Hadith Al Jaami 9

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Al Jaami` Al Saheeh.

By Imam Al Bukhari
Volume 9 9.1: Narrated `Abdullah: A man said, "O Allah's A ostle! "hi#h sin is the $reatest in Allah's %i$ht&" 'he (ro het said, "'o set u a ri)al unto Allah thou$h *e Alone #reated you . " 'he man said, ""hat is ne+t&" 'he (ro het said, "'o kill your son lest he should share your ,ood -ith you." 'he man said, ""hat is ne+t&" 'he (ro het said, "'o #ommit ille$al se+ual inter#ourse -ith the -i,e o, your nei$hbor." %o Allah re)ealed in #on,irmation o, this narration:.. 'And those -ho in)oke not -ith Allah, any other $od. Nor kill, su#h li,e as Allah has ,orbidden e+#e t ,or /ust #ause nor #ommit ille$al se+ual inter#ourse. And -hoe)er does this shall re#ei)e the unishment.' 012.345 9.1: Narrated Ibn `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, "A ,aith,ul belie)er remains at liberty re$ardin$ his reli$ion unless he kills somebody unla-,ully." 9.7: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: One o, the e)il deeds -ith bad #onse8uen#e ,rom -hi#h there is no es#a e ,or the one -ho is in)ol)ed in it is to kill someone unla-,ully. 9.9: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, "'he ,irst #ases to be de#ided amon$ the eo le 0on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion5 -ill be those o, blood.shed." 9.2: Narrated Al.<i8dad bin `Amr Al.=indi: An ally o, Bani >uhra -ho took art in the battle o, Badr -ith the (ro het, that he said, "O Allah's A ostle! I, I meet an unbelie)er and -e ha)e a ,i$ht, and he strikes my hand -ith the s-ord and #uts it o,,, and then takes re,u$e ,rom me under a tree, and says, 'I ha)e surrendered to Allah 0i.e. embra#ed Islam5,' may I kill him a,ter he has said so&" Allah's A ostle said, ":o not kill him." Al. <i8dad said, "But O Allah's A ostle! *e had #ho ed o,, one o, my hands and he said that a,ter he had #ut it o,,. <ay I kill him&" 'he (ro het said. ":o not kill him ,or i, you kill him, he -ould be in the osition in -hi#h you had been be,ore you kill him, and you -ould be in the osition in -hi#h he -as be,ore he said the senten#e." 'he (ro het also said to Al.<i8dad, "I, a ,aith,ul belie)er #on#eals his ,aith 0Islam5 ,rom the disbelie)ers, and then -hen he de#lares his Islam, you kill him, 0you -ill be sin,ul5. ;emember that you -ere also #on#ealin$ your ,aith 0Islam5 at <e##a be,ore." 9.3: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, "No human bein$ is killed un/ustly, but a art o, res onsibility ,or the #rime is laid on the ,irst son o, Adam -ho in)ented the tradition o, killin$ 0murderin$5 on the earth. 0It is said that he -as ?abil5. 9.@: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: 'he (ro het said, "A,ter me 0i.e. a,ter my death5, do not be#ome disbelie)ers, by strikin$ 0#uttin$5 the ne#ks o, one another. 9.4: 1

Narrated Abu >ur'a bin `Amr bin Aarir: 'he (ro het said durin$ *a//at.al."ada`, "Bet the eo le be 8uiet and listen to me. A,ter me, do not be#ome disbelie)ers, by strikin$ 0#uttin$5 the ne#ks o, one another." 9.9: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: 'he (ro het said, "Al.=a`ba'ir 0the bi$$est sins5 are: 'o /oin others 0as artners5 in -orshi -ith Allah, to be unduti,ul to one's arents," or said, "to take a ,alse oath." 0'he sub.narrator, %hu`ba is not sure5 <u`adh said: %hu`ba said, "Al.=a`ba'ir 0the bi$$est sins5 are: 015 Aoinin$ others as artners in -orshi -ith Allah, 015 to take a ,alse oath 075 and to be unduti,ul to one's arents," or said, "to murder 0someone unla-,ully5. 9.1C: Narrated Anas bin <alik: 'he (ro het said, "'he bi$$est o, Al.=a`ba'ir 0the $reat sins5 are 015 to /oin others as artners in -orshi -ith Allah, 015 to murder a human bein$, 075 to be unduti,ul to one's arents 095 and to make a ,alse statement," or said, "to $i)e a ,alse -itness." 9.11: Narrated 6sama bin >aid bin *aritha: Allah's A ostle sent us 0to ,i$ht5 a$ainst Al.*ura8a 0one o, the sub.tribes5 o, Auhaina. "e rea#hed those eo le in the mornin$ and de,eated them. A man ,rom the Ansar and I #hased one o, their men and -hen -e atta#ked him, he said, "None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah." 'he Ansari re,rained ,rom killin$ him but I stabbed him -ith my s ear till I killed him. "hen -e rea#hed 0<edina5, this ne-s rea#hed the (ro het. *e said to me, "O 6sama! Dou killed him a,ter he had said, 'None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah&"' I said, "O Allah's A ostle! *e said so in order to sa)e himsel,." 'he (ro het said, "Dou killed him a,ter he had said, 'None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah." 'he (ro het ke t on re eatin$ that statement till I -ished I had not been a <uslim be,ore that day. 9.11: Narrated '6bada bin As.%amat: I -as amon$ those Na8ibs 0sele#ted leaders5 -ho $a)e the (led$e o, alle$ian#e to Allah's A ostle. "e $a)e the oath o, alle$ian#e, that -e -ould not /oin artners in -orshi besides Allah, -ould not steal, -ould not #ommit ille$al se+ual inter#ourse, -ould not kill a li,e -hi#h Allah has ,orbidden, -ould not #ommit robbery, -ould not disobey 0Allah and *is A ostle5, and i, -e ,ul,illed this led$e -e -ould ha)e (aradise, but i, -e #ommitted any one o, these 0sins5, then our #ase -ill be de#ided by Allah. 9.17: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er #arries arms a$ainst us, is not ,rom us." 9.19: Narrated Al.Ahna, bin ?ais: I -ent to hel that man 0i.e., `Ali5, and on the -ay I met Abu Bakra -ho asked me, ""here are you $oin$&" I re lied, "I am $oin$ to hel that man." *e said, "Eo ba#k, ,or I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, 'I, t-o <uslims meet ea#h other -ith their s-ords then 0both5 the killer and the killed one are in the 0*ell5 Fire.' I said, 'O Allah's A ostle! It is alri$ht ,or the killer, but -hat about the killed one&' *e said, ''he killed one -as ea$er to kill his o onent." 9.12: Narrated Anas bin <alik: A Ae- #rushed the head o, a $irl bet-een t-o stones, and the $irl -as asked, ""ho has done that to you, so.and.so or so and so&" 0%ome names -ere mentioned ,or her5 till the name o, that Ae- -as mentioned 0-hereu on she a$reed5. 'he Ae- -as brou$ht to the (ro het and the (ro het ke t on 8uestionin$ him till he #on,essed, -hereu on his head -as #rushed -ith stones. 9.13: Narrated Anas bin <alik: 1

A $irl -earin$ ornaments, -ent out at <edina. %omebody stru#k her -ith a stone. %he -as brou$ht to the (ro het -hile she -as still ali)e. Allah's A ostle asked her, ":id su#h.and.su#h a erson strike you&" %he raised her head, denyin$ that. *e asked her a se#ond time, sayin$, ":id so.and.so strike you&" %he raised her head, denyin$ that. *e said ,or the third time, ":id so.and.so strike you&" %he lo-ered her head, a$reein$. Allah's A ostle then sent ,or the killer and killed him bet-een t-o stones. 9.1@: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's A ostle said, "'he blood o, a <uslim -ho #on,esses that none has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah and that I am *is A ostle, #annot be shed e+#e t in three #ases: In ?isas ,or murder, a married erson -ho #ommits ille$al se+ual inter#ourse and the one -ho re)erts ,rom Islam 0a ostate5 and lea)es the <uslims." 9.14: Narrated Anas: A Ae- killed a $irl so that he may steal her ornaments. *e stru#k her -ith a stone, and she -as brou$ht to the (ro het -hile she -as still ali)e. 'he (ro het asked her, ":id su#h.and.su#h erson strike you&" %he $estured -ith her head, e+ ressin$ denial. *e asked her ,or the se#ond time, and she a$ain $estured -ith her head, e+ ressin$ denial. "hen he asked her ,or the third time, she be#koned, "Des." %o the (ro het killed him 0the Ae-5 -ith t-o stones. 9.19: Narrated Abu *uraira: In the year o, the Gon8uest o, <e##a, the tribe o, =huHa`a killed a man ,rom the tribe o, Bam Baith in re)en$e ,or a killed erson belon$in$ to them in the (re.lslami# (eriod o, I$noran#e. %o Allah's A ostle $ot u sayin$, "Allah held ba#k the 0army ha)in$5 ele hants ,rom <e##a, but *e let *is A ostle and the belie)ers o)er o-er the in,idels 0o, <e##a5. Be-are! 0<e##a is a san#tuary5! Verily! Fi$htin$ in <e##a -as not ermitted ,or anybody be,ore me, nor -ill it be ermitted ,or anybody a,ter meI It -as ermitted ,or me only ,or a -hile 0an hour or so5 o, that day. No doubt! It is at this moment a san#tuaryI its thorny shrubs should not be u rootedI its trees should not be #ut do-nI and its Bu8ata 0,allen thin$s5 should not be i#ked u e+#e t by the one -ho -ould look ,or its o-ner. And i, somebody is killed, his #losest relati)e has the ri$ht to #hoose one o, t-o thin$s, i.e., either the Blood money or retaliation by ha)in$ the killer killed." 'hen a man ,rom Demen, #alled Abu %hah, stood u and said, ""rite that5 ,or me, O Allah's A ostle!" Allah's A ostle said 0to his #om anions5, ""rite that ,or Abu %hah." 'hen another man ,rom ?uraish $ot u , sayin$, "O Allah's A ostle! J+#e t Al. Idhkhir 0a s e#ial kind o, $rass5 as -e use it in our houses and ,or $ra)es." Allah's A ostle said, "J+#e t Al.idhkkir." 9.1C: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: For the #hildren o, Israel the unishment ,or #rime -as Al.?isas only 0i.e., the la- o, e8uality in unishment5 and the ayment o, Blood money -as not ermitted as an alternate. But Allah said to this nation 0<uslims5: 'O you -ho belie)e! ?isas is res#ribed ,or you in #ase o, murder, .....0u to5 ...end o, the Verse. 01.1@45 Ibn `Abbas added: ;emission 0,or$i)eness5 in this Verse, means to a##e t the Blood.money in an intentional murder. Ibn `Abbas added: 'he Verse: ''hen the relati)es should demand Blood.money in a reasonable manner.' 01.1@45 means that the demand should be reasonable and it is to be #om ensated -ith handsome $ratitude. 9.11: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het said, "'he most hated ersons to Allah are three: 015 A erson -ho de)iates ,rom the ri$ht #ondu#t, i.e., an e)il doer, in the *aram 0san#tuaries o, <e##a and <edina5I 015 a erson -ho seeks that the traditions o, the (re.lslami# (eriod o, I$noran#e, should remain in Islam 075 and a erson -ho seeks to shed somebody's blood -ithout any ri$ht." 9.11: Narrated `Aisha: 7

'he a$ans -ere de,eated on the day 0o, the battle5 o, 6hud. %atan shouted amon$ the eo le on the day o, 6hud, "O Allah's -orshi ers! Be-are o, -hat is behind you!" %o the ,ront ,ile o, the army atta#ked the ba#k ,iles 0mistakin$ them ,or the enemy5 till they killed Al.Daman. *udhai,a 0bin Al. Daman5 shouted, "<y ,ather!" <y ,ather! But they killed him. *udhai,a said, "<ay Allah ,or$i)e you." 0'he narrator added: %ome o, the de,eated a$ans ,led till they rea#hed 'ai,.5 9.17: Narrated Anas bin <alik: A Ae- #rushed the head o, a $irl bet-een t-o stones. It -as said to her. ""ho has done this to you, su#h.and.su#h erson, su#h.and.su#h erson&" "hen the name o, the Ae- -as mentioned, she nodded -ith her head, a$reein$. %o the Ae- -as brou$ht and he #on,essed. 'he (ro het ordered that his head be #rushed -ith the stones. 0*ammam said, "-ith t-o stones."5 9.19: Narrated Anas bin <alik: 'he (ro het killed a Ae- ,or killin$ a $irl in order to take her ornaments. 9.12: Narrated `Aisha: "e oured medi#ine into the mouth o, the (ro het durin$ his ailment. *e said, ":on't our medi#ine into my mouth." 0"e thou$ht he said that5 out o, the a)ersion a atient usually has ,or medi#ines. "hen he im ro)ed and ,elt better he said, "'here is none o, you but -ill be ,or#ed to drink medi#ine, e+#e t Al.`Abbas, ,or he did not -itness your deed." 9.13: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'hat he heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, ""e 0<uslims5 are the last 0to #ome5 but 0-ill be5 the ,oremost 0on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion5." And added, "I, someone is ee in$ 0lookin$ se#retly5 into your house -ithout your ermission, and you thro- a stone at him and destroy his eyes, there -ill be no blame on you." 9.1@: Narrated Dahya: *umaid said, "A man ee ed into the house o, the (ro het and the (ro het aimed an arro- head at him to hit him." I asked, ""ho told you that&" *e said, "Anas bin <alik" 0%ee *adith No. 124 and 129, Vol. 45 9.14: Narrated `Aisha: ""hen it -as the day o, 0the battle o,5 6hud, the a$ans -ere de,eated. 'hen %atan shouted, "O Allah's -orshi ers! Be-are o, -hat is behind you!" %o the ,ront ,iles atta#ked the ba#k ,iles o, the army. *udhai,a looked, and behold, there -as his ,ather, Al.Daman 0bein$ atta#ked5 ! *e shouted 0to his #om anions5, "O Allah's -orshi ers, my ,ather, my ,ather!" But by Allah, they did not sto till they killed him 0i.e., *udhai,a's ,ather5. *udhai,a said, "<ay Allah ,or$i)e you." 0`6r-a said, *udhai,a #ontinued askin$ Allah's For$i)eness ,or the killer o, his ,ather till he died. 9.19: Narrated %alama: "e -ent out -ith the (ro het to =haibar. A man 0,rom the #om anions5 said, "O 'Amir! Bet us hear some o, your *uda 0#amel.dri)in$ son$s.5" %o he san$ some o, them 0i.e. a lyri# in harmony -ith the #amels -alk5. 'he (ro het said, ""ho is the dri)er 0o, these #amels5&" 'hey said, "Amir." 'he (ro het said, "<ay Allah besto- *is <er#y on him !" 'he eo le said, "O Allah's A ostle! "ould that you let us en/oy his #om any lon$er!" 'hen 'Amir -as killed the ,ollo-in$ mornin$. 'he eo le said, "'he $ood deeds o, 'Amir are lost as he has killed himsel,." I returned at the time -hile they -ere talkin$ about that. I -ent to the (ro het and said, "O Allah's (ro het! Bet my ,ather be sa#ri,i#ed ,or you! 'he eo le #laim that 'Amir's $ood deeds are lost." 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er says so is a liar, ,or 'Amir -ill ha)e a double re-ard as he e+erted himsel, to obey Allah and ,ou$ht in Allah's Gause. No other -ay o, killin$ -ould ha)e $ranted him $reater re-ard." 9.7C: 9

Narrated `Imran bin *usain: A man bit another man's hand and the latter ulled his hand out o, his mouth by ,or#e, #ausin$ t-o o, his in#isors 0teeth5 to ,all out. 'hey submitted their #ase to the (ro het, -ho said, "One o, you bit his brother as a male #amel bites. 0Eo a-ay5, there is no :iya 0Blood.money5 ,or you." 9.71: Narrated Da`la: I -ent out in one o, the EhaH-a and a man bit another man and as a result, an in#isor tooth o, the ,ormer -as ulled out. 'he (ro het #an#elled the #ase. 9.71: Narrated Anas: 'he dau$hter o, An.Nadr sla ed a $irl and broke her in#isor tooth. 'hey 0the relati)es o, that $irl5, #ame to the (ro het and he $a)e the order o, ?isas 0e8uality in unishment5. 9.77: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het said, "'his and this are the same." *e meant the little ,in$er and the thumb. 9.79: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I heard the (ro het 0sayin$ the same as abo)e *adith 795. 9.72: Narrated `Aisha: "e oured medi#ine into the mouth o, Allah's A ostle durin$ his illness, and he ointed out to us intendin$ to say, ":on't our medi#ine into my mouth." "e thou$ht that his re,usal -as out o, the a)ersion a atient usually has ,or medi#ine. "hen he im ro)ed and ,elt a bit better he said 0to us.5 ":idn't I ,orbid you to our medi#ine into my mouth&" "e said, ""e thou$ht 0you did so5 be#ause o, the a)ersion, one usually ha)e ,or medi#ine." Allah's A ostle said, "'here is none o, you but -ill be ,or#ed to drink medi#ine, and I -ill -at#h you, e+#e t Al.`Abbas, ,or he did not -itness this a#t o, yours." 9.73: Narrated %ahl bin Abi *athma: 0a man ,rom the Ansar5 that a number o, eo le ,rom his tribe -ent to =haibar and dis ersed, and then they ,ound one o, them murdered. 'hey said to the eo le -ith -hom the #or se had been ,ound, "Dou ha)e killed our #om anion!" 'hose eo le said, "Neither ha)e -e killed him, nor do -e knohis killer." 'he berea)ed $rou -ent to the (ro het and said, "O Allah's A ostle! "e -ent to =haibar and ,ound one o, us murdered." 'he (ro het said, "Bet the older amon$ you #ome ,or-ard and s eak." 'hen the (ro het said, to them, "Brin$ your roo, a$ainst the killer." 'hey said ""e ha)e no roo,." 'he (ro het said, "'hen they 0the de,endants5 -ill take an oath." 'hey said, ""e do not a##e t the oaths o, the Ae-s." Allah's A ostle did not like that the Blood.money o, the killed one be lost -ithout #om ensation, so he aid one.hundred #amels out o, the #amels o, >akat 0to the relati)es o, the de#eased5 as :iya 0Blood.money5. 9.7@: Narrated Abu ?ilaba: On#e `6mar bin `Abdul `AHiH sat on his throne in the #ourtyard o, his house so that the eo le mi$ht $ather be,ore him. 'hen he admitted them and 0-hen they #ame in5, he said, ""hat do you think o, Al.?asama&" 'hey said, ""e say that it is la-,ul to de end on Al.?asama in ?isas, as the re)ious <uslim Gali hs #arried out ?isas de endin$ on it." 'hen he said to me, "O Abu ?ilaba! "hat do you say about it&" *e let me a ear be,ore the eo le and I said, "O Ghie, o, the Belie)ers! Dou ha)e the #hie,s o, the army sta,, and the nobles o, the Arabs. I, ,i,ty o, them testi,ied that a married man had #ommitted ille$al se+ual inter#ourse in :amas#us but they had not seen him 0doin$ so5, -ould you stone him&" *e said, "No." I said, "I, ,i,ty o, them testi,ied that a man had #ommitted the,t in *ums, -ould you #ut o,, his hand thou$h they did not see him&" *e re lied, "No." I said, "By Allah, Allah's A ostle ne)er killed anyone e+#e t in one o, the ,ollo-in$ three situations: 015 A erson -ho killed somebody un/ustly, -as killed 0in ?isas,5 015 a married erson -ho 2

#ommitted ille$al se+ual inter#ourse and 075 a man -ho ,ou$ht a$ainst Allah and *is A ostle and deserted Islam and be#ame an a ostate." 'hen the eo le said, ":idn't Anas bin <alik narrate that Allah's A ostle #ut o,, the hands o, the thie)es, branded their eyes and then, thre- them in the sun&" I said, "I shall tell you the narration o, Anas. Anas said: "Ji$ht ersons ,rom the tribe o, `6kl #ame to Allah's A ostle and $a)e the (led$e o, alle$ian#e ,or Islam 0be#ame <uslim5. 'he #limate o, the la#e 0<edina5 did not suit them, so they be#ame si#k and #om lained about that to Allah's A ostle. *e said 0to them 5, ""on't you $o out -ith the she herd o, our #amels and drink o, the #amels' milk and urine 0as medi#ine5&" 'hey said, "Des." %o they -ent out and drank the #amels' milk and urine, and a,ter they be#ame healthy, they killed the she herd o, Allah's A ostle and took a-ay all the #amels. 'his ne-s rea#hed Allah's A ostle , so he sent 0men5 to ,ollo- their tra#es and they -ere #a tured and brou$ht 0to the (ro het5. *e then ordered to #ut their hands and ,eet, and their eyes -ere branded -ith heated ie#es o, iron, and then he thre- them in the sun till they died." I said, ""hat #an be -orse than -hat those eo le did& 'hey deserted Islam, #ommitted murder and the,t." 'hen 'Anbasa bin %a`id said, "By Allah, I ne)er heard a narration like this o, today." I said, "O 'Anbasa! Dou deny my narration&" 'Anbasa said, "No, but you ha)e related the narration in the -ay it should be related. By Allah, these eo le are in -el,are as lon$ as this %heikh 0Abu ?ilaba5 is amon$ them." I added, "Indeed in this e)ent there has been a tradition set by Allah's A ostle. 'he narrator added: %ome Ansari eo le #ame to the (ro het and dis#ussed some matters -ith him, a man ,rom amon$st them -ent out and -as murdered. 'hose eo le -ent out a,ter him, and behold, their #om anion -as s-immin$ in blood. 'hey returned to Allah's A ostle and said to him, "O Allah's A ostle, -e ha)e ,ound our #om anion -ho had talked -ith us and $one out be,ore us, s-immin$ in blood 0killed5." Allah's A ostle -ent out and asked them, ""hom do you sus e#t or -hom do you think has killed him&" 'hey said, ""e think that the Ae-s ha)e killed him." 'he (ro het sent ,or the Ae-s and asked them, ":id you kill this 0 erson5&" 'hey re lied, "No." *e asked the Al.Ansars, ":o you a$ree that I let ,i,ty Ae-s take an oath that they ha)e not killed him&" 'hey said, "It matters little ,or the Ae-s to kill us all and then take ,alse oaths." *e said, "'hen -ould you like to re#ei)e the :iya a,ter ,i,ty o, you ha)e taken an oath 0that the Ae-s ha)e killed your man5&" 'hey said, ""e -ill not take the oath." 'hen the (ro het himsel, aid them the :iya 0Blood.money5." 'he narrator added, "'he tribe o, *udhail re udiated one o, their men 0,or his e)il #ondu#t5 in the (re.lslami# eriod o, I$noran#e. 'hen, at a la#e #alled Al.Batha' 0near <e##a5, the man atta#ked a Demenite ,amily at ni$ht to steal ,rom them, but a. man ,rom the ,amily noti#ed him and stru#k him -ith his s-ord and killed him. 'he tribe o, *udhail #ame and #a tured the Demenite and brou$ht him to `6mar durin$ the *a// season and said, "*e has killed our #om anion." 'he Demenite said, "But these eo le had re udiated him 0i.e., their #om anion5." `6mar said, "Bet ,i,ty ersons o, *udhail s-ear that they had not re udiated him." %o ,orty.nine o, them took the oath and then a erson belon$in$ to them, #ame ,rom %ham and they re8uested him to s-ear similarly, but he aid one.thousand :irhams instead o, takin$ the oath. 'hey #alled another man instead o, him and the ne- man shook hands -ith the brother o, the de#eased. %ome eo le said, ""e and those ,i,ty men -ho had taken ,alse oaths 0Al.?asama5 set out, and -hen they rea#hed a la#e #alled Nakhlah, it started rainin$ so they entered a #a)e in the mountain, and the #a)e #olla sed on those ,i,ty men -ho took the ,alse oath, and all o, them died e+#e t the t-o ersons -ho had shaken hands -ith ea#h other. 'hey es#a ed death but a stone ,ell on the le$ o, the brother o, the de#eased and broke it, -hereu on he sur)i)ed ,or one year and then died." I ,urther said, "`Abdul <alik bin <ar-an senten#ed a man to death in ?isas 0e8uality in unishment5 ,or murder, basin$ his /ud$ment on Al.?asama, but later on he re$retted that /ud$ment and ordered that the names o, the ,i,ty ersons -ho had taken the oath 0Al.?asama5, be erased ,rom the re$ister, and he e+iled them in %ham." 9.74.1: Narrated Anas: A man ee ed into one o, the d-ellin$ la#es o, the (ro het. 'he (ro het $ot u and aimed a shar . ed$ed arro- head 0or -ooden sti#k5 at him to oke him stealthily. 3

9.74.1: Narrated %ahl bin %a`d As.%a`idi: A man ee ed throu$h a hole in the door o, Allah's A ostle's house, and at that time, Allah's A ostle had a <idri 0an iron #omb or bar5 -ith -hi#h he -as rubbin$ his head. %o -hen Allah's A ostle sahim, he said 0to him5, "I, I had been sure that you -ere lookin$ at me 0throu$h the door5, I -ould ha)e oked your eye -ith this 0shar iron bar5." Allah's A ostle added, "'he askin$ ,or ermission to enter has been en/oined so that one may not look unla-,ully 0at -hat there is in the house -ithout the ermission o, its eo le5. 9.79: Narrated Abu *uraira: Abul ?asim said, "I, any erson ee s at you -ithout your ermission and you oke him -ith a sti#k and in/ure his eye, you -ill not be blamed." 9.9C: Narrated Ash.%hu`bi: I heard Abu Auhai,a sayin$, "I asked `Ali '*a)e you $ot any :i)ine literature a art ,rom the ?ur'an&' 0On#e he said...a art ,rom -hat the eo le ha)e&5 `Ali re lied, 'By *im "ho made the $rain s lit 0$erminate5 and #reated the soul, -e ha)e nothin$ e+#e t -hat is in the ?ur'an and the ability 0$i,t5 o, understandin$ Allah's Book -hi#h *e may endo- a man -ith and -e ha)e -hat is -ritten in this a er.' I asked, '"hat is -ritten in this a er&' *e re lied, 'Al.`A8l 0the re$ulation o, :iya5, about the ransom o, #a ti)es, and the Aud$ment that a <uslim should not be killed in ?isas 0e8uality in unishment5 ,or killin$ a disbelie)er." 0%ee *adith No. 147,Vol. 95 9.91: Narrated Abu *uraira: '-o -omen ,rom the tribe o, *udhail 0,ou$ht -ith ea#h other5 and one o, them thre- 0a stone at5 the other, #ausin$ her to ha)e a mis#arria$e and Allah's A ostle $a)e his )erdi#t that the killer 0o, the ,etus5 should $i)e a male or ,emale sla)e 0as a :iya5. 9.91.1: Narrated *isham's ,ather ,rom Al.<u$hira bin %hu`ba: `6mar #onsulted the #om anions about the #ase o, a -oman's abortion 0#aused by somebody else5. Al.<u$hlra said: 'he (ro het $a)e the )erdi#t that a male or ,emale sla)e should be $i)en 0as a :iya5. 'hen <uhammad bin <aslama testi,ied that he had -itnessed the (ro het $i)in$ su#h a )erdi#t. 9.91.1: Narrated *isham's ,ather: `6mar asked the eo le, ""ho heard the (ro het $i)in$ his )erdi#t re$ardin$ abortions&" Al.<u$hira said, "I heard him /ud$in$ that a male or ,emale sla)e should be $i)en 0as a :iya5." `6mar said, "(resent a -itness to testi,y your statement." <uhammad bin <aslama said, "I testi,y that the (ro het $a)e su#h a /ud$ment." 9.97: Narrated `6r-a: I heard Al.<a$hira bin %hu`ba narratin$ that `6mar had #onsulted them about the #ase o, abortion 0similarly as narrated in No. 915. 9.99: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle $a)e a )erdi#t re$ardin$ an aborted ,etus o, a -oman ,rom Bani Bihyan that the killer 0o, the ,etus5 should $i)e a male or ,emale sla)e 0as a :iya5 but the -oman -ho -as re8uired to $i)e the sla)e, died, so Allah's A ostle $a)e the )erdi#t that her inheritan#e be $i)en to her #hildren and her husband and the :iya be aid by her 'Asaba. 9.92: Narrated Abu *uraira: '-o -omen ,rom *udhail ,ou$ht -ith ea#h other and one o, them hit the other -ith a stone that killed her and -hat -as in her -omb. 'he relati)es o, the killer and the relati)es o, the )i#tim @

submitted their #ase to the (ro het -ho /ud$ed that the :iya ,or the ,etus -as a male or ,emale sla)e, and the :iya ,or the killed -oman -as to be aid by the 'Asaba 0near relati)es5 o, the killer. 9.93: Narrated `Abdul.`AHiH: Anas said, ""hen Allah's A ostle arri)ed at <edina, Abu 'alha took hold o, my hand and brou$ht me to Allah's A ostle and said, "O Allah's A ostle! Anas is an intelli$ent boy, so let him ser)e you." Anas added, "%o I ser)ed the (ro het B at home and on /ourneysI by Allah, he ne)er said to me ,or anythin$ -hi#h I did: "hy ha)e you done this like this or, ,or anythin$ -hi#h I did not do: '"hy ha)e you not done this like this&" 9.9@: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'here is no :iya ,or ersons killed by animals or ,or the one -ho has been killed a##identally by ,allin$ into a -ell or ,or the one killed in a mine. And one.,i,th o, ;ikaH 0treasures buried be,ore the Islami# era5 is to be $i)en to the state." 9.94: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "'here is no :iya ,or a erson in/ured or killed by an animal 0$oin$ about -ithout somebody to #ontrol it5 and similarly, there is no :iya ,or the one -ho ,alls and dies in a -ell, and also the one -ho dies in a mine. As re$ards the Ar.;ikaH 0buried -ealth5, one.,i,th thereo, is ,or the state." 9.99: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er killed a <u'ahid 0a erson -ho is $ranted the led$e o, rote#tion by the <uslims5 shall not smell the ,ra$ran#e o, (aradise thou$h its ,ra$ran#e #an be smelt at a distan#e o, ,orty years 0o, tra)elin$5. 9.2C: Narrated Abu Auhai,a: I asked `Ali ":o you ha)e anythin$ :i)ine literature besides -hat is in the ?ur'an&" Or, as 6yaina on#e said, "A art ,rom -hat the eo le ha)e&" `Ali said, "By *im "ho made the $rain s lit 0$erminate5 and #reated the soul, -e ha)e nothin$ e+#e t -hat is in the ?ur'an and the ability 0$i,t5 o, understandin$ Allah's Book -hi#h *e may endo- a man, -ith and -hat is -ritten in this sheet o, a er." I asked, ""hat is on this a er&" *e re lied, "'he le$al re$ulations o, :iya 0Blood.money5 and the 0ransom ,or5 releasin$ o, the #a ti)es, and the /ud$ment that no <uslim should be killed in ?isas 0e8uality in unishment5 ,or killin$ a =a,ir 0disbelie)er5. 9.21: Narrated Abu %a`id: 'he (ro het said, ":o not re,er some ro hets to others." 9.21: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: A Ae- -hose ,a#e had been sla ed 0by someone5, #ame to the (ro het and said, "O <uhammad! A man ,rom your Ansari #om anions sla ed me. " 'he (ro het said, "Gall him". 'hey #alled him and the (ro het asked him, ""hy did you sla his ,a#e&" *e said, "O Allah's A ostle! "hile I -as assin$ by the Ae-s, I heard him sayin$, 'By *im "ho #hose <oses abo)e all the human bein$s.' I said 0 rotestin$ly5, 'J)en abo)e <uhammad&' %o I be#ame ,urious and sla ed him." 'he (ro het said, ":o not $i)e me re,eren#e to other ro hets, ,or the eo le -ill be#ome un#ons#ious on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion and I -ill be the ,irst to $ain #ons#ious, and behold, I -ill Find <oses holdin$ one o, the illars o, the 'hrone 0o, Allah5. 'hen I -ill not kno- -hether he has be#ome #ons#ious be,ore me or he has been e+em ted be#ause o, his un#ons#iousness at the mountain 0durin$ his -orldly li,e5 -hi#h he re#ei)ed." 9.27: Narrated `Abdullah:

"hen the Verse: 'It is those -ho belie)e and #on,use not their belie, -ith -ron$ 0i.e., -orshi in$ others besides Allah5: 03.415 -as re)ealed, it be#ame )ery hard on the #om anions o, the (ro het and they said, ""ho amon$ us has not #on,used his belie, -ith -ron$ 0o ression5&" On that, Allah's A ostle said, "'his is not meant 0by the Verse5. :on't you listen to Bu8man's statement: 'Verily! Aoinin$ others in -orshi -ith Allah is a $reat -ron$ indeed.' 071.175 9.29: Narrated Abu Bakra: 'he (ro het. said, "'he bi$$est o, the $reat sins are: 'o /oin others in -orshi -ith Allah, to be unduti,ul to one's arents, and to $i)e a ,alse -itness." *e re eated it thri#e, or said, "....a ,alse statement," and ke t on re eatin$ that -arnin$ till -e -ished he -ould sto sayin$ it. 0%ee *adith No.@, Vol. 45 9.22: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: A bedouin #ame to the (ro het and said, "O Allah's A ostle! "hat are the bi$$est sins&: 'he (ro het said, "'o /oin others in -orshi -ith Allah." 'he bedouin said, ""hat is ne+t&" 'he (ro het said, "'o be unduti,ul to one's arents." 'he bedouin said ""hat is ne+t&" 'he (ro het said "'o take an oath 'Al.Ehamus." 'he bedouin said, ""hat is an oath 'Al.Ehamus'&" 'he (ro het said, "'he ,alse oath throu$h -hi#h one de ri)es a <uslim o, his ro erty 0un/ustly5. 9.23: Narrated Ibn <as`ud: A man said, "O Allah's A ostle! %hall -e be unished ,or -hat -e did in the (relslami# (eriod o, i$noran#e&" 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er does $ood in Islam -ill not be unished ,or -hat he did in the (re.lslami# (eriod o, i$noran#e and -hoe)er does e)il in Islam -ill be unished ,or his ,ormer and later 0bad deeds5. 9.2@: Narrated `Ikrima: %ome >anadi8a 0atheists5 -ere brou$ht to `Ali and he burnt them. 'he ne-s o, this e)ent, rea#hed Ibn `Abbas -ho said, "I, I had been in his la#e, I -ould not ha)e burnt them, as Allah's A ostle ,orbade it, sayin$, ':o not unish anybody -ith Allah's unishment 0,ire5.' I -ould ha)e killed them a##ordin$ to the statement o, Allah's A ostle, '"hoe)er #han$ed his Islami# reli$ion, then kill him.'" 9.24: Narrated Abu Burda: Abu <usa said, "I #ame to the (ro het alon$ -ith t-o men 0,rom the tribe5 o, Ash`ariyin, one on my ri$ht and the other on my le,t, -hile Allah's A ostle -as brushin$ his teeth 0-ith a %i-ak5, and both men asked him ,or some em loyment. 'he (ro het said, 'O Abu <usa 0O `Abdullah bin ?ais!5.' I said, 'By *im "ho sent you -ith the 'ruth, these t-o men did not tell me -hat -as in their hearts and I did not ,eel 0realiHe5 that they -ere seekin$ em loyment.' As i, I -ere lookin$ no- at his %i-ak bein$ dra-n to a #orner under his li s, and he said, '"e ne)er 0or, -e do not5 a oint ,or our a,,airs anyone -ho seeks to be em loyed. But O Abu <usa! 0or `Abdullah bin ?ais!5 Eo to Demen.'" 'he (ro het then sent <u`adh bin Aabal a,ter him and -hen <u`adh rea#hed him, he s read out a #ushion ,or him and re8uested him to $et do-n 0and sit on the #ushion5. Behold: 'here -as a ,ettered man beside Abu <uisa. <u`adh asked, ""ho is this 0man5&" Abu <uisa said, "*e -as a Ae- and be#ame a <uslim and then re)erted ba#k to Audaism." 'hen Abu <uisa re8uested <u`adh to sit do-n but <u`adh said, "I -ill not sit do-n till he has been killed. 'his is the /ud$ment o, Allah and *is A ostle 0,or su#h #ases5 and re eated it thri#e. 'hen Abu <usa ordered that the man be killed, and he -as killed. Abu <usa added, "'hen -e dis#ussed the ni$ht rayers and one o, us said, 'I ray and slee , and I ho e that Allah -ill re-ard me ,or my slee as -ell as ,or my rayers.'" 9.29: Narrated Abu *uraira: "hen the (ro het died and Abu Bakr be#ame his su##essor and some o, the Arabs re)erted to disbelie,, `6mar said, "O Abu Bakr! *o- #an you ,i$ht these eo le althou$h Allah's A ostle said, 'I ha)e been ordered to ,i$ht the eo le till they say: 'None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah, 9

'and -hoe)er said, 'None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah', Allah -ill sa)e his ro erty and his li,e ,rom me, unless 0he does somethin$ ,or -hi#h he re#ei)es le$al unishment5 /ustly, and his a##ount -ill be -ith Allah&' "Abu Bakr said, "By Allah! I -ill ,i$ht -hoe)er di,,erentiates bet-een rayers and >akat as >akat is the ri$ht to be taken ,rom ro erty 0a##ordin$ to Allah's Orders5. By Allah! I, they re,used to ay me e)en a kid they used to ay to Allah's A ostle, I -ould ,i$ht -ith them ,or -ithholdin$ it." `6mar said, "By Allah: It -as nothin$, but I noti#ed that Allah o ened Abu Bakr's #hest to-ards the de#ision to ,i$ht, there,ore I realiHed that his de#ision -as ri$ht." 9.3C: Narrated Anas bin <alik: A Ae- assed by Allah's A ostle and said, "As.%amu 'Alaika." Allah's A ostle said in re ly, ""e 'Alaika." Allah's A ostle then said to his #om anions, ":o you kno- -hat he 0the Ae-5 has said& *e said, 'As.%amu 'Alaika.'" 'hey said, "O Allah's A ostle! %hall -e kill him&" 'he (ro het, said, "No. "hen the eo le o, the Book $reet you, say: '"a 'Alaikum.'" 9.31: Narrated `Aisha: A $rou o, Ae-s asked ermission to )isit the (ro het 0and -hen they -ere admitted5 they said, "As. %amu 'Alaika 0:eath be u on you5." I said 0to them5, "But death and the #urse o, Allah be u on you!" 'he (ro het said, "O `Aisha! Allah is kind and lenient and likes that one should be kind and lenient in all matters." I said, "*a)en't you heard -hat they said&" *e said, "I said 0to them5, '"a 'Alaikum 0and u on you5. 9.31: Narrated Ibn `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, ""hen the Ae-s $reet anyone o, you they say: '%am'Alaika 0death be u on you5I so you should sayI '"a 'Alaika 0and u on you5.'" 9.37: Narrated `Abdullah: As i, I am lookin$ at the (ro het -hile he -as s eakin$ about one o, the ro hets -hose eo le ha)e beaten and -ounded him, and he -as -i in$ the blood o,, his ,a#e and sayin$, "O Bord! For$i)e my, eo le as they do not kno-." 9.39: Narrated `Ali: "hene)er I tell you a narration ,rom Allah's A ostle, by Allah, I -ould rather ,all do-n ,rom the sky than as#ribe a ,alse statement to him, but i, I tell you somethin$ bet-een me and you 0not a *adith5 then it -as indeed a tri#k 0i.e., I may say thin$s /ust to #heat my enemy5. No doubt I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, ":urin$ the last days there -ill a ear some youn$ ,oolish eo le -ho -ill say the best -ords but their ,aith -ill not $o beyond their throats 0i.e. they -ill ha)e no ,aith5 and -ill $o out ,rom 0lea)e5 their reli$ion as an arro- $oes out o, the $ame. %o, -here.e)er you ,ind them, kill them, ,or -ho.e)er kills them shall ha)e re-ard on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion." 9.32: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr bin Dasar: 'hat they )isited Abu %a`id Al.=hudri and asked him about Al.*arauriyya, a s e#ial unorthodo+ reli$ious se#t, ":id you hear the (ro het sayin$ anythin$ about them&" Abu %a`id said, "I do not kno- -hat Al.*arauriyya is, but I heard the (ro het sayin$, "'here -ill a ear in this nation.... he did not say: From this nation .... a $rou o, eo le so ious a arently that you -ill #onsider your rayers in,erior to their rayers, but they -ill re#ite the ?ur'an, the tea#hin$s o, -hi#h -ill not $o beyond their throats and -ill $o out o, their reli$ion as an arro- darts throu$h the $ame, -hereu on the ar#her may look at his arro-, its Nasl at its ;isa, and its Fu8a to see -hether it is blood.stained or not 0i.e. they -ill ha)e not e)en a tra#e o, Islam in them5. 9.33: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: ;e$ardin$ Al.*arauriyya: 'he (ro het said, "'hey -ill $o out o, Islam as an arro- darts out o, the $ame's body.' 1C

9.3@: Narrated Abu %a`id: "hile the (ro het -as distributin$ 0somethin$, `Abdullah bin :hil =ha-aisira at.'amimi #ame and said, "Be /ust, O Allah's A ostle!" 'he (ro het said, ""oe to you ! "ho -ould be /ust i, I -ere not&" `6mar bin Al.=hattab said, "Allo- me to #ut o,, his ne#k ! " 'he (ro het said, " Bea)e him, ,or he has #om anions, and i, you #om are your rayers -ith their rayers and your ,astin$ -ith theirs, you -ill look do-n u on your rayers and ,astin$, in #om arison to theirs. Det they -ill $o out o, the reli$ion as an arro- darts throu$h the $ame's body in -hi#h #ase, i, the ?udhadh o, the arro- is e+amined, nothin$ -ill be ,ound on it, and -hen its Nasl is e+amined, nothin$ -ill be ,ound on itI and then its Nadiyi is e+amined, nothin$ -ill be ,ound on it. 'he arro- has been too ,ast to be smeared by dun$ and blood. 'he si$n by -hi#h these eo le -ill be re#o$niHed -ill be a man -hose one hand 0or breast5 -ill be like the breast o, a -oman 0or like a mo)in$ ie#e o, ,lesh5. 'hese eo le -ill a ear -hen there -ill be di,,eren#es amon$ the eo le 0<uslims5." Abu %a`id added: I testi,y that I heard this ,rom the (ro het and also testi,y that `Ali killed those eo le -hile I -as -ith him. 'he man -ith the des#ri tion $i)en by the (ro het -as brou$ht to `Ali. 'he ,ollo-in$ Verses -ere re)ealed in #onne#tion -ith that )ery erson 0i.e., `Abdullah bin :hil.=ha-aisira at.'arnimi5: 'And amon$ them are men -ho a##use you 0O <uhammad5 in the matter o, 0the distribution o,5 the alms.' 09.245 9.34: Narrated Dusair bin `Amr: I asked %ahl bin *unai,, ":id you hear the (ro het sayin$ anythin$ about Al.=ha-ari/&" *e said, "I heard him sayin$ -hile ointin$ his hand to-ards Ira8. "'here -ill a ear in it 0i.e, Ira85 some eo le -ho -ill re#ite the ?ur'an but it -ill not $o beyond their throats, and they -ill $o out ,rom 0lea)e5 Islam as an arro- darts throu$h the $ame's body.' " 9.39: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'he *our -ill not be established till t-o 0hu$e5 $rou s ,i$ht a$ainst ea#h other, their #laim bein$ one and the same." 9.@C: Narrated `Abdullah: "hen the Verse:..''hose -ho belie)e and did not #on,use their belie, -ith -ron$ 0-orshi in$ others besides Allah5.' 03.415 -as re)ealed, it -as hard on the #om anions o, the (ro het and they said, ""ho amon$ us has not -ron$ed 0o ressed5 himsel,&" Allah's A ostle said, "'he meanin$ o, the Verse is not as you think, but it is as Bu8man said to his son, 'O my son! Aoin not in -orshi others -ith Allah, Verily! Aoinin$ others in -orshi -ith Allah is a $reat -ron$ indeed.'" 071.175 9.@1: Narrated `Itban bin <alik: On#e Allah's A ostle #ame to me in the mornin$, and a man amon$ us said, ""here is <alik bin Ad. :ukhshun&" Another man ,rom us re lied, "*e is a hy o#rite -ho does not lo)e Allah and *is A ostle." 'he (ro het said, ":on't you think that he says: None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah, only ,or Allah's sake&" 'hey re lied, "Des" 'he (ro het said, "Nobody -ill meet Allah -ith that sayin$ on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion, but Allah -ill sa)e him ,rom the Fire." 9.@1: Narrated: Abu `Abdur.;ahman and *ibban bin 'Atiyya had a dis ute. Abu `Abdur.;ahman said to *ibban, "Dou kno- -hat made your #om anions 0i.e. `Ali5 dare to shed blood." *ibban said, "Gome on! "hat is that&" `Abdur.;ahman said, "%omethin$ I heard him sayin$." 'he other said, ""hat -as it&" `Abdur;ahman said, "`Ali said, Allah's A ostle sent ,or me, AH.>ubair and Abu <arthad, and all o, us -ere #a)alry men, and said, '(ro#eed to ;audat.*a// 0Abu %alama said that Abu 'A-ana #alled it like this, i.e., *a// -here there is a -oman #arryin$ a letter ,rom *atib bin Abi Balta'a to the a$ans 0o, <e##a5. %o brin$ that letter to me.' %o -e ro#eeded ridin$ on our horses till -e o)ertook her at the same la#e o, -hi#h Allah's A ostle had told us. %he -as tra)elin$ on her #amel. In that letter *atib had -ritten to the <e##ans about the ro osed atta#hed o, Allah's A ostle a$ainst them. "e 11

asked her, ""here is the letter -hi#h is -ith you&' %he re lied, 'I ha)en't $ot any letter.' %o -e made her #amel kneel do-n and sear#hed her lu$$a$e, but -e did not ,ind anythin$. <y t-o #om anions said, '"e do not think that she has $ot a letter.' I said, '"e kno- that Allah's A ostle has not told a lie.'" 'hen `Ali took an oath sayin$, "By *im by "hom one should s-ear! Dou shall either brin$ out the letter or -e shall stri o,, your #lothes." %he then stret#hed out her hand ,or her $irdle 0round her -aist5 and brou$ht out the a er 0letter5. 'hey took the letter to Allah's A ostle. `6mar said, "O Allah's A ostle! 0*atib5 has betrayed Allah, *is A ostle and the belie)ersI let me #ho o,, his ne#k!" Allah's A ostle said, "O *atib! "hat obli$ed you to do -hat you ha)e done&" *atib re lied, "O Allah's A ostle! "hy 0,or -hat reason5 should I not belie)e in Allah and *is A ostle& But I intended to do the 0<e##a5 eo le a ,a)or by )irtue o, -hi#h my ,amily and ro erty may be rote#ted as there is none o, your #om anions but has some o, his eo le 0relati)es5 -hom Allah ur$es to rote#t his ,amily and ro erty." 'he (ro het said, "*e has said the truthI there,ore, do not say anythin$ to him e+#e t $ood." `6mar a$ain said, "O Allah's A ostle! *e has betrayed Allah, *is A ostle and the belie)ersI let me #ho his ne#k o,,!" 'he (ro het said, "Isn't he ,rom those -ho ,ou$ht the battle o, Badr& And -hat do you kno-, Allah mi$ht ha)e looked at them 0Badr -arriors5 and said 0to them5, ':o -hat you like, ,or I ha)e $ranted you (aradise&' " On that, `6mar's eyes be#ame ,looded -ith tears and he said, "Allah and *is A ostle kno- best." 9.@7: Narrated Abi *uraira: 'he (ro het used to in)oke Allah in his rayer, "O Allah! %a)e `Aiyash bin Abi ;abi`a and %alama bin *isham and Al."alid bin Al."alidI O Allah! %a)e the -eak amon$ the belie)ersI O Allah! Be hard u on the tribe o, <udar and in,li#t years 0o, ,amine5 u on them like the 0,amine5 years o, Aose h." 9.@9: Narrated Anas: Allah's A ostle said, ""hoe)er ossesses the 0,ollo-in$5 three 8ualities -ill ha)e the s-eetness o, ,aith 015: 'he one to -hom Allah and *is A ostle be#omes dearer than anythin$ elseI 015 "ho lo)es a erson and he lo)es him only ,or Allah's %akeI 075 -ho hates to re)ert to atheism 0disbelie,5 as he hates to be thro-n into the Fire." 9.@2: Narrated ?ais: I heard %a`id bin >aid sayin$, "I ha)e seen mysel, tied and ,or#ed by `6mar to lea)e Islam 0Be,ore `6mar himsel, embra#ed Islam5. And i, the mountain o, 6hud -ere to #olla se ,or the e)il -hi#h you eo le had done to `6thman, then 6hud -ould ha)e the ri$ht to do so." 0%ee *adith No. 1C1, Vol. 25 9.@3: Narrated =habbab bin Al.Art: "e #om lained to Allah's A ostle 0about our state5 -hile he -as leanin$ a$ainst his sheet #loak in the shade o, the =a`ba. "e said, ""ill you ask Allah to hel us& "ill you in)oke Allah ,or us&" *e said, "Amon$ those -ho -ere be,ore you a 0belie)er5 used to be seiHed and, a it used to be du$ ,or him and then he used to be la#ed in it. 'hen a sa- used to be brou$ht and ut on his head -hi#h -ould be s lit into t-o hal)es. *is ,lesh mi$ht be #ombed -ith iron #ombs and remo)ed ,rom his bones, yet, all that did not #ause him to re)ert ,rom his reli$ion. By Allah! 'his reli$ion 0Islam5 -ill be #om leted 0and trium h5 till a rider 0tra)eler5 $oes ,rom %an`a' 0the #a ital o, Demen5 to *adramout ,earin$ nobody e+#e t Allah and the -ol, lest it should trouble his shee , but you are im atient." 0%ee *adith No. 191, Vol. 25 9.@@: Narrated Abu *uraira: "hile -e -ere in the mos8ue, Allah's A ostle #ame out to us and said, "Bet us ro#eed to the Ae-s." %o -e -ent alon$ -ith him till -e rea#hed Bait.al.<idras 0a la#e -here the 'orah used to be re#ited and all the Ae-s o, the to-n used to $ather5. 'he (ro het stood u and addressed them, "O Assembly o, Ae-s! Jmbra#e Islam and you -ill be sa,e!" 'he Ae-s re lied, "O Aba.l.?asim! Dou ha)e 11

#on)eyed Allah's messa$e to us." 'he (ro het said, "'hat is -hat I -ant 0,rom you5." *e re eated his ,irst statement ,or the se#ond time, and they said, "Dou ha)e #on)eyed Allah's messa$e, O Aba.l. ?asim." 'hen he said it ,or the third time and added, "Dou should =no- that the earth belon$s to Allah and *is A ostle, and I -ant to e+ile you ,ro,,, this land, so -hoe)er amon$ you o-ns some ro erty, #an sell it, other-ise you should kno- that the Jarth belon$s to Allah and *is A ostle." 0%ee *adith No. 791, Vol. 95 9.@4: Narrated =hansa' bint =hidam Al.Ansariya: 'hat her ,ather $a)e her in marria$e -hen she -as a matron and she disliked that marria$e. %o she #ame and 0#om lained5 to the (ro hets and he de#lared that marria$e in)alid. 0%ee *adith No. 39, Vol. @5 9.@9: Narrated `Aisha: I asked the (ro het, "O Allah's A ostle! %hould the -omen be asked ,or their #onsent to their marria$e&" *e said, "Des." I said, "A )ir$in, i, asked, ,eels shy and kee s 8uiet." *e said, "*er silen#e means her #onsent." 9.4C: Narrated Aabir: A man ,rom the Ansar made his sla)e, a <udabbar. And a art ,rom that sla)e he did not ha)e any other ro erty. 'his ne-s rea#hed Allah's A ostle and he said, ""ho -ill buy that sla)e ,rom me&" %o Nu'aim bin An.Nahham bou$ht him ,or 4CC :irham. Aabir added: It -as a #o ti# 0J$y tian5 sla)e -ho died that year. 9.41: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: ;e$ardin$ the ?ur'ani# Verse: 'O you -ho belie)e! Dou are ,orbidden to inherit -omen a$ainst their -ill.' 09.195 'he #ustom 0in the (re.lslami# (eriod5 -as that i, a man died, his relati)es used to ha)e the ri$ht to inherit his -i,e, and i, one o, them -ished, he #ould marry her, or they #ould marry her to somebody else, or re)ent her ,rom marryin$ i, they -ished, ,or they had more ri$ht to dis ose o, her than her o-n relati)es. 'here,ore this Verse -as re)ealed #on#ernin$ this matter. 9.41: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "0'he (ro het5 Abraham mi$rated -ith his -i,e %arah till he rea#hed a to-n -here there -as a kin$ or a tyrant -ho sent a messa$e, to Abraham, orderin$ him to send %arah to him. %o -hen Abraham had sent %arah, the tyrant $ot u , intendin$ to do e)il -ith her, but she $ot u and er,ormed ablution and rayed and said, 'O Allah ! I, I ha)e belie)ed in Dou and in Dour A ostle, then do not em o-er this o ressor o)er me.' %o he 0the kin$5 had an e ile ti# ,it and started mo)in$ his le$s )iolently. " 9.47: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, "A <uslim is a brother o, another <uslim. %o he should neither o ress him nor hand him o)er to an o ressor. And -hoe)er ,ul,illed the needs o, his brother, Allah -ill ,ul,ill his needs." 9.49: Narrated Anas: Allah's A ostle said, "*el your brother -hether he is an o ressor or an o ressed," A man said, "O Allah's A ostle! I -ill hel him i, he is o ressed, but i, he is an o ressor, ho- shall I hel him&" 'he (ro het said, "By re)entin$ him ,rom o ressin$ 0others5, ,or that is ho- to hel him." 9.42: Narrated `6mar bin Al.=hattab: 'he (ro het said, 'O eo le! 'he re-ard o, deeds de ends u on the intentions, and e)ery erson -ill $et the re-ard a##ordin$ to -hat he has intended. %o, -hoe)er emi$rated ,or Allah and *is A ostle,


then his emi$ration -as ,or Allah and *is A ostle, and -hoe)er emi$rated to take -orldly bene,it or ,or a -oman to marry, then his emi$ration -as ,or -hat he emi$rated ,or." 9.43: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "Allah does not a##e t rayer o, anyone o, you i, he does *adath 0 asses -ind5 till he er,orms the ablution 0ane-5. 9.4@: Narrated Anas: 'hat Abu Bakr -rote ,or him, >akat re$ulations -hi#h Allah's A ostle had made #om ulsory, and -rote that one should neither #olle#t )arious ortions 0o, the ro erty5 nor di)ide the ro erty into )arious ortions in order to a)oid ayin$ >akat. 9.44: Narrated 'alha bin '6baidullah: A bedouin -ith unkem t hair #ame to Allah's A ostle and said, "O Allah's A ostle! 'ell me -hat Allah has en/oined on me as re$ards rayers." 'he (ro het said, "Dou ha)e to o,,er er,e#tly the ,i)e 0#om ulsory5 rayers in a day and a ni$ht 019 hrs.5, e+#e t i, you -ant to er,orm some e+tra o tional rayers." 'he bedouin said, "'ell me -hat Allah has en/oined on me as re$ards ,astin$." 'he (ro het said, "Dou ha)e to obser)e ,ast durin$ the month o, ;amadan e+#e t i, you ,ast some e+tra o tional ,ast." 'he bedouin said, "'ell me -hat Allah has en/oined on me as re$ard >akat." 'he (ro het then told him the Islami# la-s and re$ulations -hereu on the bedouin said, "By *im "ho has honored you, I -ill not er,orm any o tional deeds o, -orshi and I -ill not lea)e anythin$ o, -hat Allah has en/oined on me." Allah's A ostle said, "*e -ill be su##ess,ul i, he has told the truth 0or he -ill enter (aradise i, he said the truth5." And some eo le said, "'he >akat ,or one.hundred and t-enty #amels is t-o *i88as, and i, the >akat ayer slau$hters the #amels intentionally or $i)es them as a resent or lays some other tri#k in order to a)oid the >akat, then there is no harm 0in it5 ,or him. 9.49: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "On the :ay o, ;esurre#tion the =anH 0'reasure or -ealth o, -hi#h, >akat has not been aid5 o, anyone o, you -ill a ear in the sha e o, a hu$e bald headed oisonous male snake and its o-ner -ill run a-ay ,rom it, but it -ill ,ollo- him and say, 'I am your =anH.'" 'he (ro het added, "By Allah, that snake -ill kee on ,ollo-in$ him until he stret#hes out his hand and let the snake s-allo- it." Allah's A ostle added, "I, the o-ner o, #amels does not ay their >akat, then, on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion those #amels -ill #ome to him and -ill strike his ,a#e -ith their hoo)es." %ome eo le said: Gon#ernin$ a man -ho has #amels, and is a,raid that >akat -ill be due so he sells those #amels ,or similar #amels or ,or shee or #o-s or money one day be,ore >akat be#omes due in order to a)oid ayment o, their >akat #unnin$ly! "*e has not to ay anythin$." 'he same s#holar said, "I, one ays >akat o, his #amels one day or one year rior to the end o, the year 0by the end o, -hi#h >akat be#omes due5, his >akat -ill be )alid." 9.9C.1: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: %a`d bin '6bada Al.Ansari sou$ht the )erdi#t o, Allah's A ostle re$ardin$ a )o- made by his mother -ho had died be,ore ,ul,illin$ it. Allah's A ostle said, "Ful,ill it on her behal,." %ome eo le said, "I, the number o, #amels rea#hes t-enty, then their o-ner has to ay ,our shee as >akatI and i, their o-ner $i)es them as a $i,t or sells them in order to es#a e the ayment o, >akat #unnin$ly be,ore the #om letion o, a year, then he is not to ay anythin$, and i, he slau$hters them and then dies, then no >akat is to be taken ,rom his ro erty." 9.9C.1: Narrated `Abdullah: Na,i` narrated to me that `Abdullah said that Allah's A ostle ,orbade the %hi$har. I asked Na,i`, ""hat is the %hi$har&" *e said, "It is to marry the dau$hter o, a man and marry one's dau$hter to that man 0at the same time5 -ithout <ahr 0in both #ases5I or to marry the sister o, a man and marry one's o-n sister to that man -ithout <ahr." %ome eo le said, "I, one, by a tri#k, marries on the basis o, 19

%hi$har, the marria$e is )alid but its #ondition is ille$al." 'he same s#holar said re$ardin$ Al.<ut'a, "'he marria$e is in)alid and its #ondition is ille$al." %ome others said, "'he <ut'a and the %hi$har are ermissible but the #ondition is ille$al." 9.91: Narrated <uhammad bin `Ali: `Ali -as told that Ibn `Abbas did not see any harm in the <ut'a marria$e. `Ali said, "Allah's A ostle ,orbade the <ut'a marria$e on the :ay o, the battle o, =haibar and he ,orbade the eatin$ o, donkey's meat." %ome eo le said, "I, one, by a tri#ky -ay, marries tem orarily, his marria$e is ille$al." Others said, "'he marria$e is )alid but its #ondition is ille$al." 9.91: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "One should not re)ent others ,rom -aterin$ their animals -ith the sur lus o, his -ater in order to re)ent them ,rom bene,itin$ by the sur lus o, $rass." 9.97: Narrated Ibn `6mar: Allah's A ostle ,orbade the ra#ti#e o, An.Na/sh. 9.99: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: A man mentioned to the (ro het that he had al-ays been #heated in bar$ains. 'he (ro het said, ""hene)er you do bar$ain, say, 'No #heatin$.'" 9.92: Narrated `6r-a: 'hat he asked `Aisha re$ardin$ the Verse: 'I, you ,ear that you shall not be able to deal /ustly -ith the or han $irls, marry 0other5 -omen o, your #hoi#e.' 09.75 `Aisha said, "It is about an or han $irl under the #ustody o, her $uardian -ho bein$ attra#ted by her -ealth and beauty -ants to marry her -ith <ahr less than other -omen o, her status. %o su#h $uardians -ere ,orbidden to marry them unless they treat them /ustly by $i)in$ them their ,ull <ahr. 'hen the eo le sou$ht the )erdi#t o, Allah's A ostle ,or su#h #ases, -hereu on Allah re)ealed: ''hey ask your instru#tion #on#ernin$ -omen..' 09.11@5 0'he sub.narrator then mentioned the *adith.5 9.93: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: 'he (ro het said, "For e)ery betrayer there -ill be a ,la$ by -hi#h he -ill be re#o$niHed on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion. " 9.9@: Narrated 6m %alama: 'he (ro het said, "I am only a human bein$, and you eo le ha)e dis utes. <ay be some one amon$st you #an resent his #ase in a more elo8uent and #on)in#in$ manner than the other, and I $i)e my /ud$ment in his ,a)or a##ordin$ to -hat I hear. Be-are! I, e)er I $i)e 0by error5 somebody somethin$ o, his brother's ri$ht then he should not take it as I ha)e only, $i)en him a ie#e o, Fire." 0%ee *adith No. 374. Vol. 75 9.94: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "A )ir$in should not be married till she is asked ,or her #onsentI and the matron should not be married till she is asked -hether she a$rees to marry or not." It -as asked, "O Allah's A ostle! *o- -ill she0the )ir$in5 e+ ress her #onsent&" *e said, "By kee in$ silent." %ome eo le said, "I, a )ir$in is not asked ,or her #onsent and she is not married, and then a man, by layin$ a tri#k resents t-o ,alse -itnesses that he has married her -ith her #onsent and the /ud$e #on,irms his marria$e as a true one, and the husband kno-s that the -itnesses -ere ,alse ones, then there is no harm ,or him to #onsummate his marria$e -ith her and the marria$e is re$arded as )alid." 9.99: Narrated Al.?asim:


A -oman ,rom the o,,s rin$ o, Aa`,ar -as a,raid lest her $uardian marry her 0to somebody5 a$ainst her -ill. %o she sent ,or t-o elderly men ,rom the Ansar, `Abdur;ahman and <u/ammi', the t-o sons o, Aariya, and they said to her, ":on't be a,raid, ,or =hansa' bint =hidam -as $i)en by her ,ather in marria$e a$ainst her -ill, then the (ro het #an#elled that marria$e." 0%ee *adith No. @45 9.1CC: Narrated Abu *araira: Allah's A ostle said, "A lady sla)e should not be $i)en in marria$e until she is #onsulted, and a )ir$in should not be $i)en in marria$e until her ermission is $ranted." 'he eo le said, "*o- -ill she e+ ress her ermission&" 'he (ro het said, "By kee in$ silent 0-hen asked her #onsent5." %ome eo le said, "I, a man, by layin$ a tri#k, resents t-o ,alse -itnesses be,ore the /ud$e to testi,y that he has married a matron -ith her #onsent and the /ud$e #on,irms his marria$e, and the husband is sure that he has ne)er married her 0be,ore5, then su#h a marria$e -ill be #onsidered as a le$al one and he may li)e -ith her as husband." 9.1C1: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A ostle said, "It is essential to ha)e the #onsent o, a )ir$in 0,or the marria$e5. I said, "A )ir$in ,eels shy." 'he (ro hetI said, "*er silen#e means her #onsent." %ome eo le said, "I, a man ,alls in lo)e -ith an or han sla)e $irl or a )ir$in and she re,uses 0him5 and then he makes a tri#k by brin$in$ t-o ,alse -itnesses to testi,y that he has married her, and then she attains the a$e o, uberty and a$rees to marry him and the /ud$e a##e ts the ,alse -itness and the husband kno-s that the -itnesses -ere ,alse ones, he may #onsummate his marria$e." 9.1C1: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A ostle used to like s-eets and also used to like honey, and -hene)er he ,inished the `Asr rayer, he used to )isit his -i)es and stay -ith them. On#e he )isited *a,sa and remained -ith her lon$er than the eriod he used to stay, so I en8uired about it. It -as said to me, "A -oman ,rom her tribe $a)e her a leather skin #ontainin$ honey as a resent, and she $a)e some o, it to Allah's A ostle to drink." I said, "By Allah, -e -ill lay a tri#k on him." %o I mentioned the story to %auda 0the -i,e o, the (ro het5 and said to her, ""hen he enters u on you, he -ill #ome near to you -hereu on you should say to him, 'O Allah's A ostle! *a)e you eaten <a$ha,ir&' *e -ill say, 'No.' 'hen you say to him, '"hat is this bad smell& ' And it -ould be )ery hard on Allah's A ostle that a bad smell should be ,ound on his body. *e -ill say, '*a,sa has $i)en me a drink o, honey.' 'hen you should say to him, 'Its bees must ha)e su#ked ,rom the Al.`6r,ut 0a ,oul smellin$ ,lo-er5.' I too, -ill tell him the same. And you, O %ai,ya, say the same." %o -hen the (ro het entered u on %auda 0the ,ollo-in$ ha ened5. %auda said, "By *im e+#e t "hom none has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed, I -as about to say to him -hat you had told me to say -hile he -as still at the $ate be#ause o, ,ear ,rom you. But -hen Allah 's A ostle #ame near to me, I said to him, 'O Allah's A ostle! *a)e you eaten <a$ha,ir&' *e re lied, 'No.' I said, '"hat about this smell&' *e said, '*a,sa has $i)en me a drink o, honey.' I said, 'Its bees must ha)e su#ked Al.`6r,ut.' " "hen he entered u on me, I told him the same as that, and -hen he entered u on %a,iya, she too told him the same. %o -hen he )isited *a,sa a$ain, she said to him, "O Allah's A ostle! %hall I $i)e you a drink o, it 0honey5&" *e said, "I ha)e no desire ,or it." %auda said, %ubhan Allah! "e ha)e de ri)ed him o, it 0honey5." I said to her, "Be 8uiet!" 9.1C7: Narrated `Abdullah bin 'Amir bin ;abi`a: `6mar bin Al.=hattab le,t ,or %ham, and -hen he rea#hed a la#ed #alled %ar$h, he #ame to knothat there -as an outbreak o, an e idemi# 0o, la$ue5 in %ham. 'hen `Abdur;ahman bin `Au, told him that Allah's A ostle said, "I, you hear the ne-s o, an outbreak o, an e idemi# 0 la$ue5 in a #ertain la#e, do not enter that la#e: and i, the e idemi# ,alls in a la#e -hile you are resent in it, do not lea)e that la#e to es#a e ,rom the e idemi#." %o `6mar returned ,rom %ar$h. 9.1C9: Narrated 'Amir bin %a`d bin Abi "a88as: 13

'hat he heard 6sama bin >aid s eakin$ to %a`d, sayin$, "Allah's A ostle mentioned the la$ue and said, 'It is a means o, unishment -ith -hi#h some nations -ere unished and some o, it has remained, and it a ears no- and then. %o -hoe)er hears that there is an outbreak o, la$ue in some land, he should not $o to that land, and i, the la$ue breaks out in the land -here one is already resent, one should not run a-ay ,rom that land, es#a in$ ,rom the la$ue." 9.1C2: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het said, "'he one -ho takes ba#k his $i,t is like a do$ s-allo-in$ its o-n )omit, and -e 0belie)ers5 should not a#t a##ordin$ to this bad e+am le." 9.1C3: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: 'he (ro het has de#reed that reem tion is )alid in all #ases -here the real estate #on#erned has not been di)ided, but i, the boundaries are established and the -ays are made, then there is no reem tion. A man said, "(reem tion is only ,or the nei$hbor," and then he makes in)alid -hat he has #on,irmed. *e said, "I, someone -ants to buy a house and bein$ a,raid that the nei$hbor 0o, the house5 may buy it throu$h reem tion, he buys one share out o, one hundred shares o, the house and then buys the rest o, the house, then the nei$hbor #an only ha)e the ri$ht o, reem tion ,or the ,irst share but not ,or the rest o, the houseI and the buyer may lay su#h a tri#k in this #ase." 9.1C@: Narrated `Amr bin Ash.%harid: Al.<is-ar bin <akhrama #ame and ut his hand on my shoulder and I a##om anied him to %a`d. Abu ;a,i` said to Al.<is-ar, ""on't you order this 0i.e. %a`d5 to buy my house -hi#h is in my yard&" %a`d said, "I -ill not o,,er more than ,our hundred in installments o)er a ,i+ed eriod." Abu ;a,i` said, "I -as o,,ered ,i)e hundred #ash but I re,used. *ad I not heard the (ro het sayin$, 'A nei$hbor is more entitled to re#ei)e the #are o, his nei$hbor,' I -ould not ha)e sold it to you." 'he narrator said, to %u,yan: <a`mar did not say so. %u,yan said, "But he did say so to me." %ome eo le said, "I, someone -ants to sell a house and de ri)ed somebody o, the ri$ht o, reem tion, he has the ri$ht to lay a tri#k to render the reem tion in)alid. And that is by $i)in$ the house to the buyer as a resent and markin$ its boundaries and $i)in$ it to him. 'he buyer then $i)es the seller one.thousand :irham as #om ensation in -hi#h #ase the reem tor loses his ri$ht o, reem tion." Narrated `Amr bin Ash.%harid: Abu ;a,i` said that %a`d o,,ered him ,our hundred <ith8al o, $old ,or a house. Abu ;a,i` ' said, "I, I had not heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, 'A nei$hbor has more ri$ht to be taken #are o, by his nei$hbor,' then I -ould not ha)e $i)en it to you." %ome eo le said, "I, one has bou$ht a ortion o, a house and -ants to #an#el the ri$ht o, reem tion, he may $i)e it as a resent to his little son and he -ill not be obli$ed to take an oath." 9.1C4: Narrated Abu *umaid As.%a`idi: Allah's A ostle a ointed a man #alled Ibn Al.Butabiyya to #olle#t the >akat ,rom Bani %ulaim's tribe. "hen he returned, the (ro het #alled him to a##ount. *e said 0to the (ro het, ''his is your money, and this has been $i)en to me as a $i,t." On that, Allah's A ostle said, ""hy didn't you stay in your ,ather's and mother's house to see -hether you -ill be $i)en $i,ts or not i, you are tellin$ the truth&" 'hen the (ro het addressed us, and a,ter raisin$ and $lori,yin$ Allah, he said: "Amma Ba'du", I em loy a man ,rom amon$ you to mana$e some a,,air o, -hat Allah has ut under my #ustody, and then he #omes to me and says, ''his is your money and this has been $i)en to me as a $i,t. "hy didn't he stay in his ,ather's and mother's home to see -hether he -ill be $i)en $i,ts or not& By Allah, not anyone o, you takes a thin$ unla-,ully but he -ill meet Allah on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion, #arryin$ that thin$. I do not -ant to see any o, you #arryin$ a $runtin$ #amel or a mooin$ #o- or a bleatin$ shee on meetin$ Allah." 'hen the (ro het raised both his hands till the -hiteness o, his arm its be#ame )isible, and he said, "O Allah! *a)en't I ha)e #on)eyed 0Dour <essa$e5&" 'he narrator added: <y eyes -itnessed and my ears heard 0that *adith5. 9.1C9: Narrated Abu ;a,i`: 1@

'he (ro het said, "'he nei$hbor has more ri$ht to be taken #are o, by his nei$hbor 0than anyone else5." %ome men said, "I, one -ants to buy a house ,or 1C,CCC :irhams then there is no harm to lay a tri#k to de ri)e somebody o, reem tion by buyin$ it 0/ust on a er5 -ith 1C,CCC :irhams but ayin$ to the seller only 9,999 :irhams in #ash and then a$ree -ith the seller to ay only one :inar in #ash ,or the rest o, the ri#e 0i.e. 1C,CC1 :irhams5. I, the reem tor o,,ers 1C,CCC :irhams ,or the house, he #an buy it other-ise he has no ri$ht to buy it 0by this tri#k he $ot out o, reem tion5. I, the house ro)es to belon$ to somebody else other than the seller, the buyer should take ba#k ,rom the seller -hat he has aid, i.e., 9,999 :irhams and one :inar, be#ause i, the house ro)es to belon$ to somebody else, so the -hole bar$ain 0deal5 is unla-,ul. I, the buyer ,inds a de,e#t in the house and it does not belon$ to somebody other than the seller, the buyer may return it and re#ei)e 1C,CCC :irhams 0instead o, 9999 :irham lus one :inar5 -hi#h he a#tually aid.' Abu `Abdullah said, "%o that man allo-s 0some eo le5 the layin$ o, tri#ks amon$st the <uslims 0althou$h5 the (ro het said, 'In dealin$ -ith <uslims one should not sell them si#k 0animals5 or bad thin$s or stolen thin$s." 9.11C: Narrated `Amr bin Ash.%harid: Abu ;a,i` sold a house to %a`d bin <alik ,or ,our.hundred <ith8al o, $old, and said, "I, I had not heard the (ro het sayin$, ''he nei$hbor has more ri$ht to be taken #are o, by his nei$hbor 0than anyone else5,' then I -ould not ha)e sold it to you." 9.111: Narrated `Aisha: 'he #ommen#ement o, the :i)ine Ins iration to Allah's A ostle -as in the ,orm o, $ood ri$hteous 0true5 dreams in his slee . *e ne)er had a dream but that it #ame true like bri$ht day li$ht. *e used to $o in se#lusion 0the #a)e o,5 *ira -here he used to -orshi 0Allah Alone5 #ontinuously ,or many 0days5 ni$hts. *e used to take -ith him the /ourney ,ood ,or that 0stay5 and then #ome ba#k to 0his -i,e5 =hadi/a to take his ,ood like.-ise a$ain ,or another eriod to stay, till suddenly the 'ruth des#ended u on him -hile he -as in the #a)e o, *ira. 'he an$el #ame to him in it and asked him to read. 'he (ro het re lied, "I do not kno- ho- to read." 0'he (ro het added5, "'he an$el #au$ht me 0,or#e,ully5 and ressed me so hard that I #ould not bear it anymore. *e then released me and a$ain asked me to read, and I re lied, "I do not kno- ho- to read," -hereu on he #au$ht me a$ain and ressed me a se#ond time till I #ould not bear it anymore. *e then released me and asked me a$ain to read, but a$ain I re lied, "I do not kno- ho- to read 0or, -hat shall I read&5." 'hereu on he #au$ht me ,or the third time and ressed me and then released me and said, ";ead: In the Name o, your Bord, "ho has #reated 0all that e+ists5. *as #reated man ,rom a #lot. ;ead and Dour Bord is <ost Eenerous...u to..... ..that -hi#h he kne- not." 093.125 'hen Allah's A ostle returned -ith the Ins iration, his ne#k mus#les t-it#hin$ -ith terror till he entered u on =hadi/a and said, "Go)er me! Go)er me!" 'hey #o)ered him till his ,ear -as o)er and then he said, "O =hadi/a, -hat is -ron$ -ith me&" 'hen he told her e)erythin$ that had ha ened and said, 'I ,ear that somethin$ may ha en to me." =hadi/a said, 'Ne)er! But ha)e the $lad tidin$s, ,or by Allah, Allah -ill ne)er dis$ra#e you as you kee $ood rea#tions -ith your =ith and kin, s eak the truth, hel the oor and the destitute, ser)e your $uest $enerously and assist the deser)in$, #alamity. a,,li#ted ones." =hadi/a then a##om anied him to 0her #ousin5 "ara8a bin Nau,al bin Asad bin `Abdul `6HHa bin ?usai. "ara8a -as the son o, her aternal un#le, i.e., her ,ather's brother, -ho durin$ the (re.Islami# (eriod be#ame a Ghristian and used to -rite the Arabi# -ritin$ and used to -rite o, the Eos els in Arabi# as mu#h as Allah -ished him to -rite. *e -as an old man and had lost his eyesi$ht. =hadi/a said to him, "O my #ousin! Bisten to the story o, your ne he-." "ara8a asked, "O my ne he-! "hat ha)e you seen&" 'he (ro het des#ribed -hate)er he had seen. "ara8a said, "'his is the same Namus 0i.e., Eabriel, the An$el -ho kee s the se#rets5 -hom Allah had sent to <oses. I -ish I -ere youn$ and #ould li)e u to the time -hen your eo le -ould turn you out." Allah's A ostle asked, ""ill they turn me out&" "ara8a re lied in the a,,irmati)e and said: "Ne)er did a man #ome -ith somethin$ similar to -hat you ha)e brou$ht but -as treated -ith hostility. I, I should remain ali)e till the day -hen you -ill be turned out then I -ould su ort you stron$ly." But a,ter a ,e- days "ara8a died and the :i)ine Ins iration -as also aused ,or a -hile 14

and the (ro het be#ame so sad as -e ha)e heard that he intended se)eral times to thro- himsel, ,rom the to s o, hi$h mountains and e)ery time he -ent u the to o, a mountain in order to thro- himsel, do-n, Eabriel -ould a ear be,ore him and say, "O <uhammad! Dou are indeed Allah's A ostle in truth" -hereu on his heart -ould be#ome 8uiet and he -ould #alm do-n and -ould return home. And -hene)er the eriod o, the #omin$ o, the ins iration used to be#ome lon$, he -ould do as be,ore, but -hen he used to rea#h the to o, a mountain, Eabriel -ould a ear be,ore him and say to him -hat he had said be,ore. 0Ibn `Abbas said re$ardin$ the meanin$ o,: '*e it is that Glea)es the daybreak 0,rom the darkness5' 03.935 that Al.Asbah. means the li$ht o, the sun durin$ the day and the li$ht o, the moon at ni$ht5. 9.111: Narrated Anas bin <alik: Allah's A ostle said, "A $ood dream 0that #omes true5 o, a ri$hteous man is one o, ,orty.si+ arts o, ro hetism." 9.117: Narrated Abu ?atada: 'he (ro het said, "A true $ood dream is ,rom Allah, and a bad dream is ,rom %atan." 9.119: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: 'he (ro het said, "I, anyone o, you sees a dream that he likes, then it is ,rom Allah, and he should thank Allah ,or it and narrate it to othersI but i, he sees somethin$ else, i.e., a dream that he dislikes, then it is ,rom %atan, and he should seek re,u$e -ith Allah ,rom its e)il, and he should not mention it to anybody, ,or it -ill not harm him." 9.112: Narrated Abu ?atada: 'he (ro het said, "A $ood dream that #omes true is ,rom Allah, and a bad dream is ,rom %atan, so i, anyone o, you sees a bad dream, he should seek re,u$e -ith Allah ,rom %atan and should s it on the le,t, ,or the bad dream -ill not harm him." 9.113: Narrated '6bada bin As.%amit: 'he (ro het said, "'he 0$ood5 dreams o, a ,aith,ul belie)er is a art o, the ,orty.si+ arts o, ro hetism:' 9.11@: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'he 0$ood5 dream o, a ,aith,ul belie)er is a art o, the ,orty.si+ arts o, ro hetism." 9.114: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, "A $ood dream is a art o, the ,orty si+ arts o, ro hetism." 9.119: Narrated Abu *uraira: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, "Nothin$ is le,t o, the ro hetism e+#e t Al.<ubashshirat." 'hey asked, ""hat are Al.<ubashshirat&" *e re lied, "'he true $ood dreams 0that #on)eys $lad tidin$s5. 9.11C: Narrated Ibn `6mar: %ome eo le -ere sho-n the Ni$ht o, ?adr as bein$ in the last se)en days 0o, the month o, ;amadan5. 'he (ro het said, "%eek it in the last se)en days 0o, ;amadan5. 9.111: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "I, I stayed in rison as lon$ as Aose h stayed and then the messen$er #ame, I -ould res ond to his #all 0to $o out o, the rison5 ." 9.111: Narrated Abu *uraira: 19

I heard the (ro het sayin$, ""hoe)er sees me in a dream -ill see me in his -ake,ulness, and %atan #annot imitate me in sha e." Abu `Abdullah said, "Ibn %eereen said, 'Only i, he sees the (ro het in his 0real5 sha e.'" 9.117: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er has seen me in a dream, then no doubt, he has seen me, ,or %atan #annot imitate my sha e. 9.119: Narrated Abu ?atada: 'he (ro het said, "A $ood dream is ,rom Allah, and a bad dream is ,rom %atan. %o -hoe)er has seen 0in a dream5 somethin$ he dislike, then he should s it -ithout sali)a, thri#e on his le,t and seek re,u$e -ith Allah ,rom %atan, ,or it -ill not harm him, and %atan #annot a ear in my sha e." 9.112: Narrated Abu ?atada: 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er sees me 0in a dream5 then he indeed has seen the truth ." 9.113: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: 'he (ro het said, ""ho e)er sees me 0in a dream5 then he indeed has seen the truth, as %atan #annot a ear in my sha e." 9.11@: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "I ha)e been $i)en the keys o, elo8uent s ee#h and $i)en )i#tory -ith a-e 0#ast into the hearts o, the enemy5, and -hile I -as slee in$ last ni$ht, the keys o, the treasures o, the earth -ere brou$ht to me till they -ere ut in my hand." Abu *uraira added: Allah's A ostle le,t 0this -orld5 and no- you eo le are #arryin$ those treasures ,rom la#e to la#e. 9.114: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, "I sa- mysel, 0in a dream5 near the =a`ba last ni$ht, and I sa- a man -ith -hitish red #om le+ion, the best you may see amon$st men o, that #om le+ion ha)in$ lon$ hair rea#hin$ his earlobes -hi#h -as the best hair o, its sort, and he had #ombed his hair and -ater -as dro in$ ,rom it, and he -as er,ormin$ the 'a-a, around the =a`ba -hile he -as leanin$ on t-o men or on the shoulders o, t-o men. I asked, '"ho is this man&' %omebody re lied, '0*e is5 <essiah, son o, <ary.' 'hen I sa- another man -ith )ery #urly hair, blind in the ri$ht eye -hi#h looked like a rotrudin$ out $ra e. I asked, '"ho is this&' %omebody re lied, '0*e is5 <essiah, Ad.:a//al.'" 9.119: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: About a man -ho #ame to Allah's A ostle and said, "I -as sho-n in a dream last ni$ht..." 'hen Ibn `Abbas mentioned the narration. 9.17C: Narrated Anas bin <alik: Allah's A ostle used to )isit 6m *aram bint <ilhan she -as the -i,e o, '6bada bin As.%amit. One day the (ro het )isited her and she ro)ided him -ith ,ood and started lookin$ ,or li#e in his head. 'hen Allah's A ostle sle t and a,ter-ards -oke u smilin$. 6m *aram asked, ""hat makes you smile, O Allah's A ostle&" *e said, "%ome o, my ,ollo-ers -ere resented be,ore me in my dream as ,i$hters in Allah's Gause, sailin$ in the middle o, the seas like kin$s on the thrones or like kin$s sittin$ on their thrones." 0'he narrator 'Is.ha8 is not sure as to -hi#h e+ ression -as #orre#t5. 6m *aram added, 'I said, "O Allah's A ostle! In)oke Allah, to make me one o, themI" %o Allah's A ostle in)oked Allah ,or her and then laid his head do-n 0and sle t5. 'hen he -oke u smilin$ 0a$ain5. 06m *aram added5: I said, ""hat makes you smile, O Allah's A ostle&" *e said, "%ome eo le o, my ,ollo-ers -ere resented be,ore me 0in a dream5 as ,i$hters in Allah's Gause." *e said the same as he had said be,ore. I said, "O Allah's A ostle! In)oke Allah to make me ,rom them." *e said, "Dou are


amon$ the ,irst ones." 'hen 6m *aram sailed o)er the sea durin$ the Gali hate o, <ua-iya bin Abu %u,yan, and she ,ell do-n ,rom her ridin$ animal a,ter #omin$ ashore, and died. 9.171: Narrated =hari/a bin >aid bin 'habit: 6m Al.`Ala an Ansari -oman -ho had $i)en a led$e o, alle$ian#e to Allah's A ostle told me:, "'he <uha/irln 0emi$rants5 -ere distributed amon$st us by dra-in$ lots, and -e $ot `6thman bin <aH'un in our share. "e made him stay -ith us in our house. 'hen he su,,ered ,rom a disease -hi#h ro)ed ,atal. "hen he died and -as $i)en a bath and -as shrouded in his #lothes. Allah's A ostle #ame, I said, 0addressin$ the dead body5, 'O Aba As.%a'ib! <ay Allah be <er#i,ul to you! I testi,y that Allah has honored you.' Allah's A ostle said, '*o- do you kno- that Allah has honored him&" I re lied, 'Bet my ,ather be sa#ri,i#ed ,or you, O Allah's A ostle! On -hom else shall Allah besto-. *is honor&' Allah's A ostle said, 'As ,or him, by Allah, death has #ome to him. By Allah, I -ish him all $ood 0,rom Allah5. By Allah, in s ite o, the ,a#t that I am Allah's A ostle, I do not kno- -hat Allah -ill do to me.", 6m Al.`Ala added, "By Allah, I -ill ne)er attest the ri$hteousness o, anybody a,ter that." 9.171: Narrated AH.>uhri: ;e$ardin$ the abo)e narration, 'he (ro het said, "I do not kno- -hat Allah -ill do to him 06thman bin <aH'un5." 6m Al.`Ala said, "I ,elt )ery sorry ,or that, and then I sle t and sa- in a dream a ,lo-in$ s rin$ ,or `6thman bin <aH'un, and told Allah's A ostle o, that, and he said, "'hat ,lo-in$ s rin$ symboliHes his $ood deeds." 9.177: Narrated Abu ?atada Al.Ansari: 0a #om anion o, the (ro het and one o, his #a)alry men5 "I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, "A $ood dream is ,rom Allah, and a bad dream is ,rom %atanI so, i, anyone o, you had a bad dream -hi#h he disliked, then he should s it on his le,t and seek re,u$e -ith Allah ,rom it, ,or it -ill not harm him." 9.179: Narrated Ibn `6mar: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, ""hile I -as slee in$, I -as $i)en a bo-l ,ull o, milk 0in a dream5, and I drank o, it to my ,ill until I noti#ed its -etness #omin$ out o, my nails, and then I $a)e the rest o, it to `6mar." 'hey 0the eo le5 asked, ""hat ha)e you inter reted 0about the dream5& O Allah's A ostle&" *e said, "0It is ;eli$ious5 kno-led$e." 9.172: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, ""hile I -as slee in$, I -as $i)en a bo-l ,ull o, milk 0in the dream5 and I drank ,rom it 0to my ,ill5 till I noti#ed its -etness #omin$ out o, my limbs. 'hen I $a)e the rest o, it to `6mar bin Al.=hattab." 'he ersons sittin$ around him, asked, ""hat ha)e you inter reted 0about the dream5 O Allah's A ostle&" *e said, "0It is reli$ious5 kno-led$e." 9.173: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: Allah's A ostle said, ""hile I -as slee in$, some eo le -ere dis layed be,ore me 0in a dream5. 'hey -ere -earin$ shirts, some o, -hi#h -ere merely #o)erin$ their breasts, and some a bit lon$er. 'hen there assed be,ore me, `6mar bin Al.=hattab -earin$ a shirt he -as dra$$in$ it 0on the $round behind him.5" 'hey 0the eo le5 asked, ""hat ha)e you inter reted 0about the dream5 O Allah's A ostle&" *e said, "'he ;eli$ion." 9.17@: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, ""hile I -as slee in$, I sa- 0in a dream5 the eo le bein$ dis layed be,ore me, -earin$ shirts, some o, -hi#h 0-ere so short that it5 rea#hed as ,ar as their breasts and some rea#hed belo- that. 'hen `6mar bin Al.=hattab -as sho-n to me and he -as -earin$ a shirt -hi#h he -as dra$$in$ 0behind him5." 'hey asked. "hat ha)e you inter reted 0about the dream5& O Allah's A ostle&" *e said, "'he reli$ion." 9.174: 11

Narrated ?ais bin '6bada: I -as sittin$ in a $atherin$ in -hi#h there -as %a`d bin <alik and Ibn `6mar. `Abdullah bin %alam assed in ,ront o, them and they said, "'his man is ,rom the eo le o, (aradise." I said to `Abdullah bin %alam, "'hey said so.and.so." *e re lied, "%ubhan Allah! 'hey ou$ht not to ha)e said thin$s o, -hi#h they ha)e no kno-led$e, but I sa- 0in a dream5 that a ost -as ,i+ed in a $reen $arden. At the to o, the ost there -as a handhold and belo- it there -as a ser)ant. I -as asked to #limb 0the ost5. %o I #limbed it till I $ot hold o, the handhold." 'hen I narrated this dream to Allah's A ostle. Allah's A ostle said, "`Abdullah -ill die -hile still holdin$ the ,irm reliable handhold 0i.e., Islam5. 9.179: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A ostle said 0to me5, "Dou -ere sho-n to me t-i#e in 0my5 dream. Behold, a man -as #arryin$ you in a silken ie#e o, #loth and said to me, "%he is your -i,e, so un#o)er her,' and behold, it -as you. I -ould then say 0to mysel,5, 'I, this is ,rom Allah, then it must ha en.' " 9.19C: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A ostle said to me, "Dou -ere sho-n to me t-i#e 0in my dream5 be,ore I married you. I saan an$el #arryin$ you in a silken ie#e o, #loth, and I said to him, '6n#o)er 0her5,' and behold, it -as you. I said 0to mysel,5, 'I, this is ,rom Allah, then it must ha en.' 'hen you -ere sho-n to me, the an$el #arryin$ you in a silken ie#e o, #loth, and I said 0to him5, '6n#o)er 0her5, and behold, it -as you. I said 0to mysel,5, 'I, this is ,rom Allah, then it must ha en.' " 9.191: Narrated Abu *uraira: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, "I ha)e been sent -ith Aa-ami al.=alim 0i.e., the shortest e+ ression #arryin$ the -idest meanin$s5, and I -as made )i#torious -ith a-e 0#aste into the hearts o, the enemy5, and -hile I -as slee in$, the keys o, the treasures o, the earth -ere brou$ht to me and -ere ut in my hand." <uhammad said, Aa-ami'.al.=alim means that Allah e+ resses in one or t-o statements or thereabouts the numerous matters that used to be -ritten in the books re)ealed be,ore 0the #omin$ o,5 the (ro het . 9.191: Narrated `Abdullah bin %alam: 0In a dream5 I sa- mysel, in a $arden, and there -as a illar in the middle o, the $arden, and there -as a handhold at the to o, the illar. I -as asked to #limb it. I said, "I #annot." 'hen a ser)ant #ame and li,ted u my #lothes and I #limbed 0the illar5, and then $ot hold o, the handhold, and I -oke u -hile still holdin$ it. I narrated that to the (ro het -ho said, "'he $arden symboliHes the $arden o, Islam, and the handhold is the ,irm Islami# handhold -hi#h indi#ates that you -ill be adherin$ ,irmly to Islam until you die." 9.197: Narrated Ibn `6mar: I sa- in a dream a ie#e o, silken #loth in my hand, and in -hate)er dire#tion in (aradise I -a)ed it, it ,le-, #arryin$ me there. I narrated this 0dream5 to 0my sister5 *a,sa and she told it to the (ro het -ho said, 0to *a,sa5, "Indeed, your brother is a ri$hteous man," or, "Indeed, `Abdullah is a ri$hteous man." 9.199: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, ""hen the :ay o, ;esurre#tion a roa#hes, the dreams o, a belie)er -ill hardly ,ail to #ome true, and a dream o, a belie)er is one o, ,orty.si+ arts o, ro hetism, and -hate)er belon$s to rothetism #an ne)er be ,alse." <uhammad bin %eereen said, "But I say this." *e said, "It used to be said, ''here are three ty es o, dreams: 'he re,le#tion o, one's thou$hts and e+ erien#es one has durin$ -ake,ulness, -hat is su$$ested by %atan to ,ri$hten the dreamer, or $lad tidin$s ,rom Allah. %o, i, someone has a dream -hi#h he dislikes, he should not tell it to others, but $et u and o,,er a rayer." *e added, "*e 0Abu *uraira5 hated to see a Ehul 0i.e., iron #ollar around his ne#k in a dream5 and eo le liked to see ,etters 0on their ,eet in a dream5. 'he ,etters on the ,eet symboliHes


one's #onstant and ,irm adheren#e to reli$ion." And Abu `Abdullah said, "Ehuls 0iron #ollars5 are used only ,or ne#ks." 9.192: Narrated =hari/a bin >aid bin 'habit: 6m Al.`Ala an Ansari -oman -ho had $i)en the (led$e o, alle$ian#e to Allah's A ostle said, "`6thman bin <aH'un #ame in our share -hen the Ansars dre- lots to distribute the emi$rants 0to d-ell5 amon$ themsel)es, *e be#ame si#k and -e looked a,ter 0nursed5 him till he died. 'hen -e shrouded him in his #lothes. Allah's A ostle #ame to us, I 0addressin$ the dead body5 said, "<ay Allah's <er#y be on you, O Aba As.%a'ib! I testi,y that Allah has honored you." 'he (ro het said, '*o- do you kno- that&' I re lied, 'I do not kno-, by Allah.' *e said, 'As ,or him, death has #ome to him and I -ish him all $ood ,rom Allah. By Allah, thou$h I am Allah's A ostle, I neither kno- -hat -ill ha en to me, nor to you.'" 6m Al.`Ala said, "By Allah, I -ill ne)er attest the ri$hteousness o, anybody a,ter that." %he added, "Bater I sa- in a dream, a ,lo-in$ s rin$ ,or `6thman. %o I -ent to Allah's A ostle and mentioned that to him. *e said, ''hat is 0the symbol o,5 his $ood deeds 0the re-ard ,or5 -hi#h is $oin$ on ,or him.' " 9.193: Narrated Ibn `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, "0I sa- in a dream that5 -hile I -as standin$ at a -ell and dra-in$ -ater there,rom, suddenly Abu Bakr and `6mar #ame to me. Abu Bakr took the bu#ket and dre- one or t-o bu#kets 0,ull o, -ater5, but there -as -eakness in his ullin$, but Allah ,or$a)e him. 'hen Ibn Al. =hattab took the bu#ket ,rom Abu Bakr's hand and the bu#ket turned into a )ery lar$e one in his hand. I ha)e ne)er seen any stron$ man amon$ the eo le doin$ su#h a hard /ob as `6mar did, till 0the eo le drank to their satis,a#tion5 and -ater their #amels to their ,ill and they sat near the -ater." 9.19@: Narrated %alim's ,ather: about the (ro het's dream in -hi#h he has seen Abu Bakr and `6mar: 'he (ro het said, "I sa- 0in a dream5 that the eo le had $athered. 'hen Abu Bakr stood u and ulled out one or t-o bu#kets ,ull o, -ater 0,rom a -ell5 and there -as -eakness in his ullin$ .. may Allah ,or$i)e him. 'hen Ibn Al. =hattab stood u , and the bu#ket turned into a )ery lar$e one and I ha)e ne)er seen any stron$ man amon$ the eo le doin$ su#h a hard /ob. *e ulled out so mu#h -ater that the eo le 0drank to their satis,a#tion5 and -atered their #amels to their ,ill, 0and then a,ter 8uen#hin$ their thirst5 they sat beside the -ater." 9.194: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, ""hile I -as slee in$, I sa- mysel, standin$ at a -ell o)er -hi#h there -as a bu#ket. I ulled out ,rom it as many bu#kets o, -ater as Allah -ished, and then Ibn Abi ?uha,a 0Abu Bakr5 took the bu#ket ,rom me and ulled out one or t-o ,ull bu#kets, and there -as -eakness in his ull..may Allah ,or$i)e him. 'hen the bu#ket turned into a )ery lar$e one and `6mar bin Al.=hattab took it. I ha)e ne)er seen any stron$ man amon$ the eo le, dra-in$ -ater -ith su#h stren$th as `6mar did, till the eo le 0drank to their satis,a#tion and5 -atered their #amels to their ,illI -hereu on the #amels sat beside the -ater." 9.199: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, ""hile I -as slee in$, I sa- mysel, standin$ o)er a tank 0-ell5 $i)in$ -ater to the eo le to drink. 'hen Abu Bakr #ame to me and took the bu#ket ,rom me in order to relie)e me and he ulled out one or t-o ,ull bu#kets, and there -as -eakness in his ullin$ ..may Allah ,or$i)e him. 'hen Ibn Al.=hattab took it ,rom him and -ent on dra-in$ -ater till the eo le le,t 0a,ter bein$ satis,ied5 -hile the tank -as o)er ,lo-in$ -ith -ater." 9.12C: Narrated Abu *uraira: "e -ere sittin$ -ith Allah's A ostle, he said, ""hile I -as slee in$, I sa- mysel, in (aradise. %uddenly I sa- a -oman er,ormin$ ablution beside a ala#e. I asked, "For -hom is this ala#e&" 17

'hey 0the an$els5 re lied, "It is ,or `6mar bin Al.=hattab." 'hen I remembered `6mar's $hira and -ent ba#k hurriedly." On hearin$ that, `6mar started -ee in$ and said, " Bet my ,ather and mother be sa#ri,i#ed ,or you. O Allah's A ostle! *o- dare I think o, my Ehira bein$ o,,ended by you& 9.121: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: Allah's A ostle said: 0I sa- in a dream that5 I entered (aradise, and behold, there -as a ala#e built o, $old! I asked, 'For -hom is this ala#e&' 'hey 0the an$els5 re lied, 'For a man ,rom the ?uraish.' " 'he (ro het added, "O Ibn Al.=hattab! Nothin$ sto ed me ,rom enterin$ it e+#e t your Ehira." `6mar said, "*o- dare I think o, my Ehira bein$ o,,ended by you, O Allah's A ostle&" 9.121: Narrated Abu *uraira: "e -ere sittin$ -ith Allah's A ostle he said, ""hile I -as slee in$, I sa- mysel, in (aradise, and behold, a -oman -as er,ormin$ ablution by the side o, a ala#e. I asked, 'For -hom is this ala#e&' 'hey re lied, 'For `6mar' 'hen I remembered the Ehira o, `6mar and returned immediately." `6mar -e t 0on hearin$ that5 and said, " Bet my ,ather and mother be sa#ri,i#ed ,or you, O Allah's A ostle! *o- dare I think o, my Ehira bein$ o,,ended by you.' 9.127: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, ""hile I -as slee in$, I sa- mysel, er,ormin$ the 'a-a, o, the =a`ba. Behold, there I sa- a -hitish.red lank.haired man 0holdin$ himsel,5 bet-een t-o men -ith -ater dro in$ ,rom his hair. I asked, '"ho is this&' 'he eo le re lied, '*e is the son o, <ary.' 'hen I turned my ,a#e to see another man -ith red #om le+ion, bi$ body, #urly hair, and blind in the ri$ht eye -hi#h looked like a rotrudin$ out $ra e. I asked, '"ho is he&' 'hey re lied, '*e is Ad.:a//al.' Ibn ?atan resembles him more than anybody else amon$ the eo le and Ibn ?atan -as a man ,rom Bani Al.<ustali8 ,rom =huHa`a." 9.129: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, ""hile I -as slee in$, I sa- a bo-l ,ull o, milk -as brou$ht to me and I drank o, it 0to my ,ill5 till I noti#ed its -etness ,lo-in$ 0in my body5. 'hen I $a)e the remainin$ o, it to `6mar." 'hey asked, "O Allah's A ostle! "hat ha)e you inter reted 0about the dream5& *e said, "0It is ;eli$ious5 kno-led$e." 0%ee *adith No. 1795 9.122: Narrated Ibn `6mar: <en ,rom the #om anions o, Allah's A ostle used to see dreams durin$ the li,etime o, Allah's A ostle and they used to narrate those dreams to Allah's A ostle. Allah's A ostle -ould inter ret them as Allah -ished. I -as a youn$ man and used to stay in the mos8ue be,ore my -edlo#k. I said to mysel,, "I, there -ere any $ood in mysel,, I too -ould see -hat these eo le see." %o -hen I -ent to bed one ni$ht, I said, "O Allah! I, you see any $ood in me, sho- me a $ood dream." %o -hile I -as in that state, there #ame to me 0in a dream5 t-o an$els. In the hand o, ea#h o, them, there -as a ma#e o, iron, and both o, them -ere takin$ me to *ell, and I -as bet-een them, in)okin$ Allah, "O Allah! I seek re,u$e -ith Dou ,rom *ell." 'hen I sa- mysel, bein$ #on,ronted by another an$el holdin$ a ma#e o, iron in his hand. *e said to me, ":o not be a,raid, you -ill be an e+#ellent man i, you only ray more o,ten." %o they took me till they sto ed me at the ed$e o, *ell, and behold, it -as built inside like a -ell and it had side osts like those o, a -ell, and beside ea#h ost there -as an an$el #arryin$ an iron ma#e. I sa- therein many eo le han$in$ u side do-n -ith iron #hains, and I re#o$niHed therein some men ,rom the ?uraish. 'hen 0the an$els5 took me to the ri$ht side. I narrated this dream to 0my sister5 *a,sa and she told it to Allah's A ostle. Allah's A ostle said, "No doubt, `Abdullah is a $ood man." 0Na,i` said, "%in#e then `Abdullah bin `6mar used to ray mu#h.5 9.123: Narrated Ibn `6mar: I -as a youn$ unmarried man durin$ the li,etime o, the (ro het. I used to slee in the mos8ue. Anyone -ho had a dream, -ould narrate it to the (ro het. I said, "O Allah! I, there is any $ood ,or me 19

-ith Dou, then sho- me a dream so that Allah's A ostle may inter ret it ,or me." %o I sle t and sa0in a dream5 t-o an$els #ame to me and took me alon$ -ith them, and they met another an$el -ho said to me, ":on't be a,raid, you are a $ood man." 'hey took me to-ards the Fire, and behold, it -as built inside like a -ell, and therein I sa- eo le some o, -hom I re#o$niHed, and then the an$els took me to the ri$ht side. In the mornin$, I mentioned that dream to *a,sa. *a,sa told me that she had mentioned it to the (ro het and he said, "`Abdullah is a ri$hteous man i, he only rays more at ni$ht." 0AH.>uhri said, "A,ter that, `Abdullah used to ray more at ni$ht."5 9.12@: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, ""hile I -as slee in$, I sa- that a #u ,ull o, milk -as brou$ht to me and I drank o, it and $a)e the remainin$ o, it to `6mar bin Al.=hattab." 'hey asked. "hat ha)e you inter reted 0about the dream5& O Allah's A ostle&" 'he (ro het said. "0It is ;eli$ious5 kno-led$e." 9.124: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: Allah's A ostle said, ""hile I -as slee in$, t-o $olden ban$les -ere ut in my t-o hands, so I $ot s#ared 0,ri$htened5 and disliked it, but I -as $i)en ermission to blo- them o,,, and they ,le- a-ay. I inter ret it as a symbol o, t-o liars -ho -ill a ear." '6baidullah said, "One o, them -as Al.`Ansi -ho -as killed by FairuH at Demen and the other -as <usailama 0at Na/d5 . 9.129: Narrated Abu <usa: 'he (ro het said, "I sa- in a dream that I -as mi$ratin$ ,rom <e##a to a land -here there -ere date alm trees. I thou$ht that it mi$ht be the land o, Al.Damama or *a/ar, but behold, it turned out to be Dathrib 0i.e. <edina5. And I sa- #o-s 0bein$ slau$htered5 there, but the re-ard $i)en by Allah is better 0than -orldly bene,its5. Behold, those #o-s ro)ed to symboliHe the belie)ers 0-ho -ere killed5 on the :ay 0o, the battle5 o, 6hud, and the $ood 0-hi#h I sa- in the dream5 -as the $ood and the re-ard and the truth -hi#h Allah besto-ed u on us a,ter the Badr battle. 0or the Battle o, 6hud5 and that -as the )i#tory besto-ed by Allah in the Battle o, =haibar and the #on8uest o, <e##a5 . 9.13C: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, ""e 0<uslims5 are the last 0to #ome5 but 0-ill be5 the ,oremost 0on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion5." Allah's A ostle ,urther said, ''"hile slee in$, I -as $i)en the treasures o, the -orld and t-o $olden ban$les -ere ut in my hands, but I ,elt mu#h annoyed, and those t-o ban$les distressed me )ery mu#h, but I -as ins ired that I should blo- them o,,, so I ble- them and they ,lea-ay. 'hen I inter reted that those t-o ban$les -ere the liars bet-een -hom I -as 0i.e., the one o, %an`a' and the one o, Damama5. 9.131: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, "I sa- 0in a dream5 a bla#k -oman -ith unkem t hair $oin$ out o, <edina and settlin$ at <ahai'a, i.e., Al.Auh,a. I inter reted that as a symbol o, e idemi# o, <edina bein$ trans,erred to that la#e 0Al.Auh,a5. 9.131: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: #on#ernin$ the dream o, the (ro het in <edina: 'he (ro het said, "I sa- 0in a dream5 a bla#k -oman -ith unkem t hair $oin$ out o, <edina and settlin$ at <ahai'a. I inter reted that as 0a symbol o,5 the e idemi# o, <edina bein$ trans,erred to <ahai'a, namely, Al.Auh,a." 9.137: Narrated %alim's ,ather: 'he (ro het said, "I sa- 0in a dream5 a bla#k -oman -ith unkem t hair $oin$ out o, <edina and settlin$ in <ahai'a. I inter reted that as 0a symbol o,5 e idemi# o, <edina bein$ trans,erred to <ahai'a, namely, Al.Auh,a." 9.139: Narrated Abu <usa: 12

'he (ro het said, "I sa- in a dream that I -a)ed a s-ord and it broke in the middle, and behold, that symboliHed the #asualties the belie)ers su,,ered on the :ay 0o, the battle5 o, 6hud. 'hen I -a)ed the s-ord a$ain, and it be#ame better than it had e)er been be,ore, and behold, that symboliHed the Gon8uest 0o, <e##a5 -hi#h Allah brou$ht about and the $atherin$ o, the belie)ers. " 9.132: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er #laims to ha)e seen a dream -hi#h he did not see, -ill be ordered to make a knot bet-een t-o barley $rains -hi#h he -ill not be able to doI and i, somebody listens to the talk o, some eo le -ho do not like him 0to listen5 or they run a-ay ,rom him, then molten lead -ill be oured into his ears on the :ay o, ;esurre#tionI and -hoe)er makes a i#ture, -ill be unished on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion and -ill be ordered to ut a soul in that i#ture, -hi#h he -ill not be able to do." 9.133: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: as abo)e, 132. 9.13@: Narrated Ibn `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, "'he -orst lie is that a erson #laims to ha)e seen a dream -hi#h he has not seen." 9.134: Narrated Abu %alama: I used to see a dream -hi#h -ould make me si#k till I heard Abu ?atada sayin$, "I too, used to see a dream -hi#h -ould make me si#k till I heard the (ro het sayin$, "A $ood dream is ,rom Allah, so i, anyone o, you sa- a dream -hi#h he liked, he should not tell it to anybody e+#e t to the one -hom he lo)es, and i, he sa- a dream -hi#h he disliked, then he should seek re,u$e -ith Allah ,rom its e)il and ,rom the e)il o, %atan, and s it three times 0on his le,t5 and should not tell it to anybody, ,or it -ill not harm him. " 9.139: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, "I, anyone o, you sa- a dream -hi#h he liked, then that -as ,rom Allah, and he should thank Allah ,or it and tell it to othersI but i, he sa- somethin$ else, i.e, a dream -hi#h he did not like, then that is ,rom %atan and he should seek re,u$e -ith Allah ,rom it and should not tell it to anybody ,or it -ill not harm him." 9.1@C: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: A man #ame to Allah's A ostle and said, "I sa- in a dream, a #loud ha)in$ shade. Butter and honey -ere dro in$ ,rom it and I sa- the eo le $atherin$ it in their hands, some $atherin$ mu#h and some a little. And behold, there -as a ro e e+tendin$ ,rom the earth to the sky, and I sa- that you 0the (ro het5 held it and -ent u , and then another man held it and -ent u and 0a,ter that5 another 0third5 held it and -ent u , and then a,ter another 0,ourth5 man held it, but it broke and then $ot #onne#ted a$ain." Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's A ostle! Bet my ,ather be sa#ri,i#ed ,or you! Allo- me to inter ret this dream." 'he (ro het said to him, "Inter ret it." Abu Bakr said, "'he #loud -ith shade symboliHes Islam, and the butter and honey dro in$ ,rom it, symboliHes the ?ur'an, its s-eetness dro in$ and some eo le learnin$ mu#h o, the ?ur'an and some a little. 'he ro e -hi#h is e+tended ,rom the sky to the earth is the 'ruth -hi#h you 0the (ro het5 are ,ollo-in$. Dou ,ollo- it and Allah -ill raise you hi$h -ith it, and then another man -ill ,ollo- it and -ill rise u -ith it and another erson -ill ,olloit and then another man -ill ,ollo- it but it -ill break and then it -ill be #onne#ted ,or him and he -ill rise u -ith it. O Allah's A ostle! Bet my ,ather be sa#ri,i#ed ,or you! Am I ri$ht or -ron$&" 'he (ro het re lied, "Dou are ri$ht in some o, it and -ron$ in some." Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's (ro het! By Allah, you must tell me in -hat I -as -ron$." 'he (ro het said, ":o not s-ear." 9.1@1: Narrated %amura bin Aundub: 13

Allah's A ostle )ery o,ten used to ask his #om anions, ":id anyone o, you see a dream&" %o dreams -ould be narrated to him by those -hom Allah -ished to tell. One mornin$ the (ro het said, "Bast ni$ht t-o ersons #ame to me 0in a dream5 and -oke me u and said to me, '(ro#eed!' I set out -ith them and -e #ame a#ross a man Byin$ do-n, and behold, another man -as standin$ o)er his head, holdin$ a bi$ ro#k. Behold, he -as thro-in$ the ro#k at the man's head, in/urin$ it. 'he ro#k rolled a-ay and the thro-er ,ollo-ed it and took it ba#k. By the time he rea#hed the man, his head returned to the normal state. 'he thro-er then did the same as he had done be,ore. I said to my t-o #om anions, '%ubhan Allah! "ho are these t-o ersons&' 'hey said, '(ro#eed!' %o -e ro#eeded and #ame to a man Byin$ ,lat on his ba#k and another man standin$ o)er his head -ith an iron hook, and behold, he -ould ut the hook in one side o, the man's mouth and tear o,, that side o, his ,a#e to the ba#k 0o, the ne#k5 and similarly tear his nose ,rom ,ront to ba#k and his eye ,rom ,ront to ba#k. 'hen he turned to the other side o, the man's ,a#e and did /ust as he had done -ith the other side. *e hardly #om leted this side -hen the other side returned to its normal state. 'hen he returned to it to re eat -hat he had done be,ore. I said to my t-o #om anions, '%ubhan Allah! "ho are these t-o ersons&' 'hey said to me, '(ro#eed!' %o -e ro#eeded and #ame a#ross somethin$ like a 'annur 0a kind o, bakin$ o)en, a it usually #lay.lined ,or bakin$ bread5." I think the (ro het said, "In that o)en t here -as mu#h noise and )oi#es." 'he (ro het added, ""e looked into it and ,ound naked men and -omen, and behold, a ,lame o, ,ire -as rea#hin$ to them ,rom underneath, and -hen it rea#hed them, they #ried loudly. I asked them, '"ho are these&' 'hey said to me, '(ro#eed!' And so -e ro#eeded and #ame a#ross a ri)er." I think he said, ".... red like blood." 'he (ro het added, "And behold, in the ri)er there -as a man s-immin$, and on the bank there -as a man -ho had #olle#ted many stones. Behold. -hile the other man -as s-immin$, he -ent near him. 'he ,ormer o ened his mouth and the latter 0on the bank5 thre- a stone into his mouth -hereu on he -ent s-immin$ a$ain. *e returned and e)ery time the er,orman#e -as re eated. I asked my t-o #om anions, '"ho are these 0t-o5 ersons&' 'hey re lied, '(ro#eed! (ro#eed!' And -e ro#eeded till -e #ame to a man -ith a re ulsi)e a earan#e, the most re ulsi)e a earan#e, you e)er sa- a man ha)in$! Beside him there -as a ,ire and he -as kindlin$ it and runnin$ around it. I asked my #om anions, '"ho is this 0man5&' 'hey said to me, '(ro#eed! (ro#eed!' %o -e ro#eeded till -e rea#hed a $arden o, dee $reen dense )e$etation, ha)in$ all sorts o, s rin$ #olors. In the midst o, the $arden there -as a )ery tall man and I #ould hardly see his head be#ause o, his $reat hei$ht, and around him there -ere #hildren in su#h a lar$e number as I ha)e ne)er seen. I said to my #om anions, '"ho is this&' 'hey re lied, '(ro#eed! (ro#eed!' %o -e ro#eeded till -e #ame to a ma/esti# hu$e $arden, $reater and better than I ha)e e)er seen! <y t-o #om anions said to me, 'Eo u and I -ent u ' 'he (ro het added, "%o -e as#ended till -e rea#hed a #ity built o, $old and sil)er bri#ks and -e -ent to its $ate and asked 0the $atekee er5 to o en the $ate, and it -as o ened and -e entered the #ity and ,ound in it, men -ith one side o, their bodies as handsome as the handsomest erson you ha)e e)er seen, and the other side as u$ly as the u$liest erson you ha)e e)er seen. <y t-o #om anions ordered those men to thro- themsel)es into the ri)er. Behold, there -as a ri)er ,lo-in$ a#ross 0the #ity5, and its -ater -as like milk in -hiteness. 'hose men -ent and thre- themsel)es in it and then returned to us a,ter the u$liness 0o, their bodies5 had disa eared and they be#ame in the best sha e." 'he (ro het ,urther added, "<y t-o #om anions 0an$els5 said to me, ''his la#e is the Jden (aradise, and that is your la#e.' I raised u my si$ht, and behold, there I sa- a ala#e like a -hite #loud! <y t-o #om anions said to me, ''hat 0 ala#e5 is your la#e.' I said to them, '<ay Allah bless you both! Bet me enter it.' 'hey re lied, 'As ,or no-, you -ill not enter it, but you shall enter it 0one day5 I said to them, 'I ha)e seen many -onders toni$ht. "hat does all that mean -hi#h I ha)e seen&' 'hey re lied, '"e -ill in,orm you: As ,or the ,irst man you #ame u on -hose head -as bein$ in/ured -ith the ro#k, he is the symbol o, the one -ho studies the ?ur'an and then neither re#ites it nor a#ts on its orders, and slee s, ne$le#tin$ the en/oined rayers. 1@

As ,or the man you #ame u on -hose sides o, mouth, nostrils and eyes -ere torn o,, ,rom ,ront to ba#k, he is the symbol o, the man -ho $oes out o, his house in the mornin$ and tells so many lies that it s reads all o)er the -orld. And those naked men and -omen -hom you sa- in a #onstru#tion resemblin$ an o)en, they are the adulterers and the adulteresses. And the man -hom you sa- s-immin$ in the ri)er and $i)en a stone to s-allo-, is the eater o, usury 0;iba5. aand the bad lookin$ man -hom you sa- near the ,ire kindlin$ it and $oin$ round it, is <alik, the $atekee er o, *ell. And the tall man -hom you sa- in the $arden, is Abraham and the #hildren around him are those #hildren -ho die -ith Al.Fitra 0the Islami# Faith5. 'he narrator added: %ome <uslims asked the (ro het, "O Allah's A ostle! "hat about the #hildren o, a$ans&" 'he (ro het re lied, "And also the #hildren o, a$ans." 'he (ro het added, "<y t-o #om anions added, ''he men you sa- hal, handsome and hal, u$ly -ere those ersons -ho had mi+ed an a#t that -as $ood -ith another that -as bad, but Allah ,or$a)e them.'" 9.1@1: Narrated Asma': 'he (ro het said, "I -ill be at my Bake.Fount 0=authar5 -aitin$ ,or -hoe)er -ill #ome to me. 'hen some eo le -ill be taken a-ay ,rom me -hereu on I -ill say, '<y ,ollo-ers!' It -ill be said, 'Dou do not kno- they turned A ostates as rene$ades 0deserted their reli$ion5.'" 0Ibn Abi <ulaika said, "Allah, -e seek re,u$e -ith Dou ,rom turnin$ on our heels ,rom the 0Islami#5 reli$ion and ,rom bein$ ut to trial"5. 9.1@7: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, "I am your rede#essor at the Bake.Fount 0=authar5 and some men amon$st you -ill be brou$ht to me, and -hen I -ill try to hand them some -ater, they -ill be ulled a-ay ,rom me by ,or#e -hereu on I -ill say, 'O Bord, my #om anions!' 'hen the Almi$hty -ill say, 'Dou do not kno- -hat they did a,ter you le,t, they introdu#ed ne- thin$s into the reli$ion a,ter you.'" 9.1@9: Narrated %ahl bin %a`d: I heard the (ro het sayin$, "I am your rede#essor at the Bake.Fount 0=authar5, and -hoe)er -ill #ome to it, -ill drink ,rom it, and -hoe)er -ill drink ,rom it, -ill ne)er be#ome thirsty a,ter that. 'here -ill #ome to me some eo le -hom I kno- and they kno- me, and then a barrier -ill be set u bet-een me and them." Abu %a`id Al.=hudri added that the (ro het ,urther said: "I -ill say those eo le are ,rom me. It -ill be said, 'Dou do not kno- -hat #han$es and ne- thin$s they did a,ter you.' 'hen I -ill say, 'Far remo)ed 0,rom mer#y5, ,ar remo)ed 0,rom mer#y5, those -ho #han$ed 0the reli$ion5 a,ter me! " 9.1@2: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's A ostle said to us, "Dou -ill see a,ter me, sel,ishness 0on the art o, other eo le5 and other matters that you -ill disa ro)e o,." 'hey asked, ""hat do you order us to do, O Allah's A ostle& 0under su#h #ir#umstan#es5&" *e said, "(ay their ri$hts to them 0to the rulers5 and ask your ri$ht ,rom Allah." 9.1@3: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er disa ro)es o, somethin$ done by his ruler then he should be atient, ,or -hoe)er disobeys the ruler e)en a little 0little K a s an5 -ill die as those -ho died in the (re.lslami# (eriod o, I$noran#e. 0i.e. as rebellious %inners5. 9.1@@: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er noti#es somethin$ -hi#h he dislikes done by his ruler, then he should be atient, ,or -hoe)er be#omes se arate ,rom the #om any o, the <uslims e)en ,or a s an and then 14

dies, he -ill die as those -ho died in the (re.lslami# eriod o, I$noran#e 0as rebellious sinners5. 0Fath.ul.Bari a$e 111, Vol. 135 9.1@4: Narrated Aunada bin Abi 6maiya: "e entered u on '6bada bin As.%amit -hile he -as si#k. "e said, "<ay Allah make you healthy. "ill you tell us a *adith you heard ,rom the (ro het and by -hi#h Allah may make you bene,it&" *e said, "'he (ro het #alled us and -e $a)e him the (led$e o, alle$ian#e ,or Islam, and amon$ the #onditions on -hi#h he took the (led$e ,rom us, -as that -e -ere to listen and obey 0the orders5 both at the time -hen -e -ere a#ti)e and at the time -hen -e -ere tired, and at our di,,i#ult time and at our ease and to be obedient to the ruler and $i)e him his ri$ht e)en i, he did not $i)e us our ri$ht, and not to ,i$ht a$ainst him unless -e noti#ed him ha)in$ o en =u,r 0disbelie,5 ,or -hi#h -e -ould ha)e a roo, -ith us ,rom Allah." 9.1@9: Narrated 6said bin *udair: A man #ame to the (ro het and said, "O Allah's A ostle! Dou a ointed su#h.and.su#h erson and you did not a oint me&" 'he (ro het said, "A,ter me you -ill see rulers not $i)in$ you your ri$ht 0but you should $i)e them their ri$ht5 and be atient till you meet me." 9.14C: Narrated Abu *uraira: I heard the truth,ul and trusted by Allah 0i.e., the (ro het 5 sayin$, "'he destru#tion o, my ,ollo-ers -ill be throu$h the hands o, youn$ men ,rom ?uraish." 9.141: Narrated >ainab bint Aahsh: 'he (ro het $ot u ,rom his slee -ith a ,lushed red ,a#e and said, "None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah. "oe to the Arabs, ,rom the Ereat e)il that is nearly a roa#hin$ them. 'oday a $a has been made in the -all o, Eo$ and <a$o$ like this." 0%u,yan illustrated by this ,ormin$ the number 9C or 1CC -ith his ,in$ers.5 It -as asked, "%hall -e be destroyed thou$h there are ri$hteous eo le amon$ us&" 'he (ro het said, "Des, i, e)il in#reased." 9.141: Narrated 6sama bin >aid: On#e the (ro het stood o)er one o, the hi$h buildin$s o, <edina and then said 0to the eo le5, ":o you see -hat I see&" 'hey said, "No." *e said, "I see a,,li#tions ,allin$ amon$ your houses as rain dro s ,all." 9.147: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "'ime -ill ass ra idly, $ood deeds -ill de#rease, miserliness -ill be thro-n 0in the hearts o, the eo le5 a,,li#tions -ill a ear and there -ill be mu#h 'Al.*ar/." 'hey said, "O Allah's A ostle! "hat is "Al.*ar/&" *e said, "=illin$! =illin$!" 0%ee *adith No. 37, Vol. 45 9.149: Narrated `Abdullah and Abu <usa: 'he (ro het said, "Near the establishment o, the *our there -ill be days durin$ -hi#h ;eli$ious i$noran#e -ill s read, kno-led$e -ill be taken a-ay 0)anish5 and there -ill be mu#h Al.*ar/, and Al. *ar/ means killin$." 9.142: Narrated Abu <usa: 'he (ro het said, "Near the establishment o, the *our there -ill be days durin$ -hi#h 0reli$ious5 kno-led$e -ill be taken a-ay 0)anish5 and $eneral i$noran#e -ill s read, and there -ill be Al.*ar/ in abundan#e, and Al.*ar/ means killin$." 9.143: Narrated Abu <usa: 'he (ro het said...0as abo)e, 1425. And *ar/, in the Jthio ian lan$ua$e, means killin$. 9.14@: 19

Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, "Near the establishment o, the *our, there -ill be the days o, Al.*ar/, and the reli$ious kno-led$e -ill be taken a-ay 0)anish i.e. by the death o, ;eli$ious s#holars5 and $eneral i$noran#e -ill s read." Abu <usa said, "Al.*ar/, in the Jthio ian lan$ua$e, means killin$," Ibn <as`ud added: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$I 0It -ill be5 ,rom amon$ the most -i#ked eo le -ho -ill be li)in$ at the time -hen the *our -ill be established." 9.144: Narrated AH.>ubair bin `Adi: "e -ent to Anas bin <alik and #om lained about the -ron$ -e -ere su,,erin$ at the hand o, Al. *a//a/. Anas bin <alik said, "Be atient till you meet your Bord, ,or no time -ill #ome u on you but the time ,ollo-in$ it -ill be -orse than it. I heard that ,rom the (ro het." 9.149: Narrated 6m %alama: 0the -i,e o, the (ro het5 Allah's A ostle -oke u one ni$ht in a state o, terror and said, "%ubhan Allah, *o- many treasures Allah has sent do-n! And ho- many a,,li#tions ha)e been sent do-n! "ho -ill $o and -ake the lady d-ellers 0-i)es o, the (ro het5 u o, these rooms 0,or rayers5&" *e meant his -i)es, so that they mi$ht ray. *e added, "A -ell.dressed 0soul5 in this -orld may be naked in the *erea,ter." 9.19C: Narrated: 'he statement o, the (ro het: "hoe)er takes u arms a$ainst us, is not ,rom us." 9.191: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, ""hoe)er takes u arms a$ainst us, is not ,rom us." 9.191: Narrated Abu <usa: 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er takes u arms a$ainst us, is not ,rom us." 9.197: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "None o, you should oint out to-ards his <uslim brother -ith a -ea on, ,or he does not kno-, %atan may tem t him to hit him and thus he -ould ,all into a it o, ,ire 0*ell5" 9.199: Narrated %u,yan: I said to `Amr, "O Abu <uhammad! :id you hear Aabir bin `Abdullah sayin$, 'A man #arryin$ arro-s assed throu$h the mos8ue and Allah's A ostle said to him, '*old the arro-s by their heads! "`Amr re lied, "Des." 9.192: Narrated Aabir: A man assed throu$h the mos8ue and he -as #arryin$ arro-s, the heads o, -hi#h -ere e+ osed 0 rotrudin$5. 'he man -as ordered 0by the (ro het5 to hold the iron heads so that it mi$ht not s#rat#h 0in/ure5 any <uslim. 9.193: Narrated Abu <usa: 'he (ro het said, "I, anyone o, you assed throu$h our mos8ue or throu$h our market -hile #arryin$ arro-s, he should hold the iron heads," or said, "..... he should hold 0their heads5 ,irmly -ith his hand lest he should in/ure one o, the <uslims -ith it." 9.19@: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het, said, "Abusin$ a <uslim is Fusu8 0e)il doin$5 and killin$ him is =u,r 0disbelie,5. 9.194: Narrated Ibn `6mar: 7C

I heard the (ro het sayin$, ":o not re)ert to disbelie, a,ter me by strikin$ 0#uttin$5 the ne#ks o, one another." 9.199: Narrated Abu Bakra: Allah's A ostle addressed the eo le sayin$, ":on't you kno- -hat is the day today&" 'hey re lied, "Allah and *is A ostle kno- better." "e thou$ht that he mi$ht $i)e that day another name. 'he (ro het said, "Isn't it the day o, An.Nahr&" "e re lied, "Des. O Allah's A ostle." *e then said, ""hat to-n is this& Isn't it the ,orbidden 0%a#red5 'o-n 0<e##a5&" "e re lied, "Des, O Allah's A ostle." *e then said, "Dour blood, your ro erties, your honors and your skins 0i.e., bodies5 are as sa#red to one another like the san#tity o, this day o, yours in this month o, yours in this to-n o, yours. 0Bisten5 *a)en't I #on)eyed Allah's messa$e to you&" "e re lied, "Des" *e said, "O Allah! Be -itness 0,or it5. %o it is in#umbent u on those -ho are resent to #on)ey it 0this messa$e o, mine5 to those -ho are absent be#ause the in,ormed one mi$ht #om rehend -hat I ha)e said better than the resent audien#e -ho -ill #on)ey it to him.5" 'he narrator added: In ,a#t, it -as like that. 'he (ro het added, "Be-are! :o not rene$ade as disbelie)ers a,ter me by strikin$ 0#uttin$5 the ne#ks o, one another." 9.1CC: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het said, "Be-are! :o not rene$ade as 0disbelie)ers5 a,ter me by strikin$ 0#uttin$5 the ne#ks o, one another." 9.1C1: Narrated Aarir: 'he (ro het said to me durin$ *a//at.al."ada`, "Bet the eo le kee 8uiet and listen." 'hen he said 0addressin$ the eo le5, "Be-are! :o not rene$ade as disbelie)ers a,ter me by strikin$ 0#uttin$5 the ne#ks o, one another." 9.1C1: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'here -ill be a,,li#tions 0in the near ,uture5 durin$ -hi#h a sittin$ erson -ill be better than a standin$ one, and the standin$ one -ill be better than the -alkin$ one, and the -alkin$ one -ill be better than the runnin$ one, and -hoe)er -ill e+ ose himsel, to these a,,li#tions, they -ill destroy him. %o -hoe)er #an ,ind a la#e o, rote#tion or re,u$e ,rom them, should take shelter in it." 9.1C7: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'here -ill be a,,li#tions 0in the near ,uture5 durin$ -hi#h a sittin$ erson -ill be better than a standin$ one, and the standin$ one -ill be better than a -alkin$ one, and the -alkin$ one -ill be better than a runnin$ one, and -hoe)er -ill e+ ose himsel, to these a,,li#tions, they -ill destroy him. %o -hoe)er #an ,ind a la#e o, rote#tion or re,u$e ,rom them, should take shelter in it." 9.1C9: Narrated Al.*asan: 0Al.Ahna, said:5 I -ent out #arryin$ my arms durin$ the ni$hts o, the a,,li#tion 0i.e. the -ar bet-een `Ali and `Aisha5 and Abu Bakra met me and asked, ""here are you $oin$&" I re lied, "I intend to hel the #ousin o, Allah's A ostle 0i.e.,`Ali5." Abu Bakra said, "Allah's A ostle said, 'I, t-o <uslims take out their s-ords to ,i$ht ea#h other, then both o, them -ill be ,rom amon$st the eo le o, the *ell. Fire.' It -as said to the (ro het, 'It is alri$ht ,or the killer but -hat about the killed one&' *e re lied, ''he killed one had the intention to kill his o onent.'" 0%ee *adith No. 7C, Vol. 15 9.1C2: Narrated Al.Ahna,: Abu Bakra said: 'he (ro het said 0as abo)e, 1C95. 9.1C3: Narrated *udhai,a bin Al.Daman: 'he eo le used to ask Allah's A ostle about the $ood but I used to ask him about the e)il lest I should be o)ertaken by them. %o I said, "O Allah's A ostle! "e -ere li)in$ in i$noran#e and in an 71

0e+tremely5 -orst atmos here, then Allah brou$ht to us this $ood 0i.e., Islam5I -ill there be any e)il a,ter this $ood&" *e said, "Des." I said, '"ill there be any $ood a,ter that e)il&" *e re lied, "Des, but it -ill be tainted 0not ure.5'' I asked, ""hat -ill be its taint&" *e re lied, "0'here -ill be5 some eo le -ho -ill $uide others not a##ordin$ to my tradition& Dou -ill a ro)e o, some o, their deeds and disa ro)e o, some others." I asked, ""ill there be any e)il a,ter that $ood&" *e re lied, "Des, 0there -ill be5 some eo le #allin$ at the $ates o, the 0*ell5 Fire, and -hoe)er -ill res ond to their #all, -ill be thro-n by them into the 0*ell5 Fire." I said, "O Allah s A ostle! "ill you des#ribe them to us&" *e said, "'hey -ill be ,rom our o-n eo le and -ill s eak our lan$ua$e." I said, ""hat do you order me to do i, su#h a state should take la#e in my li,e&" *e said, "%ti#k to the $rou o, <uslims and their Imam 0ruler5." I said, "I, there is neither a $rou o, <uslims nor an Imam 0ruler5&" *e said, "'hen turn a-ay ,rom all those se#ts e)en i, you -ere to bite 0eat5 the roots o, a tree till death o)ertakes you -hile you are in that state." 9.1C@: Narrated Abu Al.As-ad: An army unit -as bein$ re#ruited ,rom the eo le o, <edina and my name -as -ritten amon$ them. 'hen I met `Ikrima, and -hen I in,ormed him about it, he dis#oura$ed me )ery stron$ly and said, "Ibn `Abbas told me that there -ere some <uslims -ho -ere -ith the a$ans to in#rease their number a$ainst Allah's A ostle 0and the <uslim army5 so arro-s 0,rom the <uslim army5 -ould hit one o, them and kill him or a <uslim -ould strike him 0-ith his s-ord5 and kill him. %o Allah re)ealed:.. 'Verily! As ,or those -hom the an$els take 0in death5 -hile they are -ron$in$ themsel)es 0by stayin$ amon$ the disbelie)ers5.' 09.9@5 9.1C4: Narrated *udhai,a: Allah's A ostle related to us, t-o ro heti# narrations one o, -hi#h I ha)e seen ,ul,illed and I am -aitin$ ,or the ,ul,illment o, the other. 'he (ro het told us that the )irtue o, honesty des#ended in the roots o, men's hearts 0,rom Allah5 and then they learned it ,rom the ?ur'an and then they learned it ,rom the %unna 0the (ro het's traditions5. 'he (ro het ,urther told us ho- that honesty -ill be taken a-ay: *e said: "<an -ill $o to slee durin$ -hi#h honesty -ill be taken a-ay ,rom his heart and only its tra#e -ill remain in his heart like the tra#e o, a dark s otI then man -ill $o to slee , durin$ -hi#h honesty -ill de#rease ,urther still, so that its tra#e -ill resemble the tra#e o, blister as -hen an ember is dro ed on one's ,oot -hi#h -ould make it s-ell, and one -ould see it s-ollen but there -ould be nothin$ inside. (eo le -ould be #arryin$ out their trade but hardly -ill there be a trust-orthy erson. It -ill be said, 'in su#h.and.su#h tribe there is an honest man,' and later it -ill be said about some man, '"hat a -ise, olite and stron$ man he is!' 'hou$h he -ill not ha)e ,aith e8ual e)en to a mustard seed in his heart." No doubt, there #ame u on me a time -hen I did not mind dealin$ 0bar$ainin$5 -ith anyone o, you, ,or i, he -as a <uslim his Islam -ould #om el him to ay me -hat is due to me, and i, he -as a Ghristian, the <uslim o,,i#ial -ould #om el him to ay me -hat is due to me, but today I do not deal e+#e t -ith su#h.and.su#h erson. 9.1C9: Narrated %alama bin Al.Ak-a`: 'hat he )isited Al.*a//a/ 0bin Dusu,5. Al.*a//a/ said, "O son o, Al.Ak-a`! Dou ha)e turned on your heels 0i.e., deserted Islam5 by stayin$ 0in the desert5 -ith the bedouins." %alama re lied, "No, but Allah's A ostle allo-ed me to stay -ith the bedouin in the desert." Narrated DaHid bin Abi 6baid: "hen `6thman bin `A,,an -as killed 0martyred5, %alama bin Al.Ak-a` -ent out to a la#e #alled Ar. ;abadha and married there and be$ot #hildren, and he stayed there till a ,e- ni$hts be,ore his death -hen he #ame to <edina. 9.11C: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: Allah's A ostle said, "'here -ill #ome a time -hen the best ro erty o, a <uslim -ill be shee -hi#h he -ill take to the to s o, mountains and the la#es o, rain,all so as to ,lee -ith his reli$ion ,rom the a,,li#tions. 9.111: 71

Narrated Anas: 'he eo le started askin$ the (ro het too many 8uestions im ortunately. %o one day he as#ended the ul it and said, "Dou -ill not ask me any 8uestion but I -ill e+ lain it to you." I looked ri$ht and le,t, and behold, e)ery man -as #o)erin$ his head -ith his $arment and -ee in$. 'hen $ot u a man -ho, -hene)er 8uarrelin$ -ith somebody, used to be a##used o, not bein$ the son o, his ,ather. *e said, "O Allah's A ostle! "ho is my ,ather&" 'he (ro het re lied, "Dour ,ather is *udhai,a." 'hen `6mar $ot u and said, ""e a##e t Allah as our Bord, Islam as our reli$ion and <uhammad as our A ostle and -e seek re,u$e -ith Allah ,rom the e)il o, a,,li#tions." 'he (ro het said, " I ha)e ne)er seen the $ood and bad like on this day. No doubt, (aradise and *ell -as dis layed in ,ront o, me till I sa- them in ,ront o, that -all," ?atada said: 'his *adith used to be mentioned as an e+ lanation o, this Verse:.. 'O you -ho belie)e! Ask not 8uestions about thin$s -hi#h, i, made lain to you, may #ause you trouble.' 02.1C15 9.111: Narrated %alim's ,ather: 'he (ro het stood u beside the ul it 0and ointed -ith his ,in$er to-ards the Jast5 and said, "A,,li#tions are there! A,,li#tions are there, ,rom -here the side o, the head o, %atan #omes out," or said, "..the side o, the sun.." 9.117: Narrated Ibn `6mar: I heard Allah's A ostle -hile he -as ,a#in$ the Jast, sayin$, "Verily! A,,li#tions are there, ,rom -here the side o, the head o, %atan #omes out." 9.119: Narrated Ibn `6mar: 'he (ro het said, "O Allah! Besto- Dour blessin$s on our %ham! O Allah! Besto- Dour blessin$s on our Demen." 'he (eo le said, "And also on our Na/d." *e said, "O Allah! Besto- Dour blessin$s on our %ham 0north5! O Allah! Besto- Dour blessin$s on our Demen." 'he eo le said, "O Allah's A ostle! And also on our Na/d." I think the third time the (ro het said, "'here 0in Na/d5 is the la#e o, earth8uakes and a,,li#tions and ,rom there #omes out the side o, the head o, %atan." 9.112: Narrated %a`id bin Aubair: `Abdullah bin `6mar #ame to us and -e ho ed that he -ould narrate to us a $ood *adith. But be,ore -e asked him, a man $ot u and said to him, "O Abu `Abdur.;ahman! Narrate to us about the battles durin$ the time o, the a,,li#tions, as Allah says:.. 'And ,i$ht them until there is no more a,,li#tions 0i.e. no more -orshi in$ o, others besides Allah5.'" 01.1975 Ibn `6mar said 0to the man5, ":o you kno- -hat is meant by a,,li#tions& Bet your mother berea)e you! <uhammad used to ,i$ht a$ainst the a$ans, ,or a <uslim -as ut to trial in his reli$ion 0'he a$ans -ill either kill him or #hain him as a #a ti)e5. *is ,i$htin$ -as not like your ,i$htin$ -hi#h is #arried on ,or the sake o, rulin$." 9.113: Narrated %ha8i8: I heard *udhai,a sayin$, ""hile -e -ere sittin$ -ith `6mar, he said, '"ho amon$ you remembers the statement o, the (ro het about the a,,li#tions&' *udhai,a said, "'he a,,li#tion o, a man in his ,amily, his ro erty, his #hildren and his nei$hbors are e+ iated by his rayers, >akat 0and alms5 and en/oinin$ $ood and ,orbiddin$ e)il." `6mar said, "I do not ask you about these a,,li#tions, but about those a,,li#tions -hi#h -ill mo)e like the -a)es o, the sea." *udhai,a said, ":on't -orry about it, O #hie, o, the belie)ers, ,or there is a #losed door bet-een you and them." `6mar said, ""ill that door be broken or o ened&" I said, "No. it -ill be broken." `6mar said, "'hen it -ill ne)er be #losed," I said, "Des." "e asked *udhai,a, ":id `6mar kno- -hat that door meant&" *e re lied, "Des, as I kno- that there -ill be ni$ht be,ore tomorro- mornin$, that is be#ause I narrated to him a true narration ,ree ,rom errors." "e dared not ask *udhai,a as to -hom the door re resented so -e ordered <asru8 to ask him -hat does the door stand ,or& *e re lied, "`6mar." 9.11@: 77

Narrated Abu <usa Al.Ash`ari: 'he (ro het -ent out to one o, the $ardens o, <edina ,or some business and I -ent out to ,ollo- him. "hen he entered the $arden, I sat at its $ate and said to mysel,, "'o day I -ill be the $atekee er o, the (ro het thou$h he has not ordered me." 'he (ro het -ent and ,inished his need and -ent to sit on the #onstru#ted ed$e o, the -ell and un#o)ered his le$s and hun$ them in the -ell. In the meantime Abu Bakr #ame and asked ermission to enter. I said 0to him5, ""ait till I $et you ermission." Abu Bakr -aited outside and I -ent to the (ro het and said, "O Allah's (ro het! Abu Bakr asks your ermission to enter." *e said, "Admit him, and $i)e him the $lad tidin$s o, enterin$ (aradise." %o Abu Bakr entered and sat on the ri$ht side o, the (ro het and un#o)ered his le$s and hun$ them in the -ell. 'hen `6mar #ame and I said 0to him5, ""ait till I $et you ermission." 'he (ro het said, "Admit him and $i)e him the $lad tidin$s o, enterin$ (aradise." %o `6mar entered and sat on the le,t side o, the (ro het and un#o)ered his le$s and hun$ them in the -ell so that one side o, the -ell be#ame ,ully o##u ied and there remained no la#e ,or any.one to sit. 'hen `6thman #ame and I said 0to him5, ""ait till I $et ermission ,or you." 'he (ro het said, "Admit him and $i)e him the $lad tidin$s o, enterin$ (aradise -ith a #alamity -hi#h -ill be,all him." "hen he entered, he #ould not ,ind any la#e to sit -ith them so he -ent to the other ed$e o, the -ell o osite them and un#o)ered his le$s and hun$ them in the -ell. I -ished that a brother o, mine -ould #ome, so I in)oked Allah ,or his #omin$. 0Ibn Al.<usaiyab said, "I inter reted that 0narration5 as indi#atin$ their $ra)es. 'he ,irst three are to$ether and the $ra)e o, `6thman is se arate ,rom theirs."5 9.114: Narrated Abu "ail: %omeone said to 6sama, ""ill you not talk to this 06thman5&" 6sama said, "I talked to him 0se#retly5 -ithout bein$ the ,irst man to o en an e)il door. I -ill ne)er tell a ruler -ho rules o)er t-o men or more that he is $ood a,ter I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, 'A man -ill be brou$ht and ut in *ell 0Fire5 and he -ill #ir#umambulate 0$o around and round5 in *ell 0Fire5 like a donkey o, a 0,lour5 $rindin$ mill, and all the eo le o, *ell 0Fire5 -ill $ather around him and -ill say to him, O so.and.so! :idn't you use to order others ,or $ood and ,orbid them ,rom e)il&' 'hat man -ill say, 'I used to order others to do $ood but I mysel, ne)er used to do it, and I used to ,orbid others ,rom e)il -hile I mysel, used to do e)il.' " 9.119: Narrated Abu Bakra: :urin$ the battle o, Al.Aamal, Allah bene,ited me -ith a "ord 0I heard ,rom the (ro het5. "hen the (ro het heard the ne-s that the eo le o, the (ersia had made the dau$hter o, =hosrau their ?ueen 0ruler5, he said, "Ne)er -ill su##eed su#h a nation as makes a -oman their ruler." 9.11C: Narrated Abu <aryam `Abdullah bin >iyad Al.Aasadi: "hen 'alha, AH>ubair and `Aisha mo)ed to Basra, `Ali sent `Ammar bin Dasir and *asan bin `Ali -ho #ame to us at =u,a and as#ended the ul it. Al.*asan bin `Ali -as at the to o, the ul it and `Ammar -as belo- Al.*asan. "e all $athered be,ore him. I heard `Ammar sayin$, "`Aisha has mo)ed to Al.Busra. By Allah! %he is the -i,e o, your (ro het in this -orld and in the *erea,ter. But Allah has ut you to test -hether you obey *im 0Allah5 or her 0`Aisha5. 9.111: Narrated Abu "ail: `Ammar stood on the ul it at =u,a and mentioned `Aisha and her #omin$ 0to Busra5 and said, "%he is the -i,e o, your (ro het in this -orld and in the *erea,ter, but you eo le are bein$ ut to test in this issue." 9.111: Narrated Abu "ail: Abu <usa and Abii <as`ud -ent to `Ammar -hen `Ali had sent him to =u,a to e+hort them to ,i$ht 0on `Ali's side5. 'hey said to him, "%in#e you ha)e be#ome a <uslim, -e ha)e ne)er seen you doin$ a deed more #riti#iHable to us than your haste in this matter." `Ammar said, "%in#e you 0both5 be#ame <uslims, I ha)e ne)er seen you doin$ a deed more #riti#iHable to me than your kee in$ a-ay ,rom 79

this matter." 'hen Abu <as`ud ro)ided `Ammar and Abu <usa -ith t-o. ie#e out,its to -ear, and one o, them -ent to the mos8ue 0o, =u,a5. 9.117: Narrated %ha8i8 bin %alama: I -as sittin$ -ith Abu <as`ud and Abu <usa and `Ammar. Abu <as`ud said 0to `Ammar5, "'here is none o, your #om anions but, i, I -ish, I #ould ,ind ,ault -ith him e+#e t -ith you. %in#e you /oined the #om any o, the (ro het I ha)e ne)er seen anythin$ done by you more #riti#iHable by me than your haste in this issue." `Ammar said, O Abu <as`ud ! I ha)e ne)er seen anythin$ done by you or by this #om anion o, yours 0i.e., Abu <usa5 more #riti#iHable by me than your kee in$ a-ay ,rom this issue sin#e the time you both /oined the #om any o, the (ro het." 'hen Abu <as`ud -ho -as a ri#h man, said 0to his ser)ant5, "O boy! Brin$ t-o suits." 'hen he $a)e one to Abu <usa and the other to `Ammar and said 0to them5, "(ut on these suits be,ore $oin$ ,or the Friday rayer. " 9.119: Narrated Ibn `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, "I, Allah sends unishment u on a nation then it be,alls u on the -hole o ulation indis#riminately and then they -ill be resurre#ted 0and /ud$ed5 a##ordin$ to their deeds. " 9.112: Narrated Al.*asan Al.Basri: "hen Al.*asan bin `Ali mo)ed -ith army units a$ainst <ua-iya, `Amr bin AB.As said to <ua-iya, "I see an army that -ill not retreat unless and until the o osin$ army retreats." <ua-iya said, "0I, the <uslims are killed5 -ho -ill look a,ter their #hildren&" `Amr bin Al.As said: I 0-ill look a,ter them5. On that, `Abdullah bin 'Amir and `Abdur.;ahman bin %amura said, "Bet us meet <ua-aiya and su$$est ea#e." Al.*asan Al.Basri added: No doubt, I heard that Abu Bakra said, "On#e -hile the (ro het -as addressin$ 0the eo le5, Al.*asan 0bin `Ali5 #ame and the (ro het said, ''his son o, mine is a #hie,, and Allah may make ea#e bet-een t-o $rou s o, <uslims throu$h him." 9.113: Narrated *armala: 06sama's <aula5 6sama 0bin >aid5 sent me to `Ali 0at =u,a5 and said, "`Ali -ill ask you, '"hat has re)ented your #om anion ,rom /oinin$ me&' Dou then should say to him, 'I, you 0`Ali5 -ere in the mouth o, a lion, I -ould like to be -ith you, but in this matter I -on't take any art.' " *armala added: "`Ali didn't $i)e me anythin$ 0-hen I #on)eyed the messa$e to him5 so I -ent to *asan, *ussain and Ibn Aa`,ar and they loaded my #amels -ith mu#h 0-ealth5. 9.11@: Narrated Na,i`: "hen the eo le o, <edina dethroned DaHid bin <ua-iya, Ibn `6mar $athered his s e#ial ,riends and #hildren and said, "I heard the (ro het sayin$, 'A ,la$ -ill be ,i+ed ,or e)ery betrayer on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion,' and -e ha)e $i)en the oath o, alle$ian#e to this erson 0DaHid5 in a##ordan#e -ith the #onditions en/oined by Allah and *is A ostle and I do not kno- o, anythin$ more ,aithless than ,i$htin$ a erson -ho has been $i)en the oath o, alle$ian#e in a##ordan#e -ith the #onditions en/oined by Allah and *is A ostle , and i, e)er I learn that any erson amon$ you has a$reed to dethrone DaHid, by $i)in$ the oath o, alle$ian#e 0to somebody else5 then there -ill be se aration bet-een him and me." 9.114: Narrated Abu Al.<inhal: "hen Ibn >iyad and <ar-an -ere in %ham and Ibn AH.>ubair took o)er the authority in <e##a and ?urra' 0the =hari/ites5 re)olted in Basra, I -ent out -ith my ,ather to Abu BarHa Al.Aslami till -e entered u on him in his house -hile he -as sittin$ in the shade o, a room built o, #ane. %o -e sat -ith him and my ,ather started talkin$ to him sayin$, "O Abu BarHa! :on't you see in -hat dilemma the eo le has ,allen&" 'he ,irst thin$ heard him sayin$ "I seek re-ard ,rom Allah ,or mysel, be#ause o, bein$ an$ry and s#orn,ul at the ?uraish tribe. O you Arabs! Dou kno- )ery -ell that you -ere in misery and -ere ,e- in number and mis$uided, and that Allah has brou$ht you out o, all that -ith 72

Islam and -ith <uhammad till *e brou$ht you to this state 0o, ros erity and ha iness5 -hi#h you see no-I and it is this -orldly -ealth and leasures -hi#h has #aused mis#hie, to a ear amon$ you. 'he one -ho is in %ham 0i.e., <ar-an5, by Allah, is not ,i$htin$ e+#e t ,or the sake o, -orldly $ain: and those -ho are amon$ you, by Allah, are not ,i$htin$ e+#e t ,or the sake o, -orldly $ainI and that one -ho is in <e##a 0i.e., Ibn AH.>ubair5 by Allah, is not ,i$htin$ e+#e t ,or the sake o, -orldly $ain." 9.119: Narrated Abi "aih: *udhai,a bin Al.Daman said, ''he hy o#rites o, today are -orse than those o, the li,etime o, the (ro het, be#ause in those days they used to do e)il deeds se#retly but today they do su#h deeds o enly.' 9.17C: Narrated Abi Asha'sha: *udhai,a said, 'In ,a#t, it -as hy o#risy that e+isted in the li,etime o, the (ro het but today it is =u,r 0disbelie,5 a,ter belie,.' 9.171: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "'he *our -ill not be established till a man asses by a $ra)e o, somebody and says, '"ould that I -ere in his la#e.' " 9.171: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'he *our -ill not be established till the butto#ks o, the -omen o, the tribe o, :aus mo)e -hile $oin$ round :hi.al.=halasa." :hi.al.=halasa -as the idol o, the :aus tribe -hi#h they used to -orshi in the (re Islami# (eriod o, i$noran#e. 9.177: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'he *our -ill not be established till a man ,rom ?ahtan a ears, dri)in$ the eo le -ith his sti#k." 9.179: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'he *our -ill not be established till a ,ire -ill #ome out o, the land o, *i/aH, and it -ill thro- li$ht on the ne#ks o, the #amels at Busra." 9.172: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "%oon the ri)er "Ju hrates" -ill dis#lose the treasure 0the mountain5 o, $old, so -hoe)er -ill be resent at that time should not take anythin$ o, it." Al.A'ra/ narrated ,rom Abii *uraira that the (ro het said the same but he said, "It 0Ju hrates5 -ill un#o)er a mountain o, $old 0under it5. 9.173: Narrated *aritha bin "ahb: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, "Ei)e in #harity be#ause there -ill #ome a time on the eo le -hen a erson -ill $o out -ith his alms ,rom la#e to la#e but -ill not ,ind anybody to a##e t it." 9.17@: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'he *our -ill not be established 015 till t-o bi$ $rou s ,i$ht ea#h other -hereu on there -ill be a $reat number o, #asualties on both sides and they -ill be ,ollo-in$ one and the same reli$ious do#trine, 015 till about thirty :a//als 0liars5 a ear, and ea#h one o, them -ill #laim that he is Allah's A ostle, 075 till the reli$ious kno-led$e is taken a-ay 0by the death o, ;eli$ious s#holars5 095 earth8uakes -ill in#rease in number 025 time -ill ass 8ui#kly, 035 a,,li#tions -ill a ear, 0@5 Al.*ar/, 0i.e., killin$5 -ill in#rease, 045 till -ealth -ill be in abundan#e .... so abundant that a -ealthy erson -ill -orry lest nobody should a##e t his >akat, and -hene)er he -ill resent it to someone, that erson 0to -hom it -ill be o,,ered5 -ill say, 'I am not in need o, it, 095 till the eo le 73

#om ete -ith one another in #onstru#tin$ hi$h buildin$s, 01C5 till a man -hen assin$ by a $ra)e o, someone -ill say, '"ould that I -ere in his la#e 0115 and till the sun rises ,rom the "est. %o -hen the sun -ill rise and the eo le -ill see it 0risin$ ,rom the "est5 they -ill all belie)e 0embra#e Islam5 but that -ill be the time -hen: 0As Allah said,5 'No $ood -ill it do to a soul to belie)e then, i, it belie)ed not be,ore, nor earned $ood 0by deeds o, ri$hteousness5 throu$h its Faith.' 03.1245 And the *our -ill be established -hile t-o men s readin$ a $arment in ,ront o, them but they -ill not be able to sell it, nor ,old it u I and the *our -ill be established -hen a man has milked his she.#amel and has taken a-ay the milk but he -ill not be able to drink itI and the *our -ill be established be,ore a man re airin$ a tank 0,or his li)esto#k5 is able to -ater 0his animals5 in itI and the *our -ill be established -hen a erson has raised a morsel 0o, ,ood5 to his mouth but -ill not be able to eat it." 9.174: Narrated Al.<u$hira bin %hu`ba: Nobody asked the (ro het as many 8uestions as I asked re$ardin$ Ad.:a//al. 'he (ro het said to me, ""hat -orries you about him&" I said, "Be#ause the eo le say that he -ill ha)e a mountain o, bread and a ri)er o, -ater -ith him 0i.e. he -ill ha)e abundan#e o, ,ood and -ater5" 'he (ro het said, "Nay, he is too mean to be allo-ed su#h a thin$ by Allah"' 0but it is only to test mankind -hether they belie)e in Allah or in Ad.:a//al.5 9.179: Narrated Anas bin <alik: 'he (ro het said, "Ad.:a//al -ill #ome and en#am at a la#e #lose to <edina and then <edina -ill shake thri#e -hereu on e)ery =a,ir 0disbelie)er5 and hy o#rite -ill $o out 0o, <edina5 to-ards him." 9.19C: Narrated Abu Bakra: 'he (ro het said, "'he terror #aused by Al.<asih Ad.:a//al -ill not enter <edina and at that time <edina -ill ha)e se)en $ates and there -ill be t-o an$els at ea#h $ate 0$uardin$ them5. 9.191: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: Allah's A ostle stood u amon$st the eo le and then raised and $lori,ied Allah as *e deser)ed and then he mentioned Ad.:a//al, sayin$, "I -arn you o, him, and there -as no ro het but -arned his ,ollo-ers o, himI but I -ill tell you somethin$ about him -hi#h no ro het has told his ,ollo-ers: Ad. :a//al is one.eyed -hereas Allah is not." 9.191: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: Allah's A ostle said. ""hile I -as slee in$, I sa- mysel, 0in a dream5 er,ormin$ 'a-a, around the =a`ba. Behold, I sa- a reddish.-hite man -ith lank hair, and -ater -as dro in$ ,rom his head. I asked, ""ho is this&' 'hey re lied, ''he son o, <ary.' 'hen I turned my ,a#e to see another man -ith a hu$e body, red #om le+ion and #urly hair and blind in one eye. *is eye looked like a rotrudin$ out $ra e. 'hey said 0to me5, *e is Ad.:a//al." 'he (ro het added, "'he man he resembled most is Ibn ?atan, a man ,rom the tribe o, =huHa`a. " 9.197: Narrated `Aisha: I heard Allah's A ostle in his rayer, seekin$ re,u$e -ith Allah ,rom the a,,li#tions o, Ad.:a//al. 9.199: Narrated *udhai,a: 'he (ro het said about Ad.:a//al that he -ould ha)e -ater and ,ire -ith him: 0-hat -ould seem to be5 ,ire, -ould be #old -ater and 0-hat -ould seem to be5 -ater, -ould be ,ire. 9.192: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het said, "No ro het -as sent but that he -arned his ,ollo-ers a$ainst the one.eyed liar 0Ad.:a//al5. Be-are! *e is blind in one eye, and your Bord is not so, and there -ill be -ritten bet-een his 0Ad.:a//al's5 eyes 0the -ord5 =a,ir 0i.e., disbelie)er5." 0'his *adith is also 8uoted by Abu *uraira and Ibn `Abbas5. 7@

9.193: Narrated Abu %a`id: One day Allah's A ostle narrated to us a lon$ narration about Ad.:a//al and amon$ the thin$s he narrated to us, -as: "Ad.:a//al -ill #ome, and he -ill be ,orbidden to enter the mountain asses o, <edina. *e -ill en#am in one o, the salt areas nei$hborin$ <edina and there -ill a ear to him a man -ho -ill be the best or one o, the best o, the eo le. *e -ill say 'I testi,y that you are Ad.:a//al -hose story Allah's A ostle has told us.' Ad.:a//al -ill say 0to his audien#e5, 'Book, i, I kill this man and then $i)e him li,e, -ill you ha)e any doubt about my #laim&' 'hey -ill re ly, 'No,' 'hen Ad. :a//al -ill kill that man and then -ill make him ali)e. 'he man -ill say, 'By Allah, no- I re#o$niHe you more than e)er!' Ad.:a//al -ill then try to kill him 0a$ain5 but he -ill not be $i)en the o-er to do so." 9.19@: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'here are an$els at the mountain asses o, <edina 0so that5 neither la$ue nor Ad.:a//al #an enter it.' 9.194: Narrated Anas bin <alik: 'he (ro het said, "Ad.:a//al -ill #ome to <edina and ,ind the an$els $uardin$ it. %o Allah -illin$, neither Ad.:a//al, nor la$ue -ill be able to #ome near it." 9.199: Narrated >ainab bint Aahsh: 'hat one day Allah's A ostle entered u on her in a state o, ,ear and said, "None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah! "oe to the Arabs ,rom the Ereat e)il that has a roa#hed 0them5. 'oday a hole has been o ened in the dam o, Eo$ and <a$o$ like this." 'he (ro het made a #ir#le -ith his inde+ ,in$er and thumb. >ainab bint Aahsh added: I said, "O Alllah's A ostle! %hall -e be destroyed thou$h there -ill be ri$hteous eo le amon$ us&" 'he (ro het said, "Des, i, the 0number5 o, e)il 0 ersons5 in#reased." 9.12C: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "A hole has been o ened in the dam o, Eo$ and <a$o$." "uhaib 0the sub.narrator5 made the number 9C 0-ith his inde+ ,in$er and thumb5. 9.121: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, ""hoe)er obeys me, obeys Allah, and -hoe)er disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and -hoe)er obeys the ruler I a oint, obeys me, and -hoe)er disobeys him, disobeys me." 9.121: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, "%urely! J)eryone o, you is a $uardian and is res onsible ,or his #har$es: 'he Imam 0ruler5 o, the eo le is a $uardian and is res onsible ,or his sub/e#tsI a man is the $uardian o, his ,amily 0household5 and is res onsible ,or his sub/e#tsI a -oman is the $uardian o, her husband's home and o, his #hildren and is res onsible ,or themI and the sla)e o, a man is a $uardian o, his master's ro erty and is res onsible ,or it. %urely, e)eryone o, you is a $uardian and res onsible ,or his #har$es." 9.127: Narrated <uhammad bin Aubair bin <ut`im: 'hat -hile he -as in#luded in a dele$ation o, ?uraish stayin$ -ith <ua-iya, <ua-iya heard that `Abdullah bin `Amr had said that there -ould be a kin$ ,rom ?ahtan tribe, -hereu on he be#ame )ery an$ry. *e stood u , and a,ter $lori,yin$ and raisin$ Allah as *e deser)ed, said, "'o ro#eed, I ha)e #ome to kno- that some o, you men are narratin$ thin$s -hi#h are neither in Allah's Book, nor has been mentioned by Allah's A ostle . %u#h eo le are the i$norant amon$ you. Be-are o, su#h )ain desires that mislead those -ho ha)e them. I ha)e heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, ''his matter 0o, the


#ali hate5 -ill remain -ith the ?uraish, and none -ill rebel a$ainst them, but Allah -ill thro- him do-n on his ,a#e as lon$ as they sti#k to the rules and re$ulations o, the reli$ion 0Islam5.'" 9.129: Narrated Ibn `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, "'his matter 0#ali hate5 -ill remain -ith the ?uraish e)en i, only t-o o, them -ere still e+istin$." 9.122: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's A ostle said, ":o not -ish to be like anyone, e+#e t in t-o #ases: 015 A man -hom Allah has $i)en -ealth and he s ends it ri$hteously. 015 A man -hom Allah has $i)en -isdom 0kno-led$e o, the ?ur'an and the *adith5 and he a#ts a##ordin$ to it and tea#hes it to others." 9.123: Narrated Anas bin <alik: Allah's A ostle said, "Dou should listen to and obey, your ruler e)en i, he -as an Jthio ian 0bla#k5 sla)e -hose head looks like a raisin." 9.12@: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het said, "I, somebody sees his <uslim ruler doin$ somethin$ he disa ro)es o,, he should be atient, ,or -hoe)er be#omes se arate ,rom the <uslim $rou e)en ,or a s an and then dies, he -ill die as those -ho died in the (re.lslami# eriod o, i$noran#e 0as rebellious sinners5. 0%ee *adith No. 1@3 and 1@@5 9.124: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, "A <uslim has to listen to and obey 0the order o, his ruler5 -hether he likes it or not, as lon$ as his orders in)ol)e not one in disobedien#e 0to Allah5, but i, an a#t o, disobedien#e 0to Allah5 is im osed one should not listen to it or obey it. 0%ee *adith No. 1C7, Vol. 95 9.129: Narrated `Ali: 'he (ro het sent an army unit 0,or some #am ai$n5 and a ointed a man ,rom the Ansar as its #ommander and ordered them 0the soldiers5 to obey him. 0:urin$ the #am ai$n5 he be#ame an$ry -ith them and said, ":idn't the (ro het order you to obey me&" 'hey said, "Des." *e said, "I order you to #olle#t -ood and make a ,ire and then thro- yoursel)es into it." %o they #olle#ted -ood and made a ,ire, but -hen they -ere about to thro- themsel)es into, it they started lookin$ at ea#h other, and some o, them said, ""e ,ollo-ed the (ro het to es#a e ,rom the ,ire. *o- should -e enter it no-&" %o -hile they -ere in that state, the ,ire e+tin$uished and their #ommander's an$er abated. 'he e)ent -as mentioned to the (ro het and he said, "I, they had entered it 0the ,ire5 they -ould ne)er ha)e #ome out o, it, ,or obedien#e is re8uired only in -hat is $ood." 0%ee *adith No. 319. Vol. 25 9.13C: Narrated `Abdur.;ahman bin %amura: 'he (ro het said, "O `Abdur.;ahman! :o not seek to be a ruler, ,or i, you are $i)en authority on your demand then you -ill be held res onsible ,or it, but i, you are $i)en it -ithout askin$ 0,or it5, then you -ill be hel ed 0by Allah5 in it. I, you e)er take an oath to do somethin$ and later on you ,ind that somethin$ else is better, then you should e+ iate your oath and do -hat is better." 9.131: Narrated `Abdur.;ahman bin %amura: Allah's A ostle said, "O `Abdur.;ahman bin %amura! :o not seek to be a ruler, ,or i, you are $i)en authority on your demand, you -ill be held res onsible ,or it, but i, you are $i)en it -ithout askin$ ,or it, then you -ill be hel ed 0by Allah5 in it. I, you e)er take an oath to do somethin$ and later on you ,ind that somethin$ else is better, then do -hat is better and make e+ iation ,or your oath." 9.131: Narrated Abu *uraira:


'he (ro het said, "Dou eo le -ill be keen to ha)e the authority o, rulin$ -hi#h -ill be a thin$ o, re$ret ,or you on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion. "hat an e+#ellent -et nurse it is, yet -hat a bad -eanin$ one it is!" 9.137: Narrated Abu <usa: '-o men ,rom my tribe and I entered u on the (ro het. One o, the t-o men said to the (ro het, "O Allah's A ostle! A oint me as a $o)ernor," and so did the se#ond. 'he (ro het said, ""e do not assi$n the authority o, rulin$ to those -ho ask ,or it, nor to those -ho are keen to ha)e it." 9.139: Narrated <a'8il: I heard the (ro het sayin$, "Any man -hom Allah has $i)en the authority o, rulin$ some eo le and he does not look a,ter them in an honest manner, -ill ne)er ,eel e)en the smell o, (aradise." 9.132: Narrated <a'8il: Allah's A ostle said, "I, any ruler ha)in$ the authority to rule <uslim sub/e#ts dies -hile he is de#ei)in$ them, Allah -ill ,orbid (aradise ,or him." 9.133: Narrated 'ari, Abi 'amima: I sa- %a,-an and Aundab and %a,-an's #om anions -hen Aundab -as ad)isin$. 'hey said, ":id you hear somethin$ ,rom Allah's A ostle&" Aundab said, "I heard him sayin$, '"hoe)er does a $ood deed in order to sho- o,,, Allah -ill e+ ose his intentions on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion 0be,ore the eo le5, and -hoe)er uts the eo le into di,,i#ulties, Allah -ill ut him into di,,i#ulties on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion.'" 'he eo le said 0to Aundab5, "Ad)ise us." *e said, "'he ,irst thin$ o, the human body to uri,y is the `Abdomen, so he -ho #an eat nothin$ but $ood ,ood 0*alal and earned la-,ully5 should do so, and he -ho does as mu#h as he #an that nothin$ inter)ene bet-een him and (aradise by not sheddin$ e)en a hand,ul o, blood, 0i.e. murderin$5 should do so." 9.13@: Narrated Anas bin <alik: "hile the (ro het and I -ere #omin$ out o, the mos8ue, a man met us outside the $ate. 'he man said, "O Allah's A ostle! "hen -ill be the *our&" 'he (ro het asked him, ""hat ha)e you re ared ,or it&" 'he man be#ame a,raid and ashamed and then said, "O Allah's A ostle! I ha)en't re ared ,or it mu#h o, ,asts, rayers or #haritable $i,ts but I lo)e Allah and *is A ostle." 'he (ro het said, "Dou -ill be -ith the one -hom you lo)e." 9.134: Narrated 'habit Al.Bunani: Anas bin <alik said to a -oman o, his ,amily, ":o you kno- su#h.and.su#h a -oman&" %he re lied, "Des." *e said, "'he (ro het assed by her -hile she -as -ee in$ o)er a $ra)e, and he said to her, 'Be a,raid o, Allah and be atient.' 'he -oman said 0to the (ro het5. 'Eo a-ay ,rom me, ,or you do not kno- my #alamity.'" Anas added, "'he (ro het le,t her and ro#eeded. A man assed by her and asked her, '"hat has Allah's A ostle said to you&' %he re lied, 'I did not re#o$niHe him.' 'he man said, '*e -as Allah's A ostle."' Anas added, "%o that -oman #ame to the $ate o, the (ro het and she did not ,ind a $ate.kee er there, and she said, 'O Allah's A ostle! By Allah. I did not re#o$niHe you!' 'he (ro het said, 'No doubt, atien#e is at the ,irst stroke o, a #alamity.'" 9.139: Narrated Anas: ?ais bin %a`d -as to the (ro het like a #hie, oli#e o,,i#er to an Amir 0#hie,5. 9.1@C: Narrated Abu <usa: that the (ro het sent him and sent <u`adh a,ter him 0as rulers to Demen5. 9.1@1: Narrated Abu <usa:


A man embra#ed Islam and then re)erted ba#k to Audaism. <u`adh bin Aabal #ame and sa- the man -ith Abu <usa. <u`adh asked, ""hat is -ron$ -ith this 0man5&" Abu <usa re lied, "*e embra#ed Islam and then re)erted ba#k to Audaism." <u`adh said, "I -ill not sit do-n unless you kill him 0as it is5 the )erdi#t o, Allah and *is A ostle. 9.1@1: Narrated `Abdur ;ahman bin Abi Bakra: Abu Bakra -rote to his son -ho -as in %i/istan: ':o not /ud$e bet-een t-o ersons -hen you are an$ry, ,or I heard the (ro het sayin$, "A /ud$e should not /ud$e bet-een t-o ersons -hile he is in an an$ry mood." 9.1@7: Narrated Abu <as`ud Al.Ansari: A man #ame to Allah's A ostle and said, "O Allah's A ostle! By Allah, I ,ail to attend the mornin$ #on$re$ational rayer be#ause so.and.so 0i.e., <u`adh bin Aabal5 rolon$s the rayer -hen he leads us ,or it." I had ne)er seen the (ro het more ,urious in $i)in$ ad)i#e than he -as on that day. *e then said, "O eo le! some o, you make others dislike 0$ood deeds, i.e. rayers et#5. %o -hoe)er amon$ you leads the eo le in rayer, he should shorten it be#ause amon$ them there are the old, the -eak and the busy 0needy ha)in$ some /obs to do5. 0%ee *adith No. 9C, Vol. 15 9.1@9: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: 'hat he had di)or#ed his -i,e durin$ her menses. `6mar mentioned that to the (ro het. Allah's A ostle be#ame an$ry and said, "*e must take her ba#k 0his -i,e5 and kee her -ith him till she be#omes #lean ,rom her menses and then to -ait till she $ets her ne+t eriod and be#omes #lean a$ain ,rom it and only then, i, he -ants to di)or#e her, he may do so." 9.1@2: Narrated `Aisha: *ind bint `6tba bin ;abi`a #ame and said. "O Allah's A ostle! By Allah, there -as no ,amily on the sur,a#e o, the earth, I like to see in de$radation more than I did your ,amily, but today there is no ,amily on the sur,a#e o, the earth -hom I like to see honored more than yours." *ind added, "Abu %u,yan is a miser. Is it sin,ul o, me to ,eed our #hildren ,rom his ro erty&" 'he (ro het said, "'here is no blame on you i, you ,eed them 0thereo,5 in a /ust and reasonable manner. 9.1@3: Narrated Anas bin <alik: "hen the (ro het intended to -rite to the ByHantines, the eo le said, "'hey do not read a letter unless it is sealed 0stam ed5." 'here,ore the (ro het took a sil)er rin$....as i, I am lookin$ at its $litter no-....and its en$ra)in$ -as: '<uhammad, A ostle o, Allah'. 9.1@@: Narrated `Abdullah bin As.%a'di: 'hat -hen he -ent to `6mar durin$ his Gali hate. `6mar said to him, "*a)en't I been told that you do #ertain /obs ,or the eo le but -hen you are $i)en ayment you re,use to take it&" `Abdullah added: I said, "Des." `6mar said, ""hy do you do so&" I said, "I ha)e horses and sla)es and I am li)in$ in ros erity and I -ish that my ayment should be ke t as a #haritable $i,t ,or the <uslims." `6mar said, ":o not do so, ,or I intended to do the same as you do. Allah's A ostles used to $i)e me $i,ts and I used to say to him, 'Ei)e it to a more needy one than me.' On#e he $a)e me some money and I said, 'Ei)e it to a more needy erson than me,' -hereu on the (ro het said, ''ake it and kee it in your ossession and then $i)e it in #harity. 'ake -hat e)er #omes to you o, this money i, you are not keen to ha)e it and not askin$ ,or itI other-ise 0i.e., i, it does not #ome to you5 do not seek to ha)e it yoursel,.' " Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: I ha)e heard `6mar sayin$, "'he (ro het used to $i)e me some money 0$rant5 and I -ould say 0to him5, 'Ei)e it to a more needy one than me.' On#e he $a)e me some money and I said, 'Ei)e it to a more needy one than me.' 'he (ro het said 0to me5, ''ake it and kee it in your ossession and then $i)e it in #harity. 'ake -hate)er #omes to you o, this money -hile you are not keen to ha)e it and not askin$ ,or itI take it, but you should not seek to ha)e -hat you are not $i)en. ' " 91

9.1@4: Narrated %ahl bin %a`d: I -itnessed a husband and a -i,e -ho -ere in)ol)ed in a #ase o, Bian. 'hen 0the /ud$ment o,5 di)or#e -as assed. I -as ,i,teen years o, a$e, at that time. 9.1@9: Narrated %ahl: 0the brother o, Bani %a`ida5 A man ,rom the Ansar #ame to the (ro het and said, "I, a man ,inds another man slee in$ -ith his -i,e, should he kill him&" 'hat man and his -i,e then did Bian in the mos8ue -hile I -as resent. 9.14C: Narrated Abu *uraira: A man #ame to Allah's A ostle -hile he -as in the mos8ue, and #alled him, sayin$, "O Allah's A ostle! I ha)e #ommitted ille$al se+ual inter#ourse." 'he (ro het turned his ,a#e to the other side, but -hen the man $a)e ,our -itnesses a$ainst himsel,, the (ro het said to him, "Are you mad&" 'he man said, "No." %o the (ro het said 0to his #om anions5, "'ake him a-ay and stone him to death. " 9.141: Narrated 6m %alama: Allah's A ostle said, "I am only a human bein$, and you eo le 0o onents5 #ome to me -ith your #asesI and it may be that one o, you #an resent his #ase elo8uently in a more #on)in#in$ -ay than the other, and I $i)e my )erdi#t a##ordin$ to -hat I hear. %o i, e)er I /ud$e 0by error5 and $i)e the ri$ht o, a brother to his other 0brother5 then he 0the latter5 should not take it, ,or I am $i)in$ him only a ie#e o, Fire." 0%ee *adith No. 374, Vol. 75. 9.141: Narrated Abu ?atada: Allah's A ostle said on the :ay o, 0the battle o,5 *unain, ""hoe)er has killed an in,idel and has a roo, or a -itness ,or it, then the salb 0arms and belon$in$s o, that de#eased5 -ill be ,or him." I stood u to seek a -itness to testi,y that I had killed an in,idel but I #ould not ,ind any -itness and then sat do-n. 'hen I thou$ht that I should mention the #ase to Allah's A ostle I 0and -hen I did so5 a man ,rom those -ho -ere sittin$ -ith him said, "'he arms o, the killed erson he has mentioned, are -ith me, so lease satis,y him on my behal,." Abu Bakr said, "No, he -ill not $i)e the arms to a bird o, ?uraish and de ri)e one o, Allah's lions o, it -ho ,i$hts ,or the #ause o, Allah and *is A ostle." Allah's A ostle I stood u and $a)e it to me, and I bou$ht a $arden -ith its ri#e, and that -as my ,irst ro erty -hi#h I o-ned throu$h the -ar booty. 'he eo le o, *i/aH said, "A /ud$e should not ass a /ud$ment a##ordin$ to his kno-led$e, -hether he -as a -itness at the time he -as the /ud$e or be,ore that" And i, a liti$ant $i)es a #on,ession in ,a)or o, his o onent in the #ourt, in the o inion o, some s#holars, the /ud$e should not ass a /ud$ment a$ainst him till the latter #alls t-o -itnesses to -itness his #on,ession. And some eo le o, Ira8 said, "A /ud$e #an ass a /ud$ement a##ordin$ to -hat he hears or -itnesses 0the liti$ant's #on,ession5 in the #ourt itsel,, but i, the #on,ession takes la#e outside the #ourt, he should not ass the /ud$ment unless t-o -itnesses -itness the #on,ession." %ome o, them said, "A /ud$e #an ass a /ud$ement de endin$ on his kno-led$e o, the #ase as he is trust.-orthy, and that a -itness is ;e8uired /ust to re)eal the truth. 'he /ud$e's kno-led$e is more than the -itness." %ome said, "A /ud$e #an /ud$e a##ordin$ to his kno-led$e only in #ases in)ol)in$ ro erty, but in other #ases he #annot." Al.?asim said, "A /ud$e ou$ht not to ass a /ud$ment de endin$ on his kno-led$e i, other eo le do not kno- -hat he kno-s, althou$h his kno-led$e is more than the -itness o, somebody else be#ause he mi$ht e+ ose himsel, to sus i#ion by the <uslims and #ause the <uslims to ha)e unreasonable doubt. " 9.147: Narrated `Ali bin *usain: %a,iya bint 0dau$hter o,5 *uyai #ame to the (ro het 0in the mos8ue5, and -hen she returned 0home5, the (ro het a##om anied her. It ha ened that t-o men ,rom the Ansar assed by them and the


(ro het #alled them sayin$, "%he is %a,iya!" those t-o men said, "%ubhan Allah!" 'he (ro het said, "%atan #ir#ulates in the human body as blood does." 9.149: Narrated Abu Burda: 'he (ro het sent my ,ather and <u`adh bin Aabal to Demen and said 0to them5, "<ake thin$s easy ,or the eo le and do not ut hurdles in their -ay, and $i)e them $lad tidin$, and don't let them ha)e a)ersion 0i.e. to make eo le to hate $ood deeds5 and you both should -ork in #oo eration and mutual understandin$" Abu <usa said to Allah's A ostle, "In our #ountry a s e#ial al#oholi# drink #alled Al. Bit', is re ared 0,or drinkin$5." 'he (ro het said, "J)ery into+i#ant is rohibited. " 9.142: Narrated Abu <usa: 'he (ro het said, "%et ,ree the #a ti)es and a##e t in)itations." 9.143: Narrated Abu *umaid Al.%a`idi: 'he (ro het a ointed a man ,rom the tribe o, Bani Asad, #alled Ibn Al.6tabiyya to #olle#t the >akat. "hen he returned 0-ith the money5 he said 0to the (ro het5, "'his is ,or you and this has been $i)en to me as a $i,t." 'he (ro het stood u on the ul it 0%u,yan said he as#ended the ul it5, and a,ter $lori,yin$ and raisin$ Allah, he said, ""hat is -ron$ -ith the em loyee -hom -e send 0to #olle#t >akat ,rom the ubli#5 that he returns to say, ''his is ,or you and that is ,or me&' "hy didn't he stay at his ,ather's and mother's house to see -hether he -ill be $i)en $i,ts or not& By *im in "hose *and my li,e is, -hoe)er takes anythin$ ille$ally -ill brin$ it on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion by #arryin$ it o)er his ne#k: i, it is a #amel, it -ill be $runtin$: i, it is a #o-, it -ill be mooin$: and i, it is a shee it -ill be bleatin$!" 'he (ro het then raised both his hands till -e sa- the -hiteness o, his arm its 0and he said5, "No doubt! *a)en't I #on)eyed Allah's <essa$e&" And he re eated it three times. 9.14@: Narrated Ibn `6mar: %alim, the ,reed sal)e o, Abu *udhai,a used to lead in rayer the early <uha/irin 0emi$rants5 and the #om anions o, the (ro het in the ?uba mos8ue. Amon$ those 0-ho used to ray behind him5 -ere Abu Bakr, `6mar, Abu %alama, and Amir bin ;abi`a. 9.144: Narrated `6r-a bin AH.>ubair: <ar-an bin Al.*akam and Al.<is-ar bin <akhrama told him that -hen the <uslims -ere ermitted to set ,ree the #a ti)es o, *a-aHin, Allah's A ostle said, "I do not kno- -ho amon$st you has a$reed 0to it5 and -ho has not. Eo ba#k so that your '6ra,a' may submit your de#ision to us." %o the eo le returned and their '6ra,a' talked to them and then #ame ba#k to Allah's A ostle and told him that the eo le had $i)en their #onsent ha ily and ermitted 0their #a ti)es to be ,reed5. 9.149: Narrated <uhammad bin >aid bin `Abdullah bin `6mar: %ome eo le said to Ibn `6mar, ""hen -e enter u on our ruler0s5 -e say in their raise -hat is #ontrary to -hat -e say -hen -e lea)e them." Ibn `6mar said, ""e used to #onsider this as hy o#risy." 9.19C: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostles said, "'he -orst o, all mankind is the double.,a#ed one, -ho #omes to some eo le -ith one #ountenan#e and to others, -ith another #ountenan#e." 9.191: Narrated `Aisha: *ind 0bint `6tba5 said to the (ro het "Abu %u,yan is a miserly man and I need to take some money o, his -ealth." 'he (ro het said, "'ake reasonably -hat is su,,i#ient ,or you and your #hildren " 9.191: Narrated 6m %alama:


0the -i,e o, the (ro het5 Allah's A ostle heard some eo le 8uarrelin$ at the door o, his d-ellin$, so he -ent out to them and said, "I am only a human bein$, and liti$ants -ith #ases o, dis ute #ome to me, and someone o, you may ha en to be more elo8uent 0in resentin$ his #ase5 than the other, -hereby I may #onsider that he is truth,ul and ass a /ud$ment in his ,a)or. I, e)er I ass a /ud$ment in ,a)or o, somebody -hereby he takes a <uslim's ri$ht un/ustly, then -hate)er he takes is nothin$ but a ie#e o, Fire, and it is u to him to take or lea)e." 9.197: Narrated `Aisha: 0the -i,e o, the (ro het5 `6tba bin Abi "a88as said to his brother %a`d bin Abi "a88as, "'he son o, the sla)e $irl o, >am`a is ,rom me, so take him into your #ustody." %o in the year o, Gon8uest o, <e##a, %a`d took him and said. 0'his is5 my brother's son -hom my brother has asked me to take into my #ustody." `Abd bin >am`a $ot u be,ore him and said, 0*e is5 my brother and the son o, the sla)e $irl o, my ,ather, and -as born on my ,ather's bed." %o they both submitted their #ase be,ore Allah's A ostle. %a`d said, "O Allah's A ostle! 'his boy is the son o, my brother and he entrusted him to me." `Abd bin >am`a said, "'his boy is my brother and the son o, the sla)e $irl o, my ,ather, and -as born on the bed o, my ,ather." Allah's A ostle said, "'he boy is ,or you, O `Abd bin >am`a!" 'hen Allah's A ostle ,urther said, "'he #hild is ,or the o-ner o, the bed, and the stone is ,or the adulterer," *e then said to %auda bint >am`a, "Veil 0s#reen5 yoursel, be,ore him," -hen he sa- the #hild's resemblan#e to `6tba. 'he boy did not see her a$ain till he met Allah. 9.199: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, "I, somebody on the demand o, a /ud$e takes an oath to $rab 0a <uslim's5 ro erty and he is liar in it, he -ill meet Allah "ho -ill be an$ry -ith him". %o Allah re)ealed,:.. 'Verily! those -ho ur#hase a small $ain at the #ost o, Allah's Go)enant and their oaths..' 07.@@5 'Al. Ashath #ame -hile `Abdullah -as narratin$ 0this5 to the eo le. Al.Ashath said, "'his )erse -as re)ealed re$ardin$ me and another man -ith -hom I had a 8uarrel about a -ell. 'he (ro het said 0to me5, ":o you ha)e any e)iden#e&' I re lied, 'No.' *e said, 'Bet your o onent take an oath.' I said: I am sure he -ould take a 0,alse5 oath." 'hereu on it -as re)ealed: 'Verily! those -ho ur#hase a small $ain at the #ost o, Allah's Go)enant....' 07.@@5 0%ee *adith No. @1, Vol 35. 9.192: Narrated 6m %alama: 'he (ro het heard the )oi#es o, some eo le 8uarrelin$ near his $ate, so he -ent to them and said, "I am only a human bein$ and liti$ants -ith #ases o, dis utes #ome to me, and maybe one o, them resents his #ase elo8uently in a more #on)in#in$ and im ressi)e -ay than the other, and I $i)e my )erdi#t in his ,a)or thinkin$ he is truth,ul. %o i, I $i)e a <uslim's ri$ht to another 0by mistake5, then that 0 ro erty5 is a ie#e o, Fire, -hi#h is u to him to take it or lea)e it." 0%ee *adith No. 141 5 9.193: Narrated Aabir: 'he (ro het #ame to kno- that one o, his #om anions had $i)en the romise o, ,reein$ his sla)e a,ter his death, but as he had no other ro erty than that sla)e, the (ro het sold that sla)e ,or 4CC dirhams and sent the ri#e to him. 9.19@: Narrated Ibn `6mar: Allah's A ostle sent an army unit headed by 6sama bin >aid and the eo le #riti#iHed his leadershi . 'he (ro het said 0to the eo le5, "I, you are #riti#iHin$ his leadershi no-, then you used to #riti#iHe his ,ather's leadershi be,ore. By Allah, he 06sama's ,ather5 deser)ed the leadershi and used to be one o, the most belo)ed ersons to me, and no- his son 06sama5 is one o, the most belo)ed ersons to me a,ter him. " 0%ee *adith No. @92, Vol. 25 9.194: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A ostle said, "'he most hated erson in the si$ht o, Allah, is the most 8uarrelsome erson." 9.199: 99

Narrated Ibn `6mar: 'he (ro het sent 0an army unit under the #ommand o,5 =halid bin Al."alid to ,i$ht a$ainst the tribe o, Bani Aadhima and those eo le #ould not e+ ress themsel)es by sayin$, "Aslamna," but they said, "%aba'na! %aba'na! " =halid ke t on killin$ some o, them and takin$ some others as #a ti)es, and he $a)e a #a ti)e to e)eryone o, us and ordered e)eryone o, us to kill his #a ti)e. I said, "By Allah, I shall not kill my #a ti)e and none o, my #om anions shall kill his #a ti)e!" 'hen -e mentioned that to the (ro het and he said, "O Allah! I am ,ree ,rom -hat =halid bin Al."alid has done," and re eated it t-i#e. 9.7CC: Narrated %ahl bin %a`d As.%aidi: 'here -as some 8uarrel 0si$htin$5 amon$ Bani `Amr, and -hen this ne-s rea#hed the (ro het, he o,,ered the >uhr rayer and -ent to establish ea#e amon$ them. In the meantime the time o, `Asr rayer -as due, Bilal ronoun#ed the Adhan and then the I8ama ,or the rayer and re8uested Abu Bakr 0to lead the rayer5 and Abu Bakr -ent ,or-ard. 'he (ro het arri)ed -hile Abu Bakr -as still rayin$. *e entered the ro-s o, rayin$ eo le till he stood behind Abu Bakr in the 0,irst5 ro-. 'he eo le started #la in$, and it -as the habit o, Abu Bakr that -hene)er he stood ,or rayer, he ne)er $lan#ed side.-ays till he had ,inished it, but -hen Abu Bakr obser)ed that the #la in$ -as not #omin$ to an end, he looked and sa- the (ro het standin$ behind him. 'he (ro het be#koned him to #arry on by -a)in$ his hand. Abu Bakr stood there ,or a -hile, thankin$ Allah ,or the sayin$ o, the (ro het and then he retreated, takin$ his ste s ba#k-ards. "hen the (ro het sa- that, he -ent ahead and led the eo le in rayer. "hen he ,inished the rayer, he said, "O Abu Bakr! "hat re)ented you ,rom #arryin$ on -ith the rayer a,ter I be#koned you to do so&" Abu Bakr re lied, "It does not be,it the son o, Abi ?uha,a to lead the (ro het in rayer." 'hen the (ro het said to the eo le, "I, some roblem arises durin$ rayers, then the men should say, %ubhan Allah!I and the -omen should #la ." 0%ee *adith No. 321, Vol. 15 9.7C1: Narrated >aid bin 'habit: Abu Bakr sent ,or me o-in$ to the lar$e number o, #asualties in the battle o, Al.Damama, -hile `6mar -as sittin$ -ith him. Abu Bakr said 0to me5, `6mar has #ome to my and said, 'A $reat number o, ?aris o, the *oly ?ur'an -ere killed on the day o, the battle o, Al.Damama, and I am a,raid that the #asualties amon$ the ?aris o, the ?ur'an may in#rease on other battle.,ields -hereby a lar$e art o, the ?ur'an may be lost. 'here,ore I #onsider it ad)isable that you 0Abu Bakr5 should ha)e the ?ur'an #olle#ted.' I said, '*o- dare I do somethin$ -hi#h Allah's A ostle did not do&' `6mar said, By Allah, it is somethin$ bene,i#ial.' `6mar ke t on ressin$ me ,or that till Allah o ened my #hest ,or that ,or -hi#h *e had o ened the #hest o, `6mar and I had in that matter, the same o inion as `6mar had." Abu Bakr then said to me 0>aid5, "Dou are a -ise youn$ man and -e do not ha)e any sus i#ion about you, and you used to -rite the :i)ine Ins iration ,or Allah's A ostle. %o you should sear#h ,or the ,ra$mentary s#ri ts o, the ?ur'an and #olle#t it 0in one Book5." >aid ,urther said: By Allah, i, Abu Bakr had ordered me to shi,t a mountain amon$ the mountains ,rom one la#e to another it -ould not ha)e been hea)ier ,or me than this orderin$ me to #olle#t the ?ur'an. 'hen I said 0to `6mar and Abu Bakr5, "*o- #an you do somethin$ -hi#h Allah's A ostle did not do&" Abu Bakr said, "By Allah, it is somethin$ bene,i#ial." >aid added: %o he 0Abu Bakr5 ke t on ressin$ me ,or that until Allah o ened my #hest ,or that ,or -hi#h *e had o ened the #hests o, Abu Bakr and `6mar, and I had in that matter, the same o inion as theirs. %o I started #om ilin$ the ?ur'an by #olle#tin$ it ,rom the lea,less stalks o, the date. alm tree and ,rom the ie#es o, leather and hides and ,rom the stones, and ,rom the #hests o, men 0-ho had memoriHed the ?ur'an5. I ,ound the last )erses o, %irat.at.'auba: 0"Verily there has #ome unto you an A ostle 0<uhammad5 ,rom amon$st yoursel)es..' 09.114.1195 5 ,rom =huHa`ima or Abi =huHa`ima and I added to it the rest o, the %ura. 'he manus#ri ts o, the ?ur'an remained -ith Abu Bakr till Allah took him unto *im. 'hen it remained -ith `6mar till Allah took him unto *im, and then -ith *a,sa bint `6mar. 9.7C1: 92

Narrated Abu Baila bin `Abdullah bin `Abdur.;ahman bin %ahl: %ahl bin Abi *athma and some $reat men o, his tribe said, `Abdullah bin '%ahl and <uhaiyisa -ent out to =haibar as they -ere stru#k -ith o)erty and di,,i#ult li)in$ #onditions. 'hen <uhaiyisa -as in,ormed that `Abdullah had been killed and thro-n in a it or a s rin$. <uhaiyisa -ent to the Ae-s and said, "By Allah, you ha)e killed my #om anion." 'he Ae-s said, "By Allah, -e ha)e not killed him." <uhaiyisa then #ame ba#k to his eo le and told them the story. *e, his elder brother *u-aiyisa and `Abdur.;ahman bin %ahl #ame 0to the (ro het5 and he -ho had been at =haibar, ro#eeded to s eak, but the (ro het said to <uhaiyisa, "'he eldest! 'he eldest!" meanin$, "Bet the eldest o, you s eak." %o *u-aiyisa s oke ,irst and then <uhaiyisa. Allah's A ostle said, "'he Ae-s should either ay the blood money o, your 0de#eased5 #om anion or be ready ,or -ar." A,ter that Allah's A ostle -rote a letter to the Ae-s in that res e#t, and they -rote that they had not killed him. 'hen Allah's A ostle said to *u-aiyisa, <uhaiyisa and `Abdur.;ahman, "Gan you take an oath by -hi#h you -ill be entitled to take the blood money&" 'hey said, "No." *e said 0to them5, "%hall -e ask the Ae-s to take an oath be,ore you&" 'hey re lied, "But the Ae-s are not <uslims." %o Allah's A ostle $a)e them one.hundred she.#amels as blood money ,rom himsel,. %ahl added: "hen those she.#amels -ere made to enter the house, one o, them ki#ked me -ith its le$. 9.7C7: Narrated Abu *uraira and >aid bin =halid Al.Auhani: A bedouin #ame and said, "O Allah's A ostle! Aud$e bet-een us a##ordin$ to Allah's Book 0Ba-s5." *is o onent stood u and said, "*e has said the truth, so /ud$e bet-een us a##ordin$ to Allah's Ba-s." 'he bedouin said, "<y son -as a laborer ,or this man and #ommitted ille$al se+ual inter#ourse -ith his -i,e. 'he eo le said to me, 'Dour son is to be stoned to death,' so I ransomed my son ,or one hundred shee and a sla)e $irl. 'hen I asked the reli$ious learned men and they said to me, 'Dour son has to re#ei)e one hundred lashes lus one year o, e+ile.' " 'he (ro het said, "I shall /ud$e bet-een you a##ordin$ to Allah's Book 0Ba-s5! As ,or the sla)e $irl and the shee , it shall be returned to you, and your son shall re#ei)e one.hundred lashes and be e+iled ,or one year. O you, 6nais!" 'he (ro het addressed some man, "Eo in the mornin$ to the -i,e o, this man and stone her to death." %o 6nais -ent to her the ne+t mornin$ and stoned her to death. 9.7C9: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: 'hat Abu %u,yan bin *arb told him that *era#lius had #alled him alon$ -ith the members o, a ?uraish #ara)an and then said to his inter reter, "'ell them that I -ant to ask this 0Abu %u,yan5 a 8uestion, and i, he tries to tell me a lie, they should #ontradi#t him." 'hen Abu %u,yan mentioned the -hole narration and said that *era#lius said to the inter (eter, "%ay to him 0Abu %u,yan5, 'I, -hat you say is true, then he 0the (ro het5 -ill take o)er the la#e underneath my t-o ,eet.' " 9.7C2: Narrated Abu *umaid As.%a`idi: 'he (ro het em loyed Ibn Al.6tbiyya to #olle#t >akat ,rom Bani %ulaim, and -hen he returned 0-ith the money5 to Allah's A ostle the (ro het #alled him to a##ount, and he said, "'his 0amount5 is ,or you, and this -as $i)en to me as a resent." Allah's A ostle said, ""hy don't you stay at your ,ather's house or your mother's house to see -hether you -ill be $i)en $i,ts or not, i, you are tellin$ the truth&" 'hen Allah's A ostle stood u and addressed the eo le, and a,ter $lori,yin$ and raisin$ Allah, he said: Amma Ba'du 0then a,ter5 I em loy some men ,rom amon$ you ,or some /ob -hi#h Allah has la#ed in my #har$e, and then one o, you #omes to me and says, ''his 0amount5 is ,or you and this is a $i,t $i)en to me.' "hy doesn't he stay at the house o, his ,ather or the house o, his mother and see -hether he -ill be $i)en $i,ts or not i, he -as tellin$ the truth by Allah, none o, you takes anythin$ o, it 0i.e., >akat5 ,or himsel, 0*isham added: unla-,ully5 but he -ill meet Allah on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion #arryin$ it on his ne#k! I do not -ant to see any o, you #arryin$ a $runtin$ #amel or a mooin$ #o- or a bleatin$ shee on meetin$ Allah." 'hen the (ro het raised both his hands till I sathe -hiteness o, his arm its, and said, "0No doubt5! *a)en't I #on)eyed Allah's <essa$e!" 9.7C3: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: 93

'he (ro het said, "Allah ne)er sends a ro het or $i)es the Gali hate to a Gali h but that he 0the ro het or the Gali h5 has t-o $rou s o, ad)isors: A $rou ad)isin$ him to do $ood and e+horts him to do it, and the other $rou ad)isin$ him to do e)il and e+horts him to do it. But the rote#ted erson 0a$ainst su#h e)il ad)isors5 is the one rote#ted by Allah.' " 9.7C@: Narrated '6bada bin As.%amit: "e $a)e the oath o, alle$ian#e to Allah's A ostle that -e -ould listen to and obey him both at the time -hen -e -ere a#ti)e and at the time -hen -e -ere tired and that -e -ould not ,i$ht a$ainst the ruler or disobey him, and -ould stand ,irm ,or the truth or say the truth -here)er -e mi$ht be, and in the "ay o, Allah -e -ould not be a,raid o, the blame o, the blamers. 0%ee *adith No. 1@4 and 71C5 9.7C4: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het -ent out on a #old mornin$ -hile the <uha/irin 0emi$rants5 and the Ansar -ere di$$in$ the tren#h. 'he (ro het then said, "O Allah! 'he real $oodness is the $oodness o, the *ere a,ter, so lease ,or$i)e the Ansar and the <uha/irin." 'hey re lied, ""e are those -ho ha)e $i)en the (led$e o, alle$ian#e to <uhammad ,or to obser)e Aihad as lon$ as -e remain ali)e." 9.7C9: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: "hene)er -e $a)e the (led$e o, alle$ian#e to Allah's A ostle ,or to listen to and obey, he used to say to us, ,or as mu#h as you #an." 9.71C: Narrated `Abdullah bin :inar: I -itnessed Ibn `6mar -hen the eo le $athered around `Abdul <alik. Ibn `6mar -rote: I $a)e the (led$e o, alle$ian#e that I -ill listen to and obey Allah's %la)e, `Abdul <alik, Ghie, o, the belie)ers a##ordin$ to Allah's Ba-s and the 'raditions o, *is A ostle as mu#h as I #anI and my sons too, $i)e the same led$e.' 9.711: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: I $a)e the (led$e o, alle$ian#e to the (ro het that I -ould listen and obey, and he told me to add: 'As mu#h as I #an, and -ill $i)e $ood ad)i#e to e)ery <uslim.' 9.711: Narrated `Abdullah bin :inar: "hen the eo le took the oath o, alle$ian#e to `Abdul <alik, `Abdullah bin `6mar -rote to him: "'o Allah's %la)e, `Abdul <alik, Ghie, o, the belie)ers, I $i)e the (led$e o, alle$ian#e that I -ill listen to and obey Allah's %la)e, `Abdul <alik, Ghie, o, the belie)ers, a##ordin$ to Allah's Ba-s and the 'raditions o, *is A ostle in -hate)er is -ithin my abilityI and my sons too, $i)e the same led$e." 9.717: Narrated DaHid: I said to %alama, "For -hat did you $i)e the (led$e o, alle$ian#e to the (ro het on the :ay o, *udaibiya&" *e re lied, "For death." 9.719: Narrated Al.<is-ar bin <akhrama: 'he $rou o, eo le -hom `6mar had sele#ted as #andidates ,or the Gali hate $athered and #onsulted ea#h other. `Abdur.;ahman said to them, "I am not $oin$ to #om ete -ith you in this matter, but i, you -ish, I -ould sele#t ,or you a #ali h ,rom amon$ you." %o all o, them a$reed to let `Abdur.;ahman de#ide the #ase. %o -hen the #andidates la#ed the #ase in the hands o, `Abdur.;ahman, the eo le -ent to-ards him and nobody ,ollo-ed the rest o, the $rou nor obeyed any a,ter him. %o the eo le ,ollo-ed `Abdur.;ahman and #onsulted him all those ni$hts till there #ame the ni$ht -e $a)e the oath o, alle$ian#e to `6thman. Al.<is-ar 0bin <akhrama5 added: `Abdur.;ahman #alled on me a,ter a ortion o, the ni$ht had assed and kno#ked on my door till I $ot u , and he said to me, "I see you ha)e been slee in$! By Allah, durin$ the last three ni$hts I ha)e not sle t enou$h. Eo and #all AH.>ubair and %a`d.' 9@

%o I #alled them ,or him and he #onsulted them and then #alled me sayin$, 'Gall `Ali ,or me." I #alled `Ali and he held a ri)ate talk -ith him till )ery late at ni$ht, and then 'Al, $ot u to lea)e ha)in$ had mu#h ho e 0to be #hosen as a Gali h5 but `Abdur.;ahman -as a,raid o, somethin$ #on#ernin$ `Ali. `Abdur.;ahman then said to me, "Gall `6thman ,or me." I #alled him and he ke t on s eakin$ to him ri)ately till the <u'adh.dhin ut an end to their talk by announ#in$ the Adhan ,or the Fa/r rayer. "hen the eo le ,inished their mornin$ rayer and that 0si+ men5 $rou $athered near the ul it, `Abdur.;ahman sent ,or all the <uha/irin 0emi$rants5 and the Ansar resent there and sent ,or the army #hie, -ho had er,ormed the *a// -ith `6mar that year. "hen all o, them had $athered, `Abdur. ;ahman said, "None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah," and added, "No- then, O `Ali, I ha)e looked at the eo le's tenden#ies and noti#ed that they do not #onsider anybody e8ual to `6thman, so you should not in#ur blame 0by disa$reein$5." 'hen `Abdur.;ahman said 0to `6thman5, "I $a)e the oath o, alle$ian#e to you on #ondition that you -ill ,ollo- Allah's Ba-s and the traditions o, Allah's A ostle and the traditions o, the t-o Gali hs a,ter him." %o `Abdur.;ahman $a)e the oath o, alle$ian#e to him, and so did the eo le in#ludin$ the <uha/irin 0emi$rants5 and the Ansar and the #hie,s o, the army sta,, and all the <uslims. 9.712: Narrated %alama: "e $a)e the oath o, alle$ian#e to the (ro het under the tree. *e said to me, "O %alama! "ill you not $i)e the oath o, alle$ian#e&" I re lied, "O Allah's A ostle! I ha)e already $i)en the oath o, alle$ian#e ,or the ,irst time." *e said, 0Ei)e it a$ain5 ,or the se#ond time. 9.713: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: A bedouin $a)e the (led$e o, alle$ian#e to Allah's A ostle ,or Islam and the bedouin $ot a ,e)er -here u on he said to the (ro het "Gan#el my (led$e." But the (ro het re,used. *e #ame to him 0a$ain5 sayin$, "Gan#el my (led$e.' But the (ro het re,used. 'hen 0the bedouin5 le,t 0<edina5. Allah's A ostle said: "<edina is like a air o, bello-s 0,urna#e5: It e+ els its im urities and bri$htens and #lears its $ood." 9.71@: Narrated `Abdullah bin *isham: -ho -as born durin$ the li,etime o, the (ro het that his mother, >ainab bint *umaid had taken him to Allah's A ostle and said, "O Allah's A ostle! 'ake his (led$e o, alle$ian#e 0,or Islam5." 'he (ro het said, "*e 0`Abdullah bin *isham5 is a little #hild," and assed his hand o)er his head and in)oked Allah ,or him. `Abdullah bin *isham used to slau$hter one shee as a sa#ri,i#e on behal, o, all o, his ,amily. 9.714: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: A bedouin $a)e the (led$e o, alle$ian#e to Allah's A ostle ,or Islam. 'hen the bedouin $ot ,e)er at <edina, #ame to Allah's A ostle and said, "O Allah's A ostle! Gan#el my (led$e," But Allah's A ostle re,used. 'hen he #ame to him 0a$ain5 and said, "O Allah's A ostle! Gan#el my (led$e." But the (ro het re,used 'hen he #ame to him 0a$ain5 and said, "O Allah's A ostle! Gan#el my (led$e." But the (ro het re,used. 'he bedouin ,inally -ent out 0o, <edina5 -hereu on Allah's A ostle said, "<edina is like a air o, bello-s 0,urna#e5: It e+ els its im urities and bri$htens and #lears its $ood. 9.719: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'here -ill be three ty es o, eo le -hom Allah -ill neither s eak to them on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion nor -ill uri,y them ,rom sins, and they -ill ha)e a ain,ul unishment: 'hey are, 015 a man ossessed su er,luous -ater 0more than he needs5 on a -ay and he -ithholds it ,rom the tra)elers. 015 a man -ho $i)es a led$e o, alle$ian#e to an Imam 0ruler5 and $i)es it only ,or -orldly bene,its, i, the Imam $i)es him -hat he -ants, he abides by his led$e, other-ise he does not ,ul,ill his led$eI 075 and a man -ho sells somethin$ to another man a,ter the `Asr rayer and s-ears by Allah 0a ,alse oath5 that he has been o,,ered so mu#h ,or it -hereu on the buyer belie)es him and buys it althou$h in ,a#t, the seller has not been o,,ered su#h a ri#e." 0%ee *adith No. 474, Vol. 75 94

9.71C: Narrated '6bada bin As.%amit: Allah's A ostle said to us -hile -e -ere in a $atherin$, "Ei)e me the oath 0(led$e o, alle$ian#e ,or: 015 Not to /oin anythin$ in -orshi alon$ -ith Allah, 015 Not to steal, 075 Not to #ommit ille$al se+ual inter#ourse, 095 Not to kill your #hildren, 025 Not to a##use an inno#ent erson 0to s read su#h an a##usation amon$ eo le5, 035 Not to be disobedient 0-hen ordered5 to do $ood deeds. 'he (ro het added: "hoe)er amon$st you ,ul,ill his led$e, his re-ard -ill be -ith Allah, and -hoe)er #ommits any o, those sins and re#ei)es the le$al unishment in this -orld ,or that sin, then that unishment -ill be an e+ iation ,or that sin, and -hoe)er #ommits any o, those sins and Allah does not e+ ose him, then it is u to Allah i, *e -ishes *e -ill unish him or i, *e -ishes, *e -ill ,or$i)e him." %o -e $a)e the (led$e ,or that. 0%ee *adith No. 1@, Vol. 15 9.711: Narrated `Aisha: 'he (ro het used to take the (led$e o, alle$ian#e ,rom the -omen by -ords only a,ter re#itin$ this *oly Verse:..03C.115 "..that they -ill not asso#iate anythin$ in -orshi -ith Allah." 03C.115 And the hand o, Allah's A ostle did not tou#h any -oman's hand e+#e t the hand o, that -oman his ri$ht hand ossessed. 0i.e. his #a ti)es or his lady sla)es5. 9.711: Narrated 6m Atiyya: "e $a)e the (led$e o, alle$ian#e to the (ro het and he re#ited to me the )erse 03C.115. 'hat they -ill not asso#iate anythin$ in -orshi -ith Allah 03C.115. And he also re)ented us ,rom -ailin$ and lamentin$ o)er the dead. A -oman ,rom us held her hand out and said, "%u#h.and.su#h a -oman #ried o)er a dead erson belon$in$ to my ,amily and I -ant to #om ensate her ,or that #ryin$" 'he (ro het did not say anythin$ in re ly and she le,t and returned. None o, those -omen abided by her led$e e+#e t 6m %ulaim, 6m Al.`Ala', and the dau$hter o, Abi %abra, the -i,e o, Al.<u`adh or the dau$hter o, Abi %abra, and the -i,e o, <u`adh. 9.717: Narrated Aabir: A bedouin #ame to the (ro het and said, "(lease take my (led$e o, alle$ian#e ,or Islam." %o the (ro het took ,rom him the (led$e o, alle$ian#e ,or Islam. *e #ame the ne+t day -ith a ,e)er and said to the (ro het "Gan#el my led$e." But the (ro het re,used and -hen the bedouin -ent a-ay, the (ro het said, "<edina is like a air o, bello-s 0,urna#e5: It e+ els its im urities and bri$htens and #lears its $ood." 9.719: Narrated Al.?asim bin <uhammad: `Aisha said, "O my head!" Allah's A ostle said, "I, that 0i.e., your death5 should ha en -hile I am still ali)e, I -ould ask Allah to ,or$i)e you and -ould in)oke Allah ,or you." `Aisha said, "O my li,e -hi#h is $oin$ to be lost! By Allah, I think that you -ish ,or my death, and i, that should ha en then you -ould be busy en/oyin$ the #om any o, one o, your -i)es in the last art o, that day." 'he (ro het said, "But I should say, 'O my head!' I ,eel like #allin$ Abu Bakr and his son and a oint 0the ,ormer as my su##essors lest eo le should say somethin$ or -ish ,or somethin$. Allah -ill insist 0on Abu Bakr be#omin$ a Gali h5 and the belie)ers -ill re)ent 0anyone else ,rom #laimin$ the Gali hate5," or "..Allah -ill re)ent 0anyone else ,rom #laimin$ the Gali hate5 and the belie)ers -ill insist 0on Abu Bakr be#omin$ the Gali h5. 9.712: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: It -as said to `6mar, ""ill you a oint your su##essor&" `6mar said, "I, I a oint a Gali h 0as my su##essor5 it is true that somebody -ho -as better than I 0i.e., Abu Bakr5 did so, and i, I lea)e the matter unde#ided, it is true that somebody -ho -as better than I 0i.e., Allah's A ostle5 did so." On this, the eo le raised him. `6mar said, "(eo le are o, t-o kinds: Jither one -ho is keen to take o)er the Gali hate or one -ho is a,raid o, assumin$ su#h a res onsibility. I -ish I #ould be ,ree ,rom its


res onsibility in that I -ould re#ei)e neither re-ard nor retribution I -on't bear the burden o, the #ali hate in my death as I do in my li,e." 9.713: Narrated Anas bin <alik: 'hat he heard `6mar's se#ond s ee#h he deli)ered -hen he sat on the ul it on the day ,ollo-in$ the death o, the (ro het `6mar re#ited the 'ashahhud -hile Abu Bakr -as silent. `6mar said, "I -ish that Allah's A ostle had outli)ed all o, us, i.e., had been the last 0to die5. But i, <uhammad is dead, Allah ne)ertheless has ke t the li$ht amon$st you ,rom -hi#h you #an re#ei)e the same $uidan#e as Allah $uided <uhammad -ith that. And Abu Bakr is the #om anion o, Allah's A ostle *e is the se#ond o, the t-o in the #a)e. *e is the most entitled erson amon$ the <uslims to mana$e your a,,airs. 'here,ore $et u and s-ear alle$ian#e to him." %ome eo le had already taken the oath o, alle$ian#e to him in the shed o, Bani %a`ida but the oath o, alle$ian#e taken by the ubli# -as taken at the ul it. I heard `6mar sayin$ to Abu Bakr on that day. "(lease as#end the ul it," and ke t on ur$in$ him till he as#ended the ul it -hereu on, all the eo le s-ore alle$ian#e to him. 9.71@: Narrated Aubair bin <ut`im: A -oman #ame to the (ro het and s oke to him about somethin$ and he told her to return to him. %he said, "O Allah's A ostle! I, I #ome and do not ,ind you&" 0As i, she meant, "...i, you die&"5 'he (ro het said, "I, you should not ,ind me, then $o to Abu Bakr." 9.714: Narrated 'ari8 bin %hihab: Abu Bakr said to the dele$ate o, BuHakha. "Follo- the tails o, the #amels till Allah sho-s the Gali h 0su##essor5 o, *is (ro het and Al.<uha/irin 0emi$rants5 somethin$ be#ause o, -hi#h you may e+#use yoursel)es." 9.719: Narrated Aabir bin %amura: I heard the (ro het sayin$, "'here -ill be t-el)e <uslim rulers 0-ho -ill rule all the Islami# -orld5." *e then said a senten#e -hi#h I did not hear. <y ,ather said, "All o, them 0those rulers5 -ill be ,rom ?uraish." 9.77C: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "By *im in "hose *ands my li,e is, I -as about to order ,or #olle#tin$ ,ire -ood and then order someone to ronoun#e the Adhan ,or the rayer and then order someone to lead the eo le in rayer and then I -ould $o ,rom behind and burn the houses o, men -ho did not resent themsel)es ,or the 0#om ulsory #on$re$ational5 rayer. By *im in "hose *ands my li,e is, i, anyone o, you had kno-n that he -ould re#ei)e a bone #o)ered -ith meat or t-o 0small5 ie#es o, meat resent in bet-een t-o ribs, he -ould #ome ,or `Isha' rayer." 0%ee *adith No. 31@, Vol. 15 9.771: Narrated `Abdullah bin =a`b bin <alik: "ho -as =a`b's $uide ,rom amon$ his sons -hen =a`b be#ame blind: I heard =a`b bin <alik sayin$, ""hen some eo le remained behind and did not /oin Allah's A ostle in the battle o, 'abuk.." and then he des#ribed the -hole narration and said, "Allah's A ostle ,orbade the <uslims to s eak to us, and so -e 0I and my #om anions5 stayed ,i,ty ni$hts in that state, and then Allah's A ostle announ#ed Allah's a##e tan#e o, our re entan#e." 9.771: Narrated Abu *uraira: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, "By *im in "hose *ands my li,e is! "ere it not ,or some men -ho dislike to be le,t behind and ,or -hom I do not ha)e means o, #on)eyan#e, I -ould not stay a-ay 0,rom any *oly Battle5. I -ould lo)e to be martyred in Allah's Gause and #ome to li,e and then $et, martyred and then #ome to li,e and then $et martyred and then $et resurre#ted and then $et martyred. 9.777: Narrated Al.A'rai: 2C

Abu *uraira said, Allah's A ostle said, "By *im in "hose *and my li,e is, I -ould lo)e to ,i$ht in Allah's Gause and then $et martyred and then resurre#ted 0#ome to li,e5 and then $et martyred and then resurre#ted 0#ome to li,e5 and then $et martyred, and then resurre#ted 0#ome to li,e5 and then $et martyred and then resurre#ted 0#ome to li,e5." Abu *uraira used to re eat those -ords three times and I testi,y to it -ith Allah's Oath. 9.779: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "I, I had $old e8ual to the mountain o, 6hud, I -ould lo)e that, be,ore three days had assed, not a sin$le :inar thereo, remained -ith me i, I ,ound somebody to a##e t it e+#ludin$ some amount that I -ould kee ,or the ayment o, my debts.'' 9.772: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's A ostle said, "I, I had ,ormerly kno-n hat I #ame to kno- lately, I -ould not ha)e dri)en the *adi -ith me and -ould ha)e ,inished the state o, Ihram alon$ -ith the eo le -hen they ,inished it." 9.773: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: "e -ere in the #om any o, Allah's A ostle and -e assumed the state o, Ihram o, *a// and arri)ed at <e##a on the ,ourth o, :hul.*i//a. 'he (ro het ordered us to er,orm the 'a-a, around the =a`ba and 0%a`i5 bet-een As.%a,a and Al.<ar-a and use our lhram /ust ,or `6mra, and ,inish the state o, Ihram unless -e had our *adi -ith us. None o, us had the *adi -ith him e+#e t the (ro het and 'alha. `Ali #ame ,rom Demen and brou$ht the *adi -ith him. `Ali said, 'I had assumed the state o, Ihram -ith the same intention as that -ith -hi#h Allah's A ostle had assumed it. 'he eo le said, "*o- #an -e ro#eed to <ina and our male or$ans are dribblin$&" Allah's A ostle said, "I, I had ,ormerly kno-n -hat I #ame to kno- latterly, I -ould not ha)e brou$ht the *adi, and had there been no *adi -ith me, I -ould ha)e ,inished my Ihram." %ura8a 0bin <alik5 met the (ro het -hile he -as thro-in$ ebbles at the Aamrat.Al.`A8aba, and asked, "O Allah's A ostle! Is this 0 ermitted5 ,or us only&" 'he (ro het re lied. "No, it is ,ore)er" `Aisha had arri)ed at <e##a -hile she -as menstruatin$, there,ore the (ro het ordered her to er,orm all the #eremonies o, *a// e+#e t the 'a-a, around the =a`ba, and not to er,orm her rayers unless and until she be#ame #lean . "hen they en#am ed at Al.Batha, `Aisha said, "O Allah's A ostle! Dou are ro#eedin$ a,ter er,ormin$ both *a// and `6mra -hile I am ro#eedin$ -ith *a// only&" %o the (ro het ordered `Abdur.;ahman bin Abu Bakr As.%iddi8 to $o -ith her to at.'an`im, and so she er,ormed the `6mra in :hul.*i//a a,ter the days o, the *a//. 9.77@: Narrated Aisha: One ni$ht the (ro het -as unable to slee and said, ""ould that a ri$hteous man ,rom my #om anions $uarded me toni$ht." %uddenly -e heard the #latter o, arms, -hereu on the (ro het said, ""ho is it&" It -as said, "I am %a`d, O Allah's A ostle! I ha)e #ome to $uard you." 'he (ro het then sle t so soundly that -e heard him snorin$. Abu `Abdullah said: `Aisha said: Bilal said, ""ould that I but stayed o)erni$ht in a )alley -ith Idhkhir and Aalil 0t-o kinds o, $rass5 around me 0i.e., in <e##a5." 'hen I told that to the (ro het . 9.774: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "Not to -ish to be the like e+#e t o, t-o men. A man -hom Allah has $i)en the 0kno-led$e o, the5 ?ur'an and he re#ites it durin$ the hours o, ni$ht and day and the one -ho -ishes says: I, I -ere $i)en the same as this 0man5 has been $i)en, I -ould do -hat he does, and a man -hom Allah has $i)en -ealth and he s ends it in the /ust and ri$ht -ay, in -hi#h #ase the one -ho -ishes says, 'I, I -ere $i)en the same as he has been $i)en, I -ould do -hat he does.' " 0%ee *adith No. 297 and 299, Vol 35 9.779: Narrated Anas: I, I had not heard the (ro het sayin$, "Dou should not lon$ ,or death," I -ould ha)e lon$ed 0,or it5. 21

9.79C: Narrated ?ais: "e -ent to ay a )isit to =habbab bin Al.Art and he had $ot himsel, branded at se)en s ots o)er his body. *e said, "I, Allah's A ostle had not ,orbidden us to in)oke Allah ,or death, I -ould ha)e in)oked ,or it." 9.791: Narrated %a`d bin 6baid: 0the <aula o, `Abdur.;ahman bin AHhar5 Allah's A ostle said, "None o, you should lon$ ,or death, ,or i, he is a $ood man, he may in#rease his $ood deeds, and i, he is an e)il.doer, he may sto the e)il deeds and re ent." 9.791: Narrated Al.Bara' bin `AHib: 'he (ro het -as #arryin$ earth -ith us on the day o, the battle o, Al.AhHab 0#on,ederates5 and I sathat the dust -as #o)erin$ the -hiteness o, his `Abdomen, and he 0the (ro het 5 -as sayin$, "0O Allah5 ! "ithout Dou, -e -ould not ha)e been $uided, nor -ould -e ha)e $i)en in #harity, nor -ould -e ha)e rayed. %o 0O Allah!5 lease send tran8uility 0%akina5 u on us as they, 0the #hie,s o, the enemy tribes5 ha)e rebelled a$ainst us. And i, they intend a,,li#tion 0i.e. -ant to ,ri$hten us and ,i$ht a$ainst us5 then -e -ould not 0,lee but -ithstand them5. And the (ro het used to raise his )oi#e -ith it. 0%ee *adith No. 97C and 971, Vol. 25 9.797: Narrated `Abdullah bin Abi `Au,a: Allah's A ostle said, ":o not lon$ ,or meetin$ your enemy, and ask Allah ,or sa,ety 0,rom all sorts o, e)il5." 0%ee *adith No. 133, Vol. 95 9.799: Narrated Al.?asim bin <uhammad: Ibn `Abbas mentioned the #ase o, a #ou le on -hom the /ud$ment o, Bian has been assed. `Abdullah bin %haddad said, ""as that the lady in -hose #ase the (ro het said, "I, I -ere to stone a lady to death -ithout a roo, 0a$ainst her5&' "Ibn `Abbas said, "No! 'hat -as #on#erned -ith a -oman -ho thou$h bein$ a <uslim used to arouse sus i#ion by her outri$ht misbeha)ior." 0%ee *adith No. 17C, Vol.@5 9.792: Narrated 'Ata: One ni$ht the (ro het delayed the `Isha' rayer -hereu on `6mar -ent to him and said, "'he rayer, O Allah's A ostle! 'he -omen and #hildren had sle t." 'he (ro het #ame out -ith -ater dro in$ ,rom his head, and said, ""ere I not a,raid that it -ould be hard ,or my ,ollo-ers 0or ,or the eo le5, I -ould order them to ray `Isha rayer at this time." 0Various )ersions o, this *adith are $i)en by the narrators -ith sli$ht di,,eren#es in e+ ression but not in #ontent5. 9.793: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, ""ere I not a,raid that it -ould be hard on my ,ollo-ers, I -ould order them to use the si-ak 0as obli$atory, ,or #leanin$ the teeth5. 9.79@: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het ,asted Al."isal on the last days o, the month. %ome eo le did the same, and -hen the ne-s rea#hed the (ro het he said, "I, the month had been rolon$ed ,or me, then I -ould ha)e ,asted "isal ,or su#h a lon$ time that the most e+a$$eratin$ ones amon$ you -ould ha)e $i)en u their e+a$$eration. I am not like youI my Bord al-ays makes me eat and drink." 9.794: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle ,orbade Al."isal. 'he eo le said 0to him5, "But you ,ast Al.`"isal," *e said, ""ho amon$ you is like me& "hen I slee 0at ni$ht5, my Bord makes me eat and drink. But -hen the eo le re,used to $i)e u Al."isal, he ,asted Al."isal alon$ -ith them ,or t-o days and then they sa- the


#res#ent -hereu on the (ro het said, "I, the #res#ent had not a eared I -ould ha)e ,asted ,or a lon$er eriod," as i, he intended to unish them here-ith. 9.799: Narrated `Aisha: I asked the (ro het about the -all 0outside the =a`ba5. "Is it re$arded as art o, the =a`ba&" *e re lied, "Des." I said, "'hen -hy didn't the eo le in#lude it in the =a`ba&" *e said, "0Be#ause5 your eo le ran short o, money." I asked, "'hen -hy is its $ate so hi$h&" *e re lied, ''Dour eo le did so in order to admit to it -hom they -ould and ,orbid -hom they -ould. "ere your eo le not still #lose to the eriod o, i$noran#e, and -ere I not a,raid that their hearts mi$ht deny my a#tion, then surely I -ould in#lude the -all in the =a`ba and make its $ate tou#h the $round." 9.72C: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "But ,or the emi$ration, I -ould ha)e been one o, the Ansar: and i, the eo le took their -ay in a )alley 0or a mountain ass5, I -ould take the Ansar's )alley or the mountain ass." 9.721: Narrated `Abdullah bin >aid: 'he (ro het said, "But ,or the emi$ration, I -ould ha)e been one o, the AnsarI and i, the eo le took their -ay in a )alley 0or a mountain ass5, I -ould take Ansar's )alley or their mountain ass." 9.721: Narrated <alik: "e #ame to the (ro het and -e -ere youn$ men nearly o, e8ual a$es and -e stayed -ith him ,or t-enty ni$hts. Allah's A ostle -as a )ery kind man and -hen he realiHed our lon$in$ ,or our ,amilies, he asked us about those -hom -e had le,t behind. "hen -e in,ormed him, he said, "Eo ba#k to your ,amilies and stay -ith them and tea#h them 0reli$ion5 and order them 0to do $ood deeds5. 'he (ro het mentioned thin$s some o, -hi#h I remembered and some I did not. 'hen he said, "(ray as you ha)e seen me rayin$, and -hen it is the time o, rayer, one o, you should ronoun#e the #all 0Adhan5 ,or the rayer and the eldest o, you should lead the rayer. " 9.727: Narrated Ibn <as`ud: Allah's A ostle said, "'he 0#all ,or rayer5 Adhan o, Bilal should not sto anyone o, you ,rom takin$ his %uhur ,or he ronoun#es the Adhan in order that -hoe)er amon$ you is rayin$ the ni$ht rayer, may return 0to eat his %uhur5 and -hoe)er amon$ you is slee in$, may $et u , ,or it is not yet da-n 0-hen it is like this5." 0Dahya, the sub.narrator stret#hed his t-o inde+ ,in$ers side -ays5. 9.729: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: 'he (ro het said, "Bilal ronoun#es the Adhan at ni$ht so that you may eat and drink till Ibn 6m <aktum ronoun#es the Adhan 0,or the Fa/r rayer5. 9.722: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het led us in >uhr rayer and rayer ,i)e rak`at. %omebody asked him -hether the rayer had been in#reased." *e 0the (ro het 5 said, "And -hat is that&" 'hey 0the eo le5 re lied, "Dou ha)e rayed ,i)e rak`at." 'hen the (ro het o,,ered t-o rostrations 0o, %ahu5 a,ter he had ,inished his rayer -ith the 'aslim. 9.723: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle ,inished his rayer a,ter o,,erin$s t-o rak`at only. :hul.Daddain asked him -hether the rayer had been redu#ed, or you had ,or$otten&" 'he (ro het said, "Is :hul.Daddain s eakin$ the truth&" 'he eo le said, "Des." 'hen Allah's A ostle stood u and er,ormed another t-o rak`at and then ,inished rayer -ith 'aslim, and then said the 'akbir and er,ormed a rostration similar to or lon$er than his ordinary rostrationsI then he raised his head, said 'akbir and rostrated and then raised his head 0%ahu rostrations5. 9.72@: 27

Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: "hile the eo le -ere at ?uba o,,erin$ the mornin$ rayer, suddenly a erson #ame to them sayin$, "'oni$ht :i)ine Ins iration has been re)ealed to Allah's A ostle and he has been ordered to ,a#e the =a`ba 0in rayers5: there,ore you eo le should ,a#e it." 'here ,a#es -ere to-ards %ham, so they turned their ,a#es to-ards the =a`ba 0at <e##a5. 9.724: Narrated Al.Bara': "hen Allah's A ostle arri)ed at <edina, he rayed ,a#in$ Aerusalem ,or si+teen or se)enteen months but he -ished that he -ould be ordered to ,a#e the =a`ba. %o Allah re)ealed: .. 'Verily! "e ha)e seen the turnin$ o, your ,a#e to-ards the hea)enI surely -e shall turn you to a rayer dire#tion 0?ibla5 that shall lease you.' 01.1995 'hus he -as dire#ted to-ards the =a`ba. A man rayed the `Asr rayer -ith the (ro het and then -ent out, and assin$ by some eo le ,rom the Ansar, he said, "I testi,y. that I ha)e rayed -ith the (ro het and he 0the (ro het5 has rayed ,a#in$ the =a`ba." 'hereu on they, -ho -ere bo-in$ in the `Asr rayer, turned to-ards the =a`ba. 9.729: Narrated Anas bin <alik: I used to o,,er drinks re ared ,rom in,used dates to Abu 'alha Al.Ansari, Abu '6bada bin Al Aarrah and 6bai bin =a`b. 'hen a erson #ame to them and said, "All al#oholi# drinks ha)e been rohibited." Abii 'alha then said, "O Anas! Eet u and break all these /ars." %o I $ot u and took a mortar belon$in$ to us, and hit the /ars -ith its lo-er art till they broke. 9.73C: Narrated *udhai,a: 'he (ro het said to the eo le o, Na/ran, "I -ill send to you an honest erson -ho is really trust-orthy." 'he Gom anion, o, the (ro het ea#h desired to be that erson, but the (ro het sent Abu '6baida. 9.731: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het said, "For e)ery nation there is an Amin 0honest, trust-orthy erson5 and the Amin o, this nation is Abu '6baida." 9.731: Narrated `6mar: 'here -as a man ,rom the Ansar 0-ho -as a ,riend o, mine5. I, he -as not resent in the #om any o, Allah's A ostle I used to be resent -ith Allah's A ostle, I -ould tell him -hat I used to hear ,rom Allah's A ostle, and -hen I -as absent ,rom Allah's A ostle he used to be resent -ith him, and he -ould tell me -hat he used to hear ,rom Allah's A ostle . 9.737: Narrated `Ali: 'he (ro het , sent an army and a ointed some man their #ommander 'he man made a ,ire and then said 0to the soldiers5, "Jnter it." %ome o, them intended to enter it -hile some others said, '"e ha)e run a-ay ,rom it 0i.e., embra#ed Islam to sa)e oursel)es ,rom the ',ire'5." 'hey mentioned that to the (ro het, and he said about eo le -ho had intended to enter the ,ire. ''I, they had entered it, they -ould ha)e remained In it till the :ay o, ;esurre#tion.'' 'hen he said to others, "No obedien#e ,or e)il deeds, obedien#e is re8uired only in -hat is $ood ." 9.739: Narrated Abu *uraira and >aid bin =halid: '-o men sued ea#h other be,ore the (ro het. 9.732: Narrated Abu *uraira: "hile -e -ere -ith Allah's A ostle a bedouin $ot u and said, "O Allah's A ostle! %ettle my #ase a##ordin$ to Allah's Book 0Ba-s5." 'hen his o onent $ot u and said, "O Allah's A ostle! *e has said the truth! %ettle his #ase a##ordin$ to Allah's Book 0Ba-s.5 and allo- me to s eak," *e said, "<y son -as a laborer ,or this man and he #ommitted ille$al se+ual inter#ourse -ith his -i,e. 'he eo le 29

told me that my son should be stoned to death but I ransomed him -ith one.hundred shee and a sla)e $irl. 'hen I asked the reli$ious learned eo le and they told me that his -i,e should be stoned to death and my son should re#ei)e one.hundred lashes and be senten#ed to one year o, e+ile.' 'he (ro het said, "By *im in "hose *ands my li,e is, I -ill /ud$e bet-een you a##ordin$ to Allah's Book 0Ba-s5: As ,or the sla)e $irl and the shee , they are to be returnedI and as ,or your son, he shall re#ei)e one. hundred lashes and -ill be e+iled ,or one year. Dou, O 6nais!" addressin$ a man ,rom Bani Aslam, "Eo tomorro- mornin$ to the -i,e o, this 0man5 and i, she #on,esses, then stone her to death." 'he ne+t mornin$ 6nais -ent to the -i,e and she #on,essed, and he stoned her to death. 9.733: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: On the day o, 0the battle o,5 the 'ren#h, the (ro het #alled the eo le 0to brin$ ne-s about the enemy5. AH.>ubair res onded to his #all. *e #alled them a$ain and AH.>ubair res onded to his #all a$ainI then he #alled them ,or the third time and a$ain AH.>ubair res onded to his #all -hereu on the (ro het said, "J)ery ro het has his *a-airi 0hel er5, and AH.>ubair is my *a-ari." 9.73@: Narrated Abu <usa: 'he (ro het entered a $arden and told me to $uard its $ate. 'hen a man #ame and asked ermission to enter. 'he (ro het, said, "(ermit him and $i)e him the $ood ne-s that he -ill enter (aradise." Behold! It -as Abu Bakr. 'hen `6mar #ame, and the (ro het said, "Admit him and $i)e him the $ood ne-s that he -ill enter (aradise." 'hen `6thman #ame and the (ro het said, "Admit him and $i)e him the $ood ne-s that he -ill enter (aradise. " 9.734: Narrated `6mar: I #ame and behold, Allah's A ostle -as stayin$ on a <ashroba 0atti# room5 and a bla#k sla)e o, Allah's A ostle -as at the to i, its stairs. I said to him, "0'ell the (ro het5 that here is `6mar bin Al. =hattab 0askin$ ,or ermission to enter5." 'hen he admitted me. 9.739: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: Allah's A ostle sent a letter to =hosrau and told his messen$er to $i)e it ,irst to the ruler o, Bahrain, and tell him to deli)er it to =hosrau. "hen =hosrau had read it, he tore it into ie#es. 0AH.>uhri said: I think Ibn Al.<usaiyab said, "Allah's A ostle in)oked Allah to tear them 0=hosrau and his ,ollo-ers5 into ie#es." 9.7@C: Narrated %alama bin Al.Ak-a`: Allah's A ostle said to a man ,rom the tribe o, Al.Aslam, "(ro#laim amon$ your eo le 0or the eo le5 on the day o, 'Ashura' 0tenth o, <uharram5, '"hosoe)er has eaten anythin$ should ,ast ,or the rest o, the dayI and -hoe)er has not eaten anythin$, should #om lete his ,ast.' " 9.7@1: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "hen the dele$ate o, `Abd Al.?ais #ame to Allah's A ostle, he said, ""ho are the dele$ate&" 'hey said, "'he dele$ate are ,rom the tribe o, ;abi`a." 'he (ro het said, ""el#ome, O the dele$ate, and -el#ome! O eo le! Neither you -ill ha)e any dis$ra#e nor -ill you re$ret." 'hey said, "O Allah's A ostle! Bet-een you and us there are the in,idels o, the tribe o, <udar, so lease order us to do somethin$ $ood 0reli$ious deeds5 that by a#tin$ on them -e may enter (aradise, and that -e may in,orm 0our eo le5 -hom -e ha)e le,t behind, about it." 'hey also asked 0the (ro het5 about drinks. *e ,orbade them ,rom ,our thin$s and ordered them to do ,our thin$s. *e ordered them to belie)e in Allah, and asked them, ":o you kno- -hat is meant by belie, in Allah&" 'hey said, "Allah and *is A ostle kno- best." *e said, '''o testi,y that none has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed e+#e t Allah, the One, "ho has no artners -ith *im, and that <uhammad is Allah's A ostleI and to o,,er rayers er,e#tly and to ay >akat." 0the narrator thinks that ,astin$ in ;amadan is in#luded5, "and to $i)e one.,i,th o, the -ar booty 0to the state5." 'hen he ,orbade ,our 0drinkin$ utensils5: Ad.:uba', Al.


*antam, Al.<aHa,,at and An.Na8ir, or robably, Al.<u8aiyar. And then the (ro het said, ";emember all these thin$s by heart and rea#h it to those -hom you ha)e le,t behind." 9.7@1: Narrated 'auba Al.`Anbari: Ash.'%hu`bi asked me, ":id you noti#e ho- Al.*asan used to narrate *adiths ,rom the (ro hets& I stayed -ith Ibn `6mar ,or about t-o or one.and.hal, years and I did not hear him narratin$ any thin$ ,rom the (ro het e+#e t his 0*adith5: *e 0Ibn `6mar5 said, "%ome o, the #om anions o, the (ro het in#ludin$ %a`d, -ere $oin$ to eat meat, but one o, the -i)es o, the (ro het #alled them, sayin$, 'It is the neat o, a <asti$ure.' 'he eo le then sto ed eatin$ it. On that Allah's A ostle said, 'Garry on eatin$, ,or it is la-,ul.' Or said, ''here is no harm in eatin$ it, but it is not ,rom my meals." 9.7@7: Narrated 'ari8 bin %hihab: A Ae- said to `6mar, "O Ghie, o, the Belie)ers, i, this )erse: ''his day I ha)e er,e#ted your reli$ion ,or you, #om leted <y ,a)ors u on you, and ha)e #hosen ,or you, Islam as your reli$ion.' 02.75 had been re)ealed u on us, -e -ould ha)e taken that day as an `Id 0,esti)al5 day." `6mar said, "I knode,initely on -hat day this Verse -as re)ealedI it -as re)ealed on the day o, `Ara,at, on a Friday." 9.7@9: Narrated Anas bin <alik: 'hat he heard `6mar s eakin$ -hile standin$ on the ul it o, the (ro het in the mornin$ 0,ollo-in$ the death o, the (ro het5, -hen the eo le had s-orn alle$ian#e to Abu Bakr. *e said the 'ashah.hud be,ore Abu Bakr, and said, "Amma Ba'du 0then a,ter5 Allah has #hosen ,or his A ostle -hat is -ith *im 0(aradise5 rather than -hat is -ith you 0the -orld5. 'his is that Book 0?ur'an5 -ith -hi#h Allah $uided your A ostle, so sti#k to it, ,or then you -ill be $uided on the ri$ht ath as Allah $uided *is A ostle -ith it." 9.7@2: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het embra#ed me and said, "O Allah! 'ea#h him 0the kno-led$e o,5 the Book 0?ur'an5. 9.7@3: Narrated Abal <inhal: Abu BarHa said, "0O eo le!5 Allah makes you sel,.su,,i#ient or has raised you hi$h -ith Islam and -ith <uhammad 9.7@@: Narrated `Abdullah bin :inar: `Abdullah Bin `6mar -rote to `Abdul <alik bin <ar-an, s-earin$ alle$ian#e to him: 'I s-ear alle$ian#e to you in that I -ill listen and obey -hat is in a##ordan#e -ith the Ba-s o, Allah and the 'radition o, *is A ostle as mu#h as I #an.' 9.7@4: Narrated %a`id bin Al.<usaiyab: Abu *uraira said that Allah's A ostle said, "I ha)e been sent -ith 'Aa-ami.al.=alim ' 0the shortest e+ ression -ith the -idest meanin$5 and ha)e been made )i#torious -ith a-e 0#ast in my enemy's hearts5, and -hile I -as slee in$, I sa- that the keys o, the treasures o, the -orld -ere la#ed in my hand." Abu *uraira added: Allah's A ostle has $one, and you eo le are utiliHin$ those treasures, or di$$in$ those treasures out." or said a similar senten#e. 9.7@9: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "'here -as no ro het amon$ the ro hets but -as $i)en mira#les be#ause o, -hi#h eo le had se#urity or had belie,, but -hat I -as $i)en -as the :i)ine Ins iration -hi#h Allah re)ealed to me. %o I ho e that my ,ollo-ers -ill be more than those o, any other ro het on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion." 9.74C: Narrated Abu "ail:


I sat -ith %haiba in this <os8ue 0Al.<as/id.Al.*aram5, and he said, "`6mar on#e sat beside me here as you are no- sittin$, and said, 'I ,eel like distributin$ all the $old and sil)er that are in it 0i.e., the =a`ba5 amon$ the <uslims'. I said, 'Dou #annot do that.' `6mar said, '"hy&' I said, 'Dour t-o 0 re)ious5 #om anions 0the (ro het and Abu Bakr5 did not do it. `6mar said, ''hey are the t-o ersons -hom one must ,ollo-.'" 0%ee *adith No. 339, Vol. 15 9.741: Narrated *udhai,a: Allah's A ostle said to us, "*onesty des#ended ,rom the *ea)ens and settled in the roots o, the hearts o, men 0,aith,ul belie)ers5, and then the ?ur'an -as re)ealed and the eo le read the ?ur'an, 0and learnt it ,rom it5 and also learnt it ,rom the %unna." Both ?ur'an and %unna stren$thened their 0the ,aith,ul belie)ers'5 honesty. 0%ee *adith No. 1C45 9.741: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he best talk 0s ee#h5 is Allah's Book '?ur'an5, and the best -ay is the -ay o, <uhammad, and the -orst matters are the heresies 0those ne- thin$s -hi#h are introdu#ed into the reli$ion5I and -hate)er you ha)e been romised -ill surely #ome to ass, and you #annot es#a e 0it5. 9.747: Narrated Abu *uraira and >aid bin =halid: "e -ere -ith the (ro het -hen he said 0to t-o men5, "I shall /ud$e bet-een you a##ordin$ to Allah's Book 0Ba-s5. 9.749: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "All my ,ollo-ers -ill enter (aradise e+#e t those -ho re,use." 'hey said, "O Allah's A ostle! "ho -ill re,use&" *e said, ""hoe)er obeys me -ill enter (aradise, and -hoe)er disobeys me is the one -ho re,uses 0to enter it5. 9.742: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: %ome an$els #ame to the (ro het -hile he -as slee in$. %ome o, them said, "*e is slee in$." Others said, "*is eyes are slee in$ but his heart is a-ake." 'hen they said, "'here is an e+am le ,or this #om anion o, yours." One o, them said, "'hen set ,orth an e+am le ,or him." %ome o, them said, "*e is slee in$." 'he others said, "*is eyes are slee in$ but his heart is a-ake." 'hen they said, "*is e+am le is that o, a man -ho has built a house and then o,,ered therein a ban8uet and sent an in)iter 0messen$er5 to in)ite the eo le. %o -hoe)er a##e ted the in)itation o, the in)iter, entered the house and ate o, the ban8uet, and -hoe)er did not a##e t the in)itation o, the in)iter, did not enter the house, nor did he eat o, the ban8uet." 'hen the an$els said, "Inter ret this e+am le to him so that he may understand it." %ome o, them said, "*e is slee in$.'' 'he others said, "*is eyes are slee in$ but his heart is a-ake." And then they said, "'he houses stands ,or (aradise and the #all maker is <uhammadI and -hoe)er obeys <uhammad, obeys AllahI and -hoe)er disobeys <uhammad, disobeys Allah. <uhammad se arated the eo le 0i.e., throu$h his messa$e, the $ood is distin$uished ,rom the bad, and the belie)ers ,rom the disbelie)ers5. 9.743: Narrated *ammam: *udhai,a said, "O the Erou o, Al.?urra! Follo- the strai$ht ath, ,or then you ha)e taken a $reat lead 0and -ill be the leaders5, but i, you di)ert ri$ht or le,t, then you -ill $o astray ,ar a-ay." 9.74@: Narrated Abu <usa: 'he (ro het said, "<y e+am le and the e+am le o, -hat I ha)e been sent -ith is that o, a man -ho #ame to some eo le and said, 'O eo le! I ha)e seen the enemy's army -ith my o-n eyes, and I am the naked -arnerI so rote#t yoursel)es!' 'hen a $rou o, his eo le obeyed him and ,led at ni$ht ro#eedin$ stealthily till they -ere sa,e, -hile another $rou o, them disbelie)ed him and stayed at their la#es till mornin$ -hen the army #ame u on them, and killed and ruined them #om letely %o


this is the e+am le o, that erson -ho obeys me and ,ollo-s -hat I ha)e brou$ht 0the ?ur'an and the %unna5, and the e+am le o, the one -ho disobeys me and disbelie)es the truth I ha)e brou$ht." 9.744: Narrated Abu *uraira: "hen Allah's A ostle died and Abu Bakr -as ele#ted as a Gali h a,ter him, some o, the Arabs re)erted to disbelie,, `6mar said to Abu Bakr, "*o- dare you ,i$ht the eo le -hile Allah's A ostle said, I ha)e been ordered to ,i$ht the eo le till they say 'None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah' And -hoe)er says: None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah.' -a)es his -ealth and his li,e ,rom me unless he deser)es a le$al unishment lusty, and his a##ount -ill be -ith Allah! Abu Bakr said, "By Allah, I -ill ,i$ht him -ho dis#riminates bet-een >akat and rayers, ,or >akat is the Gom ulsory ri$ht to be taken ,rom the -ealth By Allah, i, they re,use to $i)e me e)en a tyin$ ro e -hi#h they use to $i)e to Allah's A ostle, I -ould ,i$ht them ,or -ithholdin$ it." `6mar said, 'By Allah, It -as nothin$, e+#e t I sa- that Allah had o ened the #hest o, Abu Bakr to the ,i$ht, and I #ame to kno- ,or #ertain that -as the truth." 9.749: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: 6yaina bin *isn bin *udhai,a bin Badr #ame and stayed 0at <edina5 -ith his ne he- Al.*urr bin ?ais bin *isn -ho has one o, those -hom `6mar used to kee near him, as the ?urra' 0learned men kno-in$ ?ur'an by heart5 -ere the eo le o, `6mar's meetin$s and his ad)isors -hether they -ere old or youn$. '6yaina said to his ne he-, "O my ne he-! *a)e you an a roa#h to this #hie, so as to $et ,or me the ermission to see him&" *is ne he- said, "I -ill $et the ermission ,or you to see him." 0Ibn `Abbas added: 5 %o he took the ermission ,or '6yaina, and -hen the latter entered, he said, "O the son o, Al.=hattab! By Allah, you neither $i)e us su,,i#ient ro)ision nor /ud$e amon$ us -ith /usti#e." On that `6mar be#ame so ,urious that he intended to harm him. Al.*urr, said, "O Ghie, o, the Belie)ers!" Allah said to *is A ostle '*old to ,or$i)eness, #ommand -hat is $ood 0ri$ht5, and lea)e the ,oolish 0i.e. do not unish them5.' 0@.1995 and this erson is amon$ the ,oolish." By Allah, `6mar did not o)erlook that Verse -hen Al.*urr re#ited it be,ore him, and `6mar said to obser)e 0the orders o,5 Allah's Book stri#tly." 0%ee *adith No. 133, Vol. 35 9.79C: Narrated Asma' bint Abu Bakr: I #ame to `Aisha durin$ the solar e#li se. 'he eo le -ere standin$ 0o,,erin$ rayer5 and she too, -as standin$ and o,,erin$ rayer. I asked, ""hat is -ron$ -ith the eo le&" %he ointed to-ards the sky -ith her hand and said, %ubhan Allah!'' I asked her, "Is there a si$n&" %he nodded -ith her head meanin$, yes. "hen Allah's A ostle ,inished 0the rayer5, he $lori,ied and raised Allah and said, "'here is not anythin$ that I ha)e not seen be,ore but I ha)e seen no- at this la#e o, mine, e)en (aradise and *ell. It has been re)ealed to me that you eo le -ill be ut to trial nearly like the trial o, Ad.:a//al, in your $ra)es. As ,or the true belie)er or a <uslim 0the sub.narrator is not sure as to -hi#h o, the t-o 0-ords Asma' had said5 he -ill say, '<uhammad #ame -ith #lear si$ns ,rom Allah, and -e res onded to him 0a##e ted his tea#hin$s5 and belie)ed 0-hat he said5' It -ill be said 0to him5 '%lee in ea#eI -e ha)e kno-n that you -ere a true belie)er -ho belie)ed -ith #ertainty.' As ,or a hy o#rite or a doubt,ul erson, 0the sub.narrator is not sure as to -hi#h -ord Asma' said5 he -ill say, 'I do not kno-, but I heard the eo le sayin$ somethin$ and so I said the same.' " 9.791: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "Bea)e me as I lea)e you5 ,or the eo le -ho -ere be,ore you -ere ruined be#ause o, their 8uestions and their di,,eren#es o)er their ro hets. %o, i, I ,orbid you to do somethin$, then kee a-ay ,rom it. And i, I order you to do somethin$, then do o, it as mu#h as you #an." 9.791: Narrated %a`d bin Abi "a88as: 'he (ro het said, "'he most sin,ul erson amon$ the <uslims is the one -ho asked about somethin$ -hi#h had not been rohibited, but -as rohibited be#ause o, his askin$." 9.797: 24

Narrated >aid bin 'habit: 'he (ro het took a room made o, date alm lea)es mats in the mos8ue. Allah's A ostle rayed in it ,or a ,e- ni$hts till the eo le $athered 0to ray the ni$ht rayer 0'ara-ih5 0behind him.5 'hen on the 9th ni$ht the eo le did not hear his )oi#e and they thou$ht he had sle t, so some o, them started hummin$ in order that he mi$ht #ome out. 'he (ro het then said, "Dou #ontinued doin$ -hat I sayou doin$ till I -as a,raid that this 0'ara-ih rayer5 mi$ht be en/oined on you, and i, it -ere en/oined on you, you -ould not #ontinue er,ormin$ it. 'here,ore, O eo le! (er,orm your rayers at your homes, ,or the best rayer o, a erson is -hat is er,ormed at his home e+#e t the #om ulsory #on$re$ational5 rayer." 0%ee *adith No. 119,Vol. 75 0%ee *adith No. 179, Vol. 45 9.799: Narrated Abu <usa Al.Ash`ari: Allah's A ostle -as asked about thin$s -hi#h he disliked, and -hen the eo le asked too many 8uestions, he be#ame an$ry and said, "Ask me 0any 8uestion5." A man $ot u and said, "O Allah's A ostle! "ho is my ,ather&" 'he (ro het re lied, "Dour ,ather is *udhai,a." 'hen another man $ot u and said, "O Allah's A ostle! "ho is my ,ather&" 'he (ro het said, "Dour ,ather is %alim, <aula %haiba." "hen `6mar sa- the si$ns o, an$er on the ,a#e o, Allah's A ostle, he said, ""e re ent to Allah." 9.792: Narrated "arrad: 0'he #lerk o, Al.<u$hira5 <ua-iya -rote to Al.<u$hira '"rite to me -hat you ha)e heard ,rom Allah's A ostle.' %o he 0Al.<u$hira5 -rote to him: Allah's (ro het used to say at the end o, ea#h rayer: "Ba ilaha illalla.h -ahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul <ulku, -a lahul *amdu -a hula ala kulli shai'in 8adir. 'Allahumma la mani' a lima a'taita, -ala mu'tiya lima mana'ta, -ala yan,a'u dhul/add minkal./add." *e also -rote to him that the (ro het used to ,orbid 015 ?il and ?al 0idle useless talk or that you talk too mu#h about others5, 015 Askin$ too many 8uestions 0in dis uted ;eli$ious matters5I 075 And -astin$ one's -ealth by e+tra)a$an#eI 095 and to be unduti,ul to one's mother 025 and to bury the dau$hters ali)e 035 and to re)ent your ,a)ors 0bene)olen#e to others 0i.e. not to ay the ri$hts o, others 0@5 And askin$ others ,or somethin$ 0e+#e t -hen it is una)oidable5. 9.793: Narrated Anas: "e -ere -ith `6mar and he said, ""e ha)e been ,orbidden to undertake a di,,i#ult task beyond our #a ability 0i.e. to e+#eed the reli$ious limits e.$., to #lean the inside o, the eyes -hile doin$ ablution5. 9.79@: Narrated Anas bin <alik: 'he (ro het #ame out a,ter the sun had de#lined and o,,ered the >uhr rayer 0in #on$re$ation5. A,ter ,inishin$ it -ith 'aslim, he stood on the ul it and mentioned the *our and mentioned there -ould ha en $reat e)ents be,ore it. 'hen he said, ""hoe)er -ants to ask me any 8uestion, may do so, ,or by Allah, you -ill not ask me about anythin$ but I -ill in,orm you o, its ans-er as lon$ as I am at this la#e o, mine." On this, the Ansar -e t )iolently, and Allah's A ostle ke t on sayin$, "Ask <e! " 'hen a man $ot u and asked, ''"here -ill my entran#e be, O Allah's A ostle&" 'he (ro het said, "0Dou -ill $o to5 the Fire." 'hen `Abdullah bin *udhai,a $ot u and asked, ""ho is my ,ather, O Allah's A ostle&" 'he (ro het re lied, "Dour ,ather is *udhai,a." 'he (ro het then ke t on sayin$ 0an$rily5, "Ask me! Ask me!" `6mar then knelt on his knees and said, ""e ha)e a##e ted Allah as our Bord and Islam as our reli$ion and <uhammad as an A ostle." Allah's A ostle be#ame 8uiet -hen `6mar said that. 'hen Allah's A ostle said, "By *im in "hose *and my li,e is, (aradise and *ell -ere dis layed be,ore me a#ross this -all -hile I -as rayin$, and I ne)er sa- su#h $ood and e)il as I ha)e seen today." 9.794: Narrated Anas bin <alik: A man said, "O Allah's (ro het! "ho is my ,ather&" 'he (ro het said, "Dour ,ather is so.and.so." And then the :i)ine Verse:.. 'O you -ho belie)e! Ask not 8uestions about thin$s..02.1C15 9.799: 29

Narrated Anas bin <alik: Allah's A ostle said, "(eo le -ill not sto askin$ 8uestions till they say, ''his is Allah, the Greator o, e)erythin$, then -ho #reated Allah&' " 9.9CC: Narrated Ibn <asud: I -as -ith the (ro het at one o, the ,arms o, <edina -hile he -as leanin$ on a date alm lea,.stalk. *e assed by a $rou o, Ae-s and some o, them said to the other, Ask him 0the (ro het5 about the s irit. %ome others said, ":o not ask him, lest he should tell you -hat you dislike" But they -ent u to him and said, "O Abal ?asim! In,orm us bout the s irit." 'he (ro het stood u ,or a -hile, -aitin$. I realiHed that he -as bein$ :i)inely Ins ired, so I ke t a-ay ,rom him till the ins iration -as o)er. 'hen the (ro het said, "0O <uhammad5 they ask you re$ardin$ the s irit, %ay: 'he s irit its kno-led$e is -ith my Bord 0i.e., nobody has its kno-led$e e+#e t Allah5" 01@.425 0'his is a mira#le o, the ?ur'an that all the s#ientists u till no- do not kno- about the s irit, i.e, ho- li,e #omes to a body and ho- it $oes a-ay at its death5 0%ee *adith No. 192, Vol. 35 9.9C1: Narrated Ibn `6mar: 'he (ro het -ore a $old rin$ and then the eo le ,ollo-ed him and -ore $old rin$s too. 'hen the (ro het said, "I had this $olden rin$ made ,or mysel,. *e then thre- it a-ay and said, "I shall ne)er ut it on." 'hereu on the eo le also thre- their rin$s a-ay. 9.9C1: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said 0to his #om anions5, ":o not ,ast Al."isal." 'hey said, "But you ,ast Al."isail." *e said, "I am not like you, ,or at ni$ht my Bord ,eeds me and makes me drink." But the eo le did not $i)e u Al."isal, so the (ro het ,asted Al."isal -ith them ,or t-o days or t-o ni$hts, and then they sa- the #res#ent -hereu on the (ro het said, "I, the #res#ent had delayed, I -ould ha)e #ontinued ,astin$ 0be#ause o, you5," as i, he -anted to )an8uish them #om letely 0be#ause they had re,used to $i)e u Al "isal5. 9.9C7: Narrated Ibrahim At 'amii's ,ather: `Ali addressed us -hile he -as standin$ on a bri#k ul it and #arryin$ a s-ord ,rom -hi#h -as han$in$ a s#roll *e said "By Allah, -e ha)e no book to read e+#e t Allah's Book and -hate)er is on this s#roll," And then he unrolled it, and behold, in it -as -ritten -hat sort o, #amels -ere to be $i)en as blood money, and there -as also -ritten in it: '<edina is a san#tuary ,orm 'Air 0mountain5 to su#h and su#h la#e so -hoe)er inno)ates in it an heresy or #ommits a sin therein, he -ill in#ur the #urse o, Allah, the an$les, and all the eo le and Allah -ill not a##e t his #om ulsory or o tional $ood deeds.' 'here -as also -ritten in it: ''he asylum 0 led$e o, rote#tion5 $ranted by any <uslims is one and the same, 0e)en a <uslim o, the lo-est status is to be se#ured and res e#ted by all the other <uslims, and -hoe)er betrays a <uslim in this res e#t 0by )iolatin$ the led$e5 -ill in#ur the #urse o, Allah, the an$els, and all the eo le, and Allah -ill not a##e t his #om ulsory or o tional $ood deeds.' 'here -as also -ritten in it: '"hoe)er 0,reed sla)e5 be,riends 0takes as masters5 other than his real masters 0manumitters5 -ithout their ermission -ill in#ur the #urse o, Allah, the an$els, and all the eo le, and Allah -ill not a##e t his #om ulsory or o tional $ood deeds. ' 0%ee *adith No. 99, Vol. 75 9.9C9: Narrated `Aisha: 'he (ro het did somethin$ as it -as allo-ed ,rom the reli$ious oint o, )ie- but some eo le re,rained ,rom it. "hen the (ro het heard o, that, he, a,ter $lori,yin$ and raisin$ Allah, said, ""hy do some eo le re,rain ,rom doin$ somethin$ -hi#h I do& By Allah, I kno- Allah more than they." 9.9C2: Narrated Ibn Abi <ulaika: On#e the t-o ri$hteous men, i.e., Abu Bakr and `6mar -ere on the )er$e o, destru#tion 0and that -as be#ause5: "hen the dele$ate o, Bani 'amim #ame to the (ro het, one o, them 0either Abu Bakr or `6mar5 re#ommended Al.A8ra' bin *`Abis at.'amimi Al.*anHali, the brother o, Bani <a/ashi 0to be 3C

a ointed as their #hie,5, -hile the other re#ommended somebody else. Abu Bakr said to `6mar, "Dou intended only to o ose me." `6mar said, "I did not intend to o ose you!" 'hen their )oi#es $relouder in ,ront o, the (ro het -hereu on there -as re)ealed: 'O you -ho belie)e! :o not raise your )oi#es abo)e the )oi#e o, the (ro het..a $reat re-ard.' 099.1.75 Ibn AH.>ubair said, ''hen#e ,or-ard -hen `6mar talked to the (ro het, he -ould talk like one -ho -his ered a se#ret and -ould e)en ,ail to make the (ro het hear him, in -hi#h #ase the (ro het -ould ask him 0to re eat his -ords5. 9.9C3: Narrated `Aisha: 0the mother o, belie)ers5 Allah's A ostle durin$ his ,atal ailment said, "Order Abu Bakr to lead the eo le in rayer." I said, "I, Abu Bakr stood at your la#e 0in rayers, the eo le -ill not be able to hear him be#ause o, his -ee in$, so order `6mar to lead the eo le in rayer." *e a$ain said, "Order Abu Bakr to lead the eo le in rayer " 'hen I said to *a,sa, ""ill you say 0to the (ro het5, 'I, Abu Bakr stood at your la#e, the eo le -ill not be able to hear him be #ause o, his -ee in$, so order `6mar to lead the eo le in rayer&" *a,sa did so, -hereu on Allah's A ostle said, "Dou are like the #om anions o, Aose h 0%ee ?ur'an, 11:7C.715. Order Abu Bakr to lead the eo le in rayer." *a,sa then said to me, "I ha)e ne)er re#ei)ed any $ood ,rom you!" 9.9C@: Narrated %ahl bin %a`d As.%a`idi: '6-aimir Al.`A/lani #ame to `Asim bin `Adi and said, "I, a man ,ound another man -ith his -i,e and killed him, -ould you senten#e the husband to death 0in ?isas,5 i.e., e8uality in unishment5& O `Asim! (lease ask Allah's A ostle about this matter on my behal,." `Asim asked the (ro het but the (ro het disliked the 8uestion and disa ro)ed o, it. `Asim returned and in,ormed '6-aimir that the (ro het disliked that ty e o, 8uestion. '6-aimir said, "By Allah, I -ill $o 0 ersonally5 to the (ro het." '6-aimir #ame to the (ro het -hen Allah had already re)ealed ?ur'ani# Verses 0in that res e#t5, a,ter `Asim had le,t 0the (ro het 5. %o the (ro het said to '6-aimir, "Allah has re)ealed ?ur'ani# Verses re$ardin$ you and your -i,e." 'he (ro het then #alled ,or them, and they #ame and #arried out the order o, Bian. 'hen '6-aimir said, "O Allah's A ostle! No- i, I ke t her -ith me, I -ould be a##used o, tellin$ a lie." %o '6-aimir di)or#ed her althou$h the (ro het did not order him to do so. Bater on this ra#ti#e o, di)or#in$ be#ame the tradition o, #ou les in)ol)ed in a #ase o, Bi'an. 'he (ro het said 0to the eo le5. ""ait ,or her! I, she deli)ers a red short 0small5 #hild like a "ahra 0a short red animal5. then I -ill be o, the o inion that he 0'6-aimir5 has told a lie but i, she deli)ered a bla#k bi$.eyed one -ith bi$ butto#ks, then I -ill be o, the o inion that he has told the truth about her." '6ltimately she $a)e birth to a #hild that ro)ed the a##usation. 0%ee *adith No. 139, Vol. 35 9.9C4: Narrated <alik bin Aus An.Nasri: I ro#eeded till I entered u on `6mar 0and -hile I -as sittin$ there5, his $ate.kee er Dar,a #ame to him and said, " `6thman, `Abdur.;ahman, AH.>ubair and %a`d ask your ermission to #ome in." `6mar allo-ed them. %o they entered, $reeted, and sat do-n. 0A,ter a -hile the $atekee er #ame5 and said, "%hall I admit `Ali and `Abbas&'' `6mar allo-ed them to enter. Al.`Abbas said "O Ghie, o, the belie)ers! Aud$e bet-een me and the o ressor 0`Ali5." 'hen there -as a dis ute 0re$ardin$ the ro erty o, Bani Nadir5 bet-een them 0`Abbas and `Ali5. `6thman and his #om anions said, "O Ghie, o, the Belie)ers! Aud$e bet-een them and relie)e one ,rom the other." `6mar said, "Be atient! besee#h you by Allah, -ith "hose ermission the *ea)en and the Jarth J+ist! :o you kno- that Allah's A ostle said, 'Our ro erty is not to be inherited, and -hate)er -e lea)e is to be $i)en in #harity,' and by this Allah's A ostle meant himsel,&" On that the $rou said, "*e )erily said so." `6mar then ,a#ed `Ali and `Abbas and said, "I besee#h you both by Allah, do you both kno- that Allah's A ostle said so&" 'hey both re lied, "Des". `6mar then said, "No- I am talkin$ to you about this matter 0in detail5 . Allah ,a)ored Allah's A ostle -ith some o, this -ealth -hi#h *e did not $i)e to anybody else, as Allah said: '"hat Allah besto-ed as Fai 0Booty on *is A ostle ,or -hi#h you made no e+ edition... ' 029.35


%o that ro erty -as totally meant ,or Allah's A ostle, yet he did not #olle#t it and i$nore you, nor did he -ithhold it -ith your e+#lusion, but he $a)e it to you and distributed it amon$ you till this mu#h o, it -as le,t behind, and the (ro het, used to s end o, this as the yearly e+ enditures o, his ,amily and then take -hat remained o, it and s ent it as he did -ith 0other5 Allah's -ealth. 'he (ro het did so durin$ all his li,etime, and I besee#h you by Allah, do you kno- that&" 'hey re lied, "Des." `6mar then addressed `Ali and `Abbas, sayin$, "I besee#h you both by Allah, do you kno- that&" Both o, them re lied, "Des." `6mar added, "'hen Allah took *is A ostle unto *im. Abu Bakr then said 'I am the su##essor o, Allah's A ostle' and took o)er all the (ro het's ro erty and dis osed o, it in the same -ay as Allah's A ostle used to do, and you -ere resent then." 'hen he turned to `Ali and `Abbas and said, "Dou both #laim that Abu Bakr did so.and.so in mana$in$ the ro erty, but Allah kno-s that Abu Bakr -as honest, ri$hteous, intelli$ent, and a ,ollo-er o, -hat is ri$ht in mana$in$ it. 'hen Allah took Abu Bakr unto *im, 'I said: I am the su##essor o, Allah's A ostle and Abu Bakr.' %o I took o)er the ro erty ,or t-o years and mana$ed it in the same -ay as Allah's A ostle, and Abu Bakr used to do. 'hen you both 0`Ali and `Abbas5 #ame to me and asked ,or the same thin$! 0O `Abbas! Dou #ame to me to ask me ,or your share ,rom ne he-'s ro ertyI and this 0`Ali5 #ame to me askin$ ,or his -i)es share ,rom her ,ather's ro erty, and I said to you both, 'I, you -ish, I -ill la#e it in your #ustody on #ondition that you both -ill mana$e it in the same -ay as Allah's A ostle and Abu Bakr did and as I ha)e been doin$ sin#e I took #har$e o, mana$in$ itI other-ise, do not s eak to me anymore about it.' 'hen you both said, 'Ei)e it to us on that 0#ondition5.' %o I $a)e it to you on that #ondition. No- I besee#h you by Allah, did I not $i)e it to them on that #ondition&" 'he $rou 0-hom he had been addressin$5 re lied, "Des." `6mar then addressed `Abbas and `Ali sayin$, "I besee#h you both by Allah, didn't I $i)e you all that ro erty on that #ondition&" 'hey said, "Des." `6mar then said, "Are you no- seekin$ a )erdi#t ,rom me other than that& By *im -ith "hose (ermission the *ea)en and the Jarth e+ists I -ill not $i)e any )erdi#t other than that till the *our is establishedI and i, you both are unable to mana$e this ro erty, then you #an hand it ba#k to me, and I -ill be su,,i#ient ,or it on your behal,." 0%ee, *adith No. 713, Vol. 95 9.9C9: Narrated `Asim: I said to Anas, ":id Allah's A ostle make <edina a san#tuary&" *e re lied, "Des, 0<edina is a san#tuary ,rom su#h.and.su#h la#e to su#h.and.su#h la#e. It is ,orbidden to #ut its trees, and -hoe)er inno)ates an heresy in it or #ommits a sin therein, -ill in#ur the #urse o, Allah, the an$els, and all the eo le." 'hen <usa bin Anas told me that Anas added, "..... or $i)es re,u$e to su#h an hereti# or a sinner..." 9.91C: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: I heard the (ro het sayin$, "Allah -ill not de ri)e you o, kno-led$e a,ter he has $i)en it to you, but it -ill be taken a-ay throu$h the death o, the reli$ious learned men -ith their kno-led$e. 'hen there -ill remain i$norant eo le -ho, -hen #onsulted, -ill $i)e )erdi#ts a##ordin$ to their o inions -hereby they -ill mislead others and $o astray." 9.911: Narrated Al.A`mash: I asked Abu "ail, ":id you -itness the battle o, %i,,in bet-een `Ali and <ua-iya&" *e said, "Des," and added, "'hen I heard %ahl bin *unai, sayin$, 'O eo le! Blame your ersonal o inions in your reli$ion. No doubt, I remember mysel, on the day o, Abi AandalI i, I had the o-er to re,use the order o, Allah's A ostle, I -ould ha)e re,used it. "e ha)e ne)er ut our s-ords on our shoulders to $et in)ol)ed in a situation that mi$ht ha)e been horrible ,or us, but those s-ords brou$ht us to )i#tory and ea#e, e+#e t this resent situation.' " Abu "ail said, "I -itnessed the battle o, %i,,in, and ho- nasty %i,,in -as!" 9.911: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah:


I ,ell ill, Allah's A ostle and Abu Bakr #ame to )isit me on ,oot. 'he (ro het #ame to me -hile I -as un#ons#ious. Allah's A ostle er,ormed ablution and oured the ;emainin$ -ater o, his ablution o)er me -hereu on I be#ame #ons#ious and said, 'O Allah's A ostle! *o- should I s end my -ealth& Or ho- should I deal -ith my -ealth&" But the (ro het did not $i)e me any re ly till the Verse o, the la-s o, inheritan#e -as re)ealed. 9.917: Narrated Abu %a`id: A -oman #ame to Allah's A ostle and said, "O Allah's A ostle! <en 0only5 bene,it by your tea#hin$s, so lease de)ote to us ,rom 0some o,5 your time, a day on -hi#h -e may #ome to you so that you may tea#h us o, -hat Allah has tau$ht you." Allah's A ostle said, "Eather on su#h.and.su#h a day at su#h. and.su#h a la#e." 'hey $athered and Allah's A ostle #ame to them and tau$ht them o, -hat Allah had tau$ht him. *e then said, "No -oman amon$ you -ho has lost her three #hildren 0died5 but that they -ill s#reen her ,rom the Fire." A -oman amon$ them said, "O Allah's A ostle! I, she lost t-o #hildren&" %he re eated her 8uestion t-i#e, -hereu on the (ro het said, "J)en t-o, e)en t-o, e)en t-o!" 0%ee *adith No. 791, Vol. 15 9.919: Narrated Al.<u$hira bin %hu`ba: 'he (ro het said, "A $rou o, my ,ollo-er s-ill remain redominant 0)i#torious5 till Allah's Order 0the *our5 #omes u on them -hile they are still redominant 0)i#torious5. 9.912: Narrated *umaid: I heard <ua-iya bin Abi %u,yan deli)erin$ a sermon. *e said, "I heard the (ro het sayin$, "I, Allah -ants to do a ,a)or to somebody, *e besto-s on him, the $i,t o, understandin$ the ?ur'an and %unna. I am but a distributor, and Allah is the Ei)er. 'he state o, this nation -ill remain $ood till the *our is established, or till Allah's Order #omes." 9.913: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: "hen the 0,ollo-in$5 Verse -as re)ealed to Allah's A ostle: '%ay: *e has o-er to send torment on you ,rom abo)e,'..03.325 he said, "O Allah! I seek re,u$e -ith Dour Fa#e 0,rom that unishment5." And -hen this -as re)ealed: '..or ,rom beneath your ,eet.' 03.325 he said, "O Allah! I seek re,u$e -ith Dour Fa#e 0,rom that5." And -hen this Verse -as re)ealed: '..or to #o)er you -ith #on,usion in arty. stri,e, and make you to taste the )iolen#e o, one another,'...03.325 he said: "'hese t-o -arnin$s are easier 0than the re)ious ones5. 9.91@: Narrated Abu *uraira: A bedouin #ame to Allah's A ostle and said, "<y -i,e has deli)ered a bla#k boy, and I sus e#t that he is not my #hild." Allah's A ostle said to him, "*a)e you $ot #amels&" 'he bedouin said, "Des." 'he (ro het said, ""hat #olor are they&" 'he bedouin said, "'hey are red." 'he (ro het said, "Are any o, them Erey&" *e said, "'here are Erey ones amon$ them." 'he (ro het said, ""hen#e do you think this #olor #ame to them&" 'he bedouin said, "O Allah's A ostle! It resulted ,rom hereditary dis osition." 'he (ro het said, "And this 0i.e., your #hild5 has inherited his #olor ,rom his an#estors." 'he (ro het did not allo- him to deny his aternity o, the #hild. 9.914: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: A -oman #ame to the (ro het and said, "<y mother )o-ed to er,orm the *a// but she died be,ore er,ormin$ it. %hould I er,orm the *a// on her behal,&" *e said, "Des! (er,orm the *a// on her behal,. %ee, i, your mother had been in debt, -ould you ha)e aid her debt&" %he said, "Des." *e said, "%o you should ay -hat is ,or *im as Allah has more ri$ht that one should ,ul,ill one's obli$ations to *im. " 9.919: Narrated `Abdullah:


Allah's A ostle said, ":o not -ish to be like anybody e+#e t in t-o #ases: 'he #ase o, a man -hom Allah has $i)en -ealth and he s ends it in the ri$ht -ay, and that o, a man -hom Allah has $i)en reli$ious -isdom 0i.e., ?ur'an and %unna5 and he $i)es his )erdi#ts a##ordin$ to it and tea#hes it." 0to others i.e., reli$ious kno-led$e o, ?ur'an and %unna 0(ro het's 'raditions55. " 9.91C: Narrated Al.<u$hira bin %hu`ba: `6mar bin Al.=hattab asked 0the eo le5 about the Imlas o, a -oman, i.e., a -oman -ho has an abortion be#ause o, ha)in$ been beaten on her `Abdomen, sayin$, ""ho amon$ you has heard anythin$ about it ,rom the (ro het&" I said, "I did.'' *e said, ""hat is that&" I said, "I heard the (ro het sayin$, "Its :iya 0blood money5 is either a male or a ,emale sla)e.' " `6mar said, ":o not lea)e till you resent -itness in su ort o, your statement." %o I -ent out, and ,ound <uhammad bin <aslama. I brou$ht him, and he bore -itness -ith me that he had heard the (ro het sayin$, "Its :iya 0blood money5 is either a male sla)e or a ,emale sla)e." 9.911: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "'he *our -ill not be established till my ,ollo-ers #o y the deeds o, the re)ious nations and ,ollo- them )ery #losely, s an by s an, and #ubit by #ubit 0i.e., in#h by in#h5." It -as said, "O Allah's A ostle! :o you mean by those 0nations5 the (ersians and the ByHantines&" 'he (ro het said, ""ho #an it be other than they&" 9.911: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: 'he (ro het said, "Dou -ill ,ollo- the -ays o, those nations -ho -ere be,ore you, s an by s an and #ubit by #ubit 0i.e., in#h by in#h5 so mu#h so that e)en i, they entered a hole o, a masti$ure, you -ould ,ollo- them." "e said, "O Allah's A ostle! 0:o you mean5 the Ae-s and the Ghristians&" *e said, ""hom else&" 9.917: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, "None is killed un/ustly, but the ,irst son o, Adam -ill ha)e a art o, its burden." %u,yan said, "..a art o, its blood be#ause he -as the ,irst to establish the tradition o, murderin$" 9.919.1: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah As.%alami: A bedouin $a)e the (led$e o, alle$ian#e ,or embra#in$ Islam to Allah's A ostle, and then he $ot an atta#k o, ,e)er in <edina and #ame to Allah's A ostle: and said, "O Allah's A ostle! Gan#el my led$e." Allah's A ostle re,used to do so. 'he bedouin #ame to him a$ain and said, "Gan#el my led$e," but he re,used a$ain, and then a$ain, the bedouin #ame to him and said, "Gan#el my led$e," and Allah's A ostle re,used. 'he bedouin ,inally -ent a-ay, and Allah's A ostle said, "<edina is like a air o, bello-s 0,urna#e5, it e+ els its im urities -hile it bri$htens and #lears its $ood.' 9.919.1: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I used to tea#h ?ur'an to `Abdur.;ahman bin `Au,. "hen `6mar er,ormed his last *a//, `Abdur. ;ahman said 0to me5 at <ina, ""ould that you had seen Ghie, o, the belie)ers today! A man #ame to him and said, "%o.and.so has said, "I, Ghie, o, the Belie)ers died, -e -ill $i)e the oath o, alle$ian#e to su#h.and.su#h erson,' `6mar said, 'I -ill $et u toni$ht and -arn those -ho -ant to usur the eo le's ri$hts.' I said, ':o not do so, ,or the season 0o, *a//5 $athers the ri,,ra,, mob -ho -ill ,orm the ma/ority o, your audien#e, and I am a,raid that they -ill not understand 0the meanin$ o,5 your sayin$ ro erly and may s read 0an in#orre#t statement5 e)ery-here. Dou should -ait till -e rea#h <edina, the la#e o, mi$ration and the la#e o, the %unna 0the (ro het's 'raditions5. 'here you -ill meet the #om anions o, Allah's A ostle ,rom the <uha/irin and the Ansar -ho -ill understand your statement and la#e it in its ro er osition' `6mar said, 'By Allah, I shall do so the ,irst time I stand 0to address the eo le5 in <edina.' "hen -e rea#hed <edina, `6mar 0in a Friday =hutba.sermon5 said, "No doubt, Allah sent <uhammad -ith the 'ruth and re)ealed to him the Book 0?ur'an5, and


amon$ -hat -as re)ealed, -as the Verse o, Ar.;a/m 0stonin$ adulterers to death5.'" 0%ee *adith No. 41@,Vol. 45 9.912: Narrated <uhammad: "e -ere -ith Abu *uraira -hile he -as -earin$ t-o linen $arments dyed -ith red #lay. *e #leaned his nose -ith his $arment, sayin$, "Bra)o! Bra)o! Abu *uraira is #leanin$ his nose -ith linen! 'here #ame a time -hen I -ould ,all senseless bet-een the ul it o, Allah's A ostle and `Aisha's d-ellin$ -hereu on a asserby -ould #ome and ut his ,oot on my ne#k, #onsiderin$ me a mad man, but in ,a#t, I had no madness, I su,,ered nothin$ but hun$er." 9.913: Narrated `Abdur.;ahman bin `Abis: Ibn `Abbas -as asked, ":id you o,,er the Id rayer -ith the (ro het&" *e said, "Des, had it not been ,or my #lose relation to the (ro het, I -ould not ha)e er,ormed it 0-ith him5 be#ause o, my bein$ too youn$ 'he (ro het #ame to the mark -hi#h is near the home o, =athir bin As.%alt and o,,ered the Id rayer and then deli)ered the sermon. I do not remember i, any Adhan or I8ama -ere ronoun#ed ,or the rayer. 'hen the (ro het ordered 0the -omen5 to $i)e alms, and they started stret#hin$ out their hands to-ards their ears and throats 0$i)in$ their ornaments in #harity5, and the (ro het ordered Bilal to $o to them 0to #olle#t the alms5, and then Bilal returned to the (ro het. 9.91@: Narrated Ibn `6mar: 'he (ro het used to $o to the ?uba' mos8ue, sometimes -alkin$, sometimes ridin$. 9.914: Narrated *isham's ,ather: `Aisha said to `Abdullah bin AH.>ubair, "Bury me -ith my ,emale #om anions 0i.e. the -i)es o, the (ro het5 and do not bury me -ith the (ro het in the house, ,or I do not like to be re$arded as san#ti,ied 0/ust ,or bein$ buried there5.'' Narrated *isham's ,ather: `6mar sent a messa$e to `Aisha, sayin$, ""ill you allo- me to be buried -ith my t-o #om anions 0the (ro het and Abu Bakr5 &" %he said, "Des, by Allah." thou$h it -as her habit that i, a man ,rom amon$ the #om anions 0o, the (ro het 5 sent her a messa$e askin$ her to allo- him to be buried there, she -ould say, "No, by Allah, I -ill ne)er $i)e ermission to anyone to be buried -ith them." 9.919: Narrated Anas bin <alik: Allah's A ostle used to er,orm the `Asr rayer and then one #ould rea#h the `A-ali 0a la#e in the outskirts o, <edina5 -hile the sun -as still 8uite hi$h. Narrated Dunus: 'he distan#e o, the `A-ali 0,rom <edina5 -as ,our or three miles. 9.97C: Narrated As.%a'ib bin DaHid: 'he %a' 0a kind o, measure5 durin$ the li,etime o, the (ro het used to be e8ual to the one <udd 0another kind o, measure5 and one third o, a <udd -hi#h -e use today, but the %a' o, today has be#ome lar$e. 9.971: Narrated Anas bin <alik: Allah's A ostle said, "O Allah! Besto- Dour Blessin$s on their measures, and besto- Dour Blessin$s on their %a' and <udd." *e meant those o, the eo le o, <edina. 9.971: Narrated Ibn `6mar: 'he Ae-s brou$ht a man and a -oman -ho had #ommitted ille$al se+ual inter#ourse, to the (ro het and the (ro het ordered them to be stoned to death, and they -ere stoned to death near the mos8ue -here the biers used to be la#ed. 9.977: Narrated Anas bin <alik: 32

'he <ountain o, 6hud #ame in si$ht o, Allah's A ostle -ho then said, "'his is a mountain that lo)es us and is lo)ed by us. O Allah! Abraham made <e##a a san#tuary and I make the area bet-een its 0<edina's5 t-o mountains a san#tuary." 9.979: Narrated %ahl: 'he distan#e bet-een the ul it and the -all o, the mos8ue on the side o, the ?ibla -as /ust su,,i#ient ,or a shee to ass throu$h. 9.972: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "Bet-een my house and my ul it there is a $arden ,rom one o, the $ardens o, (aradise, and my ul it is o)er my Bake.'ank. 0=authar5I 9.973: Narrated Na,i`: `Abdullah said, "'he (ro het arran$ed ,or a horse ra#e, and the re ared horses -ere $i)en less ,ood ,or a ,e- days be,ore the ra#e to -in the ra#e, and -ere allo-ed to run ,rom Al.*a,ya to 'haniyat.al. "ada`, and the un re ared horses -ere allo-ed to run bet-een 'haniyat.al."ada` and the mos8ue o, Bani >urai8," `Abdullah -as one o, those -ho arti#i ated in the ra#e. 9.97@: Narrated Ibn `6mar: I heard `6mar 0deli)erin$ a sermon5 on the ul it o, the (ro het. 9.974: Narrated As.%a'ib bin DaHid: 'hat he heard `6thman bin `A,,an deli)erin$ a sermon on the ul it o, the (ro het 9.979: Narrated `Aisha: 'his bi$ #o er )essel used to be ut ,or me and Allah's A ostle and -e -ould take -ater ,rom it to$ether 0on takin$ a bath5 . 9.99C: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het brou$ht the Ansar and the ?uarish eo le into allian#e in my house at <edina, and he in)oked Allah ,or one month a$ainst the tribe o, Bani %ulaim in 0the last rak`a o, ea#h #om ulsory5 rayer. 9.991: Narrated Abu Burda: "hen I arri)ed at <edina, `Abdullah bin %alam met me and said to me, "A##om any me to my house so that I may make you drink ,rom a bo-l ,rom -hi#h Allah's A ostle used to drink, and that you may o,,er rayer in the mos8ue in -hi#h the (ro het used to ray." I a##om anied him, and he made me drink %a-i8 and $a)e me dates to eat, and then I rayed in his mos8ue. 9.991: Narrated `6mar: 'he (ro het said to me, "%omeone #ame to me toni$ht ,rom my Bord -hile I -as in the 'A8i8 0)alley5, and said to me, "O,,er rayer in this blessed )alley and say: 'Babbaik' ,or the 0 er,orman#e o,5 `6mra and *a//." 9.997: Narrated `Abdullah bin :inar: Ibn `6mar said, "'he (ro het ,i+ed ?arn as the <i8at 0,or assumin$ the Ihram5 ,or the eo le o, Na/d, and Al.Auh,a ,or the eo le o, %ham, and :hul.*ulai,a ,or the eo le o, <edina." Ibn `6mar added, "I heard this ,rom the (ro het, and I ha)e been in,ormed that the (ro het said, ''he <i8at ,or the Demenites is Dalamlam.' ""hen Ira8 -as mentioned, he said, "At that time it -as not a <uslim #ountry." 9.999: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: 33

'he (ro het had a dream in the last ortion o, the ni$ht -hen he -as slee in$ at :hul.*ulai,a. 0I n the dream5 it -as said to him, "Dou are in a blessed Batha' 0i.e., )alley5. 9.992: Narrated Ibn `6mar: 'hat he heard the (ro het, a,ter raisin$ his head ,rom the bo-in$ in mornin$ rayer, sayin$, "O Allah, our Bord! All the raises are ,or you." And in the last 0rak`a5 he said, "O Allah! Gurse so.and.so and so..and.so." And then Allah re)ealed:.. 'Not ,or you 0O <uhammad5 is the de#ision, 0but ,or Allah5, -hether *e turns in mer#y to them or unish them, ,or they are indeed -ron$doers.' 07.1145 9.993: Narrated `Ali bin Abi 'alib: 'hat Allah's A ostle #ame to him and Fatima the dau$hter o, Allah's A ostle at their house at ni$ht and said, ""on't you ray&" `Ali re lied, "O Allah's A ostle! Our souls are in the *ands o, Allah and -hen he -ants us to $et u , *e makes us $et u ." "hen `Ali said that to him, Allah's A ostle le,t -ithout sayin$ anythin$ to him. "hile the (ro het -as lea)in$, `Ali heard him strikin$ his thi$h 0-ith his hand5 and sayin$, "But man is 8uarrelsome more than anythin$ else." 014.295 9.99@: Narrated Abu *uraira: "hile -e -ere in the mos8ue, Allah's A ostle #ame out and said, "Bet us ro#eed to the Ae-s." %o -e -ent out -ith him till -e #ame to Bait.al.<idras. 'he (ro het stood u there and #alled them, sayin$, "O assembly o, Ae-s! %urrender to Allah 0embra#e Islam5 and you -ill be sa,e!" 'hey said, "Dou ha)e #on)eyed Allah's messa$e, O Aba.al.?asim" Allah's A ostle then said to them, "'hat is -hat I -antI embra#e Islam and you -ill be sa,e." 'hey said, "Dou ha)e #on)eyed the messa$e, O Aba.al. ?asim." Allah's A ostle then said to them, "'hat is -hat I -ant," and re eated his -ords ,or the third time and added, "=no- that the earth is ,or Allah and I -ant to e+ile you ,rom this land, so -hoe)er amon$ you has ro erty he should sell it, other-ise, kno- that the land is ,or Allah and *is A ostle." 9.994: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: Allah's A ostle said, "Noah -ill be brou$ht 0be,ore Allah5 on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion, and -ill be asked, ':id you #on)ey the messa$e o, Allah&" *e -ill re ly, 'Des, O Bord.' And then Noah's nation -ill be asked, ':id he 0Noah5 #on)ey Allah's messa$e to you&' 'hey -ill re ly, 'No -arner #ame to us.' 'hen Noah -ill be asked, '"ho are your -itnesses&' *e -ill re ly. '0<y -itnesses are5 <uhammad and his ,ollo-ers.' 'hereu on you 0<uslims5 -ill be brou$ht and you -ill bear -itness." 'hen the (ro het re#ited: 'And thus "e ha)e made o, you 0<uslims5 a /ust and the best nation, that you mi$ht be -itness o)er the nations, and the A ostle a -itness o)er you.' 01.1975 9.999: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri and Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle sent the brother o, the tribe o, Bani Adi Al.Ansari as $o)ernor o, =haibar. 'hen the man returned, brin$in$ Aanib 0a $ood kind o, date5. Allah's A ostle asked him, "Are all the dates o, =haibar like that&" *e re lied, "No, by Allah, O Allah's A ostle! "e take one %a' o, these 0$ood5 dates ,or t-o %as o, mi+ed dates." Allah's A ostle then said, ":o not do so. Dou should either take one %a o, this 0kind5 ,or one %a' o, the otherI or sell one kind and then buy -ith its ri#e the other kind 0o, dates5, and you should do the same in -ei$hin$." 9.92C: Narrated `Amr bin Al.`As: 'hat he heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, "I, a /ud$e $i)es a )erdi#t a##ordin$ to the best o, his kno-led$e and his )erdi#t is #orre#t 0i.e. a$rees -ith Allah and *is A ostle's )erdi#t5 he -ill re#ei)e a double re-ard, and i, he $i)es a )erdi#t a##ordin$ to the best o, his kno-led$e and his )erdi#t is -ron$, 0i.e. a$ainst that o, Allah and *is A ostle5 e)en then he -ill $et a re-ard ." 9.921: Narrated '6bai bin `6mar: Abu <usa asked ermission to enter u on `6mar, but seein$ that he -as busy, he -ent a-ay. `6mar then said, ":idn't I hear the )oi#e o, `Abdullah bin ?ais& Allo- him to #ome in." *e -as #alled in and 3@

`6mar said to him, ""hat made you do -hat you did." *e re lied, ""e ha)e been instru#ted thus by the (ro het" `6mar said, "Brin$ roo, 0-itness5 ,or this, other -ise I -ill do so.and.so to you." 'hen `Abdullah bin ?ais -ent to a $atherin$ o, the Ansar -ho then said, "None but the youn$est o, us -ill $i)e the -itness ,or it." %o Abu %a`id Al.=hudri $ot u and said, ""e used to be instru#ted thus 0by the (ro het5." `6mar said, "'his tradition o, the (ro het remained hidden ,rom me. Business in the market ke t me busy." 9.921: Narrated Al.A'ra/: Abu *uraira said, "Dou eo le #laim that Abu *uraira narrates many narrations o, Allah's A ostle. 0Anyho-5 -ith Allah -ill be our a ointment. I -as a oor man, and used to sti#k to Allah's A ostle #ontented -ith -hat -ill ,ill my stoma#h, and the <uha/irin 0emi$rants5 used to be busy tradin$ in the markets, and the Ansar used to be busy lookin$ a,ter their ro erties. One.day I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, '"ho -ill s read his ;ida' 0a $arment #o)erin$ the u er art o, the body5 till I ,inished my s ee#h and then ,old it, 0i.e. -ra it o)er your body5, in -hi#h #ase he -ill ne)er ,or$et anythin$ he had heard ,rom me." %o I s read my $arment -hi#h I -as -earin$I and by *im "ho sent <uhammad -ith the 'ruth, e)er sin#e, I ha)e ne)er ,or$otten -hate)er I heard ,rom him 0the (ro het5" 0%ee, *adith No. 119, Vol. 15 9.927: Narrated <uhammad bin Al.<unkadir: I sa- Aabir bin `Abdullah s-earin$ by Allah that Ibn %ayyad -as the :a//al. I said to Aabir, "*o- #an you s-ear by Allah&" Aabir said, "I ha)e heard `6mar s-earin$ by Allah re$ardin$ this matter in the resen#e o, the (ro het and the (ro het did not disa ro)e o, it." 9.929: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "*orses may be used ,or three ur oses: For a man they may be a sour#e o, re-ard 0in the *erea,ter5I ,or another, a means o, rote#tionI and ,or another, a sour#e o, sin. 'he man ,or -hom they are a sour#e o, re-ard, is the one -ho kee s them ,or Allah's Gause and ties them -ith lon$ ro es and lets them $raHe in a asture or $arden. "hate)er those lon$ ro es allo- them to eat o, that asture or $arden, -ill be -ritten as $ood deeds ,or him and i, they break their ro es and run one or t-o rounds, then all their ,ootste s and dun$ -ill be -ritten as $ood deeds ,or him, and i, they ass a ri)er and drink ,rom it thou$h he has had no intention o, -aterin$ them, e)en then, that -ill be -ritten as $ood deeds ,or him. %o su#h horses are a sour#e o, re-ard ,or that man. For the man -ho kee s horses ,or his li)elihood in order not to ask others ,or hel or be$ his bread, and at the same time he does not ,or$et Allah's ri$ht o, -hat he earns throu$h them and o, their ba#ks 0that he resents it to be used in Allah's Gause5, su#h horses are a shelter ,or him 0,rom o)erty5. For the man -ho kee s them /ust out o, ride and ,or sho-in$ o,,, they are a sour#e o, sin." 'hen Allah's A ostle -as asked about donkeys. *e said, "Allah has not re)ealed anythin$ to me re$ardin$ them e+#e t this #om rehensi)e Verse: "'hen anyone -ho has done $ood, e8ual to the -ei$ht o, an atom 0or a small ant5 shall see it, and any one -ho has done e)il, e8ual to the -ei$ht o, an atom 0or a small ant5 shall see it." 099.@.45 9.922: Narrated `Aisha: A -oman asked the (ro het 0*adith 9235. 9.923: Narrated `Aisha: A -oman asked the (ro het about the eriods: *o- to take a bath a,ter the eriods. *e said, "'ake a er,umed ie#e o, #loth and #lean yoursel, -ith it." %he said,' "*o- shall I #lean mysel, -ith it, O Allah's A ostle&" 'he (ro het said, "Glean yoursel," %he said a$ain, "*o- shall I #lean mysel,, O Allah's A ostle&" 'he (ro het said, "Glean yoursel, -ith it." 'hen I kne- -hat Allah's A ostle meant. %o I ulled her aside and e+ lained it to her. 9.92@: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 34

6m *u,aid bint Al.*arith bin *aHn resented the (ro het -ith some butter, dried yo$hurt 0#urd milk5 and masti$ures as a $i,t. 'he (ro het then asked ,or a meal 0masti$ures et#. to be ut5 and it -as eaten o)er his table #loth, but the (ro het did not eat o, it, as he had a)ersion to it. But i, it had been ille$al to eat, it -ould not ha)e been eaten o)er his table #loth nor -ould he ha)e ordered that 0masti$ures meat5 to be eaten. 9.924: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er has eaten $arli# or onion, should kee a-ay ,rom us, or should kee a-ay ,rom our mos8ue and should stay at home." Ibn "ahb said, "On#e a late ,ull o, #ooked )e$etables -as brou$ht to the (ro het at Badr. :ete#tin$ a bad smell ,rom it, he asked about the dish and -as in,ormed o, the kinds o, )e$etables in #ontained. *e then said, "Brin$ it near," and so it -as brou$ht near to one o, his #om anions -ho -as -ith him. "hen the (ro het sa- it, he disliked eatin$ it and said 0to his #om anion5, "Jat, ,or I talk in se#ret to ones -hom you do not talk to." 9.929: Narrated Aubair bin <ut`im: A lady #ame to Allah's A ostle and she talked to him about somethin$, and he $a)e her some order. %he said, "O Allah's A ostle! I, I should not ,ind you&" *e said, "I, you should not ,ind me, then $o to Abu Bakr." Ibrahim bin %a`d said, "As i, she meant the death 0o, the (ro het5. 9.93C: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he eo le o, the Book used to read the 'orah in *ebre- and then e+ lain it in Arabi# to the <uslims. Allah's A ostle said 0to the <uslims5. ":o not belie)e the eo le o, the Book, nor disbelie)e them, but say, '"e belie)e in Allah and -hate)er is re)ealed to us, and -hate)er is re)ealed to you.' " 9.931: Narrated 6baidullah: Ibn `Abbas said, ""hy do you ask the eo le o, the s#ri ture about anythin$ -hile your Book 0?ur'an5 -hi#h has been re)ealed to Allah's A ostle is ne-er and the latest& Dou read it ure, undistorted and un#han$ed, and Allah has told you that the eo le o, the s#ri ture 0Ae-s and Ghristians5 #han$ed their s#ri ture and distorted it, and -rote the s#ri ture -ith their o-n hands and said, 'It is ,rom Allah,' to sell it ,or a little $ain. :oes not the kno-led$e -hi#h has #ome to you re)ent you ,rom askin$ them about anythin$& No, by Allah, -e ha)e ne)er seen any man ,rom them askin$ you re$ardin$ -hat has been re)ealed to you!" 9.931: Narrated `Aisha: A,ter the slanderers had $i)en a ,or$ed statement a$ainst her, Allah's A ostle #alled `Ali bin Abi 'alib and 6sama bin >aid -hen the :i)ine Ins iration -as delayed. *e -anted to ask them and #onsult them about the 8uestion o, di)or#in$ me. 6sama $a)e his e)iden#e that -as based on -hat he kneabout my inno#en#e, but `Ali said, "Allah has not ut restri#tions on you and there are many -omen other than her. Furthermore you may ask the sla)e $irl -ho -ill tell you the truth." %o the (ro het asked Barira 0my sal)e $irl5, "*a)e you seen anythin$ that may arouse your sus i#ion&" %he re lied, "I ha)e not seen anythin$ more than that she is a little $irl -ho slee s, lea)in$ the dou$h o, her ,amily 0un$uarded5 that the domesti# $oats #ome and eat it." 'hen the (ro het stood on the ul it and said, "O <uslims! "ho -ill hel me a$ainst the man -ho has harmed me by slanderin$ my -i,e& By Allah, I kno- nothin$ about my ,amily e+#e t $ood." 'he narrator added: 'hen the (ro het mentioned the inno#en#e o, `Aisha. 0%ee *adith No. 1@9, Vol. 35 9.937: Narrated Aisha: Allah's A ostle addressed the eo le, and a,ter raisin$ and $lori,yin$ Allah, he said, ""hat do you su$$est me re$ardin$ those eo le -ho are abusin$ my -i,e& I ha)e ne)er kno-n anythin$ bad about her." 'he sub.narrator, `6r-a, said: "hen `Aisha -as told o, the slander, she said, "O Allah's A ostle! "ill you allo- me to $o to my arents' home&" *e allo-ed her and sent a sla)e alon$ -ith 39

her. An Ansari man said, "%ubhanaka! It is not ri$ht ,or us to s eak about this. %ubhanaka! 'his is a $reat lie!" 9.939: Narrated Ata: I heard Aabir bin `Abdullah in a $atherin$ sayin$, ""e, the #om anions o, Allah's A ostle assumed the state o, Ihram to er,orm only *a// -ithout `6mra." Aabir added, "'he (ro het arri)ed 0at <e##a5 on the ,ourth o, :hul.*i//a. And -hen -e arri)ed 0in <e##a5 the (ro het ordered us to ,inish the state o, Ihram, sayin$, "Finish your lhram and $o to your -i)es 0,or se+ual relation5." Aabir added, "'he (ro het did not obli$e us 0to $o to our -i)es5 but he only made that le$al ,or us. 'hen he heard that -e -ere sayin$, ""hen there remains only ,i)e days bet-een us and the :ay o, `Ara,at he orders us to ,inish our Ihram by slee in$ -ith our -i)es in -hi#h #ase -e -ill ro#eed to `Ara,at -ith our male or$ans dribblin$ -ith semen&' 0Aabir ointed out -ith his hand illustratin$ -hat he -as sayin$5. Allah's A ostle stood u and said, 'Dou 0(eo le5 kno- that I am the most Allah.,earin$, the most truth,ul and the best doer o, $ood deeds 0 ious5 ,rom amon$ you. I, I had not brou$ht the *adi -ith me, I -ould ha)e ,inished my Ihram as you -ill do, so ,inish your Ihram. I, I had ,ormerly kno-n -hat I #ame to kno- lately, I -ould not ha)e brou$ht the *adi -ith me.' %o -e ,inished our Ihram and listened to the (ro het and obeyed him." 0%ee *adith No. @17, Vol. 15 9.932: Narrated `Abdullah Al <uHam: 'he (ro het said, "(er,orm 0an o tional5 rayer be,ore <a$hrib rayer." 0*e re eated it thri#e5 and the third time he said, ""hoe)er -ants to o,,er it #an do so," lest the eo le should take it as a %unna 0tradition5. 0%ee *adith No. 1@@, Vol. 15 9.933: Narrated Aundab bin `Abdullah: Allah's A ostle said, ";e#ite 0and study5 the ?ur'an as lon$ as you are in a$reement as to its inter retation and meanin$s, but -hen you ha)e di,,eren#es re$ardin$ its inter retation and meanin$s, then you should sto re#itin$ it 0,or the time bein$.5 0%ee *adith No 241, Vol. 35 9.93@: Narrated Aundab bin `Abdullah: Allah's A ostle said, ";e#ite 0and study5 the ?ur'an as lon$ as your hearts are in a$reement as to its meanin$s, but i, you ha)e di,,eren#es as re$ards its meanin$, sto readin$ it then." 9.934: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "hen the time o, the death o, the (ro het a roa#hed -hile there -ere some men in the house, and amon$ them -as `6mar bin Al.=hatttab, the (ro het said, "Gome near let me -rite ,or you a -ritin$ a,ter -hi#h you -ill ne)er $o astray." `6mar said, "'he (ro het is seriously ill, and you ha)e the ?ur'an, so Allah's Book is su,,i#ient ,or us." 'he eo le in the house di,,ered and dis uted. %ome o, them said, "Gome near so that Allah's A ostle may -rite ,or you a -ritin$ a,ter -hi#h you -ill not $o astray," -hile some o, them said -hat `6mar said. "hen they made mu#h noise and di,,ered $reatly be,ore the (ro het, he said to them, "Eo a-ay and lea)e me." Ibn `Abbas used to say, "It -as a $reat disaster that their di,,eren#e and noise re)ented Allah's A ostle ,rom -ritin$ that -ritin$ ,or them. 9.939: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "hen the (ro het sent <u`adh to Demen, he said to him, "Dou are $oin$ to a nation ,rom the eo le o, the %#ri ture, so let the ,irst thin$ to -hi#h you -ill in)ite them, be the 'auhid o, Allah. I, they learn that, tell them that Allah has en/oined on them, ,i)e rayers to be o,,ered in one day and one ni$ht. And i, they ray, tell them that Allah has en/oined on them >akat o, their ro erties and it is to be taken ,rom the ri#h amon$ them and $i)en to the oor. And i, they a$ree to that, then take ,rom them >akat but a)oid the best ro erty o, the eo le." 9.9@C: Narrated <u`adh bin Aabal:


'he (ro het said, "O <u`adh! :o you kno- -hat Allah's ;i$ht u on *is sla)es is&" I said, "Allah and *is A ostle kno- best." 'he (ro het said, "'o -orshi *im 0Allah5 Alone and to /oin none in -orshi -ith *im 0Allah5. :o you kno- -hat their ri$ht u on *im is&" I re lied, "Allah and *is A ostle kno- best." 'he (ro het said, "Not to unish them 0i, they do so5. 9.9@1: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: A man heard another man re#itin$ 0in the rayers5: '%ay 0O <uhammad5: "*e is Allah, the One." 0111.15 And he re#ited it re eatedly. "hen it -as mornin$, he -ent to the (ro het and in,ormed him about that as i, he #onsidered that the re#itation o, that %ura by itsel, -as not enou$h. Allah's A ostle said, "By *im in "hose *and my li,e is, it is e8ual to one.third o, the ?ur'an." 9.9@1: Narrated `Aisha: 'he (ro het sent 0an army unit5 under the #ommand o, a man -ho used to lead his #om anions in the rayers and -ould ,inish his re#itation -ith 0the %ura 1115: '%ay 0O <uhammad5: "*e is Allah, the One." ' 0111.15 "hen they returned 0,rom the battle5, they mentioned that to the (ro het. *e said 0to them5, "Ask him -hy he does so." 'hey asked him and he said, "I do so be#ause it mentions the 8ualities o, the Bene,i#ent and I lo)e to re#ite it 0in my rayer5." 'he (ro hetI said 0to them5, "'ell him that Allah lo)es him." 9.9@7: Narrated Aarir bin `Abdullah: Allah's A ostle said, "Allah -ill not be mer#i,ul to those -ho are not mer#i,ul to mankind." 9.9@9: Narrated 6sama bin >aid: "e -ere -ith the (ro het -hen suddenly there #ame to him a messen$er ,rom one o, his dau$hters -ho -as askin$ him to #ome and see her son -ho -as dyin$. 'he (ro het said 0to the messen$er5, "Eo ba#k and tell her that -hate)er Allah takes is *is, and -hate)er *e $i)es is *is, and e)erythin$ -ith *im has a limited ,i+ed term 0in this -orld5. %o order her to be atient and ho e ,or Allah's re-ard." But she sent the messen$er to the (ro het a$ain, s-earin$ that he should #ome to her. %o the (ro hets $ot u , and so did %a`d bin '6bada and <u`adh bin Aabal 0and -ent to her5. "hen the #hild -as brou$ht to the (ro het his breath -as disturbed in his #hest as i, it -ere in a -ater skin. On that the eyes o, the (ro het . be#ame ,looded -ith tears, -hereu on %a`d said to him, "O Allah's A ostle! "hat is this&" 'he (ro het said, "'his is mer#y -hi#h Allah has ut in the heart o, *is sla)es, and Allah besto-s *is mer#y only on those o, *is sla)es -ho are mer#i,ul 0to others5." 0%ee *adith No. 7@7, Vol. 15 9.9@2: Narrated Abu <usa Al.Ash`ari: 'he (ro het said, "None is more atient than Allah a$ainst the harm,ul and annoyin$ -ords *e hears 0,rom the eo le5: 'hey as#ribe #hildren to *im, yet *e besto-s u on them health and ro)ision . 9.9@3: Narrated Ibn `6mar: 'he (ro het said, "'he keys o, the unseen are ,i)e and none kno-s them but Allah: 015 None kno-s 0the se+5 -hat is in the -omb, but Allah: 015 None kno-s -hat -ill ha en tomorro-, but AllahI 075 None kno-s -hen it -ill rain, but AllahI 095 None kno-s -here he -ill die, but Allah 0kno-s that5I 025 and none kno-s -hen the *our -ill be established, but Allah." 9.9@@: Narrated <asru8: `Aisha said, "I, anyone tells you that <uhammad has seen his Bord, he is a liar, ,or Allah says: 'No )ision #an $ras *im.' 03.1C75 And i, anyone tells you that <uhammad has seen the 6nseen, he is a liar, ,or Allah says: "None has the kno-led$e o, the 6nseen but Allah." 9.9@4: Narrated `Abdullah:


"e used to ray behind the (ro het and used to say: "As.%alamu 'Al.Allah. 'he (ro het said, "Allah himsel, is As.%alam 0Name o, Allah5, so you should say: 'at.'ahiyatu lil.laihi -as. sala.-atu -at. taiyibatu, as.sallamu 'Alasia aiyuha.n.nabiyyu -a rahrmatu.l.lahi -a barak.atuhu, As.salamu 'alaina -a 'ala 'ibaldi.l.lahi as.salihin. Ashhadu an la ilaha il.lallah, -a ash.hadu anna <uhammadan `Abduhu -a rasuluhu."' 9.9@9: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "On the :ay o, ;esurre#tion Allah -ill hold the -hole earth and ,old the hea)en -ith *is ri$ht hand and say, 'I am the =in$: -here are the kin$s o, the earth&" ' 9.94C: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het used to say, "I seek re,u$e 0-ith DO65 by Dour 'IHHat, None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Dou "ho does not die -hile the Ainns and the human bein$s die." 9.941: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het said, "0'he eo le -ill be thro-n into *ell 0 Fire5 and it -ill kee on sayin$, 'Is there any more&' till the Bord o, the -orlds uts *is Foot o)er it, -hereu on its di,,erent sides -ill #ome #lose to ea#h other, and it -ill say, '?ad! ?ad! 0enou$h! enou$h!5 By Dour 'IHHat 0*onor and (o-er5 and DO6; =A;A< 0Eenerosity5!' (aradise -ill remain s a#ious enou$h to a##ommodate more eo le until Allah -ill #reate some more eo le and let them d-ell in the su er,luous s a#e o, (aradise. " 9.941: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het used to in)oke Allah at ni$ht, sayin$, "O Allah: All the (raises are ,or Dou: Dou are the Bord o, the *ea)ens and the Jarth. All the (raises are ,or DouI Dou are the <aintainer o, the *ea)en and the Jarth and -hate)er is in them. All the (raises are ,or DouI Dou are the Bi$ht o, the *ea)ens and the Jarth. Dour "ord is the 'ruth, and Dour (romise is the 'ruth, and the <eetin$ -ith Dou is the 'ruth, and (aradise is the 'ruth, and the 0*ell5 Fire is the 'ruth, and the *our is the 'ruth. O Allah! I surrender mysel, to Dou, and I belie)e in Dou and I de end u on Dou, and I re ent to Dou and -ith Dou 0Dour e)iden#es5 I stand a$ainst my o onents, and to you I lea)e the /ud$ment 0,or those -ho re,use my messa$e5. O Allah! For$i)e me my sins that I did in the ast or -ill do in the ,uture, and also the sins I did in se#ret or in ubli#. Dou are my only Eod 0"hom I -orshi 5 and there is no other Eod ,or me 0i.e. I -orshi none but Dou5. 9.947: Narrated %u,yan: 0re$ardin$ the abo)e narration5 that the (ro het added, "Dou are the 'ruth, and Dour "ord is the 'ruth." 9.949: Narrated Abu <usa: "e -ere -ith the (ro het on a /ourney, and -hene)er -e as#ended a hi$h la#e, -e used to say, "Allahu Akbar." 'he (ro het said, ":on't trouble yoursel)es too mu#h! Dou are not #allin$ a dea, or an absent erson, but you are #allin$ One "ho *ears, %ees, and is )ery near." 'hen he #ame to me -hile I -as sayin$ in my heart, "Ba ha-la -ala 8u--atta illa billah 0'here is neither mi$ht nor o-er but -ith Allah5." *e said, to me, "O `Abdullah bin ?ais! %ay, 'Ba ha-la -ala 8u--ata illa billah 0'here is neither mi$ht nor o-er but -ith Allah5, ,or it is one o, the treasures o, (aradise." Or said, "%hall I tell you o, it&" 9.942: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: Abu Bakr As.%iddi8 said to the (ro het "O Allah's A ostle! 'ea#h me an in)o#ation -ith -hi#h I may in)oke Allah in my rayers." 'he (ro het said, "%ay: O Allah! I ha)e -ron$ed my soul )ery mu#h 0o ressed mysel,5, and none ,or$i)es the sins but DouI so lease besto- Dour For$i)eness u on me. No doubt, Dou are the O,t.For$i)in$, <ost <er#i,ul." 9.943: @1

Narrated `Aisha: 'he (ro het said, "Eabriel #alled me and said, 'Allah has heard the statement o, your eo le and -hat they re lied to you.'" 9.94@: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: As.%alami: Allah's A ostle used to tea#h his #om anions to er,orm the rayer o, Istikhara ,or ea#h and e)ery matter /ust as he used to tea#h them the %uras ,rom the ?ur'an *e used to say, "I, anyone o, you intends to do some thin$, he should o,,er a t-o rak`at rayer other than the #om ulsory rayers, and a,ter ,inishin$ it, he should say: O Allah! I #onsult Dou, ,or Dou ha)e all kno-led$e, and a eal to Dou to su ort me -ith Dour (o-er and ask ,or Dour Bounty, ,or Dou are able to do thin$s -hile I am not, and Dou kno- -hile I do notI and Dou are the =no-er o, the 6nseen. O Allah I, Dou kno- It this matter 0name your matter5 is $ood ,or me both at resent and in the ,uture, 0or in my reli$ion5, in my this li,e and in the *erea,ter, then ,ul,ill it ,or me and make it easy ,or me, and then besto- Dour Blessin$s on me in that matter. O Allah! I, Dou kno- that this matter is not $ood ,or me in my reli$ion, in my this li,e and in my #omin$ *erea,ter 0or at resent or in the ,uture5, then di)ert me ,rom it and #hoose ,or me -hat is $ood -here)er it may be, and make me be leased -ith it." 0%ee *adith No. 791, Vol. 45 9.944: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het ,re8uently used to s-ear, "No, by the One "ho turns the hearts." 9.949: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "Allah has ninety.nine Names, one.hundred less oneI and he -ho memoriHed them all by heart -ill enter (aradise." 'o #ount somethin$ means to kno- it by heart. 9.99C: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, ""hen anyone o, you $oes to bed, he should dust it o,, thri#e -ith the ed$e o, his $arment, and say: Bismika ;abbi "ada`tu /anbi, -a bika ar,a'hu. In amsakta na,si ,a$h,ir laha, -a in arsaltaha ,ah,aHha bima tah,aH bihi 'ibadaka.s.salihin." 9.991: Narrated Auhai,a: "hen the (ro het -ent to bed, he used to say, "Allhumma bismika ahya -a amut." And -hen he $ot 6 in the mornin$s he used to say, "Al hamdu li l.lahi al.ladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatana -a ilaihi.n. nushur." 9.991: Narrated Abu :harr: "hen the (ro het -ent to bed at ni$ht, he used to say: "Bismika namutu -a nahya." And -hen he $ot u in the mornin$, he used to say, "Al hamdu li l.lahi al.ladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatana, -a ilaihi.n. nushur." 9.997: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's A ostle said, "I, anyone o, you, -hen intendin$ to ha)e a se+ual relation 0slee 5 -ith his -i,e, says: Bismillah, Allahumma /annibna ash%haitan, -a Aannib ash.%haitana ma raHa8tana, %atan -ould ne)er harm that #hild, should it be ordained that they -ill ha)e one. 0Be#ause o, that slee 5. 9.999: Narrated `Adi bin *atim: I asked the (ro het, "I send o,, 0,or a $ame5 my trained huntin$ do$sI 0-hat is your )erdi#t #on#ernin$ the $ame they hunt&" *e said, "I, you send o,, your trained huntin$ do$s and mention the Name o, Allah, then, i, they #at#h some $ame, eat 0thereo,5. And i, you hit the $ame -ith a mi'rad 0a huntin$ tool5 and it -ounds it, you #an eat 0it5. 9.992: Narrated `Aisha: @7

'he eo le said to the (ro het , "O Allah's A ostle! *ere are eo le -ho ha)e re#ently embra#ed Islam and they brin$ meat, and -e do not kno- -hether they had mentioned Allah's Name -hile slau$hterin$ the animals or not." 'he (ro het said, "Dou should mention Allah's Name and eat." 9.993: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het slau$htered t-o rams as sa#ri,i#e and mentioned Allah's Name and said, "Allahu.Akbar" -hile slau$hterin$5. 9.99@: Narrated Aundab: 'hat he -itnessed the (ro het on the :ay o, Nahr. 'he (ro het o,,ered rayer and then deli)ered a sermon sayin$, ""hoe)er slau$htered his sa#ri,i#e be,ore o,,erin$ rayer, should slau$hter another animal in la#e o, the ,irstI and -hoe)er has not yet slau$htered any, should slau$hter a sa#ri,i#e and mention Allah's Name -hile doin$ so." 9.994: Narrated Ibn `6mar: 'he (ro het said, ":o not s-ear by your ,athersI and -hoe)er -ants to s-ear should s-ear by Allah." 9.999: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle sent ten ersons to brin$ the enemy's se#rets and =hubaib Al.Ansari -as one o, them. '6baidullah bin 'Iyad told me that the dau$hter o, Al.*arith told him that -hen they $athered 0to kill =hubaib Al Ansari5 he asked ,or a raHor to #lean his ubi# re$ion, and -hen they had taken him outside the san#tuary o, <e##a in order to kill him, he said in )erse, "I don't #are i, I am killed as a <uslim, on any side 0o, my body5 I may be killed in Allah's GauseI ,or that is ,or the sake o, Allah's )ery %el,I and i, *e -ill, *e -ill besto- *is Blessin$s u on the torn ie#es o, my body." 'hen Ibn Al.*arith killed him, and the (ro het in,ormed his #om anions o, the death o, those 0ten men5 on the )ery day they -ere killed. 9.2CC: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, "'here is none ha)in$ a $reater sense o, Ehira than Allah, and ,or that reason *e has ,orbidden shame,ul deeds and sins 0ille$al se+ual inter#ourse et#.5 And there is none -ho likes to be raised more than Allah does." 0%ee *adith No. 19@, Vol. @5 9.2C1: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, ""hen Allah #reated the Greation, *e -rote in *is Book..and *e -rote 0that5 about *imsel,, and it is la#ed -ith *im on the 'hrone..'Verily <y <er#y o)er#omes <y An$er.'" 9.2C1: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "Allah says: 'I am /ust as <y sla)e thinks I am, 0i.e. I am able to do ,or him -hat he thinks I #an do ,or him5 and I am -ith him i, *e remembers <e. I, he remembers <e in himsel,, I too, remember him in <ysel,I and i, he remembers <e in a $rou o, eo le, I remember him in a $rou that is better than theyI and i, he #omes one s an nearer to <e, I $o one #ubit nearer to himI and i, he #omes one #ubit nearer to <e, I $o a distan#e o, t-o outstret#hed arms nearer to himI and i, he #omes to <e -alkin$, I $o to him runnin$.' " 9.2C7: Narrated Aabir bin `Abdullah: -hen this Verse:..'%ay 0O <uhammad!5: *e has (o-er to send torments on you ,rom abo)e,' 03.325 -as re)ealedI 'he (ro het said, "I take re,u$e -ith Dour Fa#e." Allah re)ealed:.. '..or ,rom underneath your ,eet.' 03.325 'he (ro het then said, "I seek re,u$e -ith Dour Fa#e!" 'hen Allah re)ealed:..'...or #on,use you in arty.stri,e.' 03.325 Oh that, the (ro het said, "'his is easier." 9.2C9: Narrated `Abdullah:


Ad.:a//al -as mentioned in the resen#e o, the (ro het. 'he (ro het said, "Allah is not hidden ,rom youI *e is not one.eyed," and ointed -ith his hand to-ards his eye, addin$, ""hile Al.<asih Ad. :a//al is blind in the ri$ht eye and his eye looks like a rotrudin$ $ra e." 9.2C2: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het said, "Allah did not send any ro het but that he -arned his nation o, the one.eyed liar 0Ad.:a//al5. *e is one.eyed -hile your Bord is not one.eyed, 'he -ord '=a,ir' 0unbelie)er5 is -ritten bet-een his t-o eyes." 9.2C3: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: 'hat durin$ the battle -ith Bani Al.<ustali8 they 0<uslims5 #a tured some ,emales and intended to ha)e se+ual relation -ith them -ithout im re$natin$ them. %o they asked the (ro het about #oitus interru t us. 'he (ro het said, "It is better that you should not do it, ,or Allah has -ritten -hom *e is $oin$ to #reate till the :ay o, ;esurre#tion." ?aHa'a said, "I heard Abu %a`id sayin$ that the (ro het said, 'No soul is ordained to be #reated but Allah -ill #reate it." 9.2C@: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het said, "Allah -ill $ather the belie)ers on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion in the same -ay 0as they are $athered in this li,e5, and they -ill say, 'Bet us ask someone to inter#ede ,or us -ith our Bord that *e may relie)e us ,rom this la#e o, ours.' 'hen they -ill $o to Adam and say, 'O Adam! :on't you see the eo le 0 eo le's #ondition5& Allah #reated you -ith *is O-n *ands and ordered *is an$els to rostrate be,ore you, and tau$ht you the names o, all the thin$s. (lease inter#ede ,or us -ith our Bord so that *e may relie)e us ,rom this la#e o, ours.' Adam -ill say, 'I am not ,it ,or this undertakin$' and mention to them the mistakes he had #ommitted, and add, "But you d better $o to Noah as he -as the ,irst A ostle sent by Allah to the eo le o, the Jarth.' 'hey -ill $o to Noah -ho -ill re ly, 'I am not ,it ,or this undertakin$,' and mention the mistake -hi#h he made, and add, 'But you'd better $o to Abraham, =halil Ar.;ahman.' 'hey -ill $o to Abraham -ho -ill re ly, 'I am not ,it ,or this undertakin$,' and mention to them the mistakes he made, and add, 'But you'd better $o to <oses, a sla)e -hom Allah $a)e the 'orah and to -hom *e s oke dire#tly' 'hey -ill $o to <oses -ho -ill re ly, 'I am not ,it ,or this undertakin$,' and mention to them the mistakes he made, and add, 'Dou'd better $o to Aesus, Allah's sla)e and *is A ostle and *is "ord 0Be: And it -as5 and a soul #reated by *im.' 'hey -ill $o to Aesus -ho -ill say, 'I am not ,it ,or this undertakin$, but you'd better $o to <uhammad -hose sins o, the ast and the ,uture had been ,or$i)en 0by Allah5.' %o they -ill #ome to me and I -ill ask the ermission o, my Bord, and I -ill be ermitted 0to resent mysel,5 be,ore *im. "hen I see my Bord, I -ill ,all do-n in 0 rostration5 be,ore *im and *e -ill lea)e me 0in rostration5 as lon$ as *e -ishes, and then it -ill be said to me, 'O <uhammad! ;aise your head and s eak, ,or you -ill be listened toI and ask, ,or you -ill be $ranted 0your re8uest5I and inter#ede, ,or your inter#ession -ill be a##e ted.' I -ill then raise my head and raise my Bord -ith #ertain raises -hi#h *e has tau$ht me, and then I -ill inter#ede. Allah -ill allo- me to inter#ede 0,or a #ertain kind o, eo le5 and -ill ,i+ a limit -hom I -ill admit into (aradise. I -ill #ome ba#k a$ain, and -hen I see my Bord 0a$ain5, I -ill ,all do-n in rostration be,ore *im, and *e -ill lea)e me 0in rostration5 as lon$ as *e -ishes, and then *e -ill say, 'O <uhammad! ;aise your head and s eak, ,or you -ill be listened toI and ask, ,or you -ill be $ranted 0your re8uest5I and inter#ede, ,or your inter#ession -ill be a##e ted.' I -ill then raise my Bord -ith #ertain raises -hi#h *e has tau$ht me, and then I -ill inter#ede. Allah -ill allo- me to inter#ede 0,or a #ertain kind o, eo le5 and -ill ,i+ a limit to -hom I -ill admit into (aradise, I -ill return a$ain, and -hen I see my Bord, I -ill ,all do-n 0in rostration5 and *e -ill lea)e me 0in rostration5 as lon$ as *e -ishes, and then *e -ill say, 'O <uhammad! ;aise your head and s eak, ,or you -ill be listened to, and ask, ,or you -ill be $ranted 0your re8uest5I and inter#ede, ,or your inter#ession -ill be a##e ted.' I -ill then raise my Bord -ith #ertain raises -hi#h *e has tau$ht me, and then I -ill inter#ede. Allah -ill allo- me to inter#ede 0,or a #ertain kind o, eo le5 and -ill ,i+ a limit to -hom I -ill admit into @2

(aradise. I -ill #ome ba#k and say, 'O my Bord! None remains in *ell 0Fire5 but those -hom ?ur'an has im risoned therein and ,or -hom eternity in *ell 0Fire5 has be#ome ine)itable.' " 'he (ro het added, "'here -ill #ome out o, *ell 0Fire5 e)eryone -ho says: 'Ba ilaha illal.lah,' and has in his heart $ood e8ual to the -ei$ht o, a barley $rain. 'hen there -ill #ome out o, *ell 0Fire5 e)eryone -ho says: ' Ba ilaha illal.lah,' and has in his heart $ood e8ual to the -ei$ht o, a -heat $rain. 'hen there -ill #ome out o, *ell 0Fire5 e)eryone -ho says: 'Ba ilaha illal.lah,' and has in his heart $ood e8ual to the -ei$ht o, an atom 0or a smallest ant5. 9.2C4: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "Allah's *and is ,ull, and 0its ,ullness5 is not a,,e#ted by the #ontinuous s endin$, day and ni$ht." *e also said, ":o you see -hat *e has s ent sin#e *e #reated the *ea)ens and the Jarth& Det all that has not de#reased -hat is in *is *and." *e also said, "*is 'hrone is o)er the -ater and in *is other *and is the balan#e 0o, Austi#e5 and *e raises and lo-ers 0-home)er *e -ill5." 0%ee *adith No. 1C3, Vol. 35 9.2C9: Narrated Ibn `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, "On the :ay o, ;esurre#tion, Allah -ill $ras the -hole Jarth by *is *and, and all the *ea)ens in *is ri$ht, and then *e -ill say, 'I am the =in$." Abu *uraira said, "Allah's A ostle said," Allah -ill $ras the Jarth...' " 9.21C: Narrated `Abdullah: A Ae- #ame to the (ro het and said, "O <uhammad! Allah -ill hold the hea)ens on a Fin$er, and the mountains on a Fin$er, and the trees on a Fin$er, and all the #reation on a Fin$er, and then *e -ill say, 'I am the =in$.' " On that Allah's A ostle smiled till his remolar teeth be#ame )isible, and then re#ited:.. 'No /ust estimate ha)e they made o, Allah su#h as due to him....079.3@5 `Abdullah added: Allah's A ostle smiled 0at the Ae-'s statement5 e+ ressin$ his -onder and belie)e in -hat -as said. 9.211: Narrated `Abdullah: A man ,rom the eo le o, the s#ri ture #ame to the (ro het and said, "O Abal.?asim! Allah -ill hold the *ea)ens u on a Fin$er, and the Jarth on a Fin$er and the land on a Fin$er, and all the #reation on a Fin$er, and -ill say, 'I am the =in$! I am the =in$!' " I sa- the (ro het 0a,ter hearin$ that5, smilin$ till his remolar teeth be#ame )isible, and he then re#ited: .. 'No /ust estimate ha)e they made o, Allah su#h as due to him... 079.3@5 9.211: Narrated Al.<u$hira: %a`d bin '6bada said, "I, I sa- a man -ith my -i,e, I -ould strike him 0behead him5 -ith the blade o, my s-ord." 'his ne-s rea#hed Allah's A ostle -ho then said, "Dou eo le are astonished at %a`d's Ehira. By Allah, I ha)e more Ehira than he, and Allah has more Ehira than I, and be#ause o, Allah's Ehira, *e has made unla-,ul %hame,ul deeds and sins 0ille$al se+ual inter#ourse et#.5 done in o en and in se#ret. And there is none -ho likes that the eo le should re ent to *im and be$ *is ardon than Allah, and ,or this reason *e sent the -arners and the $i)ers o, $ood ne-s. And there is none -ho likes to be raised more than Allah does, and ,or this reason, Allah romised to $rant (aradise 0to the doers o, $ood5." `Abdul <alik said, "No erson has more Ehira than Allah." 9.217: Narrated %ahl bin %a`d: 'he (ro het said to a man, "*a)e you $ot anythin$ o, the ?ur'an&" 'he man said, "Des, su#h.and. su#h %ura, and su#h.and.su#h %ura," namin$ the %uras. 9.219: Narrated `Imran bin *ussain: "hile I -as -ith the (ro het , some eo le ,rom Bani 'amim #ame to him. 'he (ro het said, "O Bani 'amim! A##e t the $ood ne-s!" 'hey said, "Dou ha)e $i)en us the $ood ne-sI no- $i)e us @3

0somethin$5." 0A,ter a -hile5 some Demenites entered, and he said to them, "O the eo le o, Demen! A##e t the $ood ne-s, as Bani 'amim ha)e re,used it. " 'hey said, ""e a##e t it, ,or -e ha)e #ome to you to learn the ;eli$ion. %o -e ask you -hat the be$innin$ o, this uni)erse -as." 'he (ro het said "'here -as Allah and nothin$ else be,ore *im and *is 'hrone -as o)er the -ater, and *e then #reated the *ea)ens and the Jarth and -rote e)erythin$ in the Book." 'hen a man #ame to me and said, 'O `Imran! Follo- your she.#amel ,or it has run a-ay!" %o I set out seekin$ it, and behold, it -as beyond the mira$e! By Allah, I -ished that it 0my she.#amel5 had $one but that I had not le,t 0the $atherin$5. " 9.212: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "'he ;i$ht 0*and5 o, Allah Is ,ull, and 0Its ,ullness5 is not a,,e#ted by the #ontinuous s endin$ ni$ht and day. :o you see -hat *e has s ent sin#e *e #reated the *ea)ens and the Jarth& Det all that has not de#reased -hat is in *is ;i$ht *and. *is 'hrone is o)er the -ater and in *is other *and is the Bounty or the (o-er to brin$ about death, and *e raises some eo le and brin$s others do-n." 0%ee *adith No. 2C45 9.213: Narrated Anas: >aid bin *aritha #ame to the (ro het #om lainin$ about his -i,e. 'he (ro het ke t on sayin$ 0to him5, "Be a,raid o, Allah and kee your -i,e." Aisha said, "I, Allah's A ostle -ere to #on#eal anythin$ 0o, the ?ur'an he -ould ha)e #on#ealed this Verse." >ainab used to boast be,ore the -i)es o, the (ro het and used to say, "Dou -ere $i)en in marria$e by your ,amilies, -hile I -as married 0to the (ro het5 by Allah ,rom o)er se)en *ea)ens." And 'habit re#ited, "'he Verse:.. 'But 0O <uhammad5 you did hide in your heart that -hi#h Allah -as about to make mani,est, you did ,ear the eo le,' 077.7@5 -as re)ealed in #onne#tion -ith >ainab and >aid bin *aritha." 9.21@: Narrated Anas bin <alik: 'he Verse o, Al.*i/ab 0)eilin$ o, -omen5 -as re)ealed in #onne#tion -ith >ainab bint Aahsh. 0On the day o, her marria$e -ith him5 the (ro het $a)e a -eddin$ ban8uet -ith bread and meatI and she used to boast be,ore other -i)es o, the (ro het and used to say, "Allah married me 0to the (ro het in the *ea)ens." 9.214: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, ""hen Allah had ,inished *is #reation, *e -rote o)er his 'hrone: '<y <er#y re#eded <y An$er.' 9.219: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er belie)es in Allah and *is A ostle o,,ers rayers er,e#tly and ,asts 0the month o,5 ;amadan then it is in#umbent u on Allah to admit him into (aradise, -hether he emi$rates ,or Allah's #ause or stays in the land -here he -as born." 'hey 0the #om anions o, the (ro het5 said, "O Allah's A ostle! %hould -e not in,orm the eo le o, that&" *e said, "'here are one.hundred de$rees in (aradise -hi#h Allah has re ared ,or those -ho #arry on Aihad in *is Gause. 'he distan#e bet-een e)ery t-o de$rees is like the distan#e bet-een the sky and the Jarth, so i, you ask Allah ,or anythin$, ask *im ,or the Firdaus, ,or it is the last art o, (aradise and the hi$hest art o, (aradise, and at its to there is the 'hrone o, Bene,i#ent, and ,rom it $ush ,orth the ri)ers o, (aradise." 9.21C: Narrated Abu :harr: I entered the mos8ue -hile Allah's A ostle -as sittin$ there. "hen the sun had set, the (ro het said, "O Abu :harr! :o you kno- -here this 0sun5 $oes&" I said, "Allah and *is A ostle kno- best." *e said, "It $oes and asks ermission to rostrate, and it is allo-ed, and 0one day5 it, as i, bein$ ordered to return -hen#e it #ame, then it -ill rise ,rom the -est." 'hen the (ro het re#ited, "'hat: "And the sun runs on its ,i+ed #ourse 0,or a term de#reed5," 073.745 as it is re#ited by `Abdullah. 9.211: @@

Narrated >aid bin 'habit: Abu Bakr sent ,or me, so I #olle#ted the ?ur'an till I ,ound the last art o, %urat.at.'auba -ith Abi =huHa`ima Al.Ansari and did not ,ind it -ith anybody else. 0'he Verses are5: .. 'Verily, there has #ome to you an A ostle 0<uhammad5 ,rom amon$st yoursel)es..0till the end o, %urat Bara'a5 0i.e., at. 'auba5.' 09.114.1195 9.211: Narrated Dunus: 0As 2115. 9.217: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het used to say at the time o, di,,i#ulty, 'Ba ilaha il.lallah Al.`Alimul.*alim. Ba.ilaha il. lallah ;abul. Arsh.al.AHim, Ba ilaha.il.lallah ;abus.%ama-ati ;ab.ul.ArdI -a ;ab.ul.Arsh Al. =arim.' 0%ee *adith No. 723 and 72@, Vol. 45 9.219: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: 'he (ro het said, "'he eo le -ill ,all un#ons#ious on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion, then suddenly I -ill see <oses holdin$ one o, the illars o, the 'hrone." Abu *uraira said: 'he (ro het said, "I -ill be the ,irst erson to be resurre#ted and -ill see <oses holdin$ the 'hrone." 9.212.1: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "0A $rou o,5 an$els stay -ith you at ni$ht and 0another $rou o,5 an$els by daytime, and both $rou s $ather at the time o, the `Asr and Fa/r rayers. 'hen those an$els -ho ha)e stayed -ith you o)erni$ht, as#end 0to *ea)en5 and Allah asks them 0about you5 .... and *e kno-s e)erythin$ about you. "In -hat state did you lea)e <y sla)es&' 'he an$els re ly, '"hen -e le,t them, they -ere rayin$, and -hen -e rea#hed them they -ere rayin$.' " 9.212.1: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "I, somebody $i)es in #harity somethin$ e8ual to a date ,rom his honestly earned money ....,or nothin$ as#ends to Allah e+#e t $ood.... then Allah -ill take it in *is ;i$ht 0*and5 and brin$ it u ,or its o-ner as anyone o, you brin$s u a baby horse, till it be#omes like a mountain." Abu *uraira said: 'he (ro het. said, "Nothin$ as#ends to Allah e+#e t $ood." 9.213: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's A ostle used to say at the time o, di,,i#ulty, "None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah, the <a/esti#, the <ost Forbearin$. None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah, the Bord o, the 'remendous 'hrone. None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah, the Bord o, the *ea)ens and the Bord o, the *onourable 'hrone. 0%ee *adith No. 72@, Vol. 45 9.21@: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: "hen `Ali -as in Demen, he sent some $old in its ore to the (ro het. 'he (ro het distributed it amon$ Al.A8ra' bin *`Abis Al.*anHali -ho belon$ed to Bani <u/ashi, '6yaina bin Badr Al.FaHari, 'Al8ama bin '6latha Al.`Amiri, -ho belon$ed to the Bani =ilab tribe and >aid AI.=hail at.'a'i -ho belon$ed to Bani Nabhan. %o the ?uraish and the Ansar be#ame an$ry and said, "*e $i)es to the #hie,s o, Na/d and lea)es us!" 'he (ro het said, "I /ust -anted to attra#t and unite their hearts 0make them ,irm in Islam5." 'hen there #ame a man -ith sunken eyes, bul$in$ ,orehead, thi#k beard, ,at raised #heeks, and #lean.sha)en head, and said, "O <uhammad! Be a,raid o, Allah! " 'he (ro het said, ""ho -ould obey Allah i, I disobeyed *im& 0Allah5. *e trusts me o)er the eo le o, the earth, but you do not trust me&" A man ,rom the eo le 0 resent then5, -ho, I think, -as =halid bin Al. "alid, asked ,or ermission to kill him, but the (ro het re)ented him. "hen the man -ent a-ay, the (ro het said, "Out o, the o,,s rin$ o, this man, there -ill be eo le -ho -ill re#ite the ?ur'an but it -ill not $o beyond their throats, and they -ill $o out o, Islam as an arro- $oes out throu$h the $ame,


and they -ill kill the <uslims and lea)e the idolators. %hould I li)e till they a ear, I -ould kill them as the =illin$ o, the nation o, 'Ad." 9.214: Narrated Abu :harr: I asked the (ro het re$ardin$ the Verse:..'And the sun runs on its ,i+ed #ourse ,or a term de#reed ,or it.' 073.145 *e said, "Its ,i+ed #ourse is underneath Allah's 'hrone." 9.219: Narrated Aarir: "e -ere sittin$ -ith the (ro het and he looked at the moon on the ni$ht o, the ,ull.moon and said, "Dou eo le -ill see your Bord as you see this ,ull moon, and you -ill ha)e no trouble in seein$ *im, so i, you #an a)oid missin$ 0throu$h slee or business, et#.5 a rayer be,ore sunrise 0Fa/r5 and a rayer be,ore sunset 0`Asr5 you must do so." 0%ee *adith No. 219, Vol. 15 9.27C: Narrated Aarir bin `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, "Dou -ill de,initely see your Bord -ith your o-n eyes." 9.271: Narrated Aarir: Allah's A ostle #ame out to us on the ni$ht o, the ,ull moon and said, "Dou -ill see your Bord on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion as you see this 0,ull moon5 and you -ill ha)e no di,,i#ulty in seein$ *im." 9.271.1: Narrated `Ata' bin DaHid Al.Baithi: On the authority o, Abu *uraira: 'he eo le said, "O Allah's A ostle! %hall -e see our Bord on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion&" 'he (ro het said, ":o you ha)e any di,,i#ulty in seein$ the moon on a ,ull moon ni$ht&" 'hey said, "No, O Allah's A ostle." *e said, ":o you ha)e any di,,i#ulty in seein$ the sun -hen there are no #louds&" 'hey said, "No, O Allah's A ostle." *e said, "%o you -ill see *im, like that. Allah -ill $ather all the eo le on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion, and say, '"hoe)er -orshi ed somethin$ 0in the -orld5 should ,ollo- 0that thin$5,' so, -hoe)er -orshi ed the sun -ill ,ollo- the sun, and -hoe)er -orshi ed the moon -ill ,ollo- the moon, and -hoe)er used to -orshi #ertain 0other ,alse5 deities, he -ill ,ollo- those deities. And there -ill remain only this nation -ith its $ood eo le 0or its hy o#rites5. 0'he sub.narrator, Ibrahim is in doubt.5 Allah -ill #ome to them and say, 'I am your Bord.' 'hey -ill 0deny *im and5 say, '"e -ill stay here till our Bord #omes, ,or -hen our Bord #omes, -e -ill re#o$niHe *im.' %o Allah -ill #ome to them in *is a earan#e -hi#h they kno-, and -ill say, 'I am your Bord.' 'hey -ill say, 'Dou are our Bord,' so they -ill ,ollo- *im. 'hen a brid$e -ill be laid a#ross *ell 0Fire5' I and my ,ollo-ers -ill be the ,irst ones to $o a#ross it and none -ill s eak on that :ay e+#e t the A ostles. And the in)o#ation o, the A ostles on that :ay -ill be, 'O Allah, sa)e! %a)e!' In *ell 0or o)er 'he Brid$e5 there -ill be hooks like the thorns o, As. %a'dan 0thorny lant5. *a)e you seen As.%a'dan& " 'hey re lied, "Des, O Allah's A ostle!" *e said, "%o those hooks look like the thorns o, As.%a'dan, but none kno-s ho- bi$ they are e+#e t Allah. 'hose hooks -ill sna the eo le a-ay a##ordin$ to their deeds. %ome o, the eo le -ill stay in *ell 0be destroyed5 be#ause o, their 0e)il5 deeds, and some -ill be #ut or torn by the hooks 0and ,all into *ell5 and some -ill be unished and then relie)ed. "hen Allah has ,inished *is Aud$ments amon$ the eo le, *e -ill take -home)er *e -ill out o, *ell throu$h *is <er#y. *e -ill then order the an$els to take out o, the Fire all those -ho used to -orshi none but Allah ,rom amon$ those -hom Allah -anted to be mer#i,ul to and those -ho testi,ied 0in the -orld5 that none has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Allah. 'he an$els -ill re#o$niHe them in the Fire by the marks o, rostration 0on their ,oreheads5, ,or the Fire -ill eat u all the human body e+#e t the mark #aused by rostration as Allah has ,orbidden the Fire to eat the mark o, rostration. 'hey -ill #ome out o, the 0*ell5 Fire, #om letely burnt and then the -ater o, li,e -ill be oured o)er them and they -ill $ro- under it as does a seed that #omes in the mud o, the torrent. 'hen Allah -ill ,inish the /ud$ments amon$ the eo le, and there -ill remain one man ,a#in$ the 0*ell5 Fire and he -ill be the last erson amon$ the eo le o, *ell to enter (aradise. *e -ill say, 'O my Bord! (lease turn my ,a#e a-ay ,rom the ,ire be#ause its air has hurt me and its se)ere heat has @9

burnt me.' %o he -ill in)oke Allah in the -ay Allah -ill -ish him to in)oke, and then Allah -ill say to him, 'I, I $rant you that, -ill you then ask ,or anythin$ else&' *e -ill re ly, 'No, by Dour (o-er, 0*onor5 I -ill not ask Dou ,or anythin$ else.' *e -ill $i)e his Bord -hate)er romises and #o)enants Allah -ill demand. %o Allah -ill turn his ,a#e a-ay ,rom *ell 0Fire5. "hen he -ill ,a#e (aradise and -ill see it, he -ill remain 8uiet ,or as lon$ as Allah -ill -ish him to remain 8uiet, then he -ill say, 'O my Bord! Brin$ me near to the $ate o, (aradise.' Allah -ill say to him, ':idn't you $i)e your romises and #o)enants that you -ould ne)er ask ,or anythin$ more than -hat you had been $i)en& "oe on you, O Adam's son! *o- trea#herous you are!' *e -ill say, 'O my lord,' and -ill kee on in)okin$ Allah till *e says to him, 'I, I $i)e -hat you are askin$, -ill you then ask ,or anythin$ else&' *e -ill re ly, 'No, by Dour 0*onor5 (o-er, I -ill not ask ,or anythin$ else.' 'hen he -ill $i)e #o)enants and romises to Allah and then Allah -ill brin$ him near to the $ate o, (aradise. "hen he stands at the $ate o, (aradise, (aradise -ill be o ened and s read be,ore him, and he -ill see its s lendor and leasures -hereu on he -ill remain 8uiet as lon$ as Allah -ill -ish him to remain 8uiet, and then he -ill say, O my Bord! Admit me into (aradise.' Allah -ill say, ':idn't you $i)e your #o)enants and romises that you -ould not ask ,or anythin$ more than -hat you had been $i)en&' Allah -ill say, '"oe on you, O Adam's son! *o- trea#herous you are! ' 'he man -ill say, 'O my Bord! :o not make me the most miserable o, Dour #reation,' and he -ill kee on in)okin$ Allah till Allah -ill lau$h be#ause o, his sayin$s, and -hen Allah -ill lau$h be#ause o, him, *e -ill say to him, 'Jnter (aradise,' and -hen he -ill enter it, Allah -ill say to him, '"ish ,or anythin$.' %o he -ill ask his Bord, and he -ill -ish ,or a $reat number o, thin$s, ,or Allah *imsel, -ill remind him to -ish ,or #ertain thin$s by sayin$, '0"ish ,or5 so.and.so.' "hen there is nothin$ more to -ish ,or, Allah -ill say, ''his is ,or you, and its e8ual 0is ,or you5 as -ell." `Ata' bin DaHid added: Abu %a`id Al.=hudri -ho -as resent -ith Abu *uraira, did not deny -hate)er the latter said, but -hen Abu *uraira said that Allah had said, "'hat is ,or you and its e8ual as -ell," Abu %a`id Al.=hudri said, "And ten times as mu#h, O Abu *uraira!" Abu *uraira said, "I do not remember, e+#e t his sayin$, ''hat is ,or you and its e8ual as -ell.'" Abu %a`id Al.=hudri then said, "I testi,y that I remember the (ro het sayin$, ''hat is ,or you, and ten times as mu#h.' ' Abu *uraira then added, "'hat man -ill be the last erson o, the eo le o, (aradise to enter (aradise." 9.271.1: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: "e said, "O Allah's A ostle! %hall -e see our Bord on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion&" *e said, ":o you ha)e any di,,i#ulty in seein$ the sun and the moon -hen the sky is #lear&" "e said, "No." *e said, "%o you -ill ha)e no di,,i#ulty in seein$ your Bord on that :ay as you ha)e no di,,i#ulty in seein$ the sun and the moon 0in a #lear sky5." 'he (ro het then said, "%omebody -ill then announ#e, 'Bet e)ery nation ,ollo- -hat they used to -orshi .' %o the #om anions o, the #ross -ill $o -ith their #ross, and the idolators 0-ill $o5 -ith their idols, and the #om anions o, e)ery $od 0,alse deities5 0-ill $o5 -ith their $od, till there remain those -ho used to -orshi Allah, both the obedient ones and the mis#hie)ous ones, and some o, the eo le o, the %#ri ture. 'hen *ell -ill be resented to them as i, it -ere a mira$e. 'hen it -ill be said to the Ae-s, ""hat did you use to -orshi &' 'hey -ill re ly, '"e used to -orshi JHra, the son o, Allah.' It -ill be said to them, 'Dou are liars, ,or Allah has neither a -i,e nor a son. "hat do you -ant 0no-5&' 'hey -ill re ly, '"e -ant Dou to ro)ide us -ith -ater.' 'hen it -ill be said to them ':rink,' and they -ill ,all do-n in *ell 0instead5. 'hen it -ill be said to the Ghristians, '"hat did you use to -orshi &' 'hey -ill re ly, '"e used to -orshi <essiah, the son o, Allah.' It -ill be said, 'Dou are liars, ,or Allah has neither a -i,e nor a son. "hat: do you -ant 0no-5&' 'hey -ill say, '"e -ant Dou to ro)ide us -ith -ater.' It -ill be said to them, ':rink,' and they -ill ,all do-n in *ell 0instead5. "hen there remain only those -ho used to -orshi Allah 0Alone5, both the obedient ones and the mis#hie)ous ones, it -ill be said to them, '"hat kee s you here -hen all the eo le ha)e $one&' 'hey -ill say, '"e arted -ith them 0in the -orld5 -hen -e -ere in $reater need o, them than -e are today, -e heard the #all o, one ro#laimin$, 'Bet e)ery nation ,ollo- -hat they used to -orshi ,' and no- -e are -aitin$ ,or our Bord.' 'hen the Almi$hty -ill #ome to them in a sha e other than the one 4C

-hi#h they sa- the ,irst time, and *e -ill say, 'I am your Bord,' and they -ill say, 'Dou are not our Bord.' And none -ill s eak: to *im then but the (ro hets, and then it -ill be said to them, ':o you kno- any si$n by -hi#h you #an re#o$niHe *im&' 'hey -ill say. ''he %hin,' and so Allah -ill then un#o)er *is %hin -hereu on e)ery belie)er -ill rostrate be,ore *im and there -ill remain those -ho used to rostrate be,ore *im /ust ,or sho-in$ o,, and ,or $ainin$ $ood re utation. 'hese eo le -ill try to rostrate but their ba#ks -ill be ri$id like one ie#e o, a -ood 0and they -ill not be able to rostrate5. 'hen the brid$e -ill be laid a#ross *ell." "e, the #om anions o, the (ro het said, "O Allah's A ostle! "hat is the brid$e&' *e said, "It is a sli ery 0brid$e5 on -hi#h there are #lam s and 0*ooks like5 a thorny seed that is -ide at one side and narro- at the other and has thorns -ith bent ends. %u#h a thorny seed is ,ound in Na/d and is #alled As.%a'dan. %ome o, the belie)ers -ill #ross the brid$e as 8ui#kly as the -ink o, an eye, some others as 8ui#k as li$htnin$, a stron$ -ind, ,ast horses or she.#amels. %o some -ill be sa,e -ithout any harmI some -ill be sa,e a,ter re#ei)in$ some s#rat#hes, and some -ill ,all do-n into *ell 0Fire5. 'he last erson -ill #ross by bein$ dra$$ed 0o)er the brid$e5." 'he (ro het said, "Dou 0<uslims5 #annot be more ressin$ in #laimin$ ,rom me a ri$ht that has been #learly ro)ed to be yours than the belie)ers in inter#edin$ -ith Almi$hty ,or their 0<uslim5 brothers on that :ay, -hen they see themsel)es sa,e. 'hey -ill say, 'O Allah! 0%a)e5 our brothers 0,or they5 used to ray -ith us, ,ast -ith us and also do $ood deeds -ith us.' Allah -ill say, 'Eo and take out 0o, *ell5 anyone in -hose heart you ,ind ,aith e8ual to the -ei$ht o, one 0$old5 :inar.' Allah -ill ,orbid the Fire to burn the ,a#es o, those sinners. 'hey -ill $o to them and ,ind some o, them in *ell 0Fire5 u to their ,eet, and some u to the middle o, their le$s. %o they -ill take out those -hom they -ill re#o$niHe and then they -ill return, and Allah -ill say 0to them5, 'Eo and take out 0o, *ell5 anyone in -hose heart you ,ind ,aith e8ual to the -ei$ht o, one hal, :inar.' 'hey -ill take out -home)er they -ill re#o$niHe and return, and then Allah -ill say, 'Eo and take out 0o, *ell5 anyone in -hose heart you ,ind ,aith e8ual to the -ei$ht o, an atom 0or a smallest ant5, and so they -ill take out all those -hom they -ill re#o$niHe." Abu %a`id said: I, you do not belie)e me then read the *oly Verse:.. '%urely! Allah -ron$s not e)en o, the -ei$ht o, an atom 0or a smallest ant5 but i, there is any $ood 0done5 *e doubles it.' 09.9C5 'he (ro het added, "'hen the ro hets and An$els and the belie)ers -ill inter#ede, and 0last o, all5 the Almi$hty 0Allah5 -ill say, 'No- remains <y Inter#ession. *e -ill then hold a hand,ul o, the Fire ,rom -hi#h *e -ill take out some eo le -hose bodies ha)e been burnt, and they -ill be thro-n into a ri)er at the entran#e o, (aradise, #alled the -ater o, li,e. 'hey -ill $ro- on its banks, as a seed #arried by the torrent $ro-s. Dou ha)e noti#ed ho- it $ro-s beside a ro#k or beside a tree, and ho- the side ,a#in$ the sun is usually $reen -hile the side ,a#in$ the shade is -hite. 'hose eo le -ill #ome out 0o, the ;i)er o, Bi,e5 like earls, and they -ill ha)e 0$olden5 ne#kla#es, and then they -ill enter (aradise -hereu on the eo le o, (aradise -ill say, ''hese are the eo le eman#i ated by the Bene,i#ent. *e has admitted them into (aradise -ithout them ha)in$ done any $ood deeds and -ithout sendin$ ,orth any $ood 0,or themsel)es5.' 'hen it -ill be said to them, 'For you is -hat you ha)e seen and its e8ui)alent as -ell.'" 9.271.7: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het said, "'he belie)ers -ill be ke t 0-aitin$5 on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion so lon$ that they -ill be#ome -orried and say, "Bet us ask somebody to inter#ede ,ar us -ith our Bord so that *e may relie)e us ,rom our la#e. 'hen they -ill $o to Adam and say, 'Dou are Adam, the ,ather o, the eo le. Allah #reated you -ith *is O-n *and and made you reside in *is (aradise and ordered *is an$els to rostrate be,ore you, and tau$ht you the names o, all thin$s -ill you inter#ede ,or us -ith your Bord so that *e may relie)e us ,rom this la#e o, ours& Adam -ill say, 'I am not ,it ,or this undertakin$.' *e -ill mention his mistakes he had #ommitted, i.e., his eatin$ o,, the tree thou$h he had been ,orbidden to do so. *e -ill add, 'Eo to Noah, the ,irst ro het sent by Allah to the eo le o, the Jarth.' 'he eo le -ill $o to Noah -ho -ill say, 'I am not ,it ,or this undertakin$' *e -ill mention his mistake -hi#h he had done, i.e., his askin$ his Bord -ithout kno-led$e.' *e -ill say 0to them5, 'Eo to Abraham, =halil Ar. 41

;ahman.' 'hey -ill $o to Abraham -ho -ill say, 'I am not ,it ,or this undertakin$. *e -ould mention three -ords by -hi#h he told a lie, and say 0to them5. 'Eo to <oses, a sla)e -hom Allah $a)e the 'orah and s oke to, dire#tly and brou$ht near *im, ,or #on)ersation.' 'hey -ill $o to <oses -ho -ill say, 'I am not ,it ,or this undertakin$. *e -ill mention his mistake he made, i.e., killin$ a erson, and -ill say 0to them5, 'Eo to Aesus, Allah's sla)e and *is A ostle, and a soul #reated by *im and *is "ord.' 0Be: And it -as.5 'hey -ill $o to Aesus -ho -ill say, 'I am not ,it ,or this undertakin$ but you'd better $o to <uhammad the sla)e -hose ast and ,uture sins ha)e been ,or$i)en by Allah.' %o they -ill #ome to me, and I -ill ask my Bord's ermission to enter *is *ouse and then I -ill be ermitted. "hen I see *im I -ill ,all do-n in rostration be,ore *im, and *e -ill lea)e me 0in rostration5 as lon$ as *e -ill, and then *e -ill say, 'O <uhammad, li,t u your head and s eak, ,or you -ill be listened to, and inter#ede, ,or your inter#ession -ill be a##e ted, and ask 0,or anythin$5 ,or it -ill be $ranted:' 'hen I -ill raise my head and $lori,y my Bord -ith #ertain raises -hi#h *e has tau$ht me. Allah -ill ut a limit ,or me 0to inter#ede ,or a #ertain ty e o, eo le5 I -ill take them out and make them enter (aradise." 0?atada said: I heard Anas sayin$ that5, the (ro het said, "I -ill $o out and take them out o, *ell 0Fire5 and let them enter (aradise, and then I -ill return and ask my Bord ,or ermission to enter *is *ouse and I -ill be ermitted. "hen I -ill see *im I -ill ,all do-n in rostration be,ore *im and *e -ill lea)e me in rostration as lon$ as *e -ill let me 0in that state5, and then *e -ill say, 'O <uhammad, raise your head and s eak, ,or you -ill be listened to, and inter#ede, ,or your inter#ession -ill be a##e ted, and ask, your re8uest -ill be $ranted.' " 'he (ro het added, "%o I -ill raise my head and $lori,y and raise *im as *e has tau$ht me. 'hen I -ill inter#ede and *e -ill ut a limit ,or me 0to inter#ede ,or a #ertain ty e o, eo le5. I -ill take them out and let them enter (aradise." 0?atada added: I heard Anas sayin$ that5 the (ro het said, 'I -ill $o out and take them out o, *ell 0Fire5 and let them enter (aradise, and I -ill return ,or the third time and -ill ask my Bord ,or ermission to enter *is house, and I -ill be allo-ed to enter. "hen I see *im, I -ill ,all do-n in rostration be,ore *im, and -ill remain in rostration as lon$ as *e -ill, and then *e -ill say, ';aise your head, O <uhammad, and s eak, ,or you -ill be listened to, and inter#ede, ,or your inter#ession -ill be a##e ted, and ask, ,or your re8uest -ill be $ranted.' %o I -ill raise my head and raise Allah as *e has tau$ht me and then I -ill inter#ede and *e -ill ut a limit ,or me 0to inter#ede ,or a #ertain ty e o, eo le5. I -ill take them out and let them enter (aradise." 0?atada said: I heard Anas sayin$ that5 the (ro het said, "%o I -ill $o out and take them out o, *ell 0Fire5 and let them enter (aradise, till none -ill remain in the Fire e+#e t those -hom ?ur'an -ill im rison 0i.e., those -ho are destined ,or eternal li,e in the ,ire5." 'he narrator then re#ited the Verse:.. "It may be that your Bord -ill raise you to a %tation o, (raise and Elory.' 01@.@95 'he narrator added: 'his is the %tation o, (raise and Elory -hi#h Allah has romised to your (ro het. 9.277: Narrated Anas bin <alik: Allah's A ostle sent ,or the Ansar and $athered them in a tent and said to them, "Be atient till you meet Allah and *is A ostle, and I -ill be on the lake.'ank 0Al.=authar5. 9.279: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "hene)er the (ro het o,,ered his 'aha//ud rayer, he -ould say, "O Allah, our Bord! All the raises are ,or DouI Dou are the =ee er 0Jstablisher or the One "ho looks a,ter5 o, the *ea)ens and the Jarth. All the (raises are ,or DouI Dou are the Bi$ht o, the *ea)ens and the Jarth and -hate)er is therein. Dou are the 'ruth, and Dour sayin$ is the 'ruth, and Dour romise is the 'ruth, and the meetin$ -ith Dou is the 'ruth, and (aradise is the 'ruth, and the 0*ell5 Fire is the 'ruth. O Allah! I surrender mysel, to Dou, and belie)e in Dou, and I ut my trust in Dou 0solely de end u on5. And to Dou I #om lain o, my o onents and -ith Dour J)iden#e I ar$ue. %o lease ,or$i)e the sins -hi#h I ha)e done in the ast or I -ill do in the ,uture, and also those 0sins5 -hi#h I did in se#ret or in ubli#, and that -hi#h Dou kno- better than I. None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed but Dou." 9.272: Narrated `Adi bin *atim: 41

Allah's A ostle said, "'here -ill be none amon$ you but his Bord -ill s eak to him, and there -ill be no inter reter bet-een them nor a s#reen to s#reen *im." 9.273: Narrated `Abdullah bin ?ais: 'he (ro het said, "0'here -ill be5 t-o (aradises o, sil)er and all the utensils and -hate)er is therein 0-ill be o, sil)er5I and t-o (aradises o, $old, and its utensils and -hate)er therein 0-ill be o, $old5, and there -ill be nothin$ to re)ent the eo le ,rom seein$ their Bord e+#e t the Go)er o, <a/esty o)er *is Fa#e in the (aradise o, Jden 0eternal bliss5. 9.27@: Narrated `Abdullah: 'he (ro het said, ""hoe)er takes the ro erty o, a <uslim by takin$ a ,alse oath, -ill meet Allah "ho -ill be an$ry -ith him." 'hen the (ro het re#ited the Verse:.. 'Verily those -ho ur#hase a small $ain at the #ost o, Allah's Go)enant and their oaths, they shall ha)e no ortion in the *erea,ter, neither -ill Allah s eak to them, nor look at them.' 07.@@5 9.274: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "0'here are5 three 0ty es o, ersons to -hom5 Allah -ill neither s eak to them on the :ay o, ;esurre#tions, nor look at them 0'hey are5:..015 a man -ho takes a ,alse oath that he has been o,,ered ,or a #ommodity a ri#e $reater than -hat he has a#tually been o,,eredI 015 and a man -ho takes a ,alse oath a,ter the `Asr 0 rayer5 in order to $rab the ro erty o, a <uslim throu$h itI 075 and a man -ho ,orbids others to use the remainin$ su er,luous -ater. 'o su#h a man Allah -ill say on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion, ''oday I -ithhold <y Blessin$s ,rom you as you -ithheld the su er,luous art o, that 0-ater5 -hi#h your hands did not #reate.' " 9.279: Narrated Abu Bakra: 'he (ro het said, "'ime has #ome ba#k to its ori$inal state -hi#h it had -hen Allah #reated the *ea)ens and the Jarth, the year is t-el)e months, o, -hi#h ,our are sa#redI 0and out o, these ,our5 three are in su##ession, namely, :hul.?a'da, :hul.*i//a and <uharram, and 0the ,ourth one5 ;a/ab <udar -hi#h is bet-een Aumad 0Ath.'ham5 and %ha'ban." 'he (ro het then asked us, ""hi#h month is this&" "e said, "Allah and *is A ostle kno- 0it5 better." *e ke t 8uiet so lon$ that -e thou$ht he mi$ht #all it by another name. 'hen he said, "Isn't it :hul.*i//a&" "e said, "Des." *e asked ""hat to-n is this&" "e said, "Allah and *is A ostle kno- 0it5 better.' 'hen he ke t 8uiet so lon$ that -e thou$ht he mi$ht #all it by another name. *e then said, "Isn't it the 0,orbidden5 to-n 0<e##a5&" "e said, "Des." *e asked, ""hat is the day today&" "e said, "Allah and *is A ostle kno- 0it5 better. 'hen he ke t 8uiet so lon$ that -e thou$ht that he mi$ht #all it by another name. 'hen he said, "Isn't it the :ay o, An.Nahr 0slau$hterin$ o, sa#ri,i#es5&" "e said, "Des." 'hen he said, "Dour blood 0li)es5, your ro erties," 0the sub narrator <uhammad, said: I think he also said5: "..and your honor5 are as sa#red to one another like the san#tity o, this :ay o, yours, in this to-n o, yours, in this month o, yours. Dou shall meet your Bord and *e -ill ask you about your deeds. Be-are! :on't $o astray a,ter me by strikin$ the ne#ks o, one another. Bo! It is in#umbent u on those -ho are resent to in,orm it to those -ho are absent ,or erha s the in,ormed one mi$ht #om rehend it 0understand it5 better than some o, the resent audien#e." "hene)er the sub.narrator <uhammad mentioned that statement, he -ould say, "'he (ro het said the truth."5 And then the (ro het added, "No doubt! *a)en't I #on)eyed Allah's <essa$e to you! No doubt! *a)en't I #on)eyed Allah's <essa$e to you&" 9.29C: Narrated 6sama: A son o, one o, the dau$hters o, the (ro het -as dyin$, so she sent a erson to #all the (ro het. *e sent 0her a messa$e5, ""hat e)er Allah takes is ,or *im, and -hate)er *e $i)es is ,or *im, and e)erythin$ has a limited ,i+ed term 0in this -orld5 so she should be atient and ho e ,or Allah's re-ard." %he then sent ,or him a$ain, s-earin$ that he should #ome. Allah's A ostle $ot u , and so did <u`adh bin Aabal, 6bai bin =a`b and '6bada bin As.%amit. "hen he entered 0the house5, they $a)e 47

the #hild to Allah's A ostle -hile its breath -as disturbed in his #hest. 0'he sub.narrator said: I think he said, "...as i, it -as a -ater skin."5 Allah's A ostle started -ee in$ -hereu on %a`d bin '6bada said, ":o you -ee &" 'he (ro het said, "Allah is mer#i,ul only to those o, *is sla)es -ho are mer#i,ul 0to others5. 9.291: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "(aradise and *ell 0Fire5 8uarrelled in the resen#e o, their Bord. (aradise said, 'O Bord! "hat is -ron$ -ith me that only the oor and humble eo le enter me &' *ell 0Fire5 said, I ha)e been ,a)ored -ith the arro$ant eo le.' %o Allah said to (aradise, 'Dou are <y <er#y,' and said to *ell, 'Dou are <y (unishment -hi#h I in,li#t u on -hom I -ish, and I shall ,ill both o, you.'" 'he (ro het added, "As ,or (aradise, 0it -ill be ,illed -ith $ood eo le5 be#ause Allah does not -ron$ any o, *is #reated thin$s, and *e #reates ,or *ell 0Fire5 -home)er *e -ill, and they -ill be thro-n into it, and it -ill say thri#e, 'Is there any more, till Allah 0-ill ut5 *is Foot o)er it and it -ill be#ome ,ull and its sides -ill #ome #lose to ea#h other and it -ill say, '?at! ?at! ?at! 0Jnou$h! Jnou$h! Jnou$h!5 . 9.291: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het said, "%ome eo le -ho -ill be s#or#hed by *ell 0Fire5 as a unishment ,or sins they ha)e #ommitted, and then Allah -ill admit them into (aradise by the $rant o, *is <er#y. 'hese eo le -ill be #alled, 'Al.AahannamiyyBin' 0the eo le o, *ell5. 9.297: Narrated `Abdullah: A Ae-ish ;abbi #ame to Allah's A ostle and said, "O <uhammad! Allah -ill ut the *ea)ens on one ,in$er and the earth on one ,in$er, and the trees and the ri)ers on one ,in$er, and the rest o, the #reation on one ,in$er, and then -ill say, ointin$ out -ith *is *and, 'I am the =in$.' "On that Allah's A ostle smiled and said, "No /ust estimate ha)e they made o, Allah su#h as due to *im. 079.3@5 9.299: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: On#e I stayed o)erni$ht at the house o, 0my aunt 5 <aimuna -hile the (ro het -as -ith her, to see ho- -as the ni$ht rayer o, Allah s A ostle Allah's A ostle talked to his -i,e ,or a -hile and then sle t. "hen it -as the last third o, the ni$ht 0or art o, it5, the (ro het $ot u and looked to-ards the sky and re#ited the Verse:.. 'Verily! In the #reation o, the *ea)ens and the Jarth....there are indeed si$ns ,or the men o, understandin$.' 07.19C5 'hen *e $ot u and er,ormed the ablution, brushed his teeth and o,,ered ele)en rak`at. 'hen Bilal ronoun#ed the Adhan -hereu on the (ro het o,,ered a t-o.rak`at 0%unna5 rayer and -ent out to lead the eo le in Fa/r 0mornin$ #om ulsory #on$re$ational rayer. 9.292: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, ""hen Allah #reated the #reations, *e -rote -ith *im on *is 'hrone: '<y <er#y has re#eded <y An$er." 9.293: Narrated `Abdullah bin <as`ud: Allah's A ostle the true and truly ins ired, narrated to us, "'he #reation o, e)eryone o, you starts -ith the ro#ess o, #olle#tin$ the material ,or his body -ithin ,orty days and ,orty ni$hts in the -omb o, his mother. 'hen he be#omes a #lot o, thi#k blood ,or a similar eriod 09C days5 and then he be#omes like a ie#e o, ,lesh ,or a similar eriod. 'hen an an$el is sent to him 0by Allah5 and the an$el is allo-ed 0ordered5 to -rite ,our thin$sI his li)elihood, his 0date o,5 death, his deeds, and -hether he -ill be a -ret#hed one or a blessed one 0in the *erea,ter5 and then the soul is breathed into him. %o one o, you may do 0$ood5 deeds #hara#teristi# o, the eo le o, (aradise so mu#h that there is nothin$ e+#e t a #ubit bet-een him and (aradise but then -hat has been -ritten ,or him de#ides his beha)ior and he starts doin$ 0e)il5 deeds #hara#teristi# o, the eo le o, *ell 0Fire5 and 0ultimately5 enters *ell 49

0Fire5I and one o, you may do 0e)il5 deeds #hara#teristi# o, the eo le o, *ell 0Fire5 so mu#h so that there is nothin$ e+#e t a #ubit bet-een him and *ell 0Fire5, then -hat has been -ritten ,or him de#ides his beha)ior and he starts doin$ 0$ood5 deeds #hara#teristi# o, the eo le o, (aradise and ultimately5 enters (aradise." 0%ee *adith No. 97C, Vol. 95 9.29@: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het said, "O Eabriel, -hat re)ents you. ,rom )isitin$ us more o,ten than you do&" 'hen this Verse -as re)ealed:..'And -e an$els des#end not but by Gommand o, your Bord. 'o *im belon$s -hat is be,ore us and -hat is behind us..' 019.395 %o this -as the ans-er to <uhammad. 9.294: Narrated `Abdullah: "hile I -as -alkin$ -ith Allah's A ostle in one o, the ,ields o, <edina and he -as -alkin$ leanin$ on a sti#k, he assed a $rou o, Ae-s. %ome o, them said to the others, "Ask him 0the (ro het5 about the s irit." Others said, ":o not ask him." But they asked him and he stood leanin$ on the sti#k and I -as standin$ behind him and I thou$ht that he -as bein$ di)inely ins ired. 'hen he said, "'hey ask you #on#ernin$ the s irit say: 'he s irit, its kno-led$e is -ith <y Bord. And o, kno-led$e you 0O men!5 ha)e been $i)en only a little." ...01@.425 On that some o, the Ae-s said to the others, ":idn't -e tell you not to ask&" 9.299: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "Allah $uarantees to the erson -ho #arries out Aihad ,or *is Gause and nothin$ #om elled him to $o out but the Aihad in *is Gause, and belie, in *is "ords, that *e -ill either admit him into (aradise or return him -ith his re-ard or the booty he has earned to his residen#e ,rom -here he -ent out." 0%ee *adith No. 2225. 9.22C: Narrated Abu <usa: A man #ame to the (ro het and said, "A man ,i$hts ,or ride and hau$htiness another ,i$hts ,or bra)ery, and another ,i$hts ,or sho-in$ o,,I -hi#h o, these 0#ases5 is in Allah's Gause&" 'he (ro het said, "'he one -ho ,i$hts that Allah's "ord 0Islam5 should be su erior, ,i$hts in Allah's Gause." 0%ee *adith No. 32, Vol. 95 9.221: Narrated Al.<u$hira bin %hu`ba: I heard the (ro het sayin$, "%ome eo le ,rom my ,ollo-ers -ill #ontinue to be )i#torious o)er others till Allah's Order 0'he *our5 is established." 0%ee *adith No. 9195 9.221: Narrated <ua-iya: I heard the (ro het sayin$, "A $rou o, my ,ollo-ers -ill kee on ,ollo-in$ Allah's Ba-s stri#tly and they -ill not be harmed by those -ho -ill disbelie)e them or stand a$ainst them till Allah's Order 0'he *our5 -ill #ome -hile they -ill be in that state." 9.227: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het stood be,ore <usailama 0the liar5 -ho -as sittin$ -ith his #om anions then, and said to him, "I, you ask me ,or this ie#e 0o, alm.lea, stalk5, e)en then I -ould not $i)e it to you. Dou #annot a)oid -hat Allah has ordained ,or you, and i, you turn a-ay ,rom Islam, Allah -ill surely ruin you! " 9.229: Narrated Ibn <as`ud: "hile I -as -alkin$ in #om any -ith the (ro het in one o, the ,ields o, <edina, the (ro het -as re#linin$ on a alm lea)e stalk -hi#h he #arried -ith him. "e assed by a $rou o, Ae-s. %ome o, them said to the others, "Ask him about the s irit." 'he others said, ":o not ask him, lest he -ould say somethin$ that you hate." %ome o, them said, ""e -ill ask him." %o a man ,rom amon$ them 42

stood u and said, 'O Abal.?asim! "hat is the s irit&" 'he (ro het ke t 8uiet and I kne- that he -as bein$ di)inely ins ired. 'hen he said: "'hey ask you #on#ernin$ the % irit, %ay: 'he % iritI its kno-led$e is -ith my Bord. And o, kno-led$e you 0mankind5 ha)e been $i)en only a little." 01@.425 9.222: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "Allah $uarantees 0the erson -ho #arries out Aihad in *is Gause and nothin$ #om elled him to $o out but Aihad in *is Gause and the belie, in *is "ord5 that *e -ill either admit him into (aradise 0<artyrdom5 or return him -ith re-ard or booty he has earned to his residen#e ,rom -here he -ent out." 9.223: Narrated Anas: Allah's A ostle said, ""hene)er anyone o, you in)oke Allah ,or somethin$, he should be ,irm in his askin$, and he should not say: 'I, Dou -ish, $i)e me...' ,or none #an #om el Allah to do somethin$ a$ainst *is "ill." 9.22@: Narrated `Ali bin Abi 'alib: 'hat one ni$ht Allah's A ostle )isited him and Fatima, the dau$hter o, Allah's A ostle and said to them, ""on 't you o,,er 0ni$ht5 rayer&.. `Ali added: I said, "O Allah's A ostle! Our souls are in the *and o, Allah and -hen *e "ishes to brin$ us to li,e, *e does." 'hen Allah's A ostle -ent a-ay -hen I said so and he did not $i)e any re ly. 'hen I heard him on lea)in$ -hile he -as strikin$ his thi$hs, sayin$, 'But man is, more 8uarrelsome than anythin$.' 014.295 9.224: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'he e+am le o, a belie)er is that o, a ,resh $reen lant the lea)es o, -hi#h mo)e in -hate)er dire#tion the -ind ,or#es them to mo)e and -hen the -ind be#omes still, it stand strai$ht. %u#h is the similitude o, the belie)er: *e is disturbed by #alamities 0but is like the ,resh lant he re$ains his normal state soon5. And the e+am le o, a disbelie)er is that o, a ine tree 0-hi#h remains5 hard and strai$ht till Allah #uts it do-n -hen *e -ill." 0%ee *adith No. 293 and 29@, Vol. @5. 9.229: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: I heard Allah's A ostle -hile he -as standin$ on the ul it, sayin$, "'he remainin$ eriod o, your stay 0on the earth5 in #om arison to the nations be,ore you, is like the eriod bet-een the `Asr rayer and sunset. 'he eo le o, the 'orah -ere $i)en the 'orah and they a#ted u on it till midday, and then they -ere -orn out and -ere $i)en ,or their labor, one ?irat ea#h. 'hen the eo le o, the Eos el -ere $i)en the Eos el and they a#ted u on it till the time o, the `Asr rayer, and then they -ere -orn out and -ere $i)en 0,or their labor5, one ?irat ea#h. 'hen you eo le -ere $i)en the ?ur'an and you a#ted u on it till sunset and so you -ere $i)en t-o ?irats ea#h 0double the re-ard o, the re)ious nations5." 'hen the eo le o, the 'orah said, 'O our Bord! 'hese eo le ha)e done a little labor 0mu#h less than -e5 but ha)e taken a $reater re-ard.' Allah said, '*a)e I -ithheld anythin$ ,rom your re-ard&' 'hey said, 'No.' 'hen Allah said, ''hat is <y Fa)or -hi#h I besto- on -hom I -ish.' " 9.23C: Narrated '6bada bin As.%amit: I, alon$ -ith a $rou o, eo le, $a)e the led$e o, alle$ian#e to Allah's A ostle. *e said, "I take your (led$e on the #ondition that you 015 -ill not /oin artners in -orshi -ith Allah, 015 -ill not steal, 075 -ill not #ommit ille$al se+ual inter#ourse, 095 -ill not kill your o,,s rin$, 025 -ill not slander, 035 and -ill not disobey me -hen I order you to do $ood. "hoe)er amon$ you -ill abide by his led$e, his re-ard -ill be -ith Allah, and -hoe)er #ommits any o, those sins and re#ei)es the unishment in this -orld, that unishment -ill be an e+ iation ,or his sins and uri,i#ationI but i, Allah s#reens him, then it -ill be u to Allah to unish him i, *e -ill or e+#use *im, i, *e -ill." 9.231: Narrated Abu *uraira: 43

Allah's (ro het %olomon -ho had si+ty -i)es, on#e said, "'oni$ht I -ill ha)e se+ual relation 0slee 5 -ith all my -i)es so that ea#h o, them -ill be#ome re$nant and brin$ ,orth 0a boy -ho -ill $rointo5 a #a)alier and -ill ,i$ht in Allah's Gause." %o he sle t -ith his -i)es and none o, them 0#on#ei)ed and5 deli)ered 0a #hild5 e+#e t one -ho brou$ht a hal, 0body5 boy 0de,ormed5. Allah's (ro het said, "I, %olomon had saidI 'I, Allah "ill,' then ea#h o, those -omen -ould ha)e deli)ered a 0-ould.be5 #a)alier to ,i$ht in Allah's Gause." 0%ee *adith No. @9 A, Vol. 95. 9.231: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's A ostle entered u on a si#k bedouin in -hom he -ent to )isit and said to him, ":on't -orry, 'ahur 0i.e., your illness -ill be a means o, #leansin$ o, your sins5, i, Allah "ill." 'he bedouin said, "'ahur! No, but it is a ,e)er that is burnin$ in the body o, an old man and it -ill make him )isit his $ra)e." 'he (ro het said, "'hen it is so." 9.237: Narrated Abu ?atada: "hen the eo le sle t till so late that they did not o,,er the 0mornin$5 rayer, the (ro het said, "Allah #a tured your souls 0made you slee 5 -hen *e -illed, and returned them 0to your bodies5 -hen *e -illed." %o the eo le $ot u and -ent to ans-er the #all o, nature, er,ormed ablution, till the sun had risen and it had be#ome -hite, then the (ro het $ot u and o,,ered the rayer. 9.239: Narrated Abu *uraira: "A man ,rom the <uslims and a man ,rom the Ae-s 8uarrelled, and the <uslim said, "By *im "ho $a)e su eriority to <uhammad o)er all the eo le!" 'he Ae- said, "By *im "ho $a)e su eriority to <oses o)er all the eo le!' On that the <uslim li,ted his hand and sla ed the Ae-. 'he Ae- -ent to Allah's A ostle and in,ormed him o, all that had ha ened bet-een him and the <uslim. 'he (ro het said, ":o not $i)e me su eriority o)er <oses, ,or the eo le -ill ,all un#ons#ious on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion, I -ill be the ,irst to re$ain #ons#iousness and behold, <oses -ill be standin$ there, holdin$ the side o, the 'hrone. I -ill not kno- -hether he has been one o, those -ho ha)e ,allen un#ons#ious and then re$ained #ons#iousness be,ore me, or i, he has been one o, those e+em ted by Allah 0,rom ,allin$ un#ons#ious5." 0%ee *adith No. 219, Vol. 45 9.232: Narrated Anas bin <alik: Allah's A ostle said, "Ad.:a//al -ill #ome to <edina and ,ind the an$els $uardin$ it. I, Allah -ill, neither Ad.:a//al nor la$ue -ill be able to #ome near it." 9.233: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "For e)ery (ro het there is one in)o#ation -hi#h is de,initely ,ul,illed by Allah, and I -ish, i, Allah -ill, to kee my that 0s e#ial5 in)o#ation as to be the inter#ession ,or my ,ollo-ers on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion." 9.23@: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, ""hile I -as slee in$, I sa- mysel, 0in a dream5 standin$ by a -ell. I dre- ,rom it as mu#h -ater as Allah -ished me to dra-, and then Ibn ?uha,a 0Abu Bakr5 took the bu#ket ,rom me and dre- one or t-o bu#kets, and there -as -eakness in his dra-in$....may Allah ,or$i)e him! 'hen `6mar took the bu#ket -hi#h turned into somethin$ like a bi$ drum. I had ne)er seen a o-er,ul man amon$ the eo le -orkin$ as er,e#tly and )i$orously as he did. 0*e dre- so mu#h -ater that5 the eo le drank to their satis,a#tion and -atered their #amels that knelt do-n there. 0%ee *adith No. 13, Vol. 25 9.234: Narrated Abu <usa: "hene)er a be$$ar or a erson in need o, somethin$ #ame to the (ro het , he used to say 0to his #om anions5, "Inter#ede 0,or him5 and you -ill be re-arded ,or that, and Allah -ill ,ul,ill -hat *e -ill throu$h *is A ostle's ton$ue." 4@

9.239: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "None o, you should say: 'O Allah! For$i)e me i, Dou -ish,' or 'Besto- Dour <er#y on me i, Dou -ish,' or '(ro)ide me -ith means o, subsisten#e i, Dou -ish,' but he should be ,irm in his re8uest, ,or Allah does -hat *e -ill and nobody #an ,or#e *im 0to do anythin$5. 9.2@C: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'hat he di,,ered -ith Al.*urr bin ?ais bin *isn Al.FaHari about the #om anion o, <oses, 0i.e., -hether he -as =ha,dir or not5. 6bai bin =a`b Al.Ansari assed by them and Ibn `Abbas #alled him sayin$, '<y ,riend 0*ur5 and I ha)e di,,ered about <oses' Gom anion -hom <oses asked the -ay to meet. :id you hear Allah's A ostle mentionin$ anythin$ about him&" 6bai said, "Des, I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, ""hile <oses -as sittin$ in the #om any o, some Israelites a man #ame to him and asked, ':o you kno- %omeone -ho is more learned than you 0<oses5&' <oses said, 'No.' %o Allah sent the :i)ine ins iration to <oses:.. 'Des, Our %la)e =hadir is more learned than you' <oses asked Allah ho- to meet him 0 =hadir5 %o Allah made the ,ish as a si$n ,or him and it -as said to him, '"hen you lose the ,ish, $o ba#k 0to the la#e -here you lose it5 and you -ill meet him.' %o <oses -ent on lookin$ ,or the si$n o, the ,ish in the sea. 'he boy ser)ant o, <oses 0-ho -as a##om anyin$ him5 said to him, ':o you remember 0-hat ha ened5 -hen -e betook oursel)es to the ro#k& I did indeed ,or$et to tell you 0about5 the ,ish. None but %atan made me ,or$et to tell you about it' 014.375 <oses said: ''hat is -hat -e ha)e been seekin$." %a they -ent ba#k retra#in$ their ,ootste s. 014.395. %o they both ,ound =adir 0there5 and then ha ened -hat Allah mentioned about them 0in the ?ur'an5!' 0%ee 14.3C. 415 9.2@1: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "I, Allah -ill, tomorro- -e -ill en#am in =hai, Bani =inana, the la#e -here the a$ans took the oath o, =u,r 0disbelie,5 a$ainst the (ro het. *e meant Al.<uhassab. 0%ee *adith No. 329, Vol. 15 9.2@1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `6mar: 'he (ro het besie$ed the eo le o, 'a'i,, but he did not #on8uer it. *e said, "'omorro-, i, Allah -ill, -e -ill return home. On this the <uslims said, "'hen -e return -ithout #on8uerin$ it&" *e said, ''hen #arry on ,i$htin$ tomorro-." 'he ne+t day many o, them -ere in/ured. 'he (ro het said, "I, Allah -ill, -e -ill return home tomorro-." It seemed that statement leased them -hereu on Allah's A ostle smiled. 9.2@7: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, ""hen Allah ordains somethin$ on the *ea)en the an$els beat -ith their -in$s in obedien#e to *is %tatement -hi#h sounds like that o, a #hain dra$$ed o)er a ro#k. *is %tatement: "6ntil -hen the ,ear is banished ,rom their hearts, the An$els say, '"hat -as it that your Bord said&' ''hey re ly, '0*e has said5 the 'ruth. And *e is the <ost *i$h, 'he Ereat. " 079.175 9.2@9: Narrated Abu *uraira : Allah's A ostle said, "Allah ne)er listens to anythin$ as *e listens to the (ro het re#itin$ ?ur'an in a leasant s-eet soundin$ )oi#e." A #om anion o, Abu *uraira said, "*e means, re#itin$ the ?ur'an aloud." 9.2@2: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: 'he (ro het said, "Allah -ill say 0on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion5, 'O Adam!' Adam -ill re ly, 'Babbaik -a %a`daik! ' 'hen a loud Voi#e -ill be heard 0%ayin$5 'Allah Gommands you to take out the mission o, the *ell Fire ,rom your o,,s rin$.' " 9.2@3: 44

Narrated `Aisha: I ne)er ,elt so /ealous o, any -oman as I ,elt o, =hadi/a, ,or Allah ordered him 0the (ro het 5 to $i)e =hadi/a the $lad tidin$s o, a ala#e in (aradise 0,or her5. 9.2@@: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "I, Allah lo)es a erson, *e #alls Eabriel, sayin$, 'Allah lo)es so and so, O Eabriel lo)e him' %o Eabriel -ould lo)e him and then -ould make an announ#ement in the *ea)ens: 'Allah has lo)ed so and.so there,ore you should lo)e him also.' %o all the d-ellers o, the *ea)ens -ould lo)e him, and then he is $ranted the leasure o, the eo le on the earth." 0%ee *adith No. 33, Vol. 45 9.2@4: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "'here are an$els #omin$ to you in su##ession at ni$ht, and others durin$ the day, and they all $ather at the time o, `Asr and Fa/r rayers. 'hen the an$els -ho ha)e stayed -ith you o)erni$ht as#end 0to the hea)en5 and *e 0Allah5 asks them thou$h *e er,e#tly kno-s their a,,airs. 'In -hat state ha)e you le,t my sla)es&' 'hey say, '"hen -e le,t them, they -ere rayin$ and -hen -e #ame to them they -ere rayin$.' " 9.2@9: Narrated Abu :harr: 'he (ro het said, Eabriel #ame to me and $a)e me the $lad tidin$s that anyone -ho died -ithout -orshi in$ anythin$ besides Allah, -ould enter (aradise. I asked 0Eabriel5, 'J)en i, he #ommitted the,t, and e)en i, he #ommitted ille$al se+ual inter#ourse&' *e said, '0Des5, e)en i, he #ommitted the,t, and e)en i, he Gommitted ille$al se+ual inter#ourse." 9.24C: Narrated Al.Bara' bin `AHib: Allah's A ostle said, "O so.and.so, -hene)er you $o to your bed 0,or slee in$5 say, 'O Allah! I ha)e surrendered mysel, o)er to you and ha)e turned my ,a#e to-ards Dou, and lea)e all my a,,airs to Dou and de end on Dou and ut my trust in Dou e+ e#tin$ Dour re-ard and ,earin$ Dour unishment. 'here is neither ,leein$ ,rom Dou nor re,u$e but -ith Dou. I belie)e in the Book 0?ur'an5 -hi#h Dou ha)e re)ealed and in Dour (ro het 0<uhammad5 -hom Dou ha)e sent.' I, you then die on that ni$ht, then you -ill die as a <uslim, and i, you -ake ali)e in the mornin$ then you -ill re#ei)e the re-ard." 0%ee *adith No. 717, Vol. 45 9.241: Narrated `Abdullah bin Abi `Au,a: Allah's A ostle said on the :ay o, 0the battle o,5 the Glans, "O Allah! 'he ;e)ealer o, the *oly Book, 'he ?ui#k 'aker o, A##ounts! :e,eat the #lans and shake them." 9.241: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 0re$ardin$ the Verse5:.. 'Neither say your rayer aloud, nor say it in a lo- tone.' 01@.11C5 'his Verse -as re)ealed -hile Allah's A ostle -as hidin$ himsel, in <e##a, and -hen he raised his )oi#e -hile re#itin$ the ?ur'an, the a$ans -ould hear him and abuse the ?ur'an and its ;e)ealer and to the one -ho brou$ht it. %o Allah said:.. 'Neither say your rayer aloud, nor say it in a lo- tone.' 01@.11C5 'hat is, ':o not say your rayer so loudly that the a$ans #an hear you, nor say it in su#h a lo- tone that your #om anions do not hear you.' But seek a middle #ourse bet-een those 0e+tremes5, i.e., let your #om anions hear, but do not relate the ?ur'an loudly, so that they may learn it ,rom you. 9.247: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "Allah said: "'he son o, Adam hurts <e by abusin$ 'ime, ,or I am 'imeI in <y *ands are all thin$s and I #ause the re)olution o, ni$ht and day.' " 0%ee *adith No. 721, Vol. 35 9.249: Narrated Abu *uraira: 49

'he (ro het said, "Allah said: 'he Fast is ,or <e and I -ill $i)e the re-ard ,or it, as he 0the one -ho obser)es the ,ast5 lea)es his se+ual desire, ,ood and drink ,or <y %ake. Fastin$ is a s#reen 0,rom *ell5 and there are t-o leasures ,or a ,astin$ erson, one at the time o, breakin$ his ,ast, and the other at the time -hen he -ill meet his Bord. And the smell o, the mouth o, a ,astin$ erson is better in Allah's %i$ht than the smell o, musk." 0%ee *adith No. 114, Vol. 75. 9.242: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "On#e -hile Aob 0Aiyub5 -as takin$ a bath in a naked state. %uddenly a $reat number o, $old lo#usts started ,allin$ u on him and he started #olle#tin$ them in his #lothes. *is Bord #alled him, 'O Aob! :idn't I make you ri#h enou$h to dis ense -ith -hat you see no-&' Aob said, 'Des, O Bord! But I #annot dis ense -ith Dour Blessin$s.' 9.243: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "J)ery ni$ht -hen it is the last third o, the ni$ht, our Bord, the %u erior, the Blessed, des#ends to the nearest hea)en and says: Is there anyone to in)oke <e that I may res ond to his in)o#ation& Is there anyone to ask <e so that I may $rant him his re8uest& Is there anyone askin$ <y ,or$i)eness so that I may ,or$i)e him&. " 0%ee *adith No. 193,Vol. 15 9.24@: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, ""e 0<uslims5 are the last 0to #ome5 but -ill be the ,oremost on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion." 'he narrators o, this *adith said: Allah said 0to man5, '% end 0in #harity5, ,or then I -ill #om ensate you 0$enerously5.' " 9.244: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said that Eabriel said, "*ere is =hadi/a #omin$ to you -ith a dish o, ,ood or a tumbler #ontainin$ somethin$ to drink. Gon)ey to her a $reetin$ ,rom her Bord 0Allah5 and $i)e her the $lad tidin$s that she -ill ha)e a ala#e in (aradise built o, ?asab -herein there -ill be neither any noise nor any ,ati$ue 0trouble5." 0%ee *adith No. 134, Vol. 25 9.249: Narrated Abu *uraira: the (ro het said, "Allah said, "I ha)e re ared ,or <y ri$hteous sla)es 0su#h e+#ellent thin$s5 as no eye has e)er seen, nor an ear has e)er heard nor a human heart #an e)er think o,.' " 9.29C: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "hene)er the (ro het o,,ered the ni$ht 0'aha//ud5 rayer, he used to say, "O Allah! All the (raises are ,or DouI Dou are the Bi$ht o, the *ea)ens and the Jarth. And all the (raises are ,or DouI Dou are the =ee er o, the *ea)ens and the Jarth. All the (raises are ,or DouI Dou are the Bord o, the *ea)ens and the Jarth and -hate)er is therein. Dou are the 'ruth, and Dour (romise is the 'ruth, and Dour % ee#h is the 'ruth, and meetin$ Dou is the 'ruth, and (aradise is the 'ruth and *ell 0Fire5 is the 'ruth and all the ro hets are the 'ruth and the *our is the 'ruth. O Allah! I surrender to Dou, and belie)e in Dou, and de end u on Dou, and re ent to Dou, and in Dour #ause I ,i$ht and -ith Dour orders I rule. %o lease ,or$i)e my ast and ,uture sins and those sins -hi#h I did in se#ret or in ubli#. It is Dou "hom I -orshi , None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed e+#e t Dou ." 0%ee *adith No. 719,Vol. 45 9.291: Narrated `6r-a bin AH.>ubair: %a`id bin Al.<usaiyab, 'Al8ama bin "a88as and '6baidullah bin `Abdullah re$ardin$ the narratin$ o, the ,or$ed statement a$ainst `Aisha, the -i,e o, the (ro het, -hen the slanderers said -hat they said and Allah re)ealed her inno#en#e. `Aisha said, "But by Allah, I did not think that Allah, 0to #on,irm my inno#en#e5, -ould re)eal :i)ine Ins iration -hi#h -ould be re#ited, ,or I #onsider mysel, too unim ortant to be talked about by Allah throu$h :i)ine Ins iration re)ealed ,or re#itation, but I ho ed that Allah's A ostle mi$ht ha)e a dream in -hi#h Allah -ould re)eal my inno#en#e. %o Allah 9C

re)ealed:.. 'Verily! 'hose -ho s read the slander are a $an$ amon$ you...' 0'he ten Verses in %urat. an.Nur5 019.11.1C5 9.291: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "Allah says, "I, <y sla)e intends to do a bad deed then 0O An$els5 do not -rite it unless he does itI i, he does it, then -rite it as it is, but i, he re,rains ,rom doin$ it ,or <y %ake, then -rite it as a $ood deed 0in his a##ount5. 0On the other hand5 i, he intends to $o a $ood deed, but does not do it, then -rite a $ood deed 0in his a##ount5, and i, he does it, then -rite it ,or him 0in his a##ount5 as ten $ood deeds u to se)en.hundred times.' " 9.297: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "Allah #reated the #reation, and -hen *e ,inished ,rom *is #reation the ;ahm 0-omb5 $ot u , and Allah said 0to it5. "%to ! "hat do you -ant& It saidI "At this la#e I seek re,u$e -ith Dou ,rom all those -ho se)er me 0i.e. se)er the ties o, =inshi .5" Allah said: ""ould you be leased that I -ill kee $ood relation -ith the one -ho -ill kee $ood relation -ith you, and I -ill se)er the relation -ith the one -ho -ill se)er the relation -ith you. It said: 'Des, 'O my Bord.' Allah said 0to it5, ''hat is ,or you.'' And then Abu *uraira re#ited the Verse:.. ""ould you then i, you -ere $i)en the authority, do mis#hie, in the land, and se)er your ties o, kinshi ." 09@.115 9.299: Narrated >aid bin =halid: It rained 0be#ause o, the (ro het's in)o#ation ,or rain5 and the (ro het said, "Allah said, '%ome o, <y sla)es ha)e be#ome disbelie)ers in <e, and some others, belie)ers in <e.'" 9.292: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "Allah said, 'I, <y sla)es lo)es the meetin$ -ith <e, I too lo)e the meetin$ -ith himI and i, he dislikes the meetin$ -ith <e, I too dislike the meetin$ -ith him.' " 0%ee *adith No. 219, Vol. 45 9.293: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "Allah said, 'I am to my sla)e as he thinks o, <e, 0i.e. I am able to do ,or him -hat he thinks I #an do ,or him5. 0%ee *adith No. 2C15 9.29@: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "A man -ho ne)er did any $ood deed, said that i, he died, his ,amily should burn him and thro- hal, the ashes o, his burnt body in the earth and the other hal, in the sea, ,or by Allah, i, Allah should $et hold o, him, *e -ould in,li#t su#h unishment on him as *e -ould not in,li#t on anybody amon$ the eo le. But Allah ordered the sea to #olle#t -hat -as in it 0o, his ashes5 and similarly ordered the earth to #olle#t -hat -as in it 0o, his ashes5. 'hen Allah said 0to the re#reated man 5, '"hy did you do so&' 'he man re lied, 'For bein$ a,raid o, Dou, and Dou kno- it 0)ery -ell5.' %o Allah ,or$a)e him." 9.294: Narrated Abu *uraira: I heard the (ro het sayin$, "I, somebody #ommits a sin and then says, 'O my Bord! I ha)e sinned, lease ,or$i)e me!' and his Bord says, '<y sla)e has kno-n that he has a Bord -ho ,or$i)es sins and unishes ,or it, I there,ore ha)e ,or$i)en my sla)e 0his sins5.' 'hen he remains -ithout #ommittin$ any sin ,or a -hile and then a$ain #ommits another sin and says, 'O my Bord, I ha)e #ommitted another sin, lease ,or$i)e me,' and Allah says, '<y sla)e has kno-n that he has a Bord -ho ,or$i)es sins and unishes ,or it, I there,ore ha)e ,or$i)en my sla)e 0his sin5. 'hen he remains -ithout Gommittin$ any another sin ,or a -hile and then #ommits another sin 0,or the third time5 and says, 'O my Bord, I ha)e #ommitted another sin, lease ,or$i)e me,' and Allah says, '<y sla)e has kno-n that he has a Bord "ho ,or$i)es sins and unishes ,or it I there,ore ha)e ,or$i)en <y sla)e 0his sin5, he #an do -hate)er he likes." 91

9.299: Narrated Abu %a`id: 'he (ro het mentioned a man ,rom the eo le o, the ast or those -ho re#eded you. 'he (ro het said a senten#e meanin$: Allah had $i)en him -ealth and #hildren. "hen his death a roa#hed, he said to his sons, ""hat kind o, ,ather ha)e I been to you&" 'hey re lied, "Dou ha)e been a $ood ,ather." *e told them that he had not resented any $ood deed be,ore Allah, and i, Allah should $et hold o, him *e -ould unish him.' "%o look!" he added, ""hen I die, burn me, and -hen I turn into #oal, #rush me, and -hen there #omes a -indy day, s#atter my ashes in the -ind." 'he (ro het added, "'hen by Allah, he took a ,irm romise ,rom his #hildren to do so, and they did so. 0'hey burnt him a,ter his death5 and thre- his ashes on a -indy day. 'hen Allah #ommanded to his ashes. "Be," and behold! *e be#ame a man standin$! Allah said, "O <y sla)e! "hat made you do -hat you did&" *e re lied, "For ,ear o, Dou." Nothin$ sa)ed him then but Allah's <er#y 0%o Allah ,or$a)e him5. 9.3CC: Narrated Anas: I heard the (ro het sayin$, "On the :ay o, ;esurre#tion I -ill inter#ede and say, "O my Bord! Admit into (aradise 0e)en5 those -ho ha)e ,aith e8ual to a mustard seed in their hearts." %u#h eo le -ill enter (aradise, and then I -ill say, 'O 0Allah5 admit into (aradise 0e)en5 those -ho ha)e the least amount o, ,aith in their hearts." Anas then said: As i, I -ere /ust no- lookin$ at the ,in$ers o, Allah's A ostle. 9.3C1: Narrated <a`bad bin *ilal Al.`AnHi: "e, i.e., some eo le ,rom Basra $athered and -ent to Anas bin <alik, and -e -ent in #om any -ith 'habit Al.Bunnani so that he mi$ht ask him about the *adith o, Inter#ession on our behal,. Behold, Anas -as in his ala#e, and our arri)al #oin#ided -ith his :uha rayer. "e asked ermission to enter and he admitted us -hile he -as sittin$ on his bed. "e said to 'habit, ":o not ask him about anythin$ else ,irst but the *adith o, Inter#ession." *e said, "O Abu *amHa! 'here are your brethren ,rom Basra #omin$ to ask you about the *adith o, Inter#ession." Anas then said, "<uhammad talked to us sayin$, 'On the :ay o, ;esurre#tion the eo le -ill sur$e -ith ea#h other like -a)es, and then they -ill #ome to Adam and say, '(lease inter#ede ,or us -ith your Bord.' *e -ill say, 'I am not ,it ,or that but you'd better $o to Abraham as he is the =halil o, the Bene,i#ent.' 'hey -ill $o to Abraham and he -ill say, 'I am not ,it ,or that, but you'd better $o to <oses as he is the one to -hom Allah s oke dire#tly.' %o they -ill $o to <oses and he -ill say, 'I am not ,it ,or that, but you'd better $o to Aesus as he is a soul #reated by Allah and *is "ord.' 0Be: And it -as5 they -ill $o to Aesus and he -ill say, 'I am not ,it ,or that, but you'd better $o to <uhammad.' 'hey -ould #ome to me and I -ould say, 'I am ,or that.' 'hen I -ill ask ,or my Bord's ermission, and it -ill be $i)en, and then *e -ill ins ire me to raise *im -ith su#h raises as I do not kno- no-. %o I -ill raise *im -ith those raises and -ill ,all do-n, rostrate be,ore *im. 'hen it -ill be said, 'O <uhammad, raise your head and s eak, ,or you -ill be listened toI and ask, ,or your -ill be $ranted 0your re8uest5I and inter#ede, ,or your inter#ession -ill be a##e ted.' I -ill say, 'O Bord, my ,ollo-ers! <y ,ollo-ers!' And then it -ill be said, 'Eo and take out o, *ell 0Fire5 all those -ho ha)e ,aith in their hearts, e8ual to the -ei$ht o, a barley $rain.' I -ill $o and do so and return to raise *im -ith the same raises, and ,all do-n 0 rostrate5 be,ore *im. 'hen it -ill be said, 'O <uhammad, raise your head and s eak, ,or you -ill be listened to, and ask, ,or you -ill be $ranted 0your re8uest5I and inter#ede, ,or your inter#ession -ill be a##e ted.' I -ill say, 'O Bord, my ,ollo-ers! <y ,ollo-ers!' It -ill be said, 'Eo and take out o, it all those -ho ha)e ,aith in their hearts e8ual to the -ei$ht o, a small ant or a mustard seed.' I -ill $o and do so and return to raise *im -ith the same raises, and ,all do-n in rostration be,ore *im. It -ill be said, 'O, <uhammad, raise your head and s eak, ,or you -ill be listened to, and ask, ,or you -ill be $ranted 0your re8uest5I and inter#ede, ,or your inter#ession -ill be a##e ted.' I -ill say, 'O Bord, my ,ollo-ers!' 'hen *e -ill say, 'Eo and take out 0all those5 in -hose hearts there is ,aith e)en to the li$htest, li$htest mustard seed. 0'ake them5 out o, the Fire.' I -ill $o and do so."'


"hen -e le,t Anas, I said to some o, my #om anions, "Bet's ass by Al.*asan -ho is hidin$ himsel, in the house o, Abi =hali,a and re8uest him to tell us -hat Anas bin <alik has told us." %o -e -ent to him and -e $reeted him and he admitted us. "e said to him, "O Abu %a`id! "e #ame to you ,rom your brother Anas Bin <alik and he related to us a *adith about the inter#ession the like o, -hi#h I ha)e ne)er heard." *e said, ""hat is that&" 'hen -e told him o, the *adith and said, "*e sto ed at this oint 0o, the *adith5." *e said, ""hat then&" "e said, "*e did not add anythin$ to that." *e said, Anas related the *adith to me t-enty years a$o -hen he -as a youn$ ,ello-. I don't kno- -hether he ,or$ot or i, he did not like to let you de end on -hat he mi$ht ha)e said." "e said, "O Abu %a`id ! Bet us kno- that." *e smiled and said, "<an -as #reated hasty. I did not mention that, but that I -anted to in,orm you o, it. Anas told me the same as he told you and said that the (ro het added, 'I then return ,or a ,ourth time and raise *im similarly and rostrate be,ore *im me the same as he 'O <uhammad, raise your head and s eak, ,or you -ill be listened toI and ask, ,or you -ill be $ranted 0your re8uest5: and inter#ede, ,or your inter#ession -ill be a##e ted .' I -ill say, 'O Bord, allo- me to inter#ede ,or -hoe)er said, 'None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed e+#e t Allah.' 'hen Allah -ill say, 'By my (o-er, and my <a/esty, and by <y %u rema#y, and by <y Ereatness, I -ill take out o, *ell 0Fire5 -hoe)er said: 'None has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed e+#e t Allah.' '' 9.3C1: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's A ostle said, "'he erson -ho -ill be the last one to enter (aradise and the last to #ome out o, *ell 0Fire5 -ill be a man -ho -ill #ome out #ra-lin$, and his Bord -ill say to him, 'Jnter (aradise.' *e -ill re ly, 'O Bord, (aradise is ,ull.' Allah -ill $i)e him the same order thri#e, and ea#h time the man -ill $i)e *im the same re ly, i.e., '(aradise is ,ull.' 'hereu on Allah -ill say 0to him5, ''en times o, the -orld is ,or you.' " 9.3C7: Narrated `Adi bin *atim: Allah's A ostle said, "'here -ill be none amon$ you but his Bord -ill talk to him, and there -ill be no inter reter bet-een him and Allah. *e -ill look to his ri$ht and see nothin$ but his deeds -hi#h he has sent ,or-ard, and -ill look to his le,t and see nothin$ but his deeds -hi#h he has sent ,or-ard, and -ill look in ,ront o, him and see nothin$ but the 0*ell5 Fire ,a#in$ him. %o sa)e yoursel, ,rom the 0*ell5 Fire e)en -ith hal, a date 0$i)en in #harity5." Al.A`mash said: `Amr bin <urra said, =haithama narrated the same and added, '..e)en -ith a $ood -ord.' " 9.3C9: Narrated `Abdullah: A riest ,rom the Ae-s #ame 0to the (ro het5 and said, "On the :ay o, ;esurre#tion, Allah -ill la#e all the hea)ens on one ,in$er, and the Jarth on one ,in$er, and the -aters and the land on one ,in$er, and all the #reation on one ,in$er, and then *e -ill shake them and say. 'I am the =in$! I am the =in$!'" I sa- the (ro het smilin$ till his remolar teeth be#ame )isible e+ ressin$ his amaHement and his belie, in -hat he had said. 'hen the (ro het re#ited: 'No /ust estimate ha)e they made o, Allah su#h as due to *im 0u to5...I *i$h is *e abo)e the artners they attribute to *im.' 079.3@5 9.3C2: Narrated %a,-an bin <uhriH: A man asked Ibn `6mar, ""hat ha)e you heard ,rom Allah's A ostle re$ardin$ An.Na/-a&" *e said, "J)eryone o, you -ill #ome #lose to *is Bord "ho -ill s#reen him ,rom the eo le and say to him, ':id you do so.and.so&' *e -ill re ly, 'Des.' 'hen Allah -ill say, ':id you do so.and.so&' *e -ill re ly, 'Des.' %o Allah -ill 8uestion him and make him #on,ess, and then Allah -ill say, 'I s#reened your sins in the -orld and ,or$i)e them ,or you today.' " 9.3C3: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "Adam and <oses debated -ith ea#h other and <oses said, 'Dou are Adam -ho turned out your o,,s rin$ ,rom (aradise.' Adam said, "Dou are <oses -hom Allah #hose ,or *is


<essa$e and ,or *is dire#t talk, yet you blame me ,or a matter -hi#h had been ordained ,or me e)en be,ore my #reation&' 'hus Adam o)er#ame <oses." 9.3C@: Narrated Anas: Allah's A ostle said, "'he belie)ers -ill be assembled on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion and they -ill say, 'Bet us look ,or someone to inter#ede ,or us -ith our Bord so that *e may relie)e us ,rom this la#e o, ours.' %o they -ill $o to Adam and say, 'Dou are Adam, the ,ather o, mankind, and Allah #reated you -ith *is O-n *ands and ordered the An$els to rostrate be,ore you, and *e tau$ht you the names o, all thin$sI so lease inter#ede ,or us -ith our Bord so that *e may relie)e us.' Adam -ill say, to them, 'I am not ,it ,or that,' and then he -ill mention to them his mistake -hi#h he has #ommitted.' " 9.3C4: Narrated Anas bin <alik: 'he ni$ht Allah's A ostle -as taken ,or a /ourney ,rom the sa#red mos8ue 0o, <e##a5 Al.=a`ba: 'hree ersons #ame to him 0in a dreamy -hile he -as slee in$ in the %a#red <os8ue be,ore the :i)ine Ins iration -as re)ealed to *im. One o, them said, ""hi#h o, them is he&" 'he middle 0se#ond5 an$el said, "*e is the best o, them." 'he last 0third5 an$le said, "'ake the best o, them." Only that mu#h ha ened on that ni$ht and he did not see them till they #ame on another ni$ht, i.e. a,ter 'he :i)ine Ins iration -as re)ealed to him. 0Fath.ul.Bari (a$e 124, Vol. 1@5 and he sa- them, his eyes -ere aslee but his heart -as not....and so is the #ase -ith the ro hets: their eyes slee -hile their hearts do not slee . %o those an$els did not talk to him till they #arried him and la#ed him beside the -ell o, >amHam. From amon$ them Eabriel took #har$e o, him. Eabriel #ut o en 0the art o, his body5 bet-een his throat and the middle o, his #hest 0heart5 and took all the material out o, his #hest and `Abdomen and then -ashed it -ith >amHam -ater -ith his o-n hands till he #leansed the inside o, his body, and then a $old tray #ontainin$ a $old bo-l ,ull o, belie, and -isdom -as brou$ht and then Eabriel stu,,ed his #hest and throat blood )essels -ith it and then #losed it 0the #hest5. *e then as#ended -ith him to the hea)en o, the -orld and kno#ked on one o, its doors. 'he d-ellers o, the *ea)en asked, '"ho is it&' *e said, "Eabriel." 'hey said, ""ho is a##om anyin$ you&" *e said, "<uhammad." 'hey said, "*as he been #alled&" *e said, "Des" 'hey said, "*e is -el#omed." %o the d-ellers o, the *ea)en be#ame leased -ith his arri)al, and they did not kno-hat Allah -ould do to the (ro het on earth unless Allah in,ormed them. 'he (ro het met Adam o)er the nearest *ea)en. Eabriel said to the (ro het, "*e is your ,atherI $reet him." 'he (ro het $reeted him and Adam returned his $reetin$ and said, ""el#ome, O my %on! O -hat a $ood son you are!" Behold, he sa- t-o ,lo-in$ ri)ers, -hile he -as in the nearest sky. *e asked, ""hat are these t-o ri)ers, O Eabriel&" Eabriel said, "'hese are the sour#es o, the Nile and the Ju hrates." 'hen Eabriel took him around that *ea)en and behold, he sa- another ri)er at the bank o, -hi#h there -as a ala#e built o, earls and emerald. *e ut his hand into the ri)er and ,ound its mud like musk Adh,ar. *e asked, ""hat is this, O Eabriel&" Eabriel said, "'his is the =authar -hi#h your Bord has ke t ,or you." 'hen Eabriel as#ended 0-ith him5 to the se#ond *ea)en and the an$els asked the same 8uestions as those on the ,irst *ea)en, i.e., ""ho is it&" Eabriel re lied, "Eabriel". 'hey asked, ""ho is a##om anyin$ you&" *e said, "<uhammad." 'hey asked, "*as he been sent ,or&" *e said, "Des." 'hen they said, "*e is -el#omed.'' 'hen he 0Eabriel5 as#ended -ith the (ro het to the third *ea)en, and the an$els said the same as the an$els o, the ,irst and the se#ond *ea)ens had said. 'hen he as#ended -ith him to the ,ourth *ea)en and they said the sameI and then he as#ended -ith him to the ,i,th *ea)en and they said the sameI and then he as#ended -ith him to the si+th *ea)en and they said the sameI then he as#ended -ith him to the se)enth *ea)en and they said the same. On ea#h *ea)en there -ere ro hets -hose names he had mentioned and o, -hom I remember Idris on the se#ond *ea)en, Aaron on the ,ourth *ea)ens another ro het -hose name I don't remember, on the ,i,th *ea)en, Abraham on the si+th *ea)en, and <oses on the se)enth *ea)en be#ause o, his ri)ile$e o, talkin$ to Allah dire#tly. <oses said 0to Allah5, "O Bord! I thou$ht that none -ould be raised u abo)e me."


But Eabriel as#ended -ith him 0the (ro het5 ,or a distan#e abo)e that, the distan#e o, -hi#h only Allah kno-s, till he rea#hed the Bote 'ree 0beyond -hi#h none may ass5 and then the Irresistible, the Bord o, *onor and <a/esty a roa#hed and #ame #loser till he 0Eabriel5 -as about t-o bo- len$ths or 0e)en5 nearer. 0It is said that it -as Eabriel -ho a roa#hed and #ame #loser to the (ro het. 0Fate Al.Bari (a$e 137, 139, Vol. 1@5. Amon$ the thin$s -hi#h Allah re)ealed to him then, -as: "Fi,ty rayers -ere en/oined on his ,ollo-ers in a day and a ni$ht." 'hen the (ro het des#ended till he met <oses, and then <oses sto ed him and asked, "O <uhammad ! "hat did your Bord en /oin u on you&" 'he (ro het re lied," *e en/oined u on me to er,orm ,i,ty rayers in a day and a ni$ht." <oses said, "Dour ,ollo-ers #annot do thatI Eo ba#k so that your Bord may redu#e it ,or you and ,or them." %o the (ro het turned to Eabriel as i, he -anted to #onsult him about that issue. Eabriel told him o, his o inion, sayin$, "Des, i, you -ish." %o Eabriel as#ended -ith him to the Irresistible and said -hile he -as in his la#e, "O Bord, lease li$hten our burden as my ,ollo-ers #annot do that." %o Allah dedu#ted ,or him ten rayers -here u on he returned to <oses -ho sto ed him a$ain and ke t on sendin$ him ba#k to his Bord till the en/oined rayers -ere redu#ed to only ,i)e rayers. 'hen <oses sto ed him -hen the rayers had been redu#ed to ,i)e and said, "O <uhammad! By Allah, I tried to ersuade my nation, Bani Israel to do less than this, but they #ould not do it and $a)e it u . *o-e)er, your ,ollo-ers are -eaker in body, heart, si$ht and hearin$, so return to your Bord so that *e may li$hten your burden." 'he (ro het turned to-ards Eabriel ,or ad)i#e and Eabriel did not disa ro)e o, that. %o he as#ended -ith him ,or the ,i,th time. 'he (ro het said, "O Bord, my ,ollo-ers are -eak in their bodies, hearts, hearin$ and #onstitution, so li$hten our burden." On that the Irresistible said, "O <uhammad!" the (ro het re lied, "Babbaik and %a`daik." Allah said, "'he "ord that #omes ,rom <e does not #han$e, so it -ill be as I en/oined on you in the <other o, the Book." Allah added, "J)ery $ood deed -ill be re-arded as ten times so it is ,i,ty 0 rayers5 in the <other o, the Book 0in re-ard5 but you are to er,orm only ,i)e 0in ra#ti#e5." 'he (ro het returned to <oses -ho asked, ""hat ha)e you done&" *e said, "*e has li$htened our burden: *e has $i)en us ,or e)ery $ood deed a ten,old re-ard." <oses said, "By Allah! I tried to make Bani Israel obser)e less than that, but they $a)e it u . %o $o ba#k to your Bord that *e may li$hten your burden ,urther." Allah's A ostle said, "O <oses! By Allah, I ,eel shy o, returnin$ too many times to my Bord." On that Eabriel said, ":es#end in Allah's Name." 'he (ro het then -oke -hile he -as in the %a#red <os8ue 0at <e##a5. 9.3C9: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: 'he (ro het said, "Allah -ill say to the eo le o, (aradise, "O the eo le o, (aradise!" 'hey -ill say, 'Babbaik, O our Bord, and %a`daik, and all the $ood is in Dour *ands!' Allah -ill say, "Are you satis,ied&' 'hey -ill say, '"hy shouldn't -e be satis,ied, O our Bord as Dou ha)e $i)en us -hat Dou ha)e not $i)en to any o, Dour #reated bein$s&' *e -ill say, '%hall I not $i)e you somethin$ better than that&' 'hey -ill say, 'O our Bord! "hat else #ould be better than that&' *e -ill say, 'I besto- <y (leasure on you and -ill ne)er be an$ry -ith you a,ter that.' " 9.31C: Narrated Abu *uraira: On#e the (ro het -as rea#hin$ -hile a bedouin -as sittin$ there. 'he (ro het said, "A man ,rom amon$ the eo le o, (aradise -ill re8uest Allah to allo- him to #ulti)ate the land Allah -ill say to him, '*a)en't you $ot -hate)er you desire&' *e -ill re ly, 'yes, but I like to #ulti)ate the land 0Allah -ill ermit him and5 he -ill so- the seeds, and -ithin se#onds the lants -ill $ro- and ri en and 0the yield5 -ill be har)ested and iled in hea s like mountains. On that Allah -ill say 0to him5, "'ake, here you are, O son o, Adam, ,or nothin$ satis,ies you.' "On that the bedouin said, "O Allah's A ostle! %u#h man must be either ,rom ?uraish or ,rom Ansar, ,or they are ,armers -hile -e are not." On that Allah's A ostle smiled . 9.311: Narrated `Abdullah: 92

I asked Allah's A ostle ""hat is the bi$$est sin in the si$ht o, Allah&" *e said, "'o set u ri)als unto Allah thou$h *e alone #reated you." I said, "In ,a#t, that is a tremendous sin," and added, ""hat ne+t&" *e said, "'o kill your son bein$ a,raid that he may share your ,ood -ith you." I ,urther asked, ""hat ne+t&" *e said, "'o #ommit ille$al se+ual inter#ourse -ith the -i,e o, your nei$hbor." 9.311: Narrated `Abdullah: '-o erson o, Bani 'ha8i, and one ,rom ?uarish 0or t-o ersons ,rom ?uraish and one ,rom Bani 'ha8i,5 -ho had ,at bellies but little -isdom, met near the =a`ba. One o, them said, ":id you see that Allah hears -hat -e say& " 'he other said, "*e hears us i, -e s eak aloud, but *e does not hear i, -e s eak in stealthy 8uietness 0so,tly5." 'he third ,ello- said, "I, *e hears -hen -e s eak aloud, then *e surely hears us i, -e s eak in stealthy 8uietness 0so,tly5." %o Allah re)ealed the Verse:.. 'And you ha)e not been s#reenin$ a$ainst yoursel)es, lest your ears, and your eyes and your skins should testi,y a$ainst you..." 091.115 9.317: Narrated `Ikrima: Ibn `Abbas said, "*o- #an you ask the eo le o, the %#ri tures about their Books -hile you ha)e Allah's Book 0the ?ur'an5 -hi#h is the most re#ent o, the Books re)ealed by Allah, and you read it in its ure undistorted ,orm&" 9.319: Narrated '6baidullah bin `Abdullah: `Abdullah bin `Abbas said, "O the $rou o, <uslims! *o- #an you ask the eo le o, the %#ri tures about anythin$ -hile your Book -hi#h Allah has re)ealed to your (ro het #ontains the most re#ent ne-s ,rom Allah and is ure and not distorted& Allah has told you that the eo le o, the %#ri tures ha)e #han$ed some o, Allah's Books and distorted it and -rote somethin$ -ith their o-n hands and said, ''his is ,rom Allah, so as to ha)e a minor $ain ,or it. "on't the kno-led$e that has #ome to you sto you ,rom askin$ them& No, by Allah, -e ha)e ne)er seen a man ,rom them askin$ you about that 0the Book Al.?ur'an 5 -hi#h has been re)ealed to you. 9.312: Narrated <usa bin Abi `Aisha: %a`id bin Aubair re orted ,rom Ibn `Abbas 0re$ardin$ the e+ lanation o, the Verse: ':o not mo)e your ton$ue #on#ernin$ 0the ?ur'an5 to make haste there-ith5 . *e said, "'he (ro het used to under$o $reat di,,i#ulty in re#ei)in$ the :i)ine Ins iration and used to mo)e his li s.' Ibn `Abbas said 0to %a`id5, "I mo)e them 0my li s5 as Allah's A ostle used to mo)e his li s." And %a`id said 0to me5, "I mo)e my li s as I sa- Ibn `Abbas mo)in$ his li s," and then he mo)ed his li s. %o Allah re)ealed:.. '0O <uhammad!5 :o not mo)e your ton$ue #on#ernin$ 0the ?ur'an5 to make haste there-ith. It is ,or 6s to #olle#t it and $i)e you 0O <uhammad5 the ability to re#ite it. 0i.e., to #olle#t it in your #hest and then you re#ite it5.' 0@2.13.1@5 But -hen "e ha)e re#ited it, to you 0O <uhammad throu$h Eabriel5 then ,ollo- you its re#ital.' 0@2.145 'his means, "Dou should listen to it and kee 8uiet and then it is u on 6s to make you re#ite it." 'he narrator added, "%o Allah's A ostle used to listen -hene)er Eabriel #ame to him, and -hen Eabriel le,t, the (ro het -ould re#ite the ?ur'an as Eabriel had re#ited it to him." 9.313: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: re$ardin$ the e+ lanation o, the Verse:.. '0O <uhammad!5 Neither say your rayer aloud, nor say it in a lo- tone.' 01@.11C5 'his Verse -as re)ealed -hile Allah's A ostle -as hidin$ himsel, at <e##a. At that time, -hen he led his #om anions in rayer, he used to raise his )oi#e -hile re#itin$ the ?ur'anI and i, the a$ans heard him, they -ould abuse the ?ur'an, its ;e)ealer, and the one -ho brou$ht it. %o Allah said to *is (ro het: "Neither say your rayer aloud. i.e., your re#itation 0o, ?ur'an5 lest the a$ans should hear 0it5 and abuse the ?ur'an" nor say it in a lo- tone, "lest your )oi#e should ,ail to rea#h your #om anions, "but ,ollo- a -ay bet-een." 01@.11C5 9.31@: Narrated `Aisha: 93

'he Verse:.. '0O <uhammad!5 Neither say your rayer aloud nor say it in a lo- tone.' 01@.11C5 -as re)ealed in #onne#tion -ith the in)o#ations. 9.314: Narrated Abu %alama: Abu *uraira said, "Allah's A ostle said, '"hoe)er does not re#ite ?ur'an in a ni#e )oi#e is not ,rom us,' and others said e+tra," 0that means5 to re#ite it aloud." 9.319: Narrated Abu *uraira: Allah's A ostle said, "Not to -ish to be the like o, e+#e t the like o, t-o men: a man -hom Allah has $i)en the ?ur'an and he re#ites it durin$ the hours o, the ni$ht and the hours o, the day, in -hi#h #ase one may say, "I, I -ere $i)en the same as this man has been $i)en, I -ould do the same as he is doin$.' 'he other is a man -hom Allah has $i)en -ealth and he s ends it in the ri$ht -ay, in -hi#h #ase one may say, 'I, I -ere $i)en the same as he has been $i)en, I -ould do the same as he is doin$." 9.31C: Narrated %alim's ,ather: 'he (ro het said, "Not to -ish to be the like o, e+#e t the like o, t-o 0 ersons5: a man -hom Allah has $i)en the kno-led$e o, the ?ur'an and he re#ites it durin$ the hours o, the ni$ht and the hours o, the dayI and a man -hom Allah has $i)en -ealth and he s ends it 0in Allah's Gause5 durin$ the hours o, the ni$ht and durin$ the hours o, the day." 9.311: Narrated Al.<u$hira: Our (ro het has in,ormed us our Bord's <essa$e that -hoe)er o, us is martyred, -ill $o to (aradise. 9.311: Narrated `Aisha: "hoe)er tells you that the (ro het #on#ealed somethin$ o, the :i)ine Ins iration, do not belie)e him, ,or Allah said: 'O A ostle <uhammad! (ro#laim 0the <essa$e5 -hi#h has been sent do-n to you ,rom your Bord, and i, you do it not, then you ha)e not #on)eyed *is <essa$e.' 02.3@5 9.317: Narrated `Abdullah: A man said, "O Allah's A ostle! "hi#h sin is the bi$$est in Allah's %i$ht&" 'he (ro het said, "'o set u ri)als unto Allah thou$h *e Alone #reated you." 'hat man said, ""hat is ne+t&" 'he (ro het said, "'o kill your son lest he should share your ,ood -ith you.'' 'he man said, ""hat is ne+t&" 'he (ro het said, "'o #ommit ille$al se+ual inter#ourse -ith the -i,e o, your nei$hbor." 'hen Allah re)ealed in #on,irmation o, that: "And those -ho in)oke not -ith Allah any other $od, nor kill su#h li,e as Allah has made sa#red e+#e t ,or /ust #ause, nor #ommit ille$al se+ual inter#ourse and -hoe)er does this shall re#ei)e the unishment..... 012.345 9.319: Narrated Ibn `6mar: Allah's A ostle said, "Dour stay 0in this -orld5 in #om arison to the stay o, the nations re#edin$ you, is like the eriod bet-een `Asr rayer and the sun set 0in #om arison to a -hole day5. 'he eo le o, the 'orah -ere $i)en the 'orah and they a#ted on it till midday and then they -ere unable to #arry on. And they -ere $i)en 0a re-ard e8ual to5 one ?irat ea#h. 'hen the eo le o, the Eos el -ere $i)en the Eos el and they a#ted on it till `Asr (rayer and then they -ere unable to #arry on, so they -ere $i)en la re-ard e8ual to5 one ?irat ea#h. 'hen you -ere $i)en the ?ur'an and you a#ted on it till sunset, there,ore you -ere $i)en 0a re-ard e8ual to5 t-o ?irats ea#h. On that, the eo le o, the %#ri tures said, ''hese eo le 0<uslims5 did less -ork than -e but they took a bi$$er re-ard.' Allah said 0to them5. '*a)e I done any o ression to you as re$ards your ri$hts&' 'hey said, "No." 'hen Allah said, ''hat is <y Blessin$ -hi#h I $rant to -homsoe)er I -ill.' " 9.312: Narrated Ibn <as`ud:


A man asked the (ro het ""hat deeds are the best&" 'he (ro het said: 015 'o er,orm the 0daily #om ulsory5 rayers at their 0early5 stated ,i+ed times, 015 'o be $ood and duti,ul to one's o-n arents. 075 and to arti#i ate in Aihad in Allah's Gause." 9.313: Narrated Al.*asan: `Amr bin 'a$hlib said, "%ome ro erty -as $i)en to the (ro het and he $a)e it to some eo le and -ithheld it ,rom some others. 'hen he #ame to kno- that they 0the latter5 -ere dissatis,ied. %o the (ro het said, 'I $i)e to one man and lea)e 0do not $i)e5 another, and the one to -hom I do not $i)e is dearer to me than the one to -hom I $i)e. I $i)e to some eo le be#ause o, the im atien#e and dis#ontent resent in their hearts, and lea)e other eo le be#ause o, the #ontent and $oodness Allah has besto-ed on them, and one o, them is `Amr bin 'a$hlib." `Amr bin 'a$hlib said, "'he senten#e -hi#h Allah's A ostle said in my ,a)or is dearer to me than the ossession o, ni#e red #amels." 9.31@: Narrated Anas: 'he (ro het said, "<y Bord says, 'I, <y sla)e #omes nearer to me ,or a s an, I $o nearer to him ,or a #ubitI and i, he #omes nearer to <e ,or a #ubit, I $o nearer to him ,or the s an o, outstret#hed armsI and i, he #omes to <e -alkin$, I $o to him runnin$.' " 9.314: Narrated Abu *uraira: (erha s the (ro het mentioned the ,ollo-in$ 0as Allah's %ayin$5: "I, <y sla)e #omes nearer to <e ,or a s an, I $o nearer to him ,or a #ubitI and i, he #omes nearer to <e ,or a #ubitI I $o nearer to him ,or the s an o, outstret#hed arms. 0%ee *adith No. 2C15 9.319: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said that your Bord said, "J)ery 0sin,ul5 deed #an be e+ iatedI and the ,ast is ,or <e, so I -ill $i)e the re-ard ,or itI and the smell -hi#h #omes out o, the mouth o, a ,astin$ erson, is better in Allah's %i$ht than the smell o, musk." 0%ee *adith No. 2495 9.37C: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het said that his Bord said: "It does not be,it a sla)e that he should say that he is better than Aonah 0Dunus5 bin <atta. 9.371: Narrated %hu`ba: <u'a-iya bin ?urra re orted that `Abdullah bin Al.<a$ha,,al Al.<uHani said, "I sa- Allah's A ostle on the day o, the Gon8uest o, <e##a, ridin$ his she.#amel and re#itin$ %urat.al.Fath 0945 or art o, %urat.al.Fath. *e re#ited it in a )ibratin$ and leasant )oi#e. 'hen <u'a-iya re#ited as `Abdullah bin <u$ha,,al had done and said, ""ere I not a,raid that the eo le -ould #ro-d around me, I -ould surely re#ite in a )ibratin$ leasant )oi#e as Ibn <u$ha,,al did, imitatin$ the (ro het." I asked <ua-iya, "*o- did he re#ite in that tone&" *e said thri#e, "A, A , A." 9.371: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he eo le o, the %#ri ture used to read the 'orah in *ebre- and e+ lain it to the <uslims in Arabi#. 'hen Allah's A ostle said, ":o not belie)e the eo le o, the %#ri ture, and do not disbelie)e them, but say, '"e belie)e in Allah and -hate)er has been re)ealed...' 07.495 9.377: Narrated Ibn `6mar: A Ae- and Ae-ess -ere brou$ht to the (ro het on a #har$e o, #ommittin$ an ille$al se+ual inter#ourse. 'he (ro het asked the Ae-s, ""hat do you 0usually5 do -ith them&" 'hey said, ""e bla#ken their ,a#es and dis$ra#e them." *e said, "Brin$ here the 'orah and re#ite it, i, you are truth,ul." 'hey 0,et#hed it and5 #ame and asked a one.eyed man to re#ite. *e -ent on re#itin$ till he rea#hed a ortion on -hi#h he ut his hand. 'he (ro het said, "Bi,t u your hand!" *e li,ted his hand u and behold, there a eared the )erse o, Ar.;a/m 0stonin$ o, the adulterers to death5. 'hen he said, 94

"O <uhammad! 'hey should be stoned to death but -e #on#eal this :i)ine Ba- amon$ oursel)es." 'hen the (ro het ordered that the t-o sinners be stoned to death and, and they -ere stoned to death, and I sa- the man rote#tin$ the -oman ,rom the stones. 0%ee *adith No. 4C9, Vol. 45 9.379: Narrated Abu *uraira: that he heard the (ro het sayin$, "Allah does not listen to anythin$ as *e listens to the re#itation o, the ?ur'an by a (ro het -ho re#ites it in attra#ti)e audible s-eet soundin$ )oi#e." 9.372: Narrated `Aisha: 0-hen the slanderers said -hat they said about her5: I -ent to my bed kno-in$ at that time that I -as inno#ent and that Allah -ould re)eal my inno#en#e, but by Allah, I ne)er thou$ht that Allah -ould re)eal in my ,a)or a re)elation -hi#h -ould be re#ited, ,or I #onsidered mysel, too unim ortant to be talked about by Allah in the :i)ine ;e)elation that -as to be re#ited. %o Allah re)ealed the ten Verses 0o, %urat.an.Nur5. ''hose -ho brou$ht a ,alse #har$e........' 019.11.1C5 9.373: Narrated Al.Bara': I heard the (ro het re#itin$ %urat at.'in -aH >aitun 0By the Fi$ and the Oli)e5 in the `Isha' rayer and I ha)e ne)er heard anybody -ith a better )oi#e or re#itation than his. 9.37@: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he (ro het -as hidin$ himsel, in <e##a and used to re#ite the 0?ur'an5 in a loud )oi#e. "hen the a$ans heard him they -ould abuse the ?ur'an and the one -ho brou$ht it, so Allah said to *is (ro het: 'Neither say your rayer aloud, nor say it in a lo- tone.' 01@.11C5 9.374: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abdur.;ahman: that Abu %a`id Al.=hudri said to him, "I see that you like shee and the desert, so -hen you are lookin$ a,ter your shee or -hen you are in the desert and -ant to ronoun#e the Adhan, raise your )oi#e, ,or no Ainn, human bein$ or any other thin$s hear the <u`adh.dhin's )oi#e but -ill be a -itness ,or him on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion." Abu %a`id added, "I heard this ,rom Allah's A ostle." 9.379: Narrated `Aisha: 'he (ro het used to re#ite the ?ur'an -ith his head in my la -hile I used to be in my eriods 0ha)in$ menses5. 9.39C: Narrated `6mar bin Al.=hattab: I heard *isham bin *akim re#itin$ %urat.al.Fur8an durin$ the li,etime o, Allah's A ostle, I listened to his re#itation and noti#ed that he -as re#itin$ in a -ay that Allah's A ostle had not tau$ht me. I -as about to /um o)er him -hile *e -as still in rayer, but I -aited atiently and -hen he ,inished his rayer, I ut my sheet round his ne#k 0and ulled him5 and said, ""ho has tau$ht you this %ura -hi#h I ha)e heard you re#itin$&" *isham said, "Allah's A ostle tau$ht it to me." I said, "Dou are tellin$ a lie, ,or he tau$ht it to me in a -ay di,,erent ,rom the -ay you ha)e re#ited it!" 'hen I started leadin$ 0dra$$ed5 him to Allah's A ostle and said 0to the (ro het5, " I ha)e heard this man re#itin$ %urat.al. Fur8an in a -ay that you ha)e not tau$ht me." 'he (ro het said: "0O `6mar5 release him! ;e#ite, O *isham." *isham re#ited in the -ay I heard him re#itin$. Allah's A ostle said, "It -as re)ealed like this." 'hen Allah's A ostle said, ";e#ite, O `6mar!" I re#ited in the -ay he had tau$ht me, -hereu on he said, "It -as re)ealed like this," and added, "'he ?ur'an has been re)ealed to be re#ited in se)en di,,erent -ays, so re#ite o, it -hi#he)er is easy ,or you ." 0%ee *adith No. 219, Vol. 35 9.391: Narrated `Imran: I said, "O Allah's A ostle! "hy should a doer 0 eo le5 try to do $ood deeds&' 'he (ro het said, "J)erybody -ill ,ind easy to do su#h deeds as -ill lead him to his destined la#e ,or -hi#h he has been #reated.' 99

9.391: Narrated `Ali: "hile the (ro het -as in a ,uneral ro#ession, he took a sti#k and started s#ra in$ the earth -ith it and said, "'here is none o, you but has his la#e assi$ned either in *ell or in (aradise." 'hey 0the eo le5 said, "%hall -e not de end u on that 0and $i)e u doin$ any deeds5&' *e said, " Garry on doin$ 0$ood deeds5 ,or e)erybody -ill ,ind it easy to do su#h deeds as -ill lead him to his destined la#e ,or -hi#h he has been #reated ." 0And then the (ro het re#ited the Verse5:.. 'As ,or him -ho $i)es 0in #harity5 and kee s his duty to Allah...' 091.25 9.397: Narrated Abu *uraira: I heard Allah's A ostle sayin$, "Be,ore Allah #reated the #reations, *e -rote a Book 0-herein *e has -ritten5: <y <er#y has re#eded my An$er." and that 0Book5 is -ritten -ith *im o)er the 'hrone." 9.399: Narrated >ahdam: 'here -ere $ood relations and brotherhood bet-een this tribe o, Aurm and the Ash`ariyyin. On#e, -hile -e -ere sittin$ -ith Abu <usa Al.Ash`ari, there -as brou$ht to him a meal -hi#h #ontained #hi#ken meat, and there -as sittin$ beside him, a man ,rom the tribe o, Bani 'aimul.lah -ho looked like one o, the <a-ali. Abu <usa in)ited the man to eat but the man said, "I ha)e seen #hi#ken eatin$ some dirty thin$s, and I ha)e taken an oath not to eat #hi#ken." Abu <usa said to him, "Gome alon$, let me tell you somethin$ in this re$ard. On#e I -ent to the (ro het -ith a ,e- men ,rom Ash`ariyyin and -e asked him ,or mounts. 'he (ro het said, By Allah, I -ill not mount you on anythin$I besides I do not ha)e anythin$ to mount you on.' 'hen a ,e- #amels ,rom the -ar booty -ere brou$ht to the (ro het, and he asked about us, sayin$, '"here are the $rou o, Ash`ariyyin&' %o he ordered ,or ,i)e ,at #amels to be $i)en to us and then -e set out. "e said, '"hat ha)e -e done& Allah's A ostle took an oath that he -ould not $i)e us anythin$ to ride and that he had nothin$ ,or us to ride, yet he ro)ided us -ith mounts. "e made Allah's A ostle ,or$et his oath! By Allah, -e -ill ne)er be su##ess,ul.' %o -e returned to him and reminded him o, his oath. *e said, 'I ha)e not ro)ided you -ith the mount, but Allah has done so. By Allah, I may take an oath to do somethin$, but on ,indin$ somethin$ else -hi#h is better, I do that -hi#h is better and make the e+ iation ,or my oath.' " 9.392: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 'he dele$ates o, `Abdul ?ais #ame to Allah's A ostle and said, "'he a$ans o, the tribe o, <udar inter)ene bet-een you and us there,ore -e #annot #ome to you e+#e t in the *oly months. %o lease order us to do somethin$ $ood 0;eli$ious deeds5 by -hi#h -e may enter (aradise 0by a#tin$ on them5 and -e may in,orm our eo le -hom -e ha)e le,t behind to obser)e it." 'he (ro het said, "I order you to do ,our thin$s and ,orbid you ,rom ,our thin$s: I order you to belie)e in Allah. :o you kno-hat is meant by belie, in Allah& It is to testi,y that none has the ri$ht to be -orshi ed e+#e t Allah, to o,,er rayers er,e#tly, to $i)e >akat, and to $i)e Al.=humus 0one.,i,th o, the -ar booty5 0in Allah's Gause5. And I ,orbid you ,our thin$s, 0i.e., :o not drink al#oholi# drinks5 Ad.:ubba, An. Na8ir, 0 it#hed -ater skins5, AH.>uru,, Al.<uHa,,at and Al..*antam 0names o, utensils used ,or the re aration o, al#oholi# drinks5." 0%ee *adith No. 2C, Vol. 15 9.393: Narrated Aisha: Allah's A ostle said, "'he ainter o, these i#tures -ill be unished on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion, and it -ill be said to them, <ake ali)e -hat you ha)e #reated.' " 9.39@: Narrated Ibn `6mar: 'he (ro het said, "'he ainters o, these i#tures -ill be unished on the :ay o, ;esurre#tion, and it -ill be said to them, '<ake ali)e -hat you ha)e #reated." 9.394: Narrated Abu *uraira:


I heard the (ro het sayin$, "Allah said, '"ho are most un/ust than those -ho try to #reate somethin$ like <y #reation& I #hallen$e them to #reate e)en a smallest ant, a -heat $rain or a barley $rain.' " 9.399: Narrated Abu <usa: 'he (ro het said, ''he e+am le o, a belie)er -ho re#ites the ?ur'an is that o, a #itron 0a #itrus ,ruit5 -hi#h is $ood in taste and $ood in smell. And the belie)er -ho does not re#ite the ?ur'an is like a date -hi#h has a $ood taste but no smell. And the e+am le o, an im ious erson -ho re#ites the ?ur'an is that o, Ar.;ihana 0an aromati# lant5 -hi#h smells $ood but is bitter in taste. And the e+am le o, an im ious erson -ho does not re#ite the ?ur'an is that o, a #olo#ynth -hi#h is bitter in taste and has no smell." 9.32C: Narrated `Aisha: %ome eo le asked the (ro het re$ardin$ the soothsayers. *e said, "'hey are nothin$." 'hey said, "O Allah's A ostle! %ome o, their talks #ome true." 'he (ro het said, "'hat -ord -hi#h ha ens to be true is -hat a Ainn snat#hes a-ay by stealth 0,rom the *ea)en5 and ours it in the ears o, his ,riend 0the ,oreteller5 -ith a sound like the #a#klin$ o, a hen. 'he soothsayers then mi+ -ith that -ord, one hundred lies." 9.321: Narrated Abu %a`id Al.=hudri: 'he (ro het said, "'here -ill emer$e ,rom the Jast some eo le -ho -ill re#ite the ?ur'an but it -ill not e+#eed their throats and -ho -ill $o out o, 0renoun#e5 the reli$ion 0Islam5 as an arro- asses throu$h the $ame, and they -ill ne)er #ome ba#k to it unless the arro-, #omes ba#k to the middle o, the bo- 0by itsel,5 0i.e., im ossible5. 'he eo le asked, ""hat -ill their si$ns be&" *e said, "'heir si$n -ill be the habit o, sha)in$ 0o, their beards5. 0Fath.ul.Bari, (a$e 711, Vol. 1@th5 9.321: Narrated Abu *uraira: 'he (ro het said, "0'here are5 t-o -ords -hi#h are dear to the Bene,i#ent 0Allah5 and )ery li$ht 0easy5 ,or the ton$ue 0to say5, but )ery hea)y in -ei$ht in the balan#e. 'hey are: '%ubhan Allah -a.bi hamdihi' and '%ubhan Allah Al.`AHim." 0%ee *adith No. 3@7, Vol. 45. Note: 'he #orre#t s ellin$ is <uhammad 0not "<ohammad", "<ohamad", "<uhamad", "<ouhamad", "<ouhammad", "<ohamed", "<ahomet", "<uhamet" or "<uhamed"5. LJnd o, Book M


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