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Every time a crime was committed by a Muslim, that persons faith was mentioned, regardless of its relevance.


In this section, Eggers describes the racism involved in dealing with crimes. He mentions the way a Muslims religion is always added when reporting a crime, as well as the mention of when a crime is committed by a black man, its mentioned in the first breath Through this, reporters and policemen seem racist. Eggers wants American readers to realize this and protest against it. He highlights the fact that in no other instance is the ancestry mentioned, in order to have American people fight against this household racism. Here, Eggers reveals the distrust that government workers, and people in general, have for Muslims. The DMV employee tells Kathy to Take that thing off even when Kathy knew it was her right to wear [it] This shows the fear that the government has for Muslims. Eggers draws attention to this so that American readers might try to stop this type of racial profiling. Eggers shows the hostility most Americans, particularly police, have for Muslim people. Here, the guards didnt even know what Zeitoun wanted, but thy still refused to help him. Not our problemGo to St. Charles. Eggers uses this obvious and open resentment to showcase the injustices Muslims have to face everyday. He draws attention to this in order to encourage American readers to stand up against this and force our police be fair with its aid

Kathy was wearing her hijab, and had already received a healthy number of suspicious looks from DMV customers and staff The employee behind the camera did not disguise her contempt. (58)

When he got close enough to se the faces of the soldiers, two of them raised their guns. Dont come any closer! they orderedIm just looking for help Zeitoun yelledWe cant help you, he said (133-134)

I have a situation, Zeitoun said. I have a handicapped man Ok, well take care of it, the man said. Do you want the address? Zeitoun asked. Yeah, sure, give me that, (135)

In this section, Eggers displays the lack of interest police have in dealing with a Muslim man. When help never came, Zeitoun was furious. He felt helpless, betrayed. Since Zeitoun is a man of his word, the policemans indifference really bothered him. This is used to show American readers that prejudice against a race not only hurts those people, but also the people around them. He does this in order to call Americans to accept others as human, not separate races. Eggers writes this as a way to draw attention to racial profiling. The soldiers assumed the Zeitoun was with Al Qaeda simply because he is Muslim. Zeitoun had long feared this day Each of the times he had been pulled over.. He knew the possibility existed that he would be harassed. This shows the hate Muslims receive because people base their opinions of an entire race on a few extremists. Eggers calls attention to this to spur American readers to stop profiling and force people with higher authority to be less judgmental. Eggers continues to highlight the racial profiling of Zeitoun, having another soldier call him Taliban. The soldiers then take him into a closet and force him to strip and cavity-search him. His is humiliated. This act dehumanizes Zeitoun in the eyes of the soldiers, making their acts of negligence and brutality easier to bear. Eggers uses this to disgust American readers, and to show them the harassment and injustices Muslims are forced to endure. He calls upon readers in order to have them refuse this and prevent soldiers from abusing their authority.

Why are we here? he asked a passing soldier. You guys are Al Qaeda, the soldier said. (212)

Moments later, another passing soldier looked at Zeitoun and muttered Taliban The question of their innocence would not be answered in this room, not anytime soon. (213)

But now the two Syrians had been separated from the Americans, and there was no predicting where this would go. (242)

Here, Eggers reveals the racism and discrimination that takes place in our judicial system. Even in a prison, Muslims are separated. When Nasser and Zeitoun were still cells with Todd and Ronnie, it seemed possible that the charges against themmight be limited to looting. It becomes evident that there are much more serious charges being held against Nasser and Zeitoun, once they are separated. Eggers shows this moment of realization for Nasser and Zeitoun in order to show American readers that their actions and prejudice are not unrecognized. Muslims know how most Americans feel about them. Eggers calls upon American readers to end social and judicial discrimination. Eggers reveals the unnecessary negligence the guards had in regards to Zeitoun. Some would lie and say, Phones broken. or Lines are down. Others would simply say, Not my problem. Youre not my problem. Eggers shows this side of the soldiers in order to call notice to the unreasonable and unethical way the guards treated Zeitoun, based solely on his race. Eggers wishes to have readers rise up against discrimination, and encourages equality. Eggers shows the fear Muslim people have to live through. They are targeted and forced to avoid certain things, in order to prevent suspicion. Kathy had not wanted their family to become collateral damage in a war that had no discernible fronts, no real shape, and no roles. Eggers opens American readers eyes to the daily struggle of a Muslim. He calls on readers to prevent social injustices by not tolerating racial biases or discrimination.

All day Zeitoun made it his business to sit by the bars, waving a napkin, pleading with the guards to grant him a call. The guards seemed to relish concocting variations of their denials. (242)

Kathy often worried about soldiers returning to the United States after time in Iraq and Afghanistan. She warned him about passing groups of soldiers in airports, about walking near National Guard offices. Theyre trained to kill people like you, (252)

A Muslim man came to be suspected by the U.S. government, and, under the presidents current powers U.S. agents were allowed to seize the man from anywhere in the world and bring him anywhere in the world, without ever having to charge him with a crime. (255)

In this section, Eggers reminds American readers that our some of laws are unethical and go against typical American values, such as freedom and liberty. Zeitouns situation could be worsened indefinitely by being taken out of the country without warning or even a phone call. Eggers presents this information to American readers to remind us that our government is not without its flaws and that we need to change our way of thinking. In this section, Eggers demonstrates the callousness and inefficiency exhibited by government officials. Kathy is told several times that the whereabouts of her husband and the location of the court are privileged or private information. Eggers uses this to draw attention to the faults or injustices in our government. At the end of the ordeal, Kathy can hardly believe that all this happened in [her] America. She develops PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, as a result. Eggers provides these details in order to move Americans to not accept wrongs likes this. Eggers draws attention, once again, to the immediate distrust officers have towards Muslims. They dont hear the words, just the accent. The officer listened to Kathy but turned back to Adnan. What are you doing here? The officer believed Kathy without a second thought, but was instantly suspicious of Adnan. Eggers uses this to show American readers the distrust most officers have in regards to Muslims, and to have readers demand a change.

Kathy composed herself, hoping that perhaps the other two officials hadnt heard her clearly. She said, I want to know the location of the court. The court where sentencing and bail hearings are being held. The womans voice was even and firm: That is private information. (280)

A police cruiser pulled up behind themIt was always easier and quicker when she did the talking; a Middle Eastern accent would only provoke more question. (284)

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