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Deploying a StratusLab cloud

+C$ Summer Schoo, -udapest. /ungary! 1* 0u,y (111

StratusLab is co-funded by the European Communitys Seventh Framework Programme Capacities! "rant #greement $%SF&-'$-()1**( 1

Presentation Outline

Project overview and Goals StratusLab Cloud Distribution Reference Cloud Service Prerequisites Installation Configuration

!d"inistration Conclusions

StratusLab Project


Create comprehensive. open-source. $aaS c,oud distribution Focus on supporting grid services




1 0une (111321 4ay (11( ( years! ) partners from * countries -udget 5 262 47 (62 47 EC!




Site web5 http588stratus,ab6eu8 9witter5 :StratusLab Support5 support:stratus,ab6eu



Pri"ary #se Cases

Grid sites on top of cloud infrastructures

-ridge c,oud and grid techno,ogies <nderstand techno,ogy gaps and imp,ications from combining these two approaches in the same environment +emonstrate production ,eve, grid services on top of c,oud techno,ogies

Cloud$li%e approac&es for grid service provision

+ynamic management 8 E,asticity of computing resources =&-based authentication and authori>ation for accessing c,oud resources

Grid and Cloud Integrations

users "rid 'esource Center

"rid Services C,oud #P$ and Service 4anager #P$

StratusLab +istribution Private8Pub,ic C,oud

Pub,ic C,ouds

'arget #ser Co""unities( !pplication Do"ains

Syste" !d"inistrators

)ill use t&e StratusLab distribution to deploy t&eir own cloud infrastructure
*anual installation $nsta,,ation through the ?uattor system

Grid Site ad"inistrators

@i,, use a StratusLab-based c,oud infrastructure to dep,oy their "rid sites @i,, re-use eAisting app,iances with grid midd,eware or bui,d their own images

+nd #sers

Focus on Scientific app,ications same as with "rid app,ications! -ioinformatics community participates in the proBect C%'S8$-CP!6 Ear,y adopters of StratusLab techno,ogy @i,, run their app,ications either as "rid Bobs or by accessing computing resources direct,y from the c,oud #P$s6

So far, so good-

Series of public(preview releases of StratusLab distribution

Latest re,ease5 v161 0u,y (111! 'P4s avai,ab,e from the StratusLab repo5 http588yum6stratus,ab6eu &pen%ebu,a (6( core virtua, machine manager

Public reference cloud service

&perated by "'%E9 Provides access to eAterna, users6 'eDuests send to support:stratus,ab6eu -ased on the ,atest at time StratusLab re,ease

!ppliance repository

&perated by 9C+ &ffers base &S and app,iance images pre-cooked with app-,eve, software!6 $s evo,ving towards a E4arketp,aceF of =4 #pp,iances registry of =4 metadata G actua, images stored in the c,oud!

!rc&itecture of StratusLab v./0

#pp,iance 4anagement users
/99P S! 'ES9 $nterface StratusLab 4arketp,ace

$aaS C,oud
9C,oud Service 4anager C,audia! I4L-'PC J &CC$ =irtua, 4achine 4anager &pen%ebu,a! L=4 Ien =4ware M

#pp,iance Storage @eb. "rid. C,oud!

'ES98C+4$ Storage 4anager iSCS$ K! M

Physica, Computing 'esources

Physica, Storage 'esources


Reference deploy"ent

one/ )omman$s as onea$min a))t+

Cloud Admin.

F ron te nd
OpenNebula(XMLRPCon 2634) Ganglia StratusLab web monitor N S Ser!er (images" #Ms" onea$min)

h ps ://cloud-g rnet.s tra tus

Passwor$(less SS% a))ess *or onea$min a))t+

Nod e1
%&per!isor ('#M) Ganglia (gmon$) N SClient (images" #Ms" onea$min)

Nod e2
P&t,on CL- to %..P en$point %..P image trans*er ()url) %&per!isor ('#M) Ganglia (gmon$) N SClient (images" #Ms" onea$min)

User (Grid admin or app user)

Ap p lian c e sR e p os itory
h p://appliances .s tratus

. . .

Nod eN
%&per!isor ('#M) Ganglia (gmon$) N SClient (images" #Ms" onea$min)

In action1 2G$03$StratusLab

'&e first 456 fully virtuali7ed production grid site running on a cloud infrastructure

1 CE. H dua,-core @%s. 1 SE 29- of storage!. 1 gLite-#PEL monitoring node. 1 <$ Certified in "reek %"$. officia,,y part of the nationa, grid infrastructure "stat detai,s5 http588gstat-prod6cern6ch8gstat8site8/"-1C-StratusLab8


Grid admins

Grid end-users

Reduced ti"e to production *ini"i7e c&ances of downti"es due to &ardware proble"s +asier to quic%ly scale on &ig& load de"ands 2ardware ad"inistration delegated to cloud provider Cost$efficient access to co"puting resources

+8perience a "ore reliable Grid service

#dditiona, work is needed in order to eAp,oit the fu,, potentia, of the c,oud






e$ora454 Passwor$less4ss,4between4%24no$es4as4root 04running46%CP4ser!er (Optional)47ri$ge4)on*iguration


Installation Overview

Installation Methods


%ot as manua, as you think 5-! Set up the repository and insta,, StratusLab using manua, commands and preferences from the designated frontend node6


Faster. more comprehensive insta,,ation procedure Everything in one p,ace but "reater risk of prob,ems during insta,,ation

For this demonstration

Manual4-nstallation4will4be4use$"4to4gi!e4s&sa$mins4a4better4 i$ea4o*4t,e4prere9uisites4an$4pro)e$ures


Installation Overview 4:6


.,e4o**i)ial4repo4at4,ttp:11&um+stratuslab+eu1releases1*e$ora5414 One4pa);age4install:4&um4install4stratuslab()li(s&sa$min Optional:4stratuslab(web(monitor"4stratuslab(mar;etpla)e

DHCP configuration HW Node installation and configuration Frontend and node install Operational est practices


D2CP configuration

A note on ONE net or!ing

( network types FiAed or 'anged

FiAed5 $Ps assigned on a per 4#C basis from unmanaged +/CP server G predictab,e $P assignmen 'anged5 $Ps are not assigned in a predictab,e fashion i6e6 its up to an unmanaged +/CP server!

"#C$ con%iguration

Provide each 4#C with an $P in a predictab,e manner &%E wi,, be notified during insta,,ation from StratusLab too,s


*anual 2) node configuration

Net or!

4ake sure that a,, nodes have the correct bridges to the correct =L#%s if you are using seperate =L#%s! Stratus-insta,, can dea, with it during insta,,ation caveat5 this is a uti,ity that shou,d not be used G a restart wi,, inva,idate the configuration!

Node storage con%iguration

&%E has two modes of operation

SS/ with ,oca, storage Shared storage e6g6 nfs!

<sing either of those reDuires no configuration stratus-insta,,! Oou can use your favorite shared8distributed FS e6g6 "PFS. g,usterfs. ceph! with ,itt,e effort. provided you can mount it on 8var8,ib8one8

&etup pass ordless ssh %or root



PStratusLab-'e,easesQ nameRStratusLab-'e,eases baseur,Rhttp588yum6stratus,ab6eu8re,eases8fedora1; gpgcheckR1 Enab,edR1

)nstall pac!ages

yum insta,, stratus,ab-c,i-sysadmin 9hats itS


Installation 4:6

$re-install con%ig

stratus-config Gk stratus-config TkeyU Tva,ueU /uge number of options G few reDuired EAamp,e

*rontend and node install

stratus-insta,, stratus-insta,, Gn ThostnameU =erbosity is good -v. -vv!


)&at &appens5

User creation (oneadmin) ONE con%iguration (*E+ hosts+ ,nets) &er,ices con%ig (mainl( lib,irt/-emu) (Optionall() Net or! con%iguration (Optionall() N*& con%iguration

.uite a lot actuall(/


'esting t&e installation

Use current tools/ Cloud la(er admin (oneadmin) 0aunching )nstances 1roubleshooting

Get help %rom the communit(/ (


Installing goodies

3eb 4onitor

yum insta,, stratus,ab-web-monitor 8etc8init6d8httpd start


stratus-insta,, Gc,audia EAperimenta, sti,,S



Add/manage users

&ne-proAy or. the front-end! <ser credentia,s passwords or grid certs! Simp,y add8remove ,ines from a sing,e fi,e


oneauth Duota set M

5ac!ups 1ailoring (i.e. #ac!ing :-) )

O&<' user community shou,d drive the reDuirements6 9rade-offs e6g6 storage capacity vs disk $8&! EAtreme,y configurab,e dep,oyment G bash scripting know,edge


&tratus0ab or!ing on cloud / grid integration/interoperabilit( scenarios &tratus0ab 6.7 release 'e%erence cloud ser,ice publicl( a,ailable $roduction grid site running on re%erence cloud 3or!ing on elastic grid site %unctionalit( E8ploring grid-li!e access to cloud resources


;or "ore infor"ation-


i!i: http://

&upport mailing list: (also %or re-uesting access to the re%erence cloud ser,ice) Appliance 'epositor(: Git (source code): $ac!age repositor(: http://( OpenNebula tool!it: .uattor tool!it:


Copyright V (111. 4embers of the StratusLab co,,aboration5 Centre %ationa, de ,a 'echerche ScientifiDue. <niversidad Comp,utense de 4adrid. "reek 'esearch and 9echno,ogy %etwork S6#6. SiASD SWr,. 9e,efXnica $nvestigaciXn y +esarro,,o S#. and 9he Provost Fe,,ows and Scho,ars of the Co,,ege of the /o,y and <ndivided 9rinity of ?ueen E,i>abeth %ear +ub,in6 9his work is ,icensed under the Creative Commons #ttribution 261 <nported License http588creativecommons6org8,icenses8by82618


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