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1hank you for lnvlLlng me.

@# *+ .4(6D #.)(6 0$ (%$ #(34*/: (;.-# 6.-% /$0 +'.%# "*37 <$5$(# 0'*,' *+ (;.-# 6.-/:
,(%$% Q(%,6 I*33*(7+ ,(%*/: ".% '$% 6.-/:$%D 5'6+*,(336 )*+(;3$) ;%.#'$% U./(#'./= @# *+ (
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"*37 (;.-# )*+(;*3*#6 (/) 6.-/: ,(%$%?

1he Loplc ls a very close and personal Lhlng Lo me and l declded Lo show Lhe sLruggle of a
young carer and Lhe resLrlcLed llfesLyle lL can brlng Lo famllles.

>'(#T+ %$(336 /*,$D '.0 6.- '(A$ 7()$ *# ,3.+$ #. 6.-= Q*) 6.- "*/) *# )*""*,-3# #. :$# #'*+
7$++(:$ (,%.++?

l dld creaLe a few drafLs of Lhe scrlpL Lo meeL Lhe audlence's eyes and see lf l was showlng
Lhe message l wanLed Lo be seen.

!/) #'$ 7(*/ 7$++(:$ 0(+ ".% #'$ ,'(%(,#$% Q(%,6 #. ;$ +$$/ (+ ( +#%-::3*/: 6.-/:

?es, l wanLed her Lo be seen as someone whose llfe ls very dlfflculL and resLrlcLlng. She loves
her broLher and her llfe ls all abouL hlm buL she wanLed Llme for herself. l dld noL wanL her
seen as Lhe bad guy.

V.0 )*) 6.- 5%$A$/# #'(# "%.7 '(55$/*/:?

l had one-Lo-one lnLervlews Lo galn some prlmary research wlLh a selecLed amounL of people
and ask Lhem Lo read my scrlpL, l wanLed Lo see how Lhey felL Lowards my characLers and
Lhe narraLlve of Lhe fllm.

N.-3) 6.- $J53(*/ #. .-% A*$0$%+ 0'(# 5%*7(%6 %$+$(%,' 7$(/+?

Cf course, prlmary research ls research LhaL ls conducLed from you. ?ou go ouL a flnd ouL
your own research uslng Lhlngs llke lnLervlews, surveys and Lhlngs llke LhaL. Secondary on
Lhe oLher hand ls research already made from anoLher resource. Lxamples of LhaL ls Lhe
lnLerneL, books, Lablolds and more.

X' .4(6D )*) 6.- -+$ 7-,' +$,./)(%6 %$+$(%,' )-%*/: #'$ ,%$(#*./ ." 6.-% "*37?

l had used Lhe lnLerneL Lo flnd places Lo screen my fllm buL besldes LhaL l had only used

!/) 6.- )*) #'*+ #. "*/) 6.-% (-)*$/,$Y

?eah l had used prlmary research as lL ls more personal and clearly shows me whaL my
audlence wanL Lo see

V.0 )*) 6.- ,'(/:$ 6.-% "*37 #. 7$$# #'$ (-)*$/,$?

As menLloned earller l had conducLed lnLervlews wlLh a selecLed group. 1hey read my scrlpL
and l asked Lhem quesLlons. 1he maln Lhlng l galned back from Lhe feedback was LhaL Lhe
audlence dldn'L see uarcy as Lhls young carer sLruggllng. 1hey [usL saw her as a woman
leavlng Lhe house and her belng selflsh. l had Lhen changed my scrlpL Lo show her sLruggllng
more. A new scene was added whlch was uarcy golng lnLo Lhe klLchen, preparlng her
broLher's dlnner. She was puLLlng lL all ln hls level of reach, represenLlng Lhe help he needs
and how much he relles on her.

>'(#T+ :..)= <$(336 7$$#*/: #'$ (-)*$/,$

l used so much quallLaLlve research Lo galn Lhese responses.

Z-(3*#(#*A$ %$+$(%,'?

?eah lL ls all research based on oplnlons, aLLlLudes and preferences. 1hls makes me
undersLand my audlence ln deLall.

@ +$$D +. '.0 )*) 6.- "*%+# "*/) 6.-% (-)*$/,$

l had used a webslLe called SurveyMonkey, an onllne webslLe where you can creaLe and
publlsh surveys. l posLed Lhe llnk Lo my survey on soclal neLworks and also asked members
of Lhe slxLh form Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe survey. 1he survey showed me Lhe people who had
responded Lo Lhe survey and lf Lhey were lnLeresLed ln my fllm.

I'6 )*) 6.- -+$ H-%A$62./4$6 (/) /.# [-+# +*753$ W-$+#*.//(*%$+?

l had used paper-based quesLlonnalres as well buL LhaL would of resLrlcLed me Lo only a
llmlLed age group. 8y uslng SurveyMonkey, Lhls has made me galn feedback from dlfferenL
Lypes of people on Lhe lnLerneL.

Q*) H-%A$62./4$6 '$35 6.- 0*#' #'(#?

?eah lL dld. lL showed me LhaL my audlence were sLlll hlgher educaLed sLudenLs. lL showed
me how ofLen Lhey waLch shorL fllms and whaL Lhey would wanL Lo see ln a shorL fllm. l
asked how felL abouL my Lhemes and lssues belng shown ln a shorL fllm.

H. 6.- ".-/) 6.-% (-)*$/,$ (/) ()(5#$) 6.-% "*37 #. #'$7 ;-# '.0 )*) 6.- (55$(3 *# #.

l used slmple adverLlsemenLs from my anclllary Lasks. l had creaLed a magazlne revlew and
posLer as a medla producL Lo aLLracL my audlence Lo Lhe fllm.

@ '(A$ +$$/ #'$7 ;.#'D #'$6 3*/4 A$%6 0$33 #.:$#'$%= >'$ 5.+#$% *7(:$ +'.0+ -+ +#%./:
%$5%$+$/#(#*./ ." 6.-% #0. ,'(%(,#$%+ (/) #'$ )*""$%$/,$ ;$#0$$/ #'$7= @# +'.0+ ( 3.# */
#'$ 5'.#.=

1hank you, lL was Lhe second posLer l had creaLed. When maklng my anclllary Lasks, l
gaLhered a few people and done lnLervlews on Lhem. l wanLed Lo galn an oplnlon on Lhem
LhaL wasn'L blased. 1he flrsL lmage used was very dark and was very dlfflculL Lo see wrlLlng
clearly. 1he flrsL lmage showed us my characLer !onaLhon buL dld noL see uarcy. 1hls looked
llke !onaLhon was Lhe only proLagonlsL ln Lhe fllm was !onaLhon. l wanLed my audlence Lo
ldenLlfy LhaL Lhere was Lwo. My audlence also gave feedback on Lhe layouL of Lhe posLer and
how lL could promoLe lL more by uslng quoLaLlons and raLlngs from crlLlcs and also any
awards nomlnaLed or won.

V.0 )*) 6.- 4/.0 #'(# 6.-% 5.+#$%D 7(:(G*/$ %$A*$0 (/) "*37 0.%4$) 0$33 #.:$#'$%? Q*)
*# 3$() 6.-% (-)*$/,$ */#. )*""$%$/# )*%$,#*./+?

l LhoughL Lhe same Lhlng when ln creaLlon of my producLs, so l lnLervlewed Lhree selecLed
hlgh achlevlng sLudenLs and asked Lhem on how Lhe synergy of Lhe producLs worked
LogeLher. l galned deLalled answers and used follow up quesLlons Lo make sure l could whaL
l needed.

H.%%6 #. */#$%%-5#D ,.-3) 6.- #$33 .-% (-)*$/,$ 0'(# ".33.0 -5 W-$+#*./+ 7$(/?

Cf course, follow up quesLlons ls for example, when asklng a normal quesLlon llke 'do you
feel Lhe posLer and Lhe fllm work well LogeLher' lf Lhey reply saylng yeah l Lhlnk lL does, lL
doesn'L glve me enough lnformaLlon for me Lo adapL Lo Lhe audlence. l use a follow up
quesLlon llke 'why do you feel Lhey work well LogeLher". 1hls glves me more explanaLlon and
helps me lmprove my producLs.

X' @ +$$D :$##*/: 7.%$ ." (/ -/)$%+#(/)*/: ." 0'(# #'$ (-)*$/,$ 0(/#?

?eah LhaL ls exacLly whaL l have been dolng LhroughouL Lhe whole process when creaLlng my
fllm. l wanLed my audlence Lo llke my fllm. WhaL was Lhe polnL of creaLlng a fllm lf no one
wlll waLch lL.

R.- +(6 6.- 0(/#$) 6.-% (-)*$/,$ #. 3*4$ *# (/) 6.-TA$ ;$$/ :$##*/: #'$*% "$$);(,4
#'%.-:'.-# #'$ 0'.3$ 5%.,$++? I'$/ )*) #'*+ +#(%#?

Well l flrsL done Lhe baslc surveys llke SurveyMonkey. !usL Lo undersLand my audlence buL
afLer LhaL l wenL sLralghL lnLo pre-producLlon and began plannlng my fllm. l had creaLed a
full-lengLh, deLalled synopsls abouL my shorL fllm. l wenL Lo my LuLor and asked for hls
feedback on lL. AfLer adapLed Lo hls response, l prlnLed several synopses and gave Lhem Lo
selecLed sLudenLs. l gave Lhem a quesLlonnalre wlLh my synopsls full of closed and open

I'(# (%$ .5$/ (/) ,3.+$) W-$+#*./+?

Ch sorry, open quesLlons are quesLlons whlch allow you Lo wrlLe your oplnlon and ln more
deLall. lor example how dld you feel abouL.
Closed quesLlons are quesLlons where Lhe answer ls already glven. lL ls a slmple Llck answer
or yes or no. lor example, whaL gender are you or do you waLch fllms? Slmple Lhlngs llke

X'D @ +$$= N(%%6 ./ 53$(+$Y H.%%6 ".% */#$%%-5#*/: (:(*/

no LhaL's okay. AfLer glvlng my quesLlonnalres ouL and reLrlevlng Lhem back l galned much
feedback from Lhe audlence and adapLed my synopsls Lo Lhelr replles. AfLer LhaL l used
medla LheorlsLs Marllyn Mllgrom Lo adapL Lo my synopsls. l also used her Lheory Lo change
my scrlpL.

V.0 )*) 6.- ,'(/:$ 6.-% +6/.5+*+ (/) +,%*5# (,,.%)*/: #. #'$ #'$.%*+#?

l had seen lf Lhe sLakes were hlgh enough for Lhe fllm as lf Lhe sLakes are Loo low and Lhere ls
noLhlng Lo lose Lhen Lhere ls no drama or reason behlnd Lhe fllm. l also used characLer,
problem and world. 1hls was Lo pln polnL and [usLlfy Lhe sLory compleLely and have absoluLe
conLrol and undersLandlng. AnoLher Lhlng whaL also really helped was uslng need/wanL and
obllgaLlon. 1hese are Lhe Lhree Lhlngs Lhe characLer musL have durlng a fllm for lL Lo be
dramaLlc. ?ou musL see Lhe characLer come up Lo Lhese Lhlngs and Lry and overcome Lhem.

>'(#T+ %$(336 :..)D 6.- )./$ 7-,' %$+$(%,' */#. #'$ :$/%$D +#63$ (/) ;(,4:%.-/) ."
$A$%6#'*/: ;$".%$ 5%.)-,#*./

?eah l wanLed Lo make sure lL was perfecL for my audlence

X4(6D 0$33 @ '.5$ #'$ "*37 0.%4+ (33 .-# .4(6= >'$ "*37 <$5$(# *+ .-# /$J# 2./)(6 ./3*/$
(/) (# 3.,(3 "$+#*A(3+ (/) */)$5$/)$/# ,*/$7(+ /$(% 6.-= \/".%#-/(#$36 #'(# *+ (33 0$ '(A$
#*7$ ".% #.)(6D #'(/4 6.- 9$.%:*( ".% ;$*/: ./ #'$ +'.0

1hank you so much for havlng me here Loday

2.%$ #'(/ 0$3,.7$= >'(# *+ #'$ $/) ." #.)(6T+ "*37 '.-% (/) 0$ 0*33 ;$ 7.A*/: +0*"#36
./#. +5.%#+ 0*#' >.7 Q$%%*,4

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