#e su/s%ri/erOs H!-$'!CHs and t#e %orrespondin" C8:s, amely2 ! R L J9,7d@ M C8:DE2 and ! R L E%F tH!-$'!CH M 10lo"16, W#en %al%ulatin" C8:DE at DE side2 t#e DE assumes t#at t#e total transmit power of H!-$'!CH is $H!-'!CH L $$C$:CH M ($O, W#erein2 $$C$:CH is t#e transmit power of $C$:CH, *#erefore2 E%F tH!-$'!CH L E%F t$C$:CH M ($O, )s a result2 t#e C8: reported /y DE is as /elowG C8:DE L E%F t$C$:CH M ($O M 10lo"16 M 9,7d@ )%%ordin" to pre&ious analysis2 t#e offset /etween C8: DE and $C$:CH E%F:o is 29 d@, *#erefore2 in terms of a%tual optimization2 to optimize C8: is to optimize E%F:o, )ssume t#at t#e %ell power is dynami%ally distri/uted /etween RBB and H!'$) networ<s, )fter re%ei&in" C8:DE from DE2 t#e ode@ ad;ust t#e C8: as /elowG *#e C8: ad;usted /y ($O . M C8:DE, W#erein2 ode@2 C8:

L - $%ell - $%ommon J $RBB J $H!-!CCH J -$$C$:CH M

$%ell is

t#e maCimum transmit power of %ell

2 + 9

$%ommon is

t#e CCH power of %ell $RBB is t#e power of downlin< asso%iated '$CH for RBB or H!'$) su/s%ri/ers, $H!-!CCH is t#e H!-!CCH power,


1 2 + 9 7

$%ell L

9+ d@m $%ommon is 20H of total power of %ell o RBB su/s%ri/ers are in t#e %ell $RBB is too low to ne"le%t $H!-!CCH is 7H of total power of %ell

*#erefore2 C8:

L 1 M C8:DE

)%%ordin" to eCperien%e in a%tual test2 /ased on t#e differen%e /etween t#e E%F:o from s%anner and t#e E%F:o from DE2 reser&e a mar"in of 1 d@, )t t#e ed"e of %ell2 an H!'$) su/s%ri/er may o%%upy total power of %ell2 so t#e t#rou"#put rate at %ell ed"e is e4ui&alent to t#e t#rou"#put rate at %ell ed"e for t#e sin"le su/s%ri/er, lists t#e relations#ip amon" t#e C8: reported /y DE2 pilot E%F:o2 and t#rou"#put rate at ()C-H! layer -($O L >,7 d@.,
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Relations#ip amon" t#e C8: reported /y DE2 pilot E%F:o2 and t#rou"#put rate at ()C-H! layer 5 - C;I !u/s%ri/ersO feelin" t#rou"#put rate at ()C-H! layer for sin"le su/s%ri/er E%F:o 1+ - C;I < 5 $oor 0J+20 <p/s PJ 17d@ Fair +20 </ps to1,+B (/ps J17d@ to J Bd@ C;I < 1+ Good P 1,+B (/ps I J Bd@

*#e t#rou"#put rate pro&ided in is /ased on t#e test in t#e followin" %onditionsG 1 *#e %odes and lu/ are not restri%ted, 2 *#e %ate"ory 12 DE #as a su/s%ri/ed rate of 2 (p/s, + *#e su/s%ri/ed type is /a%<"round or intera%ti&e ser&i%e 9 $ower is dynami%ally distri/uted, amely2 wit#out RBB su/s%ri/ers2 all t#e 7
power is used /y t#e H!'$) su/s%ri/er to "uarantee rate as #i"# as possi/le, )%%ordin" to t#e re4uirements on RF optimization of unloaded RBB networ<2 t#e C$:CH E%F:o I JB d@, )fter H!'$) is introdu%ed2 power is dynami%ally distri/uted2 and t#e sin"le H!'$) su/s%ri/er at %ell ed"e uses all t#e power, (eanw#ile2 t#e downlin< load rea%#es B0H2 and C$:CH E%F:o I 17,7d@,

:f operatorsO re4uirement on t#rou"#put rate at %ell ed"e is not t#e re%ommended &alues as listed in 2 sear%# t#e re4uired &alue in 0, 0 lists t#e mappin" relations#ip of H!'$) Cato"ory12 DE C8: and *@ size, *#e C8:s t#at is lar"er t#an 1+ or smaller t#an 7 are eC%luded, *#e rate at ()C-H! layer for t#e su/s%ri/er is -*@size F 2ms. N -1 J @6ER.2 w#erein2 t#e @6ER is 10H, (appin" relations#ip of H!'$) Cato"ory12 DE C8: and *@ size C;I 7 6 > 8 B !B &ize +67 +67 +67 >11 >11

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10 11 12 1+

1077 1907 1>92 208+

)s pre&iously mentioned2 to optimize H!'$) is to optimize E%F:o of tar"et networ<s, *#erefore2 in terms of optimization met#od2 t#e H!'$) and RBB networ<s are %onsistent, *#e followin" optimization flow will not distin"uis# H!'$) networ<s from RBB networ<s, 1 +,2 'i&idin" Clusters
)%%ordin" to t#e features of D(*! te%#nolo"ies2 t#e %o&era"e and %apa%ity are intera%tional and t#e fre4uen%y reuse fa%tor is 1, *#erefore RF optimization must /e performed on a "roup of or a %luster of ode@s at t#e same time instead of performin" RF optimization on sin"le site one /y one, *#is ensures t#at interferen%e from intra-fre4uen%y nei"#/or %ells are %onsidered durin" optimization, )nalyze t#e impa%t of t#e ad;ustment of an indeC on ot#er sites /efore ad;ustment, 'i&idin" %lusters in&ol&es appro&al /y t#e operator, *#e followin" fa%tors must /e %onsidered upon di&idin" %lustersG

0 1 2 +


to eCperien%es2 t#e num/er of ode@s in a %luster depends on t#e a%tual situation, 17J27 ode@s in a %luster is re%ommended, *oo many or few ode@s in a %luster is improper, ) %luster must not %o&er different areas of test -plannin". full %o&era"e ser&i%es, Refer to t#e di&ided %lusters for networ< pro;e%t maintenan%e of t#e operator, 6andform fa%tor 6andforms affe%t si"nal propa"ation, (ountains /lo%< si"nal propa"ation2 so t#ey are natural /orders for di&idin" %lusters, Ri&ers %auses a lon"er propa"ation distan%e2 so t#ey affe%t di&idin" %lusters in &arious aspe%ts,

9 7

:f a ri&er is narrow2 t#e si"nals alon" two /an<s will intera%t, :f t#e transportation /etween two /an<s allows2 di&ide sites alon" t#e two /an<s in t#e same %luster, :f a ri&er is wide2 t#e upstream and downstream will intera%t, :n t#is situation2 t#e transportation /etween two /an<s is in%on&enient2 di&idin" %lusters /y t#e /an< a%%ordin" to a%tual situation, ) %ell-li<e %luster is mu%# usual t#an a strip-li<e %luster, )dministrati&e areas W#en t#e %o&era"e area in&ol&es se&eral administrati&e areas2 di&ide %lusters a%%ordin" to administrati&e areas, *#is is easily a%%epta/le /y t#e operator, '* wor<load *#e '* must /e performed wit#in a day for a %luster, ) '* ta<es a/out four #ours, 0 s#ows di&ided %lusters in a pro;e%t,

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'i&ided %lusters in a pro;e%t :n 0G

1 2 + 9 7 +


and 3@09 /elon"s to dense ur/an areas, 3@01 /elon"s to eCpress way areas, 3@022 3@072 3@062 and 3@0> /elon" to ur/an areas, 3@08 /elon"s to su/ur/an area, *#e num/er of ode@s in a %luster is 18J22,

+,+ 'e%idin" *est Route

Confirm t#e =$: '* a%%eptan%e route wit# t#e operator /efore '*, :f t#e operator already #as a de%ided '* a%%eptan%e route2 you must %onsider t#is upon de%idin" t#e =$: '* a%%eptan%e route, :f t#e o/;e%ti&e fa%tors li<e networ< layout %annot fully meet t#e %o&era"e re4uirements of de%ided test route /y t#e operator2 you must point t#is out, *#e =$: '* a%%eptan%e route is t#e %ore route of RF optimization test routes, :ts optimization is t#e %ore of RF optimization, *#e followin" tas<s2 su%# as parameter optimization and a%%eptan%e2 are /ased on =$: '* a%%eptan%e route, *#e =$: '* a%%eptan%e route must %o&er ma;or streets2 important lo%ation2 A:$2

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and A:C, *#e '* route s#ould %o&er all %ells as possi/le, *#e initial test and final test must %o&er all %ells, :f time is enou"#2 %o&er all streets in t#e planned area, Dse t#e same '* route in e&ery test to %ompare performan%es more a%%urately, Round-trip '* is performed if possi/le, Consider a%tual fa%tors li<e lanes and left-turn restri%tion w#ile de%idin" test route, @efore ne"otiatin" wit# t#e operator2 %ommuni%ate t#ese fa%tors wit# lo%al dri&ers for w#et#er t#e route is a%%epta/le,

+,9 $reparin" *ools and 'ata

$repare ne%essary software -listed in 0.2 #ardware -listed in 0.2 and &arious data -listed in 0.2 /e%ause t#e followin" test and analysis are /ased on t#em,

+,9,1 $reparin" !oftware

0 lists t#e re%ommended software for RF optimization Re%ommended software for RF optimization 9o. 1 2 + &oft*are GeneC $ro/e GeneC )ssistant GeneC astar (apinfo '* )nalyzin" '* data and %#e%<in" nei"#/or %ells )nalyzin" performan%e2 %#e%<in" #ealt#2 and lo%atin" pro/lems 'isplayin" maps and "eneratin" route data Function Remar:s )/o&e A1,+ )/o&e A1,+ J

+,9,2 $reparin" Hardware

0 lists t#e re%ommended #ardware for RF optimization Re%ommended #ardware for RF optimization 9o. 1 2 Device !%anner *est terminal and data line &pecification '*: !%anner D6262 E6202 8ual%omm2 and so on J )t least two test terminals, :f t#ere is Remar:s

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H!'$) re4uest2 use t#e data %ard E620, D626 does not support H!'$),

+ 9

6aptop Ae#i%le mounted in&erter

$(1,+GF712(F20GFD!@FCO(F$R 'C to )C2 o&er +00W


+,9,+ $reparin" 'ata

0 lists t#e data to /e %olle%ted /efore optimization 'ata to /e %olle%ted /efore optimization 9o. 1 2 + 9 9eeded data 6ist of en"ineerin" parameters (ap =$: re4uirements etwor< %onfi"uration parameters !ur&ey report !in"le site &erifi%ation %#e%<list Floor plan of t#e tar"et /uildin"s =hether is necessar. 5es 5es 5es 5es J @y (apinfo or in paper J J Remar:s

7 6 >

o o 5es

J J For indoor test

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# Data Co$$ection

'urin" RF optimization sta"e2 t#e <ey is t#e optimization of radio si"nals distri/ution2 wit# t#e ma;or means of '* and indoor test, @efore test2 %onfirm wit# t#e %ustomer %are en"ineers t#e followin" aspe%tsG

1 2


t#e tar"et ode@s2 R Cs2 and related C are a/normal due to /ein" disa/led2 /lo%<ed2 %on"ested2 and transmission alarms, W#et#er t#e alarms #a&e ne"ati&e impa%t on t#e &alidity of test result data, :f t#e alarms eCist2 sol&e t#e pro/lems /efore test,

2 '* is a ma;or test, Colle%t s%anner and DE data of radio si"nals /y '* test, *#e data is appli%a/le in analyzin" %o&era"e2 #ando&er2 and pilot pollution pro/lems, :ndoor test in&ol&es t#e followin" areasG

1 2 +


%o&era"e areas :ndoor %o&era"e areas in%lude inside /uildin"s2 department stores2 and su/ways, :nside areas of important fa%ilities :nside areas of important fa%ilities in%lude "ymnasiums and "o&ernment offi%es, )reas re4uired /y t#e operator )reas re4uired /y t#e operator in%lude A:C and A:$, *est t#e pre&ious areas to lo%ate2 analyze2 and sol&e t#e RF pro/lems,

:ndoor test also in&ol&es in optimizin" #ando&er of indoor and outdoor intrafre4uen%y2 inter-fre4uen%y2 and inter-system, *#e '* and indoor test durin" RF optimization sta"e is /ased on A$ ser&i%e, )%%ordin" to t#e %ontra%t -%ommer%ial deployment offi%es. and plannin" report -trial offi%es.2 if seamless %o&era"e /y A$ ser&i%e is impossi/le in areas2 su%# as2 su/ur/an areas and rural areas2 t#e test is /ased on &oi%e ser&i%es, For areas wit# seamless %o&era"e /y $!+89= ser&i%e or H!'$) ser&i%e re4uired /y t#e %ontra%t -%ommer%ial deployment offi%e. or plannin" report -trial offi%e.2 su%# as offi%e /uildin"s2 press %enters2 and #ot spot areas2 t#e test is /ased on t#e a/o&e ser&i%es,
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1 2

9,1 'ri&e *est 9,1,1 '* *ypes

)%%ordin" to different full %o&era"e ser&i%es in t#e planned areas2 '* mi"#t /e one of t#e followin"G


1 2 + +

O 65 %ontinuous %all test /y usin" s%anner M unloaded A$ )%%ordin" to simulation result and eCperien%es2 if t#e test result meets re4uirements on A$ ser&i%e %o&era"e2 t#e test result will also meet identi%al %o&era"e re4uirements of $!199=2 $!128=2 and $!69= ser&i%es, +G O 65 %ontinuous %all test /y usin" s%anner M unloaded &oi%e ser&i%e +G O 65 %ontinuous %all test /y usin" s%anner M unloaded $!+89= +G O 65 %ontinuous %all test /y usin" s%anner M unloaded H!'$)

9,1,2 !ettin" '* :ndeCes

*#e followin" para"rap#s ta<e A$ ser&i%e for eCample, !ettin" '* indeCes pro%eeds as /elowG !tart GeneC $ro/e 1,+ software !ele%t Confi,uration P &.stem Confi, P !est P$an !et '* indeCes as s#own in 0 For settin" &oi%e2 $!+89=2 and H!'$) ser&i%es2 see WCDMA Test Guide 3.1, !ettin" '* For settin" '*2 see t#e followin" ta/le, Inde( Ena/le 4eanin, W#et#er to implement implementation, Fa$se t#is indeC, !rue for

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for non-implementation, *#e re%ommended &alue is !rue, Call um/er !etup Called num/er, W#et#er t#e %alled terminal supports A$ must /e %onfirmed, *#e maCimum time for settin" up %alls, :t ran"es

*ime -s. Callin" *ime -s. :dle *ime -s. Call Count

from 20J+0s, *#e re%ommended &alue is 27s, *#e time for a sin"le %all from %all start to normal end of %all, !et it "reat enou"# a%%ordin" to a%tual '* route, *#e re%ommended &alue is BBBBBs, Call internal time, *#e re%ommended &alue is 10s, *otal %all times, !et it "reat enou"# a%%ordin" to a%tual '* route, *#e re%ommended &alue is BBB times,

Colle%t %all data tra%in" at R C side w#ile performin" dri&e test, *#is #elp to lo%ate and analyze pro/lems, 'ata to /e %olle%ted in%ludesG 1 *ra%ed si"nalin" messa"es of sin"le su/s%ri/er For t#e detailed des%ription
and %olle%tion met#od of %all tra%in" data2 see WCDMA Equipment Room Oper tions Guide,

9,2 :ndoor *est

G$! si"nals are uno/taina/le in door test, O/tain t#e plan of t#e tar"et area /efore test, :ndoor test %onsists of wal<in" test and &erti%al test, $erform wal<in" test to o/tain #orizontal si"nals distri/ution inside /uildin"s /y sele%tin" Indoor 4easurement P =a$:in, !est, $erform &erti%al test to o/tain &erti%al si"nals distri/ution /y sele%tin" Indoor 4easurement P >ertica$ !est, For t#e detailed met#od2 see WCDMA Test Guide 3.1, :ndoor test ser&i%es are ser&i%es /y seamless %o&era"e re4uired in t#e %ontra%t -%ommer%ial deployment offi%e. or plannin" report -trial offi%e., *#e met#od for indoor test and re4uirements on %olle%tin" %all tra%in" data are t#e same as '*,

9,+ Colle%tin" R C Confi"uration 'ata

'urin" RF optimization sta"e2 %olle%t nei"#/or %ell data of networ< optimization and ot#er data %onfi"ured in R C data/ase, :n addition2 %#e%< w#et#er t#e %onfi"ured data is %onsistent wit# t#e pre&iously %#e%<edFplanned data,
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W#ile %#e%<in" %onfi"ured data2 feed /a%< t#e improperly %onfi"ured data -if found. to produ%t support en"ineers, 'urin" %#e%<in"2 pay spe%ial attention to #ando&er resele%tion parameters and power settin" parameters2 as listed in 0, Confi"ured parameters to /e %#e%<ed

!.pe Hando&er resele%tion parameter

Content to )e chec:ed :ntraFre4 Cell -intra-fre4uen%y nei"#/or %ell. :nterFre4 Cell -inter-fre4uen%y nei"#/or %ell. :nterR)* Cell -inter-system nei"#/or %ell.

$ower %onfi"uration parameter

(aC)llowedD6*C$ower -maCimum uplin< transmit power of DE. $C$:CH$ower -$C$:CH transmit power.

H!'$) %ell %onfi"uration

W#et#er t#e H!'$) %ell is a%ti&ated H!-$'!CH %ode %onfi"uration H!-!CCH %onfi"uration H!-$'!CH and H!-!CCH power %onfi"uration

For #ando&er resele%tion parameters2 %#e%< list of nei"#/or %ells2 in%ludin" intra-fre4uen%y2 inter-fre4uen%y2 and inter-system nei"#/or %ells, Output an updated R dio ! r meter Confi"ur tion D t T #le and parameter re&ision re%ords, *#is is useful in pro/lem analysis and followin" optimization sta"es, Colle%tin" data pro%eeds as /elowG !tart R C 6(* Colle%t ((6 s%ripts Con&ert nei"#/or %ell %onfi"uration data in ((6 s%ripts to EC%el files /y usin" astar !a&e t#e data in t#e format in w#i%# t#e data %an /e imported to )ssistant, For details2 see WCDMA Equipment Room Oper tions Guide and $ st r %ser M nu l,
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+ Covera,e Pro)$em Ana$.sis

Co&era"e pro/lem analysis is <ey to RF optimization, :t in&ol&es si"nal distri/ution, *#e %o&era"e pro/lems to /e analyzed in%ludeG

1 2 +


%o&era"e Cross-%ell %o&era"e Dn/alan%e uplin< and downlin<

9 2 +

o primary pilot %ell

7,1 Co&era"e $ro/lem *ypes 7,1,1 Wea< %o&era"e

Wea< %o&era"e refer to t#at t#e R!C$ of pilot si"nals in a %o&era"e area is smaller t#an JB7 d@m, :t mi"#t /e inG

1 2 + 9 7 6 >


areas Hillside /a%< Ele&ator well *unnel Dnder"round "ara"e @asement )reas inside #i"# /uildin"s

9 :f t#e pilot si"nals are wea<er t#an t#at re4uired /y full %o&era"e ser&i%es -su%# as A$ and $!69=.2 or ;ust meet t#e re4uirements2 if t#e $:CH E%F:o %annot meets t#e lowest re4uirements on full %o&era"e ser&i%es due to in%reased intra-fre4uen%y interferen%e2 pro/lems li<e diffi%ult a%%ess of full %o&era"e ser&i%es will o%%ur, :f t#e R!C$ of pilot si"nals is wea<er t#an t#at of minimum a%%ess t#res#old in a %o&era"e area2 t#e DE %annot %amp on t#e %ell2 so t#e DE drops off t#e networ< due to failin" in lo%ation updatin" and lo%ation re"istration,

For pre&ious pro/lems2 use t#e followin" met#odsG


pilot transmit power2 ad;ust antenna down tilt and azimut#2 in%rease antenna #ei"#t2 use antennas wit# #i"#er "ain to optimize %o&era"e,

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2 +

su/s%ri/ers are a/undant in t#e non-o&erlapped areas of nei"#/or ode@s or t#e non-o&erlapped areas are "reat2 %onstru%t new ode@s or eCpand t#e %o&era"e ran"e of nei"#/or ode@s, *#is ensures a software #ando&er area wit# enou"# "reat size, $ay attention to t#at in%reasin" of %o&era"e areas mi"#t %ause intra-fre4uen%y and inter-fre4uen%y interferen%e, Constru%t new ode@s or add RRD in &alley and #illside /a%< areas wit# wea< %o&era"e to eCpand %o&era"e ran"e, Dse RRD2 indoor distri/uted system2 lea<a"e %a/le2 and dire%tional antenna to sol&e pro/lems in si"nal dead zone li<e ele&ator well2 tunnel2 under"round "ara"e2 /asement2 areas inside /uildin"s,

7,1,2 Cross-%ell Co&era"e

Cross-%ell %o&era"e refers to t#at t#e %o&era"e ran"e of some ode@s is /eyond t#e planned ran"e and dis%ontinuous primary pilot %o&era"e areas form in %o&era"e areas of ot#er ode@s, For eCample2 if t#e ode@s wit# a #ei"#t mu%# #i"#er t#at t#e a&era"e #ei"#t of ad;a%ent /uildin"s transmit si"nals alon" upland or roads o&er far2 a primary pilot

%o&era"e area form in t#e %o&era"e area of ot#er ode@s2 an QislandQ forms, *#erefore2 if a %all a%%esses t#e QislandQ and t#e near/y %ells of t#e QislandQ is not %onfi"ured as t#e nei"#/or %ells2 %all drops on%e t#e DE lea&es t#e island, *#ou"# t#e near/y %ells of t#e QislandQ is %onfi"ured as t#e nei"#/or %ells2 t#e QislandQ is o&er small2 %all also drops due to delayed #ando&er, :f t#e two-side areas alon" a "ulf are improperly planned2 %ross-%ell %o&era"e o%%urs on t#ese areas due to s#ort distan%e /etween two sides of t#e "ulf, Conse4uently2 interferen%e o%%urs,

For t#e pre&ious pro/lems2 use t#e followin" met#odsG


%ross-%ell %o&era"e2 pre&ent antennas from transmittin" si"nals strai"#tforward alon" roads or redu%e %ross-%ell %o&era"e areas /y usin" s#elterin" effe%t of ad;a%ent /uildin"s, (eanw#ile you must a&oid intrafre4uen%y interferen%e to ot#er ode@s, For o&er #i"# ode@s2 %#an"e t#e site, 5ou mi"#t #a&e diffi%ulties in findin" new sites due to property and e4uipment installation, :n addition2 too lar"e me%#anism down tilt %auses a/erration of antenna dire%tion maps, *#erefore you %an eliminate t#e QislandQ effe%t and redu%e ode @ %o&era"e areas /y ad;ustin" pilot transmit power and usin" ele%tri% down tilt,

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7,1,+ Dn/alan%ed Dplin< and 'ownlin<

Dn/alan%ed uplin< and downlin< refers to t#e followin" situations in uplin< and downlin< symmetri% ser&i%esG

1 2


downlin< %o&era"e is "ood /ut t#e uplin< %o&era"e is restri%ted, (ore spe%ifi%2 t#e DE transmit power rea%#es t#e maCimum w#i%# still %annot meet uplin< @6ER re4uirements, *#e downlin< %o&era"e is restri%ted, (ore spe%ifi%2 t#e downlin< 'CH transmit power rea%#es t#e maCimum w#i%# still %annot meet downlin< @6ER re4uirements,

2 :f t#e uplin< and downlin< are un/alan%ed2 %all drops easily, *#e pro/a/le %ause is restri%ted uplin< %o&era"e,

For t#e un/alan%ed uplin< and downlin< pro/lems2 %#e%< for interferen%e /y monitorin" R*W$ alarms of ode@, For t#e met#od2 see WCDMA Interference Solution Guide, Ot#er %auses may lead to un/alan%ed uplin< and downlin<2 su%# asG

1 2 +


and downlin< "ain of repeaters and interferen%e amplifier are faulty, :n an RCF*C deta%# system2 t#e RC di&ersity antenna-feeder system is faulty, ode @ pro/lems2 su%# as power amplifier failure

+ For pre&ious pro/lems2 %#e%< t#e wor< state w#et#er t#ere are alarms2 w#et#er it is normal, !ol&e t#e pro/lem /y repla%in" Es2 isolatin" faulty Es2 and ad;ust Es,


o $rimary $ilot

o primary pilot areas refer to t#e areas w#ere no primary pilot is or t#e primary %ell %#an"es fre4uently, :n no primary pilot areas2 DE #ands o&er fre4uently2 so t#e system effi%ien%y is lowered and pro/a/ility of %all drop in%reases,

:n no primary pilot areas2 you %an en#an%e t#e %o&era"e /y stron" si"nals of a %ell -or near %ells. and redu%e t#e %o&era"e /y wea< si"nals of ot#er %ells -or far %ells. /y ad;ustin" antenna down tilt and azimut#,
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1 2

7,2 Co&era"e )nalysis $ro%esses 7,2,1 'ownlin< Co&era"e )nalysis

'ownlin< %o&era"e analysis in&ol&es analyzin" C$:CH R!C$ o/tained /y dri&e test, *#e 4uality standard of C$:CH R!C$ must /e %om/ined wit# t#e optimization standard, )ssume t#at t#e optimization standard is as /elowG C$:CHRR!C$ I J B7 d@m PL B7H !%anner test result in outdoor unloaded %onditions

*#e %orrespondin" 4uality standard isG 1 Good if C$:CHRR!C$ I ?87 d@m 2 Fair if JB7 d@m K C$:CHRR!C$ S J87 d@m + $oor if C$:CHRR!C$ S JB7 d@m
(ar< t#e areas wit# wea< %o&era"e or %ommon seamless %o&era"e of lar"e areas for furt#er analysis, (ar< t#e areas wit# downlin< %o&era"e &oids2 analyze t#e distan%e relations wit# nei"#/or ode@s and en&ironments2 and %#e%< t#e followin"G

1 2


t#e C$:CH R!C$ of nei"#/or sites is normal W#et#er %o&era"e %an /e en#an%ed /y ad;ustin" antenna down tilt and azimut#,

'urin" ad;ustin" antennas2 a&oid new %o&era"e &oids w#ile eliminatin" some %o&era"e &oids, :f t#e %o&era"e &oids %annot /e eliminated /y ad;ustin" antennas2 %onstru%t sites to sol&e it,

Ana$.zin, Pi$ot Covera,e &tren,th

Dsually2 t#e stron"est R!C$ re%ei&ed /y ea%# s%anner in t#e %o&era"e area must /e a/o&e JB7 d@m, !tart )ssistant, )nalyze s%anner-/ased R&CP for 1st Best &ervice Ce$$2 and you %an o/tain t#e distri/ution of wea< %o&era"e area2 s#own in 0, :n 02 wea< %o&era"e areas wit# R!C$ smaller t#an JB7 d@m in t#e '* route, )%%ordin" to s%anner and DE2 t#e pilot R!C$ is a%%epta/le, :f t#e s%anner antenna is mounted outside t#e %ar2 and t#e DE is inside t#e %ar2 t#ere is a penetration loss

of 7 to > d@, Dse s%anner data to a&oid in%omplete pilot information measured /y DE due to missin" nei"#/or %ells,
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R!C$ for 1st @est !er&i%e Cell

Ana$.zin, Primar. Pi$ot Ce$$

Cell primary pilot analysis is analyzin" %ell s%ram/le information o/tained in '*, *#e %ontent to /e %#e%<ed in%lude -/y )ssistant.G


%o&era"e %ell !tart )ssistant, )nalyze s%anner-/ased R&CP for &C2 and you %an o/tain t#e si"nal distri/ution of ea%# %ell -s%ram/le., )%%ordin" to '* data2 if t#e s%ram/le si"nals of a %ell are not present2 pro/a/ly some sites %annot transmit si"nals durin" test, :f a %ell %annot transmit si"nals durin" '*2 t#e '* of relati&e areas must /e re-performed, Aery wea< %o&era"e mi"#t /e result of /lo%<ed antennas2 so you must %#e%< t#e sur&ey report of t#e site and %#e%< installation of on-site antennas, o -poor. %o&era"e %ell mi"#t /e due to t#at t#e '* route does not %o&er t#e %ell %o&era"e area, :n t#is %ase2 ree&aluate t#e '* route for t#e rationality and perform '* a"ain, Cross-%ell %o&era"e %ell !tart )ssistant, )nalyze s%anner-/ased R&CP for &C2 and you %an o/tain t#e si"nal distri/ution of ea%# %ell -s%ram/le., :f t#e si"nals of a %ell are widely distri/uted2 e&en in t#e nei"#/or %ells and t#e %ells neCt to its nei"#/or %ells2 t#e si"nals of t#e %ell is present2 t#e %ell en%ounters a %ross-%ell %o&era"e w#i%# mi"#t /e due to o&er #i"# site or improper down tilt of antenna, *#e %ross-%ell %o&era"e %ells interferes nei"#/or %ells2 so t#e %apa%ity de%lines, 5ou %an sol&e t#e pro/lem /y in%reasin" t#e down tilt of antenna or lowerin" t#e #ei"#t of antenna, )&oid formin" new wea< %o&era"e areas w#ile sol&in" %ross-%o&era"e pro/lems, $ay spe%ial attention to t#e ad;ustment of en"ineerin" parameters w#i%# mi"#t %ause %o&era"e &oids, @e %onser&ati&e t#at %ross-%ell %o&era"e is /etter t#an %o&era"e &oids if no ot#er %#oi%es are a&aila/le, o primary pilot %ell !tart )ssistant, )nalyze s%anner-/ased &C for 1st Best &ervice Ce$$2 and you %an o/tain t#e s%ram/le distri/ution of t#e /est %ell, :f multiple /est %ells %#an"es fre4uently in an %ell2 t#e %ell is a no primary pilot %ell2 as s#own in 0 o primary pilot %ell forms due to t#e followin" %ausesG 0 Cross-%ell non-seamless %o&era"e due to o&er #i"# site 1 $ilot pollution in some areas 2 Co&era"e &oids at ed"es of %o&era"e areas + *#erefore intra-fre4uen%y interferen%es forms w#i%# %auses pin"-pon" #ando&er and affe%ts performan%es of ser&i%e %o&era"e,

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'istri/ution of pilot !C for t#e 1st @est !er&i%eCell

Ana$.zin, comparison of @7 and &canner Covera,e

(issin" nei"#/or %ells2 improper parameters of soft #ando&er2 %ell sele%tion and resele%tion %ause t#e %onsistent /etween s%anner primary pilot %ell and %amped %ell in idle mode or @est !er&i%e Cell in t#e a%ti&e set in %onne%tion mode of DE, )fter optimization2 t#e E%F:o for 1st @est !er&i%e Cell of DE and s%anner is %onsistent, :n addition2 t#e %o&era"e map of DE is mar<ed /y %lear /orderin" lines of @est !er&i%e Cell2 as 0,

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)nalyzin" %omparison of DE and s%anner %o&era"e

7,2,2 Dplin< Co&era"e )nalysis

*#e %orrespondin" 4uality standard isG

0 1

Good Fair

if C$:CHRR!C$ I ?87 d@m if JB7 d@m K C$:CHRR!C$ S J87 d@m

$oor if C$:CHRR!C$ S JB7 d@m

Dplin< %o&era"e analysis is analyzin" DE transmit power o/tained in '*, *#e 4uality standards of DE transmit power must /e %om/ined wit# optimization standards, )ssume t#e optimization indeCes of DE transmit power as /elowG DER*CR$ower K 10 d@m PL B7H *#e test result of &oi%e ser&i%e /y test #andset, )ssume t#e maCimum transmit power of DE is 21 d@m,

*#e defined %orrespondin" 4uality standards areG 1 Good if DER*CR$ower K 0 d@m 2 Fair if 0 d@m S DER*CR$ower K 10 d@m + $oor if DER*CR$ower P 10 d@m
For areas wit# poor indeC2 ;ud"e w#et#er t#e in%reasin" of DE transmit power is due to %all drop or poor uplin< %o&era"e, Geo"rap#i%ally displayed on t#e map2
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*#e former is as a point of sudden in%rement wit# %all drop w#ile t#e latter is an area wit# seamless %o&era"e unne%essarily wit# %all drop, (ar< t#e areas wit# wea< %o&era"e or lar"e %ommon seamless %o&era"e for furt#er analysis, C#e%< w#et#er downlin< C$:CH R!C$ %o&era"e &oids eCist in t#e areas wit# uplin< %o&era"e &oids, !ol&e t#e pro/lem wit# /ot# uplin< and downlin< wea< %o&era"e /y analyzin" downlin< %o&era"e analysis, :f only t#e uplin< %o&era"e is poor wit#out uplin< interferen%e -see WCDMA Interference Solution Guide .2 sol&e t#e pro/lems /y ad;ustin" down tilt and azimut# of antenna2 and addin" *()s,

Ana$.zin, @p$in: Interference

C#e%< for uplin< interferen%e /y tra%in" and analyzin" R*W$ data, For details2 see WCDMA Interference Solution Guide.

Distri)ution of @7 !ransmit Po*er

*#e distri/ution of DE transmit power refle%ts t#e distri/ution of uplin< interferen%e and uplin< pat# loss, :n 02 DE transmit power is lower t#an 10 d@m normally, Only w#en uplin< interferen%e and %o&era"e area ed"e eCist will t#e DE transmit power in%rease s#arply to 21 d@m -!ome DEs t#at support H!'$)2 su%# as E6202 wit# a power %lass of +2 t#e maCimum transmit power is 29 d@m.2 and t#e uplin< is

restri%ted, Comparati&ely restri%ted uplin< %o&era"e o%%urs mu%# easily in ma%ro %ells t#an in mi%ro %ells, 'istri/ution of DE transmit power
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1 2

7,+ Co&era"e $ro/lem Cases 7,+,1 Wea< Co&era"e Cases 'ue to :mproper En"ineerin" $arameters
:n 02 t#e pilot R!C$ is lower t#an JB7 d@m in t#e mar<ed red area, *#is /elon"s to wea< %o&era"e2 w#i%# mi"#t %ause %all drop, Co&era"e near 0ia;iao !u"ar $lant -/efore optimization.

:n 02 t#e pro/lem lies in t#at 0ia;iao !u"ar $lant se%tor @ mainly %o&ers t#e mar<ed area /ut (aterials @uildin" se%tor ) partially %o&ers t#e mar<ed area, :nitially en"ineers %onsider en#an%in" t#e %o&era"e of t#e mar<ed area /y ad;ustin" t#e two %ells, )%%ordin" to t#e sur&ey report2 ot#er /uildin"s opposite (aterials @uildin" pre&ent se%tor ) from transmit si"nals2 so ad;ustin" antenna fails to en#an%e t#e %o&era"e of t#e areas,

=eep t#e parameter %onfi"uration of (aterials @uildin" se%tor )2 /ut ad;ust t#e azimut# of 0ia;iao !u"ar $lant se%tor @ from 1>0T to 167T2 down tilt from 10T to 8T, 0 s#ows t#e %o&era"e near 0ia;iao !u"ar $lant -after optimization.
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Co&era"e near 0ia;iao !u"ar $lant -after optimization. :n 02 t#e %o&era"e in t#e mar<ed area is en#an%ed %learly after ad;ustin" en"ineerin" parameters of 0ia;iao !u"ar $lant,

7,+,2 Cross-%ell Co&era"e 'ue to :mproper ode@ 6o%ation

:n a trial offi%e2 t#e Er4i Rd, ode@ is 60-meter #i"#2 o&er 20 meters t#an near/y /uildin"s, *#is %auses %ross-%ell %o&era"e easily and /rin"s intra-fre4uen%y interferen%e to ot#er ode@s2 as s#own in 0,
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Cross-%ell %o&era"e /efore optimization

For a #i"# ode@ pro/lem2 ad;ust fiCed ele%tri% down tilt of antenna from 2T to 6T, @e%ause t#e Er4i Rd, ode@ is at t#e ed"e of networ< %o&era"e2 redu%e interferen%es to ot#er ode@s /y ad;ustin" antenna down tilt and azimut#, :n t#is %ase2 no e4uipment is remo&ed, En"ineers sol&e t#e %ross-%ell %o&era"e /y in%reasin" me%#anism down tilt and ad;ustin" azimut#,

)fter ad;ustment of down tilt to 9T2 t#e most %ross-%ell %o&era"e areas are eliminated2 wit# only few %ross-%ell %o&era"e areas2 as s#own in 0,
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Few %ross-%ell %o&era"e areas after optimization For similar #i"# ode@s2 you %an %om/ine ad;usta/le down tilt of ele%tri% antenna and me%#anism antenna to /etter %ontrol si"nal %o&era"e,

7,+,+ Co&era"e Restri%tion 'ue to :mproper :nstallation of )ntennas

From 02 t#e antenna of a pro;e%t is mounted on a roof -10-meter tall., Co&era"e restri%tion due to antenna /lo%<ed /y roof
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)t t#e optimization sta"e after networ< %onstru%tion2 in front of t#e traffi% li"#ts /elow antennas2 &ideo 4uality de%lines due to A$ mosai% and $!+89= ser&i%e is rea%ti&ated,

:n terms of plannin"2 +G and 2G antennas are mounted in a %o-lo%ation site, )%%ordin" to %o&era"e test data of 2G antenna2 2G si"nals does not flu%tuate s#arply under t#e site and under t#e traffi% li"#ts, amely2 if t#e +G and 2G antennas are in t#e same lo%ation2 +G si"nals will %o&er t#e areas around traffi% li"#ts, *#e pro/lem lies in t#at t#e +G antenna is mounted too %lose to t#e wall on t#e roof and t#e wall /lo%<s si"nals so t#e spe%ial installation %onditions of antennas are not met, :n addition2 t#e 2G antenna and its installation parts affe%t t#e pattern of +G antenna, *#is %#an"es t#e radiation pattern of +G antenna, )%%ordin" to t#e installation s%ene2 ad;ustin" lo%ation of +G antenna is diffi%ult,

)%%ordin" to dis%ussion /etween 2G and +G en"ineers2 t#e minimum ad;ustment solution wit#out affe%tin" 2G %o&era"e is as /elowG Conne%t t#e +G and 2G *0FR0 feeder to two feeders of outside wide/and polarization antenna

Conne%t t#e +G and 2G R0 feeder to two feeders of inner wide/and antenna, 0 s#ows t#e %onne%tion, Optimizin" antennas /y ad;ustin" feeders
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2 +

" Pi$ot Po$$ution Pro)$em Ana$.sis

6,1 $ilot $ollution 'efinition and 3ud"ment !tandards 6,1,1 'efinition

*#e pilot pollution is t#at eC%essi&e stron" pilots eCist in a point /ut no primary pilot is stron" enou"#,

6,1,2 3ud"ment !tandards

$ilot pollution eCists if all t#e followin" %onditions are metG

1 2


num/er of pilots t#at meet t#e followin" %ondition is more t#an *# C$:CHRR!C$ P *#R!C$R)/solute -C$:CHRR!C$1st - C$:CHRR!C$-*# M1.t#.S *#R!C$RRelati&e

9 )ssume t#at *#R!C$R)/solute L J100 d@m2 *# L +2 and *#R!C$RRelati&e L 7 d@2 and t#en pilot pollution eCists if all t#e followin" %onditions are metG

1 2 7 6


t#an t#ree pilots meet t#e followin" %ondition C$:CHRR!C$ P J100 d@m, -C$:CHRR!C$1st - C$:CHRR!C$9t#. S 7 d@

6,2 Causes and :nfluen%e )nalysis 6,2,1 Causes )nalysis

:deally t#e si"nals in a %ell is restri%ted wit#in its planned ran"e, Howe&er t#e si"nals %annot rea%# t#e ideal state due to t#e followin" fa%tors of radio en&ironmentG

1 2 + 9

6andform @uildin" !treet

distri/ution distri/ution Waters

> $ilot pollution is t#e result of intera%tion amon" multiple ode@s2 so it o%%urs in ur/an areas w#ere ode@s are densely %onstru%ted, ormally typi%al areas w#ere pilot pollution o%%urs easily in%ludeG

1 2 1 2

Hi"# Wide

/uildin"s streets stru%ture

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O&er#ead Crossroad


round waters

2 Improper Ce$$ Distri)ution

'ue to restri%tion to site lo%ation and %ompleC "eo"rap#i% en&ironment2 %ell distri/ution mi"#t /e improper, :mproper %ell distri/ution %auses wea< %o&era"e of some areas and %o&era"e /y multiple stron" pilots in same areas,

Over 2i,h 9odeB or 2i,h$./mounted Antenna

:f a ode@ is %onstru%ted in a position #i"#er t#an around /uildin"s2 most areas will /e wit# in t#e line-of si"#t ran"e, *#erefore si"nals are widely transmitted, O&er #i"# site %ause diffi%ult %ontrol of %ross-%ell %o&era"e2 w#i%# %auses pilot pollution,

Improper Antenna Azimuth

:n a networ< wit# multiple to t#e followin" fa%torsG ode@s2 t#e antenna azimut# must /e ad;usted a%%ordin"

1 2 +

ode@ distri/ution of t#e entire networ< re4uirements *raffi% &olume distri/ution


+ *#e se%tor azimut# of ea%# antenna is set to %ooperate wit# ea%# ot#er, :f t#e azimut# is improperly setG

1 2


fa%tors mi"#t %o&er t#e same area, *#is %auses eC%essi&e pilot pollution, Wea< %o&era"e eCist in some areas wit#out primary pilot,

9 *#e pre&ious two situations mi"#t lead to pilot pollution, *#erefore you must ad;ust t#e antenna a%%ordin" to a%tual propa"ation,

Improper Antenna Do*n !i$t

!ettin" antenna down tilt depends on t#e followin" fa%torsG

1 2 +


#ei"#t to around en&ironment Co&era"e ran"e re4uirements )ntenna types

7 :f t#e antenna down tilt is improper2 si"nals are re%ei&ed in t#e areas w#i%# are %o&ered /y t#is site, *#erefore interferen%es to ot#er areas %auses pilot pollution, E&en worse2 interferen%es mi"#t %ause %all drop,
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Improper PIC2 Po*er

W#en t#e ode@s are densely distri/uted wit# a small planned %o&era"e ran" and t#e $:CH power is o&er #i"#2 t#e pilot %o&ers an area lar"er t#an t#e planned area, *#is %auses pilot pollution,

Am)ient Factors
*#e si"nals %annot rea%# t#e planned state due to t#e followin" fa%tors of radio en&ironmentG

1 2

6andform @uildin"


+ 9


distri/ution Waters *#e am/ient fa%tors in%ludeG


1 2

/uildin"s or mountains /lo%< si"nals from spreadin" *#e si"nals of a ode@ to %o&er a tar"et area are /lo%<ed /y #i"# /uildin"s or mountains2 so t#e tar"et area will #a&e no primary pilot, *#is %auses pilot pollution, !treets or waters influen%es si"nals W#en t#e antenna dire%tion is pointin" a street2 t#e %o&era"e ran"e is eCpanded /y t#e street, W#en t#e %o&era"e ran"e of a ode@ o&erlaps wit# t#e %o&era"e ran"e of ot#er ode@s2 pilot pollution o%%urs, Hi"# /uildin"s refle%t si"nals W#en #i"# "lassed /uildin"s stand near a ode@2 t#ey will refle%t si"nals to t#e %o&era"e ran"e of ot#er ode@s, *#is %auses pilot pollution,

6,2,2 :nfluen%e )nalysis

$ilot pollution %auses t#e followin" networ< pro/lems,

7cAIo Deterioration
(ultiple stron" pilots interferes useful fun%tional si"nals2 so :o in%reases2 E%F:o de%reases2 @6ER in%reases2 and networ< 4uality de%lines,

Ca$$ Drop Due to 2andover

(ore t#an t#ree stron" pilots or no primary pilot eCists in multiple pilots2 fre4uent #ando&er o%%urs amon" t#ese pilots, *#is mi"#t %ause %all drop,

Capacit. Dec$ine
*#e interferen%e of t#e areas wit# pilot pollution in%reases2 t#e system %apa%ity de%lines,
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1 2

6,+ !olutions to $ilot $ollution 6,+,1 )ntenna )d;ustment

)%%ordin" to t#e test2 %#an"e pilot si"nal stren"t# of an area wit# pilot pollution /y ad;ustin" antenna down tilt and azimut#, *#is %#an"es t#e distri/ution of pilot si"nals in t#e area, *#e prin%iple for ad;ustment is en#an%in" primary pilot and wea<enin" ot#er pilots, *o en#an%e pilot %o&era"e of an area2 ad;ust t#e antenna azimut# pointin" t#e area, *o wea<enin" pilot %o&era"e of an area2 ad;ust t#e antenna azimut# pointin" t#e opposite dire%tion of t#e area, )d;ustin" down tilt is similar, 5ou %an in%rease t#e %ell %o&era"e ran"e /y redu%in" antenna down tilt and redu%e %ell %o&era"e ran"e /y in%reasin" antenna down tilt, )d;ustin" antennas is restri%ted to a ran"e, :f t#e down tilt is o&er small2 you mi"#t en#an%e %ell %o&era"e /ut %auses %ross-%ell %o&era"e, :f t#e down tilt is o&er lar"e2 you mi"#t wea<en %ell %o&era"e /ut you mi"#t %#an"e t#e antenna pattern, 0 s#ows t#e pilot pollution due to improper antenna azimut#, $ilot pollution due to improper antenna azimut#

:n 02 t#e area mar<ed in /la%< en%ounters pilot pollution due to improper azimut# of t#e antenna of !C100 se%tor -s%ram/le o, is 100., *#e !C100 se%tor %o&ers t#e area wit# an antenna azimut# of B0T2 so t#e %o&era"e is poor wit# wea< si"nals and no primary pilot2 w#i%# %ause pilot pollution, )fter ad;ustment of t#e antenna azimut# from B0T to 1>0T2 t#e primary pilot si"nals /e%ome stron"er and pilot pollution is eliminated, 0 s#ows t#e pilot pollution due to improper antenna down tilt,
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$ilot pollution due to improper antenna down tilt :n 02 t#e area mar<ed in /la%<ed en%ounters pilot pollution due to improper antenna down tilt, *#e down tilt of !C+60 %ell is 2T2 so t#e %o&era"e area is lar"e2 %ross-%ell %o&era"e is diffi%ult to %ontrol2 and interferen%es to ot#er areas form, )fter ad;ustment of antenna down tilt of !C+60 %ell from 2T to >T2 t#e %ross-%ell %o&era"e /y !C+60 %ell is eliminated and pilot pollution is eliminated, !ome areas wit# pilot pollution is inappli%a/le to t#e pre&ious ad;ustment, 5ou %an use t#e followin" met#ods /ased on a%tual situationG

0 1 2 + 2


t#e antenna to a different type )dd refle%tion de&i%e or isolation de&i%e )d;ust installation position of antenna )d;ust ode@ lo%ation

6,+,2 $:CH $ower )d;ustment

$ilot pollution is %aused /y t#e %o&era"e /y multiple pilots, ) dire%t met#od to sol&e t#e pro/lem is to form a primary pilot /y in%reasin" t#e power of a %ell and de%reasin" t#e power of ot#er %ells, )n o&er lar"e down tilt %auses a/erration of antenna pattern, *o redu%e %o&era"e ran"e /y pilot2 you %an de%rease $:CH power, O&er small down tilt %auses %ross-%ell %o&era"e, *o in%rease %o&era"e ran"e /y pilot2 you %an in%rease $:CH power, )d;ustin" power and ad;ustin" antenna must %ooperate, 0 s#ows t#e pilot pollution due to improper distri/ution of %ells,

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$ilot pollution due to improper distri/ution of %ells :n 02

1 2 +

*#e *#e

distan%e /etween ode@ ) and distan%e /etween ode@ ) and *#e distan%e /etween ode@ @ and

ode@ @ is 1260 meters, ode@ C is 2820 meters, ode@ C is 2+60 meters,

*#e distan%es is un/alan%ed2 so t#e pilot pollution is diffi%ult to eliminate,

*#e optimization is to redu%e wea< pilot stren"t# and eliminate pilot pollution2 detailed as /elowG

1 2 +


seamless %o&era"e /etween %ells /y not ad;ustin" transmit power of !C20 and !C+0 %ells, 'e%rease t#e $:CH power of !C102 !C902 and !C70 %ells /y + d@, *#ese %ells #a&e little impa%t on seamless %o&era"e,

6,+,+ Dsin" RRD or (i%ro Cells

:f ad;ustin" power and antenna is not effe%ti&e to sol&in" pilot pollution2 use RRD or mi%ro %ells, Dsin" RRD or mi%ro %ells aims to /rin" a stron"-si"nal %o&era"e in t#e area wit# pilot pollution2 so t#e relati&e stren"t# of ot#er si"nals de%reases, W#en a networ< eCpansion is ne%essary or more re4uirements is on networ< 4uality2 usin" RRD or mi%ro %ells is re%ommended, (i%ro %ells are used in traffi% #ot spot areas2 t#ey support multiple %arriers, (i%ro %ells are used if lar"e

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%apa%ity is needed, Compared wit# usin" RRD2 usin" mi%ro %ells is more eCpansi&e, 0 s#ows pilot pollution due to am/ient fa%tors, $ilot pollution due to am/ient fa%tors *#e area mar<ed in /la%< en%ounters pilot pollution due to am/ient fa%tors, *#e area is %o&ered /y !C60 %ell of ode@ )2 !C110 %ell or ode@ @2 and !C1+0 %ell of ode@ C, Howe&er2 s#own in 02 #ills pre&ent ode@ ) from transmittin" si"nals2 #i"# /uildin"s pre&ent ode@ @ and ode@ C from transmittin" si"nals2 so t#e si"nals from ode@ )2 ode@ @2 and ode@ C are wea<, On t#e %ontrary2 !C290 and !C270 %ells of ode@ ' #a&e "ood propa"ation %onditions in t#is dire%tion, *#erefore t#e %ross-%ell %o&era"e is serious and pilot pollution o%%urs,
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!ur&ey p#oto of ea%# %ell related to pilot pollution Hi"# /uildin"s or #ills /lo%<s t#e area2 so no stron" pilot is present in t#e area, For t#is pro/lem2 ad;ustin" antenna down tilt #as little effe%t on eliminatin" pilot pollution, :nstead addin" RRD #elps sol&e t#e pro/lem,

6,9 $ro%ess for )nalyzin" $ilot $ollution $ro/lem

*#e pro%ess for analyzin" pilot pollution pro/lem pro%eeds as /elowG !tart )ssistant, )nalyze s%anner-/ased R!C$ for 1st @est !er&i%eCell and E%:o for 1st @est !er&i%eCell, !ele%t t#e areas wit# #i"# R!C$ and poor E%:o as %andidate areas wit# pilot pollution, )nalyze s%anner-/ased W#ole $$, !ele%t t#e areas %orrespondin" to %andidate areas as t#e <ey areas wit# pilot pollution, 6o%ate t#e %ells t#at %ause pilot pollution of t#e <ey areas, @ased on R!C$ for 1st @est !er&i%eCell2 ;ud"e w#et#er t#e pilot pollution is %aused /y eCisten%e of multiple stron" pilots or la%< of a stron" pilot, For t#e former

%ause2 you %an sol&e t#e pro/lem /y wea<enin" ot#er stron" pilots, For t#e latter %ause2 you %an sol&e t#e pro/lem /y stren"t#enin" some stron" pilot, )nalyze t#e R!C$ and E%F:o distri/ution of areas related to pilot pollution and %onfirm t#e %ells t#at need eliminatin" t#e %o&era"e of an area and t#at need en#an%in" t#e %o&era"e of an area, @ased on t#e a%tual en&ironment2 analyze t#e spe%ifi% %auses to pilot pollution -for analyzin" %auses2 see 6,2,1., For spe%ifi% %auses2 pro&ide solutions to pilot pollution -for solution2
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see 6,+., W#ile eliminatin" pilot pollution in an area2 %onsider t#e influen%e to ot#er areas and a&oid %ausin" pilot pollution or %o&era"e &oids to ot#er areas, Retest after ad;ustment, )nalyze R!C$2 E%F:o and W#ole $$, :f t#ey %annot meet =$: re4uirements2 re-optimize t#e networ< /y sele%tin" new <ey areas until =$: re4uirements are met, 9ote6 :n t#e new optimization2 do not ad;ust t#e %ells t#at was ad;usted in last optimization, 5ou %an add ot#er <ey areas analyzed /y W#ole $$ -t#e part t#at does not %orrespond to t#e %andidate areas.

6,7 Optimization Cases for Eliminatin" $ilot $ollution

*#e followin" se%tions ta<e an optimization /y a pro;e%t and des%ri/es t#e pro%ess for analyzin" pilot pollution, 1

6,7,1 'ata )nalysis /efore Optimization

Bocatin, Pi$ot Po$$ution Point
0 s#ows t#e pilot pollution point near 5uCin" Rd, !C2>0 %ell is planned to %o&er t#e area wit# pilot pollution, $ilot pollution near 5uCin" Rd,

o new %omplete %ase is a&aila/le2 so an old %ase is used #ere, *#e future &ersion will pro&ide new %ases, W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential o !preadin" Wit#out $ermission $a"e 70 of 68 1

Ana$.zin, &i,na$ Distri)ution of Ce$$s 9ear Pi$ot Po$$ution Point

@est !er&i%eCell near 5uCin" Rd, *#e 2nd /est !er&i%eCell near 5uCin" Rd,
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*#e +rd /est !er&i%eCell near 5uCin" Rd, *#e 9t# /est !er&i%eCell near 5uCin" Rd,

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Composition of pilot pollution near 5uCin" Rd, From 02 02 02 02 and 02 t#ou"# !C20 %ell is planned to %o&er t#e area2 /ut t#e /est !er&i%eCell is as listed in t#e followin" ta/leG Best &erviceCe$$ 1st /est !er&i%eCell 2nd /est !er&i%eCell +rd /est !er&i%eCell 9t# /est !er&i%eCell Primar. !C220 !C2>0 !C200 !C200 Others !C260 and !C2>0 !C2602 !C2202 and !C200 !C2>0 and !C260 !C2>0 and !C260

Ana$.zin, R&&I Distri)ution 9ear Pi$ot Po$$ution Point

0 s#ows t#e R!!: near 5uCin" Rd,, R!!: near 5uCin" Rd, 0 s#ows t#e R!C$ of @est !er&i%eCell near 5uCin" Rd,,
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R!C$ of @est !er&i%eCell near 5uCin" Rd, )s s#own in 02 t#e R!!: of t#e areas wit# pilot pollution is not lar"e2 a/out J100 d@m to JB0 d@m, )s s#own in 02 t#e R!C$ of @est !er&i%eCell is /etween J107 d@m to J 100 d@m, *#e pilot pollution of t#e area is %aused /y no stron" pilot2 so you %an sol&e t#e pro/lem /y stren"t#enin" a stron" pilot,

Ana$.zin, R&CP Distri)ution of Re$ated Ce$$s

0 s#ows t#e R!C$ of !C2>0 %ell near 5uCin" Rd, R!C$ of !C2>0 %ell near 5uCin" Rd, *#e !C2>0 %ell is planned to %o&er t#e area, 0 s#ows R!C$ of R!C$ distri/ution of !C2>0 %ell, *#e si"nals from !C2>0 %ell are wea< in t#e area wit# pilot pollution, )%%ordin" to on-site sur&ey2 t#e residential area is densely distri/uted /y 6-floor or >floor /uildin"s, *#e test route fails to %o&er t#e ma;or streets2 and is
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performed in narrow streets wit# /uildin"s around2 so t#e si"nals are /lo%<ed, *#e su""estion is to ad;ust t#e azimut# of !C2>0 %ell from 170T to 1+0T and t#e down tilt from 7T to +T, *#is en#an%es t#e %o&era"e of !C2>0 %ell,

6,7,2 'ata )nalysis after Optimization

)fter analysis of '* data2 t#e eCpe%ted result after ad;ustment is t#at t#e %o&era"e area /y !C2>0 %ell in%reases and t#e %o&era"e is en#an%ed,

0 s#ows t#e pilot pollution near 5uCin" Rd, after optimization, $ilot pollution near 5uCin" Rd, after optimization 0 s#ows t#e /est !er&i%eCell near 5uCin" Rd, after optimization, @est !er&i%eCell near 5uCin" Rd, after optimization 0 s#ows t#e R!C$ of /est !er&i%eCell near 5uCin" Rd, after optimization,
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R!C$ of /est !er&i%eCell near 5uCin" Rd, after optimization 0 s#ows t#e R!C$ of !C2>0 %ell near 5uCin" Rd, after optimization, R!C$ of !C2>0 %ell near 5uCin" Rd, after optimization )%%ordin" to t#e '* data2 t#e pilot pollution near 5uCin" Rd, after optimization is eliminated2 t#e si"nals from !C2>0 %ell after optimization are stron"er2 and t#e !C2>0 /e%omes t#e /est !er&i%eCell, *#is %omplies wit# t#e eCpe%ted result,
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1 2andover Pro)$em Ana$.sis

'urin" RF optimization sta"e2 t#e in&ol&ed #ando&er pro/lem is a/out nei"#/or %ell optimization and !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* %ontrol, Control t#e size and lo%ation of #ando&er areas /y ad;ustin" RF parameters, 5ou %an eliminate #ando&er %all drop due to s#arp flu%tuation and in%rease #ando&er su%%ess rate, For ot#er #ando&er pro/lems2 see WCDMA & ndo'er Optimi( tion Guide, nd C ll Drop !ro#lem


ei"#/or Cell Optimization

*#e nei"#/or %ell optimization in%ludes addin" and remo&in" nei"#/or %ells, (issin" nei"#/or %ells %auses t#at a stron"-pilot %ell %annot /e listed into t#e a%ti&e set so t#e interferen%e in%reases as stron" as %all drop o%%urs, For missin" nei"#/or %ell2 you must add ne%essary nei"#/or %ells, Redundant nei"#/or %ells %auses t#at t#e nei"#/or %ell information is eC%essi&e and unne%essary si"nals %ost o%%urs, W#en t#e nei"#/or %ell list is fully %onfi"ured2 t#e needed nei"#/or %ell %annot /e listed, For t#is pro/lem2 remo&e redundant nei"#/or %ells, 'urin" RF optimization sta"e2 missin" nei"#/or %ell is a <ey pro/lem, *#e met#ods for addin" nei"#/or %ells are listed /elow,

>,1,1 '* 'ata )nalysis

&canner Data Ana$.sis

*#e daemon analysis tools %an usually %#e%< for missin" nei"#/or %ells, *#e prin%iple is as /elowG

0 1


t#e pilots s%anned /y s%anner and t#e %onfi"ured pilots of nei"#/or %ell list, 6o%ate t#ese pilot s%ram/les t#at meet t#e #ando&er %onditions and t#at are not in t#e nei"#/or %ell list, Output t#em as a missin" nei"#/or %ell report,

2 *#e followin" %#e%<s and met#ods related to missin" nei"#/or %ells are /ased on )ssistant, *ype information a/out ode@ and nei"#/or %ells For details2 see Assist nt %ser M nu l,
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'e%ide %onditions for ;ud"in" nei"#/or %ells C#an"e t#e %onditions for ;ud"in" nei"#/or %ells /y sele%tin" 4odif. Dataset Propert., *#e default %onfi"uration is t#at if t#e differen%e /etween t#e pilot of %andidate %ell and t#e /ase %ell is wit#in 7 d@ t#e %andidate %ell %an /e listed as a nei"#/or %ell, *#e %onfi"uration must %omply wit# t#e a%tual %onfi"uration of system -o&erall parameters.2 as s#own in 0, C#an"in" %onditions for ;ud"in" nei"#/or %ells *#e parameters and meanin"s are as /elow -a%%ordin" to default %onfi"uration of R C1,72 you ;ust list t#e parameters to /e %#an"ed.G Parameter 1) *#res#old 1) Hysteresis 1) *ime to *ri""er 1@ *#res#old 1@ Hysteresis 1C Hysteresis 1' #ysteresis Count *#res#old 4eanin, 1) e&ent t#res#old 1) e&ent #ysteresis *ime to tri""er 1) e&ent 1@ e&ent t#res#old 1@ e&ent #ysteresis 1C e&ent #ysteresis 1' e&ent #ysteresis *imes t#res#old for ;ud"in" nei"#/or %ells Recommended va$ue + d@ 0 d@ 0,+20s 6 d@ 0 d@ 9 d@ 9 d@ 10

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Generate a missin" nei"#/or %ell report Generatin" nei"#/or %ell analysis report /y usin" )ssistant $ro%eed as s#own in 02 t#e )ssistant "enerates a nei"#/or %ell analysis report in t#e format of EC%el, *#is EC%el-formatted report %ontains four s#eetsG !%anner !tatisti%2 !%anner Result2 :mported Confi"2 and !%anner &s Confi", W#erein2 t#e

!%anner &s Confi" s#eet is for %omparin" nei"#/or %ells "enerated /y s%anner and t#e %onfi"ured nei"#/or %ells, 0 s#ows t#e result of missin" nei"#/or %ells,
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Result of missin" nei"#/or %ells For t#e missin" nei"#/or %ells "enerated automati%ally /y )ssistant2 you must %#e%< a%%ordin" to t#e lo%ation information of t#e %ell on t#e map w#et#er to add t#e missin" nei"#/or %ells to t#e nei"#/or %ell list, For t#e missin" nei"#/or %ells due to %ross-%ell %o&era"e2 t#e primary tas< is to sol&e %o&era"e pro/lem /y ad;ustin" RF parameters, :f t#is fails2 you %an temporarily sol&e t#e pro/lem /y addin" nei"#/or %ells,

@7 Data Ana$.sis
*#e daemon analysis tool %an seldom analyze DE data automati%ally and "enerate missin" nei"#/or %ells2 so R O en"ineers must analyze t#e missin" nei"#/or %ells one /y one for %onfirmation, (issin" nei"#/or %ell mi"#t %ause %all drop or a%%ess failure or %ause E%F:o to deteriorate for a period, @ased on data analysis /y s%anner2 you %an easily lo%ate t#ese points wit# missin" nei"#/or %ells2 detailed as /elowG Compare t#e a%ti&e set E%F:o distri/ution dia"ram measured /y DE and t#at measured /y s%anner *#e spots wit# missin" nei"#/or %ells #as a poor E%F:o measured /y DE and a stron" E%F:o s%anned /y s%anner, 6o%ate t#e areas for furt#er analysis, C#e%< t#e points wit# poor E%F:o and %#e%< w#et#er t#e stron"est s%ram/le /y s%anner is neit#er in a%ti&e set nor in monitorin" set, :f yes2 mo&e to t#e t#ird step for %onfirmation, :f t#e s%ram/le eCists in t#e monitorin" set2 t#e pro/lem is not a/out missin" nei"#/or %ell /ut a/out E%F:o deterioration due to #ando&er -resele%tion. delay and soft #ando&er failure,
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C#e%< t#e latest intra-fre4uen%y measurement %ontrol w#et#er t#e nei"#/or %ell list %ontains t#e stron" s%ram/les /y s%anner 5ou %an also dire%tly %#e%< t#e nei"#/or %ells %ontinuation of t#e /ase %ell under t#e R C for de%idin" missin" nei"#/or %ells, *#e followin" para"rap#s des%ri/es a %ase a/out %all drop due to missin" nei"#/or %ell, C#e%< t#e E%F:o %o&era"e information of a%ti&e set measured /y DE2 and you %an find t#at t#e E%F:o of t#e a%ti&e set is wea< near %all drop point and t#e si"nals are as wea< as lower t#an J17 d@, *#e /ase %ell is !C20B %ell2 as s#own in 0, Aariation of a%ti&e set E%F:o re%orded /y DE /efore %all drop 5ou also need to %#e%< data from s%anner a/out t#e %all drop point for t#e points wit# poor si"nals, *#e si"nals 2 from !C128 %ell2 measured /y s%anner is stron"2 as s#own in 0, Aariation of a%ti&e set E%F:o re%orded /y s%anner /efore %all drop
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From 0 and 02 !C128 en%ounters missin" nei"#/or %ell, For %onfirmation2 %#e%< t#e messa"e pro%ess /e#ind to front for intra-fre4uen%y measurement %ontrol messa"e,

C#e%< w#et#er !C128 eCists in t#e list of intra-fre4uen%y nei"#/or %ells, *#e result is t#at !C128 is not in t#e list of intra-fre4uen%y nei"#/or %ells2 t#erefore t#e %all drop is %aused /y missin" nei"#/or %ell, :f only DE re%orded data in t#e test wit#out data from s%anner2 %onfirm /y t#e followin" met#od w#et#er t#e pro/lem is %aused /y missin" nei"#/or %ellG C#e%< s%ram/les of all %ells listed in a%ti&e set measured /y DE /efore %all drop C#e%< s%ram/le information of t#e %ell w#ere DE %amps a"ain after %all drop and %#e%< w#et#er t#e s%ram/les are in a%ti&e set and monitorin" set /efore %all drop :f yes2 t#e %all drop mi"#t /e due to missin" nei"#/or %ell, C#e%< t#e list of nei"#/or %ells

>,1,2 Remo&in" Redundant ei"#/or Cells

)%%ordin" to t#e proto%ol2 t#e maCimum WC'() nei"#/or %ells is +2, *#e /ase %ell itself is also in%luded in t#e intra-fre4uen%y nei"#/or %ell list2 so t#e a%tual intrafre4uen%y nei"#/or %ell is +1 at most, :f t#ere are already +1 or more nei"#/or %ells2 addin" ne%essary nei"#/or %ells in optimization is diffi%ult, *#erefore2 you must remo&e some redundant nei"#/or %ells,

5ou must /e &ery %areful to remo&e redundant nei"#/or %ells, :f t#e ne%essary nei"#/or %ells are remo&ed2 pro/lems li<e %all drop o%%ur, *#erefore follow t#e prin%iples /elowG

1 2


remo&in" nei"#/or %ells2 %#e%< t#e re&ision re%ords of nei"#/or %ells w#et#er t#e nei"#/or %ells to /e remo&ed are t#ose t#at were added in pre&ious '* and optimization, )fter remo&in" nei"#/or %ells2 perform %ompre#ensi&e test2 in%ludin" '* and %all 4uality test -C8*. in important indoor spots2 and %#e%< for a/normalities, :f t#ere are a/normalities2 restore t#e data %onfi"uration,

2 Possi)$e Remova$s
'urin" RF optimization sta"e2 you mi"#t remo&e nei"#/or %ells in t#e followin" situationsG

1 2


t#e nei"#/or %ells related to %ross-%ell %o&era"e on t#e pre%ondition t#at t#e %ross-%ell %o&era"e pro/lem is sol&ed and no new wea< %o&era"e areas are appear, Remo&e nei"#/or %ells a%%ordin" to eCperien%es w#ile referrin" to t#e networ< topolo"y stru%ture, *#is applies to t#at t#e ori"inal nei"#/or %ell list

W-RF Optimization Operations Guide For internal use only 2006-01-18 Huawei Confidential o !preadin" Wit#out $ermission $a"e 62 of 68 2 Furt#er resear%# will /e on #ow to define t#e ran"e of differen%e of !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* /etween RF optimization and =$:

is full and new nei"#/or relations must /e added, $erform test after remo&al and %onfirm t#at t#e remo&al does not %ause /i""er pro/lems, Ot#erwise2 you must resele%t t#e nei"#/or %ells to /e remo&ed,

2 :n t#e later sta"es2 you %an refer to remo&in" traffi% measurement statisti%s, For details2 see WCDMA & ndo'er nd C ll Drop !ro#lem Optimi( tion Guide ,

+ 9

>,2 !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* )nalysis >,2,1 'efinition of !HO Fa%tor /ased on '*

)%%ordin" to t#e '* data from s%anner2 you %an o/tain t#e !HO Fa%tor /ased on '*2 defined as /elowG

DTin points collected-scanner totalofNumber conditionshandover meet the that DTin points collected-scanner ofNumber RatioHandoverSoft
o su/s%ri/ers are usin" t#e networ< durin" RF optimization sta"e2 so DE '* data of entire networ< in a time is used and "eo"rap#i%ally a&era"ed /y 7 meters, 5ou %an o/tain t#e ratio of t#e points in soft #ando&er state to all '* points, !et t#e s%anner %onsistent to t#e system parameters wit# default %onfi"uration2 su%# as 1) and 1@ t#res#old,

>,2,2 General $rin%iples and (et#ods in Optimization

*#e !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* durin" RF optimization sta"e must /e 7HJ10H 2 lower t#an t#e =$: tar"et &alue2 /e%ause t#e followin" optimizations %ause !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* to in%rease and /rin"s diffi%ulties in ensurin" traffi% measurement !HO Fa%tor /ased on '*, )t t#e end of lar"e-s%ale %o&era"e optimization and pilot pollution optimization2 t#e !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* will /e wit#in or %lose to t#e tar"et ran"e, Dpon t#is2 no spe%ifi% optimization on !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* is ne%essary2 and you %an ad;ust t#e ratio durin" parameter optimization, :f t#e !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* still %annot meet t#e re4uirements after lar"e-s%ale ad;ustment2 you must optimize t#e !HO Fa%tor /ased on '*, :f t#e !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* is o&er lar"e2 de%rease or %#an"e t#e #ando&er areas /y usin" t#e followin" met#ods for s#rin<in" %o&era"e areasG

0 0 1 2


t#e down tilt

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azimut# 'e%rease t#e antenna #ei"#t 'e%rease t#e $:CH power

2 *#e pre%ondition for ad;ustment is t#at t#e ad;ustment will not %ause new %o&era"e &oids2 %o&era"e /lind zone2 and more pilot pollution, *#e ad;ustment pro%eeds as /elowG !tart )ssistant )nalyze s%anner-/ased R!C$ for 9t# @est !er&i%eCell and RSCP for +rd @est !er&i%eCell !ele%t %andidate %ells in t#e 9t# @est !er&i%eCell and +rd @est !er&i%eCell 0 s#ows t#e R!C$ for t#e %andidates in 9t# @est !er&i%eCell, 6ist t#e !C1+6 %ell as a %andidate %ell, )t t#is sta"e2 t#e pilot pollution %omes to an end, R!C$ for +rd @est !er&i%eCell is more useful in terms of referen%e, !ele%t t#e sites or %ells to w#i%# t#e ad;ustment is appli%a/le and does not /rea< t#e pre%onditions, :f t#e a%tual !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* after ad;ustment is still different from t#e =$: one2 sele%t %andidate %ells from RSCP for 2nd @est !er&i%eCell, *#e sites are densely distri/uted in mi%ro%ell %o&era"e areas2 so t#e !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* is mu%# #i"#er, R!C$ for %andidate of 9t# @est !er&i%eCell
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0 Ad3ustment 4ethods

*#e ad;ustment durin" RF optimization sta"e in%lude ad;ustin" nei"#/or %ell list and ad;ustin" en"ineerin" parameters, (ost %o&era"e and interferen%e pro/lems %an /e sol&ed after ad;ustin" t#e followin" site en"ineerin" parameters -from superior to inferior.G )d;ust antenna down tilt )d;ust antenna azimut# )d;ust antenna #ei"#t )d;ust antenna lo%ation C#an"e antenna type )dd *()s C#an"e site type -su%# as %#an"in" a site supportin" 20 W power amplifier to a site supportin" 90 W power amplifier. C#an"e site lo%ation Constru%t new site or add RRD
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5 &ummar.

*#is do%ument des%ri/es t#e %ontent of RF optimization in networ< optimization, RF optimization %on%ern t#e impro&ement of si"nal distri/ution2 and it #elps to pro&ide a "ood radio si"nal en&ironment for t#e followin" parameter optimization, *#e test durin" RF optimization is usually '*2 wit# ot#er tests as supplementary, *#e pro/lems to /e analyzed durin" RF optimization is primarily a/out %o&era"e2 pilot pollution2 and #ando&er2 wit# pro/lem as supplementary, RF optimization #elp to sol&e #ando&er2 %all drop2 a%%ess2 and interferen%e pro/lems, *#e parameters to /e ad;usted durin" RF optimization are primarily en"ineerin" parameters, Cell parameters are ad;usted durin" parameter optimization sta"e -eC%ludin" ad;ustin" nei"#/or %ell list., *#is do%ument is mainly for RF optimization of new networ<, How to optimize an eCistin" networ< for eCpansion needs furt#er tra%in", *#e met#ods for optimize !HO Fa%tor /ased on '* and t#e ;ud"ment %onditions for remo&in" nei"#/or %ells are still under resear%#2 and t#ey will /e supplemented in t#e future &ersions,
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0 10 Appendi(6 Covera,e 7nhancement !echno$o,ies

2 + 10,1 Co&era"e-en#an%in" *e%#nolo"ies 10,1,1 *()s
Dsin" *()s #elps to redu%e t#e total noise fi"ure of ode@ re%ei&er su/system2 so t#e uplin< %o&era"e performan%e is impro&ed, *#e %o&era"e "ain depends on t#e me%#anism of re%ei&er su/system and loss of related feeders, :f t#e system downlin<

%apa%ity is restri%ted2 usin" *()s will s#rin< system %apa%ity, *#e typi%al %apa%ity s#rin<a"e is 6HJ10H,

10,1,2 Re%ei&e and *ransmit 'i&ersity

:n%rease t#e num/er and impro&e t#e 4uality of R)=E re%ei&ers of DE /y usin" time swit%#ed transmit di&ersity -*!*'. and spa%e and time transmit di&ersity -!**'. in t#e downlin<, *#erefore t#e %o&era"e ran"e is eCpanded2 system %apa%ity in%reases2 and t#e num/er of ode@s de%reases, Dsin" four-antenna re%ei&er di&ersity redu%es re4uirements on E/F o needed in demodulation, :n line of si"#t2 %ompared wit# t#e "ains of 2 antennas wit# 2 re%ei&er di&ersity2 t#e "ain of 2 antennas wit# 9 re%ei&er di&ersity is 2,7J+,0 d@, 5ou %an ad;ust t#e uplin< sensiti&ity /y 2,7J+,0 d@ and redu%e t#e sites /y 27HJ+0H,

10,1,+ RRD
Remote radio unit -RRD. p#ysi%ally deta%# ode@ RF module from /ase/and module2 so you %an pla%e RF module afar wit#out usin" &ery lon" feeders, *#e uplin< and downlin< lin< /ud"et is impro&ed, Remote RF indi%ates t#at t#e %o&era"e performan%e is impro&ed /ut t#e system %apa%ity remains t#e same, Compared wit# remote RF2 usin" *()s in%reases maCimum pat# loss and lowers ode@ E:R$ due to /rin"in" insertion loss,

10,1,9 (i%ro Cells

ode@s are densely distri/uted in ur/an and dense ur/an areas2 so sele%tin" a site is diffi%ult, Dsin" mi%ro %ells is a solution to #i"# %apa%ity and %aters for ur/an and dense ur/an en&ironment, ) feature of usin" mi%ro %ells is t#at /uildin"s are
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used to /lo%< si"nals so t#at t#e interferen%e from nei"#/or %ells is lowered and downlin< %apa%ity is in%reased,

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References U1V GE E0 $ro/e Radio )ir :nterfa%e *est !oftware Dser (anual U2V GE E0 astar WC () Dser (anual -'CH .

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