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May 31, 1927.

Filed April '23. 1926 '




Winslow 61 PII'ceJ/t

1 m,


May 31, 1927.

1,636,759 STATES. PATENT Gill/lilting.


Application ?led April 23, 1926. Serial N0. 104,110.


inders of such type, and an improved break tially a semi-cylindrical surface. it ' device for accomplishing such a result. To still further assure smooth fracture, I particular, this invention is useful in the have devised as a particular form ofpmy in manufacture of split bearing races such as vent-ion an internal expansion member pro are des bed and claimed in my application viding an even distribution of the expan tierial ivo. 76,006, ?led December 17, 1925, sion force of the wedge. I obtain this re and in my latent No. 1,498,748. sult by longitudinally machining the inner lo breaking hollow cylinders for use as surface of the cylinder and the two semi 1 bearing races of the type disclosed in the cylindrical surfaces of the members 0011-
prefer to apply force to the inner surface 1 thereby produce a positive inon-rotative of "he cylinder until sufficient tensile stress contact between the internal expansion mem

hollow cylintu s into axial sections. In gen and so shaped as to contact with the out eral, it inchu s a method of breaking cyl~ side surface of the cylinder along substan-v

"this invention relates tothe breaking of each side of the intended plane of fracture


above mentioned application and paten-hl tacting therewith, to form ribs and grooves.


is developed in the cylinder walls to vbreak ber and the inner surface of the cylinder the cylinder along axial lines previously that gives an even distribution of the cxpan~ l. .l or grooved, This force is applied to sion force of the wedge throughout the cyl the inner s rface of the cylinder through inder walls. '
out substan 'lly the entire area of the sur

face. .lt may be done by subjecting the cyl

senricvlindrical surface closely fitting the cylinder of Figure 1 showing the internal
tlr, of the cylinder, may be employed. A and external scorings'or grooves along which
. ii member, wedge-shaped, engages with

inder to the action of fluid pressure, or by tion, which is to be taken in conjunction ?lling the cylinder with a soft metal, such as with the accompanying drawings wherein: lead, and applying su?icient pressure to (t-i118 Figure 1 is a perspective view of a hear metal to break the cylinder. Furthermore, ing cylinder in the manufacture of which an expansion device comprising two mem this invention may be used; bers each having one plane surface and one Figure 2 is a cross section of the bearing

considering the following detailed descrip 1.

My invention can be best understood by


the cylinder fractures upon breaking;

Figure 3 is an elevation showing a bear

llitt} plane surface of each of the other mem

lr ken. '

bin .5 to force them apart until the cylinder is ing cylinder placed over an internal expan

l have found when using such a. device in Figure Al is an elevation showing one form practice that at times there is a tendency of a complete breaking device; for one side of the cylinder to break before F igure 5 is a section through Figure 4: the oil .1 with the result that a hinging ac on the line 5M5; lion ta. 3 place about the side last to break. Figure 6 is an elevation of another form
lhis leads to a distortion of the line of

sion member;

fracture and sometimes a damaging of the broken surface itself. The importance of such a condition is particularly emphasized
for such cases where the cylinder or hear

of a complete breaking device; Figure 7 is a section through Figure 6

on the line 7-77. ' y

ing completely machined before fractur ings, and the embodiment of the invention iug. iliny slight distortion or feathering of illustrated therein, it will be understood that
thcfracture then becomes extremely un

In describingthe invention more in detail in connection with the accompanying draw


the drawings as well as the description are v intended to be illustrative of the invention, in order to avoid the various above men and not to be limited to use in the manu

duce straight line separation of the broken bearing cylinders described in my previously tionsthereof. Any tendency for a hing mentioned application and patent. The ing action thus eliminated. In general, scorings along which the cylinder breaks are a i be accomplished by a pair of spring clearly shown in Figure 2. It is this type of bearing cylinder that is shown in the

tioned di'liicultics, l have constructed a facture of the particular type of hearing breaking device having an external yoke, I have illustrated therein. partially surroundingthe cylii'ider, to pro Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the type of


The cylinder to be broken is shown at l. and

scription as constituting one use for the the two external diametrically opposite shoes partially surrounding" it at 5, The sub breaking device of this application. struitially semi-cylindrical inner surface ll) Figure 3 shows a form of theinternal expansion member with a bearing cylinder of the shoes contacts with the outer surface

drawings and that is described in the de


in position for breaking without the use out2 oi the cylinder. The bolts and springs are the external compression shoes. The hear as previous-?y d v'crihed.

ing cylinder

lu-iucis the scored seetioiu: midway members having external, semi~cylindrical which surfaces contacting with the inner surface between the two shoes and subshuuially in

indicated at 1, and the two

lWith the cylinder in the position slmwu,


of the cylinder are shown at 2-2. Each of line with the wedge, the wcduje 2, is graduah these members may be provided wit-ha base ly forced between the members 2, :2 and a.

portion 4t forming a support for holding the tensile stress developed across the scored member in an upright position. The inner section of the cylinder. If this stress be

axis of the cylinder, and a wedge 3 inserted break at that point. As the oxiiuinsiou grad between them as shown. The grooves along ually increases the shoes 5, will slide later which the cylinder is to be broken should ally along the bolts 6 against the action oi
Such a position leads to a more even distri
it all times there is a constant conipi *' .

surfaces of the members are inclined to the comes great enough the cylinder wall will


preferably be as nearly as possible in line the springs Tj, the amount depending; upon with the longitudinal plane of the wedge, the material of which the cylinder is made.

bution of the expansion force of the wedge, force being alerted upon the outer surface with the resultthat a more unitorm tensile of the cylinder tending to restrain any stressis developed across both lines of trac great outward movement. Since the shoes
l0 Li
ture. . . i a I

fit snugly over the bolts they are tree to

and di?iculties in obtaining a smooth clean betorethe other no hinging' action about fracture as outlined in the earlier discussion the line to break can result betaiuse such a would be present. The illustration makes rotative force applied to one side of the shoe clear the hinging action that can take place would immediately produce a binding action if one side shouldbreak before the other, and. that would lock the shoes against further . also the lack of any icons to prevent it movement. The closer the shoes lit the bolts the more instantaneous will such action be, should it occur. i . By placing a set of external restricting or and the more etleetive the restraining action compression shoes partially surrounding the of the shoes. From this it is evident that the cylinder, as shown in Figure 4, the possi shoes. hold the two halves of the eylirulers

move in but one di.recti<n1tl1at along the vice as shown inFigure 3, all of the troubles line 01' the bolts. Even if one side breaks

Ifthe cylinderwere, broken with the de


bility of such hinging action is eliminated. together in their original relation until both
The external member can he slipped over the scorings have broken and the tl'orce of expan

shoes 5, 5 are interconnected by bolts (5 and both sides break siuuiltaiuzously no bindinpr compressed together under the action of action will occur, and theshoes will scpa ate coil springs 7. The bolts have ?xed heads under the straight line force (it erqiansiou. 9 and adjustable nuts 8 to permit regulation It the mass of the shoes is made very large of the degree of spring compression. I have compared with the cylinder the restrictive

assembly of Figure 3, and adjusted to the sion has once more become a straight line position shown. The two parallelopipedal force parallel to the line of the bolts. llE

illustrated Jfour bolts, each having a coil force becomes still greater due. to theadded spring, but it is conceivable that 6 and per force needed to set such large masses in
motion. .

haps more could be used and that some other

To make a clean even break doubly sure form of spring loading could be adapted. In practice, however7 I have found four bolts I may combine the same external shoes with with a coil spring on each bolt to be very a somewhat dili'erent form of internal ex satisfactory. Alignment splines might also pansion member, as shown in Figure (l and
be provided.


pends upon the restraining action they offer a smooth internal expansion member may to any force other than that which is paral be due to uneven distrilmtion of the expan lel to the line of the bolts. Figure 5 perhaps sion force of the wedge through the cylinder makes such condition a little clearer and walls. A slight change in the position of also illustrates to better advantage the con the grooves away from the line oi. the wedge tact between the cylinder and the various would be SlllllClOlll. to produce diilfereut ieih
members oil the breaking device. In this ?gure the wedge is indicated at 8 and. the internal expansion members contacting; with the inner surface of the cylinder atQ, 2.

Figure 7. The tendency for one side to . The advantage oi such a set of shoes (lee break before the other, which may occur with

silo stress across the two scored sections,

granting, of course, that the cylinder is of uniform density throughout. .lrnother cause
might be the lack of a positive non-rotatrve



By. machining the semi-cylindrical sur external restricting member for restricting faces of the internal expansion member and the movement of said sections. also the inner surface of the cylinder1 to form 2. A breaking device for hollow cylinders 7 longitudinal ribs and grooves, as shown at comprising an internal expanding member.

location if the expansion member isfree to for applying forceto the inner, surface of move relatively to the cylinder. the cylinder to break itintosections .and an

tact surface might change conside'ably in comprisingan internal, expandingmember 70

contact between the expansion member and and scope. of the invention as. defined by. the the inner surface of the cylinder. Asthe appended claims. . cylinder expands under the force of the claim: . wedge the force distribution across the con LA breaking device for hollow cylinders

11, Figure 7, avpositive interlocking contact


between the two is obtained. If the cylinder the, inner surface of the cylinder to break it 1 is now placed over the internal expansion into sections. and an external restricting member 2', with the scoring in correct align member of. a plurality of parts for restrictQ so ment with the wedge. it will be locked in that ing- the movement of said sections. position until removed. Rotative movement 3. A breaking device for hollow cylinders orslipping of one about the other, is im~ comprising an external restrictingmember7 possible. .T he result is that when the wedge and an internal expandinglmember having .is driven down the expansion force will be two semi-cylindrical portions with . radii s.
and grooves to every part of the cylinder cylinder to be broken. the said semi-cylindri wall. As the cylinder expands the internal cal surfaces being adapted to, contact Wlt-ll.

of a plurality of parts "for applying force to .

transmitted through the interlocking ribs substantially equal to the bore of the short

member expands with it. always maintaining the inner surface of sald cylinder.

the same force distribution across the con

inc the wedge between the two )arts of the being wedge shaped and adapted to engage internal expansion member force is applied said plane surface so asto urge the said to the inner surface of the cylinder in such semi-cylindrical surfaces into contact with
k" b > .

con'iprising an external restricting member. ment of the ribs and grooves. The tensile and an internal expanding member composed then developed across each scored sec: of three portions, two of which have one tion will be of substantially the same magni~ plane surface undone semi-cylindrical sur tude. and both sides will break at the same face, the. semi-cyliiulrical surface having sub 95 time. p stantially thesame radius as that of the bore I have found such a breaking device as set of the cylinder to be broken, and the plane forth in the foregoing description and draw surface being adapted to be inclined to the ings to be verysatisfactory in use. By driv~ axis of said cylinder. the said third portion

tact surface because of the positive engage

4:. A ln'eakiug device for hollow cylinders so

surfaces of the members 2, 2 or 2, 2 ?t ex

breaking operation. The semi-cylindrical comprising an internal expandingmember 10

for applying force to the inner surface of actlythe inner surface of the cylinder, and the cylinder tobreak it into sections, and

the two sections of the cylinder during the

a manner that there is no tendency to distort the bore of the cylinder'to be broken.

A breaking device for hollow cylinders

In El

any great magnitude developed in the eyl= restricting the movement of said sections. 110 inder walls is a tensile stress across the 6. A breaking device for hollow cylinders scored sections. i comprising an internal expanding member In the one form characterized by the de for applying force to the inner surface of vice shown in Figure 4 any hinging action the cylinder. to break it into sections. and an 1 of the cylinder halves due to one side break external restricting member composed of two ing before the other is entirely neutralized parallclopip-edal shoes transversely yield by the binding action of the external shoes, able for restricting the movement of said and a perfect break is assured. In the other sections. form. illustrated in Figure 6, the ribbed and 7 . A breaking device for hollow cylinders 1. grooved contact surface of the internal mem comprising an internal expanding member her so distributes the expansion force that for applying force to the inner surface of the possibility of one side breaking ?rstv is said cylinder to break it into sections. an eliminated. and the compressing action of external restricting member composed of the external shoes assures a quick. sharp and two parallelopipedal shoes for restricting 1? UI simultaneous break at both scored sections. the movement of said sections and springs
and modifications can be made in the em_. ducetransverse movement in. a straight line. bodiment of my invention as illustrated and 8. A breaking deviceforhollow cylinders

cylinder; the result is that the only stress of ly surround the cylinder to be broken for

the concave portions of the two external an external restricting member composed of shoes 5. 5 tit exactly the outer surface of the two parallelopipedal shoes adapted to part~

is to be understood that. yarious changes controlling said external member to pro

described without departing from the spirit comprising an internal expanding member 1

for applying force, to the inner surface of ders comprising an external restricting the cylinder- to break it- into sections, and member, and an internal expanding member an external, transversely yieldable, restrict having a multiplicity of axial ribs and
the cylinder to be broken for restricting the positive \contact with the inner surface of 70 the cylinder to be broken. movement of said sections. a

ing member adapted to partially surround grooves on its outer surface adapted for


16. A breaking device for internally 9. k breaking-device for hollow cylinders comprising an internal expanding member, ribbed and grooved hollow cylinders com and an external, transversely yieidable, re prising an external restricting member, and stricting member adapted to prevent rota an internal expanding member having a

tion of at least a portion ofthe cylinder to multiplicity of axial ribs and grooves on be broken along any of its lines of fracture. its outer surface adapted to {it intothe ribs

10. A breaking device for hollow cylin and grooves on the inner surface of sand
comprising an internal ' expanding


cylinder, whereby positive and non-rotative

member for applying force to the inner sur

face of the cylinder to break it into sections,

and an external restricting member com

posed of two spring-loaded parallelopipedal

shoes each with aconcave inner surface of substantially the same radius as that of the

metrically contacting, between the scored 11. A breaking device for hollow cylin grooves, with the outer surface of said cyl a.) ders comprising an internal expanding inder, and applying a force to the inner member for applying force to theinner surface of the cylinder until said cylinder surface of the cylinder to break it into sec fractures along the scored grooves. 18. The method of breaking hollow cylin~ tions, and an external restricting member composed of two spring-loaded parallelo ders which comprises scoring one surface of pipedal shoes having concave inner surfaces a hollow cylinder with a groove; scoring adapted to diametrically contact with the the other surface of the cylinder; placing outside surface of the cylinder to be broken said cylinder over a device comprising two for restricting the movement of said sec members each with one semi~cylindrical sur face having a radius substantially equal to 35 12. A breaking device for hollow cylin that of the bore of said cylinder and a plane ders comprising an internal expanding surface longitudinally inclined to the axis member, and an external, transversely yield of said cylinder, and a third wedge-shamed
tions. a a

outside surface of the cylinder to be broken for restricting the movement of said sec stricting member comprising two shoes dia

contact is obtained between said expanding member and said cylinder. 17. The method of breaking hollow cylin derswhich comprises scoring one surface of a hollow cylinder with a groove, scoring the other surface of the cylinder, placing around said cylinder a spring-loaded re




able, restricting member composed of two memberadapted to urgesaid sc1nicylinc:lri parallelopipedal shoes having concave inner cal surfaces into contact with the inner sur surfaces adapted to diametrically contact face of said cylinder; placing around the with the outside surface of the cylinder to said so mounted cylinder a springdoaded be broken, and adapted to prevent rotation member comprising two shoes diametrically


of at least a portion of said cylinder about contacting, between the scored grooves, with the outer surface of the cylinder; and forc any of its lines of fracture. 13. A breaking device for hollow cylin mg said wedge-shaped member between the 110 ders comprising an internal expanding adjacent members of said device until the

member, and an external, transversely yield~ able, restricting member composed of two parallelopipedal shoes having inner faces adapted to be'diametrically opposed across the cylinder to be broken, andparallel to both a plane containing the longitudinal axis of the wedge of said internal expand ing member and any diameter containing
CI cu

cylinder fractures along the scored grooves. 19. The method of breaking hollow cylin ders which comprises scoring one surface of

a hollow cylinderwith a groove; scoring the 115

other surface of the cylinder; broaching the

inner surface of the cylinder to produce a

multiplicitybf ribs and grooves; placing

said cylinder over a device comprising two


members similarly ribbed and grooved'to lit the lines of fracture of said cylinder. 14. A breaking device for hollow cylin the inner surface of the cylinder with posi ders comprising an internal expanding tive, non~rotative contact, each of said mem member, and an external, restricting mem bers having one semi-cylindrical surface ber composed of two shoes adapted to be with a radius substantially equal to that of diametrically opposed across the cylinder the bore of said cylinder and a plane sin-face

to be broken and limited to a line of'motion longitudinally inclined to the axis of said


within or parallel to the plane containing cylinder, and a third wedge-shaped member the axis of said cylinder and the longitudi adapted to urge said semi~cylindrical sur~ faces into contact with the inner surface of nail axes of both shoes. 15. A breaking, device for hollow cylin said cylinder; placing around the said

niiounted cylinder a spring-loaded, trans

versely yieldable member adjusted to pre

ders, which consist-s in scoring one surface

of a cylindrical piece of metal with grooves

vent rotation of any portion of said cylinder having at least a portion thereof extending about any of its lines of fracture, and com at an angle to any plane containing the axis prising two shoes diametrically contacting of the cylinder, scoring the other face of the with the outer surface of the cylinder be piece of metal, placing the piece of metal tween the scored grooves; and forcing said over a device comprising members two of wedgeshaped member between the adjacent which each have one plane surface and one members of said device until the cylinder semi-cylindrical surface, the semi-cylindii 10 fractures along the scored grooves. cal surface having substantially the same 20. The method of breaking hollow cylin radius as that of the bore of the said cylin ders, which consists in scoring one surface drical piece of metal, and the plane surfaces of a cylindrical piece of metal with grooves being inclined at an angle to the axis of said having at least a portion thereof extending cylindrical piece, the said third member be at an angle to any plane containing the axis ing wedge-shaped and adapted to engage of the cylinder, scoring the other face of the said plane surfaces so as to hold the semi~ piece of metal, placing the piece of metal cylindrical surfaces in contact with the bore over a device comprising two semi-cylindri of said cylindrical piece of metal; and forc~

parallelism by a laterally yieldable pres same to break along the scored grooves
sure, until the piece of metal breaks along
the scored grooves therein.

metal on opposite sides of said grooves in bers to the said piece of metal causes the

that of the bore of the said piece of metal, adjacent members of said device, while con~ the said semi-cylindrical surfaces being in stantly maintaining the two portions of said 50 contact with the inner surface of the said piece of metal on opposite sides of said piece of metal, and forcing the two pieces of grooves in parallelism by a laterally yield said device apart, while constantly main able pressure, until the lateral strain trans taining the two portions of said piece of mitted through said semi-cylindrical men1~ '

cal pieces having radii substantially equal to ing said wedge-shaped member between the

21. The method of breaking hollow cylin

In testimony whereof I affix my signature.

wnNsLow s. PIERCE, JR.

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