Rochelles Commented Draft

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Background: So far in the Twilight series, Bella Swan has moved back home to Arizona to live with her

father after her mother remarrying. Back in this old town at a new school, she meets this mysterious guy named Edward Cullen. As Bella and Edward have multiple chance encounters, an attraction grows between them that neither of them can ignore. As the series goes on to build up to Twilight Breaking Dawn 1 & 2, Bella and Edward grow together and find out all there is to know about each other, including Edwards secret about being a vampire. However Bella is put in a dilemma. Bellas best friend Jacob is of the Quileute tribe and doesnt approve of her and Edwards relationship. He also wants Bella for himself because he is in love with her. This situations causes so much drama throughout the series. Description of Location: Twilight takes place in a Phoenix, Arizona. Within the town are small stores, restaurants and schools. In the town reside humans, as well as vampires and the Quileute tribe, who descend from wolves. The Quileute tribe is able to interact more with humans and live near them for they display some of the same qualities as humans and look like them when not in their wolf state. In Phoenix there are a lot of trees and mountains. The trees and mountains provide a good place for the vampires and Quileute tribe to hide out and fight each other as problems occur, without being caught by the humans. In the woods resides the Cullen family. Their home is the place where Bella and Edward are wedded. Another location in Twilight is Brazil which is where Edward and Bella spend their honeymoon before moving in with Edwards family back in Phoenix.

Figured World: An environment which consists of its own behaviors, ideas, discourses, artifacts, and actors.

In this figured world there are three discourse communities, all with their own behaviors. The first discourse community is the humans. They dont believe in attacking or drinking the blood of humans. They use cell phones for communication. They sleep and eat. The second discourse community is the vampires. These vampires have the taste for human blood but restrain themselves because they wish to live at peace with the humans as much as possible. Instead of drinking human blood they go hunting and drink animal blood. The vampires are not allowed to birth children nor bite children, creating baby vampires. They do not eat nor sleep. The vampires arent allowed to disclose their identities or abilities to the humans. They try to stay out of the sun when in sight of humans and they have to stay off the land of the Quileute tribe. The third discourse community is the Quileute tribe. Their focus is to protect the humans. They use animal calls and growls as communication. They sleep, eat food, and never get cold. The Quileute tribe also cant expose their identities to the humans and they try to stay out of the path of the vampires.

Commented [RW1]: Go into more detail about vampire conventions.

Commented [RW2]: First two discourse communities were great. Need a little more elaboration on the third one.

Actors: People who play a specific role in a figured world. The figured world decides his/her significance. Actors can also be artifacts, symbolizing a certain idea. For example. A geek, jock, or airhead/blonde. Bella Swan- Although she is human, she wishes to be a vampire, which is totally against what the humans believe in. Most humans fear the vampires whereas Bella loves them. Edward Cullen- Is a vampire and abides by most of the rules. He doesnt show off his strength and speed to the humans, nor does he drink their blood. For the most part he stays to himself and keeps his true identity a secret until Bella comes to town. He falls in love with her and reveals who he really is in the first movie of the series. Rose Cullen- Edwards sister who is very strong minded and at times stubborn. She resents the fact that Bella wants to be a vampire because she wishes she was still human. Jacob- A part of the Quileute tribe. He loves Bella and always has. He wants whats best for her and deep down inside he wants to be with her. He makes it his duty to protect her and try to guide her to good decisions though she rarely listens. Bellas stubbornness and his love for her causes tension between him and the vampires. Artifacts: Tangible items, ideas, or emotions that have a special meaning in a figured world. Wall of graduation hats: representing all the years that the Cullen family has been alive. Discourse Community: a community where people share the same beliefs, abilities and behaviors. Humans: They are unaware of the vampires. They sleep and eat and have limited abilities. Vampires: Keep their identities secret around the humans. Have the taste for human blood but refrain from attacking them and attack animals instead. They dont get along well with the Quileute tribe. They dont eat or sleep and have individual powers and strengths. Quileute tribe- Get along well with humans although the humans dont know their true identity. They protect the humans from vampires. They eat and sleep. Literacy Practices: The way people communicate. Humans: Communicate face to face or through phone. Vampires: Use mental messages Quileute Tribe: Uses howls and animal calls. The Observation: 0-5min: Edward shows up in Bellas room to make sure that she still wants to follow through with the marriage being that she is human and he is a vampire. He tells her of some of his past and how when he was first bitten and became a vampire, he attacked people and was an animal.
Commented [RW6]: Go into detail of how the vampires communicate mentally. Commented [RW5]: Are there more ways of communicating? Commented [RW4]: More details about how the communities interact. Commented [RW3]: Are there more artifacts? If so add them.

Regardless of his story and attempt to change her mind, Bella still wishes to be turned into a vampire after their honeymoon. 5-10min: Bella has a bad dream about marrying a vampire and all her family and friends being consumed by them however, when she wakes she is more than ready to marry her vampire lover. This shows her love and devotion for him that surpasses any fear that she could have towards him. While preparing for the wedding Rose makes a remark that she isnt upset with her choice in groom but for her disrespect for mortality. This represents how Rose regrets being a vampire and resents the fact that she was turned into one against her will. She wishes that Bella wouldnt go through with the change. As Bellas parents walk through the Cullens home they notice all of the graduation hats on the wall. These hats represent all of the schools the Cullen family has attended over the many, many years since they live forever. 10-15min: Everyone is getting in place for the wedding to begin. Bellas father walks her down the aisle. 15-20min: Edward and Bella are wedded. The Quileute tribe shows up to support Bella on this big day. Their presence causes a little tension with one of the visiting vampires. The vampires leave and everyone gathers around for toasts. Edwards brother makes the remark that he hopes that Bella has gotten plenty of sleep because she wont be getting anymore for a long time. This foreshadows her change and the fact that once she becomes a vampire she will no longer sleep. Edward also stands and makes a toast that he is grateful to have found someone who accepts hi for who he is, he is hinting at him being a vampire. 20-25min: Jacob returns and shows up late to the wedding after running off in the previous movie. Jacob and Bella dance together and catch up until the conversation gets sidetracked and Jacob becomes upset with Bella for her decision to become a vampire. 25-30min: Jacobs anger grows as he comes to learn that Edward and Bella plan on having sex during the honeymoon because a vampire can kill a human by having sex with them. Jacob loses his temper and runs off again. Edward and Bella return to the party and then ride off to begin their honeymoon. 30-35min: The honeymoon starts off great and is easy sailing. Edward and Bella attempt embracing each other even though its dangerous for a vampire and human to do so. They spend time on the beach, play chess, and Edward treats Bella like a queen. NEW Actors: Sam- Leader of the Quileute tribe. Very strong and protective. Leah- One of the females from the Quileute tribe. She used to date Sam and now feels out of place because Sam has now imprinted on another female. Seth- The brother of Leah. He is small and is always ready to prove himself. Alice- Edwards sister. She is also a vampire and has the power to see the future and see whats happening to her loved ones even when she isnt around them.

Commented [RW7]: Good way to generate idea. Makes reader want to read further.

Commented [RW8]: Do Bellas parents play a significant role in the movie?

Commented [RW9]: Is Sam in charge of behavior? If not who is? Commented [RW10]: Reconstruct sentence for better understanding.

Commented [RW11]: Add new actors under the list of actors in the first observation.

Carlisle- The father of the Cullens. He is also a doctor for the family and the community of Phoenix. 50-55min: Edward and Bella are now on their honeymoon. Bella wakes up and finds a note from Edward saying he will be back before she wakes. Bella looks through the fridge for something to eat. She grabs random food and begins to make chicken. While eating the chicken Bella becomes nauseous and runs to the bathroom the throw up. Edward walks in on this. Bella asks Edward how long they have been on their honeymoon and she realizes that her menstrual cycle is late. She runs to the mirror and looks at her stomach and believes that she is pregnant. Edward goes into shock and Alice calls to tell Bella that she has seen something. Edward snaps out of his shock and grabs the phone to speak to Carlisle. 55-60min: The housemaid comes to check on Bella. She fears Bella being alone with Edward. Edward explains to her what is going on because she could have possibly heard of a human being impregnated by a vampire. She feels Bellas baby and says March. Immediately Edward begins to pack their bags and tells her that Carlisle will get it out of her and that he wont let it hurt her. Bella becomes upset by this because she is looking forward to having a child being that vampires dont have children. Bella ends up having to tell her father that she is sick because she is now unable to see him because she is pregnant. Jacob approaches Carlisle and finds that Bella and Edward are back at their home. 60-65min: Jacob becomes aware that Bella is pregnant. He instantly becomes enraged with Edward. The whole Cullen family and Jacob are concerned about the baby killing Bella. She has become so frail and lost so much weight. The baby is growing too quickly within Bella. Edward speaks to Jacob outside and asks him to try to convince Bella to let go of the baby and not try to carry out the pregnancy and delivery. Edward tells Jacob that if she does go through with it and dies then Jacob has his permission to kill him. Through all of this, Bella and Rose have grown closer and Rose becomes protective of Bella. Rose understands what Bella wants and is there for her. Jacob tries to talk to Bella but she wont listen because she feels that the baby is a miracle. Jacob becomes emotional as he asks her what the point is of all of this. Him loving her but her loving Edward. He leaves transforming into a wolf and runs off in the woods as he cries out to his tribe. 65-70min: Sam plans for the tribe to kill Bella in order to kill what is living in her for fear of what it may do. Jacob is not pleased with that and wont allow it to happen for his love of Bella. Jacob is totally against it and is willing to fight against his own pack to prevent it. Sam tries to make him stand down but Jacob refuses because he was the rightfully born leader of the pack and realizes that he was not meant to follow. He runs back to the Cullen family to warn them of the packs plan. Seth follows behind him and tells him that he wants to join him on his side. Jacob tells him to go back to the pack but Seth refuses, he feels that he has something to prove. Then Leah pops up and refuses to go back to the pack because she feels unwelcomed, unwanted, and out of place. 75-80min: Bellas rib is cracked by the baby that is inside of her, which is crushing her from the inside out. The baby is too strong for her body. Edward attempts again to get Bella to give up on
Commented [RW12]: Good development. Creates curiosity.

this. He is scared of losing her and having to live for eternity without her. Bella tells him that if she doesnt make it he will still have a piece of her but he feels that he will not be able to love or even tolerate the very thing that killed her. He becomes angry with her because he sees this act as her deciding to leave him.

Commented [RW13]: Identify break between observation.

Eurena: The cousin of the Cullens. You dont really find out much about her character but she plays a big role in what she causes to happen in this movie. 30-35min: The Cullens cousin Eurens witnesses Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob in the woods. She believes that Renesmee is an immortal child. She runs off to the Volturi to tell them of this crime that has been committed. 35-40min: the Cullen family and Jacob are gathered around the piano as Edward teaches Renesmee how to play. Alice walks in carrying and vase of flowers and drops them as she has a vision. She sees that Eurena has gone to see the Volturi and that they are coming for the family. Carlisle explains to Bella that its illegal for a vampire to make an immortal child because they cannot be trained or tamed. The family decides to search for friends and family who will be willing to help witness to the Volturi that she is indeed human and not an immortal child. 40-45min: The family splits up to share their story with family and friends and convince them to witness. Renesmee meets Eurenas sisters and they try to fight Bella and Edward for bringing her to their home for fear of the Volturi but they convince them that she is human. They agree to witness to the Volturi. 50-55min: They continue to collect vampires until they have family and friends from all over the world. With all of the vampires in the area, Quileute begin to transform due to their nature compelling them to join the pack. The vampires practice their talents and Bella discovers her gift is a shield. That is why no other vampires powers work on her. Jacob begins training the other wolves. 55-60min: Two uninvited vampires show up, Vladimir and Stephen. They tell the family about their history and how they want to join the family because they have been waiting to fight the Volturi for a long time. Carlisle informs them that it wont come down to that. 60-65min: Bella puts Renesmee to bed and tells her that she is going to need to go off with Jacob for a while to make sure that she stays safe. Renesmee asks if all of this is her fault and Bella ensures her that it isnt. Bella tells her that she will do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Interview Questions 1. Tell us Bella, about the ongoing strife between your now husband, Edward and you best friend, Jacob? -Well Ive known Jacob for a long time and he has always had feelings for me but my feelings for him just havent been mutual. So I feel that when I began having feelings and then falling in

Commented [RW14]:

Commented [RW15]: Explain what the Volturi is.

Commented [RW16]: Read aloud and make sure everything make sense.

Commented [RW17]: Is the child immortal? Human or vampire? What effect does this have on the figured world? Commented [RW18]: Good detail. Plot well captured.

Commented [RW19]: Clarify question.

love with his natural born enemy that just caused him to hate and compete with Edward even more.

2. So Jacob, give us the inside scoop on your continual love for Bella? -Ive always had love for Bella. I know that this may sound clich but, shes different. She is strong physically, mentally, and emotionally.

3. Edward, how do you stay so calm knowing that Jacob wants Bella and is total against what you two have? -I have faith in the love that Bella and I share, and I already have Bella, no need to fight someone who wants her. And Im pretty confidents in my looks if I may say so myself. Hahaha.

4. Bella how greatly has being in love with Edward and him being a vampire affected your life? -It has changed my life tremendously. Ive had to make many sacrifices but it has all been worth it.

5. Edward, express to us exactly how you felt when you found out that Bella was pregnant. How about you Jacob? -I was in complete shock! I didnt believe that it was possible. -I was completely angry with Edward and frustrated with Bella for going through with the delivery.

6. Bella, can you help the viewers and me to somewhat understand why youre willing to sacrifice everything to become a vampire? -My love for Edward and is family is so strong and the connection that I have with them is so unbelievable. I feel so alive with them and wanted to be able to be with them forever. I feel that I was meant to be a vampire. Since becoming one, I have never felt more alive!

Commented [RW20]: Great response from actors point of view.

7. Rose, what about Bella angers you so much? -I hate her blunt disrespect for mortality. If I couldve chose to stay mortal, I would have.

8. As Bellas father, how worried were you about her when you didnt see or hear from her for so long? -I was very worried. I already dont get to see my little girl and then to hear that she is sick and I barely hear from her, I had no way of knowing how she was doing.

9. You dont care for Edward at all Jacob. Why is that? -Because he is no good for Bella. He causes so much chaos in her life as well as physical pain. It isnt safe for them to be together.

10. How were feeling Edward when it didnt look like Bella was going to make it through the delivery? Was all hope lost? -At first I did feel all hope was lost but for some reason I couldnt give up. My love for her was too strong to just watch her die.

Commented [RW21]: Reread question

11. How angered and hurt were you with Jacob, when you thought that you had lost Bella? Who were you angry with? - I was heartbroken. The woman I loved was, in my mind, killed by the man she loved. I knew Edward was no good for her. He was who I was enraged with.

12. Were you all scared about fighting the Volturi? - We were not scared about fighting the Volturi if it came to it but it was not in our plan at all. We just wanted to prove ourselves innocent.

13. Why were you all so willing to help the Cullen family fight against the Volturi if it came down to it? (Referring to Quileute tribe and vampire relatives/friends) - Well any time we can help out an old friend or family member we are willing, as long as it is a good cause. We know that the Cullen family wouldnt go against the Volturi for the wrong reason. The Volturi were on the wrong side with this. The Cullens were innocent.

14. Jacob, why did you imprint on Renesmee? - Its not something that you choose. It is something that just happens as instinct. But from the moment that she was inside of Bella she has been drawn to me, she wanted me around her.

15. Volturi, why were you all so pressed to attack the Cullen family? - Well we are big on our vampires keeping the law. We cannot afford for our secret to get out. That would be detrimental and the Cullen family has already revealed their identity to a human once before, that just happened to work out well. However, we will not tolerate any more slip ups.

16. Now a questions for our studio audience and viewers at home. How did you all feel during the huge fighting scene at the end of Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2? How did you all feel after you realized it didnt really occur? - We felt that all hope was lost and no mercy was going to be shown once the Volturi took off Carlisles head. We had no clue what was going to happen next or what would happen to the family. But a total feeling of relief came upon us once we realized it was all a vision. We did not see that coming.

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