FF67 - Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation

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Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation

With this function, you can manually enter bank account statements you receive. This is used when it is not possible to export electronic bank statements from banks in a format that is interpretable by SAP.

Entering Bank Statement Data

Transaction code: FF67 SAP Menu Path:

First go to Settings->Specifications.

A window will pop-up. Fill in settings as shown below. Then click continue.

In the initial screen, key in as shown below. Field name Bank Key Bank Account Currency Statement Number Statement Date Opening Balance Closing Balance Posting date User action and values Same bank key that is used for outgoing payments Account number Account currency (e.g. EUR) (Mandatory) (Mandatory) (Mandatory) Should match closing balance of previous statement (Mandatory) If left blank, it will default to statement date

Hit <Enter> to proceed to data entry.

Transfer each line shown on the bank statement to a single line in this data entry screen. 1. Enter a transaction key for each record (in this example, IE01 for outgoing payments, IE02 for incoming receipts) 2. Enter amount (if outgoing payments, include negative sign -) 3. Enter reference number (if available, enter SAP payment document number) 4. Enter bank reference (if any) 5. If transaction is in foreign currency, enter foreign currency code and amount

Total amount from data entry

Closing balance minus opening balance

At the end of the data entry, click on to save the bank statement data. If there is a discrepancy in amounts (between statement overview and line items), system will prompt with warning message (see above).

This brings you back to the overview screen. This time, click on

again to post to accounting.

You will see a system message showing you that the statement has been posted. Refer to guide for transaction FEBA_BANK_STATEMENT for further processing.

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