Heat Transfer

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Heat Transfer

Heat waves A. B. C. D. can not pass through vacuum. travel in straight line. can be reflected by a mirror. both (b) and (c).

Answer: Option D Air is best heated with steam in a heat exchanger of A. B. C. D. plate type. double pipe type with fin on steam side. double pipe type with fin on air side. shell and tube type.

Answer: Option C Which of the following is generally considered as opaque surface towards radiations? A. B. C. D. Gases Solids Liquids Both (b) and (c)

Answer: Option D When vaporisation takes place directly at the heating surface, it is called A. B. C. D. film boiling nucleate boiling vapour binding none of these

Answer: Option B With increase in temperature, the thermal conductivity of non-metallic amorphous solids A. B. C. D. decreases increases remains constant first decreases upto certain temperature and then increases

Answer: Option B Fourier's law applies to the heat transfer by A. B. C. D. convection radiation conduction all (a), (b) & (c)

Answer: Option C Shell side pressure drop in a shell and tube heat exchanger does not depend upon the A. B. C. baffle spacing & shell diameter. tube diameter & pitch. viscosity, density & mass velocity of shell side fluid.

Heat Transfer
D. none of these. Answer: Option D the equation Q = UAt; t is A. B. C. D. geometric mean temperature difference. arithmetic mean temperature difference. logarithmic mean temperature difference. the difference of average bulk temperatures of hot and cold fluids.

Answer: Option C For an ideal black body A. B. C. D. absorptivity = 1 reflectivity = 1 emissivity = 0 transmissivity = 1

Answer: Option A Fouling factor A. B. C. D. is a dimensionless quantity. does not provide a safety factor for design. accounts for additional resistances to heat flow. none of these.

Answer: Option C In a heat exchanger, floating head is provided to A. B. C. D. facilitate cleaning of the exchanger. increase the heat transfer area. relieve stresses caused by thermal expansion. increase log mean temperature gradient.

Answer: Option C Kirchoff s law applies to __________ radiation. A. B. C. D. total monochromatic both (a) & (b) neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option C Baffles in the shell side of a shell and tube heat exchanger A. B. C. D. increase the cross-section of the shell side liquid. force the liquid to flow parallel to the bank. increase the shell side heat transfer co-efficient. decrease the shell side heat transfer co-efficient.

Answer: Option C The unit of heat transfer co-efficient in SI unit is A. J/M2K B. W/m2K

Heat Transfer
C. W/mK D. J/mK Answer: Option B The number of kg vaporised per kg of steam fed to the evaporator is defined as A. B. C. D. capacity rate of evaporation economy rate of vaporisation

Answer: Option C The equivalent diameter for pressure drop is __________ that for heat transfer. A. B. C. D. smaller than greater than equal to not related with

Answer: Option A Thermal conductivity of a conducting solid material depends upon its A. B. C. D. temperature porosity both (a) & (b) neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option C Which area is used in case of heat flow by conduction through a cylinder ? A. B. C. D. Logarithmic mean area Arithmetic mean area Geometric mean area None of these

Answer: Option A Finned tube heat exchangers A. B. C. D. give larger area per tube. use metal fins of low thermal conductivity. facilitate very large temperature drop through tube wall. are used for smaller heat load.

Answer: Option A The absorptivity of a grey body at a given temperature __________ with increasing wavelength of radiation. A. B. C. D. increases decreases remains constant may increase or decrease ; depends on the material

Answer: Option D Which one gives the monochromatic emissive power for black body radiation ? A. Planck's law

Heat Transfer
B. C. D. Kirchhoffs law Wien's law Stefan-Boltzman law

Answer: Option A For large heat transfer area requirement, shell and tube heat exchanger is preferred, because it A. B. C. D. occupies smaller space. is more economical. is easy to operate and maintain. all (a), (b) and (c).

Answer: Option D Temperature profile in steady state heat transfer is A. C. asymptotic parabolic B. D. hyperbolic linear

Answer: Option D Minimum recommended baffle spacing in a shell and tube heat exchanger is about (where, D = shell diameter) A. B. C. D. 0.2 D 0.5 D 0.66 D 0.80 D

Answer: Option A Stefan-Boltzman law which describes the radiation heat transfer states that, it is proportional to (where, t = temperature in C T = absolute temperature in K ) A. C. t4 1/t4 B. D. T4 1/T4

Answer: Option B What is the unit of thermal conductivity ? A. B. C. D. Kcal/hr. m2 C Kcal/hr.m.C Kcal/hr.m Kcal/hr. C

Answer: Option B It is not preferable to use superheated steam in evaporators, because of its very A. B. C. D. high temperature high pressure low film co-efficient none of these

Answer: Option C LMTD for counterflow and prallel flow heat exchanger will be the same, when the A. B. cold fluid is heated to a certain temperature by condensing steam (isothermal fluid). outlent temperature of both the hot and cold fluid are same.

Heat Transfer
C. D. outlet temperature of hot fluid is less than the outlet temperature of the cold fluid. none of these.

Answer: Option A Use of transverse baffles in a shell and tube heat exchanger is done to increase the A. B. C. D. rate of heat transfer. flow velocity. turbulence of shell side fluid. all (a), (b) and (c).

Answer: Option D With increase in temperature, the thermal conductivity of most liquids A. B. C. D. increases decreases remains same first increases upto a certain temperature and then becomes constant

Answer: Option B Heat transfer by __________ may not necessarily require the presence of a medium. A. B. C. D. conduction natural convection forced convection radiation

Answer: Option D In a shell and tube type heat exchanger, the floating tube bundle heat arrangement is used A. B. C. D. in low range of temperature differences. in high range of temperature differences. because of its low cost. to prevent corrosion of the tube bundles.

Answer: Option B Stefan-Boltzman law applies to __________ body. A. B. C. D. black white grey any colour

Answer: Option A A perfect black body is a perfect __________ of radiation. A. B. C. D. absorber emitter both (a) & (b) neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option C In case of parallel flow heat exchanger, the lowest temperature theoretically attainable by the hot fluid is __________ the outlet temperature of the cold fluid.

Heat Transfer
A. B. C. D. equal to more than less than either more or less than (depending upon the fluid)

Answer: Option A An equipment which converts the latent or sensible heat of one fluid into the latent heat of vaporisation of another, is called a A. B. C. D. boiler heat exchanger recuperator regenerator

Answer: Option B Planck's distribution law is valid for __________ bodies. A. B. C. D. black white coloured all (a), (b) & (c)

Answer: Option C Radiation energy is emitted by all the substances, which are above A. B. C. D. 0K 0C 100C room temperature

Answer: Option A jH factor for heat transfer is not a function of the __________ number. A. B. C. D. Reynolds Nusselt Grashoff both (b) & (c)

Answer: Option D For gases, the thermal conductivity increases with temperature rise. For liquids, with increase in concentration, its thermal conductivity generally A. B. C. D. decreases increases remains unchanged increases exponentially

Answer: Option A A 2-4 heat exchanger involves A. B. only counter-flow of fluids. only parallel-flow of fluids.

Heat Transfer
C. D. both counter and parallel-flow of the fluids. smaller pressure drop compared to 1-2 exchanger.

Answer: Option C In a liquid-liquid heat exchanger, for the same process temperature, the ratio of the LMTD in parallel flow to the LMTD in counter flow is always A. B. C. D. <1 >1 1

Answer: Option A With increase in temperature, the thermal conductivity of steel A. B. C. D. increases decreases remains unchanged increases exponentially

Answer: Option B Latent heat absorbed by 1 lb of water at 212F, when it is changed to steam at 212F, may be around __________ BTU. A. B. C. D. 180 970 3.97 none of these

Answer: Option A Heat transfer in the laminar sublayer in case of a liquid flowing through a pipe, is mostly by A. B. C. D. eddies current conduction convection none of these

Answer: Option B Among liquids, water has a comparatively high value of thermal conductivity, due to its A. B. C. D. low density high viscosity partial ionisation dense structure

Answer: Option C The sum of reflectivity and absorptivity for an opaque body is equal to A. C. 0.5 0 B. D. 1 2

Answer: Option B The film thickness for laminar film condensation on vertical surface __________ from top to bottom. A. cummulatively increases

Heat Transfer
B. C. D. cummulatively decreases remains constant and the surface conductance increase

Answer: Option A Heat transfer co-efficient (h1) for liquids increases with A. B. C. D. increasing temperature. decreasing temperature. decreasing Reynolds number. none of these.

Answer: Option A A hot body will radiate heat most rapidly, if its surface is A. B. C. D. white & rough black & rough white & polished black & polished

Answer: Option B What is the thermal conductivity of a perfect heat insulator ? A. B. C. D. zero one between 0 and

Answer: Option A Heat transfer occurs by natural convection because change in temperature causes difference in A. B. C. D. viscosity density thermal conductivity heat capacity

Answer: Option B If the baffle spacing in a shell and tube heat exchanger increases, then the Reynolds number of the shell side fluid A. B. C. D. remains unchanged. increases. increases or decreases depending on number of shell passes. decreases.

Answer: Option D __________ paint has the maximum absorption coefficient.

Heat Transfer
A. C. Black White B. D. Yellow Grey

Answer: Option A Steam traps are provided in steam carrying pipelines to A. B. C. D. condense steam. release excess steam pressure by bleeding steam. remove condensate and inert gases. none of these.

Answer: Option C A hot liquid is kept in a big room. The logorithm of the numerical value of the temperature difference between the liquid and the room is plotted against time. The plot will be very nearly a/an A. B. C. D. ellipse straight line parabola circular arc

Answer: Option B Radiation heat transfer rates does not depend upon the A. B. C. D. type of absorbing surface. distance between the heat source and the object receiving the heat. surface area and temperature of the heat source. none of these.

Answer: Option D Convective heat transfer, in which heat is transferred by movement of warmed matter is described by A. B. C. D. Fourier's law Newton's law of cooling Fick's law none of these

Answer: Option B Heat transfer rate per unit area is called A. B. C. thermal conductivity heat flux heat transfer co-efficient

Heat Transfer
D. thermal diffusivity Answer: Option B Log mean temperature difference (LMTD) cannot be used, if A. B. C. D. heat transfer co-efficient over the entire heat exchanger is not constant. there exists an unsteady state. the heat capacity is not constant and there is a phase change. none of these.

Answer: Option D In a multipass shell and tube heat exchanger, tube side return pressure loss is equal to __________ the velocity head. A. B. C. D. twice four times square root of square of

Answer: Option B For a given ambient air temperature with increase in the thickness of insulation of a hot cylinderical pipe, the rate of heat loss from the surface would A. B. C. D. decrease increase first decrease and then increase first increase and then decrease

Answer: Option D In a parallel flow heat exchanger, if the outlet temperature of hot and cold fluids are the same, then the log mean temperature difference (LMTD) is A. C. minimum zero B. D. maximum infinity

Answer: Option C Which of the following is unimportant in forced convection ? A. B. C. D. Reynolds number Prandtl number Grashhoff number none of these

Answer: Option C

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