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Note two items, and then consider skimming this summary of themes that have been heavilydocumented in these

blast e-mails. Three people are dead and one is reportedly in critical condition, according to ABC News, after a shooting spree at a Jewish community center and retirement facility in Overland Park, Kansas. The Kansas City Star reports that police arrested one male suspect at 2:45 p.m. Central Daylight Time. Hundreds of students were reportedly at the community center for local "KC SuperStar" auditions and for the rehearsal of To Kill a Mockingbird. The Jewish festival of Passover begins on Monday evening. It is unclear whether the shooting was motivated by religious hatred. Jews are the most frequent victims of religious hate crimes in the U.S., according to the FBI. Update: The gunman shouted "Heil Hitler" as he was taken into custody, according to local news source NYT: OBAMA ALLOWS NSA TO SIT ON, EXPLOIT SECURITY FLAWS LIKE 'HEARTBLEED' DCCC CHAIR STEVE ISRAEL: NOT ALL, BUT MOST REPUBLICANS ARE RACISTS George Will: Obama Admins Constant Claims of Racism Becoming a Joke The prior lengthy-blast is followed by a distillation thereof [plus levity: Hallelujah and artistry]: Regarding Guzzardi, perhaps the decision will arrive tomorrow from Commonwealth Court; this validates Guzzardis having submitted petitions drawn from throughout the Commonwealth. Regarding Corbett, he both fails to cover his vulnerabilities [Medicaid-Expansion, Sandusky] and ignores any opportunity to satisfy campaign promises [pension, State Store]; this validates Guzzardis candidacy. Regarding AG-Kane, PHILLY DA WILL TAKE LEGISLATIVE STING CASE KANE DIDN'T WANT; this validates the growing consensus that Kane may not be able to complete her term. Regarding Foreign Policy, note that BHOs inaction is prompting Pro-Russian Protests to Spread in Ukraine [while Ukraine is Launching a Full Anti-Terrorist Operation Against Pro-Russians in the East] and Americans may be war-weary, but they still look to the man in the White House to provide an overall sense of stability and safety; this validates conclusions thaton every frontBHOs denial of American Exceptionalism has proven disastrous. Regarding Islamism, note CAIRs Jihad against Honor Diaries; this validates efforts to appreciate the profundity of the worldwide war to create a global caliphate. Regarding Middle East Policy, the fools-errand pursued by SoS-Kerry is Winding Down; this validates conclusions thaton every frontBHOs support for the Muslim Brotherhood has proven disastrous. Regarding Dershowitz, while he wishes to expose J Streets hypocrisy because defaming proIsrael voices harms Jewish unity, I initiated public-efforts, in Philly, of rightwing Zionists [how did the author know?] to call-out Dershowitz [although no one labeled him anti-Semitic as the lefties claim] for opposing settlements [a.k.a. ongoing Israeli control over Judea/Samaria] and, specifically, for continuing to support BHO/Kerry; this validates efforts to expose the hypocrisy of the Dems [such as Dershowitz] who invoke their [arguable] support for BHOs social policies to blunt [necessary] opposition to BHOs foreign [especially Middle-East] policy.


Regarding Immigration-Reform, even Rand Paul has concluded that the US Cant Invite Whole World to Immigrate and Trump said I Would Build a Border Fence Like You Have Never Seen Before; this validates the view that no change in existing law can precede securing the borders. Regarding economics, note that illegal-alien parents in Los Angeles are projected-to-receive$650m-in-welfare-benefits; this validates the need to enhance the state-level role of governmental-support [noting that they must balance budgets] and to secure the border. Regarding reverse-racism, AG-Holder has no justification to whine about how poorly hes been treated compared to other attorneys general and it enhances Divisiveness, while Obama at Sharpton Event claimed Voter ID Supporters Are 'the Real Frauds'; this validates efforts to reinforce MLK, Jr.s dicta while exposing racism-merchants. Regarding ObamaDontCare, scan these charts-obama-doesnt-want-you to see; this validates the ongoing effort to rescind this top-down effort [via health insurance] to control 1/6 of the economy. Regarding tobacco-use, note that Godshall [Smokefree Pennsylvania] fails, of course, to justify Phillys new ban on e-cigs, noting that the Royal College of Physicians endorsed e-cigs to help smokers quit; this validates efforts to encourage use of e-cigs. Regarding Cruz, Ted Cruz blasted notion Sebelius resigned because ObamaDontCare succeeded and claimed ONLY THE RICH AND POWERFUL ARE 'FAT AND HAPPY' UNDER OBAMA'S 'GREAT STAGNATION,' even as, predictably, Maher Attacked 'Stupid' Tea Party, 'Biggest Prick in the Room' Ted Cruz and 'Quitter' Sarah Palin; this validates the view that the high quality of the conservative emanations by Cruz consistently causes Libs conniptions. Regarding POTUS-16, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz [inter alia] tested presidential waters in NH @ the unprecedented [due to its preceding the mid-terms] POTUS-16 beauty pageant in N.H.; this validates the view that analysis of brackets will yield primacy of Cruz/Walker. Regarding the TEA [Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement, Record-High 60% of Californians Say They Pay Too Much Tax; this validates the ability of the TPM to channel populism. Regarding BHOs Scandal-Sheet, Palin said he Doesn't Understand or 'Chooses to Disrespect our Constitution' while the media ignore such issues [although SNL Jabbed CNN's 'Breaking News' Alerts]; this validates both Palins input and the need to publicize the degradation BHO is visiting upon America. Regarding Breitbart California, its editor [JOEL B. POLLAK] has discussed a POLL showing ANOTHER REPUBLICAN LEADS STATEWIDE CA RACE (specifically) and Attkisson said CBS producers don't want to deal with 'headache' of covering Obama controversies as THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION AGGRESSIVELY INTIMIDATED AND INTENTIONALLY MISLED JOURNALISTS (generally); this validates creation of these additional Breitbart pages (specifically) and concerted efforts to police the mainstream-media (generally). Regarding Dems, Sen. Levin is the only [mild] critic of BHOs inaction in Ukraine [Warns Putin] and Palin said, 'You Can't Make This Stuff Up,' because Sebelius Replacement Sylvia Burwell [HHS-nominee] ordered the shutdown of the war memorials during the so-called government shutdown last year [even as RINO David Brooks claimed Burwell's Nomination was 'An Exceedingly Good Choice' after Sebelius contradicted prior claims shed weathered the storm by admitting Staying 'Wasn't an Option']; this validates the view that, while the GOP encompasses


a variety of viewpoints (particularly along the libertarian spectrum), the Dems are BHOdrones. Regarding Stephen Colbert, he has taken on his toughest assignment, Being himself; this validates Colberts having been chosen as Jack Parrs third successor. Regarding flix, just saw and enjoyed [the ensemble/all-star cast in] grand-budapest-hotel; this validates the ability to enjoy a complex cinema-story, well portrayed/conveyed. Regarding the culture-wars, Feminists Recoil Over Kirsten Dunst's Comments Supporting Traditional Gender Roles; this validates the ability of both sexes to live quality-lives without being subject to judgmental elitists.

If any article emerges that challenges the above-conclusions, it will be circulated; otherwise, an effort will be made to focus on PA [and Guzzardis effort] plus whatever appears not to have been sufficiently explored elsewhere [on myriad fronts]based [as often as possible] upon personal observations [which will remain segregated from provision of facts].


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