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W W W . L O C K S M I T H J O U R N A L . C O . U K


The Locksmiths Choice for Over 10 Years

Available Exclusively Through

26/07/2013 15:25:33


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Editor Patricia Gwynnette Director Rob Exley Director Ian Wilkinson Finance Director Ryan Exley Sales and Marketing Manager Diana Durmaz 01226 321 450 PR and Features Executive Becky Taylor 01226 321 450

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LSJ is delighted to welcome back as an editorial contributor, Brian Morland, Curator of the Heritage Collection of Locks and Keys. Brian is well-known in the industry and is widely acknowledged as an expert in the fascinating history of locks and keys.

Media partner:


The Clearview Publishing Group is delighted to have been chosen as Media Partner for this years MLA EXPO coming up on 13, 14 and 15 September at the Telford International Centre. We have a special 24 page preview of this premier event in the locksmith & physical security industry containing everything you need to know about the show. Our team will be at the Show and we look forward to meeting you there.

Sales Executive Andrew Davies 01226 321 450 Accounts Enquiries Sharon Watson 01226 321 450 Production Tom Cartledge 01226 321 450 Production Assistant Charlotte Armstrong Administration Joann Crossley Administration Emma Goodinson All Other Enquiries Rob Exley 01226 321 450 Head Office Office F1-F3, Holme Suite, Oaks Business Park, Oaks Lane, Barnsley S71 1HT Fax Your Enquiry 01226 730 825


Lisa Richardson of KASP SECURITY explains the importance of ensuring security systems on these doors meet the required standards, and how locksmiths can boost their business and help customers make their improved homes secure.

Cutting the new Millenco Magnum and Yale Superior keys can be simple and profitable all you need is the knowledge and most importantly the right equipment.

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically without the consent of Clearview Group Ltd. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy, this publication does not accept liability for errors, printing or otherwise appearing in this publication. The views expressed by contributors are not neccessarily those of the editor or publisher. If you would like to subscribe to The Locksmith Journal, and find out what you would be entitled to with the new VIP Discount cards please call Andrew on 01226 321450.

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NOT LONG NOW UNTIL MLA EXPO Locksmiths will be heading to Telford International Exhibition Centre this September to the MLA EXPO 2013, where everyone in the business will have the opportunity to catch up on all the latest developments across the busy world of locksmithing and physical security. There will also be lots of networking to fit in, along with training, which the MLA recognises as a significant ongoing industry issue. Find out more in our preview or online at www.locksmiths. WINNING FORMULA FROM DAVENPORT-BURGESS Also in this issue, we feature an historic Willenhall company - DavenportBurgess that is continuing to succeed by combining the best traditions of the past with the latest in e-commerce. Its a formula that works well, and as Matthew Davenport says, quality, personal service and integrity remain at the heart of everything we do. SIMPL DIAGNOSTICS, SIMPLY A SELL OUT! Commenting on the success of the latest Simply Diagnostic event, Robin Huish, Technical Director of Hickleys said: We were completely overwhelmed by the response to our Simply Diagnostic show concept which was a huge success. As well as the other attractions, pre-releasing and slashing some of the equipment prices on offer only available over the two days clearly hit the right note with attendees. STILL RALLYING! You lot get up to all kinds of activities in your spare time! Andy Fagans passion is cars (no bad thing for an auto locksmith!) and we are pleased to report that Andy who featured in our Hobbies section last year - has not yet taken up any slow, middleaged leisure occupations; far from it, he is still motor rallying and notched up impressive results in the recent Jim Clark Rally held on the legendary Formula One drivers home turf, the Scottish Borders. Well done Andy and navigator Steve. Good to know you are not quite ready to quit! BIFOLDING DOORS THE SECURITY ISSUES Exterior folding doors have never been so popular. Creating a transition from home to the garden clearly provides a desirable indoor/ outdoor experience. But doesnt this present security issues? These doors create a large opening in a building, and considering the multiple points to secure, there is a need to ensure that the security system provided offers high performance and meets aesthetic requirements. With so many systems available on the market today claiming to offer enhanced security protection, it can be confusing for customers looking to source the most secure option for their project needs. Fergus Pickard, Product Development Director from P C Henderson, takes a closer look at the accreditation and security standards available for exterior folding doors.

everyone in the business will have the opportunity to catch up on all the latest developments across the busy world of locksmithing
BOOST BUSINESS IN HOME SECURITY Despite the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW 11/12) reporting that burglary still accounts for a substantial 81% of all recorded crime, the percentage of households that have been victims of burglary is now two in 100, compared with six in 100 households in 1995. The CSEW accredits this with homeowners becoming much savvier to deterrents, and thus significantly increasing their levels of home security. LISA RICHARDSON, Brand Manager at Kasp Security looks at how locksmiths can capture increased business as a result of consumers improved attitude to home security. THE WORLDS GREAT SAFE CRACKER Popular LSj contributor, MIKE PALMER of Eurosafe has put his well-honed skills as a writer to good use in his latest venture an extraordinary biography of a London man whom many reckon was the worlds greatest safe cracker, Peckham boy, Roy Saunders. A fascinating read. Pat, Editor

MIRACLONE DEMAND GOES EVEN MORE GLOBAL It came as no surprise to hear that the MiraClone from Lockdecoders has seriously impressed the Australasia Master Locksmiths Association (MLAA) in recent tests. A product that goes out to a staggering 37 countries clearly has made its mark worldwide and, will - as Pete Southern heads off on his travels again doubtless impress other would-be markets and distributors with a product that is fast becoming a cloning legend. SUMMER SECURITY WITH YALE With recent reports of record low crime levels across England and Wales consumers might be forgiven for dropping their guard this summer. David Herbert, Head of Marketing for Yale explains why it is crucial that Britons do not become complacent and how locksmiths can ensure they have the tools to keep people safe and profit margins wide this season.

New UPVC Catalogue Out Now!


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Ministers pledge further backing for small businesses

At an event at 10 Downing Street held in June to celebrate the massive contribution that small businesses make to the economy, the Prime Minister announced that all the recommendations made in a recent report by his Enterprise Advisor Lord Young will be accepted including lifting the cap on Start Up Loans so that over 30s who aspire to set up their own business will be able to access funds and get on in life. It will also be made easier for these people - and other small businesses owners - to access the right advice and support to succeed in the global race. This is part of the governments GREAT campaign and celebrated the important contribution that small businesses make to the UK economy - with small firms accounting for 99.9 per cent of all businesses in the UK. The recommendations from Lord Youngs report will also inform the work BIS is leading with the small business community to refresh the 2011 small and medium sized business strategy Bigger, Better Business . The publication, expected in the autumn, will look at making it easier for small and medium sized businesses to access the right support, and to improve the way government communicates with firms. Business Secretary Vince Cable said: Half of all jobs in this country come from small and medium sized business. So if were to get our economy going again, we must do all we can to support them. Business and Enterprise Minister Michael Fallon said: We all want faster growth. As Britain recovers, small firms are leading the generation of ideas, creating new jobs and driving enterprise. Whether by encouraging more firms to export or opening up procurement opportunities, government is backing ambitious businesses by giving them the support they need to grow.

99.9 per cent of all businesses in the UK

Lord Youngs report Growing your business: a report on growing micro business looked at the barriers small business face when they want to move to the next stage, and how government can better target its support to ensure firms can get off the ground.

Part of the governments GREAT campaign and celebrated the important contribution that small businesses make to the UK economy


The European Federation of Association of Locks & Builders Hardware Manufacturers (ARGE) has announced the agenda for its annual conference, with sustainability set to take centre stage. To take place in Budapest on 5th and 6th September, the conference will be ARGEs platform to present its plans for creating a series of generic Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). All its members and their manufacturing members will have access to these EPDs, which look set to become a mandatory requirement for the construction market. CPR MARKET CHANGES The introduction of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) across Europe this summer is set to change the market. The new regulation now addresses sustainability and the sustainable use of natural resources (under Basic Works Requirement 7 BRCW7) together with the reduction of life cycle impacts of greenhouse gases (BRCW3). In the context of the CPR EPDs can be used to assess a construction products environmental impact. In providing EPDs for its members, therefore, ARGE is enabling them to remain competitive in the construction market. Speaking on the forthcoming conference, ARGE General Secretary, Joachim Kieker, said: At last years conference we set the scene for the changing landscape within the construction market, in the advent of the CPR. This year, we are very excited, as we will be presenting the tangible measures for ensuring all our members have access to this increasingly restrictive market. The journey to creating EPDs for all our members is an area of sustainability they should and can all engage with. COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE ARGE is working to ensure that all members are best able to meet with the forthcoming sustainability agenda to provide real commercial advantage. ARGE will use the conference to present its plans for delivering this to its members. In addition to networking opportunities and social highlights, the Chairman of the CEN TC350 will also be presenting on sustainability in construction works, and the impact this will have on the marketplace.

Access to this increasingly restrictive market

To find out more or register for the conference, visit

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With recent reports of record low crime levels across England and Wales consumers might be forgiven for dropping their guard this summer. Here, David Herbert, Head of Marketing for Yale explains why it is crucial that Britons do not become complacent and how locksmiths can ensure they have the tools to keep people safe and profit margins wide this season.
Summer sees thousands of people flocking from their home to a holiday destination of their choice leaving properties open to potential break-ins and theft. Building on the success of its We Love Locks initiative - launched in February Yale is assisting locksmiths in giving Britain a safe summer through increased security awareness with its Safecation campaign. While most do consider the risk of leaving their house unattended, there are a great number who dont and could benefit from increasing or improving the security systems throughout their home whether it is a high tech alarm system or outdoor solutions. Yale supplies locksmiths with locking solutions for outbuildings such as hasps, padlocks and stand alone alarms which prevent drawing unnecessary attention to the items or properties consumers want kept safe. Benefitting from a 98 per cent rate of brand recognition for security across consumers, Yale has established itself as a brand synonymous with quality, innovation and value for money. As most locksmiths are all too aware, branded products often give consumers greater peace of mind than their budget counterparts, which are not necessarily tested to the latest, rigorous standards and are less likely to have the benefit of a dedicated customer service be it online or otherwise. Whether holidaying in the UK or abroad, Britons are being encouraged by Yale to take the necessary steps that will secure their homes including alarms, outdoor security products and padlocks. Supported with a new summer crime awareness video on Yales website and YouTube channel, locksmiths can now easily highlight where security can be improved across both residential and commercial properties. Yales ongoing promotion of its pioneering Crime Watcher app throughout the summer will also help drive demand for security products as consumers are alerted

to crime levels in their area and approach locksmiths for preventative solutions. But its not just security in the home that concerns consumers during the summer months it is their security and that of their belongings while away from the home. Travel security is a huge issue for tourists both home and abroad so it is a prime opportunity for locksmiths to push solutions that will minimise the risk of holidaymakers falling foul of petty crime. Padlocks are the most simple and effective travel security solution and Yale has developed its range to suit the needs of travellers wherever they go by being easily identifiable and convenient to use. With consumer belts still being pulled tight, it is important locksmiths utilise the sales opportunities provided by manufacturers and the tools made available to them across multiple media. The equipment and all-encompassing security solutions supplied by locksmiths will serve consumers well this season and all year around, with the opportunity for upgrades and add on sales to be made in the future. For further information on Yales Safecation campaign, or the full range of Yale security solutions, please contact the Yale sales team on 0845 302 4765 or visit


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Going away?

Yale Safes

Doormaster locks



TS007 2 Sta r Security Handles

Coming Soon -

TS007 3 Star Cylinder

Leave your home in Yales safe hands this summer.

With the main holiday season just around the corner, its easy to get caught up in deciding what to pack without considering the security of what youre taking, or what youre leaving behind. Yale offers a comprehensive range of products including traditional locking solutions, the DoormasterTM multipoint locks, TS007 cylinders / handles, innovative digital door locks and alarms. With our extensive range of products we can help provide complete security solutions for your customers needs when they are on holiday.

Use the Yale Crime Watcher App to increase your customers awareness of securing their homes.

For more information please contact your Yale representative or visit our website






Enhancements to HOPPES interior duranorm door range are set to increase its popularity. Andy Matthews of HOPPE says: Always popular due to the perfect combination of style and substance, our interior door range comprising Seattle, Ibiza, Dubayy, Dublin and Maribor has recently undergone some product enhancements, and as a result, this specialist part of our duranorm range now offers even better value for money. While HOPPE never sets out to be the cheapest, we do understand the market requirement for competitively priced products, and thats just what we have achieved. While designing-out cost to the range, weve also designedin more appealing features with a fresh approach to shapes and finishes. Suitable for residential applications, the duranorm range of interior handles is supplied with wood screw and bolt through fixings, solid spindle, choice of backplate and matching escutcheons, indicators and turns. Included on a successful fire test to BS EN1634, the range has been assessed for use on FD30 and FD60 fire doors. Supported with a five year mechanical and operational guarantee, each one is available in polished brass effect, polished chrome effect or anodised silver finishes. or call 01902 484 400.


Westminster City Council is rolling out a new waste bin container-locking device across the borough this summer following successful security trials earlier this year.
The patented bin container locking device from Taylor, Slam-Lock, has been developed in conjunction with the council and waste contractor Veolia Environmental Services Designed to deter metal theft in the borough, it will support the council in its waste reduction efforts. We have 160 bring sites across the city for local engagement on top of our doorstep collection service and were using standard brass padlocks, Westminster Councils waste & recycling manager Philip Robson said. We were losing 70-80 padlocks overnight through metal theft. Padlock theft on existing bins across the borough has been driven by the rising market value of brass. Veolia, which provides a daily waste management collection service for Westminster, estimates that the criminal activity is costing it 500 a week in replacement locks. Missing padlocks also led to an increase in cross-contamination with residents depositing waste indiscriminately. The Slam-Lock system was successfully trialled earlier this year to resolve the problems and it is now being installed borough-wide.

We were losing 70-80 padlocks overnight

IronmongeryDirect takes on new apprentices

IronmongeryDirect, the UKs largest online and mail order supplier of ironmongery products to the trade, has started a new apprenticeship scheme. Two new apprentices have started at the Basildon HQ, with Ben Lake and Rebecca Weston taking up positions in the contact centre training for an NVQ in customer service. Their apprenticeships will run for 12 months where they will learn all aspects of the business. Raye Rowland and Matt Whitehead will be working towards a City & Guilds in Warehousing based in the distribution centre. With over 14,000 products in the range, there is a requirement for continual education, training and product awareness sessions across the whole team. Already the company invests in training staff to GAI (Guild of Architectural Ironmongers) Standards. The passion, commitment and knowledge the supplier provides to its trade customer base for projects large or small, commercial or self-build, makes IronmongeryDirect the face of the modern day ironmonger and masters of their trade.

L-r: Matt Whitehead, Rebecca Weston, Ben Lake and Raye Rowland.

IronmongeryDirect relocated to its current 50,000 ft Basildon premises two years ago and has increased staff numbers by 15 percent since.


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European burglar resistance accreditation for Exova

The Willenhall laboratory operated by global testing leader Exova is among the first in the UK to be accredited to key European burglar resistance standards by UKAS, the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. The EN1627-1630 standards feature mechanical loading, impacting and manual attack, and while the manner of testing may appear initially to be similar to the current UK standard PAS24:2012, six levels of increasing resistance class (RC) cover a higher level. The standards cover a level of commercial or industrial security product where the potential rewards for the burglar are much greater. While products classed as RC1 must resist manual burglary attempts for one minute with small tools such as screwdrivers, pliers and knives, products classified at the highest level RC6 must resist a prolonged, 20 minute attack using power tools such as angle grinders, electric drills and jigsaws. For security windows, test evidence to EN1627-1630 RC2 can be used in place of the old British Standard BS7950 for compliance with Secured by Design police initiative. The requirement for doorsets is a minimum of EN1627-1630 RC3, although the client will still be required to carry out the PAS24:2012 Annex A security hardware test in addition, as this attack method is not assessed in EN1627-1630.

Mark West, operations manager for security products certification at Exova Warrington Certification, said: Testing to these new accreditations will allow free trade for UK clients to sell their products into the European market under a recognised EN standard, and at the same time allows European companies with existing security test evidence to achieve the police-backed Secured by Design accreditation without costly full retesting to UK standards.


Intolocks Imports Ltd, the importer and wholesale supplier of locks and locksmiths tools, is now in bigger premises where it continues to provide a nationwide service. The move has enabled Intolocks Imports sister company, Advanced Locksmiths & Train Locksmiths, to operate in the same building located at Prospect House, 32 Bolton Road, Atherton, Manchester M46 9JY. It has also enabled Intolocks to pursue its policy of keeping up with the requirements of its locksmith customers by adding new product lines. It is important to have the widest possible product range, said Sales Director Elnur Yusifzade. But we also insist on quality. We dont stock anything that we dont use ourselves. While some companies may seek to attract customers with low quality products, we wont do that. It would be bad for business to have to go back to a job because a product of inferior quality has failed. Elnur and fellow director, Mark Aldred, set up the business in 2007.

Single, Double and Thumbturn Cylinders Snap-Safe, 5-Pin, Anti-Drill, Anti-Pick.

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The 11th Escar Conference on Embedded Security in Cars will take place at the Hilton Hotel in Frankfurt/Main (Germany) on November 14 and 15, 2013. The German escar is the leading automotive cyber security workshop and had its 10th anniversary last year. Together with ESCRYPT and the Horst-Grtz-Institution at the Ruhr-University in Bochum it engages in the topic with analysis of the threat, actual and possible attacks, development reports and possibilities of protection. This year, due to escars international success, escar is organised the first time in two locations Frankfurt/ Germany for EUROPE and Detroit/USA for America. The Detroit conference took place in May with great success. The speakers presentations will be available for download shortly. The escar provides the opportunity for information exchange, networking, and collaboration among your peers and a forum to define research needs as well as socialising at the escar dinner. This years social program offers a visit to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Visitors Centre (on Wednesday, 13th November) and another one to the Lufthansa Flight Training Centre at Frankfurt Airport (on Thursday, 14th November).

TradeLocks: New Look, New Low Prices, More rewards

UAP TradeLocks has launched an improved version of its website and to celebrate has reduced the price of several locksmith tools and accessories, including Genuine Lish Manuals and the new Lishi Training Kit which is just 125, until August 31st 2013. The updated site has a new cleaner look, is more user-friendly and offers customers new lower prices on all Domestic, Auto and Safe Locksmith tools. TradeLocks has also improved its loyalty reward scheme to give customers more points with their orders. TradeLocks Rewards enables customers to earn points on purchases. The points can then be redeemed to save money on any of the 1200 plus products on the site. To celebrate the launch, customers will be rewarded with 1000 points on their first order on the new site. This offer will run until September 1st 2013. Users of the site can access the TradeLocks Forum, Tool Instructions, Brochures, Technical Specifications, Accreditation Certificates and Marketing Support - and will also be able to sign up to receive the latest news and offers.

Redeemed to save money

Go to to visit the new site.

Government targets 100,000 engineering apprentices in five years

The Government has announced a multi-million pound scheme to produce at least 100,000 new engineering apprentices over the next five years.
Created by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Institution of Civil Engineers, and the Institution of Engineering and Technology, is backed by 10m from the Gatsby Foundation - one of the Sainsbury family charitable trusts. On completion of the scheme, apprentices will gain the professional registration designation of Engineering Technician (EngTech). The Prime Minister said: British engineering and innovation are a part of our history that we are rightly very proud of and our engineering excellence continues to change the world that we live in for the better. Apprenticeships are at the heart of our mission to rebuild the economy, giving young people the chance to learn a trade and to build their careers, creating a truly worldclass, high-skilled workforce that can compete and thrive in the global race.

Apprenticeships are at the heart of our mission



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Security Tech Germany

A new generation of padlocks - Available now From Aldridge, HOPPE & Toolbank

Strong | Lightweight | Innovative

For more information contact:- Tel. 0117 204 7000

The good feeling of security


Secured by the highest standards

Exterior folding doors are seeing a surge in popularity. Creating a transition from home to the garden provides a muchdesired indoor/outdoor experience. Whilst exterior folding doors offer the solution, due to the vast opening in the side of a building, and considering the multiple points to secure, there is a need to ensure that the system provided has the high performance of a secure solution, together with the look and feel desired by the client. With so many systems available on the market today claiming to offer enhanced security protection, it is often very confusing for customers who are looking to source the most secure option for their project needs. Here, Fergus Pickard, Product Development Director from P C Henderson, takes a closer look at the accreditation and security standards available for exterior folding doors Secured by Design Secured by Design (SBD) is the official UK Police flagship initiative supporting the principles of designing out crime . Owned by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), SBD focuses on crime prevention of homes and commercial premises and promotes the use of security standards for a wide range of applications and products. The principles have been proven to achieve a reduction of crime risk by up to 75%. Their objective is to reduce burglary and crime in the UK through physical security and processes. Products carrying the Secured by Design certification have been rigorously tested to withstand forced entry. Clarification of performance and test standards There are different performance and test standards for burglar resistance for folding door systems, the European wide EN1627, and the UK specific PAS 24. Both documents look to confirm that systems that have passed the prescribed tests offer an enhanced security

performance from attack. Both look to demand similar testing for the system to withstand, it can be considered that PAS 24 focuses more on being able to resist high mechanical loads and dynamic impacts, while EN1627 expresses elements to test all the system against human attack. It is extremely important that exterior folding door components are subject to rigorous testing such as PAS 24 and EN1627. It ensures that a product is a secure system, which offers security of the highest standard. The accreditation and standards available acknowledge quality security products and means that certified systems meet the requirements to be classified as burglar resistant. However, this must also be coupled with corrosion resistant qualities so that durability over time is maintained. The extremes of the British weather have to be taken into account, as this is a big factor in wear and tear on mechanisms, potentially leaving them vulnerable to attack. Exterior door hardware needs to be weather and corrosion-resistant which not only provides a durable product but is essential for long-term security. Designed for Ultra Security P C Hendersons Securefold Ultra system has enhanced security components certified to PAS24 and BS EN 1627 RC2 and accredited as Secured by Design hardware. This system has been cleverly designed to provide an additional layer of security using enhanced security components

making it one of the most secure systems on the market. Key features that Securefold Ultra offers for burglar resistance peace of mind include: Three points of locking on every external door seam. Robust hardware is provided at 3 points on the door to prevent entry. A unique interlocking anti tamper hinge, which makes it difficult for it to be forced out of position or dismantled. Additional security components complement this feature including a specialist hinge security bolt and a locking screw mechanism that stops the hardware being disengaged from the door. Multi point lock, featuring anti-snap and anti-bump cylinder providing additional security on the swing door to withstanding attack from the most determined intruder. This stainless steel system provides excellent corrosion and weather resistance. Tested in accordance with EN1527 it has achieved in excess of 100,000 cycles, if the set of doors are opened and closed twice a day the system would last over 137 years. This highlights that the long lasting high performance of a product can be aligned with security. Improving security provides a worthwhile investment. According to Secured by Design, the right security will last a long time, add value to a property, can benefit insurance cover and most of all give peace of mind. For more information, Tel: +44 (0) 191 377 0701, Website:, Email:



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Locksmith Rick Buckby, 46, tells The Locksmith Journal (TLJ) how he has combined his profession and passion to the benefit of the local community and the locksmith fraternity. TLJ: So Rick, who are you and what do you do? Rick: Ive been in the locksmith industry now for around 25 years, and have been self-employed, working almost exclusively on utility warrants, for the last 15 years and I have to admit that Ive been in a few uncomfortable situations. TLJ: Such as? Rick: Well, Ive been spat on, pushed, thumped, shouted at so many times I cant remember, threatened with a machete, chased, oh and someone threatened to shoot me! TLJ: And is this normal? Rick: (Laughing) Im not sure if normal is the right word but one thing Ive learnt working the worst areas of the major cities is always expect the unexpected. TLJ: So you are more confident now? Rick: Definitely, but that was a result of a friend inviting me along to his martial arts club about five years ago. At the time, my daughters were very young and I wanted to reassure my wife that I was safe and protected (as much as anyone can be) while working on warrants, or on evening callouts. Ive learned to become more aware and can now avoid a lot of confrontation by reading the situation and reacting accordingly. Thats something we learn at the club. TLJ: So, do you think other locksmiths could benefit from these techniques? Rick: Absolutely! Id say that anyone working in a lone, or possibly volatile, environment should at least spend a day learning the basics of how to

defend themselves if the worst should happen. Thats why myself and a colleague have created S-Team Solutions.

Ive learned to become more aware and can now avoid a lot of confrontation by reading the situation
TLJ: Whats that? Rick: S-Team stands for Self esteem - Through Education, Activity & Martial arts. We created it primarily to allow youngsters having difficulties at school to release their angers and frustrations in a controlled and disciplined environment. And it really works.

TLJ: Thats sounds really interesting. What has this got to do with our readers? Rick: Well, we want to work in schools helping the youngsters with behavioural problems but to do this costs money - and what better way to fund it than by helping others to gain awareness of the dangers of our industry and defend themselves should the worst happen? So, were running three 1-day seminars for those who would like to learn specialist techniques applicable to our industry. Seminars are due to take place in late September and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. To request a booking form ring 07904 307058 or email s-team@live. com



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New orders increased in the manufacturing sector increased in the three months to July for the first time in a year, while production continued to rise modestly, according to the latest CBI quarterly Industrial Trends Survey. Optimism among manufacturers about both the general business situation compared with the previous three months, and export prospects for the year ahead, grew for the second quarter in a row. Meanwhile, employment in the sector also continued to rise, recording the strongest growth in a year this marks the 12th consecutive quarter of hiring, a survey record. The survey of 390 firms found that both domestic and export orders rose though still disappointing manufacturers expectations of stronger growth - domestic orders recorded the strongest growth in a year, and export orders the fastest in more than two years. Firms anticipate a further modest rise in orders and output in the coming three months, and expectations for growth in new domestic orders are at their highest since April 2012. Elsewhere, there were signs of the squeeze in manufacturers margins easing. Domestic price inflation picked up a little in the three months to July, in line with expectations. But, growth in manufacturers unit costs fell to a year-low and is expected to fall further in the coming quarter. Despite a further rise in optimism, investment intentions remained muted. Planned spending over the next twelve months (compared with the previous twelve months) on buildings is expected to be unchanged, while planned capital expenditure on plant and machinery deteriorated slightly, though remained above average. Stephen Gifford, CBI Director of Economics, said:

Manufacturers have seen a pick-up in activity across the board this quarter, with new orders and production continuing to rise. Optimism in the sector has risen again, and demand conditions are expected to improve further in the coming three months. The gentle rise in confidence is being reflected in firms headcount, which is rising at the fastest rate in a year. But manufacturers remain concerned about political and economic conditions abroad limiting export orders, which is likely to reflect heightened uncertainty over the global economic outlook.

Would you like to Gain Confidence, Protect Yourself and Reassure your loved ones that youre safe while out working?
Learn the Secrets of Effective Conflict Resolution and Self Defence
S-Team Solutions (Self esteem - Through Education, Activity & Martial arts) is running three 1 day Seminars, one in the North of England, one in the Midlands and one in the South. A Special Offer to readers of The Locksmith Journal of just 195 per person (normally 250) AND an Exclusive Offer for the first 25 bookings. A fantastic 4 DVD box set, detailing different Martial Arts and Self Defence Techniques. The Seminar Includes: How to protect your personal space How to communicate effectively, diffuse situations and control outcomes Protection moves against initial attack, flinch reactions, blocks and cover ups Knife defence The use of equalisers Two or three on one attacks Qualified Black Belt Instructors with multiple discipline experience

How would you deal with this?

All of this takes place in a relaxed and friendly environment. Seminars are suitable for male or female and complete beginners through to the more experienced who would like to learn specialist techniques applicable to the industry.

Seminars are due to take place in late September and spaces are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

To request a booking form ring 07904 307058 or email

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Davenport-Burgess of Willenhall is a company with a long history in locksmithing and has wisely been able to use its knowledge and experience as excellent building blocks for the 21st century. And being a family business now in its sixth generation - continues to play an important part in the companys continuing success.
Many of our customers are family business themselves, says Matthew Davenport, Sales & Marketing Director. So our background gives us an advantage because we understand their concerns and can deliver the sort of service they expect. We believe that we can help give our customers the edge on their competition, he added. Davenport -Burgess is today one of the UKs leading specialist suppliers of keys, key blanks, key cutting equipment and locksmiths tools. We specialise in every aspect of our trade, says Matthew. We hold the largest key blank stock throughout the UK around 15 million in fact - including a huge range of novelty blanks. We now also have an online downloadable catalogue visit and 90 percent of key blanks are Britishmade. customers with technical support and the latest updates. The company has its own separate manufacturing facility, enabling them to produce both small batch special key blanks to any customers specification - or large volumes of standard key blanks. They stock a comprehensive range of locking devices and an in-house master suite building facilities enables them to build cylinder, lever locks and padlocks to master and differ (to customers own specification) using their own unique RS1 & LRS1 systems, only available from Davenport-Burgess. Also unique is the range of key blank dispenser boards, which, by virtue of having exact size illustrations, offers a combination of highly effective sales aids, stock holders and key blank reference charts. Key blanks can be stamped with your name and other details - at no extra cost - and the company also offers key blank coining, the professional alternative to stamping. You can design your own personalised embossed key blank to help promote your business - dies are free of charge on orders of 2,500 or more blanks. Davenport-Burgess Key specialises in cutting machines sales including computerised and computer-operated code key cutting machines, and also offers a useful maintenance, servicing and refurbishment service for nearly all makes. Additionally, an impressive range of key machine spare parts and consumables are all held in stock, as is a vast range of accessories including key fobs, rings and chains and pet discs. A full locksmithing, keys to code and special key cutting service is available as backup for the key cutter, including cylinder, lever, transponder, tubular, dimple and old style church keys. As you would expect, the company also provides a broad range of locksmiths tools stock from leading manufacturers such as A1 Security, HPC and Souber tools. Same day despatch and a first class delivery service on stock items ensure prompt receipt of orders and shipping comes free of charge on stock orders of more than 80 (Nett). As a modern business, DavenportBurgess makes full use of its e-commerce enabled, database-driven website to ensure customers can confidently order quality products from a huge range and at competitive prices. But for those who prefer the traditional approach, this is still an important part of the business.

We have built up the business down the years by establishing a strong reputation for quality
Quality, reliability and integrity are crucially important to us, Matthew continued. We have built up the business down the years by establishing a strong reputation for quality of products - we operate on BS EN ISO 9000 production standards to ensure our key blanks are of impeccable quality but also by ensuring we provide a level of customer service and support to match. All our sales staff are helpful, trained and knowledgeable, able to provide

Produce both small batch special key blanks to any customers specification - or large volumes of standard key blanks
We have many customers who like to meet us in person and we will always offer them that opportunity, both at our premises and also at various events when our team enjoys getting out and meeting customers face to face, says Matthew, who confirms that they will be at both the newly expanded Cutting Edge Show on 22 and 23 September in Manchester, and at the Alexpo Auto Locksmiths Show on 26 and 27 October in Nottingham. We will be delighted to welcome old and new customers to our stands at both shows, he said.



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Davenport Burgess
Services available from us
UKs largest supplier of key blanks with 15,000,000 in stock. Ask for your free latest keyblank catalogue with your first order. Bulk order specialists, no order too big, discounts available. Same day despatch on orders received by 3pm.

Extensive range of key cutting machinery with full back up service and training.

Security key ordering service.

Latest transponder equipment with full back up service and training.

Full key to number service, over 5,000 codes available.

UK sales rep team for full support and new product distribution.

Keys made to lock service.

Advertise your company with our cylinder and mortice key coining service. Available for most popular blanks. A new large range of lock hardware including padlocks, cam locks and other associated security products. Ask for our latest hardware catalogue with your first order.

Master suite security systems for home or business using the latest key technology.

High tech computerised engraving machinery for all of your engraving needs. With full back up service and training. Engraving accessories available.

Extensive range of key accessories from split rings to caps to key rings and much more...

Largest Funkey range in the UK, including Football teams, Disney, Hello Kitty and much more...

The latest keyboards in a range of colours with space saving sliding units available.

Comprehensive range of locksmith tools.

See us at the MLA show. Stand 163 - 166

47 Wednesfield Road, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 1AL, t: 01902 366448, f: 01902 602472, e:, w:


Duffells Doubles Distribution Centre Expansion built on service

Duffells has taken another 12,000 sq ft warehouse adjoining the existing one and almost doubling the companys warehouse space. Only two years ago, we moved to our new warehouse in Croydon and our continuing growth has meant that we required even more space, says Director, Alex Kuness. Currently we dispatch more than 600 parcels each day but it soon became apparent that we would outgrow our warehouse before the end of the year. So we decided to acquire the adjoining warehouse as part of our long-term growth strategy, to house a new dispatch and goods receipt system. Our success is built on our service and that philosophy applies equally to our logistics and distribution, Alex added. The new premises will allow us to integrate fully our barcoded product project and allow us the flexibility to cope with extra volume and offer our customers multiple delivery options. Duffells also has plans to introduce more than 4,000 new products and the new warehouse will also be partly used for storage with some innovative solutions for products which have been traditionally difficult to process.


The SSAIB is offering SSAIB registered firms an opportunity to gain an NVQ, level 2, industry specific qualification in Electronic Security and Emergency Systems. The qualification is the industry national occupational standard and is certificated by City and Guilds. It is awarded to an individual for demonstrating their competency whilst carrying out their job. The assessment is done on one site visit and you will need to produce a small portfolio of evidence. An independent assessor will review your level of competence and ensure your knowledge is adequate for the award by: Checking records and your portfolio of information relating to jobs that you have Installed or service documentation for maintenance engineers; visiting you on a job to observe you working; discussing with you jobs that you are working on to assess your underpinning knowledge. The qualification is suitable for individuals who install, commission and maintain intruder alarms, CCTV, access control, fire systems or integrated systems and is open to anyone aged 19 or over who works in the electronic security systems industry, provided: You have worked and gained experience on a variety of installations; domestic, industrial, commercial (at least 12 months experience). You have support from your employer confirming your experience. The company you work for must have an office in England and be an SME of less than 250 employees. For further information and an application form email


With registered attendees from 42 countries throughout the world, the ASSA ABLOY Security Solutions webinar on complete doorset specification has proved successful. The hour-long online seminar, hosted in conjunction with this years Ecobuild exhibition, got into some of the industrys most pressing issues, including the role and aesthetics of doorsets in commercial buildings, CE Marking, BIM and whole life costing. Editor and journalist Andrew Brister, who chaired the webinar, was joined by: ASSA ABLOY Security Solutions Managing Director, David Wigglesworth, Product Manager Andy Stolworthy and Category Manager for Lend Lease, Steven Dawson. Commenting on the webinar, David Wigglesworth said: This was a great opportunity to interact with specifiers and those who wanted to find out more about door opening solutions and specification. There was a 15 minute Q&A at the end of the webinar, which generated a huge number of comments on the issues raised in the webinar and by the panel.
David Wigglesworth.

Being actively involved in a number of panels and committees involved with standards development, its important for ASSA ABLOY to take these opportunities to share knowledge, and continue pioneering work in industry.



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1000s of Multipoint Locks in stock.

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HOPPE offers a Helping Hand to make CE Marking

On CE marking, Andy Matthews, of HOPPEs comments: Traditionally, a specifier has had a choice between a complete kit of components from a single source for assembly as a tailormade doorset on site; or a door assembly comprising individual components for on-site assembly. From 1 July, while this did not change, it did become an offence to put a construction product into the market without a CE Mark if its covered by a hEn (Harmonised European Standard). This means that any door assembly, completed on site, comprising of components from more than one source cannot be CE Marked as it is not covered by a harmonised standard. This rule applies even if those component parts are themselves individually CE Marked. When it comes to compliance for external emergency exit door use, ask for a CE marked lockset to BS EN 179, and a Declaration of Performance (DoP) from your supplier. Even more simply, just select the ARRONE AR915 escape lock with one of our compatible HOPPE or ARRONE lever handles and AR228 spindle supplied as standard for your complete CE Marked Lockset.

Ask for a CE marked lockset to BS EN 179, and a Declaration of Performance (DoP) from your supplier or call 01902 484 400.


French retail chain Hyper U is using an access control solution from ACT at one of its largest stores, a 20,000-square-metre property with 200 full-time personnel at the western town of Savenay in the Loire Estuary. The integrator is 2ACOM who has installed the equipment in two phases after the end-user found the ACT solution to be robust, reliable and with the functionality needed to both secure the site and improve logistics by reporting on staff activity.

Hyper U wanted to control and log movement of staff

Hyper U wanted to control and log movement of staff around the shop floor, office block, delivery areas, car parks, lifts, stock rooms and

perimeter. The client also needed a hierarchical rights management system so that staff would only access certain groups of doors associated with their job function and at appropriate times of day according to their shift. Hyper U found the flexibility they needed in ACTs door stations, door controllers, readers and ACTWin software. The door security also ensures that prospective thieves remain on the shop-floor and are

denied entry to areas where high-value items are stored. It should be noted that French supermarket retailers make extensive use of the concession system whereby there is a gallery of boutique suppliers of items such as smart phones and tablet computers operating under the same roof. The ACT units cover 60 doors and the equipment is working in conjunction with intruder alarms, CCTV and perimeter intrusion protection.

New SIA licence application service with Post Office

The Security Industry Authority is developing a new and easier way for individual applicants to apply for their SIA licence. An agreement has been signed with the Post Office to launch the new service. The service, to be introduced this autumn, will make applying for a new SIA licence easier and cheaper; applicants will no longer need to routinely send in documents and a photograph, which can be costly and inconvenient. Applicants first log on to the SIA online portal and complete their application, they are then told which identity and other documents to take to the Post Office. The Post Office will check the online application details against the applicants documentation and immediately return the documents to the applicant. The Post Office will take a digital photograph of the applicant, an electronic version of the applicants signature, and payment of the application fee. The applicant will not be charged by the Post Office for using the service. The applicants photograph and signature are sent to the SIA electronically by the Post Office. The SIA will add them to the application information already received and continue with its checks, just as it does today. The new service will be available alongside existing methods of applying for a licence until early in 2014 when it will replace the paper application form as the way to apply for a new licence.



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ASSA ABLOYs UKAS accredited performance testing laboratory offers independent and unbiased testing to the industrys key performance standards. With more than 30 years experience, the test lab employs a wide range of bespoke and exclusively developed testing methods to assess the performance and integrity of security and hardware products. The impressive Midlands-based facility can provide designers and manufacturers with, among others, BSEN, BS and PAS accredited testing for door sets, locks, door furniture and hardware to be applied in a variety of market sectors, including residential and commercial facilities. In addition, detention locking can be tested to ASTM, NIJ and other industryrecognised standards methods. Validating both security and durability, tests at the site include temperature extremes, weather tests such as wind loads, resistance to salt spray and humidity, as well as operating forces and saw, drill and chisel attack. Commenting on the large resource and ethos behind the ASSA ABLOY testing lab, Chief Test Engineer and Test Lab Manager, Ian Bridge, said: In addition to the excellent and extensive range of facilities the lab has to offer, we also focus on developing innovative testing solutions for specific requirements; customising, designing and manufacturing modules for a clients bespoke product or need. As well as being highly beneficial for new and emerging markets, it also strengthens the relationship with our customers and helps to ensure that we are all contributing toward creating safer environments. At the lab we are not driven by pass or fail results, but instead report definitively on the performance of the product, helping at the design and manufacturing stage of product development. Our testing

emulates the extremes in relationships between products and people, and products and the environment, providing peace of mind for manufacturers and end users. ASSA ABLOY currently report to UKAS accredited standards and a notified body under the construction products directive, the performance testing laboratory offers over 160 individual testing criteria across 13 product categories. Comprehensive reports and sample photography are supplied to all clients. Products/Testlaboratory/


When the Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia commissioned a report by its Training Director, Jeremy Phillips, he tested all of the leading transponder cloners and included Lockdecoders MiraClone even though it is not an entry level cloner but an advanced Eeprom machine and lost points because it is naturally more expensive. Overall, the MiraClone still came out tops, however. Here are some comments from the report: The MiraClone is the only machine in our tests that is able to clone pesky Temic Crypto 8c transponders. Regarding chip information - the MiraClone excelled in this category, providing an impressive amount of information. The use of PC software increases this even more. The MiraClone has a wide range of extra features. The most exciting of these centres around the transponder production from an Eeprom/ MCU file, where the MiraClone easily outpaces all the other cloners in our trial. Extra cables have just been released which will make reading these files in circuit very easy and very safe. Users who choose this machine will do so primarily for the way in which it works with Eeprom files; and in this area it is the best of the machines we trialled. (Copyright: Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia 2013. All rights reserved). Peter Southern, founder and managing director of Lockdecoders Ltd, says he is delighted but not entirely surprised by the trial report and adds that Lockdecoders now exports the MiraClone to 37 countries. During the past few weeks he has spent time with his international distributors for Spain, Portugal, Libya, Chile, Czech Republic, Greece and Israel and has meetings scheduled with potential or existing distributors in no less than five other countries. The Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia (MLAA) has around 1,000 members, and provides a wide range of locksmithing and security services throughout Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific region and South East Asia. Locksmiths in Australia and New Zealand are required to comply with legislation and regulations relating to security industry licensing. In several states, locksmiths and security providers require membership of an approved Security Industry Association in order to satisfy their security licensing obligations - the MLAA is recognised as an approved Security Industry Association.

To read more, visit




Apecs Padlock
Apecs padlocks, well known in the Russian market are increasing its popularity here. Available in cast iron, brass and steel, there is a wide range.
3 Most popular padlock (steel range): 2 Most popular brass padlock: Apecs offers different designs for different markets; those shown below are popular in China: These are favoured in Russia:


29/01/2013 14:36

U shape Hammer head (steel)

Standard cast iron padlock has extended pin to enhance anti-pick feature.

Waterproof is a big selling point for waterproof padlock.

All Apecs brass range padlock have achieved ISO, and Russian padlock standard Brass padlock has better corrosion resistance, ideal for UK market Brass is popular in Russia & Ukraine where Apecs is brand leader

Square iron

Chinese gold ingot 1

Oval hammer head (steel)

Chinese gold ingot 2

Standard steel padlock is the basic/budget range competitively priced but of consistent quality.

APECS can ensure the lowest price point and highest quality
Square aluminum

U shape (steel)



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HOPPE reports an increase in demand for its range of nylon levers and pull handles as schools and colleges requiring refurbishment start to close for summer. Manufactured from polyamide nylon, giving great tensile properties, impact strength and wearresistance, as well as good antistatic behaviour and corrosion and chemical resistance, the Nylon range is available in 11 colours. Accessories include coat hooks, signage and finger & kick plates. Andy Matthews of HOPPE comments: In the absence of any other from stock round rose, radius plate and rectangular plates. The range meets the dimensional recommendations of BS 8300 and Approved Document M. A major benefit in light of new CE Marking legislation, is the ease in which customers can achieve compliance. Select the ARRONE AR915 escape lock with one of our compatible nylon Paris lever handles with AR228 spindle for your complete CE Marked Lockset and youre covered. For your free copy of HOPPES fully illustrated 23 page Architectural Nylon brochure, please visit

suppliers in the UK, HOPPE has increased its nylon stock to keep lead times down to a minimum. Especially popular is our Paris Series including steel cored levers, available on


Further growth expected for 2013. SALTO Systems S.L. has been recognised by market research firm IMS Research, as being the 8th largest Access Control company worldwide. According to the IMS report, The World Market for Access Control Equipment 2013 Edition , SALTO, with its headquarters in Oiartzun, Spain has solidly broken into the ranks of the worlds top ten Access Control companies. This is a remarkable achievement for SALTO which started commercial activity in 2001, and which has consistently brought to the marketplace year after year, value-added innovations in functionality, technology and design that have been extremely well-received by the market in a variety of sectors and geographies. In 2012, SALTO achieved consolidated sales revenues of almost 56 Million Euro, hence over 72 Million US$, achieving a growth of close to 20% compared to 2011. The outlook for 2013 is strong, says SALTO, and the company expects to achieve an even higher growth in 2013. SALTO sells its products in well over 90 countries, and now has subsidiaries and/ or offices in 24 countries. SALTO Systems was established in 2001 with the objective of creating a new advanced state-of-the-art access control concept. Products such as their SALTO Virtual Network have accelerated the companys growth and this has now become the access option of choice on more than 1,500,000 doors in over 94 countries. Customer markets include airports, hospitals, government buildings, universities, corporate headquarters and hotels.


Enhancements to HOPPES interior duranorm door range are set to increase its popularity. Andy Matthews of HOPPE says: Always popular due to the perfect combination of style and substance, our interior door range comprising Seattle, Ibiza, Dubayy, Dublin and Maribor has recently undergone some product enhancements, and as a result, this specialist part of our duranorm range now offers even better value for money. While HOPPE never sets out to be the cheapest, we do understand the market requirement for competitively priced products, and thats just what we have achieved. While designing-out cost to the range, weve also designedin more appealing features with a fresh approach to shapes and finishes. Suitable for residential applications, the duranorm range of interior handles is supplied with wood screw and bolt through fixings, solid spindle, choice of backplate and matching escutcheons, indicators and turns. Included on a successful fire test to BS EN1634, the range has been assessed for use on FD30 and FD60 fire doors. Supported with a five year mechanical and operational guarantee, each one is available in polished brass effect, polished chrome effect or anodised silver finishes. or call 01902 484 400.



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The Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI) is launching an innovative new development in its respected education programme: a new Foundation Module in Hardware. Due to begin later this year, the new module is a one-stop introduction to door hardware that the GAI says will help raise knowledge and standards amongst many trades in the building industry. The new Module is aimed at those who do not require an in-depth understanding of door hardware, or may wish to take a step towards the full GAI three year education programme. It is perfect for locksmiths, builders merchants, office support staff at architectural ironmongers or anyone who simply wants to gain a firm basic knowledge about door hardware. The course comprises 12 sections with test yourself questions at the end of each aiming to provide an insight into many aspects of architectural hardware, including hinges, closers, locks and furniture. There are also sections dealing with fire doors, escape hardware and a brief insight into the legislation surrounding all of these products. It is taken entirely online and includes an end of module exam. Success in this exam provides a Certificate of Competence in A Foundation in Hardware . Candidates can take as much or little time as they wish to complete the course and take the exam, and can fit studying for the GAI Foundation Module around their work easily. The course has been designed for among those who dont live and breathe ironmongery as their day-to-day job, says GAI Education Manager Keith Maer. It will give successful candidates a basic but firm understanding of products that can hang, close, lock and then furnish a door, as well as information of fire and escape doors. Keith adds: Doors and their fittings are some of the few moving parts in any building and help toward the smooth passage of people in, out and around it.

Part of this movement of people relates to both fire safety and accessibility for all concerned, including those who may be less able. With regards to fire safety, it could be literally a matter of life and death if incorrect fittings are specified, supplied and fitted.

Heritage Door Lock

Modern benefits for period doors.
Using modern materials to replicate the look of original designs on period properties is increasing happening. But while it is true that modern doors and windows give householders levels of security, insulation and convenience that were very rare a generation or so ago sourcing hardware for heritage style doors and windows that are out of the ordinary, can mean a stumbling block. Eliminating these problems has been one of the main considerations for the Roto Door team in Kalsdorf, Austria when they set about designing Rotos new Heritage Door Lock. The product replicates the look and function of an original period door, regardless of material and offers end users the same levels of all-important security, weather-sealing and durability provided by other Roto door locks. The Roto Heritage Door Lock is available now. Contact Rotos distribution partners for details: service/roto-distributors/

To read more, visit



The Dedicated Key a 01442 291400

and Lock Supplier

SKS Limited T: 01442 291400 F: 01442 863683 E:

Dedication.... its in our DNA


LSJ is delighted to welcome back as an editorial contributor, Brian Morland, Curator of the Heritage Collection of Locks and Keys. Brian is well-known in the industry and is widely acknowledged as an expert in the fascinating history of locks and keys.

The Mystery of the Tann Showcase locks

By Brian Morland
Edward Tann and later his son, John were both proud and motivated Victorians who strove to produce the ultimate safe and, of course, the locks to go with them. The Worlds trade fair of 1851, later known as The Great Exhibition was so successful that similar exhibitions were frequently held around the UK and Europe in London, Edinburgh, Paris and many other European cities. Sometimes these exhibitions featured lock-picking trials or safe-breaking contests. For example, Chatwood v Herring at the Paris 1867 exhibition turned into a very acrimonious affair. Others thought that public lock-picking trials simply educated the element whom locks were designed to keep out - a debate that continues today. Many believed that the methods and weaknesses should be discussed and developed behind the closed doors of guilds, associations and other professional bodies. Tann, however, presented their lock patents in a beautiful range of gilt and silver locks which appealed to both the scientific, and artistic mind-set of the Victorians. They were housed in cabinets known as The Tann Exhibition Showcases; eventually there were five cabinets in all. EUROPE IN TURMOIL The end of the Victorian era soon found Europe in turmoil and by the time things started to settle after two world wars fashions had changed and exhibitions took on a different energy. So the early safes and showcases languished for many years in the basement at Newgate Street.

Eventually Tann changed hands, during the seventies, and with no sentimentality to the past the basement was ordered to be cleared. Fortunately, most items which included safes, locks, documents and records - were saved. One of the early Tann lock designs was a detector but worked on a different principle to Chubb. The detector was activated by over lifting one of the levers but a separate plate; pivoting on top of the bolt but beneath the levers released it although still with a reverse turn of the key. It might well be reasoned that Chubb would be upset about this similarity. John Chubb was very outspoken and not at all shy about pointing out what he believed to be weaknesses and encroachments in other makers products; but there was never a bad word about Tann. In fact, John Chubb acknowledged Tann safes as being the best and spoke well of them. Chubb were not making safes at this time but it transpires that they were buying in safe bodies and fitting their own locks, badging them as Chubb. And who was supplying these bodies Tann!

Another of Tanns lock patents was the guarded lever, which proved very effective and the principle stayed right to the end. Many locksmiths both hated this feature since it made NDE all but impossible but it was also respected for its ingenuity and simplicity. Some of the exhibition locks featured two or even three guarded levers but most commercially produced locks had only one.

Two Tann gilt locks, top: featuring the Tann Nozle and guarded lever patants and bottom featuring guarded lever and detector.



Tann flyer from 1866 depicting medals awarded at two early exhibitions, 1851 & 1867. The reliance lever and the guarded lever are also described.


A plain fretted lock, beautiful in its simplicity.

RELIANCE PATENT Many of the top lock makers at the time incorporated what we now call a live relocker within the lock mechanism itself Tann referred to theirs as the Reliance Patent and it is a feature in many of the exhibition locks. Another distinctive Tann feature is those with a nozzle (Tann locks are marked Nozle). This is not simply a bezel as might be expected at first glance. It is actually a double chamber where the key is inserted, turned part way round and pushed in further when continued rotation engages the mechanism. The purpose of this is to prevent any possibility of inspection of the lock interior either by sight or instruments. Nozzle locks were used on the top of the range applications and included such prestigious customers as the Bank of England and the Royal Mint.

The Exhibition locks are varied as to function and size and many incorporate more than one of Tanns patents or features. But these early locks are also silver and gilt plated, highly engraved and fretted which has turned each piece into a work of art equally as beautiful to behold as the individual locks on the Aubin Trophy. It Is well-known that the production locks were made for Tann and to their specification by Walters, but it is not known if the exhibition locks were also made by Walters - or if production locks were fretted and decorated by Tanns own apprentices. As time went by the locks became less ornate but still fretted; this changing style still looking impressive for its simplicity. The emphasis was on showing off what Tanns were capable of in respect of the range of products. One intriguing mystery is the range and scope of these locks. Tann, a maker of safes and strongrooms. were exhibiting their patents and principles in the form of domestic locks, there does not seem to be any safe locks. This is somewhat strange since Tann were primarily safe makers. Perhaps this was to present Tann features that would be more readily understood by the public or indeed, maybe the domestic lock market was also pursued. Another theory is the actual size and configuration of their safe locks might in itself be a weakness if the exact penetration points were publically revealed.

Top: A 4 (102mm) lock featuring Tann Guarded Lever, Reliance Patent and Detector. Middle: Early Tann 6 (152mm) lock featuring three guarded levers, and detector. Also notice the arrangement of the levers, 4 pivoted on the right and 4 pivoted on the left.

One thing is certain: although now and then a Tann padlock is found, normal domestic locks are not. Even in the final years, Tann had designs (quite literally) on the domestic lock market. Bill Stanton, who had designed and patented the Chubb 3G110 and security range locks some 20 years earlier, and now with Tann developed a similar lock for Tann so quite clearly the domestic market was still sought. But whatever the motivations were, the fact that a good number of these exhibition locks have survived has given excellent insight, embodying one aspect of the heritage of the early English lockmaking trade. Brian welcomes comments and corrections on historical aspects of locks and keys. He can be contacted directly by e-mail:

Two later style Tann showcase locks with a simpler fretting style.

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TradeLocks Light up Genuine Lishi

UAP TradeLocks has launched its new look website with the promise of new low prices and fantastic offers. To set this off TradeLocks is giving away free Genuine Lishi Torch Attachments with every 2-in-1 purchased. TradeLocks has not put a limit on how many free torches one customer can get, so if a single customer orders 100 Genuine Lishi 2-in-1s they will receive 100 free. This offer is subject to availability, so get your orders in fast! The Genuine Lishi Torch Attachment fits onto the handle of a 2-in-1 with an earth magnet, the light can then be adjusted to read the grid and see the keyway. The light is also coloured to prevent glare on the steel surface of the tool. Until August 31st Tradelocks will be giving away free torches every time someone orders a Genuine Lishi 2-in-1. So Auto-Locksmiths need no longer struggle with call-outs in the middle of the night. TradeLocks also has offers on the Genuine Lishi User Guides and new Genuine Lishi Training Kit, which provide useful hints and tips & how to guides on using Genuine Lishi tools.


A survey has revealed that 74% of homeowners fail to call a locksmith to change the locks when they move into a new property, leaving them vulnerable to break-ins by anyone who had a key during the previous ownership. When participants were asked if they had their locks changed within a fortnight of moving in to their current home, only a quarter said yes . This basic security measure is recommended by home insurance providers, as most insurance claims are valid only if there are clear signs of breaking and entering, so the insurer will not pay out if the intruder was able to gain access with a key. According to the Office for National Statistics the number of recorded burglaries has been falling year on year for the last decade, but there are worries that this trend can only be sustained if homeowners remain vigilant and dont take unnecessary risks with their home security. Statistics from The Crime Prevention Website show that people

who have been living in their home for less than a year are twice as likely to be burgled as the average.

Codelocks digital lock training courses rated first class by locksmiths

Further dates released for the autumn. Codelocks plans to continue with its free locksmith training sessions into the autumn months. The comprehensive training is designed for locksmiths who want to refresh their technical knowledge of digital door and cabinet locks. Here is what some locksmiths said about Codelocks training sessions earlier in the year: The training was first class. All my questions were answered and it was a pleasure to learn the different ways of I found the training very useful and it will give me much more confidence in changing my customers access codes when they purchase digital locks from me. The training will take place on September 4th, 18th October 2nd, 16th, 30th November 13th, 27th and December 11th at Newbury. To book online, visit locksmith_training call 01635 239645 or email Places are limited to six attendees per session.

coding locks. I left very satisfied! The session was well structured and informative. The group was small enough to allow for questions and extra help for those unfamiliar with Codelocks products.



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Great products, designed exclusively for security professionals.

Improved range
UNION StrongBOLT is now available in a NEW market beating extended range built on the best in class BS 5 Lever and includes 3 Lever, bathroom locks and Euro and Oval profile cylinders.

New features
Easily reversible radius latch that uses the unique UNION SwitchLatch technology. Anti rattle adjustable strike for on site fine tuning. Plastic splinter guard for easy installation and a professional finish.

Easy reversible radius latch No tools needed Time saving Simple

Find out more about UNION visit our website UNION. First choice for the Trade.
ASSA ABLOY, the global leader in door opening solutions



Finally, some positive news: households are now three times less likely to be the victim of burglary, writes LISA RICHARDSON, Brand Manager at Kasp Security. Here Lisa looks at how locksmiths can capture increased business as a result of consumers improved attitude to home security.
Despite the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW 11/12) reporting that burglary still accounts for a substantial 81% of all recorded crime, the percentage of households that have been victims of burglary is now two in 100, compared with six in 100 households in 1995. The CSEW accredits this with homeowners becoming much savvier to deterrents, and thus significantly increasing their levels of home security. But burglary being on the decline thanks, in part, to consumers increased precautions - opportunist thieves are still very much active. And dont be fooled that our lighter summer evenings would keep burglars at bay, on the contrary. Burglaries from garden sheds and conservatories can increase by 25% during the summer months, heightened by the fact that almost half of homeowners admitted to never locking outbuildings . Although it is of course, encouraging that consumers are starting to take direct action to prevent burglary, independent research into consumers attitudes and behaviour to security reveals that they still have relatively little understanding of security products such as padlocks, hasps and alarms. This provides a very real opportunity for locksmiths, who, with the right products and clever merchandising, could achieve impressive sales. The psychology of merchandising and customer habits is not to be sniffed at. Perfect product positioning, the correct use of colour and modern, well-presented merchandising units all act to manipulate customers buying decisions. Colour me happy Visibility is key. Using colour in-store is an effective but simple way to persuade consumers to buy. It draws their attention to particular products and can inspire them to make a purchase. A merchandiser should not just be a means for hanging stock, but should act as an effective in-store marketing structure, to sell stock and perform the role of a silent salesperson. To appeal to customers, locksmiths should incorporate attractive, modern merchandisers that are bright, colourful, well lit and clearly visible, as these will naturally attract the most attention, encourage purchases and aid in reassuring consumers that the product is of good quality. At Kasp, for instance, we support our locksmiths with progressive and eye-catching display units, created to maximise impact in-store, helping generate sell-through for locksmiths and bolster sales. The striking merchandising range is available to suit all sizes of stockists and includes an attentiongrabbing 1m unit with illuminated Kasp header and fitted down-lighters, a freestanding 30 unit for easy positioning in hot spot areas, a convenient slat wall POS pack for slat wall fitted stores, a 22 display panel for wall mounting, and a practical counter top merchandiser aimed at encouraging impulse sales at the point of purchase. This flexibility allows the range to fit in with any merchandising plan, and can be positioned exactly where customers just cant miss them. Continued support Product awareness is imperative to both educate the consumer and to drive sales. The more knowledgeable locksmiths are about a line of products, the more effective they will be in selling it. When it comes to padlocks for example, locksmiths should be aware of basic product information such as features and benefits, recommended applications and differences in locking mechanisms. Although all padlocks may appear fairly similar to the uneducated eye, locksmiths will know that there are vast differences

in their capabilities and applications, and these should be explained to the customer so that they can make an informed purchase. Kasp offers an extensive range of awardwinning, durable security solutions, competitively priced and all designed to deter opportunist thieves. In further support of our locksmiths, Kasp also provides top tips on how to secure home and property simply and effectively on its website, www. Following the basic principles of merchandising could increase those allimportant incremental sales impacting positively on a locksmiths bottom line. Ultimately, security suppliers and locksmiths must work together to offer the best deals possible and to promote the sale of security products at a time when they are undoubtedly in demand.



To read more, visit



The Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) and The Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network (NHWN) have joined forces to produce half a million jointly branded stickers. Distributed to homes via NHWNs regional representatives, the stickers will carry the MLAs website address and telephone number, encouraging members of the public to use an MLA-registered locksmith to carry out any security work needed on their property. Although the two organisations have worked in partnership for more than two years this is the first time the MLA has been promoted via the popular Neighbourhood and Home Watch stickers. Dr Steffan George, development director of the MLA, said: Were delighted to be able to promote our organisation through this partnership and provide easily accessible information to members of the public who may be concerned over the security of their home, or who may need to call a locksmith in an emergency. The stickers form an important part of our campaign to encourage the public to remember to secure their property when leaving and to use an MLA-approved locksmith, whilst also helping Neighbourhood and Home Watch reinforce its crime prevention message. Jim Maddan, chairman of the Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network, commented: Weve been working with the MLA for some time now and this new initiative further cements our relationship. By operating a strict licensing scheme and ensuring all of its members are vetted, regularly inspected and meet the highest professional standards, The Master Locksmiths Association provides valuable reassurance for members of the public who may need to use a locksmiths

services especially as the Government still doesnt operate a licensing scheme in this sector. The fact that the Master Locksmiths Associations sister company, Sold Secure, is recognised as the leading test house for security products, is further testament to its status as an authority in the area of crime prevention. Promoting safety and security in households is key to both organisations, so its fantastic to be able to work together in this way. To get your sticker, visit www.ourwatch. for details of your local Neighbourhood Watch or Home Watch representative.

British Standard BS 8473 released for public comment

BS 8473 gives guidance on the management of intruder and hold-up alarm systems (I&HAS), and the management of alarm conditions when they occur in order to reduce the nuisance factor and waste of resources in responding to false alarms. This document applies to all remotely notified intruder and hold-up alarm systems and also applies to audible only intruder and hold-up alarm systems, except where otherwise stated. The BSI operates a public on-line facility called Draft Review System (DRS) for people wanting to review the DPC and/or to submit comments on the DPC. You have to register with a user name and password, but the facility is open to all. The DRS can be accessed at the following link: Deadline for submitting comments on BS 8473 is 31 August 2013.

Market Lock & Safe Ltd is looking for a person who is skilled and knowledgable in the Security and Locksmith industry as a London service provider where you will be required to take on, at times, intense activity.
In general, this will be a Manager/Controller role responsible for the delivering and controlling of jobs going out from the company.
The individual will be responsible for keeping up standards of the men doing the jobs and will control a team of five. Auditing and reporting against standards is key to make sure employees are being deployed across corporate and high profile sites in the UK. The ability to investigate incidents and provide solutions as required is essential. Ideally, the successful candidate will be professionally qualified with an excellent operational background teamed with the gravitas and knowledge to talk authoritatively around control room delivery.

Skills Required:
Knowledge of building services/security/locksmithing. About 10 years experience of managing a multi-disciplinary service to a complex facility incorporating maintenance and installs at a senior level. Proven track record of achievement in a commercial, client-facing role. Demonstrates experience of co-ordinating and managing technical services with a good awareness of fit-outs and emergency work. Ability to explore a situation, assess pros and cons of different options, and formulate a plan to meet objectives. Able to think on your feet and change your approach as required. Experience of formulating, implementing and managing change in the Control Room. Man management.

Wages 28,000 to 37,000 plus benefits Contact Gary Watts on

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CES Security Solutions Ltd appoints Business Development Manager

CES Security Solutions Ltd, a leading provider of locking and security systems, has appointed Brian Ferguson to the role of Business Development Manager. He will be responsible for sales to architectural ironmongers and selected locksmiths across the Midlands and North of England. Brian, who began his sales career 18 years ago in direct sales, selling upvc double glazed windows, doors and conservatories, said: This was a real education into the world of sales and the a specification consultant for two firms before acquiring more experience by joining a manufacturer of electronic access control products. Brian will report to CESs Managing Director Mario del-Signore, who says: Brian joins CES at an exciting time. We have recently moved into new premises and we will be assembling master key systems for the first time here in the UK. Brians experience will help CES to continue to make great strides to the AI and locksmith sectors.

importance of motivation. It was also my first exposure to locks and cylinders. He later joined a construction ironmongery company gaining valuable experience in architectural ironmongery specification then went on to become

ABUS Padlocks offer Back to School Solutions

Police figures suggest that 75% of all recorded crime in schools is opportunistic and insurance companies are promoting the use of lockers as part of their security guidance for schools, there is an increasing trend towards investment in lockers. This represents a significant opportunity for locksmiths. ABUS offer a wide range of Back to School padlocks perfect for the youth market, that conform to the Home Offices Design Out Crime brief to provide secure and attractive products. Colourful, robust and personalisable locks are available in combination and keyed versions, but all too often locker padlocks have to be cut off in a costly waste of resources where combinations have been forgotten or keys lost. ABUS remove this concern with the 65/30 & 40mm padlocks available master-keyed or the 158KC. This unique combination padlock not only enables each child to set their own PIN but offers a master override that resets the padlock to this individual combination.

The durable 158KC padlock is sawresistant, with a hardened steel shackle, and internal disc cylinder giving it maximum resistance against picking. Email: Telephone: 0117 204 7000


Glazerite customers can show homeowners a clearer picture of their hardware choices with the launch of a dedicated brochure for them to use in conjunction with existing VEKA marketing material. Director Jason Thompson explained: The VEKA literature features generic installation pictures from a number of manufacturers and installers who all use different hardware from various sources. Our bespoke hardware brochure shows the quality of the fittings used whilst also explaining in laymens terms the features and benefits to the homeowner. We have now made it easier for homeowners to clearly see the options available all in one place, which in turn helps them make a more informed decision by using this brochure alongside the VEKA material. Trade customers can show consumers details such as Glazerites choice of offset handle, as well as locking mechanisms, door handles and the choices of hardware colours. The brochure also explains how the company offers a ten year guarantee on all of its hardware and how consumers can upgrade their security options and even gain the benefits of being covered by the Maco Secure Plus scheme.



To read more, visit

SPONSORED BY KEYPRINT keyULTRA_Ad_257x87_Layout 1 25/07/2011 10:08 Page 1


UK-wide codes of practice which protect consumers from poor trading practices and encourage businesses to showcase exemplary customer service have been welcomed by Consumer Minister Jo Swinson. Speaking at the annual Trading Standards Institute conference, Jo Swinson praised the TSI for working with business and consumers to create a new Consumer Codes Approval Scheme. Under the voluntary and self-funded scheme, trade bodies can apply for their industry specific code to be approved by the Trading Standards Institute which will strengthen industry selfregulation. The Minister said: Treating consumers with good customer service and a willingness to go the extra mile are the hallmarks of a good business. The TSI approved logo will become a badge of distinction helping businesses enhance their reputation and attracting consumers to honest businesses who are raising their game and helping rebuild our economy. That is why I am delighted to endorse the new UKwide consumer codes of conduct. The new codes add to the host of reforms we have been introducing over

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the past year to empower consumers and coordinate enforcement against rogue traders, all without imposing unnecessary burdens on businesses. The code applies to businesses ranging from energy to healthcare sectors. Businesses that subscribe to an approved trade bodys code will be required to provide consumer protection, including offering an ombudsman or arbitration to resolve disputes. Those that fail to comply once signed up could face fines or imprisonment. The Minister encouraged all sectors of industry to join more than 15,000 current subscribers and use the commercial opportunities available from advertising their good customer practice through the TSI Approved Code Logo. Jo Swinson also praised the work of the National Trading Standards Board which successfully helped uncover fraud worth more than 139m in its first year of operation. Consumers will be able to look for the TSI Approved Code logo, or search a dedicated database at www.tradingstandards. for a member of an approved code in their area.

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30 September - 2 October 2013, Turkey
The hub for leading security and fire safety solutions providers in Southeast Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East IFSEC Istanbul will bring together leading local suppliers and global manufacturers, giving access to the latest products and services from the biggest names in Security & Fire, in order to serve the Southeast Europe, Central Asian, UAE markets and beyond. Among the many features will be the UK Pavilion showcasing the latest technologies exporting from the UK and conference.

Showcasing the latest technologies exporting from the UK and conference

Locken offers smart key to secure UK Power Networks

Locken UK, a specialist in cable-free access-control systems, has been chosen by UK Power Networks to help secure the electricity-supply infrastructure belonging to this major distribution network operator. This secure access-control solution is based on a digital smart key and will be installed in approximately 1,500 powerdistribution facilities across London as well as the East and South-East of England. A subsidiary of the Locken Group, Locken UK Ltd, provides a digital accesscontrol solution that is based on a smart key, complete with power-free electronic cylinders, flexible access authorisation, and a simple management-software suite. Nick Dooley, MD at Locken UK, explained: The unique, all-digital concept with the energy supplied by the key interested UK Power Networks because it allows simple, flexible, efficient access management. Also, it is supported by proven software, giving improved operational efficiency, which results in enhanced profitability. The company has been chosen by power-distribution operator UK Power Networks to deploy the Locken access-control solution. After deployment across London, the South-East and the East of England, tight security measures will be in place, enabling the powersupply network to deliver maximum performance to its customers. The solution will also improve healthand-safety procedures for the power groups employees and subcontractors. Locken UK will eventually equip more than 1,500 powerdistribution facilities across England with its digital accesscontrol system. This solution allows UK Power Networks to move away from mechanical key-locking systems and to make the transition over to a solution built around smart keys and electronic cylinders. The solution deployed by Locken includes the companys LPCB4 electronic high-security padlocks, which are the most secure in the

range. Only registered and accredited personnel are able to access work locations. Every lock opening or attempted opening can be tracked on the system for subsequent analysis. The three networks operated by UK Power Networks use more than 100,000 miles of underground cables and overhead power lines - a distance approximately equivalent to four times the circumference of the Earth.


As part of our ongoing quest to meet all our readers requirements, The Locksmith Journal regularly reviews content and takes on board your valuable feedback.
With this in mind, we are currently recruiting new contributors to join the ranks of those who already provide first class editorials. We want to hear from any locksmith with specific interest in reviewing tools and equipment, on the difficulties and techniques used when working on composite doors, and on how to tackle jobs that arise when a locksmith is putting right poor work already done. If you are interested, please email your details in the first instance to and we will get back to you.



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September 13th 13th 14th 14th 14th 15th 15th 15th September 13th

Catch up up on on the latest latest developments developments in the world world of of locksmithing locksmithing & security security
For more more information information and to to register registervisit visit

The International Centre Centre Centre Telford Telford Telford The International International

Exhibition Exhibition Training Training Networking Networking

The The dedicated dedicated dedicated locksmithing locksmithing locksmithingand and and physical security physical security security exhibition exhibition exhibitionin in inthe the theUK. UK. UK.
MLAEXPO Expo 13 13 is issponsored sponsored by: MLA by:
Media partner:

MLA Expo 13 is is sponsored sponsoredby: by:


The UKs leading locksmith exhibition, MLA Expo, is taking place on 13-15 September 2013 at the International Centre in Telford.
The biennial event is organised by the leading trade association for the locksmithing profession, The Master Locksmiths Association (MLA), and sees locksmiths and suppliers from across the globe meet to exhibit products and services, discuss industry trends and take part in training courses. the show continue to grow, with more locksmiths and associated companies from around the world attending (the association have already had to provide invite letters to Chinese and Nigerian visitors), said Dr Steffan George, MLA Development Director. Its particularly pleasing to see the number of exhibitors and the sizes of stands they are having it just goes to show the importance they place on being at the premier locksmith event, Steffan added. This year we have evening events planned, giving industry leaders the opportunity to network, share knowledge and make new contacts. There will also be a significant amount of training both technical and business related.

specialists such as heritage and auto locksmiths, manufacturers and associated companies. More than 1500 people from all over the globe are expected to attend the three day event previous exhibitions have seen visitors come from as far afield as Australia, continental Europe and the USA.

MLA Expo looks all set to be the locksmithing eVent of the Year. Global security businesses Abloy, Mul-T-Lock and Yale, together with ASSA ABLOY Security Solutions were hot off the mark, snapping up sponsorship of the event, along with significant floor space to showcase their very latest security products and services. This is the 17th time that the Association has run MLA Expo, and it is very pleasing for all those involved to see

One such example is the well-renowned Safe Ventures training, and this years Expo will see Martin Newton run a One day course looking at non-destructive opening of safe key locks, using more logic than skill. Other courses will cover issues such as mortice lock picking, bumping, lock related standards, website search engine optimisation and more. As MLA Expo is widely regarded as the principal industry event, exhibitors and visitors typically range from product suppliers to practising locksmiths,

Locksmiths really appreciate the opportunity to test tools and techniques and meet manufacturers and fellow locksmiths face-to-face - which is why the MLA Expo is continuously growing and so highly regarded by the locksmithing profession, said Steffan.

For more information visit: www.

JUL/AUG 2013

Lockdecoders Ltd, the specialists in auto locksmith tools, invite you to Stand C8 where we will be showing:
Two brilliant new additions to our range of famous Miracle automatic key cutting machines. The MiraClone advanced eeprom device with new cloning facilities. New methods of cloning motorbike and scooter transponders. A startling new application of the firms Magic F30 engraving machine for the shop locksmith automatic engraving of master key number sequences or personalising key-blanks with your firms name. An amazing new locksmith tool which is totally revolutionary!
The firm will also have details of its new Extended Warranty Service which is unique and also of its no interest extended payment plan.

The UKs first dedicated card acceptance solution for small businesses
Take payments on the move with our new pocket sized GPRS Chip & PIN terminal Ask for a demo

MLA Expo 2013 Find us in Hall 2, Table 15

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Visit us on stand 195/200

Bri n for g alon aF gt RE his E ad ver t 39


The MLA is delighted to announce the return of the Expo Party Night, which will take place at the Reynolds Suite in the Holiday Inn on site at the Telford International Centre.
Dr Steffan George commented: Everyone will have very busy schedules at this large event so we have planned the Party Night to give attendees the chance to relax and socialise, meet up with old friends and make some new ones. Its another pleasant networking opportunity, and no doubt there will be plenty up for discussion with your fellow locksmiths, as always. Therell no doubt be a bit of training at the bar too!

Its a great way to make a weekend of it

The party night costs just 20 per head and includes a hot buffet and some light entertainment - including a DJ for those with enough energy to get on the dance floor and show us their favourite moves! Its a great way to make a weekend of it and enjoy the evening and dont forget that discounted rates have been negotiated with the site hotels, Steffan added. Check out the visitor info page on the website for more information on discounted rates. To book EMAIL: enquiries@locksmiths. or telephone 01327 262255.

A bespoke product developed in collaboration with the MLA to provide all Locksmith businesses with an industry specific policy with cover extensions that are designed to keep you fully covered. Including -

We will be offering:
Key programming Key Cloning EEprom programming Key cutting Vehicle opening Stand Training 160

Public & Products Liability including Efficacy and Financial Loss Employers Liability Professional Indemnity Buildings & Contents Business Interruption Including motor vehicle extension Tools & Equipment Including theft from vehicles overnight Legal Expenses Including 24hr helpline Call 0845 686 1800 ask for James.

Are you spending your life protecting your customers from risk .. but neglecting your own security?

Visit us on Stand 10
Contact Details
Catherine House, Catherine Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6BB Company No. 683333 Main telephone: 0845 686 1800 Fax: 01625 511 691 Web : Email:


JUL/AUG 2013


The Locksmith Journal part of the growing portfolio of successful business-tobusiness titles published by the Clearview Publishing Group Ltd is proud to be Media Partner for the MLA EXPO 2013.
MD Robert Exley commented: Although The Locksmith is an independent journal, we have always been happy to work closely with the MLA which plays such a vital role in the industry. We will be at Telford and would like to invite readers to come along and meet us on our stand. There is no substitute for face to face contact and this will be a terrific opportunity for everyone to network and at the same time, find out more about some of the exciting developments that are taking place in the locksmith world.

We pour all our expertise, passion and pride into our products

Tel: 01226 321450

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Yale is constantly developing new and exciting security products. Our comprehensive range includes traditional locking solutions, the DoormasterTM multipoint locks, TS007 cylinders / handles, innovative digital door locks and alarms. With our extensive range of products we can help provide complete security solutions for your customers needs.

Visit us on Stand 70 at the MLA Exhibition in September.

A scheme delivered by the BWF-CERTIFIRE Scheme and the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers

For more information please contact your Yale representative or visit our website
How many burglaries are in your local area? Download the Yale Crime Watcher app

FDIS Provides Recognised Qualications and Competence in Fire Doors

The Fire Door Inspection Scheme (FDIS) is available to those who wish to increase their knowledge and understanding of re doors and gain a recognised diploma. Provides a comprehensive level of knowledge in re door specication, installation, inspection and maintenance. Diploma holders may choose to proceed further to become a certicated re door inspector and benet from inspection job leads via the FDIS website. MLA members entitled to 20% discount on FDIS diploma.




Come and see us at MLA Expo to nd out more

Tel: 0844 801 1518 Email: 41

Visit Us At MLA EXPO Stand 5


MLA Expo is renowned for its training with locksmiths travelling from far and wide to attend the main locksmith show and take part in the training.
Whilst full details of the courses and booking forms are available to download from the training page of the Expo website (www. expo-training/) the courses available are as follows:10.30 11.30 CCTV a 1 hour Drop In Session run by RhinoCo, giving you a chance to play with RhinoCo cameras, DVRs etc and get your questions answered. 14.30 17.00 Bumping Locksmith and expert lock bumper Mark Ward will be giving his popular bumping seminar 10.30 14.00 Abrasive Wheel Certification MLA member John Harding has undertaken the train the trainer course to enable him to offer this certification training to fellow locksmiths, ideal for those who regularly use grinders (bench or angle). 15.00-17.00 Tool Sharpening John Harding will be joined by fellow MLA member Chris Taylor to run a seminar on using grinders to maintain the sharpness of your tools 10.30-11.30 and repeated at 16.30 17.30 Collapsible Gates and Other Physical Security Products C& P Security Brian Cave and Paul Collins will be giving a seminar looking at the benefits of offering physical security products such as gates, grilles, bars etc. CONTINUES ON PAGE 44.

RhinoCo CCTV Training @ EXPO

Friday 10.30-11.30 Drop In SessionHave A Go Q&A Saturday 10.30-11.30 DVRsStuff You Never Knew They Did Sunday 10.30-11.30 IP Systems

FriDaY 13th September 2013 All Day Non-destructive opening of safe key locks, using more logic than skill a 1 day course run by renowned safe engineer Martin Newton 11.30 - 12.00 Aluminium Door Products Alpro Architectural Hardware will be giving a seminar on their products specifically dedicated for aluminium doors - ideal for those who do a lot of work for retail shops where this sort of material is commonplace. 14.30 16.30 UPVC a 2 hour seminar on UPVC run by the MLAs UPVC trainers Andy Kennedy and Ian Chadwick. The course will provide basic training in UPVC & composite doors and will cover doors, windows. and patio doors. It will include identification, operations, fault finding, repairs, security cylinders etc plus questions and answers throughout the session.


13:30 - 16:30 - Kaba Auditcon Training and LaGard overview - Using Kaba Mas 552R safe locks mounted on stand (the lock is Government approved and superseding the Manifoil Mk 3 mechanical lock). This hands on course will see each person having a lock on a stand and completing exercises in setting up a lock with secure codes. 10.30 13.30 Safe Lock Picking Alan Morgan. Alan will be doing his popular 7 lever safe lock picking course looking at the The Lowe & Fletcher 2802 and Willenhall CT12 along with S2. 14.30 17.30 Impressioning Alan Morgan. Alan gives a master class in the art of impressioning, one of the many NDE techniques locksmiths should know. 10.30-11.30 Lock ID through the Keyhole Simon Griffiths. Simon gives a seminar on ways to identify locks to then assist with opening. 12.00-14.00 BLI Exam Seminar Gary Eckersall MLA President and Chairman of the MLAs training committee, Gary Eckersall goes through the BLI Exam pointing out whats included, hints and tips on the what to expect, what markers are looking for etc. If youre thinking of taking the BLI exam then this is a must! 14.30 - 16.30 S&G Safe Lock Overview - Sylvano Montano (Safe Locking Limited). This will include an overview of S&G along with going through the product range, looking at how to reset the locks etc. SaturDaY 14th September All Day Non-destructive opening of safe key locks, using more logic than skill a 1 day course run by renowned safe engineer Martin Newton 10.30 12.30 UPVC a 2 hour seminar on UPVC run by the MLAs UPVC trainers Andy Kennedy and Ian Chadwick. The course will provide basic training in UPVC & composite doors and will cover doors, windows. and patio doors. It will include identification, operations, fault finding, repairs, security cylinders etc plus questions and answers throughout the session. 14.00-17.00 Chubb 114 Pick Jeff Turner. Here J Turner (of Turner Staddon pick fame) gives a hands on class on the use of his pick. Discounted pick can be purchased as part of the course. 10.30 11.30 CCTV a 1 hour seminar run by RhinoCo looking at DVRs and what theyre capable of - its not just recording you know! 12.00-13.00 Understanding CCTV Vince Brown, ABUS UK. From Plug & Play to computer controlled CCTV, this seminar will give you the tools to sell CCTV effectively. 13.30 - 14.00 Aluminium Door Products Alpro Architectural Hardware will be giving a seminar on their products specifically dedicated for aluminium doors - ideal for those who do a lot of work for retail shops where this sort of material is commonplace. CONTINUES ON PAGE 46.


JUL/AUG 2013

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14.30-17.00 High Security Cylinders Peter Field. Well known American expert Peter Field will be taking an in-depth look at will look at about 30 different lock cylinders from around the world and compare the elements that go together to make them high security. 14.30-15.30 Lock related Standards Justin Freeman. The MLAs own technical manager Justin Freeman will be giving an overview of the most important lock related standards that locksmiths should be aware of. 16.00-17.00 Fire Door Inspection Scheme Neil Ashdown. FDIS General Manager Neil Ashdown gives an overview of this vital aspect of fire door hardware and the scheme aimed at helping you develop your skills in this field. 10.30-13.30 Safe repairs after drilling Chris Hewitt. Here well-known safe expert Chris Hewitt provides those hints and tips required for repairing safes in the unfortunate circumstances where NDE hasnt been possible. 13.00-15.00 Combination Lock Basics Alan Morgan. Alan goes over the basics related to combination locks including how they work, how to change combination, basic diagnostics etc. 15.00-16.00 Government Locks History & Development Lewis Beadle. Here Lewis goes into the history of the well-known, and now declassified, MOD favourites including the Manifoil Mk1, Mk2, modified Mk2, Mk3 and MkIV 16.00-17.00 Basic Car Key Cloning Peter Jones. Peter gives an unbiased overview of the various key cloning machines available aimed at keycutters/ locksmiths who have not yet made the jump into car keys or those that have but do not fully understand what is involved. 10.30-11.30 Lock ID through the Keyhole Simon Griffiths. Simon gives a seminar on ways to identify locks to then assist with opening. 12.00-14.00 BLI Exam Seminar Gary Eckersall MLA President and Chairman of the MLAs training committee, Gary Eckersall goes through the BLI Exam pointing out whats included, hints and tips on the what to expect, what markers are looking for etc. If youre thinking of taking the BLI exam then this is a must! 14.30-15.00 Key Machine Set-Up Gary Eckersall & Chris Taylor. Never underestimate how important it is to ensure your key machine is constantly calibrated and set up correctly this seminar could save you money! 15.30-17.30 Fine Tollerance Key Cutting -Gary Eckersall & Chris Taylor. Chris and Gary give a master class in cutting fine tolerance keys.

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Integrated Accounts or Sage Line 50 Integration T: 020 8241 0077 E: For further information please visit our website


JUL/AUG 2013

SunDaY 15th September 10.30-12.00 Covert Entry - how the MLA can help John Haynes and Lewis Beadle will be giving the talk. (Due to the nature of the content attendance will be restricted to full personal members of the MLA only) 10.30-13.00 An Introduction to Door Entry / Intercomms Dave Crossman. Here Dave will be giving an introduction to the world of intercoms and door entry systems along with some demonstrations. 10.30 11.30 CCTV a 1 hour seminar run by RhinoCo giving an introduction to IP CCTV Systems. What are they, what are the pros and cons etc. 11.30-13.30 Locksmith SEO Kate Tolley. Kate, well known for the work she does on various locksmiths sites will be giving a seminar on how to optimise your website and Google places listings amongst others. 10.30-11.30 and repeated at 13.00 14.00 Collapsible Gates and Other Physical Security Products C& P Security Brian Cave and Paul Collins will be giving a seminar looking at the benefits of offering physical security products such as gates, grilles, bars etc.

10.30-11.30 Marketing for Locksmiths David Small. Here David will be giving some ideas on cost effective ways how locksmiths can market themselves that are alternatives to traditional journal advertising. 11.30 - 12.00 Aluminium Door Products Alpro Architectural Hardware will be giving a seminar on their products specifically dedicated for aluminium doors - ideal for those who do a lot of work for retail shops where this sort of material is commonplace. 10:30 - 13:30 - Kaba Auditcon Training and LaGard overview - Using Kaba Mas 552R safe locks mounted on stand (the lock is Government approved and superseding the Manifoil Mk 3 mechanical lock). This hands on course will see each person having a lock on a stand and completing exercises in setting up a lock with secure codes. On top of this elements of the BLI exam will be run at the show along with the MLAs entry exam (to enable student members to progress to advanced student status). Were also delighted to be hosting the ALAs auto exam at the event too.


Secure Ring is evolving...


For more information: e-mail enquiries@ Entry to the exhibition is free for those involved in the security industry more information is available on the MLA Expo 2013 website 47

Hall 2, The International Centre, Telford

More stands are being filled daily. Visit www. to find out where you can visit the latest exhibitors.

Stand No. 136 15 40 TT 15 90 42 & 48 30 & 35 25 TT9 118 10 132 100 150 120 121 163,164 & 166 91 138 TT3 94 TBC 134 124 44 68 122 & 123 155, 175, 182, & 160, TT6 +TT2 & TT5 129 67 128 20 130 125 50 65 70,75 & 80 TBC 103 116 210 & TT24 12 66 5 60 235 56 TT27 98 104 140 110 & 162 190 TBC 102 195&200 TBC 205 117

Company Name 1st Call Lockouts ABS/Avocet Abus (UK) Ltd Acceptacard Limited Advanced Access Aldridge Security Aldridge Security & Silca Alpro /IEC Ltd Axxium Ltd B & G Lock & Tool Bradshaw Bennet / Locksure Brisant Secure Ltd Burton Safes C&P Security Codelocks Codringtons Davenport Burgess Direct Trade Door Jammer EMK Marketing EuroSpec (Carlisle Brass) Fire Door Inspection Scheme GB Locking Systems Guinaz Gunnebo (Via Aldridge) Henry Squire Hickleys Hughes Wholesale, Zoo Hardware and Rottner IDS Ifam (UK) Ltd Jack Sealey Ltd Kaba KAP Diagnostics Keyprint Lock Decoders M Marcus Mul-T-Lock, Yale & Abloy MyTradeTV Newstar Door Controls Ltd Nigel Rose Marketing Nigel Waters Hardware Payleven Real Business Applications RhinoCo / Trackit 24/7 Ronis Dom Safe Locking (Surelock McGill) Safe Ventures Safelock Systems Limited Securikey Security Express Sentinel Locks SKS Limited Sterling Locks & Burg Wchter The Locksmiths Magazine The Sole Trader Business Group Tradelocks Vauxhall Videx Security Windowparts Ltd

Vehicle Entry

Drape Line
Table Top Stand Area for smaller companies or larger exhibitors who want to sell old stock (all 2x1)

Stand 241 Stand 240

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Stand 50

Stand 5 Stand 3 Stand Stand 10 12 Stand 15 FE

Stand 40 Stand 42 Stand 44
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Stand 20

Stand 25 Stands 30 & 35

MLA FE FE = Fire Exit (Keep Clear)



JUL/AUG 2013

Stand 110 & 162

SKS are the UKs leading key blank specialist with a true passion for selling keys. With 35 years in the trade we offer a vast range of key blanks, key machines, and transponders with in-depth and friendly technical support. In addition we stock a large range of counter accessories, padlocks, locksmith tool and an ever-growing range of locks and security products making SKS a 1 stop shop for locksmiths and key cutters.

Davenport Burgess
We will be attending the MLA Master Locksmith show. Come see us on Stand 163 - 166

The largest range and stock of key blanks in the UK. Supported by 150 years of key blank manufacturing make Davenport Burgess the preferred supplier for the professional key cutter. UKs largest distributor for Keyline, the most progressive European key technology manufacturer. Full range of U-Marq engraving machines on demonstration. 0% interest and leasing available on most key & engraving machines.

Expect all this and more at the SKS stand: 10% Discount on orders taken at show. Special Show prices for Key machines and Tools. Key machine demonstrations including the new record breaking JMA Berna cylinder machine.

Come and see us for product demonstrations and special show offers.
Tel: 01442 291400 Fax: 01442 863683

Tel: 01902 366448, Fax: 01902 602472, Email:, Web:

01902 366448 366448 01902

Friendly, knowledgeable staff Exclusive products Monthly special offers Large stock holding

Sold Secure is one of the leading suppliers of test and certification services for security related products. Working with companies world-wide we assess products to see whether strict performance criteria are met and where applicable allow the use of the coveted Sold Secure approved logo. If you want to find out more about the benefits of using/selling/promoting Sold Secure approved products (for example SS312 Diamond Approved Cylinders) then come and have a chat at Expo.

See us on stands at MLA Expo 13

155, 160, 175 & 182 Tel: 01376 501860 49

Yale GiVes Locksmiths Campaign PreVieW at MLA 2013

Yale will preview its latest initiative to support locksmiths in the sale and installation of home security solutions at the 2013 Master Locksmiths Associations exhibition. National Home Security Month, which launches on 1st October 2013 and is supported by Yale, is designed to create awareness around home security across the UK and drive demand for locksmith services nationwide. The campaign will highlight tips and solutions that will help keep consumers and their possessions safe as the dark nights draw in this winter. Also featured at the exhibition on stand 70 will be Yales innovative product range, including the Keyless Digital Lock, which is now available in two new finishes to coordinate with consumers decor. convenience, users can also set up a separate visitor code to provide access for family, friends or tradesmen. Yales newly improved and developed DoormasterTM multipoint lock products will also be featured at the event, and will showcase their increased usability for locksmiths. Lauren Ashfield, Trade Marketer for Yale, said: The annual MLA expo gives us the perfect opportunity to advise locksmiths of the activity we are undertaking to make their jobs easier as well as demonstrating the broad range of security solutions we have developed in the last 12 months. We are committed to supporting the trade with both innovative products and pioneering marketing campaigns, which increase demand for locksmith services and improve security for consumers throughout the UK. The UKs largest locksmith exhibition takes place at the Telford International Centre between 13th and 15th September 2013. For further information on National Home Security Month please visit www. or for the full range of Yale home security solutions please contact the Yale sales team on 0845 302 4765 or visit

The locks PIN code can be set via a keypad to any 4 to 12 digit number of the users choice and reprogrammed at any time. For added

Presenting our new generation security ranges.

Henry Squire & Sons

Touchclone is the latest in technology for cloning car keys and enabling transponders to be produced via communication with a cars immobiliser.

Visit us on stand 68
Latest Stronghold weatherproof CEN locks. New high security ranges including Stronghold SS50 Combi and SHCB65 Shutter Lock. Worlds first fully integrated range of patented, high performance recodable combination padlocks including CP40, CP50 and CP60. Stronghold WS75 Container Lock, with tamper proof technology.

Touchclone is now on social media!

Tel: 0121 459 8722
Contact us on 01902 308050 or Tweet us during the show @squirebikebuzz.

For more information visit

Find us at Stand 136 at the MLA show


JUL/AUG 2013

Axxium LtD: lock, Design & innoVation

Axxium Ltd was set up in September 2012 by Andrew Taylor, a well-known name in the locksmith industry.
In its first year, the Hampshire-based company has already made an impact for its range of inventive, practical electronic door locks and access control units that the company designs, develops, manufactures and sells. All its products incorporate unique design features and are made with convenience in mind so that locksmiths can retro fit these security solutions to the majority of doors.

Automatic bolt (AXX-1)

Steel construction nickel plated. 20mm shoot. Concealed fixing Push bolt to lock, key to unlock. For use on hinged and sliding doors. Find us at the MLA Expo on stand

T5200 electric spindle

Electro mechanical spindle. For use with mortice locks and latches. Not to be used on UPVC door locks. 8mm square spindle for use with sprung furniture. Outside handle converts to access control function. Inside handle always operable. Easy installation. 6-12V AC or DC. Current 350mA at 12V DC.



Avoiding both the need to hack at door frames and use bulky fittings. From Axxiums research and design facility they supply their own products to retail and trade and maintain competitive prices. e: t: 01425 623 093

Axxium Limited design, develop, manufacture and sell door locking solutions. From our research and design facility in Hampshire we supply our products to retail and trade and you can be sure that our prices are as low as possible.



Security Express is a leading wholesale company to the security trade only, supplying safes and security products for domestic, business and hotel use, right throughout the UK and Ireland. Established in the year 2000, Security Express has now become one of the market leaders of safes and security products, with a stock holding of over 12,000 individual units across our 60,000ft UK warehouse and 26,000ft Eire warehouse. Couple this with the fact that over 90% of our despatches are delivered on a next-day service, and you receive an overall service that is second to none. Security Express will be launching several new products later this year, including a range of key-locking compact safes, ECB.S tested fire safes and further additions to the deposit safe range. Visit Security Express on Stand 104 at the MLA Expo 2013 for more information, or to take one of our new 2013 Product Guides, and also take advantage of numerous special offers.



13TH - 14TH - 15TH

GB Locking Systems Ltd

T: 0191 271 6344 F: 0191 271 3644

Redburn House, Redburn Road, Westerhope, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE5 1NB 51


From new and innovative locking solutions, to a heritage borne out of the heart of the British locking industry, ASSA ABLOY Security Solutions has much to showcase at this years MLA Exhibition. Now in its fourth year, the show held at the International Centre, Telford, from the 13th to the 15th September 2013 will include products and innovations from the UNION, Trimec, ASSA, Securitron and ASSA ABLOY product brands. The highlight of stand 80, where ASSA ABLOY Security Solutions will be exhibiting, will be the enhanced mortice range. Returning to lead the market again, the range has re-invigorated a long and successful heritage for UNION. Built on the popular StrongBOLT range, the platform shows UNION staying true to its roots in order to continue to provide its customers with the products and solutions they have come to trust and rely upon. Also from UNION, the innovative Codehandle will be on display, showcasing the brands breakthrough into the access control market. Visitors to the stand will have the opportunity for some hands-on experience with the sleek lever handled-product, which features an integral five-button keypad, providing a simple, cost-effective way to restrict access to private areas of light commercial and residential buildings. UNIONs keyULTRA masterkey system, patented until 2028, and Eximo, the new Panic Exit Hardware range, complete the display from UNION, demonstrating the strength and breadth of its offering. There will be more examples of ASSA ABLOY Security Solutions innovations that will open up a new revenue stream to its Locksmith customers in access control. With hands-on testing available, these will include Trimecs standalone access control system, ASSAs CLIQ Remote, the high security remote locking solution, and Securitrons PowerJump, the power transfer device, offering contactless power transmission in the gap between the frame and the door, with flexible mounting and easy installation. Please visit Stand 80 or visit www.

Come and visit us at the MLA Expo in September
We will be promoting our range of mechanical and electromechanical products for the UK commercial aluminium OEM marketplace and access control environment. Also on display will be prototypes of our new Optima deadlock range in advance of production models to illustrate the new product development taking place to comply with the new European standards and will include the security escutcheon and cylinder guard.


01202 676262


JUL/AUG 2013

UAP TraDeLocks Will make a splash at MLA Expo

UAP TradeLocks will make a splash at MLA Expo with new tools, a new look website, a new Mortice Lock App and free personalised laser engraving for its customers.
TradeLocks will be releasing its brand new Mortice Lock Impressioning Kit at the show. This will enable locksmiths to make Mortice Lock keys on the go. Genuine Lishi will also feature heavily with new 2-in-1s such as the CLIO3 and the The Complete Genuine Lishi User Guide & Training Manual Kit. As well developing new tools, TradeLocks has also researched digital applications with its new look website and mobile version of the site, a tablet app for MAX6MUM SECURITY and the Mortice Lock iPhone app. TradeLocks will be promoting its new personalised laser engraving

service - customers will be able to have a tool personalised for free at the show. Part of the stand will be dedicated to UAPs new retail door security brand, MAX6MUM SECURITY.

There will also be some old favourites including Pinks Electric Pick Gun: Second Generation and Letterbox Tool and Belchers RPCP Kit and Super Snapper Bar, all at fantastic show prices.

Stand 190 53

Once again the MLA Expo gives our manufacturing partners to re-establish their relationship with the UK locksmiths and those who have travelled from further aeld. Finally, we look forward to discussing our complete range of products and services at stand 125. We hope you have a good show and wish you continued success in your business.

he MLA Expo gives us an excellent opportunity to meet our customers, new and old, in a relaxed environment to talk about new and current products. We look forward to welcoming you to stand 125. This years show will give us an opportunity to present some interesting solutions to meet the ever increasing challenges. We believe that these products provide solutions not just for today but give opportunity for the medium to long term.

Locksmith Opening Tools: We will be showing off our range of tools for vehicles, safes, domestic and commercial applications. Our team will be demonstrating these tools and running competitions to add some fun as you walk the aisle of the MLA Expo. Silca Key Cutting Machines: Our association with Silca is long established. We will have a range of Silca machines that we will be demonstrating and if you want your RW4 Plus or RW4 with P-Box updating just bring it to the stand and we will update your machine. Vehicle Transponder Key Solutions: Keyprint have a range of products from cloning devices which include BMW to value for many reliable transponder key programmers like the Key Scan. If your need is more specialist we have solutions for Eeprom programmers such as the Tango, whose coverage spans nearly 1000 keymakers or the MB Keyprog for Mercedes. See our entire range of vehicle solutions at stand 125.

Our focus on this years MLA Expo will be in the following areas: Cylinders Solutions: We believe that we have a range of cylinders, including our patented systems which give you an excellent opportunity to increase your prots with continuous repeat business. The product range is impressive. In addition to the quality of cylinders at competitive prices there are many benets for you the locksmith. We hope you can come and discuss these at our stand number 125.







Personalised Key Blanks


Shared/Unique Section

Security Personalised Cards







New Tools Live Demos Show Deals



NEW Cloning for BMW

TANGO Nearly 1000 Keymakers



MERCEDES Key Programming

ADVI Best Key Programmer for VW

KEYSCAN No.1 Value for UK Standard Vehicles

Keyprint Security Ltd, 45 Assembly Street Edinburgh EH6 7BQ UK Tel: +44 (0)131 555 0909 Fax: +44 (0)131 554 1177 Email: Website:


Securikey has lots of reasons to entice visitors to stand its stand at MLA Expo, including a new addition to the Euro Grade range and the chance to win one of 40 individual prizes as part of the companys 40th Anniversary competition!
Each day will see one brand new Kindle Fire HD given away to a total of three lucky winners. To enter, all visitors have to do is try and guess the correct electronic lock code on a dedicated Euro Grade safe on the stand. Even if they dont get the code right for an instant win, they can drop their business card into the deposit rotary drum section of the safe to enter one of three daily prize draws, where 37 prizes from Securikeys varied portfolio are up for grabs. MLA Expo will also see the launch of the new Euro Grade 0, which joins grades 1 to 5 of Securikeys existing Euro Grade range and also on show, the bestselling Mini Vault and Mini Vault FR (Fire Resistant) ranges with a very special free upgrade promotion for retailers.

37 prizes from Securikeys varied portfolio are up for grabs

Access Control

by Codelocks
Payleven is a young British payments company offering tradesman the easiest and most affordable way to accept card payments. The intelligent technology works through a small, pocket-sized Chip & PIN reader which connects via Bluetooth to an App on either your iOS or Android Smartphone /Tablet. It is truly mobile and will let you take payments anytime and anywhere! Make Savy Decisions Access payleven's real-time sales analytics and make timely and informed business decisions No Monthly Fees Only 2.75% per transaction. 100% pay-as-you-go. No monthly rental fee. No minimum revenue requirement. No contractual lock-in. Never Lose a Sale Again Benefit from higher average basket sizes on purchases made with cards and avoid loosing customers to the competition. Foster Customer Loyalty Give your clients the freedom to choose how they would like to pay and enhance their customer experience. Secure and Reliable As secure as a traditional card terminal with full Chip & PIN fraud protection. Meets the highest EMV & PCI security standards.

Codelocks is an innovative designer and manufacturer of electronic and mechanical push button locks for doors, cabinets and lockers.

See us at the MLA Expo: Stand 120

We have new developments, product updates and locksmith training to discuss.

E: T: 020 7112 8211

01635 239645


JUL/AUG 2013


MLA Expo is renowned not only as being the UKs main locksmiths trade exhibition, but also as providing top quality training, something that attracts visitors from all around the world. This year is no different and the MLA has now released details of its training. Courses/seminars will be offered in the areas of General Locksmithing, Auto Locksmithing, Safes and Electronic Security. As well as these there will be a variety of business related seminars that will also take place at the Expo event. Courses incluDe, among others: Safe lock NDE Impressioning UPVC Lock ID and Non Destructive Entry CCTV Basic Car Key Cloning Abrasive Wheel Certification Tool Sharpening SEO for locksmiths


Mega Deals


Door Handles Multipoint Locks Patio Roller Window Locks Letterboxes Window and Drill Bits Door Security Window Handles Plus many more

Stand No. 125

New Locksmith Tools High Security Cylinder Systems at Affordable Prices NEW Transponder Devices The Latest in SILCA Key Machines Plus much more...
Keyprint Security Ltd, 45 Assembly Street Edinburgh EH6 7BQ UK Tel: +44 (0)131 555 0909 Fax: +44 (0)131 554 1177 Email: Website:

For show specials and clearance items visit t: 01582 486566 us at stand 117 w: 57

1-4 Page Advert.indd 1

08/08/2013 16:29


Abloy UK will showcase its selection of high quality control and access solutions at this years MLA Expo.
Visitors to stand 75 will be able to see an array of Abloys products including padlocks, electric locks, and mechanisms such as Protec2, Novel, and Sentry. Abloys CLIQ Remote will also be showcased, highlighting the latest in user-friendly, web-based security management, designed to enable the commissioning, programming and full administration of security management centrally via web-based software. Jon Burke, Abloy UK Marketing Manager, said: MLA Expo 2013 provides us with an excellent opportunity to show locksmiths and security professionals what benefits these systems can bring to the sector, both in terms of key management and security. All our products offer unrivalled solutions for any situation and our team will be on hand to discuss tailor-made options. With the launch of Abloys new social media offering, the team will be available to showcase this and also enable locksmiths and dealers to create their own Facebook or Twitter pages from scratch in just a matter of minutes. There will also be information on Abloys dealer network and how to become a part of it. Visitors who book to discuss social media with Abloy will be entered into a prize draw to win one of 25 prize gifts.

Part of the planning process

High Quality Door Security Solutions
An ASSA ABLOY Group brand


JUL/AUG 2013

Come and visit us on stand 94






Trusted the world over.


TS 007:2012 KM 585549

BS EN 1303:2005

Tel: 01228 511030 Web:

Trade Supplier of Upvc Hardware & Security Products

Nigel Waters Hardware Ltd

Door Locks - Handles - Hinges - Patio Locks Keys - Door Handles - Garage Door Locks

Locksmith_MLA_Preview_2.indd 1


01/08/2013 STAND




Stands 210 & TT24

Patio Door Rollers - Roller Shutter Locks Upvc Door & Window Locks - Letter Boxes
Comprehensive range of Videx door entry and access control products, Kristallo 2-wire colour video kits, VR4K Series of vandal resistant kits and name plates, Portal Plus proximity and biometric networkable access control systems, a new range of slimline codelocks in multiple colours will also be on show, and so much more!

Contact us: T. 0161 285 9701

Tel: 0870 300 1240 | Email: 59


Mul-T-Lock is gearing up for MLA Expo to showcase a host of innovative product offerings alongside its popular combined solutions initiative for the benefit of locksmiths across the UK and Ireland.
Visitors to stand 70 will be able to see the features and benefits of Mul-TLocks range of cutting machines, including KC5 and compact 2, along with the latest patented cylinder platforms including MT5, Interactive+ and Integrator. On display will also be CLIQ and Smartair in action as will the award winning intelligent WatchLock Padlock, demonstrating how easily it can upgrade any mechanical system, moving or stationary, to an access control solution. Steve Ross, Managing Director of MulT-Lock, said: Were looking forward to the return of the MLA Expo as an opportunity to update our customers on our latest mechanical and electromechanical product ranges, to showcase how they are designed, patented and have evolved to add value to their projects. Mul-T-Lock will also be illustrating latest successes with its popular Combined Solutions approach to sales, highlighting some of the latest applications and locksmith partners who have taken advantage of the business strategy.

expo Prizes
In an industry first, as well as raffles and prizes being run by exhibitors, the MLA are offering significant prizes to visitors attending the UKs largest locksmithing exhibition. All visitors are entered for the star prize which is a holiday for 2 to Las Vegas. On top of this MLA members, or those signing up to become members at the show, will be eligible for a daily prize draw for the duration of the event, with the prize being a tablet computer. ABUS have also already identified their prize offering with every purchase over 250 entering a raffle to win an ABUS CCTV system worth over 250! Burton Safes will also be running a competition on their stand with free product as the prize! As if there werent already enough reasons to attend the locksmiths event of the year!




The Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) is the leading trade association for the locksmithing industry. Established over 50 years ago as a not-for-profit organisation promoting the skill and integrity of its 1,400 members, it helps promote standards of conduct, practice and materials within the industry, and is recognised as the authoritative body by the police, government, BSI, Insurers RISCAuthority (formally IPCRes) and other such groups. MLA licensed companies, who undergo strict vetting and regular inspections, can provide the public with peace of mind regarding the security of their property and are promoted via the popular MLA website.

Electronic, Key and Combination Safelocks

See what SafeLock Systems have to offer:

Exhibiting Electronic Locks from LAGARD, Tecnosicurezza, Wittkopp and KABA

Latest technologies: Network and Biometric Electronic Lock Systems

Tel: 020 8949 1005 Email:


Magnum Keys
Cutting the new Millenco Magnum and Yale Superior keys can be simple and profitable all you need is the knowledge and most importantly the right equipment.
These keys are double sided and each side consists of 1 central laser track and 2 rows of dimple cuts 1 row cut at a 13.5 degree angle and the other at -13.5 degree angle. The laser track is consistent in length on 99% of keys, however the dimple cuts are likely to either be in rows of 4 and 3 or 5 and 4. Equipment Required: Laser Dimple machine with rotating jaws 1.5mm Laser Cutter (SKS Ref. OC001B) 1.5mm Laser Tracer (SKS Ref. OS002B) T49 Dimple Tracer (SKS Ref. SS045F) F49 Dimple Cutter (SKS Ref. SC054) Key Blanks (JMA Ref. MAG-2D.P)

Cutting the laser track Insert the 1.5mm cutter and tracer into the machine followed by your sample Magnum key and key blank. Use a removable tip stop to align both keys by their ends. Now calibrate the height alignment of the cutter on top of the keys. Copy the laser track on both sides of the keys. Save time - If you have multiple keys to copy you should cut all the laser tracks in 1 go before moving onto the dimple cuts.

Cutting the dimple cuts Swap the laser cutter and tracer over for the T49/F49 dimple cutter and tracer. Again using the tops of the keys, align the height of the cutter. Tip: If you calibrate in the same way as a laser cutter without addition adjustment it will cut too deep. Use the micro adjustment to slightly lift up the cutter a fraction. You can test the alignment by switching the machine on (providing youre ready to go!) and bringing the cutter down on a flat part of the key at the top It should just mark the key slightly If its too deep (i.e. makes a cut) then raise cutter up. If no mark is made on the key its too high and the cutter needs to go down. Now rotate your jaws to an angle of -13.5 degrees (or as close to it as possible) The keys should be sloping down to the left. Copy the top row of cuts bringing the cutter down into and out of 1 cut at a time. Use a firm, but light amount of pressure to bring the cutter down Too much pressure will force the machine to cut too deep. Once your finished cutting the first row, rotate the jaws to +13.5 degrees (Keys sloping to the right). Again cut each cut at

a time along the second row. When your finish, switch off the machine and rotate key blank to cut other side. To save change the angle back start with second row at +13.5 degree and then rotate to -13.5 to copy the top row.

Cutting keys to code Each lock comes with a key code card. The card will have 3 sets of numbers labelled A, B & C. SKS are able to cut keys using the code, so if you are not able to make copies yourself you can still service your customer by ordering them to number (Contact SKS Limited on 01442 291400 Key code is required).

To read more, visit




Engraving Made Easy

This month The Locksmith Journal speaks with Vanessa Blair at U-MARQ in Milton Keynes to find out first hand why distributors such as Davenport Burgess are seeing an increase in the uptake of engraving machines by locksmiths looking to boost their businesses U-MARQ Ltd is a privately held company that was formed by the bringing together of a number of companies under one umbrella in 2004, the aim of which was to revolutionise the engraving and marking industries with a forward-thinking, innovative approach. U-MARQ manufactures in the UK with components sourced from the UK wherever possible. All manufacturing and assembly is carried out in their UK factory. Software for all U-MARQ engraving machines is totally unique to the company, and well established in the global industry. It is wholly written inhouse by U-MARQ. To U-MARQs UK dealers such as Davenport Burgess, a UK distributor of U-MARQs machines and consumables, the company is able to offer full technical support. This support service includes onsite demonstrations and technical backup. This close relationships between manufacturer and distributor means that feedback from the end user is incorporated, where possible, into U-MARQs research and development, giving rise to product innovations that benefit of all concerned. The U-MARQ offer to locksmiths is one of opportunity to diversify and add margin by increasing perceived value through engraving and personalisation of gifts, keepsakes and other applications. The possibilities are endless, If you can hold it you can almost certainly engrave it, says Vanessa Blair of U-MARQ. There are also opportunities for security marking and sequential numbering for numerous applications. Basically, with very little outlay a locksmith can achieve increased profits through offering added services to their business. And with the finance and leasing options available, this becomes an even more viable proposition. The leaseto-purchase plan can be taken out over 3 to 5 years, or interest free over 1 year. U-MARQ has also considered ease of use for the end user too. The software has been developed to carry the machine operator through the process step by step, offering limitless design options along the way. Full training is offered and there are step-by-step operation videos that can be accessed 24 hours a day via the U-MARQ website. The U-MARQ machine that has proven most popular with Davenport Burgesss locksmith customers is the GEM-FX5. The GEM-FX5 is the ultimate and unchallenged small footprint professional engraving system that can cope with most marking tasks from labels, switch sockets, tags, tools and identification plates to trophy plates, padlocks, keys, lighters, pet tags and jewellery. Simply type the text into the easy to use U-MARQ FX engraving software, insert the item to be engraved into the machine, the GEM-FX5 then engraves the object in just a few seconds. Equipped with the state-of-the-art GEMFX5 control system, the GEM-FX5 will connect to a standard PC or laptop. U-MARQ is confident that the machines ease of use enables its users to engrave to a professional standard, after just a short introduction to the machine. The uncluttered design combined with the mechanical stability enables easy engraving of large or small items, making it versatile and quick and easy to use. The GEM-FX5 is available through U-MARQs distributor Davenport Burgess and is ideal for locksmiths looking to expand their services and add a new revenue stream to their business. Both the manufacturer and distributor work with their customers to help them maximize the options and opportunities available to them.

The beauty of the system for some locksmiths is that what begins as an add-on eventually becomes a core business function and saves on outsourcing work or referring it elsewhere to another company with wider capabilities. Customers also tend to find that they purchase the machine for one particular purpose and, in using the machine, they generate new ideas of way to use the machine to add value and increase margin. The GEM-FX5 comes with a oneyear warranty. The sale price includes everything a locksmith needs to get started so there are no hidden extras further down the line. U-MARQ can service the machine at their UK factory to keep downtime to a minimum. Davenport Burgess offers installation training and continuous support, although its rare that technical faults are experienced. In fact, in 6 years of selling the GEM-FX5 Davenport Burgess has had no complaints or issues from its customers. They say that seeing is believing and to really understand the versatility and ease of use of the GEM-FX then you can see it for yourself at the forthcoming MLA Expo 2013 where U-MARQ, in collaboration with Davenport Burgess, will be exhibiting its full range of machines and giving live demonstrations where audience participation will be encouraged. Youll even be able to take away your very own personalised pen that will be engraved in front of you on the day. You will find U-MARQ and Davenport Burgess at stands 93 and 96 at the MLA Expo 2013, Telford International Centre, 13th September to 15th September 2013.

Davenport-Burgess Ltd, 47 Wednesfield Road, Willenhall, WV13 1AL., Tel: 01902 366448,



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Giving your business the power to grow
GEM - RX5 The RX5 with its flat engraving area is perfect for dealing with individual items or production runs. This machine is the fastest and easiest gift and jeweller engraver. GEM - CX5 The CX5 is designed for the counter top or workshop. It is an easy to use engraving solution, for any retail shop or other enviroment. It is capable of engraving anything from the finest bracelet to a large size door sign or tankard as well as glass items and trays.

UNIVERSAL - 350 GEM - FX5 The FX5 is a great professional engraving system, it can cope with most industrial marketing tasks, labels, switch sockets, tags, tools, identification plates. This machine can handle them all with speed and precision. The 350 is ideal for the Trophy shop, Jeweller or industrial markets. As well as girfts and personal items, this machine will engrave large tankards, large glass bowls, brass plaques, aliminium signs, multiple badges and much much more!




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Door and window hardware specialist ERA has introduced a novel locking system to boost security when properties are periodically unoccupied adding an extra level of protection when going on holiday. Aptly named Holiday Lock, the new system is a deadbolt mechanism which complements the existing multipoint lock. Capable of exceeding the requirements of PAS 24 2012, the unique aspect of the lock is its secondary single-sided locking point with no escutcheon on the interior side of the door, it can only be operated from the outside. Brett Evans explains the thinking behind this innovative design: A common method among thieves is to enter a property via a rear window, then unlock the front door from the inside, to carry out large pieces of equipment such as TVs without suspicion. However, by enabling the door to be deadlocked from the external side, there is no possibility of releasing the Holiday Lock from within the property, forcing intruders to exit the same way they entered, reducing the possibility of large, high-value items being removed. The ERA Holiday Lock offers equivalent functionality to a BS 10621 sash lock, with the additional benefits of multi point locking.

Visit, email or call 01922 490000.


Securikey has launched the new Key Safe 80 high security key cabinet to its broad portfolio of physical security products. Combining tried and tested reliability with new features, the Key Safe 80 not only provides a robust facility where keys can be safely stored and managed, the design also incorporates a solution that offers effective key tracking capabilities a vital function for applications in which a large volume of keys are being used over a period of time. In addition to 81 key hooks, the Key Safe 80 also features 15 closed loop hooks, located on the rear of the door, and is supplied with 20pcs tamper resistant seals used to fasten selected keys to the closed loops, ensuring they cannot be removed without detection. This simple yet innovative advancement enables the customer to isolate up to 15 individual keys that may need to be easily accessible in an emergency but that must be monitored to ensure they are not removed and replaced without authorisation. Effective management is made easy with the inclusion of an index card, key tabs, rings and numbers.

UAPs innovative Letterplate design with iPlate

Letterplate designs have been rather stagnant for some time, but now has UAP taken the Letterplate to the next level with its iPlate. It has a frameless design, patent pending soft close mechanism, corrosion-proof construction, a unique un-sprung hinge and a patent pending magnetic click to close feature. Inspiration for the letterplate came from an unusual place as David Jennings, MD for UAP Ltd explains: I took the idea for the soft close mechanism on the iPlate from a toilet seat! It makes perfect sense and stops the problem of the flap snapping back onto the postmans hand. The Royal Mail was consulted during the design process to ensure that it is both postman and child friendly. Like other UAP Letterplates the brushes are on the outside, making it easier for letters to be pushed through and putting a stop to unwanted items being pushed into the cavity. The iPlate is available as part of UAPs fit and forget Anodised range and for areas with high salt levels, such as coastal regions, or high pollution, UAPs Nanocoast range which protects against corrosion- and has a lifetime guarantee.



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Aldridge Security, the leading distributors of security products have launched their eagerly anticipated MultiPoint Locking Catalogue, which features an array of new product ranges tailored for the UPVC repair Market. With the industry changing more towards Multi-Point Locking and UPVC fittings, Aldridge have taken this as an opportunity to produce a new Catalogue dedicated to the growing market, which showcases the huge product range they offer. This new Catalogue has allowed us to put together the most comprehensive product range available for the UPVC market, which we are extremely proud of, says Ainsley Hawkins, Commercial Director for Aldridge Security. Featuring all major manufacturers and thousands of products the Catalogue will offer Aldridges customers a range of products to suit all their Multi-Point Locking needs. Care was taken to make sure the Catalogue was as userfriendly as possible, which meant the inclusion of many new features as Ainsley explains: We wanted the process of locating products to be quick and easy, which is why we have introduced colour coded sections to help identify product categories. With the easy reference guide to help identify products quickly, finding the most suitable lock for the application will be a faster and more efficient experience. View the Multi Point products online or call Aldridge Sales on 08444 125101.

TRACKit 247:
A modest investment with a powerful payback.
London Locksmiths Dennis Security, based in Walthamstow, London recently installed TRACKit247 vehicle trackers into its fleet of vans and the busy firm is already finding it a valuable investment. Matthew Stokes of Dennis Security told LSj: By investing in vehicle tracking I know where my staff and equipment are at any given time, allowing me to deploy employees effectively to call outs and emergencies as they arise. We have saved more than the actual cost of the unit by not having to turn work away, as we know where the locksmiths are at any given time - and by looking in the history we can tell what jobs are completed. We have also found after sales back-up to be excellent. Vehicle tracking is now an essential management tool, enabling businesses to control costs and gain competitive advantage in todays tough economic climate. CUT FUEL COSTS & INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY Peter Roback of TRACKit247 commented: There are many reasons why companies use our tracking solution for their vehicles, plant and machinery, the most obvious being if an asset is stolen, it can be recovered with minimal disruption to the business. But by investing in vehicle tracking, businesses can also reduce fuel expenditure major factor nowadays - and increase staff productivity. TRACKit247 offer a low cost tracking solution with low monthly subscription, with no activation costs and no contract. The tracking devices work straight out of the box and are easy to use and easy to implement. Tracking can be via innovative web based control panel and from any mobile device such as iPhone/ Smart Phones/ iPad or Tablet devices, allowing you to TRACK LIVE and view history such as speed, mileage and locations from anywhere in the world for up to a year. Packed with advanced features such as motion alerts, geo fence zoning and panic button, TRACKit247 trackers are a cost-effective solution for any business, while offering functionality and flexibility with low running costs. Units start from as little as 99.00 with tracking cost on average 2.50 per week per device a modest investment for such a powerful pay-back. For a FREE demo or more information, visit or call 01923-608647.



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Among the exhibitors at the MLA Expo 2013 at Telford, will be Alpro Architectural Hardware the independent supplier of both mechanical and electro-mechanical products in the UK commercial aluminium OEM marketplace and access control environment. The Alpro product range comprises a variety of contemporary handle styles, which are both hard wearing and aesthetically pleasing, with bespoke designs available to your own specifications. The Alpro range also includes deadlocks, deadlatches, lock accessories, cylinders, transom door closers, flushbolts, armoured strikes, digital locks, lever and paddle handles. All of which have been designed for the commercial aluminium door industry. A variety of electro-mechanical products complement this impressive product portfolio, designed to meet the needs of the demanding access control market segment. Products include electric strikes, Alpro Divisional Manager, Keith Parry said: The MLA and its members represent a very important market sector for us and throughout this year we have elected to work as closely with the Association as possible through a variety of channels, such as their regional meetings, for example. Coupled with the new European standards and the recently introduced CE marking requirements, Alpro want to ensure the message gets across as to what is actually required rather than what people think is required . Prototypes of their new Optima deadlock range will be on display in advance of production models to illustrate the new product development taking place to comply with the new European standards and will include the security escutcheon and cylinder guard. These products are part of our commitment to ensuring that Alpro hardware stays at the forefront of new product design and innovation.

Alpros Vortex Door Magnet.

deadlocking bolts, solenoid bolts, compact shearlocks, cabinet locks, waterproof keypads and exit switches and more. The Vortex range of environmentally friendly magnets will also be on display. Which incorporate a mechanical holding feature as well as an electrical one. Alpro has supported the MLA event for several years. But this year, attendance at this premier industry Expo is far from being a one-off it is part of a longranging strategy that aims to promote the companys products and services to MLA members through every available means.


Glazerite installers are celebrating after they not only took 10 of the 30 Regional Award finalist slots and four out of the 10 Regional Trophies in the annual awards, but were also three of only seven members to be enrolled in this years 100% Club - and one of only two winners in the new brand promotion awards. They also took all three finalist positions in one of the regions, and two of the three in two others. Glazerite Windows Director Jason Thompson said: They all performed superbly well; we are very proud of them and proud of our support that helped them to get there.
KJMs Dan Legg (l) and Paul Ginger with Network Vekas John Ogilvie.

Locksmiths Supplies DRILLING SOLUTIONS

Drilling solution for locksmiths
Our aim is to provide drilling solutions for the Locksmiths. We have therefore sourced and tested a number of TCT and Cobalt drills and other specialist tools to ensure that there is a solution to any of the problems you may encounter when having to drill locks and safes. We have the Alpen Profi range of drill bits for hardplates and safes, and RUKO of Germany,(nothing to do with Assa Abloy), cobalt and tungsten carbide tools for use on cylinder locks and general metalwork. For more information visit

Email: 27 Edward Street, Dunstable, Beds, LU6 1HE



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New to the MLA EXPO 2013

13-15th September
New Genuine Lishi 2-in-1 Pick/Decoders The Complete Genuine Lishi User Guide & Training Manual Kit

See you THERE!

Mortice Lock Impressioning Kit

Mortice Lock iPhone App

Personalised Laser Engraving Available at



Popular LSj contributor, MIKE PALMER of Eurosafe has put his well-honed skills as a writer to good use in his latest venture an extraordinary biography of a London man whom many reckon was the worlds greatest safe cracker, Peckham boy, Roy Saunders.
When you open the door to a legitimate safe engineer you do so with a unique understanding that you have total trust in his honesty and integrity. You recognise that when his job is done, he will know what you have, where you keep it and more importantly, how to get at it. It is remarkable that this trust is so seldom violated. A FASCINATING CHAIN OF EVENTS Roy Saunders was said by many to have been the worlds greatest legitimate safe cracker, a claim that he would certainly be in no hurry to dispel. Yet a single act of bravery; a spontaneous moment of heroism, began a chain of events that would lead this otherwise honest man to find himself in the dead of night, standing on the roof of one of the worlds most famous jewellers, preparing to cross the line into criminality.

When his job is done, he will know what you have, where you keep it and more importantly, how to get at it
Following a series of interviews conducted over a period of more than a year, Roys fascinating biography by Mike Palmer is now available through Lulu Publishing. Go to and search for Peckham Boy.
Delboy and Rodney may have been famous, fictional Peckham boys, but Roy Saunders was real and many LSj readers may well remember him. Roys story makes compulsive and entertaining reading for anyone involved in this business.

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Concept 3
Using the latest developments in design and materials, S.M.P . Security have produced a new range of high performance lightweight cash and jewellery safes. They are available in seven sizes to suit all customers needs, ranging from 23 litres to 354 litres in volume, with various locking options.

Fire Test BS476 Part 20

Conforms to BS EN 14450: 2005 requirements

Concept 3 safes are superbly designed for storage

of cash, personal papers, laptops and jewellery. They hold a minimum overnight cash cover of 4,000 or jewellery of 40,000 with the added feature of a Fire Test to BS 476 Part 20. The affordable concept - for peace of mind.
Seven sizes available Suggested jewellery risk 40,000 Different locking options available Suggested overnight cash risk - 4,000

Special Discounted Price Inc. VAT & Delivery

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520 544 580 614 689 879 985

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SMP Security Ltd. Halesfield 24, Telford, Shropshire TF7 4NZ


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We are proud to release the NEW Wertheim range of safes.

All approved by eurosafe, AiS and VdS from S1 to grade 5kb and vaults up to grade 12 KB EX. Special demountable safes available for easy installation anywhere.
Extensive range of reconditioned safes. Safe removal specialists. Goldfinch House, 263 Church Road, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 4QL

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Burton Safes Eurovault Atlas proves its worth

Burton Safes was delighted when the companys Eurovault Atlas Grade 7 won the IFSEC Physical Security Product of the Year 2013 award earlier this year. The Eurovault Atlas Grade 7 is the UKs highest rated security safe and so far the only UK safe to have passed the European EN1143-1 Grade 7 attack test. Sales Director Ben Lewis said: We were thrilled to win this award and to have had this product recognised, especially since a couple of years ago most of the UK safe industry told me that it was just not possible to produce such a product! We were pleased to have proved them wrong and increasingly, private clients and public bodies are both continuing to benefit from the exceptional levels of security this product offers them. The EuroVault Atlas Grade 7 has a 250,000 cash rating, and a 2,500,000 jewellery rating and a host of impressive credentials. Burton Safes will be exhibiting at this years MLA Expo on 13m, 14 and 15th September in Telford.


The constant challenges of our weather never end: here, Simon Ruggles (Marketing & Sales Operations Manager at SentrySafe UK) explores how this has seen a rise in Waterproof Chest sales, adding to the buoyancy in the safe market. As this summer draws to a close, we can see that the UK has experienced some of the hottest days since the 1970s. The met office confirmed that the recorded temperature from Heathrow smashed the previous record of 2006 (32.2oc). And last year was one of the wettest years on record. With four of the top five wettest years occurring since the turn on the millennium, UK businesses and home owners continued to face the increased risks posed by extreme weather and rainfall. The Association of British Insurers (ABI) reported that flooding cost British insurers over 400 million in damages during 2012. US based ETL provide worldwide testing verification for Waterproof chests sold into the UK market. Consumers and business owners alike are turning to a variety of these verified chests to protect important insurance documentation, business leaks, sprinkler systems and the full force of tidal or flash flooding. With some 5.5 million homes in England and Wales at risk of flooding, it is clear that Waterproof Fire Resistant chests are a growing trend in store, online and with trusted locksmiths. One in six properties in the UK is currently at risk, with experts predicting a further 4.5 million homes could fall into flood risk areas a total of 10 millionproperties. While the waterproof fire chest may present itself as a non-traditional opportunity in comparison to safes, locks, padlocks and latches, enterprising stockists are capitalising on the growing focus enforced by changing weather patterns. Has your customer considered the risks of flooding and water damage? Has a risk assessment included the environment agency flood map, the potential unforeseen risks of sprinkler dispersal or the degradation of plumbing and pipes? Available in a variety of sizes and capacities, waterproof chests lines give depth and breadth of range to meet many functional needs. For further information on flood risks visit:

critical information and irreplaceable valuables. Usually complete with the added protection of fire-resistance, chests offer a cost effective (yet margin rich) solution for those looking to increase the peace of mind currently offered by their filing system, entry level safe or tandem cabinets. But why are these little units becoming such a competitive offer compared with the traditional safe? Waterproof chests verified by ETL offer protection above and beyond the certification attached to most Water Resistant Safes. With full submersion possible for 24 hours, these units offer peace of mind for those concerned about water damage. While Water-Resistant safes offer safeguarding for many office or consumer environments, the threat of full submersion is often not tackled by design. An ideal addition to existing security storage, these units guarantee against



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BSIA renews sections commitment to property and asset protection

The Physical Security Equipment section of the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has marked its 20th anniversary by updating its identity and renewing its strategic focus, in recognition of the growing number of applications of the physical security equipment produced by section members. Now known as the Property and Asset Protection Section (PAPS), the group acts as a forum for companies providing what is often termed the backbone of security for both business and residential premises. This includes doors, locks, shutters and grilles, safes, fences and other protective measures. Vacant property protection is also at the heart of the sections activity, as it includes BSIA member companies that specifically focus on this area. Section Chairman, David Frampton (pictured), explains: Physical security measures have always been among the first measures adopted by those wishing to protect their property and the assets stored within. Although we are now seeing a growing diversification in the nature of this usage, the protection of property and assets is at the core of what we offer, and the decision to change the sections name was made in order to reflect this. Originally established in 1993, the Property and Asset Protection Section includes market-leading providers of perimeter security measures, who possess valuable experience in providing security measures in industries as wideranging as transport, healthcare, retail and banking. David added: Since the sections inception 20 years ago, methods of theft and forced entry into property have continued to become more sophisticated, and there is a need to be able to offer the market a package of physical security products and packages that are tested to recognised standards and approvals. As the criminal element of society continues to develop new means of attack, the industry must respond to, or pre-empt these, with new security

solutions and when appropriate new standards. The sections renewed focus is reflected in its new mission statement, which pledges section members intention to support their customers with best practice and guidance, while promoting benchmark quality through adherence to standards, compliance, innovation and positive relationships with industry stakeholders.


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New & now available from Lockey

Lockey LD900 series Heavy Duty Narrow Style Lock Cases
Designed specifically to retrofit with The Lockey Digital 2000 series, Lockeys new heavy duty narrow style Lock Cases are the ideal alternative to keyed narrow style locks. Fitted with Lockey mechanical digital locks on new or pre-prepped doors the LD900 series lock cases also offer added security with reliability. There are three options available: An Adams Rite style latch (LD930) which can be used with all the Lockey 2000 series latch models with knob or lever (2430,2435,2430DS,2835 & 2835DS). A five-ply laminated steel dead bolt with concealed hardened steel pin for maximum security (LD900) for use with Lockey 2000 series mortise dead bolt (2210, 2430DS); And a five-ply laminated steel hook bolt with concealed hardened steel pin for use with the Lockey 2000 (2500) for sliding doors; With the Lockey optional steel box, all of the above can be used on gates with either single or double combination. In addition to these new lock cases, Lockey offers a new BIG Lockey Key Safe which comfortably holds more keys or a key fob and a cabinet lock for standard or sliding cabinets or cupboards.

For more details, please contact Total Product Sales Ltd, Tel. 01763 245245 or email:sales@

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Delivering the complete package

Tate Solutions has successfully established a solid reputation for the specification, supply and professional installation of Automatic Doors, Fire Systems and complete Access Control services across a wide range of establishments throughout the UK.
With a number of prestigious installations successfully completed, Tate Solutions, the specialist trading arm of international security, fire and safety providers Securefast Plc, is now seen by many as a market leader to locksmiths, specifiers and developers requiring a complete access control package. From the initial client design brief right through to product specification and a professional installation service, Tate Solutions is on hand, working closely in partnership with a highly experienced team of qualified engineers, committed to delivering a fully commissioned control system that fulfils the clients exacting requirements. The range of services provided by Tate Solutions comprises of a comprehensive commissioning service designed to provide the very latest technology in electronic control systems, including personnel and vehicle access, ventilation controls, automatic doors, fire and smoke alarm systems. With all new commissions clients have the reassurance that the Tate team will be actively involved to manage each stage of the project, from consultancy, design, recommendation of appropriate systems, complete installation services and final handover, fully backed by the companys comprehensive aftercare services. Backed by full industry accreditations, Tate Solutions employs only qualified surveyors and fully certified electricians and site engineers. Illustrating the wide diversity of projects, both large a small, undertaken by Tate Solutions are the new Royal Military Police Station at Aldershot, which involved automated ground floor doors, incorporating bespoke access controls and specialist control panels with full movement monitoring facilities and the grade two listed Warminster Infantry Barracks, where fully automated entrance doors have been designed and installed, integrated with a highly sophisticated bespoke perimeter monitoring access control system. Parent company Securefast has a proud history of protecting properties dating back over one hundred years, with a natural progression from the purely mechanical locking devices of a century ago through to the cutting edge technology found in todays advanced access control systems. The groups comprehensive portfolio of security, fire and safety products coupled with Tates expertise in electronic control systems and fully commissioned installations ensures a winning formula designed to deliver the total, Tate solution.

Call 01543 501600, email or visit



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Securefasts innovative window safety solution - Sliplock

Sliplock is the easy to operate safety and security device from Securefast, specifically designed by Securefast to reduce significantly the risk of accidents by effectively restricting the degree that a window is allowed to open. Sliplock also offers added security as a deterrent to forced entry or unauthorised access when fitted to doors. Sliplock is ideal to be retrofitted to windows and doors both in the home, commercial properties, public buildings and in particular, to all vulnerable locations such as care homes, hotels, nurseries, schools, universities and hospitals. Sliplock, which is Trademark registered to Securefast, comprises two heavy duty zinc diecast bases, one mounted on the opening window the other securely fixed to the window frame. Both are linked via a plastic coated heavy duty steel cable. The opening window mount incorporates a solidly fixed baseplate that engages with an easy to operate slide over casing that can be locked or unlocked with a dedicated key. Once engaged, the window opening is restricted by the cable relative to its fixing point on the frame. Sliplock can be simply disengaged with an easyrelease, key operated mechanism allowing the window to be opened fully for cleaning and maintenance purposes. Sliplock is British-made from UKsourced components, expertly designed and rigorously tested to BS EN 131265: 2011 and BS EN 14351-1: 2006 + A : 2010 by Midlands-based Securefast in Cannock. Securefast has a history of more than 110 years in the design, development and distribution of security products for the UKs homes and businesses, offering consistently high standards of quality with a reputation for bringing the very latest innovations to the UK market.

Sliplock is yet another example of this and just one of several new products to be launched by Securefast this year. Call 01543 501600, email or visit

Safe, Secure & Simple

Sliplock Cable Restrictor SBC400/WE

Securefast unobtrusive Sliplock Cable Restrictor is designed for safety, and to reduce the risk of falling out of a window. It can be tted to doors to deter forced access from unwanted visitors. The Sliplock cable window restrictor is suitable for the home, public properties, and commercial applications. Perfect for buildings such as care homes, hotels, nurseries, schools, universities and hospitals. The Sliplock cable window restrictor is ideal for all properties looking to prevent accidents and provide improved safety and additional security for opening windows and doors. Benefits & Features Sliplock is a trade mark of Securefast Certication to BS EN 13126-5 : 2011 & BS EN 14351-1 : 2006 + A1 : 2010 Metal cable securely xed between two robust metal units Restrictor locks by sliding the detachable unit over a back plate xed to the window opening. Frame unit is xed securely to the frame giving restriction by length of cable and positioning on the frame Features a dedicated key to release the locking case. Casing slides o the back plate once unlocked to allow full access to the window when needed for maintenance

Sales Hotline: 01543 501600

Sliplock ad.indd 2

19/06/2013 16:46

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TLJ & AI Security work together to provide access control solution

TLJs stand alone key card locks have proven to be a great success at Booth House in Whitechapel, London. TLJ worked closely with the Essex-based company AI Security throughout the duration of the project; from the initial site survey, during the installation and training and continue to do so throughout the ongoing after sales support. The site houses over 220 residents and has various zones and areas within the building. The requirement was for a cost effective access control solution which would provide a high level of security whilst being easy to use. The system needed to accommodate medium/high levels of traffic for staff, residents and management. Hard-wiring access control readers to each door was not a feasible option and combination locks would not fulfil security requirements. The TLJ access control system allows key card entry without wires and is managed from a central PC. A selection of products were installed including; TLJ Infinity key card locks on the individual bedroom doors and TLJ access control readers on cluster doors and sliding entrance doors. AI Security installed the full system over a 1 week period having received prior training from a TLJ engineer. Each lock was commissioned once fitted to the door enabling the whole project to run smoothly and the property to remain fully open.

Houses over 220 residents

TLJs Technical Director, Luke Martin said Our trade account allows the access control companies and locksmiths to make a margin on the system with the added option of installing it themselves, or utilising the TLJ installation team. The TLJ Infinity locks offer all the advantages of a hard wired access control system but without the cost, mess and complication of wires or wifi hubs. Cards are issued centrally, audit logs of entry are maintained, lost cards can be cancelled and time/date restrictions on access are flexible.


ASSA ABLOY has launched the worlds first wireless lock for security doors onto the market with AperioTM radio technology. The AperioTM Lock L100 features optimum physical protection and transmits comprehensive information on door status to the access control system via a wireless connection. The lock allows you to easily integrate security doors into an access control system at a very reasonable price. It enables you to manage access authorisations online and in real time using a single system. Users can instantly obtain open/closed and locked: yes/no status information from the lock at a glance. The optimum burglary protection and resistance against extreme temperatures (down to -65 C) ensure that the Aperio lock is also suitable for outside doors with special security requirements. The lock features a protection rating of IP55. Highly effective burglary protection: Certifications include CE, EN179, EN1125, EN12209, EN1634/1 (in progress). No manipulation: Main electronics inside, reader element outside including emergency battery connector and LED indicators. Tolerates extreme temperature range (-40 to +65) on the outside. Supports the following RFID technologies: iCLASS, MIFARE CLASSIC/PLUS, MIFARE DESFire, HID Prox, EM410x Monitoring: Integrated sensors for door (open/closed) and bolt position (locked/ unlocked). Exterior handle controlled by electronics, interior handle

always engaged (request to exist sensor included). Available for Euro, Scandinavian, Finnish and standard or narrow profile doors. The Aperio L100 Lock is the most complete electronic wireless security lock on the market.

New UPVC Catalogue Out Now!



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Newstar. Security First

Newstar Door Controls Ltd

Garage Door Bolt Comes With Hardened Steel Rollers

garage door bolts are for use on all The Newstar types of sectional or up and over garage doors. Universally designed this product allows for a wide variation of door constructions, operated from both sides and can be fitted either vertically or horizontally. The garage door bolt comes with hardened steel rollers to enhance security. The garage door bolt is very easy to fit on all metal or wooden doors up to 38mm thickness. They come complete with coach bolts, nuts and escutcheons. Both locks are keyed alike with a four sided key offering millions of key differs. Three keys are provided. The garage door lock is available in black.

20mm 160.5mm




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No-Go Security Products was founded by David Murphy. David originally worked as a double glazing installer and then as a Window Doctor repairing and replacing windows. It was when he noticed how frequently he was called to replace glazed units that that been removed in burglaries, that he developed the simple, yet ingenious concept of the No-Go Glass Lock. No-Go Glass Locks have been developed and patented and are now manufactured in Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire. The company is pleased to be working with Crime Prevention Officers to raise awareness of the problem of unsecured externally beaded windows, and demonstrate that the No-Go Glass Lock is the ideal solution. No-Go Glass Locks are available in the following quantities: Pack of 4 - 29.99 Pack of 24 - 159.99 Pack of 48 - 299.99 They are currently available in three styles: satin chrome effect, brushed steel effect, gold, white and antique brass effect. No-Go Glass Lock Replacement bases only packs are also available in all three styles for 12.99. All prices include VAT at the current rate and postage and packing (UK mainland only). Trade enquiries are welcome. Telephone: 0845 528 0183 or Email: info@nogosecurity.


BQTs BIO X & XK Series Biometric readers have been designed to provide accurate identification at amazing speed for the front line of physical security. These readers are also a powerful tool for gathering Time & Attendance data by combining easy to use software with world leading biometric hardware, increasing the accuracy of staff Time & Attendance at a fraction of the cost of conventional methods. Bio Series readers use TCP\IP communication which allows for simple integration into existing corporate networks. Wiegand and RS485 communication to communicate with access control systems. The readers can store 16,000 users in each unit (32,000 fingerprint templates). Access Control and Time & Attendance ready, integrated with BioMatch software applications. Readers are available in different models Fingerprint + Mifare Smart Card, Fingerprint only, Fingerprint + TC/IP. Cards & Fingerprint mode: The Bio-X Series reads the cardholders data from the memory chip of a miPASS card and only transmits to a door controller once a valid finger has been presented. In addition to the smart card reader + fingerprint verification device, the BIO-XK is fitted with a 4 x 3 keypad and 4 programmable function keys. Robust and vandal resistant Optical Sensor - less prone to starching and various climate conditions in comparison to a capacitance sensor. Available in charcoal and ivory. Outdoor/indoor reader - IP65.

UK Access Control Market Contracted by 1.3% in 2012

The UK access control market fell by 1.3% in 2012, after the market contracted by 1.6% in the previous year. The figures come in a new Market Update from market intelligence provider Key Note. The UK Access Control market has been affected by the recent economic downturn, weak business investment activities, and a declining construction market. In 2012, the value for business investment at chained volume measures was significantly lower than it was in 2008, the report says. Business investment activities are important for the access control market, as they provide new buildings which often require security systems, as well as renovating and upgrading existing ones. The construction sector, which provides a major source of demand for access control products, has also been hit hard. Figures from National Statistics indicate that construction output in Great Britain fell by over 10% between 2008 and 2012, while the value for new construction orders decreased by over a quarter during the same period. The majority of leading manufacturers and suppliers of access control in the UK are part of large, foreign-owned multinational companies; there are also a number of small, independent UK-based companies and subsidiaries of public limited companies (PLCs) that operate in the market. But Key Note forecasts that the UK access control market will grow by 7.3% by 2017, driven by an ongoing need for protection against crime and the gradual recovery of the UKs economy.



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Police Ring of Steel ruled Disproportionate

The Hertfordshire Constabulary has been ordered to review the socalled ring of steel of ANPR cameras surrounding a market town in the English county. Royston has no less than seven ANPR cameras at six locations; no car can enter or leave the town without being seen by the cameras. But following an investigation by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), this has been deemed disproportionate. Stephen Eckersley, the ICOs head of enforcement, said in a press release: It is difficult to see why a small rural town such as Royston, requires cameras monitoring all traffic in and out of the town 24 hours a day. Any use of surveillance needs to be proportionate to the problem, he said, and the Hertfordshire Constabularys extensive use of ANPR cameras around Royston was not. In its enforcement notice, the ICO said the police force should not use images from the cameras until its review has been completed. The CCTV Code of Practice published earlier this year says that public bodies must be able to justify the use of surveillance cameras. (See: Surveillance Code of Practice Published.) The ICO said the impact on the privacy of individuals entering and leaving the town of Royston has not been properly considered. Eckersley said in the release: We hope that this enforcement notice sends a clear message to all police forces, that the use of ANPR cameras needs to be fully justified before they are installed. This includes carrying out a comprehensive assessment of the impact on the privacy of the road using public. The investigation followed a complaint by Big Brother Watch in June 2011. Nick Pickles, the groups director, said in its press release that the ruling sends a clear message that blanket surveillance is unacceptable. The Hertfordshire Constabulary has said it doesnt intend to appeal the ruling. However, a spokesman for the police force told the BBC that it intends to continue using ANPR cameras, as they deliver substantial policing benefits, though it recognises the need to ensure that the deployment of such systems is recognised to be justified and proportionate.


Following the riots in London of August 2011, the Metropolitan Police will be holding a conference on Wednesday 18th September 2013 at New Scotland Yard for all representatives of the CCTV sector to discuss lessons learned, good and bad practice and how to improve the overall effectiveness of CCTV. DCI Mick Neville, Metropolitan Police said: CCTV continues to be the biggest contributor to successful prosecutions of rioters and looters from 2011. During the course of the investigation into the disorder many lessons have been learned in relation to the use of CCTV. The Metropolitan Police is keen to share this learning with CCTV operators, managers and trainers - as well as anyone else involved in providing such evidence - to ensure that CCTV produces even more successful prosecutions and makes our communities safer.

http://www.skillsforsecurity. happening/2/284 to book a place or find out more.


As part of our ongoing quest to meet all our readers requirements, The Locksmith Journal regularly reviews content and takes on board your valuable feedback.
With this in mind, we are currently recruiting new contributors to join the ranks of those who already provide first class editorials. We want to hear from any locksmith with specific interest in reviewing tools and equipment, on the difficulties and techniques used when working on composite doors, and on how to tackle jobs that arise when a locksmith is putting right poor work already done. If you are interested, please email your details in the first instance to and we will get back to you.



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MOBOTIX launches new series of installation mounts

MOBOTIXS latest launch includes the S14/S15 SurroundMount, DualMount, HaloMount and SpeakerMount. With the new mounts, the users get easy-toinstall solutions that create completely new application scenarios for S14/S15 platform. When we started developing the new very successful S14/S15 Product Platform we gathered vertical application thoughts from our partners and their end-users. The question was, how do you want and what do you need to install the S14 and now the S15 Product Platform in the best possible way? says Dr Ralf Hinkel, founder and CEO of MOBOTIX AG. As a result of market demand, MOBOTIX launched a series of several intelligent mounting options for its S14/S15 Product Platform. There is already an extensive mounting offering today but the four new mounts broadly expand the amount of mounting possibilities.

The users get easy-toinstall solutions that create completely new application scenarios for S14/S15 platform
The S14/S15 SurroundMount is mounted in the ceiling of for instance corridors, buses, trains and other areas, which require an overall overview in long and narrow areas without any blind spots. The user simply attaches the mount at the desired location and then screws the S14/S15 sensor modules into the SurroundMount. This enables mounting of cameras in two separate directions without any blind spots! An operation done within minutes. As the S14/S15 platform is extremely flexible, it allows the users to choose from different lens alternatives. The

DualMount enables sensor modules to be mounted side-by-side in one direction for different applications and needs such as for instance; day-night and various focal lengths allowing users to have round the clock overview and desired image quality. Design and ease of installation is becoming a more and more important issue for users of surveillance cameras,continued Dr. Hinkel. This is one of the reasons why MOBOTIX launched the HaloMount. This mount uses standard industry measurements and addresses the installation needs for walls and ceilings. The S14/S15 sensor module fits directly into the HaloMount and the mount is easily applied to the area by using the strong spring safety at the end of the mount. The result is a sleek and designer-friendly camera installation.

All you need to know about CCTV

Interactive workshops by RhinoCo at the MLA Expo.
Whether you are a seasoned CCTV installer, a novice in the industry or merely interested in learning a little about CCTV as an opportunity for your business RhinoCo have a workshop just for you at this years MLA Expo held in Telford on 13th-15th September 2013. If you have a question about networking CCTV systems, would like the opportunity to play with the RhinoCo range or just want the chance to try your hand at making your own lengths of cable, RhinoCo are running an interactive session on the first day of the show to answer your questions and we want you to get involved. The second workshop of the show, held on Saturday 14th September, will be themed DVRs The Stuff You Never Knew They Did . We all know digital video recorders record, but this session will show you all the other exciting features the RhinoCo range of DVRs have. From integrating CCTV with an alarm, to setting up instant video footage notifications to your smart phone, RhinoCos Teckie Steve will be there to demonstrate to you how all these features work, and how they can benefit your customer and in turn increase your profit. The final RhinoCo workshop on Sunday 15th September will be devoted to IP systems including advantages, are they as good as they say and how do they work. With IP CCTV becoming increasingly popular, this session will answer all your questions on this new and exciting technology. Here at RhinoCo we pride ourselves on our technical ability. We provide unlimited technical phone support available through our free telephone helpline and a free four year warranty on all CCTV products - RhinoCo are here to help you. And if our Teckie Steve cant

If I cant help solve any problems you may have with your RhinoCo CCTV system, I will give you 30 off your next order.
Terms And Conditions Apply

solve any problems you have with your RhinoCo CCTV system, we will give you 30 off your next order. For further information on any of RhinoCos product range or if you would like to attend one of our interactive training sessions, please contact: RhinoCo Technology, Shawbury Park Farm, Shrewsbury, SY4 4JP T: 0845 644 5421 E: Helpline: 0800 6520 670

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A High Court judge has blocked three security researchers from publishing details of how to crack a car immobilisation system.
The interim ruling was obtained by German car maker Volkswagen and French defence group Thales after they argued that the information could be used by criminals. The technology is used by several car manufacturers. The academics had planned to present the information at a conference in August. The three researchers are Flavio Garcia, a computer science lecturer at the University of Birmingham, and Baris Ege and Roel Verdult, security researchers at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands. The University of Birmingham is disappointed with the judgement which did not uphold the defence of academic freedom and public interest, but respects the decision, said a spokeswoman. It has decided to defer publication of the academic paper in any form while additional technical and legal advice is obtained given the continuing litigation. She said that the university was, therefore, unable to comment further at this stage. responsible disclosure. The researchers have insisted from the start that the chipmaker inform its own clients. Neither VW nor Thales was able to provide comment. meaning that it could be compromised, and added that there was a strong public interest that the information be disclosed to ensure the problem was addressed. But VW and Thales argued that the algorithm was confidential information, and whoever had released it on the net had probably done so illegally. Furthermore, they said, there was good reason to believe that criminal gangs would try to take advantage of the revelation to steal vehicles. The researchers argued that this risk was overblown since car thieves would need to run a computer program for about two days to make use of the exploit in each case. They said that removing the sections which VW and Thales wanted expunged would mean their paper would have to be peer reviewed a second time, and they would miss their slot at the conference as a consequence. They also argued that their right to publish was covered by freedom of speech safeguards in the European Convention on Human Rights. The judge, however, ruled that, pending a full trial, the details should be withheld.

Dismantling Megamos Crypto: Wirelessly Lock-picking a Vehicle Immobiliser - is still listed on the website of the Usenix Security Symposium
The ruling was issued on 25 June, but the case only gained public attention following an article in The Guardian newspaper. The presentation - entitled Dismantling Megamos Crypto: Wirelessly Lock-picking a Vehicle Immobiliser - is still listed on the website of the Usenix Security Symposium, which will be held in Washington in August. Megamos Crypto refers to a transponder built into car keys, which uses RFID (radio-frequency identification) to transmit an encrypted signal to the vehicles. This de-activates a system which otherwise prevents their engines from starting. VW introduced the technology in the late 1990s and it is also used by Honda and Fiat among others. The researchers said they had obtained a software programme from the internet which contained the algorithm devised by Thales to provide the security feature. They said it had been on the net since 2009. Audi VW has used the security tech in its Audi cars among other brands The researchers said they had then discovered a weakness in the code

The publication in no way describes how to easily steal a car

Radboud University Nijmegen said it found the ban incomprehensible . The publication in no way describes how to easily steal a car, as additional and different information is needed for this to be possible, said a spokeswoman. The researchers informed the chipmaker nine months before the intended publication - November 2012 - so that measures could be taken. The Dutch government considers six months to be a reasonable notification period for

Pending a full trial, the details should be withheld

Legal experts suggested that it is the way the researchers discovered the flaw that proved their undoing. They had not obtained the software from a legitimate source but downloaded it from an unauthorised website. This persuaded the court that the underlying algorithm was confidential in nature, and bearing in mind the public interest of not having security flaws potentially abused by criminal gangs, led to the injunction.



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When Hickleys decided to organise its Simply Diagnostics event, over the weekend of 13th and 14th July, they anticipated strong interest because there was a lot on offer.
But as the date approached, they were amazed at the demand, with tickets for both the Saturday and Sunday selling like hotcakes. Robin Huish, Technical Director of Hickleys said: We were completely overwhelmed by the response to our Simply Diagnostic show concept. As numbers for the Saturday surged passed 300, we had to stop issuing tickets because the building size and facilities had reached the maximum permitted. A similar situation arose on the Sunday. Clearly, we had hit the right note. Robin added. an attractive concept to garage owners, without a doubt. But another reason for the huge surge in numbers was our decision to pre-release some of the jaw- dropping equipment prices on offer only over the two days. To find out more about what Hickleys has lined up next, visit:

completely overwhelmed by the response to our Simply Diagnostic show concept

I believe it was the combination of live vehicle demonstrations, technical presentations and leading equipment suppliers that made this weekend such

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IAATI UK 2013 National Vehicle Crime Conference hailed a success

Conference theme: High Tech Theft Methods
Elaine Hardy, new President of IAATI UK introduced the new team and new Patron Paddy Hopkirk, at the IAATI UK conference and also expressed her thanks to the organisers and sponsors. Ms Hardy said: IAATI UK conferences have always been the showcase for vehicle crime prevention related presentations and the IAATI UK board once again demonstrated its ability to pull together to offer the best of conferences to its members and to the wider vehicle crime fighting community. Specifically, I would like to thank Simon Hurr, the outgoing President for all the time and effort he has dedicated to the organisation as well as his commitment to the board of IAATI UK over the last three years. Our new Patron is Paddy Hopkirk who has been a constant supporter of IAATI UK and who has regularly attended our conferences. As an organisation we have found him ready and willing to offer advice and simply be there . It seemed logical that Paddy should be the symbol of our organisation, somebody to aspire to and be proud of. Thatchams Vehicle Security Research Manager. New additions to the board are Tony Powell who brings his experience and background in the development of security products for vans. The remaining two almost new board members are Martin White, who is also secretary of the Motorcycle Crime Reduction Group and Simon Hodgson, who in his previous life in the police, trained others to identify stolen vehicles. I look forward to building bridges and improve contacts within the police and private sector in order to actively promote best practices and boost its image as a provider of information and services to the vehicle security industry and to government agencies as well as developing stronger ties with sister IAATI organisations throughout the world, she concluded.

I look forward to building bridges and improve contacts within the police and private sector in order to actively promote best practices and boost its image as a provider
The new IAATI board has a combination of past directors and new, Mike Briggs is now our 1st Vice President and brings his knowledge and experience as

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Advanced Keys is now the official UK & Ireland distributor for KeyDIY - KD200 a new replacement system for auto locksmiths, which claims to offer significant advantages.
Kim Stanier of Advanced Keys explains the benefits. Stock can be a major headache, says Kim. It would normally be necessary to stock a wide variety of remotes to cover even just the popular vehicles. But with the KeyDIY system there is no need to stock so many remotes. Instead, you create the remote you require - as and when the demand arises. applicable for the vehicle. Advanced Keys supplies a range of blades and transponders to suit these applications. The KeyDIY system creates the Part as per the original so programming to the vehicle is necessary in the same way as if you had a dealer or copy remote. The KeyDIY software runs with Windows XP (service pack 3), Windows Vista and Windows 7 & 8. Find out more at Advanced Keys online shop ( It is important to bear in mind that Advanced Keys will only supply to established businesses which have key programming equipment. THE EQUIPMENT KD200 is the unit which connects to your pc and generates the remotes. KDB01, KDB02, KDB03, KDB04 are the remotes four different styles that all do the same thing - you choose the one that suits your customer. Blades - 12 types of blade to suit the different applications, which are covered by the KD200.

Many remotes that can be created are currently only sourced via a main agent, and this is where the most significant savings can be made
You dont have to worry about any out of stock or forgot to reorder problems. You no longer need to keep an unpopular remote just in case and wont have stock lying unused on your shelves. Cost is a major factor for everybody these days but this system does offer savings. Impressive savings can be made compared with the cost of remotes in the current market place, Kim said. Also, many remotes that can be created are currently only sourced via a main agent, and this is where the most significant savings can be made, she added. Although the KeyDIY remotes present a different appearance to the original style of remote, Kims customers are happy with both the product- that offers the convenience of a folding blade - and is often better than the original, and with the savings they can make. The speed at which a remote can be produced is another big attraction it takes only seconds. Customers will need to fit and cut a blade, and insert the correct transponder

The KeyDIY system creates the Part as per the original so programming to the vehicle is necassary in the same way as if you had a dealer or copy remote. The KeyDIY software runs with Windows XP (service pack 3), Windows Vista and Windows 7 & 8

You dont have to worry about any out of stock or forgot to reorder problems
Tokens - each KD200 is loaded with 1000 tokens. Each time you generate a remote you will use five to 100 tokens. Tokens can be re-charged online. Transponders Advanced Keys has a large range of transponders visit www. Applications check out for the latest list development is on-going. It is well worth checking the very useful videos on the www.keydiyuk website, time well-spent.

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A great pedigree in auto locksmith training.
The Hickleys Automotive Academy Auto Locksmith Training has a great pedigree, originating from the very first trainer in Auto locksmithing, Mike Byham. Mike of MB Locks built up a reputation as an established auto locksmith and is renowned in the industry as the trainer that trained the trainers . Together with our considerable knowledge and expertise in the auto locksmith trade this has allowed us to develop training programmes which still use the fundamentals of Mikes teaching style and ethics. Hickleys acquired the MB Lock business in 2010, and continuing on in the same tradition, one of Mikes students Andy Marshall Brown is our lead trainer. Andy is still a practising Auto locksmith with an impressive reputation in the market for knowledge in the latest vehicle key programming methods and has an excellent understanding of vehicle programming electronics. Enforcement Training Hickleys Ltd also provide an advanced technical training course to selected Law Enforcement and Governmntal agencies. Our courses have all been designed to dovetail into existing in house training courses and build on your current learning to enable the client to carry out highly technical procedures. We will provide the learner with not only the technical skills required to get the job done but also the practical ability. To find out more about the enforcement syllabus, dates and prerequisites please contact Nicky Summers. Those taking our courses will be taught professional techniques and the ethics of our industry. We believe that by adhering to this strict code of ethics you will retain your customers and obtain further business built on your reputation. Vehicle Diagnostics The Hickleys Automotive Academy can offer a varied range of training courses to meet the demands of modern vehicles diagnostics and technical repair procedures. As leading specialist in auto electrics and diesel fuel injection, Hickleys are ideally suited to deliver technically advanced training programs to suit all levels of learning requirements from foundation level through to experienced master technician level. The courses offered cover all disciplines within the motor trade and cover the following areas: Information training courses offering an overview on a particular feature of modern vehicles such as Canbus, Hybrid, Common Rail diesel and air conditioning. These courses are ideal for anyone needing to have a good understanding of the systems, how they work, the components involved, the safety implications and the methods of repair. Product user training courses are designed to enable customers to maximize their understanding of a recently purchased diagnostic or test equipment. The courses cover operation of the equipment, the methods of testing, the

We offer courses for all levels of candidates

We offer courses for all levels of candidates from students with no previous experience to experienced Auto Locksmiths wanting to learn new skills and advancements in the market using the latest diagnostic equipment. We offer a range of courses covering the following skills: Auto Locksmith foundation training Key & remote programming skills Understanding transponders and key cloning Eeprom and microprocessor programming Non destructive vehicle opening skills Impressioning keys for cylinder, lazer and tibbe keys. Those taking our courses will be taught professional techniques and the ethics of our industry. We believe that by adhering to this strict code of ethics you will retain your customers and obtain further business built on your reputation.

Ideal for anyone needing to have a good understanding of the systems, how they work, the components involved, the safety implications and the methods of repair
software applications, special procedures required and any safety precautions or legal requirements. System training courses offer general system testing to expand and develop the students level of learning. These training courses build on previous learning in a structured program of training courses. Starting with basic electrics then building through to Diagnostic, Diesel and Master technician. The courses cover areas such as Sensors & Components, engine management, safety restraints, braking & ABS, oscilloscopes and advanced electronics together with diesel courses such as Common Rail, solenoid systems and unit injectors systems. We can offer the Bosch learning program of Diagnostic Technician, Diesel Technician and Master Technician, which offer IMI approved training culminating in an ATA qualification and Bosch Master Technician. This training will be organised by us and delivered at different learning centres around the country.



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Lockdecoders Ltd, the specialists in auto locksmith tools, invite you to Stand C8 where we will be showing:
Two brilliant new additions to our range of famous Miracle automatic key cutting machines. The MiraClone advanced eeprom device with new cloning facilities. New methods of cloning motorbike and scooter transponders. A startling new application of the firms Magic F30 engraving machine for the shop locksmith automatic engraving of master key number sequences or personalising key-blanks with your firms name. An amazing new locksmith tool which is totally revolutionary!
The firm will also have details of its new Extended Warranty Service which is unique and also of its no interest extended payment plan.

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