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Cieateu by Alex Coisaio

Lesson Plan #1 (50 Minute Lesson)
! Lesson Topic: Introduction to Theatre of the Oppressed and Hope is Vital
! Big Idea: How is theatre used to tackle difficult issues?
! Skills and Understandings to be Emphasized:
! Audience behavior (active listening), and ability to stay on task.
! Assessment:
o Formative Assessment:
! Participation
o Homework: The homework will be short prompts that the students will write in their journals
and respond to before the next class. The homework will be given at the beginning of class to
make sure I do not run out of time at the ned of class.
! Journal assignment- What does bullying mean to you? Have you ever been a part of a
bullying situation?
! Sequence of Lesson:
o Warm Up: Circle Dash (10 min)
! Basic Idea: Everyone stands in a circle around one person whos standing in the middle.
The objects of the game is for any two people in the circle to silently signal each other
and switch places. The person in the middle tries to get to an open spot before the
switchers. The person left takes the spot in the middle. This is a silent game.
o Introduce Unit: (10 min)
! Theater of the Oppressed
! Augusto Boal:
Who he was?
Why he is important?
What impact did and does his work have on communities?
! Michael Rohd:
Who is he?
Why he is important?
What impact did and does his work have on communities?
o Brainstorming Activity: (25 min)
! Stuuents will stait by biainstoiming about "what is bullying." The teachei will
intiouuce the concepts of thiee "paities" involveu - bully, victim anu bystanuei.
! Then to help the stuuents expanu the cieative thinking piocess, the teachei will put
two sheets of papei (oi use the white boaiu) with the alphabet listeu veitically.
! Stuuents will be split into two teams. They will line up anu on "u0," they will iace to
wiite one woiu pei stuuent next to each lettei in the alphabet that ielates to
bullying. Theii team may help them if they get stuck in on a lettei (i.e. Q oi Z).
Whichevei team finishes fiist "wins."
o Wiap 0p: (S min)
! Class uiscussion:
Who heie thinks bullying is a pioblem at this school. I will just ask stuuents
to iaise theii hanu.
I will then say: Please turn to your neighbor and briefly explain why they do or
do not feel bullying is a problem in our school.
I will then say: Would anyone like to share what they told their partner.
If theie is not enough time to get to eveiyone who woulu like to shaie I will
tell them not to woiiy anu they shoulu wiite it in theii jouinal.

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