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Al Jaami` Al Saheeh.

By Imam Al Bukhari
Volume 8 8.1: Narrated Al-Walid bin 'Aizar: I heard Abi `Amr 'Ash-Shaibani saying !"he o#ner o$ this house.! he %ointed to `Abdullah's house !said 'I as&ed the 'ro%het 'Whi(h deed is lo)ed most by Allah*! +e re%lied '"o o$$er %rayers at their early ,)ery $irst- stated times.' ! `Abdullah as&ed !What is the ne.t ,in goodness-*! "he 'ro%het said !"o be good and duti$ul to one's %arents ! `Abdullah as&ed !What is the ne.t ,in goodness-*! "he 'ro%het said "o %arti(i%ate in /ihad $or Allah's 0ause.! `Abdullah added !"he 'ro%het narrated to me these three things and i$ I had as&ed more he #ould ha)e told me more.! 8.1: Narrated Abu +uraira: A man (ame to Allah's A%ostle and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Who is more entitled to be treated #ith the best (om%anionshi% by me*! "he 'ro%het said !4our mother.! "he man said. !Who is ne.t*! "he 'ro%het said !4our mother.! "he man $urther said !Who is ne.t*! "he 'ro%het said !4our mother.! "he man as&ed $or the $ourth time !Who is ne.t*! "he 'ro%het said !4our $ather. ! 8.5: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: A man said to the 'ro%het !Shall I %arti(i%ate in /ihad*! "he 'ro%het said !Are your %arents li)ing*! "he man said !4es.! the 'ro%het said !6o /ihad $or their bene$it.! 8.7: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: Allah's A%ostle said. !It is one o$ the greatest sins that a man should (urse his %arents.! It #as as&ed ,by the %eo%le- !2 Allah's A%ostle3 +o# does a man (urse his %arents*! "he 'ro%het said !'"he man abuses the $ather o$ another man and the latter abuses the $ather o$ the $ormer and abuses his mother.! 8.8: Narrated Ibn `9mar: Allah's A%ostle said !While three %ersons #ere tra)eling they #ere o)erta&en by rain and they too& shelter in a (a)e in a mountain. A big ro(& $ell $rom the mountain o)er the mouth o$ the (a)e and blo(&ed it. "hey said to ea(h other. '"hin& o$ su(h good ,righteous- deeds #hi(h you did $or Allah's sa&e only and in)o&e Allah by gi)ing re$eren(e to those deeds so that Allah may relie)e you $rom your di$$i(ulty. one o$ them said '2 Allah3 I had my %arents #ho #ere )ery old and I had small (hildren $or #hose sa&e I used to #or& as a she%herd. When I returned to them at night and mil&ed ,the shee%- I used to start gi)ing the mil& to my %arents $irst be$ore gi)ing to my (hildren. And one day I #ent $ar a#ay in sear(h o$ a grazing %la(e ,$or my shee%- and didn't return home till late at night and $ound that my %arents had sle%t. I mil&ed ,my li)esto(&- as usual and brought the mil& )essel and stood at their heads and I disli&ed to #a&e them u% $rom their slee% and I also disli&ed to gi)e the mil& to my (hildren be$ore my %arents though my (hildren #ere (rying ,$rom hunger- at my $eet. So this state o$ mine and theirs (ontinued till the day da#ned. ,2 Allah3- I$ you (onsidered that I had done that only $or see&ing 4our %leasure then %lease let there be an o%ening through #hi(h #e (an see the s&y.' So Allah made $or them an o%ening through #hi(h they (ould see the s&y. "hen the se(ond %erson said '2 Allah3 I had a she-(ousin #hom I lo)ed as mu(h as a %assionate man lo)e a #oman. I tried to sedu(e her but she re$used till I %aid her one-hundred 6inars So I #or&ed hard till I (olle(ted one hundred 6inars and #ent to her #ith that :ut #hen I sat in bet#een her legs ,to ha)e

se.ual inter(ourse #ith her- she said '2 Allah's sla)e3 :e a$raid o$ Allah 3 6o not de$lo#er me e.(e%t legally ,by marriage (ontra(t-. So I le$t her 2 Allah3 I$ you (onsidered that I had done that only $or see&ing 4our %leasure then %lease let the ro(& mo)e a little to ha)e a ,#ider- o%ening.' So Allah shi$ted that ro(& to ma&e the o%ening #ider $or them. And the last ,third- %erson said '2 Allah 3 I em%loyed a laborer $or #ages e;ual to a <ara; ,a (ertain measure: o$ ri(e and #hen he had $inished his =ob he demanded his #ages but #hen I %resented his due to him he ga)e it u% and re$used to ta&e it. "hen I &e%t on so#ing that ri(e $or him ,se)eral times- till managed to buy #ith the %ri(e o$ the yield some (o#s and their she%herd >ater on the laborer (ame to me an said. ',2 Allah's sla)e3- :e a$raid o Allah and do not be un=ust to me an gi)e me my due.' I said ,to him-. '?o and ta&e those (o#s and their she%herd. So he too& them and #ent a#ay. ,So 2 Allah3- I$ 4ou (onsidered that I had done that $or see&ing 4our %leasure then %lease remo)e the remaining %art o$ the ro(&.' And so Allah released them ,$rom their di$$i(ulty-. 8.@: Narrated Al-Aughira: "he 'ro%het said !Allah has $orbidden you , 1 - to be unduti$ul to your mothers ,1- to #ithhold ,#hat you should gi)e- or ,5- demand ,#hat you do not deser)e- and ,7- to bury your daughters ali)e. And Allah has disli&ed that ,A- you tal& too mu(h about others , :- as& too many ;uestions ,in religionor ,0- #aste your %ro%erty.! 8.B: Narrated Abu :a&ra: Allah's A%ostle said thri(e !Shall I not in$orm you o$ the biggest o$ the great sins*! We said !4es 2 Allah's A%ostle! +e said !"o =oin %artners in #orshi% #ith Allah: to be unduti$ul to one's %arents.! "he 'ro%het sat u% a$ter he had been re(lining and added !And I #arn you against gi)ing $orged statement and a $alse #itnessC I #arn you against gi)ing a $orged statement and a $alse #itness.! "he 'ro%het &e%t on saying that #arning till #e thought that he #ould not sto%. 8.8: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's A%ostle mentioned the greatest sins or he #as as&ed about the greatest sins. +e said !"o =oin %artners in #orshi% #ith AllahC to &ill a soul #hi(h Allah has $orbidden to &illC and to be unduti$ul or un&ind to one's %arents.! "he 'ro%het added !Shall I in$orm you o$ the biggest o$ the great sins* "hat is the $orged statement or the $alse #itness.! Shu`ba ,the sub-narrator- states that most %robably the 'ro%het said !the $alse #itness.! 8.D: Narrated Asma' bint Abu :a&r: Ay mother (ame to me ho%ing ,$or my $a)or- during the li$etime o$ the 'ro%het as&ed the 'ro%het !Aay I treat her &indly*! +e re%lied !4es.! Ibn '9yaina said !"hen Allah re)ealed: 'Allah $orbids you not #ith regards to those #ho $ought not against you be(ause o$ religion and dro)e you not out $rom your homes that you should sho# them &indness and deal =ustly #ith them.'.......,@E.88.1E: Narrated Abu Su$yan: "hat +era(lius sent $or him and said !What did he i.e. the 'ro%het order you*! I re%lied !+e orders us to o$$er %rayersC to gi)e almsC to be (hasteC and to &ee% good relations #ith our relati)es. 8.11: Narrated Ibn `9mar: Ay $ather seeing a sil&en (loa& being sold said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 :uy this and #ear it on <ridays and #hen the $oreign delegates %ay a )isit to you.! +e said !"his is #orn only by that %erson #ho #ill ha)e no share in the +erea$ter.! >ater a $e# sil&en (loa&s #ere gi)en to the 'ro%het as a gi$t and he sent one o$ those (loa&s to `9mar. `9mar said ,to the 'ro%het- !+o# (an I #ear it #hile you ha)e said about it #hat you said*! "he 'ro%het said !I did not gi)e it to you to #ear but to sell or to gi)e to someone else to #ear.! So `9mar sent it to his ,%agan- brother #ho #as $rom the inhabitants o$ Ae((a be$ore he ,`9mar's brother- embra(ed Islam. 8.11: 1

Narrated Abu Aiyub Al-Ansari: A man said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 In$orm me o$ a deed #hi(h #ill ma&e me enter 'aradise.! "he %eo%le said !What is the matter #ith him* What is the matter #ith him*! Allah's A%ostle said !+e has something to as& ,#hat he needs greatly-.! "he 'ro%het said ,to him- ,In order to enter 'aradise- you should #orshi% Allah and =oin none in #orshi% #ith +im: 4ou should o$$er %rayers %er$e(tly gi)e obligatory (harity ,Fa&at- and &ee% good relations #ith your Gith and &in.! +e then said !>ea)e it3! ,"he sub-narrator said !It seems that the 'ro%het #as riding his she (amel.! 8.15: Narrated /ubair bin Aut`im: "hat he heard the 'ro%het saying !"he %erson #ho se)ers the bond o$ &inshi% #ill not enter 'aradise.! 8.17: Narrated Abu +uraira: I heard Allah's A%ostle saying !Who e)er is %leased that he be granted more #ealth and that his lease o$ li$e be %ro longed then he should &ee% good relations #ith his Gith and &in.! 8.18: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah 's A%ostle said !Whoe)er lo)es that he be granted more #ealth and that his lease o$ li$e be %rolonged then he should &ee% good relations #ith his Gith and &in.! 8.1@: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Allah (reated the (reations and #hen +e $inished $rom +is (reations Ar-Hahm i.e. #omb said !,2 Allah- at this %la(e I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom all those #ho se)er me ,i.e. se)er the ties o$ Gith and &in-. Allah said '4es #on't you be %leased that I #ill &ee% good relations #ith the one #ho #ill &ee% good relations #ith you and I #ill se)er the relation #ith the one #ho #ill se)er the relations #ith you.' It said '4es 2 my >ord.' Allah said '"hen that is $or you ' ! Allah's A%ostle added. !Head ,in the Iur'an- i$ you #ish the Statement o$ Allah: 'Would you then i$ you #ere gi)en the authority do mis(hie$ in the land and se)er your ties o$ &inshi%*' ,7B.118.1B: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he #ord 'Ar-Hahm ,#omb- deri)es its name $rom Ar-Hahman ,i.e. one o$ the names o$ Allah- and Allah said: 'I #ill &ee% good relation #ith the one #ho #ill &ee% good relation #ith you ,#omb i.e. Gith and Gin- and se)er the relation #ith him #ho #ill se)er the relation #ith you ,#omb i.e. Gith and Gin-. 8.18: Narrated `Aisha: ,the #i$e o$ the 'ro%het- "he 'ro%het said !"he #ord 'Ar-Hahm' ,#omb- deri)es its name $rom 'ArHahman' ,i.e. Allah-. So #hosoe)er &ee%s good relations #ith it ,#omb i.e. Gith and &in- Allah #ill &ee% good relations #ith him and #hosoe)er #ill se)er it ,i.e. se)ers his bonds o$ Gith and &in- Allah too #ill se)er +is relations #ith him. 8.1D: Narrated `Amr bin Al-`As: I heard the 'ro%het saying o%enly not se(retly !"he $amily o$ Abu so-and-so ,i.e. "alib- are not among my %rote(tors.! `Amr said that there #as a blan& s%a(e ,1- in the :oo& o$ Auhammad bin /a`$ar. +e added !Ay 'rote(tor is Allah and the righteous belie)ing %eo%le.! `Amr bin Al-`As added: I heard the 'ro%het saying ':ut they ,that $amily- ha)e &inshi% ,Hahm- #ith me and I #ill be good and duti$ul to them. ! 8.1E: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: "he 'ro%het said !Al-Wasil is not the one #ho re(om%enses the good done to him by his relati)es but Al-Wasil is the one #ho &ee%s good relations #ith those relati)es #ho had se)ered the bond o$ &inshi% #ith him.! 5

8.11: Narrated +a&im bin +izam: "hat he said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 What do you thin& about my good deeds #hi(h I used to do during the %eriod o$ ignoran(e ,be$ore embra(ing Islam- li&e &ee%ing good relations #ith my Gith and &in manumitting o$ sla)es and gi)ing alms et(C Shall I re(ei)e the re#ard $or that*! Allah's A%ostle said !4ou ha)e embra(ed Islam #ith all those good deeds #hi(h you did. 8.11: Narrated Sa`id: 9m Ghalid bint Ghalid bin Sa`id said !I (ame to Allah's A%ostle along #ith my $ather and I #as #earing a yello# shirt. Allah's A%ostle said !Sanah Sanah3! ,`Abdullah the sub-narrator said !It means 'Ni(e ni(e3' in the Jthio%ian language.!- 9m Ghalid added !"hen I started %laying #ith the seal o$ 'ro%hethood. Ay $ather admonished me. :ut Allah's A%ostle said ,to my $ather- !>ea)e her ! Allah's A%ostle ,then addressing me- said !Aay you li)e so long that your dress gets #orn out and you #ill mend it many times and then #ear another till it gets #orn out ,i.e. Aay Allah %rolong your li$e-.! ,"he sub-narrator `Abdullah aid !"hat garment ,#hi(h she #as #earing remained usable $or a long %eriod.!-. 8.15: Narrated Ibn Abi Na'm: I #as %resent #hen a man as&ed Ibn `9mar about the blood o$ mos;uitoes. Ibn `9mar said !<rom #here are you*! "he man re%lied. !<rom Ira;.! Ibn `9mar said !>oo& at that3 he is as&ing me about the blood o$ Aos;uitoes #hile they ,the Ira;is - ha)e &illed the ,grand- son o$ the 'ro%het. I ha)e heard the 'ro%het saying !"hey ,+asan and +usain- are my t#o s#eet-smelling $lo#ers in this #orld.! 8.17: Narrated `Aisha: ,the #i$e o$ the 'ro%het- A lady along #ith her t#o daughters (ame to me as&ing me ,$or some almsbut she $ound nothing #ith me e.(e%t one date #hi(h I ga)e to her and she di)ided it bet#een her t#o daughters and then she got u% and #ent a#ay. "hen the 'ro%het (ame in and I in$ormed him about this story. +e said !Whoe)er is in (harge o$ ,%ut to test by- these daughters and treats them generously then they #ill a(t as a shield $or him $rom the ,+ell- <ire.! 8.18: Narrated Abu Iatada: "he 'ro%het (ame out to#ards us #hile (arrying 9mamah the daughter o$ Abi Al-As ,his granddaughter- o)er his shoulder. +e %rayed and #hen he #anted to bo# he %ut her do#n and #hen he stood u% he li$ted her u%. 8.1@: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle &issed Al-+asan bin `Ali #hile Al-A;ra' bin +`Abis at-"amim #as sitting beside him. Al-A;ra said !I ha)e ten (hildren and I ha)e ne)er &issed anyone o$ them ! Allah's A%ostle (ast a loo& at him and said !Whoe)er is not mer(i$ul to others #ill not be treated mer(i$ully.! 8.1B: Narrated `Aisha: A bedouin (ame to the 'ro%het and said !4ou ,%eo%le- &iss the boys3 We don't &iss them.! "he 'ro%het said !I (annot %ut mer(y in your heart a$ter Allah has ta&en it a#ay $rom it.! 8.18: Narrated `9mar bin Al-Ghattab: Some Sabi ,i.e. #ar %risoners (hildren and #oman only- #ere brought be$ore the 'ro%het and behold a #oman amongst them #as mil&ing her breasts to $eed and #hene)er she $ound a (hild amongst the (a%ti)es she too& it o)er her (hest and nursed it ,she had lost her (hild but later she $ound him- the 'ro%het said to us !6o you thin& that this lady (an thro# her son in the $ire*! We re%lied !No i$ she has the %o#er not to thro# it ,in the $ire-.! "he 'ro%het then said !Allah is more mer(i$ul to +is sla)es than this lady to her son.! 7

8.1D: Narrated Abu +uraira: I heard Allah's A%ostle saying Allah di)ided Aer(y into one-hundred %arts and +e &e%t its ninetynine %arts #ith +im and sent do#n its one %art on the earth and be(ause o$ that its one single %art +is (reations are Aer(i$ul to ea(h other so that e)en the mare li$ts u% its hoo$s a#ay $rom its baby animal lest it should tram%le on it.! 8.5E: Narrated `Abdullah: I said '2 Allah's A%ostle3 Whi(h sin is the greatest*! +e said !"o set u% a ri)al unto Allah though +e Alone (reated you.! I said !What ne.t*! +e said !"o &ill your son lest he should share your $ood #ith you.! I $urther as&ed !What ne.t*! +e said !"o (ommit illegal se.ual inter(ourse #ith the #i$e o$ your neighbor.! And then Allah re)ealed as %roo$ o$ the statement o$ the 'ro%het: '"hose #ho in)o&e not #ith Allah any other god-................. ,to end o$ )erse-...' ,18.@88.51: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het too& a (hild in his la% $or "ahni& ,i.e. he (he#ed a date in his mouth and %ut its =ui(e in the mouth o$ the (hild-. "he (hild urinated on him so he as&ed $or #ater and %oured it o)er the %la(e o$ the urine. 8.51: Narrated 9sama bin Faid: Allah's A%ostle used to %ut me on ,one o$- his thighs and %ut Al-+asan bin `Ali on his other thigh and then embra(e us and say !2 Allah3 'lease be Aer(i$ul to them as I am mer(i$ul to them. ! 8.55: Narrated `Aisha: I ne)er $elt so =ealous o$ any #oman as I did o$ Ghadi=a though she had died three years be$ore the 'ro%het married me and that #as be(ause I heard him mentioning her too o$ten and be(ause his >ord had ordered him to gi)e her the glad tidings that she #ould ha)e a %ala(e in 'aradise made o$ Iasab and be(ause he used to slaughter a shee% and distribute its meat among her $riends. 8.57: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: "he 'ro%het said !I and the %erson #ho loo&s a$ter an or%han and %ro)ides $or him #ill be in 'aradise li&e this ! %utting his inde. and middle $ingers together. 8.58: Narrated Sa$#an bin Salim: "he 'ro%het said !"he one #ho loo&s a$ter and #or&s $or a #ido# and $or a %oor %erson is li&e a #arrior $ighting $or Allah's 0ause or li&e a %erson #ho $asts during the day and %rays all the night.! Narrated Abu +uraira that the 'ro%het said as abo)e. 8.5@: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he one #ho loo&s a$ter and #or&s $or a #ido# and $or a %oor %erson is li&e a #arrior $ighting $or Allah's 0ause.! ,"he narrator Al-Ia'nabi is not sure #hether he also said !>i&e the one #ho %rays all the night #ithout sla(&ness and $asts (ontinuously and ne)er brea&s his $ast.!8.5B: Narrated Abu Sulaiman and Aali& bin +u#airith: We (ame to the 'ro%het and #e #ere ,a $e#- young men o$ a%%ro.imately e;ual age and stayed #ith him $or t#enty nights. "hen he thought that #e #ere an.ious $or our $amilies and he as&ed us #hom #e had le$t behind to loo& a$ter our $amilies and #e told him. +e #as &indhearted and mer(i$ul so he said !Heturn to your $amilies and tea(h them ,religious &no#ledge- and order them ,to do good deeds- and o$$er your %rayers in the #ay you sa# me o$$ering my %rayers and #hen the stated time $or the %rayer be(omes due then one o$ you should %ronoun(e its (all ,i.e. the Adhan- and the eldest o$ you should lead you in %rayer. 8.58: 8

Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !While a man #as #al&ing on a road. he be(ame )ery thirsty. "hen he (ame a(ross a #ell got do#n into it dran& ,o$ its #ater- and then (ame out. Aean#hile he sa# a dog %anting and li(&ing mud be(ause o$ e.(essi)e thirst. "he man said to himsel$ !"his dog is su$$ering $rom the same state o$ thirst as I did.! So he #ent do#n the #ell ,again- and $illed his shoe ,#ith #ater- and held it in his mouth and #atered the dog. Allah than&ed him $or that deed and $orga)e him.! "he %eo%le as&ed !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Is there a re#ard $or us in ser)ing the animals*! +e said !,4es- "here is a re#ard $or ser)ing any animate ,li)ing being- .! 8.5D: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle stood u% $or the %rayer and #e too stood u% along #ith him. "hen a bedouin shouted #hile o$$ering %rayer. !2 Allah3 :esto# 4our Aer(y on me and Auhammad only and do not besto# it on anybody else along #ith us.! When the 'ro%het had $inished his %rayer #ith "aslim he said to the :edouin !4ou ha)e limited ,narro#ed- a )ery )ast ,thing- ! meaning Allah's Aer(y. 8.7E: Narrated An-Nu`man bin :ashir: Allah's A%ostle said !4ou see the belie)ers as regards their being mer(i$ul among themsel)es and sho#ing lo)e among themsel)es and being &ind resembling one body so that i$ any %art o$ the body is not #ell then the #hole body shares the slee%lessness ,insomnia- and $e)er #ith it.! 8.71: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het said !I$ any Auslim %lants any %lant and a human being or an animal eats o$ it he #ill be re#arded as i$ he had gi)en that mu(h in (harity.! 8.71: Narrated /arir bin `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het said !+e #ho is not mer(i$ul to others #ill not be treated mer(i$ully. 8.75: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !?abriel (ontinued to re(ommend me about treating the neighbors Gindly and %olitely so mu(h so that I thought he #ould order me to ma&e them as my heirs. 8.77: Narrates Ibn `9mar: Allah' A%ostle said ?abriel &e%t on re(ommending me about treating the neighbors in a &ind and %olite manner so mu(h so that I thought that he #ould order ,me- to ma&e them ,my- heirs.! 8.78: Narrated Abu Shuraih: "he 'ro%het said !:y Allah he does not belie)e3 :y Allah he does not belie)e3 :y Allah he does not belie)e3! It #as said !Who is that 2 Allah's A%ostle*! +e said !"hat %erson #hose neighbor does not $eel sa$e $rom his e)il.! 8.7@: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het used to say !2 Auslim ladies3 A neighbouress should not loo& do#n u%on the %resent o$ her neighbouress e)en it #ere the hoo)es o$ a shee%.! 8.7B: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !Anybody #ho belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should not harm his neighbor and anybody #ho belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should entertain his guest generously and anybody #ho belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should tal& #hat is good or &ee% ;uiet. ,i.e. abstain $rom all &inds o$ e)il and dirty tal&-. 8.78: Narrated Abu Shuraih Al-Ada#i:

Ay ears heard and my eyes sa# the 'ro%het #hen he s%o&e !Anybody #ho belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should ser)e his neighbor generously and anybody #ho belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should ser)e his guest generously by gi)ing him his re#ard.! It #as as&ed. !What is his re#ard 2 Allah's A%ostle*! +e said !,"o be entertained generously- $or a day and a night #ith high ;uality o$ $ood and the guest has the right to be entertained $or three days ,#ith ordinary $ood- and i$ he stays longer #hat he #ill be %ro)ided #ith #ill be regarded as Sada;a ,a (haritable gi$t-. And anybody #ho belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should tal& #hat is good or &ee% ;uite ,i.e. abstain $rom all &inds o$ dirty and e)il tal&s-. 8.7D: Narrated `Aisha: I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I ha)e t#o neighbors3 "o #hom shall I send my gi$ts*! +e said !"o the one #hose gate in nearer to you.! 8.8E: Narrated /abir bin `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het said Jn=oining all that is good is a Sada;a.! 8.81: Narrated Abu Ausa Al-Ash`ari: "he 'ro%het said !2n e)ery Auslim there is en=oined ,a (om%ulsory- Sada;a ,alms-.! "hey ,the %eo%le- said !I$ one has nothing*' +e said !+e should #or& #ith his hands so that he may bene$it himsel$ and gi)e in (harity.! "hey said !I$ he (annot #or& or does not #or&*! +e said !"hen he should hel% the o%%ressed unha%%y %erson ,by #ord or a(tion or both-.! "hey said !I$ he does not do it*! +e said !"hen he should en=oin #hat is good ,or said #hat is reasonable-.' "hey said !I$ he does not do that''' +e said !"hen he should re$rain $rom doing e)il $or that #ill be (onsidered $or +im as a Sada;a ,(harity- . ! 8.81: Narrated `Adi bin +atim: "he 'ro%het mentioned the ,+ell- <ire and sought re$uge ,#ith Allah- $rom it and turned his $a(e to the other side. +e mentioned the ,+ell- <ire again and too& re$uge ,#ith Allah- $rom it and turned his $a(e to the other side. ,Shu`ba the sub-narrator said !I ha)e no doubt that the 'ro%het re%eated it t#i(e.!- "he 'ro%het then said !,2 %eo%le3- Sa)e yoursel)es $rom the ,+ell- <ire e)en i$ #ith one hal$ o$ a date $ruit ,gi)en in (harity- and i$ this is not a)ailable then ,sa)e yoursel)es- by saying a good %leasant $riendly #ord.! 8.85: Narrated `Aisha: ,the #i$e o$ the 'ro%het- A grou% o$ /e#s entered u%on the 'ro%het and said !As-Samu-Alai&um.! ,i.e. death be u%on you-. I understood it and said !Wa-Alai&um As-Samu #al-la'n. ,death and the (urse o$ Allah be 9%on you-.! Allah's A%ostle said !:e (alm 2 `Aisha3 Allah lo)es that on should be &ind and lenient in all matters.! I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 +a)en't you heard #hat they ,the /e#sha)e said*! Allah's A%ostle said !I ha)e ,already- said ,to them- !And u%on you 3 ! 8.87: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: A bedouin urinated in the mos;ue and the %eo%le ran to ,beat- him. Allah's A%ostle said !6o not interru%t his urination ,i.e. let him $inish-.! "hen the 'ro%het as&ed $or a tumbler o$ #ater and %oured the #ater o)er the %la(e o$ urine. 8.88: Narrated Abu Ausa: "he 'ro%het said !A belie)er to another belie)er is li&e a building #hose di$$erent %arts en$or(e ea(h other.! "he 'ro%het then (las%ed his hands #ith the $ingers interla(ed. ,At that time- the 'ro%het #as sitting and a man (ame and begged or as&ed $or something. "he 'ro%het $a(ed us and said !+el% and re(ommend him and you #ill re(ei)e the re#ard $or it and Allah #ill bring about #hat +e #ill through +is 'ro%het's tongue.! 8.8@.1: B

Narrated Abu Ausa: Whene)er a beggar or a %erson in need (ame to the 'ro%het the 'ro%het #ould say !+el% and re(ommend him and you #ill re(ei)e the re#ard $or it and Allah #ill bring about #hat he #ill through +is 'ro%het's tongue.! 8.8@.1: Narrated Aasru;: `Abdullah bin `Amr mentioned Allah's A%ostle saying that he #as neither a <ahish nor a Auta$ahish. `Abdullah bin `Amr added Allah's A%ostle said '"he best among you are those #ho ha)e the best manners and (hara(ter.' 8.8B: Narrated `Abdullah bin Aulai&a: `Aisha said that the /e#s (ame to the 'ro%het and said !As-Samu 'Alai&um! ,death be on you-. `Aisha said ,to them- !,6eath- be on you and may Allah (urse you and sho#er +is #rath u%on you3! "he 'ro%het said !:e (alm 2 `Aisha 3 4ou should be &ind and lenient and be#are o$ harshness and <uhsh ,i.e. bad #ords-.! She said ,to the 'ro%het- !+a)en't you heard #hat they ,/e#s- ha)e said*! +e said !+a)en't you heard #hat I ha)e said ,to them-* I said the same to them and my in)o(ation against them #ill be a((e%ted #hile theirs against me #ill be re=e(ted ,by Allah-. ! 8.88: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het #as not one #ho #ould abuse ,others- or say obs(ene #ords or (urse ,others- and i$ he #anted to admonish anyone o$ us he used to say: !What is #rong #ith him his $orehead be dusted3! 8.8D.1: Narrated `Aisha: A man as&ed %ermission to enter u%on the 'ro%het. When the 'ro%het sa# him he said !What an e)il brother o$ his tribe3 And #hat an e)il son o$ his tribe3! When that man sat do#n the 'ro%het beha)ed #ith him in a ni(e and %olite manner and #as (om%letely at ease #ith him. When that %erson had le$t `Aisha said ,to the 'ro%het-. !2 Allah's A%ostle3 When you sa# that man you said so-and-so about him then you sho#ed him a &ind and %olite beha)ior and you en=oyed his (om%any*! Allah's A%ostle said !2 `Aisha3 +a)e you e)er seen me s%ea&ing a bad and dirty language* ,Hemember that- the #orst %eo%le in Allah's sight on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #ill be those #hom the %eo%le lea)e ,undisturbed- to be a#ay $rom their e)il ,deeds-. 8.8D.1: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het #as the best among the %eo%le ,both in sha%e and (hara(ter- and #as the most generous o$ them and #as the bra)est o$ them. 2n(e during the night the %eo%le o$ Aedina got a$raid ,o$ a sound-. So the %eo%le #ent to#ards that sound but the 'ro%het ha)ing gone to that sound be$ore them met them #hile he #as saying !6on't be a$raid don't be a$raid.! ,At that time- he #as riding a horse belonging to Abu "alha and it #as na&ed #ithout a saddle and he #as (arrying a s#ord slung at his ne(&. "he 'ro%het said !I $ound it ,the horse- li&e a sea or it is the sea indeed.! 8.@E: Narrated /abir: Ne)er #as the 'ro%het as&ed $or a thing to be gi)en $or #hi(h his ans#er #as 'no'. 8.@1: Narrated Aasru;: We #ere sitting #ith `Abdullah bin `Amr #ho #as narrating to us ,+adith-: +e said !Allah's A%ostle #as neither a <ahish nor a Auta$ahhish and he used to say '"he best among you are the best in (hara(ter ,ha)ing good manners-.!' 8.@1: Narrated Abu +azim: Sahl bin Sa`d said that a #oman brought a :urda ,sheet- to the 'ro%het. Sahl as&ed the %eo%le !6o you &no# #hat is a :urda*! "he %eo%le re%lied !It is a 'Shamla' a sheet #ith a $ringe.! "hat #oman said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I ha)e brought it so that you may #ear it.! So the 'ro%het too& it be(ause he 8

#as in need o$ it and #ore it. A man among his (om%anions seeing him #earing it said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 'lease gi)e it to me to #ear.! "he 'ro%het said !4es.! ,and ga)e him that sheet-. When the 'ro%het le$t the man #as blamed by his (om%anions #ho said !It #as not ni(e on your %art to as& the 'ro%het $or it #hile you &no# that he too& it be(ause he #as in need o$ it and you also &no# that he ,the 'ro%het- ne)er turns do#n anybody's re;uest that he might be as&ed $or.! "hat man said !I =ust #anted to ha)e its blessings as the 'ro%het had %ut it on so l ho%ed that I might be shrouded in it.! 8.@5: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"ime #ill %ass ra%idly good deeds #ill de(rease and miserliness #ill be thro#n ,in the hearts o$ the %eo%le- and the +ar= ,#ill in(rease-.! "hey as&ed !What is the +ar=*! +e re%lied !,It is- &illing ,murdering- ,it is- murdering ,&illing-. 8.@7: Narrated Anas: I ser)ed the 'ro%het $or ten years and he ne)er said to me !9$! ,a minor harsh #ord denoting im%atien(e- and ne)er blamed me by saying !Why did you do so or #hy didn't you do so*! 8.@8: Narrated Al-As#ad: I as&ed `Aisha #hat did the 'ro%het use to do at home. She re%lied. !+e used to &ee% himsel$ busy ser)ing his $amily and #hen it #as time $or the %rayer he #ould get u% $or %rayer.! 8.@@: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !I$ Allah lo)es a %erson +e (alls ?abriel saying: 'Allah lo)es so and soC 2 ?abriel lo)e him.' ?abriel #ould lo)e him and then ?abriel #ould ma&e an announ(ement among the residents o$ the +ea)en 'Allah lo)es so-and-so there$ore you should lo)e him also.' So all the residents o$ the +ea)ens #ould lo)e him and then he is granted the %leasure o$ the %eo%le o$ the earth.! 8.@B: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het said !None #ill ha)e the s#eetness ,delight- o$ <aith ,a- till he lo)es a %erson and lo)es him only $or Allah's sa&e ,b- and till it be(omes dearer to him to be thro#n in the $ire than to re)ert to disbelie$ ,+eathenism- a$ter Allah has brought him out o$ it ,(- and till Allah and +is A%ostle be(ome dearer to him than anything else.! 8.@8: Narrated `Abdullah bin Fam`a: "he 'ro%het $orbade laughing at a %erson #ho %asses #ind and said !+o# does anyone o$ you beat his #i$e as he beats the stallion (amel and then he may embra(e ,slee% #ith- her*! And +isham said !As he beats his sla)e! 8.@D: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het said at Aina !6o you &no# #hat day is today*! "hey ,the %eo%le- re%lied !Allah and +is A%ostle &no# better ! +e said !"oday is 1Eth o$ 6hul-+i==a the sa(red ,$orbidden- day. 6o you &no# #hat to#n is this to#n*! "hey ,the %eo%le- re%lied !Allah and +is A%ostle &no# better.! +e said !"his is the ,$orbidden- Sa(red to#n ,Ae((a a san(tuary-.! And do you &no# #hi(h month is this month*! "hey ,the 'eo%le- re%lied !Allah and +is A%ostle &no# better.! +e said ''"his is the Sa(red ,$orbidden- month .! +e added !Allah has made your blood your %ro%erties and your honor Sa(red to one another ,i.e. Auslims- li&e the san(tity o$ this day o$ yours in this month o$ yours in this to#n o$ yours.! ,See +adith No. BDB Vol. 1.8.BE: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's A%ostle said !Abusing a Auslim is <usu; ,i.e. an e)il-doing- and &illing him is Gu$r ,disbelie$-. 8.B1: D

Narrated Abu 6har: "hat he heard the 'ro%het saying !I$ somebody a((uses another o$ <usu; ,by (alling him '<asi;' i.e. a #i(&ed %erson- or a((uses him o$ Gu$r su(h an a((usation #ill re)ert to him ,i.e. the a((user- i$ his (om%anion ,the a((used- is inno(ent.! 8.B1: Narrated Anas: Allah's A%ostle #as neither a <ahish ,one #ho had a bad tongue- nor a Sabbaba ,one #ho abuses others- and he used to say #hile admonishing somebody !What is #rong #ith him* Aay dust be on his $orehead3! 8.B5: Narrated "habit bin Ad-6ahha&: ,#ho #as one o$ the (om%anions #ho ga)e the %ledge o$ allegian(e to the 'ro%het underneath the tree ,Al-+udaibiya-- Allah's A%ostle said !Whoe)er s#ears by a religion other than Islam ,i.e. i$ somebody s#ears by saying that he is a non-Auslim e.g. a /e# or a 0hristian et(.- in (ase he is telling a lie he is really so i$ his oath is $alse and a %erson is not bound to $ul$ill a )o# about a thing #hi(h he does not %ossess. And i$ somebody (ommits sui(ide #ith anything in this #orld he #ill be tortured #ith that )ery thing on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tionC And i$ somebody (urses a belie)er then his sin #ill be as i$ he murdered himC And #hoe)er a((uses a belie)er o$ Gu$r ,disbelie$- then it is as i$ he &illed him.! 8.B7: Narrated Sulaiman bin Surad: A man $rom the (om%anions o$ the 'ro%het said !"#o men abused ea(h other in $ront o$ the 'ro%het and one o$ them be(ame angry and his anger be(ame so intense that his $a(e be(ame s#ollen and (hanged. "he 'ro%het said !I &no# a #ord the saying o$ #hi(h #ill (ause him to rela. i$ he does say it.! "hen a man #ent to him and in$ormed him o$ the statement o$ the 'ro%het and said !See& re$uge #ith Allah $rom Satan.! 2n that angry man said '6o you $ind anything #rong #ith me* Am I insane* ?o a#ay3! 8.B8: Narrated '9bada bin As-Samit: Allah's A%ostle #ent out to in$orm the %eo%le about the ,date o$ the Night o$ de(ree ,Al-Iadr-. "here ha%%ened a ;uarrel bet#een t#o Auslim men. "he 'ro%het said !I (ame out to in$orm you about the Night o$ Al-Iadr but as so-and-so and so-and-so ;uarrelled so the ne#s about it had been ta&en a#ayC and may be it #as better $or you. So loo& $or it in the ninth the se)enth or the $i$th ,o$ the last ten days o$ Hamadan-. 8.B@: Narrated Aa'rur: I sa# Abu 6har #earing a :urd ,garment- and his sla)e too #as #earing a :urd so I said ,to Abu 6har- !I$ you ta&e this ,:urda o$ your sla)e- and #ear it ,along #ith yours- you #ill ha)e a ni(e suit ,(ostume- and you may gi)e him another garment.! Abu 6har said !"here #as a ;uarrel bet#een me and another man #hose mother #as a non-Arab and I (alled her bad names. "he man mentioned ,(om%lained about- me to the 'ro%het. "he 'ro%het said !6id you abuse so-and-so*! I said !4es! +e said !6id you (all his mother bad names*! I said !4es!. +e said !4ou still ha)e the traits o$ ,the 're-lslami( %eriod o$- ignoran(e.! I said. !,6o I still ha)e ignoran(e- e)en no# in my old age*! +e said !4es they ,sla)es or ser)ants- are your brothers and Allah has %ut them under your (ommand. So the one under #hose hand Allah has %ut his brother should $eed him o$ #hat he eats and gi)e him dresses o$ #hat he #ears and should not as& him to do a thing beyond his (a%a(ity. And i$ at all he as&s him to do a hard tas& he should hel% him therein.! 8.BB: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het led us in the Fuhr %rayer o$$ering only t#o ra&`at and then ,$inished it- #ith "aslim and #ent to a %ie(e o$ #ood in $ront o$ the mos;ue and %ut his hand o)er it. Abu :a&r and `9mar #ere also %resent among the %eo%le on that day but dared not tal& to him ,about his un$inished %rayer-. And 1E

the hasty %eo%le #ent a#ay #ondering. !+as the %rayer been shortened! Among the %eo%le there #as a man #hom the 'ro%het used to (all 6hul-4adain ,the longarmed-. +e said !2 Allah's 'ro%het3 +a)e you $orgotten or has the %rayer been shortened*! "he 'ro%het said !Neither ha)e I $orgotten nor has it been shortened.! "hey ,the %eo%le- said !Surely you ha)e $orgotten 2 Allah's A%ostle3! "he 'ro%het said 6hul-4adain has told the truth.! So the 'ro%het got u% and o$$ered other t#o ra&`at and $inished his %rayer #ith "aslim. "hen he said "a&bir %er$ormed a %rostration o$ ordinary duration or longer then he raised his head and said "a&bir and %er$ormed another %rostration o$ ordinary duration or longer and then raised his head and said "a&bir ,i.e. he %er$ormed the t#o %rostrations o$ Sahu i.e. $orget$ulness-. 8.B8: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's A%ostle %assed by t#o gra)es and said !:oth o$ them ,%ersons in the gra)e- are being tortured and they are not being tortured $or a ma=or sin. "his one used not to sa)e himsel$ $rom being soiled #ith his urine and the other used to go about #ith (alumnies ,among the %eo%le to rouse hostilities e.g. one goes to a %erson and tells him that so-and-so says about him su(h-and-su(h e)il things-. "he 'ro%het then as&ed $or a green lea$ o$ a date-%alm tree s%lit it into t#o %ie(es and %lanted one on ea(h gra)e and said !It is ho%ed that their %unishment may be abated till those t#o %ie(es o$ the lea$ get dried.! ,See +adith No 118 Vol 1-. 8.BD: Narrated Abu 9said As-Sa`idi: "he 'ro%het said !"he best $amily among the Ansar is the :anu An-Na==ar. ! 8.8E: Narrated `Aisha: A man as&ed %ermission to enter u%on Allah's A%ostle. "he 'ro%het said !Admit him. What an e)il brother o$ his %eo%le or a son o$ his %eo%le.! :ut #hen the man entered the 'ro%het s%o&e to him in a )ery %olite manner. ,And #hen that %erson le$t- I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 4ou had said #hat you had said yet you s%o&e to him in a )ery %olite manner*! "he 'ro%het said !2 `Aisha3 "he #orst %eo%le are those #hom the %eo%le desert or lea)e in order to sa)e themsel)es $rom their dirty language or $rom their transgression.! 8.81: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 2n(e the 'ro%het #ent through the gra)e-yards o$ Aedina and heard the )oi(es o$ t#o humans #ho #ere being tortured in their gra)es. "he 'ro%het said !"hey are being %unished but they are not being %unished be(ause o$ a ma=or sin yet their sins are great. 2ne o$ them used not to sa)e himsel$ $rom ,being soiled #ith- the urine and the other used to go about #ith (alumnies ,Namima-.! "hen the 'ro%het as&ed $or a green %alm tree lea$ and s%lit it into t#o %ie(es and %la(ed one %ie(e on ea(h gra)e saying !I ho%e that their %unishment may be abated as long as these %ie(es o$ the lea$ are not dried.! 8.81: Narrated +udhai$a: I heard the 'ro%het saying !A Iattat #ill not enter 'aradise.! 8.85: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Whoe)er does not gi)e u% $alse statements ,i.e. telling lies- and e)il deeds and s%ea&ing bad #ords to others Allah is not in need o$ his ,$asting- lea)ing his $ood and drin&.! 8.87: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he #orst %eo%le in the Sight o$ Allah on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #ill be the double $a(ed %eo%le #ho a%%ear to some %eo%le #ith one $a(e and to other %eo%le #ith another $a(e.! 8.88: Narrated Ibn Aas`ud:


2n(e Allah's A%ostle di)ided and distributed ,the #ar booty-. An Ansar man said !:y Allah 3 Auhammad by this distribution did not intend to %lease Allah.! So I (ame to Allah's A%ostle and in$ormed him about it #hereu%on his $a(e be(ame (hanged #ith anger and he said !Aay Allah besto# +is Aer(y on Aoses $or he #as hurt #ith more than this yet he remained %atient.! 8.8@: Narrated Abu Ausa: "he 'ro%het heard a man %raising another man and he #as e.aggerating in his %raise. "he 'ro%het said ,to him-. !4ou ha)e destroyed ,or (ut- the ba(& o$ the man.! 8.8B: Narrated Abu :a&ra: A man #as mentioned be$ore the 'ro%het and another man %raised him greatly "he 'ro%het said !Aay Allah's Aer(y be on you 3 4ou ha)e (ut the ne(& o$ your $riend.! "he 'ro%het re%eated this senten(e many times and said !I$ it is indis%ensable $or anyone o$ you to %raise someone then he should say 'I thin& that he is so-and-so ! i$ he really thin&s that he is su(h. Allah is the 2ne Who #ill ta&e his a((ounts ,as +e &no#s his reality- and no-one (an san(ti$y anybody be$ore Allah.! ,Ghalid said !Woe to you ! instead o$ !Allah's Aer(y be on you.!8.88: Narrated Salim: that his $ather saidC !When Allah's A%ostle mentioned #h at he mentioned about ,the hanging o$- the Izar ,#aist sheet- Abu :a&r said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Ay Izar sla(&ens on one side ,#ithout my intention-.! "he 'ro%het said !4ou are not among those ,#ho out o$ %ride- drag their Izars behind them.! 8.8D: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het (ontinued $or su(h-and-su(h %eriod imagining that he has sle%t ,had se.ual relations#ith his #i)es and in $a(t he did not. 2ne day he said to me !2 `Aisha3 Allah has instru(ted me regarding a matter about #hi(h I had as&ed +im. "here (ame to me t#o men one o$ them sat near my $eet and the other near my head. "he one near my $eet as&ed the one near my head ,%ointing at me'What is #rong #ith this man* "he latter re%lied '+e is under the e$$e(t o$ magi(.' "he $irst one as&ed 'Who had #or&ed magi( on him*' "he other re%lied '>ubaid bin Asam.' "he $irst one as&ed 'What material ,did he use-*' "he other re%lied '"he s&in o$ the %ollen o$ a male date tree #ith a (omb and the hair stu(& to it &e%t under a stone in the #ell o$ 6har#an.!' "hen the 'ro%het #ent to that #ell and said !"his is the same #ell #hi(h #as sho#n to me in the dream. "he to%s o$ its date-%alm trees loo& li&e the heads o$ the de)ils and its #ater loo&s li&e the +enna in$usion.! "hen the 'ro%het ordered that those things be ta&en out. I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Won't you dis(lose ,the magi( ob=e(t-*! "he 'ro%het said !Allah has (ured me and I hate to (ir(ulate the e)il among the %eo%le.! `Aisha added !,"he magi(ian- >ubaid bin Asam #as a man $rom :ani Furai; an ally o$ the /e#s.! 8.DE: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !:e#are o$ sus%i(ion $or sus%i(ion is the #orst o$ $alse talesC and do not loo& $or the others' $aults and do not s%y and do not be =ealous o$ one another and do not desert ,(ut your relation #ith- one another and do not hate one anotherC and 2 Allah's #orshi%ers3 :e brothers ,as Allah has ordered you3!8.D1: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's A%ostle said !6o not hate one another and do not be =ealous o$ one another and do not desert ea(h other and 2 Allah's #orshi%ers3 :e brothers. >o3 It is not %ermissible $or any Auslim to desert ,not tal& to- his brother ,Auslim- $or more than three days.! 8.D1: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !:e#are o$ sus%i(ion $or sus%i(ion is the #orst o$ $alse tales. and do not loo& $or the others' $aults and do not do s%ying on one another and do not %ra(ti(e Na=sh and do not be 11

=ealous o$ one another and do not hate one another and do not desert ,sto% tal&ing to- one another. And 2 Allah's #orshi%ers3 :e brothers3! 8.D5: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !I do not thin& that so-and-so and so-and-so &no# anything o$ our religion.! ,And Al->aith said !"hese t#o %ersons #ere among the hy%o(rites.!8.D7: Narrated Al->aith: `Aisha said !"he 'ro%het entered u%on me one day and said '2 `Aisha3 I do not thin& that so-and-so and so-and-so &no# anything o$ our religion #hi(h #e $ollo#.!' 8.D8: Narrated Abu +uraira: I heard Allah's A%ostle saying. !All the sins o$ my $ollo#ers #ill be $orgi)en e.(e%t those o$ the Au=ahirin ,those #ho (ommit a sin o%enly or dis(lose their sins to the %eo%le-. An o$ su(h dis(losure is that a %erson (ommits a sin at night and though Allah s(reens it $rom the %ubli( then he (omes in the morning and says '2 so-and-so I did su(h-and-su(h ,e)il- deed yesterday ' though he s%ent his night s(reened by his >ord ,none &no#ing about his sin- and in the morning he remo)es Allah's s(reen $rom himsel$.! 8.D@: Narrated Sa$#an bin Auhriz: A man as&ed Ibn `9mar !What did you hear Allah's A%ostle saying regarding An-Na=#a ,se(ret tal& bet#een Allah and +is belie)ing #orshi%%er on the 6ay o$ /udgment-*! +e said !,"he 'ro%het said!2ne o$ you #ill (ome (lose to his >ord till +e #ill shelter him in +is s(reen and say: 6id you (ommit su(h-and-su(h sin* +e #ill say '4es.' "hen Allah #ill say: 6id you (ommit su(h and su(h sin* +e #ill say '4es.' So Allah #ill ma&e him (on$ess ,all his sins- and +e #ill say 'I s(reened them ,your sins- $or you in the #orld and today I $orgi)e them $or you.!' 8.DB: Narrated +aritha bin Wahb: Al-Ghuza`i: "he 'ro%het said !Shall I in$orm you about the %eo%le o$ 'aradise* "hey (om%rise e)ery obs(ure unim%ortant humble %erson and i$ he ta&es Allah's 2ath that he #ill do that thing Allah #ill $ul$ill his oath ,by doing that-. Shall I in$orm you about the %eo%le o$ the <ire* "hey (om%rise e)ery (ruel )iolent %roud and (on(eited %erson.! Anas bin Aali& said !Any o$ the $emale sla)es o$ Aedina (ould ta&e hold o$ the hand o$ Allah's A%ostle and ta&e him #here)er she #ished.! 8.D8: Narrated `Aisha: ,the #i$e o$ the 'ro%het- that she #as told that `Abdullah bin Az-Fubair ,on hearing that she #as selling or gi)ing something as a gi$t- said !:y Allah i$ `Aisha does not gi)e u% this I #ill de(lare her in(om%etent to dis%ose o$ her #ealth.! I said !6id he ,`Abdullah bin Az-Fubair- say so*! "hey ,%eo%le- said !4es.! `Aisha said !I )o# to Allah that I #ill ne)er s%ea& to Ibn Az-Fubair.! When this desertion lasted long `Abdullah bin Az-Fubair sought inter(ession #ith her but she said !:y Allah I #ill not a((e%t the inter(ession o$ anyone $or him and #ill not (ommit a sin by brea&ing my )o#.! When this state o$ a$$airs #as %rolonged on Ibn Az-Fubair ,he $elt it hard on him- he said to AlAis#ar bin Aa&hrama and `Abdur-Hahman bin Al-As#ad bin 'Abu 4aghuth #ho #ere $rom the tribe o$ :ani Fahra !I besee(h you by Allah to let me enter u%on `Aisha $or it is unla#$ul $or her to )o# to (ut the relation #ith me.! So Al-Ais#ar and `Abdur-Hahman #ra%%ing their sheets around themsel)es as&ed `Aisha's %ermission saying !'ea(e and Allah's Aer(y and :lessings be u%on you3 Shall #e (ome in*! `Aisha said !0ome in.! "hey said !All o$ us*! She said !4es (ome in all o$ you ! not &no#ing that Ibn AzFubair #as also #ith them. So #hen they entered Ibn Az-Fubair entered the s(reened %la(e and got hold o$ `Aisha and started re;uesting her to e.(use him and #e%t. Al-Ais#ar and `Abdur Hahman also started re;uesting her to s%ea& to him and to a((e%t his re%entan(e.


"hey said ,to her- !"he 'ro%het $orbade #hat you &no# o$ deserting ,not s%ea&ing to your Auslim :rethren- $or it is unla#$ul $or any Auslim not to tal& to his brother $or more than three nights ,days-.! So #hen they in(reased their reminding her ,o$ the su%eriority o$ ha)ing good relation #ith Gith and &in and o$ e.(using others' sins- and brought her do#n to a (riti(al situation she started reminding them and #e%t saying !I ha)e made a )o# and ,the ;uestion o$- )o# is a di$$i(ult one.! "hey ,Al-Ais#ar and `Abdur-Hahman- %ersisted in their a%%eal till she s%o&e #ith `Abdullah bin AzFubair and she manumitted $orty sla)es as an e.%iation $or her )o#. >ater on #hene)er she remembered her )o# she used to #ee% so mu(h that her )eil used to be(ome #et #ith her tears. 8.DD: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's A%ostle said !6o not hate one another nor be =ealous o$ one anotherC and do not desert one another but 2 Allah's #orshi%ers3 :e :rothers3 And it is unla#$ul $or a Auslim to desert his brother Auslim ,and not to tal& to him- $or more than three nights.! 8.1EE: Narrated Abu Aiyub Al-Ansari: Allah's A%ostle said !It is not la#$ul $or a man to desert his brother Auslim $or more than three nights. ,It is unla#$ul $or them that- #hen they meet one o$ them turns his $a(e a#ay $rom the other and the other turns his $a(e $rom the $ormer and the better o$ the t#o #ill be the one #ho greets the other $irst.! 8.1E1: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A%ostle said ! I &no# #hether you are angry or %leased.! I said !+o# do you &no# that Allah's A%ostle*! +e said !When you are %leased you say !4es by the >ord o$ Auhammad ' but #hen you are angry you say 'No by the >ord o$ Abraham3' ! I said !4es I do not lea)e e.(e%t your name.! 8.1E1: Narrated `Aisha: ,the #i$e o$ the 'ro%het- !I do not remember my %arents belie)ing in any religion other than the Heligion ,o$ Islam- and our being )isited by Allah's A%ostle in the morning and in the e)ening. 2ne day #hile #e #ere sitting in the house o$ Abu :a&r ,my $ather- at noon someone said '"his is Allah's A%ostle (oming at an hour at #hi(h he ne)er used to )isit us.' Abu :a&r said '"here must be something )ery urgent that has brought him at this hour.' "he 'ro%het said 'I ha)e been allo#ed to go out ,o$ Ae((a- to migrate.' ! 8.1E5: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's A%ostle )isited a household among the Ansars and he too& a meal #ith them. When he intended to lea)e he as&ed $or a %la(e in that house $or him to %ray so a mat s%rin&led #ith #ater #as %ut and he o$$ered %rayer o)er it and in)o&ed $or Allah's :lessing u%on them ,his hosts-. 8.1E7: Narrated `Abdullah: `9mar sa# a sil&en (loa& o)er a man ,$or sale- so he too& it to the 'ro%het and said '2 Allah's A%ostle3 :uy this and #ear it #hen the delegate (ome to you.' +e said '"he sil& is #orn by one #ho #ill ha)e no share ,in the +ere-a$ter-.' Some time %assed a$ter this e)ent and then the 'ro%het sent a ,similar- (loa& to him. `9mar brought that (loa& ba(& to the 'ro%het and said '4ou ha)e sent this to me and you said about a similar one #hat you said*' "he 'ro%het said 'I ha)e sent it to you so that you may get money by selling it.' :e(ause o$ this Ibn `9mar used to hate the sil&en mar&ings on the garments. 8.1E8: Narrated Anas: When `Abdur-Hahman (ame to us the 'ro%het established a bond o$ brotherhood bet#een him and Sa`d bin Ar-Habi`. 2n(e the 'ro%het said !As you ,2 `Abdur-Hahman- ha)e married gi)e a #edding ban;uet e)en i$ #ith one shee%.! 17

8.1E@: Narrated `Asim: I said to Anas bin Aali& !6id it rea(h you that the 'ro%het said !"here is no treaty o$ brotherhood in Islam'*! Anas said !"he 'ro%het made a treaty ,o$ brotherhood- bet#een the Ansar and the Iuraish in my home.! 8.1EB: Narrated `Aisha: Hi$a`a Al-Iurazi di)or(ed his #i$e irre)o(ably ,i.e. that di)or(e #as the $inal-. >ater on `AbdurHahman bin Az-Fubair married her a$ter him. She (ame to the 'ro%het and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I #as Hi$a`a's #i$e and he di)or(ed me thri(e and then I #as married to `Abdur-Hahman bin AzFubair #ho by Allah has nothing #ith him e.(e%t something li&e this $ringe 2 Allah's A%ostle ! sho#ing a $ringe she had ta&en $rom her (o)ering sheet. Abu :a&r #as sitting #ith the 'ro%het #hile Ghalid Ibn Sa`id bin Al-As #as sitting at the gate o$ the room #aiting $or admission. Ghalid started (alling Abu :a&r !2 Abu :a&r3 Why don't you re%ro)e this lady $rom #hat she is o%enly saying be$ore Allah's A%ostle*! Allah's A%ostle did nothing e.(e%t smiling and then said ,to the lady- !'erha%s you #ant to go ba(& to Hi$a`a* No ,it is not %ossible- unless and until you en=oy the se.ual relation #ith him ,`Abdur Hahman- and he en=oys the se.ual relation #ith you.! 8.1E8: Narrated Sa`d: `9mar bin Al-Ghattab as&ed %ermission o$ Allah's A%ostle to see him #hile some Iuraishi #omen #ere sitting #ith him and they #ere as&ing him to gi)e them more $inan(ial su%%ort #hile raising their )oi(es o)er the )oi(e o$ the 'ro%het. When `9mar as&ed %ermission to enter all o$ them hurried to s(reen themsel)es the 'ro%het admitted `9mar and he entered #hile the 'ro%het #as smiling. `9mar said !Aay Allah al#ays &ee% you smiling 2 Allah's A%ostle3 >et my $ather and mother be sa(ri$i(ed $or you 3! "he 'ro%het said !I am astonished at these #omen #ho #ere #ith me. As soon as they heard your )oi(e they hastened to s(reen themsel)es.! `9mar said !4ou ha)e more right that they should be a$raid o$ you 2 Allah's A%ostle3! And then he ,`9mar- turned to#ards them and said !2 enemies o$ your souls3 4ou are a$raid o$ me and not o$ Allah's A%ostle*! "he #omen re%lied !4es $or you are sterner and harsher than Allah's A%ostle.! Allah's A%ostle said !2 Ibn Al-Ghattab3 :y +im in Whose +ands my li$e is #hene)er Satan sees you ta&ing a #ay he $ollo#s a #ay other than yours3! 8.1ED: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: When Allah A%ostle #as in "a'i$ ,trying to (on;uer it- he said to his (om%anions !"omorro# #e #ill return ,to Aedina- i$ Allah #ills.! Some o$ the (om%anions o$ Allah's A%ostle said !We #ill not lea)e till #e (on;uer it.! "he 'ro%het said !"here$ore be ready to $ight tomorro#.! 2n the $ollo#ing day they ,Auslims- $ought $ier(ely ,#ith the %eo%le o$ "a'i$- and su$$ered many #ounds. "hen Allah's A%ostle said !"omorro# #e #ill return ,to Aedina- i$ Allah #ills.! +is (om%anions &e%t ;uiet this time. Allah's A%ostle then smiled. 8.11E: Narrated Abu +uraira: A man (ame to the 'ro%het and said !I ha)e been ruined $or I ha)e had se.ual relation #ith my #i$e in Hamadan ,#hile I #as $asting-! "he 'ro%het said ,to him- !Aanumit a sla)e.! "he man said ! I (annot a$$ord that.! "he 'ro%het said !,"hen- $ast $or t#o su((essi)e months (ontinuously!. "he man said !I (annot do that.! "he 'ro%het said !,"hen- $eed si.ty %oor %ersons.! "he man said !I ha)e nothing ,to $eed them #ith-.! "hen a big bas&et $ull o$ dates #as brought to the 'ro%het. "he 'ro%het said !Where is the ;uestioner* ?o and gi)e this in (harity.! "he man said !,Shall I gi)e this in (harity- to a %oorer %erson than l* :y Allah there is no $amily in bet#een these t#o mountains ,o$ Aedina- #ho are %oorer than #e.! "he 'ro%het then smiled till his %remolar teeth be(ame )isible and said !"hen ,$eed- your ,$amily #ith it-. 8.111: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: 18

While I #as going along #ith Allah's A%ostle #ho #as #earing a Na=rani :urd ,sheet- #ith a thi(& border a bedouin o)ertoo& the 'ro%het and %ulled his Hida' ,sheet- $or(ibly. I loo&ed at the side o$ the shoulder o$ the 'ro%het and noti(ed that the edge o$ the Hida' had le$t a mar& on it be(ause o$ the )iolen(e o$ his %ull. "he bedouin said !2 Auhammad3 2rder $or me some o$ Allah's %ro%erty #hi(h you ha)e.! "he 'ro%het turned to#ards him ,smiled- and ordered that he be gi)en something. 8.111: Narrated /arir: "he 'ro%het did not s(reen himsel$ $rom me ,had ne)er %re)ented me $rom entering u%on him- sin(e I embra(ed Islam and #hene)er he sa# me he #ould re(ei)e me #ith a smile. 2n(e I told him that I (ould not sit $irm on horses. +e stro&ed me on the (hest #ith his hand and said !2 Allah3 Aa&e him $irm and ma&e him a guiding and a rightly guided man. 8.115: Narrated Fainab bint 9m Salama: 9m Sulaim said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Verily Allah is not shy o$ ,telling you- the truth. Is it essential $or a #oman to ta&e a bath a$ter she had a #et dream ,no(turnal se.ual dis(harge-*! +e said !4es i$ she noti(es dis(harge. 2n that 9m Salama laughed and said !6oes a #oman get a ,no(turnal se.ualdis(harge*! +e said !+o# then does ,her- son resemble her ,his mother-*! 8.117: Narrated `Aisha: I ne)er sa# the 'ro%het laughing to an e.tent that one (ould see his %alate but he al#ays used to smile only. 8.118: Narrated Anas: A man (ame to the 'ro%het on a <riday #hile he ,the 'ro%het- #as deli)ering a sermon at Aedina and said !"here is la(& o$ rain so %lease in)o&e your >ord to bless us #ith the rain.! "he 'ro%het loo&ed at the s&y #hen no (loud (ould be dete(ted. "hen he in)o&ed Allah $or rain. 0louds started gathering together and it rained till the Aedina )alleys started $lo#ing #ith #ater. It (ontinued raining till the ne.t <riday. "hen that man ,or some other man- stood u% #hile the 'ro%het #as deli)ering the <riday sermon and said !We are dro#nedC 'lease in)o&e your >ord to #ithhold it ,rain- $rom us! "he 'ro%het smiled and said t#i(e or thri(e !2 Allah3 'lease let it rain round about us and not u%on us.! "he (louds started dis%ersing o)er Aedina to the right and to the le$t and it rained round about Aedina and not u%on Aedina. Allah sho#ed them ,the %eo%le- the mira(le o$ +is 'ro%het and +is res%onse to his in)o(ation. 8.11@: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het said !"ruth$ulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to 'aradise. And a man &ee%s on telling the truth until he be(omes a truth$ul %erson. <alsehood leads to Al-<a=ur ,i.e. #i(&edness e)il-doing- and Al-<a=ur ,#i(&edness- leads to the ,+ell- <ire and a man may &ee% on telling lies till he is #ritten be$ore Allah a liar.! 8.11B: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he signs o$ a hy%o(rite are three: Whene)er he s%ea&s he tells a lieC and #hene)er he %romises he brea&s his %romiseC and #hene)er he is entrusted he betrays ,%ro)es to be dishonest-!. 8.118: Narrated Samura bin /undub: "he 'ro%het said !I sa# ,in a dream- t#o men (ame to me.! "hen the 'ro%het narrated the story ,saying- !"hey said '"he %erson the one #hose (hee& you sa# being torn a#ay ,$rom the mouth to the ear- #as a liar and used to tell lies and the %eo%le #ould re%ort those lies on his authority till they s%read all o)er the #orld. So he #ill be %unished li&e that till the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion.!' 8.11D: Narrated +udhai$a: 1@

<rom among the %eo%le Ibn 9m `Abd greatly resembled Allah's A%ostles in solemn gate and good a%%earan(e o$ %iety and in (almness and sobriety $rom the time he goes out o$ his house till he returns to it. :ut #e do not &no# ho# he beha)es #ith his $amily #hen he is alone #ith them. 8.11E: Narrated "ari;: `Abdullah said !"he best tal& is Allah's :oo& ,Iur'an- and the best guidan(e is the guidan(e o$ Auhammad.! 8.111: Narrated Abu Ausa: "he 'ro%het said: None is more %atient than Allah against the harm$ul saying. +e hears $rom the %eo%le they as(ribe (hildren to +im yet +e gi)es them health and ,su%%lies them #ith- %ro)ision.! 8.111: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het di)ided and distributed something as he used to do $or some o$ his distributions. A man $rom the Ansar said !:y Allah in this di)ision the %leasure o$ Allah has not been intended.! I said !I #ill de$initely tell this to the 'ro%het .! So I #ent to him #hile he #as sitting #ith his (om%anions and told him o$ it se(retly. "hat #as hard u%on the 'ro%het and the (olor o$ his $a(e (hanged and he be(ame so angry that I #ished I had not told him. "he 'ro%het then said !Aoses #as harmed #ith more than this yet he remained %atient.! 8.115: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het did something and allo#ed his %eo%le to do it but some %eo%le re$rained $rom doing it. When the 'ro%het learned o$ that he deli)ered a sermon and a$ter ha)ing sent 'raises to Allah he said !What is #rong #ith su(h %eo%le as re$rain $rom doing a thing that I do* :y Allah I &no# Allah better than they and I am more a$raid o$ +im than they.! 8.117: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: "he 'ro%het #as more shy than a )irgin in her se%arate room. And i$ he sa# a thing #hi(h he disli&ed #e #ould re(ognize that ,$eeling- in his $a(e. 8.118.1: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !I$ a man says to his brother 2 Ga$ir ,disbelie)er-3' "hen surely one o$ them is su(h ,i.e. a Gi$ir-. ! 8.118.1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: Allah's A%ostle said 'I$ anyone says to his brother '2 misbelie)er3 "hen surely one o$ them su(h.! 8.11@: Narrated "habit bin Ad-6ahha&: "he 'ro%het said !Whoe)er s#ears by a religion other than Islam ,i.e. i$ he s#ears by saying that he is a non-Auslim in (ase he is telling a lie- then he is as he says i$ his oath is $alse and #hoe)er (ommits sui(ide #ith something #ill be %unished #ith the same thing in the ,+ell- $ire and (ursing a belie)er is li&e murdering him and #hoe)er a((uses a belie)er o$ disbelie$ then it is as i$ he had &illed him.! 8.11B: Narrated /abir bin `Abdullah: Au`adh bin /abal used to %ray #ith the 'ro%het and then go to lead his %eo%le in %rayer. 2n(e he led the %eo%le in %rayer and re(ited Surat-al-:a;ara. A man le$t ,the ro# o$ the %raying %eo%le- and o$$ered ,light- %rayer ,se%arately- and #ent a#ay. When Au`adh (ame to &no# about it he said. !+e ,that man- is a hy%o(rite.! >ater that man heard #hat Au`adh said about him so he (ame to the 'ro%het and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 We are %eo%le #ho #or& #ith our o#n hands and irrigate ,our $arms- #ith our (amels. >ast night Au`adh led us in the ,night- %rayer and he re(ited Sura-al-:a;ara so I o$$ered my %rayer se%arately and be(ause o$ that he a((used me o$ being a hy%o(rite.! "he 1B

'ro%het (alled Au`adh and said thri(e !2 Au`adh3 4ou are %utting the %eo%le to trials* He(ite 'Wash-shamsi #ad-uhaha' ,D1- or'Sabbih isma Habbi &a-l-A'la' ,8B- or the li&e.! 8.118: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said: !Whoe)er amongst you s#ears ,saying by error- in his oath ':y Al->at and Al9zza' then he should say 'None has the right to be #orshi%%ed but Allah.' And #hoe)er says to his (om%anions '0ome let me gamble' #ith you then he must gi)e something in (harity ,as an e.%iation $or su(h a sin-.! ,See +adith No. @788.11D: Narrated Ibn `9mar: that he $ound `9mar bin Al-Ghattab in a grou% o$ %eo%le and he #as s#earing by his $ather. So Allah's A%ostle (alled them saying !Verily3 Allah $orbids you to s#ear by your $athers. I$ one has to ta&e an oath he should s#ear by Allah or other#ise &ee% ;uiet.! 8.15E: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het entered u%on me #hile there #as a (urtain ha)ing %i(tures ,o$ animals- in the house. +is $a(e got red #ith anger and then he got hold o$ the (urtain and tore it into %ie(es. "he 'ro%het said !Su(h %eo%le as %aint these %i(tures #ill re(ei)e the se)erest %unishment on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion .! 8.151: Narrated Abu Aas`ud: A man (ame to the 'ro%het and said !I &ee% a#ay $rom the morning %rayer only be(ause su(h and su(h %erson %rolongs the %rayer #hen he leads us in it. "he narrator added: I had ne)er seen Allah's A%ostle more $urious in gi)ing ad)i(e than he #as on that day. +e said !2 %eo%le3 "here are some among you #ho ma&e others disli&e good deeds- (ause the others to ha)e a)ersion ,to (ongregational %rayers-. :e#are3 Whoe)er among you leads the %eo%le in %rayer should not %rolong it be(ause among them there are the si(& the old and the needy.! ,See +adith No. @BE Vol 18.151: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: While the 'ro%het #as %raying he sa# s%utum ,on the #all- o$ the mos;ue in the dire(tion o$ the Iibla and so he s(ra%ed it o$$ #ith his hand and the sign o$ disgust ,#as a%%arent $rom his $a(e- and then said !Whene)er anyone o$ you is in %rayer he should not s%it in $ront o$ him ,in %rayer- be(ause Allah is in $ront o$ him.! 8.155: Narrated Faid bin Ghalid Al-/uhani: A man as&ed Allah's A%ostle about !Al->u;ata! ,a lost $allen %urse or a thing %i(&ed u% by somebody-. "he 'ro%het said !4ou should announ(e it %ubli(ly $or one year and then remember and re(ognize the tying material o$ its (ontainer and then you (an s%end it. I$ its o#ner (ame to you then you should %ay him its e;ui)alent.! "he man said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 What about a lost shee%*! "he 'ro%het said !"a&e it be(ause it is $or you $or your brother or $or the #ol$.! "he man again said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 What about a lost (amel*! Allah's A%ostle be(ame )ery angry and $urious and his (hee&s be(ame red ,or his $a(e be(ame red- and he said !4ou ha)e nothing to do #ith it ,the (amel$or it has its $ood and its #ater (ontainer #ith it till it meets its o#ner.! 8.157: Narrated Faid bin "habit: Allah's A%ostle made a small room ,#ith a %alm lea$ mat-. Allah's A%ostle (ame out ,o$ his houseand %rayed in it. Some men (ame and =oined him in his %rayer. "hen again the ne.t night they (ame $or the %rayer but Allah's A%ostle delayed and did not (ome out to them. So they raised their )oi(es and &no(&ed the door #ith small stones ,to dra# his attention-. +e (ame out to them in a state o$ anger saying !4ou are still insisting ,on your deed i.e. "ara#ih %rayer in the mos;ue- that I thought that this %rayer ,"ara#ih- might be(ome obligatory on you. So you %eo%le o$$er this %rayer at your


homes $or the best %rayer o$ a %erson is the one #hi(h he o$$ers at home e.(e%t the (om%ulsory ,(ongregational- %rayer.! 8.158: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he strong is not the one #ho o)er(omes the %eo%le by his strength but the strong is the one #ho (ontrols himsel$ #hile in anger.! 8.15@: Narrated Sulaiman bin Sarad: "#o men abused ea(h other in $ront o$ the 'ro%het #hile #e #ere sitting #ith him. 2ne o$ the t#o abused his (om%anion $uriously and his $a(e be(ame red. "he 'ro%het said !I &no# a #ord ,senten(ethe saying o$ #hi(h #ill (ause him to rela. i$ this man says it. 2nly i$ he said !I see& re$uge #ith Allah $rom Satan the out(ast.' ! So they said to that ,$urious- man '6on't you hear #hat the 'ro%het is saying*! +e said !I am not mad.! 8.15B: Narrated Abu +uraira: A man said to the 'ro%het !Ad)ise me3 !"he 'ro%het said !6o not be(ome angry and $urious.! "he man as&ed ,the same- again and again and the 'ro%het said in ea(h (ase !6o not be(ome angry and $urious.! 8.158: Narrated Abu As-Sa#ar Al-Ada#i: `Imran bin +usain said: "he 'ro%het said !+aya' ,%ious shyness $rom (ommitting religeous indis(retions- does not bring anything e.(e%t good.! "hereu%on :ashir bin Ga`b said 'It is #ritten in the #isdom %a%er: +aya' leads to solemnityC +aya' leads to tran;uility ,%ea(e o$ mind-.! `Imran said to him !I am narrating to you the saying o$ Allah's A%ostle and you are s%ea&ing about your %a%er ,#isdom boo&-*! 8.15D: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: "he 'ro%het %assed by a man #ho #as admonishing his brother regarding +aya' ,%ious shyness $rom (ommitting religeous indis(retions- and #as saying !4ou are )ery shy and I am a$raid that might harm you.! 2n that Allah's A%ostle said !>ea)e him $or +aya' is ,a %art- o$ <aith.! 8.17E: Narrated Abu Sa`id: "he 'ro%het #as more shy ,$rom +aya': %ious shyness $rom (ommitting religeous indis(retions- than a )eiled )irgin girl. ,See +adith No. B@1 Vol. 78.171: Narrated Abu Aas`ud: "he 'ro%het said '2ne o$ the sayings o$ the early 'ro%hets #hi(h the %eo%le ha)e got is: I$ you don't $eel ashamed ,$rom +aya': %ious shyness $rom (ommitting religeous indis(retions- do #hate)er you li&e.! ,See +adith No @DE @D1 Vol 78.171: Narrated 9m Salama: 9m Sulaim (ame to Allah's A%ostle and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Verily Allah does not $eel shy to tell the truth. I$ a #oman gets a no(turnal se.ual dis(harge ,has a #et dream- is it essential $or her to ta&e a bath* +e re%lied !4es i$ she noti(es a dis(harge.! 8.175: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het said !"he o$ a belie)er is li&e a green tree the lea)es o$ #hi(h do not $all.! "he %eo%le said. !It is su(h-and-su(h tree: It is su(h-and-su(h tree.! I intended to say that it #as the date%alm tree but I #as a young boy and $elt shy ,to ans#er-. "he 'ro%het said !It is the date-%alm tree.! Ibn `9mar added ! I told that to `9mar #ho said '+ad you said it I #ould ha)e %re$erred it to su(h-and su(h a thing.! 8.177: 1D

Narrated "habit: that he heard Anas saying !A #oman (ame to the 'ro%het o$$ering hersel$ to him in marriage saying !+a)e you got any interest in me ,i.e. #ould you li&e to marry me*-! Anas's daughter said !+o# shameless that #oman #as3! 2n that Anas said !She is better than you $or she %resented hersel$ to Allah's A%ostle ,$or marriage-. 8.178: Narrated Abu Ausa: that #hen Allah's A%ostle sent him and Au`adh bin /abal to 4emen he said to them !<a(ilitate things $or the %eo%le ,treat the %eo%le in the most agreeable #ay- and do not ma&e things di$$i(ult $or them and gi)e them glad tidings and let them not ha)e a)ersion ,i.e. to ma&e the %eo%le hate good deedsand you should both #or& in (oo%eration and mutual understanding obey ea(h other.! Abu Ausa said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 We are in a land in #hi(h a drin& named Al :it' is %re%ared $rom honey and another drin& named Al-Aizr is %re%ared $rom barley.! 2n that Allah's A%ostle said !All into.i(ants ,i.e. all al(oholi( drin&s- are %rohibited.! 8.17@: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het said !Aa&e things easy $or the %eo%le and do not ma&e it di$$i(ult $or them and ma&e them (alm ,#ith glad tidings- and do not re%ulse ,them -. 8.17B: Narrated `Aisha: Whene)er Allah's A%ostle #as gi)en the (hoi(e o$ one o$ t#o matters he #ould (hoose the easier o$ the t#o as long as it #as not sin$ul to do so but i$ it #as sin$ul he #ould not a%%roa(h it. Allah's A%ostle ne)er too& re)enge o)er anybody $or his o#n sa&e but ,he did- only #hen Allah's legal bindings #ere outraged in #hi(h (ase he #ould ta&e re)enge $or Allah's sa&e.! ,See +adith No. B@E. Vol. 78.178: Narrated Al-Azra; bin Iais: We #ere in the (ity o$ Al-Ah#az on the ban& o$ a ri)er #hi(h had dried u%. "hen Abu :arza AlAslami (ame riding a horse and he started %raying and let his horse loose. "he horse ran a#ay so Abu :arza interru%ted his %rayer and #ent a$ter the horse till he (aught it and brought it and then he o$$ered his %rayer. "here #as a man amongst us #ho #as ,$rom the Gha#ari- ha)ing a di$$erent o%inion. +e (ame saying. !>oo& at this old man3 +e le$t his %rayer be(ause o$ a horse.! 2n that Abu :arza (ame to us and said !Sin(e the time I le$t Allah's A%ostle nobody has admonished meC Ay house is )ery $ar $rom this %la(e and i$ I had (arried on %raying and le$t my horse I (ould not ha)e rea(hed my house till night.! "hen Abu :arza mentioned that he had been in the (om%any o$ the 'ro%het and that he had seen his lenien(y. 8.17D: Narrated Abu +uraira: A bedouin urinated in the mos;ue and the %eo%le rushed to beat him. Allah's A%ostle ordered them to lea)e him and %our a bu(&et or a tumbler ,$ull- o$ #ater o)er the %la(e #here he has %assed urine. "he 'ro%het then said ! 4ou ha)e been sent to ma&e things easy ,$or the %eo%le- and you ha)e not been sent to ma&e things di$$i(ult $or them.! 8.18E: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het used to mi. #ith us to the e.tent that he #ould say to a younger brother o$ mine '2 $ather o$ `9mar3 What did the Nughair ,a &ind o$ bird- do*! 8.181: Narrated `Aisha: I used to %lay #ith the dolls in the %resen(e o$ the 'ro%het and my girl $riends also used to %lay #ith me. When Allah's A%ostle used to enter ,my d#elling %la(e- they used to hide themsel)es but the 'ro%het #ould (all them to =oin and %lay #ith me. ,"he %laying #ith the dolls and similar images is


$orbidden but it #as allo#ed $or `Aisha at that time as she #as a little girl not yet rea(hed the age o$ %uberty.- ,<ath-ul-:ari %age 175 Vol.158.181: Narrated Aisha: A man as&ed %ermission to see the 'ro%het. +e said !>et +im (ome inC What an e)il man o$ the tribe he is3 ,2r What an e)il brother o$ the tribe he is-. :ut #hen he entered the 'ro%het s%o&e to him gently in a %olite manner. I said to him !2 Allah's A%ostle3 4ou ha)e said #hat you ha)e said then you s%o&e to him in a )ery gentle and %olite manner* "he 'ro%het said !"he #orse %eo%le in the sight o$ Allah are those #hom the %eo%le lea)e ,undisturbed- to sa)e themsel)es $rom their dirty language.! 8.185: Narrated `Abdullah bin Abu Aulai&a: "he 'ro%het #as gi)en a gi$t o$ a $e# sil&en (loa&s #ith gold buttons. +e distributed them amongst some o$ his (om%anions and %ut aside one o$ them $or Aa&hrama. When Aa&hrama (ame the 'ro%het said !I &e%t this $or you.! ,Aiyub the sub-narrator held his garment to sho# ho# the 'ro%het sho#ed the (loa& to Aa&hrama #ho had something un$a)orable about his tem%er.8.187: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !A belie)er is not stung t#i(e ,by something- out o$ one and the same hole.! 8.188: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: Allah's A%ostle entered u%on me and said !+a)e I not been in$ormed that you o$$er %rayer all the night and $ast the #hole day*! I said !4es.! +e said !6o not do soC 2$$er %rayer at night and also slee%C <ast $or a $e# days and gi)e u% $asting $or a $e# days be(ause your body has a right on you and your eye has a right on you and your guest has a right on you and your #i$e has a right on you. I ho%e that you #ill ha)e a long li$e and it is su$$i(ient $or you to $ast $or three days a month as the re#ard o$ a good deed is multi%lied ten times that means as i$ you $asted the #hole year.! I insisted ,on $asting more- so I #as gi)en a hard instru(tion. I said !I (an do more than that ,$asting-! "he 'ro%het said !<ast three days e)ery #ee&.! :ut as I insisted ,on $asting more- so I #as burdened. I said !I (an $ast more than that.! "he 'ro%het said !<ast as Allah's %ro%het 6a)id used to $ast.! I said !+o# #as the $asting o$ the %ro%het 6a)id*! "he 'ro%het said !2ne hal$ o$ a year ,i.e. he used to $ast on alternate days-. ' 8.18@: Narrated Abu Shuraih Al-Ga`bi: Allah's A%ostle said Whoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should ser)e his guest generously. "he guest's re#ard is: "o %ro)ide him #ith a su%erior ty%e o$ $ood $or a night and a day and a guest is to be entertained #ith $ood $or three days and #hate)er is o$$ered beyond that is regarded as something gi)en in (harity. And it is not la#$ul $or a guest to stay #ith his host $or su(h a long %eriod so as to %ut him in a (riti(al %osition.! 8.18B: Narrated Aali&: Similarly as abo)e ,18@- adding !Who belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should tal& #hat is good or &ee% ;uiet.! ,i.e. abstain $rom dirty and e)il tal& and should thin& be$ore uttering-. 8.188: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Whoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should not hurt his neighbor and #hoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should ser)e his guest generously and #hoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should tal& #hat is good or &ee% ;uiet.! 8.18D: Narrated `9;ba bin 'Amir: We said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 4ou send us out and it ha%%ens that #e ha)e to stay #ith su(h %eo%le as do not entertain us. What do you thin& about it*! Allah's A%ostle said to us !I$ you stay #ith some 11

%eo%le and they entertain you as they should $or a guest a((e%t isC but i$ they do not do then you should ta&e $rom them the right o$ the guest #hi(h they ought to gi)e.! 8.1@E: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Whoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should ser)e his guest generouslyC and #hoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should unite the bond o$ &inshi% ,i.e. &ee% good relation #ith his Gith and &in-C and #hoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should tal& #hat is good or &ee% ;uit. ! 8.1@1: Narrated Abu /uhai$a: "he 'ro%het established a bond o$ brotherhood bet#een Salman and Abu 6arda'. Salman %aid a )isit to Abu ad-6arda and $ound 9m Ad-6arda' dressed in shabby (lothes and as&ed her #hy she #as in that state.*! She re%lied !4our brother Abu Ad-6arda is not interested in the lu.uries o$ this #orld.! In the meantime Abu Ad-6arda (ame and %re%ared a meal $or him ,Salman- and said to him !,'lease- eat $or I am $asting.! Salman said !I am not going to eat unless you eat.! So Abu Ad-6arda' ate. When it #as night Abu Ad-6arda' got u% ,$or the night %rayer-. Salman said ,to him- !Slee% ! and he sle%t. Again Abu- Ad-6arda' got u% ,$or the %rayer- and Salman said ,to him- !Slee%.! When it #as the last %art o$ the night Salman said to him !?et u% no# ,$or the %rayer-.! So both o$ them o$$ered their %rayers and Salman said to Abu Ad-6arda' !4our >ord has a right on youC and your soul has a right on youC and your $amily has a right on youC so you should gi)e the rights o$ all those #ho ha)e a right on you-. >ater on Abu Ad-6arda' )isited the 'ro%het and mentioned that to him. "he 'ro%het said !Salman has s%o&en the truth.! 8.1@1: Narrated `Abdur-Hahman bin Abu :a&r: Abu :a&r in)ited a grou% o$ %eo%le and told me !>oo& a$ter your guests.! Abu :a&r added I am going to )isit the 'ro%het and you should $inish ser)ing them be$ore I return.! `Abdur-Hahman said So I #ent at on(e and ser)ed them #ith #hat #as a)ailable at that time in the house and re;uested them to eat.! "hey said !Where is the o#ner o$ the house ,i.e. Abu :a&r-*! `Abdur-Hahman said !"a&e your meal.! "hey said !We #ill not eat till the o#ner o$ the house (omes.! `Abdur-Hahman said !A((e%t your meal $rom us $or i$ my $ather (omes and $inds you not ha)ing ta&en your meal yet #e #ill be blamed se)erely by him but they re$used to ta&e their meals . So I #as sure that my $ather #ould be angry #ith me. When he (ame I #ent a#ay ,to hide mysel$- $rom him. +e as&ed !What ha)e you done ,about the guests-*! "hey in$ormed him the #hole story. Abu :a&r (alled !2 `Abdur Hahman3! I &e%t ;uiet. +e then (alled again. !2 `Abdur-Hahman3! I &e%t ;uiet and he (alled again !2 ignorant ,boy-3 I besee(h you by Allah i$ you hear my )oi(e then (ome out3! I (ame out and said !'lease as& your guests ,and do not be angry #ith me-.! "hey said !+e has told the truthC he brought the meal to us.! +e said !As you ha)e been #aiting $or me by Allah I #ill not eat o$ it tonight.! "hey said !:y Allah #e #ill not eat o$ it till you eat o$ it.! +e said I ha)e ne)er seen a night li&e this night in e)il. What is #rong #ith you* Why don't you a((e%t your meals o$ hos%itality $rom us*! ,+e said to me- !:ring your meal.! I brought it to him and he %ut his hand in it saying !In the name o$ Allah. "he $irst ,state o$ $ury- #as be(ause o$ Satan.! So Abu :a&r ate and so did his guests. 8.1@5: Narrated `Abdur-Hahman bin Abu :a&r: Abu :a&r (ame #ith a guest or some guests but he stayed late at night #ith the 'ro%het and #hen he (ame my mother said ,to him- !+a)e you been detained $rom your guest or guests tonight*! +e said !+a)en't you ser)ed the su%%er to them*! She re%lied !We %resented the meal to him ,or to them- but he ,or they- re$used to eat.! Abu :a&r be(ame angry rebu&ed me and in)o&ed Allah to (ause ,myears to be (ut and s#ore not to eat o$ it3! I hid mysel$ and he (alled me !2 ignorant ,boy-3! Abu :a&r's #i$e s#ore that she #ould not eat o$ it and so the guests or the guest s#ore that they #ould not eat o$ it till he ate o$ it. Abu :a&r said !All that ha%%ened #as $rom Satan.! So he as&ed $or the meals and ate o$ it and so did they. Whene)er they too& a hand$ul o$ the meal the meal gre# ,in(reased$rom underneath more than that mouth$ul. +e said ,to his #i$e- !2 sister o$ :ani <iras3 What is 11

this*! She said !2 %leasure o$ my eyes3 "he meal is no# more than it had been be$ore #e started eating'' So they ate o$ it and sent the rest o$ that meal to the 'ro%het. It is said that the 'ro%het also ate o$ it. 8.1@7: Narrated Ha$i` bin Ghadi= and Sahl bin Abu +athma: `Abdullah bin Sahl and Auhaiyisa bin Aas`ud #ent to Ghaibar and they dis%ersed in the gardens o$ the date-%alm trees. `Abdullah bin Sahl #as murdered. "hen `Abdur-Hahman bin Sahl +u#aiyisa and Auhaiyisa the t#o sons o$ Aas`ud (ame to the 'ro%het and s%o&e about the (ase o$ their ,murdered$riend. `Abdur-Hahman #ho #as the youngest o$ them all started tal&ing. "he 'ro%het said !>et the older ,among you- s%ea& $irst.! So they s%o&e about the (ase o$ their ,murdered- $riend. "he 'ro%het said !Will $i$ty o$ you ta&e an oath #hereby you #ill ha)e the right to re(ei)e the blood money o$ your murdered man ! ,or said !..your (om%anion!-. "hey said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 "he murder #as a thing #e did not #itness.! "he 'ro%het said !"hen the /e#s #ill release you $rom the oath i$ $i$ty o$ them ,the /e#s- should ta&e an oath to (ontradi(t your (laim.! "hey said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 "hey are disbelie)ers ,and they #ill ta&e a $alse oath-.! "hen Allah's A%ostle himsel$ %aid the blood money to them. 8.1@8: Narrated Ibn `9mar: Allah's A%ostle said !In$orm me o$ a tree #hi(h resembles a Auslim gi)ing its $ruits at e)ery season by the %ermission o$ its >ord and the lea)es o$ #hi(h do not $all.! I thought o$ the date-%alm tree but I disli&ed to s%ea& be(ause Abu :a&r and `9mar #ere %resent there. When nobody s%o&e the 'ro%het said !It is the date-%alm tree! When I (ame out #ith my $ather I said !2 $ather3 It (ame to my mind that it #as the date-%alm tree.! +e said !What %re)ented you $rom saying it*! +ad you said it it #ould ha)e been more dearer to me than su(h-and-su(h a thing ,$ortune-.! I said !Nothing %re)ented me but the $a(t that neither you nor Abu :a&r s%o&e so I disli&ed to s%ea& ,in your %resen(e-. 8.1@@: Narrated 9bai bin Ga`b: Allah's A%ostle said !Some %oetry (ontains #isdom.! 8.1@B: Narrated /undub: While the 'ro%het #as #al&ing a stone hit his $oot and stumbled and his toe #as in=ured. +e then ,;uoting a %oeti( )erse- said !4ou are not more than a toe #hi(h has been bathed in blood in Allah's 0ause.! 8.1@8: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he most true #ords said by a %oet #ere the #ords o$ >abid. +e said i.e. 'Verily e)erything e.(e%t Allah is %erishable and 9maiya bin Abi As-Salt #as about to embra(e Islam . 8.1@D: Narrated Salama bin Al-A;#a: We #ent out #ith Allah's A%ostle to Ghaibar and #e tra)elled during the night. A man amongst the %eo%le said to 'Amir bin Al-A;#a' !Won't you let us hear your %oetry*! 'Amir #as a %oet and so he got do#n and started ,(hanting +uda- re(iting $or the %eo%le %oetry that &ee% %a(e #ith the (amel's $oot ste%s saying !2 Allah3 Without 4ou #e #ould not ha)e been guided on the right %ath neither #ould #e ha)e gi)en in (harity nor #ould #e ha)e %rayed. So %lease $orgi)e us #hat #e ha)e (ommitted. >et all o$ us be sa(ri$i(ed $or 4our (ause and #hen #e meet our enemy ma&e our $eet $irm and besto# %ea(e and (almness on us and i$ they ,our enemy- #ill (all us to#ards an un=ust thing #e #ill re$use. "he in$idels ha)e made a hue and (ry to as& others hel% against us. Allah's A%ostle said !Who is that dri)er ,o$ the (amels-*! "hey said !+e is 'Amir bin Al-A;#a.!' +e said !Aay Allah besto# +is mer(y on him.! A man among the %eo%le said +as Aartyrdom been granted to him 2 Allah's 'ro%het3 Would that you let us en=oy his (om%any longer.! We rea(hed ,the %eo%le o$- Ghaibar and besieged them till #e #ere stri(&en #ith se)ere hunger but Allah hel%ed the Auslims (on;uer 15

Ghaibar. In the e)ening o$ its (on;uest the %eo%le made many $ires. Allah's A%ostle as&ed !What are those $ires* <or #hat are you ma&ing $ires*! "hey said !<or (oo&ing meat.! +e as&ed !What &ind o$ meat*! "hey said !6on&eys' meat.! Allah's A%ostle said !"hro# a#ay the meat and brea& the (oo&ing %ots.! A man said 2 Allah's A%ostle3 Shall #e thro# a#ay the meat and #ash the (oo&ing %ots*! +e said !4ou (an do that too.! When the army $iles aligned in ro#s ,$or the battle- 'Amir's s#ord #as a short one and #hile atta(&ing a /e# #ith it in order to hit him the shar% edge o$ the s#ord turned ba(& and hit 'Amir's &nee and (aused him to die. When the Auslims returned ,$rom the battle- Salama said Allah's A%ostle sa# me %ale and said 'What is #rong #ith you*!' I said !>et my %arents be sa(ri$i(ed $or you3 "he %eo%le (laim that all the deeds o$ Amir ha)e been annulled.! "he 'ro%het as&ed !Who said so*! I re%lied !So-and-so and soand-so and 9said bin Al-+udair Al-Ansari said 'Whoe)er says so is telling a lie. Verily 'Amir #ill ha)e double re#ard.!' ,While s%ea&ing- the 'ro%het %ut t#o o$ his $ingers together to indi(ate that and added !+e #as really a hard-#or&ing man and a Au=ahid ,de)out $ighter in Allah's 0ause- and rarely ha)e there li)ed in it ,i.e. Aedina or the battle-$ield- an !Arab li&e him.! 8.1BE: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het (ame to some o$ his #i)es among #hom there #as 9m Sulaim and said !Aay Allah be mer(i$ul to you 2 An=asha3 6ri)e the (amels slo#ly as they are (arrying glass )essels3! Abu Ialaba said !"he 'ro%het said a senten(e ,i.e. the abo)e meta%hor- #hi(h had anyone o$ you said it you #ould ha)e admonished him $or it!. 8.1B1: Narrated `Aisha: +assan bin "habit as&ed the %ermission o$ Allah's A%ostle to lam%oon the %agans ,in )erse-. Allah's A%ostle said !What about my $ore-$athers ,an(estry-*' +assan said ,to the 'ro%het- !I #ill ta&e you out o$ them as a hair is ta&en out o$ dough.! Narrated +isham bin `9r#a that his $ather said !I (alled +assan #ith bad names in $ront o$ `Aisha.! She said !6on't (all him #ith bad names be(ause he used to de$end Allah's A%ostle ,against the %agans-. 8.1B1: Narrated Al-+aitham bin Abu Sinan: that he heard Abu +uraira in his narration mentioning that the 'ro%het said !A Auslim brother o$ yours #ho does not say dirty #ords.! and by that he meant Ibn Ha#aha !said ,in )erse-: 'We ha)e Allah's A%ostle #ith us #ho re(ites the +oly Iur'an in the early morning time. +e ga)e us guidan(e and light #hile #e #ere blind and astray so our hearts are sure that #hate)er he says #ill (ertainly ha%%en. +e does not tou(h his bed at night being busy in #orshi%%ing Allah #hile the %agans are sound aslee% in their beds.' ! 8.1B5: Narrated Abu Salama bin `Abdur-Hahman bin `Au$: that he heard +assan bin "habit Al-Ansari as&ing the #itness o$ Abu +uraira saying !2 Abu+uraira3 I besee(h you by Allah ,to tell me-. 6id you hear Allah's A%ostle saying' '2 +assan 3 He%ly on behal$ o$ Allah's A%ostle. 2 Allah 3 Su%%ort him ,+assan- #ith the +oly S%irit ,?abriel-.'*! Abu +uraira said !4es.! 8.1B7: Narrated Al-:ara: "he 'ro%het said to +assan !>am%oon them ,the %agans- in )erse and ?abriel is #ith you.! 8.1B8: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het said !It is better $or a man to $ill the inside o$ his body #ith %us than to $ill it #ith %oetry.! 8.1B@: Narrated Abu +uraira:


Allah's A%ostleC said !It is better $or anyone o$ you that the inside o$ his body be $illed #ith %us #hi(h may (onsume his body than it be $illed #ith %oetry.! 8.1BB: Narrated `Aisha: Allah the brother o$ Abu Al-Iu'ais as&ed my %ermission to enter a$ter the )erses o$ Al-+i=ab ,)eiling the ladies- #as re)ealed and I said !:y Allah I #ill not admit him unless I ta&e %ermission o$ Allah's A%ostle $or it #as not the brother o$ Al-Iu'ais #ho had su(&led me but it #as the #i$e o$ Al-Iu'ais #ho had su(&led me.! "hen Allah's A%ostle entered u%on me and I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 "he man has not nursed me but his #i$e has nursed me.! +e said !Admit him be(ause he is your un(le ,not $rom blood relation but be(ause you ha)e been nursed by his #i$e- "aribat 4aminu&i.! `9r#a said !:e(ause o$ this reason ' Aisha used to say: <oster su(&ling relations render all those things ,marriages et(.- illegal #hi(h are illegal be(ause o$ the (orres%onding blood relations.! ,See +adith No. 5@ Vol. B8.1B8: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het intended to return home a$ter the %er$orman(e o$ the +a== and he sa# Sa$iya standing at the entran(e o$ her tent de%ressed and sad be(ause she got her menses. "he 'ro%het said !A;ra +al;a3 --An e.%ression used in the Iuraish diale(t--!4ou #ill detain us.! "he 'ro%het then as&ed ,her- !6id you %er$orm the "a#a$ Al-I$ada on the 6ay o$ Sa(ri$i(e ,1Eth o$ 6hul-+i==a-*! She said !4es.! "he 'ro%het said !"hen you (an lea)e ,#ith us-. 8.1BD: Narrated 9m +ani: ,the daughter o$ Abu "alib- I )isited Allah's A%ostle in the year o$ the 0on;uest o$ Ae((a and $ound him ta&ing a bath and his daughter <atima #as s(reening him. When I greeted him he said !Who is it*! I re%lied !I am 9m +ani the daughter o$ Abu "alib.! +e said !Wel(ome 2 9m +ani 3 ! When the 'ro%het had $inished his bath he stood u% and o$$ered eight ra&`at o$ %rayer #hile he #as #ra%%ed in a single garment. When he had $inished his %rayer I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Ay maternal brother assumes ,or (laims- that he #ill murder some man #hom I ha)e gi)en shelter i.e. so-and-so bin +ubaira.! Allah's A%ostle said !2 9m +ani3 We shelter him #hom you ha)e sheltered.! 9m +ani added !"hat ha%%ened in the $orenoon.! 8.18E: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het sa# a man dri)ing a :adana ,a (amel $or sa(ri$i(e- and said ,to him-. !Hide it.! "he man said !It is a :andana.! "he 'ro%het said !Hide on it.! "he man said !It is a :andana.! "he 'ro%het said Hide on it #oe to you3! 8.181: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle sa# a man dri)ing a :adana ,a (amel $or sa(ri$i(e- and said to him !Hide on it.! "he man said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 It is a :andana.! "he 'ro%het said !Hide on it #oe to you3! on the se(ond or third time. 8.181: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's A%ostle #as on a =ourney and he had a bla(& sla)e (alled An=asha and he #as dri)ing the (amels ,)ery $ast and there #ere #omen riding on those (amels-. Allah's A%ostle said !Waiha&a ,Aay Allah be mer(i$ul to you- 2 An=asha3 6ri)e slo#ly ,the (amels- #ith the glass )essels ,#omen-3! 8.185: Narrated Abu :a&ra: A man %raised another man in $ront o$ the 'ro%het. "he 'ro%het said thri(e !Waila&a ,Woe on you- 3 4ou ha)e (ut the ne(& o$ your brother3! "he 'ro%het added !I$ it is indis%ensable $or anyone o$ you to %raise a %erson then he should say !I thin& that su(h-and-su(h %erson ,is so-and-so- and Allah is


the one #ho #ill ta&e his a((ounts ,as he &no#s his reality- and none (an san(ti$y anybody be$ore Allah ,and that only i$ he &no#s #ell about that %erson.-!. 8.187: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: While the 'ro%het #as distributing ,#ar booty et(.- one day 6hul Gha#aisira a man $rom the tribe o$ :ani "amim said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 A(t =ustly.! "he 'ro%hets said !Woe to you3 Who else #ould a(t =ustly i$ I did not a(t =ustly*! `9mar said ,to the 'ro%het - !Allo# me to (ho% his ne(& o$$.! "he 'ro%het said !No $or he has (om%anions ,#ho are a%%arently so %ious that- i$ anyone o$ ,you (om%ares his %rayer #ith- their %rayer he #ill (onsider his %rayer in$erior to theirs and similarly his $asting in$erior to theirs but they #ill desert Islam ,go out o$ religion- as an arro# goes through the )i(tim's body ,games et(.- in #hi(h (ase i$ its Nasl is e.amined nothing #ill be seen thereon and i$ its Nady is e.amined nothing #ill be seen thereon and i$ its Iudhadh is e.amined nothing #ill be seen thereon $or the arro# has gone out too $ast e)en $or the e.(retions and blood to smear o)er it. Su(h %eo%le #ill (ome out at the time o$ di$$eren(e among the ,Auslim- %eo%le and the sign by #hi(h they #ill be re(ognized #ill be a man #hose one o$ the t#o hands #ill loo& li&e the breast o$ a #oman or a lum% o$ $lesh mo)ing loosely.! Abu Sa`id added !I testi$y that I heard that $rom the 'ro%het and also testi$y that I #as #ith `Ali #hen `Ali $ought against those %eo%le. "he man des(ribed by the 'ro%het #as sear(hed $or among the &illed and #as $ound and he #as e.a(tly as the 'ro%het had des(ribed him.! ,See +adith No. 8EB Vol. 78.188: Narrated Abu +uraira: A man (ame to Allah's A%ostle and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I am ruined3! "he 'ro%het said !Waiha&a ,Aay Allah be mer(i$ul to you- 3! "he man said !I ha)e done se.ual inter(ourse #ith my #i$e #hile $asting in Hamadan.! "he 'ro%het said !Aanumit a sla)e.! "he man said ! I (annot a$$ord that. ! "he 'ro%het saidC !"hen $ast $or t#o su((essi)e months.! "he man said ! I ha)e no %o#er to do so.! "he 'ro%het said !"hen $eed si.ty %oor %ersons.! "he man said !I ha)e nothing ,to $eed si.ty %ersons-. >ater a bas&et $ull o$ dates #ere brought to the 'ro%het and he said ,to the man- !"a&e it and gi)e it in (harity.! "he man said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Shall I gi)e it to %eo%le other than my $amily* :y +im in Whose +and my li$e is there is nobody %oorer than me in the #hole (ity o$ Aedina.! "he 'ro%het smiled till his %remolar teeth be(ame )isible and said !"a&e it.! Az-Fuhri said ,that the 'ro%het said-. !Waila&a.! 8.18@: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: A bedouin said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 In$orm me about the emigration.! "he 'ro%het said !Waiha&a ,Aay Allah be mer(i$ul to you-3 "he ;uestion o$ emigration is a di$$i(ult one. +a)e you got some (amels*! "he bedouin said !4es.! "he 'ro%het said !6o you %ay their Fa&at*! +e said !4es.! "he 'ro%het said !?o on doing li&e this $rom beyond the seas $or Allah #ill not let your deeds go in )ain.! 8.18B: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het said !Waila&um! ,#oe to you- or !#aiha&um! ,Aay Allah be mer(i$ul to you-.! Shu`ba is not sure as to #hi(h #as the right #ord. !6o not be(ome disbelie)ers a$ter me by (utting the ne(&s o$ one another.! 8.188: Narrated Anas: A bedouin (ame to the 'ro%het and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 When #ill "he +our be established*! "he 'ro%het said !Waila&a ,Woe to you- What ha)e you %re%ared $or it*! "he bedouin said !I ha)e not %re%ared anything $or it e.(e%t that I lo)e Allah and + is A%ostle.! "he 'ro%het said !4ou #ill be #ith those #hom you lo)e.! We ,the (om%anions o$ the 'ro%het - said !And #ill #e too be so* "he 'ro%het said !4es.! So #e be(ame )ery glad on that day. In the meantime a sla)e o$ Al-Aughira %assed by and he #as o$ the same age as I #as. "he 'ro%het said. !I$ this ,sla)e- should li)e long he #ill not rea(h the geriatri( old age but the +our #ill be established.! 1@

8.18D: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het said !J)eryone #ill be #ith those #hom he lo)es.! 8.1DE: Narrated `Abdullah bin Aas`ud: A man (ame to Allah's A%ostle and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 What do you say about a man #ho lo)es some %eo%le but (annot (at(h u% #ith their good deeds*! Allah's A%ostle said !J)eryone #ill be #ith those #hom he lo)es.! 8.1D1: Narrated Abu Ausa: It #as said to the 'ro%hetC !A man may lo)e some %eo%le but he (annot (at(h u% #ith their good deeds*! "he 'ro%het said !J)eryone #ill be #ith those #hom he lo)es.! 8.1D1: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: A man as&ed the 'ro%het !When #ill the +our be established 2 Allah's A%ostle*! "he 'ro%het . said !What ha)e you %re%ared $or it*! "he man said ! I ha)en't %re%ared $or it mu(h o$ %rayers or $ast or alms but I lo)e Allah and +is A%ostle.! "he 'ro%het said !4ou #ill be #ith those #hom you lo)e.! 8.1D5: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's A%ostle said to Ibn Saiyad !I ha)e hidden something $or you in my mindC What is it*! +e said !Ad-6u&h.! "he 'ro%het said !I&hsa.! 8.1D7: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: `9mar bin Al-Ghattab set out #ith Allah's A%ostle and a grou% o$ his (om%anions to Ibn Saiyad. "hey $ound him %laying #ith the boys in the $ort or near the +illo(&s o$ :ani Aaghala. Ibn Saiyad #as nearing his %uberty at that time and he did not noti(e the arri)al o$ the 'ro%het till Allah's A%ostle stro&ed him on the ba(& #ith his hand and said !6o you testi$y that I am Allah's A%ostle*! Ibn Saiyad loo&ed at him and said !I testi$y that you are the A%ostle o$ the unlettered ones ,illiterates-!. "hen Ibn Saiyad said to the 'ro%hets . !6o you testi$y that I am Allah's A%ostle*! "he 'ro%het denied that saying !I belie)e in Allah and all +is A%ostles ! and then said to Ibn Saiyad !What do you see*! Ibn Saiyad said !"rue %eo%le and liars )isit me.! "he 'ro%het said !4ou ha)e been (on$used as to this matter.! Allah's A%ostle added !I ha)e &e%t something $or you ,in my mind-.! Ibn Saiyad said !Ad-6u&h.! "he 'ro%het said !I&hsa ,you should be ashamed- $or you (an not (ross your limits.! `9mar said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Allo# me to (ho% o$$ h is ne(&.! Allah's A%ostle said ,to `9mar-. !Should this %erson be him ,i.e. Ad-6a==al- then you (annot o)er-%o#er himC and should he be someone else then it #ill be no use your &illing him.! `Abdullah bin `9mar added: >ater on Allah's A%ostle and 9bai bin Ga`b Al-Ansari ,on(e again- #ent to the garden in #hi(h Ibn Saiyad #as %resent. When Allah's A%ostle entered the garden he started hiding behind the trun&s o$ the date-%alms intending to hear something $rom Ibn Saiyad be$ore the latter (ould see him. Ibn Saiyad #as >ying on his bed (o)ered #ith a )el)et sheet $rom #here his mumur #ere heard. Ibn Saiyad's mother sa# the 'ro%het and said !2 Sa$ ,the ni(&name o$ Ibn Saiyad-3 +ere is Auhammad3! Ibn Saiyad sto%%ed his murmuring. "he 'ro%het said !I$ his mother had &e%t ;uiet then I #ould ha)e learnt more about him.! `Abdullah added: Allah's A%ostle stood u% be$ore the %eo%le ,deli)ering a sermon- and a$ter %raising and glori$ying Allah as +e deser)ed he mentioned the Ad-6a==al saying !I #arn you against him and there has been no %ro%het but #arned his $ollo#ers against him. Noah #arned his $ollo#ers against him but I am telling you about him something #hi(h no %ro%het has told his %eo%le o$ and that is: Gno# that he is blind in one eye #here as Allah is not so.! 8.1D8: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: When the delegation o$ `Abdul Iais (ame to the 'ro%het he said !Wel(ome 2 the delegation #ho ha)e (ome3 Neither you #ill ha)e disgra(e nor you #ill regret.! "hey said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 We 1B

are a grou% $rom the tribe o$ Ar-Habi`a and bet#een you and us there is the tribe o$ Audar and #e (annot (ome to you e.(e%t in the sa(red months. So %lease order us to do something good ,religious deeds- so that #e may enter 'aradise by doing that and also that #e may order our %eo%le #ho are behind us ,#hom #e ha)e le$t behind at home- to $ollo# it.! +e said !<our and $our:! o$$er %rayers %er$e(tly %ay the Fa&at ,obligatory (harity- $ast the month o$ Hamadan and gi)e one-$i$th o$ the #ar booty ,in Allah's (ause- and do not drin& in ,(ontainers (alled- Ad-6uba ' Al-+antam An-Na;ir and Al-Auza$$at.! 8.1D@: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het said !<or e)ery betrayer ,%er$idious %erson- a $lag #ill be raised on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion and it #ill be announ(ed ,%ubli(ly- '"his is the betrayal ,%er$idy- o$ so-and-so the son o$ so-and-so.' ! 8.1DB: Narrated Ibn `9mar: Allah's A%ostle said !A $lag #ill be $i.ed on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion $or e)ery betrayer and it #ill be announ(ed ,%ubli(ly in $ront o$ e)erybody- '"his is the betrayal ,%er$idy- so-and-so the son o$ soand-so.! 8.1D8: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !None o$ you should say Ghabuthat Na$si but he is re(ommended to say '>a;isat Na$si.! 8.1DD: Narrated Sal: "he 'ro%het said !None o$ you should say Ghabuthat Na$si but he is re(ommended to say '>a;isat Na$si ,See +adith No. 1E18.1EE: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !Allah said !"he o$$s%ring o$ Adam abuse the 6ahr ,"ime- and I am the 6ahrC in Ay +ands are the night and the day.! 3 8.1E1: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !6on't (all the gra%es Al-Garm and don't say 'Ghaibat-ad-6ahri $or Allah is the 6ahr. ,See +adith No. 1E1.8.1E1: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"hey say Al-Garm ,the generous- and in $a(t Al-Garm is the heart o$ a belie)er.! 8.1E5: Narrated `Ali: I ne)er heard Allah's A%ostle saying !>et my $ather and mother be sa(ri$i(ed $or you ! e.(e%t $or Sa`d ,bin Abi Wa;;as-. I heard him saying !"hro#3 ,arro#s- >et my $ather and mother be sa(ri$i(ed $or you 3! ,"he sub-narrator added !I thin& that #as in the battle o$ 9hud.!8.1E7: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "hat he and Abu "alha #ere (oming in the (om%any o$ the 'ro%het to#ards Aedina- #hile Sa$iya ,the 'ro%het's #i$e- #as riding behind him on his she-(amel. A$ter they had (o)ered a %ortion o$ the #ay suddenly the $oot o$ the she-(amel sli%%ed and both the 'ro%het and the #oman ,i.e. his #i$e Sa$iya- $ell do#n. Abu "alha =um%ed ;ui(&ly o$$ his (amel and (ame to the 'ro%het ,saying.- !2 Allah's A%ostle3 >et Allah sa(ri$i(e me $or you3 +a)e you re(ei)ed any in=ury*! "he 'ro%het said !No but ta&e (are o$ the #oman ,my #i$e-.! Abu "alha (o)ered his $a(e #ith his garment and #ent to#ards her and thre# his garment o)er her. "hen the #oman got u% and Abu "alha %re%ared their she (amel ,by tightening its saddle et(.- and both o$ them ,the 'ro%het and Sa$iya- mounted it. "hen all o$ 18

them %ro(eeded and #hen they a%%roa(hed near Aedina or sa# Aedina the 'ro%het said !Ayibun ' abidun taibun liHabbina hamidun ,We are (oming ba(& ,to Aedina- #ith re%entan(e #orshi%%ing ,our >ord- and (elebrating +is ,our >ord's- %raises!. "he 'ro%het (ontinued re%eating these #ords till he entered the (ity o$ Aedina. 8.1E8: Narrated /abir: A boy #as born $or a man among us and the man named him Al-Iasim. We said to him !We #ill not (all you Abu-l-Iasim nor #ill #e res%e(t you $or that.! "he 'ro%het #as in$ormed about that and he said !Name your son `Abdur-Hahman.! 8.1E@: Narrated /abi: A man among us begot a boy #hom he named Al-Iasim. "he %eo%le said !We #ill not (all him ,i.e. the $ather- by that Guniya ,Abu-l-Iasim- till #e as& the 'ro%het about it. "he 'ro%het said. !Name yoursel)es by my name but do not (all ,yoursel)es- by my Guniya.! 8.1EB: Narrated Abu +uraira: Abu-l-Iasim ,"he 'ro%het- said !Name yoursel)es by my name but do not (all yoursel)es by my Guniya.! 8.1E8: Narrated /abir bin `Abdullah: A man among us begot a boy #hom he named Al-Iasim. "he %eo%le said ,to him- !We #ill not (all you Abul-l-Iasim nor #ill #e %lease you by (alling you so.! "he man (ame to the 'ro%het and mentioned that to him. "he 'ro%het said to him !Name your son `Abdur-Hahman.! 8.1ED: Narrated Al-Ausaiyab: "hat his $ather ,+azn bin Wahb- #ent to the 'ro%het and the 'ro%het as&ed ,him- !What is your name*! +e re%lied !Ay name is +azn.! "he 'ro%het said !4ou are Sahl.! +azn said !I #ill not (hange the name #ith #hi(h my $ather has named me.! Ibn Al-Ausaiyab added: We ha)e had roughness ,in (hara(ter- e)er sin(e. 8.11E: Narrated Al-Ausaiyab: on the authority o$ his $ather similarly as abo)e ,i.e. 1ED-. 8.111: Narrated Sahl: When Al-Aundhir bin Abu 9said #as born he #as brought to the 'ro%het #ho %la(ed him on his thigh. While Abu 9said #as sitting there the 'ro%het #as busy #ith something in his hands so Abu 9said told someone to ta&e his son $rom the thigh o$ the 'ro%het . When the 'ro%het $inished his =ob ,#ith #hi(h he #as busy- he said !Where is the boy*! Abu 9said re%lied !We ha)e sent him home.! "he 'ro%het said !What is his name*! Abu 9said said !,+is name is- so-and-so. ! "he 'ro%het said !No his name is Al-Aundhir.! So he (alled him Al-Aundhir $rom that day. 8.111: Narrated Abu +uraira: Fainab's original name #as !:arrah ! but it #as said' !:y that she is gi)ing hersel$ the %restige o$ %iety.! So the 'ro%het (hanged her name to Fainab. 8.115: Narrated Sa`id bin Al-Ausaiyab: "hat #hen his grand$ather +azn )isited the 'ro%het the 'ro%het said ,to him- !What is your name*! +e said !Ay name is +azn.! "he 'ro%het said ! :ut you are Sahl.! +e said !I #ill not (hange my name #ith #hi(h my $ather named me.! Ibn Al-Ausaiyab added: So #e ha)e had roughness ,in (hara(ter- e)er sin(e. 8.117: Narrated Isma`il: 1D

I as&ed Abi `Au$a !6id you see Ibrahim the son o$ the 'ro%het *! +e said !4es but he died in his early (hildhood. +ad there been a 'ro%het a$ter Auhammad then his son #ould ha)e li)ed but there is no 'ro%het a$ter him.! 8.118: Narrated Al-:ara: When Ibrahim ,the son o$ the 'ro%het- died Allah's A%ostle said !"here is a #et nurse $or him in 'aradise.! 8.11@: Narrated /abir bin `Abdullah Al-Ansari: Allah's A%ostle said !Name yoursel)es a$ter me ,by my name- but do not (all ,yoursel)es- by my Guniya ,1- $or I am Al-Iasim ,distributor- and I distribute among you Allah's blessings.! "his narration has also (ome on the authority o$ Anas that the 3 'ro%het said so.! 8.11B: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Name yoursel)es a$ter me ,by my name- but do not (all yoursel)es by my Guniya and #hoe)er sees me in a dream he surely sees me $or Satan (annot im%ersonate me ,a%%ear in my $igure-. And #hoe)er intentionally as(ribes something to me $alsely he #ill surely ta&e his %la(e in the ,+ell- <ire. 8.118: Narrated Abu Ausa: I got a son and I too& him to the 'ro%het #ho named him Ibrahim and %ut in his mouth the =ui(e o$ a date $ruit ,#hi(h be himsel$ had (he#ed* and in)o&ed $or Allah's blessing u%on him and then ga)e him ba(& to me. +e #as the eldest son o$ Abii Ausa. 8.11D: Narrated Al-Aughira bin Shuba: Solar e(li%se o((urred on the day o$ Ibrahim's death ,the 'ro%het's son-. 8.11E: Narrated `Aisha: ,the #i$e the 'ro%het- Allah's A%ostle said !2 Aisha3 "his is ?abriel sending his greetings to you.! I said !'ea(e and Allah's Aer(y be on him.! `Aisha added: "he 'ro%het used to see things #hi(h #e used not to see. 8.111: Narrated Anas: 2n(e 9m Sulaim #as ,#ith the #omen #ho #ere- in (harge o$ the luggage on a =ourney and An=ashah the sla)e o$ the 'ro%het #as dri)ing their (amels ,)ery $ast-. "he 'ro%het said !2 An=ash3 6ri)e slo#ly ,the (amels- #ith the glass )essels ,i.e. ladies-. 8.111: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het #as the best o$ all the %eo%le in (hara(ter. I had a brother (alled Abu `9mar #ho I thin& had been ne#ly #eaned. Whene)er he ,that (hild- #as brought to the 'ro%het the 'ro%het used to say !2 Abu `9mar3 What did Al-Nughair ,nightingale- ,do-*! It #as a nightingale #ith #hi(h he used to %lay. Sometimes the time o$ the 'rayer be(ame due #hile he ,the 'ro%het- #as in our house. +e #ould order that the (ar%et underneath him be s#e%t and s%rayed #ith #ater and then he #ould stand u% ,$or the %rayer- and #e #ould line u% behind him and he #ould lead us in %rayer. 8.115: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: "he most belo)ed names to `Ali #as Abu "urab and he used to be %leased #hen #e (alled him by it $or none named him Abu "urab ,$or the $irst time- but the 'ro%het. 2n(e `Ali got angry #ith ,his #i$e- <atima and #ent out ,o$ his house- and sle%t near a #all in the mos;ue. "he 'ro%het (ame sear(hing $or him and someone said !+e is there >ying near the #all.! "he 'ro%het (ame to him


#hile his ,`Ali's- ba(& #as (o)ered #ith dust. "he 'ro%het started remo)ing the dust $rom his ba(& saying !?et u% 2 Abu "urab3! 8.117: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he most a#$ul name in Allah's sight on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #ill be ,that o$- a man (alling himsel$ Aali& Al-Amla& ,the &ing o$ &ings-. 8.118: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he most a#$ul ,meanest- name in Allah's sight.! Su$yan said more than on(e !"he most a#$ul ,meanest- name in Allah's sight is ,that o$- a man (alling himsel$ &ing o$ &ings.! Su$yan said !Somebody else ,i.e. other than Abu Az-Finad a sub-narrator- says: What is meant by '"he &ing o$ &ings' is 'Shahan Shah. ! 8.11@: Narrated 9sama bin Faid: "hat Allah's A%ostle rode o)er a don&ey (o)ered #ith a <ada&iya ,)el)et sheet- and 9sama #as riding behind him. +e #as )isiting Sa`d bin '9bada ,#ho #as si(&- in the d#elling %la(e o$ :ani Al-+arith bin Al-Ghazra= and this in(ident ha%%ened be$ore the battle o$ :adr. "hey %ro(eeded till they %assed by a gathering in #hi(h `Abdullah bin 9bai bin Salul #as %resent. and that #as be$ore `Abdullah bin 9bat embra(ed Islam. In that gathering there #ere Auslims %agan idolators and /e#s and among the Auslims there #as `Abdullah bin Ha#aha. When a (loud o$ dust raised by ,the mo)ement o$ - the animal (o)ered that gathering `Abdullah bin 9bai (o)ered his nose #ith his garment and said !6o not (o)er us #ith dust.! Allah's A%ostle greeted them sto%%ed dismounted and in)ited them to Allah ,i.e. to embra(e Islam- and re(ited to them the +oly Iur'an. 2n that `Abdullah bin 9bai bin Salul said to him !2 man3 "here is nothing better than #hat you say i$ it is the truth. So do not trouble us #ith it in our gatherings but i$ somebody (omes to you you (an %rea(h to him.! 2n that `Abdullah bin Ha#aha said !4es 2 Allah's A%ostle3 0all on us in our gathering $or #e lo)e that.! So the Auslims the %agans and the /e#s started abusing one another till they #ere about to $ight #ith one another. Allah's A%ostle &e%t on ;uietening them till all o$ them be(ame ;uiet and then Allah's A%ostle rode his animal and %ro(eeded till he entered u%on Sa`d bin '9bada. Allah's A%ostle said !2 Sa`d3 6idn't you hear #hat Abu +abab said*! ,meaning `Abdullah bin 9nbar-. !+e said so-and-so.! Sa`d bin 9bada said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 >et my $ather be sa(ri$i(ed $or you 3 J.(use and $orgi)e him $or by +im Who re)ealed to you the :oo& Allah sent the "ruth #hi(h #as re)ealed to you at the time #hen the %eo%le o$ this to#n had de(ided to (ro#n him ,`Abdullah bin 9bai- as their ruler. So #hen Allah had %re)ented that #ith the "ruth +e had gi)en you he #as (ho&ed by that and that (aused him to beha)e in su(h an im%olite manner #hi(h you had noti(ed.! So Allah's A%ostle e.(used him. ,It #as the (ustom o$- Allah's A%ostle and his (om%anions to e.(use the %agans and the %eo%le o$ the s(ri%ture ,0hristians and /e#s- as Allah ordered them and they used to be %atient #hen annoyed ,by them-. Allah said: '4ou shall (ertainly hear mu(h that #ill grie)e you $rom those #ho re(ei)ed the S(ri%ture be$ore you.....and $rom the %agans ,5.18@+e also said: 'Aany o$ the %eo%le o$ the s(ri%ture #ish that i$ they (ould turn you a#ay as disbelie)ers a$ter you ha)e belie)ed. .... ,1.1ED- So Allah's A%ostle used to a%%ly #hat Allah had ordered him by e.(using them till he #as allo#ed to $ight against them. When Allah's A%ostle had $ought the battle o$ :adr and Allah &illed #home)er +e &illed among the (hie$s o$ the in$idels and the nobles o$ Iuraish and Allah's A%ostle and his (om%anions had returned #ith )i(tory and booty bringing #ith them some o$ the (hie$s o$ the in$idels and the nobles o$ the Iuraish as (a%ti)es. `Abdullah bin 9bai bin Salul and the %agan idolators #ho #ere #ith him said !"his matter ,Islam- has no# brought out its $a(e ,trium%hed- so gi)e Allah's A%ostle the %ledge o$ allegian(e ,$or embra(ing Islam.-!. "hen they be(ame Auslims. 8.11B: Narrated `Abdullah bin Al-+arith bin Nau$al:


`Abbas bin `Abdul Auttalib said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 6id you bene$it Abu "alib #ith anything as he used to %rote(t and ta&e (are o$ you and used to be(ome angry $or you*! "he 'ro%het said !4es he is in a shallo# %la(e o$ <ire. :ut $or me he #ould ha)e been in the lo#est %art o$ the <ire.! 8.118: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: 2n(e the 'ro%het #as on one o$ his =ourneys and the dri)er o$ the (amels started (hanting ,to let the (amels go $ast-. "he 'ro%het said to him. !,"a&e (are- 6ri)e slo#ly #ith the glass )essels 2 An=asha3 Waiha&a ,Aay Allah be Aer(i$ul to you-. 8.11D: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het #as on a =ourney and a sla)e named An=asha #as (hanting ,singing- $or the (amels to let them go $ast ,#hile dri)ing-. "he 'ro%het said !2 An=asha dri)e slo#ly ,the (amels- #ith the glass )essels3! Abu Iilaba said !:y the glass )essels' he meant the #omen ,riding the (amels-. 8.15E: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het had a +ad ,a (amel dri)er- (alled An=asha and he had a ni(e )oi(e. "he 'ro%het said to him !,6ri)e- slo#ly 2 An=asha3 6o not brea& the glass )essels3! And Iatada said !,:y )essels'- he meant the #ea& #omen.! 8.151: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "here #as a state o$ $ear in Aedina. Allah's A%ostle rode a horse belonging to Abu "alha ,in order to see the matter-. "he 'ro%het said !We (ould not see anything and #e $ound that horse li&e a sea ,$ast in s%eed-. 8.151: Narrated `Aisha: Some %eo%le as&ed Allah's A%ostle about the $ore-tellers. Allah's A%ostle said to them !"hey are nothing ,i.e. liars-.! "he %eo%le said '2 Allah's A%ostle 3 Sometimes they tell something #hi(h (omes out to be true.! Allah's A%ostle said !"hat #ord #hi(h (omes to be true is #hat a =in. snat(hes a#ay by stealing and then %ours it in the ear o$ his $ore-teller #ith a sound similar to the (a(&le o$ a hen and then they add to it one-hundred lies.! 8.155: Narrated /abir bin `Abdullah: "hat he heard Allah's A%ostle saying. !"hen there #as a %ause in the re)elation o$ the 6i)ine Ins%iration to me. "hen #hile I #as #al&ing all o$ a sudden I heard a )oi(e $rom the s&y and I raised my sight to#ards the s&y and sa# the same angel #ho had )isited me in the (a)e o$ +ira ' sitting on a (hair bet#een the s&y and the earth.! 8.157: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 2n(e I stayed o)ernight at the house o$ Aaimuna and the 'ro%het #as there #ith her. When it #as the last third o$ the night or some %art o$ the night the 'ro%het got u% loo&ing to#ards the s&y and re(ited: 'Verily3 In the (reation o$ the hea)ens and the earth and in the alternation o$ Night and 6ay there are indeed signs $or men o$ u understanding.' ,5.1DE8.158: Narrated Abu Ausa: "hat he #as in the (om%any o$ the 'ro%het in one o$ the gardens o$ Aedina and in the hand o$ the 'ro%het there #as a sti(& and he #as stri&ing ,slo#ly- the #ater and the mud #ith it. A man (ame ,at the gate o$ the garden- and as&ed %ermission to enter. "he 'ro%het said !2%en the gate $or him and gi)e him the glad tidings o$ entering 'aradise. !I #ent and behold3 It #as Abu :a&r. So I o%ened the gate $or him and in$ormed him o$ the glad tidings o$ entering 'aradise. "hen another man (ame and as&ed %ermission to enter. "he 'ro%het said !2%en the gate $or him and gi)e him the glad tidings o$ entering 'aradise.! :ehold3 It #as `9mar. So I o%ened the gate $or him and ga)e him the glad tidings o$ entering 'aradise. "hen another man (ame and as&ed %ermission to enter. 51

"he 'ro%het #as sitting in a leaning %osture so he sat u% and said !2%en the gate $or him and gi)e him the glad tidings o$ entering 'aradise #ith a (alamity #hi(h #ill be$all him or #hi(h #ill ta&e %la(e.! I #ent and behold 3 It #as `9thman. So I o%ened the gate $or him and ga)e him the glad tidings o$ entering 'aradise and also in$ormed him o$ #hat the 'ro%het had said ,about a (alamity-. `9thman said !Allah Alone Whose +el% I see& ,against that (alamity-. 8.15@: Narrated `Ali: We #ere #ith the 'ro%het in a $uneral %ro(ession and he started s(ra%ing the ground #ith a small sti(& and said !"here is none amongst you but has been assigned a %la(e ,either- in 'aradise and ,orin the +ell-<ire.! "he %eo%le said ,to him- !Should #e not de%end u%on it*! +e said: (arry on doing ,good- deeds $or e)erybody #ill $ind easy su(h deeds as #ill lead him to his destined %la(e. +e then re(ited: !As $or him #ho gi)es ,in (harity- and &ee%s his duty to Allah..! ,D1.88.15B: Narrated 9m Salama: ,2ne night- the 'ro%het #o&e u% and said !Subhan Allah 3 +o# many treasures ha)e been ,dis(losedsent do#n3 And ho# many a$$li(tions ha)e been des(ended3 Who #ill go and #a&e the slee%ing ladyo((u%ants u% o$ these d#ellings ,$or %raying-*! ,+e meant by this his #i)es.- "he 'ro%het added !A #ell-dressed soul ,%erson- in this #orld may be na&ed in the !+erea$ter.! `9mar said !I as&ed the 'ro%het '+a)e you di)or(ed your #i)es*' +e said 'No.' I said 'Allahu A&bar.' ! 8.158: Narrated Sa$iya bint +uyai: "he #i$e o$ the 'ro%het that she #ent to Allah's A%ostle #hile he #as in I`ti&a$ ,staying in the mos;ue- during the last ten nights o$ the month o$ Hamadan. She s%o&e to him $or an hour ,a #hile- at night and then she got u% to return home. "he 'ro%het got u% to a((om%any her and #hen they rea(hed the gate o$ the mos;ue o%%osite the d#elling %la(e o$ 9m Salama the #i$e o$ the 'ro%het t#o Ansari men %assed by and greeting Allah's A%ostle they ;ui(&ly #ent ahead. Allah's A%ostle said to them !6o not be in a hurry She is Sa$iya the daughter o$ +uyai.! "hey said !Subhan Allah3 2 Allah's A%ostle ,ho# dare #e sus%e(t you-.! "hat #as a great thing $or both o$ them. "he 'ro%het then said !Satan runs in the body o$ Adam's son ,i.e. man- as his blood (ir(ulates in it and I #as a$raid that he ,Satan- might insert an e)il thought in your hearts.! 8.15D: Narrated `Abdullah bin Augha$$al Al-Auzani: "he 'ro%het $orbade the thro#ing o$ stones ,#ith the thumb and the inde. or middle $inger- and said !It neither hunts a game nor &ills ,or hurts- an enemy but it gouges out an eye or brea&s a tooth.! 8.17E: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "#o men sneezed be$ore the 'ro%het. "he 'ro%het said to one o$ them !Aay Allah besto# +is Aer(y on you ! but he did not say that to the other. 2n being as&ed ,#hy- the 'ro%het said !"hat one %raised Allah ,at the time o$ sneezing- #hile the other did not %raise Allah.! 8.171: Narrated Al-:ara: "he 'ro%het ordered us to do se)en ,things- and $orbade us $rom se)en ,other things-: +e ordered us to %ay a )isit to the si(& to $ollo# $uneral %ossessions to say: Aay Allah be mer(i$ul to you to a sneezer - i$ he says: 'raise be to Allah to a((e%t in)itation ,in)itation to a #edding ban;uet- to return greetings to hel% the o%%ressed and to hel% others to $ul$ill their oaths ,%ro)ided it #as not sin$ul-. And he $orbade us $rom se)en ,things-: to #ear golden rings or golden bangles to #ear sil& ,(loth- 6iba= Sundus and Aayathir. 8.171: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Allah li&es sneezing and disli&es ya#ning so i$ someone sneezes and then %raises Allah then it is obligatory on e)ery Auslim #ho heard him to say: Aay Allah be mer(i$ul to you


,4ar-hamu&a-l-lah-. :ut as regards ya#ning it is $rom Satan so one must try one's best to sto% it i$ one says '+a' #hen ya#ning Satan #ill laugh at him.! 8.175: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said ! I$ anyone o$ you sneezes he should say 'Al-+amduli l-lah' ,'raise be to Allahand his ,Auslim- brother or (om%anion should say to him '4ar-hamu&a-l-lah' ,Aay Allah besto# his Aer(y on you-. When the latter says '4ar-hamu&a-llah! the $ormer should say '4ahdi&umul-lah #a 4uslih bala&um' ,Aay Allah gi)e you guidan(e and im%ro)e your (ondition-. 8.177: Narrated Anas: "#o men sneezed be$ore the 'ro%het and he said "ashmit to one o$ them #hile he did not say "ashmit to the other. So that man said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 4ou said "ashmit to that $ello# but you did not say "ashmit to me. !"he 'ro%het said !"hat man %raised Allah but you did not %raise Allah.! 8.178: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Allah lo)es sneezing but disli&es ya#ningC so i$ anyone o$ you sneezes and then %raises Allah e)ery Auslim #ho hears him ,%raising Allah- has to say "ashmit to him. :ut as regards ya#ning it is $rom Satan so i$ one o$ you ya#ns he should try his best to sto% it $or #hen anyone o$ you ya#ns Satan laughs at him.! 8.17@: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Allah (reated Adam in +is %i(ture si.ty (ubits ,about 5E meters- in height. When +e (reated him +e said ,to him- !?o and greet that grou% o$ angels sitting there and listen #hat they #ill say in re%ly to you $or that #ill be your greeting and the greeting o$ your o$$s%ring.! Adam ,#ent and- said 'As-Salamu alai&um ,'ea(e be u%on you-.' "hey re%lied 'AsSalamu-'Alai&a #a Hahmatullah ,'ea(e and Allah's Aer(y be on you- So they in(reased 'Wa Hahmatullah' "he 'ro%het added 'So #hoe)er #ill enter 'aradise #ill be o$ the sha%e and %i(ture o$ Adam Sin(e then the (reation o$ Adam's ,o$$s%ring- ,i.e. stature o$ human beings is being diminished (ontinuously- to the %resent time.! 8.17B: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: Al-<adl bin `Abbas rode behind the 'ro%het as his (om%anion rider on the ba(& %ortion o$ his she (amel on the 6ay o$ Nahr ,slaughtering o$ sa(ri$i(e 1Eth 6hul-+i==a- and Al-<adl #as a handsome man. "he 'ro%het sto%%ed to gi)e the %eo%le )erdi(ts. In the meantime a beauti$ul #oman <rom the tribe o$ Ghath'am (ame as&ing the )erdi(t o$ Allah's A%ostle. Al-<adl started loo&ing at her as her beauty attra(ted him. "he 'ro%het loo&ed behind #hile Al-<adl #as loo&ing at herC so the 'ro%het held out his hand ba(&#ards and (aught the (hin o$ Al-<adl and turned his $a(e ,to the o#ner sides in order that he should not gaze at her. She said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 "he obligation o$ 'er$orming +a== en=oined by Allah on +is #orshi%ers has be(ome due ,(om%ulsory- on my $ather #ho is an old man and #ho (annot sit $irmly on the riding animal. Will it be su$$i(ient that I %er$orm +a== on his behal$*! +e said !4es.! 8.178: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: "he 'ro%het said ':e#are3 A)oid sitting on the roads.! "hey ,the %eo%le- said !2 Allah s A%ostle3 We (an't hel% sitting ,on the roads- as these are ,our %la(es- here #e ha)e tal&s.! "he 'ro%het said ' l $ you re$use but to sit then %ay the road its right ' "hey said !What is the right o$ the road 2 Allah's A%ostle*! +e said '>o#ering your gaze re$raining $rom harming others returning greeting and en=oining #hat is good and $orbidding #hat is e)il.! 8.17D: Narrated `Abdullah: When #e %rayed #ith the 'ro%het #e used to say: As-Salam be on Allah $rom +is #orshi%ers AsSalam be on ?abriel As-Salam be on Ai(hael As-Salam be on so-and-so. When the 'ro%het $inished 57

his %rayer he $a(ed us and said !Allah +imsel$ is As-Salam ,'ea(e- so #hen one sits in the %rayer one should say 'at-"ahiyatu-li l-lahi Was-Sala#atu Wat-"aiyibatu As-Salamu 'Alai&a aiyuhanNabiyyu #a Hah-matul-iahi #a :ara&atuhu As-Salamu 'Alaina #a 'ala 'Ibadillahi assalihin $or i$ he says so then it #ill be $or all the %ious sla)e o$ Allah in the +ea)ens and the Jarth. ,"hen he should say- 'Ash-hadu an la ilaha illalllahu #a ash-hadu anna Auhammadan `Abduhu #a rasulu-hu ' and then he (an (hoose #hate)er s%ee(h ,i.e. in)o(ation- he #ishes ! ,See +adith No. BDB Vol. 1-. 8.18E: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he young should greet the old the %asser by should greet the sitting one and the small grou% o$ %ersons should greet the large grou% o$ %ersons. ! 8.181: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he riding one should greet the #al&ing one and the #al&ing one should greet the sitting one and the small number o$ %ersons should greet the large number o$ %ersons.! 8.181.1: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he riding %erson should greet the #al&ing one and the #al&ing one should greet the sitting one and the small number o$ %ersons should greet the large number o$ %ersons.! 8.181.1: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he younger %erson should greet the older one and the #al&ing %erson should greet the sitting one and the small number o$ %ersons should greet the large number o$ %ersons.! 8.185.1: Narrated Al-:ara' bin `Azib: Allah's A%ostle ordered us to do se)en ,things-: to )isit the si(& to $ollo# the $uneral %ro(essions to say "ashmit to a sneezer to hel% the #ea& to hel% the o%%ressed ones to %ro%agate As-Salam ,greeting- and to hel% others to $ul$ill their oaths ,i$ it is not sin$ul-. +e $orbade us to drin& $rom sil)er utensils to #ear gold rings to ride on sil&en saddles to #ear sil& (lothes 6iba= ,thi(& sil& (lothIassiy and Istabra; ,t#o &inds o$ sil&-. ,See +adith No. 85D Vol. B8.185.1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: A man as&ed the 'ro%het !What Islami( traits are the best*! "he 'ro%het said !<eed the %eo%le and greet those #hom you &no# and those #hom you do not &no#.! 8.187: Narrated Abu Aiyub: "he 'ro%het said !It is not la#$ul $or a Auslim to desert ,not to s%ea& to- his brother Auslim $or more than three days #hile meeting one turns his $a(e to one side and the other turns his $a(e to the other side. >o3 "he better o$ the t#o is the one #ho starts greeting the other.! 8.188: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: that he #as a boy o$ ten at the time #hen the 'ro%het emigrated to Aedina. +e added: I ser)ed Allah's A%ostle $or ten years ,the last %art o$ his li$e time- and I &no# more than the %eo%le about the o((asion #hereu%on the order o$ Al-+i=ab #as re)ealed ,to the 'ro%het-. 9bai b n Ga`b used to as& me about it. It #as re)ealed ,$or the $irst time- during the marriage o$ Allah's A%ostle #ith Fainab bint /ahsh. In the morning the 'ro%het #as a bride-groom o$ her and he In)ited the %eo%le #ho too& their meals and #ent a#ay but a grou% o$ them remained #ith Allah's A%ostle and they %rolonged their stay. Allah's A%ostle got u% and #ent out and I too #ent out along #ith him till he (ame to the lintel o$ `Aisha's d#elling %la(e. Allah's A%ostle thought that those %eo%le had le$t by then so he returned and I too returned #ith him till he entered u%on Fainab and $ound that they #ere still sitting there and had not yet gone. "he 'ro%het #ent out again and so did I #ith him till he rea(hed the lintel o$ `Aisha's d#elling %la(e and then he thought that those %eo%le must ha)e le$t by then so he returned


and so did I #ith him and $ound those %eo%le had gone. At that time the 6i)ine Verse o$ Al-+i=ab #as re)ealed and the 'ro%het set a s(reen bet#een me and him ,his $amily-. 8.18@: Narrated Anas: When the 'ro%het married Fainab the %eo%le (ame and #ere o$$ered a meal and then they sat do#n ,a$ter $inishing their meals- and started (hatting. "he 'ro%het sho#ed as i$ he #anted to get u% but they did not get u%. When he noti(ed that he got u% and some o$ the %eo%le also got u% and #ent a#ay #hile some others &e%t on sitting. When the 'ro%het returned to enter he $ound the %eo%le still sitting but then they got u% and le$t. So I told the 'ro%het o$ their de%arture and he (ame and #ent in. I intended to go in but the 'ro%het %ut a s(reen bet#een me and him $or Allah re)ealed:-- '2 you #ho belie)e3 Jnter not the 'ro%het's houses..' ,55.858.18B: Narrated `Aisha: ,the #i$e o$ the 'ro%het- `9mar bin Al-Ghattab used to say to Allah's A%ostle !>et your #i)es be )eiled! :ut he did not do so. "he #i)es o$ the 'ro%het used to go out to ans#er the (all o$ nature at night only at Al-Aanasi.' 2n(e Sauda the daughter o$ Fam`a #ent out and she #as a tall #oman. `9mar bin Al-Ghattab sa# her #hile he #as in a gathering and said !I ha)e re(ognized you 2 Sauda3! +e ,`9mar- said so as he #as an.ious $or some 6i)ine orders regarding the )eil ,the )eiling o$ #omen.- So Allah re)ealed the Verse o$ )eiling. ,Al-+i=abC a (om%lete body (o)er e.(luding the eyes-. ,See +adith No. 178 Vol. 18.188: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: A man %ee%ed through a round hole into the d#elling %la(e o$ the 'ro%het #hile the 'ro%het had a Aidray ,an iron (omb- #ith #hi(h he #as s(rat(hing his head. the 'ro%het said ! +ad &no#n you #ere loo&ing ,through the hole- I #ould ha)e %ier(ed your eye #ith it ,i.e. the (omb-.! Verily3 "he order o$ ta&ing %ermission to enter has been en=oined be(ause o$ that sight ,that one should not loo& unla#$ully at the state o$ others-. ,See +adith No. 8EB Vol. B8.18D: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: A man %ee%ed into a room o$ the 'ro%het. "he 'ro%het stood u% holding an arro# head. It is as i$ I am =ust loo&ing at him trying to stab the man. 8.1@E: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I ha)e not seen a thing resembling 'lamam' ,minor sins- than #hat Abu +uraira 'narrated $rom the 'ro%het #ho said !Allah has #ritten $or Adam's son his share o$ adultery #hi(h he (ommits ine)itably. "he adultery o$ the eyes is the sight ,to gaze at a $orbidden thing- the adultery o$ the tongue is the tal& and the inner sel$ #ishes and desires and the %ri)ate %arts testi$y all this or deny it.! 8.1@1: Narrated Anas: Whene)er Allah's A%ostle greeted somebody he used to greet him three times and i$ he s%o&e a senten(e he used to re%eat it thri(e. 8.1@1: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: While I #as %resent in one o$ the gatherings o$ the Ansar Abu Ausa (ame as i$ he #as s(ared and said !I as&ed %ermission to enter u%on `9mar three times but I #as not gi)en the %ermission so I returned.! ,When `9mar (ame to &no# about it- he said to Abu Ausa !Why did you not enter*'. Abu Ausa re%lied !I as&ed %ermission three times and I #as not gi)en it so I returned $or Allah's A%ostle said !I$ anyone o$ you as&s the %ermission to enter thri(e and the %ermission is not gi)en then he should return.' ! `9mar said !:y Allah3 We #ill as& Abu Ausa to bring #itnesses $or it.! ,Abu Ausa #ent to a gathering o$ the Ansar and said-. !6id anyone o$ you hear this $rom the 'ro%het *! 9bai bin Ga`b said !:y Allah none #ill go #ith you but the youngest o$ the %eo%le ,as a #itness-.! ,Abu


Sa`id- #as the youngest o$ them so I #ent #ith Abu Ausa and in$ormed `9mar that the 'ro%het had said so. ,See +adith No. 1BB Vol. 58.1@5: Narrated Abu +uraira: I entered ,the house- along #ith Allah's A%ostle . "here he $ound mil& in a basin. +e said !2 Abu +irr3 ?o and (all the %eo%le o$ Su$$a to me.! I #ent to them and in)ited them. "hey (ame and as&ed %ermission to enter and #hen it #as gi)en they entered. ,See +adith No. 78D $or details8.1@7: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: that he %assed by a grou% o$ boys and greeted them and said !"he 'ro%het used to do so.! 8.1@8: Narrated Abu +azim: Sahl said !We used to $eel ha%%y on <ridays.! I as&ed Sahl !Why*! +e said !"here #as an old #oman o$ our a(;uaintan(e #ho used to send somebody to :uda'a ,Ibn Aaslama said !:uda'a #as a garden o$ date-%alms at Aedina-. She used to %ull out the sil; ,a &ind o$ )egetable- $rom its roots and %ut it in a (oo&ing %ot adding some %o#dered barley o)er it ,and (oo& it-. A$ter $inishing the /umua ,<riday- %rayer #e used to ,%ass by her and- greet her #hereu%on she #ould %resent us #ith that meal so #e used to $eel ha%%y be(ause o$ that. We used to ha)e neither a midday na% nor meals e.(e%t a$ter the <riday %rayer.! ,See +adith No. @E Vol.18.1@@: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A%ostle said !2 `Aisha3 "his is ?abriel sending his greetings to you.! I said !'ea(e and Allah's Aer(y be on him ,?abriel-. 4ou see #hat #e do not see.! ,She #as addressing Allah's A%ostle-. 8.1@B: Narrated /abir: I (ame to the 'ro%het in order to (onsult him regarding my $ather's debt. When I &no(&ed on the door he as&ed !Who is that*! I re%lied !I! +e said !I I*! +e re%eated it as i$ he disli&ed it. 8.1@8: Narrated Abu +uraira: A man entered the mos;ue #hile Allah's A%ostle #as sitting in one side o$ the mos;ue. "he man %rayed (ame and greeted the 'ro%het. Allah's A%ostle said to him !Wa 'Alai&as Salam ,returned his greeting-. ?o ba(& and %ray as you ha)e not %rayed ,%ro%erly-.! "he man returned re%eated his %rayer (ame ba(& and greeted the 'ro%het. "he 'ro%het said !Wa alai&a-s-Salam ,returned his greeting-. ?o ba(& and %ray again as you ha)e not %rayed ,%ro%erly-.! "he man said at the se(ond or third time !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Gindly tea(h me ho# to %ray!. "he 'ro%het said !When you stand $or %rayer %er$orm ablution %ro%erly and then $a(e the Iibla and say "a&bir ,Allahu-A&bar- and then re(ite #hat you &no# $rom the Iur'an and then bo# #ith (almness till you $eel at ease then rise $rom bo#ing till you stand straight and then %rostrate (almly ,and remain in %rostration- till you $eel at ease and then raise ,your head- and sit #ith (almness till you $eel at ease and then %rostrate #ith (almness ,and remain in %rostration- till you $eel at ease and then raise ,your head- and sit #ith (almness till you $eel at ease in the sitting %osition and do li&e#ise in #hole o$ your %rayer.! And Abu 9sama added !"ill you stand straight.! ,See +adith No. B8D Vol.18.1@D: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said ,in the abo)e narration No. 1@8- !And then raise your head till you $eel at ease #hile sitting. ! 8.1BE: Narrated `Aisha: "hat the 'ro%het said to her !?abriel sends Salam ,greetings- to you.! She re%lied !Wa 'alaihi-sSalam Wa Hahmatu-l-lah.! ,'ea(e and Allah's Aer(y be on him-. 8.1B1: 5B

Narrated `9r#a-bin Az-Fubair: 9sama bin Faid said !"he 'ro%het rode o)er a don&ey #ith a saddle underneath #hi(h there #as a thi(& so$t <ada&iya )el)et sheet. 9sama bin Faid #as his (om%anion rider and he #as going to %ay a )isit to Sa`d bin 9bada ,#ho #as si(&- at the d#elling %la(e o$ :ani Al-+arith bin Al-Ghazra= and this in(ident ha%%ened be$ore the battle o$ :adr. "he 'ro%het %assed by a gathering in #hi(h there #ere Auslims and %agan idolators and /e#s and among them there #as `Abdullah bin 9bai bin Salul and there #as `Abdullah bin Ha#aha too. When a (loud o$ dust raised by the animal (o)ered that gathering `Abdullah bin 9bai (o)ered his nose #ith his Hida ,sheet- and said ,to the 'ro%het- !6on't (o)er us #ith dust.! "he 'ro%het greeted them and then sto%%ed dismounted and in)ited them to Allah ,i.e. to embra(e Islam- and also re(ited to them the +oly Iur'an. `Abdullah bin 9bai' bin Salul said !2 man3 "here is nothing better than #hat you say i$ #hat you say is the truth. So do not trouble us in our gatherings. ?o ba(& to your mount ,or house - and i$ anyone o$ us (omes to you tell ,your tales- to him.! 2n that `Abdullah bin Ha#aha said !,2 Allah's A%ostle3- 0ome to us and bring it,#hat you #ant to say- in our gatherings $or #e lo)e that.! So the Auslims the %agans and the /e#s started ;uarreling till they #ere about to $ight and (lash #ith one another. "he 'ro%het &e%t on ;uietening them ,till they all be(ame ;uiet-. +e then rode his animal and %ro(eeded till he entered u%on Sa`d bin '9bada he said !2 Sa`d didn't you hear #hat Abu +abbab said* ,+e meant `Abdullah bin 9bai-. +e said so-and-so.! Sa`d bin '9bada said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 J.(use and $orgi)e him $or by Allah Allah has gi)en you #hat +e has gi)en you. "he %eo%le o$ this to#n de(ided to (ro#n him ,as their (hie$- and ma&e him their &ing. :ut #hen Allah %re)ented that #ith the "ruth #hi(h +e had gi)en you it (ho&ed him and that #as #hat made him beha)e in the #ay you sa# him beha)ing.! So the 'ro%het e.(used him. 8.1B1: Narrated `Abdullah bin Ga`b: I heard Ga`b bin Aali& narrating ,#hen he did not =oin the battle o$ "abu&-: Allah's A%ostle $orbade all the Auslims to s%ea& to us. I #ould (ome to Allah's A%ostle and greet him and I #ould #onder #hether the 'ro%het did mo)e his li%s to return to my greetings or not till $i$ty nights %assed a#ay. "he 'ro%het then announ(ed ,to the %eo%le- Allah's $orgi)eness $or us ,a((e%tan(e o$ our re%entan(eat the time #hen he had o$$ered the <a=r ,morning- %rayer. 8.1B5: Narrated `Aisha: A grou% o$ /e#s (ame to Allah's A%ostle and said !As-samu 'Alai&a ! ,6eath be on you- and I understood it and said to them !Alai&um AsSamu #a-l-la'na ,6eath and (urse be on you-.! Allah's A%ostle said !:e (alm3 2 `Aisha $or Allah lo)es that one should be &ind and lenient in all matters.! I said. !2 Allah's A%ostle3 +a)en't you heard #hat they ha)e said*! Allah's A%ostle said !I ha)e ,already- said ,to them- 'Alai&um ,u%on you-.' ! 8.1B7: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: Allah's A%ostle said !When the /e#s greet you they usually say 'As-Samu 'alai&um ,6eath be on you- ' so you should say ,in re%ly to them- 'Wa'alai&um ,And on you-. 8.1B8: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: the 'ro%het said !I$ the %eo%le o$ the S(ri%ture greet you then you should say ,in re%ly- 'Wa'alai&um ,And on you-.' ! 8.1B@: Narrated `Ali: Allah's A%ostle sent me Az-Fubair bin Al-A##am and Abu Aarthad Al-?hana#i and all o$ us #ere horsemen and he said !'ro(eed till you rea(h Ha#dat Gha&h #here there is a #oman $rom the %agans (arrying a letter sent by +atib bin Abi :alta'a to the %agans ,o$ Ae((a-.! So #e o)ertoo& her #hile she #as %ro(eeding on her (amel at the same %la(e as Allah's A%ostle told us. We said ,to her!Where is the letter #hi(h is #ith you*! She said !I ha)e no letter #ith me.! So #e made her (amel &neel do#n and sear(hed her mount ,baggage et(- but (ould not $ind anything. Ay t#o (om%anions 58

said !We do not see any letter.! I said !I &no# that Allah's A%ostle did not tell a lie. :y Allah i$ you ,the lady- do not bring out the letter I #ill stri% you o$ your (lothes' When she noti(ed that I #as serious she %ut her hand into the &not o$ her #aist sheet $or she #as tying a sheet round hersel$ and brought out the letter. So #e %ro(eeded to Allah's A%ostle #ith the letter. "he 'ro%het said ,to +abib!What made you o #hat you ha)e done 2 +atib*! +atib re%lied !I ha)e done nothing e.(e%t that I belie)e in Allah and +is A%ostle and I ha)e not (hanged or altered ,my religion-. :ut I #anted to do the $a)or to the %eo%le ,%agans o$ Ae((a- through #hi(h Allah might %rote(t my $amily and my %ro%erty as there is none among your (om%anions but has someone in Ae((a through #hom Allah %rote(ts his %ro%erty ,against harm-. "he 'ro%het said !+abib has told you the truth so do not say to him ,anything- but good.! `9mar bin Al-Ghattab said !Verily he has betrayed Allah +is A%ostle and the belie)ers3 Allo# me to (ho% his ne(& o$$3! "he 'ro%het said !2 `9mar3 What do you &no#C %erha%s Allah loo&ed u%on the :adr #arriors and said '6o #hate)er you li&e $or I ha)e ordained that you #ill be in 'aradise.'! 2n that `9mar #e%t and said !Allah and +is A%ostle &no# best.! 8.1BB: Narrated Abu Su$yan bin +arb: that +era(lius had sent $or him to (ome along #ith a grou% o$ the Iuraish #ho #ere trading in Sha'm and they (ame to him. "hen Abu Su$yan mentioned the #hole narration and said !+era(lius as&ed $or the letter o$ Allah's A%ostle . When the letter #as read its (ontents #ere as $ollo#s: 'In the name o$ Allah the :ene$i(ent the Aer(i$ul. <rom Auhammad Allah's sla)e and +is A%ostle to +era(lius the 0hie$ o$ :yzantines: 'ea(e be u%on him #ho $ollo#s the right %ath ,guidan(e-3 Amma ba'du ,to %ro(eed -...' ,See +adith No @ Vol 1 $or details8.1B8: Narrated Abu Sa`id: "he %eo%le o$ ,the tribe o$- Iuraiza agreed u%on to a((e%t the )erdi(t o$ Sa`d. "he 'ro%het sent $or him ,Sa`d- and he (ame. "he 'ro%het said ,to those %eo%le- !?et u% $or your (hie$ or the best among you3! Sa`d sat beside the 'ro%het and the 'ro%het said ,to him- !"hese %eo%le ha)e agreed to a((e%t your )erdi(t.! Sa`d said !So I gi)e my =udgment that their #arriors should be &illed and their #omen and (hildren should be ta&en as (a%ti)es.! "he 'ro%het said !4ou ha)e =udged a((ording to the Ging's ,Allah's- =udgment.! ,See +adith No. 77B Vol. 88.1BD: Narrated Iatada: I as&ed Anas !Was it a (ustom o$ the (om%anions o$ the 'ro%het to sha&e hands #ith one another*! +e said !4es.! 8.18E: Narrated `Abdullah bin +isham: We #ere in the (om%any o$ the 'ro%het and he #as holding the hand o$ `9mar bin Al-Ghattab. 8.181: Narrated Ibn Aas`ud: Allah's A%ostle taught me the "ashah-hud as he taught me a Sura $rom the Iur'an #hile my hand #as bet#een his hands. ,"ashah-hud #as- all the best (om%liments and the %rayers and the good things are $or Allah. 'ea(e and Allah's Aer(y and :lessings be on you 2 'ro%het3 'ea(e be on us and on the %ious sla)es o$ Allah I testi$y that none has the right to be #orshi%%ed but Allah and I also testi$y that Auhammad is Allah's sla)e and +is A%ostle. ,We used to re(ite this in the %rayer- during the li$etime o$ the 'ro%het but #hen he had died #e used to say !'ea(e be on the 'ro%het.! 8.181: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: `Ali bin Abu "alib (ame out o$ the house o$ the 'ro%het during his $atal ailment. "he %eo%le as&ed ,`Ali- !2 Abu +asan3 +o# is the health o$ Allah's A%ostle this morning*! `Ali said !"his morning he is better #ith the gra(e o$ Allah.! Al-`Abbas held `Ali by the hand and said !6on't you see him ,about to die-* :y Allah #ithin three days you #ill be the sla)e o$ the sti(& ,i.e. under the (ommand o$ another ruler-. :y Allah I thin& that Allah's A%ostle #ill die $rom his %resent ailment $or I &no# the signs o$ death on the $a(es o$ the o$$s%ring o$ `Abdul Auttalib. So let us go to Allah's A%ostle to 5D

as& him #ho #ill ta&e o)er the 0ali%hate. I$ the authority is gi)en to us #e #ill &no# it and i$ it is gi)en to somebody else #e #ill re;uest him to re(ommend us to him. ! `Ali said !:y Allah3 I$ #e as& Allah's A%ostle $or the rulershi% and he re$uses then the %eo%le #ill ne)er gi)e it to us. :esides I #ill ne)er as& Allah's A%ostle $or it.! ,See +adith No B18 Vol 88.185: Narrated Au`adh: While I #as a (om%anion rider #ith the 'ro%het he said !2 Au`adh3! I re%lied !>abbai& #a Sa`dai&.! +e re%eated this (all three times and then said !6o you &no# #hat Allah's Hight on +is sla)es is*! I re%lied !No.! +e said Allah's Hight on +is sla)es is that they should #orshi% +im ,Alone- and should not =oin %artners in #orshi% #ith +im.! +e said !2 Au`adh3! I re%lied !>abbai& #a Sa`dai&.! +e said !6o you &no# #hat the right o$ ,Allah's- sal)es on Allah is i$ they do that ,#orshi% +im Alone and =oin none in +is #orshi%-* It is that +e #ill not %unish them.! 8.187: Narrated Au`adh: as abo)e No. 185. 8.188: Narrated Abu 6har: While I #as #al&ing #ith the 'ro%het at the +urra o$ Aedina in the e)ening the mountain o$ 9hud a%%eared be$ore us. "he 'ro%het said !2 Abu 6har3 I #ould not li&e to ha)e gold e;ual to 9hud ,mountain- $or me unless nothing o$ it not e)en a single 6inar remains o$ it #ith me $or more than one day or three days e.(e%t that single 6inar #hi(h I #ill &ee% $or re%aying debts. I #ill s%end all o$ it ,the #hole amount- among Allah's sla)es li&e this and li&e this and li&e this.! "he 'ro%het %ointed out #ith his hand to illustrate it and then said !2 Abu 6har3! I re%lied !>abbai& #a Sa`dai& 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !"hose #ho ha)e mu(h #ealth ,in this #orld- #ill be the least re#arded ,in the +erea$ter- e.(e%t those #ho do li&e this and li&e this ,i.e. s%end their money in (harity-.! "hen he ordered me !Hemain at your %la(e and do not lea)e it 2 Abu 6har till I (ome ba(&.! +e #ent a#ay till he disa%%eared $rom me. "hen I heard a )oi(e and $eared that something might ha)e ha%%ened to Allah's A%ostle and I intended to go ,to $ind out- but I remembered the statement o$ Allah's A%ostle that I should not lea)e my %la(e so I &e%t on #aiting ,and a$ter a #hile the 'ro%het (ame- and I said to him !2 Allah's A%ostle I heard a )oi(e and I #as a$raid that something might ha)e ha%%ened to you but then I remembered your statement and stayed ,there-. "he 'ro%het said !"hat #as ?abriel #ho (ame to me and in$ormed me that #hoe)er among my $ollo#ers died #ithout =oining others in #orshi% #ith Allah #ould enter 'aradise.! I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 J)en i$ he had (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse and the$t*! +e said !J)en i$ he had (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse and the$t.! 8.18@: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het said !A man should not ma&e another man get u% $rom his ,the latter's- seat ,in a gathering- in order to sit there. 8.18B: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het $orbade that a man should be made to get u% $rom his seat so that another might sit on it but one should ma&e room and s%read out. Ibn `9mar disli&ed that a man should get u% $rom his seat and then somebody else sit at his %la(e. 8.188: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: When Allah's A%ostle married Fainab bint /ahsh he in)ited the %eo%le #ho too& their meals and then remained sitting and tal&ing. "he 'ro%het %retended to be ready to get u% but the %eo%le did not get u%. When he noti(ed that he got u% and #hen he had got u% some o$ those %eo%le got u% along #ith him and there remained three ,#ho &e%t on sitting-. "hen the 'ro%het (ame ba(& and $ound those %eo%le still sitting. >ater on those %eo%le got u% and #ent a#ay. So I #ent to the 'ro%het and in$ormed him that they had le$t. 7E

"he 'ro%het (ame and entered ,his house-. I #anted to enter,along #ith him- but he dro%%ed a (urtain bet#een me and him. Allah then re)ealed: '2 you #ho belie)e3 6o not enter the 'ro%het's +ouses until lea)e is gi)en... ,to +is statement-... Verily3 "hat shall be an enormity in Allah's sight.' ,55.858.18D: Narrated Ibn `9mar: I sa# Allah's A%ostle in the (ourtyard o$ the Ga`ba in the Ihtiba.' %osture %utting his hand round his legs li&e this. 8.1DE: Narrated Abu :a&ra: Allah's A%ostle said !Shall I in$orm you o$ the biggest o$ the great sins*! "hey said !4es 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !"o =oin %artners in #orshi% #ith Allah and to be unduti$ul to one's %arents. ! 8.1D1: Narrated :ishr: as abo)e ,No. 1DE- adding: "he 'ro%het #as re(lining ,leaning- and then he sat u% saying !And I #arn you against gi)ing a $alse statement.! And he &e%t on saying that #arning so mu(h so that #e said !Would that he had sto%%ed.! 8.1D1: Narrated `9;ba bin Al-+arith: 2n(e the 'ro%het o$$ered the `Asr %rayer and then he #al&ed ;ui(&ly and entered his house. 8.1D5: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A%ostle used to o$$er his %rayer ,#hile standing- in the midst o$ the bed and I used to lie in $ront o$ him bet#een him and the Iibla It I had any ne(essity $or getting u% and I used to disli&e to get u% and $a(e him ,#hile he #as in %rayer- but I #ould gradually sli% a#ay $rom the bed. 8.1D7: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: "he ne#s o$ my $asting #as mentioned to the 'ro%het . So he entered u%on me and I %ut $or him a leather (ushion stu$$ed #ith %alm-$ibres. "he 'ro%het sat on the $loor and the (ushion #as bet#een me and him. +e said to me !Isn't it su$$i(ient $or you ,that you $ast- three days a month*! I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 ,I (an $ast more than this-.! +e said !4ou may $ast- $i)e days a month.! I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 ,I (an $ast more than this-.! +e said !,4ou may $ast- se)en days.! I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !Nine.! I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !Jle)en.! I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !No $asting is su%erior to the $asting o$ ,the 'ro%het 6a)id- #hi(h #as one hal$ o$ a year and he used to $ast on alternate days. ,See +adith No. 5EE Vol 58.1D8: Narrated Ibrahim: 'Ala;ama #ent to Sham and (ame to the mos;ue and o$$ered a t#o-ra&`at %rayer and in)o&ed Allah: !2 Allah3 :less me #ith a ,%ious- good (om%anion.! So he sat beside Abu Ad-6arda' #ho as&ed !<rom #here are you*! +e said !<rom the %eo%le o$ Gu$a.! Abu 6arda' said !Wasn't there among you the %erson #ho &ee%s the se(rets ,o$ the 'ro%het - #hi(h nobody &ne# e.(e%t him ,i.e. +udhai$a ,bin Al-4aman--. And isn't there among you the %erson #hom Allah ga)e re$uge $rom Satan through the re;uest ,tongue- o$ Allah's A%ostle* ,i.e. `Ammar-. Isn't there among you the one #ho used to (arry the Si#a& and the (ushion ,or %illo#s ,o$ the 'ro%hets-* ,i.e. Ibn Aas`ud-. +o# did Ibn Aas`ud use to re(ite ':y the night as it (on(eals ,the light-*! ,Sura D1-. 'Al;ama said !Wadhdha&ari Wal 9ntha' ,And by male and $emale.!- Abu Ad-6arda added. '"hese %eo%le (ontinued to argue #ith me regarding it till they #ere about to (ause me to ha)e doubts although I heard it $rom Allah's A%ostle.! 8.1D@: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: We used to ha)e a midday na% and ta&e our meals a$ter the /umua ,%rayer-. 8.1DB: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d:


"here #as no name dearer to `Ali than his ni(&name Abu "urab ,the $ather o$ dust-. +e used to $eel ha%%y #hene)er he #as (alled by this name. 2n(e Allah's A%ostle (ame to the house o$ <atima but did not $ind `Ali in the house. So he as&ed !Where is your (ousin*! She re%lied !"here #as something ,a ;uarrel- bet#een me and him #hereu%on he got angry #ith me and #ent out #ithout ha)ing a midday na% in my house.! Allah's A%ostle as&ed a %erson to loo& $or him. "hat %erson (ame and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 +e ,Ali- is slee%ing in the mos;ue.! So Allah's A%ostle #ent there and $ound him lying. +is u%%er body (o)er had $allen o$$ to one side o$ his body and so he #as (o)ered #ith dust. Allah's A%ostle started (leaning the dust $rom him saying !?et u% 2 Abu "urab3 ?et u% Abu "urab3! ,See +adith No. 751 Vol 18.1D8: Narrated "humama: Anas said !9m Sulaim used to s%read a leather sheet $or the 'ro%het and he used to ta&e a midday na% on that leather sheet at her home.! Anas added !When the 'ro%het had sle%t she #ould ta&e some o$ his s#eat and hair and (olle(t it ,the s#eat- in a bottle and then mi. it #ith Su& ,a &ind o$ %er$ume- #hile he #as still slee%ing. !When the death o$ Anas bin Aali& a%%roa(hed he ad)ised that some o$ that Su& be mi.ed #ith his +anut ,%er$ume $or embalming the dead body- and it #as mi.ed #ith his +anut. 8.1DD: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Whene)er Allah's A%ostle #ent to Iuba he used to )isit 9m +aram bint Ailhan #ho #ould o$$er him mealsC and she #as the #i$e o$ '9bada bin As-samit. 2ne day he #ent to her house and she o$$ered him a meal and a$ter that he sle%t and then #o&e u% smiling. She ,9m +aram- said !I as&ed him 'What ma&es you laugh 2 Allah's A%ostle*' +e said 'Some %eo%le o$ my $ollo#ers #ere dis%layed be$ore me as #arriors $ighting $or Allah's 0ause and sailing o)er this sea &ings on thrones ' or said 'li&e &ings on thrones.' ,"he narrator 'Is-ha; is in doubt about it.- I ,9m +aram- said '2 Allah's A%ostle3 In)o&e Allah that +e may ma&e me one o$ them.' +e in)o&ed ,Allah- $or her and then lay his head and sle%t again and then #o&e u% smiling. I as&ed 'What ma&es you laugh 2 Allah's A%ostle*' +e said 'Some %eo%le o$ my $ollo#ers #ere dis%layed be$ore me as #arriors $ighting $or Allah's 0ause and sailing o)er this sea &ings on the thrones ' or said 'li&e &ings on the thrones.' I ,9m +aram- said '2 Allah's A%ostle3 In)o&e Allah that +e may ma&e me one o$ them.' +e said 4ou #ill be amongst the $irst ones.! It is said that 9m +aram sailed o)er the sea at the time o$ Aua#iya and on (oming out o$ the sea she $ell do#n $rom her riding animal and died. 8.5EE: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: "he 'ro%het $orbade t#o &inds o$ dresses and t#o &inds o$ bargainsC Ishtimal As-Samma and AlIhtiba in one garment #ith no %art o$ it (o)ering one's %ri)ate %arts. ,"he t#o &inds o$ bargains #ere:Al-Aulamasa and Al-Aunabadha. 8.5E1: Narrated `Aisha: Aother o$ the :elie)ers: We the #i)es o$ the 'ro%het #ere all sitting #ith the 'ro%het and none o$ us had le$t #hen <atima (ame #al&ing and by Allah her gait #as )ery similar to that o$ Allah's A%ostle .' When he sa# her he #el(omed her saying !Wel(ome 2 my daughter3! "hen he made her sit on his right or his le$t (on$ided something to her #hereu%on she #e%t bitterly. When he noti(ed her sorro# he (on$ided something else to her $or the se(ond time and she started laughing. 2nly I $rom among the 'ro%het's #i)es said to her !,2 <atima- Allah's A%ostle sele(ted you $rom among us $or the se(ret tal& and still you #ee%*! When Allah's A%ostle got u% ,and #ent a#ay- I as&ed her !What did he (on$ide to you*! She said !I #ouldn't dis(lose the se(rets o$ Allah's A%ostle! :ut #hen he died I as&ed her !I besee(h you earnestly by #hat right I ha)e on you to tell me ,that se(ret tal& #hi(h the 'ro%het had #ith you-! She said !As you as& me no# yes ,I #ill tell you-.! She in$ormed me saying !When he tal&ed to me se(retly the $irst time he said that ?abriel used to re)ie# the Iur'an #ith him on(e e)ery year.


+e added ':ut this year he re)ie#ed it #ith me t#i(e and there$ore I thin& that my time o$ death has a%%roa(hed. So be a$raid o$ Allah and be %atient $or I am the best %rede(essor $or you ,in the +erea$ter-.' ! <atima added !So I #e%t as you ,`Aisha- #itnessed. And #hen the 'ro%het sa# me in this sorro#$ul state he (on$ided the se(ond se(ret to me saying '2 <atima3 Will you not be %leased that you #ill be (hie$ o$ all the belie)ing #omen ,or (hie$ o$ the #omen o$ this nation i.e. my $ollo#ers*!8.5E1: Narrated the un(le o$ `Abbas bin "amim: I sa# Allah's A%ostle lying on his ba(& in the mos;ue and %utting one o$ his legs o)er the other. 8.5E5: Narrated `Abdullah: the 'ro%het said !When three %ersons are together then no t#o o$ them should hold se(ret (ounsel e.(luding the third %erson.! 8.5E7: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het (on$ided to me a se(ret #hi(h I did not dis(lose to anybody a$ter him. And 9m Sulaim as&ed me ,about that se(ret- but I did not tell her. 8.5E8: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het said !When you are three %ersons sitting together then no t#o o$ you should hold se(ret (ounsel e.(luding the third %erson until you are #ith some other %eo%le too $or that #ould grie)e him.! 8.5E@: Narrated `Abdullah: 2ne day the 'ro%het di)ided and distributed something amongst the %eo%le #hereu%on an Ansari man said !In this di)ision Allah's 0ountenan(e has not been sought.! I said !:y Allah3 I #ill go ,and in$orm- the 'ro%het.! So I #ent to him #hile he #as #ith a grou% o$ %eo%le and I se(retly in$ormed him o$ that #hereu%on he be(ame so angry that his $a(e be(ame red and he then said !Aay Allah besto# +is Aer(y on Aoses ,$or- he #as hurt more than that yet he remained %atient.! 8.5EB: Narrated Anas: "he I;ama $or the %rayer #as announ(ed #hile a man #as tal&ing to Allah's A%ostle %ri)ately. +e (ontinued tal&ing in that #ay till the 'ro%het's (om%anions sle%t and a$ter#ards the 'ro%het got u% and o$$ered the %rayer #ith them. 8.5E8: Narrated Salim's $ather: "he 'ro%het said !6o not &ee% the $ire burning in your houses #hen you go to bed.! 8.5ED: Narrated Abu Ausa: 2ne night a house in Aedina #as burnt #ith its o((u%ants. "he 'ro%het s%o&e about them saying !"his $ire is indeed your enemy so #hene)er you go to bed %ut it out to %rote(t yoursel)es.! 8.51E: Narrated /abir bin `Abdullah: Allah's A%ostle said !,At bedtime- (o)er the utensils (lose the doors and %ut out the lights lest the e)il (reature ,the rat- should %ull a#ay the #i(& and thus burn the %eo%le o$ the house.! 8.511: Narrated /abir: Allah s A%ostle said !When you intend going to bed at night %ut out the lights (lose the doors tie the mouths o$ the #ater s&ins and (o)er your $ood and drin&s.! +amrnam said !I thin& he ,the other narrator- added 'e)en #ith %ie(e o$ #ood a(ross the utensil.' 8.511: Narrated Abu +uraira: 75

"he 'ro%het said !<i)e things are in a((ordan(e #ith Al <itra ,i.e. the tradition o$ %ro%hets-: to be (ir(um(ised to sha)e the %el)i( region to %ull out the hair o$ the arm%its to (ut short the mousta(hes and to (li% the nails.' 8.515: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he 'ro%het- Abraham (ir(um(ised himsel$ a$ter he had %assed the age o$ eighty years and he (ir(um(ised himsel$ #ith an adze.! Narrated Sa`id bin /ubair: Ibn `Abbas #as as&ed !+o# old #ere you #hen the 'ro%het died*! +e re%lied. !At that time I had been (ir(um(ised.! At that time %eo%le did not (ir(um(ise the boys till they attained the age o$ %uberty. Sa`id bin /ubair said !Ibn `Abbas said 'When the 'ro%het died I had already been (ir(um(ised. ! 8.517: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !Whoe)er among you ta&es an oath #herein he says ':y Al->at and Al-`9zza ' names o$ t#o Idols #orshi%%ed by the 'agans he should say 'None has the right to be #orshi%%ed but AllahC And #hoe)er says to his $riend '0ome let me gamble #ith you 3 +e should gi)e something in (harity. ! ,See +adith No. @788.518: Narrated Ibn `9mar: 6uring the li$e-time o$ the 'ro%het I built a house #ith my o#n hands so that it might %rote(t me $rom the rain and shade me $rom the sunC and none o$ Allah's (reatures assisted me in building it. 8.51@: Narrated `Amr: Ibn `9mar said !:y Allah I ha)e not %ut a bri(& o)er a bri(& ,i.e. (onstru(ted a building- or %lanted any date-%alm tree sin(e the death o$ the 'ro%het.! Su$yan ,the sub narrator- said !I told this narration ,o$ Ibn `9mar- to one o$ his ,Ibn `9mar's- relati)es and he said ':y Allah he did build ,something.' !Su$yan added !I said '+e must ha)e said ,the abo)e narration- be$ore he built.! 8.51B.1: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !<or e)ery %ro%het there is one ,s%e(ial in)o(ation ,that #ill not be re=e(ted#ith #hi(h he a%%eals ,to Allah- and I #ant to &ee% su(h an in)o(ation $or inter(eding $or my $ollo#ers in the +erea$ter.! 8.51B.1: Narrated Anas: that the 'ro%het said !<or e)ery %ro%het there is an in)o(ation that surely #ill be res%onded by Allah ! ,or said- !<or e)ery %ro%het there #as an in)o(ation #ith #hi(h he a%%ealed to Allah and his in)o(ation #as a((e%ted ,in his li$etime- but I &e%t my ,this s%e(ial- in)o(ation to inter(ede $or my $ollo#ers on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion.! 8.518: Narrated Shaddad bin Aus: "he 'ro%het said !"he most su%erior #ay o$ as&ing $or $orgi)eness $rom Allah is: 'Allahumma anta Habbi la ilaha illa anta Anta Ghala;tani #a ana `Abdu&a #a ana 'ala ahdi&a #a #a'di&a mastata'tu A`udhu bi&a min Sharri ma sana'tu abu'u >a&a bini'mati&a 'alaiya #a Abu >a&a bidhanbi $agh$irli innahu la yagh$iru adhdhunuba illa anta.! "he 'ro%het added. !I$ somebody re(ites it during the day #ith $irm $aith in it and dies on the same day be$ore the e)ening he #ill be $rom the %eo%le o$ 'aradiseC and i$ somebody re(ites it at night #ith $irm $aith in it and dies be$ore the morning he #ill be $rom the %eo%le o$ 'aradise.! 8.51D: Narrated Abu +uraira: I heard Allah's A%ostle saying.! :y Allah3 I as& $or $orgi)eness $rom Allah and turn to +im in re%entan(e more than se)enty times a day.! 8.51E: 77

Narrated Al-+arith bin Su#aid: `Abdullah bin Aas`ud related to us t#o narrations: 2ne $rom the 'ro%het and the other $rom himsel$ saying: A belie)er sees his sins as i$ he #ere sitting under a mountain #hi(h he is a$raid may $all on himC #hereas the #i(&ed %erson (onsiders his sins as $lies %assing o)er his nose and he =ust dri)es them a#ay li&e this.! Abu Shihab ,the sub-narrator- mo)ed his hand o)er his nose in illustration. ,Ibn Aas`ud added-: Allah's A%ostle said !Allah is more %leased #ith the re%entan(e o$ +is sla)e than a man #ho en(am%s at a %la(e #here his li$e is =eo%ardized but he has his riding beast (arrying his $ood and #ater. +e then rests his head and slee%s $or a short #hile and #a&es to $ind his riding beast gone. ,+e starts loo&ing $or it- and su$$ers $rom se)ere heat and thirst or #hat Allah #ished ,him to su$$er $rom-. +e then says 'I #ill go ba(& to my %la(e.' +e returns and slee%s again and then ,getting u%- he raises his head to $ind his riding beast standing beside him.! 8.511: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's A%ostle said !Allah is more %leased #ith the re%entan(e o$ +is sla)e than anyone o$ you is %leased #ith $inding his (amel #hi(h he had lost in the desert. ! 8.511: Narrated Aisha: "he 'ro%het used to %ray ele)en ra&`at in the late %art o$ the night and #hen da#n a%%eared he #ould o$$er t#o ra&`at and then lie on his right side till the Auadhdhin (ame to in$orm him ,that the morning %rayer #as due-. 8.515: Narrated Al-:ara bin `Azib: Allah's A%ostle said to me !When you #ant to go to bed %er$orm ablution as you do $or %rayer then lie do#n on your right side and say: 'Allahumma aslamtu #a=hi ilai&a #a $au#adtu `Amri ilai&a #a al=atu zahri ilai&a raghbatan #a rahbatan ilai&a lamal=a'a #a la manna min& a ill a ilai&a. Amantu bi&itabi &alladhi anzalta #a bi nabiyyi&al-ladhi arsalta'. I$ you should die then ,a$ter re(iting this- you #ill die on the religion o$ Islam ,i.e. as a Auslim-C so let these #ords be the last you say ,be$ore going to bed-! While I #as memorizing it I said !Wa birasiuli&al-ladhi arsalta ,in 4our A%ostle #hom 4ou ha)e sent-.' "he 'ro%het said !No but say: Wa binabiyyi-&alladhi arsalta ,in 4our 'ro%het #hom 4ou ha)e sent-. 8.517: Narrated +udhai$a: When the 'ro%het #ent to bed he #ould say: !:ismi&a amutu #a ahya.! and #hen he got u% he #ould say:! Al-hamdu li l-lahil-ladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatana #a ilaihin-nushur.! 8.518: Narrated Al-:ara bin `Azib: "hat the 'ro%het ad)ised a man saying !I$ you intend to lie do#n ,i.e. go to bed- say 'Allahumma aslamtu na$si ilai&a #a $au#adtu `Amri ilai&a #a #a==ahtu #a=hi ilai&a #a al=a'tu zahri ilai&a reghbatan #a rahbatan ilai&a. >a mal=a'a #a la man=a min&a illa ilai&a. Amantu bi&itabi&al-ladhi anzaltaC #a nabiyyi&alladhi arsalta.' And i$ you should die then ,a$ter re(iting this be$ore going to bedyou #ill die on the religion o$ Islam! 8.51@: Narrated +udhai$a: When the 'ro%het #ent to bed at night he #ould %ut his hand under his (hee& and then say !Allahumma bismi&a amutu #a ahya ! and #hen he got u% he #ould say !Al-+amdu lil-lahi al-ladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatana #a ilaihi an-nushur.! 8.51B: Narrated Al-:ara' bin `Azib: When Allah's A%ostle #ent to bed he used to slee% on his right side and then say !All-ahumma aslamtu na$si ilai&a #a #a==ahtu #a=hi ilai&a #a $au#adtu `Amri ilai&a #a al=a'tu zahri ilai&a raghbatan #a rahbatan ilai&a. >a Aal=a'a #a la man=a min&a illa ilai&a. Amantu bi&itabi&a al-ladhi


anzalta #a nabiyyi&a al-ladhi arsalta3 Allah's A%ostle said !Whoe)er re(ites these #ords ,be$ore going to bed- and dies the same night he #ill die on the Islami( religion ,as a Auslim-. 8.518: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 2ne night I sle%t at the house o$ Aaimuna. "he 'ro%het #o&e u% ans#ered the (all o$ nature #ashed his $a(e and hands and then sle%t. +e got u% ,late at night- #ent to a #ater s&in o%ened the mouth thereo$ and %er$ormed ablution not using mu(h #ater yet he #ashed al I the %arts %ro%erly and then o$$ered the %rayer. I got u% and straightened my ba(& in order that the 'ro%het might not $eel that I #as #at(hing him and then I %er$ormed the ablution and #hen he got u% to o$$er the %rayer stood on his le$t. +e (aught hold o$ my ear and brought me o)er to his right side. +e o$$ered thirteen ra&`at in all and then lay do#n and sle%t till he started blo#ing out his breath as he used to do #hen he sle%t. In the meantime :ilal in$ormed the 'ro%het o$ the a%%roa(hing time $or the ,<a=r- %rayer and the 'ro%het o$$ered the <a=r ,Aorning- %rayer #ithout %er$orming ne# ablution. +e used to say in his in)o(ation Allaihumma i='al $i ;albi nuran #a $i basari nuran #a $i sam'i nuran #a'an yamini nuran #a'an yasari nuran #a $a#;i nuran #a tahti nuran #a amami nuran #a &hal$i nuran #a='al li nuran.! Guraib ,a sub narrator- said !I ha)e $orgotten se)en other #ords ,#hi(h the 'ro%het mentioned in this in)o(ation-. I met a man $rom the o$$s%ring o$ Al-`Abbas and he narrated those se)en things to me mentioning ',>et there be light in- my ner)es my $lesh my blood my hair and my body ' and he also mentioned t#o other things.! 8.51D: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: When the 'ro%het got u% at night to o$$er the night %rayer he used to say: !Allahumma la&a l-hamduC Anta nuras-sama#ati #al ardi #a man $ihinna. #a la&a l-hamduC Anta ;aiyim as-sama#ati #al ardi #a man $lhinna. Wa la&aI-hamduC Anta-l- ha;;un #a #a'da&a ha;;un #a ;aulu&a ha;;un #a li;au&a ha;;un #al-=annatu ha;;un #annaru ha;;un #as-sa atu ha;;un #an-nabiyyuna hu;;un Aahammadun ha;;un Allahumma la&a aslamtu #a Alai&a ta#a&&altu #a bi&a amantu #a ilai&a anabtu #a bi&a Ghasamtu #a ilai&a ha&amtu $agh$irli ma ;addamtu #a ma a&h-&hartu #a ma asrartu #a ma a'lantu. Anta al-mu;addimu #a anta al-mu-'a&h&hiru. >a ilaha il-la anta ,or >a ilaha ghairu&a-! 8.55E: Narrated `Ali: <atima (om%lained about the blisters on her hand be(ause o$ using a mill-stone. She #ent to as& the 'ro%het $or ser)ant but she did not $ind him ,at home- and had to in$orm `Aisha o$ her need. When he (ame `Aisha in$ormed him about it. `Ali added: "he 'ro%het (ame to us #hen #e had gone to our beds. When I #as going to get u% he said !'Stay in your %la(es ! and sat bet#een us till I $elt the (oolness o$ the $eet on my (hest. "he 'ro%het then said !Shall I not tell you o$ a thing #hi(h is better $or you than a ser)ant* When you ,both- go to your beds say 'Allahu A&bar' thirty-$our times and 'Subhan Allah' thirty-three times 'Al hamdu 'illah' thirty-three times $or that is better $or you than a ser)ant.! Ibn Seereen said !Subhan Allah' ,is to be said $or- thirty-$our times.! 8.551: Narrated `Aisha: Whene)er Allah's A%ostle #ent to bed he used to blo# on his hands #hile re(iting the Au'au#idhat , i.e. Suratal-<ala; 115 and Surat-an-Nas 117- and then %ass his hands o)er his body. 8.551: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !When anyone o$ you go to bed he should sha&e out his bed #ith the inside o$ his #aist sheet $or he does not &no# #hat has (ome on to it a$ter him and then he should say: ':ismi&a Habbi Wada`tu /anbi #a bi&a ar$a'uhu In amsa&ta na$si $arhamha #a in arsaltaha $ah$azha bima tah$azu bihi ibada&as-salihin.! 8.555: Narrated Abu +uraira:


Allah's A%ostle said !When it is the last third o$ the night our >ord the :lessed the Su%erior des(ends e)ery night to the hea)en o$ the #orld and says 'Is there anyone #ho in)o&es Ae ,demand anything $rom Ae- that I may res%ond to his in)o(ationC Is there anyone #ho as&s Ae $or something that I may gi)e ,it to- himC Is there anyone #ho as&s Ay $orgi)eness that I may $orgi)e him*' ! 8.557: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Whene)er the 'ro%het #ent to the la)atory he used to say: !Allahumma Inni a`udhu bi&a minal&hubthi Wal &haba'ith.! 8.558: Narrated Shaddad bin 'Aus: "he 'ro%het said !"he most su%erior #ay o$ as&ing $or $orgi)eness $rom Allah is: 'Allahumma anta Habbi la ilaha illa anta. Ghala;tani #a ana `Abdu&a #a ana 'ala 'ahdi&a #a Wa'di&a mastata'tu abu'u >a&a bi ni 'mati&a #a abu'u >a&a bidhanbiC $agh$irli $a'innahu la yagh$iru-dh-dhunuba ill a ant a. A'uidhu bi&a min sharri ma sana'tu.' I$ somebody re(ites this in)o(ation during the night and i$ he should die then he #ill go to 'aradise ,or he #ill be $rom the %eo%le o$ 'aradise-. And i$ he re(ites it in the morning and i$ he should die on the same day he #ill ha)e the same $ate.! 8.55@: Narrated +udhai$a: Whene)er the 'ro%het intended to go to bed he #ould re(ite: !:ismi&a Allahumma amutu #a ahya ,With 4our name 2 Allah I die and I li)e-.! And #hen he #o&e u% $rom his slee% he #ould say: !Al-hamdu lil-lahil-ladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatanaC #a ilaihi an-nushur ,All the 'raises are $or Allah Who has made us ali)e a$ter +e made us die ,slee%- and unto +im is the Hesurre(tion-. ! 8.55B: Narrated Abu 6har: Whene)er the 'ro%het lay on his bed he used to say: !Allahumma bismi&a amutu #a ahya ! and #hen he #o&e u% he #ould say: !Al-hamdu lil-lahilladhi ahyana ba'da ma an atana #a ilaihi an-nushur.! 8.558: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: Abu :a&r As-Siddi; said to the 'ro%het !"ea(h me an in)o(ation #ith #hi(h I may in)o&e ,Allah- in my %rayer.! "he 'ro%het said !Say: Allahumma inni zalamtu na$si zulman &athiran #ala yagh$irudhdhunuba illa anta <agh$irli magh$iratan min indi&a #ar-hamni inna&a antal?ha$ur-Hahim.! 8.55D: Narrated `Aisha: "he Verse: 'Neither say your %rayer aloud nor say it in a lo# tone.' ,1B.11E- #as re)ealed as regards in)o(ation. 8.57E: Narrated `Abdullah: We used to say in the %rayer: 'AsSalam be on Allah As-Salam be on so-and so.' So one day the 'ro%het said to us !Allah +imsel$ is As-SalamC #hen anyone o$ you sits during his %rayer he should say: 'at-tah iyyatu-li l-lahi ' u% to 'As-Salihin ' ,All the (om%liments are $or Allah ...righteous %eo%le$or #hen he re(ites this then he says his Salam to all the righteous %eo%le %resent in the hea)ens and on the earth. "hen he should say 'I testi$y that none has the right to be #orshi%%ed e.(e%t Allah and that Auhammad is +is sla)e and +is A%ostle ' and then he (an sele(t #hate)er he li&es to (elebrate ,Allah's- 'raises.! 8.571: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he %eo%le said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 "he ri(h %eo%le ha)e got the highest degrees o$ %restige and the %ermanent %leasures ,in this li$e and the li$e to (ome in the +erea$ter-.! +e said !+o# is that*! "hey said !"he ri(h %ray as #e %ray and stri)e in Allah's 0ause as #e do and s%end $rom their sur%lus #ealth in (harity #hile #e ha)e no #ealth ,to s%end li&e#ise-.! +e said !Shall I not tell you a thing by doing #hi(h you #ill (at(h u% #ith those #ho are ahead o$ you and su%ersede those #ho #ill (ome a$ter youC and nobody #ill be able to do su(h a good deed as you do e.(e%t the one #ho does 7B

the same ,deed as you do-. "hat deed is to re(ite 'Subhan Allah ten times and 'Al-+amduli l-lah ten times and 'AllahuA&bar' ten times a$ter e)ery %rayer.! 8.571: Narrated Warrad: ,the $reed sla)e o$ Al-Aughira bin Shu`ba- Al-Aughira #rote to Aua#iya bin Abu Su$yan that Allah's A%ostle used to say at the end o$ e)ery %rayer a$ter the "aslim !>a ilaha illa-l-lahu #ahdahu la shari&a lahuC lahu-l-mul& #a lahu-l-hamd #ahu#a 'ala &ulli shai'n ;adir. Allahumma la mani'a >ima a taita #a la mu'ta >ima mana'ta #a la yan$a'u dhal-=addu min&al-=add. 8.575: Narrated Salama bin Al-A&#a`: We #ent out #ith the 'ro%het to Ghaibar. A man among the %eo%le said !2 'Amir3 Will you %lease re(ite to us some o$ your %oeti( )erses*! So 'Amir got do#n and started (hanting among them saying !:y Allah3 +ad it not been $or Allah #e #ould not ha)e been guided.! 'Amir also said other %oeti( )erses #hi(h I do not remember. Allah's A%ostle said !Who is this ,(amel- dri)er*! "he %eo%le said !+e is 'Amir bin Al-A&#a` ! +e said !Aay Allah besto# +is Aer(y on him.! A man $rom the 'eo%le said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Would that you let us en=oy his (om%any longer.! When the %eo%le ,Auslims- lined u% the battle started and 'Amir #as stru(& #ith his o#n s#ord ,by (han(e- by himsel$ and died. In the e)ening the %eo%le made a large number o$ $ires ,$or (oo&ing meals-. Allah's A%ostle said !What is this $ire* What are you ma&ing the $ire $or*! "hey said !<or (oo&ing the meat o$ don&eys.! +e said !"hro# a#ay #hat is in the %ots and brea& the %ots3! A man said !2 Allah's 'ro%het3 Aay #e thro# a#ay #hat is in them and #ash them*! +e said !Ne)er mind you may do so.! ,See +adith No. 8ED Vol. 8-. 8.577: Narrated Ibn Abi `Au$a: Whene)er a man brought his alms to the 'ro%het the 'ro%het #ould say !2 Allah3 :esto# 4our :lessing u%on the $amily o$ so-and-so.! When my $ather (ame to him ,#ith his alms- he said !2 Allah3 :esto# 4our :lessings u%on the $amily o$ Abi `Au$a.! 8.578: Narrated /arir: Allah's A%ostle said to me. !Will you relie)e me $rom 6hi-al-Ghalasa* ! 6hi-al-Ghalasa #as an idol #hi(h the %eo%le used to #orshi% and it #as (alled Al-Ga`ba al 4amaniyya. I said !2 Allah's A%ostle I am a man #ho (an't sit $irm on horses.! So he stro&ed my (hest ,#ith his hand- and said !2 Allah3 Aa&e him $irm and ma&e him a guiding and #ell-guided man.! So I #ent out #ith $i$ty ,men- $rom my tribe o$ Ahrnas. ,"he sub-narrator Su$yan ;uoting /arir %erha%s said !I #ent out #ith a grou% o$ men $rom my nation.!- and (ame to 6hi-al-Ghalasa and burnt it and then (ame to the 'ro%het and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I ha)e not (ome to you till I le$t it li&e a (amel #ith a s&in disease.! "he 'ro%het then in)o&ed good u%on Ahmas and their (a)alry ,$ighters-. 8.57@: Narrated Anas: 9m Sulaim said to the 'ro%het !Anas is your ser)ant.! "he 'ro%het said !2 Allah3 in(rease his #ealth and o$$s%ring and bless ,$or him- #hat e)er you gi)e him.! 8.57B: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het heard a man re(iting ,the Iur'an- in the mos;ue. +e said ! Aay Allah besto# +is Aer(y on him as he made me remember su(h and-su(h Verse #hi(h I had missed in su(h-and-su(h Sura.! 8.578: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het di)ided something ,among the Auslims- and distributed the shares ,o$ the booty-. A man said !"his di)ision has not been made to %lease Allah.! When I in$ormed the 'ro%het about it he be(ame so $urious that I noti(ed the signs o$ anger on his $a(e and he then said !Aay Allah besto# +is Aer(y on Aoses $or he #as hurt #ith more than this yet he remained %atient.! 8.57D: 78

Narrated `I&rima: Ibn `Abbas said !'rea(h to the %eo%le on(e a #ee& and i$ you #on't then %rea(h them t#i(e but i$ you #ant to %rea(h more then let it be three times ,a #ee& only- and do not ma&e the %eo%le $ed-u% #ith this Iur'an. I$ you (ome to some %eo%le #ho are engaged in a tal& don't start interru%ting their tal& by %rea(hing lest you should (ause them to be bored. 4ou should rather &ee% ;uiet and i$ they as& you then %rea(h to them at the time #hen they are eager to hear #hat you say. And a)oid the use o$ rhymed %rose in in)o(ation $or I noti(ed that Allah's A%ostle and his (om%anions al#ays a)oided it.! 8.58E: Narrated Anas: Allah's A%ostle said !When anyone o$ you a%%eal to Allah $or something he should as& #ith determination and should not say '2 Allah i$ 4ou #ish gi)e me.' $or nobody (an $or(e Allah to do something against +is Will. 8.581: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !None o$ you should say: '2 Allah $orgi)e me i$ 4ou #ishC 2 Allah be mer(i$ul to me i$ 4ou #ish ' but he should al#ays a%%eal to Allah #ith determination $or nobody (an $or(e Allah to do something against +is Will.! 8.581: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he in)o(ation o$ anyone o$ you is granted ,by Allah- i$ he does not sho# im%atien(e ,by saying !I in)o&ed Allah but my re;uest has not been granted.!8.585: Narrated Anas: While the 'ro%het #as deli)ering a sermon on a <riday a man stood u% and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 In)o&e Allah to bless us #ith rain.! ,"he 'ro%het in)o&ed Allah $or rain.- So the s&y be(ame o)er(ast and it started raining till one (ould hardly rea(h one's home. It &e%t on raining till the ne.t <riday #hen the same man or another man got u% and said ,to the 'ro%het- !In)o&e Allah to #ithhold the rain $rom us $or #e ha)e been dro#ned ,#ith hea)y rain -.! "he 'ro%het said !2 Allah3 >et it rain around us and not on us.! "hen the (louds started dis%ersing around Aedina and rain (eased to $all on the %eo%le o$ Aedina. 8.587: Narrated `Abdullah bin Faid: Allah's A%ostle #ent out to this Ausalla ,%raying %la(e- to o$$er the %rayer o$ Istis;a.' +e in)o&ed Allah $or rain and then $a(ed the Iibla and turned his Hida' ,u%%er garment- inside out. 8.588: Narrated Anas: Ay mother said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 'lease in)o&e Allah on behal$ o$ your ser)ant.! +e said !2 Allah3 In(rease his #ealth and (hildren and besto# 4our :lessing on #hate)er 4ou gi)e him.! a time o$ distress. 8.58@: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het used to in)o&e Allah at the time o$ distress saying !>a ilaha illal-lahu Al-`Azim al+alim >a ilaha illal-lahu Habbu-s-sama#ati #al-ard #a Habbu-l-arsh il-azim.! 8.58B: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's A%ostle used to say at a time o$ distress !>a ilaha illal-lahu Habbul-l-'arsh il-'azim >a ilaha illallahu Habbu-s-sama#ati #a Habbu-l-ard Habbu-l-'arsh-il-Garim.! 8.588: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle used to see& re$uge #ith Allah $rom the di$$i(ult moment o$ a (alamity and $rom being o)erta&en by destru(tion and $rom being destined to an e)il end and $rom the mali(ious =oy o$ 7D

enemies. Su$yan said !"his narration (ontained three items only but I added one. I do not &no# #hi(h one that #as.! 8.58D: Narrated `Aisha: When Allah's A%ostle #as healthy he used to say !No %ro%het dies till he is sho#n his %la(e in 'aradise and then he is gi)en the o%tion ,to li)e or die-.! So #hen death a%%roa(hed him,during his illness- and #hile his head #as on my thigh he be(ame un(ons(ious $or a #hile and #hen he re(o)ered he $i.ed his eyes on the (eiling and said !2 Allah3 ,>et me =oin- the +ighest 0om%anions ,see Iur'an 7:@D- ! I said !So he does not (hoose us.! "hen I realized that it #as the a%%li(ation o$ the statement he used to relate to us #hen he #as healthy. So that #as his last utteran(e ,be$ore he died- i.e. !2 Allah3 ,>et me =oin- the +ighest 0om%anions.! 8.5@E: Narrated Iais: I (ame to Ghabbab #ho had been branded #ith se)en brands,1- and he said !+ad Allah's A%ostle not $orbidden us to in)o&e ,Allah- $or death I #ould ha)e in)o&ed ,Allah- $or it.! 8.5@1: Narrated Iais: I (ame to Ghabbab #ho had been branded #ith se)en brands o)er his `Abdomen and I heard him saying !I$ the 'ro%het: had not $orbidden us to in)o&e ,Allah- $or death I #ould ha)e in)o&ed Allah $or it.! 8.5@1: Narrated Anas: Allah's A%ostle said ! None o$ you should long $or death be(ause o$ a (alamity that had be$allen him and i$ he (annot but long $or death then he should say '2 Allah3 >et me li)e as long as li$e is better $or me and ta&e my li$e i$ death is better $or me.' ! 8.5@5: Narrated As-Sa'ib bin 4azid: Ay aunt too& me to Allah's A%ostle and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Ay sister's son is si(&.! So he %assed his hand o)er my head and in)o&ed $or Allah's blessing u%on me and then %er$ormed the ablution. I dran& $rom the #ater o$ his ablution and I stood behind him and loo&ed at his Ghatam ,the seal o$ 'ro%hethood- bet#een his shoulders ,and its size #as- li&e the button o$ a tent. 8.5@7: Narrated Abu `A;il: that his grand$ather. `Abdullah bin +isham used to ta&e him $rom the mar&et or to the mar&et ,the narrator is in doubt- and used to buy grain and #hen Ibn Az-Fubair and Ibn `9mar met him they #ould say to him !>et us be your %artners ,in trading- as the 'ro%het in)o&ed $or Allah's blessing u%on you.! +e #ould then ta&e them as %artners and he #ould Sometimes gain a #hole load (arried by an animal #hi(h he #ould send home. 8.5@8: Narrated Aahmud bin Ar-Habi: 2n #hose $a(e Allah's A%ostle had thro#n #ater $rom his mouth the #ater ha)ing been ta&en $rom their #ell #hile he #as still a young boy ,#ho has not yet attained the age o$ %uberty-. 8.5@@: Narrated `Aisha: "he boys used to be brought to the 'ro%het and he used to in)o&e $or Allah's blessing u%on them. 2n(e an in$ant #as brought to him and it urinated on his (lothes. +e as&ed $or #ater and %oured it o)er the %la(e o$ the urine and did not #ash his (lothes. 8.5@B: Narrated `Abdullah bin "ha`laba bin Su'air: #hose eye Allah's A%ostle had tou(hed that he had seen Sa`d bin Abi Wa;;as o$$ering one ra&`a only $or the #itr %rayer. 8.5@8: 8E

Narrated `Abdur-Hahman bin Abi >aila: Ga`b bin '9=ra met me and said !Shall I gi)e you a %resent* 2n(e the 'ro%het (ame to us and #e said '2 Allah's A%ostle 3 We &no# ho# to greet youC but ho# to send 'Salat' u%on you* +e said 'Say: Allahumma Salli ala Auhammadin #a 'ala `Ali Auhammadin &ama sal-laita 'ala all Ibrahima inna&a +amidun Aa=id. Allahumma bari& 'ala Auhammadin #a 'ala all Auhammadin &ama bara&ta 'ala all Ibrahima inna&a +amidun Aa=id.! 8.5@D: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: We said !2 Allah's A%ostle "his is ,i.e. #e &no#- the greeting to youC #ill you tell us ho# to send Salat on you*! +e said !Say: 'Allahumma Salli 'ala Auhammadin `Abdi&a #a rasuli&a &ama sal-laita 'ala Ibrahima #a bari& 'ala Auhammadin #a all Auhammadin &ama bara&ta 'ala Ibrahima #a `Ali Ibrahim.! 8.5BE: Narrated Ibn Abi `Au$a: Whene)er somebody brought alms to the 'ro%het the used to say !Allahumma Salli 'Alaihi ,2 Allah3 Send 4our Salat ,?ra(e and +onor- on him-.! 2n(e #hen my $ather brought his alms to him he said !2 Allah3 Send 4our Salat ,?ra(e and +onor- on the $amily o$ Abi `Au$a.! 8.5B1: Narrated Abu +umaid As-Saidi: "he %eo%le said !2 Allah's A%ostle 3 +o# may #e send Salat on you*! +e said !Say: Allahumma Salli 'ala- Auhammadin #a az#a=ihi #a dhurriyyatihi &ama sal-laita 'ala `Ali IbrahimC #a bari& 'ala Auhammadin #a az#a=ihi #a dhurriyyatihi &amabara&ta 'ala `Ali Ibrahim inna&a hamidun ma=id.! 8.5B1: Narrated Abu +uraira: that he heard the 'ro%het saying !2 Allah3 I$ I should e)er abuse a belie)er %lease let that be a means o$ bringing him near to 4ou on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion.! 8.5B5: Narrated Anas: 2n(e the %eo%le started as&ing Allah's A%ostle ;uestions and they as&ed so many ;uestions that he be(ame angry and as(ended the %ul%it and said !I #ill ans#er #hate)er ;uestions you may as& me today.! I loo&ed right and le$t and sa# e)eryone (o)ering his $a(e #ith his garment and #ee%ing. :ehold 3 "here #as a man #ho on ;uarreling #ith the %eo%le used to be (alled as a son o$ a %erson other than h is $ather. +e said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Who is my $ather*! "he 'ro%het re%lied !4our $ather is +udhai$a.! And then `9mar got u% and said !We a((e%t Allah as our >ord and Islam as ,our- religion and Auhammad as ,our- A%ostleC and #e see& re$uge #ith Allah $rom the a$$li(tions.! Allah's A%ostle said ! I ha)e ne)er seen a day li&e today in its good and its e)il $or 'aradise and the +ell <ire #ere dis%layed in $ront o$ me till I sa# them =ust beyond this #all.! Iatada #hen relating this +adith used to mention the $ollo#ing Verse:-'2 you #ho belie)e3 As& not ;uestions about things #hi(h I$ made %lain to you Aay (ause you trouble. ,8.1E18.5B7: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het said to Abu "alha !0hoose one o$ your boys to ser)e me.! So Abu "alha too& me ,to ser)e the 'ro%het - by gi)ing me a ride behind him ,on his (amel-. So I used to ser)e Allah's A%ostle #hene)er he stayed some#here. I used to hear him saying !2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith you ,Allah$rom ,#orries- (are and grie$ $rom in(a%a(ity and laziness $rom miserliness and (o#ardi(e $rom being hea)ily in debt and $rom being o)er%o#ered by other men.! I &e%t on ser)ing him till he returned $rom ,the battle o$- Ghaibar. +e then brought Sa$iya the daughter o$ +uyay #hom he had got ,$rom the booty-. I sa# him ma&ing a &ind o$ (ushion #ith a (loa& or a garment $or her. +e then let her ride behind him. When #e rea(hed a %la(e (alled As-Sahba' he %re%ared ,a s%e(ial meal (alled- +ais and as&ed me to in)ite the men #ho ,(ame and- ate and that #as the marriage ban;uet gi)en on the (onsummation o$ his marriage to her. "hen he %ro(eeded till the mountain o$ 9hud 81

a%%eared #hereu%on he said !"his mountain lo)es us and #e lo)e it.! When he a%%roa(hed Aedina he said !2 Allah3 I ma&e the land bet#een its ,i.e. Aedina's- t#o mountains a san(tuary as the %ro%het Abraham made Ae((a a san(tuary. 2 Allah3 :less them ,the %eo%le o$ Aedina- in their Audd and the Sa' ,units o$ measuring-. 8.5B8: Narrated 9m Ghalid bint Ghalid: I heard the 'ro%het see&ing re$uge #ith Allah $rom the %unishment o$ the gra)e. 8.5B@: Narrated Aus`ab: Sa`d used to re(ommend $i)e ,statements- and mentioned that the 'ro%het I used to re(ommend it. ,It #as- !2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom miserlinessC and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom (o#ardi(eC and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom being sent ba(& to geriatri( old ageC and I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tion o$ this #orld ,i.e. the a$$li(tion o$ Ad-6a==al et(.-C and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the %unishment o$ the gra)e.! 8.5BB: Narrated `Aisha: "#o old ladies $rom among the /e#ish ladies entered u%on me and said' !"he dead are %unished in their gra)es ! but I thought they #ere telling a lie and did not belie)e them in the beginning. When they #ent a#ay and the 'ro%het entered u%on me I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 "#o old ladies..! and told him the #hole story. +e said !"hey told the truthC the dead are really %unished to the e.tent that all the animals hear ,the sound resulting $rom- their %unishment.! Sin(e then I al#ays sa# him see&ing re$uge #ith Allah $rom the %unishment o$ the gra)e in his %rayers. 8.5B8: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's 'ro%het used to say !2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom in(a%a(ity and laziness $rom (o#ardi(e and geriatri( old age and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the %unishment o$ the gra)e and I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tions o$ li$e and death.! 8.5BD: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het used to say !2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom laziness and geriatri( old age $rom all &inds o$ sins and $rom being in debtC $rom the a$$li(tion o$ the <ire and $rom the %unishment o$ the <ire and $rom the e)il o$ the a$$li(tion o$ #ealthC and I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tion o$ %o)erty and I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tion o$ Al-Aesiah Ad-6a==al. 2 Allah3 Wash a#ay my sins #ith the #ater o$ sno# and hail and (leanse my heart $rom all the sins as a #hite garment is (leansed $rom the $ilth and let there be a long distan(e bet#een me and my sins as 4ou made Jast and West $ar $rom ea(h other.! 8.58E: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het used to say !2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom #orry and grie$ $rom in(a%a(ity and laziness $rom (o#ardi(e and miserliness $rom being hea)ily in debt and $rom being o)er%o#ered by ,other- men.! ,See +adith No. 5B78.581: Narrated Aus`ab bin Sa`d: Sa`d bin Abi Wa;;as used to re(ommend these $i)e ,statements- and say that the 'ro%het said so ,and they are-: !2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom miserliness and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom (o#ardi(e and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom being brought ba(& to geriatri( old age and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tions o$ the #orld and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the %unishment o$ the gra)e.! 8.581: Narrated Anas bin Aali&:


Allah's A%ostle used to see& re$uge #ith Allah saying !2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom laziness and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom (o#ardi(e and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom geriatri( old age and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom miserliness.! 8.585: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !2 Allah3 Aa&e us lo)e Aedina as 4ou made us lo)e Ae((a or more and trans$er the $e)er that is in it to Al-/uh$a. 2 Allah3 :less our Audd and our Sam' ,&inds o$ measures-. 8.587: Narrated 'Amir bin Sa`d: that his $ather said !In the year o$ +a==atal-Wada` the 'ro%het %aid me a )isit #hile I #as su$$ering $rom an ailment that had brought me to the )erge o$ death. I said '2 Allah's A%ostle3 Ay si(&ness has redu(ed me to the ,bad- state as you see and I am a ri(h man but ha)e no heirs e.(e%t one daughter. Shall I gi)e 1K5 o$ my %ro%erty in (harity*' +e said 'No.' I said '"hen 1K1 o$ it*' +e said 'J)en 1K5 is too mu(h $or to lea)e your inheritors #ealthy is better than to lea)e them in %o)erty begging $rom %eo%le. And ,&no# that- #hate)er you s%end in Allah's 0ause you #ill get re#ard $or it e)en $or the morsel o$ $ood #hi(h you %ut in your #i$e's mouth.' I said '2 Allah's A%ostle3 Will I be le$t behind my (om%anions ,in Ae((a-*' +e said 'I$ you remain behind #hate)er good deed you #ill do $or Allah's Sa&e #ill raise and u%grade you to a higher %osition ,in Allah's Sight-. Aay be you #ill li)e longer so that some %eo%le may bene$it by you and some e others ,%agans- may get harmed by you. 2 Allah3 0om%lete the migration o$ my (om%anions and do not turn them on their heelsC :ut ,#e %itythe %oor Sa`d bin Ghaula ,not the abo)e mentioned Sa`d- ,died in Ae((a-! Allah's A%ostle lamented ,or %itied- $or him as he died in Ae((a. ,See +adith No. @D5 Vol. 88.588: Narrated Sa`d: See& re$uge #ith Allah by saying the #ords #hi(h the 'ro%het used to say #hile see&ing re$uge #ith Allah !E Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom (o#ardi(e and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom miserliness and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom rea(hing a degraded geriatri( old age and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tions o$ the #orld and $rom the %unishment in the gra)e.! 8.58@: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het used to say !2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom laziness $rom geriatri( old age $rom being in debt and $rom (ommitting sins. 2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the %unishment o$ the <ire the a$$li(tions o$ the gra)e the %unishment in the gra)e and the e)il o$ the a$$li(tion o$ %o)erty and $rom the e)il o$ the a$$li(tion (aused by Al-Aasih Ad-6a==al. 2 Allah3 Wash a#ay my sins #ith the #ater o$ sno# and hail and (leanse my heart $rom the sins as a #hite garment is (leansed o$ $ilth and let there be a $ar a#ay distan(e bet#een me and my sins as 4ou ha)e set $ar a#ay the Jast and the West $rom ea(h other.! 8.58B: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het used to see& re$uge #ith Allah ,by saying- !2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tion o$ the <ire and $rom the %unishment in the <ire and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tion o$ the gra)e and I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tion o$ #ealth and I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tion o$ %o)erty and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tion o$ Al-Aasih Ad-6a==al.! 8.588: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het used to say '2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tion o$ the <ire the %unishment o$ the <ire the a$$li(tion o$ the gra)e the %unishment o$ the gra)e and the e)il o$ the a$$li(tion o$ %o)erty. 2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the e)il o$ the a$$li(tion o$ Al-Aasih Ad6a==al 2 Allah3 0leanse my heart #ith the #ater o$ sno# and hail and (leanse my heart $rom all sins as a #hite garment is (leansed $rom $ilth and let there be a $ar a#ay distan(e bet#een me and my sins as 4ou made the Jast and West $ar a#ay $rom ea(h other. 2 Allah3 I see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom laziness sins and $rom being in debt.! 85

8.58D: Narrated 9m Sulaim: that she said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Anas is your ser)ant so %lease in)o&e $or Allah's blessing $or him.! "he 'ro%het said !2 Allah3 In(rease his #ealth and o$$s%ring and bless ,$or him- #hate)er 4ou gi)e him.! 8.5DE: Narrated Anas: 9m Sulaim said ,to the 'ro%het- !Anas is your ser)antC so %lease in)o&e $or Allah's blessings $or him.! +e said !2 Allah3 In(rease his #ealth and o$$s%ring and :less ,$or him- #hate)er 4ou gi)e him.! 8.5D1: Narrated /abir: "he 'ro%het used to tea(h us the Isti&hara $or ea(h and e)ery matter as he used to tea(h us the Suras $rom the +oly Iur'an. ,+e used to say- !I$ anyone o$ you intends to do something he should o$$er a t#o-ra&`at %rayer other than the obligatory %rayer and then say: 'Allahumma inni asta&hiru&a bi'ilmi&a #a asta;diru&a bi;udrati&a #a as'alu&a min $adli&a-l-'azim $a inna&a ta;diru #ala a;diru #a ta'lamu #ala a'lamu #a anta'allamu-l-ghuyub. Allahumma in &unta ta'lamu anna hadha-lamra &hairun li $i dini #a ma'ashi #a 'a;ibati `Amri ,or said $i 'a=ili `Amri #a a=ilihi- $a-;durhu li Wa in =unta ta'lamu anna ha-dha-l-amra sharrun li $i dini #a ma'ashi #a 'a;ibati `Amri ,or said $i a=ili `Amri #a a=ilihi- $asri$hu 'anni #as-ri$ni 'anhu #a a;dur li al&haira haithu &ana thumma Haddani bihi ! "hen he should mention his matter ,need-. 8.5D1: Narrated Abu Ausa: "he 'ro%het as&ed $or some #ater and %er$ormed the ablution and then raised his hands ,to#ards the s&y- and said !2 Allah3 <orgi)e `9baid Abi 'Amir.! I sa# the #hiteness o$ his arm%its ,#hile he #as raising his hands- and he added !2 Allah3 9%grade him o)er many o$ 4our human (reatures on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion.! 8.5D5: Narrated Abu Ausa: We #ere in the (om%any o$ the 'ro%het on a =ourney and #hene)er #e as(ended a high %la(e #e used to say "a&bir ,in a loud )oi(e-. "he 'ro%het said !2 %eo%le3 :e &ind to yoursel)es $or you are not (alling u%on a dea$ or an absent one but 4ou are (alling an All-+earer and an All-Seer.! "hen he (ame to me as I #as re(iting silently !>a haul a #ala ;u##ata illa bil-lah.! +e said !2 `Abdullah bin Iais3 Say: >a haul a #ala;u#ata illa bil-lah $or it is one o$ the treasures o$ 'aradise.! 2r he said !Shall I tell you a #ord #hi(h is one o$ the treasures o$ 'aradise* It is: >a haul a #ala ;u##ata illa bil-lah.! 8.5D7: Narrated Ibn `9mar: Whene)er Allah's A%ostle returned $rom a ?haz#a or +a== or `9mra he used to say !Allahu A&bar ! three timesC #hene)er he #ent u% a high %la(e he used to say !>a ilaha illal-lahu #ahdahu la shari&a lahu lahu-l-mul& #a lahu-l-hamd #a hu#a'ala &ulli Shai 'in ;adir. Ayibuna ta'ibuna 'abiduna lirabbina hamidun. Sada;a-l-lahu #a'dahu #a nasara`Abdahu #a hazama-l-ahzaba #ahdahu.! 8.5D8: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het seeing a yello# mar& ,o$ %er$ume- on the (lothes o$ `Abdur-Hahman bin `Au$ said !What about you*! `Abdur-Hahman re%lied !I ha)e married a #oman #ith a Aahr o$ gold e;ual to a date-stone.! "he 'ro%het said !Aay Allah besto# +is :lessing on you ,in your marriage-. ?i)e a #edding ban;uet ,Walima- e)en #ith one shee%.! 8.5D@: Narrated /abir: Ay $ather died and le$t behind se)en or nine daughters and I married a #oman. "he 'ro%het said !6id you get married 2 /abir*! I re%lied !4es.! +e as&ed !Is she a )irgin or a matron*! I re%lied 87

!She is a matron.! +e said !Why didn't you marry a )irgin girl so that you might %lay #ith her and she #ith you ,or you might ma&e her laugh and she ma&e you laugh-*! I said !Ay $ather died lea)ing se)en or nine girls ,or%hans- and I did not li&e to bring a young girl li&e them so I married a #oman #ho (an loo& a$ter them.! +e said !Aay Allah besto# +is :lessing on you.! 8.5DB: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het said !I$ anyone o$ you #hen intending to ha)e a se.ual inter(ourse #ith his #i$e says: ':ismillah Allahumma =annibna-sh-shaitan #a =annibi-sh-shaitan ma raza;tana ' and i$ the (ou%le are destined to ha)e a (hild ,out o$ that )ery se.ual relation- then Satan #ill ne)er be able to harm that (hild.! 8.5D8: Narrated Anas: "he most $re;uent in)o(ation o$ "he 'ro%het #as: !2 Allah3 ?i)e to us in the #orld that #hi(h is good and in the +erea$ter that #hi(h is good and sa)e us $rom the torment o$ the <ire.! ,1.1E18.5DD: Narrated Sa`d bin Abi Wa;;as: "he 'ro%het used to tea(h us these #ords as he used to tea(h us the :oo& ,Iur'an-: !2 Allah3 see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom miserliness and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom (o#ardi(e and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom being brought ba(& to ,senile- geriatri( old age and see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom the a$$li(tion o$ the #orld and $rom the %unishment in the +erea$ter.! 8.7EE: Narrated `Aisha: that Allah's A%ostle #as a$$e(ted by magi( so mu(h that he used to thin& that he had done something #hi(h in $a(t he did not do and he in)o&ed his >ord ,$or a remedy-. "hen ,one day- he said !2 `Aisha3- 6o you &no# that Allah has ad)ised me as to the %roblem I (onsulted +im about*! `Aisha said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 What's that*! +e said !"#o men (ame to me and one o$ them sat at my head and the other at my $eet and one o$ them as&ed his (om%anion 'What is #rong #ith this man*' "he latter re%lied '+e is under the e$$e(t o$ magi(.' "he $ormer as&ed 'Who has #or&ed magi( on him*' "he latter re%lied '>abid bin Al-A'sam.' "he $ormer as&ed 'With #hat did he #or& the magi(*' "he latter re%lied 'With a (omb and the hair #hi(h are stu(& to the (omb and the s&in o$ %ollen o$ a date-%alm tree.' "he $ormer as&ed 'Where is that*' "he latter re%lied 'It is in 6har#an.' 6har#an #as a #ell in the d#elling %la(e o$ the ,tribe o$- :ani Furai;. Allah's A%ostle #ent to that #ell and returned to `Aisha saying ':y Allah the #ater ,o$ the #ell- #as as red as the in$usion o$ +inna ,1and the date-%alm trees loo& li&e the heads o$ de)ils.' `Aisha added Allah's A%ostle (ame to me and in$ormed me about the #ell. I as&ed the 'ro%het '2 Allah's A%ostle #hy didn't you ta&e out the s&in o$ %ollen*' +e said 'As $or me Allah has (ured me and I hated to dra# the attention o$ the %eo%le to su(h e)il ,#hi(h they might learn and harm others #ith-.' ! Narrated +isham's $ather: `Aisha said !Allah's A%ostle #as be#it(hed so he in)o&ed Allah re%eatedly re;uesting +im to (ure him $rom that magi(-.! +isham then narrated the abo)e narration. ,See +adith No. @88 Vol. B8.7E1: Narrated Ibn Abi `Au$a: Allah's A%ostle as&ed $or Allah's #rath u%on the Ahzab ,(on$ederates- saying !2 Allah the He)ealer o$ the +oly :oo& and the 2ne s#i$t at re(&oning3 6e$eat the (on$ederatesC 6e$eat them and sha&e them.! 8.7E1: Narrated Abu +uraira: When the 'ro%het said !Sami' al-lahu liman hamidah ,Allah heard him #ho sent his %raises to +im-! in the last ra&`a o$ the `Isha' %rayer he used to in)o&e Allah saying !2 Allah3 Sa)e `Aiyash bin Abi Habi`aC 2 Allah3 Sa)e Al-Walid bin Al-WalidC 2 Allah3 Sa)e the #ea& %eo%le among the belie)ersC 2 Allah3 :e hard on the "ribe o$ AudarC 2 Allah3 In$li(t years o$ drought u%on them li&e the years ,o$ drought- o$ the 'ro%het /ose%h.! 88

8.7E5: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het sent a Sariya ,an army deta(hment- (onsisting o$ men (alled Al-Iurra' and all o$ them #ere martyred. I had ne)er seen the 'ro%het so sad o)er anything as he #as o)er them. So he said Iunut ,in)o(ation in the %rayer- $or one month in the <a=r %rayer in)o&ing $or Allah's #rath u%on the tribe o$ '9saiya and he used to say !"he %eo%le o$ '9saiya ha)e disobeyed Allah and +is A%ostle.! 8.7E7: Narrated `Aisha: "he /e#s used to greet the 'ro%het by saying !As-Samu 'Alai&a ,i.e. death be u%on you- so I understood #hat they said and I said to them !As-Samu 'alai&um #al-la'na ,i.e. 6eath and Allah's 0urse be u%on you-.! "he 'ro%het said !:e gentle and (alm 2 `Aisha as Allah li&es gentleness in all a$$airs.! I said !2 Allah's 'ro%het3 6idn't you hear #hat they said*! +e said !6idn't you hear me ans#ering them ba(& by saying 'Alai&um ,i.e. the same be u%on you-*! 8.7E8: Narrated `Ali bin Abi "alib: We #ere in the (om%any o$ the 'ro%het on the day ,o$ the battle- o$ Al-Ghanda; ,the "ren(h-. "he 'ro%het said !Aay Allah $ill their ,the in$idels'- gra)es and houses #ith $ire as they ha)e &e%t us so busy that #e (ould not o$$er the middle %rayer till the sun had setC and that %rayer #as the `Asr %rayer.! 8.7E@: Narrated Abu +uraira: at-"u$ail bin `Amr (ame to Allah's A%ostle and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 "he tribe o$ 6aus has disobeyed ,Allah and +is A%ostle- and re$used ,to embra(e Islam- there$ore in)o&e Allah's #rath $or them.! "he %eo%le thought that the 'ro%het #ould in)o&e Allah's #rath $or them but he said !2 Allah3 ?uide the tribe 2$ 6aus and let them (ome to us.! 8.7EB: Narrated Abu Ausa: "he 'ro%het used to in)o&e Allah #ith the $ollo#ing in)o(ation: 'Habbi-gh$ir-li Ghati 'ati #a =ahli #a isra$i $i `Amri &ullihi #a ma anta a'lamu bihi minni. Allahumma igh$irli &hatayaya #a 'amdi #a =ahli #a =iddi #a &ullu dhali&a'indi. Allahumma ighri$li ma ;addamtu #a ma a&hartu #a ma asrartu #a ma a'lantu. Anta-l-mu;addimu #a anta-l-mu'a&h-&hiru #a anta 'ala &ulli shai'in ;adir.' 8.7E8: Narrated Abu Ausa Al-Ash`ari: "he 'ro%het used to in)o&e Allah saying !Allahumma igh$irli &hati'ati #a =ahli #a isra$i $i `Amri #a ma anta a-'lamu bihi minni. Allahumma igh$irli hazali #a =iddi #a &hata'i #a amdi #a &ullu dhali&a 'indi.! 8.7ED: Narrated Abu +uraira: Abu-l-Iasim ,the 'ro%het- said !2n <riday there is a %arti(ular time. I$ a Auslim ha%%ens to be %raying and in)o&ing Allah $or something good during that time Allah #ill surely $ul$ill his re;uest.! "he 'ro%het %ointed out #ith his hand. We thought that he #anted to illustrate ho# short that time #as. 8.71E: Narrated Ibn Abi Aulai&a: `Aisha said !"he /e#s (ame to the 'ro%het and said to him !As-Samu 'Alai&a ,i.e. 6eath be u%on you-.! +e re%lied '"he same on you.' ! `Aisha said to them !6eath be u%on you and may Allah (urse you and sho#er +is #rath u%on you3! Allah's A%ostle I said !:e gentle and (alm 2 `Aisha3 :e gentle and be#are o$ being harsh and o$ saying e)il things.! She said !6idn't you hear #hat they said*! +e said !6idn't you hear #hat I re%lied ,to them-* ha)e returned their statement to them and my in)o(ation against them #ill be a((e%ted but theirs against me #ill not be a((e%ted.! 8.711: Narrated Abu +uraira: 8@

"he 'ro%het said !When the Imam says 'Amin' then you should all say 'Amin' $or the angels say 'Amin' at that time and he #hose 'Amin' (oin(ides #ith the 'Amin' o$ the angels all his %ast sins #ill be $orgi)en.! 8.711: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said ! Whoe)er says: !>a ilaha illal-lah #ahdahu la shari&a lahu lahu-l-mul& #a lahul-hamd #a hu#a 'ala &ulli shai'in ;adir ! one hundred times #ill get the same re#ard as gi)en $or manumitting ten sla)esC and one hundred good deeds #ill be #ritten in his a((ounts and one hundred sins #ill be dedu(ted $rom his a((ounts and it ,his saying- #ill be a shield $or him $rom Satan on that day till night and nobody #ill be able to do a better deed e.(e%t the one #ho does more than he.! 8.715: Narrated `Amr bin Aaimun: Whoe)er re(ites it ,i.e. the in)o(ation in the abo)e +adith ,711- ten times #ill be as i$ he manumitted one o$ Ishmael's des(endants. Abu Aiyub narrated the same +adith $rom the 'ro%het saying !,Whoe)er re(ites it ten times- #ill be as i$ he had manumitted one o$ Ishmael's des(endants.! 8.717: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !Whoe)er says 'Subhan Allah #a bihamdihi ' one hundred times a day #ill be $orgi)en all his sins e)en i$ they #ere as mu(h as the $oam o$ the sea. 8.718: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"here are t#o e.%ressions #hi(h are )ery easy $or the tongue to say but they are )ery hea)y in the balan(e and are )ery dear to "he :ene$i(ent ,Allah- and they are 'Subhan Allah Al`Azim and 'Subhan Allah #a bihamdihi.'! 8.71@: Narrated Abu Ausa: "he 'ro%het said !"he o$ the one #ho (elebrates the 'raises o$ his >ord ,Allah- in (om%arison to the one #ho does not (elebrate the 'raises o$ his >ord is that o$ a li)ing (reature (om%ared to a dead one.! 8.71B: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah 's A%ostle said !Allah has some angels #ho loo& $or those #ho (elebrate the 'raises o$ Allah on the roads and %aths. And #hen they $ind some %eo%le (elebrating the 'raises o$ Allah they (all ea(h other saying !0ome to the ob=e(t o$ your %ursuit.' ! +e added !"hen the angels en(ir(le them #ith their #ings u% to the s&y o$ the #orld.! +e added. !,a$ter those %eo%le (elebrated the 'raises o$ Allah and the angels go ba(&- their >ord as&s them ,those angels-----though +e &no#s better than them----'What do Ay sla)es say*' "he angels re%ly '"hey say: Subhan Allah Allahu A&bar and Alham-du-li l-lah Allah then says '6id they see Ae*' "he angels re%ly 'No3 :y Allah they didn't see 4ou.' Allah says +o# it #ould ha)e been i$ they sa# Ae*' "he angels re%ly 'I$ they sa# 4ou they #ould #orshi% 4ou more de)outly and (elebrate 4our ?lory more dee%ly and de(lare 4our $reedom $rom any resemblan(e to anything more o$ten.' Allah says ,to the angels- 'What do they as& Ae $or*' "he angels re%ly '"hey as& 4ou $or 'aradise.' Allah says ,to the angels- '6id they see it*' "he angels say 'No3 :y Allah 2 >ord3 "hey did not see it.' Allah says +o# it #ould ha)e been i$ they sa# it*' "he angels say 'I$ they sa# it they #ould ha)e greater (o)etousness $or it and #ould see& It #ith greater zeal and #ould ha)e greater desire $or it.' Allah says '<rom #hat do they see& re$uge*' "he angels re%ly '"hey see& re$uge $rom the ,+ell- <ire.' Allah says '6id they see it*' "he angels say 'No :y Allah 2 >ord3 "hey did not see it.' Allah says +o# it #ould ha)e been i$ they sa# it*' "he angels say 'I$ they sa# it they #ould $lee $rom it #ith the e.treme $leeing and #ould ha)e e.treme $ear $rom it.' "hen Allah says 'I ma&e you #itnesses that I ha)e $orgi)en them.!' Allah's A%ostle added !2ne o$ the angels #ould say '"here #as so-and-so amongst them and he #as not one o$ them but he had =ust


(ome $or some need.' Allah #ould say '"hese are those %eo%le #hose (om%anions #ill not be redu(ed to misery.' ! 8.718: Narrated Abu Ausa Al-Ash`ari: "he 'ro%het started as(ending a high %la(e or hill. A man ,amongst his (om%anions- as(ended it and shouted in a loud )oi(e !>a ilaha illal-lahu #allahu A&bar.! ,At that time- Allah's A%ostle #as riding his mule. Allah's A%ostle said !4ou are not (alling u%on a dea$ or an absent one.! and added !2 Abu Ausa ,or 2 `Abdullah-3 Shall I tell you a senten(e $rom the treasure o$ 'aradise*! I said !4es.! +e said !>a haul a #ala ;u##ata illa billah ! 8.71D: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah has ninety-nine Names i.e. one hundred minus one and #hoe)er belie)es in their meanings and a(ts a((ordingly #ill enter 'aradiseC and Allah is #itr ,one- and lo)es 'the #itr' ,i.e. odd numbers-. 8.71E: Narrated Sha;i;: While #e #ere #aiting $or `Abdullah ,bin Aas`ud-. 4azid bin Aua#iya (ame. I said ,to him- !Will you sit do#n*! +e said !No but I #ill go into the house ,o$ Ibn Aas`ud- and let your (om%anion ,Ibn Aas`ud- (ome out to youC and i$ he should not ,(ome out- I #ill (ome out and sit ,#ith you-.! "hen `Abdullah (ame out holding the hand o$ 4azid addressed us saying !I &no# that you are assembled here but the reason that %re)ents me $rom (oming out to you is that Allah's A%ostle used to %rea(h to us at inter)als during the days lest #e should be(ome bored.! 8.711: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het said !"here are t#o blessings #hi(h many %eo%le lose: ,"hey are- +ealth and $ree time $or doing good.! 8.711: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het said !2 Allah3 "here is no li$e #orth li)ing e.(e%t the li$e o$ the +erea$ter so ,%leasema&e righteous the Ansar and the Jmigrants.! 8.715: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d As-Sa`idi: We #ere in the (om%any o$ Allah's A%ostle in ,the battle o$- Al-Ghanda; and he #as digging the tren(h #hile #e #ere (arrying the earth a#ay. +e loo&ed at us and said !2 Allah3 "here is no li$e #orth li)ing e.(e%t the li$e o$ the +erea$ter so ,%lease- $orgi)e the Ansar and the Jmigrants.! 8.717: Narrated Sahl: I heard the 'ro%het saying !A ,small- %la(e e;ual to an area o((u%ied by a #hi% in 'aradise is better than the ,#hole- #orld and #hate)er is in itC and an underta&ing ,=ourney- in the $orenoon or in the a$ternoon $or Allah's 0ause is better than the #hole #orld and #hate)er is in it.! 8.718: Narrated Au=ahid: `Abdullah bin `9mar said !Allah's A%ostle too& hold o$ my shoulder and said ':e in this #orld as i$ you #ere a stranger or a tra)eler.! "he sub-narrator added: Ibn `9mar used to say !I$ you sur)i)e till the e)ening do not e.%e(t to be ali)e in the morning and i$ you sur)i)e till the morning do not e.%e(t to be ali)e in the e)ening and ta&e $rom your health $or your si(&ness and ,ta&e- $rom your li$e $or your death.! 8.71@: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het dre# a s;uare and then dre# a line in the middle o$ it and let it e.tend outside the s;uare and then dre# se)eral small lines atta(hed to that (entral line and said !"his is the human being and this ,the s;uare- in his lease o$ li$e en(ir(les him $rom all sides ,or has en(ir(led him- and this ,line88

#hi(h is outside ,the s;uare- is his ho%e and these small lines are the (alamities and troubles ,#hi(h may be$all him- and i$ one misses him an-other #ill sna% ,i.e. o)erta&e- him and i$ the other misses him a third #ill sna% ,i.e. o)erta&e- him.! 8.71B: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het dre# a $e# lines and said !"his is ,man's- ho%e and this is the instant o$ his death and #hile he is in this state ,o$ ho%e- the nearer line ,death- (omes to +im.! 8.718: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Allah #ill not a((e%t the e.(use o$ any %erson #hose instant o$ death is delayed till he is si.ty years o$ age.! 8.71D: Narrated Abu +uraira: I heard Allah's A%ostle saying !"he heart o$ an old man remains young in t#o res%e(ts i.e. his lo)e $or the #orld ,its #ealth amusements and lu.uries- and his in(essant ho%e.! 8.75E: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's A%ostle said !"he son o$ Adam ,i.e. man- gro#s old and so also t#o ,desires- gro# old #ith him i.e. lo)e $or #ealth and ,a #ish $or- a long li$e.! 8.751: Narrated `9tban bin Aali& Al-Ansari: #ho #as one o$ the men o$ the tribe o$ :ani Salim: Allah's A%ostle (ame to me and said !I$ anybody (omes on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #ho has said: >a ilaha illal-lah sin(erely #ith the intention to #in Allah's 'leasure Allah #ill ma&e the +ell-<ire $orbidden $or him.! 8.751: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !Allah says 'I ha)e nothing to gi)e but 'aradise as a re#ard to my belie)er sla)e #ho i$ I (ause his dear $riend ,or relati)e- to die remains %atient ,and ho%es $or Allah's He#ard-. 8.755: Narrated `Amr bin `Au$: ,An ally o$ the tribe o$ :ani 'Amir bin >u'ai and one o$ those #ho had #itnessed the battle o$ :adr #ith Allah's A%ostle- Allah's A%ostle sent Abu '9baida bin Al/arrah to :ahrain to (olle(t the /izya ta.. Allah's A%ostle had (on(luded a %ea(e treaty #ith the %eo%le o$ :ahrain and a%%ointed Al 'Ala bin Al-+adrami as their (hie$C Abu 9baida arri)ed $rom :ahrain #ith the money. "he Ansar heard o$ Abu '9baida's arri)al #hi(h (oin(ided #ith the <a=r ,morning- %rayer led by Allah's A%ostle. When the 'ro%het $inished the %rayer they (ame to him. Allah's A%ostle smiled #hen he sa# them and said !I thin& you ha)e heard o$ the arri)al o$ Abu '9baida and that he has brought something.! "hey re%lied !4es 2 Allah's A%ostle3 ! +e said !+a)e the good ne#s and ho%e $or #hat #ill %lease you. :y Allah I am not a$raid that you #ill be(ome %oor but I am a$raid that #orldly #ealth #ill be gi)en to you in abundan(e as it #as gi)en to those ,nations- be$ore you and you #ill start (om%eting ea(h other $or it as the %re)ious nations (om%eted $or it and then it #ill di)ert you ,$rom good- as it di)erted them.! ' 8.757: Narrated `9;ba bin 'Amir: "he 'ro%het #ent out and o$$ered the $uneral %rayer $or the martyrs o$ the ,battle o$- 9hud and then as(ended the %ul%it and said !I am your %rede(essor and I am a #itness against you. :y Allah I am no# loo&ing at my "an&-la&e ,Al-Gauthar- and I ha)e been gi)en the &eys o$ the treasures o$ the earth ,or the &eys o$ the earth-. :y Allah3 I am not a$raid that a$ter me you #ill #orshi% others besides Allah but I am a$raid that you #ill start (om%eting $or ,the %leasures o$- this #orld.! 8.758: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: 8D

Allah's A%ostle said !"he thing I am a$raid o$ most $or your sa&e is the #orldly blessings #hi(h Allah #ill bring $orth to you.! It #as said !What are the blessings o$ this #orld*! "he 'ro%het said !"he %leasures o$ the #orld.! A man said !0an the good bring $orth e)il*! "he 'ro%het &e%t ;uiet $or a #hile till #e thought that he #as being ins%ired di)inely. "hen he started remo)ing the s#eat $rom his $orehead and said ! Where is the ;uestioner*! "hat man said !I ,am %resent-.! Abu Sa`id added: We than&ed the man #hen the result ,o$ his ;uestion- #as su(h. "he 'ro%het said !?ood ne)er brings $orth but good. "his #ealth ,o$ the #orld- is ,li&e- green and s#eet ,$ruit- and all the )egetation #hi(h gro#s on the ban& o$ a stream either &ills or nearly &ills the animal that eats too mu(h o$ it e.(e%t the animal that eats the Ghadira ,a &ind o$ )egetation-. Su(h an animal eats till its stoma(h is $ull and then it $a(es the sun and starts ruminating and then it %asses out dung and urine and goes to eat again. "his #orldly #ealth is ,li&e- s#eet ,$ruit- and i$ a %erson earns it ,the #ealth- in a legal #ay and s%ends it %ro%erly then it is an e.(ellent hel%er and #hoe)er earns it in an illegal #ay he #ill be li&e the one #ho eats but is ne)er satis$ied.! 8.75@: Narrated Fahdam bin Audarrib: `Imran bin +usain said: "he 'ro%het said !"he best %eo%le are my (ontem%oraries ,i.e. the %resent ,my- generation- and then those #ho (ome a$ter them ,i.e. the ne.t generation-.! `Imran added: I am not sure #hether the 'ro%het re%eated the statement t#i(e a$ter his $irst saying. "he 'ro%het added !And a$ter them there #ill (ome %eo%le #ho #ill bear #itness though they #ill not be as&ed to gi)e their #itnessC and they #ill be trea(herous and nobody #ill trust them and they #ill ma&e )o#s but #ill not $ul$ill them and $atness #ill a%%ear among them.! 8.75B: Narrated `Abdullah : "he 'ro%het said !"he best %eo%le are those o$ my generation and then those #ho #ill (ome a$ter them ,the ne.t generation- and then those #ho #ill (ome a$ter them ,i.e. the ne.t generation- and then a$ter them there #ill (ome %eo%le #hose #itness #ill %re(ede their oaths and #hose oaths #ill %re(ede their #itness.! 8.758: Narrated Iais: I heard Ghabbab #ho had branded his `Abdomen #ith se)en brands saying !+ad Allah's A%ostle not $orbidden us to in)o&e Allah $or death I #ould ha)e in)o&ed Allah $or death. "he (om%anions o$ Auhammad ha)e le$t this #orld #ithout ta&ing anything o$ their re#ard in it ,i.e. they #ill ha)e %er$e(t re#ard in the +erea$ter- but #e ha)e (olle(ted o$ the #orldly #ealth #hat #e (annot s%end but on earth ,i.e. on building houses-. 8.75D: Narrated Iais: I (ame to Ghabbab #hile he #as building a #all and he ,Ghabbab- said !2ur (om%anions #ho ha)e le$t this #orld did not en=oy anything o$ their re#ard therein #hile #e ha)e (olle(ted a$ter them mu(h #ealth that #e (annot s%end but on earth ,i.e. on building-. 8.77E: Narrated Ghabbab: We migrated #ith the 'ro%het..,"his narration is related in the (ha%ter o$ migration-. 8.771: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I brought #ater to `9thman bin `A$$an to %er$orm the ablution #hile he #as sitting on his seat. +e %er$ormed the ablution in a %er$e(t #ay and said !I sa# the 'ro%het %er$orming the ablution in this %la(e and he %er$ormed it in a %er$e(t #ay and said !Whoe)er %er$orms the ablution as I ha)e done this time and then %ro(eeds to the mos;ue and o$$ers a t#o-ra&`at %rayer and then sits there ,#aiting $or the (om%ulsory (ongregational %rayers- then all his %ast sins #ill be $orgi)en.! "he 'ro%het $urther added !6o not be (on(eited ,thin&ing that your sins #ill be $orgi)en be(ause o$ your %rayer-. 8.771: Narrated Airdas Al-Aslami: @E

"he 'ro%het said !"he righteous ,%ious %eo%le #ill de%art ,die- in su((ession one a$ter the other and there #ill remain ,on the earth- useless %eo%le li&e the useless hus& o$ barley seeds or bad dates. 8.775: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !'erish the sla)e o$ 6inar 6irham Iati$a ,thi(& so$t (loth- and Ghamisa ,a garment- $or i$ he is gi)en he is %leasedC other#ise he is dissatis$ied.! 8.777: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I heard the 'ro%het saying !I$ the son o$ Adam ,the human being- had t#o )alley o$ money he #ould #ish $or a third $or nothing (an $ill the belly o$ Adam's son e.(e%t dust and Allah $orgi)es him #ho re%ents to +im.! 8.778: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I heard Allah's A%ostle saying !I$ the son o$ Adam had money e;ual to a )alley then he #ill #ish $or another similar to it $or nothing (an satis$y the eye o$ Adam's son e.(e%t dust. And Allah $orgi)es him #ho re%ents to +im.! Ibn `Abbas said: I do not &no# #hether this saying #as ;uoted $rom the Iur'an or not. `Ata' said !I heard Ibn AzFubair saying this narration #hile he #as on the %ul%it.! 8.77@: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: I heard Ibn Az-Fubair #ho #as on the %ul%it at Ae((a deli)ering a sermon saying !2 men3 "he 'ro%het used to say !I$ the son o$ Adam #ere gi)en a )alley $ull o$ gold he #ould lo)e to ha)e a se(ond oneC and i$ he #ere gi)en the se(ond one he #ould lo)e to ha)e a third $or nothing $ills the belly o$ Adam's son e.(e%t dust. And Allah $orgi)es he #ho re%ents to +im.! 9bai said !We (onsidered this as a saying $rom the Iur'an till the Sura ,beginning #ith- '"he mutual ri)alry $or %iling u% o$ #orldly things di)erts you..' ,1E1.1- #as re)ealed.! 8.77B: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's A%ostle said !I$ Adam's son had a )alley $ull o$ gold he #ould li&e to ha)e t#o )alleys $or nothing $ills his mouth e.(e%t dust. And Allah $orgi)es him #ho re%ents to +im.! 8.778: Narrated +a&im bin +izam: I as&ed the 'ro%het ,$or some money- and he ga)e me and then again I as&ed him and he ga)e me and then again I as&ed him and he ga)e me and he then said !"his #ealth is ,li&e- green and s#eet ,$ruit- and #hoe)er ta&es it #ithout greed Allah #ill bless it $or him but #hoe)er ta&es it #ith greed Allah #ill not bless it $or him and he #ill be li&e the one #ho eats but is ne)er satis$ied. And the u%%er ,gi)ing- hand is better than the lo#er ,ta&ing- hand.! 8.77D: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het said !Who among you (onsiders the #ealth o$ his heirs dearer to him than his o#n #ealth*! "hey re%lied !2 Allah's A%ostle3 "here is none among us but lo)es his o#n #ealth more.! "he 'ro%het said !So his #ealth is #hate)er he s%ends ,in Allah's 0ause- during his li$e ,on good deeds- #hile the #ealth o$ his heirs is #hate)er he lea)es a$ter his death.! 8.78E: Narrated Abu 6har: 2n(e I #ent out at night and $ound Allah's A%ostle #al&ing all alone a((om%anied by nobody and I thought that %erha%s he disli&ed that someone should a((om%any him. So I #al&ed in the shade a#ay $rom the moonlight but the 'ro%het loo&ed behind and sa# me and said !Who is that*! I re%lied !Abu 6har let Allah get me sa(ri$i(ed $or you3! +e said !2 Abu 6har (ome here3! So I a((om%anied him $or a #hile and then he said !"he ri(h are in $a(t the %oor ,little re#arded- on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion e.(e%t him #hom Allah gi)es #ealth #hi(h he gi)es ,in (harity- to his right le$t $ront and ba(& and does good deeds #ith it. I #al&ed #ith him a little longer. "hen he said to me !Sit do#n here.! So he made me sit in an o%en s%a(e surrounded by ro(&s and said to me !Sit here till I @1

(ome ba(& to you.! +e #ent to#ards Al-+arra till I (ould not see him and he stayed a#ay $or a long %eriod and then I heard him saying #hile he #as (oming !J)en i$ he had (ommitted the$t and e)en i$ he had (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse*! When he (ame I (ould not remain %atient and as&ed him !2 Allah's 'ro%het3 >et Allah get me sa(ri$i(ed $or you3 Whom #ere you s%ea&ing to by the side o$ Al-+arra* I did not hear anybody res%onding to your tal&.! +e said !It #as ?abriel #ho a%%eared to me beside Al-+arra and said '?i)e the good ne#s to your $ollo#ers that #hoe)er dies #ithout ha)ing #orshi%%ed anything besides Allah #ill enter 'aradise.' I said '2 ?abriel3 J)en i$ he had (ommitted the$t or (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse*' +e said '4es.' I said 'J)en i$ he has (ommitted the$t or (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse*' +e said '4es.' I said 'J)en i$ he has (ommitted the$t or (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse*' +e said '4es.' ! 8.781: Narrated Abu 6har: While I #as #al&ing #ith the 'ro%het in the +arra o$ Aedina 9hud (ame in sight. "he 'ro%het said !2 Abu 6har3! I said !>abbai& 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !I #ould not li&e to ha)e gold e;ual to this mountain o$ 9hud unless nothing o$ it not e)en a single 6inar o$ it remains #ith me $or more than three days e.(e%t something #hi(h I #ill &ee% $or re%aying debts. I #ould ha)e s%ent all o$ it ,distributed it- amongst Allah's Sla)es li&e this and li&e this and li&e this.! "he 'ro%het %ointed out #ith his hand to#ards his right his le$t and his ba(& ,#hile illustrating it-. +e %ro(eeded #ith his #al& and said !"he ri(h are in $a(t the %oor ,little re#arded- on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion e.(e%t those #ho s%end their #ealth li&e this and li&e this and li&e this to their right le$t and ba(& but su(h %eo%le are $e# in number.! "hen he said to me !Stay at your %la(e and do not lea)e it till I (ome ba(&.! "hen he %ro(eeded in the dar&ness o$ the night till he #ent out o$ sight and then I heard a loud )oi(e and #as a$raid that something might ha)e ha%%ened to the 'ro%het .1 intended to go to him but I remembered #hat he had said to me i.e. '6on't lea)e your %la(e till I (ome ba(& to you ' so I remained at my %la(e till he (ame ba(& to me. I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I heard a )oi(e and I #as a$raid.! So I mentioned the #hole story to him. +e said !6id you hear it*! I re%lied !4es.! +e said !It #as ?abriel #ho (ame to me and said 'Whoe)er died #ithout =oining others in #orshi% #ith Allah #ill enter 'aradise.' I as&ed ,?abriel- 'J)en i$ he had (ommitted the$t or (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse* ?abriel said '4es e)en i$ he had (ommitted the$t or (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse.! 8.781: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah A%ostle said !I$ I had gold e;ual to the mountain o$ 9hud it #ould not %lease me that anything o$ it should remain #ith me a$ter three nights ,i.e. I #ould s%end all o$ it in Allah's 0ause- e.(e%t #hat I #ould &ee% $or re%aying debts.! 8.785: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Hi(hes does not mean ha)ing a great amount o$ %ro%erty but ri(hes is sel$(ontentment.! 8.787: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d As-Sa`id: A man %assed by Allah's A%ostle and the 'ro%het as&ed a man sitting beside him !What is your o%inion about this ,%asser-by-*! +e re%lied !"his ,%asser-by- is $rom the noble (lass o$ %eo%le. :y Allah i$ he should as& $or a lady's hand in marriage he ought to be gi)en her in marriage and i$ he inter(edes $or somebody his inter(ession #ill be a((e%ted. Allah's A%ostle &e%t ;uiet and then another man %assed by and Allah's A%ostle as&ed the same man ,his (om%anion- again !What is your o%inion about this ,se(ond- one*! +e said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 "his %erson is one o$ the %oor Auslims. I$ he should as& a lady's hand in marriage no-one #ill a((e%t him and i$ he inter(edes $or somebody no one #ill a((e%t his inter(ession and i$ he tal&s no-one #ill listen to his tal&.! "hen Allah's A%ostle said !"his ,%oor man- is better than su(h a large number o$ the $irst ty%e ,i.e. ri(h men- as to $ill the earth.! 8.788: Narrated Abu Wail: @1

We %aid a )isit to Ghabbab #ho #as si(& and he said !We migrated #ith the 'ro%het $or Allah's Sa&e and our #ages be(ame due on Allah. Some o$ us died #ithout ha)ing re(ei)ed anything o$ the #ages and one o$ them #as Aus`ab bin `9mar #ho #as martyred on the day o$ the battle o$ 9hud lea)ing only one sheet ,to shroud him in-. I$ #e (o)ered his head #ith it his $eet be(ame un(o)ered and i$ #e (o)ered his $eet #ith it his head be(ame un(o)ered. So the 'ro%het ordered us to (o)er his head #ith it and %ut some Idh&hir ,a &ind o$ grass- o)er his $eet. 2n the other hand some o$ us ha)e had the $ruits ,o$ our good deed- and are %lu(&ing them ,in this #orld-. 8.78@: Narrated `Imran bin +usain: "he 'ro%het said !I loo&ed into 'aradise and $ound that the ma=ority o$ its d#ellers #ere the %oor %eo%le and I loo&ed into the ,+ell- <ire and $ound that the ma=ority o$ its d#ellers #ere #omen.! 8.78B: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het did not eat at a table till he died and he did not eat a thin ni(ely ba&ed #heat bread till he died. 8.788: Narrated `Aisha: When the 'ro%het died nothing #hi(h (an be eaten by a li)ing (reature #as le$t on my shel$ e.(e%t some barley grain. I ate o$ it $or a %eriod and #hen I measured it it $inished. 8.78D: Narrated Abu +uraira: :y Allah e.(e%t Whom none has the right to- be #orshi%%ed ,sometimes- I used to lay ,slee%- on the ground on my li)er ,abdomen- be(ause o$ hunger and ,sometimes- I used to bind a stone o)er my belly be(ause o$ hunger. 2ne day I sat by the #ay $rom #here they ,the 'ro%het and h is (om%anionsused to (ome out. When Abu :a&r %assed by I as&ed him about a Verse $rom Allah's :oo& and I as&ed him only that he might satis$y my hunger but he %assed by and did not do so. "hen `9mar %assed by me and I as&ed him about a Verse $rom Allah's :oo& and I as&ed him only that he might satis$y my hunger but he %assed by #ithout doing so. <inally Abu-l-Iasim ,the 'ro%het - %assed by me and he smiled #hen he sa# me $or he &ne# #hat #as in my heart and on my $a(e. +e said !2 Aba +irr ,Abu +uraira-3! I re%lied !>abbai& 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said to me !<ollo# me.! +e le$t and I $ollo#ed him. "hen he entered the house and I as&ed %ermission to enter and #as admitted. +e $ound mil& in a bo#l and said !<rom #here is this mil&*! "hey said !It has been %resented to you by su(h-and-su(h man ,or by su(h and su(h #oman-.! +e said !2 Aba +irr3! I said !>abbai& 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !?o and (all the %eo%le o$ Su$$a to me.! "hese %eo%le o$ Su$$a #ere the guests o$ Islam #ho had no $amilies nor money nor anybody to de%end u%on and #hene)er an ob=e(t o$ (harity #as brought to the 'ro%het he #ould send it to them and #ould not ta&e anything $rom it and #hene)er any %resent #as gi)en to him he used to send some $or them and ta&e some o$ it $or himsel$. "he order o$$ the 'ro%het u%set me and I said to mysel$ !+o# #ill this little mil& be enough $or the %eo%le o$ AsSu$$a*! thought I #as more entitled to drin& $rom that mil& in order to strengthen mysel$ but behold3 "he 'ro%het (ame to order me to gi)e that mil& to them. I #ondered #hat #ill remain o$ that mil& $or me but any#ay I (ould not but obey Allah and +is A%ostle so I #ent to the %eo%le o$ As-Su$$a and (alled them and they (ame and as&ed the 'ro%het's %ermission to enter. "hey #ere admitted and too& their seats in the house. "he 'ro%het said !2 Aba-+irr3! I said !>abbai& 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !"a&e it and gi)e it to them.! So I too& the bo#l ,o$ Ail&- and started gi)ing it to one man #ho #ould drin& his $ill and return it to me #hereu%on I #ould gi)e it to another man #ho in his turn #ould drin& his $ill and return it to me and I #ould then o$$er it to another man #ho #ould drin& his $ill and return it to me. <inally a$ter the #hole grou% had drun& their $ill I rea(hed the 'ro%het #ho too& the bo#l and %ut it on his hand loo&ed at me and smiled and said. !2 Aba +irr3! I re%lied !>abbai& 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !"here remain you and I.! I said !4ou ha)e said the truth 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !Sit do#n and drin&.! I sat do#n and dran&. +e said !6rin& ! and I dran&. +e &e%t on telling me @5

re%eatedly to drin& till I said !No. by Allah Who sent you #ith the "ruth I ha)e no s%a(e $or it ,in my stoma(h-.! +e said !+and it o)er to me.! When I ga)e him the bo#l he %raised Allah and %ronoun(ed Allah's Name on it and dran& the remaining mil&. 8.7@E: Narrated Sa`d: I #as the $irst man among the Arabs to thro# an arro# $or Allah's 0ause. We used to $ight in Allah's 0ause #hile #e had nothing to eat e.(e%t the lea)es o$ the +ubla and the Sumur trees ,desert trees- so that #e dis(harged e.(rement li&e that o$ shee% ,i.e. unmi.ed dro%%ings-. "oday the ,%eo%le o$ thetribe o$ :ani Asad tea(h me the la#s o$ Islam. I$ so then I am lost and all my e$$orts o$ that hard time had gone in )ain. 8.7@1: Narrated `Aisha: "he $amily o$ Auhammad had ne)er eaten their $ill o$ #heat bread $or three su((essi)e days sin(e they had migrated to Aedina till the death o$ the 'ro%het. 8.7@1: Narrated `Aisha: "he $amily o$ Auhammad did not eat t#o meals on one day but one o$ the t#o #as o$ dates. 8.7@5: Narrated `Aisha: "he bed mattress o$ the 'ro%het #as made o$ a leather (ase stu$$ed #ith %alm $ibres. 8.7@7: Narrated Iatada: We used to go to Anas bin Aali& and see his ba&er standing ,%re%aring the bread-. Anas said !Jat. I ha)e not &no#n that the 'ro%het e)er sa# a thin #ell-ba&ed loa$ o$ bread till he died and he ne)er sa# a roasted shee% #ith his eyes.! 8.7@8: Narrated `Aisha: A (om%lete month #ould %ass by during #hi(h #e #ould not ma&e a $ire ,$or (oo&ing- and our $ood used to be only dates and #ater unless #e #ere gi)en a %resent o$ some meat. 8.7@@: Narrated `Aisha: that she said to `9r#a !2 the son o$ my sister3 We used to see three (res(ents in t#o months and no $ire used to be made in the houses o$ Allah's A%ostle ,i.e. nothing used to be (oo&ed-.! `9r#a said !What used to sustain you*! `Aisha said !"he t#o bla(& things i.e. dates and #ater e.(e%t that Allah's A%ostle had neighbors $rom the Ansar #ho had some mil(h she-(amels and they used to gi)e the 'ro%het some mil& $rom their house and he used to ma&e us drin& it.! 8.7@B: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !2 Allah3 ?i)e $ood to the $amily o$ Auhammad.! 8.7@8: Narrated Aasru;: I as&ed `Aisha !What deed #as the most belo)ed to the 'ro%het*! She said !"he regular (onstant one.! I said !At #hat time did he use to get u% at night ,$or the "aha==ud night %rayer-*' She said !+e used to get u% on hearing ,the (ro#ing o$- the (o(& ,the last third o$ the night-. 8.7@D: Narrated `Aisha: "he most belo)ed a(tion to Allah's A%ostle #as that #hose doer did it (ontinuously and regularly. 8.7BE: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he deeds o$ anyone o$ you #ill not sa)e you ,$rom the ,+ell- <ire-.! "hey said !J)en you ,#ill not be sa)ed by your deeds- 2 Allah's A%ostle*! +e said !No e)en I ,#ill not be sa)ed- unless and until Allah besto#s +is Aer(y on me. "here$ore do good deeds %ro%erly sin(erely @7

and moderately and #orshi% Allah in the $orenoon and in the a$ternoon and during a %art o$ the night and al#ays ado%t a middle moderate regular (ourse #hereby you #ill rea(h your target ,'aradise-. 8.7B1: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A%ostle said !6o good deeds %ro%erly sin(erely and moderately and &no# that your deeds #ill not ma&e you enter 'aradise and that the most belo)ed deed to Allah's is the most regular and (onstant e)en though it #ere little.! 8.7B1: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het #as as&ed !What deeds are lo)ed most by Allah*! +e said !"he most regular (onstant deeds e)en though they may be $e#.! +e added '6on't ta&e u%on yoursel)es e.(e%t the deeds #hi(h are #ithin your ability.! 8.7B5: Narrated 'Al;ama: I as&ed `Aisha mother o$ the belie)ers !2 mother o$ the belie)ers3 +o# #ere the deeds o$ the 'ro%het* 6id he use to do e.tra deeds o$ #orshi% on s%e(ial days*! She said !No but his deeds #ere regular and (onstant and #ho among you is able to do #hat the 'ro%het #as able to do ,i.e. in #orshi%%ing Allah-*! 8.7B7: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !6o good deeds %ro%erly sin(erely and moderately and re(ei)e good ne#s be(ause one's good deeds #ill not ma&e him enter 'aradise.! "hey as&ed !J)en you 2 Allah's A%ostle*! +e said !J)en I unless and until Allah besto#s +is %ardon and Aer(y on me.! 8.7B8: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: 2n(e Allah's A%ostle led us in %rayer and then ,a$ter $inishing it- as(ended the %ul%it and %ointed #ith his hand to#ards the Iibla o$ the mos;ue and said !While I #as leading you in %rayer both 'aradise and +ell #ere dis%layed in $ront o$ me in the dire(tion o$ this #all. I had ne)er seen a better thing ,than 'aradise- and a #orse thing ,than +ell- as I ha)e seen today I had ne)er seen a better thing and a #orse thing as I ha)e seen today.! 8.7B@: Narrated Abu +uraira: I heard Allah's A%ostle saying Verily Allah (reated Aer(y. "he day +e (reated it +e made it into one hundred %arts. +e #ithheld #ith +im ninety-nine %arts and sent its one %art to all +is (reatures. +ad the non-belie)er &no#n o$ all the Aer(y #hi(h is in the +ands o$ Allah he #ould not lose ho%e o$ entering 'aradise and had the belie)er &no#n o$ all the %unishment #hi(h is %resent #ith Allah he #ould not (onsider himsel$ sa$e $rom the +ell-<ire.! 8.7BB: Narrated Abu Sa`id: Some %eo%le $rom the Ansar as&ed Allah's A%ostle ,to gi)e them something- and he ga)e to e)eryone o$ them #ho as&ed him until all that he had #as $inished. When e)erything #as $inished and he had s%ent all that #as in his hand he said to them '!,Gno#- that i$ I ha)e any #ealth I #ill not #ithhold it $rom you ,to &ee% $or somebody else-C And ,&no#- that he #ho re$rains $rom begging others ,or doing %rohibited deeds- Allah #ill ma&e him (ontented and not in need o$ othersC and he #ho remains %atient Allah #ill besto# %atien(e u%on him and he #ho is satis$ied #ith #hat he has Allah #ill ma&e him sel$-su$$i(ient. And there is no gi$t better and )ast ,you may be gi)en- than %atien(e.! 8.7B8: Narrated Al-Aughira bin Shu`ba: "he 'ro%het used to %ray so mu(h that his $eet used to be(ome edematous or s#ollen and #hen he #as as&ed as to #hy he %rays so mu(h he #ould say !Shall I not be a than&$ul sla)e ,to Allah-*! 8.7BD: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: @8

Allah's A%ostle said !Se)enty thousand %eo%le o$ my $ollo#ers #ill enter 'aradise #ithout a((ounts and they are those #ho do not %ra(ti(e Ar-Hu;ya and do not see an e)il omen in things and %ut their trust in their >ord. 8.78E: Narrated Warrad: ,the (ler& o$ Al-Aughira bin Shu`ba- Aua#iya #rote to Al-Aughira: !Write to me a narration you ha)e heard $rom Allah's A%ostle.! So Al-Aughira #rote to him !I heard him saying the $ollo#ing a$ter ea(h %rayer: '>a ilaha illal-lahu #ahdahu la shari&a lahu lahu-l-mul& #a lahuI-hamd #a hu#a 'ala &ulli Shai-in ;adir.' +e also used to $orbid idle tal& as&ing too many ;uestions ,in religion#asting money %re)enting #hat should be gi)en and as&ing others $or something ,e.(e%t in great need- being unduti$ul to mothers and burying one's little daughters ,ali)e-. 8.781: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: Allah's A%ostle said !Whoe)er (an guarantee ,the (hastity o$- #hat is bet#een his t#o =a#-bones and #hat is bet#een his t#o legs ,i.e. his tongue and his %ri)ate %arts- I guarantee 'aradise $or him.! 8.781: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !Whoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should tal& #hat is good or &ee% ;uiet and #hoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should not hurt ,or insult- his neighborC and #hoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should entertain his guest generously.! 8.785: Narrated Abu Shuraih Al-Ghuza`i: Ay ears heard and my heart gras%ed ,the statement #hi(h- the 'ro%het said !"he %eriod $or &ee%ing one's guest is three days ,and don't $orget- his re#ard.! It #as as&ed !What is his re#ard*! +e said !In the $irst night and the day he should be gi)en a high (lass ;uality o$ mealsC and #hoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should entertain his guest generouslyC and #hoe)er belie)es in Allah and the >ast 6ay should tal& #hat is good ,sense- or &ee% ;uiet.! 8.787: Narrated Abu +uraira: "hat he heard Allah's A%ostle saying !A sla)e o$ Allah may utter a #ord #ithout thin&ing #hether it is right or #rong he may sli% do#n in the <ire as $ar a#ay a distan(e e;ual to that bet#een the east.! 8.788: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%hetC said !A sla)e ,o$ Allah- may utter a #ord #hi(h %leases Allah #ithout gi)ing it mu(h im%ortan(e and be(ause o$ that Allah #ill raise him to degrees ,o$ re#ard-: a sla)e ,o$ Allah- may utter a #ord ,(arelessly- #hi(h dis%leases Allah #ithout thin&ing o$ its gra)ity and be(ause o$ that he #ill be thro#n into the +ell-<ire.! 8.78@: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said Allah #ill gi)e shade to se)en ,ty%es o$ %eo%le- under +is Shade ,on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion-. ,one o$ them #ill be- a %erson #ho remembers Allah and his eyes are then $looded #ith tears. 8.78B: Narrated +udhai$a: "he 'ro%het said !"here #as a man amongst the %eo%le #ho had sus%i(ion as to the righteousness o$ his deeds. "here$ore he said to his $amily 'I$ I die ta&e me and burn my (or%se and thro# my ashes into the sea on a hot ,or #indy- day.' "hey did so but Allah (olle(ted his %arti(les and as&ed ,himWhat made you do #hat you did*' +e re%lied '"he only thing that made me do it #as that I #as a$raid o$ 4ou.' So Allah $orga)e him.! 8.788: Narrated Abu Sa`id :


"he 'ro%het mentioned a man $rom the %re)ious generation or $rom the %eo%le %re(eding your age #hom Allah had gi)en both #ealth and (hildren. "he 'ro%het said !When the time o$ his death a%%roa(hed he as&ed his (hildren 'What ty%e o$ $ather ha)e I been to you*' "hey re%lied: 4ou ha)e been a good $ather. +e said ':ut he ,i.e. your $ather- has not stored any good deeds #ith Allah ,$or the +erea$ter-: i$ he should $a(e Allah Allah #ill %unish him. So listen ,2 my (hildren- #hen I die burn my body till I be(ome mere (oal and then grind it into %o#der and #hen there is a stormy #ind thro# me ,my ashes- in it.' So he too& a $irm %romise $rom his (hildren ,to $ollo# his instru(tions-. And by Allah they ,his sons- did a((ordingly,$ul$illed their %romise.- "hen Allah said !:e!' and behold3 "hat man #as standing there3 Allah then said. !2 my sla)e3 What made you do #hat you did*! "hat man said !<ear o$ 4ou.! So Allah $orga)e him. 8.78D: Narrated Abu Ausa: Allah's A%ostle said. !Ay and the o$ the message #ith #hi(h Allah has sent me is li&e that o$ a man #ho (ame to some %eo%le and said !I ha)e seen #ith my o#n eyes the enemy $or(es and I am a na&ed #arner ,to you- so sa)e yoursel$ sa)e yoursel$3 A grou% o$ them obeyed him and #ent out at night slo#ly and stealthily and #ere sa$e #hile another grou% did not belie)e him and thus the army too& them in the morning and destroyed them.! 8.7DE: Narrated Abu +uraira: I heard Allah's A%ostle saying !Ay and the o$ the %eo%le is that o$ a man #ho made a $ire and #hen it lighted #hat #as around it Aoths and other inse(ts started $alling into the $ire. "he man tried ,his best- to %re)ent them ,$rom $alling in the $ire- but they o)er%o#ered him and rushed into the $ire. "he 'ro%het added: No# similarly I ta&e hold o$ the &nots at your #aist ,belts- to %re)ent you $rom $alling into the <ire but you insist on $alling into it.! 8.7D1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: "he 'ro%het said !A Auslim is the one #ho a)oids harming Auslims #ith his tongue or his hands. And a Auha=ir ,an emigrant- is the one #ho gi)es u% ,abandons- all #hat Allah has $orbidden.! 8.7D1: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !I$ you &ne# that #hi(h I &no# you #ould laugh little and #ee% mu(h.! 8.7D5: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het said !I$ you &ne# that #hi(h I &no# you #ould laugh little and #ee% mu(h.! 8.7D7: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he ,+ell- <ire is surrounded by all &inds o$ desires and %assions #hile 'aradise is surrounded by all &inds o$ disli&ed undesirable things.! 8.7D8: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het said !'aradise is nearer to any o$ you than the Shira& ,leather stra%- o$ his shoe and so is the ,+ell- <ire. 8.7D@: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he truest %oeti( )erse e)er said by a %oet is: Indeed3 J)erything e.(e%t Allah is %erishable.! 8.7DB: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !I$ anyone o$ you loo&ed at a %erson #ho #as made su%erior to him in %ro%erty and ,in good- a%%earan(e then he should also loo& at the one #ho is in$erior to him and to #hom he has been made su%erior.! 8.7D8: @B

Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het narrating about his >ord I'm and said !Allah ordered ,the a%%ointed angels o)er you- that the good and the bad deeds be #ritten and +e then sho#ed ,the #ay- ho# ,to #rite-. I$ somebody intends to do a good deed and he does not do it then Allah #ill #rite $or him a $ull good deed ,in his a((ount #ith +im-C and i$ he intends to do a good deed and a(tually did it then Allah #ill #rite $or him ,in his a((ount- #ith +im ,its re#ard e;ual- $rom ten to se)en hundred times to many more times: and i$ somebody intended to do a bad deed and he does not do it then Allah #ill #rite a $ull good deed ,in his a((ount- #ith +im and i$ he intended to do it ,a bad deed- and a(tually did it then Allah #ill #rite one bad deed ,in his a((ount- .! 8.7DD: Narrated ?hailan: Anas said !4ou %eo%le do ,bad- deeds ,(ommit sins- #hi(h seem in your eyes as tiny ,minute- than hair #hile #e used to (onsider those ,)ery deeds- during the li$e-time o$ the 'ro%het as destru(ti)e sins.! 8.8EE: Narrated Sa`d bin Sahl As-Sa`idi: "he 'ro%het loo&ed at a man $ighting against the %agans and he #as one o$ the most (om%etent %ersons $ighting on behal$ o$ the Auslims. "he 'ro%het said !>et him #ho #ants to loo& at a man $rom the d#ellers o$ the ,+ell- <ire loo& at this ,man-.! Another man $ollo#ed him and &e%t on $ollo#ing him till he ,the $ighter- #as in=ured and see&ing to die ;ui(&ly he %la(ed the blade ti% o$ his s#ord bet#een his breasts and leaned o)er it till it %assed through his shoulders ,i.e. (ommitted sui(ide-.! "he 'ro%het added !A %erson may do deeds that seem to the %eo%le as the deeds o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise #hile in $a(t he is $rom the d#ellers o$ the ,+ell- <ire: and similarly a %erson may do deeds that seem to the %eo%le as the deeds o$ the %eo%le o$ the ,+ell- <ire #hile in $a(t he is $rom the d#ellers o$ 'aradise. Verily the ,results o$- deeds done de%end u%on the last a(tions.! 8.8E1: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: A bedouin (ame to the 'ro%het and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Who is the best o$ man&ind3! "he 'ro%het said !A man #ho stri)es $or Allah's 0ause #ith his li$e and %ro%erty and also a man #ho li)es ,all alone- in a mountain %ath among the mountain %aths to #orshi% his >ord and sa)e the %eo%le $rom his e)il.! 8.8E1: Narrated Abu Sa`id: I heard $rom the 'ro%het saying !"here #ill (ome a time u%on the %eo%le #hen the best %ro%erty o$ a Auslim #ill be shee% #hi(h he #ill ta&e to the to%s o$ mountains and to the %la(es o$ rain$all run a#ay #ith his religion ,in order to sa)e it- $rom a$$li(tions.! 8.8E5: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !When honesty is lost then #ait $or the +our.! It #as as&ed !+o# #ill honesty be lost 2 Allah's A%ostle*! +e said !When authority is gi)en to those #ho do not deser)e it then #ait $or the +our.! 8.8E7: Narrated +udhai$a: Allah's A%ostle narrated to us t#o narrations one o$ #hi(h I ha)e seen ,ha%%ening- and I am #aiting $or the other. +e narrated that honesty #as %reser)ed in the roots o$ the hearts o$ men ,in the beginning- and then they learnt it ,honesty- $rom the Iur'an and then they learnt it $rom the ,'ro%het's- Sunna ,tradition-. +e also told us about its disa%%earan(e saying !A man #ill go to slee% #hereu%on honesty #ill be ta&en a#ay $rom his heart and only its tra(e #ill remain resembling the tra(es o$ $ire. +e then #ill slee% #hereu%on the remainder o$ the honesty #ill also be ta&en a#ay ,$rom his heart- and its tra(e #ill resemble a blister #hi(h is raised o)er the sur$a(e o$ s&in #hen an ember tou(hes one's $ootC and in $a(t this blister does not (ontain anything. So there #ill (ome a day #hen %eo%le #ill deal in business #ith ea(h other but there #ill hardly be any trust#orthy %ersons @8

among them. "hen it #ill be said that in su(h-and-su(h a tribe there is su(h-and-su(h %erson #ho is honest and a man #ill be admired $or his intelligen(e good manners and strength though indeed he #ill not ha)e belie$ e;ual to a mustard seed in his heart.! "he narrator added: "here (ame u%on me a time #hen I did not mind dealing #ith anyone o$ you $or i$ he #as a Auslim his religion #ould %re)ent him $rom (heatingC and i$ he #as a 0hristian his Auslim ruler #ould %re)ent him $rom (heatingC but today I (annot deal e.(e%t #ith so-and-so and so-and-so. ,See +adith No. 1E8 Vol. D8.8E8: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: I heard Allah's A%ostle saying !'eo%le are =ust li&e (amels out o$ one hundred one (an hardly $ind a single (amel suitable to ride.! 8.8E@: Narrated /undub: "he 'ro%het said !+e #ho lets the %eo%le hear o$ his good deeds intentionally to #in their %raise Allah #ill let the %eo%le &no# his real intention ,on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion- and he #ho does good things in %ubli( to sho# o$$ and #in the %raise o$ the %eo%le Allah #ill dis(lose his real intention ,and humiliate him-. 8.8EB: Narrated Au`adh bin /abal: While I #as riding behind the 'ro%het as a (om%anion rider and there #as nothing bet#een me and him e.(e%t the ba(& o$ the saddle he said !2 Au`adh3! I re%lied !>abbai& 2 Allah's A%ostle3 And Sa'dia&3! +e %ro(eeded $or a #hile and then said !2 Au`adh3! I said !>abbai& and Sa`dai& 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e then %ro(eeded $or another #hile and said !2 Au`adh bin /abal3! I re%lied !>abbai& 2 Allah's A%ostle and Sa`dai&3! +e said !6o you &no# #hat is Allah's right on +is sla)es*! I re%lied !Allah and +is A%ostle &no# better.! +e said !Allah's right on his sla)es is that they should #orshi% +im and not #orshi% anything besides +im.! +e then %ro(eeded $or a #hile and again said !2 Au`adh bin /abal3! I re%lied. !>abbai& 2 Allah's A%ostle and Sa`dai&.! +e said !6o you &no# #hat is ,Allah's- sla)es' ,%eo%le's- right on Allah i$ they did that*! I re%lied !Allah and +is A%ostle &no# better.! +e said !"he right o$ ,Allah's- sla)es on Allah is that +e should not %unish them ,i$ they did that-. 8.8E8: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het had a she-(amel (alled Al-`Adba' and it #as too $ast to sur%ass in s%eed. "here (ame a bedouin riding a (amel o$ his and that (amel outstri%%ed it ,i.e. Al-A;ba'-. "hat result #as hard on the Auslims #ho said sorro#$ully !Al- Adba has been outstri%%ed.! Allah's A%ostle said !It is due $rom Allah that nothing #ould be raised high in this #orld e.(e%t that +e lo#ers or %uts it do#n.! 8.8ED: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !Allah said 'I #ill de(lare #ar against him #ho sho#s hostility to a %ious #orshi%%er o$ Aine. And the most belo)ed things #ith #hi(h Ay sla)e (omes nearer to Ae is #hat I ha)e en=oined u%on himC and Ay sla)e &ee%s on (oming (loser to Ae through %er$orming Na#a$il ,%raying or doing e.tra deeds besides #hat is obligatory- till I lo)e him so I be(ome his sense o$ hearing #ith #hi(h he hears and his sense o$ sight #ith #hi(h he sees and his hand #ith #hi(h he gri%s and his leg #ith #hi(h he #al&sC and i$ he as&s Ae I #ill gi)e him and i$ he as&s Ay %rote(tion ,He$uge- I #ill %rote(t himC ,i.e. gi)e him Ay He$uge- and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to ta&e the soul o$ the belie)er $or he hates death and I hate to disa%%oint him.! 8.81E: Narrated Sahl: Allah's A%ostle said !I ha)e been sent and the +our ,is at hand- as these t#o ! sho#ing his t#o $ingers and sti(&ing ,se%arating- them out. 8.811: Narrated Anas: Allah's A%ostle said !I ha)e been sent and the +our ,is at hand- as these t#o ,$ingers-. @D

8.811: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !I ha)e been sent and the +our ,is at hand- as these t#o ,$ingers-. 8.815: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"he +our #ill not be established till the sun rises $rom the #est and #hen it rises ,$rom the #est- and the %eo%le see it then all o$ them #ill belie)e ,in Allah-. :ut that #ill be the time #hen 'No good it #ill do to a soul to belie)e then. I$ it belie)ed not be$ore..!' ,@.188"he +our #ill be established ,so suddenly- that t#o %ersons s%reading a garment bet#een them #ill not be able to $inish their bargain nor #ill they be able to $old it u%. "he +our #ill be established #hile a man is (arrying the mil& o$ his she-(amel but (annot drin& itC and the +our #ill be established #hen someone is not able to %re%are the tan& to #ater his li)esto(& $rom itC and the +our #ill be established #hen some o$ you has raised his $ood to his mouth but (annot eat it.! 8.817: Narrated '9bada bin As-Samit: "he 'ro%het said !Who-e)er lo)es to meet Allah Allah ,too- lo)es to meet him and #ho-e)er hates to meet Allah Allah ,too- hates to meet him!. `Aisha or some o$ the #i)es o$ the 'ro%het said !:ut #e disli&e death.! +e said: It is not li&e this but it is meant that #hen the time o$ the death o$ a belie)er a%%roa(hes he re(ei)es the good ne#s o$ Allah's %leasure #ith him and +is blessings u%on him and so at that time nothing is dearer to him than #hat is in $ront o$ him. +e there$ore lo)es the meeting #ith Allah and Allah ,too- lo)es the meeting #ith him. :ut #hen the time o$ the death o$ a disbelie)er a%%roa(hes he re(ei)es the e)il ne#s o$ Allah's torment and +is He;uital #hereu%on nothing is more hate$ul to him than #hat is be$ore him. "here$ore he hates the meeting #ith Allah and Allah too hates the meeting #ith him.! 8.818: Narrated Abu Ausa: "he 'ro%het said !Whoe)er lo)es the meeting #ith Allah Allah too lo)es the meeting #ith himC and #hoe)er hates the meeting #ith Allah Allah too hates the meeting #ith him.! 8.81@: Narrated `Aisha: ,the #i$e o$ the 'ro%het- When Allah's A%ostle #as in good health he used to say !No %ro%het's soul is e)er (a%tured unless he is sho#n his %la(e in 'aradise and gi)en the o%tion ,to die or sur)i)e-.! So #hen the death o$ the 'ro%het a%%roa(hed and his head #as on my thigh he be(ame un(ons(ious $or a #hile and then he (ame to his senses and $i.ed his eyes on the (eiling and said !2 Allah ,#ith- the highest (om%anions.! ,See Iur'an 7:@D-. I said' !+en(e he is not going to (hoose us.! And I (ame to &no# that it #as the a%%li(ation o$ the narration #hi(h he ,the 'ro%het- used to narrate to us. And that #as the last statement o$ the 'ro%het ,be$ore his death- i.e. !2 Allah3 With the highest (om%anions.! ,See Iur'an 7:@D8.81B: Narrated `Aisha: "here #as a leather or #ood (ontainer $ull o$ #ater in $ront o$ Allah's A%ostle ,at the time o$ his death-. +e #ould %ut his hand into the #ater and rub his $a(e #ith it saying !None has the right to be #orshi%%ed but Allah3 No doubt death has its stu%ors.! "hen he raised his hand and started saying !,2 Allah3- #ith the highest (om%anions.! ,See Iur'an 7:@D- ,and &e%t on saying it- till he e.%ired and his hand dro%%ed.! 8.818: Narrated `Aisha: Some rough bedouins used to )isit the 'ro%het and as& him !When #ill the +our be*! +e #ould loo& at the youngest o$ all o$ them and say !I$ this should li)e till he is )ery old your +our ,the death o$ the %eo%le addressed- #ill ta&e %la(e.! +isham said that he meant ,by the +our- their death. 8.81D: Narrated Abu Iatada bin Hib'i Al-Ansari: BE

A $uneral %ro(ession %assed by Allah's A%ostle #ho said !Helie)ed or relie)ing*! "he %eo%le as&ed !2 Allah's A%ostle3 What is relie)ed and relie)ing*! +e said !A belie)er is relie)ed ,by death- $rom the troubles and hardshi%s o$ the #orld and lea)es $or the Aer(y o$ Allah #hile ,the death o$- a #i(&ed %erson relie)es the %eo%le the land the trees ,and- the animals $rom him.! 8.81E: Narrated Abu Iatada: "he 'ro%het said !Helie)ed or relie)ing. And a belie)er is relie)ed ,by death-. 8.811: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's A%ostle said !When (arried to his gra)e a dead %erson is $ollo#ed by three t#o o$ #hi(h return ,a$ter his burial- and one remains #ith him: his relati)e his %ro%erty and his deeds $ollo# himC relati)es and his %ro%erty go ba(& #hile his deeds remain #ith him.! 8.811: Narrated Ibn `9mar: Allah's A%ostle said !When anyone o$ you dies his destination is dis%layed be$ore him in the $orenoon and in the a$ternoon either in the ,+ell- <ire or in 'aradise and it is said to him !"hat is your %la(e till you are resurre(ted and sent to it.! 8.815: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !6o not abuse the dead $or they ha)e rea(hed the result o$ #hat they ha)e done.! 8.817: Narrated Abu +uraira: "#o men a Auslim and a /e# abused ea(h other. "he Auslim said !:y +im Who ga)e su%eriority to Auhammad o)er all the %eo%le.! 2n that the /e# said !:y +im Who ga)e su%eriority to Aoses o)er all the %eo%le.! "he Auslim be(ame $urious at that and sla%%ed the /e# in the $a(e. "he /e# #ent to Allah's A%ostle and in$ormed him o$ #hat had ha%%ened bet#een him and the Auslim. Allah's A%ostle said !6on't gi)e me su%eriority o)er Aoses $or the %eo%le #ill $all un(ons(ious on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion and I #ill be the $irst to gain (ons(iousness and behold 3 Aoses #ill be there holding the side o$ Allah's "hrone. I #ill not &no# #hether Aoses has been among those %eo%le #ho ha)e be(ome un(ons(ious and then has regained (ons(iousness be$ore me or has been among those e.em%ted by Allah $rom $alling un(ons(ious.! 8.818: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he %eo%le #ill $all do#n un(ons(ious at the time #hen they should $all do#n ,i.e. on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion- and then I #ill be the $irst man to get u% and behold Aoses #ill be there holding ,Allah's- "hrone. I #ill not &no# #hether he has been amongst those #ho ha)e $allen un(ons(ious.! 8.81@: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Allah #ill ta&e the #hole earth ,in +is +and- and #ill roll u% the +ea)en in +is right +and and then +e #ill say !I am Ging3 Where are the &ings o$ the earth * ! 8.81B: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: "he 'ro%het said !"he ,%lanet o$- earth #ill be a bread on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion and "he resistible ,Allah- #ill to%%le turn it #ith +is +and li&e anyone o$ you to%%le turns a bread #ith his hands #hile ,%re%aring the bread- $or a =ourney and that bread #ill be the entertainment $or the %eo%le o$ 'aradise.! A man $rom the /e#s (ame ,to the 'ro%het- and said !Aay "he :ene$i(ent ,Allah- bless you 2 Abul Iasim3 Shall I tell you o$ the entertainment o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion*! "he 'ro%het said !4es.! "he /e# said !"he earth #ill be a bread ! as the 'ro%het had said. "hereu%on the 'ro%het loo&ed at us and smiled till his %remolar tooth be(ame )isible. "hen the /e# $urther said !Shall I tell you o$ the udm ,additional $ood ta&en #ith bread- they #ill ha)e #ith the bread*! +e added !"hat #ill be :alam and Nun.! "he %eo%le as&ed !What is that*! +e said !It B1

is an o. and a $ish and se)enty thousand %eo%le #ill eat o$ the (audate lobe ,i.e. e.tra lobe- o$ their li)ers.! 8.818: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: I heard the 'ro%het saying !"he %eo%le #ill be gathered on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion on reddish #hite land li&e a %ure loa$ o$ bread ,made o$ %ure $ine $lour-.! Sahl added: "hat land #ill ha)e no landmar&s $or anybody ,to ma&e use o$-. 8.81D: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he %eo%le #ill be gathered in three #ays: ,"he $irst #ay #ill be o$- those #ho #ill #ish or ha)e a ho%e ,$or 'aradise- and #ill ha)e a $ear ,o$ %unishment- ,"he se(ond bat(h #ill be those #ho #ill gather- riding t#o on a (amel or three on a (amel or ten on a (amel. ,"he third bat(h- the rest o$ the %eo%le #ill be urged to gather by the <ire #hi(h #ill a((om%any them at the time o$ their a$ternoon na% and stay #ith them #here they #ill s%end the night and #ill be #ith them in the morning #here)er they may be then and #ill be #ith them in the a$ternoon #here)er they may be then.! 8.85E: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: A man said !2 Allah's 'ro%het3 Will a Ga$ir ,disbelie)er- be gathered ,dri)en %rone- on his $a(e*! "he 'ro%het said !Is not +e Who made him #al& #ith his legs in this #orld able to ma&e him #al& on his $a(e on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion*! ,Iatada a sub-narrator said: 4es ,+e (an- by the 'o#er o$ 2ur >ord3!8.851: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het said !4ou #ill meet Allah bare$ooted na&ed #al&ing on $eet and un(ir(um(ised.! 8.851: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I heard Allah's A%ostle #hile he #as deli)ering a sermon on a %ul%it saying !4ou #ill meet Allah bare$ooted na&ed and un(ir(um(ised.! 8.855: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het stood u% among us and addressed ,saying- !4ou #ill be gathered bare$ooted na&ed and un(ir(um(ised ,as Allah says-: 'As We began the $irst (reation We shall re%eat it..' ,11.1E7- And the $irst human being to be dressed on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #ill be ,the 'ro%het- Abraham Al-Ghalil. "hen #ill be brought some men o$ my $ollo#ers #ho #ill be ta&en to#ards the le$t ,i.e. to the <ireand I #ill say: '2 >ord3 Ay (om%anions #hereu%on Allah #ill say: 4ou do not &no# #hat they did a$ter you le$t them. I #ill then say as the %ious sla)e /esus said And I #as #itness o)er them #hile I d#elt amongst them..........,u% to- ...the All-Wise.' ,8.11B-118-. "he narrator added: "hen it #ill be said that those %eo%le ,relegated $rom Islam that is- &e%t on turning on their heels ,deserted Islam-. 8.857: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A%ostle said !"he %eo%le #ill be gathered bare$ooted na&ed and un(ir(um(ised.! I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Will the men and the #omen loo& at ea(h other*! +e said !"he situation #ill be too hard $or them to %ay attention to that.! 8.858: Narrated `Abdullah: While #e #ere in the (om%any o$ the 'ro%het in a tent he said ''Would it %lease you to be one $ourth o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise*! We said !4es.! +e said !Would It %lease you to be one-third o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise*! We said !4es.! +e said !Would it %lease you to be hal$ o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise*! We said !4es.! "hereu%on he said !I ho%e that you #ill be one hal$ o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise $or none #ill enter 'aradise but a Auslim soul and you %eo%le in (om%arison to the %eo%le


#ho asso(iate others in #orshi% #ith Allah are li&e a #hite hair on the s&in o$ a bla(& o. or a bla(& hair on the s&in o$ a red o..! 8.85@: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he $irst man to be (alled on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #ill be Adam #ho #ill be sho#n his o$$s%ring and it #ill be said to them '"his is your $ather Adam.' Adam #ill say ,res%onding to the (all- '>abbai& and Sa`dai&' "hen Allah #ill say ,to Adam- '"a&e out o$ your o$$s%ring the %eo%le o$ +ell.' Adam #ill say '2 >ord ho# many should I ta&e out*' Allah #ill say '"a&e out ninety-nine out o$ e)ery hundred.! "hey ,the 'ro%het's (om%anions- said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I$ ninety-nine out o$ e)ery one hundred o$ us are ta&en a#ay #hat #ill remain out o$ us*! +e said !Ay $ollo#ers in (om%arison to the other nations are li&e a #hite hair on a bla(& o..! 8.85B: Narrated Abu Sa`id: "he 'ro%het said !Allah #ill say '2 Adam3. Adam #ill re%ly '>abbai& and Sa`dai& ,I res%ond to 4our 0alls I am obedient to 4our orders- #al Ghair $i 4adai& ,and all the good is in 4our +ands-3' "hen Allah #ill say ,to Adam- :ring out the %eo%le o$ the <ire.' Adam #ill say 'What ,ho# manyare the %eo%le o$ the <ire*' Allah #ill say '2ut o$ e)ery thousand ,ta&e out- nine-hundred and ninetynine ,%ersons-.' At that time (hildren #ill be(ome hoary-headed and e)ery %regnant $emale #ill dro% her load ,ha)e an abortion- and you #ill see the %eo%le as i$ they #ere drun& yet not drun&C :ut Allah's %unishment #ill be )ery se)ere.! "hat ne#s distressed the (om%anions o$ the 'ro%het too mu(h and they said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Who amongst us #ill be that man ,the lu(&y one out o$ one-thousand #ho #ill be sa)ed $rom the <ire-*! +e said !+a)e the good ne#s that one-thousand #ill be $rom ?og and Aagog and the one ,to be sa)ed #ill be- $rom you.! "he 'ro%het added !:y +im in Whose +and my soul is I +o%e that you ,Auslims- #ill be one third o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise.! 2n that #e glori$ied and %raised Allah and said !Allahu A&bar.! "he 'ro%het then said !:y +im in Whose +and my soul is I ho%e that you #ill be one hal$ o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise as your ,Auslims- in (om%arison to the other %eo%le ,non-Auslims- is li&e that o$ a #hite hair on the s&in o$ a bla(& o. or a round hairless s%ot on the $oreleg o$ a don&ey.! 8.858: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het said ,regarding the Verse- !A 6ay #hen all man&ind #ill stand be$ore the >ord o$ the Worlds ' ,that day- they #ill stand dro#ned in their s#eat u% to the middle o$ their ears.! 8.85D: Narrated Abu +uraira : Allah's A%ostle said !"he %eo%le #ill s#eat so %ro$usely on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion that their s#eat #ill sin& se)enty (ubits dee% into the earth and it #ill rise u% till it rea(hes the %eo%le's mouths and ears.! 8.87E: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het said !"he (ases #hi(h #ill be de(ided $irst ,on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion- #ill be the (ases o$ blood-shedding. ! 8.871: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !Whoe)er has #ronged his brother should as& $or his %ardon ,be$ore his deathas ,in the +erea$ter- there #ill be neither a 6inar nor a 6irham. ,+e should se(ure %ardon in this li$ebe$ore some o$ his good deeds are ta&en and %aid to his brother or i$ he has done no good deeds some o$ the bad deeds o$ his brother are ta&en to be loaded on him ,in the +erea$ter-. 8.871: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: Allah's A%ostle said !"he belie)ers a$ter being sa)ed $rom the ,+ell- <ire #ill be sto%%ed at a bridge bet#een 'aradise and +ell and mutual retaliation #ill be established among them regarding #rongs B5

they ha)e (ommitted in the #orld against one another. A$ter they are (leansed and %uri$ied ,through the retaliation- they #ill be admitted into 'aradiseC and by +im in Whose +and Auhammad's soul is e)eryone o$ them #ill &no# his d#elling in 'aradise better than he &ne# his d#elling in this #orld.! 8.875: Narrated Ibn Abi Aulai&a: `Aisha said !"he 'ro%het said 'Anybody #hose a((ount ,re(ord- is ;uestioned #ill surely be %unished.' I said '6oesn't Allah say: '+e surely #ill re(ei)e an easy re(&oning*' ,87.8- "he 'ro%het re%lied. '"his means only the %resentation o$ the a((ount.!' 8.877: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said ,as abo)e 875-. 8.878: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A%ostle said !None #ill be (alled to a((ount on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion but #ill be ruined.! I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 +asn't Allah said: '"hen as $or him #ho #ill be gi)en his re(ord in his right hand he surely #ill re(ei)e an easy re(&oning* ,87.B-8- -- Allah's A%ostle said !"hat ,Verse- means only the %resentation o$ the a((ounts but anybody #hose a((ount ,re(ord- is ;uestioned on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #ill surely be %unished.! 8.87@: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's 'ro%het used to say !A disbelie)er #ill be brought on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion and #ill be as&ed. !Su%%ose you had as mu(h gold as to $ill the earth #ould you o$$er it to ransom yoursel$*! +e #ill re%ly !4es.! "hen it #ill be said to him !4ou #ere as&ed $or something easier than that ,to =oin none in #orshi% #ith Allah ,i.e. to a((e%t Islam but you re$used-. 8.87B: Narrated `Adi bin +atim: "he 'ro%het said !"here #ill be none among you but #ill be tal&ed to by Allah on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #ithout there being an inter%reter bet#een him and +im ,Allah- . +e #ill loo& and see nothing ahead o$ him and then he #ill loo& ,again $or the se(ond time- in $ront o$ him and the ,+ell<ire #ill (on$ront him. So #hoe)er among you (an sa)e himsel$ $rom the <ire should do so e)en #ith one hal$ o$ a date ,to gi)e in (harity-. 8.878: Narrated `Adi bin +atim: "he 'ro%het said !'rote(t yoursel$ $rom the <ire.! +e then turned his $a(e aside ,as i$ he #ere loo&ing at it- and said again !'rote(t yoursel$ $rom the <ire ! and then turned his $a(e aside ,as i$ he #ere loo&ing at it- and he said so $or the third time till #e thought he #as loo&ing at it. +e then said !'rote(t yoursel)es $rom the <ire e)en i$ #ith one hal$ o$ a date and he #ho hasn't got e)en this ,should do so- by ,saying- a good %leasant #ord.' 8.87D: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het said !"he %eo%le #ere dis%layed in $ront o$ me and I sa# one %ro%het %assing by #ith a large grou% o$ his $ollo#ers and another %ro%het %assing by #ith only a small grou% o$ %eo%le and another %ro%het %assing by #ith only ten ,%ersons- and another %ro%het %assing by #ith only $i)e ,%ersons- and another %ro%het %assed by alone. And then I loo&ed and sa# a large multitude o$ %eo%le so I as&ed ?abriel !Are these %eo%le my $ollo#ers*' +e said 'No but loo& to#ards the horizon.' I loo&ed and sa# a )ery large multitude o$ %eo%le. ?abriel said. '"hose are your $ollo#ers and those are se)enty thousand ,%ersons- in $ront o$ them #ho #ill neither ha)e any re(&oning o$ their a((ounts nor #ill re(ei)e any %unishment.' I as&ed 'Why*' +e said '<or they used not to treat themsel)es #ith branding ,(auterization- nor #ith Hu;ya ,get onesel$ treated by the re(itation o$ some Verses o$ the Iur'an- and not to see e)il omen in things and they used to %ut their trust ,only- in their >ord.! 2n hearing that '9&asha bin Aihsan got u% and said ,to the 'ro%het- !In)o&e Allah to ma&e me one o$ them.! "he 'ro%het said !2 Allah ma&e him one o$ them.! "hen another man got u% and B7

said ,to the 'ro%het- !In)o&e Allah to ma&e me one o$ them.! "he 'ro%het said '9&asha has %re(eded you.! 8.88E: Narrated Abu +uraira: I heard Allah's A%ostle saying !<rom my $ollo#ers there #ill enter 'aradise a (ro#d se)enty thousand in number #hose $a(es #ill glitter as the moon does #hen it is $ull.! 2n hearing that '9&asha bin Aihsan Al-Asdi got u% li$ting his (o)ering sheet and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 In)o&e Allah that +e may ma&e me one o$ them.! "he 'ro%het said !2 Allah ma&e him one o$ them.! Another man $rom the Ansar got u% and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 In)o&e Allah to ma&e me one o$ them. !"he 'ro%het said ,to him- !'9&asha has %re(eded you.! 8.881: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: "he 'ro%het said !Se)enty-thousand or se)en-hundred thousand o$ my $ollo#ers ,the narrator is in doubt as to the (orre(t number- #ill enter 'aradise holding ea(h other till the $irst and the last o$ them enter 'aradise at the same time and their $a(es #ill ha)e a glitter li&e that o$ the moon at night #hen it is $ull.! 8.881: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%hetC said !"he %eo%le o$ 'aradise #ill enter 'aradise and the %eo%le o$ the ,+ell- <ire #ill enter the ,+ell- <ire: then a (all-ma&er #ill get u% ,and ma&e an announ(ement- among them '2 the %eo%le o$ the ,+ell- <ire3 No death anymore 3 And 2 %eo%le o$ 'aradise3 No death ,anymore- but Jternity.! 8.885: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said ! It #ill be said to the %eo%le o$ 'aradise '2 %eo%le o$ 'aradise3 Jternity ,$or youand no death ' and to the %eo%le o$ the <ire '2 %eo%le o$ the <ire eternity ,$or you- and no death3! 8.887: Narrated `Imran: "he 'ro%het said !I loo&ed into %aradise and sa# that the ma=ority o$ its %eo%le #ere the %oor and I loo&ed into the <ire and $ound that the ma=ority o$ its %eo%le #ere #omen.! 8.888: Narrated 9sama: "he 'ro%het said !I stood at the gate o$ 'aradise and sa# that the ma=ority o$ the %eo%le #ho had entered it #ere %oor %eo%le #hile the ri(h #ere $orbidden ,to enter along #ith the %oor be(ause they #ere #aiting the re(&oning o$ their a((ounts- but the %eo%le o$ the <ire had been ordered to be dri)en to the <ire. And I stood at the gate o$ the <ire and $ound that the ma=ority o$ the %eo%le entering it #ere #omen.! 8.88@: Narrated Ibn `9mar: Allah's A%ostle said !When the %eo%le o$ 'aradise ha)e entered 'aradise and the %eo%le o$ the <ire ha)e entered the <ire death #ill be brought and #ill be %la(ed bet#een the <ire and 'aradise and then it #ill be slaughtered and a (all #ill be made ,that- '2 %eo%le o$ 'aradise no more death 3 2 %eo%le o$ the <ire no more death 3 ' So the %eo%le o$ 'aradise #ill ha)e ha%%iness added to their %re)ious ha%%iness and the %eo%le o$ the <ire #ill ha)e sorro# added to their %re)ious sorro#.! 8.88B: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: Allah's A%ostle said !Allah #ill say to the %eo%le o$ 'aradise '2 the %eo%le o$ 'aradise3' "hey #ill say '>abbai& 2 our >ord and Sa`dai&3' Allah #ill say 'Are you %leased*! "hey #ill say 'Why should #e not be %leased sin(e 4ou ha)e gi)en us #hat 4ou ha)e not gi)en to anyone o$ 4our (reation*' Allah #ill say 'I #ill gi)e you something better than that.' "hey #ill re%ly '2 our >ord3 And #hat is better than that*' Allah #ill say 'I #ill besto# Ay %leasure and (ontentment u%on you so that I #ill ne)er be angry #ith you a$ter $or-e)er.' ! B8

8.888: Narrated Anas: +aritha #as martyred on the day ,o$ the battle- o$ :adr #hile he #as young. +is mother (ame to the 'ro%het saying !2 Allah's A%ostle3 4ou &no# the relation o$ +aritha to me ,ho# $ond o$ him I #as-C so i$ he is in 'aradise I #ill remain %atient and #ish $or Allah's re#ard but i$ he is not there then you #ill see #hat I #ill do.! "he 'ro%het re%lied !Aay Allah be mer(i$ul u%on you3 +a)e you gone mad* ,6o you thin&- it is one 'aradise* "here are many 'aradises and he is in the ,most su%erior'aradise o$ Al-<irdaus.! 8.88D.1: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he #idth bet#een the t#o shoulders o$ a Ga$ir ,disbelie)er- #ill be e;ual to the distan(e (o)ered by a $ast rider in three days.! 8.88D.1: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: Allah's A%ostle said !In 'aradise there is a tree so big that in its shade a rider may tra)el $or one hundred years #ithout being able to (ross it.! 8.88D.5: Narrated Abu Sa`id: "he 'ro%het said: "here is a tree in 'aradise ,so huge- that a $ast ,or a trained- rider may tra)el: $or one hundred years #ithout being able to (ross it. 8.8@E: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: Allah's A%ostle said !Se)enty thousand or se)en hundred thousand o$ my $ollo#ers #ill enter 'aradise. ,Abu +azim the sub-narrator is not sure as to #hi(h o$ the t#o numbers is (orre(t.- "hey #ill be holding on to ea(h other the $irst #ill not entering the last one does their $a(es li&e the moon on a $ull moon night.! 8.8@1: Narrated Sahl: "he 'ro%het said !"he %eo%le o$ 'aradise #ill see the ?hura$ ,s%e(ial abodes- in 'aradise as you see a star in the s&y.! Abu Sa`id added: !As you see a glittering star remaining in the eastern horizon and the #estern horizon.! 8.8@1: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het said !Allah #ill say to the %erson #ho #ill ha)e the minimum %unishment in the <ire on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion 'I$ you had things e;ual to #hate)er is on the earth #ould you ransom yoursel$ ,$rom the %unishment- #ith it*' +e #ill re%ly 4es. Allah #ill say 'I as&ed you a mu(h easier thing than this #hile you #ere in the ba(&bone o$ Adam that is not to #orshi% others besides Ae but you re$used and insisted to #orshi% others besides Ae.!' 8.8@5: Narrated +ammad $rom `Amr $rom /abir: "he 'ro%het said !Some %eo%le #ill (ome out o$ the <ire through inter(ession loo&ing li&e "he "haarir.! I as&ed `Amr !What is the "haarir*! +e said Ad 6agh`Abis and at that time he #as toothless. +ammad added: I said to `Amr bin 6inar !2 Abu Auhammad3 6id you hear /abir bin `Abdullah saying 'I heard the 'ro%het saying: 'Some %eo%le #ill (ome out o$ the <ire through inter(ession*! +e said !4es. ! 8.8@7: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het said !Some %eo%le #ill (ome out o$ the <ire a$ter they ha)e re(ei)ed a tou(h o$ the <ire (hanging their (olor and they #ill enter 'aradise and the %eo%le o$ 'aradise #ill name them 'Al/ahannamiyin' the ,+ell- <ire %eo%le.! 8.8@8: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: B@

Allah's A%ostle said !When the %eo%le o$ 'aradise ha)e entered 'aradise and the %eo%le o$ the <ire ha)e entered the <ire Allah #ill say. '"a&e out ,o$ the <ire- #hoe)er has got $aith e;ual to a mustard seed in his heart.' "hey #ill (ome out and by that time they #ould ha)e burnt and be(ame li&e (oal and then they #ill be thro#n into the ri)er o$ Al-+ayyat ,li$e- and they #ill s%ring u% =ust as a seed gro#s on the ban& o$ a rain#ater stream.! "he 'ro%het said !6on't you see that the germinating seed (omes out yello# and t#isted*! 8.8@@: Narrated An-Nu`man: I heard the 'ro%het saying !"he %erson #ho #ill ha)e the least %unishment $rom amongst the +ell <ire %eo%le on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #ill be a man under #hose ar(h o$ the $eet a smoldering ember #ill be %la(ed so that his brain #ill boil be(ause o$ it.! 8.8@B: Narrated An-Nu`man bin :ashir: I heard the 'ro%het saying !"he least %unished %erson o$ the ,+ell- <ire %eo%le on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #ill be a man under #hose ar(h o$ the $eet t#o smoldering embers #ill be %la(ed be(ause o$ #hi(h his brain #ill boil =ust li&e Al-Air=al ,(o%%er )essel- or a Ium-;um ,narro#-ne(&ed )essel- is boiling #ith #ater.! 8.8@8: Narrated `Adi bin +atim: "he 'ro%het mentioned the <ire and turned his $a(e aside and as&ed $or Allah's %rote(tion $rom it and then again he mentioned the <ire and turned his $a(e aside and as&ed $or Allah's %rote(tion $rom it and said !'rote(t yoursel)es $rom the +ell-<ire e)en i$ #ith one hal$ o$ a date and he #ho (annot a$$ord that then ,let him do so- by ,saying- a good %leasant #ord.! 8.8@D: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: I heard Allah's A%ostles #hen his un(le Abu "alib had been mentioned in his %resen(e saying !Aay be my inter(ession #ill hel% him ,Abu "alib- on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion so that he may be %ut in a shallo# %la(e in the <ire #ith $ire rea(hing his an&les and (ausing his brain to boil.! 8.8BE: Narrated Anas: Allah's A%ostle said !Allah #ill gather all the %eo%le on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion and they #ill say '>et us re;uest someone to inter(ede $or us #ith our >ord so that +e may relie)e us $rom this %la(e o$ ours.' "hen they #ill go to Adam and say '4ou are the one #hom Allah (reated #ith +is 2#n +ands and breathed in you o$ +is soul and ordered the angels to %rostrate to youC so %lease inter(ede $or us #ith our >ord.' Adam #ill re%ly 'I am not $it $or this underta&ing and #ill remember his sin and #ill say '?o to Noah the $irst A%ostle sent by Allah' "hey #ill go to him and he #ill say 'I am not $it $or this underta&ing' and #ill remember his sin and say '?o to Abraham #hom Allah too& as a Ghalil. "hey #ill go to him ,and re;uest similarly-. +e #ill re%ly 'I am not $it $or this underta&ing ' and #ill remember his sin and say '?o to Aoses to #hom Allah s%o&e dire(tly.' "hey #ill go to Aoses and he #ill say 'I am not $it $or this underta&ing ' and #ill remember his sin and say '?o to /esus.' "hey #ill go to him and he #ill say 'I am not $it $or this underta&ing go to Auhammad as Allah has $orgi)en his %ast and $uture sins.' "hey #ill (ome to me and I #ill as& my >ord's %ermission and #hen I see +im I #ill $all do#n in %rostration to +im and +e #ill lea)e me in that state as long as ,+e- Allah #ill and then I #ill be addressed. 'Haise u% your head ,2 Auhammad-3 As& and your re;uest #ill be granted and say and your saying #ill be listened toC inter(ede and your inter(ession #ill be a((e%ted.' "hen I #ill raise my head and I #ill glori$y and %raise my >ord #ith a saying,i.e. in)o(ation- +e #ill tea(h me and then I #ill inter(ede Allah #ill $i. a limit $or me ,i.e. (ertain ty%e o$ %eo%le $or #hom I may inter(ede- and I #ill ta&e them out o$ the ,+ell- <ire and let them enter 'aradise. "hen I #ill (ome ba(& ,to AllahBB

and $all in %rostration and #ill do the same $or the third and $ourth times till no-one remains in the ,+ell- <ire e.(e%t those #hom the Iur'an has im%risoned therein.! ,"he sub-narrator Iatada used to say at that %oint !...those u%on #hom eternity ,in +ell- has been im%osed.!- ,See +adith No. 5 Vol @-. 8.8B1: Narrated `Imran bin +usain: "he 'ro%het said !Some %eo%le #ill be ta&en out o$ the <ire through the inter(ession o$ Auhammad they #ill enter 'aradise and #ill be (alled Al-/ahannamiyin ,the +ell <ire %eo%le-. 8.8B1: Narrated Anas: 9m ,the mother o$- +aritha (ame to Allah's A%ostle a$ter +aritha had been martyred on the 6ay ,o$ the battle- o$ :adr by an arro# thro#n by an un&no#n %erson. She said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 4ou &no# the %osition o$ +aritha in my heart ,i.e. ho# dear to me he #as- so i$ he is in 'aradise I #ill not #ee% $or him or other#ise you #ill see #hat I #ill do.! "he 'ro%het said !Are you mad* Is there only one 'aradise* "here are many 'aradises and he is in the highest 'aradise o$ <irdaus.! "he 'ro%het added !A $orenoon =ourney or an a$ter noon =ourney in Allah's 0ause is better than the #hole #orld and #hate)er is in itC and a %la(e e;ual to an arro# bo# o$ anyone o$ you or a %la(e e;ual to a $oot in 'aradise is better than the #hole #orld and #hate)er is in itC and i$ one o$ the #omen o$ 'aradise loo&ed at the earth she #ould $ill the #hole s%a(e bet#een them ,the earth and the hea)en#ith light and #ould $ill #hate)er is in bet#een them #ith %er$ume and the )eil o$ her $a(e is better than the #hole #orld and #hate)er is in it.! 8.8B5: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !None #ill enter 'aradise but #ill be sho#n the %la(e he #ould ha)e o((u%ied in the ,+ell- <ire i$ he had re=e(ted $aith so that he may be more than&$ulC and none #ill enter the ,+ell<ire but #ill be sho#n the %la(e he #ould ha)e o((u%ied in 'aradise i$ he had $aith so that may be a (ause o$ sorro# $or him.! 8.8B7: Narrated Abu +uraira: I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Who #ill be the lu(&iest %erson #ho #ill gain your inter(ession on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion*! "he 'ro%het said !2 Abu +uraira3 I ha)e thought that none #ill as& me about this +adith be$ore you as I &no# your longing $or the ,learning o$- +adiths. "he lu(&iest %erson #ho #ill ha)e my inter(ession on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #ill be the one #ho said 'None has the right to be #orshi%%ed but Allah ' sin(erely $rom the bottom o$ his heart.! 8.8B8: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het said !I &no# the %erson #ho #ill be the last to (ome out o$ the ,+ell- <ire and the last to enter 'aradise. +e #ill be a man #ho #ill (ome out o$ the ,+ell- <ire (ra#ling and Allah #ill say to him '?o and enter 'aradise.' +e #ill go to it but he #ill imagine that it had been $illed and then he #ill return and say '2 >ord I ha)e $ound it $ull.' Allah #ill say '?o and enter 'aradise and you #ill ha)e #hat e;uals the #orld and ten times as mu(h ,or you #ill ha)e as mu(h as ten times the li&e o$ the #orld-.' 2n that the man #ill say '6o you mo(& at me ,or laugh at me- though 4ou are the Ging*! I sa# Allah's A%ostle ,#hile saying that- smiling that his %remolar teeth be(ame )isible. It is said that #ill be the lo#est in degree amongst the %eo%le o$ 'aradise. 8.8B@: Narrated `Abbas: that he said to the 'ro%het !6id you bene$it Abu "alib #ith anything*! 8.8BB: Narrated Abu +uraira: Some %eo%le said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Shall #e see our >ord on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion*! +e said !6o you (ro#d and s;ueeze ea(h other on loo&ing at the sun #hen it is not hidden by (louds*! "hey re%lied !No Allah's A%ostle.! +e said !6o you (ro#d and s;ueeze ea(h other on loo&ing at the B8

moon #hen it is $ull and not hidden by (louds*! "hey re%lied No 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !So you #ill see +im ,your >ord- on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion similarly Allah #ill gather all the %eo%le and say 'Whoe)er used to #orshi% anything should $ollo# that thing. 'So he #ho used to #orshi% the sun #ill $ollo# it and he #ho used to #orshi% the moon #ill $ollo# it and he #ho used to #orshi% $alse deities #ill $ollo# themC and then only this nation ,i.e. Auslims- #ill remain in(luding their hy%o(rites. Allah #ill (ome to them in a sha%e other than they &no# and #ill say 'I am your >ord.' "hey #ill say 'We see& re$uge #ith Allah $rom you. "his is our %la(eC ,#e #ill not $ollo# you- till our >ord (omes to us and #hen our >ord (omes to us #e #ill re(ognize +im. "hen Allah #ill (ome to then in a sha%e they &no# and #ill say !I am your >ord.' "hey #ill say ',No doubt- 4ou are our >ord ' and they #ill $ollo# +im. "hen a bridge #ill be laid o)er the ,+ell- <ire.! Allah's A%ostle added !I #ill be the $irst to (ross it. And the in)o(ation o$ the A%ostles on that 6ay #ill be 'Allahu&&a Sallim Sallim ,2 Allah sa)e us sa)e us3- ' and o)er that bridge there #ill be hoo&s Similar to the thorns o$ As Sa'dan ,a thorny tree-. 6idn't you see the thorns o$ As-Sa'dan*! "he (om%anions said !4es 2 Allah's A%ostle.! +e added !So the hoo&s o)er that bridge #ill be li&e the thorns o$ As-Sa-dan e.(e%t that their greatness in size is only &no#n to Allah. "hese hoo&s #ill snat(h the %eo%le a((ording to their deeds. Some %eo%le #ill be ruined be(ause o$ their e)il deeds and some #ill be (ut into %ie(es and $all do#n in +ell but #ill be sa)ed a$ter#ards #hen Allah has $inished the =udgments among +is sla)es and intends to ta&e out o$ the <ire #hoe)er +e #ishes to ta&e out $rom among those #ho used to testi$y that none had the right to be #orshi%%ed but Allah. We #ill order the angels to ta&e them out and the angels #ill &no# them by the mar& o$ the tra(es o$ %rostration ,on their $oreheads- $or Allah banned the $ ire to (onsume the tra(es o$ %rostration on the body o$ Adam's son. So they #ill ta&e them out and by then they #ould ha)e burnt ,as (oal- and then #ater (alled Aa'ul +ayat ,#ater o$ li$e- #ill be %oured on them and they #ill s%ring out li&e a seed s%rings out on the ban& o$ a rain#ater stream and there #ill remain one man #ho #ill be $a(ing the ,+ell- <ire and #ill say '2 >ord3 It's ,+ell's- )a%or has 'oisoned and smo&ed me and its $lame has burnt meC %lease turn my $a(e a#ay $rom the <ire.' +e #ill &ee% on in)o&ing Allah till Allah says ''erha%s i$ I gi)e you #hat you #ant- you #ill as& $or another thing*' "he man #ill say 'No by 4our 'o#er I #ill not as& 4ou $or anything else.' "hen Allah #ill turn his $a(e a#ay $rom the <ire. "he man #ill say a$ter that '2 >ord bring me near the gate o$ 'aradise.' Allah #ill say ,to him- '6idn't you %romise not to as& $or anything else* Woe to you 2 son o$ Adam 3 +o# trea(herous you are3' "he man #ill &ee% on in)o&ing Allah till Allah #ill say ':ut i$ I gi)e you that you may as& me $or something else.' "he man #ill say 'No by 4our 'o#er. I #ill not as& $or anything else.' +e #ill gi)e Allah his (o)enant and %romise not to as& $or anything else a$ter that. So Allah #ill bring him near to the gate o$ 'aradise and #hen he sees #hat is in it he #ill remain silent as long as Allah #ill and then he #ill say '2 >ord3 >et me enter 'aradise.' Allah #ill say '6idn't you %romise that you #ould not as& Ae $or anything other than that* Woe to you 2 son o$ Adam 3 +o# trea(herous you are3' 2n that the man #ill say '2 >ord3 6o not ma&e me the most #ret(hed o$ 4our (reation ' and #ill &ee% on in)o&ing Allah till Allah #ill smile and #hen Allah #ill smile be(ause o$ him then +e #ill allo# him to enter 'aradise and #hen he #ill enter 'aradise he #ill be addressed 'Wish $rom so-and-so.' +e #ill #ish till all his #ishes #ill be $ul$illed then Allah #ill say All this ,i.e. #hat you ha)e #ished $or- and as mu(h again there#ith are $or you.' ! Abu +uraira added: "hat man #ill be the last o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise to enter ,'aradise-. Narrated 'Ata ,#hile Abu +uraira #as narrating-: Abu Sa`id #as sitting in the (om%any o$ Abu +uraira and he did not deny anything o$ his narration till he rea(hed his saying: !All this and as mu(h again there#ith are $or you.! "hen Abu Sa`id said !I heard Allah's A%ostle saying '"his is $or you and ten times as mu(h.' ! Abu +uraira said !In my memory it is 'as mu(h again there#ith.' ! 8.8B8: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het said !I am your %rede(essor at the >a&e-<ount.! `Abdullah added: "he 'ro%het said !I am your %rede(essor at the >a&e-<ount and some o$ you #ill be brought in $ront o$ me till I #ill see


them and then they #ill be ta&en a#ay $rom me and I #ill say '2 >ord my (om%anions3' It #ill be said '4ou do not &no# #hat they did a$ter you had le$t.' 8.8BD: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het said !"here #ill be a tan& ,>a&e-<ount- in $ront o$ you as large as the distan(e bet#een /arba and Adhruh ,t#o to#ns in Sham-. 8.88E: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he #ord 'Al-Gauthar' means the abundant good #hi(h Allah ga)e to him ,the 'ro%het Auhammad-. Abu :ishr said: I said to Sa`id !Some %eo%le (laim that it ,Al-Gauthar- is a ri)er in 'aradise.! Sa`id re%lied !"he ri)er #hi(h is in 'aradise is one item o$ that good #hi(h Allah has besto#ed u%on him ,Auhammad-. 8.881: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: "he 'ro%het said !Ay >a&e-<ount is ,so large that it ta&es- a month's =ourney to (ross it. Its #ater is #hiter than mil& and its smell is ni(er than mus& ,a &ind o$ 'er$ume- and its drin&ing (u%s are ,as numerous- as the ,number o$- stars o$ the s&yC and #hoe)er drin&s $rom it #ill ne)er be thirsty.! 8.881: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's A%ostle said !"he #idth o$ my >a&e-<ount is e;ual to the distan(e bet#een Aila ,a to#n in Sham- and Sana' ,the (a%ital o$ 4emen- and it has as many ,numerous- =ugs as the number o$ stars o$ the s&y.! 8.885: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het said: !While I #as #al&ing in 'aradise ,on the night o$ Ai'ra=- I sa# a ri)er on the t#o ban&s o$ #hi(h there #ere tents made o$ hollo# %earls. I as&ed !What is this 2 ?abriel*' +e said '"hat is the Gauthar #hi(h 4our >ord has gi)en to you.' :ehold3 Its s(ent or its mud #as shar% smelling mus&3! ,"he sub-narrator +udba is in doubt as to the (orre(t e.%ression. 8.887: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het said !Some o$ my (om%anions #ill (ome to me at my >a&e <ount and a$ter I re(ognize them they #ill then be ta&en a#ay $rom me #hereu%on I #ill say 'Ay (om%anions3' "hen it #ill be said '4ou do not &no# #hat they inno)ated ,ne# things- in the religion a$ter you.! 8.888: Narrated Abu +azim $rom Sahl bin Sa`d: "he 'ro%het said !I am your %rede(essor ,$orerunner- at the >a&e-<ount and #hoe)er #ill %ass by there he #ill drin& $rom it and #hoe)er #ill drin& $rom it he #ill ne)er be thirsty. "here #ill (ome to me some %eo%le #hom I #ill re(ognize and they #ill re(ognize me but a barrier #ill be %la(ed bet#een me and them.! Abu +azim added: An-Nu`man bin Abi `Aiyash on hearing me said. !6id you hear this $rom Sahl*! I said !4es.! +e said ! I bear #itness that I heard Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri saying the same adding that the 'ro%het said: 'I #ill say: "hey are o$ me ,i.e. my $ollo#ers-. It #ill be said '4ou do not &no# #hat they inno)ated ,ne# things- in the religion a$ter you le$t'. I #ill say '<ar remo)ed $ar remo)ed ,$rom mer(y- those #ho (hanged ,their religion- a$ter me.! Abu +uraira narrated that the 'ro%het said !2n the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion a grou% o$ (om%anions #ill (ome to me but #ill be dri)en a#ay $rom the >a&e-<ount and I #ill say '2 >ord ,those are- my (om%anions3' It #ill be said '4ou ha)e no &no#ledge as to #hat they inno)ated a$ter you le$tC they turned a%ostate as renegades ,re)erted $rom Islam-. 8.88@: Narrated Ibn Al-Ausaiyab: "he (om%anions o$ the 'ro%het said !Some men $rom my (om%anions #ill (ome to my >a&e-<ount and they #ill be dri)en a#ay $rom it and I #ill say '2 >ord my (om%anions3' It #ill be said '4ou


ha)e no &no#ledge o$ #hat they inno)ated a$ter you le$t: they turned a%ostate as renegades ,re)erted $rom Islam-. 8.88B: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !While I #as slee%ing a grou% ,o$ my $ollo#ers #ere brought (lose to me- and #hen I re(ognized them a man ,an angel- (ame out $rom amongst ,us- me and them he said ,to them- '0ome along.' I as&ed 'Where*' +e said '"o the ,+ell- <ire by Allah' I as&ed '#hat is #rong #ith them' +e said '"hey turned a%ostate as renegades a$ter you le$t.' "hen behold3 ,Another- grou% ,o$ my $ollo#ers- #ere brought (lose to me and #hen I re(ognized them a man ,an angel- (ame out $rom ,me and them- he said ,to them-C 0ome along.' I as&ed !Where*' +e said '"o the ,+ell- <ire by Allah.' I as&ed What is #rong #ith them*' +e said '"hey turned a%ostate as renegades a$ter you le$t. So I did not see anyone o$ them es(a%ing e.(e%t a $e# #ho #ere li&e (amels #ithout a she%herd.! 8.888: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !:et#een my house and my %ul%it there is a garden $rom amongst the gardens o$ 'aradise and my %ul%it is o)er my >a&e-<ount.! 8.88D: Narrated /undab: I heard the 'ro%het saying !I am your %rede(essor at the >a&e-<ount. ,Al-Gauthar- . 8.8DE: Narrated `9;ba bin 'Amir: 2n(e the 'ro%het #ent out and o$$ered the $uneral %rayers $or the martyrs o$ 9hud and then #ent to the %ul%it and said !I am a %rede(essor $or you and I am a #itness $or you: and by Allah I am loo&ing at my <ount =ust no# and the &eys o$ the treasures o$ the earth ,or the &eys o$ the earth- ha)e been gi)en to me: and by Allah I am not a$raid that you #ill #orshi% others besides Allah a$ter me but I am a$raid that you #ill stri)e and struggle against ea(h other o)er these treasures o$ the #orld.! 8.8D1: Narrated +aritha bin Wahb: I heard the 'ro%het mentioning the >a&e-<ount ,Al-Gauthar- saying !,"he #idth o$ the >a&e-<ountis e;ual to the distan(e bet#een Aedina and Sana' ,(a%ital o$ 4emen-.! +aritha said that he heard the 'ro%het saying that his >a&e-<ount #ould be as large as the distan(e bet#een Sana' and Aedina. AlAustaurid said to +aritha !6idn't you hear him tal&ing about the )essels*! +e said !No.! AlAustaurid said !"he )essels are seen in it as ,numberless as- the stars.! 8.8D1: Narrated Asma 'bint Abu :a&r: "he 'ro%het said !I #ill be standing at the >a&e-<ount so that I #ill see #hom among you #ill (ome to meC and some %eo%le #ill be ta&en a#ay $rom me and I #ill say '2 >ord ,they are- $rom me and $rom my $ollo#ers.' "hen it #ill be said '6id you noti(e #hat they did a$ter you* :y Allah they &e%t on turning on their heels ,turned as renegades-.' ! "he sub-narrator Ibn Abi Aulai&a said !2 Allah #e see& re$uge #ith 4ou $rom turning on our heels or being %ut to trial in our religion.! 8.8D5: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's A%ostle the truth$ul and truly-ins%ired said !Ja(h one o$ you (olle(ted in the #omb o$ his mother $or $orty days and then turns into a (lot $or an e;ual %eriod ,o$ $orty days- and turns into a %ie(e o$ $lesh $or a similar %eriod ,o$ $orty days- and then Allah sends an angel and orders him to #rite $our things i.e. his %ro)ision his age and #hether he #ill be o$ the #ret(hed or the blessed ,in the +erea$ter-. "hen the soul is breathed into him. And by Allah a %erson among you ,or a man- may do deeds o$ the %eo%le o$ the <ire till there is only a (ubit or an arm-breadth distan(e bet#een him and the <ire but then that #riting ,#hi(h Allah has ordered the angel to #rite- %re(edes and he does the deeds o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise and enters itC and a man may do the deeds o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise till there is only a (ubit or t#o bet#een him and 'aradise and then that #riting %re(edes and he does the deeds o$ the %eo%le o$ the <ire and enters it.! 81

8.8D7: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het said !Allah %uts an angel in (harge o$ the uterus and the angel says '2 >ord ,it issemen3 2 >ord ,it is no# - a (lot3 2 >ord ,it is no#- a %ie(e o$ $lesh.' And then i$ Allah #ishes to (om%lete its (reation the angel as&s '2 >ord ,#ill it be- a male or a $emale* A #ret(hed ,an e)il doer- or a blessed ,doer o$ good-* +o# mu(h #ill his %ro)isions be* What #ill his age be*' So all that is #ritten #hile the (reature is still in the mother's #omb.! 8.8D8: Narrated `Imran bin +usain: A man said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 0an the %eo%le o$ 'aradise be &no#n ,di$$erentiated- $rom the %eo%le o$ the <ireC "he 'ro%het re%lied !4es.! "he man said !Why do %eo%le ,try to- do ,good- deeds*! "he 'ro%het said !J)eryone #ill do the deeds $or #hi(h he has been (reated to do or he #ill do those deeds #hi(h #ill be made easy $or him to do.! ,i.e. e)erybody #ill $ind easy to do su(h deeds as #ill lead him to his destined %la(e $or #hi(h he has been (reated-. 8.8D@: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het C #as as&ed about the o$$s%ring o$ the %agans. +e said !Allah &no#s #hat they #ould ha)e done ,#ere they to li)e-. 8.8DB: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle #as as&ed about the o$$s%ring o$ the %agans. +e said !Allah &no#s #hat they #ould ha)e done ,#ere they to li)e-. Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !No (hild is born but has the Islami( <aith but its %arents turn it into a /e# or a 0hristian. It is as you hel% the animals gi)e birth. 6o you $ind among their o$$s%ring a mutilated one be$ore you mutilate them yoursel$*! "he %eo%le said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 What do you thin& about those ,o$ them- #ho die young*! "he 'ro%het said !Allah &no#s #hat they #ould ha)e done ,#ere they to li)e-. 8.8D8: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !No #oman should as& $or the di)or(e o$ her sister ,Auslim- so as to ta&e her %la(e but she should marry the man ,#ithout (om%elling him to di)or(e his other #i$e- $or she #ill ha)e nothing but #hat Allah has #ritten $or her.! 8.8DD: Narrated 9sama: 2n(e #hile I #as #ith the 'ro%het and Sa`d 9bai bin Ga`b and Au`adh #ere also sitting #ith him there (ame to him a messenger $rom one o$ his daughters telling him that her (hild #as on the )erge o$ death. "he 'ro%het told the messenger to tell her !It is $or Allah #hat +e ta&es and it is $or Allah #hat +e gi)es and e)erything has its $i.ed time ,limit-. So ,she should- be %atient and loo& $or Allah's re#ard.! 8.@EE: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: "hat #hile he #as sitting #ith the 'ro%het a man $rom the Ansar (ame and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 We get sla)e girls $rom the #ar (a%ti)es and #e lo)e %ro%ertyC #hat do you thin& about (oitus interru%tus*! Allah's A%ostle said !6o you do that* It is better $or you not to do it $or there is no soul #hi(h Allah has ordained to (ome into e.isten(e but #ill be (reated.! 8.@E1: Narrated +udhai$a: "he 'ro%het on(e deli)ered a s%ee(h in $ront o$ us #herein he le$t nothing but mentioned ,aboute)erything that #ould ha%%en till the +our. Some o$ us stored that our minds and some $orgot it. ,A$ter that s%ee(h- I used to see e)ents ta&ing %la(e ,#hi(h had been re$erred to in that s%ee(h- but I had $orgotten them ,be$ore their o((urren(e-. "hen I #ould re(ognize su(h e)ents as a man re(ognizes another man #ho has been absent and then sees and re(ognizes him. 81

8.@E1: Narrated `Ali: While #e #ere sitting #ith the 'ro%het #ho had a sti(& #ith #hi(h he #as s(ra%ing the earth he lo#ered his head and said !"here is none o$ you but has his %la(e assigned either in the <ire or in 'aradise.! "hereu%on a man $rom the %eo%le said !Shall #e not de%end u%on this 2 Allah's A%ostle*! "he 'ro%het said !No but (arry on and do your deeds $or e)erybody $inds it easy to do su(h deeds ,as #ill lead him to his %la(e-.! "he 'ro%het then re(ited the Verse: 'As $or him #ho gi)es ,in (harity- and &ee%s his duty to Allah..' ,D1.88.@E5: Narrated Abu +uraira: We #itnessed along #ith Allah's A%ostle the Ghaibar ,(am%aign-. Allah's A%ostle told his (om%anions about a man #ho (laimed to be a Auslim !"his man is $rom the %eo%le o$ the <ire.! When the battle started the man $ought )ery bra)ely and re(ei)ed a great number o$ #ounds and got (ri%%led. 2n that a man $rom among the (om%anions o$ the 'ro%het (ame and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 6o you &no# #hat the man you des(ribed as o$ the %eo%le o$ the <ire has done* +e has $ought )ery bra)ely $or Allah's 0ause and he has re(ei)ed many #ounds.! "he 'ro%het said !:ut he is indeed one o$ the %eo%le o$ the <ire.! Some o$ the Auslims #ere about to ha)e some doubt about that statement. So #hile the man #as in that state the %ain (aused by the #ounds troubled him so mu(h that he %ut his hand into his ;ui)er and too& out an arro# and (ommitted sui(ide #ith it. 2$$ #ent some men $rom among the Auslims to Allah's A%ostle and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Allah has made your statement true. So-and-so has (ommitted sui(ide.! Allah's A%ostle said !2 :ilal3 ?et u% and announ(e in %ubli(: None #ill enter 'aradise but a belie)er and Allah may su%%ort this religion ,Islam- #ith a #i(&ed man.! 8.@E7: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: "here #as a man #ho $ought most bra)ely o$ all the Auslims on behal$ o$ the Auslims in a battle ,?haz#a- in the (om%any o$ the 'ro%het. "he 'ro%het loo&ed at him and said. !I$ anyone #ould li&e to see a man $rom the %eo%le o$ the <ire let him loo& at this ,bra)e man-.! 2n that a man $rom the 'eo%le ,Auslims- $ollo#ed him and he #as in that state i.e. $ighting $ier(ely against the %agans till he #as #ounded and then he hastened to end his li$e by %la(ing his s#ord bet#een his breasts ,and %ressed it #ith great $or(e- till it (ame out bet#een his shoulders. "hen the man ,#ho #as #at(hing that %erson- #ent ;ui(&ly to the 'ro%het and said !I testi$y that you are Allah's A%ostle3! "he 'ro%het as&ed him !Why do you say that*! +e said !4ou said about so-and-so 'I$ anyone #ould li&e to see a man $rom the %eo%le o$ the <ire he should loo& at him.' +e $ought most bra)ely o$ all o$ us on behal$ o$ the Auslims and I &ne# that he #ould not die as a Auslim ,Aartyr-. So #hen he got #ounded he hastened to die and (ommitted sui(ide.! "here-u%on the 'ro%het said !A man may do the deeds o$ the %eo%le o$ the <ire #hile in $a(t he is one o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise and he may do the deeds o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise #hile in $a(t he belongs to the %eo%le o$ <ire and )erily ,the re#ards o$- the deeds are de(ided by the last a(tions ,deeds-!. 8.@E8: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het $orbade )o#ing and said !In $a(t )o#ing does not %re)ent anything but it ma&es a miser to s%end his %ro%erty.! 8.@E@: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said ,that Allah said- !Vo#ing does not bring to the son o$ Adam anything I ha)e not already #ritten in his $ate but )o#ing is im%osed on him by #ay o$ $ore ordainment. "hrough )o#ing I ma&e a miser s%end o$ his #ealth.! 8.@EB: Narrated Abu Ausa: While #e #ere #ith Allah's A%ostle in a holy battle #e ne)er #ent u% a hill or rea(hed its %ea& or #ent do#n a )alley but raised our )oi(es #ith "a&bir. Allah's A%ostle (ame (lose to us and said !2 85

%eo%le3 6on't e.ert yoursel)es $or you do not (all a dea$ or an absent one but you (all the All>istener the All-Seer.! "he 'ro%het then said !2 `Abdullah bin Iais3 Shall I tea(h you a senten(e #hi(h is $rom the treasures o$ 'aradise* , It is-: '>a haula #ala ;u#ata illa billah. ,"here is neither might nor %o#er e.(e%t #ith Allah-. 8.@E8: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: "hat the 'ro%het said !No 0ali%h is a%%ointed but has t#o grou%s o$ ad)isors: 2ne grou% ad)ises him to do good and urges him to ado%t it and the other grou% ad)ises him to do bad and urges him to ado%t itC and the %rote(ted is the one #hom Allah %rote(ts.! 8.@ED: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I did not see anything so resembling minor sins as #hat Abu +uraira said $rom the 'ro%het #ho said !Allah has #ritten $or the son o$ Adam his ine)itable share o$ adultery #hether he is a#are o$ it or not: "he adultery o$ the eye is the loo&ing ,at something #hi(h is sin$ul to loo& at- and the adultery o$ the tongue is to utter ,#hat it is unla#$ul to utter- and the innersel$ #ishes and longs $or ,adulteryand the %ri)ate %arts turn that into reality or re$rain $rom submitting to the tem%tation.! 8.@1E: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: ,regarding the Verse- !And We granted the )ision ,As(ension to the hea)ens !Aira=!- #hi(h We sho#ed you ,2 Auhammad as an a(tual eye #itness- but as a trial $or man&ind.' ,1B.@E-: Allah's A%ostle a(tually sa# #ith his o#n eyes the )ision ,all the things #hi(h #ere sho#n to him- on the night o$ his Night /ourney to /erusalem ,and then to the hea)ens-. "he (ursed tree #hi(h is mentioned in the Iur'an is the tree o$ Az-Fa;;um. 8.@11: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Adam and Aoses argued #ith ea(h other. Aoses said to Adam. '2 Adam3 4ou are our $ather #ho disa%%ointed us and turned us out o$ 'aradise.' "hen Adam said to him '2 Aoses3 Allah $a)ored you #ith +is tal& ,tal&ed to you dire(tly- and +e #rote ,the "orah- $or you #ith +is 2#n +and. 6o you blame me $or a(tion #hi(h Allah had #ritten in my $ate $orty years be$ore my (reation*' So Adam (on$uted Aoses Adam (on$uted Aoses ! the 'ro%het added re%eating the Statement three times. 8.@11: Narrated Warrad: ,the $reed sla)e o$ Al-Aughira bin Shu`ba- Aua#iya #rote to Aughira. 'Write to me #hat you heard the 'ro%het saying a$ter his %rayer.' So Al-Aughira di(tated to me and said !I heard the 'ro%het saying a$ter the %rayer 'None has the right to be #orshi%%ed but Allah Alone Who has no %artner. 2 Allah3 No-one (an #ithhold #hat 4ou gi)e and none (an gi)e #hat 4ou #ithhold and the $ortune o$ a man o$ means is useless be$ore 4ou ,i.e. only good deeds are o$ )alue-. 8.@15: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"a&e re$uge #ith Allah $rom the di$$i(ulties o$ se)ere (alamities $rom ha)ing an e)il end and a bad $ate and $rom the mali(ious =oy o$ your enemies.! 8.@17: Narrated `Abdullah: When ta&ing an oath the 'ro%het )ery o$ten used to say !No by +im Who turns the hearts.! 8.@18: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het said to Ibn Saiyad !I ha)e &e%t $or you a se(ret.! Ibn Saiyad said !Ad-6u&h.! "he 'ro%het said !Gee% ;uiet $or you (annot go beyond your limits ,or you (annot e.(eed #hat has been $oreordained $or you-.! 2n that `9mar said ,to the 'ro%het - !Allo# me to (ho% o$$ his ne(&3! "he 'ro%het said !>ea)e him $or i$ he is he ,i.e. Ad-6a==al- then you #ill not be able to o)er(ome him and i$ he is not then you gain no good by &illing him.! 87

8.@1@: Narrated `Aisha: I as&ed Allah's A%ostle about the %lague. +e said !"hat #as a means o$ torture #hi(h Allah used to send u%on #hom-so-e)er +e #ished but +e made it a sour(e o$ mer(y $or the belie)ers $or anyone #ho is residing in a to#n in #hi(h this disease is %resent and remains there and does not lea)e that to#n but has %atien(e and ho%es $or Allah's re#ard and &no#s that nothing #ill be$all him e.(e%t #hat Allah has #ritten $or him then he #ill get su(h re#ard as that o$ a martyr.! 8.@1B: Narrated Al-:ara' bin `Azib: I sa# the 'ro%het on the 6ay o$ ,the battle o$- Al-Ghanda; (arrying earth #ith us and saying !:y Allah #ithout Allah #e #ould not ha)e been guided neither #ould #e ha)e $asted nor #ould #e ha)e %rayed. 2 Allah3 Send do#n Sa&ina ,(almness- u%on us and ma&e our $eet $irm #hen #e meet ,the enemy-. "he %agans ha)e rebelled against us but i$ they #ant to %ut us in a$$li(tion ,i.e. $ight us#e re$use ,to $lee-.! ,See +adith No. 75E Vol. 8-. 8.@18: Narrated `Aisha: Abu :a&r As-Siddi; had ne)er bro&en his oaths till Allah re)ealed the e.%iation $or the oaths. "hen he said !I$ I ta&e an oath to do something and later on I $ind something else better than the $irst one then I do #hat is better and ma&e e.%iation $or my oath.! 8.@1D: Narrated `Abdur-Hahman bin Samura: "he 'ro%het said !2 `Abdur-Hahman bin Samura3 6o not see& to be a ruler be(ause i$ you are gi)en authority $or it then you #ill be held res%onsible $or it but i$ you are gi)en it #ithout as&ing $or it then you #ill be hel%ed in it ,by Allah-: and #hene)er you ta&e an oath to do something and later you $ind that something else is better than the $irst then do the better one and ma&e e.%iation $or your oath.! 8.@1E: Narrated Abu Ausa: I #ent to the 'ro%het along #ith a grou% o$ Al-Ash`ariyin in order to re;uest him to %ro)ide us #ith mounts. +e said !:y Allah I #ill not %ro)ide you #ith mounts and I ha)en't got anything to mount you on.! "hen #e stayed there as long as Allah #ished us to stay and then three )ery ni(e loo&ing she-(amels #ere brought to him and he made us ride them. When #e le$t #e or some o$ us said !:y Allah #e #ill not be blessed as #e (ame to the 'ro%het as&ing him $or mounts and he s#ore that he #ould not gi)e us any mounts but then he did gi)e us. So let us go ba(& to the 'ro%het and remind him ,o$ his oath-.! When #e returned to him ,and reminded him o$ the $a(t- he said !I did not gi)e you mounts but it is Allah Who ga)e you. :y Allah Allah #illing i$ I e)er ta&e an oath to do something and then I $ind something else than the $irst I #ill ma&e e.%iation $or my oath and do the thing #hi(h is better ,or do something #hi(h is better and gi)e the e.%iation $or my oath-. 8.@11: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !We ,Auslims- are the last in the #orld but #ill be $oremost on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion.! Allah's A%ostle also said !:y Allah i$ anyone o$ you insists on $ul$illing an oath by #hi(h he may harm his $amily he (ommits a greater sin in Allah's sight than that o$ dissol)ing his oath and ma&ing e.%iation $or it.! 8.@11: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !Anyone #ho ta&es an oath through #hi(h his $amily may be harmed and insists on &ee%ing it he surely (ommits a sin greater ,than that o$ dissol)ing his oath-. +e should rather (om%ensate $or that oath by ma&ing e.%iation.! 8.@15: Narrated Ibn `9mar:


Allah's A%ostle sent an army deta(hment and made 9sama bin Faid its (ommander. Some %eo%le (riti(ized ,s%o&e badly o$- 9sama's leadershi%. So Allah's A%ostle got u% saying !I$ you %eo%le are (riti(izing 9sama's leadershi% you ha)e already (riti(ized the leadershi% o$ his $ather be$ore. :ut Waaimullah ,i.e. :y Allah- he ,i.e. Faid- deser)ed the leadershi% and he #as one o$ the most belo)ed %ersons to meC and no# this ,his son 9sama- is one o$ the dearest %ersons to me a$ter him.! ,See +adith No. B@8 Vol. 88.@17: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he oath o$ the 'ro%het used to be: !No by +im #ho turns the hearts.! 8.@18: Narrated /abir bin Samura: "he 'ro%het said !I$ 0aesar is ruined there #ill be no 0aesar a$ter himC and i$ Ghosrau is ruined there #ill be no Ghosrau a$ter himC and by +im in Whose +and my soul is surely you #ill s%end their treasures in Allah's 0ause.! 8.@1@: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !I$ Ghosrau is ruined there #ill be no Ghosrau a$ter himC and i$ 0aesar is ruined there #ill be no 0aesar a$ter him. :y +im in Whose +and Auhammad's soul is surely you #ill s%end their treasures in Allah's 0ause.! 8.@1B: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !2 $ollo#ers o$ Auhammad3 :y Allah i$ you &ne# #hat I &no# you #ould #ee% mu(h and laugh little.! 8.@18: Narrated `Abdullah bin +isham: We #ere #ith the 'ro%het and he #as holding the hand o$ `9mar bin Al-Ghattab. `9mar said to +im !2 Allah's A%ostle3 4ou are dearer to me than e)erything e.(e%t my o#n sel$.! "he 'ro%het said !No by +im in Whose +and my soul is ,you #ill not ha)e (om%lete $aith- till I am dearer to you than your o#n sel$.! "hen `9mar said to him !+o#e)er no# by Allah you are dearer to me than my o#n sel$.! "he 'ro%het said !No# 2 `9mar ,no# you are a belie)er-. 8.@1D: Narrated Abu +uraira and Faid bin Ghalid: "#o men had a dis%ute in the %resen(e o$ Allah's A%ostle. 2ne o$ them said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 /udge bet#een us a((ording to Allah's >a#s.! "he other #ho #as #iser said !4es 2 Allah's A%ostle3 /udge bet#een us a((ording to Allah's >a#s and allo# me to s%ea&. "he 'ro%het said !S%ea&.! +e said !Ay son #as a laborer ser)ing this ,%erson- and he (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse #ith his #i$e "he %eo%le said that my son is to be stoned to death but I ransomed him #ith one-hundred shee% and a sla)e girl. "hen I as&ed the learned %eo%le #ho in$ormed me that my son should re(ei)e one hundred lashes and #ill be e.iled $or one year and stoning #ill be the lot $or the man's #i$e.! Allah's A%ostle said !Indeed by +im in Whose +and my soul is I #ill =udge bet#een you a((ording to Allah's >a#s: As $or your shee% and sla)e girl they are to be returned to you.! "hen he s(ourged his son one hundred lashes and e.iled him $or one year. "hen 9nais AlAslami #as ordered to go to the #i$e o$ the se(ond man and i$ she (on$essed ,the (rime- then stone her to death. She did (on$ess so he stoned her to death. 8.@5E: Narrated Abu :a&ra: "he 'ro%het said !6o you thin& i$ the tribes o$ Aslam ?hi$ar Auzaina and /uhaina are better than the tribes o$ "amim 'Amir bin Sa'sa'a ?hat$an and Asad they ,the se(ond grou%- are des%airing and losing*! "hey ,the 'ro%het's (om%anions- said !4es ,they are-.! +e said !:y +im in Whose +and my soul is they ,the $irst grou%- are better than them ,the se(ond grou%-. 8.@51: Narrated Abu +umaid As-Sa`idi: 8@

Allah's A%ostle em%loyed an em%loyee ,to (olle(t Fa&at-. "he em%loyee returned a$ter (om%leting his =ob and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 "his ,amount o$ Fa&at- is $or you and this ,other amount- #as gi)en to me as a %resent.! "he 'ro%het said to him !Why didn't you stay at your $ather's or mother's house and see i$ you #ould be gi)en %resents or not*! "hen Allah's A%ostle got u% in the e)ening a$ter the %rayer and ha)ing testi$ied that none has the right to be #orshi%%ed but Allah and %raised and glori$ied Allah as +e deser)ed he said !No# then 3 What about an em%loyee #hom #e em%loy and then he (omes and says '"his amount ,o$ Fa&at- is $or you and this ,amount- #as gi)en to me as a %resent'* Why didn't he stay at the house o$ his $ather and mother to see i$ he #ould be gi)en %resents or not* :y +im in Whose +and Auhammad's soul is none o$ you #ill steal anything o$ it ,i.e. Fa&atbut #ill bring it by (arrying it o)er his ne(& on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion. I$ it has been a (amel he #ill bring it ,o)er his ne(&- #hile it #ill be grunting and i$ it has been a (o# he #ill bring it ,o)er his ne(&- #hile it #ill be mooingC and i$ it has been a shee% he #ill bring it ,o)er his ne(&- #hile it #ill be bleeding.! "he 'ro%het added !I ha)e %rea(hed you ,Allah's Aessage-.! Abu +umaid said !"hen Allah's A%ostle raised his hands so high that #e sa# the #hiteness o$ his arm%its.! 8.@51: Narrated Abu +uraira: Abu-l-Iasim ,the 'ro%het- said !:y +im in Whose +and Auhammad's soul is i$ you &no# that #hi(h I &no# you #ould #ee% mu(h and laugh little.! 8.@55: Narrated Abu 6har: I rea(hed him ,the 'ro%het - #hile in the shade o$ the Ga`baC he #as saying !"hey are the losers by the >ord o$ the Ga`ba3 "hey are the losers by the >ord o$ the Ga`ba3! I said ,to mysel$ - !What is #rong #ith me* Is anything im%ro%er dete(ted in me* What is #rong #ith me* "hen I sat beside him and he &e%t on saying his statement. I (ould not remain ;uiet and Allah &no#s in #hat sorro#$ul state I #as at that time. So I said ' Who are they ,the losers-* >et Ay $ather and mother be sa(ri$i(ed $or you 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !"hey are the #ealthy %eo%le e.(e%t the one #ho does li&e this and li&e this and li&e this ,i.e. s%ends o$ his #ealth in Allah's 0ause-. 8.@57: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !,"he 'ro%het- Solomon on(e said '"onight I #ill slee% #ith ninety #omen ea(h o$ #hom #ill bring $orth a ,#ould-be- (a)alier #ho #ill $ight in Allah's 0ause.! 2n this his (om%anion said to him !Say: Allah #illing3! :ut he did not say Allah #illing. Solomon then sle%t #ith all the #omen but none o$ them be(ame %regnant but one #oman #ho later deli)ered a hal$man. :y +im in Whose +and Auhammad's soul is i$ he ,Solomon- had said 'Allah #illing' ,all his #i)es #ould ha)e brought $orth boys- and they #ould ha)e $ought in Allah's 0ause as (a)aliers. ! 8.@58: Narrated Al-:ara 'bin `Azib: A %ie(e o$ sil&en (loth #as gi)en to the 'ro%het as a %resent and the %eo%le handed it o)er amongst themsel)es and #ere astonished at its beauty and so$tness. Allah's A%ostle said !Are you astonished at it*! "hey said !4es 2 Allah's A%ostle3! +e said !:y +im in Whose +and my soul is the hand&er(hie$s o$ Sa`d in 'aradise are better than it.! 8.@5@: Narrated `Aisha: +ind bint `9tba bin Habi`a said !2 Allah 's A%ostle3 ,:e$ore I embra(ed Islam- there #as no $amily on the sur$a(e o$ the earth I #ish to ha)e degraded more than I did your $amily. :ut today there is no $amily #hom I #ish to ha)e honored more than I did yours.! Allah's A%ostle said !I thought similarly by +im in Whose +and Auhammad's soul is3! +ind said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 ,Ay husband- Abu Su$yan is a miser. Is it sin$ul o$ me to $eed my (hildren $rom his %ro%erty*! "he 'ro%het said !No unless you ta&e it $or your needs #hat is =ust and reasonable.! 8.@5B: Narrated `Abdullah bin Aasud:


While Allah's A%ostle #as sitting re(lining his ba(& against a 4emenite leather tent he said to his (om%anions !Will you be %leased to be one-$ourth o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise*! "hey said '4es.' +e said !Won't you be %leased to be one-third o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise! "hey said !4es.! +e said !:y +im in Whose +and Auhammad's soul is I ho%e that you #ill be one-hal$ o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise.! 8.@58: Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Ghudri: A man heard another man re(iting: Surat-ul-I&hlas ,"he 9nity- 'Say: +e is Allah the 2ne ,111- and he #as re%eating it. "he ne.t morning he (ame to Allah's A%ostle and mentioned the #hole story to him as i$ he regarded the re(itation o$ that Sura as insu$$i(ient 2n that Allah's A%ostle said !:y +im in Whose +and my soul is3 "hat ,Sura No. 111- e;uals one-third o$ the Iur'an.! 8.@5D: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: I heard the 'ro%het saying !'er$orm the bo#ing and the %rostration %ro%erly ,#ith %ea(e o$ mind$or by +im in Whose +and my soul is I see you $rom behind my ba(& #hen you bo# and #hen you %rostrate.! 8.@7E: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: An Ansari #oman (ame to the 'ro%het in the (om%any o$ her (hildren and the 'ro%het said to her !:y +im in Whose +and my soul is you are the most belo)ed %eo%le to me3! And he re%eated the statement thri(e. 8.@71: Narrated Ibn `9mar: Allah's A%ostle met `9mar bin Al-Ghattab #hile the latter #as going #ith a grou% o$ (amel-riders and he #as s#earing by his $ather. "he 'ro%het said !>o3 Allah $orbids you to s#ear by your $athers so #hoe)er has to ta&e an oath he should s#ear by Allah or &ee% ;uiet.! 8.@71: Narrated Ibn `9mar: I heard `9mar saying !Allah's A%ostle said to me 'Allah $orbids you to s#ear by your $athers.! `9mar said !:y Allah3 Sin(e I heard that $rom the 'ro%het I ha)e not ta&en su(h an oath neither intentionally nor by re%orting the oath o$ someone else.! 8.@75: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: Allah's A%ostle said !6o not s#ear by your $athers.! 8.@77: Narrated Fahdam: "here #as a relation o$ lo)e and brotherhood bet#een this tribe o$ /arm and Al-Ash`ariyin. 2n(e #e #ere #ith Abu Ausa Al-Ash`ari and then a meal (ontaining (hi(&en #as brought to Abu Ausa and there #as %resent a man $rom the tribe o$ "aimillah #ho #as o$ red (om%le.ion as i$ he #ere $rom non-Arab $reed sla)es. Abu Ausa in)ited him to the meal. +e said !I ha)e seen (hi(&ens eating dirty things so I deemed it $ilthy and too& an oath that I #ould ne)er eat (hi(&en.! 2n that Abu Ausa said !?et u% I #ill narrate to you about that. 2n(e a grou% o$ the Ash`ariyin and I #ent to Allah's A%ostle and as&ed him to %ro)ide us #ith mountsC he said ':y Allah I #ill ne)er gi)e you any mounts nor do I ha)e anything to mount you on.' "hen a $e# (amels o$ #ar booty #ere brought to Allah's A%ostle and he as&ed about us saying 'Where are the Ash-'ariyin*' +e then ordered $i)e ni(e (amels to be gi)en to us and #hen #e had de%arted #e said 'What ha)e #e done* Allah's A%ostle had ta&en the oath not to gi)e us any mounts and that he had nothing to mount us on and later he ga)e us that #e might ride* 6id #e ta&e ad)antage o$ the $a(t that Allah's A%ostle had $orgotten his oath* :y Allah #e #ill ne)er su((eed.' So #e #ent ba(& to him and said to him 'We (ame to you to gi)e us mounts and you too& an oath that you #ould not gi)e us any mounts and that you had nothing to mount us on.' 2n that he said 'I did not %ro)ide you #ith mounts but Allah did. :y Allah i$ I ta&e an oath to do


something and then $ind something else better than it I do that #hi(h is better and ma&e e.%iation $or the dissolution o$ the oath.' ! 8.@78: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Whoe)er s#ears saying in his oath. ':y Al->at and Al-`9zza ' should say 'None has the right to be #orshi%%ed but AllahC and #hoe)er says to his $riend '0ome let me gamble #ith you ' should gi)e something in (harity.! 8.@7@: Narrated Ibn `9mar: Allah's A%ostle had a gold ring made $or himsel$ and he used to #ear it #ith the stone to#ards the inner %art o$ his hand. 0onse;uently the %eo%le had similar rings made $or themsel)es. A$ter#ards the 'ro%hetC sat on the %ul%it and too& it o$$ saying !I used to #ear this ring and &ee% its stone to#ards the %alm o$ my hand.! +e then thre# it a#ay and said !:y Allah I #ill ne)er #ear it.! "here$ore all the %eo%le thre# a#ay their rings as #ell. 8.@7B: Narrated "habit bin Ad-6ahha&: "he 'ro%het said !Whoe)er s#ears by a religion other than Islam is as he saysC and #hoe)er (ommits sui(ide #ith something #ill be %unished #ith the same thing in the ,+ell- <ireC and (ursing a belie)er is li&e murdering himC and #hoe)er a((uses a belie)er o$ disbelie$ then it is as i$ he had &illed him.! 8.@78: Narrated Al-:ara: "he 'ro%het ordered us to hel% others to $ul$ill the oaths. 8.@7D: Narrated 9sama: 2n(e a daughter o$ Allah's A%ostle sent a message to Allah's A%ostle #hile 9sama Sa`d and my $ather or 9bai #ere ,sitting there- #ith him. She said ,in the message-C Ay (hild is going to dieC %lease (ome to us.! Allah's A%ostle returned the messenger and told him to (on)ey his greetings to her and say !Whate)er Allah ta&es is $or +im and #hate)er +e gi)es is $or +im and e)erything #ith +im has a limited $i.ed term ,in this #orld-: so she should be %atient and ho%e $or Allah's re#ard.! "hen she again sent $or him s#earing that he should (omeC so "he 'ro%het got u% and so did #e. When he sat there ,at the house o$ his daughter- the (hild #as brought to him and he too& him into his la% #hile the (hild's breath #as disturbed in his (hest. "he eyes o$ Allah's A%ostle started shedding tears. Sa`d said !What is this 2 Allah's A%ostle*! "he 'ro%het said !"his is the mer(y #hi(h Allah has lodged in the hearts o$ #hoe)er +e #ants o$ +is sla)es and )erily Allah is mer(i$ul only to those o$ +is sla)es #ho are mer(i$ul ,to others-.' 8.@8E: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !Any Auslim #ho has lost three o$ his (hildren #ill not be tou(hed by the <ire e.(e%t that #hi(h #ill render Allah's oath $ul$illed.! 8.@81: Narrated +aritha bin Wahb: I heard the 'ro%het saying !Shall I tell you o$ the %eo%le o$ 'aradise* "hey (om%rise e)ery %oor humble %erson and i$ he s#ears by Allah to do something Allah #ill $ul$ill itC #hile the %eo%le o$ the $ire (om%rise e)ery )iolent (ruel arrogant %erson.! 8.@81: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het #as as&ed !Who are the best %eo%le*! +e re%lied: "he %eo%le o$ my generation and then those #ho #ill $ollo# ,(ome a$ter- them and then those #ho #ill (ome a$ter the laterC a$ter that there #ill (ome some %eo%le #hose #itness #ill %re(ede their oaths and their oaths #ill go ahead o$


their #itness.! Ibrahim ,a sub-narrator- said !When #e #ere young our elder $riends used to %rohibit us $rom ta&ing oaths by saying 'I bear #itness s#earing by Allah or by Allah's 0o)enant.!' 8.@85: Narrated `Abdullah: "he 'ro%het said !Whoe)er s#ears $alsely in order to grab the %ro%erty o$ a Auslim ,or o$ his brother- Allah #ill be angry #ith him #hen he meets +im.! Allah then re)ealed in (on$irmation o$ the abo)e statement:--'Verily those #ho %ur(hase a small gain at the (ost o$ Allah's 0o)enant and their o#n oaths.' ,5.BB- Al-Ash'ath said !"his Verse #as re)ealed regarding me and a (om%anion o$ mine #hen #e had a dis%ute about a #ell.! 8.@87: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het said !"he +ell <ire #ill &ee% on saying: 'Are there anymore ,%eo%le to (ome-*' "ill the >ord o$ 'o#er and +onor #ill %ut +is <oot o)er it and then it #ill say 'Iat3 Iat3 ,su$$i(ient3 su$$i(ient3- by 4our 'o#er and +onor. And its )arious sides #ill (ome (lose to ea(h other ,i.e. it #ill (ontra(t-. ! 8.@88: Narrated Az-Fuhri: I heard `9r#a bin Az-Fubair Sa`id bin Al-Ausaiyab 'Al;ama bin Wa;;as and '9baidullah bin `Abdullah narrating $rom `Aisha the #i$e o$ the 'ro%het the story about the liars #ho said #hat they said about her and ho# Allah re)ealed her inno(en(e a$ter#ards. Ja(h one o$ the abo)e $our narrators narrated to me a %ortion o$ her narration. ,It #as said in it- !"he 'ro%het stood u% saying 'Is there anyone #ho (an relie)e me $rom `Abdullah bin 9bai*' 2n that 9said bin +udair got u% and said to Sa`d bin '9bada >a`Amrullahi ,:y the Jternity o$ Allah- #e #ill &ill him3' ! 8.@8@: Narrated `Aisha: regarding: 'Allah #ill not (all you to a((ount $or that #hi(h is unintentional in your oaths...' ,1.118"his Verse #as re)ealed (on(erning su(h oath $ormulas as: 'No by Allah3' and '4es by Allah3' something against his oath due to $orget$ulness should he ma&e e.%iation*-. And the Statement o$ Allah: 'And there is no blame on you i$ you ma&e a mista&e therein.' ,55.8- And Allah said:-- ',Aoses said to Ghadir-: 0all me not to a((ount $or #hat I $orgot.' ,18.B58.@8B: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Allah $orgi)es my $ollo#ers those ,e)il deeds- their souls may #his%er or suggest to them as long as they do not a(t ,on it- or s%ea&.! 8.@88: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr bin Al-As: While the 'ro%het #as deli)ering a sermon on the 6ay o$ Nahr ,i.e. 1Eth 6hul-+i==a-6ay o$ slaughtering the sa(ri$i(e- a man got u% saying !I thought 2 Allah's A%ostle su(h-and-su(h a thing #as to be done be$ore su(h-and-su(h a thing.! Another man got u% saying !2 Allah's A%ostle3 As regards these three ,a(ts o$ +a==- thought so-and-so.! "he 'ro%het said !6o and there is no harm ! (on(erning all those matters on that day. And so on that day #hate)er ;uestion he #as as&ed he said !6o it do it and there is no harm therein.! 8.@8D: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: A man said to the 'ro%het ,#hile he #as deli)ering a sermon on the 6ay o$ Nahr- !I ha)e %er$ormed the "a#a$ round the Ga`ba be$ore the Hami ,thro#ing %ebbles- at the /amra.! "he 'ro%het said !"here is no harm ,therein-.! Another man said !I had my head sha)ed be$ore slaughtering ,the sa(ri$i(e-.! "he 'ro%het said !"here is no harm.! A third said !I ha)e slaughtered ,the sa(ri$i(ebe$ore the Hami ,thro#ing %ebbles- at the /amra.! "he 'ro%het said !"here is no harm.! 8.@@E: Narrated Abu +uraira:


A man entered the mos;ue and started %raying #hile Allah's A%ostle #as sitting some#here in the mos;ue. "hen ,a$ter $inishing the %rayer- the man (ame to the 'ro%het and greeted him. "he 'ro%het said to him !?o ba(& and %ray $or you ha)e not %rayed. "he man #ent ba(& and ha)ing %rayed he (ame and greeted the 'ro%het. "he 'ro%het a$ter returning his greetings said !?o ba(& and %ray $or you did not %ray.! 2n the third time the man said !,2 Allah's A%ostle3- tea(h me ,ho# to %ray-.! "he 'ro%het said !When you get u% $or the %rayer %er$orm the ablution %ro%erly and then $a(e the Iibla and say "a&bir ,Allahu A&bar- and then re(ite o$ #hat you &no# o$ the Iur'an and then bo# and remain in this state till you $eel at rest in bo#ing and then raise your head and stand straightC and then %rostrate till you $eel at rest in %rostration and then sit u% till you $eel at rest #hile sittingC and then %rostrate again till you $eel at rest in %rostrationC and then get u% and stand straight and do all this in all your %rayers.! 8.@@1: Narrated `Aisha: When the %agans #ere de$eated during the ,$irst stage- o$ the battle o$ 9hud Satan shouted !2 Allah's sla)es3 :e#are o$ #hat is behind you3! So the $ront $iles o$ the Auslims atta(&ed their o#n ba(& $iles. +udhai$a bin Al-4aman loo&ed and on seeing his $ather he shouted: !Ay $ather3 Ay $ather3! :y Allah3 "he %eo%le did not sto% till they &illed his $ather. +udhai$a then said !Aay Allah $orgi)e you.! `9r#a ,the sub-narrator- added !+udhai$a (ontinued as&ing Allah $orgi)eness $or the &illers o$ his $ather till he met Allah ,till he died-. 8.@@1: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !I$ somebody eats something $orget$ully #hile he is $asting then he should (om%lete his $ast $or Allah has made him eat and drin&.! 8.@@5: Narrated `Abdullah bin :uhaina: 2n(e Allah's A%ostle led us in %rayer and a$ter $inishing the $irst t#o ra&`at got u% ,instead o$ sitting $or at-"ahiyyat- and then (arried on #ith the %rayer. When he had $inished his %rayer the %eo%le #ere #aiting $or him to say "aslim but be$ore saying "asiim he said "a&bir and %rostratedC then he raised his head and saying "a&bir he %rostrated ,SA+9- and then raised his head and $inished his %rayer #ith "aslim. 8.@@7: Narrated Ibn Aas`ud: that Allah's 'ro%het led them in the Fuhr %rayer and he o$$ered either more or less ra&`at and it #as said to him !2 Allah's A%ostle 3 +as the %rayer been redu(ed or ha)e you $orgotten*! +e as&ed !What is that*! "hey said !4ou ha)e %rayed so many ra&`at.! So he %er$ormed #ith them t#o more %rostrations and said !"hese t#o %rostrations are to be %er$ormed by the %erson #ho does not &no# #hether he has %rayed more or less ,ra&`at- in #hi(h (ase he should see& to $ollo# #hat is right. And then (om%lete the rest ,o$ the %rayer- and %er$orm t#o e.tra %rostrations.! 8.@@8: Narrated 9bai bin Ga`b: that he heard Allah's A%ostle saying !,Aoses- said '0all me not to a((ount $or #hat I $orget and be not hard u%on me $or my a$$air ,#ith you-' ,18.B5- the $irst e.(use o$ Aoses #as his $orget$ulness.! Narrated Al-:ara bin Azib that on(e he had a guest so he told his $amily ,on the 6ay o$ Id-ul-Adhathat they should slaughter the animal $or sa(ri$i(e be$ore he returned $rom the ,`Id- %rayer in order that their guest (ould ta&e his meal. So his $amily slaughtered ,the animal - be$ore the %rayer. "hen they mentioned that e)ent to the 'ro%het #ho ordered Al-:ara to slaughter another sa(ri$i(e. Al-:ara' said to the 'ro%het !I ha)e a young mil(h she-goat #hi(h is better than t#o shee% $or slaughtering.! ,"he sub-narrator Ibn `Aun used to say !I don't &no# #hether the %ermission ,to slaughter a she-goat as a sa(ri$i(e- #as es%e(ially gi)en to Al-:ara' or i$ it #as in general $or all the Auslims.!- ,See +adith No. DD Vol. 1.8.@@@: Narrated /undub: D1

I #itnessed the 'ro%het o$$ering the `Id %rayer ,and a$ter $inishing it- he deli)ered a sermon and said !Whoe)er has slaughtered his sa(ri$i(e ,be$ore the %rayer- should ma&e u% $or it ,i.e. slaughter another animal- and #hoe)er has not slaughtered his sa(ri$i(e yet should slaughter it by mentioning Allah's Name o)er it.! 8.@@B: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: "he 'ro%het said !"he biggest sins are: "o =oin others in #orshi% #ith AllahC to be unduti$ul to one's %arentsC to &ill somebody unla#$ullyC and to ta&e an oath Al-?hamus. 8.@@8: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's A%ostle said !I$ somebody is ordered ,by the ruler or the =udge- to ta&e an oath and he ta&es a $alse oath in order to grab the %ro%erty o$ a Auslim then he #ill in(ur Allah's Wrath #hen he #ill meet +im.! And Allah re)ealed in its (on$irmation: 'Verily3 "hose #ho %ur(hase a small gain at the (ost o$ Allah's (o)enants and their o#n oaths.' ,5.BB- ,"he sub-narrator added:- Al-Ash'ath bin Iais entered saying !What did Abu `Abdur-Hahman narrate to you*! "hey said !So-and-so ! Al-Ash'ath said !"his )erse #as re)ealed in my (onne(tion. I had a #ell on the land o$ my (ousin ,and #e had a dis%ute about it-. I re%orted him to Allah 's A%ostle #ho said ,to me-. !4ou should gi)e e)iden(e ,i.e. #itness- other#ise the oath o$ your o%%onent #ill render your (laim in)alid.! I said !"hen he ,my o%%onent- #ill ta&e the oath 2 Allah's A%ostle.! Allah's A%ostle said !Whoe)er is ordered ,by the ruler or the =udge- to gi)e an oath and he ta&es a $alse oath in order to grab the %ro%erty o$ a Auslim then he #ill in(ur Allah's Wrath #hen he meets +im on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion.! 8.@@D: Narrated Abu Ausa: Ay (om%anions sent me to the 'ro%het to as& him $or some mounts. +e said !:y Allah3 I #ill not mount you on anything3! When I met him he #as in an angry mood but #hen I met him ,again- he said !"ell your (om%anions that Allah or Allah's A%ostle #ill %ro)ide you #ith mounts.! 8.@BE: Narrated Az-Fuhri: I heard `9r#a bin Az-Fubair Sa`id bin Al-Ausaiyab 'Al;ama bin Wa;;as and '9baidullah bin `Abdullah bin `9;ba relating $rom `Aisha the #i$e o$ the 'ro%het the narration o$ the %eo%le ,i.e. the liars- #ho s%read the slander against her and they said #hat they said and ho# Allah re)ealed her inno(en(e. Ja(h o$ them related to me a %ortion o$ that narration. ,"hey said that `Aisha said- ''"hen Allah re)ealed the ten Verses starting #ith:--'Verily3 "hose #ho s%read the slander..' ,17.11-11All these )erses #ere in %roo$ o$ my inno(en(e. Abu :a&r As-Siddi; #ho used to %ro)ide $or Aistah some $inan(ial aid be(ause o$ his relation to him said !:y Allah I #ill ne)er gi)e anything ,in (harity- to Aistah a$ter #hat he has said about `Aisha! "hen Allah re)ealed:-- 'And let not those among you #ho are good and are #ealthy s#ear not to gi)e ,any sort o$ hel%- to their &ins men....' ,17.11- 2n that Abu :a&r said !4es by Allah I li&e that Allah should $orgi)e me.! and then resumed gi)ing Aistah the aid he used to gi)e him and said !:y Allah3 I #ill ne)er #ithhold it $rom him.! 8.@B1: Narrated Abu Ausa Al-Ash`ari: I #ent along #ith some men $rom the Ash-ariyin to Allah's A%ostle and it ha%%ened that I met him #hile he #as in an angry mood. We as&ed him to %ro)ide us #ith mounts but he s#ore that he #ould not gi)e us any. >ater on he said !:y Allah Allah #illing i$ e)er I ta&e an oath ,to do somethingand later on I $ind something else better than the $irst then I do the better one and gi)e e.%iation $or the dissolution o$ my oath.! 8.@B1: Narrated Al-Ausaiyab: When the death o$ Abu "alib a%%roa(hed Allah's A%ostle (ame to him and said !Say: >a ilaha illallah a #ord #ith #hi(h I #ill be able to de$end you be$ore Allah.! 8.@B5: D1

Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !,<ollo#ing are- t#o #ords ,senten(es or utteran(es that are )ery easy $or the tongue to say and )ery hea)y in the balan(e ,o$ re#ard - and the must belo)ed to the ?ra(ious Almighty ,And they are-: Subhan Allah #a bi-hamdihiC Subhan Allahi-l-'Azim ! 8.@B7: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's A%ostle said a senten(e and I said another. +e said !Whoe)er dies #hile he is setting u% ri)als along #ith Allah ,i.e. #orshi%%ing others along #ith Allah- shall be admitted into the ,+ell- <ire.! And I said the other: !Whoe)er dies #hile he is not setting u% ri)als along #ith Allah ,i.e. #orshi%%ing none e.(e%t Allah- shall be admitted into 'aradise.! 8.@B8: Narrated Anas: Allah's A%ostle too& an oath $or abstention $rom h is #i)es ,$or one month- and during those days he had a s%rain in his $oot. +e stayed in a Aashrubah ,an u%%er room- $or t#enty-nine nights and then (ame do#n. "hen the %eo%le said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 4ou too& an oath $or abstention ,$rom your #i)es- $or one month.! 2n that he said !A month (an be o$ t#enty-nine days.! 8.@B@: Narrated Abu +azim: Sahl bin Sa`d said !Abu 9said the (om%anion o$ the 'ro%het got married so he in)ited the 'ro%het to his #edding %arty and the bride hersel$ ser)ed them. Sahl said to the 'eo%le '6o you &no# #hat drin& she ser)ed him #ith* She in$used some dates in a %ot at night and the ne.t morning she ser)ed him #ith the in$usion.! 8.@BB: Narrated Sauda: ,the #i$e o$ the 'ro%het- 2ne o$ our shee% died and #e tanned its s&in and &e%t on in$using dates in it till it #as a #orn out #ater s&in. 8.@B8: Narrated `Aisha: "he $amily o$ ,the 'ro%het- Auhammad ne)er ate #heat-bread #ith meat $or three (onse(uti)e days to their $ill till he met Allah. 8.@BD: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Abu "alha said to 9m Sulaim !I heard the )oi(e o$ Allah's A%ostle rather #ea& and I &ne# that it #as be(ause o$ hunger. +a)e you anything ,to %resent to the 'ro%het-*! She said !4es.! "hen she too& out a $e# loa)es o$ barley bread and too& a )eil o$ hers and #ra%%ed the bread #ith a %art o$ it and sent me to Allah's A%ostle. I #ent and $ound Allah's A%ostle sitting in the mos;ue #ith some %eo%le. I stood u% be$ore him. Allah's A%ostle said to me !+as Abu "alha sent you*! I said ' 4es. "hen Allah's A%ostle said to those #ho #ere #ith him. !?et u% and %ro(eed.! I #ent ahead o$ them ,as their $orerunner- and (ame to Abu "alha and in$ormed him about it. Abu "alha said !2 9m Sulaim3 Allah's A%ostle has (ome and #e ha)e no $ood to $eed them.! 9m Sulaim said !Allah and +is A%ostle &no# best.! So Abu "alha #ent out ,to re(ei)e them- till he met Allah's A%ostle. Allah's A%ostle (ame in (om%any #ith Abu "alha and they entered the house. Allah's A%ostle said !2 9m Sulaim3 :ring #hate)er you ha)e.! So she brought that ,barley- bread and Allah's A%ostle ordered that bread to be bro&en into small %ie(es and then 9m Sulaim %oured o)er it some butter $rom a leather butter (ontainer and then Allah's A%ostle said #hat Allah #anted him to say ,i.e. blessing the $ood-. Allah's A%ostle then said !Admit ten men.! Abu "alha admitted them and they ate to their $ill and #ent out. +e again said !Admit ten men.! +e admitted them and in this #ay all the %eo%le ate to their $ill and they #ere se)enty or eighty men.! 8.@8E: Narrated `9mar bin Al-Ghattab: I heard Allah's A%ostle saying !"he ,re#ard o$- deeds de%end u%on the intentions and e)ery %erson #ill get the re#ard a((ording to #hat he has intended. So #hoe)er emigrated $or the sa&e o$ Allah and D5

+is A%ostle then his emigration #ill be (onsidered to be $or Allah and +is A%ostle and #hoe)er emigrated $or the sa&e o$ #orldly gain or $or a #oman to marry then his emigration #ill be (onsidered to be $or #hat he emigrated $or.! 8.@81: Narrated Ga`b bin Aali&: In the last %art o$ his narration about the three #ho remained behind ,$rom the battle o$ "abu&-. ,I said- !As a %roo$ o$ my true re%entan(e ,$or not =oining the +oly battle o$ "abu&- I shall gi)e u% all my %ro%erty $or the sa&e o$ Allah and +is A%ostle ,as an e.%iation $or that sin-.! "he 'ro%het said ,to me- !Gee% some o$ your #ealth $or that is better $or you.! 8.@81: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het used to stay ,$or a %eriod- in the house o$ Fainab bint /ahsh ,one o$ the #i)es o$ the 'ro%het - and he used to drin& honey in her house. +a$sa and I de(ided that #hen the 'ro%het entered u%on either o$ us she #ould say !I smell in you the bad smell o$ Aagha$ir ,a bad smelling raisin-. +a)e you eaten Aagha$ir*! When he entered u%on one o$ us she said that to him. +e re%lied ,to her!No but I ha)e drun& honey in the house o$ Fainab bint /ahsh and I #ill ne)er drin& it again.! "hen the $ollo#ing )erse #as re)ealed: '2 'ro%het 3 Why do you ban ,$or you- that #hi(h Allah has made la#$ul $or you*. ..,u% to- I$ you t#o ,#i)es o$ the 'ro%het turn in re%entan(e to Allah.' ,@@.1-7- "he t#o #ere `Aisha and +a$sa And also the Statement o$ Allah: 'And ,Hemember- #hen the 'ro%het dis(losed a matter in (on$iden(e to one o$ his #i)es3' ,@@.5- i.e. his saying !:ut I ha)e drun& honey.! +isham said: It also meant his saying !I #ill not drin& anymore and I ha)e ta&en an oath so do not in$orm anybody o$ that.! 8.@85: Narrated Sa`id bin Al-+arith: that he heard Ibn `9mar saying !Weren't %eo%le $orbidden to ma&e )o#s*! "he 'ro%het said 'A )o# neither hastens nor delays anything but by the ma&ing o$ )o#s some o$ the #ealth o$ a miser is ta&en out.! 8.@87: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: "he 'ro%het $orbade the ma&ing o$ )o#s and said !It ,a )o#- does not %re)ent anything ,that has to ta&e %la(e- but the %ro%erty o$ a miser is s%ent ,ta&en out- #ith it.! 8.@88: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Allah says '"he )o# does not bring about $or the son o$ Adam anything I ha)e not de(reed $or him but his )o# may (oin(ide #ith #hat has been de(ided $or him and by this #ay I (ause a miser to s%end o$ his #ealth. So he gi)es Ae ,s%ends in (harity- $or the $ul$illment o$ #hat has been de(reed $or him #hat he #ould not gi)e Ae be$ore but $or his )o#.! 8.@8@: Narrated Fahdam bin Audarrab: `Imran bin +ussain said !"he 'ro%het said '"he best o$ you ,%eo%le- are my generation and the se(ond best #ill be those #ho #ill $ollo# them and then those #ho #ill $ollo# the se(ond generation.! `Imran added !I do not remember #hether he mentioned t#o or three ,generations- a$ter his generation. +e added '"hen #ill (ome some %eo%le #ho #ill ma&e )o#s but #ill not $ul$ill themC and they #ill be dishonest and #ill not be trust#orthy and they #ill gi)e their #itness #ithout being as&ed to gi)e their #itness and $atness #ill a%%ear among them.' ! 8.@8B: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !Whoe)er )o#s that he #ill be obedient to Allah should remain obedient to +imC and #hoe)er made a )o# that he #ill disobey Allah should not disobey +im.! 8.@88: Narrated Ibn `9mar:


`9mar said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I )o#ed to %er$orm I`ti&a$ $or one night in Al-Aas=id-al-+aram during the 're-Islami( 'eriod o$ ignoran(e ,be$ore embra(ing Islam-. !"he 'ro%het said !<ul$ill your )o#.! Ibn `9mar said to the lady !'ray on her behal$.! Ibn `Abbas said the same. 8.@8D: Narrated Sa`id bin '9bada Al-Ansari: that he (onsulted the 'ro%het about a )o# that had been made by his mother #ho died #ithout $ul$illing it. "he 'ro%het ga)e his )erdi(t that he should $ul$ill it on her behal$. "he )erdi(t be(ame Sunna ,i.e. the 'ro%het's tradition-. 8.@DE: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: A man (ame to the 'ro%het and said to him !Ay sister )o#ed to %er$orm the +a== but she died ,be$ore $ul$illing it-.! "he 'ro%het said !Would you not ha)e %aid her debts i$ she had any*! "he man said !4es.! "he 'ro%het said !So %ay Allah's Hights as +e is more entitled to re(ei)e +is rights.! 8.@D1: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !Whoe)er )o#ed to be obedient to Allah must be obedient to +imC and #hoe)er )o#ed to be disobedient to Allah should not be disobedient to +im.! 8.@D1: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het said !Allah is not in need o$ this man- torturing himsel$ ! #hen he sa# the man #al&ing bet#een his t#o sons ,#ho #ere su%%orting him-. 8.@D5: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het sa# a man %er$orming "a#a$ around the Ga`ba tied #ith a ro%e or something else ,#hile another %erson #as holding him-. "he 'ro%het (ut that ro%e o$$. 8.@D7: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: While %er$orming the "a#a$ around the Ga`ba the 'ro%het %assed by a %erson leading another %erson by a hair-ro%e nose-ring in his nose. "he 'ro%het (ut the hair-ro%e nose-ring o$$ #ith his hand and ordered the man to lead him by the hand. 8.@D8: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: While the 'ro%het #as deli)ering a sermon he sa# a man standing so he as&ed about that man. "hey ,the %eo%le- said !It is Abu Israil #ho has )o#ed that he #ill stand and ne)er sit do#n and he #ill ne)er (ome in the shade nor s%ea& to anybody and #ill $ast.'' "he 'ro%het said !2rder him to s%ea& and let him (ome in the shade and ma&e him sit do#n but let him (om%lete his $ast.! 8.@D@: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: that he #as as&ed about a man #ho had )o#ed that he #ould $ast all the days o$ his li$e then the day o$ `Id al Adha or `Id-al-<itr (ame. `Abdullah bin `9mar said: 4ou ha)e indeed a good in Allah's A%ostle. +e did not $ast on the day o$ `Id al Adha or the day o$ `Id-al-<itr and #e do not intend $asting on these t#o days. 8.@DB: Narrated Fiyad bin /ubair: I #as #ith Ibn `9mar #hen a man as&ed him !I ha)e )o#ed to $ast e)ery "uesday or Wednesday throughout my li$e and i$ the day o$ my $asting (oin(ided #ith the day o$ Nahr ,the $irst day o$ `Id-alAdha- ,What shall I do*-! Ibn `9mar said !Allah has ordered the )o#s to be $ul$illed and #e are $orbidden to $ast on the day o$ Nahr.! "he man re%eated his ;uestion and Ibn `9mar re%eated his $ormer ans#er adding nothing more. 8.@D8: Narrated Abu +uraira:


We #ent out in the (om%any o$ Allah's A%ostle on the day o$ ,the battle o$- Ghaibar and #e did not get any gold or sil)er as #ar booty but #e got %ro%erty in the $orm o$ things and (lothes. "hen a man (alled Hi$a`a bin Faid $rom the tribe o$ :ani Ad-6ubaib %resented a sla)e named Aid`am to Allah's A%ostle. Allah's A%ostle headed to#ards the )alley o$ Al-Iura and #hen he #as in the )alley o$ AlIura an arro# #as thro#n by an unidenti$ied %erson stru(& and &illed Aid`am #ho #as ma&ing a she-(amel o$ Allah's A%ostle &neel do#n. "he %eo%le said !0ongratulations to him ,the sla)e- $or gaining 'aradise.! Allah's A%ostle said !No3 :y +im in Whose +and my soul is $or the sheet #hi(h he stole $rom the #ar booty be$ore its distribution on the day o$ Ghaibar is no# burning o)er him.! When the %eo%le heard that a man brought one or t#o Shira&s ,leather stra%s o$ shoes- to the 'ro%het. "he 'ro%het said !A Shira& o$ $ire or t#o Shira&s o$ $ire.! 8.@DD: Narrated Ga`b bin '9=ra: I (ame to the 'ro%het and he said to me !0ome near.! So I #ent near to him and he said !Are your li(e troubling you*! I re%lied !4es.! +e said !,Sha)e your head and- ma&e e.%iation in the $orm o$ $asting Sada;a ,gi)ing in (harity- or o$$ering a sa(ri$i(e.! ,"he sub-narrator- Aiyub said !<asting should be $or three days and the Nusu& ,sa(ri$i(e- is to be a shee% and the Sada;a is to be gi)en to si. %oor %ersons.! 8.BEE: Narrated Abu +uraira: A man (ame to the 'ro%het and said !I am ruined3! "he 'ro%het said !What is the matter #ith you*! +e said !I had se.ual relation #ith my #i$e ,#hile I #as $asting- in Hamadan.! "he 'ro%het said !+a)e you got enough to manumit a sla)e*! +e said !No.! "he 'ro%het said !0an you $ast $or t#o su((essi)e months*! "he man said !No.! "he 'ro%het said !0an you $eed si.ty %oor %ersons*! "he man said !No.! "hen the 'ro%het said to him !Sit do#n ! and he sat do#n. A$ter#ards an 'Ir; i.e. a big bas&et (ontaining dates #as brought to the 'ro%het and the 'ro%het said to him !"a&e this and gi)e it in (harity.! "he man said !"o %oorer %eo%le than #e*! 2n that the 'ro%het smiled till his %remolar teeth be(ame )isible and then told him !<eed your $amily #ith it.! ,See +adith No. 18B Vol 58.BE1: Narrated Abu +uraira: A man (ame to Allah's A%ostle and said !I am ruined3! "he 'ro%het said to him !What is the matter*! +e said !I ha)e done a se.ual relation #ith my #i$e ,#hile $asting- in Hamadan.! "he 'ro%het said to him*! !0an you a$$ord to manumit a sla)e*! +e said !No.! "he 'ro%het said !0an you $ast $or t#o su((essi)e months*! +e said !No.! "he 'ro%het said !0an you $eed si.ty %oor %ersons*! +e said !No.! "hen an Ansari man (ame #ith an Ir; ,a big bas&et $ull o$ dates-. "he 'ro%het said ,to the man- !"a&e this ,bas&et- and gi)e it in (harity.! "hat man said !"o %oorer %eo%le than #e 2 Allah's A%ostle* :y +im Who has sent you #ith the "ruth3 "here is no house in bet#een the t#o mountains ,o$ the (ity o$ Aedina- %oorer than #e.! So the 'ro%het said ,to him- !?o and $eed it to your $amily.! 8.BE1: Narrated Abu +uraira : A man (ame to the 'ro%hets and said !I am ruined3! "he 'ro%het said !What is the matter #ith you*! +e said !I ha)e done a se.ual relation #ith my #i$e ,#hile $asting- in Hamadan! "he 'ro%het said to him !0an you a$$ord to manumit a sla)e*! +e said !No.! "he 'ro%het said !0an you $ast $or t#o su((essi)e months*! +e said !No.! "he 'ro%het said !0an you $eed si.ty %oor %ersons*! +e said !I ha)e nothing.! >ater on an Ir; ,big bas&et- (ontaining dates #as gi)en to the 'ro%het and the 'ro%het said ,to him- !"a&e this bas&et and gi)e it in (harity.! "he man said !"o %oorer %eo%le than #e* Indeed there is nobody bet#een its ,i.e. Aedina's- t#o mountains #ho is %oorer than #e.! "he 'ro%het then said !"a&e it and $eed your $amily #ith it.! 8.BE5: Narrated Al-/u'aid bin `Abdur-Hahman:


As-Sa'ib bin 4azid said !"he Sa' at the time o$ the 'ro%het #as e;ual to one Audd %lus one-third o$ a Audd o$ your time and then it #as in(reased in the time o$ 0ali%h `9mar bin `Abdul `Aziz.! 8.BE7: Narrated Na$i`: Ibn `9mar used to gi)e the Fa&at o$ Hamadan ,Fa&at-al-<itr- a((ording to the Audd o$ the 'ro%het the $irst Audd and he also used to gi)e things $or e.%iation $or oaths a((ording to the Audd o$ the 'ro%het. Abu Iutaiba said !Aali& said to us '2ur Audd ,i.e. o$ Aedina- is better than yours and #e do not see any su%eriority e.(e%t in the Audd o$ the 'ro%het3' Aali& $urther said to me 'I$ a ruler (ame to you and $i.ed a Audd smaller than the one o$ the 'ro%het by #hat Audd #ould you measure #hat you gi)e ,$or e.%iation or Fa&at-al-<itr*' I re%lied 'We #ould gi)e it a((ording to the Audd o$ the 'ro%het' 2n that Aali& said '"hen don't you see that #e ha)e to re)ert to the Audd o$ the 'ro%het ultimately*'! 8.BE8: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: Allah's A%ostle said !2 Allah3 :esto# 4our :lessings on their measures Sa' and Audd ,i.e. o$ the %eo%le o$ Aedina-. 8.BE@: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !I$ somebody manumits a Auslim sla)e Allah #ill sa)e $rom the <ire e)ery %art o$ his body $or $reeing the (orres%onding %arts o$ the sla)e's body e)en his %ri)ate %arts #ill be sa)ed $rom the <ire- be(ause o$ $reeing the sla)e's %ri)ate %arts.! 8.BEB: Narrated `Amr: /abir said: An Ansari man made his sla)e a Audabbar and he had no other %ro%erty than him. When the 'ro%het heard o$ that he said ,to his (om%anions- !Who #ants to buy him ,i.e. the sla)e- $or me*! Nu'aim bin An-Nahham bought him $or eight hundred 6irhams. I heard /abir saying !"hat #as a (o%ti( sla)e #ho died in the same year.! 8.BE8: Narrated `Aisha: that she intended to buy :arira ,a sla)e girl- and her masters sti%ulated that they #ould ha)e her Wala'. When `Aisha mentioned that to the 'ro%het C he said !:uy her $or the Wala' is $or the one #ho manumits.! 8.BED: Narrated Abu Ausa Al-Ash`ari: I #ent to Allah's A%ostle along #ith a grou% o$ %eo%le $rom ,the tribe o$- Al-Ash`ari as&ing $or mounts. "he 'ro%het said !:y Allah I #ill not gi)e you anything to ride and I ha)e nothing to mount you on.! We stayed there as long as Allah #ished and a$ter that some (amels #ere brought to the 'ro%het and he ordered that #e be gi)en three (amels. When #e set out some o$ us said to others !Allah #ill not bless us as #e all #ent to Allah's A%ostle as&ing him $or mounts and although he had s#orn that he #ould not gi)e us mounts he did gi)e us.! So #e returned to the 'ro%hetC and mentioned that to him. +e said !I ha)e not %ro)ided you #ith mounts but Allah has. :y Allah Allah #illing i$ I e)er ta&e an oath and then see that another is better than the $irst I ma&e e.%iration $or my ,dissol)ed- oath and do #hat is better and ma&e e.%iration.! 8.B1E: Narrated +ammad: the same narration abo)e ,i.e. BED- !I ma&e e.%iation $or my dissol)ed oath and I do #hat is better or do #hat is better and ma&e e.%iation.! 8.B11: Narrated Abu +uraira: ,"he 'ro%het- Solomon said !"onight I #ill slee% #ith ,my- ninety #i)es ea(h o$ #hom #ill get a male (hild #ho #ill $ight $or Allah's 0ause.! 2n that his (om%anion ,Su$yan said that his (om%anion #as an angel- said to him !Say !I$ Allah #ill ,Allah #illing-.! :ut Solomon $orgot ,to say it-. +e DB

sle%t #ith all his #i)es but none o$ the #omen ga)e birth to a (hild e.(e%t one #ho ga)e birth to a hal$boy. Abu +uraira added: "he 'ro%het said !I$ Solomon had said !I$ Allah #ill! ,Allah #illinghe #ould not ha)e been unsu((ess$ul in his a(tion and #ould ha)e attained #hat he had desired.! 2n(e Abu +uraira added: Allah a%ostle said !I$ he had a((e%ted.! 8.B11: Narrated Fahdam al-/armi: We #ere sitting #ith Abu Ausa Al-Ash'sari and as there #ere ties o$ $riendshi% and mutual $a)ors bet#een us and his tribe. +is meal #as %resented be$ore him and there #as (hi(&en meat in it. Among those #ho #ere %resent there #as a man $rom :ani "aimillah ha)ing a red (om%le.ion as a non-Arab $reed sla)e and that man did not a%%roa(h the meal. Abu Ausa said to him !0ome along3 I ha)e seen Allah's A%ostle eating o$ that ,i.e. (hi(&en-.! "he man said !I ha)e seen it ,(hi(&ens- eating something I regarded as dirty and so I ha)e ta&en an oath that I shall not eat ,its meat- (hi(&en.! Abu Ausa said !0ome along3 I #ill in$orm you about it ,i.e. your oath-. 2n(e #e #ent to Allah's A%ostle in (om%any #ith a grou% o$ Ash'airiyin as&ing him $or mounts #hile he #as distributing some (amels $rom the (amels o$ Fa&at. ,Aiyub said !I thin& he said that the 'ro%het #as in an angry mood at the time.!- "he 'ro%het said ':y Allah3 I #ill not gi)e you mounts and I ha)e nothing to mount you on.' A$ter #e had le$t some (amels o$ booty #ere brought to Allah's A%ostle and he said !Where are those Ash`ariyin* Where are those Ash`ariyin*! So #e #ent ,to himand he ga)e us $i)e )ery $at good-loo&ing (amels. We mounted them and #ent a#ay and then I said to my (om%anions 'We #ent to Allah's A%ostle to gi)e us mounts but he too& an oath that he #ould not gi)e us mounts and then later on he sent $or us and ga)e us mounts %erha%s Allah's A%ostle $orgot his oath. :y Allah #e #ill ne)er be su((ess$ul $or #e ha)e ta&en ad)antage o$ the $a(t that Allah's A%ostle $orgot to $ul$ill his oath. So let us return to Allah's A%ostle to remind him o$ his oath.' We returned and said '2 Allah's A%ostle3 We (ame to you and as&ed you $or mounts but you too& an oath that you #ould not gi)e us mounts- but later on you ga)e us mounts and #e thought or (onsidered that you ha)e $orgotten your oath.' "he 'ro%het said '6e%art $or Allah has gi)en you Aounts. :y Allah Allah #illing i$ I ta&e an oath and then later $ind another thing better than that I do #hat is better and ma&e e.%iation $or the oath.' ! 8.B15: Narrated Fahdam: the same narration as abo)e ,i.e. No. B11-. 8.B17: Narrated Fahdam: the same narration as abo)e ,i.e. No. B11-. 8.B18: Narrated `Abdur-Hahman bin Samura: Allah's A%ostle said !,2 `Abdur-Hahman3- 6o not see& to be a ruler $or i$ you are gi)en the authority o$ ruling #ithout your as&ing $or it then Allah #ill hel% youC but i$ you are gi)en it by your as&ing then you #ill be held res%onsible $or it ,i.e. Allah #ill not hel% you - . And i$ you ta&e an oath to do something and later on $ind another thing better than that then do #hat is better and ma&e e.%iation $or ,the dissolution o$- your oath.! 8.B1@: Narrated /abir bin `Abdullah: I be(ame si(& so Allah's A%ostle and Abu :a&r (ame on $oot to %ay me a )isit. When they (ame I #as un(ons(ious. Allah's A%ostle %er$ormed ablution and he %oured o)er me the #ater ,o$ his ablutionand I (ame to my senses and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 What shall I do regarding my %ro%erty* +o# shall I distribute it*! "he 'ro%het did not re%ly till the 6i)ine Verses o$ inheritan(e #ere re)ealed . 8.B1B: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said ':e#are o$ sus%i(ion $or it is the #orst o$ $alse tales and don't loo& $or the other's $aults and don't s%y and don't hate ea(h other and don't desert ,(ut your relations #ith- one another 2 Allah's sla)es be brothers3! ,See +adith No. DED8

8.B18: Narrated `Aisha: <atima and Al `Abbas (ame to Abu :a&r see&ing their share $rom the %ro%erty o$ Allah's A%ostle and at that time they #ere as&ing $or their land at <ada& and their share $rom Ghaibar. Abu :a&r said to them ! I ha)e heard $rom Allah's A%ostle saying '2ur %ro%erty (annot be inherited and #hate)er #e lea)e is to be s%ent in (harity but the $amily o$ Auhammad may ta&e their %ro)isions $rom this %ro%erty.! Abu :a&r added !:y Allah I #ill not lea)e the %ro(edure I sa# Allah's A%ostle $ollo#ing during his li$etime (on(erning this %ro%erty.! "here$ore <atima le$t Abu :a&r and did not s%ea& to him till she died. 8.B1D: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !2ur ,A%ostles'- %ro%erty should not be inherited and #hate)er #e lea)e is to be s%ent in (harity.! 8.B1E: Narrated Aali& bin Aus: 'I #ent and entered u%on `9mar his doorman 4ar$a (ame saying `9thman `Abdur-Hahman AzFubair and Sa`d are as&ing your %ermission ,to see you-. Aay I admit them* `9mar said '4es.' So he admitted them "hen he (ame again and said 'Aay I admit `Ali and `Abbas*' +e said '4es.' `Abbas said '2 (hie$ o$ the belie)ers3 /udge bet#een me and this man ,Ali -. `9mar said 'I besee(h you by Allah by Whose %ermission both the hea)en and the earth do you &no# that Allah's A%ostle said '2ur ,the A%ostles'- %ro%erty #ill not be inherited and #hate)er #e lea)e ,a$ter our death- is to be s%ent in (harity*' And by that Allah's A%ostle meant himsel$.' "he grou% said ',No doubt- he said so.' `9mar then $a(ed `Ali and `Abbas and said '6o you both &no# that Allah's A%ostle said that*' "hey re%lied ',No doubt- he said so.' `9mar said 'So let me tal& to you about this matter. Allah $a)ored +is A%ostle #ith something o$ this <ai' ,i.e. booty #on by the Auslims at #ar #ithout $ighting- #hi(h +e did not gi)e to anybody elseC Allah said:-- 'And #hat Allah ga)e to +is A%ostle , <ai' :ooty- do all things....,8D.@- And so that %ro%erty #as only $or Allah's A%ostle . 4et by Allah he neither gathered that %ro%erty $or himsel$ nor #ithheld it $rom you but he ga)e its in(ome to you and distributed it among you till there remained the %resent %ro%erty out o$ #hi(h the 'ro%het used to s%end the yearly maintenan(e $or his $amily and #hate)er used to remain he used to s%end it #here Allah's %ro%erty is s%ent ,i.e. in (harity et(.-. Allah's A%ostle $ollo#ed that throughout his li$e. No# I besee(h you by Allah do you &no# all that*' "hey said '4es.' `9mar then said to `Ali and `Abbas 'I besee(h you by Allah do you &no# that*' :oth o$ them said '4es.' `9mar added 'And #hen the 'ro%het died Abu :a&r said ' I am the su((essor o$ Allah's A%ostle and too& (harge o$ that %ro%erty and managed it in the same #ay as Allah's A%ostle did. "hen I too& (harge o$ this %ro%erty $or t#o years during #hi(h I managed it as Allah's A%ostle and Abu :a&r did. "hen you both ,`Ali and `Abbas- (ame to tal& to me bearing the same (laim and %resenting the same (ase. ,2 `Abbas3- 4ou (ame to me as&ing $or your share $rom the %ro%erty o$ your ne%he# and this man ,Ali- (ame to me as&ing $or the share o$ h is #i$e $rom the %ro%erty o$ her $ather. I said 'I$ you both #ish I #ill gi)e that to you on that (ondition ,i.e. that you #ould $ollo# the #ay o$ the 'ro%het and Abu :a&r and as I ,`9mar- ha)e done in man aging it-.' No# both o$ you see& o$ me a )erdi(t other than that* >o3 :y Allah by Whose %ermission both the hea)en and the earth I #ill not gi)e any )erdi(t other than that till the +our is established. I$ you are unable to manage it then return it to me and I #ill be su$$i(ient to manage it on your behal$.' ! 8.B11: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !Not e)en a single 6inar o$ my %ro%erty should be distributed ,a$ter my deaths to my inheritors but #hate)er I lea)e e.(luding the %ro)ision $or my #i)es and my ser)ants should be s%ent in (harity.! 8.B11: Narrated `9r#a: DD

`Aisha said !When Allah's A%ostle died his #i)es intended to send `9thman to Abu :a&r as&ing him $or their share o$ the inheritan(e.! "hen `Aisha said to them !6idn't Allah's A%ostle say '2ur ,A%ostles'- %ro%erty is not to be inherited and #hate)er #e lea)e is to be s%ent in (harity*'! 8.B15: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !I am more (loser to the belie)ers than their o#n sel)es so #hoe)er ,o$ them- dies #hile being in debt and lea)es nothing $or its re%ayment then #e are to %ay his debts on his behal$ and #hoe)er ,among the belie)ers- dies lea)ing some %ro%erty then that %ro%erty is $or his heirs.! 8.B17: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het said !?i)e the <ara'id ,the shares o$ the inheritan(e that are %res(ribed in the Iur'an- to those #ho are entitled to re(ei)e it. "hen #hate)er remains should be gi)en to the (losest male relati)e o$ the de(eased .! 8.B18: Narrated Sa`d bin Abi Wa;;as: I #as stri(&en by an ailment that led me to the )erge o$ death. "he 'ro%het (ame to %ay me a )isit. I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I ha)e mu(h %ro%erty and no heir e.(e%t my single daughter. Shall I gi)e t#o-thirds o$ my %ro%erty in (harity*! +e said !No.! I said !+al$ o$ it*! +e said !No.! I said !2nethird o$ it*! +e said !4ou may do so- though one-third is also to a mu(h $or it is better $or you to lea)e your o$$-s%ring #ealthy than to lea)e them %oor as&ing others $or hel%. And #hate)er you s%end ,$or Allah's sa&e- you #ill be re#arded $or it e)en $or a morsel o$ $ood #hi(h you may %ut in the mouth o$ your #i$e.! I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Will I remain behind and $ail to (om%lete my emigration*! "he 'ro%het said !I$ you are le$t behind a$ter me #hate)er good deeds you #ill do $or Allah's sa&e that #ill u%grade you and raise you high. Aay be you #ill ha)e long li$e so that some %eo%le may bene$it by you and others ,the enemies- be harmed by you.! :ut Allah's A%ostle $elt sorry $or Sa`d bin Ghaula as he died in Ae((a. ,Su$yan a sub-narrator said that Sa`d bin Ghaula #as a man $rom the tribe o$ :ani 'Amir bin >u'ai.8.B1@: Narrated Al-As#ad bin 4azid: Au`adh bin /abal (ame to us in 4emen as a tutor and a ruler and #e ,the %eo%le o$ 4emen- as&ed him about ,the distribution o$ the %ro%erty o$ - a man #ho had died lea)ing a daughter and a sister. Au`adh ga)e the daughter one-hal$ o$ the %ro%erty and ga)e the sister the other hal$. 8.B1B: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's A%ostle said !?i)e the <ara'id ,shares %res(ribed in the Iur'an- to those #ho are entitled to re(ei)e itC and #hate)er remains should be gi)en to the (losest male relati)e o$ the de(eased.' 8.B18: Narrated +uzail bin Shirahbil: Abu Ausa #as as&ed regarding ,the inheritan(e o$- a daughter a son's daughter and a sister. +e said !"he daughter #ill ta&e one-hal$ and the sister #ill ta&e one-hal$. I$ you go to Ibn Aas`ud he #ill tell you the same.! Ibn Aas`ud #as as&ed and #as told o$ Abu Ausa's )erdi(t. Ibn Aas`ud then said !I$ I gi)e the same )erdi(t I #ould stray and #ould not be o$ the rightly-guided. "he )erdi(t I #ill gi)e in this (ase #ill be the same as the 'ro%het did i.e. one-hal$ is $or daughter and $or the son's daughter i.e. both shares ma&e t#o-thirds o$ the total %ro%ertyC and the rest is $or the sister.! A$ter#ards #e (ams to Abu Ausa and in$ormed him o$ Ibn Aas`ud's )erdi(t #hereu%on he said !So do not as& me $or )erdi(ts as long as this learned man is among you.! 8.B1D: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het said !?i)e the <ara'id ,the shares %res(ribed in the Iur'an- to those #ho are entitled to re(ei)e it and then #hate)er remains should be gi)en to the (losest male relati)e o$ the de(eased.! 8.B5E: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 1EE

"he %erson about #hom Allah's A%ostle said !I$ I #ere to ta&e a Ghalil $rom this nation ,my $ollo#ers- then I #ould ha)e ta&en him ,i.e. Abu :a&r- but the Islami( :rotherhood is better ,or said: good- ! regarded a grand$ather as the $ather himsel$ ,in inheritan(e-. 8.B51: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: ,6uring the early days o$ Islam- the inheritan(e used to be gi)en to one's o$$s%ring and lega(y used to be be;ueathed to the %arents then Allah (an(elled #hat +e #ished $rom that order and de(reed that the male should be gi)en the e;ui)alent o$ the %ortion o$ t#o $emales and $or the %arents $or ea(h o$ them and $or one's #i$e one-eighth ,i$ the de(eased has (hildren- and one-$ourth ,i$ he has no (hildren- $or one's husband one-hal$ ,i$ the de(eased has no (hildren- and one-$ourth ,i$ she has (hildren-. 8.B51: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle ga)e the =udgment that a male or $emale sla)e should be gi)en in Iisas $or an abortion (ase o$ a #oman $rom the tribe o$ :ani >ihyan ,as blood money $or the $etus- but the lady on #hom the %enalty had been im%osed died so the 'ro%hets ordered that her %ro%erty be inherited by her o$$s%ring and her husband and that the %enalty be %aid by her Asaba. 8.B55: Narrated Al-As#ad: Au`adh bin /abal ga)e this )erdi(t $or us in the li$etime o$ Allah's A%ostle. 2ne-hal$ o$ the inheritan(e is to be gi)en to the daughter and the other hal$ to the sister. Sulaiman said: Au`adh ga)e a )erdi(t $or us but he did not mention that it #as so in the li$etime o$ Allah's A%ostle. 8.B57: Narrated +uzail: `Abdullah said !"he =udgment I #ill gi)e in this matter #ill be li&e the =udgment o$ the 'ro%het i.e. one-hal$ is $or the daughter and $or the son's daughter and the rest o$ the inheritan(e $or the sister.! 8.B58: Narrated /abir: While I #as si(& the 'ro%het entered u%on me and as&ed $or some #ater to %er$orm ablution and a$ter he had $inished his ablution he s%rin&led some #ater o$ his ablution o)er me #hereu%on I be(ame (ons(ious and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I ha)e sisters.! "hen the 6i)ine Verses regarding the la#s o$ inheritan(e #ere re)ealed. 8.B5@: Narrated Al-:ara: "he last Iur'ani( Verse that #as re)ealed ,to the 'ro%het- #as the $inal Verse o$ Surat-an-Nisa i.e. '"hey as& you $or a legal )erdi(t Say: Allah dire(ts ,thus- About those #ho lea)e No des(endants or as(endants as heirs....' ,7.1B@8.B5B: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !I am more (loser to the belie)ers than their o#nsel)es so #hoe)er ,among them- dies lea)ing some inheritan(e his inheritan(e #ill be gi)en to his 'Asaba and #hoe)er dies lea)ing a debt or de%endants or destitute (hildren then I am their su%%orter.! 8.B58: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het said !?i)e the <ara'id ,the shares o$ the inheritan(e that are %res(ribed in the Iur'an- to those #ho are entitled to re(ei)e itC and #hate)er is le$t should be gi)en to the (losest male relati)e o$ the de(eased.! 8.B5D: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Hegarding the +oly Verse:--'And to e)eryone We ha)e a%%ointed heirs..' And:-- ,7.55- '"o those also to Whom your right hands ha)e %ledged.' ,7.551E1

When the emigrants (ame to Aedina the Ansar used to be the heir o$ the emigrants ,and )i(e )ersainstead o$ their o#n &indred by blood ,6ha#l-l-arham- and that #as be(ause o$ the bond o$ brotherhood #hi(h the 'ro%het had established bet#een them i.e. the Ansar and the emigrants. :ut #hen the 6i)ine Verse:-'And to e)eryone We ha)e a%%ointed heirs ' ,7.55- #as re)ealed it (an(elled the other order i.e. '"o those also to #hom 4our right hands ha)e %ledged.' 8.B7E: Narrated Ibn `9mar: A man and his #i$e had a (ase o$ >ian ,or Aula'ana- during the li$etime o$ the 'ro%het and the man denied the %aternity o$ her (hild. "he 'ro%het ga)e his )erdi(t $or their se%aration ,di)or(e- and then the (hild #as regarded as belonging to the #i$e only. 8.B71: Narrated `Aisha: `9tba ,bin Abi Wa;;as- said to his brother Sa`d !"he son o$ the sla)e girl o$ Fam`a is my son so be his (ustodian.! So #hen it #as the year o$ the 0on;uest o$ Ae((a Sa`d too& that (hild and said !+e is my ne%he# and my brother told me to be his (ustodian.! 2n that 'Abu bin Fam`a got u% and said 'but the (hild is my brother and the son o$ my $ather's sla)e girl as he #as born on his bed.! So they both #ent to the 'ro%het. Sa`d said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 ,"his is- the son o$ my brother and he told me to be his (ustodian.! "hen 'Abu bin Fam`a said !,:ut he is- my brother and the son o$ the sla)e girl o$ my $ather born on his bed.! "he 'ro%het said !"his (hild is $or you. 2 'Abu bin Fam`a as the (hild is $or the o#ner o$ the bed and the adulterer re(ei)es the stones.! +e then ordered ,his #i$e- Sauda bint Fam`a to (o)er hersel$ be$ore that boy as he noti(ed the boy's resemblan(e to `9tba. Sin(e then the boy had ne)er seen Sauda till he died. 8.B71: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he boy is $or the o#ner o$ the bed.! 8.B75: Narrated `Aisha: I bought :arira ,a $emale sla)e-. "he 'ro%het said ,to me- !:uy her as the Wala' is $or the manumitted.! 2n(e she #as gi)en a shee% ,in (harity-. "he 'ro%het said !It ,the shee%- is a (haritable gi$t $or her ,:arira- and a gi$t $or us.! Al-+a&am said !:arira's husband #as a $ree man.! Ibn `Abbas said 'When I sa# him he #as a sla)e.! 8.B77: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het said !"he Wala' is $or the manumitted ,o$ the sla)e-. 8.B78: Narrated `Abdullah: "he Auslims did not $ree sla)es as Sa'iba but the 'eo%le o$ the 're-lslami( 'eriod o$ Ignoran(e used to do so. 8.B7@: Narrated Al-As#ad: `Aisha bought :arira in order to manumit her but her masters sti%ulated that her Wala' ,a$ter her death- #ould be $or them. `Aisha said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I ha)e bought :arira in order to manumit her but her masters sti%ulated that her Wala' #ill be $or them.! "he 'ro%het said !Aanumit her as the Wala is $or the one #ho manumits ,the sla)e- ! or said !"he one #ho %ays her %ri(e.! "hen `Aisha bought and manumitted her. A$ter that :arira #as gi)en the (hoi(e ,by the 'ro%het- ,to stay #ith her husband or lea)e him-. She said !I$ he ga)e me so mu(h and so mu(h ,money- I #ould not stay #ith him.! ,Al-As#ad added: +er husband #as a $ree man.- "he sub-narrator added: "he series o$ the narrators o$ Al-As#ad's statement is in(om%lete. "he statement o$ Ibn `Abbas i.e. #hen I sa# him he #as a sla)e is more authenti(. 8.B7B: Narrated `Ali: 1E1

We ha)e no :oo& to re(ite e.(e%t the :oo& o$ Allah ,Iur'an- and this %a%er. "hen `Ali too& out the %a%er and behold 3 "here #as #ritten in it legal )erdi(ts about the retaliation $or #ounds the ages o$ the (amels ,to be %aid as Fa&at or as blood money-. In it #as also #ritten: 'Aedina is a san(tuary $rom Air ,mountain- to "haur ,mountain-. So #hoe)er inno)ates in it an heresy ,something ne# in religionor (ommits a (rime in it or gi)es shelter to su(h an inno)ator #ill in(ur the (urse o$ Allah the angels and all the %eo%le and none o$ his (om%ulsory or o%tional good deeds #ill be a((e%ted on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion. And #hoe)er ,a $reed sla)e- ta&es as his master ,i.e. be-$riends- some %eo%le other than hi real masters #ithout the %ermission o$ his real masters #ill in(ur the (urse o$ Allah the angels and all the %eo%le and none o$ his (om%ulsory or o%tional good deeds #ill be a((e%ted on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion. And the asylum granted by any Auslim is to be se(ured by all the Auslims e)en i$ it is granted by one o$ the lo#est so(ial status among themC and #hoe)er betrays a Auslim in this res%e(t #ill in(ur the (urse o$ Allah the angels and all the %eo%le and none o$ his 0om%ulsory or o%tional good deeds #ill be a((e%ted on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion.! 8.B78: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het $orbade the selling o$ the Wala' ,o$ sla)es- or gi)ing it as a %resent. 8.B7D: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "hat Aisha the mother o$ the :elie)ers intended to buy a sla)e girl in order to manumit her. "he sla)e girl's master said !We are ready to sell her to you on the (ondition that her Wala should be $or us.! Aisha mentioned that to Allah's A%ostle #ho said !"his ,(ondition- should not %re)ent you $rom buying her $or the Wala is $or the one #ho manumits ,the sla)e-.! 8.B8E: Narrated Al-As#ad: Aisha said !I bought :arira and her masters sti%ulated that the Wala #ould be $or them.! Aisha mentioned that to the 'ro%het and he said !Aanumit her as the Wala is $or the one #ho gi)es the sil)er ,i.e. %ays the %ri(e $or $reeing the sla)e-.! Aisha added !So I manumitted her. A$ter that the 'ro%het (aller her ,:arira- and ga)e her the (hoi(e to go ba(& to her husband or not. She said !I$ he ga)e me so mu(h and so mu(h ,money- I #ould not stay #ith him.! So she sele(ted her o#nsel$ ,i.e. re$used to go ba(& to her husband-.! 8.B81: Narrated Ibn `9mar: When Aisha intended to buy :arira she said to the 'ro%het !:arira's masters sti%ulated that they #ill ha)e the Wala.! "he 'ro%het said ,to Aisha- !:uy her as the Wala is $or the one #ho manumits.! 8.B81: Narrated Aisha: Allah's A%ostle said !"he #ala is $or the one #ho gi)es the sil)er ,%ays the %ri(e- and does the $a)or ,o$ manumission a$ter %aying the %ri(e-. 8.B85: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het said !"he $reed sla)e belongs to the %eo%le #ho ha)e $reed him ! or said something similar. 8.B87: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: "he 'ro%het said !"he son o$ the sister o$ some %eo%le is $rom them or $rom their o#n sel)es.! 8.B88: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said ! I$ somebody dies ,among the Auslims- lea)ing some %ro%erty the %ro%erty #ill go to his heirsC and i$ he lea)es a debt or de%endants #e #ill ta&e (are o$ them.! 8.B8@: Narrated 9sama bin Faid:


the 'ro%het said !A Auslim (annot be the heir o$ a disbelie)er nor (an a disbelie)er be the heir o$ a Auslim.! 8.B8B: Narrated `Aisha: Sa`d bin Abi Wa;;as and 'Abu bin Fam`a had a dis%ute o)er a boy. Sa`d said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 "his ,boy- is the son o$ my brother `9tba bin Abi Wa;;as #ho told me to be his (ustodian as he #as his son. 'lease noti(e to #hom he bears a$$inity.! And 'Abu bin Fam`a said !"his is my brother 2 Allah's A%ostle3 +e #as born on my $ather's bed by his sla)e girl.! "hen the 'ro%het loo&ed at the boy and noti(ed e)ident resemblan(e bet#een him and `9tba so he said !+e ,the toy- is $or you 2 'Abu bin Fam`a $or the boy is $or the o#ner o$ the bed and the stone is $or the adulterer. S(reen yoursel$ be$ore the boy 2 Sauda bint Fam`a.! `Aisha added: Sin(e then he had ne)er seen Sauda. 8.B88: Narrated Sa`d: I heard the 'ro%het saying !Whoe)er (laims to be the son o$ a %erson other than his $ather and he &no#s that %erson is not his $ather then 'aradise #ill be $orbidden $or him.! I mentioned that to Abu :a&ra and he said !Ay ears heard that and my heart memorized it $rom Allah's A%ostle. 8.B8D: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !6o not deny your $athers ,i.e. (laim to be the sons o$ %ersons other than your $athers- and #hoe)er denies his $ather is (harged #ith disbelie$.! 8.B@E: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !"here #ere t#o #omen #ith #hom there #ere their t#o sons. A #ol$ (ame and too& a#ay the son o$ one o$ them. "hat lady said to her (om%anion '"he #ol$ has ta&en your son.' "he other said ':ut it has ta&en your son.' So both o$ them sought the =udgment o$ ,the 'ro%het- 6a)id #ho =udged that the boy should be gi)en to the older lady. "hen both o$ them #ent to ,the 'ro%hetSolomon son o$ 6a)id and in$ormed him o$ the (ase. Solomon said '?i)e me a &ni$e so that I may (ut the (hild into t#o %ortions and gi)e one hal$ to ea(h o$ you.' "he younger lady said '6o not do soC may Allah bless you 3 +e is her (hild.' 2n that he ga)e the (hild to the younger lady.! Abu +uraira added: :y Allah3 I had ne)er heard the #ord 'Sa&&in' as meaning &ni$e e.(e%t on that day $or #e used to (all it !Audya!. 8.B@1: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A%ostle on(e entered u%on me in a )ery ha%%y mood #ith his $eatures glittering #ith =oy and said !2 `Aisha3 #on't you see that Au=azziz ,a Ia'i$- loo&ed =ust no# at Faid bin +aritha and 9sama bin Faid and said '"hese $eet ,o$ 9sama and his $ather- belong to ea(h other.! ,See +adith No. B88 Vol. 78.B@1: Narrated `Aisha: 2n(e Allah's A%ostle entered u%on me and he #as in a )ery ha%%y mood and said !2 `Aisha: 6on't you &no# that Au=azziz Al-Audli=i entered and sa# 9sama and Faid #ith a )el)et (o)ering on them and their heads #ere (o)ered #hile their $eet #ere un(o)ered. +e said '"hese $eet belong to ea(h other.' 8.B@5: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle said !When an adulterer (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse then he is not a belie)er at the time he is doing itC and #hen somebody drin&s an al(oholi( drin& then he is not belie)er at the time o$ drin&ing and #hen a thie$ steals he is not a belie)er at the time #hen he is stealingC and #hen a robber robs and the %eo%le loo& at him then he is not a belie)er at the time o$ doing it.! Abu +uraira in another narration narrated the same $rom the 'ro%het #ith the e.(lusion o$ robbery. 8.B@7: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: 1E7

"he 'ro%het beat a drun& #ith %alm-lea$ stal&s and shoes. And Abu :a&r ga)e ,su(h a sinner- $orty lashes. 8.B@8: Narrated `9;ba bin Al-+arith: An-Nu`man or the son o$ An-Nu`man #as brought to the 'ro%het on a (harge o$ drun&enness. So the 'ro%het ordered all the men %resent in the house to beat him. So all o$ them beat him and I #as also one o$ them #ho beat him #ith shoes. 8.B@@: Narrated' `9;ba bin Al-+arith: An-Nu`man or the son o$ An-Nu`man #as brought to the 'ro%het in a state o$ into.i(ation. "he 'ro%het $elt it hard ,#as angry- and ordered all those #ho #ere %resent in the house to beat him. And they beat him using %alm-lea$ stal&s and shoes and I #as among those #ho beat him. 8.B@B: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het lashed a drun& #ith datelea$ stal&s and shoes. And Abu :a&r ga)e a drun& $orty lashes. 8.B@8: Narrated Abu Salama: Abu +uraira said !A man #ho dran& #ine #as brought to the 'ro%het. "he 'ro%het said ':eat him3! Abu +uraira added !So some o$ us beat him #ith our hands and some #ith their shoes and some #ith their garments ,by t#isting it- li&e a lash and then #hen #e $inished someone said to him 'Aay Allah disgra(e you3' 2n that the 'ro%het said '6o not say so $or you are hel%ing Satan to o)er%o#er him.' ! 8.B@D: Narrated `Ali bin Abi "alib: I #ould not $eel sorry $or one #ho dies be(ause o$ re(ei)ing a legal %unishment e.(e%t the drun& $or i$ he should die ,#hen being %unished- I #ould gi)e blood money to his $amily be(ause no $i.ed %unishment has been ordered by Allah's A%ostle $or the drun&. 8.BBE: Narrated As-Sa'ib bin 4azid: We used to stri&e the drun&s #ith our hands shoes (lothes ,by t#isting it into the sha%e o$ lashesduring the li$etime o$ the 'ro%het Abu :a&r and the early %art o$ `9mar's (ali%hate. :ut during the last %eriod o$ `9mar's (ali%hate he used to gi)e the drun& $orty lashesC and #hen drun&s be(ame mis(hie)ous and disobedient he used to s(ourge them eighty lashes. 8.BB1: Narrated `9mar bin Al-Ghattab: 6uring the li$etime o$ the 'ro%het there #as a man (alled `Abdullah #hose ni(&name #as 6on&ey and he used to ma&e Allah's A%ostle laugh. "he 'ro%het lashed him be(ause o$ drin&ing ,al(ohol-. And one-day he #as brought to the 'ro%het on the same (harge and #as lashed. 2n that a man among the %eo%le said !2 Allah (urse him 3 +o# $re;uently he has been brought ,to the 'ro%het on su(h a (harge-3! "he 'ro%het said !6o not (urse him $or by Allah I &no# $or he lo)es Allah and +is A%ostle.! 8.BB1: Narrated Abu +uraira: A drun& #as brought to the 'ro%het and he ordered him to be beaten ,lashed-. Some o$ us beat him #ith our hands and some #ith their shoes and some #ith their garments ,t#isted in the $orm o$ a lash-. When that drun& had le$t a man said !What is #rong #ith him* Aay Allah disgra(e him3! Allah's A%ostle said !6o not hel% Satan against your ,Auslim- brother.! 8.BB5: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het said !When ,a %erson- an adulterer (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse then he is not a belie)er at the time he is doing itC and #hen somebody steals then he is not a belie)er at the time he is stealing.! 1E8

8.BB7: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Allah (urses a man #ho steals an egg and gets his hand (ut o$$ or steals a ro%e and gets his hands (ut o$$.! Al-A`mash said !'eo%le used to inter%ret the :aida as an iron helmet and they used to thin& that the ro%e may (ost a $e# dirhams.! 8.BB8: Narrated '9bada bin As-Samit: We #ere #ith the 'ro%het in a gathering and he said 'S#ear allegian(e to me that you #ill not #orshi% anything besides Allah Will not steal and #ill not (ommit illegal se.ual inter(ourse.! And then ,the 'ro%het- re(ited the #hole Verse ,i.e. @E:11-. "he 'ro%het added 'And #hoe)er among you $ul$ills his %ledge his re#ard is #ith AllahC and #hoe)er (ommits something o$ su(h sins and re(ei)es the legal %unishment $or it that #ill be (onsidered as the e.%iation $or that sin and #hoe)er (ommits something o$ su(h sins and Allah s(reens him it is u% to Allah #hether to e.(use or %unish him.! 8.BB@: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah A%ostle said in +a==at-al-Wada` !Whi(h month ,o$ the year- do you thin& is most sa(red*! "he %eo%le said !"his (urrent month o$ ours ,the month o$ 6hull-+i==a-.! +e said !Whi(h to#n ,(ountrydo you thin& is the most sa(red*! "hey said !"his (ity o$ ours ,Ae((a-.! +e said !Whi(h day do you thin& is the most sa(red*! "he %eo%le said !"his day o$ ours.! +e then said !Allah the :lessed the Su%reme has made your blood your %ro%erty and your honor as sa(red as this day o$ yours in this to#n o$ yours in this month o$ yours ,and su(h %rote(tion (annot be slighted- e.(e%t right$ully.! +e then said thri(e !+a)e I (on)eyed Allah's Aessage ,to you-*! "he %eo%le ans#ered him ea(h time saying '4es.! "he 'ro%het added 'Aay Allah be mer(i$ul to you ,or #oe on you-3 6o not re)ert to disbelie$ a$ter me by (utting the ne(&s o$ ea(h other.' 8.BBB: Narrated Aisha: Whene)er the 'ro%het #as gi)en an o%tion bet#een t#o things he used to sele(t the easier o$ the to# as long as it #as not sin$ulC but i$ it #as sin$ul he #ould remain $ar $rom it. :y Allah he ne)er too& re)enge $or himsel$ (on(erning any matter that #as %resented to him but #hen Allah's >imits #ere transgressed he #ould ta&e re)enge $or Allah's Sa&e. 8.BB8: Narrated `Aisha: 9sama a%%roa(hed the 'ro%het on behal$ o$ a #oman ,#ho had (ommitted the$t-. "he 'ro%het said !"he %eo%le be$ore you #ere destroyed be(ause they used to in$li(t the legal %unishments on the %oor and $orgi)e the ri(h. :y +im in Whose +and my soul is3 I$ <atima ,the daughter o$ the 'ro%het - did that ,i.e. stole- I #ould (ut o$$ her hand.! 8.BBD: Narrated `Aisha: "he Iuraish %eo%le be(ame )ery #orried about the Aa&hzumiya lady #ho had (ommitted the$t. "hey said !Nobody (an s%ea& ,in $a)or o$ the lady- to Allah's A%ostle and nobody dares do that e.(e%t 9sama #ho is the $a)orite o$ Allah's A%ostle. ! When 9sama s%o&e to Allah's A%ostle about that matter Allah's A%ostle said !6o you inter(ede ,#ith me- to )iolate one o$ the legal %unishment o$ Allah*! "hen he got u% and addressed the %eo%le saying !2 %eo%le3 "he nations be$ore you #ent astray be(ause i$ a noble %erson (ommitted the$t they used to lea)e him but i$ a #ea& %erson among them (ommitted the$t they used to in$li(t the legal %unishment on him. :y Allah i$ <atima the daughter o$ Auhammad (ommitted the$t Auhammad #ill (ut o$$ her hand.3! 8.B8E: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !"he hand should be (ut o$$ $or stealing something that is #orth a ;uarter o$ a 6inar or more.! 8.B81: Narrated `Aisha: 1E@

"he 'ro%het said !"he hand o$ a thie$ should be (ut o$$ $or stealing a ;uarter o$ a 6inar.! 8.B81: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het said !"he hand should be (ut o$$ $or stealing a ;uarter o$ a 6inar.! 8.B85: Narrated `Aisha: "he hand o$ a thie$ #as not (ut o$$ during the li$etime o$ the 'ro%het e.(e%t $or stealing something e;ual to a shield in )alue. 8.B87: Narrated `Aisha: as abo)e ,B85-. 8.B88: Narrated `Aisha: A thie$'s hand #as not (ut o$$ $or stealing something (hea%er than a +a=a$a or a "urs ,t#o &inds o$ shields- ea(h o$ #hi(h #as #orth a ,res%e(table- %ri(e. 8.B8@: Narrated `Aisha: A thie$'s hand #as not (ut o$$ $or stealing something #orth less than the %ri(e o$ a shield #hether a "urs or +a=a$a ,t#o &inds o$ shields- ea(h o$ #hi(h #as #orth a ,res%e(table- %ri(e. 8.B8B: Narrated Ibn `9mar: Allah's A%ostle (ut o$$ the hand o$ a thie$ $or stealing a shield that #as #orth three 6irhams. 8.B88: Narrated Ibn `9mar: "he 'ro%het (ut o$$ the hand o$ a thie$ $or stealing a shield that #as #orth three 6irhams. 8.B8D: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: "he 'ro%het (ut o$$ the hand o$ a thie$ $or stealing a shield that #as #orth three 6irhams. 8.BDE: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: "he 'ro%het (uto$$ the hand o$ a thie$ $or stealing a shield that #as #orth three 6irhams. 8.BD1: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah 's A%ostle said !Allah (urses the thie$ #ho steals an egg ,or a helmet- $or #hi(h his hand is to be (ut o$$ or steals a ro%e $or #hi(h his hand is to be (ut o$$.! 8.BD1: Narrated `Aisha: "he 'ro%het (ut o$$ the hand o$ a lady and that lady used to (ome to me and I used to (on)ey her message to the 'ro%het and she re%ented and her re%entan(e #as sin(ere. 8.BD5: Narrated 9bada bin As-Samit: I ga)e the %ledge o$ allegian(e to the 'ro%het #ith a grou% o$ %eo%le and he said !I ta&e your %ledge that you #ill not #orshi% anything besides Allah #ill not steal #ill not (ommit in$anti(ide #ill not slander others by $orging $alse statements and s%reading it and #ill not disobey me in anything good. And #hoe)er among you $ul$ill all these ,obligations o$ the %ledge- his re#ard is #ith Allah. And #hoe)er (ommits any o$ the abo)e (rimes and re(ei)es his legal %unishment in this #orld that #ill be his e.%iation and %uri$i(ation. :ut i$ Allah s(reens his sin it #ill be u% to Allah Who #ill either %unish or $orgi)e him a((ording to +is #ish.! Abu `Abdullah said: !I$ a thie$ re%ents a$ter his hand has been (ut o$$ the his #itness #ell be a((e%ted. Similarly i$ any %erson u%on #hom any legal %unishment has been in$li(ted re%ents his #itness #ill be a((e%ted.! 8.BD7: Narrated Anas: 1EB

Some %eo%le $rom the tribe o$ `9&l (ame to the 'ro%het and embra(ed Islam. "he (limate o$ Aedina did not suit them so the 'ro%het ordered them to go to the ,herd o$ mil(h- (amels o$ (harity and to drin& their mil& and urine ,as a medi(ine-. "hey did so and a$ter they had re(o)ered $rom their ailment ,be(ame healthy- they turned renegades ,re)erted $rom Islam- and &illed the she%herd o$ the (amels and too& the (amels a#ay. "he 'ro%het sent ,some %eo%le- in their %ursuit and so they #ere ,(aught and- brought and the 'ro%hets ordered that their hands and legs should be (ut o$$ and that their eyes should be branded #ith heated %ie(es o$ iron and that their (ut hands and legs should not be (auterized till they die. 8.BD8: Narrated Anas: "he 'ro%het (ut o$$ the hands and $eet o$ the men belonging to the tribe o$ `9raina and did not (auterise ,their bleeding limbs- till they died. 8.BD@: Narrated Anas: A grou% o$ %eo%le $rom `9&l ,tribe- (ame to the 'ro%het and they #ere li)ing #ith the %eo%le o$ AsSu$$a but they be(ame ill as the (limate o$ Aedina did not suit them so they said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 'ro)ide us #ith mil&.! "he 'ro%het said I see no other #ay $or you than to use the (amels o$ Allah's A%ostle.! So they #ent and dran& the mil& and urine o$ the (amels ,as medi(ine- and be(ame healthy and $at. "hen they &illed the she%herd and too& the (amels a#ay. When a hel%-see&er (ame to Allah's A%ostle he sent some men in their %ursuit and they #ere (a%tured and brought be$ore mid day. "he 'ro%het ordered $or some iron %ie(es to be made red hot and their eyes #ere branded #ith them and their hands and $eet #ere (ut o$$ and #ere not (auterized. "hen they #ere %ut at a %la(e (alled Al+arra and #hen they as&ed $or #ater to drin& they #ere not gi)en till they died. ,Abu Iilaba said !"hose %eo%le (ommitted the$t and murder and $ought against Allah and +is A%ostle.!8.BDB: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: A grou% o$ %eo%le $rom `9&l ,or `9raina- tribe ----but I thin& he said that they #ere $rom `9&l (ame to Aedina and ,they be(ame ill so- the 'ro%het ordered them to go to the herd o$ ,Ail(h- she-(amels and told them to go out and drin& the (amels' urine and mil& ,as a medi(ine-. So they #ent and dran& it and #hen they be(ame healthy they &illed the she%herd and dro)e a#ay the (amels. "his ne#s rea(hed the 'ro%het early in the morning so he sent ,some- men in their %ursuit and they #ere (a%tured and brought to the 'ro%het be$ore midday. +e ordered to (ut o$$ their hands and legs and their eyes to be branded #ith heated iron %ie(es and they #ere thro#n at Al-+arra and #hen they as&ed $or #ater to drin& they #ere not gi)en #ater. ,Abu Iilaba said !"hose #ere the %eo%le #ho (ommitted the$t and murder and re)erted to disbelie$ a$ter being belie)ers ,Auslims- and $ought against Allah and +is A%ostle!-. 8.BD8: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !Se)en ,%eo%le- #ill be shaded by Allah by +is Shade on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion #hen there #ill be no shade e.(e%t +is Shade. ,"hey #ill be- a =ust ruler a young man #ho has been brought u% in the #orshi% o$ Allah a man #ho remembers Allah in se(lusion and his eyes are then $looded #ith tears a man #hose heart is atta(hed to mos;ues ,o$$ers his (om%ulsory (ongregational %rayers in the mos;ue- t#o men #ho lo)e ea(h other $or Allah's Sa&e a man #ho is (alled by a (harming lady o$ noble birth to (ommit illegal se.ual inter(ourse #ith her and he says 'I am a$raid o$ Allah ' and ,$inally- a man #ho gi)es in (harity so se(retly that his le$t hand does not &no# #hat his right hand has gi)en.! 8.BDD: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: "he 'ro%het said !Whoe)er guarantees me ,the (hastity o$- #hat is bet#een his legs ,i.e. his %ri)ate %arts- and #hat is bet#een his =a#s ,i.e. his tongue- I guarantee him 'aradise.! 8.8EE.1: Narrated Anas: 1E8

I #ill narrate to you a narration #hi(h nobody #ill narrate to you a$ter me. I heard that $orm the 'ro%het. I heard the 'ro%het saying !"he +our sill not be established! or said: !<rom among the %ortents o$ the +our is that the religious &no#ledge #ill beta&en a#ay ,by the death o$ religious S(holars- and general ignoran(e ,o$ religion- #ill a%%earC and the drin&ing o$ al(oholi( drin&s #ill be )ery (ommon and ,o%en- illegal se.ual inter(ourse #ill %re)ail and men #ill de(rease in number #hile #omen #ill in(rease so mu(h so that $or $i$ty #omen there #ill only be one man to loo& a$ter them.! 8.8EE.1: Narrated `I&rima $rom Ibn `Abbas: Allah's A%ostles said !When a sla)e ,o$ Allah- (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse he is not a belie)er at the time o$ (ommitting itC and i$ he steals he is not a belie)er at the time o$ stealingC and i$ he drin&s an al(oholi( drin& #hen he is not a belie)er at the time o$ drin&ing itC and he is not a belie)er #hen he (ommits a murder ! `I&rima said: I as&ed Ibn `Abbas !+o# is $aith ta&en a#ay $rom him*! +e said >i&e this ! by (las%ing his hands and then se%arating them and added !:ut i$ he re%ents $aith returns to him li&e this by (las%ing his hands again. 8.8E1: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he one #ho (ommits an illegal se.ual inter(ourse is not a belie)er at the time o$ (ommitting illegal se.ual inter(ourse and a thie$ is not a belie)er at the time o$ (ommitting the$t and a drin&er o$ al(oholi( drin& is not a belie)er at the time o$ drin&ing. 4et ,the gate o$- re%entan(e is o%en therea$ter.! 8.8E1: Narrated `Abdullah bin Aas`ud: I said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 Whi(h is the biggest sin*! +e said !"o set u% ri)als to Allah by #orshi%%ing others though +e alone has (reated you.! I as&ed !What is ne.t*! +e said !"o &ill your (hild lest it should share your $ood.! I as&ed !What is ne.t*! +e said !"o (ommit illegal se.ual inter(ourse #ith the #i$e o$ your neighbor.! 8.8E5: Narrated Ash-Shu`bi: $rom `Ali #hen the latter stoned a lady to death on a <riday. `Ali said !I ha)e stoned her a((ording to the tradition o$ Allah's A%ostle.! 8.8E7: Narrated Ash Shaibani: I as&ed `Abdullah bin Abi `Au$a '6id Allah's A%ostle (arry out the Ha=am %enalty , i.e. stoning to death-*' +e said !4es.! I said !:e$ore the re)elation o$ Surat-ar-Nur or a$ter it*! +e re%lied !I don't Gno#.! 8.8E8: Narrated /abir bin `Abdullah Al-Ansari: A man $rom the tribe o$ :ani Aslam (ame to Allah's A%ostle and In$ormed him that he had (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse and bore #itness $our times against himsel$. Allah's A%ostle ordered him to be stoned to death as he #as a married 'erson. 8.8E@: Narrated Abu +uraira: A man (ame to Allah's A%ostle #hile he #as in the mos;ue and he (alled him saying !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I ha)e (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse.'! "he 'ro%het turned his $a(e to the other side but that man re%eated his statement $our times and a$ter he bore #itness against himsel$ $our times the 'ro%het (alled him saying !Are you mad*! "he man said !No.! "he 'ro%het said !Are you married*! "he man said !4es.! "hen the 'ro%het said '"a&e him a#ay and stone him to death.! /abir bin `Abdullah said: I #as among the ones #ho %arti(i%ated in stoning him and #e stoned him at the Ausalla. When the stones troubled him he $led but #e o)er too& him at Al-+arra and stoned him to death. 8.8EB: 1ED

Narrated `Aisha: Sa`d bin Abi Wa;;as and `Abd bin Fam`a ;uarrelled #ith ea(h other ,regarding a (hild-. "he 'ro%het said !"he boy is $or you 2 `Abd bin Fam`a $or the boy is $or ,the o#ner- o$ the bed. 2 Sauda 3 S(reen yoursel$ $rom the boy.! "he sub-narrator Al->aith added ,that the 'ro%het also said- !And the stone is $or the %erson #ho (ommits an illegal se.ual inter(ourse.! 8.8E8: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !"he boy is $or ,the o#ner o$- the bed and the stone is $or the %erson #ho (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse.' 8.8ED: Narrated Ibn `9mar: A /e# and a /e#ess #ere brought to Allah's A%ostle on a (harge o$ (ommitting an illegal se.ual inter(ourse. "he 'ro%het as&ed them. !What is the legal %unishment ,$or this sin- in your :oo& ,"orah-*! "hey re%lied !2ur %riests ha)e inno)ated the %unishment o$ bla(&ening the $a(es #ith (har(oal and "a=biya.! `Abdullah bin Salam said !2 Allah's A%ostle tell them to bring the "orah.! "he "orah #as brought and then one o$ the /e#s %ut his hand o)er the 6i)ine Verse o$ the Ha=am ,stoning to death- and started reading #hat %re(eded and #hat $ollo#ed it. 2n that Ibn Salam said to the /e# !>i$t u% your hand.! :ehold3 "he 6i)ine Verse o$ the Ha=am #as under his hand. So Allah's A%ostle ordered that the t#o ,sinners- be stoned to death and so they #ere stoned. Ibn `9mar added: So both o$ them #ere stoned at the :alat and I sa# the /e# sheltering the /e#ess. 8.81E: Narrated /abir: A man $rom the tribe o$ Aslam (ame to the 'ro%het and (on$essed that he had (ommitted an illegal se.ual inter(ourse. "he 'ro%het turned his $a(e a#ay $rom him till the man bore #itness against himsel$ $our times. "he 'ro%het said to him !Are you mad*! +e said !No.! +e said !Are you married*! +e said !4es.! "hen the 'ro%het ordered that he be stoned to death and he #as stoned to death at the Ausalla. When the stones troubled him he $led but he #as (aught and #as stoned till he died. "he 'ro%het s%o&e #ell o$ him and o$$ered his $uneral %rayer. 8.811.1: Narrated Abu +uraira: A %erson had se.ual relation #ith his #i$e in the month o$ Hamadan ,#hile he #as $asting- and he (ame to Allah's A%ostle see&ing his )erdi(t (on(erning that a(tion. "he 'ro%het said ,to him- !0an you a$$ord to manumit a sla)e*! "he man said !No.! "he 'ro%het said !0an you $ast $or t#o su((essi)e months*! +e said !No.! "he 'ro%het said !"hen $eed si.ty %oor %ersons.! 8.811.1: Narrated `Aisha: A man (ame to the 'ro%het in the mos;ue and said !I am burnt ,ruined-3! "he 'ro%het as&ed him !With #hat ,#hat ha)e you done-*! +e said !I ha)e had se.ual relation #ith my #i$e in the month o$ Hamadan ,#hile $asting-.! "he 'ro%het said to him !?i)e in (harity.! +e said !I ha)e nothing.! "he man sat do#n and in the meantime there (ame a %erson dri)ing a don&ey (arrying $ood to the 'ro%het ..... ,"he sub-narrator `Abdur Hahman added: I do not &no# #hat &ind o$ $ood it #as-. 2n that the 'ro%het said !Where is the burnt %erson*! "he man said !+ere I am.! "he 'ro%het said to him !"a&e this ,$ood- and gi)e it in (harity ,to someone-.! "he man said !"o a %oorer %erson than I* Ay $amily has nothing to eat.! "hen the 'ro%het said to him !"hen eat it yoursel)es.! 8.811: Narrated Anas bin Aali&: While I #as #ith the 'ro%het a man (ame and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I ha)e (ommitted a legally %unishable sinC %lease in$li(t the legal %unishment on me'.' "he 'ro%het did not as& him #hat he had done. "hen the time $or the %rayer be(ame due and the man o$$ered %rayer along #ith the 'ro%het and #hen the 'ro%het had $inished his %rayer the man again got u% and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I ha)e (ommitted a legally %unishable sinC %lease in$li(t the %unishment on me a((ording to Allah's


>a#s.! "he 'ro%het said !+a)en't you %rayed #ith us*' +e said !4es.! "he 'ro%het said !Allah has $orgi)en your sin.! or said !....your legally %unishable sin.! 8.815: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: When Aa'iz bin Aali& (ame to the 'ro%het ,in order to (on$ess- the 'ro%het said to him !'robably you ha)e only &issed ,the lady- or #in&ed or loo&ed at her*! +e said !No 2 Allah's A%ostle3! "he 'ro%het said using no eu%hemism !6id you ha)e se.ual inter(ourse #ith her*! "he narrator added: At that ,i.e. a$ter his (on$ession- the 'ro%het ordered that he be stoned ,to death-. 8.817: Narrated Abu +uraira: A man $rom among the %eo%le (ame to Allah's A%ostle #hile Allah's A%ostle #as sitting in the mos;ue and addressed him saying !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I ha)e (ommitted an illegal se.ual inter(ourse.! "he 'ro%het turned his $a(e a#ay $rom him. "he man (ame to that side to #hi(h the 'ro%het had turned his $a(e and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 I ha)e (ommitted an illegal inter(ourse.! "he 'ro%het turned his $a(e to the other side and the man (ame to that side and #hen he (on$essed $our times the 'ro%het (alled him and said !Are you mad*! +e said !No 2 Allah's A%ostle3! "he 'ro%het said !Are you married*! +e said !4es 2 Allah's A%ostle.! "he 'ro%het said ,to the %eo%le!"a&e him a#ay and stone him to death.! Ibn Shihab added !I #as told by one #ho heard /abir that /abir said 'I #as among those #ho stoned the man and #e stoned him at the Ausalla ,`Id %raying 'la(e- and #hen the stones troubled him he =um%ed ;ui(&ly and ran a#ay but #e o)ertoo& him at Al-+arra and stoned him to death ,there-.' ! 8.818: Narrated Abu +uraira and Faid bin Ghalid: While #e #ere #ith the 'ro%het a man stood u% and said ,to the 'ro%het - !I besee(h you by Allah that you should =udge us a((ording to Allah's >a#s.! "hen the man's o%%onent #ho #as #iser than him got u% saying ,to Allah's A%ostle- !/udge us a((ording to Allah's >a# and &indly allo# me ,to s%ea&-.! "he 'ro%het said !'S%ea&.! +e said !Ay son #as a laborer #or&ing $or this man and he (ommitted an illegal se.ual inter(ourse #ith his #i$e and I ga)e one-hundred shee% and a sla)e as a ransom $or my son's sin. "hen I as&ed a learned man about this (ase and he in$ormed me that my son should re(ei)e one hundred lashes and be e.iled $or one year and the man's #i$e should be stoned to death.! "he 'ro%het said !:y +im in Whose +and my soul is I #ill =udge you a((ording to the >a#s o$ Allah. 4our one-hundred shee% and the sla)e are to be returned to you and your son has to re(ei)e one-hundred lashes and be e.iled $or one year. 2 9nais3 ?o to the #i$e o$ this man and i$ she (on$esses then stone her to death.! 9nais #ent to her and she (on$essed. +e then stoned her to death. 8.81@: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: `9mar said !I am a$raid that a$ter a long time has %assed %eo%le may say !We do not $ind the Verses o$ the Ha=am ,stoning to death- in the +oly :oo& ! and (onse;uently they may go astray by lea)ing an obligation that Allah has re)ealed. >o3 I (on$irm that the %enalty o$ Ha=am be in$li(ted on him #ho (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse i$ he is already married and the (rime is %ro)ed by #itnesses or %regnan(y or (on$ession.! Su$yan added !I ha)e memorized this narration in this #ay.! `9mar added !Surely Allah's A%ostle (arried out the %enalty o$ Ha=am and so did #e a$ter him.! 8.81B: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I used to tea(h ,the Iur'an to- some %eo%le o$ the Auha=irln ,emigrants- among #hom there #as `Abdur Hahman bin `Au$. While I #as in his house at Aina and he #as #ith `9mar bin Al-Ghattab during `9mar's last +a== `Abdur-Hahman (ame to me and said !Would that you had seen the man #ho (ame today to the 0hie$ o$ the :elie)ers ,`9mar- saying '2 0hie$ o$ the :elie)ers3 What do you thin& about so-and-so #ho says 'I$ `9mar should die I #ill gi)e the %ledge o$ allegian(e to su(h-andsu(h %erson as by Allah the %ledge o$ allegian(e to Abu :a&r #as nothing but a %rom%t sudden a(tion #hi(h got established a$ter#ards.' `9mar be(ame angry and then said 'Allah #illing I #ill


stand be$ore the %eo%le tonight and #arn them against those %eo%le #ho #ant to de%ri)e the others o$ their rights ,the ;uestion o$ rulershi%-. `Abdur-Hahman said !I said '2 0hie$ o$ the belie)ers3 6o not do that $or the season o$ +a== gathers the ri$$-ra$$ and the rubble and it #ill be they #ho #ill gather around you #hen you stand to address the %eo%le. And I am a$raid that you #ill get u% and say something and some %eo%le #ill s%read your statement and may not say #hat you ha)e a(tually said and may not understand its meaning and may inter%ret it in(orre(tly so you should #ait till you rea(h Aedina as it is the %la(e o$ emigration and the %la(e o$ 'ro%het's "raditions and there you (an (ome in tou(h #ith the learned and noble %eo%le and tell them your ideas #ith (on$iden(eC and the learned %eo%le #ill understand your statement and %ut it in its %ro%er %la(e.' 2n that `9mar said ':y Allah3 Allah #illing I #ill do this in the $irst s%ee(h I #ill deli)er be$ore the %eo%le in Aedina.! Ibn `Abbas added: We rea(hed Aedina by the end o$ the month o$ 6hul-+i==a and #hen it #as <riday #e #ent ;ui(&ly ,to the mos;ue- as soon as the sun had de(lined and I sa# Sa`id bin Faid bin `Amr bin Nu$ail sitting at the (orner o$ the %ul%it and I too sat (lose to him so that my &nee #as tou(hing his &nee and a$ter a short #hile `9mar bin Al-Ghattab (ame out and #hen I sa# him (oming to#ards us I said to Sa`id bin Faid bin `Amr bin Nu$ail !"oday `9mar #ill say su(h a thing as he has ne)er said sin(e he #as (hosen as 0ali%h.! Sa`id denied my statement #ith astonishment and said !What thing do you e.%e(t `9mar to say the li&e o$ #hi(h he has ne)er said be$ore*! In the meantime `9mar sat on the %ul%it and #hen the (allma&ers $or the %rayer had $inished their (all `9mar stood u% and ha)ing glori$ied and %raised Allah as +e deser)ed he said !No# then I am going to tell you something #hi(h ,Allah- has #ritten $or me to say. I do not &no#C %erha%s it %ortends my death so #hoe)er understands and remembers it must narrate it to the others #here)er his mount ta&es him but i$ somebody is a$raid that he does not understand it then it is unla#$ul $or him to tell lies about me. Allah sent Auhammad #ith the "ruth and re)ealed the +oly :oo& to him and among #hat Allah re)ealed #as the Verse o$ the Ha=am ,the stoning o$ married %erson ,male L $emale- #ho (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse and #e did re(ite this Verse and understood and memorized it. Allah's A%ostle did (arry out the %unishment o$ stoning and so did #e a$ter him. I am a$raid that a$ter a long time has %assed somebody #ill say ':y Allah #e do not $ind the Verse o$ the Ha=am in Allah's :oo& ' and thus they #ill go astray by lea)ing an obligation #hi(h Allah has re)ealed. And the %unishment o$ the Ha=am is to be in$li(ted to any married %erson ,male L $emale#ho (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse i$ the re;uired e)iden(e is a)ailable or there is (on(e%tion or (on$ession. And then #e used to re(ite among the Verses in Allah's :oo&: '2 %eo%le3 6o not (laim to be the o$$s%ring o$ other than your $athers as it is disbelie$ ,unthan&$ulness- on your %art that you (laim to be the o$$s%ring o$ other than your real $ather.' "hen Allah's A%ostle said '6o not %raise me e.(essi)ely as /esus son o$ Aarry #as %raised but (all me Allah's Sla)e and +is A%ostles.' ,2 %eo%le3- I ha)e been in$ormed that a s%ea&er amongst you says ':y Allah i$ `9mar should die I #ill gi)e the %ledge o$ allegian(e to su(h-and-su(h %erson.' 2ne should not de(ei)e onesel$ by saying that the %ledge o$ allegian(e gi)en to Abu :a&r #as gi)en suddenly and it #as su((ess$ul. No doubt it #as li&e that but Allah sa)ed ,the %eo%le- $rom its e)il and there is none among you #ho has the ;ualities o$ Abu :a&r. Hemember that #hoe)er gi)es the %ledge o$ allegian(e to anybody among you #ithout (onsulting the other Auslims neither that %erson nor the %erson to #hom the %ledge o$ allegian(e #as gi)en are to be su%%orted lest they both should be &illed. And no doubt a$ter the death o$ the 'ro%het #e #ere in$ormed that the Ansar disagreed #ith us and gathered in the shed o$ :ani Sa`da. `Ali and Fubair and #hoe)er #as #ith them o%%osed us #hile the emigrants gathered #ith Abu :a&r. I said to Abu :a&r '>et's go to these Ansari brothers o$ ours.' So #e set out see&ing them and #hen #e a%%roa(hed them t#o %ious men o$ theirs met us and in$ormed us o$ the $inal de(ision o$ the Ansar and said '2 grou% o$ Auha=irin ,emigrants- 3 Where are you going*' We re%lied 'We are going to these Ansari brothers o$ ours.' "hey said to us '4ou shouldn't go near them. 0arry out #hate)er #e ha)e already de(ided.' I said ':y Allah #e #ill go to them.' And so #e %ro(eeded until #e rea(hed them at the shed o$ :ani Sa`da. :ehold3 "here #as a man sitting amongst them and #ra%%ed in something. I as&ed 'Who is that man*' "hey said '+e is Sa`d bin '9bada.' I as&ed 'What is #rong #ith him*' "hey said '+e is si(&.' A$ter #e sat $or a #hile 111

the Ansar's s%ea&er said 'None has the right to be #orshi%%ed but Allah ' and %raising Allah as +e deser)ed he added '"o %ro(eed #e are Allah's Ansar ,hel%ers- and the ma=ority o$ the Auslim army #hile you the emigrants are a small grou% and some %eo%le among you (ame #ith the intention o$ %re)enting us $rom %ra(ti(ing this matter ,o$ (ali%hate- and de%ri)ing us o$ it.' When the s%ea&er had $inished I intended to s%ea& as I had %re%ared a s%ee(h #hi(h I li&ed and #hi(h I #anted to deli)er in the %resen(e o$ Abu :a&r and I used to a)oid %ro)o&ing him. So #hen I #anted to s%ea& Abu :a&r said 'Wait a #hile.' I disli&ed to ma&e him angry. So Abu :a&r himsel$ ga)e a s%ee(h and he #as #iser and more %atient than I. :y Allah he ne)er missed a senten(e that I li&ed in my o#n %re%ared s%ee(h but he said the li&e o$ it or better than it s%ontaneously. A$ter a %ause he said '2 Ansar3 4ou deser)e all ,the ;ualities that you ha)e attributed to yoursel)es but this ;uestion ,o$ 0ali%hate- is only $or the Iuraish as they are the best o$ the Arabs as regards des(ent and home and I am %leased to suggest that you (hoose either o$ these t#o men so ta&e the oath o$ allegian(e to either o$ them as you #ish. And then Abu :a&r held my hand and Abu 9bada bin `Abdullah's hand #ho #as sitting amongst us. I hated nothing o$ #hat he had said e.(e%t that %ro%osal $or by Allah I #ould rather ha)e my ne(& (ho%%ed o$$ as e.%iator $or a sin than be(ome the ruler o$ a nation one o$ #hose members is Abu :a&r unless at the time o$ my death my o#n-sel$ suggests something I don't $eel at %resent.' And then one o$ the Ansar said 'I am the %illar on #hi(h the (amel #ith a s&in disease ,e(zema- rubs itsel$ to satis$y the it(hing ,i.e. I am a noble- and I am as a high (lass %alm tree3 2 Iuraish. "here should be one ruler $rom us and one $rom you.' "hen there #as a hue and (ry among the gathering and their )oi(es rose so that I #as a$raid there might be great disagreement so I said '2 Abu :a&r3 +old your hand out.' +e held his hand out and I %ledged allegian(e to him and then all the emigrants ga)e the 'ledge o$ allegian(e and so did the Ansar a$ter#ards. And so #e be(ame )i(torious o)er Sa`d bin 9bada ,#hom Al-Ansar #anted to ma&e a ruler-. 2ne o$ the Ansar said '4ou ha)e &illed Sa`d bin 9bada.' I re%lied 'Allah has &illed Sa`d bin 9bada.' `9mar added !:y Allah a%art $rom the great tragedy that had ha%%ened to us ,i.e. the death o$ the 'ro%het- there #as no greater %roblem than the allegian(e %ledged to Abu :a&r be(ause #e #ere a$raid that i$ #e le$t the %eo%le they might gi)e the 'ledge o$ allegian(e a$ter us to one o$ their men in #hi(h (ase #e #ould ha)e gi)en them our (onsent $or something against our real #ish or #ould ha)e o%%osed them and (aused great trouble. So i$ any %erson gi)es the 'ledge o$ allegian(e to somebody ,to be(ome a 0ali%h- #ithout (onsulting the other Auslims then the one he has sele(ted should not be granted allegian(e lest both o$ them should be &illed.! 8.818: Narrated Faid bin Ghalid Al-/ihani: I heard the 'ro%het ordering that an unmarried %erson guilty o$ illegal se.ual inter(ourse be $logged one-hundred stri%es and be e.iled $or one year. `9mar bin Al-Ghattab also e.iled su(h a %erson and this tradition is still )alid. 8.81D: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle =udged that the unmarried %erson #ho #as guilty o$ illegal se.ual inter(ourse be e.iled $or one year and re(ei)e the legal %unishment ,i.e. be $logged #ith one-hundred stri%es- . 8.81E: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "he 'ro%het (ursed the e$$eminate men and those #omen #ho assume the similitude ,manners- o$ men. +e also said !"urn them out o$ your houses.! +e turned su(h-and-su(h %erson out and `9mar also turned out su(h-and-su(h %erson. 8.811: Narrated Abu +uraira and Faid bin Ghalid: A bedouin (ame to the 'ro%het #hile he ,the 'ro%het- #as sitting and said !2 Allah's A%ostle3 ?i)e your )erdi(t a((ording to Allah's >a#s ,in our (ase-.! "hen his o%%onent got u% and said !+e has told the truth 2 Allah's A%ostle3 6e(ide his (ase a((ording to Allah's >a#s. Ay son #as a laborer #or&ing $or this %erson and he (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse #ith his #i$e and the %eo%le told 115

me that my son should be stoned to death but I o$$ered one-hundred shee% and a sla)e girl as a ransom $or him. "hen I as&ed the religious learned %eo%le and they told me that my son should be $logged #ith one-hundred stri%es and be e.iled $or one year.! "he 'ro%het said !:y +im in Whose +and my soul is I #ill =udge you a((ording to Allah's >a#s. "he shee% and the sla)e girl #ill be returned to you and your son #ill be $logged one-hundred stri%es and be e.iled $or one year. And you 2 9nais3 ?o to the #i$e o$ this man ,and i$ she (on$esses- stone her to death.! So 9nais #ent in the morning and stoned her to death ,a$ter she had (on$essed-. 8.811: Narrated Abu +uraira and Sa`id bin Ghalid: "he )erdi(t o$ Allah's A%ostle #as sought about an unmarried sla)e girl guilty o$ illegal inter(ourse. +e re%lied !I$ she (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse then $log her ,$i$ty stri%es- and i$ she (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse ,a$ter that $or the se(ond time- then $log her ,$i$ty stri%es- and i$ she (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse ,$or the third time- then $log her ,$i$ty stri%es- and sell her $or e)en a hair ra%e.! Ibn Shihab said !I am not sure #hether the 'ro%het ordered that she be sold a$ter the third or $ourth time o$ (ommitting illegal inter(ourse.! 8.815: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !I$ a lady sla)e (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse and she is %ro)ed guilty o$ illegal se.ual inter(ourse then she should be $logged ,$i$ty stri%es- but she should not be admonishedC and i$ she (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse again then she should be $logged again but should not be admonishedC and i$ she (ommits illegal se.ual inter(ourse $or the third time then she should be sold e)en $or a hair ro%e.! 8.817: Narrated Ash-Shaibani: I as&ed `Abdullah bin Abi `Au$a about the Ha=am ,stoning somebody to death $or (ommitting illegal se.ual inter(ourse-. +e re%lied !"he 'ro%het (arried out the %enalty o$ Ha=am ! I as&ed !Was that be$ore or a$ter the re)elation o$ Surat-an-Nur*! +e re%lied !I do not &no#.! 8.818: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar: "he =e#s (ame to Allah's A%ostle and mentioned to him that a man and a lady among them had (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse. Allah's A%ostle said to them !What do you $ind in the "orah regarding the Ha=am*! "hey re%lied !We only disgra(e and $log them #ith stri%es.! `Abdullah bin Salam said to them '4ou ha)e told a lie the %enalty o$ Ha=am is in the "orah.' "hey brought the "orah and o%ened it. 2ne o$ them %ut his hand o)er the )erse o$ the Ha=am and read #hat #as be$ore and a$ter it. `Abdullah bin Salam said to him !>i$t u% your hand.! Where he li$ted it there a%%eared the )erse o$ the Ha=am. So they said !2 Auhammad3 +e has said the truth the )erse o$ the Ha=am is in it ,"orah-.! "hen Allah's A%ostle ordered that the t#o %ersons ,guilty o$ illegal se.ual inter(ourse- be stoned to death and so they #ere stoned and I sa# the man bending o)er the #oman so as to %rote(t her $rom the stones. 8.81@: Narrated Abu +uraira and Faid bin Ghalid: "#o men had a dis%ute in the %resen(e o$ Allah's A%ostle. 2ne o$ them said !/udge us a((ording to Allah's >a#s.! "he other #ho #as more #ise said !4es Allah's A%ostle =udge us a((ording to Allah's >a#s and allo# me to s%ea& ,$irst-! "he 'ro%het said to him 'S%ea& ! +e said !Ay son #as a laborer $or this man and he (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse #ith his #i$e and the %eo%le told me that my son should be stoned to death but I ha)e gi)en one-hundred shee% and a sla)e girl as a ransom ,e.%iation- $or my son's sin. "hen I as&ed the religious learned %eo%le ,about It- and they told me that my son should he $logged one-hundred stri%es and should be e.iled $or one year and only the #i$e o$ this man should be stoned to death ! Allah's A%ostle said !:y +im in Whose +and my soul is I #ill =udge you a((ording to Allah's >a#s: 2 man as $or your shee% and sla)e girl they are to be returned to you.! "hen the 'ro%het had the man's son $logged one hundred stri%es and e.iled $or one


year and ordered 9nais Al-Aslami to go to the #i$e o$ the other man and i$ she (on$essed stone her to death. She (on$essed and #as stoned to death. 8.81B: Narrated `Aisha: Abu :a&r (ame to me #hile Allah's A%ostle #as slee%ing #ith his head on my thigh. Abu :a&r said ,to me- !4ou ha)e detained Allah's A%ostle and the %eo%le and there is no #ater in this %la(e.! So he admonished me and stru(& my $lan&s #ith his hand and nothing (ould sto% me $rom mo)ing e.(e%t the re(lining o$ Allah's A%ostle ,on my thigh- and then Allah re)ealed the 6i)ine Verse o$ "ayammum. 8.818: Narrated Aisha: Abu :a&r (ame to to#ards me and stru(& me )iolently #ith his $ist and said !4ou ha)e detained the %eo%le be(ause o$ your ne(&la(e.! :ut I remained motionless as i$ I #as dead lest I should a#a&e Allah's A%ostle although that hit #as )ery %ain$ul. 8.81D: Narrated Al-Aughira: Sa`d bin 9bada said !I$ I $ound a man #ith my #i$e I #ould &ill him #ith the shar% side o$ my s#ord.! When the 'ro%het heard that he said !6o you #onder at Sa`d's sense o$ ghira ,sel$-res%e(t-* Verily I ha)e more sense o$ ghira than Sa`d and Allah has more sense o$ ghira than I.! 8.85E: Narrated Abu +uraira: A bedouin (ame to Allah's A%ostle and said !Ay #i$e has deli)ered a bla(& (hild.! "he 'ro%het said to him !+a)e you (amels*! +e re%lied !4es.! "he 'ro%het said !What (olor are they*! +e re%lied !"hey are red.! "he 'ro%het $urther as&ed !Are any o$ them gray in (olor*! +e re%lied !4es.! "he 'ro%het as&ed him !When(e did that grayness (ome*! +e said !I thing it des(ended $rom the (amel's an(estors.! "hen the 'ro%het said ,to him- !"here$ore this (hild o$ yours has most %robably inherited the (olor $rom his an(estors.! 8.851: Narrated Abu :urda: "he 'ro%het used to say !Nobody should be $logged more than ten stri%es e.(e%t i$ he is guilty o$ a (rime the legal %unishment o$ #hi(h is assigned by Allah.! 8.851: Narrated `Abdur-Hahman bin /abir: 2n the authority o$ others that the 'ro%het said !No 'unishment e.(eeds the $logging o$ the ten stri%es e.(e%t i$ one is guilty o$ a (rime ne(essitating a legal %unishment %res(ribed by Allah.! 8.855: Narrated Abu :urda Al-Ansari: I heard the 'ro%het saying !6o not $log anyone more than ten stri%es e.(e%t i$ he is in)ol)ed in a (rime ne(essitating Allah's legal 'unishment.! 8.857: Narrated Abu +uraira: Allah's A%ostle $orbade Al-Wisal ,$asting (ontinuously $or more than one day #ithout ta&ing any meals-. A man $rom the Auslims said !:ut you do Al-Wisal 2 Allah's A%ostle3! Allah's A%ostle I said !Who among you is similar to me* I slee% and my >ord ma&es me eat and drin&.! When the %eo%le re$used to gi)e u% Al-Wisal the 'ro%het $asted along #ith them $or one day and did not brea& his $ast but (ontinued his $ast $or another day and #hen they sa# the (res(ent the 'ro%het said !I$ the (res(ent had not a%%eared I #ould ha)e made you (ontinue your $ast ,$or a third day- ! as i$ he #anted to %unish them $or they had re$used to gi)e u% Al-Wisal. 8.858: Narrated `Abdullah bin `9mar:


"hose %eo%le #ho used to buy $oodstu$$ at random ,#ithout #eighing or measuring it- #ere beaten in the li$etime o$ Allah's A%ostle i$ they sold it at the )ery %la(e #here they had bought it till they (arried it to their d#elling %la(es. 8.85@: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A%ostle ne)er too& re)enge $or his o#n sel$ in any matter %resented to him till Allah's limits #ere e.(eeded in #hi(h (ase he #ould ta&e re)enge $or Allah's sa&e. 8.85B: Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: I #itnessed the (ase o$ >ian ,the (ase o$ a man #ho (harged his #i$e $or (ommitting illegal se.ual inter(ourse #hen I #as $i$teen years old. "he 'ro%het ordered that they be di)or(ed and the husband said !I$ I &e%t her I #ould be a liar.! I remember that Az-Fubair also said !,It #as said- that i$ that #oman brought $orth the (hild #ith su(h-and-su(h des(ri%tion her husband #ould %ro)e truth$ul but i$ she brought it #ith su(h-and-su(h des(ri%tion loo&ing li&e a Wahra ,a red inse(t- he #ould %ro)e untruth$ul.! I heard Az-Fubair also saying !<inally she ga)e birth to a (hild o$ des(ri%tion #hi(h her husband disli&ed . 8.858: Narrated Al-Iasim bin Auhammad: Ibn `Abbas mentioned the (ou%le #ho had ta&en the oath o$ >ian. `Abdullah bin Shaddad said ,to him- !Was this #oman about #hom Allah's A%ostle said 'I$ I #ere e)er to stone to death any #oman #ithout #itnesses. ,I #ould ha)e stoned that #oman to death-*' Ibn `Abbas re%lied ! No that lady e.%osed hersel$ ,by her sus%i(ious beha)ior-. 8.85D: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: >ian #as mentioned in the %resen(e o$ the 'ro%het `Asim bin Adi said a statement about it and #hen he le$t a man $rom his tribe (ame to him (om%laining that he had seen a man #ith his #i$e. `Asim said !I ha)e been %ut to trial only be(ause o$ my statement.! So he too& the man to the 'ro%het and the man told him about the in(ident. "he man ,husband- #as o$ yello# (om%le.ion thin and o$ lan& hair #hile the man #hom he had a((used o$ ha)ing been #ith his #i$e #as reddish bro#n #ith $at thi(& legs and $at body. "he 'ro%het said !2 Allah3 He)eal the truth.! >ater on the lady deli)ered a (hild resembling the man #hom the husband had a((used o$ ha)ing been #ith her. So the 'ro%het made them ta&e the oath o$ >ian. A man said to Ibn `Abbas in the gathering !Was that the same lady about #hom the 'ro%het said !I$ I #ere to stone any lady ,$or (ommitting illegal se.ual inter(ourseto death #ithout #itnesses I #ould ha)e stoned that lade to death*! Ibn `Abbas said !No that #as another lady #ho used to beha)e in su(h a sus%i(ious #ay among the Auslims that one might a((use her o$ (ommitting illegal se.ual inter(ourse.! 8.87E: Narrated Abu +uraira: "he 'ro%het said !A)oid the se)en great destru(ti)e sins.! "hey ,the %eo%le3- as&ed !2 Allah's A%ostle3 What are they*! +e said !"o =oin %artners in #orshi% #ith AllahC to %ra(ti(e sor(eryC to &ill the li$e #hi(h Allah has $orbidden e.(e%t $or a =ust (ause ,a((ording to Islami( la#-C to eat u% usury ,Hiba- to eat u% the %ro%erty o$ an or%hanC to gi)e one's ba(& to the enemy and $reeing $rom the battle-$ield at the time o$ $ighting and to a((use (haste #omen #ho ne)er e)en thin& o$ anything tou(hing (hastity and are good belie)ers.! 8.871: Narrated Abu +uraira: I heard Abu-l-Iasim ,the 'ro%het- saying !I$ somebody slanders his sla)e and the sla)e is $ree $rom #hat he says he #ill be $logged on the 6ay o$ Hesurre(tion unless the sla)e is really as he has des(ribed him.! 8.871: Narrated Abu +uraira and Faid bin Ghalid Al-/uhani:


A man (ame to the 'ro%het and said !I besee(h you to =udge us a((ording to Allah's >a#s.! "hen his o%%onent #ho #as #iser than he got u% and said !+e has s%o&en the truth. So =udge us a((ording to Allah's >a#s and %lease allo# me ,to s%ea&- 2 Allah's A%ostle.! "he 'ro%het said !S%ea&.! +e said !Ay son #as a laborer $or the $amily o$ this man and he (ommitted illegal se.ual inter(ourse #ith his #i$e and I ga)e one-hundred shee% and a sla)e as a ransom ,$or my son- but I as&ed the religious learned %eo%le ,regarding this (ase- and they in$ormed me that my son should be $logged onehundred stri%es and be e.iled $or one year and the #i$e o$ this man should be stoned ,to death-.!"he 'ro%het said !:y +im in Whose +and my soul is I #ill /udge you ,in this (ase- a((ording to Allah's >a#s. "he one-hundred ,shee%- and the sla)e shall be returned to you and your son shall be $logged one-hundred stri%es and be e.iled $or one year. And 2 9nais3 ?o in the morning to the #i$e o$ this man and as& her and i$ she (on$esses stone her to death.! She (on$essed and he stoned her to death.


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